An older Variant Robotech Universe...

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

wow. Deja Vu.
i was thinking about posting your stuff here as well.
guess its better coming from you.

Bas has been working on this off and on for a while, and he's currently in the middile of revising it in light of the newer books released.

awhile back i created a nation for this, intended to offset the loss of the ASC as a Xenophobic force. but Bas is still debating on if he can use it.

RDF communication center forums, NACS Thread

The North American Coalition of States. (N. A. C. S.)
The NACS formed when millions of survivors of Dolza’s bombardment fled to the few remaining cities as refugee’s. with out a national, or even regional government, the United States Military stepped into power to handle the crush of people seeking safety. To maintain order, Martial law was declared, with the military as the sole holder of the reins of power. Unlike the RDF survivors on the SDF-1, the US military still saw the Zentraedi as an Enemy, and encouraged the populous under their control to maintain that view, as a step towards reconstruction. By uniting the civilians against a common enemy, they were able to establish their power as governors of what remained of the United States. When the first Dimensional creatures and beings became known, the NACS used their existence as a further tool to unite the people. Unlike the Zentraedi, these beings where not human, and as such were far easier to hate. Magic, mutants, and other strange abilities where touted as the creation of D-Bee’s and demons, not to be trusted, and to be reported to the military immediately. Civilians who reported subversive activity, such as magic, crime, and conspiracy, are given preferential treatment.

In an odd contradiction of this policy is the view on Psychic abilities. The NCAS has an active search for all Psi gifted individuals. When found, these individuals are given 2 options.
1.) military service. The Psi is registered and sent through basic, then transferred to special training for offensive Psi training, focusing on counter Magic and special forces. Double standard term of duty required. Due to the danger of mind control, or other brain affecting abilities, Psi’s are not allowed to participate in Politics, and while they can still Vote, their polling area’s are separate from non-Psi’s, to avoid a telepath from skewing the vote.
2.) Registration. Should they choose not to enlist, the Psi is registered, and assigned a work permit. (non-military Psi’s are looked down on by the majority of the NACS’s population. As they choose not to serve their contry, many cannot find work, as few NACS citizens will employ a “Coward”)
Government wise, the NACS is a militarian democracy (similar to that in Heinlen’s Starship Troopers). Only those that have served in the armed forces are allowed to vote, and all governmental candidates must be active military officers. A term of office is 4 years, with no limit on the number of terms that can be served.

State of Chi-town
Population: 1.3 million (mostly around Chicago)
Capital: Chicago
Primary Industrial Center. (scavenged factories from Detroit, as well as Post Visitor US military Facilities.)

State of Lone Star
Population: 101,000
Capital: Amarillo
Only major resource are the massive oil fields.

State of York
Capital: Columbus
The newest member. Little military presence, no major minerals, or industry. but the NCAS liked there attitude towards Zents and D-Bee’s, and their agricultural resources were much needed.

NCAS military:
Standard term of service: 5 years.
All branches attend common boot camps, after which the recruits are sent to specific training for their particular branch. This is to improve the unity between the branches.
(Note: use of the Deaths head motif is up to the GM. Even if you choose to use it, I would not recommend it until after the “Zentreadi uprisings” period)

Small Arms: (any listed under United States in the compendium of modern Weapons.)
AAR-Recon II
MUT-1 Land Rover
Jeep (SDC)
M-1A5 Abrams (MDC converted [MDC tank, pg 76, Robotech: The RPG])
MBT-62 “Dark Knight” Combat Tank
LCT-73 “Tornado” Combat Tank
(also SDC versions of the M-60, M-1, and others. Can be found in most palladium SDC setting books.)
Cat’s-Eye Recon
L.V.T Adventurer II
F-15S Falcon Fighter Jet (Enhanced F-15 Fighting Falcon. [pg. 71, Robotech: the RPG])
VC-27 Titanic “Tunny” VTOL Transport
(also the SDC versions of the Apache, A-10 warthog, and others. Can be found in most of the palladium Sdc setting books.)

12 Excalibur
24 Raider -X
36 Gladiator
12 VF-1 (MK2) “Valkyrie” Veritech Fighters (the MK2 Valk's are the normal Vf-1 from Robotech book 1)

Small Arms:
M-5 Laser Rifle. (use C-10 stats. does ½ MDC damage, targeting system functions fine.)
M-6 Laser Rifle. (use C-12 stats. Does ½ MDC damage.)
M-9 Laser Pistol. (use C-18 stats. Does ½ damage.)

body armor
MA-0 (20 MDC, other wise identical to CA-1 Stats.)

UAR-0-X Urban Assault Robot Prototype(s) (use UAR-1 stats, drop the laser turrets and the Mini-missiles.
Has 1/2 half the UAR-1’s MDC in all locations.)
PA-03 S.A.M.A.S. (use PA-06 SAMAS stats. no mini-missiles, Divide MDC by 2.5 [exe. Main body = 10 )

MK. III APC (use MK.V stats. ½ armor, no mini-missiles, laser turrets ½ damage.)
AFC -010 Sky Cycle. (use standard sky cycle stats, no mini-missiles, laser does ½ damage.)

Small Arms:
M-10 Laser Rifle. (use C-10 stats. Targeting system works.)
M-12 Laser Rifle. (use C-12 stats.)
M-18 Laser Pistol. (use C-18 stats
M-14 “Fire Breather” (C-14)
MV-213 Variable Laser Rifle
M-27 Plasma Cannon

Heavy Arms:
MR-1 Rocket Launcher

Body Armor:
MA-1 body Armor (CA-1)
MA-2 Body Armor (CA-2)

PA-06 S.A.M.A.S.
UAR-1 Urban Enforcer
HAR-003 Spider Skull Walker (Heavy Assault Robot) (need a new name)
IAR-2 Abolisher
FASSAR-20 Skelebot (need a new name.)

AFC-050 Death’s Head Transport (need new name.)
AFC-23 Sky Cycle


Small Arms:
M-20 Laser Pistol (C-20)
MP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol (CP-30)
MP-40 Laser Pulse Rifle (Cp-40)
MP-50 “Dragon Fire” (CP-50)
M-29 “Hellfire” (C-29)
MV-212 Variable Laser Rifle (CV-212)

Heavy Arms:
MTT-P40 Partical Beam Cannon (CTT-P40)
MTT-M20 Missile Rifle (CTT-M20)
M-200 Rail Gun

Body Armor:
MA-3 Light Armor (CA-3)
MA-4 Standard Armor (CA-4)
MA-6C Heavy Armor (CA-6C
MA-6EX Enhanced Heavy Armor (CA-6EX)
MA-7 Special Forces Armor (CA-7)

PA-100 Mauler
PA-200 Terror Trooper
PA-300 Glitterboy Killer
PA-7A Light Assault SAMAS
PA-8A Special Forces SAMAS
IAR-2 Abolisher (upgraded.)
IAR-5 Hellfire
HAR-004 Scout Spider Skull Walker
FASSAR-30 Skelebot (need new name)
FASSAR-40 Hunter Skelebot (need new name)

MK. VII Slayer IFV
MBT-1 Linebacker
AAT-1 Sky Sweeper
Death Bringer Hover APC
Sky Lifter Transport
NCAS Command Car
“Skull” Patrol Car
AFC-111 Scout Sky Cycle
AFC-115 Warbird Sky Cycle
MH-10 Black Lightning
AH-12 “Demon Locust”
F-7 “Talon” Stealth Fighter
A-15 “Nightwing” Attack Aircraft

Small Arms:
MSN-T30 Torpeado-Grenade Launcher

Body Armor:
MA-4 Mk II “Shark” Naval Body Armor
MA-7 MK II “SEAL” Naval Commando Armor
MSNA-1 “Lightning” SCUBA Armor
MNA-2 “Barracuda” Commando Armor

PA-10A Sea S.A.M.A.S.
PA-20B Trident
HAR-006 Aquatic Spider Skull Walker

Sea Sled
Jet Ski
AWC-012 Wave Demon
F-115 Sea Striker Jet Fighter
F-118 Shrike Interceptor (listed in CS Navy as the CSN-117, but the real F-117 exists, so…)
F-119 Dagger Strike Bomber (listed in CS Navy as the CSN-11
F-120 Recon Drone
Refitted F-14S Super Tomcat
MH-10N Sea Storm Transport Helicopter
AH-12N Sea Wasp Attack Helicopter
AFC-023N ASW Sky Cycle

NPB-001 Barracuda Modular Patrol Boat
NPB-004 Hurricane Patrol Boat
( Sea King Guided Missile Cruisers (use the improved stats from the Coalition navy book.)
(3) James Bay Destroyers
(6) Revenge Destroyers
(2) Wasp Amphibous Warfare Ships
(100) Supply class Merchant Marine Transports
(2) Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
(6) Shark Class Refitted Attack Submarines
(5) Orca Class Attack Submarines (drop the Deaths head motif. [what idiots added that to a ship intended for STEALTH] )
(480) Stingray Attack Mini-Sub (drop the deaths head motif [see above] )

CVN-82 Ranger
CVN-85 Lexington
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Unread post by taalismn »

one of the classics of the online xover netbook realm....Ilook forward to its revisions....

The NACS also looks good.....a good re-intro of the human supremacists of York, and an actual viable threat to regional stability....Good thinking there....

A new name for the Skelebots? 'Terminator' comes to mind immediately, but that could be too hackneyed....'Reapers' perhaps?(conjuring up the sayings 'Reap the Whirlwind', or 'Reap as ye have sown'....warnings to the Zentraedi for the Rain of Death) or the more innocuous 'Protectors'(yeah, right!), or maybe something like S-Bots(or Security Robot).
The Abolisher...keep name as is....its intent is clear...

Can't recall off-hand, if Riftech makes use of Protoculture computers to create A.I.s like EVE or A.R.C.H.I.E.-3.....both of which have possibilities....both as human allies and as rogues....Can we be certain that the Grand Cannon was the only thing in a deep polar bunker complex?
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One Question. How many full sized Zentradi were turned into Vampires? That would really put a hurt on the world
Your local Lurker and Temporal Wizard Extrodinaire,


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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Welcome to the boards Basara. :D

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Unread post by taalismn »

The 'Smoker' combat mage(slightly modified) from the Manhunter supplement would be a perfect match for magically-inclined Zentraedi(as well as one of the few useful things from Manhunter)....with elemental magic being a close second IMHO....traditional Zentraedi appreciating primal force and application of...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

of course, technowizardry is also a mage type that zent's excell at. (its in his notes. i've had the pleasure of helping him in determaining what groups get what mecha/bots/PA, and he has a group of zent TW's making some of it.)
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Unread post by taalismn »

glitterboy2098 wrote:of course, technowizardry is also a mage type that zent's excell at. (its in his notes. i've had the pleasure of helping him in determaining what groups get what mecha/bots/PA, and he has a group of zent TW's making some of it.)

D'oh! I just re-read it and suddenly picked up on it...oops!
And considering that ZMI is/will be turning out SAMAS and Coalition-style hardware....Oh, ye gods...The idea of a fresh-from-the-factory Enforcer 'bot(or maybe the Hellfire? It's close enough in size to the Civil Defense Battloids) or CS SAMAS with factory-standard TW gear is outrageous!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: An older Variant Robotech Universe...

Unread post by taalismn »

Basara_549 wrote:October 2012: The Zentraedi of Florida take advantage of the reappearance of Mesozoic lifeforms in their nation and, after some culinary experimentation, begin commercial ranching of dinosaurs for their meat and skins. By 2016, the majority of the ranches' sales are out of state.

Hmmmm....If you update to Dinosuar Swamp, the city of Charr(Charolette) could easily become a Zentraedi-oriented 'service community' serving the many ranch hands and golf course grounds keepers( as a sin city), processing raw hides and meat(try not to get downwind of the'll get a good whiff of the tanneries and rendering works), and creating luxury goods for the Zentraedi....Discarded clothing gets recycled(there's family living in a pair of old Zentraedi-sized dino-leather boots on the fringes of the city)...not to mention the factory turning out giant golf balls and clubs that have been all the rage since Lord(Land Baron?) Grel got hooked on that micronian game...
(Have you considered the sheer logistics of Grel's private golf course(s)?!...Just what's the handicap for visiting micronians, or aren't they allowed to play unless they have a suitable mecha to tee off?)
One game where 'FORE!' is mandatory.....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by taalismn »

Simple Query.....At this point in time, do you know if you'll be incorporating the hardware and/or OCCs(the Emergency Rescue Specialist especially) from Chaos Earth/NEMA into the Riftech array?...Given that it seems likely that the RDF and ASC(and the latter's liking of laser-resistant armor) are getting SAMAS, the chrome-plated SAMAS of NEMA seem logical additions, while the NEMA vehicles and hovercraft would fit well with some of the ASC Armies, and the robot vehicles beefed up models of the urban Battloids....Not to mention the NEMA APCs seem logical and heavier descendants of the ARAAV and competition for the ASC tracked APCs...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i had a realization in regards to magic, mutant animals, and psychics earlier on.

remember in chaos earth, magic came back imeedeatly, but merely took time for the mages to get orginized.
now in riftech, the return of magic seems more spread out, but you could use the rise of magic source book as is prior to the rise of the orginized magical societies.

and you could shoe-horn in mutant animals into the pre-Achilles days if you assume a ATB1 reasoning. the radiation causes mutations in wild animals. of course, you'd apply the ATB backgrounds and skills to reflect this.

as for psychics, non of the rifts level ones would be available as PC's, but the BtS stuff would work well, since powerlevel wise its lower than the Rifts stuff (rifts being more combat oriented, BtS being more RP/Investigation oriented.)
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Unread post by taalismn »

glitterboy2098 wrote:remember in chaos earth, magic came back imeedeatly, but merely took time for the mages to get orginized.
now in riftech, the return of magic seems more spread out, but you could use the rise of magic source book as is prior to the rise of the orginized magical societies.

and you could shoe-horn in mutant animals into the pre-Achilles days if you assume a ATB1 reasoning. the radiation causes mutations in wild animals. of course, you'd apply the ATB backgrounds and skills to reflect this.

One has to ask, though, where the mages who come from the Rift originally came from....the Palladium World? Another variant of Rifts Earth? or the United Worlds of Warlock setting? Or does the Riftech Earth setting start with watered-down versions of the Chaos Earth mages and the magic classes of the PFRPG, before time and experience lead to the development of the more 'modern' forms like Leyline Walkers, Shifters, and the like?

Another fun idea for mutant animals(pre-Dog Boy) would be early experiments with protoculture chambers, as scientists attempt to see if the key Zentraedi gene-sequences can be transplanted into terrestrial life....the early results include giant(horse-sized) dogs that are megadamage beings, have limited sense supernatural powers, and can be domesticated as guard animals or riding animals(time to take that Horsemanship: Exotic Animals skill!)(sci-fi fans may remember the giant war dogs from David Drake's 'The General' series)...The downside is that they're still dogs at heart....prone to going feral or slobbering all over you(dog breath x100), chasing bicycle couriers and motorcyclists, and you need a Destroid with an oversized pooper-scooper to clean up after them....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: That is one thing to consider....

Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

Basara_549 wrote:One of the notes for the revised version, BTW, is the ticking Yellowstone time bomb. It became more active, but didn't blow like in Rifts/Chaos Earth - Yet....

The Geologists are giving like a 65% chance of an eruption of it on Riftech Earth before 2035, and 95% before 2100. I leave it up the individual GM when to drop that disaster on the recovering Earth, though I recommend making it after 2030.

Whats the yellow stone explosion? been a while since i read rifts.
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

when the cataclysm hit, yellowstone blew its top (the whole area is volcanically active in reality, and scientists say a full volcanic eruption could come any century now.).

the details are (sorta) in chaos earth. they list it as tottally reshaping the rockies, and destroying NORAD (which i thought was stupid. its a volcano, not a comet. the force needed to destroy NORAD from the yellowstone area would be enough to start an extiction level event. no volcano can pull that off.)

personally, i assume the volcano just buried the mountain NORAD is in under a few hundred feet of ash and dirt, destroying the radio gear and trapping the people inside.

it works better. (plus it gives players something to actually find. :D )
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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