What non-humans are Accepted by the Cathedral?

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What non-humans are Accepted by the Cathedral?

Unread post by gaby »

I known the Holy Terrors are.

Who else?

Do you have any ideas for New R.C.C,s for Wornwood?
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Unread post by Jefffar »

Probably not, except for creatures that are as a race allied with the forces of light. So things like Spirits of Light and Ki-Lin would be accepted.
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Non-demonic ones that fight for the forces of light.
They are just at the bottom of the pecking order.
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Braden Campbell
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See, without a more detailed explanation of what the "religion" of the Cathedral is, we really aren't sure. Is it a pseudo-Christian belief, where any and all races would be accepted ? Or is it a human-only kind of faith?

The religion of The Light may indeed accept all races and beings of good alignments, but keep in mind that the Cathedral is a militant left over from whatever faith ruled Wormwood before the Unholy invasion. They are the Montana survivalists of the Living Planet. :lol:

So, in short, yes, they would accept beings of goodness, but in all reality, the Cathedral proper is the Coalition on a different world. Monks, who do not tow the hard Cathedral line, Freelancers, and of course the Free Cities will be different.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Re: What non-humans are Accepted by the Cathedral?

Unread post by Steve Conan Trustrum »

gaby wrote:Do you have any ideas for New R.C.C,s for Wornwood?

Aeriall (Angel) R.C.C.
About two dozen years ago, a Shifter who was loyal to the Cathedral opened a gateway to another world in a desperate search for allies against the Host. The result was a success insofar as the world was controlled by a benevolent race known as the Aeriall, winged humanoids who seem to be a cross between birds and man. This race had itself fought for thousands of years against an evil force upon their own world, only having defeated it within the past few centuries.
Upon seeing a world in a plight similar to what theirs had been, the Aeriall quickly agreed to send forces to help the humans of Wormwood. Unfortunately, only a few thousand of these beings had come through the gate when a spy of the Unholy managed to break into the secret chamber where the shifter was maintaining the dimensional portal. Before any of the startled assembly could act, the spy drew a dagger and cut the spellcaster’s throat. Without the shifter to maintain the gate, it collapsed.
Though quickly slain in turn, the spy's mission had been completed. Only the assassinated shifter knew the dimensional coordinates of the Aeriall's home world and so no more could be summoned and those that had already arrived were stranded. Seeing no other course of action available, the Aerialls that now found themselves trapped on Wormwood decided to continue on with their original mission.
Holy Terrors and the Aerialls, both of whom arrived on Wormwood under similar circumstances, seem to have formed some kind of fraternal bond through their similar history. Many Holy Terrors refer to the Aerialls as "little brother/sister" while the Aerialls affectionately call the armored giants "tin men".
While a small contingent of Aerialls have decided to join the organized structure of the Cathedral as elite soldiers under the direct command of the high priests, the majority (about 75%) have decided to strike out on their own or in small groups. Despite the fact that many of the religious beliefs of the Aerialls are very similar to those of the Cathedral, many have recognized the corruption and elitism that exists within that organization and have decided to carry on the fight against Darkness without the blessings or patronage of mankind’s church. These non-Cathedral aligned Aerialls, or Angels as many humans have taken to calling them, still ally themselves with the Cathedral against the common foe, they do not obey their orders or fall within their command structure. Such Aeriall are considered to be just another group of freelancers and thus are treated appropriately by the haughty humans of the Wormwood's religious caste (except for the open-minded wormspeakers).
Aeriall have a strong sense of loyalty to each other, which goes so far as to allow themselves to die rather than cause another of their kind harm. This sense of loyalty and honor is extended to others as well, much resembling the code of the Knights of the Hospital, except the Aeriall are not as strict and are far more sensible about how they apply their beliefs. As far as anyone has been able to tell, no Aeriall have yet joined the Unholy or taken up a similar disreputable occupation.
As mentioned earlier, the Aeriall (as can be seen flying about the castle on page 15 of the Wormwood Dimension Book) seem to be a mix of bird and human and are sometimes mistaken for Spirits of Wormwood from a distance. While their features and body are distinctly humanoid in shape and look, their flesh is covered in small, soft feathers and alll have large, functional wings sprouting from their backs. Both body feathers and wings tend to be light gray, white or light yellow, whereas their hair is a deep blonde with light blue highlights. Their eyes tend to be light blue or deep gray. When compared to almost all other races, especially those of Wormwood, the Aeriall seem fragile and weak. On the other hand, the Aeriall are extremely agile, brave and determined to see that the Darkness that plagues the Living Planet is banished.
Many dimensional gates exist upon the Aeriall's home planet, thus they have traveled the Megaverse in their past and continued to do so up until the point when their planet was besieged by evil. Due to their appearance and benign nature, scholars believe that this dimension traveling race has been mistaken for many benign entities such as angels in the mythos of several cultures across the megaverse. Unfortunately, all knowledge of dimensional travel has since been lost to this race and so it is unlikely that the Aeriall trapped on Wormwood shall ever find their way home.
Despite their alien appearance, the Aerialls have quickly been accepted among the Forces of Light and now contribute greatly to the war effort, providing the defenders of humanity with a much needed force of arms in the air to do battle with the dreaded Sky Riders. While about 2,500 Aerialls managed to make it through the portal before it was closed, about 750 of those have already been slain fighting the Unholy and his forces.

Alignment: Aerialls can be of any alignment but 85% of them are good or selfish. Of those that arrived on Wormwood, 15% are principled, 55% are scrupulous, 20% are unprincipled, 8% are anarchist and 2% are aberrant.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D4+8, M.E. 4D4+4, M.A. 2D6+10, P.S. 2D6+2, P.P. 3D6+10, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 5D6, Spd. 3D6 on the ground, 2D6x10+10 flying.
M.D.C.: 10 plus P.E.x2. Gains an additional 1D6 per level of experience. The Aeriall becomes an S.D.C. creature in a low magic setting, having hit points equal to P.E. +1D6 per level of experience and an S.D.C. of. 10 plus P.E.
P.P.E.: 4D6x10, plus an additional 2D6+4 P.P.E. per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 1D4x10+M.E. plus 1D8 I.S.P. per level of experience.
R.C.C. Bonuses: +3 to save vs horror factor, +2 to save vs magic, +5 to save vs psionic attack, +3 to save vs possession, +1 to initiative, +1 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +1 attack per melee, +2 to dodge while in flight.
Weaknesses/Penalties: 95% of all Aerialls are claustrophobic and suffer the affects of phobias, as presented on page 20 of Rifts®. This is a result of being a race that has flown the open skies of their world for thousands of years. Aerialls also suffer double damage from fire and if the optional damage rules are used, they suffer double the normal penalties from broken bones due to the fragile nature of their skeleton.
Natural Abilities: Keen hawk-like 20/20 vision which allows the Aeriall to make out details such as faces up to 2 miles (3.2 km) away.
Magical Abilities: Each Aeriall instinctively knows one Air Elemental magic spell per level. The spell cannot be of a higher level than the Aeriall's own level of experience.
Psionic Abilities: Intuitive combat (Psyscape™, pg. 39), astral projection, sense evil and nightvision. Remember to take into account the penalties placed upon psychics while operating on Wormwood.
Size: Same as an average human.
Weight: 25% less than an average human.
Available O.C.C.s: Aerialls can be Air Warlocks (15%), Ley Line Walkers (10%), Mind Melters (10%), Mystics (8%), and Vagabonds (2%) and they also have the unique warrior O.C.C. known as Knightwings (55%). The number in parenthesis () are the percentages of surviving Aerialls on Wormwood which are of that O.C.C.
Symbiotes, Cybernetics and Bionics: Aerialls see these as corruption and will refuse to use them.

Aeriall Knightwing O.C.C.
These are the Aerialls upon whom the responsibility of defending their people falls. The Knightwings are also the greatest adherents of the Aeriall's codes of honor and loyalty, codes that much resemble those of the knights of the Cathedral. Warriors to their very soul, the Knightwings are deadly and ferocious when it comes time to do battle and yet, paradoxically, they (for the most part) are very poetic and gentle otherwise.

Bonuses: +20 M.D.C., +1 attack per melee, +2 P.S., +2 P.E., +1 to save vs magic and psionic attack, +1D4x10 I.S.P. and gains the Psi-Sword psionic power at 3rd level.
O.C.C. Skills:
Language: Aeriall (98%)
Literacy: Aeriall (98%)
Language and Literacy in two other languages (each +15%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Tracking (+15%)
W.P. Sword
W.P. Targeting
W.P. Shield
W.P.: Select two weapon proficiencies (modern or ancient).
Hand to Hand: Expert
The expert skill can be increased to martial arts (or assassin if of evil alignment)at the cost of "Other" skill selection.
O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select six other skills, plus two additional skills at level three, and one at levels five, eight, eleven and fifteen.
Communications: Any
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic only
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Mechanical: Basic only
Medical: First Aid only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any (+10%)
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four secondary skills from those listed. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses (). All secondary skills start at the base skill level.
Standard Equipment: Several sets of traveling clothes, 1D4 small pouches, backpack, 1D4 utility belts, 100 feet of rope (made from angel hair), a grappling hook, 2D4 resin spikes, 2D4 weeks of food rations, a silver, resin or crystal cross, a small hammer.
Weapons: A sword and 1D4 other weapons, plus one magical weapon.
Armor: Aeriall's prefer light armor that does not encumber them while in flight and allows for full mobility.
Traditional Garb: When going into battle, the Aerialls wear a long white robe that covers all other clothing and armor and tapers towards the legs. The loose robe is embroidered with runes that represent prayers and blessings. So long are these robes that when in flight, the tapered appearance makes it seem like the Aeriall has a tail and no legs.
Transportation: Aerialls prefer to walk or fly to their destinations and only rarely travel by other means.
Money: Not applicable. Valuables, weapons, food and services are usually given in exchange for other items or services. Among other Aerialls and freelancers he is judged by his reputation, character, combat abilities and weapons. Though most often part of the lower class, it is fairly common for an Aeriall to become quite well known and respected, especially among priests of Light and knights of the Temple.
Experience: Knightwings use the same experience tables as Priests of Light.
Steven "Conan" Trustrum

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Unread post by gaby »

That is a Great Idea.
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Steve Conan Trustrum
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Unread post by Steve Conan Trustrum »

gaby wrote:That is a Great Idea.

If you look in some of the panels in the comic, you'll see some winged humanoids flying around a fortress. That's what these guys are meant to be.
Steven "Conan" Trustrum

Trustrum.com | Misfits In Action Web Comic
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