Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

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Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

Unread post by cornholioprime »

Simple Topic here, but potentially open to lots of funny/interesting stories.

SOME of the yahoos on these Boards can recall what they were doing on the day that 9/11 happened.

SOME of us on the West Coast can remember when we first looked at a TV and saw the news that L.A. was being set ablaze in citywide Rioting.

And I'll just bet that SOME of the people on these Boards can remember what they were doing when [_fill in the name of Important Person HERE_] was assassinated.

But here at the Palladium Books Forums, we take this opportunity to discuss not Terrorism or World Peace (World Peace!! FEH!!!), but something REALLY important:


The Question is self-explanatory, and to that one I add a few more. FEEL FREE TO CUT AND PASTE THE QUESTIONS BELOW AND SIMPLY ANSWER THEM IF YOU'VE A MIND TO:

*************************BEGIN CUT AND PASTE*********************

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

*************************END CUT AND PASTE*********************

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

And to get the ball rolling, I'll start off with my own story.

A]] Had JUST finished looking through a Book called "Sexy Robot" by an Artist named Sorayama in my local Comic Shop when I turned around and saw this HOTTIE Cyborg Femme holding a Human Brain in her hand (der Engel der Vernichtung for those of you who don't have the "Mindwerks" Book). I flipped thorugh a few Pages and have been hooked on this RPG ever since.

B]] Doesn't apply to me.

C]] Why yes, ma'am, it IS still my favorite RPG, thank you fer askin.'

D]] Yeah, I did.

E]] Yes. I INSTANTLY dropped D&D and have NEVER looked back....although I remain an avid fan of their Forgotten Realms Books, Dragonlance Novels, and just about anything with the words "Raistlin," "Fistandantilus," or "Elminster" in the Title. To this day, I keep up with the "major" developments in that Universe...

F]] I've been frustrated for about a Gazillion years that Tech was essentially banned from the D&D Universe, and could NEVER wrap my head around the early incarnations of "Shadowrun;" I always thought that the early incarnations of that RPG were little more than half-@$$ed attempts by TSR to placate Folks like me.......

G]] D&D. Haven't played since, unless you want to count the PC Game Series "Planescape," "Baldur's Gate" and "Icewind Dale," which I play and replay and replay to this very day.
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Unread post by Sentinel »

I was working in my comic store, doing the orders from the solicitation packets, when I read the advance material on this new Palladium books product.
HU Revised, BtS and N&SS were already good sellers in our shop at that time.

No, I pretty much decided I would get it and try it on my own, as I had wanted to try something different, and I already liked Palladiums' stuff.

It was never my Favorite game: but, I did like the seting, if not the MDC system, and some of the story elements gave me good ideas for campaign threads.

The cover art was great: but after BtS and HU Revised, I was used to good cover art from Palladium.

In time, I grew away from my beloved TSR products, and embraced more of the Palladium Megaverse.
The game did grow on me, and as I said some of the seting story was useful to me.

In Rifts, I liked the apocalyptic setting, and I liked the overall feeling more than similar games at the time, noteably Torg and Shadowrun.

Actually, other Palladium games have replaced Rifts for me. I still use Rifts extensively, but I am more inclined towards HUII, N&SS, BtS and NightBane, and PFRPG than I am to Rifts. This may change as I do.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

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Re: Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

Unread post by dark brandon »

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

At my friends house. He decided that he was done playing TNMT and wanted to try rifts.

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

No, not really.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????

Not my favorite, but it's still one of the best.

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

No, as I said, a friend had already bought it.

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

I wasn't a GM, so I had no choice. It grew on me.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

The ability to parry, dodge roll with impact. This makes combat so much more interactive(was playing AD&D as well as TNMT). Oh, and I loved Glitterboys. THey were RAD

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

Palladium fantasy, Nigtbane, BTS 2, HU, RIFTS.
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Unread post by Jesterzzn »

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???
The first time I saw a Rifts book was in my local Hobby Shop, and I was begging my mother to buy it for me.

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???
I may not understand the question fully, but no.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????
Yes. But there are others that are close.

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???
NO!!! That damn cover was the only reason I could not buy the book for almost a year after it came out.

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???
I was playing Cyberpunk, and Rifts pretty much replaced it. I still have nostalgic feelings for cyberpunk though.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????
Well, thats a bit presumptious. I liked that Rifts seemed to be the combination of my two favorite RPGs...Cyberpunk and AD&D. It also had better art, and people saw it and said "Cool" instead of the usual "You play Dungeons and Dragons?" In other words, Rifts was slightly easier on my social life. Also, I played football, and it was easier to explain Rifts than it was to explain D&D. With Rifts all I had to say was, It's Sci-Fi and they left it alone. With D&D, I had to explain that no I didn't worship the devil, and No I don't think magic is real.
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Unread post by Larsen »

]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???
I had just come in from playing football I think and some of my friends were gathering around looking at a book the size of a magazine.

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???
Yea I thought they were weird.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further??? nope

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???
well rifts was my first interation with non-video games, but it did cause me to miss some football games with my other set of friends.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice???? doesn't apply

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game??? don't apply
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Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

A]]Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

I was opening presents for 'Christmas' with my family.

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

Not really, but at the time I thought the Shadowrun book I got as more interesting.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????


D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

Not really

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

Not really, my friends and I juggle who does/owns the majority of most books, so I just focused on Rifts.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

Can't really say.

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Unread post by Comrade Corsarius »

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

At a combination flower shop/RPG store (true!). It was the Atlantis book and I loved the cool artwork, although I remember myself and my friends having a laugh at the 'dragon thunderer' rune axe (and rune weapons in general) as we were avid Robotech players. What good is a puny axe, even if it does MD? And what are you going to do? Hack at the leg of my veritech with it? We thought it was cool, but wierd.

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

Not really. I enjoyed it. I don't recall the first one I bought, although I think it may have been Mindwerks.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????

Nope. Robotech still holds the top slot.

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

I love John Z's work, and certainly it was a factor

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

For a while, Rifts took precedence over Robotech, but these days I'm back to the old game (even if PB no longer produces it, alas).

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

The intense variety. You could be just about anything and do anything. My first-ever Rifts character was a Crazy called Bronthrax10^28 who was obsessed with coffee and had a power by association with it to boot.

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

see above. Rifts is the PB flagship and I quite like it, even with it's contradictions and quirks.
I'd get up in the morning and watch the sun rise over the yardarm of my sky-ship as the sails billowed in the breeze and the land slid by 300-odd metres below. I'd grasp the mahogany ship's wheel, turn her nose a few points back onto the line, and feel pity for all those poor bastards below who have to work for a living. - My idea of the good life in Rifts.

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Re: Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

cornholioprime wrote:Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

At a little mom & pop toystore called Elves & Angels, buying RPG stuff to donate to a fellow gamer who lost all of his during Hurricane Andrew. I bought him Robotech and the boxed set of Cyberpunk 2020. I flipped through the main RPG rules, then came back a few weeks later and bought it.

Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

Nope. I was already familiar with the game mechanics via Robotech.

After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????

It's still in my top ten, but it's not number one any more.

Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

The cover art was a big draw, but it was the Glitter Boy that won me over.

Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

Nope. I was still running AD&D, D6 Star Wars and BattleTech/Mechwarrior.

Following Question above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

I liked the wider range of skills Rifts than in AD&D.

If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

Nothing comes to mind.
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Unread post by SkyeFyre »

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

My first experience was at school during lunch, I saw the guys in one of the classes playing something that I thought was stupid.
My first Rift book, I was in my house and I got my grab bag (My first purchace of anything Palladium was a grab bag, which might I say is AWESOME)

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???
I thought it was the dumbest thing around. I was bored once and someone decided to just let me have a taste, I haven't stopped thanking him yet.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????
Rifts was my first RPG. Even after trying out others, Rifts to this day remains my absolute favorite.

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???
No, I just thought it was a neat setting. Anything was possible, it wasn't just limited to swords and medi-evil, or just guns, it had a beautiful blend of everything from hand to hand combat, magic, psionics, and mechs.

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???
Rifts was my first, and remains my only.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????
My first RPG

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???
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Re: Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

Unread post by Drakenred®™© »

cornholioprime wrote:Simple Topic here, but potentially open to lots of funny/interesting stories..
Or not

The Question is self-explanatory, and to that one I add a few more. FEEL FREE TO CUT AND PASTE THE QUESTIONS BELOW AND SIMPLY ANSWER THEM IF YOU'VE A MIND TO:

*************************BEGIN CUT AND PASTE*********************

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???.
Buying my weekly quota of batman and Xmen books and ***** about how Paladium could not get out Robotec books

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???.
no I just fliped through it for things I might be able to use in my Robotec game

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG???? .
Never was my favorite game, I would still prefer to run an invid invasion game

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???.

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???.
nope, I almost droped Rifts for Robotec

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????.
Nothing, I did not even bother to GM a Rifts game untill recetnly, although I did have a Dragon in Rifts

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???.
Im just not getting through here am I

Robotec to me is #1, Nightbain is #2, and Rifts is a close #3

*************************END CUT AND PASTE*********************

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Re: Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

Unread post by Dead Boy »


I was sitting on my bed, reading an issue of Dragon Magazine, winding down from the day and easing my mind into a state of sleep. In the pages of that mag I was my very first glimpse of Rifts, an ad for the original Main Book intorducing a brand new game. The ad grabbed my attention, but it was Kev Long's art (the Spider Skull Walker if I recall right) that sucked me in and sealed the deal, persuading me to buy the book and give this new game a try.

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

see anser above

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

Kind of. I like to stick with the tried and true games that I know intimately well. At the time, I was big on Champions and in the middle of a campaign.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????

Yes it is on many levels, though I still think Hero System/Champs has the best game machanics out there of any game.

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

Oh yea. Long's work was frickin' great. Too bad he left Palladium.

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

I wouldn't say it mad me drop Champs, but it did end up getting just as much play time, if not a bit more.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

The only thing that I hated about Champs was the slow, dragged out speed of combat. Takes forever to play and roll out, (that is untill I made my uber-awesome Quick Roll System {PM me you want a copy} and made it almost as fast as Rifts). With Rifts, combat isn't the central theme of the game because it doesn't dominate the time you have available.

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

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Unread post by DBX »

most likely in school, seeing advert in a Spiderman comic. thinking that looks cool, what the **** is it

then to rp rifts because a friend had bought the Rifts Main book, and he wanted to GM it, so we rolled up our characters, and the rest is history

that lead to forgetting to rp the other rpg's that we had bought by the dozen. and have been buying/rp'ing all PB's ever since, except giving it up in the late 90's till sometime in 02, because every book was done to make CS uber powerful, and each book trying to out do the previous book in power lvl stakes
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Re: Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

Unread post by Vinny »

cornholioprime wrote:A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

My friends had talked me into roleplaying for the first time using a character they had already created (Anti-Monster).

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

Yeah, I was coaxed. I grew up a Jehovah's Witness and they are against role-playing. I (as I think of it) was brainwashed to believe the RPGing was bad and it took a lot for them to get me to read and play.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????

Yep, though I do enjoy White Wolf's games, Rifts is still my fav!

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

No, but the artwork on the covers is superb!

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

No...it was my first and always be No. 1.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

Rifts seemed to really get personal and in depth with the characters. Having so many choices of skills makes it easier to fine tune your character.

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

Bookmans used Bookstore, Flagstaff. found main book for 1/2 price.

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

nope, i actually picked it up because i'd heard interesting things about it.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????


D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

actually, the cover art was the only thing that i didn't like.

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???


F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

the setting. i like tech settings more than fantasy.

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

D&D, though i hadn't played it much.
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Unread post by Aerv »

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

Playing a Battletech/Mechwarrior campaign at a friend's house, and saw the Rifts RMB and a few others sitting next to the BT books.

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

Nope. He just told me that the system is millions of times better than the Mechwarrior system, and I was hooked.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????


D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

Yeah, the half nekkid blind chicks on the cover pretty much hooked me. Much more interesting than a lot of the covers for Battletech

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

Oh yeah, I've NEVER played Mechwarrior again, and have hardly played Battletech since.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

The whole system is much better. Also, the added use of magic really makes things interesting.

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

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Re: Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

cornholioprime wrote:
A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book(s)???

On a school bus on a class trip.
Another kid had the Rifts book and SB1.

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others???

Kid showed me the book and I fell in love.

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG????

The setting is still pretty good, in spite of all the power-creep and other butchery, but the system has declined to the point that I'd rather play a different game... one that doesn't send me into spasms.

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further???

The artwork was a big factor.

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot???

I dropped AD&D 2nd Edition pretty quick.

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice????

I liked that the mages in Rifts had no problems wearing armor and that they could use the same weapons as anybody else.
That, and I LOVED the fact that it was a cyberpunkish game where Japan was destroyed.

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game???

AD&D 2nd Edition.
Palladium had the better system and the better world.
Of course, AD&D has improved 100x since then, and Palladium has decayed a LOT... so I've been playing a lot of 3rd Edition lately.
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Mech-Viper Prime
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Comment: Full of Love and C-4, give me a hug.
Location: Dinosaur swamplands

Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

a) in a hobbystore looking at rpg games opened the book and i just fell in love with Rifts( it sucked i didnt have the money to buy it)
b)nope love at first sight
c) its has its flaws but i still love it
d) be lieing if i said no
e) somewhat
f) the way i described it was buck rogers, meets D&D, meets cyberpunk and robotech, all on steriods rolled in one game
Dark Sun
BTS with alot of ravenloft themes
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Re: Where were you on that fateful Day when.......?????

Unread post by Wildfire »

A]] Where were you and what were you doing when you saw your first Rifts Book? In the comic shop picking up a new copy of Robotech 2

B]] Did you have to be coaxed (read: dragged kicking and screaming) into reading a Book if you only heard about it from others? Nah I liked the cool cover of the Rifts main book as it was the only one out at the time (my bud has my old first printing)

C]] After all these Years, is it STILL your favorite RPG? After Robotech, yes

D]] Did you get drawn in by the Artwork on the Cover(s) and decide to look into it further? damn straight was annoyed that I had to wait for the source book to see the sploogiie minions though

E]] Did Rifts pretty much cause you to "drop" another RPG that you were involved in, or did it slowly grow on you over time like Brain Rot? Nah still play Robotech NS&S and AD&D (even the uber expensive 3.5 ed)

F]] Following Question E]], above, what did you INSTANTLY like about Rifts the most that you simply hated in your original RPG of Choice? The Titan PA, tech and magic in one game

G]] If Rifts replaced another RPG as your favorite -even if it's another Palladium Books Product -what is the name of that OTHER Game? Nothing will ever replace Robotech for me
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