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Unread post by Gallahan »

Hey guys and gals! I love making random tables and thought some of you might get a kick having another reason to chuck dice while at the computer... or heck, just using the RND ADV GEN to help you brainstorm your next adventure or story...

Table 1; Main Locations
1. Abandoned Meat Packing Plant
2. Abandoned Mansion
3. Convenience Store... After Midnight
4. Lonely Gas Station
5. Small Town Diner
6. Department Store... After Hours
7. Middle Class, Medium-sized home
8. Wooded Cabin
9. Sorority/Fraternity House at 2AM after a wild party
10. Beached Yacht
11. Broken-down R.V.
12. Office Building at night
13. Skyscraper... during a state-wide black-out
14. Subway / Subway Train during black-out
15. Airliner (docked at concourse or taxiing); in a storm
16. Beached Cruise Ship; during a hurricane they couldn't outrun
17. Theater... midnight movie
18. Interstate Rest Area... at night, next to a cemetery
19. Apartment Complex... during a storm, blackout and next to cemetery
20. High School or College Campus... during a holiday
21. Museum; after hours
21. Obscure Logging Outpost
22. Fire Tower
23. Beach house on a stormy day/night or during hurricane
24. Large, trucker’s gas station complex, including buffet restaurant
25. Street Plaza in a bad part of town
26. Liquor Store
27. Bus Station
28. Small community theatre house on Main Street
29. Tubby’s Bar & Grill
30. Nice house in a gate, golf-course community
31. Gambling riverboat (the kind with the big wheel); docked, at first
32. An wooded island in the middle of a large junction of rivers
33. A desolate, melancholy stretch of south-western desert
34. Cabin in the Rocky Mountains
35. Upper class horse ranch mansion with stables
36. Functional R.V.
37. Tall downtown building above a bookstore
38. Barnes & Noble Bookstore
39. Quaint, cozy café’
40. Modern hospital
41. State-sponsored sanitarium
42. Planetarium
43. Mausoleum
44. Church
45. Abandoned Church
46. Out of the way resort complex
47. Bed & breakfast
48. Plantation
49. City Library
50. Pizza Shop
51. Municipal airport flight terminal with hangars
52. Mansion house on large lake, with nearby neighbors
53. Extremely opulent mansion in gated, guarded community
54. Uncharted desert isle (like Gilligan’s)
55. Plush, sub-tropical lagoon resort
56. Wooded campsite
57. Campsite in canyon lands (like Badlands)
58. Abandoned, slanted barn in farm country
59. Ranger station
60. Police station
61. Fire station
62. Hospital clinic
63. Nevada desert
64. Roadway Tavern
65. Holiday Inn (or other “nice” chain)
66. Cheap roadway motel (like Psycho)
67. Poorly funded hospital
68. Civil War battlefield (pick one nearby)
69. Interstate Campground
70. Harley Davidson (or any biker) convention
71. Fully packed circus
72. (Your, or any) State Fair Grounds (desolate)
73. (Your, or any) State Fair Grounds (during fair, peak attendance)
74. Traveling carnival
75. Auto graveyard (junkyard) at night… near a city
76. Abandoned auto graveyard at night… in the country
77. Nice, comfortable middle class home with garage/carpentry workshop
78. City Aquarium
79. Randy’s Wax Museum
80. Captain Bartron’s Giant Seafood Buffet Spectacle! (with pirate serv rs)
81. Jim’s Store of Magic Books & Tricks and All Things Clowns
82. (any) Main Street U.S.A. filled with nice shops, libraries, etc.
83. City cemetery
84. Forgotten cemetery (in deeply wooded, desolate area)
85. Campground on a lake
86. Summer camp (woods, lake)
87. Band Camp
88. Brenda’s New Age Shop
89. Jaci’s Flower Shop
90. Hetti’s Halloween Store (costumes, party outfits, associated them items)
91. The Morter Family Funeral Home
92. A five-star restaurant in a nice part of town
93. Recently discovered tunnels that connect major town buildings
94. Dixie Caverns (or any cavern network open to tourists)
95. Opera House (hidden tunnels and passageways leading…)
96. Pleasant neighborhood slowly enveloped by a huge sinkhole
97. The Smithsonian Museum… after hours (think “The Relic”)
98. Onboard an alien spacecraft about to take off (or already in flight)
99. Roll again to get another location; ONLY…in a different time: 1) Jurassic Period; 2) Revolutionary War; 3) Civil War; 4) 10 years earlier than now; 5) 10 years later than now; 6) distant future – everything has evolved; 7) epochs later… alien world of fantastic design; 8*) demonic creatures stalk the surface of the Earth as the sun expands slowly and heralds… the end of the world
100. In a FANTASY WORLD, teleported there somehow from _______ (roll again to get source of teleportation, ignore this result if rolled twice in a row); maybe the PCs get back, maybe not

Table 2; Supernatural Threat
1. Ghost/Apparition
2. Werewolf
3. Vampire
4. Zombie(s)
5. Ghouls
6. Demon(s)
7. Hungry Snake Aliens
8. Cthulu-esque Monstrosity
9. Witch (the Hollywood kind)
10. Necromancer
11. Possessed Serial Killer
12. Abducting Aliens ("The Grays")
13. The Tunnelers from "Tremors"
14. Poltergeist
15. Headless Motorcyclist
16. Moss Monster
17. Chupacabra ("Goat Sucker")
18. Mummy
19. Devil(s)
20. Maniac
21. Wereboar
22. Swarm Monster
23. Human Vampire Servant
24. Possessed Hitch-hiker
25. Demon disguised as homeless person
26. Fire Elemental
27. A Headless Horseman
28. Elegantly Beautiful Banshee
29. Cannibalistic Sub-humans
30. Thawed Prehistoric (demented) Person(s)
31. Water Elemental
32. Liquid Ghost
33. Class IV Free-roaming vapor (see Ghostbusters)
34. Drug-induced Psychopathic Mad-person
35. Seriously troubled madman with organic brain disorder
36. Thrill-seeking, murderous youth(s)
37. A Demented Dentist
38. Mothman (or more)
39. Demonic Clown Entity
40. Soil Elemental (frequents cemeteries... and gardens)
41. Corpse Golem
42. Evil, sadistic necromancer
43. Diabolical Doctor
44. Demon of the Pale
45. Evil Psychic
46. Sadistic Nega-psychic
47. Psychotic Parapsychologist
48. Diabolical Illusionist
49. Horrific Spellcaster
50. Asphault Elemental (all roads lead to HORROR)
51. Bigfoot (or more)
52. 2d4x10ft long alligator!
53. 2d4 genetically altered lab primates
54. Biological monstrosity gone wild
55. Failed genetic experiment
56. The Offspring... (of 13 generations of inbreeding)
57. An evil, dishonest Djinn
58. A Sandman from the Forgotten Desert of Whispers
59. The Female Android (of a geeky, demented mad scientist)
60. A Geeky, Demented Mad Scientist
61. A Master of Vampyrs
62. Cthulu Itself (not good prospects for sanity)
63. Yuggoth Itself (not good prospects for living)
64. d100+50' long INVISIBLE python
65. Extremely large, rabid, delusional dalmation
66. The Demonic Librarian
67. Disturbed Road Rager (with high powered arsenal and grudge)
68. Evil Role-player (over the edge, living his tortured fantasy)
69. Nearly Invisible Parasites With Alien Agenda
70. Evil Funeral Home Director
71. Vampire Lord (bent on discreet world domination)
72. Grizzly Werebear
73. Polar Werebear
74. Gelatanious Shapeshifter
75. Circus Freak
76. Carnival Mime ('nuff said)
77. The Mad (and cannibalistic) Seer
78. The Phantom of the _____ -roll on random locations
79. The Fatal Seducer (think Basic Instinct... with a BTS twist)
80. The Witch of Shroud Hill
81. A Reflection Demon (literal or proverbial...? You decide)
82. An evil being that emerged from a meteorite
83. Scarecrow... and flight of ravens
84. Escaped (and quite diabolical -and sentient-) robot
85. Ink Demon (freed from an ancient vial)
86. Dream Entity
87. Fanatic cultist (A Believer of The Grand Dismemberment)
88. Were-raven
89. Were-rat
80. Shadow-stalker
81. Freshly dug-out vampire
82. Demonically zealous "witch hunter" (he/she sees evil EVERYWHERE)
83. Sadistically Righteous Evangelist
84. Multi-armed dimensional being
85. A PC's evil twin... with demonic powers (you decide)
86. An Avatar of DEATH ITSELF
87. Ghost Pirate or Pirate Ghost
88. Undead Ninja bent on avenging a past wrong from WW2
89. Unholy Avenger
90. 8d4 animated decomposed HANDS (sentient)
91. Viking mummy (with enchanted battle-axe and an attitude)
92. Possessed Detective
93. Men in Black (--the true, corrupt, evil bad ones, not Hollywood)
94. Creative and diabolical multi-millionaire novelist
95. Dave, The Evil Chef (the finest cuisine... to die for!)
96. A Horrific Octopus Alien
97. Gorgeous Vampire Seducer (male or female)
98. Nameless, Gargantuan Lovecraftian HORROR
99. The Vampire of a Fallen Parent (truly horrific)
100. IMMORTAL (and quite rich and evil)... E L V I S (he returns as the antichrist)

Table 3; Time of Year
1. Autumn
2. Summer
3. Spring
4. Winter

Table 4; Any Special Circumstances
1. Solar Eclipse
2. Lunar Eclipse
3. Solstice
4. Stellar Alignment
5. Predicted Meteor Shower
6. Unpredicted Meteor Shower
7. Comets Passing Near Earth
8. Recent Tremors
9. Recent Earthquakes
10. Recent Tsunami
11. Heat Lightning Storms
12. Heavy Thunder Storms
13. Intense Solar Flare Activity
14. Area Swarmed by Insects
15. Hurricane
16. Volcano Emerged Nearby Recently
17. Sinkhole(s) Forming Nearby
18. Unusually Large Number of Meteor Impacts Recently
19. Grave-robbing Epidemic
20. Nearby Nuclear Reactor Meltdown

Table 5; NPCs and/or PCs
1. University Professor
2. High School Teacher
3. Sheriff
4. Deputy
5. Fireman
6. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
7. Emergency Room Intern
8. University Student
9. High School Student
10. Military Non-commissioned Officer
11. Military Officer
12. Office Worker
13. Street Vagrant
14. Housewife/Househusband
15. Babysitter
16. Slop Grill Cook
17. Trucker
18. Biker
19. FBI Agent
20. Gymnast
21. S.W.A.T. Team Member
22. Medium
23. Telephone Psychic
24. Fast Food Worker
25. CIA Agent
26. Rogue Scientist
27. Cheerleader
28. U.S. Special Operations Command Graphic Artist
29. Computer Tech
30. City Mayor
31. Catholic Priest
32. Eastern Monk
33. Modern, Chivalrous Knight
34. Fire Marshall
35. Bodyguard
36. Bounty Hunter
37. Actor/Actress
38. Stage Magician
39. Traveling Illusionist
40. Vagabond Beggar
41. Mad Scientist
41. Native American Shaman
42. Psychic Healer
43. Parapsychologist
44. District Attorney's Investigator
45. District Attorney
46. Ambulance Lawyer
47. County Judge
48. Federal Judge
49. State Trooper
50. US Marine (Lance Corporal)
51. US Soldier (Specialist)
52. US Airman (Technical Sergeant)
53. US Sailor (Petty Officer First Class)
54. FBI Special Agent
55. State Governor
56. Congressman
57. Police Commissioner
58. Park Ranger
59. Forest Ranger
60. Boy Scout Troop Leader
61. Civil Air Patrol Squadron Leader
62. High School R.O.T.C. Member
63. Military Academy Cadet (roll d4: 1.Freshman; 2.Sophomore; 3.Junior; 4.Senior)
64. Retired General
65. Helicopter Pilot
66. Airline Pilot
67. State Road Crew Worker
68. Specialty Food Delivery Man
69. Used Car Salesman
70. Novelist
71. Newspaper Editor
72. Small Town Shop Owner
73. Retired Sergeant Major
74. Retired Master Chief
75. Retired Gunnery Sergeant
76. Retired Chief Master Sergeant
77. Basic Trainee (on leave before his/her first assignment)
78. Violinist
79. Waitress/Waiter
80. Vetrinarian
81. Hollywood Producer
82. Adult Film Star
83. War Hero
84. Published Spiritualist
85. Late Night Radio Talk Show Host
86. Caterer
87. Special Operations Commando
88. Construction Worker (with tool belt)
89. Fortune Teller
90. Seer
91. Philosopher Janitor
92. Symphonic Score Composer
93. High School Teacher
94. Corrections Officer
95. News Photographer
96. Professional Gambler
97. Classical Guitarist
98. Madame (for people of the night)
99. Elvis Impersonator
100. An Avatar of... A Higher, Benevolent Power

Table 6; NPC or PC Personality
1. Overly Serious
2. Dour and Sour
3. Hormonal
4. Nasty-mouthed
5. Gorgeous
6. Arrogant
7. Domineering
8. Beautiful
9. Attractive
10. Pleasant
11. Mild-mannered
12. Confident
13. Heroic
14. Cowardly
15. Enthusiastic
16. Incapable
17. Naive
18. Grizzled
19. Psychotic
20. Sensuous
21. Worldly
22. Jaded
23. Frightened
24. Insecure
25. Timid
26. Proud
27. Aggressive
28. Docile
29. Chivalrous
30. Stalwart
31. Poised
32. Charming
33. Enchanting
34. Charismatic
35. Quick-witted
36. Streetwise
37. Studder-minded
38. Nervous
39. Benevolent
40. Altruistic
41. Engaging
42. Disarming (as in personality, not melee)
43. Easy-going
44. High-strung
45. Easily Angered
46. Ever-smiling
47. Ever Optimistic
48. Ever Pessimistic
49. Careless
50. Carefree
51. Reckless
52. Thrill-seeking
53. Risk-aversed
54. Cautious
55. Manic
56. Heroic
57. Exemplary
58. Fragile
59. Strong
60. Emotional
61. Empathic
62. Understanding
63. Callous
64. Joking
65. Comedic
66. Quick-witted
67. Extreme
68. Imaginative
69. Dull
70. Professional
71. Creative
72. Fast-talking
73. Dim-witted
74. Slow
75. Genius
76. Very Intelligent
77. Ridiculous
78. Exuberant
79. Contagiously Lively
80. Sexy
81. Sultry
82. Magnetic (in the "animal" way)
83. Irresistable
84. Handsome
85. Radiant
86. Melancholy
87. Bleak
88. Energetic
89. Spiritual
90. Observant
91. Perceptive
92. Cursed
93. Blessed
94. Lucky (impossibly lucky at times)
95. Troubled
96. Insane
97. Inspiring
98. Insurmountable
99. Deeply Insightful
100. Prodigy

Now, it's up to you to determine why a MUMMY would be on a beached CRUISE SHIP, but that's what this is all about: giving you just enough raw material to get your wheels rolling.

Further, you may want to role more than once on the Personality table, so you might end up with a NAIVE yet SENSUOUS University Student or Trucker or... whatever.

Of course, each one of these tables could be... expanded. Feel free to add to the tables, but start at the appropriate number and be sure to label WHICH table you're adding to. I'd stop at 100 (if it even gets that high) so that we can use the simple % rolling system). Enjoy and have fun!

Last edited by Gallahan on Thu May 12, 2005 10:49 pm, edited 6 times in total.
"Coincidence is a glimpse into a pattern otherwise hidden."
"We live in a world of secrets. Where those secrets intersect, people die."


Unread post by Natalya »

I like it. Simple, and great for those times when my imagination goes on vacation.

Gallahan wrote:Now, it's up to you to determine why a MUMMY would be on a beached CRUISE SHIP, but that's what this is all about: giving you just enough raw material to get your wheels rolling.

Gee, that's simple. The cruise ship was paid to deliver a large box from one private collector to another private collector that is at one of the port of calls. Prior to getting there, some underpaid member of the crew opened the box, figuring there would be something valuable inside that he could sell. Instead, there was a mummy spirited out of Egypt during the 1800's and it is none too happy about being away from home, and willing to take its temper out on the unscrupulous crewman. During the next (dark and stormy) night, the mummy wandered the back passages, entered the bridge and attacked the crew, leading to the cruise ship beaching on some uninhabited island. That should cover mummy, cruise ship, and beached. :D
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Unread post by Danger »

Nice. Someone should sticky this.
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Nekira Sudacne wrote:Sorry, the Anime genre and the Furry genre don't usually mix, except where Catgirls are concerned :D
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Ash, looks like Natalya beat you to it! :) BTW Natalya, VERY good plot. Nice touch with the mummy taking out the crew, thus resulting in the beaching on that island. Now, put this in the Bermuda Triangle, and this entire scenario suddenly is *just* the introduction to a series of adventures.

Thanks for the compliment N.B. :) Yeah, those tables would add some more depth to the generator. For me, I'd like to keep those aspects open for the brainstorming part of it. But, you got my imagination going again, and maybe we could use another table or two... Here goes...

Table 7; Important Items and Artifacts: these items can be plot devices crucial to the development of the story (initial clues, etc.) and/or resolution (helping to take out the bad guy, etc.).

1. Pair of Glasses
2. Telescope
3. Bone-cased Scroll (forgotten language)
4. A d6 Die
5. Amulet/Pendant/Necklace
6. Frontier-styled Kentucy Rifle
7. Ring (determine make, model, substance(s))
8. Map (found in attic or other similar area)
9. Chainsaw
10. Mask
11. Jar of Ancient Water (pre-dating Atlantis)
12. "Dummy" (hand-operated puppet)
13. Hardbound Diary
14. Diamond (or other precious bauble)
15. Suit of Armor
16. Medieval Melee Weapon (axe, sword, etc.)
17. Feather Quill
18. Neolithic (small) Figurine
19. Crystal Skull
20. Turquoise 1957 Chevy
21. Policeman's Badge
22. Lost Wallet
23. Handcuffs (not the furry kin)
24. Lost Scrolls (found near the Dead Sea)
25. Sea-Captain's Journal (or River-Captain)
26. WW2 .45 Caliber Field Officer's Pistol
27. An Old, Black&White Photograph
28. Ancient Navigational Compass
29. Pouch of (d20) Golden Roman Coins (ancient)
30. Weathered Crucifix (with hidden blade)
31. Model Ship in a Bottle
32. Diamond Skull
33. Skeletal Hand
34. Mummified Canine
35. Forgotten Necromancer's Spellbook
36. Field Make-up Kit (in tackle-box styled case)
37. Palm-sized Crystal Pyramid
38. Rare Incense with Unusual Properties When Lit
39. Evolved Venus Fly Trap Potted Plant (it gets hungry sometimes)
40. Wood-chipper
41. Cherry Red 1965 Ford Mustang
42. Wooden Box filled with Dirt
43. Preserved Corpse in Glass Case filled with Solution
44. Jar of Eyeballs
45. Jar of Fingers
46. Brain in a Jar
47. Canteen of Holy Water
48. Engraved Wooden Stake
49. Standard Road Atlas
50. Johan's Book of Mysterious Short Stories (they tend to come to life)
51. Platinum Pentegram
52. Bottle of Merlot (dated 1776)
53. Bottle of 1992 Dom Perignon
54. An intoxicatingly beautiful oil painting (portrait)
55. A Jar of Sand
56. A Jar of Wind
57. A Vial of Water (water once in the confines of the Holy Grail)
59. An Inflatible Orange Life-raft
60. A 1/48th Scale Model of a Junkers STUKA Dive Bomber (WW2)
61. Speargun
62. The Tome of Dvorken
63. Sandril's Lucky Dice (made of gold, and ancient; d6-style)
64. Insect Repellent
65. Silver Fountain Pen
66. A 1965 Newspaper
67. Morbid Paperweight
68. 2002 Metallic Khaki Jeep Liberty 4x4(Renegade model)
69. d20 Polaroid Snapshots
70. "Blair-witch" styled video tape
71. Surveillance video, depicting...
72. Knife
73. Lost Luggage
74. Clues Left on a Toothbrush
75. Security Badge (the kind you swipe for access)
76. Home Video Depicting...
77. Box of Ashes (who's ashes?)
78. Halloween Mask
79. Quickly Scribbled Note (saying...?)
80. 1991 Corvette
81. Ice Pick
82. Gloves
83. Shotgun
84. Slim Suitcase (filled with 4d20 x 1,000 U.S. dollars)
85. Mesmer's Goblet
86. Razor Sharp Machete
87. Jar of Teeth
88. Led Zepplin Album (played backwards...?)
89. Leather Biker Jacket
90. Prosthetic: 1) arm; 2) leg; 3) eye; 4) foot; 5) teeth; 6) hand
91. Bag of Dollars: roll 4d4 x 10,000 dollars
92. Velvet Pouch of Diamonds (12d12)
93. Flaregun
94. Box of Rare Cuban Cigars
95. Flamethrower
96. Rocket Launcher
97. Jug of Moonshine
98. Tornsil's Lead Box of... Mystery
100. THE LOST ARK (as in "Raiders")

You may want to roll on this table 2d4 times. Again, these items might be clues, weapons, hints, solutions... or disasters.

---WHEW--- :)
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Gave Her A Spin

Unread post by Gallahan »

Okay, I gave the old tables a spin... and here's what I got:

- An Interstate Rest Area... at night. Doh!
- The Grays (abducting aliens) ---coincidence or what?
- Spring
- Recent Tremors and (rolled twice) volcano emerged nearby recently
- Psychotic Sheriff & Attractive High School Teacher (female by choice) & Incapbable Slop Grill Cook & Hormonal Gymnast
- Important Items: handcuffs (not furry) and a vial of water once in the confines of the Holy Grail.

Man, that one is going to have to have some comedy involved! How offbeat!!! Well, g'night and good rolling!
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

The Red Dwarf RPG has an adventure seed generator that works kind of like a Mad-Lib, only you roll on tables to fill in the blanks.

Something like that might work well for BtS....
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Unread post by Natalya »

ash_wednesday wrote:
Gallahan wrote:Ash, looks like Natalya beat you to it! :) BTW Natalya, VERY good plot. Nice touch with the mummy taking out the crew, thus resulting in the beaching on that island.
Well I was tired...

And I was at work, looking for some distraction from mind-numbing paperwork, after my first shot of caffeine.

I understand, believe me, my brain's shut down from tiredness too. After the last game (luckily I was only a player), I couldn't even remember the work "pull-out couch" when inviting someone to stay the night, I could only gesture at it.


Unread post by Natalya »

ash_wednesday wrote:Can you be my GM? I'll be your best player...

Awwww..... :oops: ......I'm blushing

Re: Gave Her A Spin

Unread post by Natalya »

Gallahan wrote:Okay, I gave the old tables a spin... and here's what I got:

I got:
1. Apartment Complex
2. Necromancer
3. Winter
4. Volcano emerged nearby recently
5 & 6. Overly serious FBI Agent (Agent Doggett???)
7. An intoxicatingly beautiful oil painting
7. Flamethrower

Anyone want to try a plot from that?
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Ash, I was just giving you a good natured ribbing :lol: ; I was too tired, as well, after doing the tables to come up with that cruise ship scenario.

Okay, here's a try Natalya's scenario elements (I just had my first infusion of caffeine too)...

It's winter in Fargo, North Dakota, fierce and biting cold winds sweeping in from Saskatchewan and Manitoba Provinces in Canada, bringing in snow and ice crystals. A necromancer received a vision and moved to the area... to use the energy from... exactly "what" he doesn't know, but "something" is supposed to happen.

He moves into an apartment complex on the edge of town and by chance is the neighbor of an FBI field agent. The necromancer is an artist, and purchases paints, palettes and an easel to begin his masterpiece while waiting for the "sign." Being a necromancer, he mixes in unusual ingredients into his paints, to add to the flavor of the piece... Blends in his own blood with Alizaron Crimson; crushed, rare herbs with Thalo and Veridian Greens; ground up bone with Titanium White; cremation ash with Ivory Black; powdered berry with Prussian Blue; and ground-up dried flesh with Peach Flesh. He listens to loud new age music while painting "The Lady of His Dreams."

The agent, weary from long hours at the office investigating unusual seismic activity with the National Geological Survey, comes home, pours a stiff drink, watches old family videos from several years ago, happier times from when he had a family... but is distracted by the loud new age music. "Is he blasting ENYA!?" he exclaims to himself.

Strangley, as the necromancer nears completion of his painting, seismic activity increases and surges. With each stroke, he completes more and more of the intoxicatingly beautiful woman. Neither he, nor any man, could ever win a woman of such raw beauty. Her eyes draw him into them...

"Okay, that's it. I can't handle any more Yanni or Constance Demby music!" screams the agent. He chugs his drink and goes next door to confront the necromancer. No one answers the door and suddenly the agent wishes he hadn't had that last drink because someone might need his help inside. He kicks the door open, flashing his badge and sees the necromancer put his last paint stroke upon the canvas. As that happens, the region begins to shake with a tremendous shudder from deep under ground.

The necromancer doesn't realize it, but he has cast a spell in the painting of his picture. The ingredients absorb the tremendous energy surging from the ley line nexus nearby. The two of them are knocked to the floor as the door swings open, revealing a volcano emerging from the parking lot, swallowing up the necromancer's 2001 Jeep Cherokee and the agent's 2005 Mustang along with everyone else's vehicles.

All the while, the "Rites of Passage," from Constance Demby's Aeterna CD plays. The painting rocks on the easel, glows, and the "Lady" emerges, her long, black hair hiding most of her slim, feminine figure of bone-white skin. Her eyes glow with the fires of perdition as she steps forward into the howling wind coming through the door, which scatters her hair into a thousand directions, revealing her exquisitely enchanting nature. Captivated, the necromancer cannot move.

She takes his face in her hands and sucks the life energy from him. After checking the fallen necromancer for a pulse and finding none, the FBI agent scrambles back to his linen closet, where he keeps a flame thrower and returns. "I must commune with fires of the volcano," she says in a low whisper. Fighting off almost insurmountable urges to kiss her, he holds on to thoughts of his family and yells, "You'll have to settle for the fires of my flame-thrower!" and lets loose.

She is absorbed in the conflagration of oil and fire and burns to nothing. Most of the volcano shudders violently back into the ground, though the steaming tip remains. "That oughta warm us up a little," says the agent, glancing at the violent geothermal spectacle. The necromancer stands up.

"I thought you were..." the agent begins.
"Dead?" whispers the necromancer. "To some degree, there's already death in all of us."
"But how...?"
Cutting himself with a long, pinky fingernail, the necromancer whispers, "It seems somehow that I've absorbed some aspect of my 'painting spell' and the energy of that woman created from rare ingredients, passion and a surge of ley energy. Oil fills my veins... Yet I am alive with it."

From this point, the two characters could be PCs who have an odd kind of partnership, for the necromancer is not evil, he merely deals with ingredients from naturally dead things. OR, the necromancer could be evil, and the FBI agent quits the agency to pursue him. But I like the first option, and it's rich because now the necromancer must eat oil paints to live; he can eat other things, drink other things, but he is "cursed" by the events. Later, who knows, he might meet a woman who looks identical to the woman he painted, and she might join their team as a psychic of some form. The agent would most likely be (like Doggett from X-Files) a nega-psychic. Necromancer might just move onto traditional spells if his necromancing starts to change him for the worse, slowly seducing him to the darkside.

BTW: "Rites of Passage" from Constance Demby's AETERNA CD is a great LONG piece of music perfect for the mysterious intrigue of Beyond the Supernatural. You can hear samples at her website:
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Unread post by Kharma »

Fun tables! Here's what I came up with. I'll think of the story and post it later :)

Lonely Gas Station
Heavy Thunder Storms
Deputy and an Office Worker
Naive & Arrogant (for the PCs)
The Tome of Dvorken and A Vial of Water (water once in the confines of the Holy Grail)
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Additional Locations Added

Unread post by Gallahan »

I was inspired, and during my lunch, expanded the locations table from 20 items to 100 items. I now have "computer eyes." :)

I can't wait to see Kharma's story that connects her rolls... :)
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Unread post by Gallahan »

...Wow. I'm impressed. :D
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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Nice tables have to give it a try.

Main Location: 23. Beach house on a stormy day/night or during hurricane
Supernatural Threat: 34. Drug-induced Psychopathic Mad-person
Time of Year: 3. Spring
Special Circumstances: 8. Recent Tremors
NPCs and/or PCs: 24. Fast Food Worker
NPC or PC Personality: 10. Pleasant
Important Items and Artifacts: 58. EXCALIBUR ITSELF

The Players on a break decided to spend a few days at the beach. A day after they get there a small earthquake hits the area. If they talk to the locals they will mention a number of small tremors have struck the area.

A storm breaks out on the third night keeping the PC in the beach house. In the middle of the night pounding at the door will wake everyone up. Its one of the locals who they bought lunch from who claims to be able to see visions. He has had a vision of a great power soon to return to the world. The vision shows two possible fates one where the players get it and use it to stop some future evil and a version where a dark shadow hides it away.

The earthquakes are being caused by Excalibur vibrating inside its stone tomb. The stone is in a local cave network. The dark shadow is a psychopath tanked up on drugs. If the PC don't look for Excalibur the psychopath will find it first and disappear with it. The psychopath has also been living in the caves and will attack anyone invading his space. In two days Excalibur will shatter its prison and be free for the taking.

The future evil will of course be something the PC can only fight with Excalibur.

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Unread post by Gallahan »

Keep looking at the very first post on this, as I go back and edit it (extend it) pretty regularly. Right now, most of the tables that started out as d20 are now up to d%. The plan is to have all the tables up to d% eventually.

Again, if you have ideas for any sub-tables, or extensions to existing tables, post 'em.

I hope these tables help you formulate some adventures and adventure ideas!! Keep those dice rolling! :eek: 8-) :lol:
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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Gallahan wrote:Keep looking at the very first post on this, as I go back and edit it (extend it) pretty regularly. Right now, most of the tables that started out as d20 are now up to d%. The plan is to have all the tables up to d% eventually.

Again, if you have ideas for any sub-tables, or extensions to existing tables, post 'em.

I hope these tables help you formulate some adventures and adventure ideas!! Keep those dice rolling! :eek: 8-) :lol:

When your happy with it I suggest you add some more suggestions on how to the use the tables a few small examples and submit it to the Rifter. I personally think it would make a nice Rifter article.

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Shawn Merrow, thanks for the suggestion about submitting this to the Rifter. I hadn't considered that. I just might have to polish and submit it, and see what the Rifter gurus think. It would be nice to be "published" in some fashion with BTS, a game I love so much.

Oh, and Ash, great ingredients for your Supernatural Stew! I'm looking forward to reading how you thread it all together. There are several objects in the Items List that are similar to the mysterious Tome of Dorken; just a way to allow more openess on your part about the item, so thus it could be similar to the Necronomicon, or ancient book of alchemy, or spells, etc.
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Hey, is anyone out there pretty knowledgable on cars? Maybe a random car generator? Just think: 100 of your favorite (and somehow BTS oriented) cas, SUVs, etc. I know the typical ones, but not much on older models, beyond '57 Chevy, etc. :?
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Unread post by Gallahan »

That'd be great Ash!

I was even thinking of doing a d100 weapons list.
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Ash, I know you won't leave out the phobia for the fear of...

You guessed it...


:eek: :lol: :lol: :eek:
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

I also suggest that once this is in the fully polished form that you send it into the Rifter.

I love the table and WILL be using it for my next BTS game.
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I wasn't really going to do anything further with this, but you guys really inspired me to submit it. The Rifter may or may not accept it, but you truly put the wind in my sails and I'm going to polish it and expand, and send it in and see what they say.

Sincerely, many thanks. :)

Chai Gallahan
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Gallahan wrote:I wasn't really going to do anything further with this, but you guys really inspired me to submit it. The Rifter may or may not accept it, but you truly put the wind in my sails and I'm going to polish it and expand, and send it in and see what they say.

Sincerely, many thanks. :)

Chai Gallahan

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main local
46. Out of the way resort complex

Supernatural Threat
68. Evil Role-player (over the edge, living his tortured fantasy)

Table 3; Time of Year
4. Winter

Table 4; Any Special Circumstances
9. Recent Earthquakes

Table 5; NPCs and/or PCs // Table 6; NPC or PC Personality
53. US Sailor (Petty Officer First Class) // 42. Disarming (as in personality, not melee)
81. Hollywood Producer // 1. Overly Serious
12. Office Worker // 50. Carefree

Table 7; Important Items and Artifacts:
46. Brain in a Jar
49. Standard Road Atlas
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Unread post by NMI »

Main Location: Extremely opulent mansion in gated, guarded community.
Supernatural Threat: Sadistically Righteous Evangelist
Time of Year: Winter
Special Circumstances: Recent Tremors
NPC's and/or PC's: County Judge
NPC or PC Personality: Cursed
Important Items and Artifacts: Jar of Teeth, Rare Incense with Unusual Properties When Lit, The Holy Grail?, WW2 .45 Caliber Field Officer's Pistol.
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Wow. I'm impressed.

Those last two rolls bring very vivid stories to mind. They'd make great, quirky and quite interesting novels, let alone BTS adventures.

I'm going to have to roll on the tables again, myself, and post what I get, just for grins.

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Unread post by acreRake »

udgang99! Wonderful! Tell your friend (and yourself) THANKS!!
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"How can you find a rocket launcher in a middle class home?"

The question BEGGGGS to be answered. First, if the home is in Montana or Minnesota, you would probably find much more than rocket launchers. Sorry, I couldn't pass that one up, but seriously, there are a lot of militia groups out there just waiting for the world as we know it to come to an end. And they have the MREs (meals-ready-to-eat for the who's at home?) and heavy weapons platforms. If I remember correctly, there was an air national guard pilot who belonged to a militia group... who's A-10 Thunderbolt "vanished" off radar while running practice attacks in the mountains. He might have crashed, but then again, he might have landed at a secret, makeshift landing strip, hidden the aircraft in a disguised hangar... You get the idea. These groups have a lot more than is publicly known. At least that makes for good fiction. ;)

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Unread post by Gallahan »

Doh! ---Didn't mean to sound so technical wit dat. :)

I'm just going through killer clown withdrawal, that's all!!!

How's the weather in Canada!?
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Wow! I hardly ever check my private messages since I get so few of them, and I went to the website:

and had a blast for about an hour. Yeah, I was addicted and kept hitting the "randomize" button to see the new plot/story elements.

Hats off to everyone involved in randomizing that for all of us to enjoy. You guys (and possibly gals) are waaaaay cool.

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Unread post by acreRake »

That is timing. I was just going to use this this morning! :frazz: creepy
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Unread post by Stattick »

ash_wednesday wrote:How can you find a rocket launcher in a middle class home? :shock:

You'd be amazed at what the US Army considers single use items. An army buddy was telling me about certain rpg (rocket propelled grenade) and rocket launchers that they use once and are supposed to throw away, although they can be reloaded. And they make reloads for them too...

I'm pretty sure the army doesn't keep a close enough tabs on their live fire ranges to account for every piece of munition. It wouldn't be impossible for a soldier to take home a few "souvenirs". :-D
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Unread post by Ridley »

Did this table ever make it into the rifter, because it should.
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Thanks for pointing out that we need equionxes. :)

Suggestion to help craft your table results: try rolling 2d4 more characters. That way, you'll get at least 2 more characters, and possibly 8 more! The characters might help shape the story. ALSO: try rolling d4 more locations.

You see, only *part* of the story might take place in/on the location you rolled. The other characters and additional locations might help craft a nice story for you, or at least get those wheels in your mind turning... and turning...
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Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

Warning: Lengthy due to boredom at work

58. Abandoned, slanted barn in farm country
27. A Headless Horseman
2. Summer
80. The two hundred year anniversary of an Indian massacre
6. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 10. Pleasant 83. Irresistable
36. Bounty Hunter 61. Empathic 95. Troubled
48. Federal Judge 32. Charming 49. Careless
95. Flamethrower

20 miles outside Wichita, Kansas, Johnathan Willard was tending to his family homestead. The farm had been in the family for 80 years. John didn't solely work the farm. On the contrary, the farm was more of a hobby for him, a break from his newfound duties as a Federal Judge in Wichita. John didn't care to well for the position. Now he knew he'd have to take more care in watching what he does. John was known to be a 'skirt chaser' in his downtime, so much so that he's earned a reputation for it in the local community. Still, since John wasn't married, there was little wrong with it.

In Wichita, a man by the name of Reese Smith sat at his desk. He was collecting his papers and checking them over once more before heading out. Reese knew he'd have to have all the details right or the Judge wouldn't grant him the bounty. Tracking down bail jumpers was a dangerous job, adding to it the bureaucratic nonsense only compounded the headache. Reese was lucky that John had been a childhood friend, otherwise going after an official order like this would be delayed for a few days.

Kelly Kirby sat patiently in the ambulance while her partner ran inside for a cup of coffee. She shifted in her seat bored from the moment when she noticed an older man, probably in his late 50’s, leaving from the hospital staring at her. At first she thought nothing of it. She then took notice of the man’s lust-filled eyes and realized what was being implied. Her mind sparked a thought of disgust. Just then, the driver’s door opened and her partner jumped in. “Back to the station?” he asked shifting the vehicle into drive and pulling out.

“It was oddly mild for the summertime,” John had thought. He was right. Normally things would be in the upper 80’s, today it was lower 70’s. John explained it away easily when a breeze swept him. Being a nice day and a Sunday, John decided to get himself a horse ride in. He slipped over to the stables where he kept his three horses. He saddled his favorite, Juniper, and began to ride out on his land. He’d ride casually, then pushed Juniper into a full gallop, then backed her down to a walk. He spent a half hour on the horse before he realized how far out he was. John turned himself back towards the house when something caught his eye. He saw an old, rundown barn. He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. He’d been to this section of his land many times before, never seeing this barn before. He guided Juniper towards the barn. The horse took three steps before becoming spooked. Juniper snorted and reared a little, stopping all forward progression. John stepped down from the horse and made his way towards the barn.

Reese had pulled into the stone pathway leading back to John’s home. When his tires shifted from the semi-loose gravel to the definitive concrete, he stopped. Reese stepped out of the car and made his way towards the house. He knocked on the door initially, then rang the doorbell. When no one answered, he peered through the window knocking once more, this time adding a shout, “Hello! Judge!? John?! It’s Reese.” Still no answer. Reese stepped away from the door and began to make his way back to the car. He stepped around the hood of the car and looked into the garage and barn nearby. Just then, the silence was broken by the cries of Juniper, galloping back towards the house. When she reached the fence, Juniper reared back then landed. Reese quickly moved to the horse, finding John lying behind the horse and if he was drug behind, but no rope or other attachment was present. Reese quickly checked for vitals before reaching for his cell.

Kelly was lost in thought staring out the window. “Hey, what’s up? Don’t tell me the job’s getting to you now?” Her partner asked.

“Nope.” She replied quickly with a smile, “just sort of zoning out.”

“Good, because I’d probably get a harassed by the other crews for driving you away and you know how the guys are.” He said, making an implying remark about her appearance.

“You know, just once I’d like to…..” Kelly began to speak before being cut off by the radio.

“Mercy Med Two-Niner, we have a unconscious individual located at 321 North 600. Report from the scene says it may be a horse riding accident.” The Dispatch relayed.

“Roger Dispatch. Mercy Med Two-Nine on our way.” Kelly responded.

“Mercy Two-Nine, information confirmed, victim is Judge John Willard. You may want to step it up a bit.” Dispatched informed.

“Copy that.” Kelly said before hanging the mic.

From here, the Players can come in from many different angles. They could be hospital staff, everyday people, or even the ghost investigators of typical BtS fashion. What does need to be ensured is this.

1.) Judge was dragged. My initial thoughts were to have a ‘fading ghost rope’. Some residual evidence is all that is needed to bring in the Investigators.

2.) Judge is out for at least a day, maybe two. When he finally comes to, he will gibber on about a headless horseman attacking him from “the barn”. No evidence of this Horseman is found by authorities. Leave it for the players to experience.

3.) The Headless Horseman is a haunting spirit that looks like an Indian without a head, wielding a ghostly tomahawk. My thoughts were to have the Indian protecting “his land”, which encompasses the barn and 1000 feet around it. The Barn is something of a mystery as well, because it was destroyed 65 years ago. Use it as a sort of gateway for the spirit to enter our world.

4.) Reese owns a flamethrower. I was going to work in that either A.) he tags along or B.) somehow passes the weapon along when the confrontation of the spirit is made. Fire will ward off the Spirit and destroy the Barn, as it originally burnt down.

5.) After several days, the Judge will snap back into himself again, at least as best one can.
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Unread post by barna10 »

Anyone have a link to the automated program?

the ones site listed above is "under construction"
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Unread post by beatobur »

Man this thing is great! I've been wanting to put together a BTS game and I think this will help me get started. Thanks!
You... you killed me trying to heal me, this is the best campaign ever.

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Unread post by Lord Z »

Please pardon me for jumping in very late. I like the tables a lot, Gallahan. I do have some suggestions, if I may.

First, the type of dice needed for each table should be listed at the top of the table. I had to scroll down a few times to see if I needed a D20 or percentile.

Second, the season could and maybe should be expanded to a D6 table. Some places on the globe don't have four seasons. Those other places, primarily around the equinox, usually have a dry season and wet season instead. Some places, like Seatle, have all six through over-lapping.

Third, the Supernatural Threat table really needs to be updated to 2nd edition standards. Most of the BtS monsters don't seem to appear on this table. Where are the ghouls and the brain burrowers?
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

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Unread post by mrloucifer »

Lord Z wrote:Please pardon me for jumping in very late. I like the tables a lot, Gallahan. I do have some suggestions, if I may.

First, the type of dice needed for each table should be listed at the top of the table. I had to scroll down a few times to see if I needed a D20 or percentile.

Second, the season could and maybe should be expanded to a D6 table. Some places on the globe don't have four seasons. Those other places, primarily around the equinox, usually have a dry season and wet season instead. Some places, like Seatle, have all six through over-lapping.

Third, the Supernatural Threat table really needs to be updated to 2nd edition standards. Most of the BtS monsters don't seem to appear on this table. Where are the ghouls and the brain burrowers?

True... its a great generator, but it could use some remodeling :)
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I went ahead and made a monster list for myself. I intentionally left the last few percentile scores blank so that another GM could fill them.

Random Monster and Antagonist Table for Beyond the Supernatural, 2nd Edition.
Some monsters appearing in this table are appropriate for BtS-2 but are described in different books. If you roll a result which doesn't come from a book which is handy, simply re-roll. These monsters are arranged in vague order based upon their supernatural threat levels – but they are also grouped together into broad categories like entities or gargoyles. They are listed according to their book names, then I have included their alternate names behind a coma, their threat level, and their source descriptions referenced in parentheses. Particularly intelligent and scheming creatures are marked with an asterisk. Most other monsters have high animal intelligence or no understanding of the human world.

Excluded monsters were left out to keep the list of source books from becoming too long. If you have them, I would recommend using monsters from Dinosaur Swamp (especially for a crytozoology-themed game) and Mystic China (which has some really good immortal masterminds and really strange demons). Between the Shadows is a Nightbane sourcebook which has lots of monsters who inhabit the Astral Plane and the Dreamstream. Many of these creatures also reappear in books like Rifts Conversion Book 1 and Nightbane.

1.Energy Creature, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 217)
2.Tentacle Creature, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 216)
3.UFOnaught, flying saucer creature x4 (BtS-1, pg. 174)
4.Evil Cultist*, x0 (Nightbane main book)
5.Evil Arcanist*, cult leader, x0 (BtS-1, pg. 189; you could also use the Night Priest from the Nightbane Main Book as this is essentially the same character)
6.Witch*, x0 (use the Night Priest from Nightbane, the Witch from Palladium Fantasy, or the Splugorth Witch from Rifts Atlantis)
7.Death Priest*, cult leader, x0 (Dead Reign, pg. 68)
8.Haunting Entity, classic ghost, x4 (BtS-2 pg. 246)
9.Poltergeist Entity, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 245)
10.Syphon Entity*, trapped entity, x4 (BtS-2 pg. 247)
11.Tectonic Entity*, x6 (BtS-2 pg. 249)
12.Possessing Entity*, x4 (BtS-2 pg. 251)
13.Doppleganger Entity*, x6 (Boxed Nightmares, pg. 36)
14.Big Foot*, sasquatch yeti or skunk ape x4 (I suggest using a grimbor, bearmen, wolfen, mutant animal, or werebeast depending on how you want to use it)
15.Mokele-mbembe, dinosaur of Africa, x0 (Rifts Africa, pg. 129)
16.Giant Alligator, x0 (Boxed Nightmares, pg. 73)
17.Tasmanian Devil, hound of death, x4 (Boxed Nightmares, pg. 40)
18.Random Supernatural Creature, x4-6 (BtS-1, pg. 190)
19.Banshee, harbinger of death, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 229)
20.Tokolosh, sea serpent, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 173)
21.Animated dead, mummy, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 121)
22.Animated dead, zombie, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 123)
23.Animated dead, sloucher zombie, x4 (Dead Reign, pg. 38)
24.Animated dead, flesh-eating zombie, x4 (Dead Reign, pg. 45)
25.Animated dead, pattern zombie, x4 (Dead Reign, pg. 53)
26.Animated dead, fast attack zombie, x4 (Dead Reign, pg. 43)
27.Animated dead*, mock zombie, x4 (Dead Reign, pg. 51)
28.Animated dead*, thinker zombie, x4 (Dead Reign, pg. 47)
29.Garkain, dumb spirit, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 164)
30.Chupacabra, x4 (use the Lizard King from Nightbane main book)
31.Hollow Man*, x4 (Nightbane main book)
32.Doppleganger*, clone of a player character, x4 (Nightbane main book)
33.Doppleganger*, clone of another character, x4 (Nightbane main book)
34.Brain Burrower, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 236)
35.Malignous, insect demon, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 187)
36.Gremlin*, techno-terror, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 254)
37.Hell Hound, demon dog, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 255)
38.Bogey Man*, raven's tears, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 231)
39.Devouring Horned Lizard-Beast, x4 (Boxed Nightmares, pg. 30)
40.Ghoul, grave ghoul, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 253)
41.Ghoul*, dimensional ghoul or tall ghoul, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 241)
42.Ghoul*, dybbuk or death ghoul or animator, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 243)
43.Dark Faerie*, x4
44.Demon Familiar*, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 187)
45.Werebeast*, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 175)
46.Scarecrow*, x4 (RCB, pg. 155)
47.Buti-fas*, dwarf demon, x4 (Rifts Africa, pg. 129)
48.Demonic Cannibals*, x4 (Rifts Africa, pg. 130)
49.Devil Ghost*, mothman (BtS-2, pg. 239)
50.Dar'ota*, succubus, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 236)
51.Dar'ota*, incubus, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 237)
52.Shadow Beast, x4 (Palladium Fantasy, pg. 210)
53.Boschala, the nightmare, x4 (BtS-2, pg. 234)
54.Nacarant, scarlet hunter, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 169)
55.Gargoyle*, gargoylite, x4 (appears only in Rifts: Triax)
56.Gargoyle*, gurgoyle, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 165)
57.Gargoyle*, true gargoyle, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 165)
58.Gargoyle*, gargoyle mage, x6 (appears only in Rifts: Triax)
59.Gargoyle*, gargoyle lord, x6 (appears only in Rifts: Triax)
60.Sowki*, serpent or reptoid, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 171)
61.Ashmeadi (not certain on spelling), shape-changer, x6 (Nightbane)
62.Soul Tree Minion*, spy, x4 (Rifter #28, pg. 21)
63.Soul Tree Minion*, poltergeist, x4 (Rifter #28, pg. 22)
64.Soul Tree Minion*, deceival, x4 (Rifter #28, pg. 19)
65.Soul Tree Minion*, protecting wraith, x4 (Rifter #28, pg. 20)
66.Soul Tree*, x6 (Rifter #28, pg. 18)
67.Vampire, secondary vampire, x4 (BtS-1, pg. 183)
68.Vampire*, master vampire, x6 (BtS-1, pg. 183)
69.Vampire Familiar, x4 (Rifts Vampire Kingdoms)
70.Vampire Intelligence, x10 (BtS-1, pg. 183)
71.Air Elemental Fragment, leaf rustler , x4(RCB, pg. 65)
72.Air Elemental Fragment, phantom footman, x4 (RCB, pg. 65)
73.Air Elemental, minor, x6 (RCB, pg. 199)
74.Air Elemental*, major, x10 (RCB, pg. 200)
75.Earth Elemental Fragment, little mud mound, x4 (RCB, pg. 72)
76.Earth Elemental, minor, x6 (RCB, pg. 72)
77.Earth Elemental, minor tree, x6 (RCB, pg. 72)
78.Earth Elemental, minor mud mound, x6 (RCB, pg. 72)
79.Earth Elemental*, major, x10 (RCB, pg. 72)
80.Fire Elemental Fragment, flame fiend, x4 (RCB, pg. 76)
81.Fire Elemental, minor, x6 (RCB, pg. 200)
82.Fire Elemental*, major, x10 (RCB, pg. 201)
83.Water Elemental Fragment, water wisp, x4 (RCB, pg. 81)
84.Water Elemental Fragment, little ice monster, x4 (RCB, pg. 82)
85.Water Elemental, minor, x6 (RCB, pg. 201)
86.Water Elemental, minor ice monster, x6 (RCB, pg. 201)
87.Water Elemental*, major, x10 (RCB, pg. 202)
88.Jinn*, x6 (RCB, pg. 213)
89.Death Weaver*, spider demon, x6 (BtS-1, pg. 172)
90.Fiend*, shadow demon, x6 (RCB, pg. 222)
91.Arch Fiend*, shadow demon, x10 (RCB, pg. 223)
92.Mindolar*, mind slug, x10 (BtS-1, pg. 180)
93.Goqua*, master of deception, x10 (BtS-1, pg. 179)
94.Alien Intelligence*, x10 (BtS-1, pg. 188)
95.Night Prince*, x6 (Nightbane)
96.Night Lord*, x10 (Nightbane)
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Maybe the bar is near an important building (lab, goverment) and the psychic is using his powers to steal information from the customers to sell. Will try to come up with more idea.

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Hmmmm, this is off the top of my head. The roadway tavern is closed off from the rest of civilization due to spring-time flooding, much like the hotel in the movie Identity. The evil psychic is a criminal who is hiding from the authorities. She is a Firewalker (or some other aggressive psychic class). Normally, she wouldn't be much of a problem, but the stellar alignment is causing the entire area to swell with psychic power as a tear in magic (from BtS-1) occurs. Effectively, the criminal can draw on the power as if she were standing in a ley line. The criminal has taken hostages, including a published spiritualist and one of the player characters. She is determined to remain in the tavern until morning when she foresees something amazing happening, but she isn't sure exactly what herself. The spiritualist knows what is happening and makes cryptic warnings about things getting worse soon. In a few hours, dawn of the Spring Equinox morning will occur. If the psychic is still pulling energy out of the area at that time, she will trigger a rift to open to another world with something even more dangerous on the other side. Maybe it's evil entities attracted by the anger and fear or maybe it's a whole mess of fire elementals.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

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I ddi that in a SenZar game, and I loved it. The players tolerated it, but I think some of them might have identified with their characters more.

I prefer the monster-busting games myself, but with an evil psychic rolled as the villain, it's the best I can do right now. You might want to use two evil psychics, the Sensitive (or Latent maybe) spying on the research facility and the Firewalker, just to make the game more complex. Maybe the research facility is the cause of the event and the planetary alignment is just foreshadowing for clairvoyants and savants to pinpoint the trouble. The Firewalker threatens to blow the sweet deal that the Sensitive has going, making them enemies but not obviously so.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

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Unread post by Gallahan »

Thanks for the suggestions! I have been absent for a very, very long time, and am now just able to return some of my focus to these tables. And, with that being said, will begin updating and even expanding the tables.

I strongly believe that random tables used in the creation of plot outlines for games and stories really help the writer/GM. They bring in varied elements that cause our minds to bridge a creative "synapse" of sorts, and before you know it, rough stories begin to emerge from those connections.

It's good to be back. It's good to see that a few people have been visiting these tables over time. And it will be most refreshing to begin updating these "old" tables. Until then... may we all scare the HECK out of ourselves!!
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Unread post by Tearstone »

Personally I've used these tables more than a few times and find them to be quite helpful. Thank you for providing this resource, and I can't wait to see what updates you come up with.

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Unread post by Gallahan »

Tearstone wrote:Personally I've used these tables more than a few times and find them to be quite helpful. Thank you for providing this resource, and I can't wait to see what updates you come up with.

--Thanks, Tearstone. It's good to hear feedback like that. It's the wind in the sails!

I hope you had some great combos. Did you list any of the storylines developed with the use of these tables? I certainly would like to read them, and I bet others would, too!
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Unread post by Tearstone »

Gallahan wrote:
Tearstone wrote:Personally I've used these tables more than a few times and find them to be quite helpful. Thank you for providing this resource, and I can't wait to see what updates you come up with.

--Thanks, Tearstone. It's good to hear feedback like that. It's the wind in the sails!

I hope you had some great combos. Did you list any of the storylines developed with the use of these tables? I certainly would like to read them, and I bet others would, too!

No, I haven't gotten a chance to, especially since I've moved several times in recent past.

I probably should come up with some new ones though!

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Unread post by Gallahan »

I'm creating the updated BTS Random Generator. From 100 random locations, the tables have been expanded to 2,000. Of those, 1,800 are somehow complete. And that's just random locations. The other big table to tackle is the random events table, and that should prove to be a lot of fun too. Then come random items. Creatures. Characters. 2,000 each.
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Unread post by Lord Z »

Why so many Gallahan? Even if you had only 100 choices in each category, you would have 10,000,000,000 possible combinations. If there are 2000 in each category, they can't all be interesting.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
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Unread post by Gallahan »

Well, Z... I love creating tables is the simple answer! :)

And, with more options, you never know what might happen. As they are right now, you might generate, for example, a "grocery store" on a table with only 100 location options to roll. When 2000 possibilities are out there, you might have that "grocery store," and then another one, but slightly different, like a "grocery store that sells meat that oddly affects consumers" and "a grocery store owned by a serial killer" or "a grocery store that sells cadaver meat from the funeral home across the street, passing it off a alpaca or ostrich meat" or "a grocery store owned by a serial killer who likes to employ attractive checkout ladies..."

It just adds some interesting possibilities to the experience of randomly generating story elements. That being said, all of the extra info that follows "a grocery store..." might not be needed for some reason. So, if you get a more elaborate result, just eliminate any info you don't wish to use. Thus, "a grocery store owned by a serial killer who likes to employ attractive checkout ladies" would, for a person not needing/wanting that level of elaboration would simply use "a grocery store" --or any following element, "owned by a serial killer" and/or "with attractive checkout ladies."

In the end, there are simply more options for a person to tailor to his/her story development. Plus, what would be the chances of rolling up two identical story lines? There's enough in there to really make things random. I think there's more of a synergy to that.

Now, some tables simply shouldn't be expanded to 2,000 options, such as personality traits. I mean, if you present 2,000 personality traits, you're really splitting hairs. Then again, someone might figure out a way to make it interesting. If it's me, then I'd count myself lucky. But, for now, the focus is on expanding "RECENT EVENTS" and the items and types of characters.

And sure, some people might only want the smaller, original tables, and that's fine. Expanded tables really just means spending MORE time having fun generating a wider range of possibility. And I'm having fun expanding them. :)
"Coincidence is a glimpse into a pattern otherwise hidden."
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