testing, testing.....new idea, looking for feedback...

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testing, testing.....new idea, looking for feedback...

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Crystal Grav Generators- this device can create spatial distorsions via gravitic maniplutation. STL travel is accomplished by creating an expanding distortion "bubble" behind a ship, and "riding" the edge as it expands. a new bubble is created as the old fades, continuing to push the ship along. (a kind of Gravitic ORION drive)

FTL travel is accomplished by adding a contracting distorsion infront of the ship, causing relitive positions to contract, seemingly accelerating the ship forewards at fantastic speeds. again, new distortions are made as the old ones fade to keep velocity up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive

defensively, a random distorsion feild can be generated around a ship, making it tough to hit. the fabric of space is "warped", distorting the tragectories. (this also renders the ship immune to damage from gravitic distortions, be they natural or artificial)

offensively, distortions can be projected against a target, which can cause great damage. also, more generalized distortion feilds can be employed like torpedo's, to damage any target in a specific radius.

the most spectacular use of these drives are in kinetic kill missles, which use a single use "pulse" variant of the drive to accel up to a substantial fracton of lightspeed. they carry no warhead, but their mass alone can cause impressive damage (variants exist with FTL drives, but these are more inclined towards planetary bombardment, and are thus not common).


Argo Class Grav-ship
this ship resembles a WW2 battleship in some ways. an angular cigar shape, with 4 turrets above and below the centerline, and 24 secondary gun turrets arrayed just below those. at the bow and aft ends a pair of Kinetic kill missile arrays are along the centerline sides. the bridge is mounted on the upper hull, at the base of the upper fin. the two fins give it a shark like look at a distance, rather intimidating.

Class: Strategic Combat Warship
Crew: 3000

Troop Capacity:
600 marines.

MDC By Location:
Crystal Grav Generators (8 )- 120 each
Main Body- 150,000
Outer Hull Section (40 ftx 40 foot)- 150
Inner Hull Section (40 ftx 40 foot)- 100
Upper Fin- 2500
Lower Fin- 2500
Gun Turrets (8 )- 1000 each
Point Defense Guns (48 )- 200 each
KK Missile Arrays (4)- 500 each
Emergency Ion Drive- 5000
Shuttle Bay (2)- 1000 each
Ammo Storage bays-

Slower Than Light
depending on the number of Grav Generators applied:
1 Generator- Mach 1.5
2 Generators- Mach 3
3 Generators- Mach 4.5
4 Generators- Mach 6
5 Generators- Mach 7.5
6 Generators- Mach 9
7 Generators- Mach 10.5
8 Generators- Mach 12
under Emergancy Ion Drive- Mach 2
Faster than light travel: 8 ly per hour (-1 for each inactive generator)

Statistical Data:
Length: 2000 feet
Hieght: 300 feet
Width: 100 feet
Mass: 5 million tons
Life Support Duration: 6 years.
Powerplant: Anti-matter, with a 4 year supply.
Black Market Price: LOL yeah right, thats a good one. you'd probably have better luck building one from scratch.

Weapon Systems:
Crystal Grav Generator effects- (can only be used by generators not applied to propulsion)

Gravitic sheilding:
generates a random distorsion feild around the ship, making the ship harder to hit. (-6 to strike for all attacks directed at the sheilded target.) the ship generating the feild can adjust its fire to compensate, and is not penalized. only one generator may be aplied to this task. gravitic sheilding reders the ship immune to gravitic pulses and charges.

Interdiction feild:
generates a low lever gravity well, countering the FTL drive of eneny ships. range of 5000 miles, in a sphere around the ship. only one generator may be applied to this task.

Gravitic Pulse:
Damage- 1d4x100
range- 1000 miles
ROF- once per melee, per generator
Payload- effectively unlimited.

Gravitic Charge:
Damage- 1d6x10 to a 1/4 mile radius.
Range- 1000 miles
ROF- once per melee, per generator
Payload- efectively unlimited.

Bombard Cannon Turrets (8 ):
3 guns per turret (each turret can be directed at a differnet target, or several turrets can be aimed at a single target for a devastating "broadside". a full broadside at one target means 24 shells at one target (with the blast radius of the reaction shells, thats 2400 to 14400 md!)

Damage: varies according to shell type.
Reaction Shell- Damage: 1d6x100 md
Blast Radius: 1 mile

Empion Shell- Blast Radius: 5 miles. leaves EM generating particles in a large cloud. any ship entering this cloud has a 60% chance of its electronics failing. (sensors go out, no control over flight, no weapons or sheilds.) variable sheild offer a degree of protection, (-20% chance).

Flak Shell- Damage: 1d6x10 md to all targets in a 1/2 mile radius.

Range- 50 miles (space)
Rate of Fire- autoloading system allows the guns to fire once per melee each.
Payload- 50 rounds per gun, in the turrets. an additional 200 rounds per gun are stored in cargo bays, but it takes 24 hours to reload the turret supply.

Point Defense Guns (48 )- Simple pulsed laser cannon. no more than 8 can be volleyed at any one target (due to targeting computer difficulties)
Damage- 5d6 md
Range- 4 miles
ROF- up to 4 times per melee
Payload- effectively unlimited

Kinetic Kill Missile Arrays (4):
Damage- 1d4x1000 md!
Range- 600 miles!
ROF- one per melee
Payload- 24 KK missiles per array.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

no comments?
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Unread post by Syndicate »

Nice idea. The gravity shield reminds me of the phase power "spatial distortion". It doesn't seem to have an complement of defensive fighters. Can the technology be applied to smallers crafts?
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Syndicate wrote:Nice idea. The gravity shield reminds me of the phase power "spatial distortion". It doesn't seem to have an complement of defensive fighters. Can the technology be applied to smallers crafts?


in fact, one of my next designs in line to be written for this is a carrier, and then at least 2 fighters.
likely they won't get all the same options though. (weaker gravitic attacks, or maybe not even available. fighters will pretty much just be propulsion and sheilds from their generators.)

these are for a race idea i had for 3 galaxies, the race is easy, new tech is harder.
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Unread post by Syndicate »

A new race you say? I expect you will be posting them upon completion as well? I'm curious as to what type of creatures would have developed this type of technology. Have they done any dealing with NE? Additionally, a small detail, but...what is the blast radius of a kinetic kill missile? (assuming there is one). I plan on "pirating" this idea.
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Unread post by finn69 »

it sounds like someone has been watching ALOT of starblazers to me. not to say that its a bad thing i loved that series. so on that note im guessing the fighters are going to be called either black tigers or astro-fighters depending on if you are doing the first or second series of 'blazers (i never had the pleasure of seeing the 3rd one) is the new race going to be the gamalons or the people of the comet empire?
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

A new race you say? I expect you will be posting them upon completion as well? I'm curious as to what type of creatures would have developed this type of technology. Have they done any dealing with NE?

i'm still working on the race (kinda seperated from many of my books right now), but i was planning a Bat-like race, from outside the 3 galxies proper. their galaxy was dying, so they piggy backed their planet onto a gas giant and did a massive scale sleep-ship intergalactic journey.

they're new, unknown, and use tech that the 3G's haven't really seen before.

Additionally, a small detail, but...what is the blast radius of a kinetic kill missile? (assuming there is one). I plan on "pirating" this idea.

none. its purely kinetic impact. like a rifle bullet. doesn't have much effect on anything other than the target.

in the 3G's, a KK missile isn't new (the TGE's "doomsday machine" uses them), just ones this effective. these are ship killers.

it sounds like someone has been watching ALOT of starblazers to me. not to say that its a bad thing i loved that series.

actually, never seen it. heard about it, and i though the name "argo" sounded nice. the SB-yamato did provide insperation for the weaponry (as did the RA from Super Atragon).
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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