Questions on the cosmic forge

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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

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Hey guys, I've GM'd a couple of games in the past with stuff like Free world council and tri-galactic military service but nothing epic concerning the cosmic forge. Well I started a new one and when I asked what they wanted in a game they said a save the galaxy, Magyver wanabe style game.

so either your players want to be munchkin, or they intend to build a working starship out of dirt and chewing gum.

Well I got a great storyline bunch of plot twists ect. but I have one problem. During the game I have to have the Main bad dude steal the forge for himself, and the players need to take it back. so my question is how do I get the evil guy to take the forge.

easy. it isn't the real forge. the "cosmic forge" the bad guy stole was actually some other uber-powerful relic/location (perhaps even like the "starforge" from KOTOR, or "the galactic ley line" from Outlaw star). then he just needs to discover the location, and the way to bring it under his control/use its power.

the real cosmic forge was probably never intended to be found in game. it always seemed more of a "we were loking for the CF, but found...." type plot hook.

Because The cosmic forge is sentient couldn't it just stop the guy or blow him away after he makes his wish like what happened to the one? I want to leave the forge as a sentient thing but if a do that a bunch of holes open up. Any help would be great.

who says he has to actually make his wish? perhaps the ritual that would allow him to use the power takes forever, and the players manage to stop him just in the nick of time, just seconds before he finishes, causing the ritual to fail and for the magic to feed back on the badguy.

or perhaps the "forge" sucks in the PC's and the villans, and the PC's have to reason with the badguy to stop, causing the CF to force the badguy to relive the deaths of every being caused by the last time it was used for evil (think Obi-wan sensing alderaan, only infinately stronger.....), thus shattering his mind. of course, the CF should fade away, to find a new hiding spot.
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

You will have to include some kind of "fake-out" in this game. Finding the real Cosmic Forge is like finding God.

Remember, from what little we now, the Forge san create ANYTHING. It is unbound by space and time. Chances are, the races of the Three Galalxies couldn't comprehend the Forge, even if they were standing nose to nose with it. They simply arn't advanced enough.

And, it's sentient...kind of like God. If it wants to be found, it will be. But no bad guy is ever, ever going to get his hands on it. The Forge is just too smart to let it happen...again.

As to why the Forge does things the way it does...who the hell knows? It's mind is operating on a level so far above ours...well, not to beat the comparison to death...but it's God-like. Why does God send angels as heralds and agents of his wrath in the Old testament, when he could just go Soddom and Gommorah on the world instead?

Interesting idea: if there was ever something so evil as to threaten the Three Galaxies, or indeed, the Forge itself, it would just wipe them out...rain fire and brimestone on it. However, that would be proof positive of the existance of the Forge, leading to a surge in Forge cults, religious wars, and the serach for the Forge...which is probabply why it does nothing most of the time...

As for why it takes so long, remember that long-lived races (gods, Splugorth, elves, Altess) have waaaaay longer to do things things...forever, in fact. They are simply not in the hurry that humans are. It seems slow to us, but what is slow when your lifetime may be trillions of years?
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

I think it's one of those artifacts in Thraxus' collection that he doesn't know anything about, in some corner of his artifacts room unlooked at for like 500 years.
"Oh, that old thing? Yes, it is shiny but doesn't really to do much... although, my Impaler doesn't seem overly fond of it. Still, it's never had to be dusted in all these years."
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Unread post by DhAkael »

Vrykolas2k wrote:I think it's one of those artifacts in Thraxus' collection that he doesn't know anything about, in some corner of his artifacts room unlooked at for like 500 years.
"Oh, that old thing? Yes, it is shiny but doesn't really to do much... although, my Impaler doesn't seem overly fond of it. Still, it's never had to be dusted in all these years."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Y'know, I think CJ Carrella actualy had that in mind for his long-range goals for the PW universe....and why he IS imortal. The Cosmic forge saw a sweet deal and excellent hiding place.
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

gadrin wrote:
Vrykolas2k wrote:I think it's one of those artifacts in Thraxus' collection that he doesn't know anything about, in some corner of his artifacts room unlooked at for like 500 years.
"Oh, that old thing? Yes, it is shiny but doesn't really to do much... although, my Impaler doesn't seem overly fond of it. Still, it's never had to be dusted in all these years."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thraxus: "That hunk of junk? I thought it was just a cheesy zippo some Burster/Psi-Mech made..." :eek:

and speaking of Thraxus does he seem a little conservative for a Godling ?

he isn't when you sit down and really look at him, but the author went the "no magic, no psionics route" with him and while he's got some nice MDC and that energy blast it seems that his rune items really give him the "ooomph" that his position carries... :lol:

now that was my "first impression" of him...what about you ?

Maybe in my campaign he'll be a news commentator. "The Thraxus Factor".
Eyes without life, maggot-ridden corpses, mountains of skulls... these are a few of my favourite things.

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