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Unread post by Iczer »

Zenvis wrote:
Iczer wrote:Evolver: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time to keep up with the times'

The character can perodically evolve into a higher state, becoming edgier and more advanced without losing him self in the process.
The character may evolve once, with an additional evolution possible every level.

Evolver goes up every level? You have got to be kidding. That could get out of hand.

I have lost a little sleep over that power. As a Major it's very underpowered, it scored a 34 on the powers test which leave sit really too small to be included in the majors.
I admit, the PB/MA bonus should be altered. Johnny 10th level would have a whopping +10 MA and +20PB.

Hows this look then........
Evolver: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time to keep up with the times'

The character can perodically evolve into a higher state, becoming edgier and more advanced without losing him self in the process.
The character may evolve once, with an additional evolution possible every level.
An 'evolutionary leap' can take the following forms
* Power swapping: the character can swap his powers around, as long as they bear at least a superficial resemblance to his prior powers.
* The character gains 1PB or 1 MA every time he evolves.
* The character may alter his appearance slightly every time he evolves
* The charactter can add or subtract a mutation, even if he is not a mutant
* Every time he evolves, he may reconfigure his HP (re rolll, and keep the new roll if higher) This reconfiguring heals him of all wounds.
* If the character dies while he has an evolution left in him, he may make a save vs coma/death upon his demise. If successful (needs to roll 50% or higher) he evolves, coming back from the dead with fresh HP after 1D4 Hours.
* May change alignment and personality when he evolves.
* Gains a d6HP every time he evolves.

The power only covers 3 angles
1) Extra attributes: at 1PB or MA per level now, It's fairly innocuous.
2) The shapechanging aspect is considerbly minor. a minor appearance alteration every level -Usable once- hardly impacts on the power at all
3) The survivability issue. 1D6 HP every level isn't very threatening compared with, say, Extraordanary PE which grants on avereage 100SDC as well as 1d4 extra HP per level as well as a boost to PE. The ability to reconfigure HP every time is usefull, but really isn't going to be usefull more than 25% of the time. the ability to possibly come back from the dead has a 50% fail rate (modified by high coma/death chance of course)
on top of all of it, the character is quite likely not to use one or two evolutions, just so he has the chance to come back.
The inspiration for the power is (embarrassing enough) good old Dr Who, BTW.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Iczer »

znbrtn wrote:
Iczer wrote:Alter Limb structure [Major] By Iczer
'Don't mess with Armory Buster!!!'


quick question, does this allow you to use ANY of the minor apsl options, or do you pick one?

edit: now that i think about it, i would give the player access to all of the powers, or else it would just be a dumbed down aps power... does that make sense?

Yes and No. as always, your milage may vary.
It was intended that the power select only one APS of limb as the basis. Yes it seems a little dumbed down, but not too much. The focus was on the limbs rather than the whole body, thus the increases in SPD, PS and PP rather than anything else. Compare it to one of the Animal abilities subsets rather than an APS and it looks better.

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Unread post by Iczer »

Zenvis wrote:
darkbrandon wrote:
Zenvis wrote:
Iczer wrote:Evolver: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time to keep up with the times'


Evolver goes up every level? You have got to be kidding. That could get out of hand.

Perhaps if the character just chooses 1 of these everytime he levels?

Now your making sense. I would not give all those bonuses every time they went up a level unless it was a mega power (a little beyond a major).

You must be kidding now. all those bonuses add up to three very toned down and wrung out minors.
I hardly see your logic on that point.
Johnny 10th level with this power has:
1) +10d6 HP. Peanuts compared to Ex-PE
2) +20 PB/+10 MA (pretty nasty, but on average only +5PB/+5MA in the revision)
3) Has rerolled his HP 10 times. seems powerful, but after the third or so time it stops actually being useful
4) Has changed his shape, mutations and alignment. If he wanted to 10 tmes.
5) Could have come back from the dead 10 times. BUT only if he saved his evolutions to coincide with his apparent death, and even then only if he succeeded in the coma death roll every time. If he didn't save it, then it doesn't help him in that regard. if he is saving it, then it's not helping him now.

Possibly a major power at best, though with the revision, I believe it rests in a minor slot. I can't imagine how it would equate to a mega.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Zenvis »

Iczer wrote:
Zenvis wrote:
darkbrandon wrote:
Zenvis wrote:
Iczer wrote:Evolver: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time to keep up with the times'


Evolver goes up every level? You have got to be kidding. That could get out of hand.

Perhaps if the character just chooses 1 of these everytime he levels?

Now your making sense. I would not give all those bonuses every time they went up a level unless it was a mega power (a little beyond a major).

You must be kidding now. all those bonuses add up to three very toned down and wrung out minors.
I hardly see your logic on that point.
Johnny 10th level with this power has:
1) +10d6 HP. Peanuts compared to Ex-PE
2) +20 PB/+10 MA (pretty nasty, but on average only +5PB/+5MA in the revision)
3) Has rerolled his HP 10 times. seems powerful, but after the third or so time it stops actually being useful
4) Has changed his shape, mutations and alignment. If he wanted to 10 tmes.
5) Could have come back from the dead 10 times. BUT only if he saved his evolutions to coincide with his apparent death, and even then only if he succeeded in the coma death roll every time. If he didn't save it, then it doesn't help him in that regard. if he is saving it, then it's not helping him now.

Possibly a major power at best, though with the revision, I believe it rests in a minor slot. I can't imagine how it would equate to a mega.


Ah, but the power with the help of minors could become grossly powerful. i would adjust it with consideration of the powers that are already available.
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Unread post by Iczer »


Like what exactly. ExPE perhaps?

* an average of 8 to the PE attribute
* an average of 100 SDC
* an extra average 10 HP, plus an extra D4 per level.

Or how about comparing Ex-PS to Superhuman PS. Both of which seem to qualify for identical minor power status. and for that matter sonar VS Radar. Warp sound for absorb sound (a major), Ultra hearing vs Heightened sense of hearing, Flight wingless vs Flight glide.

The list goes on. Heck, look at sidestep, a power that grants the owner a +8 to auto dodge, with the very dubious flaw...he must be able to move 1-2 feet...........?!?!

However with the intention of of keeping an open discourse, could I get some clarification as to why (everyone) seems to think this is too powerful?

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

Hmmm, I think Evolver is pretty cool. I love the idea (for some reason) of being able to add a mutation at every level (especially with Kittenstomp's Random Mutation Table of Doom floating around). The ability to swap powers every level could be cool but I'm not sure that I wouldn't limit it to swapping one of the character's powers with each evolution (but I'm still thinking about it). The ability to (potentially) survive death should carry some penalty mostly because it is a minor after all. The only thing I'm really not sure about is the HP reconfiguration ability. I'm not sure it really fits. Just my opinion. Other than that I think it's great.

Oh, btw Iczer, if you get the chance would you mind whipping up a Major version of Tractor Beam? I love the power and would really appreciate the upgrade (if you have the time that is).
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Unread post by znbrtn »

okay, here are a few that i've been working on...

melodic attunement(minor)
this character has an intuitive connection with music, granting him increased control over his body when he hears it.
bonuses(when music is present):
p.p. is increased by 2d4
p.s. is increased by 10 and is considered extraordinary
+1 attack per round, +2 to strike, parry, and dodge
bonuses(at all times):
naturally has a dance skill of 98%
+20% to play musical instrument

now as for this next one, i think it works pretty well, but i would like to add to it(especially on the second part). does anyone have any ideas?

war paint(major)
"just let me put my face on"
this character has the ability to empower makeup(or just about anything else you could consider makeup: mud, blood, etc...) for a number of uses.
to empower makeup, it takes 1 minute of concentration while holding a container of makeup, after which the character can use it for any of his war paint abilities. each empowerement produces 5 applications' worth of makeup.
below are the options for using on oneself.
one application takes one full melee round to apply andwill last for one hour per level of experience, or until removed. also, the character's body is only big enough to hold 3
applications at a time per 6 feet of height.
strength of body: the character gains +2 p.s. per level, which is considered superhuman.
strength of mind: the character gains +3 to save versus psionics and+10 i.q.
third eye: the character can see the invisible.
speed of body: the character gains +10 spd per level.
resiliance of body: the character gains 20 sdc per level and a natural armor rating of 13.
crushing blows: the character inflicts an extra 1d6 damage per level with his unarmed attacks and can withstand hazardous surfaces and objects without hurting himself.
resiliance of spirit: the character becomes resistant to magic, gaining +3 to save vs. any magic directed at him and takes 1/2 damage from magical attacks.
next are the applications that can be used on others.
each application takes 3 successful attacks if used on an unwilling target, but only takes two actions if used on a willing subject.

also, i've been wracking my brain as of late trying to figure out a power that would be similar to characters like (john carpenter's) the thing, the creatures in phantoms(Affleck was the BOMB in phantoms!), and other such characters/creatures.when i try to put random powers together to try for the desired effect, it just ends poorly..... does anyone have any ideas(lookin' at you, iczer :-P )?
Last edited by znbrtn on Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

znbrtn wrote:okay, here are a few that i've been working on...

melodic attunement(minor)
this character has an intuitive connection with music, granting him increased control over his body when he hears it.
bonuses(when music is present):
p.p. is increased by 2d4
p.s. is increased by 10 and is considered extraordinary
+1 attack per round, +2 to strike, parry, and dodge
bonuses(at all times):
naturally has a dance skill of 98%
+20% to play musical instrument

now as for this next one, i think it works pretty well, but i would like to add to it(especially on the second part). does anyone have any ideas?

war paint(major)
"just let me put my face on"
this character has the ability to empower makeup(or just about anything else you could consider makeup: mud, blood, etc...) for a number of uses.
to empower makeup, it takes 1 minute of concentration while holding a container of makeup, after which the character can use it for any of his war paint abilities. each empowerement produces 5 applications' worth of makeup.
below are the options for using on oneself.
one application takes one full melee round to apply andwill last for one hour per level of experience, or until removed. also, the character's body is only big enough to hold 3
applications at a time per 6 feet of height.
strength of body: the character gains +2 p.s. per level, which is considered superhuman.
strength of mind: the character gains +3 to save versus psionics and+10 i.q.
third eye: the character can see the invisible.
speed of body: the character gains +10 spd per level.
resiliance of body: the character gains 20 sdc per level and a natural armor rating of 13.
crushing blows: the character inflicts an extra 1d6 damage per level with his unarmed attacks and can withstand hazardous surfaces and objects without hurting himself.
resiliance of spirit: the character becomes resistant to magic, gaining +3 to save vs. any magic directed at him and takes 1/2 damage from magical attacks.
next are the applications that can be used on others.
each application takes 3 successful attacks if used on an unwilling target, but only takes two actions if used on a willing subject.

also, i've been wracking my brain as of late trying to figure out a power that would be similar to characters like (john carpenter's) the thing, the creatures in phantoms(Affleck was the BOMB in phantoms!), and other such characters/creatures. does anyone have any ideas(lookin' at you, iczer :-P )?

sounds a littel like the major dance power I provided to his site
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by znbrtn »

similar, but more focused on enhancing oneself than manipulating others. :D
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Unread post by Iczer »

Mr Scorpio wrote:Oh, btw Iczer, if you get the chance would you mind whipping up a Major version of Tractor Beam? I love the power and would really appreciate the upgrade (if you have the time that is).

Hmmm......I think a major version of Tractor beam would resemble Syndrome's 'zero point energy' beams. give me a bit to work on it (books are at home)

-[Power name]-
Witty Quote

the character has -[Insert brief description]-
1) ability one...a beam attack that entraps/entangles, possibly by creating some sort of Tau field details later
2) Ability TK, based on tractor beam principles. probably with the same mass affecting range as magnetism
3) Ability three... some sort of extra benefit. Probably the ability to use it as a means of propulsion, or maybe a more directly offensive application
4) Other abilities, probably a minor SDC boost

I wouldn't make it more powerful than the 'force blast' provided elsewhere (the major one, in the back of PU2 I think) in terms of effect but otherwise I'd be merging concepts of that power with tractorbeam and magnetism

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Iczer »

znbrtn wrote:also, i've been wracking my brain as of late trying to figure out a power that would be similar to characters like (john carpenter's) the thing, the creatures in phantoms(Affleck was the BOMB in phantoms!), and other such characters/creatures.when i try to put random powers together to try for the desired effect, it just ends poorly..... does anyone have any ideas(lookin' at you, iczer :-P )?

Jay and silent Bob is in the Hiz-house


"Hah...No...I wasn't even WITH a hooker today"

But seriously.

Pretty nasty power all considered. From face value it appears to incapacitate and destroy it's targets with a touch. Did you want it for a monster or an actual (porbably villain) power?

Corrupt Flesh [Major?!?! Mega?!?!] By Iczer
'Join us'

The character can transmit an insidious virus that exerts a paranatural control over it's targets.
1) By murdering a target, the character may transfer his essence into him. The target reanimates with a rudimentary sentience and begins a protean existence as part of the charactre colony. The newly risen victim retains his physical appearance at the time of death but otherwise functions as the deceased. The target retains his memories, but his skills function at a much more rudimentary level (-30%, retains only 1st level combat skills). The victim is loyal to the creator, performing tasks as required.
2) Abilities of victims: The transformed flesh of the newly raised is semi stable but otherwise does not betray it's existance (except the presence of wounds of course). It posesses the HP it posessed in life (even if injured) plus another 6d6. It's inhuman nature becomes apparent with injury though. The newly risen takes 1/3rd damage from sharp or peircing weapons and only half from blunt impacts, the flesh contorting and adapting to the damage. Any damage taken by purley physical force however is only temporary, recovering 1d6 HP every round until restored to their original state. Should the victim become dismembered, either by accident or choice, the individual parts come alive as seperate entities with thier own pool of 3d6 HP and half PE, sprouting limbs and sensory organs to accommodate. Critical hits are not possible against these beings. Bodies typically lose a permanent HP per week through attrition and so are never permanent, deforming over time and dissolving into protoplasmic goo eventually. other than age, the only true ways to kill these units is by energy attacks or obliteration (explosives). The units posess enhanced strength and aggression, gaining +1 to strikee and +2 to damage, plus an increase in PS of 5 points.
3) Transferral: any two victims may share information by simple touch. even a spot of blood left on a benchtop can be used to leave vital information for other 'units' to learn. The character himself can transfer infomation to his units as well in this manner
4) Immortality: if the character should die, his essence can transfer to another unit within 500 feet per level. the unit gains all the abilities of the character as he indeed becomes the character in all manners. the chracater may choose to keep the appearance and shape of the unit, but may revert to his own appearance at any time. The character has only the HP of the unit when he takes over, but may 'heal' back his SDC at his normal healing rates.
5) abilities of the original: the original unit (the character) has a much more solid profile than his units, but retains a fairly protean nature regardless. He takes half damage from kinetic sources, with wounds flowing and healing as he goes. he heals 1HP and 2 SDC per hour.
6) Merged creatures: Any two units (or any number of units and the original) may merge into a composite being, a fused mess of flesh and blood and limbs. such a creature posesses the highest PS, PP, PE and Spd of the combined individuals, plus 1 per extra unit in the mix, and the sum of all HP and SDC of merged units. every three units add an extra attack to the mix. this merging is permanent unles the original unit is involved (the original unit may resume his normal form by 'shedding' the unwanted flesh. this 'kills' the units involved. The original may also consume any of his subordinate units, killing them, but absorbing their remaining HP to heal himself.
7) Poisonous infection: the character can infect others, by force feeding them his flesh, or the flesh of his units (the units can perform this feature as well). Anyone swallowing this flesh must save vs poison (14+ PE bonuses count). failure to save means the character takes 1d6 HP damage. Worse, the flesh stays in the body, forcing a new save every hour (with the same damage). This ceases only when the victim: a) vomits up the flesh. this must be deliberate and involves the victim attempting to purge himself. (new save at 16+). b) Medical involvment (as a stomach pump or surgery) c) the victims death (which causes ressurection as a unit) or d) 3 days (plus one per level) passes (the flesh finally is digested. The flesh is also uncomfortable to have inside. the victim will be nauseous and ill while it is inside him, (-2 to combat abilities and -10% to skills).
Victims who are immune to poison are not immune to this, as it's a malignant semisentient organism attempting to kill from within. Victims who can digest anything (such as super consumption) are immune however, as are creatures and characters in altered physical states, or with inhuman biochemistry.
A unit can be cured however. The GM can decide exactly how this can be achieved. super science is an option, as is magic and psionics, but conventional even extraordary medical techniques are useless. there are a few conditions.
1) The body must be able to come back to life. If the character died from gross injuries, then a cure will only bring back a corpse.
2) The unit must be less than a month old. after that it has degraded too much to support independant life (see above)
3) The unit must not have been absorbed, consumed or merged with any other unit.
in any case, if any unit feels it may be reverted, it can simply detach it's own head and blow any chance of ressurection.

[I Know...long, but it needs to be detailed as so not to be overpowerful]

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Unread post by znbrtn »

VERY nice iczer. and indeed it is very complete... a character with that and a few select other powers(tentacles, body weapons/alterlimbs) would be perfect! thanks much for the power and great job. :D
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Unread post by znbrtn »

speaking of that kind of character, could you possibly whip something up for growing extra mouths, claws, eyes,arms etc. on different parts of the body(grow a gaping maw out of your arm, a gigantic working eye on your torso, an arm that pops out of your mouth, etc.)? :D
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Unread post by Zenvis »

Iczer wrote:Sigh

Like what exactly. ExPE perhaps?

* an average of 8 to the PE attribute
* an average of 100 SDC
* an extra average 10 HP, plus an extra D4 per level.

Or how about comparing Ex-PS to Superhuman PS. Both of which seem to qualify for identical minor power status. and for that matter sonar VS Radar. Warp sound for absorb sound (a major), Ultra hearing vs Heightened sense of hearing, Flight wingless vs Flight glide.

The list goes on. Heck, look at sidestep, a power that grants the owner a +8 to auto dodge, with the very dubious flaw...he must be able to move 1-2 feet...........?!?!

However with the intention of of keeping an open discourse, could I get some clarification as to why (everyone) seems to think this is too powerful?


You make a strong argument. I apologize for my previous statements. You have made your points and they are good ones. I retract my request and accept your work here as one of the new powers.
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Unread post by Iczer »

znbrtn wrote:speaking of that kind of character, could you possibly whip something up for growing extra mouths, claws, eyes,arms etc. on different parts of the body(grow a gaping maw out of your arm, a gigantic working eye on your torso, an arm that pops out of your mouth, etc.)? :D

Spontaneous mutation: [Minor - but open to discussion] By Iczer
'This is a robbery stupid, so don't give me any lip....I got all these mouths to feed!"

The character can spontaneously rewrite portions of his DNA, forming ancilliary but fully functioning organs.
1) Sprout features: the character can grow a variety of features across his body in any available configuration. Features include: Eyes, ears, noses, lips, mouths, fangs, hair, rectums, genetalia, birthmarks, fingernails and navels. The sudden changes can be frightening, and the character gan generate a HF of 13 (+1 at level 4 and again at level 8) all features are fully functional (ewwww) and can be removed at will. (note the character can also remove his normal features, becoming a blank slate if need be.
2) Malleate limbs: The character cannot grow additional limbs at will (he can generate extra fingers and toes), but he can manipulate the joints in his limbs at will. (making him double jointed, as per the mutation of the same name). the character can also compress one limb to augment the other. for every foot of length removed from one limb, another foot of length can be added to another. an elongated limb enjoys a +1 to strike and parry, while elongated legs add +6 to Spd. The limbs can also be shifted in position. a character could 'suck up' both his arms and cause a third to 'sprout' from his chest. malleated limbs allow +10% to all escape artist attempts as well as +6 to escape from holds and grapples.
4) Natural weapons: By growing extra long nails, giant fangs etc, the character can inflict 2d6 to opponents. A mouth that forms by bifurcating the whole head inflicts 3d6. a mouth that occupies the entire torso inflicts 4d6 and allows the character to add his PS bonus to bites.
5) Miscellaneous bonuses: the character heals at 3 times normal rate, and recovers from broken bones and damaged organs almost instantly. the character can vomit on command. he can grow or shed hair at will.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Power Beams
"hold it right there buddy"

the character has the ability to emit an energy beam that grabs and holds, rather than does damage specifically. Once grappled, the victim becomes held and subject to the character's..ahem...whims

1) Holding ray: Range: 100feet, plus 50 feet per level of experience.
Bonus to strike +3 with an aimed shot, +1 wild
Number of attacks: one to fire the beam, and one per melee to maintain it.
Effect: the target if hit will be trapped in an energy field that supsends activity. The character can think, and speak, but is otherwise unable to move. He can turn powers on and off, but cannot aim or direct them in any fashion. Note that psionics, and pseudo psionic powers are able to be directed and 'aimed'.
Breaking free: Teleportation is the easiest escape. Other than that the character can, once per melee by flexing his muscles. (roll a contest of PS attributes. the holding ray has a PS of 35 (superhuman) +5 every even level. Anything that interupts the beam cancels the power, so force fields are helpful. anything that causes the character to lose concentration also cancels the beam.
2) Lifting and pushing: The beam also lifts and hurls opponents. the beam has an effective PS of 35 (+5 every second level) for the purposes of moving weight. The character can exert push or pull on the subject and can swivel the targets position as need be, out to the maximum range (100 feet +50 feet per level) Targets may be hurled into objects, but unless released at the point of impact, they are somewhat shielded by the characters own power (see below). Slamming a foe into a wall does 6d6+10 damage. The character can use this ability to pull himself toward something, as long as it exceeds this powers carrying capacity. Throwing an item at an opponent requires one action to grab and another to throw.
3) Force and pressure: The beam can alos be used as a form of attack. the character can strike foes or targets within range at +3 (+1 if wild) for 4d6 damage. As an alternative the character can shoot this beam, straight down, and propell himself to the upper range of this power. In this fashion the character can move at triple normal speed on what appear to be stilts of energy.
4) Other abilities: 4d6 SDC

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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okay, here's one for you, iczer. remember those old shooter games(gradius, last resort, etc..)? if you could, i'd like to see a satelite type power inspired by such games(probably a major). :?
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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znbrtn wrote:okay, here's one for you, iczer. remember those old shooter games(gradius, last resort, etc..)? if you could, i'd like to see a satelite type power inspired by such games(probably a major). :?

:-o You know....I'm not sure what you are after there....can you give more specific examples (never heard of either gradius or last resort)

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Played KotoR2? Id think something like the floating drone Bao-Dur has would be a fun place to start with the request and is pretty similar in nature to the gradius "drones". Maybe a floating flame-wreathed skull...
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Gozeinya wrote:Ok here is a illy kind of a power i got afetr wacthing a Bug's bunny cartoon today.

Major Power.


This is the ability to reach into other parts of the universe and ‘snatch’ items and bring them back into the user’s world. Once the player has decided what they want they open a small portal, reach in and pull the item out. The items the player can take can be anything non organic and will only remain for 30 seconds per level of the character. All item ‘yoinked’ will be real item that operate in the normal way, do the same damage and have all the properties they would normally have. So a character that reaches into their portal and pulls out a rocket launcher will have exactly that a real rocket launcher. Once the time limit is up the items blink back to where they came from. Any damage/effects done by the items are real and remain after the item returns to its original place. A bullet won’t remain in its target if a gun is ‘Yoinked’ and then the gun returns but the damage it caused will remain.

The character can only bring back 500kg per level of experience.
Items that are on others cannot be ‘Yoinked’. So if the player is up against an opponent with a magical sword they cannot reach into their portal and take it, however they can reach in and pull out an exact copy without the original sword powers. The sword the player ‘Yoinks’ will be a fully functioning sword doing normal sword damage.
Organic matter cannot be ‘yoinked’ so a character cannot reach in a pull out a hamburger.
The exact nature of the ‘Yoink’ is left up to the player and can be anything, such as creating a magical door, having the items appear into their hands, reaching into their back pocket and then pulling out a car.

Duration: 30 seconds per level.

Range: Self.

Weight: 500KGs per level.

Damage: Special see above.

I love this power. Just a question you really mean 1100Lbs per level? Is that a bit excessive or do you want automobiles being 'yoinked'?

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Gozeinya wrote:Well i was thinking about this and i though all items would be weightless untill brought into the characters world. Also with this weight players could bring cars, planes whatever they can think off out of their portal, it wouldnt realy matter as the item would return in a few moments. One drawback i thought about would be if a villian had this power they could pull out nuke's and use then all the time.

heh heh..good enough, it just seems like a lot of weight/mass.

a few questions:
1) you mention that a weapon's projectile returns with the weapon. does this reconstitute the round? (IE does the scattered primer, casing and round reform inside the gun when they all return from whence they came?.) If so, does being 'snaped back' at duration's end repair any damage done to the item?

2) Can the character specify what he wants when grabbing? (IE: Does he grab a pair of panties if he wants them, or can he specifically grab 'Madonna's panties').

3) can he ask for real but ridiculous things? (Your explanation says he can grab a nuke. could he also grab excaliber (providing that he knows there is a real excaliber) or 'the holy grail')

thats about it. I still LOVE this power though

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Absorb Superhuman energies [Major] By Iczer

The character absorbs the energies supplied by superhumans and thrives upon their uses. In instances with this character, the 'fight fire with fire' mentality will only make him stronger.
1) Feed on superhuman energy: The character actually needs the presence of superhuman energy to survive. The character needs at least one hour per day in close proximity in order to survive. In this instance close proximity can be read as ' within 50 feet'. this hour can be spread out throughought the day. if contact is more 'intimate' (such as partners or even lovers) then the time required is as little as 15 minutes a day. Any use of superhuman powers on this character by another instantly provides the day's intake of sustenance. After 3 days without feeding, the character begins to weaken. drop PS and PE by 2 points every 6 hours after this 3 day period is up, and the character fatigues at twice normal rate. when PE has dropped to half (and it can drop no lower) the character loses HP at one per hour until he dies or comes into contact with superhumans.
2) Superhuman protections: the character is somewhat immune to the depredations of other superhumans. The use of superhuman powers on this character are impeded greatly. Powers that deal damage only inflict half damage upon this character, as he feeds on the energy forming the power. Superpowers that don't deal damage see their effects reduced by half, and durations are reduced by half, or to one melee whichever is less. This power doesn't actually negate raw offensive effect. Pounding on the character with Ex-PS will still hurt like the dickens, and claws remain sharp and pointy. BUT supernatural strength WILL see it's damage reduced in half. Also note that some sensory abilities will be effected as well. He can still be seen and heared with heightened versions of senses, but he is impervious to senses that involve the character himself (sense death and destruction, danger sense and x-ray vision for example)
3) Bypass defences: The character ignores some of the AR's produced by superhuman powers as long as he is within feeding range (50 feet). at first level he ignores 2 points of AR. at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15 AR is also effectivly reduced by 1. If the target is otherwise resistant to the incoming attack it will do full damage, if he is immune he will take only half damage..
4) Disable power. While unable to negate the abilities of others directly, he can cancel and negate the effects. The character rolls a d20 and adds his level and his ME to the result. the power originator rolls a d20 plus his ME. if the character wins, then the power's is cancelled out. In the case of direct damage attacks, the player may roll a parry instead, adding a +4 from the use of this power, as well as any bonuses for high ME, and compares the roll against the incoming attack. if successful, then the attack fizzles. [Fire Master hurls a ball of flame at the cowering hostages rolling a 14 to hit. Nearby The astounding sponge rolls a d20, adds 4 plus 2 from his ME (18) and scores a 16. the fireball fizzles out of existence. Later in the day Iceshard has frozen The astounding sponge in ice and left him to suffocate. The sponge rolls a d20 plus his level (4) and adds his ME (18) and scores a total of 34. Ice shard rolls a d20 plus her ME (12) and gets a 28. The ice falls off Spongeboy.]
5) Other abilities: The character can recognise superhumans by walking within feeding range (50 feet) with a 45% +4% per level chance of recognising them by their 'taste' alone. He can also recognise them by thier spoor left behind them at half normal chance. he cannot track by this sense however.
Immeadiately after feeding, and for the next 12 hours, the character enjoys a bonus of +4 PE, +4 ME and +1D4x10+40 SDC (roll once every feed)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Mental feedback [Minor] By Iczer
'Telepth huh...I bet that hurt'

The character's brain generates a kind of pseudo psychic jolt whenever any sort of mental channels are opened to him. In short, whenever targeted with a psychic power (or any pseudo psychic powers such as transferral/posession and mental stun) this energy leaps back across the connection and smites the originator.
Damage: Inflicts 4d6 at first level, with a further 1d6 damage at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. This is the 'psychic equivilant' to touching live electrical wires.
Duration: instantaneous
Other benefits: enjoys a +2 to ME, and a +1 to save vs Psychic powers or pseudo psychic abilities.
A note on victims:The victim gains no dodge nor any save vs the damage, though if he has any resistance to electrical energy it will apply here. Also, maintaining the power will transfer an additional dose of damage once per melee round. Biomanipulation for example, inflicts this damage once even though the power persists for several minutes. Telepathic eavesdropping however inflicts damage every round until dropped. Danger sense warns the potential victim before any such power is triggered.

Skillwarden [Minor] By Iczer
'Yeah I said we needed a mechanic, we just don't have to pay him'

The character can acquire the skills an aabilities of those around him, copying reflexes and memories of skills directly into the character's nervous system.
The character gains the skill of all around him within 100 feet per level. If he does not already posess this skill, he gains it at 25%. Otherwise he gains skills at +1% per level, with a bonus of +1% for every person in range that posesses that skill.
The character's muscles and reflexes do not alter to accommodate though. Physical skills are gained without physical alteration. The target also gains generic and nonspecific memories of those around him as well. he is at home with a stranger's kitchen, instinctively knowing where the good china is kept (as long as the stranger is in range) but the character cannot pick up passwords, combinations, or specific memories.
This power can be directed at a single target. while not usefull for information gathering, a quick scan of individuals can pick up unnusual details (The older portly man on the left has 8th level in ninjitsu and 4th level WP Rifle?!?!?)
Likewise this power has limited utility in combat. apart from being able to guage an opponent''s fighting skills and level, the character gains a +1 to parry, dodge, roll and initiative vs living foes.

Relive days [Minor] By Iczer
'Been there..done the deja vu to prove it'

The character relives days, at apparent random intervals. Mechnaically speaking, this is extremely difficult to work with. -[Note the following are suggested mechanical methods for dealing with the issue]-
On any given game day, there is a 1 in 10 chance that the character has already lived through it. The GM can provide details of any upcoming events that are definately going to happen. This can short cut a lot of evidence gathering and can alter the very fabric of any plot. The character simply wakes up with the day to come's synopsis already in his head. -[note that this means the day doesn't have to be played out twice.]- However, knowledge of a future is not necessarilly knowledge of THE future. changes made early on may have as catastrophic or benign effects as the GM chooses.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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OMG...this thread is nearly sliding off the dang page!!!!

Cannot let that

Wuxia Fan [Minor] By Iczer
'Your crouching tiger is no match for my slap my biatch up'

The character has a seemingly adroit ability to move in air. on the ground, he is just as nimble as any other man, but by simply leaping upwards, he gains the grace of a gazelle.
1) Immunity from falling: The character canot be harmed from any fall while he is awake and alert. any fall of under 20 feet per level may be walked away from. Any fall from over that distance is treated inflicts a mere 1 point of damage per 20 feet (half with a roll with punch/fall/impact)
2) Movment through air: after the character leaves the ground, his grace and balance improve immensely. when not touching the ground, the character enjoys a +4 PP, and a basic sense of balance of 45% +5% per level (Or +15% to any existing sense of balance). additionally, the character 'hangs' in space, seeming to float through the air rather than fly. he may also leep 8 feet per level, up or across. while in the air, he is +2 to dodge.
3) Limitations: The character can stay airborne for one action per level, and needs to contact with the ground (or another solid surface). this contact constitutes as an 'action', but may be combined with another action, such as kicking a foe. While airborne, the character cannot change direction without kicking off from another object. lastly, this movement is slower than the character's normal speed, reduce his Spd in half while in the air.
4) Stunts: possible applications for this power include:
* Movement without tracks. a third level character using this power need only touch the ground every 3 actions (or not at all if he can 'bounce' off other objects) this makes him dastardly hard to follow.
* Combining it: as long as the character remains moving at under half his Spd attribute, he may combine the bonuses from this power with any provided by any flight power
* Walk on water: The character needs to touch down every so often. by making a sense of balance check, he may consider any relatively flat, slow moving or stationary water to be a solid surface.
* Quiet: by moving in this fashion, the character makes little noise. adds +20% to prowl (as long as noise is his only concern). also his ability to move through thei air with grace adds +10% to acrobatics, tumbling, dance and climb.

Bodily resistance: [Minor] By Iczer
'Ow ow and that all you've got?'

The character's body resists cutting and maiming for as long as his SDC holds out. As long as the character has ANY SDC remaining, it is presumed that all damage has resolved as merely bruising and fatigue. This has a number of practical applications:
1) The character's skin is proof against cutting and peircing. Darts do not penetrate, razorwire does not cut, thorns do not puncture etcetera.
2) The character is immune to shock and stun from otherwise harmless effects. shuriken do not stun him (and if poisoned cannot deliver thier payload) nether do caltrops slow him down. In addition, while he has any SDC remaining, he ignores oe point of damage from cutting or impaling wounds per dice. this includes bullets and lasers, but not strictly blunt force.
3) The character also heals SDC at a faster rate, healing one SDC per hour. Becuase damage from attacks get dispersed throughout his entire body, he can safely 'shoot himself in the head' or throw himself on a grenade without any extra harm (aside from the raw damage though).
4) these abilities vanish as soon as he is depleted of SDC

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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thagema wrote:
the drunken werebear wrote:lure

the superpowered character is able to induce the a feeling of euphoria in a victim which will cause the victim to follow the charcter almost anywhere. in order to save the charater must beat a 16 or higher plus mental endurance bonuses or be forced to physically stop following the villian othrwise the victim could follow the character to the ends of the earth.

elemental travel

the character is able to pick one of the four traditional elements (earth air fire water maybe even plant) and use it to travel short distances in the blink of an eye. in order for the power to work the being must have the element present in the area and can onyl travel thirty feet using the element. the area the character dissapears into must be of appropriate size but the one he reappers out of can be of any size. (within reason people probably should not be popping out of grains of sand or sparks from an ignitor) the distance is 20ft plus 5 per levl and allows for quick escapes

I'm not sure, but I think something similar to this has been done. I'll let AJ decide that one.

I like the Elemental Travel. It's alot like the shadow step ability, though it does need a little more work, but it has some potential.

i agree. it creates a very neat mental picture, and goes very well with what is already around(shadow stepping). :D
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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the drunken werebear wrote:
AJ Pickett wrote:Well this thread is officially over.

give me the paddle stat


gonna need atleast two new powers in the next 24 hours

god wheres iczer when you need him

I hear oh mighty werebear, and I obey.

Heaven forfend I upset our resident Lycanthrope

Bubble field [Minor] By Iczer
'Hate to burst your bubble fella.'

The character can create a circular immobile field around himself, creating a flat bottomed sphere that repels physical force as well as many forms of energy.
1) Size: the bubble is 4 feet across (radius) and grows an extra foot in radius per level. Creating this field forces all items withijn range to be flung away. the character's clothing is excused, as owuld be anyone the character were holding *very* closely but otherwise, all objects within range are flung outwards, inflicting 2d4 damage from the force. Immovable objects, such as objects weighing several tons, or solid walls, cause the bubble to burst (see below)
2) Bursting the bubble: the bubble has a virtually unlimited supply of SDC and simply cannot be broken. However as the field is suspended by the character's will, any damage that is inflicted against the field strains the willpower of the user. After any attack hits the field, compare the damage to the character's ME. If the damage is lower, then the field remains. if it is higher, the character needs to make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply). Every 6 points of damage in excess of the character's ME increases the save difficulty by +1. If and when the field goes down, the character is stunned for 1d4 melee rounds (cannot perform any meaningful actions, and defends at -4)
3) Mobility: typically the field is immobile. at 5th level, the character can choose to make the field mobile. in this field the character can move at double his normal speed by 'rolling' inside the field, but he is required to make a sense of balance check every 100 yards or fall. moving at half speed removes the need for this roll. Remember, the field has to be shut down for the character to move through narrow openings. Also a mobile bubble is vulnerable to knockback. Any damage inflicted is increased by 50% when considereing how much knockback is to be considered.

Tap camera [Minor] By Iczer
'Don't pull nuthin' fancy now, I got eyes everywhere'

The character can tap into nearby cameras and microphones, reviewing information from a variety of sources, including those of his enemy.
1) Locate source: the character can feel the location of microphones and cameras within 45 feet, plus 15 feet per level. This is instant if the device is actually working at the time. The character is immeadiately aware when such a device is nearby, including bugging and other surveilance devices that recieve and transmit or record. It also includes bionic ears and eyes.
2) Tap source: when he has identified a source, he may simply eavesdrop on it. The character can tap one device per level without confusing his senses with multiple perceptions. In this fashion, he can eavesdrop on telephone calls, examine the footage being taken by a nearby TV camera, observe the line of sight of a security camera, or have a heads up when a cyborg spots a team mate.

Power Hose
[Minor] By Iczer
'SQUIRT?! I'll show you squirt'

The character can touch a source of water and propell it forcefully in a direction of his choice. The character can shift 10 gallons per action, plus 2 gallons per level. The character can fire this liquid up to 60 feet plus 15 per level. when used to strike a specific target, the character has +4 to strike (no bonus if a wild shot). 5 gallons propelled at force inflicts 1d4 damage.
At 4th level, the character can propell sand, dust, dirt and other particulate matter. the amount hurled is significantly less (half) but the damage is greater (1d4 per 3 gallons)

Microwave vision: [Major] By Iczer
'Heat vision? HA!..You wish'

The character can generate microwave energy inside himself and expel it from his eyes with innate and terrible targetting.
1) Microwave burst: a powerful burst.
Attacks: Once per melee action.
Range: 500 feet +25 feet per level.
Duration: instant
Bonus to strike +3 with aimed shot, +1 wild
Effect: 1d6x10 +5 per level. plus see #4 for special effects

2) Concentrated blasts
Attacks: once per melee action
Range 700 feet +25 feet per level.
Duration: instant
Bonus to strike: +6. +9 if the character expends 2 actions to aim. unable to be used wild.
Effect: 3d6 +1d6 per level. Plus see #4 below for special effects

3) Mini pulses
Attacks Once per melee action
Range 200 feet +10 feet per level.
Duration: instant
Bonus to strike +2. shots are considered wild
Effect: 2d6 per pulse. Plus see #4 below. This ability produces 3 rapid fire pulses from the eyes. the character can roll to hit a single opponent (damage is as a short burst, IE x2) or can be split to hit multiple opponents (3 strike rolls)

4) special effects: Microwaves boil liquid, causing the most damage to normal, living beings. innanimate objects take half damage, minus their AR (so 40 damage to a character with aps Stone (AR 16) will take 20, minus his 16 AR. Microwaves penetrate worn armour very well though. Natural AR's over an otherwise flesh and blood body are considered to have their AR rated at 4 points lower. Worn armour is next to useless unless metal. A strike under the AR of worn armour causes half damage to the armour and half to the wearer. Machines (including robots, cyborgs and superinventions) are particularily injured by this, taking double normal damage.

5) Other abilities: the character can see microwaves, and to a much lesser extend other forms of radiation. He can see microwave transmissions as well as active microwaves. He can emit a low level of light that illuminates like a torch. The character is resistant to heat and radiation (half damage/effect from either)

Gas absorbption and expulsion [Major?] By Iczer
'So tell me again why I can't call myself "the Gassman?"'

The character can absorb and then expel gasses. Working like a gas sponge, the character can utilise gasses (of which there are plenty) in a variety of methods
1) Flight: by absorbing and then expelling gas, the character can propell himself through the air with a speed of 3d6+20, plus 5 per level. The character is +2 to dodge while in the air. the character cannot fly while in a vacuum, nor underwater
2) Negate gas attacks: with a wave of his hand, the character can absorb clouds of gas up to 50 feet away, safely stroing them inside himself. the character can absorb a 10ft cube every level of gas, to be released or negated at a later date. when used against a character transmuted to gas (including vampires in mist form) the recipient takes 1d4x10 damage and must save vs stun (14+) or revert to human shape.
3) Recreate gas attack: any gas attack the character has stored, he can create again at a later date.
4) Immunity to gas attacks: the above ability notwithstanding, the character has an instinctive ability to absorb only the gasses he can breathe, while excluding any he cannot. Gasses that affect the character through the skin are similarily ignored.

Sever: [Minor] By Iczer
'prepare to make pain your friend'

The character generates a field that assistas in the cutting of any matter he contacts with. Bare handed, he inflicts 2d6+10 damage as cutting wounds (add PS damage bonus). this is a disruptive attack that splits matter. As such it ignores natural Armor ratings.
This power has two particular weaknesses. The first is opponents who are invulnerable. Invulnerable opponents take 1d6+5 damage per hit, regardless of actual PS bonuses.
Shapeshifters are another concern and are able to recover from the rending this power entails. shapeshifters are immune to extra damage caused by this power (but not any extra damage delivered by PS bonus). in the same vein, characters in mist or water form remain immune to this power.
Forcefields are impervious to this power. they are not made of matter.

Share life force [Minor] By Iczer
'Giving is so much better than recieving'

The character can simply give away his HP to others, in order to stabalise the dying and to bolster the living but injured. Transferring HP works at a 1:1 rate. Giving a person HP when they are injured, but not out of SDC, each HP becomes 2 SDC.
Other bonuses:
Character can survive to double his PE below zero before he passes on.
Character gains +1D4 PE
Character Gains 3D6 HP

Will over body [Minor] By Iczer
'Ughhh..mind control hurts like a biatch'

The character has the ability to resist psychic (and to a lesser extent toxins and magic) by sacraficing his body mass, effectively creating the conditions for resistance from his own fleash and blood.
Effectively, whenever the character fails a save vs psionics (against a psionic power or a pseudo psionic super power) he may inflict damage upon himself rather than submit to the effect. this burning of flesh and matter inflicts as much damage as half the save result required. (most psionics need a 16, so this inflicts 8 damage)
Toxins may also be negated in this fashion, as can diseases, and many effects of magic. the character, upon failing a saving throw, burns off as many HP as the save requires.

Burst [Minor] By Iczer
'Ok guys..I can do this i justneedtospeeduprellyrellfst'

The character Mass produce chemicals in his body and pump up his reflexes and reaction time for very short bursts. When the character performs this feat (which takes an action) his PS and Spd attributes double for one melee round (plus one additional round at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15). apart from all other bonuses, the character also gains a +6 to initiative and an extra 2 actions for the affected melee round (s). When the burst ends, the character slows back down. the character is fatigued for the next 20 minutes (half speed -2 to combat attributes, minus one action per melee and -10% to all skills). The burst can be performed safely once per day per level. Any 'unsafe' bursts involve taking 3d6 HP per melee for the duration of the burst.

Planetary: [Major] By Iczer
'I'm a True child of mother earth. I am born anew each day'

The character can simply become one with the planet by touching bare earth with an uninterupted reach to the core (a box of dirt will not suffice) he can sink into it and disperse throughout it's mass. while 'submerged' the character is unaware of normal events on the surface, but becomes attuned to the movements within, feeling the sloshing of the molten core, as well as earthquakes and volcanoes as they move. The character has no control over these events. The character may emerge anywhere on the earths surface after submerging in this fashion (but is unaware what's around his point of return) But he cannot go through concrete, roadworks, trees, steel or any man made surface. (He may appear in the gobi desert or on everest just fine, but not in any reliible location in chicago. The character requires a minute to collect his thoughts after submerging, but may stay under for an indefinate period, healing at 3 times normal rate while submerged and is effectively 'resting' the whole time.

Teleport variant: Summoning [Major] By Iczer
'Aha!...I may look like I'm all alone..but with a wave of my wrist...presto..instant goon!'

The character can teleport or be teleported on command. By touching another he can forge a link to them, via quantum tunnelling, that allows him to travel to his location at any time. This link must be consensual, and either party can cancel it at any time, and moving out of it's range automatically severes the link.
Range: 1 mile per level.
Effect of the link: The link allows three different effects.
1) The character may teleport to his target. this is instant teleportation. The target is not forewarned in this instance of the character's immanent arrival (except perhaps by telephone or other long range communication). Likewise, the character has no normal idea of the arrival conditions. The character always arrives safely as long as the target has a free space for him to do so within 10 feet.
2) The character can summon the linked partner. In this instance, there MUST be a safe place for the target to arrive. the target gets a buzzing as this occurs, and may choose to ignore it. If ignored, then the character may try again. To ignore a second summoning within a minute, the target must save vs summoning (14+ ME bonuses count)
3) The character can set a condition that triggers one of the above effects. Dropping below 0 SDC, taking fire, being shot at etc are all acceptable. this is done when the link is made.
The character can have only one link active at any time, and only to living, sentient beings. he gains another link at levels 4,8 and 12.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Hyperion wrote:Umm ya...

Did you have those powers saved up in your back pocket or did you just spam those outta your brain on a whim?

Either way....Cool! :ok:

I like the one that lets you merge with the Earth.

Thanks Man.

No I saw your request, so I wrote these up. If they are well recieved I'll copy and paste them into my folders at home, and they will sneak into my campaign(s).

So yeah..mostly whim..though
* Bubble field looks a lot like Violet's (Incredibles) force field power
* Power hose is probably inspired by the reed richards manoevre from the fantastic four movie
* Gas absorption comes straight from the incredibles special feature disc

so I'm guessing I just file new stuff away for future plundering...err..plagerising...umm....use.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Anchor [??] By Iczer
'You keep dissing me boy..but at the end of the day, I'm still here, and I aint leavin' 'till you respect me."

The character has the innate ability to disrupt extra dimensional movement in his vicinity, both saving himself and hindering others.
1) personal immunity. The character cannot be teleported against his will. nor can items or objects be teleported into him. His body projects a field that stops those particular effects from occuring. Likewise, temporal movement and dimensional travel are also prevented on his person unless he specifically allows it to function. any attempt to move him in the above fashions simply fail. objects that attempt to materialise inside or partway through him are shunted violently aside. a side effect of this abilityt prevents phased or intangible objects from solidifying inside him.
2) Area affect: with a surge of will, the character can pump out his innate immunity to a radius of 30 feet +20 feet per level. anyone inside this area will be unable to teleport, dimensionally teleport, bend space or travel through time. (arguably, he may also prevent 'hyperspace' type travel as well). anyone attempting to teleport into the area of effect treats the area as 'unfamiliar and unknown'. at best, the teleporter will stop short of the area of effect. performing this feat simply takes a little concentration, and the expenditure of one action per round.
3) Focused negation: by expending an action,the character can target a foe up to 300 feet away (+25feet per level). this can be performed as a reaction to a teleport. the target, must roll a d20 and add his ME bonus (if any) and his level, and compare it with the character's same roll. if the target scores higher, then the teleport continues (at 50% range..he arrives halfway there). if the character succeeds, then the teleport is aborted. think of this as a type of teleport parry. the character gains a +1 bonus to this roll at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14.

Machine mimic [Major] By Iczer
'Thats me alright...the all in one entertainment system. I'm a loudspeaker, portable DJ, and even coffee machine...eww...hold on...I think I'm getting a fax...'

The character has the ability to mimic the functions of everyday machines, by contorting his body to create bio-mechanical structures to mimic their form. This shapeshifting is as minor as possible, to avoid stress on the body, and is in response to nearby machinery rather than whim.
Range: 60 feet
Duration: a mimiced form can be held for one 3 hours per level.
Number of functions: the character can only mimic one device, plus another one at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
Effect: the character shifts and twists form so that his body can duplicate the effects of a single machine. the character remains flesh and blood, and for the most part resembles his normal self. however the changes that do occur may be..disturbing.
Mass limits: The character is limited by mass. at first level, he may only mimic things that mass as much as himself. Every level, this increases by 25%. If the machine in question requires fuel or matter to function, then the expenditure of a HP acts as a single reload for the item (this is a GM call though.)
Information limits: The character normally cannot copy the information in a mimiced device. at 4th level, if the character touches the device to be mimiced, then the character copies the information as well. this does not grant the ability to decipher codes and passwords though.
Damage limits: if the character is mimicing weaponry, the maximum damage possible is 20 per level, or the damage of the weapon mimicked.
Defensive limits: if the character mimic's power armor, (normal armour does not count as a machine), then Any AR gained is natural, but starts at an AR of 11 at first level, and then rises by one at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14. If the device provides a force field, it's maximum capacity is 15 points per level.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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znbrtn wrote:now, on to my question. how would you handle a major version of alter physical structure of limb? also, what other transformations of limbs can you think of?

Personally, I would allow for all of the different transformations. So you could turn your arm into anything on the list(or leg, or whatever you have). Probably limit it to one limb at first level, a second at 5, the third at 10, and the fourth at 15. If you can alter the structure of more than one limb, then they can be different things if you choose.
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I've been gone a bit, but I did do some new power write-ups while I had time. The first one is obviously a silly power.

God Mode(major)
A gift for the video game junkie. When this power is activated, the user and any equipment they are carrying(including clothes and the various large weapons these supers usually have) are unaffected by any and all sources of damage. Nothing at all, even nuclear weapons and spells of legend, can scratch the character even a little bit. If the spell, psionic, or super power has a save, then assume the character passed with flying colors. If it doesn't, then assume it doesn't affect them at all. Yes, this character can wade through anything and everything unscathed. At the end of whatever conflict, their hair is still perfect, their clothes are still dignified(if they were to begin with), and their health is still what it started out as. Of course, there is a downside to this.
Disadvantages: Hefty. There is a reason why this power is rarely used, even though the benefits are tremendous. Experience. Any encounter with an opponent, where this power is used, automatically nets no experience points to any character involved. Yes, this applies to all the characters in the party(even GM-ran pseudo-NPCs).
Notes:So, yes, the characters finally run into the main NPC and work some complicated plan into the action and defeat him. No experience! Why? Someone turned on God Mode during the big fight and it ceased being any kind of challenge. Sadly enough, this applies retroactively. So, if the entire campaign is directed towards uncovering and defeating a specific someone(or group, or extraterrestial biomass, or pan-dimensional law firm, or negative parallel universe version of a character, or magically created emotional entity, or multi-dimensional imp, or genetically engineered super killing machine made by some random alien scientist, or any other critical plot point not covered), and someone turns on God Mode during some conflict, no experience points are gained by anyone who did anything to further the plot.

This strange ability allows the user to change their physical dimensions and appearance to enter physical, artistic, media. While the different types of paintings, posters, and photographs are endless, any two-dimensional artwork can be 'entered'. The user's physical appearance changes to reflect the type of art they are entering(so if they jump into a surreal painting they look surreal, a black and white photograph makes them look like they were originally there when the photo was taken, etc...). All of the character's senses, even those granted by super powers and other methods. The limit to the amount of equipment/belongings they can bring with them is only 5lbs per level of experience, not including basic clothing(and this means basic! No saying powered armor or heavy body armor is basic clothing; shirt, shoes, undergarments, and pants/shorts.). In this form they can still take damage, but any damage taken is reduced to one third of normal, with some exceptions. Anything which outright destroys the artwork they are hiding in(like chemicals which would melt the paint off something) cause the character to be expelled and revert to their normal appearance.
Size Cosniderations: The size limit on how big the artwork must be for the person to enter, at a minimum, is an average size painting. I don't know the dimensions of the average painting, so if someone can let me know I'll edit this later.
Bonus!: Well, kind of. By trading in either a minor power selection, 3 normal psionic selections, or a skill program, the user can forgo the size restrictions. Basically, they can jump onto a stamp if they wanted to cheaply travel to another area. Of course, travelling on a stamp with 5lbs per level of material can make smuggling rather easy.
Note: As a side note, the character does not replace anything of the artwork. Basically, they are added in. This means you could not hide in the painting of Whistler's Mother effectively because it would show you in the scene. Rather busy paintings, or lesser known ones, can make things easier since most people will not notice the difference.

APS: Contained(major)
This power is two APS powers in one. There is an outside shell with certain properties, and an interior. The properties given for the two parts are vague and non-specific mainly to just give generic numbers to represent the incredible amount of possibilities. So one person with this power could have a rocky looking exterior with a molten interior, another person a metal/high tech looking exterior and the interior be composed of varying sizes of broken glass.
1. The Shell: This is the container, providing a degree of protection for the person. This shell has an SDC of 180 +10 per level of experience. It also has a natural AR of 13 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. The only requirements for the shell is that it is made of a solid material. No matter the appearance, it has no special properties of whatever substance it seems like it is made of(so a steel exterior does make the person vulnerable to magnetism, or a diamond exterior does not give the character extra hardness or damage).
2. The Interior: This covers whatever damaging substance contained within the shell. Any attack which strikes the character, and is above the natural AR, can cause the effects. Any melee weapon which strikes take 3D6 damage immediately, and takes another 3D6 every round spent inside the shell. Even if pulled out, it will take 1D6 damage on the following melee round before the substance becomes inert. This also applies to any hand to hand attack which strikes and does damage. Also, ranged attacks can even be problematic. Any ranged attack causes a spray of the material within the shell, but the range is only 4ft. If anyone on that face of the character is within range, the user of this power makes a strike roll. If it succeeds, the unlucky person is caught by the spray and takes 3D6 damage on the first melee round, and 1D6 on the following melee round. After that, the material becomes inert. The same rule about appearance of the shell and properties applies to the interior.
3. Blast: Through an effort of will, the character can cause some of whatever is inside them to shoot out of their hands, eyes, or mouth. This only takes up one melee action. Unfortunately, the damage isn't as much as other APS ranged attacks and the range isn't very good either.
Range: 20ft per level of experience.
Damage: 3D6 damage, + 1D6 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Rate of Fire: As many as they have hand to hand attacks.
Bonuses:: +3 to strike.
Strength Increase: When using this power, the character gets a +10 to PS, which becomes extraordinary.
Notes: Any holes made in the character will cover themselves over at the end of the melee round following the one in which they were made. Until then, the material inside will seem like it is dripping out, probably scarring up the floor. There really is no other effect, unless someone tries to grapple the character. If they do, a successful grapple will give them a hold on the character but they take 1D6 damage. While these holes close up, it does not restore any SDC to the character. It is just superficial in nature, the shell trying to keep the interior where it is supposed to be; inside.

Skill Based Power: Assistant
Another in the line of the skill based powers, this one really doesn't give the character much in the way of benefits to their own skills. Instead, it gives them the wonderful ability to be in tune to the skill use of others. This person's help in a task in invaluable, giving a bonus to others. Also, because they are so in tune with the person they are helping, they can sometimes even give a second chance on a failed roll.
Bonus: The character that the person who uses this power is helping gains a +10% bonus, plus the user of this power's IQ bonus, to any skill roll they make as long as this character is helping them every step of the way. If the character isn't there every step, but at least half the time, they get only the +10%. Every level of experience gained by the possessor of this power increases the base +10% by another +1%.
Second Chances: If this user is helping every step of the way, and the person they are helping fails a skill roll, then another roll is immediately made by this character. The roll is made at exactly half of the original skill roll, including whatever bonuses were given by this power. If it succeeds, assume the character pointed out something that was missed, making the first roll successful.
Last edited by MrTwist on Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Iczer wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Cool. Uhm, for what? I haven't been around for a month and a half, and I'm a bit too lazy to go through a bunch of posts to figure out what you are talking about.

I will put this power on my great compendium, and I'll put 'By Mr Twist' next to it. :)


Didn't know you had a great compendium. Cool.

Edit - What do you think of the others? God Mode is obviously a Silly kind of power. Paintform was inspired by a somewhat older movei(Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller).

I would like to expand the skill based powers some more. I think they would make decent abilities for those minor characters in a campaign. Even a major villain with the right ones could be a serious threat.
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Empathic metamorph: [Major] By Iczer
'You think, therefore, I am'

The character has the abilityt to tramsform recieved empathic signals and use them to trigger external changes.
1) Subconscious shift: the character routinely changes to 'fit in' to his environment. purely cosmetic in effect, the character acquires those cosmetic traits that make him or her appear as part of a larger group. While this does not allow the character to actually change gender, the character can acquire charicteristics of the opposite gender in order to make this so. [EG: Hi Lo Mihn has wandered into a meeting of the local chapter of the KKK. within minutes, his asian features have dropped away, making him a good ole' American Whiteboy]. Changes takes 1d4 melee rounds to achieve but the change happens naturally (costs no actions to perform or maintain) Changes persist until a different change occurs, or the character tries to resume normal appearance.
2) Empathy: the character has a limited ability to read emotions on a very basic level. Much like the psionic power of the same name, it is a combination of intuition and reading body language (thus, there is no save). The impressions given are very vague and general, and require a lot of player interpretation.
3) Empathic shift: the emotions of specific individuals can cause the character's body to shift and change. In any instance where the character interacts with another and emotions begin to rise, the character is subjected to a physical change. both parties roll a d20 and add their repsective ME scores to the total. the higher of the two scores determines the attribute changes that occur. Only physical attributes may shift, and no more than 8 points of changes can occur. The character determines any cosmetic changes that accompany the attribute shift. [Hi Lo Mihn enters a screaming match with his neighbour, and he wins the subsequent d20 roll. He adjusts his PS up by 8 and his PE by 2. He also chooses to drop his PB by a few points and bulks up his size to appear more threatening. Later, he gets a few strips torn off him by his Mother. he loses this match, and His mother (subconsciously) drops his PS and PB by 4 each. He changes shape to appear more stooped and feeble.] Changes made like this last throughout the encounter.
4) positive thinking: The character gains strength through his own emotions as well. once per day, when he is under stress the character can attempt to stimulate his own emotions. He has a 30% chance (+5% per level) of success. success means he gains a sudden 50SDC, +4 PS +2 PE and +10Spd which lasts for 10 minutes per level. for every ally that cheers him along, he gains thier MA as a bonus to this roll.
5) Drawbacks: the biggest drawback of this power is that the character is constantly subjected to the whims of others. in addition, the character can be crippled by emotion controllers, or people who can inflict emotions on others. the character has a -6 to save vs empathy and empathic manipulation.
6) Other bonuses:
+1d4 MA
+2 ME
+15 SDC
Heals at 4 times normal rate when under the care of someone who wishes the character well.

Personal molecule manipulation [Major] By Iczer
'Witness the power of flesh'

The character can make rapid and extraordanary changes to his own molecular structure. He is unable to change the fact that he is made of flesh and blodd, but apart from that he has a variety of other marvels at his fingertips.
1) Malleate shape: the character remains solid, but can otherwise pour himself like putty through openings as narrow as a dollar coin. while malleable, he has +2 to all grabs,+2 to PP, +6 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +20% to escape artist
2) Harden skin: the opposite of malleate shape, the character can tighten his body's molecules to become rock hard. apart from a drop in PP (-2) and speed (halve it) the character gains a natural AR of 14 and takes half damage from impacts derived from normal human strength.
3) Master of one's own body: the character can, with a though, reverse any unwanted shapechange his body is subjected to. The character can even reverse his own petrification if such a need should arise.
4) Shift strength: The character may trade his attributes around, making himself stronger or more lithe. PS and PE may be traded 1:1 with each other. PS and PE can be traded 1:3 with speed, or 4:1 with PP. PS and PE may be traded into SDC for 1:10. changes remain until undone. each change takes 2 actions.
5) Reverse damage: the character can heal 4d6 SDC 4 times a day. he cannot heal HP damage

APS sound: [Major] By Iczer
'Hey dude, watch's a scream'

The character can turn into solid sound, granting him a number of useful abilities
1) altered structure: as a being of sound, the character posesses 400 SDC and an extraordanary strength. He posesses an AR of 14 in his altered form.
In addition, energy attacks are virtually ignored when transformed into sound. the character takes 1/5th damage from any source of energy.
2) Fast: when transformed into sound, the character weighs half as much expected from a being of his size, and multiplies his Spd by 5. he enjoys a +4 to PP and gains an additional attack per melee, as well as +2 to dodge and +4 to initiative.
3) Sonic attacks:The character has access to three sonic type attacks while transformed into sound.
* A screeching attack that radiates outward from his body. the screech takes 2 actions to perform, but all targets within 40 feet will take 3d6 damage and must save vs stun (14+ PE bonuses count) or be disoriented (lose one attack, -20% to balance and -2 to combat fror 1d4 melees) glass or fragile objects out to 80 feet take 2d6 damage.
* A sonic Pulse that slams opponents: 4d6 damage. +4 to strike with an aimed shot only. targets struck will find worn, non environmental armour to be useless against this damage. targets must also save vs stun (12+ PE bonuses count) or lose their next action.
* Oscillating wave: the oscillating wave targets molecules and literally shakes them apart. The character blows 4 attacks per melee to perform this stunt. and has a +3 to strike with an aimed shot only. No AR protects from this assualt which does a mere 2d6 damage. If a target is struck twice within 30 seconds with this wave, he takes an additional 2d6 damage (so if struck once a round for 4 rounds, a traget would take 2d6, then 4d6, then 6d6 then 8d6 damage) eventually, even hardened steel melts with this ability.
4) Bullhorn: the character can amplify his voice to 130 Decibels if needed.
5) other abilities: the character's hearing in excellent (though not superhuman) while using this ability. roughly 3 times as good as normal.
The character is -30% to prowl when transformed. he sticks out like a sore thumb and makes an oscillating noise.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Mind Trap(major)
While not a psychic, this power warps the character's mind to become a trap for intrusive psionics. While physical manifestations of psionic energy do their normal effects, any attempts to enter this character's mind immediately causes problems. It's almost like the intruding psychic's mind enters a psychic black hole which it can't escape. A psychic who succumbs to this trap will look like they are in a trance, unable to act or react to the world around them.
Effects: If the intruding psychic attempts to use an ability that affects the character's mind, they must make a save. The save is at a 14, +1 at levels 4, 8, 12, and 15. ME bonuses to save vs psionics are applicable against this power. If they succeed, then that means they shut down their use of whatever power in time to avoid it. If they fail the save, then their mind is trapped until they can break free, when their I.S.P. runs out, or when the character leaves the area.
Duration: Technically, this power is always on. Every minute they have a chance to break free, rolling against a save of 13 or higher. No ME bonuses are applicable this time, though. Anytime they are attacked while in the trance, or handled roughly at all(slapped, pushed, picked up, etc) they immediately get another chance to break free. If someone is still trapped when their own psionic power's duration runs out, they automatically spend I.S.P. to use the power again.
Range: 100ft, +20ft per additional level of experience. Any time a psionic which would normally trigger this power is used outside of this range, and the save is failed, the psychic will snap out of the trance at the end of the melee round. If someone is trapped and the user of this power leaves the area, that psychic will snap out of the trance at the end of the melee round.
Note: Not every user of this power has the same trap. Some have psychic mazes the victim runs through, some have cityscapes the victim runs through, etc...

Needs a bit of a touch up. While it's directed at psionic users, I felt like writing it up as a super power instead of a psionic one. Needs a bit of tweaking. If you want, Iczer, take a stab at it. Or anyone else for that matter.
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Extention By Dark Brandon (minor)

This is basically a power that enhances a ranged power a character already has. This bonus can only be applied to one power, but this power may be choosen multiple times to enhance multiple powers. If a power offers multiple ranges, the bonuses are applied across the board. It can be used to enhance either major or minor powers.

Bonuses: Take the base range and add an additional 50% to it's range. This is a one time bonus.

Focus Strenght By dark brandon (minor)

This power enhances the damage or healing ability of any one power. This power only enhances a single power, but enhances it across the board. At third level, the character may choose not to add in focus strenght bonuses if they do not wish.

Bonus: When determing Damage or health gained one may add in a characters strenght bonus. This is a one time bonus.

Note: Regarless of what type of strenght a player may have (superhuman, supernatural...ect...) the bonuses granted by this power are equal to that of a normal human PS. So a Supernatural PS of 20 will grant a +5 damage to a single power as would a normal PS of 20.

Null and Void by Dark Brandon (major or minor)

The character can temperarly intensify a portion of his body to have an attack do no damage. The character rolls to parry and if sucessful, the attack is negated, doing no damage.

Bonuses: +3 to parry, also suffers none of the penalties associated with parrying quick attacks, such as bullets or lazers. The act of parrying is more of a mental feat than a physical one in regards to this power.

Minor: Chooses either to parry Energy or Physical attacks. Energy attacks consit of lazers, ions and anything that consist of energy, including Magics such as Fireball. Physical attacks consist of bullets, railgun rounds and Ancient weapons.

Major: Can parry both both energy and physical attacks as well as gains an additional +1 to parry at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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okay, i'm trying to put together a couple powers, but i'm having trouble with the mechanics of them.

the first one is basically an energy expulsion power that fires miniature gravity wells. not strong enough to crush anything, but strong enough to pull everything (probably with a weight limit tagged on) within a certain distance to it.

the second one is kind of a tag version of the first. you tag target A, then you tag target B, and target B is pulled to target A.

does anyone have any ideas for weight/range/any other effects for either power? they can go major or minor, i can deal with either. :?
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Give APS Sugar the ability to dissolve in bodies of liquid, allowing travel in the direction the liquid is flowing. Maybe even give it a secondary sort of APS. A few abilities while normal sugar, then if exposed to so much fire damage or heat, it caramelizes and becomes tougher.
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the drunken werebear wrote:actually iczer would you care to do the honors of an aps blood power that allows siphoning blood and maybe a coagulating effect as a drawback. but as for sugar i am sure i could kep it preety simple and very close to aps sand without difficulty

Your wish is my command oh mighty Intoxicated Gurahl.

Coming Soon: APS Blood

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Shadow wrote:znbrtn wrote:
okay, i'm trying to put together a couple powers, but i'm having trouble with the mechanics of them.

the first one is basically an energy expulsion power that fires miniature gravity wells. not strong enough to crush anything, but strong enough to pull everything (probably with a weight limit tagged on) within a certain distance to it.

the second one is kind of a tag version of the first. you tag target A, then you tag target B, and target B is pulled to target A.

does anyone have any ideas for weight/range/any other effects for either power? they can go major or minor, i can deal with either.

Lets start with the second one. I think it can be a minor power and I would use the option of firing at two targets(to make it function right) like all the EE powers get. To start, the gravitaional pull's intensity should effect should pull the lighter object to the heavier. Have the max weight pulled vary by level (start with 50lbs. + 10 per level) DO damage acordingly, use the 1d6 every 10lbs. from colision damage. I would suggest a range of 150ft.+ 20 per level. You don't want to risk using this beyond a comforatable visual range.

Now the first. What exactly are you hoping the mini-gravity wells will do if they aren't strong enough to crush something? :-? It doesn't sound like they will be able to pull anything toward you since you fire an orb outward and not a beam that grags something. Now the orb could concevably pull someone into a targeted spot, with enough intensity that they could not leave that spot. But the stronger the pull, the more likely you will hurt someone. 8-)

i don't actually need the gravity well anymore. i worked out a stunt with one of my local players for use with gravitational plane. basically, i just use gravitational plane on a baseball(or something similar) and it pulls toward the item(normally, the baseball would be pulled to other things, but since it's an unnatural effect, we agreed that it wouldn't work that way). :D
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!

Unread post by Guest »

So yeah, love the Divine Right power.

Finally a good reason for an Evil Karmic Power!

Unread post by Guest »

I always thought Quantum Energy could be well represented by APS:Electricity+Teleport selected together, or APS:Light+APS:Electricity.

Eitherway the possibilities are too much for a single major unless you gave areas of focus for the power.

So yeah, my first contribution to the thread!

Create Force Constructs: Minor

All Abilities, Creation Time, and Duration are the same as the Major CFC power with the following differences.

Available S.D.C. for Force Constructs: P.E.x20

Specialty: Weapons: The Character can choose two types of weapons that they can create with this power, I.E. Swords and Guns, or Axes and Crossbows, or Rifles and Knives, etc, etc. They can Create as many weapons as their S.D.C. will allow, and could serve as a nice little backup Armory in a pinch, but are limited to their two types. Note: Ammunition for Ranged Weapons still costs S.D.C. and is a wise idea to consider before one goes tossing a bunch of weapons to his teammates.

Specialty: Limbs: The Character can choose one type of Force Limb that they can create, be it a Monty Pythonesque Foot, a Giant Disembodied Jaw, or something more common like a Pair of Wings on their Back, or simply a Hand and Arm. Special: Characters with the Hand and Arm, or Leg and Foot and create the limb around one of their limbs, and can then strike with that limb as though they had S.N. P.S. equivalent to their normal P.S. but they forfeit the lifting and carrying ability for style, due to the inability to support the stresses involved.

Specialty: Animals: The Character can choose one type of Animal that they can create (Canines, Felines, Lizards, Snakes, Birds, etc) and can then create said creature up to the weight limit imposed by their max S.D.C. (basically 1 lb per S.D.C point available) and the creature then serves as a fighting partner/beast of burden in some cases.

Naturally, if all S.D.C. from a Construct is depleted, the character is out that Amount, and if all is gone, then they have to wait for it to regenerate.

Note: I left out the Force Armor option, as that power is basically duplicated already in Pu1, but all in all I thought it would make a neat Minor power.
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I didn't go through all 90+ pages of this thread, so forgive me if this power has been done. Also I don't own any of the Power Unlimited books so if a version of this power is printed in them I want everyone to know that I didn't mean to rip it off. This was inspired by the main character from Scryed (sp?), a show on Adult Swim. One of my players is a big fan of the show. The power is basically for those combat monkeys out there.

O.K. then.

Power Gantlets (Major): This power allows a character to create Gantlets composed of organic metal around her arms. The exact appearance and style of the Gantlets is up to the character. As would be expected the Gantlets increase the amount of damage that a character can inflict in hand-to-hand combat, but also provide the player with some defensive capabilities as well.
1. Damage: 3d6+PS bonus, with an additional 1d6 added every second level after first (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th).
2. Damage Radius: The Gantlets amplify and focus the characters hand-to-hand damage into a shockwave. Damage radius is 3ft, plus one foot for every second level after first (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th), for a total radius of 10ft at 15th level. Damage is equal to that listed above.
3. Increased Strength and Damage Resistance: While the Gantlets are active the character gains the power of Superhuman Strength, adding 20+2d4 to his PS. The character's body also becomes slightly more resistant to damage, giving the character an additional 3d4x10 S.D.C.(roll once for both, what is rolled initially is the bonus every time the power is activated).
4. Parrying: The Gantlets can be used to block incoming attacks without taking any damage. The character is +2 to parry (+1 at levels 4, 8, 12, and 15). They can even be used to parry fast moving projectiles, and energy blast as if they were vibro-weapons (see Aliens Unlimited for details). The gantletss themselves take no damage, unless specifically targeted, or caught in a blast radius. The Gantlets have 200 S.D.C., plus 25 S.D.C. per level, and an AR of 18.

Unread post by Guest »

I didn't think the power was too beefy, as I tried to limit it by making you choose one specific type of construct you can create and limiting your S.D.C. so the more powerful construct (limbs) can only be made once, and if destroyed, is gone for the day.

I think it balances it pretty well.

As for the Quantum Energy control...

Strangely enough, I can find a power like that in nearly every Palladium Book to date....

Except they call it Magic.
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Unread post by znbrtn »

JTwig wrote:I didn't go through all 90+ pages of this thread, so forgive me if this power has been done. Also I don't own any of the Power Unlimited books so if a version of this power is printed in them I want everyone to know that I didn't mean to rip it off. This was inspired by the main character from Scryed (sp?), a show on Adult Swim. One of my players is a big fan of the show. The power is basically for those combat monkeys out there.

O.K. then.

Power Gantlets (Major): This power allows a character to create Gantlets composed of organic metal around her arms. The exact appearance and style of the Gantlets is up to the character. As would be expected the Gantlets increase the amount of damage that a character can inflict in hand-to-hand combat, but also provide the player with some defensive capabilities as well.
1. Damage: 3d6+PS bonus, with an additional 1d6 added every second level after first (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th).
2. Damage Radius: The Gantlets amplify and focus the characters hand-to-hand damage into a shockwave. Damage radius is 3ft, plus one foot for every second level after first (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th), for a total radius of 10ft at 15th level. Damage is equal to that listed above.
3. Increased Strength and Damage Resistance: While the Gantlets are active the character gains the power of Superhuman Strength, adding 20+2d4 to his PS. The character's body also becomes slightly more resistant to damage, giving the character an additional 3d4x10 S.D.C.(roll once for both, what is rolled initially is the bonus every time the power is activated).
4. Parrying: The Gantlets can be used to block incoming attacks without taking any damage. The character is +2 to parry (+1 at levels 4, 8, 12, and 15). They can even be used to parry fast moving projectiles, and energy blast as if they were vibro-weapons (see Aliens Unlimited for details). The gantletss themselves take no damage, unless specifically targeted, or caught in a blast radius. The Gantlets have 200 S.D.C., plus 25 S.D.C. per level, and an AR of 18.

1) i don't believe it has been done on this thread....
2) there's a minor version in powers unlimited 1(aps of limb: metal), but
this is an excellent major version. :D
3)s-cry-ed is awesome. :D

edit: also, i very much like the minor version of force constructs. if you only look at the limited creation options or the reduced pool of points, it seems a bit overpowered, but with both, it seems very balanced. :D
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!

Unread post by Guest »

Edge wrote:Specialty: Limbs: The Character can choose one type of Force Limb that they can create, be it a Monty Pythonesque Foot, a Giant Disembodied Jaw, or something more common like a Pair of Wings on their Back, or simply a Hand and Arm. Special: Characters with the Hand and Arm, or Leg and Foot and create the limb around one of their limbs, and can then strike with that limb as though they had S.N. P.S. equivalent to their normal P.S. but they forfeit the lifting and carrying ability for style, due to the inability to support the stresses involved.

Ya know, this bit was actually inspired by S-cry-ed as well.

So in a sense, it was also done...but that is a thing I like to do, leave powers open where you can interpret them to dupe your favorite comic/anime/movie characters abilities.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Doctor Vile wrote:Hey Iczer, how about a Alter Physical Structure: Quantum Energy?

A bit hard. Strictly a Quantam of energy is the smallest possible particle or portion of energy. Changing into something that tiny has all sorts of consequences. However, as It seems that there is a preponderance to 'soft' science in comics, and I like it that way i present the following.

APS: Quantum energy [Major] By Iczer
"I am...infinite"

The character can channel tiny parcels of energy and alter his body to match these channelled particles.
[For the record: for the purposes of this power, Quantum energy is undifferentiated energy, which normally gives off heat and radiation.]
1) Altered state: Typically, the altered state of the character is akin to a glowing humanoid form, bright white and crackling with orange lightning. In this state, he posesses 200 SDC, and no longer needs to breathe or eat, is resistant to crushing pressures and vacuum. He IS vulnerable to cold (takes 50% more damage). His PS is considered extraordanary in this state. The altered state is immune to energy.
2) Damaging form: By releasing energy, the character can become danagerous to touch. any contact at this point inflicts 3d6 damage. the character is skilled enough to restrict this damage to just his hands, or let the whole body be affected. The nature of quantum energy is such that the character can harm those invulnerable to energy or merely invulnerable (half damage)
3) Phase: while in quantum shifted state, the character can attune himself to the electron flow of objects and then pass through them. This is usually a lengthy process, requiring one melee round for every 3 AR of the object touched. after this time, the character may simply ignore the object in question's physicality (as well as all other items with the same molecular makeup). The exception to this are conductive metals. In the case of conductive metals, the character can cheat by simply exploiting the conductivity of the item and shifting his own body into an electon state.
4) Self destruct: at any time the character takes physical damage, he may choose to discorporate. The character liquifies on contact and then splashes over a 30 foot radius, splashing all within that radius for 6d6 damage (3d6 damage the next round and 1d6 the round after that). 1d4 minutes later, the character reassembles in his human form, unconscious but otherwise unharmed. he cannot restore hisquantum state for 1d4 hours.
5) Other abilities: The character normally only recovers damage while in human form. However, radiant energy ca be partially absorbed. For every 5 points of damage inflicted by energy attacks or other sources of energy damage , the character heals 1 SDC. The character is by default immune to energy while in his quantum state, so no actual damage is done to the character.

Iczer wrote:Coming Soon: APS Blood

APS: Blood [major] By Iczer
'To first blood huh? You win then I guess'

The character can transform his body into blood. In this state he posesses a number of blood like qualities.
1) Physical form: in his blood state, the character has a doubled weight. He is immune to physical attacks that pass through his body, though remains vulnerable to energy attacks. His own superhuman nature protects him from clotting with contact to air, but not to disease and poisons. (but see below) his blood form can flow through small cracks and under doors like any liquid could (any sentiaent and mobile liquid that is)
2) Skin: the character can will the outerlayer of blood to form a skin of sorts, a dark red or brown layer that makes the character resemble blood pudding or a blood red jelly. In this state, he can make physical attacks on others with his normal strength and can manipulate objects. The skin has 1d4x10 plus his PE score in SDC. Blunt impacts inflict half damage, Peircing weapons inflict 1 point each, and slashing weapoins inflict a mere 1d4. Explosions and massive impacts (like falls) do full damage (and see below). It takes 1d4 miniutes to form a skin. this skin prevents him from casually contracting blood borne diseases or poisons through his blood body.
3) Vulnerable to explosions and massive force: when struck by an explosive, or a massive object (such as the ground) the character must make a roll vs the potential damage on percentile dice. if he rolls under the potential damage, he is dispersed in a bloody explosion, to reform only after 3d4 minutes as the blood pools together. the character is otherwise unharmed.
4) Absorb Blood: the character can absorb blood on contact. typically this means he does not have to leave blood where he walks and moves. However he can absorb any blood he just casually finds lying around (but who would want to) and can absorb the flowing blood from his victims. To do this, the character must attempt to grapple with the victim. if successful, the character may absorb blood as it comes from the wound. Blood absorbed from a living victim heals damage to the character at a rate of 2:1. the character cannot 'suck' blood from a victim, but can absorb any bleeding the victim does. the character can absorb blood even not transformed into blood.
5) Vulnerabilities: essentially, the character has decreased ability to manipulate objects while in blood form. He has a flat 30% penalty to any attempts to physically manipulate an object, and he can lift only 1/4 his normal lift and carry capacity (heavier objects will fall through the character's body). The character inflicts 1/4 damage when he strikes others as his own body distorts with the impact. Weapons held by the character inflict half damage, but are -4 to strike with (the character is also -6 to resist or parry any disarm attempt)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Iczer »

AJ Pickett wrote:APS: Blood.
Excellent work once again Iczer, reminds me of a movie villain.. would you call APS blood an evil power?

It is a sinister power, but not very evil (though if the character could suck blood it could be evil)

As for your questions regarding APS Quantum energy

Vacuums are very cold right?

Not really. Vacuums are devoid of heat, but are not in and of themselves cold. In space, the character shouild suffer, but in a vacuum style villanous deathtrap he should be fine. YMMV

So the character can walk through granite walls, steel battleship hulls, that sort of thing, as long as it is a solid block of one substance.. the character could not just walk through a person in other words, but a bank vault? No problem.

always a GM call. Tecnically the hull of a battleship will have a lot of other components installed in it that would make it non homogonous. GM's call. technically, by the word of the description, the character cannot walk through walls, becuase his first action would be to phase through the bit he's touching. Which would be the wallpaper. With that in mind ask the GM.

The character can also go off like a walking bomb, a thirty foot explosive radius, Wham!

I liked this. For effect, I just watched Constantine as the bug deamon gets hit by a car. Splat. 10D6 is not a lot in a HU sense, and the character has to decide to 'explode with punch/fall or impact' to make this work. It spares him any damage, but he's KO'd by it and he risks hurting bystanders so he may opt not to use it.

How long does it take him to wake up after reforming? Say, 1D4 minutes?

As alway, that's a GM call. That said 1d4 minutes is perfect.

The character can also relax in a nice roaring bonfire or nestled snug between an arc welder and UV lamp.. he can heal himself with radiant energy sources.

GM's call on this one too. In tolerable, comfortable temperatures the character should be healing at 1 point every 15 minutes. In excrutiating temperatures perhaps 1 point every 5-10 minutes. anything hotter and he's effectively taking damage an is healing normally from that.

The just about invincible man!

Hardly man. Simple punches and kicks hurt him after all. and 200 SDC isn't that great.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by MrTwist »

the drunken werebear wrote:kudos for the blood power

and i agree it would have been more sinister if the blood being could grow as per aps liquid by sucking all the blood from a room (only then would it be truly evil)

and as for the power gauntlets i think there was once a mega claws power that was very close to what you have but not exactly i am beginning to wonder what happened to it. (may have been one of fagemas when he left the board)

I was working on the mega claws power a long time ago. I had shelved it in favor of other powers I was working on. Never got around to fully fleshing it out.
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Unread post by Iczer »

the drunken werebear wrote:kudos for the blood power

and i agree it would have been more sinister if the blood being could grow as per aps liquid by sucking all the blood from a room (only then would it be truly evil)

and as for the power gauntlets i think there was once a mega claws power that was very close to what you have but not exactly i am beginning to wonder what happened to it. (may have been one of fagemas when he left the board)

The power gauntlets were inspired by Hellboy's chunky arm, and a little by the comic wildsiderz. Yes like megaclaws, but also like power channelling, body weapons and claws.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist

Unread post by Guest »

Doctor Vile wrote:Can anyone create me a power that does the following:

Allows the creation of a Bow of the wielders design to appear instantly and take physical form.

After forming the bow, the character can then fire arrows of various abilities.


1) Do different types of damage according to arrow created, like energy, kinetic, light, Ice etc.
2) Also depending on the type of arrow used, they have different effects besides damage. The kinetic arrow does knockback, Ice arrow slows movement or freeze in place, fire arrow continues to do damage after impact, etc.

That is just a few examples I was thinking of.

Well, it is the equivalent of a Major Power with all that stuff.

I was going to say, the Create Force Constructs: Minor (Weapon Specialty) I posted would work well, but you'd have to select the additional Energy Expulsion types for the different Arrows...

Generally most Majors don't allow you to do more than 5 different things...

Essentially you seem to be asking for the Weapon, then EE: Fire, EE: Ice, EE: Light, EE: Force, with additional effects tacked onto each one...I could see creating the different kinds of Arrows/Ammunition being a Major power by itself, which requires a Gun/Sling/Bow/etc to fire them from...which is a really cool idea.

But not one power that gives all of that at once, and the weapon, for free.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

To keep it general, I think the power might be better off as a minor Energy Expulsion power with a more limited range. Probably damage would follow increments of 1D6 at first level, then an additional 1D6 at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, 12, and 15 for a final damage of 7D6 at level 15. The trade off would be you could fire different types of energy as the situation required.

If you wanted to go with a major power, just use a blanket name of 'Create Projectile'. Then you would have a much larger choice of things you could fire off, including specialty ammo like smoke bombs and such. It would probably work out nice if the possibilities increased as you gained levels, sort of how the Create Bio Forms power worked out.

I allow my players to create just about any kind of visual effect they want for their powers, so they better fit the character. We even had one player with EE: Plasma who manifested their power as a spectral bow that fired plasma arrows. So, the bow manifestation could be specific to a certain character.
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