PHASE WORLD: yet more political intregue...

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PHASE WORLD: yet more political intregue...

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

I just had a thought.

If the Free World Council wants to rid themselves of Kreeghor domination, why don't they petition to become CCW members?

They should know by now, as should most of the 3 Galaxies, that the CCW and TGE are really loath to go to war (think Cold War, circa 1984, MAD). So if they became CCW members, the TGE might have to let them go, else it would, in essence, be attacking the CCW.

But they have not. which makes me think that Michael Klass may have originally asked for CCW help, only to be told that this was a matter of "internal politics", and thusly the CCW could not get involved. So they decide to go it alone.

Braden, GMPhD
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If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Joey Jo Jo Jr »

Yeah that sounds about right, and if the CCW admitted the FWC then the TGE could concerntrate all it's power on the CCW rather than on multiple fronts
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Re: PHASE WORLD: yet more political intrigue...

Unread post by Dr. Doom III »

Braden, GMPhD wrote:I just had a thought.

If the Free World Council wants to rid themselves of Kreegor domination, why don't they petition to become CCW members?

They should know by now, as should most of the 3 Galaxies, that the CCW and TGE are really loath to go to war (think Cold War, circa 1984, MAD). So if they became CCW members, the TGE might have to let them go, else it would, in essence, be attacking the CCW.

But they have not. which makes me think that Michael Klass may have originally asked for CCW help, only to be told that this was a matter of "internal politics", and thusly the CCW could not get involved. So they decide to go it alone.


Well this is the same as asking why doesn't Taiwan join NATO.
Because to do so would mean war with China.

The FWC joins the CCW it means all out war with the Kreegor.
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Braden Campbell
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

True. But they would have the might of the Consortium behind them...
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Warwolf »

Braden, GMPhD wrote:True. But they would have the might of the Consortium behind them...

But as you said, both the Consortium and the TGE do not wish for an all out fight with the other. Thus, if the CCW granted asylum to the FWC, it would mean an all out war with the TGE (which the CCW does not want). Admitting the FWC would be an open invitation for the TGE to retaliate.
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Unread post by Jefffar »

FWC would love to have the CCW membership . .

The FWC would love to overtly support the CCW . . .

But the CCW is not prepared for Galaxy War 3 and won't do anything to start it.

Think of the CCW as the Federation, the FCW as the Maquis and the TGE as the Cardassians. That more or less matches up for attitude.

So, why didn't the Federation take down the Cardassians and help the Maquis who repeatedly begged for their help? Because they didnt' want to start a war that could kill billions, even if they did win.

Same rationale for the CCW.

That beign said, the CCW does as much for the FWC as it can get away with and more than a few "private citizens" and "contractors" who are ex-CAF can be found training, organizing and leading the military forces of the FWC.
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Unread post by DhAkael »

Jefffar wrote:FWC would love to have the CCW membership . .

The FWC would love to overtly support the CCW . . .

But the CCW is not prepared for Galaxy War 3 and won't do anything to start it.

Think of the CCW as the Federation, the FCW as the Maquis and the TGE as the Cardassians. That more or less matches up for attitude.

So, why didn't the Federation take down the Cardassians and help the Maquis who repeatedly begged for their help? Because they didnt' want to start a war that could kill billions, even if they did win.

Same rationale for the CCW.

That beign said, the CCW does as much for the FWC as it can get away with and more than a few "private citizens" and "contractors" who are ex-CAF can be found training, organizing and leading the military forces of the FWC.

"What do you mean army? Oh...those poeple? They're just advisors...yeah yeah...advisors, that's the ticket!"

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Braden Campbell
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

You could run a whole "Lord of War" campaign where the PCs are smugglers selling guns to the FWC (and all with the supprt of the high mucky-mucks in the CCW).

Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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