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Unread post by Guest »

Word, but I do like the "Create Projectile" idea that we've both mentioned.

Someone needs to make that.

Yeah it would require something to fire from.

(Gun, Altered Limb, Gun Limb, Arrow) but it would be a really sweet little gimmick to help provide some more variety for the "I've got super powers, and a gun" type characters.

Lord knows I've made a few of them, and they all wind up very similar.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I had an idea for a power, but not so sure how to put it down. Basically I had the idea while watching some birds and remembering their bones are hollow. So, I was wondering what would work with that as a power. I'm thinking less weight, extra foot or two of jump height, and maybe some parry bonuses.

Of course, as opposed to a minor power, this might work better as a mutation in the Mutant section(don't have my book handy, so I don't know if it already is one).
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

MrTwist wrote:I had an idea for a power, but not so sure how to put it down. Basically I had the idea while watching some birds and remembering their bones are hollow. So, I was wondering what would work with that as a power. I'm thinking less weight, extra foot or two of jump height, and maybe some parry bonuses.

Of course, as opposed to a minor power, this might work better as a mutation in the Mutant section(don't have my book handy, so I don't know if it already is one).

that power is already found in mutants in orbit
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by JTwig »

I don't know if this power has been done since I still haven't read every post of this thread, and I don't have either of the PU books. So if someone has created something like this before I'm sorry, I really didn't steal it. It was inspired by both the Gyver anime, and Nemesis Enforcer from the G.I. Joe the movie.

I'm not sure if this should a minor or a major power.

Retractable Elbow Blades (Minors)
The character has retractable blade that extend from the arms, near the elbow. These blades, along with the rest of the character’s skeleton structure, are made entirely of super-dense bone and are very sturdy. They range in length from 30-48 inches, even though this is longer than most forearms. Those scientist that have studied people with this power are at a loss for were the extra mass comes from, and it has been theorized that the mass is subconsciously drawn from an extra-dimensional space similar to those with the power Growth.
1. Blades: The character has two retractable blades, one near each elbow. Damage is 4d6 plus PS bonuses each; they have 200 S.D.C. (only take damage if specifically targeted), and regenerate 4d6 S.D.C. each hour (will completely regrow).
2. Incr[b]eased Skeletal Density:[/b] The character’s entire skeleton is denser, giving the character +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +40 S.D.C.
3. Bonuses: Paired weapons while using retractable blades only, +1 to strike (additional +1 at levels three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen; for a total bonus of +6 to strike at 15th level), and +1 parry (additional +1 at levels four, eight, and twelve; for a total bonus of +4 to parry at 12th level).
4. Penalties: Because of their awkward placement weapon proficiencies, and hand-to-hand combat skill bonuses do not apply. Only the bonuses provided by the power, and for high physical prowess (if applicable) may be used.
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Unread post by znbrtn »

okay, i just got done watching kung fu hustle(again), and it gave me an idea. the problem is, i don't know how to balance it..... could anyone help me out on this?

the basic idea is that the character becomes stronger every time they get their a$$ handed to them in a fight(i guess it's also similar to doomsday, but it'd be on a game balance-friendly level). it'd probably require that they lose most(or all) of their sdc and/or hit points, but beyond that, i'm not sure.... :?
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Vampiric Immortality(major)
This power allows the user to extend their own life span unnaturally by draining the life force from others. All that is required is sustained physical(flesh to flesh, or whatever passes for flesh in either creature) contact for the transfer to be made.
Duration: 2 melee rounds per attempt. This is not as much a duration as the minimum required time for one attempt at this power to be made.
Effects: After sustained contact for 2 melee rounds(30 seconds), the target makes a saving throw. If the save fails, they lose a permanent point of P.E. If the save succeeds, then the contact is broken and the vampire must restart the two melee round minimum touch duration. Three successful saves during any grouping of attempts(like in the same hour/night) makes the target immune to this particular life vampire's touch for one month. If the target makes three successful saves in a row during a grouping of attempts, then they are immune to this particular life vampire's draining abilities for the duration of their life.
For every point of P.E. drained by the life vampire, they stop their own aging process for one year. This gives them no other bonuses to attributes or abilities, just the capability to halt their own aging by sucking the life from others.
Damage: None per se. Every point of lost P.E. does reduce hit points by one. If the draining ever reduces a target's P.E. to 0, then they fall into a short lived coma(one month, tops) before dying. If the P.E. is reduced past 0(the life vampire does not get an additional year by taking someone from 0 to -1) by a successful drain attempt, the target dies with no chance of being saved.
Save: Very difficult. The target must save at a 15 or better, plus P.E. bonuses. Yes, this means that the lower the P.E. goes the easier it is to succumb to more damage.

Remote Sensor(major)
All this does is give the user the ability to designate a non-mobile, non-living, object to serve as a replacement sensory organ for a short time. The target of this power must not be too large(a large sculpture is ok, as is a wall in a room. Designating an entire house or large building is not). GM's discretion.
Effects: By physically touching the object, the user of this power can 'mark' it for later use. When they choose to activate the power, they slip into a trance state from which it is impossible to awaken without the user's direct choice. Also, they have no awareness whatsoever of what is going on at their own body.
When the 'mark' is activated, all of the user's senses are shifted so they are centered on the designated object. Any super powers which enhance the senses, or psionics which enhance senses, are usable through this link with the designated object.
Range: 1500ft per level of experience. This is the maximum distance that the user can be from the object being used as the new center of their senses.
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Power sharing: [Minor] By Iczer
'Hey dude...I'll be needing to borrow that power later."

The character posesses the ability to form a kind of connection between himself and selected others. when the character forms this bond, he gains the abilityt to swap powers with that individual. The switch is always completely voluntary, and must be consented to by both parties, and either party can cancel the switch at any time. If the connected individual is unconscious or asleep, the character can swap out powers without his consent.
The character has one such 'buddy' at first level, a character of his choosing who has a reasonable facility to consent. (essentialy, he can choose friends, allies, comrades and teammates. He cannot select people opposed to him in any sense. He gains another 'buddy' at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. He can swap one minor power at a time, plus one other minor power at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14. he may substitute one major for two minors. He can also choose to donate his powers to an unpowered human, but this transfer inflicts 2d4 damage per minor power transfered (the target may save vs this transfer at 12+ to reject the power AND the damage). In any case a non powered human will reject the power in 2d4 melee rounds. Lastly, any power swapping must take place while the characters are within 120 feet of each other.

Perfect cover: [Minor] By Iczer
'Yep, venezulan Catholic priest this week. But stay tuned, Tomorrow the part of concerned environmentalist will be played'

The character has the abilityt to mould his body and mind to give the appearance and personality of another, fabricated cover. In essence, minor changes ripple across his body to fit the new cover, while at the same time, the character burns new patterns of behaviour directly onto his brain. This allows the character to perfom the following:
* Increase or decrease Tan.
* Alter chemicals in his body to change his natural personal hygiene
* alter his personal biorythyms to adjust for a new timezone or for sleeping habits.
* Gain or shed personal habits and vices.
* Alter his personality, outlook and mannerisms as to make them appear natural (in essence, they ARE natural)
* create a false history and persona that is inseperable from his own normal history and persona.
(EG: Charles, a mutant with this power, is an uptight computer geek from a strict baptist family. To infiltrate the local stanic church, he drops any melanin from his skin to appear pale, he fixes his odour problem, but accentuates his bad breath. He reregulates his body to become a classic 'night person'. He then reprograms himself to become nihilistic and pessemistic, with an appreciation for death metal. Lastly, he rewrites his own mind, in essence giving himself a false set of memories. His parents would barely recognise him after the transformation, and any psychics peering into his mind would find anything he says about himself to be true.)
The perfetc cover is not a guarentee, but it is very good. the character gains a +20% to disguise and impersonate.
The cover begins to fade over time. after a week, the character loses about 5% of his false memories and his old habits begin to return. this increases by 2% every 6 hours afterwards.
The changes above take only a few minutes each (1d4) but memory alteration and habit alteration take 6d6+10 minutes to create a fully fledged identity.

Mutative assault: [Major] By Iczer
'Thats right, I have a little something for you'

The character has the ability to alter the mutations of others, acting as a boon for some, but equally able to act as a bane to others.
1) Absorb Mutation: By touching an opponent, and expending 2 attacks, the character can absorb the mutations of others. this process is uncomfortable but otherwise harmless. a temporary drain lasts only 3d4 weeks. This power can also remove obvious physical powers, stemming from a biological alteration (Wings, hardened skin, natural body armour, quills etc..). an unfavourable drain is resisted with a saving throw (14+. The target has +1 to save for every extra mutation drained at once, and a +2 for every power, +4 for draining any major power)
2) Hold mutations: The character holds the genetic template for the duration, until returned. the character cannot acquire the use of any mutations he has stored, but it does allow him to keep a record of his current repetoire. he can also hold a 'permanent' mutation in his repetoire long after the mutation has returned to it's owner. the character can hold 2 mutations, plus 1 per level of experience (minor powers count as two mutations, majors count as 4)
3) Bestow mutation: The reverse of this process, the character can take any mutations in his current resevior, and bestow them on another. This process requires 2 actions, touch and a saving throw if undesired. mutations bestowed in this fashion are lost from his repetoire (except if one his 'permanently' stored mutations). Mutations gained in this fashion fade after 4d6 hours (+2d6 hours per level)
4) Cosmetic manipulation: The character also can manipulate the genes of others in a more benign manner. Each change listed below has a HP cost associated with it, as instantaneous genetic manipulation is a bit painful, both th the changer and the changed. (Note, embryonic forms take no damage from this ability, as thier structure is still fairly morphic at that stage of development)
* Cure genetic disorders, such as obesity, albinism etc. 1d6 to both parties.
* Grant a purley cosmetic mutation: 3d6 to both parties
* restore a lost PE point 5d6HP to the character, 2d6 to the target
* alter genetic code to favour excellent appearance. adds 1d4 PB, a change that takes 2d6 weeks to finish. 5d6 damage to both parties and can be done only once to an individual.
* afflict another with crippling mutations. Inflicts 6d6 on both parties, but the target begins to bubble and swell, gaining 1d4 random mutations and losing 1d4 from PP and halving PB. targets have a +3 to resist this.
* 'Normalise' unstable genetic conditions. this generally lessens the effects of uncontrolable powers, if not remove them.
* make someone a mutant, or remove their mutant abilities completely (when doing this the target is reduced to 1d4 HP, while the character is reduced to a mere 1 HP. any new mutants gain 1d4 mutations and gains 1 major and 1-2 minor powers. any person stripped of thier mutant abilities becomes a normal human being. characters gain a +6 to save against this application.)
Notes: any change afflicted in this fashion takes 6d6 minutes to perform, in which an unwilling target may attempt to leave contact. at any rate, any undesired change can be saved against, needing a 14+, with all PE bonuses added.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by JTwig »

As always I have no idea if this power has been done before, or is in print in any of the PU books.

Stun Discs (Minor)
The super-being with this power is capable of creating discs of pure energy that not only damage a target, but also interfere with the bioelectrical energy of an organic creature’s brain. This can result in both a decreased response and increased difficulty comprehending the surrounding environment, or a loss of consciousness.
1. Damage: 2d6, plus 1d6 every other level of experience (+1d6 at third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, and fifteenth).
2. Range: 50 feet at first level, and an additional 10 feet every level after first.
3. Rate of Fire: The character may create two disks at once, one in each hand, and use them as paired throwing weapons.
4. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 12 (PE bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflict as normal.
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Unread post by JTwig »

Got another one. As always I have no idea whether this power has been posted on these board before, or if a version is printed in either of the PU books.

Energy Knives (Major)
The character is able to create, and throw knives composed of pure energy. These same blades may also be used for melee combat, but not as effectively. As the character’s control over her power grows, she also gains the ability to create and throw multiple knives at the same target.
1. Damage: 2d6 thrown per blade, or 1d6 melee per blade.
2. Creation Amount: Starting at first level the character is able to create two “knives” at once. She may create an additional pair at levels five, ten, and fifteen.
3. Rate: The character may throw the “knives” either individually, or in volleys of two, four, six, or eight, depending on what level she is and how many energy blades she can create. In melee combat the character may wield a maximum of four blades per hand (total of 4d6 damage each hand), again the exact amount will vary depending on the character’s level of experience.
4. Range: 120 ft, plus 10ft per level of experience.
5. Bonuses: +2 strike when thrown (in addition to bonuses for W.P. Targeting), and +1 strike and parry (in addition to those gained for W.P. Knife).
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Unread post by MrTwist »

JTwig wrote:Got another one. As always I have no idea whether this power has been posted on these board before, or if a version is printed in either of the PU books.

Energy Knives (Major)
The character is able to create, and throw knives composed of pure energy. These same blades may also be used for melee combat, but not as effectively. As the character’s control over her power grows, she also gains the ability to create and throw multiple knives at the same target.
1. Damage: 2d6 thrown per blade, or 1d6 melee per blade.
2. Creation Amount: Starting at first level the character is able to create two “knives” at once. She may create an additional pair at levels five, ten, and fifteen.
3. Rate: The character may throw the “knives” either individually, or in volleys of two, four, six, or eight, depending on what level she is and how many energy blades she can create. In melee combat the character may wield a maximum of four blades per hand (total of 4d6 damage each hand), again the exact amount will vary depending on the character’s level of experience.
4. Range: 120 ft, plus 10ft per level of experience.
5. Bonuses: +2 strike when thrown (in addition to bonuses for W.P. Targeting), and +1 strike and parry (in addition to those gained for W.P. Knife).

Actually, I think that would be better off as a minor power. A generic EE power does more damage, and the trade off would be the fact you could use them as melee weapons also.

Oh, Iczer. I like the Perfect Cover power. Nice. I do think it works better as a major power, mainly because of the ability to fool psychics. That is an extremely good benefit to a power. Maybe give it a little extra boost too, like being able to switch back to a base personality quickly if needed.
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Unread post by Iczer »

MrTwist wrote:

Oh, Iczer. I like the Perfect Cover power. Nice. I do think it works better as a major power, mainly because of the ability to fool psychics. That is an extremely good benefit to a power. Maybe give it a little extra boost too, like being able to switch back to a base personality quickly if needed.

No problemo. It would need a significant boost to be a major though.
Probably an ME/MA boost, an inexplicable SDC boost and your suggested ability to flip back. Expect it sometime today.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Perfect cover: [Major] By Iczer
'Yep, venezulan Catholic priest this week. But stay tuned, Tomorrow the part of concerned environmentalist will be played'

The character has the abilityt to mould his body and mind to give the appearance and personality of another, fabricated cover. In essence, minor changes ripple across his body to fit the new cover, while at the same time, the character burns new patterns of behaviour directly onto his brain. This allows the character to perfom the following:
* Increase or decrease Tan.
* Alter chemicals in his body to change his natural personal hygiene
* alter his personal biorythyms to adjust for a new timezone or for sleeping habits.
* Gain or shed personal habits and vices.
* Alter his personality, outlook and mannerisms as to make them appear natural (in essence, they ARE natural)
* create a false history and persona that is inseperable from his own normal history and persona.
(EG: Charles, a mutant with this power, is an uptight computer geek from a strict baptist family. To infiltrate the local stanic church, he drops any melanin from his skin to appear pale, he fixes his odour problem, but accentuates his bad breath. He reregulates his body to become a classic 'night person'. He then reprograms himself to become nihilistic and pessemistic, with an appreciation for death metal. Lastly, he rewrites his own mind, in essence giving himself a false set of memories. His parents would barely recognise him after the transformation, and any psychics peering into his mind would find anything he says about himself to be true.)
The perfect cover is not a guarentee, but it is very good. the character gains a +20% to disguise and impersonate.
The cover begins to fade over time. after a week, the character loses about 5% of his false memories and his old habits begin to return. this increases by 2% every 6 hours afterwards.
The changes above take only a few minutes each (1d4) but memory alteration and habit alteration take 6d6+10 minutes to create a fully fledged identity. also note that despite any altered personality, the character is in perfect command of his actions. He may have the personality of a Strung out junkie, but despite feeling strong urges to shoot up, he is in a position to 'just say no'. Likewise, giving himself the personality of a hardened and callous mass murderer does not mean he cannot back out before contravening his alignment. The character can also 'step out' of his adopted role at any moment, and in fact he can do so for up to 20 minutes per level without degrading his cover. (Any longer and he is considered to have 'shed' his identity.)
The character's control over his spyche gives him limited control over his will. Even if posessed he may exert his will over his body, writing in a stronger personality where necessary, and even re writing his moral code. This is a messy and short lived procedure. On any round that his mind is violated in any way, he may attempt to shed this control and shake off any intruder. This is a classic contest of wills, rolling a d20 and adding his ME, with the invader doing the same. if the character wins then the control ends. otherwise the character can try again in one round.
Other bonuses:
+2 ME
+2 MA
+2 to save vs psionics
+4d6 to SDC

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by JTwig »

thagema wrote:
JTwig wrote:As always I have no idea if this power has been done before, or is in print in any of the PU books.

Stun Discs (Minor)
The super-being with this power is capable of creating discs of pure energy that not only damage a target, but also interfere with the bioelectrical energy of an organic creature’s brain. This can result in both a decreased response and increased difficulty comprehending the surrounding environment, or a loss of consciousness.
1. Damage: 2d6, plus 1d6 every other level of experience (+1d6 at third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, and fifteenth).
2. Range: 50 feet at first level, and an additional 10 feet every level after first.
3. Rate of Fire: The character may create two disks at once, one in each hand, and use them as paired throwing weapons.
4. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 12 (PE bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflict as normal.

I read it three times and saw no penalties for stun. I like this one, but it needs the penalties.

The energy knives is good, but as was already mentioned should really be a minor. Nice work on both though.

5. Stun Penalties: -2 attacks, -3 strike, -4 to parry, and -4 to dodge for 2d4 melees if save is successful. If save is unsuccessful the target is knocked unconscious for 1d4 melees.

These penalties might push the power into the Major category, at the very least make it a very powerful Minor Power.
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Unread post by JTwig »

Alright since it was brought to my attention that my original post for Energy Knives might not be powerful enough to warrant it being considered a major power, I've done some updating. Let me know if you think its an improvement.

Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Knives (Major)
The character is able to create, and throw knives composed of pure energy. These same blades may also be used for melee combat, but not as effectively. As the character’s control over her power grows, she also gains the ability to create and throw multiple knives at the same target.
1. Damage: 3d6 thrown, or 2d6 melee per blade. Thrown blades continue to inflict damage in targets they successfully strike as they slowly fade away. Each round reduce the damage die per blade by 1d6 (example; you throw four blades for a total damage of 12d6, the next combat round they inflict 8d6, and on the final round they cause 4d6 damage), until there are no more damage dice (which should be the second round after the initial attack).
2. Creation Amount: Starting at first level the character is able to create two “knives” at once. She may create an additional pair at levels five, ten, and fifteen.
3. Rate: The character may throw the “knives” either individually, or in volleys of two, four, six, or eight, depending on what level she is and how many energy blades she can create. In melee combat the character may wield a maximum of three blades per hand (total of 6d6 damage each hand), again the exact amount will vary depending on the character’s level of experience.
4. Range: 120 ft, plus 10ft per level of experience.
5. Bonuses: +2 strike when thrown (in addition to bonuses for W.P. Targeting), and +1 strike and parry (in addition to those gained for W.P. Knife).
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Razorclaws [Minor] By Iczer
'my mother always told me to stay sharp'

The character posesses petite claws that jut from his fingers. these delicate blades, more like razor hooks than blades, have extremely fine edges, so fine as to be able to saw through steel.
Damage: The claws do 2d4 damage +1 per level. (Note if combined with claws already, or any form of sharp, natural weapon, this power adds +1 damage per level to the better claw damage)
Armour splitting: The talons are so razor sharp as to bypass a lot of natural armour, and leave bloody wounds. The claws ignore the armour rating of objects, as well as natural ARs. Against worn armour, any strike that would hit worn armour inflicts full damage to the armour, and 1/4 damage to the wearer.
Other bonuses: add +10% to climb

Tactile tendrils [Minor] By Iczer
'Reach out and touch someone'

The character can sprout a dozen thin tendrils from his forearms and hands that can reach out up to 10 feet (+2 feet per level), with a variety of effects.
1) total touch. By reaching out to an object or area within his range, the character can run his tendrils over the object to guage it's dimensions and other features. This touch is not heightened (but could be if that power is also taken). This allows the character to navigate in darkness, rapidly search an object or area by touch (takes an action), locate invisible foes, and perform other touch type sensory tasks much faster than otherwise normally possible. Note: The tendrils can fit under doors and through very thin or tight spaces. as such, they can be used to feel inside objects, such as safes and locks.
2) Manipulation. all tendrils, working together can harness about a PS of 1. while useless for many tasks, the ablity to fine manipulate adds +15% to all tasks where fine manipulation is required And where the lack of strength is not a problem. The tendrils also can act as very simple tools where necessary.
3) Combat: tendrils are fairly useless in combat due to very weak strength and fragile nature. a scrape of tendrils in the eyes of an opponent may cause pain and distraction. such an attack would require a called shot (12+) to strike. This strike is -4 to dodge or parry (the tendrils are small and hard to see clearly). if successful, the target suffers 1 point of damage and must make a save vs pain (14+) or be stunned momentarilly (loses his next action). a similiar tactic, threading tendrils into the ear of an opponent is harder (called shot 16+) to perform, and takes longer (2 actions to perform), and is easier to defend against if noticed at all (no penalty to dodge or parry if the attack is noticed). The target of such an attack will suffer a single point of damage, but will find his balance disturbed (loses an attack per melee for 1d4 melee's, is -1 to strike, parry and dodge and has a -10% to any balance checks. also his hearing is mildly diminished.). Given a full minute, the character can simply kill a helpless target by scratching his brain through his ears.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Nervejack [Major] By Iczer
'eww..this is going to hur...>squish<'

The character has the ability to ursurp control over another's body, by merging and co-opting his nervous system with a target's. Simply by plunging his hand into a target's spine or head, he creates a link in which he dominates the target.
1) Co-Opt body: The initial nervejack attempt requires contact and the use of 2 actions. In this fashion, the character's hand (or other limb as appropriate) sinks into the target's flesh to establish control. As this co-opting requires contact with the head or spine, it is ideal that the target does not defend by either parry or dodge, and that the initial contact is a called shot (to either spine or brain). The target may also save vs this control, requiring a 16 or better to resist (ME bonuses contribute, but bonuses to save vs psi do not) A co-opted body goes limp, and control of the body becomes surrendered to the character.
2) Limits of control: A controlled body is a puppet, performing actions as required by the character. the body has no voilition of it's own, though it retains a basic level of awareness. Unless the body is made to perform an action that would harm a loved one, or endanger his own life, no attempt to break free is possible. The body, as a puppet, cannot be made to 'act naturally' or recall or provide information.
3) Two way street: Once a target has been nerve jacked, the character can question and interrogate the target, mind to mind. this level of communion is limited to normal mind to mind conversation, and has no other ability to probe information from the target. The target may refuse to 'speak' if desired, but only the character may choose to turn this ability on and off at will. The Character can also inflict pain at will on the target, inflicting 1 HP per minute of excrutiating agony. The nervejacker can also access the targets senses at will.
4) Breaking free: If the target of nervejacking is being forced to perform an action that threatens the life of a loved one, or is forced to risk his own wellbeing, then he may attempt to exert control and shunt the nervejack aside. A 'risk to one's own wellbeing' must involve great or immanent damage or mutilation. Exposure to any damage that reduces SDC to zero, or does more than 2-3 HP, OR involves deliberate death or mutilation (Injecting himself with heroin, cutting off a pinkie, stabbing himself in the eye with a pencil) allows the target to make a save to resist. This save requires a 16 (bonuses from ME count). every successive save is at an additional +1. a well tortured foe will escape eventually. Of course, the nervejacker can release his target at any time. If the nervejacker falls unconscious or dies, then the connection is also broken.
5) Transfer damage: The nervejacker can also transfer the effects of wounds to his puppet. half of any HP damage, or aquarter of any SDC is transferred to the target.
6) Life preserver: Just as good thing can be turned to evil, nervejacking does have a less than malign usage. By plunging his hand into a freshly dead body (within 2-4 minutes) the character can keep the brain alive long enough for any sort of transplant or healing that can be performed. if feeling very self sacraficing, the character can swap minds with the target, though this usually means a guarenteed death for the character.
7) Nerve strikes: By expending 2 actions, the character can perform targeted strikes to a target in combat that utilising his nerve meld ability. Blows made in this manner inflict normal damage, but ignore natural AR, and inflict a great deal of pain (save vs pain 14+ or lose next action). a successful parry ignores the damage from the strike, but unless the parry is with a weapon, the pain effect is still triggered.
8) Limitations: Nervejacking can be used on any living, biological creature, but does not function on robots, artificial life forms of a non organic nature, people transformed into inorganic substances or energy. Nervejacking can be maintained for 2 hours per level before exhuastion forces a seperation. Only one target is available for nervejacking from levels 1-6. at 7th level, the character can attempt 2 targets at once, though all saves to resist or break free enjoy a +3 bonus if two targets are 'posessed' at once.

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Partial Metamorphosis [Minor] By Iczer
'I guess you could say I'm a tiger in the sack. I can be a lot of things'

The character has the ability to acquire transform a limb, or body part into an equivilant animal part, Grow Animal features and alter his physical body in small ways.
1) Cosmetic alteration: Without changing his shape at all, the character can alter his skin, hair and eyes to match that of any animal the character is familiar with. The change at this level is purely cosmetic, but has unlimited use and applications.
2) Alter limb. the character can alter a single limb to match that of another animal. Size is maintained, but any natural features of that limb are gained while the power is active. Only one limb may be changed at first level, but an additional limb may be changed at level 5 and beyond. With the exception of a tail, no new limbs may be formed.
3) Alter head: at third level, the character can alter his head, or parts of it, to mimic that of another creature. he can grow massive tiger fangs, the jaws of a crocodile or even the horns of an antelope. In addition, he may acquire animal senses from this procedure, simply by altering those features to macth a corresponding animal.

Fling [major] By Iczer
'I don't need to hit you hard, i only need to hit you'

The character has a skin tight field that surrounds his body, allowing him to exert force on any item he touches, granting him a number of usefull applications. The strength of this field is 7 , increasing by 1 per level.
* Escape artist: by flexing his field as he struggles, the character can add his Field strength to his own when attempting to break out of chains or grapples.
* Fling objects: any objects he holds or touches may be hurled away from him in a direction of his choosing. Character rolls to strike normally, but at +1, as this directed force is more accurate and precise than an outstretched arm. Objects thrown in this fashion use the base damage for the item in question, plus any bonus derived from the field strength as if it were supernatural strength. [supernatural PS of 15 or less adds 2d4 damage] In addition, items flung in this fashion do not have to originate from the character's hand. a toe tap or any nudge can start this process. even a weapon in a holster touching the character can be sufficient.
* Fling opponent's: The character can also use this to unbalance a foe. on any disarm, throw, trip or body block/tackle the character can also opt to hurl the target an additional number of feet equal to his field PS. In addition, any foe he strikes with a regular unarmed attack, must roll underneath his PP attribute (minus the field strength) or be knocked down by the blow (characters with a sense of balance roll at -20% or -4)
* Kick up dust: In the same manner as fling objects above, the character can cause sand and dust within reach to hurl into the air, kept aloft by the character cycling air around himself. this creates a dust cloud much like that created by CEF: Earth, only the range is very small.
* deflection defence: by concentrating (one attack per melee is lost) the character gains an AR of 15 and halves the damage of purley kinetic sources. this AR and defence does not protect against suprise or unseen attacks. this same type of deflection allows the character to flick acid off his skin and turn aside dust and smoke.

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Iczer wrote:Partial Metamorphosis [Minor] By Iczer
'I guess you could say I'm a tiger in the sack. I can be a lot of things'

The character has the ability to acquire transform a limb, or body part into an equivilant animal part, Grow Animal features and alter his physical body in small ways.
1) Cosmetic alteration: Without changing his shape at all, the character can alter his skin, hair and eyes to match that of any animal the character is familiar with. The change at this level is purely cosmetic, but has unlimited use and applications.
2) Alter limb. the character can alter a single limb to match that of another animal. Size is maintained, but any natural features of that limb are gained while the power is active. Only one limb may be changed at first level, but an additional limb may be changed at level 5 and beyond. With the exception of a tail, no new limbs may be formed.
3) Alter head: at third level, the character can alter his head, or parts of it, to mimic that of another creature. he can grow massive tiger fangs, the jaws of a crocodile or even the horns of an antelope. In addition, he may acquire animal senses from this procedure, simply by altering those features to macth a corresponding animal.

Fling [major] By Iczer
'I don't need to hit you hard, i only need to hit you'

The character has a skin tight field that surrounds his body, allowing him to exert force on any item he touches, granting him a number of usefull applications. The strength of this field is 7 , increasing by 1 per level.
* Escape artist: by flexing his field as he struggles, the character can add his Field strength to his own when attempting to break out of chains or grapples.
* Fling objects: any objects he holds or touches may be hurled away from him in a direction of his choosing. Character rolls to strike normally, but at +1, as this directed force is more accurate and precise than an outstretched arm. Objects thrown in this fashion use the base damage for the item in question, plus any bonus derived from the field strength as if it were supernatural strength. [supernatural PS of 15 or less adds 2d4 damage] In addition, items flung in this fashion do not have to originate from the character's hand. a toe tap or any nudge can start this process. even a weapon in a holster touching the character can be sufficient.
* Fling opponent's: The character can also use this to unbalance a foe. on any disarm, throw, trip or body block/tackle the character can also opt to hurl the target an additional number of feet equal to his field PS. In addition, any foe he strikes with a regular unarmed attack, must roll underneath his PP attribute (minus the field strength) or be knocked down by the blow (characters with a sense of balance roll at -20% or -4)
* Kick up dust: In the same manner as fling objects above, the character can cause sand and dust within reach to hurl into the air, kept aloft by the character cycling air around himself. this creates a dust cloud much like that created by CEF: Earth, only the range is very small.
* deflection defence: by concentrating (one attack per melee is lost) the character gains an AR of 15 and halves the damage of purley kinetic sources. this AR and defence does not protect against suprise or unseen attacks. this same type of deflection allows the character to flick acid off his skin and turn aside dust and smoke.


wows. i really love these two. the second one kinda reminds me of the musician brothers from kung fu hustle(very loosely). :D
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I don't know if an Absorb Kinetic Energy power has been done before, even if it has I have a version that I created for use in my games. It worked well so far, and it seems to be enjoyable to play. Don't be afraid to let me know what you think.

Absorb Kinetic Energy (Major)
This power allows a character to absorb, and release the energy from kinetic attacks. The character can use this absorbed power to increase his physical strength, and the amount of damage he can inflict with barehanded strikes.
1. Potential Kinetic Energy Pool (PKE): The character can absorb, and store an amount of kinetic damage equal to PEx10, plus 10 per level of experience. As long as there is room in the pool to absorb the kinetic damage the character will take absolutely no damage from kinetic attacks, any kinetic damage past what the character can absorb still only does ½ damage. Kinetic energy may be stored for one hour per level of experience.
2. Increase PS: The character can convert stored kinetic energy into points of PS. For every five points of PKE spent increase the character’s PS by one point, this increase has a duration of one minute per level of experience.
3. Increase Speed: The character can convert stored kinetic energy into points of Speed. For every five points of PKE spent the character can increase his Speed attribute by one point. This increase has a duration of one minute per level of experience.
4. Damage Increase: The character may also convert points from his PKE pool into increased physical damage. For every 10 points of PKE spent the character may add 1d6 to a physical strike. This is used to augment only one attack at a time, and has duration of instant. The character may add a total number of dice to their damage equal to twice their level (i.e. 2d6 first level, 4d6 second level, 6d6 third level, etc.).
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AJ Pickett wrote:That's a nice version of a Kinetic major.. yes, there are a few, but there is plenty of room for variants in PU3.0
I did a few calculations with the point pool and costs and it works out well, though I would allow a straight one for one conversion for speed points.

I've thought about that, but during play it was incredibly easy to add more points to your PKE pool so it never really came up. Players were constantly jumping infront of bullet barrages, leaping from roof tops, or letting the big heavy hit them with all their might.
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HH...I must be slowing down. Need to inject more powers.

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Hey, if someone already made this... oops. It does need a better name though.

Step-Up Invulnerability(major)
"I'm not afraid of rocket launchers. Now papercuts, they suck."
Minor cuts and scratches affect this character just like everyone else. It's just that, for some reason, the more damage they should take the less they actually do. Some people with this power have been seen getting more banged up over slipping on ice than by falling off a four story building. It seems the more massive the potential damage, the more their power kicks in to save them.
Effects: The first 20 points of damage sustained in a specific attack does normal damage. The next 20 points of damage only does half damage. The next 20 points only does one-third damage. The next 20 points only does one-fourth damage. After that, every additional block of 30 points of damage does less damage in the same pattern. All fractions are rounded down.
+2 to P.E.
+3D6 x 10 to S.D.C.
+15% to Save vs. Coma/Death
Notes:: The reductions in damage are only applied to that block of damage. So, if a person with this power took 34 points of damage from an attack, the first 20 go through just fine. The next 14 points are reduced by half, so the person only takes 27 points total.
If they took 148 points of damage, the first 20 go through. Then the next 20 are halved, becoming 10 points. The next 20 are reduced to 6 points(20/3 rounded down). The next 20 are reduced to 5 points. The next 30 are reduced to 6 points(30/5). The next 30 are reduced to 5 points(30/6). The next 8 points are reduced to 1 point(8/7). So, in total you have 20+10+6+5+6+5+1 or 53 points of damage.
This reduction in damage applies to any physical damage sustained from kinetic sources and energy damage. This does not give any resistance to diseases. Sources of damage like poisons and acids are reduced by this power.
Magic and psionic sources of damage are fully affected by this power, but the reduction starts after the first 30 points instead of the first 20.
Last edited by MrTwist on Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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it's a nice idea, but i think the mechanics should be reworked.... it doesn't really seem that major so far..... i mean, most attacks actually fall under 50 points(a rough estimation), so it would only reduce them to about 36 points.... that's more than the sdc bonus granted by the power.... i would suggest making it more dramatic: for each die of damage above 1(1d6x10 is NOT 1 die, it's 10), the fraction increases by one(1/2 at 2d6, 1/3 at 3d6, 1/4 at 4d6, 1/5 at 5d6, etc). that would make it a much more major power, while retaining the spirit of the idea.

edit: this doesn't account for straight damage bonuses(ps bonus, etc.), so i would add this: for each additional 15 points of damage beyond the dice #, add an additional increment to the fraction.

example: a punch normally does 5d6+35: the 5d6 would reduce the final damage to 1/5, and the additional 35 would reduce it to 1/7(35/15=2.3 repeating, which is rounded down to 2).
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znbrtn wrote:it's a nice idea, but i think the mechanics should be reworked.... it doesn't really seem that major so far..... i mean, most attacks actually fall under 50 points(a rough estimation), so it would only reduce them to about 36 points.... that's more than the sdc bonus granted by the power.... i would suggest making it more dramatic: for each die of damage above 1(1d6x10 is NOT 1 die, it's 10), the fraction increases by one(1/2 at 2d6, 1/3 at 3d6, 1/4 at 4d6, 1/5 at 5d6, etc). that would make it a much more major power, while retaining the spirit of the idea.

edit: this doesn't account for straight damage bonuses(ps bonus, etc.), so i would add this: for each additional 15 points of damage beyond the dice #, add an additional increment to the fraction.

example: a punch normally does 5d6+35: the 5d6 would reduce the final damage to 1/5, and the additional 35 would reduce it to 1/7(35/15=2.3 repeating, which is rounded down to 2).

Interesting idea, but I had intended for this to be a power in those campaigns where the players/NPCs did large amounts of damage. For example, the kind where half the party has Supernatural Strength and the other half have big guns. Those kinds of campaigns pop up now and again. It is basicaly just an Invulnerability variant.

I will increase the SDC bonus though. 3D6 X 10 sounds better. Maybe to bring it up to more of a major power I should add in some kind of minor healing factor?
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Energy Expulsion: Remote Blast
This power is really just a variant on any existing energy expulsion power that creates a projectile-type energy blast. In exchange for damage, this allows the user to choose any place within the power's range as the actual origination point of the energy blast, and directed any way they choose.
Damage: 1D6 + 1D6 every additional level of experience.
Range: The new origination point can be anywhere the user chooses with 10ft of themself, +5 additional feet at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. The actual range of the blast is unchanged.
Bonus To Strike: +1 to strike on aimed shots(supercedes the normal +3 bonus to strike).
Note: Unless the GM does require it, this power normally requires the user to engage in some kind of physical action that immediately precedes the blast so everyone around has a good idea of who did it. At level 8 their control over this power is enough that it is suggested that this restriction be removed. No gesture should be needed to create the power, though the user must always be able to see the origination point.
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MrTwist wrote:
znbrtn wrote:it's a nice idea, but i think the mechanics should be reworked.... it doesn't really seem that major so far..... i mean, most attacks actually fall under 50 points(a rough estimation), so it would only reduce them to about 36 points.... that's more than the sdc bonus granted by the power.... i would suggest making it more dramatic: for each die of damage above 1(1d6x10 is NOT 1 die, it's 10), the fraction increases by one(1/2 at 2d6, 1/3 at 3d6, 1/4 at 4d6, 1/5 at 5d6, etc). that would make it a much more major power, while retaining the spirit of the idea.

edit: this doesn't account for straight damage bonuses(ps bonus, etc.), so i would add this: for each additional 15 points of damage beyond the dice #, add an additional increment to the fraction.

example: a punch normally does 5d6+35: the 5d6 would reduce the final damage to 1/5, and the additional 35 would reduce it to 1/7(35/15=2.3 repeating, which is rounded down to 2).

Interesting idea, but I had intended for this to be a power in those campaigns where the players/NPCs did large amounts of damage. For example, the kind where half the party has Supernatural Strength and the other half have big guns. Those kinds of campaigns pop up now and again. It is basicaly just an Invulnerability variant.

i see what you mean.... perhaps there could be conditions that reduce the fractions.... maybe reduce it by 3 levels for superhuman strength, and 6 levels for supernatural?

MrTwist wrote:I will increase the SDC bonus though. 3D6 X 10 sounds better. Maybe to bring it up to more of a major power I should add in some kind of minor healing factor?

both are good ideas.
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Maybe it could be Square root invulnerablity.

Get hit for 9 points, take 3
get hit for 16 points, take 4
Get hit for 50 points 8 (ish)

that would pump it back into the majors. in a big way.

a character with 100 SDC, could take massive one off hits ( could withstand a 10,000 SDC bomb) but could be whittled down by small arms fire with much more success.

An alternative might be a type of percentage reduction.

Get hit for 30 damage, Knock off 30% of the damage (take 21 pts)
Get hit for 10 damage, knock off 10% of it (take 9 points)
Get hit for 50 damage, knock off 50% (Take 25)
Get hit for 80 damage, knock off 80% (take 16 :shock: )
Get hit for 100 damage....ummm, maybe a percentage limit per level might apply then. Perhaps a max of 10% deduction per level until 8th level, where it maxes out by 2% per level thereafter. or perhaps just max out the damage reduction to 90%

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Both of those are interesting ideas, Iczer. The whole point was for a power that doesn't protect against minor damage so much as providing protection from those extreme sources.
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MrTwist wrote:Energy Expulsion: Remote Blast
This power is really just a variant on any existing energy expulsion power that creates a projectile-type energy blast. In exchange for damage, this allows the user to choose any place within the power's range as the actual origination point of the energy blast, and directed any way they choose.
Damage: 1D6 + 1D6 every additional level of experience.
Range: The new origination point can be anywhere the user chooses with 10ft of themself, +5 additional feet at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. The actual range of the blast is unchanged.
Bonus To Strike: +1 to strike on aimed shots(supercedes the normal +3 bonus to strike).
Note: Unless the GM does require it, this power normally requires the user to engage in some kind of physical action that immediately precedes the blast so everyone around has a good idea of who did it. At level 8 their control over this power is enough that it is suggested that this restriction be removed. No gesture should be needed to create the power, though the user must always be able to see the origination point.
Should be able to see the originating starting point of the blast and the target.
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JTwig wrote:I don't know if an Absorb Kinetic Energy power has been done before, even if it has I have a version that I created for use in my games. It worked well so far, and it seems to be enjoyable to play. Don't be afraid to let me know what you think.

Absorb Kinetic Energy (Major)
This power allows a character to absorb, and release the energy from kinetic attacks. The character can use this absorbed power to increase his physical strength, and the amount of damage he can inflict with barehanded strikes.
1. Potential Kinetic Energy Pool (PKE): The character can absorb, and store an amount of kinetic damage equal to PEx10, plus 10 per level of experience. As long as there is room in the pool to absorb the kinetic damage the character will take absolutely no damage from kinetic attacks, any kinetic damage past what the character can absorb still only does ½ damage. Kinetic energy may be stored for one hour per level of experience.
2. Increase PS: The character can convert stored kinetic energy into points of PS. For every five points of PKE spent increase the character’s PS by one point, this increase has a duration of one minute per level of experience.
3. Increase Speed: The character can convert stored kinetic energy into points of Speed. For every five points of PKE spent the character can increase his Speed attribute by one point. This increase has a duration of one minute per level of experience.
4. Damage Increase: The character may also convert points from his PKE pool into increased physical damage. For every 10 points of PKE spent the character may add 1d6 to a physical strike. This is used to augment only one attack at a time, and has duration of instant. The character may add a total number of dice to their damage equal to twice their level (i.e. 2d6 first level, 4d6 second level, 6d6 third level, etc.).
I would add some sort of limit as to how much PKE can be added to PS/SPD
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The Deific NMI wrote:Should be able to see the originating starting point of the blast and the target.

I was really stuck when making the power. I wasn't sure whether or not to require seeing the target. In the end, the reason why I went with just the origination point was that it didn't seem necessary. It's good to have something that can shoot around corners.

If you can't see the target, you would probably not have any kind of bonuses to shoot, and have to make the shot at a -8 or something. Not sure though.
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Fast Forward
This is a rather simple power. It allows the user to fast forward time as they wish. They enter into stasis, needing no food, water, or air. They are still visually aware of the world around them. It basically plays at a very fast speed. The power can be turned off at will. In this state, any injury automatically turns the power off.
The actual speed of the fast forwarding is chosen at the start of the power use, be it one hour every second or one hundred years every minute.
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The Deific NMI wrote:
JTwig wrote:I don't know if an Absorb Kinetic Energy power has been done before, even if it has I have a version that I created for use in my games. It worked well so far, and it seems to be enjoyable to play. Don't be afraid to let me know what you think.

Absorb Kinetic Energy (Major)
This power allows a character to absorb, and release the energy from kinetic attacks. The character can use this absorbed power to increase his physical strength, and the amount of damage he can inflict with barehanded strikes.
1. Potential Kinetic Energy Pool (PKE): The character can absorb, and store an amount of kinetic damage equal to PEx10, plus 10 per level of experience. As long as there is room in the pool to absorb the kinetic damage the character will take absolutely no damage from kinetic attacks, any kinetic damage past what the character can absorb still only does ½ damage. Kinetic energy may be stored for one hour per level of experience.
2. Increase PS: The character can convert stored kinetic energy into points of PS. For every five points of PKE spent increase the character’s PS by one point, this increase has a duration of one minute per level of experience.
3. Increase Speed: The character can convert stored kinetic energy into points of Speed. For every five points of PKE spent the character can increase his Speed attribute by one point. This increase has a duration of one minute per level of experience.
4. Damage Increase: The character may also convert points from his PKE pool into increased physical damage. For every 10 points of PKE spent the character may add 1d6 to a physical strike. This is used to augment only one attack at a time, and has duration of instant. The character may add a total number of dice to their damage equal to twice their level (i.e. 2d6 first level, 4d6 second level, 6d6 third level, etc.).
I would add some sort of limit as to how much PKE can be added to PS/SPD

Thats another thing that never came up while play testing the power. The most I ever saw the PC add was +30 to PS, costing 150 points. The rest has mostly been used to add damage dice to hand to hand attacks, which eats through a PKE pool really fast. Eventually the characters starts to run low on PKE points, and begins going out of their way to add points to the pool. Its especially fun to see what they will do to add points when their fighting aginst a NPC who flys (staying out of melee range), and who's main attack is a power like Super Energy Expulsion.
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Body Buffer [Major] By Iczer
'C' that the best you've got? HAH!..I mean..oh oh'

The character has the ability to channel injury into a kind of quantum sink, which stores and dissipates the charge slowly. When a character is injured for less than 20 points of damage from any source, including poison, the damage is channelled into this buffer rather than. Damage exceeding 20 points is instead halved, with one half passing to the buffer, and the rest he takes himself.

Eventually the buffer fills. Not the most desireable of events. When the buffer fills then the power fails. The accumulated wounds spilling out into the character's body. The body can hold 60 points of damage, plus 20 per level.

On the plus side, the buffer also recovers at a remarkable rate, shedding one point per minute.

Another benefit of the power is the ability to transfer this buffer into other people. By taking two actions, the character can lay his hands on another person, and transfer 1d6 points of buffer damage to a foe per level. This transference bypasses natural (but not worn) AR's and immunities, and typically manifests as swirling flame or coloured lights.

The character is never Forced to transfer damage into his buffer, he may choose whether damage is transferred into his buffer or not.

Other bonuses:
Exposure and containment of harmful energies has added the following:
+1D4+3 PE
+2D4x10 SDC
+4 to save vs pain
Heals at 2 times normal rate.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Secretion control [Minor] By Iczer
'You may lock me up, but you will never clean off the mark of The Secreter!"

The character sweats a coagulating agent, which binds with his own body oils, allowing him to will his bodily secretions to shape and harden.
1) Form tools: The character can shape his sweat (and spit and blood if need be) into tiny, rigid items. Shurikens and caltrops are a favorite of this character, as are lockpicks and stilleto's. Items can be as sharp as would be found in a common pencil, but never larger than, say, a mobile phone or deck of cards. Weapons creatde with this power do as much as 1d4 damage, though the character (at third level) can create and hurl up to 4 at once (ability to hit is dependant on appropriate WP's)
2) Bind wounds and body armour: The character can close any of his wounds, by causing the blood in it to hypercoagulate, forming an instant cast (for broken bones) or bandages (for open wounds). He can use it to create a costume of his own secretions (ewwww) and can harden his own body oils into armor plating (albeit weak armor plating. AR 13 SDC 15 +10 per level)
3) Other abilities: The character can summon his secretions back to him, to be absorbed through the flesh. as a result he can remove traces of his presence, removing his blood and other incriminating fluids. The character can create lines and cords, but they need to be patiently and slowly woven together to have any supporting strength.

Instinctive Reading:
[Major?] By Iczer
'I Knew you were going to do that. Luckilly I anticipated it.'

The character has the ability to predict the actions and thoughts of others, by reading their body language and 'feeling' the surging of neurons under his skin.
1) Combat reading: In combat, the character has a kind of split second warning as to his opponent's moves, seeing his future actions through a kind of third eye. This is not psychic nor clairvoyant, but a super human ability to perform what professional boxers and martial arts do all the time. Defensively, the character gains a +2 to parry, dodge and roll against targets within his line of sight. Offensively, the character has +1 to strike. These bonuses do not apply to targets he cannot see. Against opponents he can see, he gains an autododge at +3.
2) Out of combat: The character can tell the difference between a living and dead person. He can get simple impulses off others as well. He can tell if someone is lying (75% +3% per level) but not what they may be lying about. Can judge emotion and state of mind (80% +2% per level).
3) Other bonuses: The character gains quicker reactions by performing feedback on himself and maximising his performance. In addition, his ability to 'read' others improves his social talents. Lastly, the energies produced by psychics are easy to read. Not only can he detect a person with psychic powers, but he can more easilly steel himself against their effects.
+2 MA
+2 PP
+4 Spd
+1 attack per melee
+4 Initiative
+4 to save Vs Psi.
4) Obvious limitations: The character cannot read people who are not made of flesh and blood, nor can he read people he cannot see (in darkness, smoke or concealment, as well as snipers and suprise attacks) That said, the character instantly senses people who fall into the former category (for example, human androids).

Mass Vampirism: [Major] By Iczer
'Sucks to be me'

The character can drain the physical mass from other people to sustain and strengthen himself.
1) Drain others: By touching a target, the character can expend 2 actions and start draining. Each 'touch' drains mass from a target and converts that mass into strength. The target must save vs this drain (15+ PE bonuses count). if successful, the target loses 5% of his body weight, and 5% of his SDC. After a target loses half or more of his body weight, he begins to suffer serious pain and loss of muscle mass. Every subsequent touch drains only drops him 2% of his body mass, and 5% of his Hitpoints, as well as dropping his PS and PE by one. A target dies if his PE or PS reach zero, or his HP reach zero. This power stops draining a target when his mass is down to 25% his original body mass. at this point, the target falls unconscious. Lost attribute points recover at a rate of 1 per month. this rate is one per week for character with access to medical physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Any character with any degree of regeneration or improved healing, recover attributes at a rate of 1 per day. HP and SDC damage recover at a much slower rate, as the target attempts to regrow his own mass. With diet and therapy, the average superhuman can recover lost mass at a rate of 5lbs per day. HP and SDC recover at 1/3rd rate until the character is back to 3/4 mass.
2) This weight transfers into raw mass and strength for the character. the character gains 1/4 the target's lost SDC, and gains +1 PS and PE. Unless used to heal, the drained SDC and strength fades after half an hour. additionally, this power removes the need for regular food. aweek's worth of normal, healthy eating, can be substituted for by a single mass drain.
3) Safety within bulk: Individuals with serious weight problems find themselves somewhat protected against this power. Each touch drains excess weight rather than healthy body mass. Treat individuals as on this sliding scale: Normal weight - Overweight - Fat - Obese -Morbidly Obese. Every two drains lowers a person's weight category by one until normal weight where the drain begins to affect them normally. Each weught category grants the superhuman: +20SDC, +2 PE and PS. Weight lost through this power stays off dependant on genetics and diet. Needless to say, this power can be used safely as a method of controlling another's weight.

Chlorabsorption: [Major] By Iczer
'Gardening for dummies, By Dummies.'

The character can absorb plant matter into himself to heal, gain strength and mass or to eject at a later date.
1) Absorb plant matter: the character can cause plant life to surge towards him and flow into him. Such an act cuases targetted plant life to liquify and flow up to 50 feet +10 feet per level. Plant life takes 1D4 x 10 damage every time this is used and can be 'eaten' by the character to produce the folowing:
* Healing. The character heals 3d6 SDC or HP damage everytime he uses this power. For every 100 SDC of drained plant matter, he can regrow a limb.
* Bulking: The character can use the plant matter to bulk up his body, turning green and leafy as he does. After 25 damage, the character can add a +4 to PS and PE. after 50 damage, he adds another 20SDC, and another +4SDC and PE. after 100 damage, he gains another +4 PE and PS, another 30 SDC and his strength becomes superhuman, and he doubles in size. at 150 damage, he gains an AR of 10 and is more plant than man. +2 to PS and PE and +20 SDC. at 250 damage the character can grow no more. He doubles his weight, has an AR of 14 and +2 more to PS and PE, as well as +40 SDC. These gains dissapear after 10 minutes per level.
2) Plant offensive: The character need not absorb the damage he causes, he can just be harmful if the desire so strikes him. The character can also target weeds and leave other plants alone, or target everything in his line of sight without touching the roses. He is immune to plant based toxins (his body absorbs them instantly). Against plant like beings, he can blast such targets at +7 to strike with the attack, targetted like any other ranged attack.

Energy Channel [Minor] By Iczer

The character absorbs energy. This involuntary process holds and stores the energy untl it reaches critical mass, and then watch out, the character lets it all go at once.
The character absorbs up to 30 points per melee +5 per level. anything in excess of this he takes himself, but halves it. The character has no option to avoid this absorbtion, and so he may be overloaded involuntarilly.
The character has a buffer of 100 damage from energy that he can absorb, Plus 20 per level. When this is breached, the character feels the energy begin to overwhelm him. He may continue without side effects by making a save (15+ ME bonuses count) but the act of 'holding it in' loses the character 2 actions per melee -2 to all combat and -20% to all skills.
When the character allows himself to breach, or has no option, roll percentile dice to determine his eventual fate:
01-10 - The energy explodes outwards, showering everyone within 40 feet for 1d6x10 damage.
11-20 - The damage ravages the character's cells: half his HP vanish and he loses a PE point for a week.
21-30 - The character erupts with slow wounds. The character takes 1d6 damage every round as the energy leaks from his pores, cutting swaths through him until he has lost half his buffer.
31-45 - EMP: the character erupts with an EMP for a radius of 1 mile.
46-55 - Psychic scream: The energy funnels throught he character's mind, as a psychic shockwave. everyone within 80 feet must save vs psi or pass out. psychic characters also take 4d6 damage from this.
56 -70 Fireball: The character passes out and then becomes surrounded in a shield of blazing heat. this ball of heat and fire burns for 20 minutes, while the character sits inside. while he himself is immune to this emanated flame, the ball is 15 feet wide and inflicts 4d6 to anyone inside it, melting concrete and street for the full 20 minutes.
71-85 - Explosion: The character seemingly explodes. everyone in 30 feet takes 3d6 damage. the character has just been sent 4d6 days into the future.
85-95 - Melt: horrible burns take place under the skin. For the next 15 minutes, the character ejects melted body fat from random parts of his body. every 1d4 melee's the character takes 2d6 damage and shoots a gout of flame 30 feet in a random direction.
96-100 - Other: weird: pick one. the character turns to stone, transports to another dimension, becomes hypermagnetised..GM's feel free to be creative.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Decoy: [Minor] By Iczer
'Father....complete meeee.'

The character can create a copy, a dopelganger or clone. This clone is simple minded and incomplete, and only barely functional. The typical Decoy has the following stats:
PS,PP and PE 8
PB: same as The character
Spd 8
HP none: is not truely alive.
Combat bonuses: none
Attacks per melee: 2

The decoy is formed from the character's DNA and localised dust and moisture. it is slavishly loyal, willing to die and debase itself fon the command of the creator. Decoys take 2 actions to create, and can only be created at a rate of 1 per 30 minutes. As they live for 2 hours per level, a character can have a small cadre of weak but loyal cannon fodder.

Dissolution: [Minor] By Iczer
'I'm just going to dribble down for a while. Mind my power gauntlet willya?'

The character can opt to dissolve his body into nothingness. Where he goes when this happens, or what happens to his mass when he does so, remains a mystery. The process itself takes only a little while (just under a minute) and at the end there is no trace of the character. When the character does this, he states how long he will be gone (can be up to a year per level). while gone, he does not age, nor suffer the ravages of time, but he does heal, and very well at that. he heals at 4 times normal rate while 'dissolved' and can recover from nearly any wound, even growing back limbs in a month. The character reforms over a minute in the same spot that he dissapeared, or nearest equivilant.
after 5th level, the character gains a very limited awareness of his surroundings while dissolved. if physically called in the area he dissolved in, he may make a save (14+ ME bonuses count) to reform. If danger (or opportunity) makes itself present at that location (damsel in distress, natural disaster etc) the character may also attempt to reform (16+).

Death addiction: [Major] By Iczer
'Yummy..murder suicide buffet'

The character gets a physical rush when in the presence of death. If a person, human or otherwise, dies within 50 feet, the character feels an inexplicable rush of joy and power. For the next 20 minutes (+5 per level) he enjoys:
* Superhuman strength
* +2d6 PS
* Double HP
* +1 attack
* +1 to strike parry and dodge
* 50 SDC
* +10 speed
* The ability to leap 20 feet up or across.
In addition, the character heals 3d6 damage for every death within range.

After those 20 minutes or so, the character still rides on the high. for the next day per level, the character feels upbeat and happy (+10% to all skills), heals at 3x normal levels and enjoys +2 PS and +10 to SDC.

After this secondary time period, things turn dark for the character. he has a grace period of three days where his mood worsens and the above bonuses dissapear. after those three days, the character goes into withdrawal until he experiences another death.

If the character deliberately causes the death, rather than merely observe, and is within 5 feet when a person dies, the kick is bigger and better. He immeadiately heals 4d6 damage, and the duration of the 'death bonuses' is increased by 50%. when commiting any murder himself, the character gains an imprint or impression of that individual's life

Other bonuses:
The character's natural affinity with death grants him a +6 to save vs HF and +2 ME (though may acquire an obsession with death)
The character also becomes a more brutal individual, gaining +1 to strike and +4 to damage from sheer brutality
The character's insight on death and violence grants him a +20% to criminal science and investigation where a death has occured, +10% to track a murderer, or a +10% on medical skills.

Teledefence: [Minor] By Iczer
">POP< Missed me! >POP< Missed again'

The character instinctively teleports when impacted by any significant force. This works like a roll with punch, but applies to any and all instant damage. (Car crashes, gunfire, punches, but not poison, holds, crushes and squeezes). If the roll is successful (roll at +6. do not add combat bonuses) then the character teleports between 1-5 feet away to avoid damage. A successful roll deals only 1/10th damage. a failed roll inflicts 1/2 damage. if the character cannot move far enough to avoid part of the damage, then he takes full normal damage.

Next up: animal abilities:

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer like. I have seen a transperancy power before though, I can't remember where.

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thagema wrote:
AJ Pickett wrote:This thread is slipping down the forum a bit and we are so close to 100 pages!
This power has been kicking around in my head all day, let me know what you think.
Force of Will (Major) -By AJ Pickett (

This is basically Create Energy Constructs, except all you did was change energy to telekinetic force and a couple other features added. Not much new here.

Well not everyone wants to use energy, so a psychokinetic force might be more to their liking.
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Resilient [Minor] By Iczer
'It hurts all over....why does the pain never end'

The character enjoys a superhuman ability to absorb stress and harm from his environment.
* Double the character's HP total
* Add 1d4+1 to PE
* The character heals at 3 times his normal rate
* Damage from poison and disease is halved. additionally, the character suffers half effect and half duration from poisons and diseases. even otherwise fatal diseases go into remission almost instantly
* Superpowers that call for a saving throw, enjoy a +2 bonus. (does not apply to magic or psionics)

Absorb Matter [Major] By Iczer
'Can't talk...eating'

The character has the ability to repair damage to himself by absorbing matter.
* absorb Matter: The character can lay his hands on a solid surface and 'suck' the matter from it, turining it into usefull flesh. The character needs a full melee to perform this absorpbtion, during which time he is basically defenceless. The character can inflict 20 points of damage, minus the AR of the substance per level. (so a first level character, absorbing brick (AR14) inflicts 6 damage verey round. a second level character inflicts 12 per round.) this is permananet damage. Typically, after 10% of a substance's SDC has gone then a hole has appearaed (Your milage may vary dependant on the substance)
* Augment self: every 3 points of damage inflicted in the above manner heals 1 SDC. The Wounds are repaired with the matter absorbed, turing the character into a kind of golem hybrid. The character's artificial SDC turns back to regular flesh and blood at a rate of one point per hour. When half the character's SDC has been converted to a foreign material, the character gains an AR equal to the average of all materials absorbed minus one. this rises by one for every 10% of flesh replaced. additionally, When half his SDC has been replaced, his strength becomes extraordanary, and rises by 4 points, with another +2 per 10% of his flesh that gets replaced.
* Defensive absorbtion: By perfoming a parry attempt with this power, the character can simply absorb incoming matter. The character rolls a parry with this power (at +6, PP bonuses count but not HTH skills). if successful, the character absorbs the matter. In the case of bullets or other projectiles, the projectile simply is absorbed. No damage is done. In the case of melee weapons, the weapon takes as much damage as it inflicts (and the character takes half damage). The character may also absorb poisons and toxins of a strictly chemical nature (natural poisons cannot be absorbed)
* Limitations: Cannot absorb living organic matter.

Intelligence spike [Major? please advise] By Iczer
'Let me know if this hurts. I won't care, but i do like to inflict pain'

The character has the abilityt to grow a nasty spike from one of his arms. This wicked spike is around 8 inches long, and deadly sharp, but it's other functions are more frightening.
1) Spike damage: 3d6, with a +1 to strike and parry. The nature of the spike allows it to pierce armor, ignoring 2 points of AR on a target. PS bonuses apply to damage as normal.
2) Implant: the sinister application for this weapon is to use this to physically interface with other people. By piercing a target's head, the character can 'lock' this spike in place and start downloading information. In combat, striking a peroon's head with enough precision as to sink the spike into the brain requires 3 actions and a called shot (12+ -4 to strike). This kind of implantation does normal damage but the victim becomes dazed as a result (lose one attack per melee, -2 to strike parry and dodge) The target is otherwise unnafected, but may be concerned about having the character attached to his head. The target needs to make a roll under his ME on a d20 to pull the spike out of his own accord. even if successful, pulling at the spike causes 1d6 damage for every attempt. The attempt requires that the target and character roll a d20. The charactcter may add his PS OR his PP, while the target needs to add his PS. the higher roll wins. if the target wins the spike is out and he is back to normal.
3) The interface: With the interface in place, the character can attempt to extract information. essentially sifting for facts. Each action the character has, he may interrogate the target for one fact. the target may save Vs 15 to resist (ME bonuses assist). if he resists, he may either deny information or attempt misinformation. attempting misinformation requires a new save (as above) to pull off the deception. Alternatively, the character may simply inflict 2d6 damage to the target as an action.
4) Gentle insertion. The character may choose to gently insert the spike into an opponent. any unresisting or defenceless foe can have the spike implanted harmlessly, sliding through the flesh gently. this method bypasses natural AR and invulnerbilities and causes no damage.
5) Invulnerable characters, and characters otherwise resistant to physical, kinetic harm, need special attention. Gentle implantation works as normal, but combat implantation fails unless the spike deals a minimum of 3 points of damage. once the spike is implanted, pulling it out causes no harm to the invulnerable or damage resistant individuals, but the 2d6 inflicted as an attack by the character to the target harms as usual, bypassing resistence.

Combat sychronosity [Major] By Iczer
'It's getting better all the time'

The character learns by observation, permanently burning information by watching others and copying their moves as he goes. Much like natural combat ability but focused slightly differently.
1) Copy moves. Simply observing a combat move adds that move to the character's repetoire. by observing a snap kick, the character gains a snap kick. the key here is the character must observe the move accurately and completely. The character has a 40% chance of recognition, plus 5% per level. The character makes the check for every move he sees. This is at -20% if he is merely observing from a distance, and -40% if he observes it while his mind is occupied elsewhere (such as fighting a different or multiple opponents.) he is at -60% if watching on video or by recording (-80% if the action is being enhanced by stuntmen, wires or special effects). His Best chance of observing a move, is to be attacked unsuccessfully by it (being successfully hit is distracting, and is -15%). Gaining the move is not the same as gaining any combat bonuses. the character gains no combat bonuses from these manoevres.
2) Copy skills: By observing a strictly physical skill, the character can add it to his repetoire. the character gains skills as above but needs to see a full 5 minutes of it's use to gain any bonus. The character, if successful, gains the skill at either +5% OR at the level displayed by the target (that is his margin of success).
3) Copy opponents: every level, the character can simply select an opponent to memorise. such an opponent's style is embedded in the character's mind. Against any of these opponents the character enjoys +2 to strike, parry, dodge and damage. the character can choose not to select a foe upon gaining a level, but may save it until he meets such a foe. once a selection is made, it remains.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Remote consciousness [Minor] By Iczer
'No pain no brain..never been truer..wanna see?!'

The character has a kind of opening in his head. typically he can open the back of his head, and his brain can crawl out, operating the body by remote.
1) The brain, has the following stats: Spd 13. can crawl on surfaces at half speed. colour blind, and can only see about 12 feet. +2 to dodge, prowl 45%. 20 HP.
2) The body: while the brain is out, the character can operate normally, over any distance from the body (but not across dimensions or time). additionally, the character may ignore pain, and is virtually immune to psychic abilities (events that target the mind will find the mind is fairly distant. telepaths may believe the character is a robot). the character may also continue to operate and stay conscious while his HP are below 0. the body halves it's attacks and combat bonuses, and speed and skills are at half rate as well, but the character still functions until his HP have reached negative his PE AND his ME. After this point, the body simply no longer holds together enough to function (but can be used as observation). If the body dies, then the brain is not long for this world (will live for his ME in days). the body cannot be knocked out or stunned by blows to the head, and while posions will insinuate themselves into the body, toxins that affect the brain directly do not affect the brainless individual. additionally, the character cannot drown or suffocate (all of which do damage based on cutting off oxygen supply to the brain (which is elsewhere).
3) Hollow head: while the brain is absent, the space in the head can be used as a storage space that can store objects safely (if not cleanly)
[As a side note, in playtest, a PC smuggled a shrunken PC in the hollow in his head]
4) a note on powers: essentially speaking, the brain does not share the powers of the body. sensory powers are shared by both, but otherwise powers are divided between the two as the character see's fit. A character with flight: wingless, Ex PE, Radar and Create force constructs can divide these powers as he sees fit. The body can have all the powers, while the brain gets radar (both the body AND the brain get radar). alternatively he can mix and match, giving the brain EX PE, and create force constructs leaving the body with flight. the character has full accsess to all powers when both the body and brain are joined.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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loved that batch, iczer. one question: would the combat synchronisity also work for wp's?
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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Spark of genius [Major? help on this one] By Iczer
'I'm bringing out the inner you'

The character can augment the minds of others to bring out inner mental talents.
1) Touch of genius: the character lays his hands on another to bring out this characteristic in another. The process takes merely a minute, and when it is done, the target adds 1d4+4 to his IQ, and gains a +10% to all skills that are by their nature sedentary. The target gains a near photographic memory and the ability to make intuitive leaps in logic (can solve problems in 1/2 the normal time)
2) Touch of willpower: the character lays his hands on another to bring out this characteristic in another. The process takes merely a minute, and when it is done, the target gains 1d4+2 ME. He also gains a +2 to save vs psionics, as well as a general gain in courage and self discipline (+4 to save vs HF)
3) Touch of the muse: the character lays his hands on another to bring out this characteristic in another. The process takes merely a minute, and when it is done, the target gains 1d4+3 MA. in addition gains +10% to all 'creative' skills (play instruments, art, sing etc). if the target has no such skills, he automatically gains one of his choice when he recieves this gift (though the character may not be aware of what he has gained).
4) Self enhancement: the character also posesses a lesser version of these gifts. while not neccessarilly as talented as his protege's, he gains a vision of his target's possibilities, much like a synopsis of what the target would do with such a gift. In addition, the character gains +2 to ME, MA and IQ. Other bonuses include:
* +2 to save vs HF and psionics
* +5% to all skills
* Eidetic like memory of the people he has gifted, as well as thier potential futures.
5) Drawbacks: Not a lot of drawbacks exist with this power. Each touch has a conditionally permanent duration. The touch leaves a target only if one of the following conditions are met.
a) The character withdraws it. this can be done from any distance
b) The target voluntarilly gives it up
c) The target recieves a different touch
d) The target fails to make use of it for 7 days. A mechanic gifted with extra intelligence needs to start using it to keep the gift. withering away at his old job is probably enough to classify. This is a call the GM has to make.
The character always knows when and why a gift is lost when it happens.
The touches are not addictive physically, but the rush of intelligence may be psychologically addictive.
Lastly, each touch carries a physical change in the target. This change is selected when this power is acquired, but may be different from character to character. It may be a change in skin colour, a glowing spark that continues, or a sudden attack of baldness. in any case the change is undone when and iff the power is revoked.

Pharmcolony [Minor] By Iczer
'Don't worry, I've got you'

The character has the ability to create drugs and antivenoms in glands in his body, and them administer them via small wires in his hands. The drugs produced in this manner are very rarely harmful,but do cover the range available from an over-the-counter chemist. Cough medicine, caffeine pills and even plain old aspirin can be manufactured and administered. The target insinctively breaks off contact to prevent overdoses of any sort. once per day per level, the character can produce stonger medicines. snake antivenom, anphetemines, even cocian and heroin may be produced and administered to a willing host.

Venom addict [Minor] By Iczer
'Ohhhh...I love that...what is that? Sodium Pentathol?'

The character is immune to poisons and venoms. Even more so, the character gains sustenence and strength from poisons and toxins. Typical incapacititing drugs add +2 to PS, as well as healing 4d6 HP or SDC (in addition to not having the intended effect). Lethal type drugs add +4 PS and heal 6d6 HP or SDC. Drugs that inflict raw damage simply heal HP or SDC as appropriate. Should a character not need healing, these become temporary SDC/HP.
The durations of these bonuses last as long as the drug would normally, +one extra round per level.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I came up with this power while doing yard work yesterday. With all the stuff I had to cut down and still have to dispose of, I wish I had it. Some may wonder what use it is, but it is pretty useful to a super powered character with a side job as a landscaper.

Next I want to come up with a power where you can modify the landscape a bit within a couple hundred foot area. Raising and lowering the ground a few inches, creating minor changes in foliage, etc... Maybe you meditate for a day or two in the area and it changes into whatever you concentrated on in your meditations.

This power basically turns bio-matter into a liquid sludge. This sludge gives off a light odor of decay and looks a nasty brownish black color. The bio-matter used to create the sludge must be dead, inanimate, and unattended(you could use it on a fur coat on a rack at a store, but not on an opponent's leather armor). Also, it can't be a corpse of a humanoid creature for some strange reason.
What this strange sludge actually is made of is a highly concentrated mix of plant nutrients. If poured onto the ground, it will soak up within three minutes. 4oz of this sludge will turn a 3foot radius patch of soil into great soil for grasses, trees, and other plants. Plants will grow bigger, look healthier, and all around end up being better off in this soil.
Range: The nutritious aspect of the sludge, per 4oz, is a 3ft radius. The maximum range stuff can be turned into sludge is 50ft away, and up to a 2x2x2 volume at a time.
Note: The amount of sludge generated is exactly the same, ounce for ounce, of bio-matter. So a four pound piece of a tree branch will turn into four pounds of sludge.

AJ Pickett wrote:I'm about to roll up a dream avatar NPC for an online game, a real stars and stripes super cheesey cape and tights version that springs from the mind of a 12 year old kid.

For the specific abilities, I'd go with Fearless, Summon Weapon(Flag), and Powerful Build.

Oh, I like what you've done to the category.

Edit: Oh yeah. Happy page 100, thread.
Last edited by MrTwist on Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Animal abilities: Aardvark/anteater (semi Ungulate)
Physical appearance: Husky build with powerfull shoulders and thick hands and wrists.
1) +1D4 to PE
2) +1D4 to PS
3) Gains Digging and tunnelling (as per the animal abilities)
4) Acute sense of hearing and smell. +1 to initiative and +2 to perception (if used)
5) Powerfull hands that can burrow through unbroken ground. inflict 2d6 as a pseudo claw strike, that can tar throug solid substances (-1 to AR's)
6) keen sense of smell allows it to track opponents . track by smell at 45% +5% per level. +10% for 'strong' odours as well as to track insects.
7) +1d4x10 SDC
8) Great party trick: can extend his tongue out to a foot.
9) Controls 1d4 semi-ungulates per level

Animal abilitiles Armadillo
Appearance changes: Muscular 'hunched' shoulders, large ears, thinning hair, slender limbs, pointed nose.

1) Heightened sense of smell. can track at 30% +5% per level.
2) Natural swim at 60% +6% per level.
3) Hold breath: may hold breath for 3d6 minutes at a time.
4) Shell: The character has a rough hide that repels damage. AR 14, SDC +50 OR AR 12 SDC +30 and the ability to roll into a ball (which increases natural AR to 18 but immobilises him)
5) +1d6+2 to speed
6) +2 to PP
7) Nightvision 60 feet
8) Controls 2d4 anteaters, plus 2 per level

Animal abilities: Terapin
Apearance changes: gains 30 lbs of weight, hair becomes thin while the torso bulks up slightly.
1) extended life span: character ages at half normal rate
2) +6 to PS
3) +4 to PE
4) Natural AR of 15.
5) Hold breath 3d6+6 minutes
6) Either swim at 60% +6% per level or heavier Armor (+1AR -4 Spd)
7) SDC 1d4x10+20
8) Command and control 1d4 terapins per level

Animal Abilities: Land Bird
appearance changes: legs extend slightly, as does neck.
1) +20SDC
2) Wide view: 190 degrees. +1 to initiative
3) +4d6 Spd +5 per level.
4) Can rapidly accellerate into a run, doubling his speed attribute for half his PE in melee rounds.
5) +15 SDC
6) Jump 6 feet high and 12 feet across.
7) Kicks inflict +1 damage and have +1 to strike.

Animal Abilities: Sloth
appearance change: Hirsute appearance, long limbs.
1) Climb 88% +4% per level.
2) Excellent grip, penalties to climb rolls are halved. in addiotn the character is +4 to maintain a grip, or keep a hold.
3) Adequate swimmer: +10% to any swim skills
4) Sturdy +1d4x10 SDC +6 PE [a lesser known fact is that young sloth routinely fall from their mothers to the jungle floor below without harm the only reason these young often die is that the mothers are not always willing to climb down to get them]
5) adapatble digestive tract: the character can survive off eve the most slimy and rotting food, and from all sorts of msicellaneous and otherwise indegestible plant matter.
6) Control 1d4 sloths plus 3 per level (for all the good it will do you...'Attack my army of sloths!! Come on....move it will guys..please..")


Can you tell I was bored
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by znbrtn »

out of all of those, i like the sloth abilities best. i'd be happy to use slothman!
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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Unread post by Marcantony »

AJ, can you give me a direct link to your PU3 page?
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Unread post by Marcantony »

Dang. Plan B time. AJ, can you email a copy of your most up to date version of that page. Try sending it to me as a webpage first.

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Landscape: [Major] By Iczer
'I have alway appreciated living here by the ocean. In Arizona'

The character can produce realistic, 3 dimensional illusions of artifical and natural environments.
All the character can produce are landscape style images, though these images are interactive. Palm trees sway in the real breeze, and the images contain background noise, the sensation of warmth and coolness as well as a localised sense of smell. the character can perform any and all of the following effects:
1) Mask his surroundings. By creating an illusionary environment, the character can create visual cover. while the cover would feel real to a soft touch, any pressure at all causes the cover to part.
2) Protection from the elements. This power also comes with a real ability to alter localised temperatures by 30 degrees, with an upper limit of 100 degrees and a lower limit of 40 degrees. thus in a blazing desert, the character could create respite from the searing heat, by dropping the local temperature.
3) Pain't others: While the illusion isn't detailed enough to populate it with illusionary people or animals, the character can 'paint' the locals to match his illusionary environment. Cars can be made to resemble herds of zebra, pedestrians a horde of flamingo's. this painting is tied to the overall illusion. the character cannot arbitarilly make an individual resemble a local celebrity. like the grander landscape illusion, anyone can simply scrape the illusion off themselves.
4) Illusiory disguise: the character can use this to alter his appearance to resemble anything he can imagine though, within the basic volume of his own body. unlike the painting above, the character is not restricted by any other illusiory landscape. He could appear as the local mayor, or an orangutan, or a life sized cartoon care bare, just by coating himself with illusion. like the illusiory disguises above, any solid connection, any scrape or impact will shake the illusion off.
5) Scope: the illusiory landscape can cover an area as small as 10 feet wide, and 10 feet high, or a dome up to 100 feet in radius per level. The illusion comes from creating semi solid holographic paint, and as such cannot be seen through (though a perception check 15 could see 'hints' of what is underneath a coat). The illusion lasts for 15 minutes per level, or until dispelled, though if the character remains in the area, the duration is technically indefinate.
6) Other abilities: The character can make things transperant, though not invisible by the use of this power. His ability to recall details of landscapes are excellent. His imagination and memory fuel this power, so an illusionary radio could play music all day long (but without the ability to tap into real radio, the sounds are just from memory or imagination). He can make things flouresse if need be, but if he lacks the ability to sense certain details, then his ability is flawed (he could make 'water' turn green around him, but if he were not paying attention, he would also turn vodka green as well. Likewise he could turn poison green, but unless he knew where the poison was in the first place it would remain unchanged)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Atomic Control: [Major] By Iczer
'I am death...destroyer of worlds'

The character has thw ability to play with atoms. His ability to fold, spindle or mutilate the atomic structures of others allow him a broad range of abilities, but he runs the risk of irradiating everyone.
1) Destructive force: the character projects a ray of plasma, superheated air, that scalds and burns, inflicting 2d6 damage +1 d6 per level. the range is short, 75 feet +10 feet per level. The character has +2 to strike with an aimed shot.
2) Destroy matter: By crudley disassembling an object, the character can casue grevious damage, not to mention painfull wounds on a person. The character has a +4 to strike with this power, which takes 2 actions to perfrom. molecules in the target simply rip apart, the released heat bubbling through it's surface. This attack does 1D4x10 damage +4 per level to the target. AR's are ignored. Becuase this attack cannot be seen coming, the target can dodge at -6. on the plus side, the character can make a save (14+ PE bonuses count) for half damage (innanimate objects aren't so lucky. Any object completely destroyed by this power appears disintegrated.
3) Immunity to radiation: the character is immune to radiation. in addition he takes half effect from heat and lasers.
4) Control atomic reactions: the character can shut down (or accellerate) the rate of a nuclear or atomic reaction. He can also transform radiation from one type to another, transforming deadly gamma waves into harmless (though bright light). In this manner, he could accellerate uranium into lead in a matter of minutes (one ounce of uranium can be turned into lead per minute, the released energy turned into light) the character needs to be within 20 feet of the source of radiation to perform this.
5) Alter shapes: By concentrating on moving the atomic structure of objects around, the character can simply transmute objects in shape. The character can affect 10 lbs per level with this ability. The character must be within 5 feet per level of the matter he wishes to shape. then he must concentrate for 1 melee for every AR point he object has. this process releases heat from the object. If flamable, the object takes 3d6 damage and has a 45% chance of bursting into flame. If not flamable the object takes 2 points of damage. after this period of concentration is up, the object becomes 'malleable' and shapes to his will. the object continues to take the above listed damage on a round by round basis until the molding stops. The act of molding by will alone is slow. objects forced to move at this point have a speed of 2. If the character attempts to alter the spae of something larger than his limit, he affects only a chunk of the matter of appropriate size. This process releases a lot of radiation, which the character may have to also transmute.

Rejection: [Minor] By Iczer
'heh..if you think that hurt..wait till it comes back out'

The character can eject harmfull substances from his body. this process is somewhat automatic and somewhat directed by will.
1) The character takes half damage from cutting or peircing weapons. these intrusive attacks are caught by the power on the way in, and are pushed out before they get too deep.
2) eject unwanted: simply by willing it, unwanted objects can be ejected from the body. Bullets, tracer rounds, tracking chips can all be ejected. Likewise, poisons, toxins and diseases may also be ejected, coming out through the orifices or pores of the body. Once a character is aware of any diseases or toxins, he may simply will them to eject (takes one action). if the poison or disease has already taken hold, it will stop working the instant it gets ejected. If the character is aware of a poison ahead of time (like a cloud of tear gas, then it will not affect him, as he ejects it as he exhales.
3) Other bonuses: +2 to PE. +2 to save vs toxins, poisons and disease.

Over charge [Minor] By Iczer
'one chance left... must...try...harder..'

The character can push a super power beyond it's intended limits. By Overcharging a power, that power doubles its effective level for the span of a single action or melee (depending if the power has a duration of instant or not). after that one use, the character takes 1d6 damage for every level effective level, and then that power vanishes for 1 hour per level gained.
(Fyre realsies she has just one shot at Master Diisaster's jet, so she throws everything into he EE: Fire. as a 6th level character, she has a one shot use of he EE: fire at 12th level. Later that day, she finds herself attempting to beat the master ninja warrior 'toshi'. she bumps her Natural combat ability to 12th level in the hopes of defeating the ninja in one round.)

Create force weapon: [Minor] By Iczer
'That's not a knife......and neither is this'

The character can create weapons out of thin air. they can be forged from energy, from pure mental will, or from hardened air. in any case these weapons are forged custom specific to the character. The weapon does normal damage or it's type, but is considered master crafted to his hands, stance, reach and strength to gain the following bonuses: +2 damage, +1 to strike and parry, +1 initiative. If formed as a fire arm, bow or thrown weapon, the damage bonus remains the same, but the strike bonus becomes +2. firearms have a maximum damage of 4d6, and cannot be fired in bursts, though the ammunition count is virtually unlimited. it takes next to no time to craete these weapons.

Stealing home: [Minor] By Iczer
'Hey...where did Phantom lad go?'

Whenever the character falls unconscious, through natural or unnatural means, his body fades out for a brief time, reforming minutes later at a safer location.
When a character passes out from either extreme damage, a Knockout result, blood loss or poison/gas, the character fades out of existence at the end of the round. he vanishes for 3d6 minutes. during this time, time has no meaning for the unconscious character. aftre this time, the character reforms, teleporting instinctively towards home (3 miles per level). Home is wherever the character feels safest, though if too far from there, he will appear closer, but in the safeest place possible. During the time the character was down, his body attempts to recover from any damage. if below 0 HP, the character has a 65% chance (+4% per level) of stabalising at 1 HP when he returns. in any case, his condition will be such that he is no longer bleeding and any poisons have been cleared of his system.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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