How would you Improve the Arcanist?

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How would you Improve the Arcanist?

Unread post by gaby »

I like to known how would you Imporove the Arcanist?

What would you changed in ther Special abilities?
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Sir Neil
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Unread post by Sir Neil »

I would get rid of the AR for their energy shield spell and reduce the casting time of all spells. My arcanist used to win wizard duels with his .45 pistol.
As seen in Rifter 20
Called "disturbing" by Therumancer.
Was informed that "Recommending the destruction of a third of the nation is not appropriate."
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Sir Neil
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Unread post by Sir Neil »

Because the AR is 4.
As seen in Rifter 20
Called "disturbing" by Therumancer.
Was informed that "Recommending the destruction of a third of the nation is not appropriate."
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Unread post by Sureshot »

Sir Neil wrote:I would get rid of the AR for their energy shield spell and reduce the casting time of all spells. My arcanist used to win wizard duels with his .45 pistol.

A good idea.
If it's stupid and it works. It's not stupid

Palladium can't be given a free pass for criticism because people have a lot of emotion invested in it.

Pathfinder is good. It is not the second coming of D&D.

Surshot is absolutely right. (Kevin Seimbeda)

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Sir Neil
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Unread post by Sir Neil »

Nah. The arcanist was the most powerful class in the game. Just as smart as the parapsychologist, and magic is more useful than an E-M detector and the other lame gadgets the parapsy had.

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