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Unread post by MrTwist »

Immune To Liquids(major)
"Wanna play paintball? I'm pretty good at not getting hit."
A surprisingly simple and yet powerful ability. Liquids of any sort can not come into contact with the character. This includes lava still hot enough to be considered liquid, room temperature mercury, and all other varieties of matter currently in a liquid state. Extreme cold or heat possessed by the liquids still can affect the person due to close proximity. The person can still choose to drink liquids, willingly.
1. Immune to Poisons and Toxins: No liquid poisons or toxins can actually contact the character's skin, so they are immune to them.
2. Disease Resistance: Diseases that use liquids(like blood or water) as a vector can't affect the character because the liquid never comes into contact with the person's skin.
3. Liquid Damage: Since liquids can't come into contact with the skin, any kind of pressurized liquid directed at the character will just seem to be hitting an immovable object. No force is transferred to the character and no damage is done. This character could stand in front of a tsunami and be unmoved(or redirect an open fire hydrant).
4. Depth Tolerance: Since water doesn't contact the person, and force isn't transferred by the field, this character can withstand unlimited ocean depths with no problems. Unfortunately the protection afforded by this power doesn't apply to builky oxygen storage equipment, so it's rather useless unless the character does not breathe.
Notes: APS: Liquid characters will not be able to come into contact with this character due to the fact they are liquid. This also applies to APS: Lava, APS: Oil or Tar, and APS: Acid. Any of their subabilities relying on using liquids are also unable to touch this character.
In the case of injecting stuff into the character(like beneficial medicines), it is totally impossible. The liquid in question, whether harmful or beneficial, will not go past the point where the skin was, no matter that the injecting device has created a hole.
The immunity to liquids is completely frictionless, meaning that "sticky" liquids like wet paint and glue will simply fall to the ground if directed at the person.
As a minor note, finding an alternative to showering it probably a good idea.

This power just came to me last night. I thought the idea was valid, and ones could be done for the other two states of matter(gas and solid). Plasma seems to be considered energy, so it wouldn't apply. A character with this power would be a paintball god. Sure the paintballs would hit, but the paint would just slide right off.
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Charge and discharge energy [Minor] By Iczer
'Yeah...i dropped my sword...bummer. let me show you what I can do with this apple peeler though'
The character can expel energy by 'charging' inanimate objects and then releasing the energy through that item. With this power, ordinary steel rods can become ranged weapons of death, rocks the harbinger of doom.
Range: 120 feet +20 feet per level.
Damage: 2d6 +1d6 damage per level. But see below.
Attacks per melee: 1 per blast. But see duration.
Duration: Instant. each blast uses one attack per melee. charging an object to fire takes one action. an item remains charged until either dropped or the charge is allowed to dissipate.

The damage type of the blast is determined by the object that is charged.
Metal: Fires rays of electricity
Precious metal: gold, silver, platinum, fire ionic energy (like an ion blaster)
Crystal/glass: fires lasers
Rock/stone: fires fire/heat.
Uranium: (if you w would want to hold such an object) fires plasma.
Artificial items (such as plastic, rubber and carbon fibre) Fires bolts of kinetic energy.
Wood: Fires beams of Bio energy (generic energy. see EE: energy)
Ice: Fires beams of Cold (duh)
People: Yes people. By grabbing a living being, including a team mate, you turn them into a weapoon. This is kind of painful for the person involved. every time their body is used in this fashion, they may make a save (14+ PE bonuses count) or take 1d6 damage from the shock. the relative bonuses to using a person is that they come 'fully charged' with thier own life force, and thus it takes no time to charge, and that they can fire off beams of their own (they have +2 to the save when they fire off beams of their own).

Other Notes: characters gain a moderate level of resistence to energy, taking 5 points less damage from all energy sources.
Items charged need to be at least a foot long, and weigh 2lbs or more to be effective.
If a charged weapon is used in combat, it gains a damage bonus of +1 per level.
All the above beams do a damage bonus equal to the AR of the item. A copper rod would add around 12 extra damage, while a stone hammer may add 14.

Absorbitive defence: [Major] By Iczer
'It seems i'm in a little trouble here..'

The character simply absorbs all forms of directed damage. energy blasts, kinetic impacts, bullets etc all simply disperse their energy into the character, allowing him to heal as well as bulk up.
1) resistance to attacks: the character simply ignores all damage done to him, instead adding it to a pool of points he may use later. He only ignores damage completely from sources that rely on directed force. almost all attacks are off this nature. Raw damage caused by exposure can only be partly absorbed, the rest becomes damage. Thusly the character could ignore a hail of bullets, a lightning strike and bolts of plasma, but exposure to acid, electrical currentand great heat will still hurt, at least in part. The character remains vulnerble to psionically derived damage, disease, poison and suffocation.
2) Pool of points. The character can absorb 100 points of damage plus another 50 per level. as this buffer of energy fills, the character becomes, denser and more powerful. every 10 points in the buffer adds +1 PS and +1 Spd. every 50 points cranks his PS up by a category. in addition, the character gains about 1 lb of muscle mass for every 1 point he absorbs (Bare handed blows inflict +1 damage for every 20lbs gained). Points in this pool fade at a rate of 10 every round where he has not absorbed anything.
3) The down side: when his buffer has been breached, the character runs the risk of being too dense for simple biological functions. when he exceeds his buffer, he must make a PE based saving throw (14+) or suffer 1d4x10 real damage. this save has a -1 attached to it for every 20 points over his regular buffer he is. (so a 1st level character has a -1 at 170 points, a -2 at 190 etc). if the character takes any damage in this fashion, he must make a second save (same as before) or simply pass out. when the character passes out the buffer bleeds out.

Other bonuses: +1d4x10 SDC
+1D4 PE
+5D6 HP
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Deoxygenic: [Major/minor?] By Iczer
'One touch from me and I'll have you panting for breath'

The character has the ability to destroy oxygen, albeit at really limited range.
1) Breath stealing strike: When making hand to hand attacks, the character may simply cause the target to lose valuabe oxygen. Normally in a human body, the oxygen is carried around in the blood, used, and then the by product CO2 is released in exchange, to be brought back to the lungs. This ability simply transmutes blood borne oxygen into CO2. The net effect is that the target becomes somewhat oxygen starved and begins to suffer fatigue. He suffers 1 point of damage, that comes from his HP, as vital tissues become derpived of oxygen. Aftre the target has lost as many HP from this power as his PE, he is beginning the slow hazardous road to oxygen starvation. muscles begin to burn, lactic acids begin to form. the character becomes fatigued, and suffers the usual penalties for it (-2 spd, -2 initiative, -1 parry and dodge, -2 to damage). after he has lost. fatigued individuals cannot function at peak efficiency either, and become limited to half speed, and half lifting capacity. Should the touches continue, then the character becomes weaker. after twice his PE in HP damage, the character begins to truly suffer, dropping to half attacks, speed and skill performance, as well as half combat bonuses. Every touch from this power from this point on inflicts 1 point of PE.
2) Resisting: of course it's not all bad for the victim. this wholly unnatural manipulation warrants a saving throw. a target who is touched by this power may save (16+ PE bonuses count) to avoid suffering from this affect. Characters in an altered state, or posessing natural AR have a +2 to save, as do targets in thick, hard armour. characters protected by forcefields are immune (unless this forcefield allows air to pass through). Character who have the power of hold breath, or who have a hold breath type ability have a +4 to save, while those who require no air to breathe are immune. The fatigue comes from burning CO2 in the blood, so resistance to fatigue is no protection from the ill effects of this power. Lastly, 'oxygen deprivation' damage, recovers at a rate of 1 point per minute of normal breathing, or one point per action spent simply 'catching one's breath'. PE damage recovers at a rate of 1 per day.
3) Other uses: The character can diminish a fire source, dropping a small fire to embers with an action, or dropping a 20 foot wide area by half in a melee (or gone in a minute). the character can parry fire based attacks by simply destroying it's oxygen supply (make a parry with a +4 bonus. PP does not apply). Success cancels the fire, while failure still reduces it's damage by half. The character can also use this to 'smother' a character on fire (or with APS fire) by robbing the flames of oxygen. (takes 1 action to put out a friend, 2 to smother a character with APS fire). Normal air breathers are able to resist being smothered due to natural airflow and the abilityt to simply move out of affected areas, but in a small confined space, the character can destroy a volume of air equal to a 5 foot cube every action. if this is not replaced by air flow, targetsin the vicinity will suffer. a bound or unconsious target can be suffoceted as normal (which can be sped up by touching the target and simply removing oxygen from the blood)
4) Other benefits: the character can hold his breath for 3d6+6 minutes, and has a +1 PE and +2d6 SDC, as well as a +2 to save vs gaseous attacks. He can attack character transmuted into air, smoke, fog or mist. his bare handed attacks, or mere contact with these characters inflicts 6d6 damage to them. (4d6 damage to characters transmuted into lliquid). By absorbing the air from others he is touching, he may allow them to breathe for him. By touching a dolphin, he may share it's oxygen (as opposed to simply starving him). likewise an ally might allow him to keep in touch so they may share an oxygen supply.

Yep. I might keep this as a major.

Warp self [once again, major or minor?] By Iczer
'Stringbean huh... keep the jokes coming, I got a very long bone to pick with you'

The character has the ability to create a kind of warping of his own physical body, becoming thinner. he may halve his dimensions on any and all axis, and may choose to double the opposing axis simultaneously. This resembles a kind of stretching, but without any sort of flexibility. also, this effect is a function of space being warped, not the body, so physical integrity is preserved, despite having pipecleaner like arms, hsi strength is not diminished.
special effects:
By extending his reach rapidly, the character may strike from a distance, gaining a +2 to initiative from the rapidly extending limb.
Obviously, gains in height have their natural uses, as do extended limbs.
+2 to PP when half or more of his body has been 'narrowed'
+10 to SPD when legs are extended for running.
double all leaping distances.
+15% to prowl when 'narrowed'
+15% to climb when 'narrowed' (his reach combined with his adjustable centre of balance)
+10% to escape artist (thin limbs)
His control over his centre of balance adds +10% to maintain balance
While narrowed, the character's profile is much reduced. ranged attack suffer a -3 to strike, while hand to hand attacks suffer a -1.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Lens: [Minor - tentatively] By Iczer
'Let me clear this image up a bit for you.'

The character has the ability to form a shield made from local water vapour and force. such a shield may be from 2-3 inches cross to 3 feet across +1 foot per level. This shield is pathetically weak, posessing 4 SDC per level, but functions as a lens, allowing the following abilities:
* Microscopic sight. by acting to magnify close in objects, the lense can be used to examine like a weak microscope (100 power initially, plus 100 power every odd level)
* Telescopic. The same technique as above bt applied differently. by shaping this lens, the character can extend his sense of sight, allowing him to make out faces at a mile, plus one mile at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
* Refract light: by interposing this shield in front of him, the character can refract lasers. this auto parry (made at +4) against lasers can cause a striking laser beam to drop to 1/3rd damage.
* Correct vision: the character can correct his own vision (short of restoring any form of blindness). by enhancing his vision in this way he adds +2 to perception checks involving sight.
* Focus beams: The character can use the lens to focus the rays of powerful light into a weak heat ray or laser. such a beam would be usefull for cutting rope, but not anything stronger and would be too weak to use in combat. when paired with a real laser weapon (or EE: light) the character can add either 15% to range or damage by using the lens to focus the beam.
* see around corners. by flexing the lens and making one side thicker, he can use it to peek around corners. he can also use this to bend lasers around a corner as well (though at -2 to strike)
* Special: optical properties. The lense can be imbued with any of the creators other vision powers. if thus is the case, then the character does not posess the vision power himself, but any lens he creates may. (at the players option)
Duration: the shield is lightweight and easy to create. it takes no action to form a single shield, and it lasts until dispelled. if the lens is made big enough, anyone can use it. (A 5 foot wide lens provides the benefits of the above power to anyone who can see it)

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Unread post by MrTwist »

Immunity to Sensory Overload(minor)
This power protects the five standard senses from overload and damage. While this power does not stop the person from actually experiencing extremely strong sensory inputs, it completely protects the senses from any kind of damage. This means the character can see a flash of light strong enough to burn out the retinas of normal humans and yet be able to see perfectly fine the moment the bright light is gone. As soon as the extreme sensory input is removed, or weakened, the sense works as normal.
Benefits: This character can not be blinded or deafened. Also, extremely disgusting smells that would normally make people empty their stomachs do absolutely nothing to this person.
While they still feel pain just like everyone else, it just never becomes enough that they are affected by it(no penalties are ever incurred from massive pain). An unfortunate side effect is these characters will not pass out from torture.
Note: Actual physical trauma to a sensory organ will still inhibit functioning. You can plug the person's ears and their hearing will be impaired, and physically removing an eyeball will impair vision. The organs are just completely immune to sensory overload.

I figured this is a minor power most people would look at and find useless, at least until they wished they had it. It can come in handy in a variety of circumstances, like being able to walk through some nasty stuff without being nauseated.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I'm guessing this would be minor, but I could be wrong. There might be room for a few more triggers(loss of all hitpoints, 50% in one hit, etc..).

Explosive Defense
This odd power can be turned off, but the player must make a note to the GM when they want it off. When the character with this power takes a certain amount of damage, they automatically generate a concussive sphere of force which pushes things away from them.
There are various triggers for this power.

Sphere Radius: The sphere's radius affects things up to 20ft away + 5ft at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Things within the radius will be affected and possibly pushed back the listed amount of feet from where they are currently positioned.

1. Take more 10% of total SDC in one hit, or Reduced to 75% of total SDC-
Damage: 2D6 to anything affected by the wave.
Effects: Anything weighing less than 50 pounds is automatically thrown away about 30ft. Anything weighing 51-300 pounds is pushed back about 10ft(and character have a 1-60% chance of being knocked off their feet). Anything more than 301 pounds isn't pushed, but may be knocked over(1-35% chance).

2. Reduced to 50% of total SDC, and when reduced to 25% of total SDC-
Damage: 3D6 to anything affected by the wave.
Effects: Anything under 100lbs is immediately tossed 35ft away. Anything weighing between 101-450 pounds is pushed back 20ft and characters have a 1-55% chance of being knocked off their feet. Anything between 451-600 pounds is only pushed back a couple feet and characters have a 1-30% chance of being knocked off their feet.

3. Loss of all SDC-Damage: 5D6 to everything affected by the wave.
Effects: Anything weighing under 1000lbs is pushed back 40ft, violently. Any characters in that weight class are automatically knocked off their feet. Vehicles under that weight are rolled over. Anything over that weight, but under a ton, is pushed back only ten feet. Characters over 1000 pounds have a 1-50% chance of being knocked off their feet.

Note: Getting knocked off your feet means you lose initiative and 2 actions in that melee round.
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Unread post by znbrtn »

here's one of two that i've been working on:

ablative bio-armor(major):
"rock on!"
this matter expulsion-type ability allows the character to cover himself with a large amount of material that he expels. the exact type of material is more or less up to the character/gm. the character can even launch small portions of his armor as an offensive limited range weapon.
sdc: 250+ 25 per level. a.r.(not natural): 1/10 of the current sdc of the armor(rounded down, and refigured after every hit). example: craggy joe is a 3rd level character. when he activates his ablative bio-armor, it has 325 sdc and an a.r. of 32(325/10, and rounded down) to start out. obviously, mickey stab, the mutant sword farm will have a hard time at first, only being able to damage the rocky exterior of craggy joe. but, after a turn of combat, mickey has reduced joe's armor's sdc to only 124. at thispoint, craggy joe's armor is in tatters, with large portions of his body exposed. his a.r. is now reduced to 12(124/10, rounded down). a set of armor can be grown almost instantly(same as bio-armor), and is shed easily in a few seconds(1 melee action), but usually leaves a mess at the character's feet(the armor generally doesn't retract; it falls off. thus the word shed) the character can produce a number of armors per day equal to his p.e. attribute, +1 per level.
ranged attack: this can be many different abilities(firing off a fist made of rock, a shattering chest portion, etc.), but has the same stats, regardless of form.
range: 30 feet+ 10 feet per level
damage: 2D6 +1D6 per level.
attacks per melee: one
penalties: since this attack fires off parts of the armor, each use reduces the current armor's sdc by 15.
other bonuses: same as the normal bio-armor power(increased height, damage, etc.)

once i finish it, i'll be posting focused regeneration.
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
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Unread post by MrTwist »

This one just popped into my head for some odd reason. It's not exactly the most serious of powers.

Flight: Gas
Most of those with this power tend to hide it. It's not exactly the most magnificent of flight powers, though it can come in handy when you need to get somewhere fast. To avoid jumping around the point, this type of flight is achieved through expelling gas through the nether regions with enough force to create lift-off and continued flight. You fart yourself into the air. The facial expressions exhibited by those possessing this form of flight are legion and usually end up in the news.
Speed: 300mph at first level, +20mph each additional level. Can't hover. No less than maximum speed can be achieved.
Bonuses(in flight):
+2 to strike, only when attempting a ramming attack using this power.
Awe(maybe Horror) Factor of 12 when seen using this ability. It's just that odd.
+1 attack per melee, and only useable when that extra attack is for 'blasting' off.
Bonuses(in general)
+4D6 to SDC
+1 to P.E.
Never has any kind of gastro-intestinal problems at all from illness or food intake.
Effects At 'Blast Off':
Anyone within a 20ft radius of 'blast off' must immediately save vs. non-lethal posion to resist the fumes that are a problematic side effect of this power. Failure to save results in a -2/-10% to all actions attempted in the same melee round as a 'blast off', along with losing a single melee action.
If the person using this power has eaten beans, or any other... gaseous expulsion increasing dietary supplement within the last 4 hours, speed is increased by 25%.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Anyone create a general matter sculpting power yet? I know Alter Metal gives the ability to shape metal, but I'm thinking of something that can affect many types of inanimate materials. Maybe a level-by-level progression based on either SDC of the material or AR. Along with an accompanying skill for successful sculpting of a desired form.
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

MrTwist wrote:Anyone create a general matter sculpting power yet? I know Alter Metal gives the ability to shape metal, but I'm thinking of something that can affect many types of inanimate materials. Maybe a level-by-level progression based on either SDC of the material or AR. Along with an accompanying skill for successful sculpting of a desired form.

I did for marcos site
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Lord Cherico wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Anyone create a general matter sculpting power yet? I know Alter Metal gives the ability to shape metal, but I'm thinking of something that can affect many types of inanimate materials. Maybe a level-by-level progression based on either SDC of the material or AR. Along with an accompanying skill for successful sculpting of a desired form.

I did for marcos site

Cool, I'll check it out.
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Unread post by Marcantony »

Heres the exact link;

Its called Power Sculpting.

Ive got quite a few more minor powers to put up. I went through my spell section and looked at what spells havent yet been used as powers. Doing this also gave me ideas on how to heavily revise such majors as Hydrokinesis (using material from the Elemental Water spell section). Itll probably be in a couple of weeks, have to put Sons of Anubis up this weekend.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Liquify Earth: [Major]
'Earth mover? Bah...a sissy'

The character projects a field around himself that turns earth rock and stone into a liquid, which quickly reforms afterwards, flowing back into place
1) Liquify earth: By simply willing it so, the character can turn a 5x5 foot section of ground to turn to liquid. in this state, the rock behaves as it shoudl, obeying gravity and other forces. the area increases in size by 2 feet every level. In this fashion, the character can dissove sections of stone and earthen walls to create openings, or can dissolve a statue. Earth and stone liquified in this fashion remains so only as long as the character actively wills it to be so, and can be done at a range of only one foot per level. active transmutation requires 2 actions to perform.
2) Immune to stone and earth. defensively the character cannot be harmed by any piece of rock or stone, as it defensively liquifies on contact. the character must be aware that the attack is immanent. (characters made of stone or rock inflict their own damage on themselves as thier matter simply melts away) Likewise, the character can inflict double normal HTH damage on a stone target with his unarmed blows (or may simply use 2 actions as described in liquify earth, and melt 2d4x10 damage from them) the character cannot be harmed by falls onto rock or earth, treating the fall as if it were into water.
3) Swim through earth. the character can swim through earth and rock without disturbing it. with this he can move through slabs of concrete, dive through beach soil or any other pure earthen material. The character is blind and without air during this time, but otherwise moves at his swimming speed.
4) Entrapment: By melting the earth under a person, and then letting them sink partially into the earth and letting it solidify, the character can seal a person in rock and earth. This can be performed with a body block/tackle (4 actions) a body flip/throw (3 actions) or as an action against a grappled foe (2 actions, plus must be grappling already). this is a much truncated version of the ability to liquify stone, and is rarely more than a foot deep. an entrapped foe is treated as if grappled by earth (refer to CEF: Earth)
5) Minor manipulations: a liquified pool of rock or earth may be used offensively or defensively. an already liqid pool of rock can be hurled at an opponent up to 40 feet away. as the rock solidifies while out of the character's control, the target is bombarded with shaped and sharpened rock. Damage from this attack is between 4d6 to 1d4x10. a standard pool of liquified earth provides 4 of these attacks, each of which is +2 to strike. alternatively the rock may be moved en masse as a rock tidal wave. the quagmire that strikes does 3d6 damage to the target who must is likely to be knocked down (make sense of balance checks at -15% or -3) those who are not knocked down are still hurled back 3d6 feet. A wall of earth type attack has +4 to strike, but is -2 to dodge due to it's sheer size.
Defensively, a pool of liquified rock can be thrown upward as a wall, creating a crude barrier, some 3 feet thick, up to 10 feet tall, and 10 feet wide, plus 5 feet per level.
A similiar application allows the character to create crude bridges and arcs. these bridges can be no more than 20 feet long and 5 feet wide.
6) Manipulate lava: while the character cannot create lava, if he encounters any he may hurl it as if it were liquified rock. damage is as normal, but the heat of the lava will also apply.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Sounds a lot like a catalytic control kind of ability. Inhibiting chemical reactions. Could stop fire, explosions from occuring from some bombs, drugs from mixing with water, or even the gas in a car from combusting and making the car move.

If you could get a decent defined catalytic control power, that would be sweet.
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Unread post by Iczer »

MrTwist wrote:Sounds a lot like a catalytic control kind of ability. Inhibiting chemical reactions. Could stop fire, explosions from occuring from some bombs, drugs from mixing with water, or even the gas in a car from combusting and making the car move.

If you could get a decent defined catalytic control power, that would be sweet.

You know, I have one of those. It's buried in here amidst about a hundred pages of posts. I'll put it up soon.

(of course, I don't know if it's decently defined though.)


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"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Funny Man
This simple power makes every single one of your jokes funny, no matter how stupid they actually are. People will always laugh when you tell them.
Effects: If you spend a melee action to tell a joke in combat, your opponents must save at a 14 or higher, ME bonuses included. If they fail, they will spend an action laughing at whatever you said. And then they will probably continue trying to kill you.
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Cerebromorph: [Major]
'Golly......My massive brain should be able to figure a way out of this mess'

The character has the ability to harmlessly change the shape and configuration of his own brain. Such an ability grants unique abilities.
Firstly, the character can repair any brain damage he recieves by the power of his will.
Additionally, the character can spend one melee to enact any one of the following changes at a time.
* Heightened Perception: By enhancing the parts of the brain dealing with monitoring the senses, the character becomes keenly aware of his entire surroundings. Compensating senses halves the penalties for being blind, and ignores penalties for being deafened. All the character's senses operate at 200-300% efficiency, adding +6 to initiative (as well as +6 to perception rolls if used)
* Heightened Will: By focussing on the parts of the brain that revolve around the idea of self, the character becomes pig headed, overbearing and dominant. He gains +4 to resist psionic or other mental influences and his ME rises by 4. also his confidence and brashness give him +4 to save vs HF and +10% to all skills, but his demenanour reduces his MA by 4.
* Heightened Discipline: Similiar to will, this is more a case of sculpting the brain to focus on specific goals and agendas, by minimising the ability to recognise outside distractions. as a result, the character becomes driven towards particular tasks. The character becomes virtually impervious to pain (+6 to resist pain and stunning type effects) and fatigue (lasts 4 times as long without sleep or rest, needs to sleep only 4 hours a night) and a +4 to ME
* Heightened smarts: By focusing on the raw analytical and logical parts of the brain, the character can increase his IQ by 6. additionally, purley mental problems occupy a mere 1/5th normal time (like reading, crossword puzzles and theoretical math)
* Skill Sympatico: the character reshapes the brain to focus on the parts of the brain that houses a person's talents. The character enhances a single skill to +30% (with related skills rising by +10%)
* Low cunning: The character heightenes the reptile part of his brain, manipulating his limbic system to become crafty rather than strictly smart. the character becomes cunning, sneaky and opportunisitc. he gains +2 to damage, +1 attack, +1 to strike and +10 to speed.
* Heightened intuition: Much like above, but focused more outwardly than inwardly. The character becomes more intuitive. He is unable to be surprised in combat, and has a 60% chance +4% per level, of prempting suprise out of combat. He gains +1 attack per melee as well as +2 to parry and dodge and a detect ambush skill of 77% (or +15%)
* Heightened memory: the character can use the psionic power of total recall without use of ISP. he loses half of any stored information when he cancels this aumentation.
* Speculative familiarity: The character draws on his memories and analyis of others to predict their moves based on highly skilled speculation. the character has a 40% chance of predicting the actions of others +5% per level. this can be used to track down a suspect, or merely avoid or recognise a deception. If the target is personally known to the character he gains that target's MA as a bonus to the percentile roll. if the target is a stereotype (such as a criminal profile based on activities) he has a -15%.
* semi psionic attunement: the character can simulate a variety of psionic type powers by focusing on expanding the suspected parts of his brain. as a non psionic character, the character fuels these abilities not by ISP, but by fatigue. every 10 ISP needed to fuel a power drains 1PE from the character (returns at a rate of 1 every 2 hours of rest). the character chooses a lesser psionic power and rolls percentile dice. The character must roll under the character's ME +6% per level. a failure produces a similiar power. failure by more than 20% means no power is gained. This kind of reshaping is very fatiguing, and it can be performed once per day per level.
In addition, the character can make himself immune to psychotropics (including alcohol and many drugs), and can undo any mental damage, such as insanities and the deletrious effects of some psionic powers (such as mental illusion and bio-manipulation)

Single second precognition: [Minor] By Iczer
'I gotta tell you buddy, you may think you're good, but you telegraph every move you make.'

The character can see 1-1.5 seconds into the future. barely enough time to act, but plently of time to react, providing the following bonuses.
+1 to strike parry and dodge.
Immune to suprise. (to clarify, he feels suprise attacks from the future and may choose to avoid and defend)
+2 to initiative
Can perform an all out type dodge, using 2 actions. this all out dodge adds +6 to a dodge or autododge (if available). in addition, it adds +3 to any roll's with punch/fall/impact as well (success means 1/4 damage, fail means 1/2)

Variable matter expulsion [Major] By Iczer
'A simple case of mind over matter'
The character has the ability to sample matter and start producing it as a form of attack or defence.
1) Sample matter: the character can sample matter by simply touching it for a full melee. Sampled matter assists in the second sub power (below) as well as giving the character a full working knowledge of the material properties. in this manner, the character can divulge weather a substance is radioactive, what it's average AR and SDC per foot is and any other physical properties it may posess (conductivity, ductibility, etc).
2) Project matter: the character may spontaneously create and project matter of the type he currently has 'sampled'. If he has previously sampled Iron, he projects shards of iron. If he sampled human blood, he projects blood. If he sampled Plutonium...well you get the picture. The attack has a range of 100 feet +20 feet per level and a +3 to strike with any aimed shots, inflicting 1d6 damage per level. such attacks are somewhat armour peircing, in that if the AR of the projected matter exceeds the AR of a target, then the target's AR is reduced by 4. The character may fire this as a burst of matter, (normal effect) or a spray (inflicts 1d4 damage per level, but can be spread over two adjacent targets, each with -2 to dodge)
3) Forge armor: The character can create plates of matter around his body (if the matter is solid by default). this armour takes a melee round to form and provides an SDC equal to the sampled matter's AR x2 plus 5 per level.
4) Forge simple devices: Created matter can be extruded to form simple items. while high quality works of art or precision tooling is impossible, the character can create bars, clubs, chairs even rope and cable. he is limited to items of about 20 lbs plus 10lbs per level. as with any of his extruded matter, it fades after a while. The act of keeping it from fading instantly drains one attack per melee. maximum duration is 15 minutes +5 minutes per level.


Loving the small quotes.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

MrTwist wrote:This one just popped into my head for some odd reason. It's not exactly the most serious of powers.

Flight: Gas
Most of those with this power tend to hide it. It's not exactly the most magnificent of flight powers,....

Sounds like something "The Spleen" (from mysterymen) would have.

Variable matter expulsion [Major] By Iczer
'A simple case of mind over matter'
The character has the ability to sample matter and start producing it as a form of attack or defence.

You might have it that at level X the char is able to make something out of matirial found in the area, so his creations remain permemently, and don't violate the conservation of mass/energy laws.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Unread post by ZEN »

Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Iczer, it seems you made me scrap one of the things I was working on. I was working on a Matter Expulsion: Copied Physical Structure.

The forge simple devices subpower is nice. I was going to go with a generic melee weapon making ability, but making rope is nice. I would reduce to the fade time to a melee round after it leaves the person's hands, but infinite duration if held.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Marcantony wrote:Heres the exact link;

Its called Power Sculpting.

Ive got quite a few more minor powers to put up. I went through my spell section and looked at what spells havent yet been used as powers. Doing this also gave me ideas on how to heavily revise such majors as Hydrokinesis (using material from the Elemental Water spell section). Itll probably be in a couple of weeks, have to put Sons of Anubis up this weekend.

You are more than welcome to add in any of the various powers I have made. I'm sure a few you already have versions of though.
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

MrTwist wrote:
Marcantony wrote:Heres the exact link;

Its called Power Sculpting.

Ive got quite a few more minor powers to put up. I went through my spell section and looked at what spells havent yet been used as powers. Doing this also gave me ideas on how to heavily revise such majors as Hydrokinesis (using material from the Elemental Water spell section). Itll probably be in a couple of weeks, have to put Sons of Anubis up this weekend.

You are more than welcome to add in any of the various powers I have made. I'm sure a few you already have versions of though.

its difficult to be original
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by MrTwist »

This might be better done as a magic spell. I'm much more familiar with the methods regarding super powers as opposed to magic spells, so I will do it as a power. Making a spell out of this would be nice if someone could come up with a decent level and P.P.E. cost.

Since the effect is very simple, I want to make it minor. I could be wrong, as the effects are rather far reaching.

This is actually a very simple power, but the uses are rather varied. The super being chooses an inanimate object to affect with this power. Afterwards, that object just becomes impossible to resist owning. Everyone who sees it just *wants* it for themselves.
Effect: The user designates a small object, no more than one pound of weight per level of experience and also no more than one cubic foot of volume per level, to be the bait. This object seems so important to everyone that views it that they want to possess/own it. The affected will do whatever they can, within their own means, to possess this object.
Save: The save vs. this power is 14, and all applicable M.E. bonuses apply. Those who successfully save ignore the pull towards possessing the object.
Notes: Everyone who views this object is affected, including other player characters. The only person unaffected is the user of this power.
There are really no combat advantages or disadvantages, because everyone affected are aware of their surroundings. They just are now focused upon the bait.
Duration: The effect can only be used on one object at a time, and only one object per 15 minutes. It's effects fade after 15 minutes, when the opportunity to create another 'bait' re-emerge.
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Unread post by Marcantony »

MrTwist wrote:
Marcantony wrote:Heres the exact link;

Its called Power Sculpting.

Ive got quite a few more minor powers to put up. I went through my spell section and looked at what spells havent yet been used as powers. Doing this also gave me ideas on how to heavily revise such majors as Hydrokinesis (using material from the Elemental Water spell section). Itll probably be in a couple of weeks, have to put Sons of Anubis up this weekend.

You are more than welcome to add in any of the various powers I have made. I'm sure a few you already have versions of though.

Ive got some new ones going up next weekend based on my spell section. Ill have a look after if there is anything different.

However Ive also worked out with AJ to host a mirror site for PU3 on one of my tripod sites. Im just figuring out the structural details of the site.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

This started out as another Non Standard Energy Expulsion, but then I figured it might be easily expanded into a much broader power based around pain. It might need a bit of editing.

Control Pain(major)
If I can get my hands on you, it's all over.
The character can generate, control, and nullify pain itself. The exact method is unknown, but the pain is very real. It affects everyone, whether or not they are immune to physical damage. Of course those immune to pain, like full conversion cyborgs or certain alien beings, are immune to this power also. Flesh to flesh contact is the best method of delivery for most powers, but extensive body armor reduces all damage and penalties by half.
Those immune to physical damage(i.e. people with Invulnerability), or normally vulnerable beings turned into other substances(the various APS powers), suffer only the penalties and not the damage from the various subpowers.

1. Nullify Pain: This ability allows the user to ease the suffering of others by touch. It has more insidious uses for the less than good.
Range: Touch only. Body armor makes this power useless.
Effect: All pain experienced by the person is nullified. They can still feel things, but there is no pain associated. Even the gravest of wounds or the most dire illnesses cause no pain under the effects of this power. Any penalties due to pain the person is experiencing are reduced to nothing.

2. Pain Touch: This power causes pain in the target, though it is fleeting. Continued touches can prove to be a problem as it does do a bit of damage each time used.
Range: Touch only. The mentioned rules above about restrictions apply.
Duration: 15 seconds(One melee round). This power can be activated so it goes into effect every time touch is achieved, like parrying hand to hand combat.
Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. damage per touch. It increases by an additional 1D6 at levels 5, 10, and 15.
Effects: -1 to all combat bonuses, per touch. This is cumulative with other touches during the same melee. It also gives a -1 to initiative to the affected for the next melee round, though that penalty disappears at the end of the round. All other combat penalties disappear at the end of the current melee round.

3. Crippling Touch: This is a continued attack for constant physical contact. It creates so much pain in a target that they are unable to do anything because of how much it hurts.
Range: Touch. Earlier mentioned restrictions apply.
Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. damage, applied at the end of the round. An additional 1D6 is added at levels 5, 10, and 15. If contact is broken before the end of the melee round, no damage is applied.
Save: At the beginning of each melee round, the affected target can make a save at 17 or higher. No bonuses apply. This will allow them to make one action. If they fail to break contact, all the effects still apply.
Effects: The affected target is wracked with pain so intense they can do nothing. Combat bonuses do not apply because they can't attack or even defend themselves. They lose muscular control and drop whatever they were carrying, and also fall to their knees.
Note: The person using this power can do nothing else but apply this power, meaning they can't attack or even defend themselves. All of their concentration is focused on inflicting pain to their target.

4. Pain Bolt: This is a ranged attack that creates a targeted bolt of pain.
Range: 50ft + 15ft per level of experience.
Damage: 2D6 S.D.C. at level one. Add an additional 1D6 of damage at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Effects: -1 to all combat bonuses for the remainder of the melee round, cumulative with subsequent attacks during the same round(to the maximum of -3).
Bonuses: +3 to strike with an aimed shot.

5. Aura Of Pain: This is a small area of effect wave of pain that doesn't do any physical damage or cause any combat penalties. What it does is create an area around the user that others do not want to enter because it create the illusion of pain the closer they get.
Range: 30ft + 5ft per level.
Effects: The affected area has a Horror Factor of 14, +1 at levels 5, 10, and 15. Normal bonuses to save vs Horror Factor don't apply, but P.E. bonuses do. Anyone within three feet or so, close enough for hand to hand combat, experience a H.F. of 16(that increases as the normal does per level). This must be saved against every melee round. The result of a failed save is fleeing the affected area.
Note: Using this power takes up half of the users actions per melee, with a minimum of two.

+1D4x10 to S.D.C.
+2 to P.E.
+2 to M.E.
Immune to the effects of pain(even that caused by others using this power)
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Evolution Energy Control(Major)

Unlike normal powers, this power starts off in an infant stage, no one knows how to control it when they first evolve.

At Level 1:

Energy Expulsion: The character can release energy from thier hands or eyes. This is not very controllable (-3 to strike) Damage starts off as a 2d6, and gains +1d6/subsequent level. This is just a bolt of pure energy, it doesnt have any property type (IE Ice, fire, electricity) the range is PEx10 in feet +PE/level

Level 2:

Magnetism: The character can become a magnet... its either on or off. The strength of the magent is equivalent to the characters PEx100 in weight. IE PE of 20=2000lbs of pull, so he could theoretically attract a small car to himself

Level 3

Energy Expulsion Subtype: The character can choose one energy subtype from the following list
Negative Energy

Further more, the character gets better at aiming thier blasts. and the penalty is removed. so its just a straight strike +pp bonuses.

Level 4

Energy Field: The character can now create an energy force field with a strength of PEx10 +10/level (so a PE of 20 will have a base of 240)
This field is only useable for one hour a day, so they must be choosy when activating it.

Level 5

Controlled Magnetism The character can now focus the magnetism to specific objects. Instead of attracting everything, they can now take say a stack of pennies off of a counter. Or a gun out of someones hand.

Level 6

Magnetic Flight THe character can create a magnetic field around themselves allowing them to fly at a speed of PE in MPH +2/level
Bonuses while in flight: +1 a/m, +3 to dodge. And further more metallic objects (like bullets) will be deflected away becasue of the field.

Level 7

Energy Expulsion Subtype THe character can choose another focus of energy, and they have become an expert with thier energy blasts. And now get a +3 to strike with them. The Range is one time doubled. (still maintains the +PE/level)

Level 8

Energy Nova The character can release, once per melee an electro magnetic pulse. The range is equal to a radius of PE in feet.

Level 9

Energy Channeling The character can now power anything by simply touching it. A car doesnt not need a battery, and a blender not need be plugged in. They can recharge energy clips for energy weapons at a rate of one charge per 10 minutes.

Level 10

Energy Conversion The character can transform anything they touch into pure energy. A sword in the hand of the being can be turned into energy, and will inflict the same damage as it did as a sword, but will do the damage as energy instead of kinetic. Guns can be affected this way, but still require the clip, and must still be reloaded. Double the range of the weapon though.

Level 11

Energy Immunity The character takes NO damage from energy attacks of any kind. Magic will inflict half damage. Psionics inflict full damage.

Level 12

Flight: Energy The character gains the Minor POwer Flight: Energy (PU)

Level 13

Re-Channel and Expel EnergyTHey gain the Major power of ReChannel and Expel Energy(PU)

Level 14

Magnetsm The being gains the Magnetism Major power.

Level 15

Ultimate Energy ControlThe character gains the Major power of Alter Physical Structure: Light
Thier energy expulsion is now ever shifting. They can select 2 more types of energy (for a total of 5 types of energy, Pure energy at level 1, +4 from leveling up)
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Unread post by Marcantony »

I did something similar with Telepathy. Although Ive since changed it with the revised version Im about to put up.
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Retcon self [Major] By Iczer
'Yeah..I know what I said yesterday, but what I'm saying NOW is what matters...'
The character has the ability to mess with minute quantum events and restucture specific events in his past. these 'ret-cons' alter his basic features and abilities, seemingly at a moment's notice, though sometimes with not so beneficial side effects.

1) Rewrite personal history. The character concentrates for 15 minutes and reimagines his origins. In truth, he cannot rewrite time as others know it, only as his own body understands it. If Miralco Lad was tortured in a balinese death camp when his mutant powers erupted, then that part of his life remains unchanged. It does allow him to do the following though.
A) - alter basic charcter type. An experiment can become a mutant. a mutant can become empowered, an alien can become a mutant and so on. When the character changes his type, he rolls new side effects or mutations as necessary
B) - Alter basic powers. The character can alter a single minor power to become another themeatically similiar power.
C) - Alter vulnerabilitiy: any vulnerabilities posessed by the character can be swapped out for other vulnerabilities of a similiar nature. ("Yes Dolphin Boy, I WAS afriad of fire...but now I realise that, due to the tragic death of my father in an arson attempt, that I'm really afraid of charred corpses. let's go get pyroman before he hurts anyone else!")
D) - Cosmetic alteration: a minor set of changes, altering the characters costume and basic appearance. the character remains recognisable, but the new aappearance will likewise be notable.
2) Re write recent history: Trickier to perform, the character simply undoes an event in the recent past as his body recalls it. The character can spend an action to reroll a failed or undesireable roll made. there is a base 20% chance -1% per level that this aspect of the power fails. In any case, the character becomes stunned by the action (the action spent) becomes somewhat fatigued by it (loses 1 PE. returns after an hour's rest) andapart from it's usual chance of failure, the reroll may not be successful. To outside observers, there is a moment where there appears to be two versions of the character (or more if successive rerolls are needed), which dissolve into the final image. (note that this only undoes the most recent action performed. if the original failure results in a loss of actions (such as an instant action knockout dart) then there is no chance to use this power.
3) Re write past events. This potent ability allows the character to undo an hour's worth of event's. By entering a meditative trance, the character can, over the course of an hour, undo significant damage or injury done to him in the past 24 hours per level of experience, targeting a specific event, or hour of time in that period. The character loses 1 ME for this (returns after a day of rest). The character can vanquish a disease or poison acquired in that hour, as well as restore lost limbs, and damage. as a rule of thumb, the character can recover 1d4x10 damage, plus 10 per level.
4) Notes: the character has access to a lot of ability with this power, but remember he only rewrites his personal history, he changes it for nobody else. If he is hunted by the organisation that created him, then he remains hunted despite the fact that his body's origin is in fact from an alien world or alternate dimension. If trapped in Dr Desperate's Invulnerabilium Cell, he may tray to rewrite history to say he wasn't trapped, but that doesnt change his actual circumstances. Effectively, he replaces his body with one that is 'nearly identical' to his own, keeping his consciousness in the process. that spare body is from an alternate universe, either one that exists in the gameworld, or in one created spontaneously through the use of this power. also, by changing his origin, he tampers with his memories of the past. If by eliminating his penchant for arrogance, he has to rewrite his upbringing, he may 'remember' a bright and happy childhood, rather than his actual strict and competitive one. quite a shock when people from his (rewritten) past are not as he remembers them. GM's have fun.
5) Other powers. The character gains +1D4 PE and ME. +25 SDC

Quadramorph [Minor] By Iczer
'You want me to get down on all fours and beg? ..certainly!'

The character can alter the configuration of his arms and legs to ennable four legged movement. this change takes a single action, giving the character the following abilities:
* Spd attribute doubles, and adds 5 per level.
* Prowl increases by 10% (lower profile)
* gains the ability to perform a 10x20 foot leap
* gains a pounce style attack, that allows the character to leap onto the shoulders and chest of a normal target. this attack (doing 2d4 damage plus PS bonus) takes 2 actions, but forces the target to make a sense of balance attempt (at a penalty of the character's PS attribute) or be knocked down (taking an additional 2d4 damage from the fall and losing an action from the knockdown)
* +2 to dodge and autododge (if posessed)
in all forms, the character enjoys +1D4 PS

Matter expulsion: Plant [Major] By Iczer
'It's not easy being green'

Much like the other matterexpulsions, ME: plant allows the character to spontaneously generate plant material for use offensively and defensively.
1) plant attack: Thorns fired from this character have +3 to strike and inflict 1d6 damage per level. unarmoured targets (strictly flesh and blood) suffer an additional 1 point of damage per level from these wicked thorns. The character can also form an ivy or bramble style whip capable of inflicting 2d6 +PS bonus and striking targets within 15 feet, with a +2 to strike and parry.
2) Special attacks: the character can create clouds of pollen which can distract and irritate:
Distract: the fumes from the plant spores cause distraction to all affected targets. they must save (16+) or become a little confused and disorientated (+10% to prowl, against these foes, as well as htey suffer a -4 to save vs psionics or mental assaults. -4 to perception if used) the duration is 1d4 melee rounds per level. Distraction pollen does not interfere with combat, but does interfere with tactics, and targets must roll under their ME on aD20 on any round when they should be performing a more tactical move (like radioing for backup) The cloud created can fill a space up to 15 feet across, and be sent (at a speed of 10) up to 60 feet away.
Irritate: these spores cause the body to react much like poison ivy or poison oak. The blistering and itchiness create a -4 to initiaitve as well as -10% to skill performance, and -1 to strike/parry and dodge. a successful save for this cloud halves normal damage.
3) Coat in plant matter: the character can create a coat of living plants. Such a coat has an SDC of 50 +10 per level, and an AR of 10 (except VS energy attacks). plant matter regenreates at a whopping 10 SDC per round. plant matter coats improve the character's PE by 4 and filter the character's blodd and oxygen granting them a +4 to save vs poisons and toxins (while active) and the character fatigues at 1/5th the normal rate (and not at all while in sunshine)

Shimmer [I don't really know about this] By Iczer
'Excuse me while I slip through this barrier and..oops'

The character can slip into and out of a paralell universe. similiar to our own and yet without the inclusion of the character. to the character, the universe becomes dim, and details become faded out for a second or two while he is free to move. To others, the character vanishes, only to return seconds minutes or even days later.
1) Tiny hops: the character flickers in and out in combat. Mechnically, he gains an auto dodge of +4 (no other bonuses) which works against suprise attacks, sneak attacks and any other form of attack. He also gains +4 to roll wth punch fall and impact during this time. The downside is that all his opponents also get an effective autododge while this is active (of +0). in all cases this dodge is above and beyond all other defensive actions performed by this character (and his targets). the character chooses weather he is flickering in and out at the start of any round.
2) Short hops. The character flickers in and out over the course of an action. In this instance, the character may strike, and then fade away, only to return on his next action. (the character gains +2 to strike opponents in this fashion, who are usually struck from an odd position and angle) Opponents faced with this type of attack are unable to counter attack unless thier initiative is higher than the character, or within 1 point of it. characters slower than this can perform timed punches to counter this, but each timed punch counts as two actions. It also may take slower witted individuals some time to come up with this strategy. This effect can be used to pop through obstacles and other barriers, effectively allowing the character to move unhindered roughly as many feet as their speed attribute while int he alternate world and then popping back into the real world at journey's end. If the character should emerge agin in the real world intersecting with another object, he loses as many HP as the target's AR and is violently shoved to the nearest empty space, taking 1 point of damage (SDC first this time) for every foot shoved.
3) Longer jumps: if feeling desperate, the character can vanish for a whole melee or more. In this time the character vanishes into the otherworld for the whole melee. at the end of this time, the character must make a save vs shift to prevent shifting back, as the other realm starts to grip the character. the initial save is 14 and adds the character relevant ME bonuses. If the character is unsuccessful, the character stays for a whole minute before his next save. aftre that the time increment's double in size, possibly forcing an unlucky or desperate character into spending more and more time in this 'hollow zone'. (after 1 minute, the next save is at two, then at four, then 8 and so on and so forth. after 6 or so failed saves the character has spent more than half an hour in the zone. eventually the days will turn into weeks and mouch much worse, and it may require an enterprising group of characters much difficulty in retrieving a lost teammate.
4) The hollow zone and physics. The hollow zone where the character mostly slips into is a greyed out and featureless copy of our own. things with 10 or less natural AR are simply invisible and intangible on the hollow zone. Anything more durable has a variable solidity. It can be rested upon or walked through as the character desires (the Item's AR reduces the character's SPD in the hollow zone by the same amounts. slower characters might not be able to force their way through solid steel. Living things appear as indistinct blurs and can be identified but not differentiated.(and certainly not touched) characters who are walked through in the hollow zone, feel cold shivers but are otherwise unnafected. electronic devices fail to function in the hollow zone if taken with the character. There is no darkness, but no real light either, like a diffused twilight throughout the zone. Objects released into the hollow zone stay there if the character zooms back without them in tow, making it a handy place to store sensitive materials and goods. Characters in the hollow zone find that gravity is subjective. They cannot fly, but all characters have the power of glide while in the zone (simulating the effective slower pull of gravity) and any surface may be treated as 'down' for the purposes of movement.
The character may sneak up to 20lbs of matter with him at any time into the zone, and infact by spending two actions can simply push an unattended item of equivilant mass into the zone without travelling himself.

Animal abilities: Cane toad
'Ribbit freak'

The character has powers and abilities similiar to the cane toad (google it if you must). he gains a squat build with a propensity for huskiness, large eyes and wide mouth.
1) +4 PS and +4 PE
2) Powerfull legs allow the character to leap 15 feet up or across
3) +6D6 SDC and an AR of 8
4) Natural swim score of 78%. can hold breath for 4d6 Minutes. swim speed is double normal for a swimmer of comparative strength.
5) Tounge can lash out and inflict 1d4 damage at a range of 10 feet (no bonuses to damage, but the tongue is -4 to dodge. can be used to grab small items (up to 1 lb per PS point)
6) Poisonous sacs. the cane toad is coated in a thin coating of a toxic substance designed to ward off predators. anyone striking the character causes it to bubble to the surface. normal contact inflicts an unpleasant rash, (save 16+ -2 to initiative and -2 to strike parry and dodge until washed off or for 1d4 minutes). if the poison should make it's way into the body (either as applied to arrows, though open wounds or from somone biting the character), the target must make a save 14+ or take 2d4 points of damage. even a successful save causes the penalties as for skin contact.
7) Control Toads: can control up to 2d4 toads per level

Animal abilities: Koala
'CUTE!!! Why I'll give YOU cute...'

Appearance: stocky compact but smaller build. large eays, grey or greying hair.
1) +6 PE
2) +20 SDC
3) Natural climb skill of 90% and fearless of heights. can climb three times faster than a normal man
4) Toughened fingers act as primitive blunt claws, inflicting 1d6 damage.
5) Toxin resistant gut: +6 to save vs poison, and can eat eucalyptus leaves as his sole diet if desired.
6) Vaguely nocturnal: 60 feet of nightvision and +2 to initiative at night
7) Can control 1d6 Koalas plus 2 per level.

Bug eyes: [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh oh..sneaking around from behind huh..very stupid Captain Courage'

The character's eyes posess a number of unique features
1) +4 to perception checks where visual acuity is a factor.
2) Wide angled vision, over 190 degrees. +2 initiative
3) Independantly focusable. the character takes no penalties for losing an eye or being blinded in one eye, as the other eye can swivel and focus to cover the loss. each eye can swivel and focus independant to each other and the character is adapted for this odd visual experience.
4) polarised: the character can see into the ultraviolet spectrum and is immune to bright flares or flashes of light.
5) Innate targeting: while both eyes function, the character has uncanny target tracking capability. add +2 to all ranged attacks
6) Popeyes: the character can pop his eyes out of their sockets out to 6 inches (+1 inch per level). these can be used to look around (very close) corners or to frighten or horrify (HF 8 from gross out factor)

Tomb raider [Major] By Iczer
'Yeah my ***** aren't as big as lara's, but I make up for it with a whip and a cool hat'

The character has a unique affinity with close in spaces, tied with a natural affinity with rock and stone. the character has the folowing abilities when confined under the earth and or surrounded by rock or concrete.
1) a kind of vibration sense that allows the character to 'see' for about 10 feet in front of his outstretched hand (no penalties for fighting blind in these conditions) this can extend 2 feet through rock and concrete, possibly revealing features embedded in the rock (like hidden doors, cracks or buried objects)
2) +2 PS and +25 SDC while 'underground'
3) Uncanny sense of direction, 75% +3% per level.
4) +15% to climb, +10% to prowl and +5% to swim (underground streams).
5) +1 to strike parry and dodge
6) +1 attack per melee
7) a natural kind of digging ability. slowly able to dig through earth and rock at a measley PS feet per minute. solid stone and rock objects remain a barrier.
The character has the following bonuses at all times:
1) +25 SDC
2) Retains the vibration sense, but only to a few inches. useless in combat but still usefull for finding hidden doors and passages
3) Resistant to damage from rock and stone (and concrete). takes half damage from contact (even from APS stone and crytsal characters, and from falls onto concrete)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Omni energy expulsion [Major] By Iczer
'Hmmm....flame resistant, energy resistant...let's try electricity'

The character has the ability to project rays and beams of energy. Unlike lesser energy expulsion abilities, the character can vary the energy so expelled, with more choices becoming avialablke at greater levels of experience, along with greater skill.

1) Energy blast. The character can fire blasts of raw, undifferentiated energy. this blast does 3D6 damage +1D6 per level of experience, and has a range of 300 feet, plus 100 feet per level.
The character selects another of the following energy types at levels 2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12 and 14. Fire/heat (selected twice becomes plasma) Electricity (selected twice becomes ionic), Laser (taken twice becomes particle beam), sonic, vibration and cold.

2) Energy Blast combat. the character has developed a unique form of ranged combat that augments his ability with the energy blast above.
Level 1: +3 to strike with an aimed shot. +1 with a wild shot. can divide the beams between 2 targets at no bonus to strike.
Level 2: Deflection: The character may shoot down other energy blasts. roll as a parry (costs and action). the incoming attack is reduced by the character's damage.
Level 3: Divider: the character adds +1 to strike to divided attacks, and +1D6 to each target (so a 7D6 beam can be divided into a 4D6 and a 5D6 attack)
Level 4: Accurate: gain +1 to strike.
Level 5: Sniper's concentration: when making a carefull aimed shot, the character can add his ME bonus (as if it were PP) to his to hit roll.
Level 6: Fast. +1 energy blast attack per melee
Level 7: Accurate add +1 to strike
Level 8: Divided: gain an additional D6 to each divided target, and +1 to strike.
Level 9: Energy resistant: energy now inflicts 1/2 damage to this character
Level 10: Accurate +1 to strike
Level 11: Fast: add another energy blast attack per melee
Level 12: Divided: add +1d6 to each divided attack and +1 to strike. may divide 3 ways
Level 13: Accurate +1 to strike
Level 14: Energy resistant: character now takes 1/4 damage from all energy sources.
Level 15: Fast: +1 attack per melee with energy blasts.

3: Power Moves: the character gains one power move every level from level 2 onwards.
Penetrating: the character can reduce his overall damage by 2D6, to deliver an attack that slices through body armour like a knife through butter (reduce AR of target by 6 for that shot)
Punch: By reducing the damage of the blast by 2D6, the character's blast inflicts more bang for his buck. If the blast connects, the target must check vs Balance (at a penalty of the damage done) or be knocked down (lose one action). character who take more damage than their PS score are knocked backwards as many feet as the damage done. effective even if the target's AR blocked the shot.
Bank shot: The character can reduce the damage of his attack by 1D6, to allow the shot to careen off a target after hitting to strike a second target. If the main target is struck, the character rolls to hit a second target within 30 feet at -4, inflicting half damage.
Ricochette: The character can reduce his blast by 2D6 damage, to allow a blast to careen off a surface to hit a target indirectly. The character has a -3 to hit his target, but the target is -4 to dodge this attack and any cover he may posess is effectively ignored.
Scattershot: The attack spreads like a shotgun. by reducing the damage of the attack by 1D6, the character's attack not only hits the main target, but other victims within 5 feet of the target must dodge or take half damage (dodge is 14 if not the main target)
Cloud: the attack spreads like a cloud rather than a beam. after striking a target, the beam dissolves into a cloud of vapour, filling an area 10 feet in diameter for every dice in the attack (must expend 3D6 to use this option). This cloud remains for 1 melee round per level. anyone entering the cloud takes half the base damage twice per round.
Jet: The character's blast has a kind of kick to it, allowing the character to use the blast to assist with leaping. By firing at th ground, the character can hurl himself 10 feet into the air or 15 feet across for every 2 dice in the attack (so a 6D^ blast hurls a character 30 feet high and 45 feet across). this can also increase the speed of unpowered movement (like a skateboard, surfboard, roller blades etc) by 10% +5% per level.
Power shot: by expending 1D6 of damage, and an additional action, the character can fire a more powerful blast. Base damage (after the 1d6) is doubled and an additional 3 points of damage per level is added.
Precision: A precise beam of energy costs the character 2D6 of basic damage. a precise beam has a +2 to strike for every action spent aiming. in addition, precise beams have their critical range increased by 1 for every action so expended.
Destructive: Destructive beams shear away armour. destructive beams are reduced by 1D6. when a destructive beam hits a target, but is blocked by an Armour rating (natural or otherwise) that armour rating is reduced by 1.
Cutting: Cutting beams are more deadly. reduce the overall damage by 2D6, but the critical range for a Cutting beam is 15+.
Non lethal: Non lethal beams do not hurt a target, but do cause deletirious other effects. roll damage as normal (minus 2D6) and compare to the target's PE attribute (plus half any natural AR). if the damage exceeds this number, then the target must save vs damage (10+ number of dice damage) or become fatiged (refer to fatiging rules). a second successful attack weakens the target further ( 2 attacks per melee maximum, no bonuses to strike/parry or dodge, halve skill percentages and reduce speed to 1/4) a third successful attack renders a target unconscious. any target affected recovers after 15 minutes of rest +5 minutes per level of the attacker.
Rapid shot: The character's attack is reduced to 1D6 per level, but the attack fires off like a submachine gun. the character fire these blasts in short, medium or long bursts.
Peircing: Peircing beams cost 1D6, and put holes in objects. against inanimate objects, the character need only do 5% of an objects SDC to put a fist sized hole up to 6 inches deep per level in the object. If this beam punches through, then the beam continues, at -2D6 through to target's on the other side. Living beings are too complex, and too variable to be affected by this attack, but their body armour is not.


(thinking Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for a friday)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Nematocysts: [Minor] By Iczer
'Stings doesn't it'

The character can protude tiny hooks and barbs from his skin, coated with a mild neurotoxin.
Anyone making unwanted contact with the character is subjected to hundreds of these barbs depending on the type of contact.
Bare handed blow: 1d4 damage plus save vs pain (10) or suffer as below.
Grab with open hand: 1d6 damage, plus a svae vs pain (11)
Any hold (includes body flip/throw): 2d4 damage plus save vs pain (13)
Body blow (such as a crash tackle, body block/tackle) 2d6 damage plus save vs pain (14)
Full contact wrestling: 3d6 damage plus save vs pain (16)

Character who fail to save vs pain, are struck with immense and distinct pain. Victims suffer -2 to all combat moves and -10% to skills. victims of massive exposure (saves of 14 or better) also lose an attack per melee. The duration of these effects are one round, plus one more round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15.

Victims of this power are immune if they are wearing full body covering body armour, or at least heavy padding on their striking parts, or have a natural AR. those immune or resistant to poison resist normally. Characters with this power can add the bare handed blow effect to any normal hand strike.

Sap vitality: [Major] By Iczer
'Feel that sucker. thats the feeling of getting your Arse kicked Punk!'

The character's blows serve not only to wound, but to drain the vitality of others.
Each time he makes contact with another, either through grappling or by punching, his victims feel their own strength sapping away. this is a kind of power sink effect, draining superpowered vitality, and is more effective against superhumans than normal people. any target struck in combat by this character loses 1d4x10 SDC (save 16+ PE bonuses count). those who make their save only lose half of this amount. This power ceases to work when he is at 50 SDC or below. alternatively, the drain may instead sap PE. the target loses 1d4 PE instead, until it hits 20 or less. a save in this case blocks it all. Targets reduced to 20 PE or less lose all resistances to fatigue. Characters can also target victims with a natural armour rating. each attack not saved against drops their AR by 1d4+1. this only needs to hit, not penetrate their defences. Normal damage is done with this attack.
PE points lost in this fashion return at a rate of 2 per minute. SDC lost in this fashion recover at a rate of 5 per minute. lost AR recovers at a rate of 1 every minute.
Other benefits: add 1D4X10 SDC. +2 PE
Notes: Humans are relatively immune to this atack (with the exceptions of the hyperfit humans). animals are relatively immune and suffer half effect if affected at all (GM's discretion. It probably doesn't work on a horse, but might on a T-Rex). Supernatural creatures have +2 to save but are otherwise affected as if a superhuman or alien being.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer, what are you? A machine? A crazy, power making machine?
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MrTwist wrote:Iczer, what are you? A machine? A crazy, power making machine?

Only my mechanic knows for sure.


(and look at that. Now I'm blushing)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Gas bag [Minor] By Iczer
''re telling me he just floated away?'

The character can from a small, flexible sack between his shoulderblades, which he may expand with hot gasses, allowing him to float and fly.
Speed: Variable, according to wind. By venting gasses, the character can move around 20MPH plus 5 MPH per level, but the character can make use of local windspeeds as well. local windspeeds reduce his speed when he is directly opposing them.
Height: 1000 feet, plus 250 feet per level represents the character's maximum height he can achieve.
SDC: The expanded sack has 15SDC +3 per level. Blunt impacts do no damage though, and purely kinetic damage inflicts half damage to the sack. Should the sck be depleted of this SDC, then the character is holed.
Holed: When the sack is punctured, the character flys in random directions until he hits the ground. The character drops 100 feet every melee, and has a 30% of colliding with objects at that height (if there are no objects of appropriate height, then the character lucks out. a collision inflicts 3d6 damage (may roll for half). when the character runs out of height, the character slams into the ground (3d6 damage). SDC for the gas bag recovers at 1 point every minute, and any holes are sealed after 15 minutes.
Gasbag strength: The gas bag has a PS of around 50 EX. when inflated, it moves aside rubble and other objects with this PS. Not useful in combat mind you, but it can be used to lift an object off the ground, or to escape shackles or rope (or telephone booths). The character can use this PS to escape a grapple as well (grappling foes take 1d6+15 damage)
Floatation: the gas bag can alos be used to float, and by directing expelled gasses, can move the character at twice his normal speed in water.

Cerebrokinetics: [Major] By Iczer
'HH. Back of buddy. I'm Invulner...AARRRGHHHH'

The character can generate cascading energy on his hand that prooves to be devestating to the nervous systems of others. If used in combat, the character inflicts full normal damage from the strike, as well as one of the following effects.
1) Brain drain: The target saves vs psy or loses 1d4 +1 per level from his mental attributes (distributed as needed) lost mental attriibutes recover at a rate of 1 per hour for each drained attribute.
2) Mind drain: The target saves vs psi or loses 3d6 +1d6 per level from his ISP pool.
3) Stunning: The target saves vs psi or becomes stunned for 1d4 rounds. a target must have suffered through abilities #1 or #2 to be vulnerable to this. Stunned opponents have 1 attack per melee, half speed and half combat bonuses.
4) Incapacitate. To perfrom this, the target must already be stunned. the target must save vs psi or be knocked unconscious.

The character can perform a ranged blast for this power. such an attack has +3 to strike and has a range of 60 feet +10 feet per level. Targets have an additional +2 to save.
Head shots: at any time the character can attempt to make better direct contact with the brain rather than the general nervous system. striking the brain requires a called shot (12+) at -4 to strike. the traget of a brain strike has -4 to save.
This power does not affect people with altered physical structures (they have unconventional nervous systems) or targets lacking a nervous system (robots for instance, some deamons etc). this power bypasses normal body armour. targets who are immune to, or resistant to poisons or electricity are very resistant to this power, having a +4 to save and only suffering half effects and duration.
Other benefits: +4 to save vs Psi.
Half damage from electricity
+3D6 SDC

Death defiance [Minor] By Iczer
'Shot, stabbed, poisoned, frozen. I take a licking, but I keep on Ticking'

The character has hundreds of little mutations that allow him to survive ordinarilly deadly situations.
* Heals at twice normal rate
* +25% to save vs Coma/death
* +2 to save vs poisons. poisons see their duration (but not effect) reduced to 1/4
* Resistant to falls. +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact. no damage on a success, half damage on a fail.
* +2 to dodge
* auto stabilisation. Wounds close shut and rapid clotting allows the character to live on through even deadly damage. The character can go twice his PE below zero before death. The character has a 25% chance of stabilising every hour after dropping below zero on his own without medical aid. Furthermore, he stops bleeding after 1d4 minutes. Of course, the body is vulnerable to other, outside harm (such as animal attacks, weather etc).

Doublemind: [Minor] By Iczer
'We beg to differ'

The character has a second set of neural matter, a backup brain so to speak. Devoid of will and personality of it's own, it grants the character a number of special options
* +2 to IQ, ME and MA
* +2 to save vs psi, insanity and HF
* +1% per level to all skills
* Can make two saving throws against mental manipulations
* thinks at an accellerated rate (paralell processing). strictly mental tasks can be performed at half the normal time.
* Can concentrate on two seperate tasks at a time. The second mind can ignore distractions. (can be alert for odd noises or movement while the main brain attempts to guide a lockpick) Character is alert while asleep (but still the body is groggy)
* Flee: if the character is rendered unconscious, or dying, the body can wander off to find a safe place. It has no skills or language, and only shoddy memories. It has 3/4 normal Spd and no attacks per melee (but has 3 actions). it does not attack but will dodge, play possum, and roll with punch fall impact to survive.

Tissue transformation [Major?] By Iczer
'Rock hard abbs...guarenteed'

The character can transform his skin and muscle tissues into a harder, stronger substance
1) SDC transference: By canabalising his own SDC, the character can form protective growths on his body's surface. By sacraficing 25 SDC, the character gains a natural AR of 10. every 5 SDC sacraficed after that enhances this by 1 (to amaximum of 16)
2) Body armaments: By sacraficing 20 SDC, the character can grow some natural sharp plating, or heavy boe like plating to serve as weapons. Base weapons do 2d6+2 damage.
3) reversing the process: AR can be transfered back to SDC,in a reverse of the process used to form it, though 5SDC must be recovered normally.
4) HP/SDC transfer: the character can transfer HP and SDC back and forth. 1 HP can be traded for 5SDC. These HP will not recover unless restored by reversing the process (6SDC =1HP) The character can heal normal HP damage at a rate of 3SDC healing 1 HP.

Progresive marks: [Major] By Iczer
'This tatoo I got fighting alien invaders from Q!uth, and this is fromThe time me and Captain Heroic fough Omniman, and this one here is....I don't know were I got this one? It must be new'

The character grows new abilities level by level, customised to his needs. the changes he experiences are reflected by strange seemingly alive tattoos that crawl across his body.
1) progressive changes: Once per level, the character can grow new marks that provide one of the following abilities.
* Natural AR Either AR 10 or +2 to natural AR. Maximum of 16 AR (the tatoos actually deflect the incoming attack)
* Energy Resistence: one type of energy now inflicts 1/2 damage. if selected more than once, it can make the damage drop to nothing (immunity) or may select a different energy form.
* Heightened strength. +4 PS. may be taken multiple times. If PS breaches 30 in this fashion it becomes extraordinary. if it breaches 45 in this fashion it becomes superhuman.
* Weapon: The grown tatoo can channell extra energy. It can become a retractable weapon (inflicting 2d6 damage plus PS) or a whip style weapon (2d6 damage with a range of up to 30 feet) or it can merely by energised (3d6 damage. no PS bonus +2 per level)
*durability: the marks provide 30 SDC and 10 HP as well as +2 PE
2) reveal/hide marks: the character can remove his marks from his body, acusing them to hide themselves. while this happens, the character has none of this power's benefits.
3) Autosculpting: The character can create normal, unpowered tatoo's or marks to appear on his body at will. the tatoos that form may be of any style, colour or appearance. he can also remove any tatoo he makes (but can only hide the power marks)


(Just checking to see how deep this barrel is)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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progressive marks is just.... so awesome..... you really hit a home run with that one... :ok:
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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AJ Pickett wrote:Thats a whole new power category Cheese.
Hmmm.. what to call it?
The Evolutionary?
Evolving Hero?
The Power Creep?

Hmmm I should write it up as a new category, and submit it to palladium for Rifter publishing.
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mainbox wrote:Create Energy Blade (Minor)

This power gives the hero the abillity to create an energy blade around his hand and forarm giveing them bounese:

Cuting The heros is able to cut through anything within time. Anything with an SDC less than:
0 to 170 SDC will take 1 melee with zero strain
171 to 800 SDC will take 2 melee actions with little to no strain
801 to 2000 SDC will take 3 melee actions with alot os strain
2000+ SDC it will take 1 melee round with a lot of strain
note this is only for inanimate objects.

When use as a Weapon the energy blade can parry bullets (- 3 to parry) and energy the same type of the balde(-5 to parry) without damage to the character if sucessful (gm can add penaltys as see's fit)
the blade can also strike dealling a massive 4d6 + 1d6 per level of exp

note: the blade can be any energy type in the book (energy, electricity, fire, plasma, light, shadow, or telekintic) the character can change types at any given time but it takes 2 melee action and conentration

I like it, a minor power version of the Energy Weapons Extension major power was needed. I have a similar power that I created for use in my campaigns. I'll post it below.

Create Energy Weapon (Minor)
Similar to the major power Energy Weapon Extensions, but more limited in scope. The character can create a weapon of pure energy, with the weapon type being selected at first level. Once chosen it may not be changed. Beginning at sixth level the character can create a second weapon, which starts with stats of a first level weapon. This weapon may be the same weapon type, or different. Note: This power may be taken twice during character creation, giving the character two weapons of equal power.
1. Damage: 4d6, plus 1d6 at levels two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, and fifteen. The weapon does not receive any bonus to damage based on strength.
2. Duration: Five minutes per level of experience, plus the initial creation take one action. After the duration is up the weapon can be immediately recreated or willed to continue existence, at the cost of one action.
3. Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry, with an additional +1 to both at level six, and twelve.
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Heres another one. If its been done before let me know.

Anatomical Redundancy (Minor)
The character with this power has multiple copies of vital organs, his internal organs may have changed so that several vital processes can be preformed by more than one organ, or maybe all vital processes are partially preformed by multiple organs. No matter how it is done, the character’s body can suffer much more trauma before it becomes seriously impaired, and his body functions are much more efficient than those of a normal member of his race.
1. Hit Points: Add +10 hit points to the character at every level of experience, and can survive up to two time his PE in negative damage. This increase is in addition to any the character may normally receive for level advancement.
2. S.D.C.: The character receives a one-time bonus of +30 S.D.C.
3. Save Bonuses: The character is +25% save vs. coma/death, +3 to save vs. natural poisons/toxins/chemicals, and +2 save vs. man-made poisons/toxins/chemicals. These bonuses are in addition to those gained from having a high PE attribute.
4. Attribute Bonuses: Thanks to the characters incredible efficient anatomy add +2d4 to his PE attribute.
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This one is similar to the Energy Aura power from PU1, but I created it for use in my games before that book was ever published.

Power Amine (Major)
The character is able to manifest an aura of pure energy that represents some aspect of the character’s inner concisions. This aura can take any form the character wishes, but once chosen cannot be changed. The most common forms are those of animals, armored humanoids, or fantasy creatures. No matter what the appearance they all share certain aspects in common, but the different forms also allow for some variation abilities. Note: The energy type is a generic energy that is so plentiful in comic, and not a specific energy type (but may be any color the player wishes).
Common Powers: These are powers at all characters with this superpower possess.
1. Armor: The amine provides protection from harm. The armor has 150 S.D.C., plus 20 S.D.C. per level of experience. It also has an AR of 13, plus one at levels three, seven, ten, thirteen, and fifteen (for a maximum AR of 18 at fifteenth level).
2. Increased Strength: The characters strength is considered Superhuman while the amine is active.
3. Increased Hand-to-Hand Damage: The amine increase the character’s barehanded melee strikes. This increased damage is incorporated into the appearance of the amine; claws for someone with an animal-like amine, or a sword for someone with a knight amine. Damage is 3d6+PS bonus, plus 1d6 at third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, and fifteenth levels (for a total of 10d6, or 1d6x10 at fifteenth level).
4. Amine Attribute Bonuses: These bonuses are automatically added to the characters attributes while the amine is activated. Roll only once and add the result, do not roll every time the character activates her amine. Bonuses: +2d6 PS, +1d4 PP, +2d4 PE, and +2d6 Spd.
Variable Powers: These are powers that can be slightly customized by the players to give the amine a little variation.
1. Additional Attack Form: The character either possess a ranged attack similar to one of the Energy Expulsion powers, or may chose to increase the damage of their Increased Hand-to-Hand Damage above.
a. Ranged Attack: The character is able to fire some sort of energy projectile, enabling her to cause damage at a range. The form that this takes is up to the character, but should be appropriate to their amine’s appearance; a character with a porcupine amine could fire energy “quills”, while someone with a dragon amine could shoot “flames” from the dragon’s mouth. Damage: 5d6, plus 1d6 at levels four, seven, ten, thirteen, and fifteen (total damage of 10d6, or 1d6x10 at 15th level). Range: 120ft, plus 10ft every other level of experience.
b. Increased Hand-to-Hand Damage: Instead of opting for a ranged attack ability the character may chose to add a one time bonus of 3d6 to the damage they inflict in hand-to-hand.
2. Increased Movement: The character is able to travel at 10x their speed attribute. Chose one form of travel from the following: flying, land, or water. Once chosen it cannot be changed. The travel type should be appropriate for the appearance of the character’s amine; wings for a character with a griffon, flipper-like tail for someone with a shark amine, or increased land speed for someone with a cheetah or wolf amine. If the character wishes, and it is appropriate for their amine’s appearance, the character may chose two increased movement types. In this case lower the speed multiplier to 7x the speed attribute. In the rare case that the character is able to justify having all three types of movement she may chose to do so, but the multiplier is decreased to 4x the speed attribute for all movement types.
Note: If the character so wishes, and the GM allows, she may trade any available minor powers on a one to one bases for the abilities above, gaining the full benefits (i.e. two movement types at the full 10x modifier, or increased hand-to-hand damage and a ranged attack).
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Micromimicry [Minor] By Iczer
'You wouldn't believe what's under MY skin'

The character can mimic others by simply touching them. this mimicry alters the characters DNA, blood type, and other properties, but leaves the external features unchanged.
The character fools DNA tests, blood screening, fingerprints, retina scans and 'esoteric' qualities posessed by the target.
These esoteric qualities become more profound by 5th level. At this point, the character also has a level of immunities based on his targets. This includes their own inherant immunity to their own powers.
[If Johnny Tapp touches Inferno: the living flame, Johnny gains the same resistance to Inferno's flame and heat. Inferno cannot hurt himself after all. Johnny does not posess any resistence to other sources of fire and heat though]
The Micromimicry lasts for 24 hours per level, but can be cancelled at will by the character.

(only short posting today. sorry. time to get needles)
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Unread post by acreRake »

batts wrote:Animal abilities: Koala
'CUTE!!! Why I'll give YOU cute...'

Appearance: stocky compact but smaller build. large eays, grey or greying hair.
1) +6 PE
2) +20 SDC
3) Natural climb skill of 90% and fearless of heights. can climb three times faster than a normal man
4) Toughened fingers act as primitive blunt claws, inflicting 1d6 damage.
5) Toxin resistant gut: +6 to save vs poison, and can eat eucalyptus leaves as his sole diet if desired.
6) Vaguely nocturnal: 60 feet of nightvision and +2 to initiative at night
7) Can control 1d6 Koalas plus 2 per level.
Tomb raider [Major] By Iczer
I feel "underground" or "subterranean" abilities would be better.
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yeah I know. Angelina's ***** are hypnotic though........ (I feel dirty)

Toxic adapatability [Minor] By Iczer
'Mace?!?!.....erghhh...Ok now I'm better'

The character has a limited immunity to toxins and poisons. specifically he has normal vulnerability to all sorts of toxins and chemicals, but he gains progressive resistance with his exposure.
The character cannot be affected by any toxin or poison for any great lenght of time. As his body is affected, he becomes immune to the effects of the toxin even as it works through him. One melee round after exposure, (A failed save) the character may choose to shake off the effects. The character posesses a number of floating immunities, equal to 1 plus 1 per level (so a third level mutant has 4 floating immunities). The character remains immune to the toxins stored as floating immunities as long as he keeps them. should the character be exposed to a toxin he is not immune to, he may shift out one that he is after one melee round.
(Chelsea, a first level mutant, is immune to cocain and alcohol. while at a trendy new york club the police fire tear gas into the room. Chelsae coughs and gags for 1 melee and then ditches her alcohol immunity and replaces it with immunity to tear gas)
Other benefits: +2 to save vs toxins and poisons.
Poisons and toxins have half normal effect (damage, effect and duration)

Quiet [Minor] By Iczer

The character can create a field around himself that negates sound. the character simplycounters sound generated by himself, by his actions and sounds that emante from within a small area of influence (4 feet +1 foot per level of experience).
Being in such a state, the character has the following abilities.
* +25% to stealth where silence is important.
* Silences weapons weilded by the character, as well as those within his field of influence (a wrestling match effectively silences both the character and his foe)
* invisible to the power of sonar
* immune to sonic attacks


(keeping the thread as alive as possible...CLEAR!!.....>ZAPP<)
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Nature thief [Major] By Iczer
'Iiin the Jungle, the quiet jungle.....'

The character feeds on vegetation, vampirically drawing on it's strength while he decimates it at the same rate.
1) Draw power: The character can regenerate almost as fast as he can be injured, by drawing on localised vegetation to replenish his strength. if the the character can draw life energy from plants within a 30 foot radius from himself (+5 feet per level). If the character takes any damage, he may instantly heal up to 5 points per level by drawing it from his surrounds. A typical park or lawn or a single houseplant can supply around 5 SDC before withering and becoming lifeless. In an area with light or heavy shrubbery, like a garden, the area can supply 10 SDC/HP. In light woods or forest, the area can supply 30 SDC/HP while thick forest and jungle can supply 50 SDC/HP. Once the character has drained an area dry, the plants become limb and lifeless, turning an unnatural black and brown. If an area is only partly gardened, or has mixed levels of vegetation, average them out (so a hydroponic garden shed, which is half concrete floor and half garden would supply 5HP) Note that individual trees posess far more SDC than their area would indicate. The tree's become shorn of all foliage, and it's outer levels die, leaving the innards intact.
2) Bulk it up: By touching a live, woody trunk, the character can suck strength and vitality from it. The character drains up to 20 SDC per level from the tree or plant, granting him +1 PS for every 10 SDC drained, and an AR of 10 as his skin turns a woody brown. Absorbed SDC lasts for 30 minutes per level, but inflicts eaqual damage to the tree in question.
3) Plantkiller: the character can also target characters with APS wood, APS plant or are plant aliens or beings. His punches and kicks inflict an extrs 2d6 damage to these beings. He can use this 'killing touch' to also rot wood, kill weeds and grass and otherwise destroy any plant based organic substance.
4) Other benefits:
+2 PE
Immune to plant based toxins
+10% to wilderness survival

Brace [Major] By Iczer
'I'll hold it for you madam'

The character reinforces objects with his touch, granting them a level of resistance to harm, though it does hamper movement.
1) reinforce: the character can merely touch a person or object and grant it an extra 15 SDC per level and an AR of 14. this is a forcefield like projection that surrounds a target and the character at the same time. The character can reinforce objects up to 75lbs per level. In addition, if the protection is breached, the character can redirect damage into himself rather than the target. This can be used to protect fragile vials, hostages or anything else the character may choose to protect. This field recovers at a rate of 1 point per minute, but any AR is gone when the field is dropped. The field persists only as long as the character is touching his target.
2) Self protection: needless to say, the character is surrounded by his own field at all times (AR 14 15 SDC per level)
3) Brace: the character can also reinforce much larger structures. The character must touch the object in question and then brace himself. The character become immobile as his field intensifies and surrounds both himself and his target. This larger, imobilising field acts multiplies the remaining strength of the substances, and thier remaining SDC's by 100. Esentially holding it together until the effect is ended.
[Dynaman, noticing the bomb about to go off, drops a 10 SDC Aluminium bucket over it and activates his brace. The bucket jumps to 1000SDC, absorbing the 500 damage of the explosion. the bucket is released soon after, and drops to a mere 5 SDC]
[Dynamman, taking the elevator to the ground floor, hears the elevator grind to a halt. investigating the roof hatch, he finds that the cable is fraying, and can no longer support the weight of the elevator (The cable can only now support 600lbs). he grabs the cable with a free hand, multiplying it's tensile strength. now the cable can support 60,000lbs, and rescue workers are in no rush to evacuate the passengers]
There is no upper limit as to what can be reinforecd by the brace, except as common sense dictates (The character may hold a bus together, but not a starship. maybe an office building, but not the whole planet).

Disposable bodies [Major] By Iczer
' thought I was dead..but you were thought I was dead...'

The character can leave his body as an electromagnetic wave, and posess bodies that he constructs himself.
1) Create manequin. The character can generate an artificial body out of his own personal enegy and undifferentated matter. This mannequin has 35 SDC, plus 10 per level, an AR of 12, and attributes that match the PC's own (though PE is irrelevant, as the mannequins are not 'alive' per se, and the body is devoid of IQ,ME and MA) and the minimum strength is extraordinary. Mannequins lose 5 SDC and 1 PS per day left unnatended (see below). the character can generate up to 5 such mannequins per level.
2) Bio energy transfer: the character can leave his body and slide his lifeforce into any of his mannequins. He transfers his personality and powers to the new body (though SDC cannot do more than double). In this manner he may fight until the body is destroyed, and then move on to a new body. This energy form is a wave of EM energy, composed of 75% of the PC's HP. as an energy wave, the character unable to make physical contact (and is technically intangible) but remains vulnerable to energy attacks (half damage). This energy form, when outside a body, starts to bleed into the environment. It loses 1d4 HP every melee round until it dissipates or finds a new mannequin (or it's original body). if the energy form dissipates, the character wakes up in his flesh and blood body without any memory of his time as an energy form. Thogh intangible, the energy form takes damage from passing through objects. typical objects inflict 1 point of damage every round of contact, hwile conductive objects deal a d4. objects swung as weapons deal no such damage. the energy form can fly at his normal Spd Attribute x10
3) Bio attack: In any body, even his original, the character can as an attack, send out his energy form and recall it ( or send it to a new body). such an attack inflicts 1d4x10 damage to living beings or sensitive electronics (2d6 otherwise), with a +4 to strike. but inflicts the typical 1d4 HP to the character.
4) Other benefits:
half damage from electricity (self and mannequin)
Immune to posession (though his abandoned mannequins are fair game, as is his abandoned body)
HP recovery is 4 times as fast as a normal human.


(who has a big list he has been waiting to write up)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Body puppets [Major] By Iczer
'And this little guy...I call him spleeny'

The character can dismember himself in a fashion reminiscant of anatomical independance, but with expanded capabilities.
1) Remove limb or organ: The character can voluntarilly remove any limb or organ from his body. the character continues to function normally without the limb or organ (though he still needs it see limitations). The removed organ can be reattached by contact.
2) Animate limb or organ: a removed limb or organ has an HP score independant of the character, and is animated like a little clone. The flesh reshapes to be a little copy of the character, and posesses all the mobility one would expect from a tiny little man. The new creature has a HP of 10+ 2 per level, a PS of 2 and a PE and PP equal to the character. Spd is halved. The little creature posesses all the character's skills, including HTH combat, but inflicts 1 point of damage in combat (if any). a opponents are -4 to hit such a small opponent.
3) Multiple midgets!: the character can detach and animate up to 2 body parts or organs per level, though he must part with vital body parts to do so. detaching and reattaching a body part each takes one action.
4) Resistant to slashing. slashing weapons inflict 1/4 damage to the character, who can simply 'help' the process along and simply seal up after the weapon. if the character chooses, he may simply take no damage from a slashing style attack, but must seperate a limb or head in the process. The character can remove his head, leaving his body to do the fighting
5) Sensory feedback: the character is in control of all his little men at all times, and is aware of what they are doing and seeing. distance is not a factor.
6) Vulnerabilities. Each little man has only a limited number of HP before dying. Should a limb die the character will suffer 2d6 damage. He will regrow that limb in 48 hours. Should the little homoculus be a vital organ, the character immeadiately goes into shock. the loss of such a little guy casues 2d6 damage to HP instead of SDC, and the character is now without an appropriate organ (and may die if it's his kidneys). of course, death of the head is similarilly tragic. the affected organ will grow back as normal, but only if the character can be kept alive for that long. In addition, by removing a limb or organ, he removes his capacity to use it. removing a leg means he is reduced to hopping. While he can safely remove his stomach and have it roll around the room doing impressions of his co-workers, he cannot eat while his stomach is out and about.

Body armour [Major] By Iczer
'Hold on..let me bulk up'

The character can grow a body tight artificial layer of bodyarmour to grant him extraordinary levels of broad protection.
1) Body armour: The plates grown have an AR of 14 and an SDC off 50 +15 per level. this SDC recovers at a rate of 1 point per minute
2) Protections: While the body armour is active, the character takes half damage from physical and energy attacks, as the plates deflect the force of blows. Magical and psionic energy is not deflected and damage from other sources is not reduced.
3) Reflection: the plates also turn aside attacks. Ranged attacks that strike the AR are reflected, and strike another target within 40 feet of the character. Melee attacks that strike below the AR see their energy reflected back on themselves. damage is rolled as usual, but is a halved and then applied to the weapon or striking character.
4) Physical modifications: the character gains 50lbs when he grows the armour, and gains +6PS (extraordinary) and +6 PE. bare handed blows inflict 1d6+2 damage or add +4, whichever is better.

Outfit: [Minor] By Iczer
'Ohhhhh...I just adore your costume. Ralph Loren? Armani? Concrete?'

The character can coat his body with any substance he touches, titerally drawing it onto himself. The costume that results has an AR of the touched substance -2, and an SDC equal to the AR of the substance, plus 4 per level. The character is never without a costume, and even better, by touching a fabric, he can make an outfit from whole cloth (so to speak) spinning fabulous gowns and suits as needed (tailoring skill is professional level, with a skill of 80% +5% per level.) Outfits made are as flexible as the character and effectively 'ignore' his powers, growing as he grows, etc.
The character can use this as a sort of disarm manoevre. If he can grab an opponent's weapon or even their body armour (one action) he can simply make an article of clothing out of it. By grabbing a police officer's vest, he can weave his own. By grabbing a terrorists glock, he can make a metal glove.


(Who is getting around today)
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Unread post by znbrtn »

disposable bodies is awesome, iczer. could you possibly help me with a power? it's basically gonna be an alternate version of regeneration: ultima. i call it focused regeneration, and it goes something like this:

at the end of every round, the character completely heals the (x) most damaging attacks. all hp/sdc lost from the attack(s) is returned!

so far, i think the basic ability is balanced, because it only heals a limited number of attacks, so it can be fairly easily overcome. the problems that i'm having are that A)i can't really think of any good flavor text, B) i'm having trouble figuring out the number of attacks that are returned per round, and C) it seems that it should have something extra(the "other abilities and bonuses").

any help would be appreciated. :D
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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znbrtn wrote:disposable bodies is awesome, iczer. could you possibly help me with a power? it's basically gonna be an alternate version of regeneration: ultima. i call it focused regeneration, and it goes something like this:

at the end of every round, the character completely heals the (x) most damaging attacks. all hp/sdc lost from the attack(s) is returned!

so far, i think the basic ability is balanced, because it only heals a limited number of attacks, so it can be fairly easily overcome. the problems that i'm having are that A)i can't really think of any good flavor text, B) i'm having trouble figuring out the number of attacks that are returned per round, and C) it seems that it should have something extra(the "other abilities and bonuses").

any help would be appreciated. :D

I'll give anything a shot.

Returning flesh [Major] By iczer+Znbrtn (Icznbrtn?)
'Ow.....OK...done whining'

The character has the ability to regenerate his more grevious wounds, leaving smaller wounds to recover in a more natural fashion.
1) Recover grevious wound. At the beginning of every round, the character recovers from a wound inflicted in the previous round. this single wound must exceed 10 points of damage, but cannot be higher than 20 damage plus 10 per level. The character can use this as a method of regrowing lost limbs or other grevious wounds as necessary. The healing is rapid, and does not cost any actions to designate or recuperate.
2) restrictions and limitations: The character must be awake to designate which wound is to be healed. if Knocked unconscious or even killed, only the last designated wound will heal (which may or may not save him). also, healing wounds does not mitigate any consequences of that loss. If poison was delivered with the wound, then the character is unwounded, but still poisoned.
3) Other abilities:
Character heals at 3 times normal rate
+2 PE
+2 to resist pain
+1D4x10 SDC

* if healing a wound was an action, the power would look a little different. Say, if the character could heal 10 damage per action (plus x per level) perhaps such a power would work as he would be spending most actions healing himself rather than actually fighting.
* I have left this at 1 attack otherwise it moves from (IMHO) from balanced to unbalanced. The ability to heal more attacks than an opponent has simply makes the character too invulnerable. that said, a characer who heals all damage inflicted seconds afterwards is more or less the same as an invulnerable character, only one that can be more easilly poisoned.
* I figure an SDC bonus to is pretty standard for a lot of powers (how does invisibility give you SDC?). as the power doesn't heal wounds less than 10 HP, such a character can be whittled down. his enhanced healing does help him though, healing these 'little' wounds at 3 times normal rate

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:
znbrtn wrote:disposable bodies is awesome, iczer. could you possibly help me with a power? it's basically gonna be an alternate version of regeneration: ultima. i call it focused regeneration, and it goes something like this:

at the end of every round, the character completely heals the (x) most damaging attacks. all hp/sdc lost from the attack(s) is returned!

so far, i think the basic ability is balanced, because it only heals a limited number of attacks, so it can be fairly easily overcome. the problems that i'm having are that A)i can't really think of any good flavor text, B) i'm having trouble figuring out the number of attacks that are returned per round, and C) it seems that it should have something extra(the "other abilities and bonuses").

any help would be appreciated. :D

I'll give anything a shot.

Returning flesh [Major] By iczer+Znbrtn (Icznbrtn?)
'Ow.....OK...done whining'

The character has the ability to regenerate his more grevious wounds, leaving smaller wounds to recover in a more natural fashion.
1) Recover grevious wound. At the beginning of every round, the character recovers from a wound inflicted in the previous round. this single wound must exceed 10 points of damage, but cannot be higher than 20 damage plus 10 per level. The character can use this as a method of regrowing lost limbs or other grevious wounds as necessary. The healing is rapid, and does not cost any actions to designate or recuperate.
2) restrictions and limitations: The character must be awake to designate which wound is to be healed. if Knocked unconscious or even killed, only the last designated wound will heal (which may or may not save him). also, healing wounds does not mitigate any consequences of that loss. If poison was delivered with the wound, then the character is unwounded, but still poisoned.
3) Other abilities:
Character heals at 3 times normal rate
+2 PE
+2 to resist pain
+1D4x10 SDC

* if healing a wound was an action, the power would look a little different. Say, if the character could heal 10 damage per action (plus x per level) perhaps such a power would work as he would be spending most actions healing himself rather than actually fighting.
* I have left this at 1 attack otherwise it moves from (IMHO) from balanced to unbalanced. The ability to heal more attacks than an opponent has simply makes the character too invulnerable. that said, a characer who heals all damage inflicted seconds afterwards is more or less the same as an invulnerable character, only one that can be more easilly poisoned.
* I figure an SDC bonus to is pretty standard for a lot of powers (how does invisibility give you SDC?). as the power doesn't heal wounds less than 10 HP, such a character can be whittled down. his enhanced healing does help him though, healing these 'little' wounds at 3 times normal rate


i like it. i might increase the sdc bonus from 1D4X10 to 2D4X10(it's more logical to gain extra sdc from this power than most, so i would give it a slight edge), but that's about it.
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
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Invisible arms: [Major] By Iczer
'I may be bound, but you should see what i really have up my sleeve'

The character can create 1-4 arms made from pure semi-visible force to act as proxy arms for the character. these limbs proove do be deadly, dexterous and above all very hard to detect.
1) Offensive: The limbs when created, extend 15 feet from the character, and due to thier morphic nature, can be dangerously blunt or wickedly sharp. The limbs have a PP of 15 (+1 per level) and have a PS of 18 (+2 per level. Extraordinary PS) a slap or slam by the limb inflicts 1d6 damage, but can inflict up to 3d6 damage. the limbs themselves add 2 attacks per melee. Despite their agility and flexibility, the 'hands' don't handle fine objects too well, and skills performed with these hands are at -15%.
2) semi-visible: The limbs are made of barely perceptible force. users without exceptional visual or other senses suffer a -2 to parry or dodge these limbs, and indeed will have to make a perception check (14) even to notice them in action. smoke, fog rain snow and mist highlight these limbs very handilly, reducing the perception roll needed to 8.
3) Defensive: The limbs can be used to sheild the character from harm. 2-4 limbs can be commited to defence, reducing incoming attacks by -3 (-6 if all four limbs are used). to outside observers, attacks seem to be deflected by some force.
4) Enhanced mobility: the limbs have a 15 foot reach, and thus can be used for transportation. Using the limbs in this fashion allows a speed of 4d6+10 (half when walking up walls)
[Blatantly ripping off certain Anime. shame on me]

Hex [Minor] By Iczer
'Oops....looks like I missed...or did I?'

The character has the ability to fire off short ranged attacks that cause havock and inconveinience to others. The character extends a very weak force field over targets he successfully strikes with this ability, a force field that flexes and distracts with a kind of malevolent intention.
Range: 50 feet +10 feet per level.
Duration: hexes last 1 round, plus one more at level 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
Attacks: each use of the Hex counts as 2 actions
Bonus to strike: +1 for wild, +3 for aimed shots.
Effect: any target surrounded by a hex field, is unlikely to notice it until it affects them. it does it's best to trip, pull or cause unwanted pushes to the target. Victims suffer -2 to strike parry and dodge while surrounded by a hex field, as well as -10% to relevant skills. in addition, like a malevolent child, the field has one 'action' per round. It's strength is not great, but it has the ability to initiate normal mishaps (a push while balancing on a beam, glasses or goggle slipping, clothes snagging on a branch etc. treat it as having a PS of 2 and a PP of 8.
Special: at 5th level the character can have a hex lie in wait, lurking for up to an hour per level before triggering. without the hero nearby to direct it all it will do is wait for an appropriate time, exert it's strength and then leave.
Limitations: The hex can be 'seen' be people who can see invisible, or can sense super powers that are active. as an actual thing, it has 4 SDC +1 per level. any attack that affects the body as a whole (a fall, a car crash, an explosion, electrocution a burst of flame etc) also damages the hex.
Notes: The hex can be directed at machinery as well. while puny, it can make any number of random accidents to computers (why did it reboot?) explosives (how did the wires come out) to automobiles (what's that noise under the hood?).

Precise mind [Major] By Iczer
'12 hours, 14 minutes, 31.43 seconds until impact. did we want to grab a parachute by now?'

The character's mind orders information than normal, emphasising pure calculation and timing, and tying it with his intuition.
1) Clock like mind. The character automatically calculates the time and relates it to other events. without pause he can tell you how long it takes for a clock hand sweep from one tick to the next, how long it takes for a bathtub to fill, how long since he has seen a person eat etc. His intuition and prior knowledge also allow him to time events precisely. apart from the effects listed below, it grants him a +4 to initiative and +4 to IQ. (as a side note, his perfect sense of timing adds +20% to dance. who says he doesn't have rythim)
2) Combat benefits: In combat the character has the ability to time his dodges and weaves. he has +1 to strike/parry and dodge in all forms of combat. in addition, if a character simply concentrates on defence he may dodge and parry at an additional +4. If the character spends an action lining up a shot, he can halve all penalties for local windspeed, great distance and the targets erratic movement.
3) Affinity with math. Maths, advanced maths and astrophysics enjoys a +20%. chemistry, computer programming and computer operation gain a +10%. the character is a savant with pure math and can answer math related questions and problems in 1/3rd the normal time.
4) General timliness: the charactre remains aware of the passage of time. as this ability ties into his intutive side, it also alerts him to problems. when a pattern or sequence of events becomes disrupted the character is the first to know. ( a guard fails to report in, responses over the internet are delayed, even when a person pauses to invent a lie to cover up a detail, the character feels the sometimes microscopic pauses to be suspicious. If such an event occurs, the character has a 60% chance, +5% per level of noticing such a disruption. larger disruptions become more obvious over time (and allow multiple rolls) while smaller pauses suffer a -10 to -20 percent.

Babel [Minor] By Iczer
'ksjfbvck fjhfklj fkjh sdfh?'

The character can 'knock out' a person's ability to understand language, rendering it into meaningless gibberish.
Range: one target within 30 feet +10 feet per level
Effect: The character loses all ability to read, write, speak and talk. all language skills drop to zero. because of the damage to the character language and speech centres, the character cannot even think to himself (telepathic eaves dropping simply picks up the same gibberish)
Duration: 3 rounds +1 per level.
Attacks: 2 attacks to perform.
Save: the character saves vs psionics (15) even though this power is not psionic in nature (pseudopsionic)

Ablative Force field: [Minor] By Iczer
'Uggh..hey guys..My field's going to drop any moment, wanna make with the smashing the badguy?'

The character can create a force field over his body, that repels attacks effectively at first, but less so as it' whittles away. The field starts out a bright white, but fades from white, through colours until turning black and then fading completely.
The field, when first created, reduces all damage by 5 plus one per level. after it has blocked as many points of damage as the character's PE (or ME as decided upon character creation) it's protective ability drops by one. every time the field blocks as much damage as the character's attribute (ME or PE) it drops again. The field gains one point of protective power every 5 minute it is turned off.
If the character anticipates having to block a lot of damage at once, he may push his field. a pushed field is able to block as much damage as it can sustain ( a third level character can block 8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 damage or 36) after that damage, a further amount of damage equal to what it blocked is deflected. after a field breaks in this fashion, the character must make a save vs stun (14+ PE bonuses count) or be knocked out. even if the save is made, the character is stunned for 1d4 rounds.
[Blockaid, a 2nd level mutant, hurls himself onto the nearby grenade and pushes his field. as a second level mutant he can block 28 damage with his pushed field, and deflect an extra 28. the grenade does 2D4x10 damage (50 in this case) blowing his field to smithereens, but deflecting the rest. Blockaid makes a save but fails and is knocked unconscious]
A major version of this power simply reduces damage by 5 per level rather than 5 +1 per level, but drops twice as fast (-2 every time it exceeds his PE) [Had blockaid posessed the major version, he could have blocked 30 points and deflected another 30. at level 3 he would have blocked 64]


(More to come, i just need to collect my thoughts)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Energy dispersal field: [Major] By Iczer
'I'll handle the guys wait for me'

The character can create force fields that are barely perceptible by the physical senses. perhaps cold to the touch but are otherwise as solid as air. certainly visible, much like a very apparent heat haze or like some sort of liquid, these force fields instead absorb and block energy.
1) Energy pool: the character can create force fields with a total of 50 SDC for every PE point of the character. Once created, those points are gone until reused (character cannot recoup points spent on sheilds). SDC recovers at a rate of 2 per minute.
2) Field effects: The fields are intangible to solid objects, but act normally against vs energy. a 50 point wall blocks energy attacks, including characters currently sheathed in energy or made of energy.
3) Dimensions: The character can create walls up to 30 feet across and 30 feet high plus 10 feet per level. alternatively the character can create a dome up to 20 feet across +5 feet per level.
4) energy dampening: objects within the field see their energy drained from them. Batteries and power packs lose 10% of their charge +5% per level as soon as they pass through such a field (this inflicts 1 damage/5% drained). larger power sources are unnafected, but electrical devices are disrupted (25% chance of shutdown, and work at only 25% capacity while in the field. check every round). Characters with energy fields actve must save vs 16 (PE bonuses count) or watch them fade, and they only work at half strength while in a field. Character composed of energy suffer 6d6 damage if they attempt to pass through the field, and must save as above or be shifted into human form. Bolts of this energy may be fired at characters turned into energy or at machines. this inflicts 3d6 damage for every 5 SDC bolt sent (+6 to strike). this field can be used to fight fires as well as dampen volitile electrical hazards.

Evil Twin [Major] By Iczer
'You think you're tough? well then...let me introduce you'

The character can touch another and create a duplicate. this duplicate posesses all of the following traits;
* The targets attributes and powers, drawbacks and other physical traits.
* Has an SDC and HP equal to half of the original.
* has all the target's skills and memories, but is only 1st level
* has an alignment of the character's choosing, but is loyal to the character.
The character can only create one duplicate at a time.
Creating a duplicate takes one minute per 10 SDC of the target. To be able to copy a target, the character must have touched him at least once, which forces the target to make a save (16+) adding all ME bonuses. The character can 'remember' up to as many target as his IQ, but he loses it once he creates a copy.
At will the evil twin may transform into a darker version, with costume changing, evil scars etc. the evil twin can change back and forwards between being an exact copy and a 'dark' copy at will.
an evil twin lasts 8 hours per level, but can be renewed if the creator has 'rememorised' the twin's original. Evil twins do not heal unless renewed

Posessive rebirth: [Major] By iczer
'I'm back. yes it's me'

The character is able to survive his own death, by transfering and taking over another. after the character dies, he has a 24 hour window to rebirth inside another. any person that comes within 20 feet of his body is fair game (but the character can 'choose' subconsciously to not posess certain people). The victim gets a save (14+ PE bonuses count, superbeings get a +6) to resist being posessed in this manner, but is not usually aware that anything is amiss when and if it fails. a target can be posessed once per round.
If a target fails to save then their personality is displaced while the character sets in. The target keeps his physical body, but the character's mental attributes overwrite the targets, and the target gains all the character's powers and skills. the character does not acquire the target's memories or skills. This is a permanent posession. Once in the character cannot choose to leave.
If exorcised, or otherwise the posession is reversed (the character has +4 to resist being forced out) the character may make another leap out. he has one minute per level to find a new body or snap back to his original corpse. if there are targets Near to his corpse that are eligible for posession, then the character can try again. if he cannot posess anyone, then he dies for good.
Every time the character dies, he suffers through all normal death trauma, including the loss of 1 ME point (permanent) and one level of experience
*Special note: Good aligned characters will not posess the unwilling. that said, coma patients, and the mentally deranged may be options depending on the character's exact alignment. If the GM allows, fresh, undamaged cadavers may also be available for posession.

Craniomorph: [Minor] By iczer
'use my head? Is that some sort of joke?'

The character's head is able to be morphed and shaped at will, like so much silly putty.
1) Body weapons: the character's head can be used as a battering ram or sharp blade. up to 3d6 can be inflicted with such a headbut. a bite aso may inflict up to 3d6 damage.
2) Shaped head: by changing the shape of the head, the character can create a clumsy hand, a long hook or other utility type shapes.
3) Reslience: called shots the the head are less than usefull (inflict no extra damage). the character cannot be knocked out by blows to the head nor can he be stunned in this manner. damage to eyes, ears, nose or any specific part of the head ca be undone in an instant

Melt organics: [Major] By Iczer
'Not feeling so fresh? might be because your body's melting'

The character can inflict a kind of wasting that afflicts human flesh and blood. the victim begins to melt and flex, as if his bones and muscles no longer support his body.
Effects: The target of this ability immeadiatley loses 5 PP plus 1 per level, and is afflicted with a -20% to all physical skills and -10% to skills requiring manipulation. the character is -3 to strike with hand held weapons and loses half speed and loses 2 actions per round. atarget in this state, takes half damage from blunt and heavy impacts and enjoys an escape artist type skill of 80% +6% per level. he suffers a halving of PB
Duration: the target is affected for 1d4 melees plus one per level, after this they snap back into normal shape.
Save: The target may save (16+) PE bonuses count.
Special: the character may melt his own flesh. Because this is something he can practise and get used to he can mitigate some of the effects. he loses no PP and his skill penalties are halved. he gains +5 to roll with punch/fall impact (1/4 damage) and has +1 to strike with ultraflexible limbs. he can switch this on or off at will.
Range: self, or others by touch. the change takes but one melee action, but can be only affect a target once per minute
After 5th level, the character can extend this effect to plant life. melted plant life is easilly shaped but tends to wilt and collapse in on itself. unlike animal flesh, plant life will not 'snap' back into shape after the duration ends.

Transensory illusion: [Minor] By Iczer
'yeah, they're off chasing phantoms. now let's get to the real fight'

The character can create convincing illusions from the Electromagnetic fields, but not within the visible spectrum. such illusions can be created up to 100 feet away +10 feet per level, and can occupy up to 20 feet across +10 feet per level.
Despite the fact that the illusions are not visible conventionally, they are usefull for masking or confusing extraordanary senses;
* May create images on radar (but not sonar)
* may create a false IR trail to confuse those tracking him by thermal signiatures
* May blank out radio frequencies in an area, and even transmit basic sounds
* may simply hide his EM signiature, rendering himself or others invisible to IR/UV and radar style sensors.

Chronodeflection: [Major] By Iczer
'You guys need a time out'

The character can cause others to skip though time. the target of this power, who must be within line of sight and within 40 feet +20 feet per level, may save to avoid this effect (16+ PE bonuses apply). If the save is failed, then the target skips a few seconds into the future, effectively losing an attack. the character can attempt this up to twice per melee round.
A much greater send involves the character expending all attacks to perform. this must be the only action he performs this round (though he may continue to dodge). The target makes a save as usual. a failed save sends the target one minute into the future per level of experience. a success on the save sends him one melee into the future, plus one melee at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14.
The greatest chronodeflection requires 5 minutes of preparation and to touch the target for one further minute. the target saves as usual, but a fail means he is sent one day per level into the future. doing this causes the character to become fatigued for the next hour (-2 to all combat abilities and -10% to all skills).
The character can also affect objects. up to 100lbs per level may be affected at one time.
The character can also use this defensively. the character may expend an attack to deflect an incomingranged or weapon attack. this roll is made at a straight +4 plus his ME bonus to save vs insanity. a success sends the incoming attack or weapon into the future.

Wingman: [Major] By Iczer
'Let's take a look shall we'

The character can morph his arms into wings for the purposes of flight. better yet, he can custom his new wings on a case by case basis, gaining the best bonuses for any given flight situation.
1) Soaring: soaring wings are large and hold the character up for hours. the character can fly at 45 MPH +5MPH per level while soaring, but can soar for as many hours as his PE +2 per level without tiring.
2) Swooper: swooping flight is used to initiate combat. a swoop is like a body block tackle, but ends in a pair of feet. a swoop attack allows the character to build up to 180MPH for speed and impact. it takes 2-3 actions to get up to speed and is best used to initiate combat. a swooping attack inflicts 1D6 for every 30MPH plus any PS bonus. targets struck are knocked backwards 1 foot for every 3 damage (less for very heavy targets) and are knocked down (minus one attack and loses initiative).
3) Acrobatic flight: Acrobatic flight is around 30 MPH plus 5 MPH. while in acrobatic flight the character has +1 to strike with kick style attacks, and has an autododge of +3
4) Power flight: Powre flight relies on strength of limbs. Power flight has a speed of around 50 MPH plus 10 MPH per level. the character can fly at this speed with his entire carrying weight secured to his ankles. he can fly at half this speed with his maximum lift attached to him. he can fly at 1/4 speed when carrying up to double his lifting capacity.
5) Speed: Speed flight acquires as much speed as possible. the character can attain a speed of 10 MPH per PE point while in power flight plus 10 MPH per level, but this sorely taxes his endurance (consider it very strenuous..start fatiguing at half his PE in minutes).
6) Other benefits: Wings/arms heal at a remarkable rate (2 SDC per minute)
+1D4 PE
excellent vision: can see a face at a mile distant
+40 SDC
Can 'fly' underwater with the right type of wings, swimming at a speed equal to about 15 MPH +2 MPH per level.
Wing strikes inflict 2d6 damage.
Aerial kicks inflict +2 damage and have +1 to strike. Character is +2 to dodge in air.
The character has +1 attack while in the air
Sacrifce limbs: the character can use a wing to block an attack completely. blocking an attack adds +5 to parry but the limb takes the damage. A wing can absorb 35 SDc +PE +5 per level before becoming useless. a destroyed or useless wing/arm recovers in 20 minutes.
The character's feet are as capable as his hands, morphing at will to resemble and function as new hands. the character's legs are limber enough that he can stand for hours on on leg.
Light bones means the character can leap his PP in feet from a standing start. +1D4 PP
Float: the character has natural boyancy in water and can float if he needs to (cannot fail any swimming check while floating)
Bird affinity: the character feels comfortable with birds of all sorts (like beastmaster or animal brother applied only to birds).


( I told you I wasn't done yet. More to come)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Curious. Anyone develop a skill based photographic memory power? Basically what I'm thinking is that you watch someone else using a skill. You can keep the skill(at the original user's percentage) for a short period of time, and at the end of the duration it's gone. Or you can choose to delete one of your skills and replace it with the new one, at a set percentage rate equal to the original user(and can't be increased). Or you can keep it in 'storage' and replace one of your later secondary skills for it(at the original user's percentage, not modified or increasing per level).

Probably a silly power, but here goes. I stopped because it got kind of verbose(like I commonly do). I figured it's separate enough from the Freqeuncy power from PU1 to be it's own power. Maybe someone did it before me.

While this super being might not have any computer skills, or even have ever used a computer, they have some kind of internal connection to the 'internet'. This connection is instaneous, even across intergalactic distances. If the user is present on a planet(or from some non-planetary mobile source) of another 'internet' then they are aware of the new one. They can 'switch over' to the new medium if they choose.
This connection allows them to use their own internal search engine to search through the data on various web pages(they still can't get into password protected sites without a password). Unlike current search engines, this one actually knows what specifications you are looking for(the GM should ask questions when the player conducts a search).
The power does require the user to close their eyes, and all the data is presented visually(and in audio if a website has sound or links to a video). It still takes the normal time to read stuff, so it can be quite time consuming.

Range: Anywhere in the universe. Does not extend across dimensions. If the power user is removed from their own time period the connection is also severed. It will return when they return to their own dimension/general time period.
Notes: This does not give any ability to translate foreign languages into a language you can understand. It does give you virtual language font capabilities, so you know exactly what characters you are seeing whether or not you can actually understand them. This does allow you to copy the info down perfectly for someone else to translate.
Bonuses: The character has almost limitless information available to them at any given time. Still, it does require time to read through, and not all of it is true. The bonuses take into account the abundance of false information.
Also, these bonuses can only apply to one skill at a time. And, it takes five minutes of searching for them to apply.
+30% to any Lore skill
+15% to any skill based around generally static knowledge(like astronomy, physics, various computer skills,, communications skills. GM's discretion)
+10% on any 'applied' knowledge skills(safecracking, pick pocketing, card sharping, Go. GM's discretion)
+10% on a language skill if the user already has a percentage in that language.
There might be more bonuses available, at the GM's discretion. And, in some case, automatic success on a skill roll.

This next ability probably isn't a super power, better suited to a magic spell or psionic power. So I'll keep it vague on where it fits and hopefully someone is bored enough to fill in the blanks.

Change of POV
This power is simple in explanation, but potentially far reaching in use. It imposes the user's alignment on a victim. Also all of the user's knowledge, opinions, observations, feelings, etc... about the victim are imposed on the victim. Basically, they feel about themselves/their actions the same way the user does.
Duration: One minute per level of experience(controlled in increments of one minute by the user). After this, all of the power's effects fade though the victim retains the memories of how they felt.
Range: Line of sight only. And, it requires eye contact(transparent, translucent, or one way barriers are not proof against this power). While the user might not know who is being affected, if they are actively trying to use this power they will 'know' when it will be effective.
Save: Normal save vs. whatever it ends up being(default in case of a super power is 15).
Notes: If this is used on someone who is later attacked while the power is active, it is considered a failure. They will revert to their normal mind immediately with absolutely no memory of what they felt. The full duration needs to elapse for them to remember.
As a personal note, you may wonder a higher level user doesn't just keep it to a miminum amount of time due to this limitation. The reason is because it sometimes takes time for the new point of view to sink in. Especially if the alignments of user/victim are far apart or the feelings are in that much of opposition. Also, the amount of familiarity between the two(like long standing enemies) makes the new point of view very hard to accept because they are very vamiliar with it and have disagreed for so long.
This is not considered a 'transformation', so beings immune(or resistant) to transformations(magical or otherwise) are not against this power.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

JTwig wrote:This one is similar to the Energy Aura power from PU1, but I created it for use in my games before that book was ever published.

Power Amine (Major)
The character is able to manifest an aura of pure energy that represents some aspect of the character’s inner concisions. This aura can take any form the character wishes, but once chosen cannot be changed. The most common forms are those of animals, armored humanoids, or fantasy creatures. No matter what the appearance they all share certain aspects in common, but the different forms also allow for some variation abilities. Note: The energy type is a generic energy that is so plentiful in comic, and not a specific energy type (but may be any color the player wishes).
Common Powers: These are powers at all characters with this superpower possess.
1. Armor: The amine provides protection from harm. The armor has 150 S.D.C., plus 20 S.D.C. per level of experience. It also has an AR of 13, plus one at levels three, seven, ten, thirteen, and fifteen (for a maximum AR of 18 at fifteenth level).
2. Increased Strength: The characters strength is considered Superhuman while the amine is active.
3. Increased Hand-to-Hand Damage: The amine increase the character’s barehanded melee strikes. This increased damage is incorporated into the appearance of the amine; claws for someone with an animal-like amine, or a sword for someone with a knight amine. Damage is 3d6+PS bonus, plus 1d6 at third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, and fifteenth levels (for a total of 10d6, or 1d6x10 at fifteenth level).
4. Amine Attribute Bonuses: These bonuses are automatically added to the characters attributes while the amine is activated. Roll only once and add the result, do not roll every time the character activates her amine. Bonuses: +2d6 PS, +1d4 PP, +2d4 PE, and +2d6 Spd.
Variable Powers: These are powers that can be slightly customized by the players to give the amine a little variation.
1. Additional Attack Form: The character either possess a ranged attack similar to one of the Energy Expulsion powers, or may chose to increase the damage of their Increased Hand-to-Hand Damage above.
a. Ranged Attack: The character is able to fire some sort of energy projectile, enabling her to cause damage at a range. The form that this takes is up to the character, but should be appropriate to their amine’s appearance; a character with a porcupine amine could fire energy “quills”, while someone with a dragon amine could shoot “flames” from the dragon’s mouth. Damage: 5d6, plus 1d6 at levels four, seven, ten, thirteen, and fifteen (total damage of 10d6, or 1d6x10 at 15th level). Range: 120ft, plus 10ft every other level of experience.
b. Increased Hand-to-Hand Damage: Instead of opting for a ranged attack ability the character may chose to add a one time bonus of 3d6 to the damage they inflict in hand-to-hand.
2. Increased Movement: The character is able to travel at 10x their speed attribute. Chose one form of travel from the following: flying, land, or water. Once chosen it cannot be changed. The travel type should be appropriate for the appearance of the character’s amine; wings for a character with a griffon, flipper-like tail for someone with a shark amine, or increased land speed for someone with a cheetah or wolf amine. If the character wishes, and it is appropriate for their amine’s appearance, the character may chose two increased movement types. In this case lower the speed multiplier to 7x the speed attribute. In the rare case that the character is able to justify having all three types of movement she may chose to do so, but the multiplier is decreased to 4x the speed attribute for all movement types.
Note: If the character so wishes, and the GM allows, she may trade any available minor powers on a one to one bases for the abilities above, gaining the full benefits (i.e. two movement types at the full 10x modifier, or increased hand-to-hand damage and a ranged attack).

Ever seen the third season of digimon?
Basically instead of a transluscent aura you have a solid body shell.

IN effect it's kinda like APS:Anime(you get the same benifits as above but instead of an aura, you actually become what the "aura" would look like).

Does that sound like an intersesting power?
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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