gadrin wrote:I'm preparing a scenario for a Phase World game, in which the players will be finding a "hidden moon".
The moon is a mini-extradimensional bolthole of the Splugorth and long-since abandoned.
it's connected to the Anvil Galaxy via a fold in space (and is only detectable from examination close up).
as mentioned the moon has long since been abandoned by the Splugorth who lived there but I want to leave some hints behind: (other than a big sign that says "Sploog watering hole here.")
a "pool" that was detected by the original scouts centuries back. the water needs to contain ??? I was thinking maybe some of the aquarobes or something obvious to Sploog-ville, without it being just a vile murk of garbage. I figured the edges of the pool's inner lining should be precise (not natural) lines and dimensions (stone master powers) and possibly that the water self-purifies every X hours or so.
in addition the moon has its own visible lightsource, despite not having a star to illuminate it (autoluminescence?) I don't think the Splugorth race are adverse to light (and I know any slaves would probably require it).
anyone have any other subtle ideas ? (or neat additions?)
eventually they'll find more obvious evidence, but for the time being...
it depends how familiar your players are with the splugorth information in the books. for instance our group knows the stuff in rifts books backwards, but not to hot what is in SDM book or in other Palladium books regarding the Splugorth.
so you can give hints that your players arn't too familiar with. something they should know about, but just overlooked when ever they read through the books. this is usually something that appears on the face of it weak, unimpressive, but the GM has managed to make interesting and cool. this usually makes the players grab for the book and wonder how they missed out on noticing it the times they have read it.
Splugorth skeleton?
you could turn it into a CSI investigation. they need to get hold of equipment,spells, psionics and then look for tracks,signs and analyse them to figure out Splugorth presence in the past.
or you could say it was home to one of the splugorth slave species,and from there the players have to figure out the splugorth connection. because the clues will point to a slave species
maybe this moon was the last stand of Lord Krygorth, so you have never before seen biowizard experimental **** he through at his enemies that the players encounter. it doesn't appear anything like the splugorth have
pyramids/rune statues hidden under dunes, players could walk into a pyramid without realising it because it is hidden under dunes or jungle overgrowth
it would be best to keep the players guessing,confused as long as possible. dead ends clues are best. players drinking contaminated water is really good touch to start with. waters full of parasites and symbiotes- are they biowizard symbiotes/parasites? that is question players may need to answer