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Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:48 am
by Severus Snape
nmako wrote:The second stereotype I dislike is the I-HAVE-NOTHING-TO-CONTRIBUTE-SO-I'M-GONNA-GO-DO-SOMETHING-ELSE type. More than showing up late, that seems like the ultimate insult to the GM and gaming group in general. To simply get up from the table to check-up on your MMORPG or lay on the floor to stretch and/or wrestle with the dog while everyone else is still gaming seems so very rude. My GM will sometimes try to call a break when the offender does this, but the offender nonchalantly signals for us to continue playing. I can understand that everyone needs to take a breather for a bit, but to do it all the time in a highly visible manner is the same as saying, "This just isn't interesting enough to warrant my presence. I'm going to fast forward to a better part." Or, more to the point, "You guys are boring me."

I have to agree with you on this one. I can't stand it when we're in the middle of a game, and someone has to just up and leave because they aren't in the middle of the action currently. Really torks me off to no end.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:19 pm
by Severus Snape
I have to add 2 to this thread that I didn't see before.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Inseparable. Those 2 players that, no matter what, are unable to play unless the other person is there. You can have everything going wonderfully, but if one of these players so much as takes a break for 3 seconds the other one is unable to move, speak, act, or do anything in the game.

2. Fantasy-or-Reality. And I apologize in advance for posting this. A player who is unable to separate the game from their own real life, which has a tendency to having their characters act exactly as they would in real life. This player is unable to separate their own past from the current events in-game, and as such act in-game as they would if the in-game situation were to present itself in real-life, regardless of what the character's background is. Some players go so far as to be unable to distinguish what they feel for a character and the PC in control of their character.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:55 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Sure seem to be a lot more bottom-feeders in the gaming world than I expected...

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:54 pm
by Kovoston
Gypsy-Dancer wrote:I picked the Perv, personally.
We had this one guy for two sessions who was both a Perv and an Unclean One, but it was the Perv thing that got him booted. He made us girls uncomfortable.

I like the choices, reminds me of my old days of running 22+ players in a game! I had one of every type listed and then some!

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:43 am
by Juce734
I chose the loner because the person who never wants to join the group and keeps information to themselves ruins the whole game for everyone. While they are RPing you find the group is waiting until it is their turn to RP.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:18 pm
by Colt47
I consider myself an annoying player because I have the strangest habit of trying to be helpful at the wrong times during a play session. Just ask Shiiva. :lol:

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:45 pm
by johnkretzer
Another annoying player type I dislike....and admittly alot of it has to do with my GM style...are a group I called the Sheep.

I never railroad my PCs...I don't have a story in me a good GM is one who reacts to what the players do. Unfortunaly there are too many RailRoading GMs out there that most players got no idea what to do without somebody guiding them along by the nose(whether subtly or obviouysly). So after 15 minutes of just staring at my players I get a litttle frustrated...even though I tell them in complete honesty I don' railroad they think I am lying or something.

Though I have to say for players who do get it...I ruin most of them as they start seeing even the most subtly means of railroading becomes obvious.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:09 pm
by Kovoston
CS Special Forces wrote:I picked the power gamer.funny how their characters are always powerful,yet their lives are falling apart around them.

That's funny, my power gamers are like that too... It's like they want to build themselves up.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 4:05 pm
by Illendaver
The X-file, Living in a small town in Nebraska means a 30 min drive over to one friends house who lives at the mid-way point between 4 other people. When one or two guys can't make it and forget to mention this untill after you have left, then that makes for one expensive trip to do nothing with gas at 4 bucks a gallon...
Cheater makes a close second, had to kick a guy out because he was a combo of Cheater/Klepto/Compulsive Lying

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:34 pm
by Vrykolas2k
BillionSix wrote:A lot of people seem to be defending the types. Understandable. Any of them are tolerable in small doses. I think the point of the thread is that they are taken too far.

For instance:

The Great Unclean One: Also known as the Cat P*ss Man. Not bad in small doses. A nice guy with an occasional funk is tolerable. But that guy who never changes his clothes, and has filth and stink as a part of his self-image, and makes up stories about soap allergies to maintain his stank. That guy is a problem. I think it's a self-esteem problem. He does this to keep people at arm's length. If they can't get close in the first place, they can't reject him.

The X-File: If it is only occasional, just make sure the plots don't center on him. But the guy who always flakes out? Why is he in the group?

The Two-Fisted Coward: Sad. Can't even pretend to be brave. With these guys, I imagine a sort of trauma gained from an early gaming group. Their first campaign, played with a terrible GM when they were 13, was basically, "Try to survive. But you won't." Their GM told them that "winning" is surviving to the end of the game, then started wiping out the whole party. So this imprinted the player with a "turtle" attitude. Pile on all the defenses you can, and avoid trouble.

The Star: Nothing wrong with a dynamic character who likes center stage. In moderation. I think the problem is with the real attention whores. The ones that go into passive-aggressive hissy fits when they are out of the limelight for even a second. If something cool happens to another player, then it's "Whatever. I'll be on the couch. Call me when something good happens." That's if you are lucky. Some aren't so passive, and will just jump in and steal the attention back.

The Perv: A character who likes the sexy sexins, and isn't shy about it, is okay, given an open-minded group. The Perv is a different animal. "The mayor greets you." "I cast a spell to turn him into a hot chick! Can I have sex with him now?" or "I just created a new D-Bee race. Guess how many sexual organs it has!" There are stories of worse stuff, including people who literally are messing with themselves under the table while the game is on. If the perversion is non-stop, and ruins the game, then it's a bad thing.

The Gender Bender: I have done this. I will be honest, it is a lot easier to do this in a chat game, where I am less self-conscious about making the female character actually act feminine. I try to make them realistic, unless it's a more humorous game, when I will go more over the top. This is not what we are talking about. We mean the Lesbian Stripper Ninja. The women played by male players who have heard of women, seen them on the internet, and someday hope to meet one.

The Freak: A variation on the Star. At least the Star cares about the story. The Freak is just bored, and doesn't care about anyone's fun. In moderation, with a decent player, this can add spice to the game. But dude who sets fire to the tavern just because his character hasn't done anything in 30 seconds is not a good player.

The Loner: "I'm a loner. I walk my lonely path. Alone. Alone, I face my enemy, then go on my lonely way. Alone." These dudes read every comic Wolverine was ever in. The good ones realize that Wolverine wasn't really a loner. He joined the X-men. He had friendships and relationships, and went on missions with them, and let Colossus throw him at people. Sure, he grunted and made lots of loner noises, but he was a team player, really. Or at least he tried to be most of the time. The bad ones just refuse to talk to anyone. They don't realize that if they don't join the group, nothing happens to them. They sit at different tables from the group, don't agree to go on the same mission as the group, and ultimately complain when the adventure passes them by.

The Leader: If one player is good at taking charge, making plans, and organizing things, then great. A group can only benefit from someone who is a good leader. This guy, however, is not. He desperately wants to be. He is a guy who feels powerless in his real life, and wants to be respected and obeyed in the fictional game world. The problem is, he sucks at it. The players are doing their own thing, or maybe following the guy who is actually good at leading. So he sits there and says, "I should be the leader! Do what I tell you!" I think the funniest thing you could do to this guy is actually make him the leader. Then watch him fail. Because leading is not about having the Leader title. It's about actually getting people to follow you. And shouting random orders, and throwing a hissy fit when they aren't obeyed is not the mark of a good leader.

The Sycophant: I'll be honest, I haven't seen this one before. I have seen the opposite, where a GM blatantly favors a specific player. Often the player is a long time buddy, or the GMs sex provider. But this is a topic for the Annoying GM thread.

The Power Gamer/Munchkin: Wanting to play a powerful character is not true Munchkinism. Some people just like that level of power in a game. There is nothing wrong with wanting enough power to meet all challenges. A true Munchkin, however, doesn't want there to be any challenges. It's a more aggressive version of the two-fisted coward. He wants to be more powerful than anything he meets, including the other PCs. This is the guy who probably plays first-person shooter games in God Mode. The munchkin in his purest form can be spotted by his whiny bratty sense of entitlement. Side note: I worked in a supermarket for years, and there are shopping munchkins. They will see an item that has blatantly been moved or shifted to the wrong spot where it kind of looks like it's much cheaper, but only if you are really stupid. Most people will point it out, let you fix it, and move on. But the munchkin will demand it at the blatantly wrong cheaper price. Their entire psyche is given over to "I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!" They noticed it, they want it, they deserve it, and they don't care how stupid and petty this makes them look. Compare this to a munchkin arguing that his character should have some über gun from some obscure book that only comes from a distant place in the Three Galaxies, but he should still have it in the Palladium Fantasy world and it should still do MDC damage he noticed it, he wants it, he deserves it, and "I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!"

The Hack-and-Slasher: Nothing wrong with enjoying a good fight. This is the guy who kills every friendly NPC, kills the other PCs girlfriend, kills the random passersby on the street, then gets confused when the cops show up, gets indignant when the GM shifts him to an evil alignment, and when the other players yell at him for ruining the game, has this stupid look of wounded innocence, like he doesn't think he did anything wrong.

There are a few others.

The Pro From Dover: This is the dude who chooses something, and has to be the best at it. In the world. His skill universally recognized. This is not necessarily combat. I have seen guys who play a doctor, but have to be the greatest surgeon on earth. Or the most famous musician. In the palladium rules, this isn't much of a problem, since characters are fairly standardized at what they can do. But point buy systems? They will choose one thing, or a group of related things, and raise them to godlike proportions. If it is one of those games that names their skill ranks, like 1- Poor, 2 - Average, 3 - Good, 4 - Great, 5 - Excellent, 6 - Extraordinary, 7 - So Amazingly Perfect That Should Any Man Gaze Upon You Whilst You Perform This Skill His Eyes Will Melt From Their Sockets, His Mind And Soul Will Be Burned Away, And He Will Spend The Rest Of His Days Speaking Of Nothing But The Glory Of Your Flawless Skill; then the Pro will read it as 1 - Worthless, 2 - Worthless, 3 - Worthless, 4 - Worthless, 5 - Worthless, 6 - Worthless, 7 - Acceptable.

The Story Munchkin: This is a character who creates a character who dominates the game. However, not in the combat arena. He creates a backstory that necessitates everything being about him. He is obsessively hunting the man who killed his brother. He does nothing else. The other PCs can follow, and if they are good, they can help. Though he would prefer you just stay out of his way. But he will do nothing except hunt the man who killed his brother. "Okay, you need to find the Lost Orb of Phanasticoria." "Sorry, I can't. I have to find the man who killed my brother." Kind of a mix of Loner and Star.

The Anti-Munchkin: I've seen this. The character who is paranoid about being seen as a munchkin, or thinking of himself as a munchkin, so he won't make a character who is, y'know, good at anything. Mediocre stats, pointless skills (for roleplaying, you know.) and the most basic of weapons. And no cool powers. Probably plays the Vagabond in Rifts. Now there is nothing wrong with playing an underdog with a good personality and backstory, especially in a low-powered campaign. But if your fear of munchkinism drives you to make a useless character every time, you have a problem.


I've never met the anti-munchking, though I suspect there are some on the boards, and that they expect everyone else to want to play the same things...

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:23 pm
by Captain Shiva
The Helen Keller- "I didn't see that on my character sheet! I didn't hear you!"

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:48 am
by Alrik Vas
Those are all annoying, but i enjoy them all (except for the slob and the X-file) for the strengths they have a result of (or perhaps in duality with) their faults.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:24 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Alrik Vas wrote:Those are all annoying, but i enjoy them all (except for the slob and the X-file) for the strengths they have a result of (or perhaps in duality with) their faults.

Aside from driving away female players, what strengths would the perv have?

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:14 pm
by Captain Shiva
Vrykolas2k wrote:
Alrik Vas wrote:Those are all annoying, but i enjoy them all (except for the slob and the X-file) for the strengths they have a result of (or perhaps in duality with) their faults.

Aside from driving away female players, what strengths would the perv have?

Driving away anyone with taste or common sense?

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:27 am
by Alrik Vas
Vrykolas2k wrote:
Alrik Vas wrote:Those are all annoying, but i enjoy them all (except for the slob and the X-file) for the strengths they have a result of (or perhaps in duality with) their faults.

Aside from driving away female players, what strengths would the perv have?

Someone who is a total pervert can be disruptive, but I also find that they are a real sucker for personal interaction in games, so long as you know how to approach it. Usually, people who act out like that are uncomfortable being serious in the gaming environment, but as soon as you show them it's okay, this type is usually head first into roleplaying. That's been my experience anyway.

And if people get driven away by their initial behavior, that sucks for them. They're going to miss out when it comes together. I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty good about wrangling players and getting them to do what they really want, rather than just be a $*@#()%&$#*().

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:49 pm
by Athos
The Great Unclean One - I play online, let him stink... :)
The Rules Lawyer - I know the rules when I GM, so am not intimidated by RLs, I just tell them how it is in my game.
The X-File - gods I hate these people, how rude to disrupt the game by being late or not showing, this is a pet peeve when I GM
The Two-Fisted Coward - I knew guys in the Army that were tough but didn't have to prove it, I can live with this
The Star - I don't mind people who like their characters, no problem with that
The Perv - not just guys, I know a "girl" who is like this, online though so you never know ;) but it is annoying
The Gender Bender - who cares? really?
The Freak - I play online, don't care about what they are doing as long as they participate in the game
The Loner - THIS IS THE WORST, I hate kids that play loners and then just act smug, really annoying and don't contribute to the game
The Leader - someone has to take the initiative, I don't mind this so much, better than a bunch of loners, that's like herding cats
The Sycophant - I have had people be polite and nice, but never experienced this one, most players feel entitled more than grateful
The Power Gamer/ Munchkin - once again, as GM, I know the rules and am in charge, just say no when presented with power silliness
The Hack-n-Slasher - the Dick Cheney character, good at smashing pumpkins, people are actually like that in RL, don't mind in game

That's my take on them anyways :)
As a GM, I just want people to show up on time, be part of the team, enjoy themselves, don't do anything that keeps others from enjoying the game and keep in mind FUN is the objective of any game, don't make it into work.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:08 pm
by Captain Shiva
Slightly off topic, but I played under a GM who was a mixture of Perv and Gender Bender, but he(now she) tried to pull me into some weird, twisted shiggety in a game, and I had to threaten to drop out to get it stopped.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:42 pm
by Alrik Vas
That's unfortunate. In all my experiences with gaming skullduggery, I've never had to deal with a GM who persisted after I slapped their NPC's around for getting in my personal space. Then again, i tend to have "typical" situations when it comes to perverted stuff.

Though there was one time a psi-stalker friend of mine ran into a mystic who liked to be cut while know...he made out like a bandit, really.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:02 pm
by arouetta
The lemming should be on the list as well. The one that never steps up to the plate, never proposes ideas, never says "hey guys, let's go do this", simply has his character following the other characters.

I've got three of them. It's so bad that I've already had to intervene once when a good player got fed up over a self-appointed "bodyguard" following so close he was practically up his rear all the time, and last game a good player couldn't show and the other good player threatened to not play because he felt like he would be gaming alone. When I talked with two of my lemmings about it pre-game (the third didn't show), one understood and promised to try harder and explained she was used to a group leader, not a leaderless group. The other (the "bodyguard") flat out said he didn't see himself doing anything different. I don't know what to do.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:16 pm
by arouetta
DRock wrote:My third most hated is the Rules Lawyer. Arguing rules, I find, is boring and it takes valuable time away from doing the fun parts of the game, like RP'ing and combat.

Rules Lawyer to a point is fine. As a player, I find it very annoying when the rules have the consistency of quicksand, or when I built my character based on something printed only to be told after the fact that things are different, or seeing another PC being apparently favored as they don't have to follow the rules. As a GM, I do not have a photographic memory of the books and knowledge of everything in the world and a nudge during game is better than having to come back afterwards to reverse a ruling. It's when it's extreme that it's bad.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:05 pm
by Captain Shiva
arouetta wrote:
DRock wrote:My third most hated is the Rules Lawyer. Arguing rules, I find, is boring and it takes valuable time away from doing the fun parts of the game, like RP'ing and combat.

Rules Lawyer to a point is fine. As a player, I find it very annoying when the rules have the consistency of quicksand, or when I built my character based on something printed only to be told after the fact that things are different, or seeing another PC being apparently favored as they don't have to follow the rules. As a GM, I do not have a photographic memory of the books and knowledge of everything in the world and a nudge during game is better than having to come back afterwards to reverse a ruling. It's when it's extreme that it's bad.

Well said. I especially liked your comment about rules having "the consistency of quicksand." If the rules are not clearly spelled out in black and white, then it falls to the GM to interpret them. I feel house rules should be put in writing, and a copy given to each player. Say what you want about d20, but their rules are generally internally consistent. I have been mostly playing D&D 3.5 the last few years; I really wish I could find a Rifts game in my area where the GM is not a moron or an A-hole, but I am not optimistic.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:28 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Captain Shiva wrote:
arouetta wrote:
DRock wrote:My third most hated is the Rules Lawyer. Arguing rules, I find, is boring and it takes valuable time away from doing the fun parts of the game, like RP'ing and combat.

Rules Lawyer to a point is fine. As a player, I find it very annoying when the rules have the consistency of quicksand, or when I built my character based on something printed only to be told after the fact that things are different, or seeing another PC being apparently favored as they don't have to follow the rules. As a GM, I do not have a photographic memory of the books and knowledge of everything in the world and a nudge during game is better than having to come back afterwards to reverse a ruling. It's when it's extreme that it's bad.

Well said. I especially liked your comment about rules having "the consistency of quicksand." If the rules are not clearly spelled out in black and white, then it falls to the GM to interpret them. I feel house rules should be put in writing, and a copy given to each player. Say what you want about d20, but their rules are generally internally consistent. I have been mostly playing D&D 3.5 the last few years; I really wish I could find a Rifts game in my area where the GM is not a moron or an A-hole, but I am not optimistic.

If only you lived in Colorado Springs, you could play in our group.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:41 pm
by Captain Shiva
Vrykolas2k wrote:
Captain Shiva wrote:
arouetta wrote:
DRock wrote:My third most hated is the Rules Lawyer. Arguing rules, I find, is boring and it takes valuable time away from doing the fun parts of the game, like RP'ing and combat.

Rules Lawyer to a point is fine. As a player, I find it very annoying when the rules have the consistency of quicksand, or when I built my character based on something printed only to be told after the fact that things are different, or seeing another PC being apparently favored as they don't have to follow the rules. As a GM, I do not have a photographic memory of the books and knowledge of everything in the world and a nudge during game is better than having to come back afterwards to reverse a ruling. It's when it's extreme that it's bad.

Well said. I especially liked your comment about rules having "the consistency of quicksand." If the rules are not clearly spelled out in black and white, then it falls to the GM to interpret them. I feel house rules should be put in writing, and a copy given to each player. Say what you want about d20, but their rules are generally internally consistent. I have been mostly playing D&D 3.5 the last few years; I really wish I could find a Rifts game in my area where the GM is not a moron or an A-hole, but I am not optimistic.

If only you lived in Colorado Springs, you could play in our group.

I am going to go out on a limb and assume that Colorado Springs is either in or near the state of Colorado, which would be quite a trip from Maryland. :(

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:39 pm
by Alrik Vas
Another annoying player, the limelight stealer. He doesn't want to be in charge, wants no responsibility, but will always step in and do his own plan in the middle of combat to try and steal the glory (even when there's none to be had), then blames everyone else when things go wrong.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:12 am
by silvermoon383
As a player, I find a few of the types incredibly annoying, with the Munchkin the absolute worst with the Leader a close second. When I got to play D&D (4th ed, not 3.5 since I started playing right as 4 came out) one person was a major Munchkin, and tried to do some really insane stuff with his character. Every single time he wanted to do something it made no sense whatsoever, but he'd always get to roll for it, and his stats were stacked so high that he essentially couldn't lose unless he rolled a 1 (and sometimes not even then, cause he'd "get a reroll" sometimes from some feat or something like that). When I had my turn to DM it was really difficult to come up with balanced adventures. I'm one who likes my adventures to have a bit of a challenge to them, but Munchkins make that impossible to do. If I made things hard enough to be a challenge for him, no one else could do anything, but if I made it a challenge from them, he'd breeze right through it.

Leaders have become a personal pet peeve of mine, and have made it hard for me to game with my best friend. We used to play over Google Hangout (since school we've all gone to different states), and he brought in some of the guys he met when he was in school. One of them is a drama major (now professional theater actor), and in our Star Trek game he got to be XO (GM played the Captain). It wasn't too bad at first (he can absolutely nail character portrail thanks to his RL skills), but when 25 minute monologues start becoming the norm, I would just completely tune out every single time. One time it got so bad during an interrogation (of an enemy soldier from a race that is famous for not talking) it took my character shouting "Enough of this nonsense" and phasering the prisoner right then and there to get the story to move on.

As a GM, Rules Lawyers and X-Files are my biggest peeves. Rules Lawyers really tick me off, not because they remind me of rules, but their habit of breaking in out of nowhere and starting to argue over them. An even worse subset are RLs that only know houserules that they think are supposed to be the real rules. I had to deal with one of those early on in my Palladium career, and man did that drive me up the wall. It got so bad that when he started doing some other nasty stuff out of game I did something I'd never done before: removed a player from the game. I hate doing it, but when someone's being disruptive they've got to go.

And X-Files....what can I say.....nothing ruins my nights more than making an adventured based around a character (I like doing episodic "day in the limelight" type storytelling), and they don't show.

Ok, one last quick note (sorry this has been a longer post than I intended), this isn't a type that's on the list, but it's one that is a huge problem on the metagame stage: lets call them Champions. I had to deal with a store full of them when I was in college. As I said early on in the post, I started playing D&D when 4th edition came out. I had one small experience with 3.5 before then, and character creation had left me so confused that I couldn't bring myself to picking it up. Well, here I am, a new college student with the desire to have a night for gaming, and whenever I would ask around for any 4E groups I'd get lecture after lecture after lecture about how 4E sucks that I need to play 3.5 or Pathfinder. It got so bad that the store owner could barely sell anything BUT Pathfinder books. To this day, I have only played 1 game of Pathfinder, and I can't bring myself to jump in with a group here in my new town, because while they're a lot nicer about it (they're all older gamers who don't mind 4E, they're just used to the older systems more), whenever they invite me I remember the asshats in college.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:18 pm
by Dog_O_War
silvermoon383 wrote:Ok, one last quick note (sorry this has been a longer post than I intended), this isn't a type that's on the list, but it's one that is a huge problem on the metagame stage: lets call them Champions. I had to deal with a store full of them when I was in college. As I said early on in the post, I started playing D&D when 4th edition came out. I had one small experience with 3.5 before then, and character creation had left me so confused that I couldn't bring myself to picking it up.

Just... you clearly play Palladium games; how on Earth could making a 3.5 character possibly be confusing?!

Roll Stats; Pick Race; Pick Class; Choose Skills; Choose Spells/Features; Pick Feats; Buy Equipment; done. That was 17 words to describe the entirety of character creation for D&D 3.5, and it is as simple as described.

silvermoon383 wrote:Well, here I am, a new college student with the desire to have a night for gaming, and whenever I would ask around for any 4E groups I'd get lecture after lecture after lecture about how 4E sucks that I need to play 3.5 or Pathfinder. It got so bad that the store owner could barely sell anything BUT Pathfinder books. To this day, I have only played 1 game of Pathfinder, and I can't bring myself to jump in with a group here in my new town, because while they're a lot nicer about it (they're all older gamers who don't mind 4E, they're just used to the older systems more), whenever they invite me I remember the asshats in college.

You sound like another archetype; I have a friend like this. The, "I had a bad experience with game X, now I will never give it another chance again". Because it was the games' fault :badbad:

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:23 pm
by Alrik Vas
Yeah, i finally gave 4th edition a second chance a year or so ago. Only one game, it was actually fun to play. If only the GM hadn't been worthy of a punch to the face.

I understand what you mean, Dog. It's never really the game's fault. Unless that game is Shadowrun.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 11:02 pm
by silvermoon383
I don't blame the game, I blame the players that championed it to the exclusion of everything else. I would open my mouth about looking for a 4E group and get nothing but diatribes about how "4th Edition sucks, you can't do anything with it, you need to play Pathfinder". Pathfinder players were literally working to prevent any other fantasy game to be played at that store.

As for getting confused with making 3.5 characters, it was my first time making any RPG character, and I had no guidance. I had to sit there and read the book, but with so many things going on at once with it (so many references, things to look up, etc), I got lost in a hurry. When I picked up Palladium (via Robotech) I had earned a degree that requires that I be able to delve into thick notation such as is found in game books so I was much better at it this time around.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 12:25 pm
by Captain Shiva
silvermoon383 wrote:I don't blame the game, I blame the players that championed it to the exclusion of everything else. I would open my mouth about looking for a 4E group and get nothing but diatribes about how "4th Edition sucks, you can't do anything with it, you need to play Pathfinder". Pathfinder players were literally working to prevent any other fantasy game to be played at that store.

As for getting confused with making 3.5 characters, it was my first time making any RPG character, and I had no guidance. I had to sit there and read the book, but with so many things going on at once with it (so many references, things to look up, etc), I got lost in a hurry. When I picked up Palladium (via Robotech) I had earned a degree that requires that I be able to delve into thick notation such as is found in game books so I was much better at it this time around.

I personally feel that character creation for new players should be done one on one with the GM's guidance and assistance. That way, the character creation process goes much more smoothly, and this has the added bonus of helping the new player learn the rules.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:51 pm
by Alrik Vas
I agree, Cap'n. Understanding of the material is important, people need to take responsibility for doing so, including the GM.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:00 pm
by Ashendale
I didnt see "stoner guy" on your list. You know, the one player that ALWAYS has his/her character looking to score drugs and alcohol, sometimes at the cost of crucial plot time, even if they didn't roll Addiction s for any insanities! I had 2 of them in every party for 2 years. It really spoiled the fun, even moreso when they tried to show up high/drunk in real life...

But I had to pick the perv. Its incredibly relevant, not only when people are playing female characters, but if there is a female NPC or player at the table! As a frequent DM who is also the only female player, I end up seing this frequently. I shut it down immediately as DM, but have little power over the other PC's stupid and sexist actions and assumptions when I'm just another table-rider.

I see this a lot especially with the 'gender benders', which I will admit that myself and my Husband frequently are. He plays female toons and I play males, but we play them well and true to our characters. This game is set over a thousand years in the future and everyone8ne still has outdated thoughts on gender roles and sexuality? I see the perv as alsso being the player who actively seeks out opportunities for sex or to hit on anything they can.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:05 pm
by Ashendale
Captain Shiva wrote:
silvermoon383 wrote:I don't blame the game, I blame the players that championed it to the exclusion of everything else. I would open my mouth about looking for a 4E group and get nothing but diatribes about how "4th Edition sucks, you can't do anything with it, you need to play Pathfinder". Pathfinder players were literally working to prevent any other fantasy game to be played at that store.

As for getting confused with making 3.5 characters, it was my first time making any RPG character, and I had no guidance. I had to sit there and read the book, but with so many things going on at once with it (so many references, things to look up, etc), I got lost in a hurry. When I picked up Palladium (via Robotech) I had earned a degree that requires that I be able to delve into thick notation such as is found in game books so I was much better at it this time around.

I personally feel that character creation for new players should be done one on one with the GM's guidance and assistance. That way, the character creation process goes much more smoothly, and this has the added bonus of helping the new player learn the rules.

Oh yes, any new player at my table gets a walkthrough on setting, help with character creation and back story if they need it, and I also gift to them their first set of dice (even if they already have one!) Too much material at once is overwhelming for anyone, especially a new player. I think with the DMs help, new players have les of a chance to become those annoying players listed, too.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:16 pm
by Ashendale
arouetta wrote:The lemming should be on the list as well. The one that never steps up to the plate, never proposes ideas, never says "hey guys, let's go do this", simply has his character following the other characters.

I've got three of them. It's so bad that I've already had to intervene once when a good player got fed up over a self-appointed "bodyguard" following so close he was practically up his rear all the time, and last game a good player couldn't show and the other good player threatened to not play because he felt like he would be gaming alone. When I talked with two of my lemmings about it pre-game (the third didn't show), one understood and promised to try harder and explained she was used to a group leader, not a leaderless group. The other (the "bodyguard") flat out said he didn't see himself doing anything different. I don't know what to do.

Might be time to try a little bit of party separation. Put them in a situation where they are alone and completely in charge of their fate.

for example, imprisoned separately from the party (who are either also separated from each other or working to, but being unable, find him.) The more he sits around waiting for rescue, the more bored and impatient he'll get until he simply has to take action. Perhaps give him a family of meek, powerless Npcs as cellmates who also never do anything to escape, but its very important to the plot that he help them do so! Dont make it too easy on him, but dont make it hard or he wont be trying anything alone ever again!

Just a thought, good luck with your stubborn player.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:43 pm
by Nightmask
Ashendale wrote:I see this a lot especially with the 'gender benders', which I will admit that myself and my Husband frequently are. He plays female toons and I play males, but we play them well and true to our characters. This game is set over a thousand years in the future and everyone8ne still has outdated thoughts on gender roles and sexuality?

Human beings have had civilization for thousands of years with gender roles tending to fluctuate not that much overall, why think they'd change to some utopian perfection in another thousand years? The sadly common theme for most sci-fi fiction and future speculation anymore is that things either don't change any or get worse in the future rather than everyone getting along in an 'outgrown that silliness' fashion.

Hmmm, this does remind me of a storyarc in the Knights Of the Dinner Table though, where the lone girl in the group joined another group that was all male and seemed everything she'd ever wanted but wasn't getting from the group she was part of (as in lots of actual RP and plot development), only to end up dealing with some horribly misogynistic stuff in a game module the group ran (her female character for example couldn't enter the town during the celebration going on because females were 'unclean' and had to be outside for the duration). She eventually left back to her original group (but not before the guys royally trashed her ego), only to find out when THEY started to run the same module it has ZERO of the anti-female stuff she'd seen previously, it had all been inserted by the DM and players. Needless to say she snapped and went on an in-game rampage leveling the place, acting like the rest of her hack-and-slash group for change. She found out who her true friends were though, as they definitely got payback for her when they found out the truth.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:55 am
by Semi-Retired Gamer
Captain Shiva wrote:There is at least one type of annoying player not mentioned: the Advisor. This is the guy who is always making out-of-character, and unwelcome suggestions to other players about how they should player their characters. This type is often combined with the Rules Lawyer.

Ugh...that IS the worst! I'm at the table to game; not listen to the rpg version of John Madden.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:47 pm
by Alrik Vas
I'm guilty of this at times, but i try to keep my mouth shut because i know it's a problem. Though honestly...sometimes you have to smack the other guy because he is making a move that makes no sense at all, just because he's trolling the game.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:52 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Nightmask wrote:
Ashendale wrote:I see this a lot especially with the 'gender benders', which I will admit that myself and my Husband frequently are. He plays female toons and I play males, but we play them well and true to our characters. This game is set over a thousand years in the future and everyone8ne still has outdated thoughts on gender roles and sexuality?

Human beings have had civilization for thousands of years with gender roles tending to fluctuate not that much overall, why think they'd change to some utopian perfection in another thousand years? The sadly common theme for most sci-fi fiction and future speculation anymore is that things either don't change any or get worse in the future rather than everyone getting along in an 'outgrown that silliness' fashion.

Hmmm, this does remind me of a storyarc in the Knights Of the Dinner Table though, where the lone girl in the group joined another group that was all male and seemed everything she'd ever wanted but wasn't getting from the group she was part of (as in lots of actual RP and plot development), only to end up dealing with some horribly misogynistic stuff in a game module the group ran (her female character for example couldn't enter the town during the celebration going on because females were 'unclean' and had to be outside for the duration). She eventually left back to her original group (but not before the guys royally trashed her ego), only to find out when THEY started to run the same module it has ZERO of the anti-female stuff she'd seen previously, it had all been inserted by the DM and players. Needless to say she snapped and went on an in-game rampage leveling the place, acting like the rest of her hack-and-slash group for change. She found out who her true friends were though, as they definitely got payback for her when they found out the truth.

Actually, in a lot of cultures (pre-monotheistic), women were actually seen as equals, and in some things even had higher standing.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:49 pm
by Alrik Vas
The cultures vary greatly throughout geography and era, yeah. Though there is a strong tendency toward what is considered "traditional" gender roles, i think anyway.

Haha, could be wrong as it may have something to do with the culture we're raised in.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:04 pm
by Dog_O_War
Ashendale wrote:I see this a lot especially with the 'gender benders', which I will admit that myself and my Husband frequently are. He plays female toons and I play males, but we play them well and true to our characters. This game is set over a thousand years in the future and everyone8ne still has outdated thoughts on gender roles and sexuality? I see the perv as alsso being the player who actively seeks out opportunities for sex or to hit on anything they can.

Regarding the portion in bold; first, I want you to consider some very old creatures like sharks or ants. Has their gender-roles changed over the millions of years their species have existed? The answer of course is 'no'.

So why is there, or should there be, a change for humans? The answer is social dynamic and population. An example of this is during the 1940s when it was not socially acceptable for women in a warzone, the men went off to war. This left a production gap that needed to be filled; jobs typically handled by men were filled by women - the "working-class" woman was born. This created a new social dynamic that did not exist before, and one that lead to other opportunities for new social dynamics.

So jumping ahead to the Golden age of Mankind, you've got true gender-equality because of continuing social dynamics. The Earth's population is more than ten billion humans; that is more than ten times the amount that existed in the 1800s; a time that was hit hard by the Black Plague.

So then roles around the coming of the Rifts; two hundred years of hell on Earth that saw humans reduced to a figurative stone age in many areas, and the Earth's population reduced to less than a tenth of what it used to be.

So my question for you then is, given that Rifts Earth, for humans, has been set back many hundreds or thousands of years in many, many aspects, why then would you possibly believe that social dynamics would otherwise stay the same, given the radical changes in every other aspect of humanity?

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:32 pm
by Captain Shiva
So, the Black Plague happened in the 1800s?

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:44 pm
by Alrik Vas
Instead of pointing out fault...maybe just give the correction and talk about content? :P

Besides, the plague was mostly from the 14th-15th centuries, but it resurged serval times into the 1900's.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:13 pm
by arouetta
Rebooted the gaming group, whole new players. First time I met them was character creation. First session, it becomes apparent that one takes things personally. So maybe a category of players who take things personally could be discussed. She got mad over something that happened in game (a sentient A.I. refused to let her non-security PC have access to security alerts).

I was dumbfounded. Why do things have to be taken so personally?

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:54 pm
by Nightmask
arouetta wrote:Rebooted the gaming group, whole new players. First time I met them was character creation. First session, it becomes apparent that one takes things personally. So maybe a category of players who take things personally could be discussed. She got mad over something that happened in game (a sentient A.I. refused to let her non-security PC have access to security alerts).

I was dumbfounded. Why do things have to be taken so personally?

Because 'it's all about me' isn't just a TVtrope regarding fictional people but would crash the site if you included all the Real Life examples. If she's new to gaming it's easy enough to see how she took it personally because she may have felt players are supposed to get away with things like that, if she's not well she's simply not gotten over that phase or just like that in general.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:30 pm
by Alrik Vas
Yeah, the super-sensitive type are very difficult to deal with. It sucks when they're you're real life friend too. /stagger

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:53 pm
by Nightmask
Alrik Vas wrote:Yeah, the super-sensitive type are very difficult to deal with. It sucks when they're you're real life friend too. /stagger

Yes, they expect you to give them things that they should be working for like everyone else, and can't understand how you can be so 'terrible' to them being so impartial and trying to keep it so everyone's not getting peeved at the friend for getting undeserved perks.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:51 am
by Alrik Vas
or it's as simple as, "My character got beat up...YOU HATE ME DON'T YOU!?" /groan

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:18 pm
by Dog_O_War
Captain Shiva wrote:So, the Black Plague happened in the 1800s?

But it was its third incarnation.
I have a habit of attributing the most recent incarnation of it as a reasonable proxy for the original incarnation.
Alrik Vas wrote:Instead of pointing out fault...maybe just give the correction and talk about content? :P

Besides, the plague was mostly from the 14th-15th centuries, but it resurged serval times into the 1900's.

Not a fault, just a miscommunication on my part. I should have been more clear.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:24 pm
by Alrik Vas
And it's still killing as of 2013 at least. 20 people in a Madagascar village.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:46 pm
by Dog_O_War
Alrik Vas wrote:And it's still killing as of 2013 at least. 20 people in a Madagascar village.

I was reading about how long it has lasted; it's incredible that with modern-day medicine and communication that it could still exist. But then the only answer I can come up with as to why is that in less modern times, such places simply died out and the plague had no where else to spread, whereas today, a combination of naive doctors and backwards peoples are otherwise allowing it to continue. Remove one or the other from that combination and we wouldn't have the plague.

Re: Annoying Players?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:21 am
by Nightmask
Dog_O_War wrote:
Alrik Vas wrote:And it's still killing as of 2013 at least. 20 people in a Madagascar village.

I was reading about how long it has lasted; it's incredible that with modern-day medicine and communication that it could still exist. But then the only answer I can come up with as to why is that in less modern times, such places simply died out and the plague had no where else to spread, whereas today, a combination of naive doctors and backwards peoples are otherwise allowing it to continue. Remove one or the other from that combination and we wouldn't have the plague.

That's really not why the disease is still around, by your logic there shouldn't be any disease then and yet Polio still hangs around too. The disease doesn't appear as often as it used to and tends not to go pandemic as a mutation was introduced into the human genome that depending on if you got one copy or two of it would make you resistant or immune to the plague (it provides the same benefit against AIDS), and a pretty significant number of people have at least one copy of the gene mutation. Such disease resistance provides indirect protection to those without it (since if Joe Bob can't catch it then he can't spread to Billy Sue either).