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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:56 am
by Balabanto
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
jaymz wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:Rifts: American Northeast one of the most untouched area on the continent

Just a note: Madhaven, Spirit West, Shemarrian Nation and Free Quebec all have info on the Northeastern Old American Empire. Granted, Free Quebec's info is only in passing.

I'd love to see a Northeast World Book though, eitherway.

~ Josh

I'd think, unless they do a dedicated Republicans book, that the Northeast really is pretty well covered by what you already mentioned. I'd rather a Pacific Northwest/Canadian Pacific Coast book.

I also hope Black Market will cover their Area 51 Operations etc.

I disagree. While those books cover the Northeast they do not do so in any sort of detail beyond the subjects they are covering.

The following could/should be covered in more detail:

The Longhouse Preserve
The "baronies" mentioned in Free Quebec that exist between the Preserve and the Quebecois.
Republican HQ (possibly in Mass, as I noted above)
The Pirate Kingdom of Montreal
Small feudal "kingdoms" (and I do mean small).
The areas of high magic activity noted on the map in the original Rifts RPG.

And a bunch of other ideas I have been kicking around for 10+ years.

~ Josh

Rifts New England: Features could include

1) The Cult of the Red Foot, based out of Boston. They all wear red socks and lack any sort of Pre-Rifts knowledge whatsoever. They conduct insane rituals, kidnap people and sacrifice them to undo "The Curse of the Babe."

2) A techno-wizard Kingdom in Niagra Falls based around the works and efforts of Nicolai Tesla. Death Rays! Van de Graff Generators! New Radios! :) I'm shocked that something like this wasn't done in New West with Denver. Tesla deserves his due.

3) Moose People (huh???, Balabanto?): Bullwinkle! Smart and with guns! What's not to like?

4) The Haunting of Route One!: This is a creepy road to drive on at night, especially in Maine. The Ghosts of Moody's Diner. "Would you like some pie, living ones?" (If you live in the area, drive there. It's really great pie.)

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:09 am
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Niagra Falls is not in New England.

But then again, Ireland is covered in Rifts: England...

~ Josh

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:11 am
by Balabanto
You see my point, now. :)

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:42 am
by ShadowLogan
Daniel Stoker wrote:
jaymz wrote:I guess my wanting to see the original premise behind Chaos Earth is not something others want to see :lol:

Hey, I'm with you on that one.

Daniel Stoker

I'd support the idea to.
Icefalcon wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I'd love to see a full out balls to the wall Archie Vs Sploog book.

I would love to see both of these guys get the stuffing knocked out of them.

Getting Archie's stuffing knocked out seems more likely. The CS needs to be put in its place. If something actually puts Atlantis down then everyone else on Rifts Earth should be very concerned.

Mercbook1 wrote:Still say they do Rifts in Vegas or area 51 think about the stuff they could put out there. Yeah the desert might reclaim maybe there was some forms of water collection built before the rifts that survived problem solved (Hoover Dam ) just think this is something that could be done.

Yes, but they would have to make it fit with the established information in previous Rifts Books that already mention what is there (Namely in Rifts: New West). Bandito Arms is based at Area51 and Nellis AFB. Vegas is also established to be nothing more than ruins (and unpopulated). The nearest community is much farther away than Vegas is to Area 51.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:23 am
by dragonfett
Greyaxe wrote:
Jedrious wrote:
dragonfett wrote:What about instead of Rifts: Middle East, how about Rifts: Mediterranean Region (alright, that isn't the best name, but we can think of a better one later) which would cover everything from the Strait of Gibralter to Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Here is a map from Wikipedia of the Mediterranean Sea. ... map-en.svg

Rifts: Cradle of Life

Great name.

I quite like it myself as well.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:21 pm
by Lenwen
ShadowLogan wrote:Daniel Stoker

I'd support the idea to.
Icefalcon wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I'd love to see a full out balls to the wall Archie Vs Sploog book.

I would love to see both of these guys get the stuffing knocked out of them.

Getting Archie's stuffing knocked out seems more likely. The CS needs to be put in its place. If something actually puts Atlantis down then everyone else on Rifts Earth should be very concerned..[/quote]
If something actually was able to take out Atlantis, thee entire megaverse would stand up an take notice, no one on Rifts earth (sept those based off world) would really notice I do not think as Atlantis has done well to hide its true power from everyone on rifts earth ..

Hell no one outside of Atlantis even know whos all from Atlantis outside of the Slave Barges .. (sept archie)

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:30 pm
by The Galactus Kid
jaymz wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:Just a note about India, my brother in law is working on an India world book. He is married to an Indian and has a lot of first hand experience. Just sayin'

Does that mean you are married to a Russian? :D j/k


Hurry up on Sovietskii :P

Ha. No. My wife is.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:33 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Icefalcon wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
Madhaven is a lot larger than just one city. Its ruins spread into New Jersey where Jersey City, Hoboken and Newark were as New York of 2098 was pretty expansive. Also, in the official material in Rifter 36 it discusses a few other settlements in the area, including the town of Madison.

OK, I will give you that Madhaven is larger than just the one city. As for material from the Rifters, they are not world books. They are supplimental material. The OP was asking about World Books. As far as those go, there is just not much covered in the Northeast in the old America Empire from Canada all the way down to North Carolina.

The original post asked us to propose world books. I'm just saying that the OFFICIAL material in Rifter 36 is just as valid as the canon material in Madhaven and Shemarian Nation.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:17 pm
by jaymz
The Galactus Kid wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
Madhaven is a lot larger than just one city. Its ruins spread into New Jersey where Jersey City, Hoboken and Newark were as New York of 2098 was pretty expansive. Also, in the official material in Rifter 36 it discusses a few other settlements in the area, including the town of Madison.

OK, I will give you that Madhaven is larger than just the one city. As for material from the Rifters, they are not world books. They are supplimental material. The OP was asking about World Books. As far as those go, there is just not much covered in the Northeast in the old America Empire from Canada all the way down to North Carolina.

The original post asked us to propose world books. I'm just saying that the OFFICIAL material in Rifter 36 is just as valid as the canon material in Madhaven and Shemarian Nation.

Thus why it is called OFFICIAL :D

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:17 am
by Icefalcon
The Galactus Kid wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
Madhaven is a lot larger than just one city. Its ruins spread into New Jersey where Jersey City, Hoboken and Newark were as New York of 2098 was pretty expansive. Also, in the official material in Rifter 36 it discusses a few other settlements in the area, including the town of Madison.

OK, I will give you that Madhaven is larger than just the one city. As for material from the Rifters, they are not world books. They are supplimental material. The OP was asking about World Books. As far as those go, there is just not much covered in the Northeast in the old America Empire from Canada all the way down to North Carolina.

The original post asked us to propose world books. I'm just saying that the OFFICIAL material in Rifter 36 is just as valid as the canon material in Madhaven and Shemarian Nation.

The Rifter, while an excellent book, is limited in the space that it can dedicate to source material. Unfortunately, being away from Palladium for such a long time, I have a huge gap in my Rifters (none of them between #7 and #47). Because of only being able to afford one book a month means I have to choose between a "canon" book (worldbook, sourcebook, dimension book, etc.) and a supplement book, I can not fill the gaps as quickly for the missing Rifters. I was never alluding to the fact that Rifters are not "official" content. I was more pointing out there is a big difference between six or eight pages in a Rifter, two or three paragraphs in a worldbook, and having a worldbook all on its own.

Take for example your own Triax 2 book. It builds on the first which, let's face it, a rather small geographical area when compared to all of Europe. But it can be argued that the areas of France, Spain and Poland are not as covered as they could be. I am not saying that is the case but there could be someone out there that feels that these areas only got a token mention in the "official" text. This is my point with the Northeast United States. There is mention of the Longhouse Pereserve, but the only things we know about it puts it in Albany, NY, there is the highest concentration of Spirit Warriors (1200 of them) and that they are made of of several tribes and are "great warriors". Madhaven (which is again one of your books) cover a lot of the area around New York City and New Jersey fairly well (I did go back and reread this book today). Sourcebook 1 covers a lot of information about ARCHIE but not enough about the surrounding area (which I understand is "fixed in updated and revised). Shemarrian Nation does much to rectify the areas held by ARCHIE and his minions. The problem is that even with this material, it leaves HUGE tracts of land that can hold so much potential (even if it for nothing else than Pre-Rifts artifacts) that I hate to see it left untouched. I also think this is the case with the Deep South and the Pacific Northwest.

Maybe it is just my desire to see the rest of North America covered before stuff like China, India, Australia, South America and other places that seem a little overdone and cliche in RPG's.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:44 am
by DBX
Lazlo Militia

Aehriman/Angrar Robotics

Atlantis Preserves

Bounty Hunters



Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:42 pm
by jaymz
Rappanui wrote:You also have to consider many Gms have started campaigns in various parts of rifts earth and not just north america which has a midwest centric theme.... and plenty of people have ran campaigns in other parts of rifts earth or dimension books and it was time they got attention. RIFTS IS NOT Forgotten realms, there is no evermeet, there is no central city for all campaigns to start out in.

Not to mention there a bunch of people who play that are not FROM North America and would like books for where they ARE from.

Let's see shall we?

North America has - 24 books covering various parts of it.

Europe has - 6

Asia has - 3

Africa and Australia each have - 1

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:44 pm
by Killer Cyborg
jaymz wrote:
Rappanui wrote:You also have to consider many Gms have started campaigns in various parts of rifts earth and not just north america which has a midwest centric theme.... and plenty of people have ran campaigns in other parts of rifts earth or dimension books and it was time they got attention. RIFTS IS NOT Forgotten realms, there is no evermeet, there is no central city for all campaigns to start out in.

Not to mention there a bunch of people who play that are not FROM North America and would like books for where they ARE from.

Let's see shall we?

North America has - 24 books covering various parts of it.

Europe has - 6

Asia has - 3

Africa and Australia each have - 1

I dunno.
How popular ARE the various books in their areas?
Is Rifts: Africa a big seller in Africa?
Is Rifts: England really popular in England?
Is Rifts: Japan a big deal in Japan?

Call me skeptical, but I kind of doubt it.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:48 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
jaymz wrote:
Rappanui wrote:You also have to consider many Gms have started campaigns in various parts of rifts earth and not just north america which has a midwest centric theme.... and plenty of people have ran campaigns in other parts of rifts earth or dimension books and it was time they got attention. RIFTS IS NOT Forgotten realms, there is no evermeet, there is no central city for all campaigns to start out in.

Not to mention there a bunch of people who play that are not FROM North America and would like books for where they ARE from.

Let's see shall we?

North America has - 24 books covering various parts of it.

Europe has - 6

Asia has - 3

Africa and Australia each have - 1

Not trying to sound egocentric, but what do you guys suppose the percentage of sales are outside the US? 5%? 10%?

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:55 pm
by jaymz
My point was, it doesn't have to be North America-centric either and the game itself has been significantly weighed to North America anyway so not sure what the big deal is.

And that we generally want to play where we are from or thereabouts. Europe would make Africa a logical expansion point as well as Asia.

Australia could expand to Asia and the oceans with Underseas and now Lemuria.

Edit - hell Canada has only had 2 books for it's entirety really with a slight bit in Xiticix.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:20 pm
by Blue_Lion
How about a non earth based book then
(prepair to shudder.)
Rifts Toons
MDC cartoons, just think of the eviel.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:29 pm
by Killer Cyborg
jaymz wrote:My point was, it doesn't have to be North America-centric either and the game itself has been significantly weighed to North America anyway so not sure what the big deal is.

For me, the deal is that the primary setting is in North America, and there are huge gaps that should be filled in.
Like Chi-Town, the capital of the largest, most significant power in North America.
One of the original classes for Rifts was the "City Rat," and the description starts:
The city rat is one of the denizens of the city's who lives in its lower levels, tunnels, and sewers. Most have never been beyond the city walls and view the outside world as wondrous, scary, and alien...

Now call me crazy, but to me, THAT sounds like an OCC that's designed to operate almost exclusively in Chi-Town, or other CS cities.
Unless there are a lot of non-CS cities that are walled, and have multiple levels.. in which case, I'd love to hear more about THEM.

One of the core classes of the book doesn't even have it's primary (almost exclusive) habitat described in ANY significant level of detail.
And to me, that sucks. It's a huge hole in the game world, a question-mark in the middle of the opening sentence of an encyclopedia.

Tarn's "world overview" was supposed to be a brief summary of the more interesting places on the planet, with each of those places described in more detail later.
Some of them have been, but a lot STILL have not been touched, beyond a paragraph here or there.
That's lame.
There were campaigns that I put on hold 20 years ago, while I was waiting for the Chi-Town sourcebook, because I didn't want to come up with something completely different from what was canon.
Little did I know at the time, I shouldn't have waited, because Chi-Town probably won't be described until after Rifts: Abu Dahbi 3, or Rifts: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00' 13" W".

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:31 pm
by Killer Cyborg
jaymz wrote:And that we generally want to play where we are from or thereabouts. Europe would make Africa a logical expansion point as well as Asia.

Again, do you really think that Rifts: Africa sells a lot of copies to people in Africa?
Or that Rifts: Japan is really big in Japan?
And so on?

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:38 pm
by The Galactus Kid
DBX wrote:Aehriman including Angrar Robotics

I have a Rifter article brewing along the lines of this.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:40 pm
by jaymz
Killer Cyborg wrote:
jaymz wrote:And that we generally want to play where we are from or thereabouts. Europe would make Africa a logical expansion point as well as Asia.

Again, do you really think that Rifts: Africa sells a lot of copies to people in Africa?
Or that Rifts: Japan is really big in Japan?
And so on?

Define big? If there are only ten players in Japan of course "sales" won;t be big in Japan but those 10 players in Japan woudl likely use that book most since they know the area best.

I'd bet any Rifts players in those places like having a book for the area they know best just as the majority of players like having books about North America.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:43 pm
by jaymz
Killer Cyborg wrote:
jaymz wrote:My point was, it doesn't have to be North America-centric either and the game itself has been significantly weighed to North America anyway so not sure what the big deal is.

For me, the deal is that the primary setting is in North America, and there are huge gaps that should be filled in.
Like Chi-Town, the capital of the largest, most significant power in North America.
One of the original classes for Rifts was the "City Rat," and the description starts:
The city rat is one of the denizens of the city's who lives in its lower levels, tunnels, and sewers. Most have never been beyond the city walls and view the outside world as wondrous, scary, and alien...

Now call me crazy, but to me, THAT sounds like an OCC that's designed to operate almost exclusively in Chi-Town, or other CS cities.
Unless there are a lot of non-CS cities that are walled, and have multiple levels.. in which case, I'd love to hear more about THEM.

One of the core classes of the book doesn't even have it's primary (almost exclusive) habitat described in ANY significant level of detail.
And to me, that sucks. It's a huge hole in the game world, a question-mark in the middle of the opening sentence of an encyclopedia.

Tarn's "world overview" was supposed to be a brief summary of the more interesting places on the planet, with each of those places described in more detail later.
Some of them have been, but a lot STILL have not been touched, beyond a paragraph here or there.
That's lame.
There were campaigns that I put on hold 20 years ago, while I was waiting for the Chi-Town sourcebook, because I didn't want to come up with something completely different from what was canon.
Little did I know at the time, I shouldn't have waited, because Chi-Town probably won't be described until after Rifts: Abu Dahbi 3, or Rifts: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00' 13" W".

The argument to what books should have been done already and what should be done to come versus what is done would go on and on and on. There are definitely books that should be done already. Chi-Town and Lazlo are two of them. Problem is apparently either A - no one wants to write them (which I find unlikely) or B - Kevin wants to them himself. We have no control over A or B so we are left with C - getting what freelancers want to write and can convince Kevin to publish.

This thread to me is showing a lot of interest in a variety of areas (mostly North American ones which is understandable) but int eh end we will get what we get when we get it. If we can somehow maybe in some minuscule way influence what may get done, great but I don't think we will. Otherwise Chi-Town and Lazlo would be done already.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:22 pm
by Killer Cyborg
jaymz wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
jaymz wrote:And that we generally want to play where we are from or thereabouts. Europe would make Africa a logical expansion point as well as Asia.

Again, do you really think that Rifts: Africa sells a lot of copies to people in Africa?
Or that Rifts: Japan is really big in Japan?
And so on?

Define big? If there are only ten players in Japan of course "sales" won;t be big in Japan but those 10 players in Japan woudl likely use that book most since they know the area best.

Or they wouldn't use that book, because they know the area best.... and the book doesn't live up to anything close to what they'd like.

I'd bet any Rifts players in those places like having a book for the area they know best just as the majority of players like having books about North America.

I dunno.
I'm fine playing games set in The Old Kingdoms or Phase World, even though I don't live there.
I agree that if Japan was the primary setting for Rifts, I wouldn't be interested... but that's mostly because I don't like cyber-ninjas and such.
If you had the primary aspects of the Rifts main book, only it all happened to be crammed into Japan... I think I'd probably have no problem playing it.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:02 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
jaymz wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
jaymz wrote:And that we generally want to play where we are from or thereabouts. Europe would make Africa a logical expansion point as well as Asia.

Again, do you really think that Rifts: Africa sells a lot of copies to people in Africa?
Or that Rifts: Japan is really big in Japan?
And so on?

Define big? If there are only ten players in Japan of course "sales" won;t be big in Japan but those 10 players in Japan woudl likely use that book most since they know the area best.

I'd bet any Rifts players in those places like having a book for the area they know best just as the majority of players like having books about North America.

Well the thing is, while those 10 players might love it to death, you don't write books for 10 people, you write them for 10,000. So palladium focuses' mostly on the US, because the vast majority of it's playerbase is there.

I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:27 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?


I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:08 pm
by Damian Magecraft
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
jaymz wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
jaymz wrote:And that we generally want to play where we are from or thereabouts. Europe would make Africa a logical expansion point as well as Asia.

Again, do you really think that Rifts: Africa sells a lot of copies to people in Africa?
Or that Rifts: Japan is really big in Japan?
And so on?

Define big? If there are only ten players in Japan of course "sales" won;t be big in Japan but those 10 players in Japan woudl likely use that book most since they know the area best.

I'd bet any Rifts players in those places like having a book for the area they know best just as the majority of players like having books about North America.

Well the thing is, while those 10 players might love it to death, you don't write books for 10 people, you write them for 10,000. So palladium focuses' mostly on the US, because the vast majority of it's playerbase is there.

I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?
I have seen a few Bollywood films... you are not missing much...

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:11 pm
by jaymz
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
jaymz wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
jaymz wrote:And that we generally want to play where we are from or thereabouts. Europe would make Africa a logical expansion point as well as Asia.

Again, do you really think that Rifts: Africa sells a lot of copies to people in Africa?
Or that Rifts: Japan is really big in Japan?
And so on?

Define big? If there are only ten players in Japan of course "sales" won;t be big in Japan but those 10 players in Japan woudl likely use that book most since they know the area best.

I'd bet any Rifts players in those places like having a book for the area they know best just as the majority of players like having books about North America.

Well the thing is, while those 10 players might love it to death, you don't write books for 10 people, you write them for 10,000. So palladium focuses' mostly on the US, because the vast majority of it's playerbase is there.

I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?

I wasn't saying DON'T do books of North America. I was pointing out it has been covered by the majority of books in comparison to everywhere else though. Is it complete? Not even close (and I forgot about seige so that actually puts NA books at 30). Not everyone wants to just stay in north america and the don't necessarily want to go to other dimensions.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:42 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?


I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!

I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:46 pm
by Natasha
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
jaymz wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
jaymz wrote:And that we generally want to play where we are from or thereabouts. Europe would make Africa a logical expansion point as well as Asia.

Again, do you really think that Rifts: Africa sells a lot of copies to people in Africa?
Or that Rifts: Japan is really big in Japan?
And so on?

Define big? If there are only ten players in Japan of course "sales" won;t be big in Japan but those 10 players in Japan woudl likely use that book most since they know the area best.

I'd bet any Rifts players in those places like having a book for the area they know best just as the majority of players like having books about North America.

Well the thing is, while those 10 players might love it to death, you don't write books for 10 people, you write them for 10,000. So palladium focuses' mostly on the US, because the vast majority of it's playerbase is there.

I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?
I have seen a few Bollywood films... you are not missing much...

If only saw the Wrath of the Titans or Raven, I would say the same about Hollywood. I've seen much more than those and yet I still the same about Hollywood. :P

As about world books, they are most useful for stealing ideas from. I prefer the source material, not the world material. I use the world books if the players want to but I am just as happy making up my own setting. As for the book about my neck of the woods it is hit or miss. The hits are the parts that take advantage of the clean slate. The misses are the same as elsewhere in Rifts, knowing what history is relevant and which is cliché when bringing the area back to life.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:50 pm
by Jedrious
Lost Seraph wrote:Rifts: Lemuria 2: Need more Bio-Armor, must have more Bio-Armor

Rifts: Lemuria 2: Let Flow the Splice. A biomantic adaptation of Splicers.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:20 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?


I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!

I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

I'll pitch it to Kevin in the morning.

I have 3 hours everyday penciled in for writing now. I can have it done by September.

Great idea, Pepsi.

~ Josh

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:24 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?


I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!

I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

I'll pitch it to Kevin in the morning.

I have 3 hours everyday penciled in for writing now. I can have it done by September.

Great idea, Pepsi.

~ Josh

There is no one... Right now... that I don't hate.....

*Goes to sob in the corner*

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:01 pm
by escargotini
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.
ya know?

I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!
I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

I'll pitch it to Kevin in the morning.
I have 3 hours everyday penciled in for writing now. I can have it done by September.
Great idea, Pepsi.
~ Josh

I can't wait for the huge dance numbers interspersed throughout the book.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:10 pm
by Jedrious
escargotini wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.
ya know?

I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!
I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

I'll pitch it to Kevin in the morning.
I have 3 hours everyday penciled in for writing now. I can have it done by September.
Great idea, Pepsi.
~ Josh

I can't wait for the huge dance numbers interspersed throughout the book.

Belly Dancer Heavy Machine Full-Conversion Borg.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:52 pm
by Icefalcon
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?


I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!

I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

I'll pitch it to Kevin in the morning.

I have 3 hours everyday penciled in for writing now. I can have it done by September.

Great idea, Pepsi.

~ Josh

There is no one... Right now... that I don't hate.....

*Goes to sob in the corner*

Mind if I come hide in that corner too? What have you unleashed man?

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:43 am
by Akashic Soldier
Rappanui wrote:Considering how Rifts has fubarred my Residential area by turning it into a hellpit filled with cartoony mutants and psychotically dangerous ghosts, you can see why I Don't want to run games in Rifts Madhaven. (PS the rifter 36 Madhaven material that was cut, I prefered over the inclusion of stupid looking, very deformed mutants that DID get put in the book--- the book would of been better off without any of them!)

Madhaven is my favorite part of Rifts earth as a game master and I challenge your perceptions.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:57 am
by earthhawk
Akashic Soldier wrote:
Rappanui wrote:Considering how Rifts has fubarred my Residential area by turning it into a hellpit filled with cartoony mutants and psychotically dangerous ghosts, you can see why I Don't want to run games in Rifts Madhaven. (PS the rifter 36 Madhaven material that was cut, I prefered over the inclusion of stupid looking, very deformed mutants that DID get put in the book--- the book would of been better off without any of them!)

Madhaven is my favorite part of Rifts earth as a game master and I challenge your perceptions.

I honestly thought Madhaven had good ideas, but for some reason I could get past the mutants. Maybe it was the artwork, or the description, I don't know. Again, here's an example of a fantastic idea that didn't quite work so well. But being that's it's an RPG you can change the book, or any idea in Rifts for that matter, to fit your game. Just because it's in the book doesn't mean its set in stone.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:15 am
by ffranceschi
RIFTS Mystic Knights: expand on the info from The RIFTER #45 and include the material from Madhaven (if there is enough space left). Sort of The Juicer Uprising with info about the Magic Zone.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:09 pm
by Icefalcon
An entire book should be dedicated to Lazlo. Considering its importance, it deserves more than a Rifter article.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:11 pm
by Jedrious
Icefalcon wrote:An entire book should be dedicated to Lazlo. Considering its importance, it deserves more than a Rifter article.

Wish Granted! (It's received two...)

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:05 pm
by The Galactus Kid
ffranceschi wrote:RIFTS Mystic Knights: expand on the info from The RIFTER #45 and include the material from Madhaven (if there is enough space left). Sort of The Juicer Uprising with info about the Magic Zone.

While I like the material in Rifter 45 I have a pretty different view on the Mystic Knights and the different orders.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:06 pm
by Greyaxe
Blue_Lion wrote:How about a non earth based book then
(prepair to shudder.)
Rifts Toons
MDC cartoons, just think of the eviel.


Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:09 pm
by earthhawk
The Galactus Kid wrote:
ffranceschi wrote:RIFTS Mystic Knights: expand on the info from The RIFTER #45 and include the material from Madhaven (if there is enough space left). Sort of The Juicer Uprising with info about the Magic Zone.

While I like the material in Rifter 45 I have a pretty different view on the Mystic Knights and the different orders.

Please, do tell. I would love to hear your take on them.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:12 pm
by Jedrious
Greyaxe wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:How about a non earth based book then
(prepair to shudder.)
Rifts Toons
MDC cartoons, just think of the eviel.


Queue the "Rifts is 'Saturday Morning Cartoons: The Game'" rants

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:56 pm
by The Galactus Kid
earthhawk wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
ffranceschi wrote:RIFTS Mystic Knights: expand on the info from The RIFTER #45 and include the material from Madhaven (if there is enough space left). Sort of The Juicer Uprising with info about the Magic Zone.

While I like the material in Rifter 45 I have a pretty different view on the Mystic Knights and the different orders.

Please, do tell. I would love to hear your take on them.

We'll have to see if the material makes its way into a future submission.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:07 pm
by earthhawk
The Galactus Kid wrote:
earthhawk wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
ffranceschi wrote:RIFTS Mystic Knights: expand on the info from The RIFTER #45 and include the material from Madhaven (if there is enough space left). Sort of The Juicer Uprising with info about the Magic Zone.

While I like the material in Rifter 45 I have a pretty different view on the Mystic Knights and the different orders.

Please, do tell. I would love to hear your take on them.

We'll have to see if the material makes its way into a future submission.


Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:18 pm
by Hystrix
Chi-Town. It's been nearly 22 years and we still don't have a book on Chi-Town itself.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:19 pm
by ffranceschi
earthhawk wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
earthhawk wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
ffranceschi wrote:RIFTS Mystic Knights: expand on the info from The RIFTER #45 and include the material from Madhaven (if there is enough space left). Sort of The Juicer Uprising with info about the Magic Zone.

While I like the material in Rifter 45 I have a pretty different view on the Mystic Knights and the different orders.

Please, do tell. I would love to hear your take on them.

We'll have to see if the material makes its way into a future submission.


I would love to hear your take too!!!

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:12 am
by Icefalcon
Jedrious wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:An entire book should be dedicated to Lazlo. Considering its importance, it deserves more than a Rifter article.

Wish Granted! (It's received two...)

Ok, it deserves more than being relegated to the Rifter.

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:36 am
by Pepsi Jedi
If memory serves Kevin's got someone working on it. That's why I didn't put it on my want list. I read not too long ago that someone's already doing it. ( Lazlo))

Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:34 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Rifts: Blue Yonder
Rifts: Underground