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Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 7:48 am
..No, there was a stack of papers and other things on the coffee table that he shuffled around as we came in, but I didn't want to touch anything. :-D

..When Scott picked it up I joked "Check out the cover for Atorian Empire! See that Finger print on the bottom? That's Scott Johnsons and I saw him do it!"

..You should definately put some up on your site, I'd love the sneak peak.

-Mike >8]

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:22 pm
by TechnoGothic
Wayne_Breaux wrote:
recon101 wrote:So whats the new "mecha " RPG alluded to in the open house fluff

While RIfts is certainly a 'mecha' RPG, with the loss of the Robotech license, we had no true anime styled mecha games. I wanted to fill that void with a Palladium grown mecha RPG. My idea was to set the game along a timeline, much the way Robotech was so that each era in the game (sometimes with a generation long gap between and other times with century or more between eras) could be used to present a different setting in the mecha genre. It would start with an alien threat which the mechs would be pivotal in thwarting, thus ensuring their future as warmachines on the planet, but later settings would focus on the more realistic as well as the more fantastic mechs settings from the gritty battlefields of a global war (with no aliens who are far away preparing for a new invasion) to the slick, futuristic corporate world with agile exo-skeletons bounding through the streets. MAgic and psionics may also make an appearance along the way, but they will not be part of the main setting which will focus on the mecha.

I decided on the long timeline approach becuase it at once unifies the setting with common places (albeit changed along the way) and names, yet it also distances the eras for those who prefer a specific setting of the mecha genre. This way, as with all Palladium games, you could mesh everything together if your gaming group is up for it, or you can keep it separate and run multiple mecha games in the same setting and have each totally different from the other.

Of course, I would like to finish Hardware Unlimited and Robots Unlimited to have a whole framework of rules to draw from before I dive into the mechs, so it may be a while before this one is actually complete. Oh, and since it's coming from yours truly, it will be an S.D.C. game (with M.D.C. comversion notes, natch) that uses some of the armor rules from the Atorian sourcebooks to make the mechs super tough.

Sweet, thanks for the updates Wayne.
Hardware Unlimited = its mine...
Robotics Unlimited = its mine...
Mecha the RPG = its mine, yesterday ;) :lol:

FEW Questions Wayne....
The mecha game....Each generation is going to have its own mecha, cool. Will each generation have more and more advanced mecha technolgy though ? or remain pretty constant like Robotech.

I mean say :
Generation 1 has Battlepod (lack of a better term ) looking mechas. Simple, a few weapons, but its the start of greatness ( Zentron Battlepods, Battletech mechs, Zoids the amine as examples )
Generation 2 has moved towards Humanoid styled mech, but its still rough around the edges. ( Heavy Gear styled Mechs to Big0 as an example )
Generation 3 Humanoid designs are the key. They are smooth, sleek, and poweful. ( MektonZ, Gundam, Vandread, Evas, as examples )

I assuming Each Generation will be featured in a Seperate Book as Robotech was done, correct ? Maybe Generation 1's book serveing as the Corebook for all the Rules too ?

It would be cool, if you could give us a rough tech level of the generation's basic Looks either in anime sources or other Palladium owned Mechas for each generation.

BTW...THANK you for the SDC mecha game with mdc notes :D.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:34 am
by JTwig
TechnoGothic wrote:BTW...THANK you for the SDC mecha game with mdc notes

I have to second that, and add that I can't wait for all the books that you mentioned (even the one that are only rough ideas floating around in your head).

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:12 pm
by Mantisking
Wayne, have you ever come up with any languages or naming conventions for the alien races in Aliens Unlimited?

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:14 pm
by Kryzbyn
Hey Wayne,
If someone came up with ideas for alien races and/or backgrounds for AU complete with ships, conflicts with others, and culture, would you take a look at it? Would you give feedback? Would one have to sign a release form or could they get credit for it if used?
I'm workin on something I think would be cool, but honestly do not want to submit it if it would not fit in with what you have in mind.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:52 pm
by NMI
Kryzbyn wrote:Hey Wayne,
If someone came up with ideas for alien races and/or backgrounds for AU complete with ships, conflicts with others, and culture, would you take a look at it? Would you give feedback? Would one have to sign a release form or could they get credit for it if used?
I'm workin on something I think would be cool, but honestly do not want to submit it if it would not fit in with what you have in mind.
Submit it to the Rifter!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:48 pm
by Kryzbyn
Well, ok, but their history has to do with the Atorians a bit, and would like his imput if it were feasible first.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:54 am
by TechnoGothic
Any updated Info on any of Wayne's Books ????

Atorian Empire ?
Mecha rpg ?
Bionic/Robotics Unlimited ??


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:32 am
by JTwig
Does it bother anyone else that they are releasing a brand new setting (the zombie basher Dead Reign) without a proven audience, while books like the Atorian Empire for HU2 (which has been described as completed and just waiting for a chance at the printer in press releases) which has a huge following have not seen the light of day?

Wayne can you please give us an update? :( Did it require rewrites, or is it disappearing into oblivion like some of the other long awaited Palladium book? I only ask because it is not even mention on press releases anymore.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JTwig wrote:Does it bother anyone else that they are releasing a brand new setting (the zombie basher Dead Reign) without a proven audience, while books like the Atorian Empire for HU2 (which has been described as completed and just waiting for a chance at the printer in press releases) which has a huge following have not seen the light of day?

Wayne can you please give us an update? :( Did it require rewrites, or is it disappearing into oblivion like some of the other long awaited Palladium book? I only ask because it is not even mention on press releases anymore.

I agree that there are just too many injdependent RPGs and not enougfh focus on fleshing out the games that Palladium already supports. All these books have been talked about for HU2, but when are we going to get any of them?

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:38 am
by VR Dragon
Hey Wayne!

whats the word on your projects and release times? Been looking forward to the Atorian book for years.


Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:36 am
by TechnoGothic
TechnoGothic wrote:Any updated Info on any of Wayne's Books ????

Atorian Empire ?
Mecha rpg ?
Bionic/Robotics Unlimited ??


Anyone know if Wayne is OK ??
We have not seen him around in ages.

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:40 am
by Shawn Merrow
TechnoGothic wrote:Anyone know if Wayne is OK ??
We have not seen him around in ages.

Here is the link to his most recent post.

Wayne Breaux Jr. - Posted: 22 May 2009 03:53 PM

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:11 am
by NMI
From what I can tell he was here recently around the end of June.

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:32 am
by TechnoGothic
Wayne_Breaux wrote:
Randomfist wrote:What ever happened to Wayne Breaux?????

Very good question! :D

I am still here, physically, though spiritually I am not the author/artist you once knew. I wish it was due to an elevation in awareness accompanied by a lightsaber or the right to wield Ashbringer, but alas this isn't so. I'm a working stiff now (and not even a cool zombie stiff), who tries to do some art in between working up a paycheck to take care of the bills. I am currently working as a quality assurance supervisor monitoring inspections and preparation of equipment prior to shipment to the deepwater drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Good pay and white collar work, but the hours can be murder (24 hour call).

But enough of the boring, technical details. I wish I was back full time, but that isn't likely to happen without a lottery intervention. I do, however, have some small bit of good news, which is why I made a point of dropping in here to post. I have been slowly working on some artwork in my free time and trying to post it where people can take a look at it. A lot of it is Warcraft inspired (my latest time killer), and some is not RPG oriented, but it's all Wayne Breaux goodness; although, you will note a definite style change. My limited free time doesn't allow for the tight, technical and detailed work I used to put out for illustration, but the introduction of color is a new bonus. So take a peek at the link to follow and post feedback (either there or here, though a new thread might be best to avoid cluttering this one). I totally miss you all and Palladium and really hope to see the Atorian book out one year.

Anyways, here's the link... :arrow:

Enjoy and good gaming!

Good to hear Wayne is alive and Well.
I was worried something terrible happened. Ok a 9-5 job is terrible but that is life.

Re: Re:

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:28 pm
by Wayne_Breaux
TechnoGothic wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Any updated Info on any of Wayne's Books ????

Atorian Empire ?
Mecha rpg ?
Bionic/Robotics Unlimited ??


Anyone know if Wayne is OK ??
We have not seen him around in ages.

Yes, I'm still here as already pointed out, but don't count on anything from me beyond the Atorian book (when it ever gets published...has it already been 9 years?). I'm working my butt off and only doing art in my spare time, though I may see if I can do a few pieces for the Rifter or something from time to time. I do miss working for Palladium something fierce.

However! I've recently been posting old art on my Deviant Art site because some of it has never been seen, and I got tired of waiting for the Atorian book, so I've put some copies of the clan pics up there. is my page, and all six of the clans are there in the gallery. If I find the time I will put up some sketches of the Tretor fighter, the sonic hovertank and some of the cians. The rest of the art there is pretty smokin' too, so check it out.

Re: Re:

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:31 pm
by Gazirra
Wayne_Breaux wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Any updated Info on any of Wayne's Books ????

Atorian Empire ?
Mecha rpg ?
Bionic/Robotics Unlimited ??


Anyone know if Wayne is OK ??
We have not seen him around in ages.

Yes, I'm still here as already pointed out, but don't count on anything from me beyond the Atorian book (when it ever gets published...has it already been 9 years?). I'm working my butt off and only doing art in my spare time, though I may see if I can do a few pieces for the Rifter or something from time to time. I do miss working for Palladium something fierce.

However! I've recently been posting old art on my Deviant Art site because some of it has never been seen, and I got tired of waiting for the Atorian book, so I've put some copies of the clan pics up there. is my page, and all six of the clans are there in the gallery. If I find the time I will put up some sketches of the Tretor fighter, the sonic hovertank and some of the cians. The rest of the art there is pretty smokin' too, so check it out.

Hey, Wayne :) Better late than never j/k

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:28 am
by Wayne_Breaux
I'm still alive!

I've been working on a personal project as well as an informal TMNT/ATB game and had to dig through some Palladium books, so I decided to pop back here just to poke around.

Kevin has the green light to publish the Atorian Book. There was some miscommunication about my involvement in completing it, and I apologize for the delays it caused, but hopefully we can all see it in print in some reasonable amount of time.

I've been kicking around some ideas, possibly as Rifter material, but the way I work now it's not something to count on...who knows though, I may find a pace that allows me to slip something in.

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:46 am
by gaby
Any chance you put up Art of a Atorian,s ship?

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:43 am
by Daniel Stoker
Welcome back and thank you for the update Wayne. :)

Daniel Stoker

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:25 pm
by Wayne_Breaux
gaby wrote:Any chance you put up Art of a Atorian,s ship?

The first Atorian book had no spaceships, as they were slated for the second book. The only aircraft in the book IIRC were the transatmospheric fighters and a drop ship/troop transport. I did artwork for both of those; however, I do not have scans of the finished pieces of art.

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:31 pm
by NMI
Wayne_Breaux wrote:
gaby wrote:Any chance you put up Art of a Atorian,s ship?

The first Atorian book had no spaceships, as they were slated for the second book. The only aircraft in the book IIRC were the transatmospheric fighters and a drop ship/troop transport. I did artwork for both of those; however, I do not have scans of the finished pieces of art.
Transatmospheric fighter was in the book, the drop ship/troop transport was not.

Found on Wayne's old website..

Concept sketch for Atorian Drop Ship or Troop Transport/Landing Ship

Atorian Battleship or Dreadnought & Satellite

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:03 am
by Boethermsbrukan
I hope no-one's going to mind this repost, but I didn't realize until now that Wayne was actively answering questions in here at the moment, and I'd like to pop my question his way.

(Repost from early September 2014 at the end of the pinned topic I have the last post in)

Hoping this isn't too much of a huge bump:

I don't know who in particular I should address this to, but I assume Wayne would've had a big chunk of the creative input in HU 2nd Edition judging by the foreword, so I'll give it a go. Is the 'no two simultaneous Physical Powers' rule intended to be a final and enforced restriction in Heroes Unlimited for any given PC? This has been bugging me since getting my copy of the 2nd Ed. rulebook when it originally came out (of course, that was a while ago) because my first and only long-time-running superhero PC (who I admit was not initially built for HU, but ended up there) would, if in Heroes Unlimited's universe, require either two or three Physical powers working simultaneously to wind up the way I designed him (he dates back to about 1991 as he is now).

I wasn't especially familiar with HU until buying my copy of the 2nd. Ed. book (I knew it was a superheroics setting like Champions or Marvel Super Heroes) so I don't know if the 'no simultaneous Physical powers' rule was in place in the Revised 1st Ed. (I don't own a copy but got to read one a couple of times briefly around 1991). I know that Kevin's always been keen on the belief that 'The rules should never be a straitjacket; if something doesn't work for your group, change or ignore it'. I just thought if the aforementioned restriction might've had a very particular purpose in gameplay or game balance, I should ask about it, since I've got the chance.

Thanks for listening!


Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:14 pm
by NMI
It's a rule that pretty much "most" people ignore or house-rule away.

Heck, even some writers :D

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:28 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Does Wayne Even check his Forum PM's?

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:46 am
by arouetta
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Does Wayne Even check his Forum PM's?

Yes, he responded to mine.

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:18 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
arouetta wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Does Wayne Even check his Forum PM's?

Yes, he responded to mine.

How long did it take?

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:18 pm
by arouetta
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
arouetta wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Does Wayne Even check his Forum PM's?

Yes, he responded to mine.

How long did it take?

A few weeks. I honestly had given up hope of him reading and replying.

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:56 pm
by Boethermsbrukan
NMI wrote:It's a rule that pretty much "most" people ignore or house-rule away.

Heck, even some writers :D


I get the feeling that adaptability with a game's rules enhances said game's longevity. ^_^ I'm definitely in agreement with you here; I guess I should've phrased my question a little differently (and possibly not been as long-winded as I was, background explanation or not), so I'll give it a go: is there a specific reason why that rule was put in place (no two Physical powers operating/active simultaneously) and if so, what was it included in HU 2nd Ed. to prevent from happening?

I know my character probably fits into the 2nd. Ed. 'Mega-Hero' mold, assuming I'm scaling him up to where he'd be in Champions or Mutants & Masterminds, but even if I just go with my gut and roll Frostbite out the way I originally intended (and as a character in HU) I'd still be curious to know if there was a particular reason the 'no two Physical powers' rule was put into (or recommended at least in) the plain vanilla Heroes Unlimited.

Cheers, and thanks for posting back, NMI!


Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:06 am
by NMI
Boethermsbrukan wrote:
NMI wrote:It's a rule that pretty much "most" people ignore or house-rule away.

Heck, even some writers :D


I get the feeling that adaptability with a game's rules enhances said game's longevity. ^_^ I'm definitely in agreement with you here; I guess I should've phrased my question a little differently (and possibly not been as long-winded as I was, background explanation or not), so I'll give it a go: is there a specific reason why that rule was put in place (no two Physical powers operating/active simultaneously) and if so, what was it included in HU 2nd Ed. to prevent from happening?

I know my character probably fits into the 2nd. Ed. 'Mega-Hero' mold, assuming I'm scaling him up to where he'd be in Champions or Mutants & Masterminds, but even if I just go with my gut and roll Frostbite out the way I originally intended (and as a character in HU) I'd still be curious to know if there was a particular reason the 'no two Physical powers' rule was put into (or recommended at least in) the plain vanilla Heroes Unlimited.

Cheers, and thanks for posting back, NMI!


I believe that the main reason for the inclusion of said "No 2 ACTIVE APS powers" was due to game balance concerns that Palladium Books might have had at the time. As there have been a couple of NPC's since this rule was implemented that violate this rule, it's kind of a mute point now in the whole grand scheme of things - Coppertop [APS Metal & Electricity], Glacier [APS Ice & Growth] Quagmire [APS Liquid & Earth <-- I think I am right on this one]. I am sure that there are other official NPC's that ignore this rule as well.

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:40 pm
by Boethermsbrukan
NMI wrote:I believe that the main reason for the inclusion of said "No 2 ACTIVE APS powers" was due to game balance concerns that Palladium Books might have had at the time. As there have been a couple of NPC's since this rule was implemented that violate this rule, it's kind of a mute point now in the whole grand scheme of things - Coppertop [APS Metal & Electricity], Glacier [APS Ice & Growth] Quagmire [APS Liquid & Earth <-- I think I am right on this one]. I am sure that there are other official NPC's that ignore this rule as well.

NMI, thanks for posting back!

I suspected it was something along those lines; 'proven imbalances' through active play are some of the most reliable ways to get bugs out, like running a nearly-finished but unpolished program to see if and when a bug (or bugs) pop out. I'm not as familiar with HU pre-2nd Edition, nor the mentioned NPCs, but I can see having two powers like those each of the three above NPCs do active simultaneously would make them considerable powerhouses- or with Coppertop, possibly electrocuting him or herself. ^_^ I'm no electrician, but conductive metals and contact electric bolts are probably not a great combination, even for a superhero!

I don't think the Physical powers I have lined up in mind for Frostbite would make him too much for a GM to handle in a group campaign, but even so, the proof would be in having him in a game and seeing how it turns out. Thanks for being an open ear for helping to thrash out Frostbite's details at my end, NMI; it's a pleasure to have a friend in you here.


Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:25 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I got a question that came up. In AUGG page 170, in the beginning of the starship construction text where talking about the size of the ship and the minimum crew. Is this an absolute minimum like this is one (8 hr) shift's worth or is it a normal ship's complement where it fills out all three (8 hr) shifts?

The question because I had 13eowulf look at something I wrote up and found out his viewpoint about which it stood for in his response, was different from mine.

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:10 pm
by gaby
What are the ships in AU:galaxy guild?

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:10 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The ship size classes are Shuttle, Interceptor, Transport, Destroyer, Battleship, Deployer.
There are also Space Stations and Satellites listed for not ship constructs.

Each have a few abbreviated examples of each of the ship size class and SS&Sats.

Re: Questions for Wayne Breaux Jr.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:08 pm
by gaby
So thers only One of each?

Do Au:GG show Example ships from the big powers like Atorians and FAR?
What are they?