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Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:09 am
by Comrade Corsarius
I said it on that post... two words...

Bugger me.

Bugger me with a broomstick... I never thought something like that would happen to PB.

Let's just all buy a copy of Kevin's picture and hope like heck that it will all work out.

Cripes, If the company is in that sort of dire straits, I'll even go out on a limb and buy a Kent Burles picture (if only for re-use as fire-lighters) to help shore them up.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:14 am
by Jefffar
Hopefully Palladium will weather the current storm, collect some payback from that person the board's rules permit me from properly describing, and relaunch Robotech for a greater financial future.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:53 pm
by Flakpanzer
Robotech Ultimate Edition.
New material.
New art.

AND Shadow Chronicles!

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:06 pm
by Kagashi
Where is the "Hell yeah!" button?


Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:57 am
by OldOeridians
I would like a new main rulebook. Doesn't matter to me if it is Hardcover or Softcover. Doesn't matter if it has color or not. Doesn't matter to me if it is not exactly compatible with Rifts or the earlier version.

What matters?
1. Would be great if main book focused on all character classes available and main equipment for all "generations" of ROBOTECH, including Sentinels.
2. Shadow Chronicles could be included or separate book. No preference on that.
3. Focus on good role-playing and fun playability. NOT focused on every mecha detail. I am not saying detail is not important, just that playability is more important to me than every detail being Canon or accurate.

Wish List:
1. D20 Modern compatible. I know, like no chance, but it is a desire of mine.
2. Secondary mecha detail book. I would like to see nice line art pictures and details of all the mecha in a separate book. With some nice eye candy and other "information" that is cool to read but not necessary in the main rulebook. Detail junkies can go here for it if they "need it". You could include optional rules in this book for "accuracy". LOL.
3. Era-based Sourcebooks with information on the Earth/Colonies/Space Ships history, the official story lines of the generations, and ideas and mini-adventures placed in the eras. Ideas on how to include your characters in the 'big picture' and their own adventures. At least one for Macross, Sentinels, Southern Cross, & Invid Invaded Earth. Plus, of course, the new stuff.

Good Gaming.


Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:07 pm
by OldOeridians
PS: Need a ROBOTECH "The Movie" sourcebook! :O

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 4:37 pm
by Kagashi
I agree with almost everything on this board.

The main thing to consider is, IF this is going to happen (Heck, IF Palladium stays afloat), it needs to follow the SAME exact rules of RUE.

For the Mecha, they need to take a RUE written bot and just start plugging in the RT values with the same format. We need to see strength values on the Macross stuff. And as for the actaull statstics, there are plenty of sources out there to tell Palladium what is really on what bot...

Make the bad guys worth playing. MDC values need to be raised, especially for the Zents and RTM. The Invid were pretty ballanced. They did not really need anything different.

Rules should be in line with RUE. No more full melee blasts (WTH was that anyway?). The skill lists should be exact to RUE (With RT specific percentages) and obvious changes like get rid of Lore Magic, and replace with Lore Zentraedi... Character creation should mimic RUE exactly.

Palladium specific stuff was pretty cool in my oppinion. Like the EBSIS, and Merchant Republic and so on. Id like to see more of that kind of stuff. I also think there is enough material out there to break the books down into World, Source, and Adventure books.

Since this IS going to be Megaversal, there needs to be notes on teh Supernatural, Magic, Psionics, and so on. Even though its not normal in this world. There should be conversions notes on how PPE is used if a LLW or SHifter decides to travel to this world... Additonally, notes on how super powers from HU2 would function and how they fit in to the whole thing.

The last thing is, RT was awesome in the fact that it was such a great SDC/MDC ratio envrionment. It should stay that way. More ficticous SDC arms and vehicals would be great (Instead of just saying "M-16"...that makes me mad that PB thinks that SDC never advanced further than the Vietnam era).

Im telling you, if PB did a RTUE, I would buy it with no question.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:09 pm
by jedi078
Kagashi wrote:I agree with almost everything on this board.

The main thing to consider is, IF this is going to happen (Heck, IF Palladium stays afloat), it needs to follow the SAME exact rules of RUE.

For the Mecha, they need to take a RUE written bot and just start plugging in the RT values with the same format. We need to see strength values on the Macross stuff. And as for the actaull statstics, there are plenty of sources out there to tell Palladium what is really on what bot...

Make the bad guys worth playing. MDC values need to be raised, especially for the Zents and RTM. The Invid were pretty ballanced. They did not really need anything different.

Rules should be in line with RUE. No more full melee blasts (WTH was that anyway?). The skill lists should be exact to RUE (With RT specific percentages) and obvious changes like get rid of Lore Magic, and replace with Lore Zentraedi... Character creation should mimic RUE exactly.

Palladium specific stuff was pretty cool in my oppinion. Like the EBSIS, and Merchant Republic and so on. Id like to see more of that kind of stuff. I also think there is enough material out there to break the books down into World, Source, and Adventure books.

Since this IS going to be Megaversal, there needs to be notes on teh Supernatural, Magic, Psionics, and so on. Even though its not normal in this world. There should be conversions notes on how PPE is used if a LLW or SHifter decides to travel to this world... Additonally, notes on how super powers from HU2 would function and how they fit in to the whole thing.

The last thing is, RT was awesome in the fact that it was such a great SDC/MDC ratio envrionment. It should stay that way. More ficticous SDC arms and vehicals would be great (Instead of just saying "M-16"...that makes me mad that PB thinks that SDC never advanced further than the Vietnam era).

Im telling you, if PB did a RTUE, I would buy it with no question.

I have already implemented most of this stuff (as I am sure others have) such as using RUE character creation rules a large skill list, increased MDC for bad guys, using Rifts Robot PS values to determine Mecha H2H damage.

As for SDC firearms (stick with the RL stuff) my current crop of players are using M-468's, P-90's, MP-7's and Five-seveN's as side arms (all RL weapons with Armor piecing capability). I once used the OICW, but not any more.

I would like to see the notes on crossovers.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:15 pm
by Jefffar
Depends whether or not you factor in Palaldium recovering from the current crisis in the equation.

I give total odds of us seeing Palladium made Robotech again at about 40%

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:36 am
by Treefrog
I would like to see a Robotech UE, with all corrections made to the old books.

Separate books that detail mecha and their variants, starships, planets of the Sentinels, so on.

The black and white pics can stay, but disperse a few colored ones throughout the book.

Streamline the OCCs, keep the Mecha Combat skill system versus the Robot Combat Elite skill.

Include some of the mecha from Macross Plus (Heck the whole movie could be a colony undiscovered by the Zentraedi and so on)

Include the mecha of Macross II (but not the story itself)

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:36 pm
by Kagashi
Looks like the latest update on the Save Palladium thread says that PB and RT are looking pretty good!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:40 pm
by Treefrog
I too am hoping against hope that this happens. I still remember when it was announced that PB was dropping RT. I started gaming with RT, I sure as heck didn't want to see it get dropped.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:02 pm
by SailorCallie
Bring them back, Kevin. Bring back Robotech so us fanboys and fangirls can be happy once again!!

First reply... ever.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:36 pm
by bamse
Yes, bring Robotech back.

Yes, decrease MDC rather than increase.

Now, as a youngling back in the '80s I always read the robotech RPG as much as a fact book as a game. What was in the RPG was fact, to the extent that I felt the show was wrong when the two differed. A new Robotech RPG should therefore not only be a reliable source of Robotech canon and stats and what-not, but also full of information about the Robotech universe that we don't get in the show. Therefore:

-Lots of world books that also cover specific time periods. That way the RPG can cover the whole spectrum of time and space in Robotech. Something the show can never hope to do.

-Order of battle, rank insignia and uniforms, number of ships and maps, maps and more maps. If there were a TP of Robotech RPG players should win every time. A tome of information which will make any pure fact book on Robotech, not to mention Robotech Art 1-3 useless and obsolete.

-Use the information that already exists and that does not clash with the canon stuff. A problem I remember was when I had read McKinney's Malcontent Uprisings and then went out and bought Breakout. Seperate worlds, different cities survived, good ideas never mentioned. Megaverse all well and good but good settings should be embraced, not ignored. McKinney mentions a Chinese general or emperor or some such in a throw-away line. Use him. Everything McKinney says that goes against the show... trash it. Same goes for comics.

Get Nathan Babcook onboard, and the lads at the Robotech Reference Guide. They'll keep you honest.




Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:30 am
by drakinn
YES...YES...YES a thousand times YES :)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:38 am
by Gomen_Nagai
I've said it before, upgrade the damages on all the weapons so that they make sense... if a gun fires 80 rounds and we're to believe it only hits with 8 of them? Get real! ESPECIALLY on a single target?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:29 am
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan
Tetsuya wrote:the idea is to put so much lead in the air that you cant miss.

Not quite. The idea was to fill the air with so much lead as to cause the opposition to be unable to return fire (basically, they had to keep as low to the dirt as possible to keep from eating a bullet through their forehead). Thats called Suppression Fire.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:45 am
by Jefffar
Actually both of you are right.

When you are attacking a target with an automatic weapon, the idea is to put enough rounds in the target area to garuntee an effective hit.

When you are doing suppressive fire the idea is to put enough rounds in the target area to prevent the hostiles from exposing themselves from cover for fear of being hit.

In Palladium option 1 is called a burst, option 2 is call a spray.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:22 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
I've seen vulcans fire, They will perforate a target with 20 to 40 rounds in their one burst .. and in sprays at least 4 to 12 hits will hit it...

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:23 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
It's Also much easier when the target is the size of a barn , which most targets in Robotech are. The Damages in Robotech were low balled Immensely.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:52 am
by Gomen_Nagai
raising the damages from burst weapons fixes alot of problems, like not leading a long or full melee burst to gun down a Zent battle pod or 10.


Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:35 pm
by hotm

I joined this forum just to say " Y E S !!! "

I don't play any other palladium games..
just macross II and robotech...
(although I have rifts, tmnt and palladium fantasy for ideas)
I've been playing them for many years! they're the best mecha and fantasy games for sheer fun as well as super cool roleplaying EVER!!

I'd love to see macross plus and macross 7 rules and mecha...
or whatever!
any new macross, or robotech would be AWESOME!

I would buy anything you made for either game!

oh! make it happen!
pretty please?!?!?
with a fully loaded VF2SS with SAP Special on top?

-thomas marsh

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:40 am
by Zer0 Kay
Where is the option for Hardcover RTUE, old stuff, new stuff, shadow chronicles and an update to make it even with Rifts or more toward Macross II?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:43 pm
by Zer0 Kay
ScottKMFDM wrote:Please for the love of god and all that is good, Get better art for books 2, 3, and 4 (southern cross). The black and white art is ok, but the guys idea of shading was to fill everything in black. Other than that, I'd definately buy new or re-released Robotech stuff.
Didn't you know that is the new style? It's called eclipsing not shading :D

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:46 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Split up the time periods into different sorcebooks, with the basic char creation aspectes to be found in the Macross/Main book, with the time specific OCC/MOS's in their repective books. That way you don't have to cram everthing into one big book. It also lets you have convertion note to be added to the books, with setting/time period specifice notes to be placed into the sorcebook covering the what the notes cover. I would like to see books about the same page count as a rifts or PFRPG book.

As to the book and what they cover

main/Macross(M)---from SDF-1 launching ceremonies till the attack of dolza's fleet.

Reconstrution(R)--from end of macross to the kyron's attack on the SDF-1.

Malcontent Uprisings(MU)--from the end of reconstruction to just before the launching of the SDF-3 or just before the arival of the RT Masters.

The RT Masters(RTM)--from the end of the MU till the death of Zor Prime

The Sentinals(S)--including the launch of the SDF-3 till before the launch of the mars battle group.

Invid Invastion(II)--from just after the masters till the leaving of the Invid Ruling Mother.

The Unification Wars (UFW)--prequal to macross from the til of the SDF-1's cradh landing till the begining of Macross.

[hummm.......that is 7 books......oh well :D ]

Because of the very shortness of the timeline you could possible play a single char from the UFW, through all the timeline, having to decide weather to go with the sentenals or stay on earth with the AotSC.

Other optional books would be to explore the historey of the old world contenents during the different times....euope, russia, china, africa, indochina, and the south seas (southern pacific area).

Some other things ...for the R, MU,S , and II books I would like to see some char creation rules like in 'Systems Failure' where it shows what the char was before they had to change life paths.

By the Way, I wouldn't want these to be tied so closely to the Rifts setting to much, esspesilly this talk about using the RUE as the Standard for the new RT rules.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:40 pm
by Princedarkstorm
I hope to see both the Macross and Robotech games again done by Palladuim not by some other company.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:10 pm
by Princedarkstorm
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:50 pm
by Princedarkstorm
Soon very very soon we have ROBOTECH back in the hands of the rpgers!

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:18 am
by Princedarkstorm
Amen...I would the book but I know I got to wait :( :-( But it will be well worth it. 8)


Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:09 pm
by grifter335
personally id go with a reprint of orgainal books all
then do a ultimate book or books with new udates on mecha
including shadow cronicals, with new drawings/art mecha ships charters

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:20 pm
by Princedarkstorm
Old or new will be just as great!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:54 am
by Princedarkstorm
Well, We will see it very soon! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:54 am
by Princedarkstorm
Well, We will see it very soon! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:54 am
by Princedarkstorm
Well, We will see it very soon! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:16 pm
by Princedarkstorm
Only a few more months till ROBOTECH is back as a rpg and on dvd!!! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:25 am
by MikeM
ravenkai wrote:I feel there should be an Ultimate book on Robotech and Macross II for the new people into Rifts and Palladium books...


They can't do an Ultimate book on Macross II as they don't have the license for Macross II.


Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:29 pm
by Princedarkstorm
Give them time.No one thought that PALLADUIM eas going to get ROBOTECH back but they did! :D

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:19 am
by Princedarkstorm
Right on!Bring back ROBOTECH!!! :D :-D

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:15 am
by Princedarkstorm
Did anyone pick up ROBOTECH THE SHADOW CHRONICLES ?I did yesterday it is a great anme! :D :-D :) :D :-D :) :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:21 am
by Carl Gleba
Princedarkstorm wrote:Did anyone pick up ROBOTECH THE SHADOW CHRONICLES ?I did yesterday it is a great anme! :D :-D :) :D :-D :) :D :D :D :D :D

Watched it last night I was like this :shock: :shock: :shock: the entire time. Its freakin awesome!!!!! I think fans of robotech will take right to it and fans specifically of the "New Generation" are going to love it.

I give it :ok: :ok: with a lot of :heart:


Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:04 pm
by Princedarkstorm
Will their be a sourcebook ? Or in the new rules?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:30 pm
by Jefffar
My suspeicion is that Shadow Chronicles may be the first Robotech RPG book to see print aside from basic setting information.

Then again, cosnidering the Robotech RPG series had 4 main books with complete rule sets . . . who knows.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:01 pm
by Princedarkstorm
Great,I know it will be again a awesome rpg!LONG LIVE PALLADIUM BOOK! :D :-D :) 8-) 8) :D :D :D :D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:16 pm
by Omote
I loved the TSC... a lot. I hope that Palladium gets everything in toder so we can see a TSC RPG. Oh man would that be awesome.


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:27 am
by Princedarkstorm
It will be worth the wait!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:40 pm
by dataweaver
In looking through the bonus material found in SC, I was struck by the near-complete lack of reference to the Macross Saga in any of the references to the original show. Doing some research, I found out about the legal snarl that apparently resulted in a ban on Robotech references involving Macross. I wonder: how much of this issue is going to affect the new Robotech RPG license?

IOW, can Palladium Games get the license for Macross Saga, or will it be limited to Southern Cross and later?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:12 am
by Princedarkstorm
I hope it will cover all the ROBOTECH series !

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:30 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:Hardcover, but rules brought into line with Rifts Ultimate Edition. Whats more, the main book needs to contain information for all eras of Robotech (from The Macross Saga to the upcoming Shadow Chronicles).

Mecha need revamping (armour/damage wise, plus correcting all the myriad of mistakes/goofs from before). Every last missing item from the Tv series should at least have a modest chance of being catalogued. This will allow for a radically more diverse and much richer playing experience. It will also allow for stand-alone enemy books (Zentraedi, Robotech Masters, Invid) that are packed with information.

Line art sketches from animation sheets, stills from the Tv series (since we now have crisper, cleaner Restored images) and some new artwork to round out the book.

Updated and current Robotech canon information, disregarding the older material where necessary. That way we won't have the knock-down, drag out, flame ridden threads that currently inhabit the forum.

Given the staggering amount of information that is only hinted at in the Tv series (The Anti-Unification League, space colonies, rogue Zentraedi fighting with the reconstituted UEF starfleet as early as 2013, The Disciples of Zor <the Robotech Masters REAL enemies>, Space Pirates) there could be numerous new sourcebooks. That doesn't even begin to cover the stuff that would logically be applicable such as a book on Test Pilots (including new experimental mecha like those in the old Strike Force book).

Edit: Thought of a few more things....

Completely streamline the character classes. Do away with the old system of 1 OCC to 1 military occupation, because it simply did not work. Have a generic set of 'Other Skill/Secondary Skill' templates that, depending upon base type (Air Corps, Army, Navy et al) can simply have the MOS added to as the OCC Skill List. Have a big list of MOS's that represent all the various paths capable. Whats more, as time goes on, with subsequent books, the list of MOS's can be expanded.

Sure, you can also include retreads of various civilian/merc OCCs, but the main characters need to be sort of pick and choose military path that is universal throughout the game. That way there are no problems of gaining additional skills as levels progress.

Something else is that the technology HAS to progress. The Macross Saga was the base of the technology, not the highest level.

2nd Edit: I dont know why I didn't think of this before. For God's sake, no more 200 MDC Cyclone's if Battlepods only have 50 MDC, Bioroids 100 and the VF-8 Logan 150! The armour values are so out of whack that they need to be either increased (from the base as presented with body armour being 50, combat shields 100 and Cyclones with 200) or completely hacked to pieces (which I prefer) and brought to 1/4 to 7/8ths what the base is now (body armour with a 5-10, shields with 10 and Cyclones with 25).

The other thing is the small arms damages are completely off balance as well compared to the larger guns.


Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:47 am
by Princedarkstorm
True ,It does need to be update but it was a great system !!!! 8) :-D :D

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:13 am
by Princedarkstorm
Amen ,I am looking forward to seeing ROBOTECH again!!!!!! :D 8) 8-)