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Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:57 am
by JTwig
I have no idea if this power has already been done on the boards (this thread has grown greatly since I last posted on it). I know that many will see this power as redundant since it is similar to many published powers such as APS - Metal, Matter Expulsion - Metal, and Magnetism. In truth it was inspired by all three since I liked aspects of all of them for an NPC I wanted for a game, but none of them had exactly what I wanted.

I'm also working on Matter Manipulation powers for Earth, and Plastic.

Matter Manipulation: Metal (Major)
The character with a Matter Manipulation power is capable of mentally influencing one specific type of matter for a variety of purposes. Matter Manipulation: Metal is considered by experts in the fields meta-human studies to be in the same power family as the powers of APS: Metal, Matter Expulsion: Metal, and Magnetism. Though similar to the previously mentioned powers, Matter Manipulation: Metal combines aspects of all three, though no were near the individual power levels of those separate abilities.
1. Metal Sheathing: The character is able to cause surrounding metal to liquefy, and flow across her body, creating a protective coating that not only increased her durability, but also her strength and stamina.
a. Attribute Bonuses: Add 3d6+4 to the character’s P.S., which is considered Extraordinary. The character also tires at half the normal rate. Roll once when this power is first selected to get the P.S. bonus.
b. S.D.C. Bonus: While coated with her metal armor the character adds 5d6x10 to her S.D.C. Roll once when this power is first selected to get the S.D.C. bonus.
c. Armor Rating: The metal coating provides the character with a natural A.R. of 16. Plus the character takes only half damage from the hand-to-hand attacks of characters without some sort of enhanced P.S. (Extraordinary or greater), whether such attacks are barehanded or with melee weapons. The character still takes full damage from bullets, energy blast, explosions, etc.
d. Range: The metal used to create the Sheath must be within 100 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience, of the character. If no metal of significant quantity (determined by GM) is present, then this aspect of the power can not be activated.
e. Duration: The Metal Sheath last as long as the character retains consciousness. It counts as one melee action to create the Metal Sheath, but once created it requires no further concentration by the character. If the character losses consciousness while this power is active, the metal re-liquefies and runs off the character.
f. Penalties: The use of this aspect of the power weakens the source of the metal equal to double the amount of the character’s S.D.C. bonus (potentially causing structural damage to buildings and vehicles). The source of the metal can be specified by the character every time this power is activated, and in metal rich environments the metal can be drawn from multiple sources to minimize the environmental impact. The character’s weight is also doubled while this power is active. The weight increase, combined with any potential structural weakening careless use of this power may create, could cause some interesting unforeseen consequences for the character.
2. Liquefy and Shape Metal: The character is able to liquefy, and mentally control metal within her area of influence. This liquefied metal can be used for multiple purposes. It can be reshaped by the character and instantly harden to create barriers, constraints, and sculptures.
a. Weight: The character may liquefy 200 lbs, plus 10 lbs per level of experience.
b. S.D.C.: When reshaped and harden assume an S.D.C. rating equal to the amount of weight liquefied and reshaped, and a natural A.R. of 13.
c. Range: 50 foot radius, plus 10 feet per level of experience.
d. Liquefaction Field: Alternatively the character may surround herself with a limited field that automatically liquefies all metal that it comes into contact with. Think of this as an unconscious parry against any metal object that comes within five feet, plus one foot per level of experience, of the character. This parry is made with no bonuses, other that a straight plus +2 parry (doe not increase with experience). This power works even works against metal objects that the character is not aware of, and the maintaining the field is mildly taxing on the character (cost one attack per melee to maintain). While the Liquefaction Field is active no other use of the Liquefaction and Shape Metal power may be attempted.
3. Metal-Kinesis: The character is able to mentally move and carry metal objects similar to a limited and weaker version of the Magnetism Major Power. The character is also able to parry metal objects weighing less than the maximum amount she can control (see Weight below). The character does not possess the ability to manipulate magnetic fields.
a. Weight: 1000 lbs, plus 200 lbs per level of experience.
b. Parry: The character may mentally parry metal objects. No bonuses apply (not even those for high P.P.), but the character does receive +4 to parry, plus +1 every other level after first (+1 at third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, and fifteenth). The character may only parry metal attacks she is aware of, and the parry is considered to be an Automatic Parry (costing the character no melee actions).
c. Range: 100 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:18 pm
by NMI
there is a metal manipulation in PU3

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:43 am
by JTwig
The Deific NMI wrote:there is a metal manipulation in PU3

What! Dam Palladium for highering psychic writer! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:52 am
by Iczer
JTwig wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:there is a metal manipulation in PU3

What! Dam Palladium for highering psychic writer! :)

actually, looking through this thread there are a few metal manipulation powers

not so much psychic then

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:00 pm
by JTwig
Iczer wrote:
JTwig wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:there is a metal manipulation in PU3

What! Dam Palladium for highering psychic writer! :)

actually, looking through this thread there are a few metal manipulation powers

not so much psychic then

Or maybe they're all psychic :-)

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:55 pm
by Zenvis
I am going to take what powers have not been douplicated by PU1, or 3 and turn them into villians with an accompany adventure. I hope to have enough material. I also want to place it in Victory City or some other town that is vaguely mentioned in Century Station.

Re: Hydra--Multiple Beong alternative.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:49 am
by Zenvis
Steeler49er wrote:Nope, Nice power though...You may wish to add it to the New super powers sticky on the Heroes Unlimited board. Alot of the powers from PU1 & two came from there and the posters on it!

By Semisonic9
"I did boss, I shot him just like you said...but he just got up! Then there were two!"
The Super has the unusual ability to create copys/duplicates of it's self similar to the power Multiple Beings, however, unlike that power which allows for the creation of duplicates at will and for any length of time, Hydra are created in response to attacks against the super, in which damage is taken. Also differant is the problem that the clones don't last long!

If there is an up side to this power, it is that the sheer numbers of copys that can be produced at any one time is far greater than that of the Multiple Beings power and that the clones all have the ability to create duplicates apon being assalted as well! The clones will have all the same powers as the original (including this one) and will duplicate any personal belongings under a certain weight, held close on person at the time of dulication.

These are not real copys of flesh and blood though but virtually created beings. they do not leave scents behind after 1 melee (per level) so Chemical & Matter Creation related powers that leave behind damaging effects (such as asid) will stop short once the conjured being leaves a range of 1ft (doubles every level). At around level 14 this will be nearing one mile!

Lastly, these dooplegangers are more exact clones (made of false matter) and therefore may show signs of individuality. As the supers power grows the clones will start to become much more independant & may refuse orders if they succeed at an MA challenge on a D20. Add in the Originals MA attrubute, using plus +1 for every point over 10, against the duplicates +1 per level! (+16 tops).

1. Duplication
Whenever the super being takes damage from an attack, a copy is made. The more damage taken at any one time, the more clones are made. For every point of damage, one copy is made. This number is reduce by 1 every level as the supers body becomes resistant to damages triggering effects. This power is involantary at early levels but can be resited at level 6 and beyond by making a PE save verses Pain.

(The Super Nust take damage for this power to work.)
Range: From the original is 10ft and doubles every level there afterDuration: 1 melee. This also doubles each level. Duration can be made permanent for one copy at level 15, with the Permanent loss of 1D4 PE & -D10 H.P. per copy made this way. This copy will be a 100% real copy of the super.
Number of Copys: The maximum number of copys that may be created in any given melee from an originator is equal to their level. However, copys can also create copys with this same stipulation being applied. The Maximum total number of copy is current level times X3 per level.
Maximum weight: Max weight of objects that can be duplicated is equal to 10% of the characters true body weight (while in earth typical gravity). Add 10% per level. This matter is not real but a simulation of reality and can only copy the aspects of Non-magical/supernatural objects of normal tech nature. More importantly, each objects created that require energy to work costs the super 1PPE.
Save: Should the super wish to stop the clone creation process they must make either a Mental Endurance or a PE save (players chose at creation. can not be changed later). Vs. pain at Difficulty 18! Plus +1 to this attempt every level after 6.

Absorbtion Range: 100ft +10 per level. Clones reabsorbed heal fully in 24hr. barring further damage to the one they can from. Any information the copy had is sketchy at best for the originator to recall. Diff 18 on an ME save.

Notes: Copy do not have the ability to make other copys of themselves unless they to have been made permanent and only once they to reach level 15. Copys made permanent loss 1D6 levels in the process but can gain them back as normal. Permanents are no longer beholden to the first creator or any other clones.

Goll Dang, thats mighty powerful!

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:08 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
sounds like someone was watching Naruto.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:06 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Hehe..... I made up a impouved vertion of the multiple image spell, well two in varing power, after watching Naruto. Like what good is it if the images do exactly as you just get a choius line. Not really distracing.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:58 pm
by Yukon
the think about the conversions rule is its only a problem when presented as a conversion. no one can complain that you made a power with a different name, but is remarkably similar to the effects of something else.
look at the many things palladium's made over the years that would be an obvious copyright infringement if presented as a conversion.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:35 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I know this is way late and such, but I just started posting on these boards recently.

Whiz Kid. Loved your APS Buckshot power. Loved it. I was looking for a new APS that hadn't been done 100 times before or wasn't just a minor change to another APS power. Found yours and fell in love with it.

Read on another thread how there's something similar in PU3, which I don't currently possess.

I'd love to see YOUR verson of a few different kinds of the Buckshot one though. You'd mentioned combining minor powers with it. Like the bounce to make them rubber balls and what not.

I'd love to see how you, (( Or others here)) Would do Steel, or Bubble glue... or like... Napalm balls.. Something interesting.

I'm starting a new game up here in a week or two, I'm DEFINATLY using the APS buckshot, but I can't decide WHAT I want the balls made out of.

Think you guys could give me a hand?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:52 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Steeler49er wrote:Yeah, it'd be fun but, since we can't openly convert from non-Palladuim concepts, I won't be able to ever see a power like Shadow Replication...To bad to, as I once intended to produce a Nightspawn/bane Talent called Shadow Clone that worked the same way as in Naruto. Then a freind who was into Anime told me about a new show (Naruto) and I realized the problem.

So I just got rid of all the works I'd written-up for the Rifter because of irritantion. It was only 12 pages of story & info so it wasn't so bad, but it did get me interested in that show though. I just had to wiat three years to see it.

While Naruto did get me thinking that multiple image spell was very limited, what I made were varients if the MI spell.

Is watching N on the cartoon network as they come out here. Is too poor atm to do it any other way. besides, I tend to like looking forward to next weeks episode.

I'm pulling out.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:29 pm
by Zenvis
I've decided to insure that my powers get a chance at being published, will be pulled out so that they can appear in the Rifter for all enjoyment.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:33 pm
by Yukon
well, the "New Powers" thread might as well be made unsticky and left to die. after zen (AJ Picket), and now yourself deleting posts, the thread is being crippled and slowly whittled down.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:14 am
by Pepsi Jedi
I was wondering about that. I only started to look at and post on these boards with in the past week or two.

I read though all 128 pages of this one and just post after post after post had been deleted.

What's up with that?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:20 am
by MrTwist
Hopefully Iczer is still around. I was thinking of a power that socially shapechanges the character. They become whomever they are speaking with. If they are from Brooklyn, you can talk to them as though you are from Brooklyn. 'Enviromorph' would be a decent name. Not too sure how to work it out.

It would be great for infiltration based supers.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:20 am
by blade76
Has anyone statted reality control yet, I am hoping to , do you think we should try scaling up th epower levels of rifts to match most comics at their extremes?

I mean I know cyclops for example would possess super energy expulsion, yet the blasts he is capable of generating pack more power that the power would at level 15.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:53 am
by Iczer
MrTwist wrote:Hopefully Iczer is still around. I was thinking of a power that socially shapechanges the character. They become whomever they are speaking with. If they are from Brooklyn, you can talk to them as though you are from Brooklyn. 'Enviromorph' would be a decent name. Not too sure how to work it out.

It would be great for infiltration based supers.

I am still around. PU3 has left me with a dry taste in the mouth though, so I sort of stopped posting regularly. or at all from the looks of it.
That said, I still lurk silently.


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:29 pm
by Yukon
Iczer wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Hopefully Iczer is still around. I was thinking of a power that socially shapechanges the character. They become whomever they are speaking with. If they are from Brooklyn, you can talk to them as though you are from Brooklyn. 'Enviromorph' would be a decent name. Not too sure how to work it out.

It would be great for infiltration based supers.

I am still around. PU3 has left me with a dry taste in the mouth though, so I sort of stopped posting regularly. or at all from the looks of it.
That said, I still lurk silently.

Really? is it "power creep", redundant powers, stolen powers, or something else?
i have my own thoughts on those issues, but im curious as to what your take is.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:47 am
by Iczer
Yukon wrote:
Iczer wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Hopefully Iczer is still around. I was thinking of a power that socially shapechanges the character. They become whomever they are speaking with. If they are from Brooklyn, you can talk to them as though you are from Brooklyn. 'Enviromorph' would be a decent name. Not too sure how to work it out.

It would be great for infiltration based supers.

I am still around. PU3 has left me with a dry taste in the mouth though, so I sort of stopped posting regularly. or at all from the looks of it.
That said, I still lurk silently.

Really? is it "power creep", redundant powers, stolen powers, or something else?

You have actually nialed my major issues. Power creep is always my bugbear, but that's something a GM controls so not so much a big deal as much as a big dissapointment

Redundancy isn't so bad, but powers that doo the same as other powers only less (compare flight:L glide, flight: hover and flight: wingless, or compare lightning reflexes and Extraordanary speed) leave me weeping

my biggest concern was that some of the powers look familiar, very very familiar. and while no actual copying seems to have been done, it looks very much like a lot of powers have been taken and reedited. I make no accusations, but I am a little awed by the coincidences.


i have my own thoughts on those issues, but im curious as to what your take is.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:49 am
by abtex
Hear, Hear.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:09 pm
by Yukon
The Baron vonClogg wrote:
Iczer wrote:Redundancy isn't so bad, but powers that doo the same as other powers only less (compare flight:L glide, flight: hover and flight: wingless, or compare lightning reflexes and Extraordanary speed) leave me weeping

A quick and easy solution for the Flight: Swap the bonuses between Wingless and Glide/Hover. Wingless is about raw speed, and Glide/Hover is about fine control (combat flight). They can be stacked for a Master of Flight (the speed and control of Angel) or split (Marvel Girl's TK Hover)....

A lot of the powers could be repaired this way, bringing some of the munchkin-friendly Minors in step with the rest and pumping up some of the asthma-ridden fat wheezing kid Minors.

there's a few powers that are redundant to me, but they are very few. usually there are enough differences to satisfy me. now, i've read about your flight powers opinion before, Baron and i just dont agree that wingless flight is about raw speed, and gliding is about control. if anything, gliding (being partly dependent on wind) suggests a lack of control.

now if there was a minor power that was meant to compliment flight powers, that would be good. something that provides no flight on its own, but adds maneuverability, control, and finesse (i.e. bonuses (combat, and maybe 10% or so extra speed)) to flight. and it should probably give some benefit to someone who doesnt have flight, maybe cancels out weightlessness penalties or gives bonuses in freefall (probably both, since its the same thing).

but, i dont think the powers should be changed. though hover and glide are really similar... but, if i want wingless flight's speed, i dont want to use another minor power slot just so i dont fly like a brick.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:53 am
by MrTwist
Iczer wrote:Redundancy isn't so bad, but powers that doo the same as other powers only less (compare flight:L glide, flight: hover and flight: wingless, or compare lightning reflexes and Extraordanary speed) leave me weeping

Actually, I like powers like that. Not every hero is created equal, and their powers shouldn't be identical. With only the HU2 to choose from, most of my gaming group just kept creating archetypal supers.

With PU1 and PU2(I don't own PU3 yet), there were more powers to choose from to personalize a character. Even with the added options, you could easily tweak just about every power to make it fit your character even better.

I like the various flight powers, especially if your group lets you choose your powers. Flight: Wingless doesn fit every character.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:58 pm
by ZEN
my biggest concern was that some of the powers look familiar, very very familiar. and while no actual copying seems to have been done, it looks very much like a lot of powers have been taken and re-edited. I make no accusations, but I am a little awed by the coincidences.

Which is why powers have been removed from the thread and whole web sites have been permanently removed by their authors.
This was caused by other actions Palladium had taken with contracted freelancers which can only be called unethical, perhaps borderline criminal, and kind of sunk the feeling of community minded good will and creative freedom like an iceberg ripping the side out of the Titanic.

It is hoped that Palladium would take note of the loss of some of it's long time and most honest supporters, and realise that this as a sign that some of it's operating practices are NOT OK, the world is a different place where information propagates far and wide very quickly and thoroughly, and make the necissary changes to make sure this doesn't happen again.
As for me and my associates, you won't be seeing any return of our support, if fact, we will continue to caution others, justifiably, that Palladium's attitude toward amateur contributors is not very good, sometimes almost text book bad, and they would be better served taking their efforts elsewhere.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:06 am
by Yukon
AJ Pickett wrote:
my biggest concern was that some of the powers look familiar, very very familiar. and while no actual copying seems to have been done, it looks very much like a lot of powers have been taken and re-edited. I make no accusations, but I am a little awed by the coincidences.

Which is why powers have been removed from the thread and whole web sites have been permanently removed by their authors.
This was caused by other actions Palladium had taken with contracted freelancers which can only be called unethical, perhaps borderline criminal, and kind of sunk the feeling of community minded good will and creative freedom like an iceberg ripping the side out of the Titanic.

It is hoped that Palladium would take note of the loss of some of it's long time and most honest supporters, and realise that this as a sign that some of it's operating practices are NOT OK,
don't hold your breath
the world is a different place where information propagates far and wide very quickly and thoroughly, and make the necissary changes to make sure this doesn't happen again.
As for me and my associates, you won't be seeing any return of our support, if fact, we will continue to caution others, justifiably, that Palladium's attitude toward amateur contributors is not very good, sometimes almost text book bad, and they would be better served taking their efforts elsewhere.
i'm not personally convinced (lack of knowledge?) of any wrongdoings.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:26 am
by MrTwist
Let's keep this thread alive, and strong.

Can't we just discuss possible abilities and work on them?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:48 pm
by NMI
MrTwist wrote:Let's keep this thread alive, and strong.

Can't we just discuss possible abilities and work on them?
Yes you can. Just because a few people have their own "grievances", doesnt mean they should try and dissuage others from enjoying this topic, game, and/or company.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:38 am
by Iczer
don't get me wrong guys.

I love Palladium, and will probably suppor *** until the day i die. warts and all.

All I'm saying is that there were some points of concern that have never been addressed in any capacity, and looked suspicious. rather than be a dick about it, i just sort of pulled back a bit and was content to watch. combine that with the new job (the hours are all over the place) and the new SO i haven't had a lot of hours to put finger to key, so I've been doubly quiet.

That said.....

Drain and transmit super powers [Major] by Iczer
'Ok guys....lets use his own strength against him'

The character has the raw ability to not only weaken his opponents, but to supply his friends with the energy stolen energy of his enemies.
1) Drain targets: By expending two actions, the character can drain energy from a target leaving them vulnerable. the target need only be within 75 feet (+10 feet per level). if the target fails to save Vs this power (16+ PE bonuses apply) then he suffers one of the following effects (the character chooses which)
* All powers based on level drop by one level
* Strength drops by one category (supernatural to superhuman for instance)
* Target loses 20% of his ISP
* Protective powers see their AR's reduce by 2 and their SDC values reduced by 25%

All penalties last for 2d4 minutes +1 minute per level

In addition, the target is afflicted with fatigue (-2 to all combat actions, and -10% to all skills. speed is reduced by 25%)

2) Transmit stolen power: in the same action as the character drains power, or within 1d4 minutes, he may release it to others. releasing power to another takes 2 actions to perform. The recipient must be within 75 feet (+10 feet per level). recipients of someone elses power recieve one of the following bonuses:
* All level based powers gain a +1 effective level
* Strength increases by 15% OR rises one category
* Character gains a temporary boost of 50 SDC

In addition, the enhanced target feels invigorated and healthy, gaining +2 to initiative, and +10% to skills. these bonuses last for 1d4 minutes +1 minute every even level.

3) Transmit to multiple recipients: the character can instead divide his gifts among many targets, transferring a small portion to all. the character may select up to 3 targets, plus one at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15, who recieve the following benefits for 1d4 minutes, plus 1 every even level.
+10% to PS and PE,
+2 to PP
20 bonus (temporary) SDC

4) other notes: This power only works against the truly powered, mutants, aliens and experiments mostly (but also psychics). The character can drain himself rather than another in order to aid an ally, or may convert this power into temporary strength and endurance. (Loses this power for 3d4 minutes, but gains the bonuses described in #3 (duration is still 1d4 minutes +1 per even level)

Accellerate animal traits [Minor] By Iczer
"and now to unleash your inner......Bunny?'
The character has the ability to channel a person's inner beast, and allow it to spring forth physically. The target chooses an animal (usually something he regards as his own personal totem). when he becomes the subject of this power, he gains 20 bio-e (refer to mutant animals section, or after the bomb) to spend on animal traits of that animal.
* The power releases the traits within the character. once a target has been affected by this power, the changes he selects, and even his totem animal remain the same.
* The transformation lasts for 20 minutes per ME point of the target. the transformation itself takes 1 minute for every 5 bio-e gained, during which time the target is heavilly distracted (loses all but one attack per melee, speed is dropped to 1/4, combat bonuses are reduced by 8)
* at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15, targets gain an additional 5 bio-e
* character cannot affect himself. unwilling targets may attempt a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply)
* targets also resemble their totem creature for the duration, halving PB and gaining distinct animal like features. they also gain some of their behaviour patterns, reducing their MA by 4 for the duration.

Valley [Major] By iczer
"so. This is what the end of the world looks like."

The character can, with considerable effort, travel to a location known only as 'the valley'
The valley, is an extra dimensional realm locked away but accessable to a few people through the use of unique genetic enhancements.
1) Crossing over. the character can perform a quick and dirty crossing, or a slow and steady crossing.
Quick and dirty: the character loses half his current SDC and 3d6 HP, as well as 2 ME and 2 PE. as an action (or as a dodge) the character uses this and vanishes from view. scattered objects up to 15 lbs from within 30 feet of the character's departure also travel with him, and any willing person touching the character also travels (but take the same penalties). living targets arrive staggerd and must make a saving throw (15+ PE bonuses apply) or pass out upon arrival for 2d4 minutes. the character cannot instigate a return trip for 4d4 hours and even then only has a chance of success equal to his ME on percentile dice (rises by 5% every 4d4 hours after a failed attempt.
Slow and steady. the slow and steady attempt involves the character preparing himself and allowing himself to slowly peirce the veil between himself and the valley. this preperation takes an hour and while straining, is not nearly as strenuous. after the hour, the character loses 10% of his SDC and then winks out with a shudder, taking any willing subjects within 30 feet (as well as random nearby, unnatended items under 25 lbs) after a slow and steady trip, the character's power burns out for 2d4 hours.
2) arrival and landing zones. the character always arrives at the same place every time he visits the valley, or within 3d6x10 feet. upon returning to earth, he may choose a location to return to, but is only accurate to within 2d4x100 feet to a place he is familiar with (3d6x1000 feet to an unfamiliar region). as returning to his home is always via the slow and steady method, the power burns out as usual.
3) The valley. the valley is a earth like world, with an overlarge, broken moon and a large orange sun. it is speculated that this is earth in the very far future, but there is little technical data to support that. it has species of plants and animals recognisiable as terran, but also posesses those that are not. The only sentient beings in the valley are spread far and wide, and are either people who also posess this power, and those they have brought with them. Characters with this power will have 1d4 neighbours, each in random directions, some 4d4 x20 miles away. The GM is free to populate the valley as he sees fit.
4) Other benefits. The valley is a place of refuge and solace. few neighbours means that a dedicated character can establish a comfortable home in the area and live out fairly comfortably, if a bit lonely. while lengthy, it's value as a transport system is ideal, even if it's accuracy is a bit off. lastly, The character has recieves two benefits from his connection to the valley.
A) he has the ability to siphon energy from the valley dimension. The character gains superhuman strength as well as 50 temporary SDC (or heals up to 50 SDC/HP damage). this boost lasts 2d4 minutes before leaving the character (and draining 2d4 HP and 1 PE in the process)
B) after 5th level, (or sooner if the character spends great stretches of time there) he becomes a native of the valley, biologically changing. as a native he heals 1 hp/sdc per hour while in the valley (or per melee while siphoning it's power) and he ages at 1/3rd normal rate.


Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:04 am
by Iczer
Fade [Minor] By Iczer
'missed..ohh....missed again...missed me some more..hey that almost hurt... oops dropped my gun'

The character can, upon impact, turn briefly into disparate smoke and gas, only to reform an instant later. unable to trigger this consciously, the character instead can use this to his advantage. he gains an auto dodge of +8 (and only +8), usable under any circumstances, even from suprise attacks. essentially, for a brief moment of contact, the character is not solid enough to be harmed by the blow. while misty and untouchable, the character cannot hold more than 5 lbs of weight, and so will be constantly dropping objects. in his misty state, he takes half damage from energy (which still hurts him) and full damage vs magic. Moreso, if in a situation where he cannot also move (say being crushed by a giant weight) the character reforms as best as he can but horribly squished. in such a circumstances (if there is no space for the character to flow into within 1 foot per level) then the character takes full damage plus makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or take an additional 25%.
The character can use the +8 as a roll with punch/fall or impact as well, but will take half damage on a fail, and none on a success.

Fear factor: [Minor]
'i aint afraid of no....gyargh!!!'

The character's fear response is such that he grows stronger and tougher in response to elevated tension. when moderatley afraid or anxious, the character gaisn the following benefits
+10 SDC (or heals 10 SDC) +2 PS +2 PE and gains an AR of 8 (characters choice if this is visible or not).
essentially, in play a character can be assumed to be afraid if he is in danger or an awkward social circumstance, and risks embarrasment humiliation or damage. he must not be experiencing emotions that are contrary to fear. ultimately it is the GM whon is the final arbiter of a character's state, but if roleplaying well then the bonuses apply. also note that a character fighting to full capacity is not truly afraid, though if he is fighting his best and a loved one is endangered, or the character starts to lose badly, then the bonuses may apply.
In response to powers, psionics or magic that elicit fear, the character gains the following bonuses should he fail (and he may elect to)
* Heals an amount of damage equal to twice the HF (or Awe factor) or the psionic save number in the case of psionic powers.
* gains a PS bonus equal to half the save requirements (extraordinary strength minimum) and +4 to PE
* gains temporary SDC equal to three times the save requirement
* halve any penalties relating to fear or fear affect, and their duration (is still subject to them)
these bonuses last until normal fear has run its course

Grow gemstones: [Minor] By Iczer
'yeah it's worthless...but aint it pretty'

The character can grow small gem like stones from his body. The character can produce three sperately coloured gemstones, of varying clarity and cut every level. the gems are basically just glass and carbon and are worth very little but make impressive show pieces nonetheless
(At first level, the character can choose to produce two types of red stone (one smooth and cloudy, another rough and clear) and a green stone (clear and smooth) at second level, he can produce another three (green and clear and jagged, clear and jagged, black smooth and translucent) and so on.
It takes a single action to produce a single gemstone. each gemstone is about the size and shape of a slingstone and may be used as such (but inflicts +1 damage).
The character can expend 4 melee rounds forming gemstone like srmour with the following traits
* adds 25 SDC
* AR 10
* half damage from lasers


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:22 am
by Iczer
Multiply Force [Minor] By Iczer
'One arrow left? geeze you have a lot to learn'

The character has the ability to create duplicate small items that last a few brief seconds before winking out. these forece field like items mimic the shape and structure of another object touched by the character. essentially, the character can make one projectile into many
1) Multiply shot. The character charges a single held item (includes all items under 3 pounds, as well as arrows and crossbow bolts. NOT bullets), and then hurls it (or fires it) at a single opponent. after release the projectile becomes many, essentially replicating a burst (double damage) without any of the messy kick. in fact the wider spread provided by such a burst reduces all attempts to dodge it by 2.
2) Spray instead of targeting a single foe, he may scatter shots out to all targets in a path up to 20 feet wide. the character rolls to hit once for each target and cannot exclude allies by doing so. this is a normal strike roll, and targets may dodge and defend as usual.
3) Dual targets the character may instead target two opponents. both targets must be within a 90 degree arc from the character. as usual, this is two strike rolls, but allies are not at risk.
4) infinite projectiles. alternatively, the character may simply hold a thrown weapon with one hand, and hurl it without kletting go, and letting a single copy to race out instead. the copied weapon (composed of force) inflicts the same damage and has the normal bonuses to hit, as if the character had thrown the projectile normally.


Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:57 pm
by Iczer
Power apotheosis [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh yeah, i have a whole bag of tricks right here baby'

The character has the ability to transform one of his existing minor powers and internalise it within himself to become far greater than it was before.
Mechanically, the character transforms one of his minor powers into an equivilent major for a short duration (10 minutes, plus 2 minutes per level) before requiring a brief rest (5 minutes between uses).
The character can only select one power at a time, but may switch from minor power to minor power at his whim.
Like with many such powers, the character does not gain any intrinsic attribute bonuses from such an apotheosis.
Power Apotheosis has a base chance of success of 30% +5% per level. a failed attempt means that the character may not try that manifestation for 5 minutes, but may try a variant on the same power again.
any attempt at power apotheosis requires a full melee of concentration.
[Joshua Might has power apotheosis, as well as flight: wingless, EE heat (heat ray vision) impact resistence and healing factor. with a successful Power apotheosis check, he could manifest sonic flight, or even rocket fists, super energy expulsion, or aps fire, invulnerbility or even super regeneration, but only one at a time, and always contingent on his power apotheosis check]

Seperate: [Major]? By Iczer
'let me clean that for you'

The character has tha ability to isolate select molecules and then yank them away from a target.
1) cleaning: by isolating the molecules that make up an impurity, the character can sweep clean an area 20 feet across in a single action. all the isolated material condenses at a location of the character's choosing within 20 feet. this cleans and purifys air and water, as well as removing grease, blood and fingerprints, but cannot, in and of itself affect any chemical reactions. he may be able to remove cigarette smoke from a room, but not the nitrogen from the air. this can be used to disrupt the effectiveness of gas attacks, but is effective enough to remove poisons from foods and drinks as well.
2) seperate matter: likewise, the character can also isolate and seperate impurities embedded in an object, dissolving them temporarilly and then removing them by force of will. Rusted metal can be made pure (but pitted and holed) paint may be removed from a car or a person's costume. this only affects single objects or more or less uniform matter. it cannot remove the metal lock from a wooden door (it's not an impurity, it's just screwed on) an cannot pull water from a glass. This effect requires 2 actions to perform, and affects a subject up to 20 feet away per level of experience, up to 10 feet across
3) Medicinal uses: the character can use this ability to extract bullets, foreign matter, poison, and diseased flesh from another person. it cannot affect the normal functioning of a living organism, (so it cannot remove cancers for instance). this takes a full melee round to perform, upon a willing or restrained target within 10 feet per level. apart from discomfort, there is no lasting harm to the target that submits to this.
4) Offensive applications. the simplest assault one can do with this power is to suck all the impurities in an area, and direct them towards a target within 20 feet. the molecules arrive at enough speed to deliver 2d6 damage with a +3 to strike. (The peculiarities of the material may have some additional affect. paint may stain, or an toxic cloud may force a save) the character may also attempt to stun a character by pulling their bodilly impurities just a little, enough to make them jump around. This type of attack requires 3 actions to perform, and the target (who must be within 10 feet per level) may make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses count) if he fails he becomes stunned for 1d4 rounds, and takes 1d4 HP damage. a person killed by this ability, will appear to have small impurities concentrated in the brain, heart or other vital organs.

Hitchhiker: [Minor] By Iczer
'Wheee guys...just look at me!!'

The character has the ability to mimic the kinetic energy of another target within 60 feet, becoming attached to it by the bonds of this power. as the target moves, so to may the character, at identical speeds. this allows him to float after a speeding car, pursue a sonic flyer, or hitch a ride with a passing helicopter. the character gains no protection with this power, and cannot accellerate unless the target does, and must decellerate as the target does (but the character may choose to decellerate as he lets this power play out) Targets must mass at least 10% of the character for him to get a lock on it.
Targets that wish to shake the character may make evasive actions in order to force the target to let go. pilots of vehicles may make an appropriate skill check with a penalty of the character's PP and a further 10% for dangerous driving (plus any modifiers for other conditions). people tagged by this power may make opposed PP checks (d20, add PP attribute. highest wins). if either of these measures succeed, the character must roll under half his PP on a d20 or else be shaken loose. A character shaken loose loses speed rapidly and comes to stop after30 seconds. if he is not at safe footing by then, he is in for some hurt.


Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:14 pm
by Iczer
Divide others [Major] By Iczer
'Time for you guys to split'

The character has the power to multiply friends and allies by simply touching them and tearing them into two seperate beings. The character simply touches his target and expends two actions. the target must save vs this effect (14+) or be split into two, almost identical beings.
The two new creatures are functionally the same, but have the following changes to the original.
* Each is one level lower in experience.
* Powers, if any, are divided between the two of them. (At the GM's option, major powers may be split into minors and divided amongst them)
* SDC is also divided between them. each has the same HP.
* Each is -2 to all attributes
* each has a different facet of the target's personality.

In addition, the two will reflect any conflicts within the character at the time of the split. a target wrestling with a normal amount of greif may become two people, one at peace with it, and one wracked by it. there is a 30% chance that one of the copies will have some sort of mental disorder after the split.

The character can choose to split himself if he so chooses, if so, there is no chance of insanity, and he chooses which version gets what powers and abilities.
Split targets remain so for 5 minutes per level. after that time, both parties must touch to recombine (and at least one of them must want to. the other one can save (14+) if he wishes to resist)
if the target is already grappled, then his save is at -2 and both parties take 1d4+PS damage as they are torn apart. At 5th level, the character may perform the split at range (20 feet per level) but the target is at +2 to save.

Will over body [Major] By Iczer
'You think that hurt punk?'
The character has the ability to exert his will over his otherwise frail human(oid?) form. the character gains an attribute 'Will' which is equal to his MEx10 +10 per level. the character may expend this will on the following tasks.
* may spend will 1:1 to enhance his strength for a single action or feat of strength (may double his PS)
* may expend will to absorb up to half the damage from a single attack
* may expend will to shrug off penalties to strike/parry and dodge as well as skill % for one melee round. combat penalties cost 1 will per point of penalty. skills cost 1 will per 5% skill performance restored. attacks are returned at 3 will per attack regained.
* May be used to shake off mind affecting magic or psionics, by expending will equal to the saving throw requirement.

Will recovers at a rate of 1 per minute.

Other bonuses
+2 to save vs psionics and mind control
+ 1d4+2 ME
+15 SDC

Adaptive defences [Major] By Iczer
'Oh yeah, i got you figured out now suckah!'

The character has a hidden pool of physical resources that can be divided around in order to provide optimised defenses. He gains a pool of SDC equal to PEx10 +10 per level which may be used in the following fashion.
* It can be used as SDC (Duh)
* It can provide a resistance to a single type of attack (cutting, bullets, fire) halving the damage from that type of attack. this costs 20 SDC
* The character can lend it to others 1:1 by touching them and transferring it across. it fades from them after 10 minutes +2 per level.
* It can be forged into stiffened armour, providin AR 12 for 15, AR 14 for 20 and AR 16 for 30. it can enhance existing natural AR to 18 by spending 10 points per point.

This pool of SDC heals at a rate of 1 point per hour (plus any PE bonus he may posess) this is doubled while asleep.

By defualt this power is 'invisible'. when selected the character may opt for it to be a visible, hardened sheath that may be exuded at will. such a hardened sheath has an SDC of PEx15 +15 per level, and recovers twice as fast but has the following additions.
* reduces spd by 25% and PP by 4
* Adds 25% to the character's weight
* Can be lent to others but at half duration and at half rate (2 SDC grants the target 1)
* does not work when not active.


Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:35 pm
by Iczer
Bug bombs: [Major] By Iczer
'my pretty pretty friends have a suprise for you'

The character can generate a kind of pseudo life from a pouch in his stomach that obeys his desires.
1) Beetles: the character may have as many beetles active at once as half his PE, and he may grow one new bettle every hour up to this number. each beetle has the following attributes
Size: about 9 inches long and five wide.
SDC 6. HP 1 per character level. AR 8.
adhesion. Prowl 70% can leap 6 feet.
IQ/ME/MA Irelevant.
PS 2 PP 14 PE 12
Spd 5 per level of the character
attacks, 2. bite that inflicts 1d4 damage (+3 to strike). and an auto dodge of +3
in addition, each has one of the following special modifications
* explodes on command, inflicting 2d4 per level out to 30 feet (acidic wash, flame or standard kinetic explosion)
* dissolves into acidic, volitile or exothermic chemicals to inflict 1d4x10 damage to a 1 foot across circle
* flies at twice normal speed (Auto dodge of +5)
* explodes to release a 30 foot cloud of irritant (save 16+ or start choking, -4 to strike/parry and dodge and lose one attack)
2) larvae: the character can grow and hurl a small inch across spiked ball (really a curled up larvae). the spiked larvae inflicts 2d4 damage +PS bonus as a thrown weapon and it's spikes are coated in a mild irritant (save vs pain 16+ or be -1 to combat manoevres and -5% to skills for 6d6 minutes) in addition, the larvae has a 30% chance of surviving the throw, in which case they latch on to the target and chew, inflicting 1 point of damage each twice a round, until plucked off by the target.
Larvae cannot explode like their adult cousins, but the character can generate a great deal of them (4 per round) additionally, larvae may be designated as either adhesive or slippery when created. stepping on (and crushing) a slippery larvae will force a target to make a check vs sense of balance or fall. an adhesive larvae can colectively be used to gum up all manner of equipment.
3) Linked: the character can see through the eyes of his bug bombs as long as they are within a half mile per level, and can mentally direct them. he is not adversely harmed by their loss or destruction
4) Pouches: when not in use, bug bombs live inside the character, in assorted nutrient rich pouches within his body. these pouches can be used to store other items if necessary.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:28 pm
by abe
enhanced skill(minor)
ONE of your skills is +95%!
tell me if you think this power is to silly or if you think it could work in a serious game.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:24 am
by Reagren Wright
The ability to control and manipulate light and energy waves.

1. Create Light. The character generates light that is the
equivalent of a 50 watts per level of experience (average light
bulb is 75 watts). At first level this is enough to light up a
10x10 foot (3x3 m) room. The character can choose to radiate
light around his body like a living light bulb or generate it into
a concentrated beam of white light like a flash light. Range:
10x10 foot (3x3 m) per level of experience or beam of white light
20 feet (6 m) per level of experience. Bonus: The light beam
is +3 to strike.

2. Blinding Light. The character can increase the intensity of
existing light to the point it becomes blinding (so much so that
even closing ones eyes will have no effect) or the character
creates a sudden burst of intense white light, which will produce
a temporarily blinding effect. Range: Altering the intensity
has a range of 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience. The blinding
flash is only effective at close range 10 feet (3 m). Damage:
Those blinded by the light are -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for
2D4 melee rounds. Duration: The increase in intensity can be
maintained for one melee per level of experience, but use up
2 attacks/actions. The blinding flash counts as a single melee attack.
The blinding flash is +3 to strike. NoteThis power can be used on
existing sunlight.

3. Partial Darkness. The character can decrease the intensity
of existing light to the point it becomes almost black as night, equal to
a single lit match. Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level of
experience. Damage: While not as effective as true darkness,
those in obscure light are -5 to strike, parry, and dodge. Duration:
One melee per level of experience, but takes up 2 attacks/actions.
NoteThis power can be done with sunlight.

4. Bend Light: Same as the minor super ability. The Blank Spot
can be used to make the character "invisible" or be used to "conceal"
a 10 foot (3 m) area of effect. Parrying/deflecting lasers and light
beams are stilled rolled just like a normal parry (+5 to parry). It should
also be noted that infrared and ultraviolet light can also be effected.

5. Strobe Light: The character creates a dazzling display of
swirling, changing colors that bedazzles victims who happen to be
starring at it. The effect can be hypnotic (roll a saving throw of 14,
can use ME bonus) and cause onlookers to become oblivious
to everything around them, unless they are grabbed/attacked, but
even then the victim will move at half his normal speed
and only have 1/2 his normal attacks/actions for the first melee. All
combat rolls are -3 for the first melee as well. Range: 60 feet
(18 m), with a 10 foot (3 m) area of effect. Duration; One melee
per level of experience, but takes up two attacks/actions.

Bonuses: Impervious to light/lasers attacks, and only suffer
1/2 damage from particle beams, ion, and radiation attacks. Takes
full damage from fire, heat, sonic, and electricity.
Cannot be blinded by any form of light.

Note. If this power is taken along with Energy Expulsion: Light
the range of the energy beam is doubled and receives an extra +2
to strike with an aimed shot.[/b]

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 5:03 am
by MrTwist
abe wrote:enhanced skill(minor)
ONE of your skills is +95%!
tell me if you think this power is to silly or if you think it could work in a serious game.

Actually it works. Somewhat.

Here's my suggestions, take 'em or leave 'em;

Drop the base increase of 95%. Instead, give the selected skill a +20% at first level, along with an increase of +5% per level(added on to the skill's preexisting per level bonus). The skill can also be increased beyond 98%.

Also give a bonus to other related skills, maybe +5% to +10%. Or even increase the per level bonus of related skills.

Of course, the problem then becomes what is considered a 'related skill' since the possession of almost any skill can have some influence over many others. Math, for an easy example, has applications for just about every other thing you can attempt(as anyone who watches Numb3rs can attest to). The easiest solution might be to give a +40% pool, to be distritbuted among other skills the GM thinks could be reasonably related to the focus skill. Any unused points are put into a pool to be assigned when a related skill is acquired.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:36 am
by Snake Eyes
Reagren Wright wrote:LIGHT CONTROL
The ability to control and manipulate light and energy waves.

1. Create Light. The character generates light that is the
equivalent of a 50 watts per level of experience (average light
bulb is 75 watts). At first level this is enough to light up a
10x10 foot (3x3 m) room. The character can choose to radiate
light around his body like a living light bulb or generate it into
a concentrated beam of white light like a flash light. Range:
10x10 foot (3x3 m) per level of experience or beam of white light
20 feet (6 m) per level of experience. Bonus: The light beam
is +3 to strike.

2. Blinding Light. The character can increase the intensity of
existing light to the point it becomes blinding (so much so that
even closing ones eyes will have no effect) or the character
creates a sudden burst of intense white light, which will produce
a temporarily blinding effect. Range: Altering the intensity
has a range of 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience. The blinding
flash is only effective at close range 10 feet (3 m). Damage:
Those blinded by the light are -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for
2D4 melee rounds. Duration: The increase in intensity can be
maintained for one melee per level of experience, but use up
2 attacks/actions. The blinding flash counts as a single melee attack.
The blinding flash is +3 to strike. NoteThis power can be used on
existing sunlight.

3. Partial Darkness. The character can decrease the intensity
of existing light to the point it becomes almost black as night, equal to
a single lit match. Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level of
experience. Damage: While not as effective as true darkness,
those in obscure light are -5 to strike, parry, and dodge. Duration:
One melee per level of experience, but takes up 2 attacks/actions.
NoteThis power can be done with sunlight.

4. Bend Light: Same as the minor super ability. The Blank Spot
can be used to make the character "invisible" or be used to "conceal"
a 10 foot (3 m) area of effect. Parrying/deflecting lasers and light
beams are stilled rolled just like a normal parry (+5 to parry). It should
also be noted that infrared and ultraviolet light can also be effected.

5. Strobe Light: The character creates a dazzling display of
swirling, changing colors that bedazzles victims who happen to be
starring at it. The effect can be hypnotic (roll a saving throw of 14,
can use ME bonus) and cause onlookers to become oblivious
to everything around them, unless they are grabbed/attacked, but
even then the victim will move at half his normal speed
and only have 1/2 his normal attacks/actions for the first melee. All
combat rolls are -3 for the first melee as well. Range: 60 feet
(18 m), with a 10 foot (3 m) area of effect. Duration; One melee
per level of experience, but takes up two attacks/actions.

Bonuses: Impervious to light/lasers attacks, and only suffer
1/2 damage from particle beams, ion, and radiation attacks. Takes
full damage from fire, heat, sonic, and electricity.
Cannot be blinded by any form of light.

Note. If this power is taken along with Energy Expulsion: Light
the range of the energy beam is doubled and receives an extra +2
to strike with an aimed shot.[/b]

I like this power :-D it would go well with the APS:Light power

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:35 pm
by Reagren Wright
Its the type of power I hoped Carmen would come up with in PU 1
or PU 3. I mean were got all these Shadow Powers so it only make
sense we have a Light Control type power.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:38 pm
by Reagren Wright
If you close you eyes and put your face in front of a light bulb, you
can see some light. Now imagine a light 50x more powerful then a
light bulb. Same effect happens if your in the area of a phorphorus grenade.
Your eyelids cannot block out that intensity of light. Dodging
simply means turning your head to avoid looking at the light. Now if
you magnified the illumination of a candle to that of sunlight in an
enclosed space, you're going have to do something that shields your
eyes (like sunglasses, special goggles, or put hands over your
eyes. This has to be done or your not going to be able to
see. The blinding flash is a striking attack with a +3 bonus. Simply
raising the light intensity is an area effect that has to be countered,
but you can dodge or parry it with something to shield your eyes.

Particle beams are accelerated stream of charged particles or atoms
in the form of a high energy beam. Light control is controling a portion
of the electromagnetic spectrum and energy waves. So its being
resistant to electromagnetic energy and energy waves.

Its effect on sunlight is to reduce it to create partial darkness
(shadow). Imagine your being chased buy a guy. You stand next to a wall
and reduce the light around you to create darkness. The guy
runs past you thinking your a shadow. Now of course it would
be stupid to be in the middle of the street and reducing the light.
People would say "what's that dark area?" The same thing using
the blinding flash or increase the intensity. You're simply magnifying
daylight to become blinding.

Thanks for the questions, and I hope they clairfying things for you.
Feedback is good. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:08 am
by Reagren Wright
Think of the blinding attack equal to the Create Darkness power.
There is no save and your suddenly engulfed in darkness. This
power does the opposite, your engulfed in brilliant light or hit with
a sudden blinding flash. And if you just happen to be wearing

And as I said feedback is always good. The only way I know
I've communicated my intent is if people tell me they understand
what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy the power, and use it wisely :)

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:08 am
by Reagren Wright
Think of the blinding attack equal to the Create Darkness power.
There is no save and your suddenly engulfed in darkness. This
power does the opposite, your engulfed in brilliant light or hit with
a sudden blinding flash. And if you just happen to be wearing

And as I said feedback is always good. The only way I know
I've communicated my intent is if people tell me they understand
what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy the power, and use it wisely :)


Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I have found many of the powers created by players and GMS useful and it seems you can custom tweak most of the powers in the actual books, but recently I have had players that want just one aspect of a minor power but to give it further range and power. Where should I draw the line when running a game as far as player input? :shock:

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:02 am
by Iczer
Impart Experience [Minor] By Iczer
'You must carry on Chosen One, but first, I have one more trick to teach...'

The character has the ability to transmit the breadth of his experience and instincts to another. This power has the side effect of wearing the user down and is best held in reserve for when another person desperately needs it
By touching a recipient (or by designating one within 5 feet per level) the character may expend 4 actions imparting the weight of his experience to his new target. The character voluntarilly drops in levels, while the recipient gains them.
If the target is of lower level than the character, each level sacrificed raises the target by one level.
If the target is of equal level or higher, every 2 levels sacraficed increases the target by 1.
The exchange is temporary, lasting 5 minutes per level of experience, and comes with a heavy burden.
Every level lost in this fashion, drains 5% of the character's remaining HP and SDC, and drops his PE by 2 per level given up. The HP and SDC lost in this way recover at a rate of 1 point per minute after the duration has expired. The PE recovers at a rate of 1 every 20 minutes after the duration has expired.
Lastly, the target is fatigued (half speed -1 attack, -20% to all skills and half all combat bonuses) until his levels return.
The character can withdraw his gift at any time.
The target gains all benefits as if he had gained the appropriate levels. He will, for the duration of the effect feel and remember training and experience from the onor's point of view and will instinctively apply it to his own life
[EG: Guang Hwa, an 8th level mutant and martial arts guru is caught unawares by a gang of marauding 9mm Ninjas. forced to retreat and badly bleeding, he imparts 7 levels to Bruce McGee, a young competative boxer (2rd level). Bruce feels Guang's history and experience fill him and temporarilly is upgraded to 8th level. Bruce's 8th level HTH basic, and boxing are enought to defend Guang until the rest of lotus clan comes to save them both]

Nightmare absorbtion: [Major] By Iczer
'Oh yeah.....I know what you fear, you fear me! or at least, you are about to'
The character has the abilityt to alter his shape to resemble the dark objects that exist in the backs of a person's mind, thier inner fears.
This is a kind of feedback induced shapeshifting. The character must designate a target, who must then make a save vs this pseudo psionic power (this save is at -1 at levls 3,6,9,12 and 15). If the save fails, then the character may choose to adopt the shape of his target's inner nightmares, gaining the following abilities.
1) HF: the distorted shape has a HF of 10, but a HF of 14 to the target.
2) Gains an AR of 12, plus SDC equal to the target's ME per level ( a third level hero mimicking the fears of a target with ME of 12 gains 36SDC)
3) gains a boost to PS equal to the target's ME, plus a +4 to PE, +6 to spd and +2 to PP
4) Natural attacks inflict +1d4 damage, and has +1 attack per melee (and +2 to strike, parry and dodge the target of this power)
furthermore, the character gains a knowledge of the target's fears and insecurities.
also, when used on a target with a genuine and applicable phobia, he gains double the normal SDC, 50% more PS and the HF rises by 2
The Character can choose not to transform. if so he may simply heal half as much SDC as he would have gained. he still is aware of the target's inner fears
Lastly, the character is keenly empathic (as per the empathy psionic power) but it only detects cruder emotions, (lust, fear, anger etc)
Duration: can be maintained for up to 10 minutes per level for an individual, or until the target is more than 100 feet away.
Drawbacks: once a target has fallen victim to this power, or succeeds in the save, he is immune to it for 24 hours.
Targets immune or resistant to fear do not rrigger this power. if the target becomes immune to fear during the course of this power then the fear related aspects vanish, though the character's assumed form remains.
This power may only be used once per round. the use of the power counts as one action, while the transformation is a second action.

Hyperport: [Major] By Iczer
'I'm back....and you all thought I was a crispy critter'

The character has the ability to absorb energy, using it to bend time and space for him.
1) Energy resistance: the character takes half damage from all forms of energy barring vibration, kinetic and sonic. this is when he is NOT deliberately absorbig energy of a specific type.
2) Absorb energy: The character may specifically designate one source or type of energy at the beginning of any given melee round. this counts as an action, and requires an action every melee round to maintain. The character becomes a sponge to that source or type of energy. seemingly immune, he simply builds it up within him until he reaches his limit and then...well who knows. His limit is His 20 points, plus his PE attribute number (+5 per level, starting at level 2) after this limit is breached it triggers one of the below abilities. the character can, at any time, expend an action to release all stored energy in a 30 foot radius sphere (inflicting 1d6 damage of the appropriate type for every 4 points stored up)
3) Limit breach: Teleport: The character chooses on his next action to teleport. he vanishes from the energy overload and reappears 1d4x10 yards away for every 4 points in his limit, plus another 10 feet for every point over his limit when he makes the jump. (alex with a limit of 35 Grabs a power line and takes 7d6 damage every round. after 2 rounds he has taken 44 damage. he teleports 8d4x10 feet for the first 32 points, plus another 90 feet on top of that. The character may make a save vs this power (14+, ME bonuses apply) to control the direction and or landing point a successful roll means the character can halve the distance, and even make a roll to strike to appear near an appropriate target. when he arrives he radiates an explosion of energy equal to 3d6 out to 15 feet of the appropriate energy)
4) Limit Breach: Time travel: The character may instead channel this power into travel through time. on his next action he moves forward in time 1 melee round for every 10 points of limit(round up) plus one melee round for every 4 points over his limit. when he arrives there is a pop and a rush of stored energy (3d6 out to 15 feet). a save vs this power (14+ ME bonuses apply) allows the character to reduce the time to as little as a melee round (arrives at the start of the new round)
5) Limit breach: dimensional jump: the character may simply use the stored energy to propel him to a known universe or dimension, or simply to any random dimension. he arrives with the same pop (3d6 damage out to 15 feet). This is risky though. he must save vs this power (14+ ME bonuses apply) or burn out this power for 10 minutes per point of limit, plus 30 minutes per point over his limit. the only aspect of this power that remains is his resistance to energy
6) overcharge: the character can also attempt to exceed his normal limit. by making a save vs this power (16+ PE bonuses apply) he may ignore the consequences of breaching his limit until the next melee round. every 20 points of energy damage, and every new round of initiative will require a new reroll. failure means an involuntary and possibly random limit breach plus a normal release of energy ( see #2) upon arrival plus No save to control the landing.

Liquify energy [Major] By Iczer
'ever been squirted by liquid flame. It's beautiful as well as deadly'

The character can cuase energy to transmute to a warm liquid, which follows the laws of nature as far as liquids go. held in liquid form, the energy becomes harmless, until it reverts to it's normal form.
1) disperse energy: the character can cause any form of energy within 30 feet to become liquid and thus drop to the ground and leach out of objects. the character can disperse 6d6 damage from a source of energy +1 d6 per level. with this the character can put out a fire, drain electricity from overhead powerlines (it drips to the ground) normal machines that rely on energy to run may make a save (14+ but high end, unsheilded electronics have -2) the superdevices of many superbeings as well as high tech robots and cyborgs need only a 10 to remain functioning. each act of dispersal counts as 2 actions, and energy remains in liquid form for 1 round, plus one round per level (at which point it becomes dangerous again each round losing 1d6+1 points of damage).
2) Resist energy: the character is immune to energy attacks that he can see and is aware off, the liquid simply bouncing off his body. this is a relfexive action, though he has a limit of 10 points, plus 10 points per level. damage in excess of this, or energy damage done by suprise is halved.
3) shape and pool liquid energy. The character can cuase pools of liquid energy to move and leap to attack others. any pool of energy can be hurled up to 30 feet (+10 feet per level) as an attack doing 4d6 damage (+1 per level but no more than is actually available) the pools may be made to move up to 30 feet as part of an action, even moving upstiars and up walls. this can move deadly liquid energy to a safelocation for when it reverts back to a dangerous state, or can be used to make a safe source of energy dangerous. as an attack the energy has +4 to strike.
4) other bonuses: +2 to PE, plus 1d4x10 to SDC


Alter Physical Structure: Ice Cream

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The purpose of powers is not always to have the fanciest or best. A person having speed powers will not always have the best one and it depends on how the character is envisioned.
To that end, I submit this somewhat limited power:

Alter Physical Structure: Ice Cream(Major)by Stone Gargoyle
Apologies. This was based on a character called Eye Scream who appeared in an issue of Crazy magazine and attempted to invade Avengers Mansion.

"They call me Rocky Road!"

This disturbing power allows the character to become whatever flavor ice cream he wants. The character can sense things normally when in ice cream form but cannot talk.

1. Change flavor of ice cream: Skill base: 80%+2% per level of experience
2. Ice cream balls: The character can scoop out speres of himself and throw them.
Range: 80 ft+5 ft per level of experience
Damage: 1 point each
Duration: ice cream melts after one melee round
Attacks: throwing an ice cream ball counts as one melee attack
3. Slow Melt: The character can turn to milky liquid in 1d6 melees
4. As slushy ice cream, the character can squish, puddle his physical form, moving at a third his normal speed. This means he can pour himself down a drain, through a keyhole, etc.
5. Limited Invulnerability: Physical attack do half damage but he can survive being split apart, which will happen if someone punches him. His pieces find each other and merge back together in 2d4 melee rounds. Vulnerable to fire and heat.
6.Other abilities, bonuses and penalties:
+50 SDC in ice cream form
Character radiates no heat as ice cream and cannot be detected by infared sensors.
Is worshipped by little kids; Awe Factor: 14. Horror factor of 8 to everyone else.
May have a phobia of spoons and syrup and paranoia about getting eaten.

:D [/b]

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:40 pm
by abe
cartoon physics
think mykiplyk(supermans weirdest enimy)
you have all the powers of cartoons
can't fall unless you look down
be squished by a steamroller then pop up with any sorce of air(bicical pump for example)
not sure what other powers in animated shorts you might get though,but you have all of them

Cartoon Physics

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I will have to post my Altered Physical Structure:Toon sometime.
You could define it a bit more into game terms.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:04 pm
by abe
that WAS the best I could define it!

Alter Pysical Structure: Toon

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
This was inspired by Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and Cool World.

Alter Physical Structure:Toon(Major)by Stone Gargoyle
"I don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard."

The character with this power taps into another dimension to use cartoon physics to his advantage.

1.Cartoon Violence and Physics: None of the toon's attack damage is permanent, disappearing in 1d6 rounds following the character's attack. If an opponent shoud "die" from the attach, his essence/spirit wil take cartoon form, complete with angel wings and harp, unable to leave the area of its body; once the toon character is out of range, the opponent will be magically resurrected, but by that time hopefully the cops will have arrived.
By drawing an exit on a wall the player can escape, as humans cannot use this. Drawing a landscape creates a temporary pocKet dimension for the toon to walk up into.
2.Increased SDC and Regeneration: The Toon character's body is resilient, having natural AR(12, or at GM's discretion) and increased SDC(set at a flat 350). The Toon character has no hit points in toon form. Further, the character can quickly regenerate damage, popping bullets back out and puling himself back together if cut in half or retrieving body parts that have been pulled off. They can be reattached only if severed parts are rejoined to the body within an hour. It takes only one melee round for the inky substance of the toon body to close wounds. As long as the character SDC is greater than his hit points in human form the character can turn back to normal. If the character dies in toon form, he stays a toon but is drawn into the toon universe.
3.Contortionist: The character goes beyond doublejointedness, as he has no bones; gets the escape artist skill automatically at a base of 90%. The toon character can be smashed flat and still pop back, though he might appear accordionlike and have stars or birdies circling his head. This gives a bonus of 20% to gymnastics, acrobatics and other skills requiring flexibility.
4. Impervious to explosives: The Toon character takes no damage from explosives, though they do darken his clothing for 2 melees.
5.Flatten Self: The character can become flat to slip under doors or flatten against walls, adding 20% to the prowl ability.
6.Sonic Speed: The character can only use this twice per day and only for the purpose of running through a wall or walls, leaving a broken outline, when escaping a failed save from Horror Factor, usually following popped out eyeballs and hair standing on end. If unable to use this power following said failed save, the character will use Temporary Death instead.
7.Temporary Death: If the Toon character is hit by a critical strike, regardless of the damage, or ha fails a save vs. Horror Factor, the character can feign death. This involves sticking out his tonge in a sickly manner, having his eyes turn to
"(X)(X)", and clasping his heart( a daisy appearing out of nowhere), then collapsing. A cartoony angel will fly out of him and look around before flying back into the character after one full melee round. The character is immune to any attack while this sequence plays out.
The character can also choose to use this as an escape by making the ground upen up and then bury him, a tombstone popping up. Instead of having the angel come back to him, the angel flies off and transforms back to the character's human form. In this case, the character is prone to attack in toon angel form, which flies at a slow 15mph.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Physical strength is etraordinary in toon form
The character's weight is a fifth of what it is as a human.
Radiates no heat in Toon form, thus cannot be deteced by infared or heat sensors.
Awe Factor: 5(12 among small children)
Limitations and penalties:
The character takes twice damage from acid and the damage cannot be regenerated as a toon. The character is also vulnerable to erasers and can be captured by being sucked into a pen.
'Noids do not have sex with doodles: Sex with a human while in toon form will cause the two universes to merge and everyone to turn into toons.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Is there anyone here to respond or am I just wasting my time in this thread? I have many powers to share, but am thinking that it is pointless and not worth my time to do so if none else are sharing. :(

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:43 pm
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Is there anyone here to respond or am I just wasting my time in this thread? I have many powers to share, but am thinking that it is pointless and not worth my time to do so if none else are sharing. :(
APS TOON is interesting. I dont see myself using it in a campaign as an NPC or PC, but others might.