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Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:48 pm
by say652
26. A small high tech city, roughly knee high, the characters appear Kaiju size!

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:02 pm
by taalismn
27. A postage stamp, un-canceled, roughly a meter on a side. The image depicts a tentacled creature in a santa suit, and has English lettering and numerals denoting it as 'U.S. Postage. Forever Stamp"

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:20 pm
by say652
28. A lemonade stand

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:22 pm
by taalismn

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:50 pm
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:


Bah, not to me too there is already a lemonade stand that point to the thread in a different list... means they're twice as common as any other single item :)

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:37 pm
by taalismn
Zer0 Kay wrote:
taalismn wrote:


Bah, not to me too there is already a lemonade stand that point to the thread in a different list... means they're twice as common as any other single item :)

Deep-fried Squirrel Stand?

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:11 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Is that number 29. ?

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:42 pm
by taalismn
29. Deep-fried Squirrel Stand. Two credits a stick. Extra for condiments.

30. Ambush---Characters find themselves surrounded by their party's number x6 in silent, uniformed squirrels. They have body armor(4 MDC each), the equivalent of .22 caliber SMGs, cyborg finger grenades, and plasma/laser derringers. Any member of the party eating a deep-fried squirrel on a stick will be approached and forced to relinquish the squirrel-fritter(s), which will be borne away with solemn ceremony. The offending character MAY(30% chance) get their kneecap(s) shot off or their face pistol-whipped before the squirrels disappear back into the brush.

31. Remains of Muskrat-inna-Bun stand, still burning. The body of the stand's operator lays nearby, covered in fried dough. There is no muskrat in the remains of the stand.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:00 pm
by abtex
Links to all of the Lists:
(This time I check them and they go to the right postings :frust: )

List 01
List 02
List 03
List 04
List 05
List 06
List 07
List 08
List 09
List 10
List 11

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:28 pm
by taalismn
32. Box of Chocolate Wafers---Anybody eating one must save versus magic or bloat to 8x their current weight, and reduce APMs, SPD, and bonuses to 1. Effects last 1 hour; or 4d6 minutes if an antacid is eaten. Eating another wafer will cause them to explode.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:40 pm
by Zer0 Kay
abtex wrote:Links to all of the Lists:
(This time I check them and they go to the right postings :frust: )

List 01
List 02
List 03
List 04
List 05
List 06
List 07
List 08
List 09
List 10
List 11

You should post those to the stickied random item link topic.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:59 am
by abtex
It's Done

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:56 pm
by taalismn
33. Pile of Leaves---About 6 ft high. Anybody jumping in it takes 1d6x10 damage from the bear trap hidden inside.

34. Book: 2001 Sexual Propositions, Pick-up Lines, Approaches, and Positions, by Zeus, Thundergod. Most of the listed contents are only possible if you're a god, possess shape-changing abilities, or have superhuman stamina.

35. Book: Keeping Them on a Leash: A Guide to Keeping Your Mate Under Lock, Key, and Chain, by Hera. Most of the measures in the book either require insanely hard to obtain high-strength metals, or would be painfully lethal to the normal person.

36. Book: Divine Child Support: How to Extract It When It's Due, by the Association of Mothers of Demigods. Anybody using the suggested contact methods in the book better have the positive DNA test results ready at hand, otherwise a god bothered for a frivolous reason is an ANNOYED god.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:26 pm
by Zer0 Kay
abtex wrote:It's Done

Awesomeness. Now if there was just a way to post an excel spreadsheet file. With formulas.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:27 pm
by taalismn
37. A bag of left-over Halloween candy, surrounded by 2d6 dead faerie folk(of the smaller varieties). (GM's option: the faeries aren't actually dead, just comatose from over-indulgence. They'll be out of it for the next 2d4 hours, and will have a 50% chance of being SPECTACULALY sick upon waking up...i.e. projectile vomiting on everybody in sight)

38. The remains of a smashed pumpkin...with a brain inside. Closer examination will show the brain is a cauliflower.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:14 pm
by Zer0 Kay
39. You take 1d4 damage to your foot MD or SD. You found a Lego.

40. There is something on your face... it's PAIN. Take 1d4 to the face.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:45 pm
by say652
41. A tear in the 4th dimensional wall.
Everybody at the game table, leave your dice and character sheet, then move one seat to your left. Including GM....
The rip corrects itself next gaming session.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:56 am
by Zer0 Kay
42. A paddle, cuz you deserve it.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:12 am
by taalismn
43. 2d6 human teeth. Looks like somebody had some violent dental work done(10% chance of a gold cap worth 4d6 credits amongst the teeth).

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:52 pm
by Shorty Lickens

A burned out copy of Fallout 12. For the Atari Zero Home Flaggelation system.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:03 am
by taalismn
44. A suit of Northern Gun Samson NG-x9 Power Armor, heavily customized apparently as a *koff* marital aide for *ahem* "consorting* with Jotan or Titans. Seeing some of the 'accessories" built on it can have an effect similar to Horror Factor 13; 01-50% chance of eliciting titters, 51-00% of stunning with the mental images of how it's supposed to go into 'action'. Perfectly usable as power armor, though it lacks any military weapons, and you'd probably want to thoroughly clean it off inside and out. Could probably bring 25% over the normal cost of a used NG-X9 if you found certain niche buyers...but asking around would get you some odd looks at the very least.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:48 pm
by Zer0 Kay
45. You find a tube that is four feet in diameter and 12' long. It must be some sort of decayed plumbing tube. It is no longer ridged the plastic somehow degrading into an extremely elastic material that makes the inner surface of the tube of Malia le diameter. Inspection of the interior reveals ribbing and bumps. What chemical was flushed down this tube to do this? Imagine the chaos that would ensue if any human settlement had this happen to its PVC sewage pipes...

46. You find packaging. An 12 foot long box with alien writing on it. Whatever was in it has been removed. There are pictures of several species of attractive giantesses holding something that is either a giant flashlight that is out of proportion even for them or a giant sized... Giant sized drink cup. After some translation it is discovered that it is indeed a Fle... No that doesn't make sense, translation error, it is a flash light... Now why the naked giantesses?

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:04 am
by taalismn
47. A Rubber Ball Gag...with four incisors stuck in it.

48. The rear pelvic plates of a suit of heavy EBA, with the imprint of a boot toe embossed in them. MDC material-wise the find could be sold to a recycler for 2d4x10 credits.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:02 am
by Zer0 Kay
49. A pelvic plate under your knee and a breastplate in your hand. Your surprised a part of it is malleable the Shemarian is surprised your squeezing it. As you realize what is going on, you uncontrollably start trying to explain that it was an accident. You are summarily smacked. Leaving a well defined handprint but no other damage than PAIN, which is what was on your face. From now on every Shemarrian will refer to you as Hentai, but will remain unhostile as long as you do not provoke them.

49. A magic lab with a cardboard box, a card board box on wheels, a sealed cardboard box and a sealed cardboard box on wheels. There are also working monitors that show the position of identical labs in space. One is in geosynchronous orbit, another is in a standard orbit, another is at a LaGrange point and another on the moon.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:31 am
by CyCo


Other than being a MDC critter, he has typical stats for a mid sized dog. His only magic abilities (other than the MDC), is the ability to track his new master through space & time with a 100% chance of success. The ability to teleport/dimensional travel/time travel to his masters precise location, again with a 100% success rate. He can even 'travel' to locations that are in a magical null zone, or are blocked by some other means. No matter when/where his master is, he will be able to find and go to his beloved master. He can't bring anyone else along, or any thing else, other than himself. None of this is apparent because Rufus only uses this ability when his Master is no longer there when he brings the thrown object back. His chance of bringing the precise object thrown back is only 20%. 70% of the time, he doesn't find anything. The remaining 10%, roll on a Randomer Item Table. His last magical ability is the ability to penetrate any device/magical/psychic/other shield used to block telepathic transmissions.

If you want to get rid of Rufus, you simply tell him that he's a bad dog and point away from yourself. But if you do that, EVERYONE will know, and you'll have a minimum -50% chance on any social interaction. More if they're a canine (Dog Boy, or even a dog headed demon), or a dog lover. This includes buying a beer at the local taven, that new jet bike you've been dreaming about, picking up a date, bargaining that new merc contract, etc. If in a group, you can lessen this to a degree, but only to a base of -25%, as you're known to be in the company of 'that person' who banished Rufus.

This social penalty lasts for 1d3+1 months, or until you make a sizable donation (GM to determine based on their campaign, should be a few million credits at least) to the ASPCA. If you mistakenly donate to PETA, the penalty lasts a full year.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:32 pm
by taalismn
51. A small nautical telescope. Looking through the eyepiece will get you squirted in the eye with a jet of sea water.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:17 pm
by Zer0 Kay
52. A Seaman's telescope... Um... Yeah not putting that one up to my eye. Nope... NOT gonna happen at this juncture, not gonna.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:18 pm
by taalismn
53. A small hairbrush. Anybody using it makes a save versus magic, or start losing hair in big clumps. Yep, it's cursed with Baldness.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:59 pm
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:53. A small hairbrush. Anybody using it makes a save versus magic, or start losing hair in big clumps. Yep, it's cursed with Baldness.

Uh... Is that only in the location it is used?
Stop looking at me like that.
Seriously, I was thinking of facial hair and nose hair and the unsightly ear hair.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:04 am
by Zer0 Kay
54. You find a coinpurse. Inside is one PFRPG Dragon coin complete with gems. If the coin is removed the person taking the coin grows a coinpurse or a second coinpurse depending on gender... Yup the item is cursed with male pattern ballness.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:32 pm
by taalismn
Zer0 Kay wrote:
taalismn wrote:53. A small hairbrush. Anybody using it makes a save versus magic, or start losing hair in big clumps. Yep, it's cursed with Baldness.

Uh... Is that only in the location it is used?
Stop looking at me like that.
Seriously, I was thinking of facial hair and nose hair and the unsightly ear hair.

55. Nose/Ear Hair Clipper----Unfortunately, it is a CURSED nose/ear hair clipper. Any attempt to use it has a 50% chance of it clamping onto the person's nose (or ear) and refusing to disengage. Simply trying to tear it off will do 2d6 damage(SDC or MDC depending on the creature being nose/ear-clamped) and the clipper will magically reappear back on the person's nose(or ear). A magic forcefield or Armor of Ithan spell will prevent it from re-attaching. A successful Field Surgery roll can remove it with only 1d4 damage, but the problem of the nose/ear clippers magically re-attaching remains. Only a magic forcefield, successful Remove Curse or Dispel magic can permanently remove the clippers. What the hell was the circumstances leading to the creation of this particular cursed item is unknown.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:17 am
by CyCo

A squidgun. By this I mean a land squid with a gun. By land squid I mean like squid you find in the oceans, but on land. And my oceans, I mean the deepest of deep ocean trenches. So, I mean a Kraken. A Kraken that has been chased out of his deep watery home by the Lord of the Deep, and is very, very annoyed by this fact. And by annoyed, I mean, he's meaner than the Incredible Hulk has ever been. In fact, it would make the Hulk's greatest rage storm look like a childs temper tantrum. Oh, and by guns, I mean 4 revolvers the size of a small submarine. And by revolvers, I actually mean chainguns made from 6 Boomguns each, so that each 'gun' revolves around a center point, much like a chaingun. And each obviously dealing damage as per a Boomgun.

Mr Kraken is wearing the latest in water-to-land wear, capable of withstanding the wrath of a lesser Old One, with all the capabilities to keep his skin nice and wet for several months worth of land based carnage. Needless to say, this suit is very fashionable, and gives him +100% with any bargaining attempt (well, either it's that, or it's the simple fact that it's Mr Kraken wanting to take all your Boomgun ammunition. He's obviously very persuasive....).

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:48 pm
by Zer0 Kay
CyCo wrote:#56

A squidgun. By this I mean a land squid with a gun. By land squid I mean like squid you find in the oceans, but on land. And my oceans, I mean the deepest of deep ocean trenches. So, I mean a Kraken. A Kraken that has been chased out of his deep watery home by the Lord of the Deep, and is very, very annoyed by this fact. And by annoyed, I mean, he's meaner than the Incredible Hulk has ever been. In fact, it would make the Hulk's greatest rage storm look like a childs temper tantrum. Oh, and by guns, I mean 4 revolvers the size of a small submarine. And by revolvers, I actually mean chainguns made from 6 Boomguns each, so that each 'gun' revolves around a center point, much like a chaingun. And each obviously dealing damage as per a Boomgun.

Mr Kraken is wearing the latest in water-to-land wear, capable of withstanding the wrath of a lesser Old One, with all the capabilities to keep his skin nice and wet for several months worth of land based carnage. Needless to say, this suit is very fashionable, and gives him +100% with any bargaining attempt (well, either it's that, or it's the simple fact that it's Mr Kraken wanting to take all your Boomgun ammunition. He's obviously very persuasive....).

A Gatling style gun is multi-barreled. Chainguns are single barreled. A chaingun is different from most other guns because it doesn't use recoil to cycle, it is mechanically actuated with a chain drive (legend has it the prototype used the designer's Harley chain) because it is mechanically driven it is more reliable and capable of unjamming some misfires on its own.

Other than that common error, FREAKING HILARIOUS.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 2:33 pm
by taalismn
#57. A group of 2d6 turkeys. No, not a flock, a GROUP. You can tell they're turkeys by the fact they're wearing 'Prosek RULEZ!' t-shirts in the middle of the Magic Zone while drinking bogus psi-cola and playing with plastic light-sabers. Approaching them will get you warned off with something like 'Hey, dust off, @$$huls, we're REALLY powerful mages and this is our street!' or some other preposterous un-backable threat of bodily harm. Robbing them ain't even worth the effort, netting you only 2d6 credits worth of barterable items. How the hell did these punks expect to survive out here in the real world?

#58. A flock of 3d6 turkeys. At least they're turkeys until you try to catch any for dinner, in which case they are revealed to be a group of pack-hunting giantT Rex-like creatures disguised by illusion magic. Now who's on the menu?

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:30 pm
by Zer0 Kay
59 - Wild Turkey, you find a barrel full of it, at less that's what its labeled. It seems more like alcohol than some liquid form of poultry. Hmm, wrong label maybe.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:26 pm
by taalismn
#60. An 80-ft diameter cranberry. Yes, a SINGLE cranberry. If you can somehow process it, you're looking at at least 2d6x100 credits' worth of cranberry sauce if you make sure not to flood the local market. If you CAN'T process it, you're looking at one stinking heap of compost over the next six months.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:50 am
by CyCo
Zer0 Kay wrote:
CyCo wrote:#56

A squidgun. By this I mean a land squid with a gun. By land squid I mean like squid you find in the oceans, but on land. And my oceans, I mean the deepest of deep ocean trenches. So, I mean a Kraken. A Kraken that has been chased out of his deep watery home by the Lord of the Deep, and is very, very annoyed by this fact. And by annoyed, I mean, he's meaner than the Incredible Hulk has ever been. In fact, it would make the Hulk's greatest rage storm look like a childs temper tantrum. Oh, and by guns, I mean 4 revolvers the size of a small submarine. And by revolvers, I actually mean chainguns made from 6 Boomguns each, so that each 'gun' revolves around a center point, much like a chaingun. And each obviously dealing damage as per a Boomgun.

Mr Kraken is wearing the latest in water-to-land wear, capable of withstanding the wrath of a lesser Old One, with all the capabilities to keep his skin nice and wet for several months worth of land based carnage. Needless to say, this suit is very fashionable, and gives him +100% with any bargaining attempt (well, either it's that, or it's the simple fact that it's Mr Kraken wanting to take all your Boomgun ammunition. He's obviously very persuasive....).

A Gatling style gun is multi-barreled. Chainguns are single barreled. A chaingun is different from most other guns because it doesn't use recoil to cycle, it is mechanically actuated with a chain drive (legend has it the prototype used the designer's Harley chain) because it is mechanically driven it is more reliable and capable of unjamming some misfires on its own.

Other than that common error, FREAKING HILARIOUS.

Eeh, I blame the late nite post. lol Glad you like. 8p

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:41 pm
by Zer0 Kay
CyCo wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
CyCo wrote:#56

A squidgun. By this I mean a land squid with a gun. By land squid I mean like squid you find in the oceans, but on land. And my oceans, I mean the deepest of deep ocean trenches. So, I mean a Kraken. A Kraken that has been chased out of his deep watery home by the Lord of the Deep, and is very, very annoyed by this fact. And by annoyed, I mean, he's meaner than the Incredible Hulk has ever been. In fact, it would make the Hulk's greatest rage storm look like a childs temper tantrum. Oh, and by guns, I mean 4 revolvers the size of a small submarine. And by revolvers, I actually mean chainguns made from 6 Boomguns each, so that each 'gun' revolves around a center point, much like a chaingun. And each obviously dealing damage as per a Boomgun.

Mr Kraken is wearing the latest in water-to-land wear, capable of withstanding the wrath of a lesser Old One, with all the capabilities to keep his skin nice and wet for several months worth of land based carnage. Needless to say, this suit is very fashionable, and gives him +100% with any bargaining attempt (well, either it's that, or it's the simple fact that it's Mr Kraken wanting to take all your Boomgun ammunition. He's obviously very persuasive....).

A Gatling style gun is multi-barreled. Chainguns are single barreled. A chaingun is different from most other guns because it doesn't use recoil to cycle, it is mechanically actuated with a chain drive (legend has it the prototype used the designer's Harley chain) because it is mechanically driven it is more reliable and capable of unjamming some misfires on its own.

Other than that common error, FREAKING HILARIOUS.

Eeh, I blame the late nite post. lol Glad you like. 8p

Especially all the by x I mean b.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:05 am
by taalismn
#61. A clip-fed blunderbuss, with a flintlock action, but a 6-shot autofeed clip and self-cocking action. It has 1d6 shots left, has an effective range of 100 ft, does 4d6 SDC, and has 'Plymouth Armory' stamped on its stock.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:20 pm
by Zer0 Kay
62 - A revolver longbow. A long bow with standard range and damage but doesn't require so much time to pull an arrow and nock it. For six shots the fire rate for the bow is doubled.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:16 am
by CyCo

A revolver. Capable of burst fire. Does 2d6x10 damage when burst fired. Only capable of burst fire. Also has a safety switch, with additional damage settings. Capable of HP/SDC/MDC/ and Sparkle* damage.

*Ever seen the nerd rage from someone when they first found out that the vampires in the Twilight series didn't get burnt to a crisp in the sun, but instead 'sparkled'? Yeah, it's hideous to see. That's Sparkle damage. Game effect depends on the GM. But as a suggestion, any nerd based characters will have their heads exploded automatically, and everyone else will loose 2d12 hours of their life arguing the point without ever realizing it. These individuals won't even notice that their friends heads have exploded, but will still carrying on arguing why does it really matter anyway for the allotted time dictated by the dice. This will even happen in the middle of combat.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:42 pm
by taalismn
#63. A Repeating Slingshot. Does only 1d4 SDC damage per shot, but yanking back on the elastic, letting fly, and holding it aimed at the same target afterwards will cause a magical 'ripple' that will fire an additional 1d8 telekinetic bullets to slam into the target(counts as one attack).

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:39 pm
by Zer0 Kay
64 - Tomahawk cruise missile. This Tomahawk, when thrown will cruise to the target and by cruise I mean fly slowly. It is easily dodgeable but instantly changes course so as to not get stuck in anything. It will continue to home in on its target until it hits. Days, months, years... Centuries, doesn't matter. Will knock at doors untill they are opened or it detects the target has left the building. The damage sustained by a strike is so negligible that it can't even pass through a glass window, where it must also stop to knock. The tomahawk always flies upright and doesn't spin blade in the direction of travel. Continuously make a screeching like a tie fighter only MUCH worse because it is flying soooooo slow. Oh, yeah the rocket part of a missile. Out the narrow end of the metal head opposite the cutting edge (which does normal cutting damage... When used by hand) spews forth puffs of smoke and sparks like a cheesy black and white sci-fi movie where you can see the string the rocket is traveling along. The puffs of smoke stay exactly where they were made, walking into them doesn't even disturb them appearing after you pass as if it wasn't even touched. The puffs of smoke stay until the tomahawk's edge contacts its target.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:11 pm
by taalismn
65. Nerfed BoomGun---Looks like a relly powerful, souped-up BoomGun. It looks the same, weighs the same, operates the same...except that when fired, the ammo is transformed into harmless sponge-rubber projectiles. No matter how one tries to tinker with the innards, or change the ammunition, the result is the same; absolutely harmless BFG.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:24 pm
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:65. Nerfed BoomGun---Looks like a relly powerful, souped-up BoomGun. It looks the same, weighs the same, operates the same...except that when fired, the ammo is transformed into harmless sponge-rubber projectiles. No matter how one tries to tinker with the innards, or change the ammunition, the result is the same; absolutely harmless BFG.

Well if we broke from SDC no matter how many rounds never equal MDC to .50 cal SDC = MDC with enough rounds... Then with enough rounds no SDC becomes SDC. ;)

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:45 pm
by taalismn
Zer0 Kay wrote:
taalismn wrote:65. Nerfed BoomGun---Looks like a relly powerful, souped-up BoomGun. It looks the same, weighs the same, operates the same...except that when fired, the ammo is transformed into harmless sponge-rubber projectiles. No matter how one tries to tinker with the innards, or change the ammunition, the result is the same; absolutely harmless BFG.

Well if we broke from SDC no matter how many rounds never equal MDC to .50 cal SDC = MDC with enough rounds... Then with enough rounds no SDC becomes SDC. ;)

It does Tickle Damage..... :|

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:55 pm
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
taalismn wrote:65. Nerfed BoomGun---Looks like a relly powerful, souped-up BoomGun. It looks the same, weighs the same, operates the same...except that when fired, the ammo is transformed into harmless sponge-rubber projectiles. No matter how one tries to tinker with the innards, or change the ammunition, the result is the same; absolutely harmless BFG.

Well if we broke from SDC no matter how many rounds never equal MDC to .50 cal SDC = MDC with enough rounds... Then with enough rounds no SDC becomes SDC. ;)

It does Tickle Damage..... :|

:lol: Uh yeah we'd be lucky if that was TD and not Structural Tickle Damage, the gift that keeps on giving.

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:28 pm
by Borast
Zer0 Kay wrote:62 - A revolver longbow. A long bow with standard range and damage but doesn't require so much time to pull an arrow and nock it. For six shots the fire rate for the bow is doubled. fires revolvers? ;) :lol:

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:20 am
by abtex
taalismn wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
taalismn wrote:65. Nerfed BoomGun---Looks like a relly powerful, souped-up BoomGun. It looks the same, weighs the same, operates the same...except that when fired, the ammo is transformed into harmless sponge-rubber projectiles. No matter how one tries to tinker with the innards, or change the ammunition, the result is the same; absolutely harmless BFG.

Well if we broke from SDC no matter how many rounds never equal MDC to .50 cal SDC = MDC with enough rounds... Then with enough rounds no SDC becomes SDC. ;)

It does Tickle Damage..... :|

How large are the bruises? :eek: :D

Re: randomer item table

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:56 pm
by Zer0 Kay
abtex wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
taalismn wrote:65. Nerfed BoomGun---Looks like a relly powerful, souped-up BoomGun. It looks the same, weighs the same, operates the same...except that when fired, the ammo is transformed into harmless sponge-rubber projectiles. No matter how one tries to tinker with the innards, or change the ammunition, the result is the same; absolutely harmless BFG.

Well if we broke from SDC no matter how many rounds never equal MDC to .50 cal SDC = MDC with enough rounds... Then with enough rounds no SDC becomes SDC. ;)

It does Tickle Damage..... :|

How large are the bruises? :eek: :D

Well if it is Tickle Damage then none. If it is Structural Tickle Damage than there may be an itching or burning at the site, sores may occur in some cases, in the worst you may become lethargic and find yourself extreme susceptible to any sickness. Remember there may be no cure for Structural Tickle Damage but there is always a treatment since people can't seem to keep their dart guns in their holsters.