Page 23 of 121

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:10 pm
by wolfsgrin
Light of Thousand Suns: The character can emit
a light blast so powerfull that only leaves the shadow
and ash of its target(equal to the light produced by a
nuclear blast). Those able to withstand the blast are
subject to blindness due to the intense light that is produced.
In some cases it could cause serious burn damage to the
eyes themselves. Can also ignite flamable materials
1. Expulsion When the light hits its target, the object
or person will be surounded by a dome of light
Range: 300ft. dome has a 3ft radius +1ft at everyother
level starting at level 3 on the tagert. 35% +3% per level
chance of igniting nearby flamables: 10ft radius
Damage: 1D4x10 +5 per level (damage cannot
be regulated) -6 to all combat bonuses if blinded by the
attack and those within a 10ft radius of target that are looking
at it(they suffer half from blindness).
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Uses up 2 attacks and can only be
used once per round +1 more at levels 3,9,15
Bonuses: +3 aimed +1 wild
2. Arua Blast Basically a blinding falsh that surrounds
the user. Doing less damgage but having the same effect on
those within range.
Radius: 10ft+2 per level
Damage: 3d6+1d6 per level plus blinding those within
it and anyone looking at it within a 10ft radius of the aura
(outside only suffer half the blind penalty) Also same chance of
igniting flamables within a 10ft radius
Attacks per Melee: 2 but can used more the once per
Duration: Instant

**** Blindness Duration: for both is 1D6 melees and those outside get half the duration rolled.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:20 pm
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Woodsy Wings(Major)by Twisted Gargoyle :D

The character has large wings resembling tree branches.

1.Survive Without Food
The hero absorbs sunlight and water from the environment, allowing him to survive indefinitely as long as enough sunlight and water are available(photosynthesis). No damage is taken from light or water based attacks to wings.

2.Winged Flight
The character has a wingspan of 16 to 20 feet. The wings can be hidden or pulled back, but this will impair his mobility. Penalties for doing so are as follows: -1 initiative; -1 to strike, parry and dodge; loses 1 attack per round; speed reduced by 10%
The character can fly at a speed of 90mph, +10mph per level.
Bonuses in Flight:
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to dodge under 80mph, + 6 to dodge flying faster
+4 damage per 20mph of flying speed

3.Natural Armor
Wings have a natural armor of 8 to protect from attacks from behind(or above when flying). No damage is taken for rolls under 8.
Can parry with wings with a bonus of +2 only, other combat bonuses not applicable.
Can slap opponents with a wing for 1d6 damage. Can attack with both simultaneously( damage 2d6). If attacking simultaneously with 2 wings, there is a knockout or stun on a natural 17-20.
The wings provide an SDC bonus of +40, with the SDC of each wing being 40.

4.Wing Regeneration
Since the wings are plantlike, they can be regrown after being totally blown off, but this takes 1d4+1 months, with the wing starting out as a scrawny, shriveled appendage. Otherwise the wings heal at twice the normal rate.

5.Create and Hurl Acorns:
The character can create and hurl acorns, throwing three in a single attack. Generates 3 per wing at level 1, plus an additional 3 at levels 3,6,9,12,and 15
Damage:1d4 per acorn
Bonus to Strike:+3 aimed, +1 wild
Duration: Instant; creates 3 acorns in 3d6 melee rounds
Attacks: Throwing 1-3 acorns uses 1 melee attack/action

6.Stunts and Special maneuvers:

Whirlwind Attack:
the character can use a "dust devil" effect with the leaves on his wings. (maybe with existing leaves in the mix as well) Primarily a blinding attack and wreaks havoc with radar and other senses of that nature. While also causing a little bit of damage. The leaves are spinning fast enough to cause little paper like cuts to the victim or victims
Blinding: -4 to all actions
Damage: 2d4+1 per level per 15 seconds (melee)
Range:25+5 ft radius per level around character

Dropping Leaves:
the character can flap the wings and release the leaves, causing penalties to people in the area because it's full of falling leaves. Anyone under 200 pounds passing through the pile of leaves must reduce speed by 50% or risk slipping (01-40%chance). Characters over 200 pounds need not worry, however.

7.Other Bonuses
+1d4 to PE
Immune to plant toxins, +4 to save vs. other types of poisons/toxins
Double damage from fire and plasma attacks
Natural camoflage provides +20% to prowl in wooded areas

One of my player, Ammon, suggested that this might even be a subcategory in which we could have various types of wings and attacks based on different types of trees.


shouldn't there be a wolfsgrin in the credit :D
the whirlwind thingy was mine. just thought i'd point it out Mr Stone sir. not to be pointing out my handy work but....point! point! point! lol :angel:

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 9:06 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
wolfsgrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Woodsy Wings(Major)by Twisted Gargoyle :D

The character has large wings resembling tree branches.

1.Survive Without Food
The hero absorbs sunlight and water from the environment, allowing him to survive indefinitely as long as enough sunlight and water are available(photosynthesis). No damage is taken from light or water based attacks to wings.

2.Winged Flight
The character has a wingspan of 16 to 20 feet. The wings can be hidden or pulled back, but this will impair his mobility. Penalties for doing so are as follows: -1 initiative; -1 to strike, parry and dodge; loses 1 attack per round; speed reduced by 10%
The character can fly at a speed of 90mph, +10mph per level.
Bonuses in Flight:
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to dodge under 80mph, + 6 to dodge flying faster
+4 damage per 20mph of flying speed

3.Natural Armor
Wings have a natural armor of 8 to protect from attacks from behind(or above when flying). No damage is taken for rolls under 8.
Can parry with wings with a bonus of +2 only, other combat bonuses not applicable.
Can slap opponents with a wing for 1d6 damage. Can attack with both simultaneously( damage 2d6). If attacking simultaneously with 2 wings, there is a knockout or stun on a natural 17-20.
The wings provide an SDC bonus of +40, with the SDC of each wing being 40.

4.Wing Regeneration
Since the wings are plantlike, they can be regrown after being totally blown off, but this takes 1d4+1 months, with the wing starting out as a scrawny, shriveled appendage. Otherwise the wings heal at twice the normal rate.

5.Create and Hurl Acorns:
The character can create and hurl acorns, throwing three in a single attack. Generates 3 per wing at level 1, plus an additional 3 at levels 3,6,9,12,and 15
Damage:1d4 per acorn
Bonus to Strike:+3 aimed, +1 wild
Duration: Instant; creates 3 acorns in 3d6 melee rounds
Attacks: Throwing 1-3 acorns uses 1 melee attack/action

6.Stunts and Special maneuvers:

Whirlwind Attack:
the character can use a "dust devil" effect with the leaves on his wings. (maybe with existing leaves in the mix as well) Primarily a blinding attack and wreaks havoc with radar and other senses of that nature. While also causing a little bit of damage. The leaves are spinning fast enough to cause little paper like cuts to the victim or victims
Blinding: -4 to all actions
Damage: 2d4+1 per level per 15 seconds (melee)
Range:25+5 ft radius per level around character

Dropping Leaves:
the character can flap the wings and release the leaves, causing penalties to people in the area because it's full of falling leaves. Anyone under 200 pounds passing through the pile of leaves must reduce speed by 50% or risk slipping (01-40%chance). Characters over 200 pounds need not worry, however.

7.Other Bonuses
+1d4 to PE
Immune to plant toxins, +4 to save vs. other types of poisons/toxins
Double damage from fire and plasma attacks
Natural camoflage provides +20% to prowl in wooded areas

One of my player, Ammon, suggested that this might even be a subcategory in which we could have various types of wings and attacks based on different types of trees.


shouldn't there be a wolfsgrin in the credit :D
the whirlwind thingy was mine. just thought i'd point it out Mr Stone sir. not to be pointing out my handy work but....point! point! point! lol :angel:

Sorry. I neglected to note who gave what idea, but it is fixed now. I am not trying to take undue credit or take away from anyone.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:28 pm
by wolfsgrin
i didn't take it that way. thanks. :D i hardly ever contribute. i always feel what post is a little lack luster. Guess I liked seeing my idea used and gave into the darkside. the ego is fun :lol: however the rest of the power is pretty cool. got a forest spirit themed gestalt in mind. maybe a giant squirrel. big choppers. :demon:
anyways i'd like to start putting down more and help keep this thread alive.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:29 am
by Prince Cherico
Phantom Orchestra


Play musical intrements-
The charater can play any musical intrement at
80% +5% per level of experence. This can go over the
100% limit allowing the charater to create mind blowing
musical preformances. Can not be used for offense.

Voice of an angel
Has the singing skill at 80% Plus 5% per level of experence

Write music-
The charater can write good music that will last for all time
and can instintivly read music. the skill is at 70% +5% per
level of experence. This can go over 100% and allows the
charater to be one of the ledgens

Natural rythem- The charater has Auto dodge +3 this applys to
the instruments the charater uses. This auto dodge gets +1 every
third level for instruments and +1 for the charater himself every
5th level.

Phantom orcestra-
The charater can telekinetically lift, move and play musical instrements
he can use 10 instrements per level of experence. This power lasts
as long as the charater concentrates and he must burn a melee action
every round to maintain it.

FLight- The charater can fly at 100 MPH +20 MPH every level

Inspire- When the charater activates his phantom ocestra power
he has a Awe factor of 14. And his allies gain +4 to to all combat
relatated rolls and +20% to skill rolls.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:19 am
by MrTwist
Lord Cherico wrote:

FLight- The charater can fly at 100 MPH +20 MPH every level

Where does this come into play?

Or better yet, why?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:40 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Property Alteration Field [Major] by Roscoe Del'Tane

Heh heh, something wrong wit yer boomstick boy? No quality in todays weapons, no siree Bob.

This power allows the user to alter the physical properties of various inananimate objects.

1. Single Item P.A.F.
Description: User can change how physics and science works in a small space. For example, if facing an electrically powered opponent while standing in water, they can alter the water to not conduct electricity, or something to that effect. Gunpowder could be altered to stop or slow the chemical reaction, or to accelerate it to destroy the gun. The player must explain what he is doing, and make it convincing, they can't just say "I use P.A.F. to stop the attack."
Range: 200 ft. +20 per additional level of experience, and the user must be able to clearly see his target.
Duration: 10 minutes + 5 minutes per additional level. Power can be stopped at any time.
Area of Effect: up to a 5x5x5 foot cube worth of material, +1 foot to each dimension per additional level, or 400 pounds of material + 25 pounds per additional level, player chooses during creation and cannot be changed unless this power is taken again.
Rate of Fire: 4 melee attacks, but lasts whole duration. Also temporarily drains the creator of 1 M.E. point, when the effect ends they regain the point.

2. Area Affect P.A.F.
Same as Single Item P.A.F., only spread out over a larger area.
Range: 20 foot sphere, centered around users head, gains +2 feet per even level.
Duration: 5 minutes +1 per additional level, additional time can be controlled, otherwise the power must be used for the full duration.
Rate of fire: 4 melee attacks, but lasts whole duration, and costs 3 M.E. points per use, these points do not come back for 48 hours after the effect ends (In other words, use with caution). Unfortunately, the character cannot take any other actions, even defensive, while this power is active. They also suffer intense nausia and dizziness, due to the strain of holding the field up. Roll vs. Non-lethal poison at the beginning of each melee, if you fail you take 1d4 S.D.C. damage and loose another M.E. point.

Bonuses/Odds and Ends:
* Gain an extra 2d4 M.E. points.
* Character automatically gains the basic science and chemistry skills, or +15% to each if taken scholastically.
* Gain 20 S.D.C.
* P.A.F. takes on shape of players choice (Ghosts, birds, plants, tentacles, etc.) when in use.
* If this power is chosen a second time, using the power only takes two attacks, and when using Area Effect P.A.F. the character can use basic defense moves, and doesn't suffer the nausia or dizziness.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:06 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Phantom Limb [Minor] by Roscoe Del'Tane
BONK! "OW! How did you reach from there?"

The character can turn any limb into a construct of pure force/energy and can stretch it to lengths he would not be able to under normal circumstances.

Range: 1 foot per each P.E. point, +2 per every even level.
Damage: Normal for that limb + 2 extra points. (Power/deathblows cannot be attempted until 4th level, and even then suffer a -3 to strike). Limb can carry 5 pounds of weight +2 per odd level.
Duration: Ten minutes tops. Cannot be used again until at least twice that has passed outside of combat.
Attacks per melee: Instantaneous. Doesn't count as an attack to change the limb(s).

S.D.C. of the limb is considered to be 50, and if severed/destroyed, regrows at a rate of 1 inch a week.

At 3rd level the character can convert another limb for a max of 2 at a time. Both limbs share the same time limit, so he can have one limb for ten minutes, or two for five minutes.
When arms are transformed, they gain +1d4 to P.S. and 1d6 to P.P. (roll each time, if both arms transform they gain equal amounts).
When both legs transform, the character gains 3d4 to speed (roll once when you first do this, doesn't get this bonus until both legs are first used). If the character only uses one leg, they are elevated but loose all balance rolls due to being unbalanced.

In addition, all skills performed through the Phantom Limb are done at a -20% penalty, due to the reduced sense of touch while the limb is transformed.

Any limb can be changed at any time, so long as the time limit is not exceeded.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:41 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Sharpshot [minor]
by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Of course I hit the target. I always hit my target. That's why I'm called Sureshot."

Duration: Half of the characters Mental Endurance +5 minutes per day per level.

By some weird twist of fate, the character never has to roll to strike when this power is active, he simply never misses with weapons he's trained in, he's considered to always roll a natural 10 (with half of his strike bonuses with weapons added to that). But it has a serious downside, he can never ever get a critical, period, and cannot use any weapon that he hasn't trained in, whether the power is active or not.

They automatically get 6 weapon proficiencies, starting at 4th level at character creation.

Note: The character still has to roll for punches and kicks and other non-ranged related attacks.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:56 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Anime Stereo-type Hero [Major]
by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Why can't I get my hair to stay down."

Character resembles a person straight out of an anime show, which bestows some bonus's.

Choose one of the 3 below.

1. Trademark Weapon. The character has some weapon that is somehow different, different material, longer, thicker, etc. Whatever it looks like, it must be immediately recognizable as belonging to the character, "We'd better not mess with this sword, it belong's to Captain Psyco! You how possessive he is!". The weapon is considered unbreakable/never dulls, and does and extra die of damage (if it's a melee weapon), or shoots farther or has an extended clip (Bows or guns). The weapon can also be of outragous size/length, and still able to be wielded effortlessly by the owner, but everybody else does so with no bonuses to strike/parry with it, and only does minemle damage (5d6 hammer would do 5 damage period).

2. Trademark Attack (this can only be chosen if the character has some other type of attack power). The character has an attack that only he can do, and it always looks really flashy with loud background music and a thematic song. The attack can only be done if the character has the initiative, and must be the first attack done. It does an extra die of damage at first level, and one more every third level. The attack, if it's ranged, also has double the range and or blast radius (cannot be any attack that costs more than 3 melee attacks). The attack scores a critical hit for double on a natural 17 or better, and triple damage on a natural 20.

3. Trademark Outfit. The character has an outfit that cannot be duplicated by anybody else. No matter the skill of the maker, the outfit looks dorky, or has clashing colors, or is just plain fake looking. The Character is the only one who has the knowledge or means to make an authentic costume. The costume has a natural A.R. of 14, and has 250 S.D.C., and takes half damage from heat/cold/electrical attacks and falls. It takes about a week to make a new suit, costs about $2,000 to replace, and takes about a week or so to make. The costume tends to be bright and flashy, or otherwise very noticeable and durned near impossible to sneak in (-40% prowl skill).

As the character progresses, he gains even more Anime-esque skills/abilities. At first level and every third level he can either choose or roll on the list below.

1. Ridiculously large pockets. No matter what he wears, the character can seem to cram more junk into the pockets than should physically be possible. The only rule is that the contents have to actually fit into the pockets/under the coat, and has to weigh less then the characters combined personal weight and lifting weight.

2. Ridiculously strong strength of will. The character can, for every level plus one since choosing this feat, fight on after passing 0 Hit Points equal to his P.E with no ill effect (2nd level character with a P.E. of 17, could fight without penalty till he hits -51 hit points). After that point, he collapses into a coma like any other character.

3. Absurd jumping height. Very simple, the character can jump 20 times his P.S. up, and 30 times across. He can also fall double his leaping height without damage, always lands on his feet; even heights greater than that only do half damage.

4. Ridiculously developed body. All physical stats are considered to be extraordinary, and speed gets an extra 3d6 added to it. If chosen a second time, all stats become superhuman. Tends to have a rippling physique, and also gets a +2 to P.B. and M.A. when in situations when he's showing lots of skin.

5. Ridiculously closed mind. Automatically receives +5 save vs hostile psionics and mental magics. Even when he fails, he only takes half damage. On the downside, he tends to have a brutish and sullen appearance, and has a penalty of -3 M.A. and -2 to P.B.

6. Phenomenally lucky in combat. The character can, once per day per level, either re-roll a bad die and choose the best roll, or upgrade one of his rolls to a natural critical. Unfortunaltey, when not in combat, he tends to have horrible luck. Flock of birds pass over head, and he's the only guy out of an entire stadium to get pooped on, gets a speeding ticket for going one mile over the limit, etc, etc.

7. Amazing Social Grace. No matter what the character says when not in combat, the other party thinks very highly of them. As long as the character is smiling and says it in a pleasant tone, he can get away with insulting the popes family, religion, mode of dress, and hygiene and no one will be offended by it.

8. Animal friend. Similar to the minor power, any animals the player encounters is friendly, and will ignore the character (but not any companions) as if he wasn't there.

9. Ridiculously developed skill set. The character is considered on par with a GOD on one skill program of choice. The character gets DOUBLE the skill progression than normal, and can go beyond the normal 98% limit. Furthermore, they can accomplish any feat in half the time, at half the cost, provided they aren't doing it in combat or as part of the campaign (as long as it's for storytelling purposes its fine, but not if the character has to actually roll in game).

10. Spontaneous power surge. The character can, at anytime choose to sacrifice an attack to ramp up one power. One attack sacrificed is equal to two levels of power advancement. This power temporarily burns up 2d6 Hit Points and S.D.C., and the attack that was sacrificed is gone for 10 minutes per level. With a power surge attack, if it hits, it's automatically a critical.

* Character has to have some kind of great quest to engage in, and or some great evil to vanquish.
* Character will be frequently attacked/hounded/ pursued by rather incompetent bad guys, but the character won't be able to see through their disguises no matter how flimsy until it's almost too late to save the situation.
* Character has a 50/50 chance of suffering under the fighters curse. This is where the character is forever searching for a fight/cause/immediate form of fun while on the Big Quest.
* If the character takes and insanity, he can get a second Trademark. For three insanities, he can have all of them.
* Character has only base stats and S.D.C. and hit points, and those due to level progression. No skill will give him more, sorry.
* Choices 3, 4, 6, 9, and 10 can all be taken a second time, for double the bonuses, but also double the penalties.
* Character has to have at least two of the following: overly large eyes, spiky hair, strange hair color (purple, green, pink, etc.), strange hair style that defies gravity, strange set of normal clothes, funny accent, strange birthmark, nosebleeds when seeing anthing vaugly interesting on the opposite gender, anything else that the character and G.M. feel work in this situation.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
wolfsgrin wrote:i didn't take it that way. thanks. :D i hardly ever contribute. i always feel what post is a little lack luster. Guess I liked seeing my idea used and gave into the darkside. the ego is fun :lol: however the rest of the power is pretty cool. got a forest spirit themed gestalt in mind. maybe a giant squirrel. big choppers. :demon:
anyways i'd like to start putting down more and help keep this thread alive.

Well, Mr. Twist was the first one who mistook leaf wings to mean wings with leaves instead of feathers, which they were not. And then you posted what you did and somewhere I just got to thinking it was Twist nagging me more about doing wings of that nature. Leaf wings were wings composed of a single leaf, a long palm leaf. But eveyone wanted wings made of leaves. It amused me so much that I decided to run with it. For this I thank everyone, because it came off as a cool power.
I was just trying to give props to everyone involved and I am glad you were not in any way feeling I was trying to be rude.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:28 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Sharpshot [minor]
by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Of course I hit the target. I always hit my target. That's why I'm called Sureshot."

By some weird twist of fate, the character never has to roll to strike, he simply never misses with weapons he's trained in, he's considered to always roll a natural 18. But it has a serious downside, he can never ever get a critical, period, and cannot use any weapon that he hasn't trained in.

They automatically get 6 weapon proficiencies, starting at 4th level.

Note: The character still has to roll for punches and kicks and other non-weapon related attacks.

This seems a bit munchkin for my tastes. There are already plenty of targeting powers which give hefty bonuses without giving automatic hits.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Anime Stereo-type Hero [Major]
by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Why can't I get my hair to stay down."

Character resembles a person straight out of an anime show, which bestows some bonus's.

Choose one of the 3 below.

1. Trademark Weapon. The character has some weapon that is somehow different, different material, longer, thicker, etc. Whatever it looks like, it must be immediately recognizable as belonging to the character, "We'd better not mess with this sword, it belong's to Captain Psyco! You how possessive he is!". The weapon is considered unbreakable/never dulls, and does and extra die of damage (if it's a melee weapon), or shoots farther or has an extended clip (Bows or guns). The weapon can also be of outragous size/length, and still able to be wielded effortlessly by the owner, but everybody else does so with no bonuses to strike/parry with it, and only does minemle damage (5d6 hammer would do 5 damage period).

2. Trademark Attack (this can only be chosen if the character has some other type of attack power). The character has an attack that only he can do, and it always looks really flashy with loud background music and a thematic song. The attack can only be done if the character has the initiative, and must be the first attack done. It does an extra die of damage at first level, and one more every third level. The attack, if it's ranged, also has double the range and or blast radius (cannot be any attack that costs more than 3 melee attacks). The attack scores a critical hit for double on a natural 17 or better, and triple damage on a natural 20.

3. Trademark Outfit. The character has an outfit that cannot be duplicated by anybody else. No matter the skill of the maker, the outfit looks dorky, or has clashing colors, or is just plain fake looking. The Character is the only one who has the knowledge or means to make an authentic costume. The costume has a natural A.R. of 14, and has 250 S.D.C., and takes half damage from heat/cold/electrical attacks and falls. It takes about a week to make a new suit, costs about $2,000 to replace, and takes about a week or so to make. The costume tends to be bright and flashy, or otherwise very noticeable and durned near impossible to sneak in (-40% prowl skill).

As the character progresses, he gains even more Anime-esque skills/abilities. At first level and every third level he can either choose or roll on the list below.

1. Ridiculously large pockets. No matter what he wears, the character can seem to cram more junk into the pockets than should physically be possible. The only rule is that the contents have to actually fit into the pockets/under the coat, and has to weigh less then the characters combined personal weight and lifting weight.

2. Ridiculously strong strength of will. The character can, for every level plus one since choosing this feat, fight on after passing 0 Hit Points equal to his P.E with no ill effect (2nd level character with a P.E. of 17, could fight without penalty till he hits -51 hit points). After that point, he collapses into a coma like any other character.

3. Absurd jumping height. Very simple, the character can jump 20 times his P.S. up, and 30 times across. He can also fall double his leaping height without damage, always lands on his feet; even heights greater than that only do half damage.

4. Ridiculously developed body. All physical stats are considered to be extraordinary, and speed gets an extra 3d6 added to it. If chosen a second time, all stats become superhuman. Tends to have a rippling physique, and also gets a +2 to P.B. and M.A. when in situations when he's showing lots of skin.

5. Ridiculously closed mind. Automatically receives +5 save vs hostile psionics and mental magics. Even when he fails, he only takes half damage. On the downside, he tends to have a brutish and sullen appearance, and has a penalty of -3 M.A. and -2 to P.B.

6. Phenomenally lucky in combat. The character can, once per day per level, either re-roll a bad die and choose the best roll, or upgrade one of his rolls to a natural critical. Unfortunaltey, when not in combat, he tends to have horrible luck. Flock of birds pass over head, and he's the only guy out of an entire stadium to get pooped on, gets a speeding ticket for going one mile over the limit, etc, etc.

7. Amazing Social Grace. No matter what the character says when not in combat, the other party thinks very highly of them. As long as the character is smiling and says it in a pleasant tone, he can get away with insulting the popes family, religion, mode of dress, and hygiene and no one will be offended by it.

8. Animal friend. Similar to the minor power, any animals the player encounters is friendly, and will ignore the character (but not any companions) as if he wasn't there.

9. Ridiculously developed skill set. The character is considered on par with a GOD on one skill program of choice. The character gets DOUBLE the skill progression than normal, and can go beyond the normal 98% limit. Furthermore, they can accomplish any feat in half the time, at half the cost, provided they aren't doing it in combat or as part of the campaign (as long as it's for storytelling purposes its fine, but not if the character has to actually roll in game).

10. Spontaneous power surge. The character can, at anytime choose to sacrifice an attack to ramp up one power. One attack sacrificed is equal to two levels of power advancement. This power temporarily burns up 2d6 Hit Points and S.D.C., and the attack that was sacrificed is gone for 10 minutes per level. With a power surge attack, if it hits, it's automatically a critical.

* Character has to have some kind of great quest to engage in, and or some great evil to vanquish.
* Character will be frequently attacked/hounded/ pursued by rather incompetent bad guys, but the character won't be able to see through their disguises no matter how flimsy until it's almost too late to save the situation.
* Character has a 50/50 chance of suffering under the fighters curse. This is where the character is forever searching for a fight/cause/immediate form of fun while on the Big Quest.
* If the character takes and insanity, he can get a second Trademark. For three insanities, he can have all of them.
* Character has only base stats and S.D.C. and hit points, and those due to level progression. No skill will give him more, sorry.
* Choices 3, 4, 6, 9, and 10 can all be taken a second time, for double the bonuses, but also double the penalties.
* Character has to have at least two of the following: overly large eyes, spiky hair, strange hair color (purple, green, pink, etc.), strange hair style that defies gravity, strange set of normal clothes, funny accent, strange birthmark, nosebleeds when seeing anthing vaugly interesting on the opposite gender, anything else that the character and G.M. feel work in this situation.

Gee, while you are at it, why not create a power called "generic super hero". Not to discourage, but this might work better as a power category where you create an anime style hero as opposed to the hero categories in the book.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:34 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
MrTwist wrote:
Lord Cherico wrote:

FLight- The charater can fly at 100 MPH +20 MPH every level

Where does this come into play?

Or better yet, why?

Yes, it is a bit confusing as to why that was added.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Property Alteration Field [Major] by Roscoe Del'Tane

Heh heh, something wrong wit yer boomstick boy? No quality in todays weapons, no siree Bob.

This power allows the user to alter the physical properties of various inananimate objects.

1. Single Item P.A.F.
Description: User can change how physics and science works in a small space. For example, if facing an electrically powered opponent while standing in water, they can alter the water to not conduct electricity, or something to that effect. Gunpowder could be altered to stop or slow the chemical reaction, or to accelerate it to destroy the gun. The player must explain what he is doing, and make it convincing, they can't just say "I use P.A.F. to stop the attack."
Range: 200 ft. +20 per additional level of experience, and the user must be able to clearly see his target.
Duration: 10 minutes + 5 minutes per additional level. Power can be stopped at any time.
Area of Effect: up to a 5x5x5 foot cube worth of material, +1 foot to each dimension per additional level, or 400 pounds of material + 25 pounds per additional level, player chooses during creation and cannot be changed unless this power is taken again.
Rate of Fire: 4 melee attacks, but lasts whole duration. Also temporarily drains the creator of 1 M.E. point, when the effect ends they regain the point.

2. Area Affect P.A.F.
Same as Single Item P.A.F., only spread out over a larger area.
Range: 20 foot sphere, centered around users head, gains +2 feet per even level.
Duration: 5 minutes +1 per additional level, additional time can be controlled, otherwise the power must be used for the full duration.
Rate of fire: 4 melee attacks, but lasts whole duration, and costs 3 M.E. points per use, these points do not come back for 48 hours after the effect ends (In other words, use with caution). Unfortunately, the character cannot take any other actions, even defensive, while this power is active. They also suffer intense nausia and dizziness, due to the strain of holding the field up. Roll vs. Non-lethal poison at the beginning of each melee, if you fail you take 1d4 S.D.C. damage and loose another M.E. point.

Bonuses/Odds and Ends:
* Gain an extra 2d4 M.E. points.
* Character automatically gains the basic science and chemistry skills, or +15% to each if taken scholastically.
* Gain 20 S.D.C.
* P.A.F. takes on shape of players choice (Ghosts, birds, plants, tentacles, etc.) when in use.
* If this power is chosen a second time, using the power only takes two attacks, and when using Area Effect P.A.F. the character can use basic defense moves, and doesn't suffer the nausia or dizziness.

If it is a major power, someone is NOT going to take it twice in my game. A bit too power gamish and munchkin if I were to let people do that. Why even create limits on a power if you are going to let people dance around them?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:42 pm
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:i didn't take it that way. thanks. :D i hardly ever contribute. i always feel what post is a little lack luster. Guess I liked seeing my idea used and gave into the darkside. the ego is fun :lol: however the rest of the power is pretty cool. got a forest spirit themed gestalt in mind. maybe a giant squirrel. big choppers. :demon:
anyways i'd like to start putting down more and help keep this thread alive.

Well, Mr. Twist was the first one who mistook leaf wings to mean wings with leaves instead of feathers, which they were not. And then you posted what you did and somewhere I just got to thinking it was Twist nagging me more about doing wings of that nature. Leaf wings were wings composed of a single leaf, a long palm leaf. But eveyone wanted wings made of leaves. It amused me so much that I decided to run with it. For this I thank everyone, because it came off as a cool power.
I was just trying to give props to everyone involved and I am glad you were not in any way feeling I was trying to be rude.

golly gee heck no.
Mr. Twist does nag on a bit though :D :P

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:46 pm
by MrTwist
wolfsgrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:i didn't take it that way. thanks. :D i hardly ever contribute. i always feel what post is a little lack luster. Guess I liked seeing my idea used and gave into the darkside. the ego is fun :lol: however the rest of the power is pretty cool. got a forest spirit themed gestalt in mind. maybe a giant squirrel. big choppers. :demon:
anyways i'd like to start putting down more and help keep this thread alive.

Well, Mr. Twist was the first one who mistook leaf wings to mean wings with leaves instead of feathers, which they were not. And then you posted what you did and somewhere I just got to thinking it was Twist nagging me more about doing wings of that nature. Leaf wings were wings composed of a single leaf, a long palm leaf. But eveyone wanted wings made of leaves. It amused me so much that I decided to run with it. For this I thank everyone, because it came off as a cool power.
I was just trying to give props to everyone involved and I am glad you were not in any way feeling I was trying to be rude.

golly gee heck no.
Mr. Twist does nag on a bit though :D :P

Hey now. Don't make me come over there. :)

And Stone, the wings composed of a multitude of leaves just sounds pretty cool because of all the things you could do with them. Even though I misunderstood what you meant, I was kind of jealous I didn't think of it first.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:45 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
wolfsgrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:i didn't take it that way. thanks. :D i hardly ever contribute. i always feel what post is a little lack luster. Guess I liked seeing my idea used and gave into the darkside. the ego is fun :lol: however the rest of the power is pretty cool. got a forest spirit themed gestalt in mind. maybe a giant squirrel. big choppers. :demon:
anyways i'd like to start putting down more and help keep this thread alive.

Well, Mr. Twist was the first one who mistook leaf wings to mean wings with leaves instead of feathers, which they were not. And then you posted what you did and somewhere I just got to thinking it was Twist nagging me more about doing wings of that nature. Leaf wings were wings composed of a single leaf, a long palm leaf. But eveyone wanted wings made of leaves. It amused me so much that I decided to run with it. For this I thank everyone, because it came off as a cool power.
I was just trying to give props to everyone involved and I am glad you were not in any way feeling I was trying to be rude.

golly gee heck no.
Mr. Twist does nag on a bit though :D :P

I have yet to hear Mr. Twist's opinion on the Woodsy Wings.
Oh, Mr. Twist...*whistles*

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:48 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
MrTwist wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:i didn't take it that way. thanks. :D i hardly ever contribute. i always feel what post is a little lack luster. Guess I liked seeing my idea used and gave into the darkside. the ego is fun :lol: however the rest of the power is pretty cool. got a forest spirit themed gestalt in mind. maybe a giant squirrel. big choppers. :demon:
anyways i'd like to start putting down more and help keep this thread alive.

Well, Mr. Twist was the first one who mistook leaf wings to mean wings with leaves instead of feathers, which they were not. And then you posted what you did and somewhere I just got to thinking it was Twist nagging me more about doing wings of that nature. Leaf wings were wings composed of a single leaf, a long palm leaf. But eveyone wanted wings made of leaves. It amused me so much that I decided to run with it. For this I thank everyone, because it came off as a cool power.
I was just trying to give props to everyone involved and I am glad you were not in any way feeling I was trying to be rude.

golly gee heck no.
Mr. Twist does nag on a bit though :D :P

Hey now. Don't make me come over there. :)

And Stone, the wings composed of a multitude of leaves just sounds pretty cool because of all the things you could do with them. Even though I misunderstood what you meant, I was kind of jealous I didn't think of it first.

Oh, there you are!
Well, hey, I am still interested in seeing what kind of "twist" you can add to the wings. I am thinking of maybe ones that look like ferns or something...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:59 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
[Looks at what Stone Gargoyle wrote about my powers] Oh! I'm hurt! :( [clutches chest, and swoons in sorrow]
Heh heh, yeah, I can understand what you said about my Anime Stereo-Type Hero. I kind of got ambushed by my muse yesterday morning, she wouldn't let me go to sleep till I posted it. Yeah I guess it does fit in the new power category, (scratches head) but I didn't see a sticky for that, sorry.

P.A.F. was something my old group had used, and it origonally had both the cube and the weight limit, and the user could pick and choose which he wanted for the situation. I figured that since I was posting the power, I should put a limit on it so that it wouldn't become something for powergamers. I mean, it takes 4 attackers per melee, and if both are taken, it almost assures that the player used up their power slots to get it, or at least has only one major or two minor, which shouldn't be too unbalancing.

As for Sharpshot, i thought I put in enough penalties to counteract the fact that you'd almost never miss. Besides the attackee can always dodge or hide or get armour. And I thought it that it would kind of neat to have a power that would let the players to role play as that marvelous character who almost always gets a bullseye.

If you could give me some tips on how to correct this, it would be nice. You know, I really thought it would be my Matter Explusion power that would have people complaining at this poster, not this one.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:12 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:[Looks at what Stone Gargoyle wrote about my powers] Oh! I'm hurt! :( [clutches chest, and swoons in sorrow]
Heh heh, yeah, I can understand what you said about my Anime Stereo-Type Hero. I kind of got ambushed by my muse yesterday morning, she wouldn't let me go to sleep till I posted it. Yeah I guess it does fit in the new power category, (scratches head) but I didn't see a sticky for that, sorry.

P.A.F. was something my old group had used, and it origonally had both the cube and the weight limit, and the user could pick and choose which he wanted for the situation. I figured that since I was posting the power, I should put a limit on it so that it wouldn't become something for powergamers. I mean, it takes 4 attackers per melee, and if both are taken, it almost assures that the player used up their power slots to get it, or at least has only one major or two minor, which shouldn't be too unbalancing.

As for Sharpshot, i thought I put in enough penalties to counteract the fact that you'd almost never miss. Besides the attackee can always dodge or hide or get armour. And I thought it that it would kind of neat to have a power that would let the players to role play as that marvelous character who almost always gets a bullseye.

If you could give me some tips on how to correct this, it would be nice. You know, I really thought it would be my Matter Explusion power that would have people complaining at this poster, not this one.

They are not really complaints per se, just feedback FROM ONE GAMER TO ANOTHER.
New power categories have been posted in here. You just tell how rolling up that type of character differs from rolling up a different type. There were enough specific traits that type of hero would have that you seemed able to define it well, it just does not work as a "power" if you get my meaning. Unless you make it Alter Metaphysical Structure:Anime or something like that.
I never let people take two slots in a major. The only reason to do it in a minor is to amp up range and damage, so that usually gets the veto also. Repeat results are almost always rerolled.
Sharpshot: If there is always an 18, armor will not matter because most armors are only 16 or less. There is no almost about it. It might be neat, but in game terms, what i said about it stands.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:33 pm
by MrTwist
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Woodsy Wings(Major)by Twisted Wolfgrinning Gargoyle :D

The character has large wings resembling tree branches.

1.Survive Without Food
The hero absorbs sunlight and water from the environment, allowing him to survive indefinitely as long as enough sunlight and water are available(photosynthesis). No damage is taken from light or water based attacks to wings.

2.Winged Flight
The character has a wingspan of 16 to 20 feet. The wings can be hidden or pulled back, but this will impair his mobility. Penalties for doing so are as follows: -1 initiative; -1 to strike, parry and dodge; loses 1 attack per round; speed reduced by 10%
The character can fly at a speed of 90mph, +10mph per level.
Bonuses in Flight:
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to dodge under 80mph, + 6 to dodge flying faster
+4 damage per 20mph of flying speed

3.Natural Armor
Wings have a natural armor of 8 to protect from attacks from behind(or above when flying). No damage is taken for rolls under 8.
Can parry with wings with a bonus of +2 only, other combat bonuses not applicable.
Can slap opponents with a wing for 1d6 damage. Can attack with both simultaneously( damage 2d6). If attacking simultaneously with 2 wings, there is a knockout or stun on a natural 17-20.
The wings provide an SDC bonus of +40, with the SDC of each wing being 40.

4.Wing Regeneration
Since the wings are plantlike, they can be regrown after being totally blown off, but this takes 1d4+1 months, with the wing starting out as a scrawny, shriveled appendage. Otherwise the wings heal at twice the normal rate.

5.Create and Hurl Acorns:
The character can create and hurl acorns, throwing three in a single attack. Generates 3 per wing at level 1, plus an additional 3 at levels 3,6,9,12,and 15
Damage:1d4 per acorn
Bonus to Strike:+3 aimed, +1 wild
Duration: Instant; creates 3 acorns in 3d6 melee rounds
Attacks: Throwing 1-3 acorns uses 1 melee attack/action

6.Stunts and Special maneuvers:

Whirlwind Attack:
the character can use a "dust devil" effect with the leaves on his wings. (maybe with existing leaves in the mix as well) Primarily a blinding attack and wreaks havoc with radar and other senses of that nature. While also causing a little bit of damage. The leaves are spinning fast enough to cause little paper like cuts to the victim or victims
Blinding: -4 to all actions
Damage: 2d4+1 per level per 15 seconds (melee)
Range:25+5 ft radius per level around character

Dropping Leaves:
the character can flap the wings and release the leaves, causing penalties to people in the area because it's full of falling leaves. Anyone under 200 pounds passing through the pile of leaves must reduce speed by 50% or risk slipping (01-40%chance). Characters over 200 pounds need not worry, however.

7.Other Bonuses
+1d4 to PE
Immune to plant toxins, +4 to save vs. other types of poisons/toxins
Double damage from fire and plasma attacks
Natural camoflage provides +20% to prowl in wooded areas

One of my player, Ammon, suggested that this might even be a subcategory in which we could have various types of wings and attacks based on different types of trees.


It's nifty. I'm not too sure about the water&light based immunity. High pressure water and lasers tear up trees just fine last I checked.

What's the maximum altitude for flight?

With the two special moves(whirlwind and dropping leaves), are the leaves used up? For example, are the branch-like wings bare because of those moves, or do the leaves get sucked back onto them? If the leaves are just released and that's it, then there might be a limit on how often it can be used.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:36 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I'm not too sure about the water&light based immunity. High pressure water and lasers tear up trees just fine last I checked.

It would have to be regular light. Maybe just a resistance. I was working off the APS Wood as a guideline for this, so I dunno.*Shrugs*

With the two special moves(whirlwind and dropping leaves), are the leaves used up? For example, are the branch-like wings bare because of those moves, or do the leaves get sucked back onto them? If the leaves are just released and that's it, then there might be a limit on how often it can be used.

This is why it would have to be a stunt. Once might not deplete the leaves, but overuse would see them bare. I would think it might be a once per day stunt.

What's the maximum altitude for flight?

Probably not too high, because the wings would get ripped up in higher altitudes. Maybe 1000 feet. What do you think?

Here is another variation:

Petal Wings(Major)by Stone Gargoyle

The character has large wings resembling flower petals

1.Survive Without Food
The hero absorbs sunlight and water from the environment, allowing him to survive indefinitely as long as enough sunlight and water are available(photosynthesis). Half damage is taken from light and water based attacks to wings.

2.Winged Flight
The character has a wingspan of 16 to 20 feet. The wings can be hidden or pulled back, but this will impair his mobility. Penalties for doing so are as follows: -1 initiative; -1 to strike, parry and dodge; loses 1 attack per round; speed reduced by 10%
The character can fly at a speed of 120mph, +20mph per level.
Maximum Altitude is 10,000 feet.
Bonuses in Flight:
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to dodge under 80mph, + 6 to dodge flying faster
+4 damage per 20mph of flying speed

3.Natural Armor
Wings have a natural armor of 8 to protect from attacks from behind(or above when flying). No damage is taken for rolls under 8.
Can parry with wings with a bonus of +1 only, other combat bonuses not applicable.
Can slap opponents with a wing for 1d6 damage. Can attack with both simultaneously( damage 2d6). If attacking simultaneously with 2 wings, there is a possible ensnarement on a natural 17-20. Bonus to ensnarement attack +4
The wings provide an SDC bonus of +40, with the SDC of each wing being 30.

4.Wing Regeneration
Since the wings are plantlike, they can be regrown after being totally blown off, but this takes 1d4+1 months, with the wing starting out as a scrawny, shriveled appendage. Otherwise the wings heal at twice the normal rate.

5.Euphoria Chemical
The character emits mind-altering spores in a vapor
Range:Spores affect everyone in a 10 foot radius around the character
Victims are stricken with a euphoric happiness and sense of joy even in a life and death situation
Duration: Each attack is immediate, with the effect lasting 1d6+1 melee rounds
Attacks: Uses one attack to release spores
Penalties to victim: Cannot shout or speak clearly(Spellcasters can barely get off one spell and use up three melee attacks doing so), skill performance -40%, lose initiative, -2 strike, parry and dodge
Saving throw: 14 or better,+1 at levels 4, 8 and 12(PE bonus applies)

6.Other Bonuses
+1d4 to PE
Immune to plant toxins, +3 to save vs. other types of poisons/toxins
Double damage from fire and plasma attacks

The scent gives the character away, making them -10% to prowl

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:28 pm
by JTwig
This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve blades depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:35 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, or six depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I like it. I have been struggling with how to get some sort of projectile blade matter expulsion power going. The Plant Wings Project has kept me preoccupied lately however.

I will be editing them, by the way, to increase the speed and add the changes Twist suggested, for any who might be wanting to use any of the three wing powers recently posted.


Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:40 pm
by JTwig
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, or six depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I like it. I have been struggling with how to get some sort of projectile blade matter expulsion power going. The Plant Wings Project has kept me preoccupied lately however.

I will be editing them, by the way, to increase the speed and add the changes Twist suggested, for any who might be wanting to use any of the three wing powers recently posted.


I haven't checked out your Plant Wings power yet, is it posted on these boards? Its been a while since I've looked at this post, so I'll go threw the pages and check it out. If you are looking for ideas for your Plant Wings, you might want to checkout the power I posted here a long time ago called Energy Wings (this was before PU3, and the two are sufficiently different).

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:48 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Matter Expulsion: Filth Major by Roscoe
"Yes, sir, that's right. It's the Filthmonger. Yes, he's flinging poo at us sir. Please say we can use lethal force sir."

This gross power allows the character to fire a near infinite amount of biological byproduct from his hands. Perfect for those mutant monkeys and those with a juvenile sense of humor.

1. Filth Armour. The character can use this power to encase himself in a slimy casing of doo-doo. This doesn't give him any real Natural A.R. or even any appreciable S.D.C. bonus, but some nice other perks are bestowed. All impact type attacks (not falls) that inflict less than 15 (+1 per additional level) do only 1 point of damage. The character also has a Horror factor of 10 +1 per even level due to the smell, sight, and just plain creepy image of a person covered in sewage. Even if an opponent saves vs. the HF, they are all -3 in hand to hand attacks do to the unwillingness to touch such a gross person. The armour flakes off when not wanted, and leaves no identifiable trace, same if it rubs off on another person.
Duration: 30 minutes, plus 5 per additional level. The character can make 3 armours per day, per level.

2. Filth ball. The character fires a glob of feces from his hand
Range: 150 feet max, does not increase.
Damage: NA/A for the wet stuff, 1 point S.D.C. only for hardened.
Rate of fire: One shot, one attack, up to a max of twice his P.E. plus 5 per level per hour. So a P.E. of 10 at level one, would be 25 shots.
Duration: Permanent, lasts until it degrades.
Note: As these attacks (2-4) are fired from the hands, gloves cause it to backfire on the user, and takes several minutes to clean up.

3. Filth Firehose Blast. The ME version of SEE super shot.
Range: 35 feet, plus 5 per additional level of experience, max of 70 feet.
Damage: 2D6 from impact, plus roll on the knockdown table. The victim is blasted backwards the length of the blast, and looses the rest of their attacks due to getting to their feet in the slippery stuff and retching in horror. Victims cannot move faster that a S.P.D. of 5, or have a 80% chance of falling again
Rate of Fire: Counts as 3 attacks, and uses five normal shots from the poo pool. Can only be used once per minute safely, any more than that and the user suffers 5 points of damage direct to hit points.
Duration: Same as #2 (Pun not intended)

4. Filth Slick. A very wet and loose blast, used to cover floors.
Range: Can be fired up to 50 feet away max, does not increase. Covers a 20x20 area, plus 2x2 for every additional level
Damage: Does no damage
Rate of Fire: Once every five minutes, counts as all of the characters attacks, and counts as ten shots from the poo pool. Unfortunatly, using this power drains the severely, he looses half of his attacks, suffers -3 to combat rolls, and -25% to all skills. Fortunately this passes in a few minutes, 1D6+4.

5. Inflict the Runs. Just what it says.
Range: Line of sight
Damage: None, just the feeling of drinking several bottles of ex-lax. They need to go now, each time the victim is hit, must roll to save vs. non-lethal poison, or soil themselves.
Rate of fire: once per hour, takes all of the characters attacks for 3 melee rounds.
Duration: One hour per level of experience, double of willing to temporarily loose 5 Hit points.

6. Bonuses and notes
Never has digestion troubles.
Never feels squeamish due to disgusting sights.
+3 to save vs. horror factor
If any of the product gets into an opponents open wound (requires a called shot at -3) does 3D4 damage direct to hit points, and the victim make 2 successful saves vs. lethal poison out of 3, or develops an infection in their bloodstream. Very nasty, reduce H.P. and S.D.C. by half (lasts for length of sickness, cannot heal until better), only one attack per melee, -50% on all skills, and run a dangerously high fever. This persists for 1D4 weeks with professional care in a hospital, add an extra week if otherwise.

I know, i know, very gross, but come on! Where else but the net could you find somebody with this kind of super power? Anyways, i figured that this board needed a just plain gross-out and immature type of power, and this fits it to a T. I just really hope that no one actually uses this power on their player without warning them first! :lol: Just imagine the face on the prim and proper boyscout type character. "We have to fight a man who's power is what now?"

You were not all that clear about the Poo Pool, though I take it to mean the amount used for the feces bolt? Also, you did not specify the penalties of the poo slick, though I noted the ones from the oil slick from APS Oil and Tar because it is similar.
This is not so bad. Someone else on thew web posted an APS power along these lines.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:51 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JTwig wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, or six depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I like it. I have been struggling with how to get some sort of projectile blade matter expulsion power going. The Plant Wings Project has kept me preoccupied lately however.

I will be editing them, by the way, to increase the speed and add the changes Twist suggested, for any who might be wanting to use any of the three wing powers recently posted.


I haven't checked out your Plant Wings power yet, is it posted on these boards? Its been a while since I've looked at this post, so I'll go threw the pages and check it out. If you are looking for ideas for your Plant Wings, you might want to checkout the power I posted here a long time ago called Energy Wings (this was before PU3, and the two are sufficiently different).

The three plant wings powers so far are Leaf Wings, Woodsy Wings and Petal Wings. They are listed seperately and evolved out of the first one posted. As a group, I refer to them as the Plant Wings Project.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 7:29 am
by MrTwist
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve blades depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I'm sorry, this doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power at all. Or at least, it doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power as suggested by PU1. I'm still PU3 ignorant, so I could be wrong.

Looking at 'Stunning'. What disc?

It's a cool idea, but it does need some modification.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:43 am
by JTwig
MrTwist wrote:
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve blades depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I'm sorry, this doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power at all. Or at least, it doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power as suggested by PU1. I'm still PU3 ignorant, so I could be wrong.

Looking at 'Stunning'. What disc?

It's a cool idea, but it does need some modification.

The disc part was a cut and paste error (I pasted from my Stunning Disc power), replace it with blade or knife. :oops:

As for it not sounding like a Matter Expulsion, what do you mean? You are creating matter from no where, which is in turn flies at a target or appears in your hand. While it is not the same as the other Matter Expulsion (no armor, or attribute bonuses), it is still a form of matter expulsion.

Plus I like to keep my naming conventions similar; if it was up to me the Sub Zero (or what ever the name of the cold generation power from PU3; or was it PU1?) would have been called Control Elemental Force: Cold (even though cold is not an element), and anything that only projects damaging energy at a range is an Energy Expulsion (or a Super Energy Expulsion if it is a major power) in my games. I found it helps players not only remember the names, but also allows the powers to be looked up easier. Hence in my games if it involves the creation and expulsion of matter it is called a Matter Expulsion. If you don't think it should be labelled a Matter Expulsion power then call it what ever you would like.

Also, what more information do you need? I've giving you all the game mechanic, and I only give the minimum amount of fluff because I think the SF should be worked out between the Players and GMs to better suit their games. If you could give me a list of what you think is missing Id appreciate it. :?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:44 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Alter Physical Structure:Cheese(Major)by Stone Gargoyle
"It's not easy being cheesy!"

1.Limited Invulnerability:In melted liquid form, the character takes no damage from projectiles such as bullets, arrows and thrown weapons; as well as taking no damage from physical attacks.
Heat and cold do half damage, though cold will cause him to stiffen into soft solid form.
Explosions will blow the character apart, but he suffers no damage and can reform in 2d6 minutes.

2.Manipulate Shape:As liquid, the character can squish, mold and puddle his physical form, able to pour himself under a door, down a pipe, or squeeze through chains, ropes, etc. Moves at half speed as liquid.

3.Soft Solid Form:The character can assume a greater density, making his body similat to putty or clay. In this form, he can stretch his limbs comfortably up to twice as long, but they can be stretched longer(See Stretching).
Blunt attacks and projectiles do half damage to this form, while bladed weapons do no damage at all, merely severing but not actually affecting SDC. Heat and cold still do half damage in this form, though heat will cause him to revert to melted liquid form. If cut in half or any part of the body is severed, the lost limb can be reattached by squishing the last part back onto the body. PS is reduced by half in this form.

4.Stink:The character can choose to emit noxious odors. He of course is impervious to the smell.
Range:10 ft radius around the character.
Saving throw: 14 or better, plus 1 at levels 4, 8 and 12
Penalties to victims of smell:Victims become nauseous and feel like vomiting. They are -4 on initiative, -2 to strike, parry and dodge, and are -20% to any skills.

5.Cheeseball:The character can hurl hot cheese at opponents
Damage:1d6,+ 1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15

6.Stretching:The character can be made to stretch his SDC number in feet, though this would have to be through artificial means. Anything beyond three times his normal length reduces his PS and PE by one point per foot.

7.Stunts and Special Maneuvers:The character can perform special tricks but is limited in the amount of times he can do them per day(GM's discretion)

Body Weapons:The character can shape his limbs as blunt weapons for damage equal to the normal weapon's damage(but takes half the damage inflicted to the weapon itself)

Cheese Wheel:The character can squish his whole body into a soft solid form wheel equal to his normal mass. In this form, he can travel three times his normal speed. This leaves crumbs of cheese equal to 1 SDC point per mile.

Cheese Balls: The character can also will himself to divide into thousands of tiny balls of cheese which he has complete control of.
Area of effect:The character can spread himself out over a 10 foot diameter area,+5 feet per level
Duration:The character can only be seperated in this fashion for one hour. If not merged back before the end of that time, the character automatically reforms as a smaller cheese man with 30% the mass and only a third of the SDC.

8.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
SDC is a flat 300 in cheese form
Weight is tripled as cheese
Horror Factor 10 as soft solid, 12 as melted liquid

GMs may choose to limit the powers as they see fit or make players sacrifice minor powers to gain all the benefits of this power.


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I don't have time, but Progenic Immortality and Ingestive Immortality are next on my list to share. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Progenic Immortality(Minor)by Stone Gargoyle
"Come see me, son, before I die..."

The character with this power can live on through his children- literally. He is not immune to anything and can and will die. This power just allows him to attempt to live longer.

1.Dominant Genes: The character's genes will always be dominant, producing an heir and offspring of the character's same sex and genetic makeup, essentiall being a naturally bred clone(There's no denying parentage here). All sexual encounters result in pregnancy, also. The character is likely to breed frequently and widely to produce possible hosts.

2.Transfer: When the character dies, he must roll a second save vs. Coma/Death. If successful, his bio-energy seeks out a new host in one of his own children.
Saving Throw: A potential host can roll to resist possession(14 or better, ME bonuses apply). It the intended host succeeds, he can never be a potential host again. That is one of the limits of this power. If the target fails, however, the character's IQ, ME and MA attributes all transfer to the new body(physical skills may differ due to lack of exercise). All superpowers, psionics and magical training transfer as well.
Duration: Possession is permanent; when the host dies, another of the original body's children or the new host's children may be selected for another transfer. The bio-energy can remain outside a body 2d6 melees before unable to transfer bodies. If the duration passes without the character taking a new body, he dies. It takes one full melee for the transfer to take hold once it begins.
Limitations: Duration listed above. Also, the character must transfer to a child with identical genetic structure(cannot have been altered by Eugenics).
Range: Unlimited. Transfer occurs regardless of distance of the child to be possessed.
Number of attempts: Uses one melee action; can attempt twice per melee round.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:12 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Ingestive Immortality(Major)by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't eat that- You don't know where it's been."

The superbeing is capable, upon death, of altering his physical structure, crumbling into edible debris(player's option as to what kind, i.e. cheese, bread, whatever...) and reform himself from the creatures that eat him.

1.Alter Physical Structure: Food:Upon death, the character's body appears to petrify, crack and crumble into nutritious debris for creatures, usually rats and pigeons, to eat. The SDC of the debris is equal to that of his body at full SDC when human.

2.Reformation: The character uses the life force of the creatures who eat him to regain life in a form of bio-vampirism. In the case of animals, they are immediately corrupted. They will swarm and gather in a ten foot area, biting and ripping each other apart as their bodies fuse and their DNA is rewritten to that of the character. They continue to merge until all the pieces are reabsorbed.
Limitations: If an animal is pregnant, rather than swarm, the pregnant animal will pass on any of the character's other powers to its offspring, creating a mutant. If the "food" is eaten by a sentient being(human or alien), the victim may save vs. mind control(15 or better, ME bonuses apply) to keep from swarming. If saving, he must then make a second save vs. disease(15 or better, PE bonuses apply) or else gain the other powers of the character(cannot gain thispower, however). If failing the save vs. mind control, the victim swarms and is absorbed by the superbeing the same as a lesser animal would be. The superbeing only gains SDC equal to that of his original body.
Note: Even if all SDC is not regained, as long as 2/3rds of the SDC is present the character can function as a complete being, though probably a bit smaller.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses
Always knows where and in whom a missing SDC/DNA part resides
Heals 5 times normal rate
Can regain SDC from animal bites with this power as well.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:06 pm
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Progenic Immortality(Minor)by Stone Gargoyle
"Come see me, son, before I die..."

The character with this power can live on through his children- literally. He is not immune to anything and can and will die. This power just allows him to attempt to live longer.

1.Dominant Genes: The character's genes will always be dominant, prodducing an heir and offspring of the character's same sex and genetic makeup, essentiall being a naturally bred clone(There's no denying parentage here). All sexual encounters result in pregnancy, also. The character is likely to breed frequently and widely to produce possible hosts.

2.Transfer: When the character dies, he must roll a second save vs. Coma/Death. If successful, his bio-energy seeks out a new host in one of his own children.
Saving Throw: A potential host can roll to resist possession(14 or better, ME bonuses apply). It the intended host succeeds, he can never be a potential host again. That is one of the limits of this power. If the target fails, however, the character's IQ, ME and MA attributes all transfer to the new body(physical skills may differ due to lack of exercise). All superpowers, psionics and magical training transfer as well.
Duration: Possession is permanent; when the host dies, another of the original body's children or the new host's children may be selected for another transfer. The bio-energy can remain outside a body 2d6 melees before unable to transfer bodies. If the duration passes without the character taking a new body, he dies. It takes one full melee for the transfer to take hold one it begins.
Limitations: Duration listed above. Also, the character must transfer to a child with identical genetic structure(cannot have been altered by Eugenics).
Range: Unlimited. Transfer occurs regardless of distance of the child to be possessed.
Number of attempts: Uses one melee action; can attempt twice per melee round.

dude! friggn awesome! :ok:

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dude! friggn awesome!

Thanks, Wolfsgrin. It just seemed like an untapped area.

transferrable immortalities are truly very well done.

The one where the character dissolves into food was one I made up as a kid for use by a god in disfavor who could not reform normally. He could not truly die either, making it a question of how he was to reform.

Appeciate the good words.


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:31 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
wolfsgrin wrote:Major
Light of Thousand Suns: ...snip...
1. Expulsion
Attacks per Melee: Uses up 2 attacks and can only be
used once per round +1 more at levels 3,9,15
Bonuses: +3 aimed +1 wild

I would say that this power is much like the disitigration power, in its power level mostly, I would omit the bonuses to hit from this power and go with a strait die roll.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:37 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Lord Cherico wrote:Phantom Orchestra


Play musical intrements-
The charater can play any musical intrement at
80% +5% per level of experence. This can go over the
100% limit allowing the charater to create mind blowing
musical preformances. Can not be used for offense.

Voice of an angel
Has the singing skill at 80% Plus 5% per level of experence

Write music-
The charater can write good music that will last for all time
and can instintivly read music. the skill is at 70% +5% per
level of experence. This can go over 100% and allows the
charater to be one of the ledgens

Natural rythem- The charater has Auto dodge +3 this applys to
the instruments the charater uses. This auto dodge gets +1 every
third level for instruments and +1 for the charater himself every
5th level.

Phantom orcestra-
The charater can telekinetically lift, move and play musical instrements
he can use 10 instrements per level of experence. This power lasts
as long as the charater concentrates and he must burn a melee action
every round to maintain it.

FLight- The charater can fly at 100 MPH +20 MPH every level

Inspire- When the charater activates his phantom ocestra power
he has a Awe factor of 14. And his allies gain +4 to to all combat
relatated rolls and +20% to skill rolls.

You might want to give out the powers one per level, having intrement @ level 1. And I would give, as a part of Play musical intrements, them a sound attack(stun) while playing an intrement, or driving away attack vs Hf10+L.

Also...with the inspire should have a flip give penlties to enemies....I would use the Karmatic Aura as the guide the bonuses and penilties handed out.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:44 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Sharpshot [minor]
by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Of course I hit the target. I always hit my target. That's why I'm called Sureshot."

By some weird twist of fate, the character never has to roll to strike, he simply never misses with weapons he's trained in, he's considered to always roll a natural 18. But it has a serious downside, he can never ever get a critical, period, and cannot use any weapon that he hasn't trained in.

They automatically get 6 weapon proficiencies, starting at 4th level.

Note: The character still has to roll for punches and kicks and other non-weapon related attacks.

Would like to ask, if he always hits then why does he need the WP bonuses?
And does he get the same To Hit roll of 18 if he is using a Sword or other form of melee weapon? Or is it just with ranged weapons is he a shure-shot?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:09 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Anime Stereo-type Hero [Major]
by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Why can't I get my hair to stay down."

Character resembles a person straight out of an anime show, which bestows some bonus's.

Choose one of the 3 below.

1. Trademark Weapon. The character has some weapon that is somehow different, different material, longer, thicker, etc. Whatever it looks like, it must be immediately recognizable as belonging to the character, "We'd better not mess with this sword, it belong's to Captain Psyco! You how possessive he is!". The weapon is considered unbreakable/never dulls, and does and extra die of damage (if it's a melee weapon), or shoots farther or has an extended clip (Bows or guns). The weapon can also be of outragous size/length, and still able to be wielded effortlessly by the owner, but everybody else does so with no bonuses to strike/parry with it, and only does minemle damage (5d6 hammer would do 5 damage period). Would have the damage rated for that weapon +1 die per level. "Can someone say DaiClave?"

2. Trademark Attack (this can only be chosen if the character has some other type of attack power). The character has an attack that only he can do, and it always looks really flashy with loud background music and a thematic song. The attack can only be done if the character has the initiative, and must be the first attack done. It does an extra die of damage at first level, and one more every third level. The attack, if it's ranged, also has double the range and or blast radius (cannot be any attack that costs more than 3 melee attacks). The attack scores a critical hit for double on a natural 17 or better, and triple damage on a natural 20. "Can someone Say ClimbHazard?

3. Trademark Outfit. The character has an outfit that cannot be duplicated by anybody else. No matter the skill of the maker, the outfit looks dorky, or has clashing colors, or is just plain fake looking. The Character is the only one who has the knowledge or means to make an authentic costume. The costume has a natural A.R. of 14, and has 250 S.D.C., and takes half damage from heat/cold/electrical attacks and falls. It takes about a week to make a new suit, costs about $2,000 to replace, and takes about a week or so to make. The costume tends to be bright and flashy, or otherwise very noticeable and durned near impossible to sneak in (-40% prowl skill). This is one of the Subminor powers. Though that one also 'inharent's the old hero's nemisis' also. "Capt. America Stands Tall Agine"

As the character progresses, he gains even more Anime-esque skills/abilities. At first level and every third level he can either choose or roll on the list below.

1. Ridiculously large pockets. No matter what he wears, the character can seem to cram more junk into the pockets than should physically be possible. The only rule is that the contents have to actually fit into the pockets/under the coat, and has to weigh less then the characters combined personal weight and lifting weight. I like this one. My mage chars ussuly have the D-pockes spell.... "Mint! Do you have Lancer's cell phone?"

2. Ridiculously strong strength of will. The character can, for every level plus one since choosing this feat, fight on after passing 0 Hit Points equal to his P.E with no ill effect (2nd level character with a P.E. of 17, could fight without penalty till he hits -51 hit points). After that point, he collapses into a coma like any other character. Very anime-ish ;)

3. Absurd jumping height. Very simple, the character can jump 20 times his P.S. up, and 30 times across. He can also fall double his leaping height without damage, always lands on his feet; even heights greater than that only do half damage. Very anime-ish ;)

4. Ridiculously developed body. All physical stats are considered to be extraordinary, and speed gets an extra 3d6 added to it. If chosen a second time, all stats become superhuman. Tends to have a rippling physique, and also gets a +2 to P.B. and M.A. when in situations when he's showing lots of skin. "Look at Arnie go..."

5. Ridiculously closed mind. Automatically receives +5 save vs hostile psionics and mental magics. Even when he fails, he only takes half damage. On the downside, he tends to have a brutish and sullen appearance, and has a penalty of -3 M.A. and -2 to P.B.

6. Phenomenally lucky in combat. The character can, once per day per level, either re-roll a bad die and choose the best roll, or upgrade one of his rolls to a natural critical. Unfortunaltey, when not in combat, he tends to have horrible luck. Flock of birds pass over head, and he's the only guy out of an entire stadium to get pooped on, gets a speeding ticket for going one mile over the limit, etc, etc. "Can someone say...Mihoshi?" ;)

7. Amazing Social Grace. No matter what the character says when not in combat, the other party thinks very highly of them. As long as the character is smiling and says it in a pleasant tone, he can get away with insulting the popes family, religion, mode of dress, and hygiene and no one will be offended by it. The pope doesn't have a familly, cathlic priets are not allowed to marry.

8. Animal friend. Similar to the minor power, any animals the player encounters is friendly, and will ignore the character (but not any companions) as if he wasn't there.

9. Ridiculously developed skill set. The character is considered on par with a GOD on one skill program of choice. The character gets DOUBLE the skill progression than normal, and can go beyond the normal 98% limit. Furthermore, they can accomplish any feat in half the time, at half the cost, provided they aren't doing it in combat or as part of the campaign (as long as it's for storytelling purposes its fine, but not if the character has to actually roll in game).

10. Spontaneous power surge. The character can, at anytime choose to sacrifice an attack to ramp up one power. One attack sacrificed is equal to two levels of power advancement. This power temporarily burns up 2d6 Hit Points and S.D.C., and the attack that was sacrificed is gone for 10 minutes per level. With a power surge attack, if it hits, it's automatically a critical.

* Character has to have some kind of great quest to engage in, and or some great evil to vanquish.
* Character will be frequently attacked/hounded/ pursued by rather incompetent bad guys, but the character won't be able to see through their disguises no matter how flimsy until it's almost too late to save the situation.
* Character has a 50/50 chance of suffering under the fighters curse. This is where the character is forever searching for a fight/cause/immediate form of fun while on the Big Quest.
* If the character takes and insanity, he can get a second Trademark. For three insanities, he can have all of them.
* Character has only base stats and S.D.C. and hit points, and those due to level progression. No skill will give him more, sorry.
* Choices 3, 4, 6, 9, and 10 can all be taken a second time, for double the bonuses, but also double the penalties.
* Character has to have at least two of the following: overly large eyes, spiky hair, strange hair color (purple, green, pink, etc.), strange hair style that defies gravity, strange set of normal clothes, funny accent, strange birthmark, nosebleeds when seeing anthing vaugly interesting on the opposite gender, anything else that the character and G.M. feel work in this situation.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:40 am
by MrTwist
JTwig wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve blades depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I'm sorry, this doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power at all. Or at least, it doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power as suggested by PU1. I'm still PU3 ignorant, so I could be wrong.

Looking at 'Stunning'. What disc?

It's a cool idea, but it does need some modification.

The disc part was a cut and paste error (I pasted from my Stunning Disc power), replace it with blade or knife. :oops:

As for it not sounding like a Matter Expulsion, what do you mean? You are creating matter from no where, which is in turn flies at a target or appears in your hand. While it is not the same as the other Matter Expulsion (no armor, or attribute bonuses), it is still a form of matter expulsion.

Plus I like to keep my naming conventions similar; if it was up to me the Sub Zero (or what ever the name of the cold generation power from PU3; or was it PU1?) would have been called Control Elemental Force: Cold (even though cold is not an element), and anything that only projects damaging energy at a range is an Energy Expulsion (or a Super Energy Expulsion if it is a major power) in my games. I found it helps players not only remember the names, but also allows the powers to be looked up easier. Hence in my games if it involves the creation and expulsion of matter it is called a Matter Expulsion. If you don't think it should be labelled a Matter Expulsion power then call it what ever you would like.

Also, what more information do you need? I've giving you all the game mechanic, and I only give the minimum amount of fluff because I think the SF should be worked out between the Players and GMs to better suit their games. If you could give me a list of what you think is missing Id appreciate it. :?

I was kind of drunk when I posted it, but I kept comparing the power to the other matter expulsion powers. I understand now why you called it matter expulsion, but then I just didn't see it.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I was kind of drunk when I posted it

Ugh, what are we going to do with you? :P

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:52 pm
by JTwig
MrTwist wrote:
JTwig wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve blades depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I'm sorry, this doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power at all. Or at least, it doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power as suggested by PU1. I'm still PU3 ignorant, so I could be wrong.

Looking at 'Stunning'. What disc?

It's a cool idea, but it does need some modification.

The disc part was a cut and paste error (I pasted from my Stunning Disc power), replace it with blade or knife. :oops:

As for it not sounding like a Matter Expulsion, what do you mean? You are creating matter from no where, which is in turn flies at a target or appears in your hand. While it is not the same as the other Matter Expulsion (no armor, or attribute bonuses), it is still a form of matter expulsion.

Plus I like to keep my naming conventions similar; if it was up to me the Sub Zero (or what ever the name of the cold generation power from PU3; or was it PU1?) would have been called Control Elemental Force: Cold (even though cold is not an element), and anything that only projects damaging energy at a range is an Energy Expulsion (or a Super Energy Expulsion if it is a major power) in my games. I found it helps players not only remember the names, but also allows the powers to be looked up easier. Hence in my games if it involves the creation and expulsion of matter it is called a Matter Expulsion. If you don't think it should be labelled a Matter Expulsion power then call it what ever you would like.

Also, what more information do you need? I've giving you all the game mechanic, and I only give the minimum amount of fluff because I think the SF should be worked out between the Players and GMs to better suit their games. If you could give me a list of what you think is missing Id appreciate it. :?

I was kind of drunk when I posted it, but I kept comparing the power to the other matter expulsion powers. I understand now why you called it matter expulsion, but then I just didn't see it.

What are you thinking, cruising (the web) why impaired! No wonder these boards take so long to load on my DSL, all the tanked posters causing data packet collision! :shock: :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:39 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JTwig wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
JTwig wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve blades depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I'm sorry, this doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power at all. Or at least, it doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power as suggested by PU1. I'm still PU3 ignorant, so I could be wrong.

Looking at 'Stunning'. What disc?

It's a cool idea, but it does need some modification.

The disc part was a cut and paste error (I pasted from my Stunning Disc power), replace it with blade or knife. :oops:

As for it not sounding like a Matter Expulsion, what do you mean? You are creating matter from no where, which is in turn flies at a target or appears in your hand. While it is not the same as the other Matter Expulsion (no armor, or attribute bonuses), it is still a form of matter expulsion.

Plus I like to keep my naming conventions similar; if it was up to me the Sub Zero (or what ever the name of the cold generation power from PU3; or was it PU1?) would have been called Control Elemental Force: Cold (even though cold is not an element), and anything that only projects damaging energy at a range is an Energy Expulsion (or a Super Energy Expulsion if it is a major power) in my games. I found it helps players not only remember the names, but also allows the powers to be looked up easier. Hence in my games if it involves the creation and expulsion of matter it is called a Matter Expulsion. If you don't think it should be labelled a Matter Expulsion power then call it what ever you would like.

Also, what more information do you need? I've giving you all the game mechanic, and I only give the minimum amount of fluff because I think the SF should be worked out between the Players and GMs to better suit their games. If you could give me a list of what you think is missing Id appreciate it. :?

I was kind of drunk when I posted it, but I kept comparing the power to the other matter expulsion powers. I understand now why you called it matter expulsion, but then I just didn't see it.

What are you thinking, cruising (the web) why impaired! No wonder these boards take so long to load on my DSL, all the tanked posters causing data packet collision! :shock: :lol:

You wonder how many times his computer crashes!

On a serious note, I will try to post more powers tomorrow when I get time in the morning.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:16 am
by MrTwist
JTwig wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
JTwig wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
JTwig wrote:This is similar to two other power I've posted in the past (Super Energy Expulsion: Energy Blades/Knives, and Energy Expulsion: Stun Discs).

Matter Expulsion: Neuro-Blades/Knives (Major)
The character is capable of creating metal blades for use in both melee and ranged combat, which are also charged with a unique energy that disrupts bio-electric energy of a living body causing the target to be stunned or even fall unconscious.
1. Damage: 2d4 per blade, plus possible bio-electrical stun (see below).
2. Stunning: In addition to the damage listed above, the disc can interfere with the body’s bioelectrical impulses. The target makes a save verses a difficulty 14 (P.E. bonus may be added to this role), the difficulty increase by +1 at levels four, seven, eleven, and fifteen (for a total of 18 at level fifteen). If the save is successful the character suffers -1 attacks, -2 strike, and -2 to parry/dodge for one melee. If the save is unsuccessful the character losses consciousness for 2D4 melees.
Note: The penalties for being stunned do not stack with multiple hits, but damage is inflicted as normal.
3. Creation Amount: Two blades are created at level one, and the character can create an additional pair of blades at levels three, five, eight, eleven, and fifteen (six pair by level fifteen).
4. Rate: Can be thrown one knife at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve blades depending on the characters level of experience. The most that can be used for melee combat is three blades per hand.
5. Range: 160 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience.
6. Bonuses: +1 to strike for both thrown and melee use, +1 parry, plus PP bonus (if any) and any bonuses for Weapon Proficiencies.

I'm sorry, this doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power at all. Or at least, it doesn't sound like a Matter Expulsion power as suggested by PU1. I'm still PU3 ignorant, so I could be wrong.

Looking at 'Stunning'. What disc?

It's a cool idea, but it does need some modification.

The disc part was a cut and paste error (I pasted from my Stunning Disc power), replace it with blade or knife. :oops:

As for it not sounding like a Matter Expulsion, what do you mean? You are creating matter from no where, which is in turn flies at a target or appears in your hand. While it is not the same as the other Matter Expulsion (no armor, or attribute bonuses), it is still a form of matter expulsion.

Plus I like to keep my naming conventions similar; if it was up to me the Sub Zero (or what ever the name of the cold generation power from PU3; or was it PU1?) would have been called Control Elemental Force: Cold (even though cold is not an element), and anything that only projects damaging energy at a range is an Energy Expulsion (or a Super Energy Expulsion if it is a major power) in my games. I found it helps players not only remember the names, but also allows the powers to be looked up easier. Hence in my games if it involves the creation and expulsion of matter it is called a Matter Expulsion. If you don't think it should be labelled a Matter Expulsion power then call it what ever you would like.

Also, what more information do you need? I've giving you all the game mechanic, and I only give the minimum amount of fluff because I think the SF should be worked out between the Players and GMs to better suit their games. If you could give me a list of what you think is missing Id appreciate it. :?

I was kind of drunk when I posted it, but I kept comparing the power to the other matter expulsion powers. I understand now why you called it matter expulsion, but then I just didn't see it.

What are you thinking, cruising (the web) why impaired! No wonder these boards take so long to load on my DSL, all the tanked posters causing data packet collision! :shock: :lol:

Actually, most of the time I spend on the boards recently has been while drunk. When sober, I'd rather get out an do other things. When I drink, I don't leave my house. Therefore I have my computer handy.

And maybe pages take too long to load, not because of drunk posters, but because of your DSL in the first place. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
This is a power that I gave passing mention to in the "How I met your mother" topic thread.

Alter Physical Body:Gender(Minor)by Stone Gargoyle
Also refered to as "Gender Bender"

This strange power alows the character to morph their body to alter their apparent sexual identity.

1.Genetic Androgyny: Genetic samples of the character come up inconclusive in determining sex, and the character has a generally androgynous appearance and voice.

2.Morphing Body Topography: The character's body can release testosterone and develop masculine traits, growing male sex organs at will. The character can also release estrogen to take on female traits, the male organs retracting and female ones replacing them, with the chest area becoming more pronounced.
Attacks:Uses 1 melee attack/action to convert to a different sexual appearance.

3.Limitations and Penalties: The character is actually neuter, merely mimicking the appearance of a sexually active person. The sex organs are incapable of reproduction. They can become aroused, however.

+1d4 PB
Heals 3 times the normal rate
Adds 10% the the Disguise and Impersonation skill

Sadly this is the only one I have time to post at the moment.


Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:36 pm
by JTwig
MrTwist wrote:
Actually, most of the time I spend on the boards recently has been while drunk. When sober, I'd rather get out an do other things. When I drink, I don't leave my house. Therefore I have my computer handy.

And maybe pages take too long to load, not because of drunk posters, but because of your DSL in the first place. :)

No, it couldn't be my DSL! Haven't you seen the commercials, "Up to 10x faster than dial-up"! :lol:

O.K., I suck and I'm sorry. :-( :P

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:01 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JTwig wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
Actually, most of the time I spend on the boards recently has been while drunk. When sober, I'd rather get out an do other things. When I drink, I don't leave my house. Therefore I have my computer handy.

And maybe pages take too long to load, not because of drunk posters, but because of your DSL in the first place. :)

No, it couldn't be my DSL! Haven't you seen the commercials, "Up to 10x faster than dial-up"! :lol:

O.K., I suck and I'm sorry. :-( :P

You guys are too funny. :-P

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:33 pm
by MrTwist
JTwig wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
Actually, most of the time I spend on the boards recently has been while drunk. When sober, I'd rather get out an do other things. When I drink, I don't leave my house. Therefore I have my computer handy.

And maybe pages take too long to load, not because of drunk posters, but because of your DSL in the first place. :)

No, it couldn't be my DSL! Haven't you seen the commercials, "Up to 10x faster than dial-up"! :lol:

O.K., I suck and I'm sorry. :-( :P

See, that's all you had to say. Now we can put it past us.

dsl still sucks

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:14 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This is a power that I gave passing mention to in the "How I met your mother" topic thread.

Alter Physical Body:Gender(Minor)by Stone Gargoyle
Also refered to as "Gender Bender"

This strange power alows the character to morph their body to alter their apparent sexual identity.

1.Genetic Androgyny: Genetic samples of the character come up inconclusive in determining sex, and the character has a generally androgynous appearance and voice.

2.Morphing Body Topography: The character's body can release testosterone and develop masculine traits, growing male sex organs at will. The character can also release estrogen to take on female traits, the male organs retracting and female ones replacing them, with the chest area becoming more pronounced.
Attacks:Uses 1 melee attack/action to convert to a different sexual appearance.

3.Limitations and Penalties: The character is actually neuter, merely mimicking the appearance of a sexually active person. The sex organs are incapable of reproduction. They can become aroused, however.

+1d4 PB
Heals 3 times the normal rate
Adds 10% the the Disguise and Impersonation skill

Sadly this is the only one I have time to post at the moment.


I would say that the hero would be have their sex chormizons as a triple instead of a pair, reading XXY. This is an uncommon occurence which most often always results in sterility.

And that if you use the option "KittenStomp's Tables of Doom" that they take pessedent over the disadvantages that come with this power.