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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:snipped. Multipost [What again?!?]

Two of your last posts are identical except the addition of one power. I was not pleased after photocopying and realizing I had wasted twenty cents for repeats.*Sigh*
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Geeno wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Geeno:
Okay, reviewing the powers, I would say that Unity would have to roll vs.Insanity or get a God Complex right off the bat. And you are not clear about how the power points progress, but I assume they accumulate as long as you absorb more unraveled energy. I would make someone limited to how much they can absorb at one time, though. Also, there should be risk of insanity when they do the omniscience thing.
In APS Magic, I would not have them with a bonus to save vs. magic but quite the opposite. And any mage might absorb their energy or they might risk "falling" into a ley line and being drained. The limitations and penalties increased, I see no problem with this power.


The Unity power was more of a specialty power and I would probably ne ver allow a PC to have it unless it was absoloutly specific to the story. However I like your suggestion about the God Syndrom. Having it me mandatory seems.. a little forced to me. The way I wrote it, it's almost inevitable anyways.
As for the power points being unclear, I will take a look at it and try and write it more clearly. Thank You.

I don't understand your input on the APS: Magic power though. Do you mean that the APS character risks being diluted in a ley line? If so I would disagree, as an APS: Water character does not risk being diluted in the ocran.
The APS: Character has more control then that. However having a character LEARN that control over time woul be great. So they wold have to make rolls to avoid falling in to a ley line untill they developed the control to avoid that fate. However I think that would be somthing for the GM to playout, not be writen hard into the power itself.

Sounds good if they have to learn control. That just sounds like the potentially fatal power in both cases.
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Ionization [Major] By Iczer
'well that got your attention'

The character can ionize a target or himself, making him more reactive and vulnerable to electricity.
1) Ionize other: the character can cause a target to become highly ionized, gaining and shedding free electrons which causes a number of effects
* Electrical attacks will inflict 5% more damage per level of the character to an ionized target
* Electrical attacks are attracted towards the target. Those using such attacks find the target easier to hit (+4 to strike). Electrical attacks made to miss the target will instead curve towards him. attacks on targets within 15 feet of the Ionized character automatically miss their intended target and swerve to strike the Ionized character. targets within 40 feet of the ionized character are harder to hit with electrical attacks (they swerve off course) and are -4 to strike.
* Ionized targets glow and send off sparks, making prowl difficult or impossible.
* Ionized surfaces are extremely conductive.
* Ionized electrical devices have a 10% chance per level of shorting out every minute of use.
To Ionize a target, the character simply attempts to strike with a ranged blast. he has +6 to strike and the attack is viable out to 75 feet (+10 feet per level). a struck target remains ionized until he recieves 10 points of electrical damage per level, or for 2 minutes per level.
2) Ionize air: The character can simply fill a nearby area (30 feet across, plus 10 feet per level) with a heavilly ionised charge. everyone in the vicinity will feel and be zapped by every conductive surface available, like a barrage of static shocks. everyone in the area takes 1d4 damage every round and must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or dropp any held items. the field is also distracting, reducing skill use by 10%. electrical items in the area have a 5% chance of shorting every minute per level of experience. an area remains charged for 1 minute per level.
3) Heavy Ion blast. despite its name, the ion blast from this character is not as powerfull as a full on electrical blast from another source, but is effective in a pinch for self defence.
Range: 50 feet +5 feet per level.
Actions: each ion blast counts as one attack
Damage 1D6 per level
Bonus to strike +2 to hit with a heavy Ion blast
4) Immunities: The character enjoys immunity to electrical, and ion damage, and subsequentially is immune to Tazers and stun guns.
Note: a character may ionize himself. this attracts electrical attacks away from nearby allies and discharges only at the character's whim. any electrical attacks posessed by this character will be reduced in range by 25% and damage by 10% while he is ionized.

Property Damage [Minor] By Iczer
'ARGHHH......what's that sound?!?'

The character can unleash subtle but violent destructive vibrations around himself as a defensive field and a means to disrupt his environment:
1) Disruptive field: The character may expend 3 attacks per melee to set up vibratory waves that surround him. the field extends for 15 feet in all directions (including down). all targets within the field take 2d6 damage twice per round from the vibration. within the field, communication is impossible due to the deep thumming noise and the steady preassure.
Melee attacks against anybody within this field suffers a -3 to hit while ranged attacks suffer a -6. energy attacks are unnafected but sonic and vibratory attacks are useless. The character himself is able to make melee attacks as normal.
2) Shunt: while his disruptive field is active, he may, as an action, cuase a violent shove in all directions. The character has an effective superhuman PS equal to his PE +2 per level. all targets within this PS's carrying range will be violently shoved away from the character. targets will take 2d6 damage from this attack and must make a check vs sense of balance or lose an attack as they are knocked down. this only affects targets within his dirsuption field.
3) Long range attack: while his diruptive field is active, he may expend an action to cause broad scale property damage. Out to a range of 60 feet +10 feet per level, the character inflicts 2d4 damage to every available target. Glass items crack then shatter, wooden items splinter, concrete breaks people are battered and bruised. Solid, rigid items such as crowbars stone benches etc take half damage if their AR is 14 or better, or 1/4 damage if their AR is 16 or better. characters behind force fields are immune.
4) While the field is active: The character drops to 1/4 Spd and cannot concentrate on complex tasks (like maintaining other powers) he is effectovely deafened within his own field. he enjoys an AR of 14 from strictly kinetic attacks (and is immune to sonic and vibratory damage). His fists inflict an extra 1d6 damage from seismic energy, or 2d6 if his field is up and active.

Arcweld [Minor] By Iczer
'I'll have that lock fused shut in a minute'

The character cangenerate a short range but continuous beam of energy from his hands, allowing him to cut or weld metal. The energy may be laser, heat or electricity, at the character's option, but once chosen remains that energy.
1) Cut materiels: the character can cut through materiels, around one and a half inches deep and 2 feet long though any materiel. Items with an AR of 14 or more are cut at half rate. at 16 AR the cut is at 1/4 rate and only an inch deep. at AR 18 or better he cuts down to half an inch deep and 6 inches per melee round.
2) Weld or fuse metal: The character can instead fuse metals together at the same rate he could cut them.
3) Combat uses: the character can use this torch like effect out to 12 feet +2 feet per level, inflcting 1 d6 per level. This attack ahs a +3 to strike. alternatively the character could refine the cutting torch to his own hands, like energy claws, inflicting 1d6 per level. At any rate, as a weapon, the attack rends inorganic matter (and makes a fair mess or organic matter as well). The attack ignores 2 points of AR and does double damage to innanimate objects.
4) The character is not resistant to any energy sources, but cannot hurt himself with his own power (his control is that good). His control is fine enough to use this power on hair, paper and wood. when using this power to perform engraving, sculpting or simply painting (by lightly scorchinc paper or wood) he recieves a +10% to any art skill.

Endurance expander [Minor] By Iczer
'Looks like I need a pick me up'

The character can breifly enhance his durability and health for a period of 15 minutes per level, with the following effects
1) enhanced endurance: the character doubles his PE score for the duration of the power, with all the attendant bonuses that implies (including saves vs poison, magic Coma death and HP)
2) Enhanced durability: for the duration, the character enjoys a +60 SDC (bonus SDC. damage comes off that first) AR of 8 (or +2 to natural AR).
3) resave vs Poison: The character, if afflicted by disease or poison (not magic) can make a new save to shunt the effects off immeadiately. this only applies if afflicted before he enhances his endurance.
4) Character is immune to fatigue and exhaustion while enhanced, and can hold his breath 4 times as long.
5) instant healing: using this power instantly heals 3d6 HP and 3d6 SDC
6) limitations: after this power ends, he loses his bonus SDC and his PE returns to normal. He is fatigued (-2 to all combat actions -10% to skills and -1 attack per melee) for the next hour and his PS and spd are reduced by 25% for the same period. He cannot use this power again for 1d4+1 hours.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle
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I dunno. How many variations on the strength thing do you need, amping it up beyond insane levels? This has all the upgrades of SNPS and you tack on more of a leap?
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

durn you guys!!!!! i have recently taken the task of gathering all the powers here and abroad. i finally make some headway and bam! Batts returns and gets everybody motivated. lol I quit!!! :P
keep up the good work guys. i have a few i need to post soon as well, adding to my frustration. :frust: lol
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see what happens when I get fired.

The flow of powers will not stop until I get a new job.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Damocles [Minor] By Iczer
'Can't do that bro...I got this monkey on my back'

The character can tag another with a bolt of energy that hags around the target untill triggered in some way.
Range: 70 feet plus 25 feet per level
Duration: instant. uses up one action to perform. The effect hangs around for 1 hour pe rlevel or until triggered.
Damage: 2d4 plus 1d4 per level of experience. the damage type is determined when the character is fist created.
Bonus to attack +2 with an aimed shot. no bonuses to wild shots.
Damocles effect: Once a target has been hit, the character chooses what causes the target to suffer damage.
* Contact: the attack just does damage there on the spot.
* Duration: The damage goes off at a specific time chosen by the character
* condition: if the target suffers some other condition (gets drunk, falls asleep suffers damage of a certain type, catches a cold etc) then the effect goes off
Of course the character can simply will it to go off at any point. likewise the character can just cancel the effect.
while the power hangs around a target, the target is followed by a glowing ball of energy, (easy to spot) and can be used as a light source ina pinch, though is an impediment for stealth.
When the damage discharges, the 'ball' of energy makes a strike roll at +12. If the target dodges or the attack misses, it follows the target, making a new strike roll twice per melee round at +8, then +6, then Plus 4 then plus 2 then plus zero.
Escaping the effect: all is not lost though. the target has a few, very few, options to disengage the attack.
Teleportation: teleporting over any distance has a flat 20% chance of shaking the thing loose. moving through portals does not count, as the energy is attached to the character and will follow.
Diving underwater is also a good trick, the attack may be diffused in water, although the character will have to be underwater when the effect triggers. simply diving underwtater does not dislodge the effect.
Body armour: putting on layers of body armour will not dislodge the attack, but gives the character time to mitigate it. If the target has access to extraordinary protective measures ( a mag who can cast protection from energy, or a mutant friend who can create force fileds for instance) then he may be set. otherwise he can strap on regular body armour and hope the triggered attack strikes it rather than him.
Other notes: The character can use this power on other ranged attacks he posesses rather than the , lower damage version that accompanies this power. as long as the attack is inborn, composed of energy (force can apply, but not materiels of matter) then it's damage and range may be substituted.

Band of brothers: [Major] By Iczer
'Yes I'm Nightwatchman. I'm just the miguel sanchez Nightwatchman, not the robert Carter Nightwatchman. can we get pizza?'

The character has a backup body that leads it's own life. when created, the body is generated like any other person, albeit spontaneously and without much qualifications, and is free to roam the world as he chooses. the body is not necessarilly a physical match for the character, and is typically an ethnic match for the location he appears in.
The body materialises, naked within 2d4x100 miles from the character, with the eqivilant of a single highschool program, normal life skills, 4 secondary skills and a general feeling that he is somehow incomplete. He makes way in the world as he chooses.
The character Is aware of his other self in the vaguest of fashions. he instinctively knows the names and faces of his alternate body's friends and family, and recognises places familiar to him.
The character can also switch minds with his backup. when he does this, the backup gains all of the characters powers and memories and skills, while retaining the backup's appearance and physical traits. the original body loses it's powers and the backup will find himself trapped in an unfamiliar body in a different place.
When the character dies, he may permanently switch with the backup, essentially attaining a kind of ressurection.
The character starts with 2 backups, and gains an additional backup every level. ach backup should be generated by the character. When a character inhabits the body of a backup, attribute bonuses for powers kick in immediately. physical bonuses and SDC from physical skills will return over the next 2d6 weeks.

Enhanced leverage field [Major] By Iczer
'Here's looking at you (whizz)Kid'

The character has an inhuman ability to apply grip and leverage even where laws of physics or even basic biology would oherwise deny it. the power combines aspects of immovability and adhesion as well as a fe wother bonuses.
1) immovable: The character remains attached to the ground unless shoved with excessive force. If a situation would call for a knockdown, a trip or a throw, the character may resist as long as his PS or PP is greater than that of the attacker. at any rate he enjoys a sense of balance of 65% +5% per level Or +5 to kae balance checks
2) adhesive grip: the character's grip is such that he can hold on where others fail. he gains a +10% to climb checks, and can climb at one third his normal running pace. he cannot be disarmed if either his PP or PS attributes exceeds the PP of an attacker. likewise he does not randomly drop things he does not want to (he can of course spill things) f attempting to hold a person he has a +6 to all opposed attribute checks to resist letting go. his does not apply to any initial grabs, just subsequent checks to resist someone escaping.
3) enhanced leverage: the character extends his grip to an entire object when he grasps it, as if by covering it with a type of kinetic field. he may lift objects with one hand, as if he was putting his whole body into it. likewise he may lift an entire car (if he can lift an entire car that is) by its fender. the character is no stronger than usual, but is able to concentrate his efforts, very efficiently. a slong as he has a hold of part of an object, he has a hold on all of it. in combat he enjoys +2 to disarms trips and throws using this effect
4) The character also controls his own actions, making him a natural athlete. he gains a +20% to all physical skills. between superb grip and his ability t concentrate his strength where he needs it he is able to maximise his physical traits. add +10 to SDC +2 to PS and +2D4 to Spd.


"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

wolfsgrin wrote:durn you guys!!!!! i have recently taken the task of gathering all the powers here and abroad. i finally make some headway and bam! Batts returns and gets everybody motivated. lol I quit!!! :P
keep up the good work guys. i have a few i need to post soon as well, adding to my frustration. :frust: lol

I am delayed in getting more posted as well. But I have no excuses other than looking for work and playing video games. The Playstation 2 is an evil mistress...
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:durn you guys!!!!! i have recently taken the task of gathering all the powers here and abroad. i finally make some headway and bam! Batts returns and gets everybody motivated. lol I quit!!! :P
keep up the good work guys. i have a few i need to post soon as well, adding to my frustration. :frust: lol

I am delayed in getting more posted as well. But I have no excuses other than looking for work and playing video games. The Playstation 2 is an evil mistress...

yeah the wii is currentlly sapping all my creative juices for the moment. and the fact that i'm revamping my game world, i just have no drive for any of the other efforts i have going on.
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wolfsgrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:durn you guys!!!!! i have recently taken the task of gathering all the powers here and abroad. i finally make some headway and bam! Batts returns and gets everybody motivated. lol I quit!!! :P
keep up the good work guys. i have a few i need to post soon as well, adding to my frustration. :frust: lol

I am delayed in getting more posted as well. But I have no excuses other than looking for work and playing video games. The Playstation 2 is an evil mistress...

yeah the wii is currentlly sapping all my creative juices for the moment. and the fact that i'm revamping my game world, i just have no drive for any of the other efforts i have going on.

Revamping how? I realize this is off topic, so maybe send me a message... :-P Really, I like your ideas and would like to hear some more of them. :D
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Hover Skates (minor) by Roscoe Del’Tane
“Jane! How do you stop this crazy thing?”

The character can cause his feet (or lower extremities if missing legs or doesn’t possess them normally) to project an organic repulsion field capable of lifting himself and 50 pounds per level.

1) Skate. The character can move at his speed times his level plus one (Zippy at level three would move at 4 times his normal speed). The character only floats two or three inches above the ground per level, and doesn’t fly. So be careful not to go skating over lava and such, you will still take damage.

At first level, the character can only move across hard packed dirt and concrete. Anything softer actually causes the skates to be “gummed up”, and loose the speed bonus. Any loose gravel or shallow puddles of liquid will be blasted 1d4 feet away, but not truly interfere with this power.

At third level, the character can skate across thick mud, and tar, and other thick gelatinous liquids, but only at half his maximum skating speed, and only for 1d4 minutes before sinking.

At sixth level, the character has such control he can skate indefinitely on and over liquid water and other thin liquids.

Other bonuses and notes:
When this power is active, the character has + 2 to initiative, + 2 to strike, and + 2 to dodge.
Activating this power costs one action, as does disabling it.
Kicks only do half damage when this power is active, but will propel the victim backwards 5 feet plus 1d4 per three levels of the skater.
When this power is active, the character can double their jumpoing distance with a 10 run
If the charcter can walk or run up or on a surface without having to climb, they can skate on it, allowing for some impressive stunts.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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thanks steeler.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Ouch. Too much data in one post! :eek:
I really prefer the powers postred individuallyof three to allow copying on the printer easier at the library.
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Energy Expulsion:Ungodly(Minor)by Stone Gargoyle
Also known as "Godsmack"

The character fires bolts of chaotic energy that only affect Avatars and Godlings(most possess some divine essence to be affected).
Range:400 feet
Bonus:+3 to aimed strike
Damage:Affects gods only, who take 1d6, +1d6 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Special:Damage can be regulatedbafter third level in 1d6 increments. Cannot be divided between targets.
Other Effects:Victims(gods) must roll a save vs. psionic attack(15 or better, Me bonuses apply). A failed roll results in all attributes being reduced by 1d6 each and loss of all superabilities and psionics, including their Immortality, for 2d4 melee rounds, during which time they can be killed like any mortal.
Limitations:Does not affect fallen gods and other Immortals, demons, devils or dragons. Cannot damage a god after he has been shifted mortal by this blast. If a god has this, he is not immune to his own bolts. This effect is temporary and may make a god angry at the character who negated his/her power.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Decapitation(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
The character is capable of removing their head indefinitely for the purpose of keeping it safe from harm.
Range:10 feet +5 feet per level. Any added distance will cause the character to save v. coma/death(-10%) to keep from dying.
Limitations:The character can only "see" in the direction his head is facing, but he could easily hold it in his hand to look around corners or over high walls. As long as the head is within range, he does not have to be touching it to receive directions.
Penalties:Since his head is removed, the character's personal orientation is off, suffering -4 to strike, parry and dodge. The penalty lesssens by one each following level, having no penalty by the time they reach level 5.
Attacks:Uses 1 melee attack/action to remove/restore head.
Bonuses:The character is immune to strangling attacks, but a strong physical blow to the head or face may knock the head loose.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I couldn't find a better name for this, so I'll stick with the first thing that popped in my head.

Peaceful Pain Field(major)

"Be nice to each other. Or else."

This power creates a localized field around the super being that uses pain to nullify agression in others. While it can be extremely useful in many situations, this field unfortunately does not differentiate between friend and foe; everyone in the field is affected. This field also affects the user. While people can fight it's effects, it is very painful to do so.

Range: A 20ft radius centering on the user of this ability, +10ft to the radius per level of experience. At 6th level and higher the user can control the radius, reducing it in size by 5ft increments with the minimum being 10ft.
Attacks Per Melee: Putting up the field takes two melee actions to perform and cancelling it can be done at any time.
Duration: The power last 2 minutes per level of experience.
Damage: For each act of aggression attempted by someone they take 1D6 damage straight to hitpoints. This damage is merely stun damage, though it can knock someone unconcious if they take enough stun to reduce their HP to 0. If someone succeeds in an act of agression, they take another 1D6 direct to hit points. This damage is for each action attempted.
Saving Throw: To actually carry out an act of agression through the haze of pain, a person needs to save at a 13 plus the user's ME bonus or higher, ME bonuses included. This means that if the super being using this power has a +4 bonus due to ME, the required roll is a 17 or higher.
Conditions: The user of this power needs to work out with their GM what this power considers 'an act of aggression' when this power is rolled. Some characters may have more strict definitions of what is aggressive and what is not. At the very least, attacks against other people will always be considered acts of aggression under this power.
Notes: This power affects any creature capable of being affected by psionics since the pain really is illusory.
Since the pain is illusory, even people normally immune to pain can be affected by this power though they have a +3 to save on top of any other bonuses they might have.
Because of bonuses cancelling out, the user has to save at a 13 or higher to commit an act of aggression.

It's been awhile since I flexed my creative muscles in this department. Next time I'll come up with something better. I had an idea for a power called "Infovore", but it's still in it's infant stages.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Thanks, Twist. I do not know if I have posted my Pain Expulsion power, but I like things in this area.
I have more to post soon also.
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So we are going for a new category, then?
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Two-Faced(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
The character possesses a secondary face on the opposite side of his/her head. Their head can swivel like that of an owl, allowing them to switch the face they show the world.
Identical in appearance(unless they choose to have plastic surgery on one of the faces), the face might be slightly different than their first face; but, if male, the facial hair might be trimmed up differently, adding +10% to the Disguise skill. This will be blatantly obvious unless hidden somehow, either by wearing a hood or large hat or growing hair out long enough to conceal the second face. If only partiallly concealed, the character might have the equivalent of 360 degree vision.
This allows them a number of unique abilities. For one, they can chew their food and talk clearly at the same time. If blinded in one set of eyes, they can switch to the second by turning their head around. They can also spy on people while seeming to pay no attention or talk to two people at once. +4 to perception checks.
Other Bonuses: +2 to initiative and impossible to sneak up on.
Twice as good sense of smell.

Cranial Twin(minor)by Stone Gargoyle

The character is actually twins but does not appear so.
Dual Brain: The character has two brains in one skull. This gives them an overly large head but they are otherwise normal. Each brain will have seperate IQ, ME and MA stats. They both take turns controlling the rest of the body but more often than not have different interests and alignments. There is an internal communication, so they gain +10% to any skills they have in common. There is no need for traditional sleep, as they take turns doing so.
Penalties: If in stressful or combat situations, the character might suffer -2 to initiative as the brains fight for control.
Other bonuses: +4 vs. mind control and possession.
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Now for Double Trouble...

Doublehanded(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
This power differs from Multiple Limbs in that the arms sprout out at the elbow and are more easily concealed.
Bonuses: Punches get an additional die of damage due to the second fist hitting. +1 to pary, disarm and avoid being disarmed, +3 to strike when doing a grab, and +10% to pick pockets, palming and any sleight of hand skills, +15% to juggling. PS +2.
Limitations: Range of movement is limited, plus the limbs are obvious if not wearing loose sleeved clothing. It is far less noticeable then Multiple Limbs, however.
Benefits: While not adding an additional attack, the character could carry two weapons(one in each hand) in one arm and strike for damage from both weapons simultaneously. +2 to strike in such a manner, but if the hit connects only because of the bonus, then it can be assumed that only one of the weapons hits and damage is only done by one weapon.

Doubleheader(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
The character keeps a backup brain and sensory organs in the incidence that his head gets cut off. The spare cranium does not form until such time as the original is removed.
Decapitation: When the original head is removed, the character must save vs. coma/death as normal. If he survives, the body enters into a regenerative coma for 2d4 weeks while the new head is grown. Once the new head is in place, a new secondary brain and organs form within three months. If he is decapitated a second time prior to a new secondary brain forming, there is no saving him.
Penalties: The character is -4 to Perception while new eyes adjust. He must train the new tongue to speak properly. The character also suffers -15% to skills for 2d4 days after a new head forms.
Benefits: While having a secondary brain active, the character is +10% to all skills requiring intense thought and is half the time for use of such skills.
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Doubleshot(minor)by Stone Gargoyle
"I am going to shoot both of you with my last remaining bullet."

The character is surrounded by a strange type of quantum reality field which doubles the reality of a given event, multiplying possible outcomes.
There are few practical applications of this, but one in particular the character finds quite useful. He can shoot and hit more than one target with a single shot. What this essentially means is that the objects being thrown or shot out of his quantum field split on a submolecular level, multiplying to hit more than one target.
Striking:When rolling to hit, the character only rolls once but can designate more than one target for a single shot. The character can designate an additional target at level one, plus one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Damage is reduced by one point per each additional attack but never goes below 1d4 damage.
Dissolving Reality:The projectiles suffer some molecular alteration when exiting the field. In the case of knives and arrows, they destabilize after impacting on a target, becoming unusable. Bullets simply become unidentifiable in terms of ballistics. GMs may choose for all evidence to simply vanish in a quantum flux phenomenon.
Limitations:This applies only to attacks actually exiting the character's quantum reality field.
Range of Field:The quantum reality field surrounds the character for a radius of 10 feet.
Other Bonuses:+2 to strike, parry and dodge in Hand to Hand combat, +1 to initiative, +2 to modern weapons fire(aimed)
Other Effects:Opponents entering the chearacter's quantum reality field must save vs. disorientation(12 or better, ME bonus applies) or suffer the loss of one attack, -2 to initiative and feel as if they hjave lost their grip on reality for 1d4 melee rounds. The character can choose to negate this effect as desired, though this negates the power while the field is effectively shut down.
Note:GMs should feel free to adjust automatic weapons fire affected by the field as desired.
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Share Senses [Minor} by Roscoe Del’Tane
“Care to see what the world looks like through my eyes?”

This odd minor power can only be used in conjunction with an advanced senses power (gets both this one and the other for the cost of one minor). The character can allow another person to see through their eyes (or hear through their ears, etc), so long as they maintain physical contact.

Character has a 50-50 chance of having several long, thin tentacles that can stretch up to 1d4 +2 feet extending from his head. The tentacles are roughly the thickness of a sewing needle, and retract into the skull when not in use.

Unfortunately, the sensory power only functions at half power (or range if it doesn't increase in power) when sharing. Sharing can only be done if it accepted by the receiver, so no forcing your views on another.
Last edited by Roscoe Del'Tane on Mon May 14, 2007 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Due to curiosity aboout the subject, I will be posting some of my time travel powers within the next week.

Oh, and good job, Roscoe.
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Personal Space (Major) by Roscoe Del’Tane
" Like my shirt? No? Howabout VOOP! this one?”

This power is sort of a combination of Dimensional Room and Instant Wardrobe/Weapons. The character has a pocket in their body, that will allow them to almost instantly grasp anything they had stored.

1) Store Items. Initially the character can store double their body weight, and every level after one, the character can add three times their M.E. to their storage space. Only non-living items can be safely stored, but anything can be put into storage. Every melee that a living being is in Storage, the victim takes 3d4 damage, and the character with Personal Space takes double damage directly to hit points. The character can store up to their M.E. in pounds per melee round, and they can only store what can be held or worn by the character (so Power armor is ok, but not a motorcycle or a tank).

2) Quick draw: With weapons, the character can almost instantly materialize a weapon in hand. For every 3 lbs (per level) materialized, one melee action is expended, this counts for both hands (and tentacles if you have different appendages). For the first melee the character uses the weapon, they enjoy a +2 to strike and parry (if applicable) with that item. For non weapon items, the character can materialize 5 pounds per level for one melee action.

3) Body Armor and Clothing: The character can cause any complete change of cloths to instantly appear on their body, for only one melee action, but it cannot include any type of armor. Armor costs two melee attack for every 3 points of A.R. it has. The A.R. per pair of melee attacks goes up by one at levels 2, 5, and 7.

4) Assorted Notes and Bonuses:
Things that are stored, come out in the same state as they went in, the storage area is in a state of quantum stasis (so you can’t store a bomb, and let it detonate in the store room; it will continue to take up space until you pull it out again, and the times will be at the same time as it went in at), and upon the characters death, all their stored items comes flooding out into their immediate bodily area.

Whenever the character fails against Horror Factor or a mental psionic attack, they have a 50-50 chance of randomly swapping out one clothing item/weapon.

The character can attempt to store energy attacks/gunfire/thrown attacks. They have to make a parry attack roll at -3, and for every 1d6 worth of damage the character uses up five pounds of storage space (this space is ‘burnt up’ for 2 hours -5 min per level).

H.P. bonus of 3d6+10

After the third level, the character can ‘blast’ himself clean by rapidly changing cloths to fling dirt and filth off of himself. This only takes three or four clothing changes, and also has the benefit of refreshing the character mentally (roughly the equivalent of a two or three hour nap, no good for the lo0ng term, but good for a quick pick me up).
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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I likes it, Roscoe.

Self-Summoning(Major) by stone Gargoyle

Similar to Multiple Beings/Selves, except that the "duplicates" are actually summoned from other points in time. They arrive in costume(they are basically the character and wear whatever he would into battle, coming prepared) and, due to being displaced in time themselves, cannot summon more copies themselves. Doing this Self-Summoning too much can cause the character to involuntarily wink out and reappear later( saves vs. teleportation at 14 or better, PE bonus applies). Normally, however, the summoning is voluntary, thus the "duplicate cannot be summoned if already displaced in time, engaged in battle, or simply unwilling to go at the moment(though this is unlikely as he knows he would only summon himself in the case of an emergency and might die if not cooperating with himself) or is himself in danger. The "duplicates" share no other telepathic connection of any kind to the character and will still require verbal instruction upon arrival.
If summoned from the future, the "duplicate" may know and warn of future events, though this may be an alternate future and wind up not actually hapening. This functions as Clairvoyance at a skill level of 80%.

Duration:Return teleportation window of 5 minutes per level. If the "duplicate" remains longer, he suffers permanent chronological displacement and potential temporal erasure.

Behavior Limits:"Duplicates" will try to assist the character but avoid changing events or severely injuring someone so as not to alter the timeline too drastically.

Level Adjustment:Adjust "duplicates" by 1d4 levels up or down depending on if they are a future of past self.
01-30% Past Self
31-00% Future Self

Number Summoned: One per every two levels, with a maximum of 7

Range:"Duplicates" appear within a 60' radius around the character and must retrun to within that distance to be sent back before the end of the power duration.

Attacks:Uses one melee attack/action to summon or dimiss a "duplicate", arrival time within 1d4 melee rounds.

Limits and Penalties: Seeing a "duplicate" die in combat, the character must roll vs. Insanity(16 or better, ME bonus applies) or be paranoid and fear his own impending demise(30% chance duplicate was from his own timeline). If the "duplicate was from a past shared timeline, the character must immediately roll vs. Temporal Death/Displacement to avoid Temporal Erasure. Even then, there will be a temporal distortion/ rift resulting from the event. Also, as he is constantly summoning himself, the character is plagued by constant summonings from himself in other areas of the time stream (-2 to initiative and all combat rolls if during combat) and is obligated to answer periodically, swept back in time to help himself. He is very busy.
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This is based on a power posted by acreRake in the Time Travel thread and started out way overpowered. I have toned it down somewhat, but here it is:

Temporal Manipulation (Major) by Acry Rakery Gargoyle

The character creates Temporal Conversion Fields for a variety of effects.

1. Compress Temporal Energy
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: 2 melee per level*
Attacks per Melee: 1
Limitations: each person/object can only be effected by one use of the power one time per 24 hours
Damage: none; causes the events and random factors in one's future to resequence and fall back on the character. Future events/growth impact the character's currtent moment, gaining the character a temporary 1d6 levels of experience, boosting powers and skills.
Save: unwilling victims save on 14 or better (add PE bonus)

2. Decompress Temporal Energy
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: 2 melee per level*
Attacks per Melee: 1
Limitations: each person/object can only be effected by one use of the power in a 24 hour period.
Damage: none; causes the events and random factors in one's past to resequence and fall away from the character. Past events/growth are lost, impacting on the current moment in the loss of skills, 1d6 levels of experience and possibly powers(GM's discretion).
Save: unwilling victims save on 14 or better (add PE bonus)

3. Time Jump
Range: Self and up to two others + one every other level (starting at third) with in 20'
Duration: instant
Attacks per Melee: 6
By focusing on a specific Space/Time Event (must have some reference point), the character can jump toward the event with a skill of 20% +5% per level. Failure means jumping to a random point in the timeline between the time of jump and the destination. Jumping to a historical or majorly significant event is done at 30% +6% per level. The character can jump to any point in their own life ( a space/time event occuring
to them with 100% success.
Limitations: Jumping is gut-wrenching and those jumping will become "time sick" (see bonuses and penalties).

4. Sense Temporal Energy: The character is able to sense temporal anomalies and distortions nearby and know if their timeline has been altered. They always know exactly when in time they are even if jumping off course. The superbeing can sense this about others as a sixth sense, easily identifying other time travellers.

5. Bonuses and Penalties:
the character lives 50% longer
+1 initiative
+20 SDC
Impervious to temporal anomalies: The superbeing cannot be afected by time powers of others or made to time travel against their will, nor be affected by temporal conversion fields. They will, however, get "time sick".
Time Sickness: Speed is reduced to 3/4, -1 strike, parry and dodge, -2 on all saving throws, -10% to skill performance while "time sick".
Duration: 2d6 melees. Cannot Time Jump while sick. Each additional jump within 24 hours adds 2d6 minutes to the duration( cumulative).
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Timeline(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can create a stable wormhole to a future or past Event. Once fixed, the worhole will travel a set number of years relative to the time left.

1.Time Distance: The Event traveled to must be within the character's ME X10 in years away. The wormhole will affix to a place on the same planet but will vary due to planetary rotation as to where unless specifically specified by the character when establishing the wormhole. The wormhole will stay affixed to that spot but time will flow forward (ie Joey Jaunt travels 65 years back to Nazi Germany on April 12. If he spends 2 days in the past, he will return to the future 2 days later than he left. If he remains in the present for a week and returns, a week will have passed at his destination).

2.Event Viewer: The character can watch past or future events through the wormhole but runs the risk it will be found and something will come through it.

3.Number of Wormholes: The character starts out with one at level one but gains the ability to create an additional wormhole at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. If he wishes to establish a wormhole to a new destination but has no available wormholes, he may elect to shut one down and create a new one to the new destination.

4.Creation Time: Opening or closing a wormhole takes 2d4 melee rounds. The character must roll vs. Temporal Distortion (16 or better, ME bonus applies) or be sucked into the wormhole, which promptly vanishes leaving him stuck and unable to travel back home for 2d4 weeks due to temporal shock, plus there is a 30% chance he will develop amnesia.

5.Penalties: Such wormholes run the risk of creating permanent temporal rifts and distortions (30% chance). The character must be within 10 feet of a wormhole to shut it down, so if he is in the past or future he has no access to the other wormholes he has created, unless he creates one from there. These wormholes may be used by other people and creatures, so there will be trouble if they are left unwatched. Excessive teleportation or time travel in an area may cause a wormhole to shut down on its own or shift direction spontaneously. Tampering with the past may make his original timeline disappear, shutting down the wormhole, or events in the past or present he is involved in may erase a future timeline wormhole.

6.Bonuses: The character himself is immune to the effects of temporal distortion and erasure.
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Time Capsule(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character can surround himself or others with a field of temporal energy to travel up and down the time stream.
1. Time Travel: The character can allow time to pass around himself at an accellerated rate, moving himself forwards or backwards in time at a rate of one hour per second. Everything within the field is unaffected by the effects of aging or decay. The character will have a sense of when he is located when stopping travel and arriving at the desired time. He can also bring others with him as long as they are within a 10' radius of himself.
Duration: Concentration
Range: Self and others within 10 feet (Save of 14 or better, PE bonus applies, if they are unwilling)

2.Suspended animation: The character can capture enemies within his temporal field, effectively freezing them in motion for his ME number in minutes.
Duration; concentration, up to ME number in minutes.
Range: 10 foot radius around character.

3.Time Viewer: The Temporal Distortion Field can be used to view events in the past, with the character being safe and unnoticed as long as he has his field up. Must be to a time the character has visited or time his ME number in years away.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses: Cannot be affected by other forms of time travel, by temporal powers of others or be affected by temporal conversion or erasure. The superbeing always knows when in time he is and can recognize other time travellers on sight. Can sense temporal anomalies and distortions within 200 feet.
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Time Hop(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character travels through time by doing short leaps in time, eventually arriving at the desired destination.

1.Temporal Shunt: The superbeing does a temporal teleport to one hour forward or backwards in time (1 day if close to a ley line). This acts as a blind teleport to the same space location/geographic destination, so this may be obvious if in an open space. The character also runs the risk of colliding with people standing in the same spot.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action, requiring a stop and inactivity between jumps of one melee action.
Total jumps per day: (ME+PE)X100

2. Advantages: The benefit of travelling in this comparatively slow manner is that there is no sickness resulting from time travel and the superbeing is less likely to overshoot his destination.

3.Disadvantages: It is possible to jump into the middle of a riot or crime in progress. Having to stop and rest before jumping again may leave the superbeing prone to attack, as doing any other action besides resting will delay his next teleport.

4.Other Bonuses: Cannot be affected by time travel spells or powers of others or made to travel in this fashion against his will. Also not affected by temporal conversion or erasure. The superbeing also always knows when he is and can recognize other time travellers on sight.

Time Tunnel(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Come back with me to yesteryear."

The character has the ability to open a stable corridor outside space-time leading to the past or future.

1. Time Corridor: The superbeing creates a solid pathway which others can follow him along which seems to have breathable atmosphere and gravity. The experience is disorienting. Those with the character must save vs. Insanity(14 or better, ME bonus applies) or become overcome, unable to move.
Number of Companions: The superbeing can safely bring 1d4 people with him at level one, plus one per level, but all must remain within 10 feet of the superbeing while in the corridor. The pathway is 20 feet wide. Any straying or slipping off the path will be whisked to a random time period.
Travel Distances: Each inch traveled in the corridor by the superbeing represents one hour in the world. The character may choose to travel forward or backward in time.
Attacks: Generating the tunnel uses 2 melee attacks/actions.
Duration: Concentration. Loses one attack and -2 to all combat moves while on the pathway. Loss of concentration will result in the superbeing falling out in the time he has walked to during his time in the tunnel.

2. Dangers: The pathway is not protected in any way against temporal storms and distortions which have odd influences on the pathway, such as changing its direction spontaneously. There are also time creatures and temporal torments which might attack travellers (GM should feel free to have fun with this).

3. Bonuses: Cannot be afected by time travel powerrs of others or made to time travel against his will, nor is he affected by temporal conversions or erasure. The superbeing always knows when in time he is and can recognize other time travellers on sight.
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Time Warp(Major) By Stoned Gargoyle :lol:
"Like, Groovy."

The character possesses the odd power to relive the old times, either by going to it or bringing it to him.

1. Retrofit: The character can alter the clothes and mind oth others.
Range: 200 feet +10 feet per level.
Damage: None; the target simply finds herself dressed in bygone fashions and must save vs. mind control (14 of better, ME bonus applies) or act and talk like a stereotypical member of an era past (or future, if GM allows). If making their save vs. mind control, the victim's clothing and hairstyle will still change. Note that this can be done to objects in the same manner.
Duration: 2 melees per level of experience.

2. Time Jump: By focusing on the desired lifestyle or fashiion trend, the character can jump to a time when that style was in its prime and thriving with a skill of 20% +5% per level. Failure means jumpimg to a random point between the time of the jump and the destination. If the character dresses the part prior to jumping, he can make the jump with a skill of 30% +6% per level. The character's clothing and mannerismms will change as per Retrofit above.
Range: Self and up to two others, plus one at every odd level, within 20'
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Uses 6 melee attacks/actions.
Limitations: Jumping is disorienting and the character will become "time sick" (see bonuses and penalties below).

3. Gains the Bonus Skill of Lore: Fashion Trends and Hippy Subcultures at a skill level of 30% +5% per level

4.Bonuses and Penalties:
the character lives 50% longer
+1 initiative
+20 SDC
Impervious to temporal anomalies: The superbeing cannot be afected by time powers of others or made to time travel against their will, nor be affected by temporal conversion fields. They will, however, get "time sick".
Time Sickness: Speed is reduced to 3/4, -1 strike, parry and dodge, -2 on all saving throws, -10% to skill performance while "time sick".
Duration: 2d6 melees. Cannot Time Jump while sick. Each additional jump within 24 hours adds 2d6 minutes to the duration( cumulative).
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Temporal Conversion(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

1. Decompress Temporal Energy
Range: All targets within 600 foot radius, plus 5 feet per level. Affects Events 1d10 years prior.
Attacks: Uses 1 attack/action to initiate
Limitations: Can only rewrite/resequence events and random factors influencing objects and individuals once per 24 hours.
Damage: None; causes events and random factors in one's past to resequence and fall away, replaced by new ones. Buildings in the area will appear different if built after the start of the altered period and in the area of effect. Individuals affected by this have all experiences and memories altered unless saving vs. temporal conversion (14 or better, ME bonus applies). If saving, there is still a 30% chance they will develop amnesia.
Duration: Temporal Conversion is permanent unless the distortion is reversed.

2. Event Assessment: The character has the skill to analyze events so as to determine the chain of events leading to an outcome.
Determine Chain of events skill level 60% + 3% per level.
For the purposes of this power, he can attempt to shape and influence events, specifically writing conversion notes designed to alter the future of his area around him.

3. Bonuses and Penalties: The character is himself impervious to temporal conversion, temporal erasure and other effectsd of temporal distortion.

+2d4 ME
+2 initiative
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Temporal Extraction(Major) By Stone Gargoyle
The character can identify points in the timeline and specifically the individuals involved, needed to influence an event.

1. Event Assessment: The character has the skill to analyze events as to determine the chain of events leading to an outcome, with a skill level of 60% +3% per level.

2. Individual Extraction: The character can focus his energies across time to lock onto a target (roll to strike on a 20 sided dice; target number is victim's ME number. Natural 20 always locks on). The target may make an opposing roll to save vs. Temporal Extraction (14 or better, ME bonus applies) to avoid being plucked from the timeline and shunted randomly to a different time period.
Limitation: The target must be known to the character and have been determined to have been the cause of an event the character wishes to prevent. Only one individual may be pulled from an event prior to the resultant Event Cascade/ Time Ripple which will occur as a result of their removal from the timeline.

3. Bonuses and Penalties: The character is himself inpervious to temporal erasure and other effects of temporal distortion.
+2 initiative
+2 ME

Note: Wrongful use of this power should result in worsening conditions in the character's reality due to continued tampering with the timeline.
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Communal Mind [TWO Majors] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"We are Perfection now; I no longer have time for you or your petty concerns. Get out of My way or We will have to hurt you."

1) Multiple Beings/Selves: Functions like normal, only starts at level 3

2) Group mind: Whenever character makes a duplicate, they can choose to meld their minds into a cohesive whole. With this power, the character knows exactly what they others are going to do, and can compliment it.
Range of Meld: 100 ft. per level per clone.
Duration: 10 minutes for every point of M.E. + 20 minutes per level

3) Bonuses: When melded, the character(s) enjoy a tasty selection of buffs.
Whenever more than 2 clones are in close proximity (10 feet or so), they gain +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +2 parry and an additional attack per melee.
For every 3 beings in existence, all mental attributes gain 2d6 points (roll randomly each time), until they wink out of existence.
The character has greater control over creating his clones; provided he is not carrying weapons or wearing armor, his are clothed in attire identical to his.
Originator can switch place with any of his clones within 100 feet for only 3 melee attacks.
Clones that are killed, unless knocked down below -30 hit points, are simply discorporated, disappear into thin air, and can’t be accessed for one month per level.

Suppress Disease [minor] by Roscoe Del’Tane
“Sick? Not no More! Now get to a hospital.”

This power, simply put, allows the character to force disease and sickness into dormancy temporarily. The sick person must make a save vs. non-lethal poison for things like the flu, head colds, etc. For things more serious, cancer, pneumonia, 2 successful saves out of 4 must be made, and only for half the duration.

Range: Touch only
Duration: One hour for each of the sick persons P.E. points, plus half an hour for the Supressor’s P.E. points.

Notes: This power does NOT cure disease, only forces it temporarily into dormancy. This power does not work on gun shots, stabs, impacts, etc. Poisons are barely in this powers realm of influence, not stopping it, but slowing the spread by half.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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I hope everyone liked my time related powers. I have also considered doing a Time Bandit power by which someone can steal speed points, combat bonuses and attacks per round from an opponent, but it is still in the works.

What did everybody think of my effort in this regard so far?
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Geeno wrote:Great time powers. I allways felt there where not enough.

I use them sparingly in my game and people should always be mindful that things change drastically in reality when you start messing with time. There was a demand for them, so what you gonna do...
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adjustable energy expulsion: [Major] By Iczer
'Hmmmmmm...Immune to this, immune to about this one then?'

The character posesses the ability to generate beams of corsucating energy that can be modulated gradually at the character's direction.
Damage: d6 +1d6 per level of experience
Range: 600 feet +60 feet per level
attacks: a regular beam attack counts as a single attack.
Bonus to strike. +3 with an aimed shot. +1 wild. +1 burst.
Energy type: chosen at character creation.
Effect: working like a regular energy blast, this power seems pretty unremarkable until of course the character hits. If the blast strikes a target who is resistant to that energy type, the next blast changes to a new energy type reflexively. if this new energy type is also innefective, or reduced in effectiveness, then the energy type switches a again, eventually becoming a force blast.
The character can also make subtle adjustments of his own.
by reducing his damage by 2 dice, his blast becomes armour piercing, ignorning 3 points of AR of a target.
by reducing the damage of his attack by 2 dice, he may choose a more pinpoint, accurate blast, with +4 to strike.
By reducing his damage by 4 dice, he may perform a short burst, affecting up to 1D4+1 targets within 15 feet, or a single target for x2 damage

Physical adept [Minor] By Iczer
'HH...Powers. Who needs superpowers'

The character is physically orientated, inhumanly so, with an affinity for physical activity that surpasses any normal natural affinity.
The character gains the following
+20% to all physical skills. +15% to the dance skill. +5% to wilderness skills
+2 to PS, PP and PP. +6 to Spd
+ 2 to dodge, +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
Can leap 10% further than normal per level of experience.
The character is a natural at all sports, grasping the rules and techniques intuitively
Automatic sense of balance 50% +5% per level.
+5D6 SDC

Bone control [Major] By Iczer
'Got a bone to pick with you'

The character can control his bones, twisiting them without any negative effect on himself
1) twist bones: the character can twist and deformhis bones harmlessly, gaining joints where he needs. he gains a +20% to escape artist skill. combined with his ability to lock and fuse his own bones, he gains +6 to hold or escape lcks and grapples. i addition he takes no damage or even discomfort from any form of joint lock
2) Bone weapons: the character can create spontaneous weapons. by popping spurs of bone from striking surfaces on his body he can generate natural weapons that inflict 2D6 damage (plus any PS bonus). In addition, the character can form tiny bone spurs on any part of his body, essentially harming those who would wish to manhandle him. anyone grappling the characer can expect to recieve 2d4 damage as bony spikes shoot from the held body parts.
3) elongate limbs: the character can extend his bones, gently morphing the flesh to accommodate. the character can extend his arms and legs by up to 3 feet plus one extra foot per level.
4) Boneless: the character can do away with his bones, being carefull to keep his organs intact. essentially the character can become boneless and fit through any opening roughly 6 inches across. an narrower puts undue stress on internal organs inflicting 2d4 damage directly to HP. it takes 2 actions to become boneless, and 2 actions to restore bony state. while boneless, the character has a Spd of 4 and has a PS of 6.
5) general bonuses: +6D6 SDC +2 PE. +2 PP. Highly resistant to disease, (+6 to save diseases have only 1/4 normal efect and duration) Bones instantly heal after damage. even then, bones can be made super hard, requiring 80 SDC to shatter.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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I like the Bone Control one the best, then Physical adept secondly, but they are all good, Iczer.
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Pinpoint accuracy: [Minor] By Iczer
'it is never about strength my friend.'

The character enjoys a natural accuracy when striking in combat, proving to be superior to those less dexterous than himself.
If the character strikes in combat but is parried, thecharacter compensates by a burst of reflexive energy, and continues with the blow striking home. For every point of PP the character has in excess of his opponent, he inflicts 1 damage. Not effective
If the character strikes normally in melee combat, and his PP exceeds his opponent's PS, he inflicts this as excess damage.
In ranged combat, if the character has PP in excess of his opponent's PE attribute then he applies that as excess damage.
Armoured characters may substitute their AR in place of their relevant attribute.
Against inanimate objects, he applies any PP in excess of the AR s a damage bonus rather than a physical attribute.
The characer also enjoys the following bonuses:
+2 to PP
+2 to strike with all forms of combat
+2 initiative

Impede thought: [Minor] By Iczer
'I'm sure you had some idea of how to stop me. sorry to dissapoint'

The character cn cause minte blocks to appear in a target's mind, impeding acces to thought processes. the power has two essntial effects.
1) sluggish: the target has trouble focussing. Powers that require concentration either stop or fail to function. in addition the target suffers a -2 to initiative
2) Disrupt training. the character can focus on specific skills and prevent them from enjoying the benefit of experience. The target loses access to a single skill. Weapon skills simply dissapear. removing a physical skill removes specific bonuses, though physical attributes and SDC are unnafected. Impeding an actual combat skill (Any HTH skill)reduces the character to 1st level abilities only.
Sluggishness can be used against a single target up to 100 feet as an action, or can extend to a 20 foot radius by expending one action every melee round (all targets are also -3 to srike). Disrupt training can be used only on a single target up to 100 feet away.
Individual targets are affected for 1d4 rounds plus one per level. Sluggishness as an area affect affects targets for as long as the power is maintained.
Saving throw: targets may make a saving throw (12+ ME bonus applies) to resist this power. targets are -4 to save against the area affect version of sluggishness.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I figured I'd make an attempt at a time power. While it doesn't allow you to travel through time or anything, it does manipulate time a bit.

Delay Damage(minor)

"No, I'm fine. For a few moments at least."

Through a subtle manipulation of time, the super being with this ability is able to delay damage taken so they aren't affected by it immediately. What they can do is shunt the damage into the future a little bit, providing them with some time to prepare for it.

Effect: The damage from any received attack can be delayed until a short time later. Any physical or energy damage can be delayed, though magical or psionic sources of damage will inflict half of the damage immediately and half when the power expires or is cancelled. Even extreme sources of damage, like being ground zero at a nuclear strike, can be delayed. The damage from an attack can only be delayed once(so no reactivating the power to delay previously delayed damage). There is no limit to the amount of damage that can be delayed.
Attacks Per Melee: Activating this power takes up one action. Using it during the melee round is automatic and the player can choose what damage they'd like to delay.
Duration: Damage that is delayed will return exactly 1 minute(4 melee rounds) per level of the user later, though this can be cancelled at any time.
Notes: Every time the character takes damage, the amount must be noted. It will come back, full force, when the power's duration is over.
Only the damage itself is delayed, not any other effects. So if a character delays the damage from getting hit by something that would knock them down/back then they still get knocked down/back.
Clothes and equipment are still damaged normally by sources of damage.
The player can choose whether or not they will delay a specific attack's damage, but the decision must be made before the damage from that attack is rolled.

It's not perfect, though I hope there isn't another version of it already.
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Getting in on the temporal powers bandwagon, Twist? Me likee. I was also thinking somewhere along the lines of temporally displaced actions, so one can take an action but delay the effect, such as the release of powers to make them go off even once the character is unconscious or left. Imagine an energy expulsion beam just emerging from where someone used to be. Something like Delay Attack.
Also in the works is Temporal Resequencing by which a person can reschedule everyone else to met his own needs.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I posted something like that a long time ago. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but it does delay the damage done until later.

MrTwist wrote:Delay Damage(minor)
This power adds an option to all damage inflicted by the character. They can delay the damage they deal until a later time.
Duration: Maximum dealying time is 30 minutes per level of experience. The exact amount of time the damage will be delayed for must be stated before damage is rolled, but after the strike is determined.
Notes: The intention to delay damage must be stated before the attack is rolled.
The only attacks that can be delayed are hand to hand attacks, or damage dealt by the character's powers. Damage by weapons cannot be delayed, unless Power Weapon or other powers that somehow empower weapons are used.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

MrTwist wrote:I posted something like that a long time ago. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but it does delay the damage done until later.

MrTwist wrote:Delay Damage(minor)
This power adds an option to all damage inflicted by the character. They can delay the damage they deal until a later time.
Duration: Maximum dealying time is 30 minutes per level of experience. The exact amount of time the damage will be delayed for must be stated before damage is rolled, but after the strike is determined.
Notes: The intention to delay damage must be stated before the attack is rolled.
The only attacks that can be delayed are hand to hand attacks, or damage dealt by the character's powers. Damage by weapons cannot be delayed, unless Power Weapon or other powers that somehow empower weapons are used.

Yeah, that is the idea.
Are you aware these powers have the same name?
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
MrTwist wrote:I posted something like that a long time ago. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but it does delay the damage done until later.

MrTwist wrote:Delay Damage(minor)
This power adds an option to all damage inflicted by the character. They can delay the damage they deal until a later time.
Duration: Maximum dealying time is 30 minutes per level of experience. The exact amount of time the damage will be delayed for must be stated before damage is rolled, but after the strike is determined.
Notes: The intention to delay damage must be stated before the attack is rolled.
The only attacks that can be delayed are hand to hand attacks, or damage dealt by the character's powers. Damage by weapons cannot be delayed, unless Power Weapon or other powers that somehow empower weapons are used.

Yeah, that is the idea.
Are you aware these powers have the same name?

Yes, I am. I was aware of it when I created the second power. I tried figuring out a different name that fit as well, but Delay Damage fit perfectly in my eyes.
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Animal aspect [Minor] By Iczer
'never fear ladies...Weaselman is here!'

The character identifies with an animal to some degree, even to the point of being ableto adopt it's characteristics
The character selects a specific animal as thier 'totem' and he then recieves 5 bio e per level on which to distribute among that animal abilities (refer to HU2 pages 176-178 for animal ability details).
The character can also enhance his attributes at a rate of +2 per 5 bio-E spent, but only to the limits in that animal's attribute bonuses. He cannot adjust his size level, but can adjust his bulk by 5% per bio-e spent (IE every bio-e used. he does not have to actually spend the bio-e on changing his bulk)
Bio-E points spent can be reduced or reassigned at will, at rate of 5 Bio-E per action.
[Eg: Crochunter, a third level mutant with Animal aspect (crocodile) has 15 Bio-E to distribute as necessary. his tyical arsenal for a night on the town is to spend 10 on PS (To plus 3) and 5 on Spd (to +1). While fighting after his date is kidnapped by radioactive ninjas, he swaps out these changes in the nearest mensroom for the crocodiles light natural body armour. this involves 6 actions to perform. he allows his bulk to change this time (+15% heavier). when he emerges from the restroom, he's bigger and armoured. reay for radioactive ninja bashing.]
Other abilities: +10% to wildernes skills
+15 SDC

Elemental aspect: [Minor] By Iczer
'Nobody messes with Rokjok. Nobody!'

The character posesses powers associated with a specific element chosen at character creation. This can be one of the 4 'classic' elements (earth, wind, fire, water) or can be an element of the character's choosing (plant, aluminium, glass, electricity etc..)
The character begins play with a number of elemental points equal to his PEx2, plus 6 per level, which he may use to pay for any of the following.
* Coat body: provides an AR of 12 (for solid objects) or a damaging surface which inflicts 2d6 on contact, or a flat +6 to bare handed strikes (if energy) 6 elemental points. 2 to maintain
* Forge natural weapon: The character coats a limb in a sharp, hard or dangerous substance adding +1d6 to all unarmed strikes. 2 elemental points. 1 to maintain.
* Create object: creates an object out of the character's chosen element within 1 foot of him. the object occupies a cube one foot on a side for every point spent. usually used to create temporary tools. can be maintained for it's regular cost.
* Ranged attack: can be fired off at opponents within 50 feet +5 feet per level, with a bonus of +2 to strike. damage is 1d4 for every 2 points spent.
Duration: with th exception of the ranged attack, the above effects have a duraion of one minute per level. by expending the maintenence requirement, the duration is extended by the same amount.
Regaining elemental points: elemental points recover at a rate of one every 5 minutes.
If a character is attacked, or attacks by the same element, then he may absorb some residual damage.
Absorbing requires thought but does not chew any attacks (so it will not work on unexpected or suprise attacks). the character will take half damage. furthermore, every 5 points of damage (before being halved) either inflicted or taken, restores 1 elemental point.
[Eg: Concreteman needs a refill, as he is a bit low. He hurls himself from a 12 storey building and awaits the inevitable. the 12D6 damage from the fall results in 38 damage, which becomes 14 elemental points (provided he strikes the concrete below and not a parked car). sadly he takes 19 points of SDC damage from the fall. Pyrate, the flaming buccaneer is attacked by a flamethrower weilding punk for 21 damage. Pyrate takes 10 and gains 4 elemental points. Steelpin kicks the crap out of a steel dumpster for half an hour, absorbing 1 elemental point for every 5 damage he inflicts to it. later on he attempts to absorb an assasin's bullet, which, sadly, is not made of steel, and so he takes full damage without benefit]

Spongebody [minor] By Iczer

The character's body absorbs damage like a spong, and bleeds it out slowly but not comfortably.
1) general absorption. the character disperses 1 point of damage from every attack away from his body, seemlessly negating part of any attack form. he is still vulnerble to pain, poison and other forms of damage, but simple attaks are reduced by the given number. this is geneal and automaic on the character's part and occurs even while asleep.
2) targetted absorption: The character may simply absorb the shock and damage from any single attack by expending an action to do so. the damage is simply sucked into the character's body, and residual afteraffects are ignored (the character would not go flying after a bodyblock/tackle for instance). The damage accumulates in the character though, causing pain and distress until it bleeds out.
3) damage bleed: while the character carries more damage inside him than his PE attribute, he suffers the following penalties from pain and discomfort. halve speed, -1 attack per melee, and -2 to all combat bonuses. The damage bleeds out as heat and minor electric shocks at a rate of 5 points per minute. this is a slow bleed that affects the environment very subtly (confined rooms may get very warm) during this time he adds +1D4 to damage when making physical contact to others. The character can choose to fast bleed however. by expending an action he may shed 10 points of stored damage. this causes him a single point of damage from the strain and inflicts 2d4 to every target within 10 feet in a flash of energy.
4) The danger of too much energy: the character runs the risk of accidentally releasing all energy when he holds too much. When he holds more damage than his PE attribute, he must make a saving throw (10+ PE bonuses apply) if he fails, his next action is to fast bleed. worse, if forced to fast bleed in this manner, he must repeat the savingthrow on his next action or continue to fast bleed. this saving throw is at -2 for every multiple of his PE in damage held. he must resave every minute until below his normal PE.
[Eg: The mighty absorber (4th level mutant, PE 20) can take the blows of an ordinary many (1d4-4 is no threat to him) without thinking, and even street weaponry holds minimal danger. When taking a sniper's round for the District attourney, he absorb the 1D4x10+10 damage (30) with ease, but finds himself over his threshold. He makes his saving throw (he only needs a 10, and his PE gives a bonus) and thengoes after the fleeing sniper. sometime during the next minute he spends an action to bleed off 10 points of damage to drop him to 20 absorbed damage points. Later that evening he hurls himself on top of a grenade meant for nuns. the 80 resultant damage is absorbed, But now he saves at -8. he fails and blows out 10 points as he screams in agony. he fails again on his next action as well and blows out another 10. thankfully his next save is at a 'mere' minus 6.]

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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If I may take liberties:

Delay Energy Expulsion Attack(minor) by Twisted Gargoyle-
This power adds an option to all energy expulsion atacks made by the character. They can delay the shot via a temporal pocket which they can open later, dealing damage at a later time.
Range:N/A. Power goes off regardless if character is present or even conscious.
Duration: Maximum delaying time is 30 minutes per level of experience. The exact amount of time the attack will be delayed for must be stated before the strike is rolled.
Notes: The intention to delay effects of the attack must be stated before the attack is rolled.
The only attacks that can be delayed are Energy Expulsion powers.
This can be used to set up a time delay attack if someone knows the place someone will be at a specific time and wishes to ambush them.
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Temporal Resequencing(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I'll be there on time. I just have to move some things around."

1.Event Shuffle:The superbeing can resequence events to their liking once per 24 hours.
Number of Days Influenced:One at every od level. This allows them to attend an evening concert at noon or switch days an event is taking place, so the more days influenced, the more options the superbeing has.
Saving Throw:Individuals having their lives rescheduled around the superbeing may save vs. Temporal conversion(14 or better, ME bonus applies) to notice the anomaly and that things are amiss. Others will think it is weird if not making a save, but not question it.
Attacks:Event Shuffle uses 2 melee attacks/actions.
Skill Level:Resequences events at a skill level of 40% +5% per level. A failed roll means that he has scheduled things improperly and will have a hard time attending things without stressing or missing an event here and there.
2.Limitations:Once events have been resequenced, they cannot be resequenced.
3.Bonuses:Immune to confusion, mind control and the effects of temporal conversion and erasure.
+10% to any skill requiring scheduling or math
Always knows what time it is down to the second.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Um, no disrespect , Iczer, as I love your contributions, but I have noticed a huge number of typos in recent posts, and even though I know what you meant, it might be confusing to some without as good a filter as my own to interpret how you wrote these.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Um, no disrespect , Iczer, as I love your contributions, but I have noticed a huge number of typos in recent posts, and even though I know what you meant, it might be confusing to some without as good a filter as my own to interpret how you wrote these.


apologies for the typos. (though a couple are not typosenglish/english as opposed to english/american) but the vast majority are because the new keyboard is this tiny little thing barely wider than the two of my fat hands put together.

I promise a little better quality control when I can get a new keyboard for the laptop.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:If I may take liberties:

Delay Energy Expulsion Attack(minor) by Twisted Gargoyle-
This power adds an option to all energy expulsion atacks made by the character. They can delay the shot via a temporal pocket which they can open later, dealing damage at a later time.
Range:N/A. Power goes off regardless if character is present or even conscious.
Duration: Maximum delaying time is 30 minutes per level of experience. The exact amount of time the attack will be delayed for must be stated before the strike is rolled.
Notes: The intention to delay effects of the attack must be stated before the attack is rolled.
The only attacks that can be delayed are Energy Expulsion powers.
This can be used to set up a time delay attack if someone knows the place someone will be at a specific time and wishes to ambush them.

Nice modification. I was wondering about direction of the shot. Might want to add in a direction note appended to the delay. Like not only time must be chosen, but direction of the energy expulsion.

Could this be expanded a little maybe? Maybe to include any kind of ranged attack from a super power source? For example, the delaying effect would be able to be applied to a Matter Expulsion ability, or even one of the subpowers from the CEF abilities. It would open the power up in versatility. And it'd be nice to have your Call Lightning(from CEF:Air) go off when you are 50 miles away.

These kind of powers, the powers that affect other powers of the user, is the reason I started working on the Optional minors thing I posted earlier in this same thread. They would never be added to a random power table but they would be available if you randomly rolled a specific power.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Um, no disrespect , Iczer, as I love your contributions, but I have noticed a huge number of typos in recent posts, and even though I know what you meant, it might be confusing to some without as good a filter as my own to interpret how you wrote these.


apologies for the typos. (though a couple are not typosenglish/english as opposed to english/american) but the vast majority are because the new keyboard is this tiny little thing barely wider than the two of my fat hands put together.

I promise a little better quality control when I can get a new keyboard for the laptop.


Oh, I hate getting new keyboards or using small ones. The period of acclimation just bugs the heck out of me. The keyboard I have now has some kind of sleep mode button where my ESC key was on the one I used to have. Every once in awhile I want to break it when I hit it by accident.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
---Penn Jillette
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