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Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:04 am
by Aramanthus
ROFLMAO!!! Those were some great ones! Especially the party where Lisa and Minmei ended up......... And then Rick walks in. :D :D :D

I can see Clones"RUS having to contact other people if a nuetron S gets unleashed. I think the same people who built planets from Hitchickers Guide to the Galaxy might be in order to replace the planet.

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:18 am
by Rathorc Lemenger
That Toga bit, Taalismn, was oddly..... appropriate. Also, for some reason, I can also picture the 15th joining in on that.

Rathorc Lemenger.

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:19 pm
by taalismn
Rathorc Lemenger wrote:That Toga bit, Taalismn, was oddly..... appropriate. Also, for some reason, I can also picture the 15th joining in on that.

Rathorc Lemenger.

It's SuperDimensional Cavalry Glorie The Broadway Musical!!!
The entire 15th and the major clone players come dancing on stage in a conga line singing 'Always Look on the Bright Side fo Life!'(from Monty Python's 'Life of Brian')

Cut to Zor Prime singing Cats' 'Memories'....

Dana singing Cindy Lauffer's 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!'...

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:15 pm
by Alpha 11
:lol: Man, I am loving this! :lol:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:22 pm
by taalismn
"So. Why does Louie wear those goggles all the time?"
"So nobody can tell he's sleeping during briefings...."

"Zor Prime. There is something you must know!"
"You have nothing I want to know, You so-called 'Masters'!"
"Oh, but you'll want to know this! Zor! I AM YOUR FATHER!!!"
".....You don't really expect me to believe that, do you?"
"Why not? We already had one cheesy homage to 'Star Wars' in this series, we figured we've give it a try."

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:49 am
by Aramanthus
ROFLMAO!!! Now I never expected "Robotech the musical!" And the Star Wars one was just as funny!

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:50 am
by Rathorc Lemenger
"Robotech: The Musical" *Grins maniacaly* Ooohhhh........ I've got a feeling that there's going to be a running gag for that one. Oh, and Taalismn?? DON'T mess with Cats... That's my favorite musical.

Rathorc Lemenger.

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:52 pm
by taalismn
Rathorc Lemenger wrote:"Robotech: The Musical" *Grins maniacaly* Ooohhhh........ I've got a feeling that there's going to be a running gag for that one. Oh, and Taalismn?? DON'T mess with Cats... That's my favorite musical.

Rathorc Lemenger.

How about 'Rent'?

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:11 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
the Mel Brooks parady of robotech

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:19 pm
by Rathorc Lemenger
Go right ahead, Taalismn. Rent is an alright musical. It's just that Cats is my personal favorite musical out of all of them.

Rathorc Lemenger.

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:22 pm
by taalismn
Musica, Allegra, and Octavia shimmy by singing:
We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up ev'rybody and sing

Ev'ryone can see we're together
As we walk on by
(FLY!) and we fly just like birds of a feather...

(lyrics courtesy Sister Sledge)

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:25 am
by Aramanthus
What about doing a Robotech version of "The Producers"? :D I mean since we are talking about musicals and a modified version of (The Producers) famed version of "Springtime for Hitler."

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:52 am
by Rathorc Lemenger
Oh, Gods.... *Squirts tea out of nose* My sides are hurting..... Must... Breathe..... Must.... Stop..... Laughing....

Rathorc Lemenger.

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:46 pm
by DhAkael
Aramanthus wrote:What about doing a Robotech version of "The Producers"? :D I mean since we are talking about musicals and a modified version of (The Producers) famed version of "Springtime for Hitler."

You sir, are a very very very EVIL man.
I approve :ok:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:56 pm
by taalismn
I can see Zor surrounded by flying petals of the Flower of Life as a bunch of identical choral singers prance and surround him:
"Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Masters' Party!"

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:43 am
by Aramanthus
And just imagine Khyron could even have a part. He could be the writer of the play. And then later after it becomes popular he'd have to tell them which type of fuse they were using to blow up the show. (That is from the original version for those who never saw it. But judging from the reactions I think a lot of you have seen it! :ok: )

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:24 pm
by taalismn
T.R. Edwards, to a young Anatole Leonard(he still has his hair): "It seems to me, that a weapons contractor could stand to make more money from a FAILED weapons program, with all the research and development, and prototyping, than from a successful program, with military contracts, where they might have to share with other subcontractors...Remember the ten thousand dollar toilet seats?"

Emil Lang to Anatole Leonard: "A PLANE that turns into a ROBOT? Are you insane? Who'd buy such an idea?"

(Later) Lang: "The UEG bought it. They LOVED the idea! We've got funding and the go-ahead!"

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:09 pm
by batlchip
Yeah, I can see it now.
Breetai:It's just a step to,never mind. :clown:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:40 pm
by taalismn
batlchip wrote:Yeah, I can see it now.
Breetai:It's just a step to,never mind. :clown:

Lisa: "Great Scott!"
(Immediately gets smacked by a dozen rolls of toilet tissue and paper towel from off-camera)

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:26 pm
by Jefffar
You wanted musical, but you got opera.

With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan - see if you recognize the tune.

Dolza wrote:I am the very model of a Zentraedi Grand Admiral
I’ve killed beings vegetable, animal and mineral
I serve the Masters of Tyrol in actions quite genocidal
From Optera to Haydon IV I’m considered quite maniacal.

I have no interest in matters mathematical
I don’t know geometry more advanced than a quadrilateral
When it comes to trigonometry, I am quite obtuse
I killed the last man who called me a hypotenuse.

I’m very good with at suppressing planets rebellious.
My stratagems are cunning, bold and devious
I’ve killed beings vegetable, animal and mineral
I am the very model of a Zentraedi Grand Admiral

I send my legions out in search of the Protoculture Matrix
Azonia, Breetai and Khyron too with his knack for tricks
Once the Matrix to me they have delivered thus
The universe shall tremble at the sight of us.

I shall order them forth in divisions and in companies
And this great prize shall win the Zentraedies
If we can resist the din of that infernal micronian whore
The galaxy shall be ours alone forever more.

But that little tramp confounds my men every time she does perform
Leaving them sitting ducks for when that great space ship does transform
I’ve killed beings vegetable, animal and mineral
I am the very model of a Zentraedi Grand Admiral

My fondest desire is to capture that fortress in which they travel in
For the destiny of the Zentraedi race is secured within
But first every micronian under my heel I must splat,
Especially Captain Gloval and that singing brat.

I shall raze their planet from existence with my fleet’s heavy gunnery
Not a single micronian shall remain; there shall be none you see
These are the plans of the Zentraedi
I am the Grand Admiral you must see
My military might is superior to thee
Your only choice is to die or flee
I’ve killed beings vegetable, animal and mineral
I am the very model of a Zentraedi Grand Admiral

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:31 pm
by taalismn
..... :shock: ....
...we are not worthy...
..... :shock: ....

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:58 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Very impressive Jefffar. :ok:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:49 pm
by taalismn
So Easy a Zentraedi Can Do It...

Rico's hanging around guarding the Protoculture Chambers when out of sheer boredom, he starts chatting up Karita(the wimpy guy who actually runs it)
Rico: "Man, this looks complex! What does it all do?"
Karita:(puffing up with self-importance)"It oversees a very complex interaction of forces, that requires a careful hand in overseeing its operation. It takes YEARS of intense study and practice under simulation to get it right!"
"What does THAT switch do?"
"You know...i really don't know...all these years, I've never used that switch."
"Let's see what it does!"
"Come on! Just flip it!"
"No! There's no telling what it could it! YEARS of study, remember?"
"So, you should know what it does, right?"
"It's your responsibility to know, right? Come on, you want to know what it does."
"So, let's see! Flip it!"
"..okay..."(outside we see an officer walking by the open door unnoticed by either of the two talking Zentraedi)
(the officer's clothes suddenly flop empty to the floor)
"Don't notice anything. Try it again."
(the officer is standing up again, his clothes disheveled)
"Nope. Again."
(again the officer's clothes fall to the floor...we can see movement, like something small's trapped under them)
"Still anything?"
"Not a thing."
(once again, the officer's there, looking messed up, with a 'WTF---?!" look on his face, before he hurries away in a near-panic, completely unnoticed by Karita and Rico)
(with relief) "Okay, could be a dead switch or just something that isn't important....In any case, it doesn't matter. Satisfied?"
"Not really, but it will have to do."

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:03 am
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:So Easy a Zentraedi Can Do It...

Rico's hanging around guarding the Protoculture Chambers when out of sheer boredom, he starts chatting up Karita(the wimpy guy who actually runs it)
Rico: "Man, this looks complex! What does it all do?"
Karita:(puffing up with self-importance)"It oversees a very complex interaction of forces, that requires a careful hand in overseeing its operation. It takes YEARS of intense study and practice under simulation to get it right!"
"What does THAT switch do?"
"You know...i really don't know...all these years, I've never used that switch."
"Let's see what it does!"
"Come on! Just flip it!"
"No! There's no telling what it could it! YEARS of study, remember?"
"So, you should know what it does, right?"
"It's your responsibility to know, right? Come on, you want to know what it does."
"So, let's see! Flip it!"
"..okay..."(outside we see an officer walking by the open door unnoticed by either of the two talking Zentraedi)
(the officer's clothes suddenly flop empty to the floor)
"Don't notice anything. Try it again."
(the officer is standing up again, his clothes disheveled)
"Nope. Again."
(again the officer's clothes fall to the floor...we can see movement, like something small's trapped under them)
"Still anything?"
"Not a thing."
(once again, the officer's there, looking messed up, with a 'huh???---?!" look on his face, before he hurries away in a near-panic, completely unnoticed by Karita and Rico)
(with relief) "Okay, could be a dead switch or just something that isn't important....In any case, it doesn't matter. Satisfied?"
"Not really, but it will have to do."

:lol: :lol:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:57 pm
by taalismn
Dolza: "SILENCE, MICRONIANS!!!! YOu -WILL- demonstrate this 'dancing' to us!"
Lisa: "You've gotta be kidding...with HIM?"
Rick: "Nothing wrong with my moves....Would you rather dance with Ben? I gotta warn you, he crushed the insteps of the last two partners he had.."
Lisa: "Oh...all right..."('Man, I wish I'd taken Claudia up on her offer, when she tried to make me watch 'Dancing with the Stars' back at the Academy....'..but I had to study military tactics and strategy....Dad never told me I'd face something like THIS!')

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:48 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:18 pm
by taalismn
Admiral Hayes is waiting at the airfield for Lisa's shuttle when it he watches, the gangplank rolls up, the door opens, Lisa exits and approaches him...
"Admiral Donald Hayes?"
" What, Lisa?"
"...You're a kneebiter...a bedwetting kneebiter!"
With that she turns around, returns to her shuttle, and takes off again to return to the SDF-1. leaving her father behind, wondering what the hell just happened...

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:24 pm
by DhAkael
Dougals Adams looks down from on-high, nods in aproval and slams back another Pan-galatic garlebalster in slaute to another joke well done.
R.I.P. DA, R.I.P. :angel:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:03 pm
by batlchip
Jeffar do you know who Danny Kay was?

Don't tell me Rick Hunter is being played by Danny Kay in the musical. :eek: :shock:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:45 pm
by taalismn
batlchip wrote:Jeffar do you know who Danny Kay was?

Don't tell me Rick Hunter is being played by Danny Kay in the musical. :eek: :shock:

"The Inspector General" of his funnier movies...

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:49 pm
by Jefffar
batlchip wrote:Jeffar do you know who Danny Kay was?

Don't tell me Rick Hunter is being played by Danny Kay in the musical. :eek: :shock:

Perhaps, perhaps, but we'd need more songs first . . .

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:44 am
by Aramanthus
ROFLMAO!!! I almost fell off my chair with those! :lol: :lol:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:35 pm
by taalismn
"Here at the Robotech Research Group, we're bringing together the brightest minds in the world, with the most advanced technology available, to create the cutting edge solutions to the military and civilian needs of Humanity for the times ahead..."
(Camera pans down sparkling high-tech halls, to pause at a door...)
RRG Power Technician First Class Homer T. Simpson: "LUUUNNNCCHHHTIIIMMMEEE!!!!"

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:26 am
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:"Here at the Robotech Research Group, we're bringing together the brightest minds in the world, with the most advanced technology available, to create the cutting edge solutions to the military and civilian needs of Humanity for the times ahead..."
(Camera pans down sparkling high-tech halls, to pause at a door...)
RRG Power Technician First Class Homer T. Simpson: "LUUUNNNCCHHHTIIIMMMEEE!!!!"

:eek: :? :eek: They are so dead. :eek: :?

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:34 am
by Aramanthus
No, they aren't. How many meltdowns has Homer caused over the years? And how many have resulted in catastrophic destruction?

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:01 pm
by taalismn
"Okay...I'm SURE we stress-tested the A-G unit mountings on this thing ...They SHOULDN'T have gone crashing through the SDF-1's upper hull!"
"Who did the work, anyway?"

"Huuuwwehhhh! Government contracts! It's free money for doing absolutely nothing, Bart!"

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:04 pm
by DhAkael
..and lemme guess; the navigation array for the fold-drive was coded by 'Santa's little helper'

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:11 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:..and lemme guess; the navigation array for the fold-drive was coded by 'Santa's little helper'


Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:17 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
*three days after the disapperance of the SDF-1*

A UEEG offical walks into the office with five guards with in. Taking out a paper to read.
"Director Burns, you are under arrest for misappropriation of funds, employment fraud, bribery, attemted murder of UEEG personal, Murder of the residents of Macross island, Murder of the crew of the Macross, Insider Trading, financal fraud, tax evation, and 39 counts of Identiy Theft."
*Director Burns, opens a droor and pulls out a wad of money*
"make it go away"
*the Offical sits down at the desk, pulling out a pen a writes something down on the paperwork*
"you are also charged with Attempted bribery. If you would go with these young men quietly. As you can see any one of them can bend you into a pretzzal by themselves"
*Director Burns sits the for a sec, and pulls out more money, and looks at the troopers*
"Make him go away"
*all the troopers, smirk, but just stand there*
*Director burns pulls out even more money*
*the officale smiles*"you just made their day Director Burns, get him boys"
*for a sec no-one moves, but then Director Burns trys to make a run for it out the side door. and the guards rush forward and grab him and four hall him off to the waiting paddy wagon*
*the last remaining guard*"Sir, It's a good thing you said you'd pay double what he offered us in bribes, but that is alot of money"*looking at the money on the desk*
"Sargent, if you knew how much he perloined" *shakes head*"they could of doubled the pay of every definse force service person and still came out ahead. Makes me want to just shoot the bastard."
"evidence bag please"*the sargent hands him a bag, and the bribe money goes into it*
"other bag" *the sarget hold out a very large black plastic bag and both search the desk and room filling three bags worth with cash.*
O:"time to go sargent"
S:"good thing you got the arrest warrent before your boss did, other wise he'd be making it dissapper."
O:"what, insead of us hard working 'working stiffs',if they don't know aboutthis it won't be missed"
*the sagent and officale depositing the bags in a government limo and leave the parking lot.*
*a few minuets later, police, and military convoys from every direction converge on the building and start fighting it out to be the one to arrest the Director*

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:28 pm
by DhAkael
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:*three days after the disapperance of the SDF-1*

A UEEG offical walks into the office with five guards with in. Taking out a paper to read.
"Director Burns, you are under arrest for misappropriation of funds, employment fraud, bribery, attemted murder of UEEG personal, Murder of the residents of Macross island, Murder of the crew of the Macross, Insider Trading, financal fraud, tax evation, and 39 counts of Identiy Theft."
*Director Burns, opens a droor and pulls out a wad of money*
"make it go away"
*the Offical sits down at the desk, pulling out a pen a writes something down on the paperwork*
"you are also charged with Attempted bribery. If you would go with these young men quietly. As you can see any one of them can bend you into a pretzzal by themselves"
*Director Burns sits the for a sec, and pulls out more money, and looks at the troopers*
"Make him go away"
*all the troopers, smirk, but just stand there*
*Director burns pulls out even more money*
*the officale smiles*"you just made their day Director Burns, get him boys"
*for a sec no-one moves, but then Director Burns trys to make a run for it out the side door. and the guards rush forward and grab him and four hall him off to the waiting paddy wagon*
*the last remaining guard*"Sir, It's a good thing you said you'd pay double what he offered us in bribes, but that is alot of money"*looking at the money on the desk*
"Sargent, if you knew how much he perloined" *shakes head*"they could of doubled the pay of every definse force service person and still came out ahead. Makes me want to just shoot the bastard."
"evidence bag please"*the sargent hands him a bag, and the bribe money goes into it*
"other bag" *the sarget hold out a very large black plastic bag and both search the desk and room filling three bags worth with cash.*
O:"time to go sargent"
S:"good thing you got the arrest warrent before your boss did, other wise he'd be making it dissapper."
O:"what, insead of us hard working 'working stiffs',if they don't know aboutthis it won't be missed"
*the sagent and officale depositing the bags in a government limo and leave the parking lot.*
*a few minuets later, police, and military convoys from every direction converge on the building and start fighting it out to be the one to arrest the Director*

Your tax dollars at work...for the right reasons this time (albeit, still illegal, but what the heck :mrgreen: )

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:12 am
by Aramanthus
Are we sure mr Burns wasn't the person involved with the 12 billion dollars disappearing in Iraq? Great ones guys! Please keep them coming!

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:36 pm
by batlchip
Scene: In one of the SDF-3 hanger bays.
Tech:uh...sir,I think some one messed up in supply again.
flight officer:why do say that.
Tech:oh no reason.let's go #3
Cylon:By your command.

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:19 pm
by taalismn
batlchip wrote:Scene: In one of the SDF-3 hanger bays.
Tech:uh...sir,I think some one messed up in supply again.
flight officer:why do say that.
Tech:oh no reason.let's go #3
Cylon:By your command.

Haydonite: (seeing Cylon) "UNCLE CY!!!!"

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:07 am
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:
batlchip wrote:Scene: In one of the SDF-3 hanger bays.
Tech:uh...sir,I think some one messed up in supply again.
flight officer:why do say that.
Tech:oh no reason.let's go #3
Cylon:By your command.

Haydonite: (seeing Cylon) "UNCLE CY!!!!"

Sakes head and chuckles.

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:39 pm
by taalismn
“Oh man....I’m back on duty? I thought I just finished three straight shifts!” Lisa looked down at her console.
Instead of the expected jape from her companion, or some comment from the back, there was silence.
Lisa looked around, saw Claudia in her accustomed place, but staring at her. Looked around, saw Vanessa, Sammie, and Kim staring at her...Looked a little further and saw Gloval sitting there, also staring at her....Glanced back at the overhead screen, and saw a flight helmeted Rick Hunter also staring back at her, jaw swaying in the breeze...
Speaking of breezes...
“Oh...I appear to be completely naked.” Lisa observed. “...Oh, I must REALLY be tired if I’m having one of those damn ‘naked in school’ dreams. That's what this must be!”
“ah-uh....” Claudia helpfully supplied.
“Lisa? Go back to your quarters?” Gloval meekly intoned.
“Okay! I think I’ll do that...” She walked back to the end of the bridge. Just before she stepped out of earshot; “Though maybe , while I’m at it, I’ll try some of that lucid dreaming I’ve heard about...Maybe try dancing across Macross City for the fun of it...or maybe flyng OVER it..yeah that would be neat!...” With things again making sense to her, she fairly skipped out of sight.
There was a moment of silence on the bridge.
“CLAUDIA!” Gloval barked.
“I’m on it!” As Claudia bolted from the bridge to try to intercept her friend, and the Bridge Bunnies frantically tried to alert Bridge Tower security to lock off the access ways leading off the bridge area....
“I take it that WASN’T a communications malfunction or my air supply going wonky?” Lieutenant Hunter dazedly supplied, finally coming to his senses...
“Total blackout, saw nothing, you say nothing, or you ARE nothing, understand?”
“Yessir! Absolutely!”

(Meanwhile, an eavesdropping Zentraedi ELINT craft goes swerving out of control as its crew suffers convulsions at the controls)

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:34 am
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:“Oh man....I’m back on duty? I thought I just finished three straight shifts!” Lisa looked down at her console.
Instead of the expected jape from her companion, or some comment from the back, there was silence.
Lisa looked around, saw Claudia in her accustomed place, but staring at her. Looked around, saw Vanessa, Sammie, and Kim staring at her...Looked a little further and saw Gloval sitting there, also staring at her....Glanced back at the overhead screen, and saw a flight helmeted Rick Hunter also staring back at her, jaw swaying in the breeze...
Speaking of breezes...
“Oh...I appear to be completely naked.” Lisa observed. “...Oh, I must REALLY be tired if I’m having one of those damn ‘naked in school’ dreams. That's what this must be!”
“ah-uh....” Claudia helpfully supplied.
“Lisa? Go back to your quarters?” Gloval meekly intoned.
“Okay! I think I’ll do that...” She walked back to the end of the bridge. Just before she stepped out of earshot; “Though maybe , while I’m at it, I’ll try some of that lucid dreaming I’ve heard about...Maybe try dancing across Macross City for the fun of it...or maybe flyng OVER it..yeah that would be neat!...” With things again making sense to her, she fairly skipped out of sight.
There was a moment of silence on the bridge.
“CLAUDIA!” Gloval barked.
“I’m on it!” As Claudia bolted from the bridge to try to intercept her friend, and the Bridge Bunnies frantically tried to alert Bridge Tower security to lock off the access ways leading off the bridge area....
“I take it that WASN’T a communications malfunction or my air supply going wonky?” Lieutenant Hunter dazedly supplied, finally coming to his senses...
“Total blackout, saw nothing, you say nothing, or you ARE nothing, understand?”
“Yessir! Absolutely!”

(Meanwhile, an eavesdropping Zentraedi ELINT craft goes swerving out of control as its crew suffers convulsions at the controls)

:lol: :lol: Oh man that was funny!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:56 pm
by taalismn
Alaska Base Communications Center
"Sir, we've been listening in on the SDF-1's communications as you asked us...Ah, this might be of interest to you..."
Admiral Donald Hayes looked at the ship-to-fighter comm footage featuring his daughter...He sweatdropped..
"What the HELL is going on aboard that ship?! I just HAVE to get her off that thing!!!"

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:23 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:Alaska Base Communications Center
"Sir, we've been listening in on the SDF-1's communications as you asked us...Ah, this might be of interest to you..."
Admiral Donald Hayes looked at the ship-to-fighter comm footage featuring his daughter...He sweatdropped..
"What the HELL is going on aboard that ship?! I just HAVE to get her off that thing!!!"

The lesson is?
Don't go to work on a Superdimensional Fortress's bridge when you've been sleep-dep'd for 72 hours.
Bad (or good, depending on who you are) things happen. :mrgreen:

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:50 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Alaska Base Communications Center
"Sir, we've been listening in on the SDF-1's communications as you asked us...Ah, this might be of interest to you..."
Admiral Donald Hayes looked at the ship-to-fighter comm footage featuring his daughter...He sweatdropped..
"What the HELL is going on aboard that ship?! I just HAVE to get her off that thing!!!"

The lesson is?
Don't go to work on a Superdimensional Fortress's bridge when you've been sleep-dep'd for 72 hours.
Bad (or good, depending on who you are) things happen. :mrgreen:

Arguably everybody ELSE was sleep-deprived enought that she actually made it to the bridge in the altogether...

Ah, but how to explain this to Command...
"Okay, so maybe Casual Day got a little out of hand..."

Re: Robotech Blooper Reels

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:41 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:"Okay, so maybe Casual Day got a little out of hand..."

"Casual Day?! What happens on Nude Beach Day ?!'t answer that."
~Gen. Maistrof, after reviewing the archeival tapes of bridge security cameras.