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Unread post by MrTwist »

As another addition to the temporal powers theme, here;

Immune to Temporal Manipulation(minor)

"Why is everyone pretending to be a statue?"

The character with this power is firmly entrenched in the normal flow of time. The normal flow of time is 60 seconds pass every minute in a forward direction. This makes the character almost immune to any kind of temporal manipulation that would affect them.

Saving Throw: The character automatically saves against any sort of magicl, super power, psionic, or technological source of temporal manipulation that would normally affect them.
In addition any spell, psionic, super power, or technological source that does not have a saving throw to avoid it's effects now does. The new saving throw is at a 15 or better, M.E. bonuses included. This means things like Slow Motion Control's 'Slow Individuals And/Or Vehicles' or being pulled into a Time Hole(spell) now have a saving throw. If the character succeeds, they are not affected.

Notes: The character can't choose to be affected by a specific source of temporal manipulation; this power is always on and operating.

As a bonus, the character is also immune to changes in the time stream. This means if someone changes the past, the character remembers the way things should be. They have no knowledge of the new timeline. Optionally, and this means GM's option, they can have full memories of both the original timeline and the new one. If this option is allowed, it does come with a price; -3 M.E. permanently due to disorientation the first time history has changed and new memories are added, plus an additional -1 to M.E. each additional time hsitory changes. The only time they don't get the negative to M.E. is if the timeline is changed back to the way it used to be.

As always with my submissions it is rather verbose. Whenever I think of a power I like to think of the ways I could interpret the wording and find loopholes. Therefore I like to close possible loopholes or any vague wording so it's clear what the intention is going into the power.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Flatulent Leap [minor] by Roscoe Del’Tane
PFFFFFffft! “I am captain Flatus! Fear me!

Character has a unique body chemistry that allows them to buildup large amounts of methane gases and such, and to brace themselves against the tremendous power at their disposal. This allows them some truly disgusting, but effective powers.

1) Flatus Points: Character has F.P. equivalent to their P.E. +5 for each level of experiance. At the top of every hour, this power is refreshed.

2) Flatus Leap: Character can “blast off” double his P.E. points high or across in feet, with an addition 3 feet per additional F.P. This costs one melee action, and 2 F.P.

3) Flatus Blast: Character can bend over and blast an enemy with ‘wind power’. This attack costs two attacks, and 5 F.P. The attack does 1d6 damage, and if the victim does not make a successful roll with impact, are knocked down and back 1d4x10 feet. Victim looses two attacks getting up, and suffers -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, due to dizziness from the blast. Range is 40 feet, and does not increase. Damage increases by 1d6 on levels 3, 9, and 15.

4) Breaking wind Breaks the Fall: Character can use F.P. to slow or stop their fall from great heights. 5 F.P. per 30 feet will slow the descent to merely painful instead of bone breaking,

5) Odds and Ends: Character can play the ‘rectal trumpet’ at a professional level and at will, 45% +5% per level.
Character has to roll 1d20 every time they use their powers; anything above 15 and they literally blow a hole in their pants, kilts and pants with bum-flaps are encouraged. When the character reaches 4th level and above, they finally have enough skill and control to use their powers without destroying their clothing.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Um, no disrespect , Iczer, as I love your contributions, but I have noticed a huge number of typos in recent posts, and even though I know what you meant, it might be confusing to some without as good a filter as my own to interpret how you wrote these.


apologies for the typos. (though a couple are not typosenglish/english as opposed to english/american) but the vast majority are because the new keyboard is this tiny little thing barely wider than the two of my fat hands put together.

I promise a little better quality control when I can get a new keyboard for the laptop.


Well, I scarce mention them because I can figure out what you mean. And I am not referring to the usual spelling differences, I am talking about sentences dropping off, listing a bonus as "+(whatever) to PS, PP and PP " which does appear in one of the powers posted earlier, and redundant sentences. I just figured you were working hard to complete a large number of them without the benefit of editing.[/i]
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

MrTwist wrote:As another addition to the temporal powers theme, here;

Immune to Temporal Manipulation(minor)
As always with my submissions it is rather verbose. Whenever I think of a power I like to think of the ways I could interpret the wording and find loopholes. Therefore I like to close possible loopholes or any vague wording so it's clear what the intention is going into the power.

You beat me to it! Damm You! There is no reason to have a character without time travel powers immune to them, but it makes sense. I was just going to post something like that myself as soon as I figured it out. :lol:
Actually I like the detail, as it leaves n room for misinterpretation.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Flatulent Leap [minor] by Roscoe Del’Tane
PFFFFFffft! “I am captain Flatus! Fear me!

Leave it to you to write a power knowing it stinks...
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Flatulent Leap [minor] by Roscoe Del’Tane
PFFFFFffft! “I am captain Flatus! Fear me!

That's kind of like a companion power to one I posted a long time ago. Pretty cool.

MrTwist wrote:Flight: Gas
Most of those with this power tend to hide it. It's not exactly the most magnificent of flight powers, though it can come in handy when you need to get somewhere fast. To avoid jumping around the point, this type of flight is achieved through expelling gas through the nether regions with enough force to create lift-off and continued flight. You fart yourself into the air. The facial expressions exhibited by those possessing this form of flight are legion and usually end up in the news.
Speed: 300mph at first level, +20mph each additional level. Can't hover. No less than maximum speed can be achieved.
Bonuses(in flight):
+2 to strike, only when attempting a ramming attack using this power.
Awe(maybe Horror) Factor of 12 when seen using this ability. It's just that odd.
+1 attack per melee, and only useable when that extra attack is for 'blasting' off.
Bonuses(in general)
+4D6 to SDC
+1 to P.E.
Never has any kind of gastro-intestinal problems at all from illness or food intake.
Effects At 'Blast Off':
Anyone within a 20ft radius of 'blast off' must immediately save vs. non-lethal posion to resist the fumes that are a problematic side effect of this power. Failure to save results in a -2/-10% to all actions attempted in the same melee round as a 'blast off', along with losing a single melee action.
If the person using this power has eaten beans, or any other... gaseous expulsion increasing dietary supplement within the last 4 hours, speed is increased by 25%.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
MrTwist wrote:As another addition to the temporal powers theme, here;

Immune to Temporal Manipulation(minor)
As always with my submissions it is rather verbose. Whenever I think of a power I like to think of the ways I could interpret the wording and find loopholes. Therefore I like to close possible loopholes or any vague wording so it's clear what the intention is going into the power.

You beat me to it! Damm You! There is no reason to have a character without time travel powers immune to them, but it makes sense. I was just going to post something like that myself as soon as I figured it out. :lol:
Actually I like the detail, as it leaves n room for misinterpretation.

I think not having time travel powers shouldn't exclude someone from being immune to them. Plus I think it would be really cool to see someone with this power walk outside just after someone changed the past.

"Hey Bobby? When did the Starbucks across the street get replaced by a building that's really similar to that colosseum in Rome? Oh yeah, Bobby? Why are you wearing a Tommy Hilfiger toga?"
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
---Penn Jillette
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Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

MrTwist wrote:
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Flatulent Leap [minor] by Roscoe Del’Tane
PFFFFFffft! “I am captain Flatus! Fear me!

That's kind of like a companion power to one I posted a long time ago. Pretty cool.

MrTwist wrote:Flight: Gas
Most of those with this power tend to hide it. It's not exactly the most magnificent of flight powers, though it can come in handy when you need to get somewhere fast. To avoid jumping around the point, this type of flight is achieved through expelling gas through the nether regions with enough force to create lift-off and continued flight. You fart yourself into the air. The facial expressions exhibited by those possessing this form of flight are legion and usually end up in the news.

Yeah, I kinda thought up Flatulent Leap when I was trolling the backlog of powers, about two pages before your power. Thought I should wait a little bit before posting mine. Maybe we should have a bonus of like, x2 or 3 F.P. If you take Flight: Gas and Flatulent Leap...

Oh and Mr. Gargoyle, of course I had to post it. No one else would! :lol: Thank God for borderline ADD! I have WAY to much time by myself, and spend most of it thinking thoughts that by all rights should get me institutionalized, but occasionaly I get some good ones. Those go there.
Last edited by Roscoe Del'Tane on Sun May 20, 2007 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Energy Vamp [Major] by Roscoe Del’Tane
BZZZZRRRT! "OOH! What was that, a particle beam? Shoot me again, my back’s been killing me for ages.”

Character has the power to absorb energy they come in contact with, and use it to bolster themselves in a bizarre fusion of Bio-Ghost and Energy Absorbtion.

1) Total Energy Immunity: ALL forms of energy, technological, magical, or psionic, are completely absorbed by the character, only serving to make them stronger. The only form of energy that causes the character problems is kinetic attacks, from which they take half damage. Character cannot take impact resistance if they have this power.

2) Physical Enhancements: If the character is injured and is struck by non-kinetic energy, they can use it to heal themselves and boost their physical abilities. Every die of damage that would be done, instead heals the character half that amount (1d6 would heal 1-3 points of damage, 1d4 1-2, etc.) After Character is fully healed, every 10 points of energy ‘damage’ they take, they gain 1d6 to speed, two points to P.S. and P.P, and feel as if they had a two hour nap (not as good as a full nights sleep, but good enough to keep going for a few more hours). After 5 enhancements in 20 minutes, P.S. becomes Superhuman (Supernatural if already SH), Speed triples, gains three attacks per melee, and +3 to all combat rolls (to strike roll bonus is considered natural). 60 points of damage within an hour is equivalant to a full meal and nights rest, so it is possible for this character to live off of pure energy if he has to, but this can only sustained for 3 days + 1 for every odd level.

3) Bonuses and Odds and Ends: Character has double starting hit points. Gains an extra 50% hit points per level.
Character can sense electrical and energy fields with a 45% +5% per additional level at a range of 20 feet, +2 per additional level.
Character does not the ability to have any major offensive powers, and any minor energy powers the character possesses will not heal him.
Any energy type powers the character possesses, will have twice the range and do 50% extra damage at starting level.
Character has a chance to parry an energy attack (use normal roll for parry when doint this) that is targeted at any one within arms reach, without penalty, at the cost of jumping in front of them and sacrificing one melee attack. In doing this, the character cannot absorb any damage from said attack.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

MrTwist wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
MrTwist wrote:As another addition to the temporal powers theme, here;

Immune to Temporal Manipulation(minor)
As always with my submissions it is rather verbose. Whenever I think of a power I like to think of the ways I could interpret the wording and find loopholes. Therefore I like to close possible loopholes or any vague wording so it's clear what the intention is going into the power.

You beat me to it! Damm You! There is no reason to have a character without time travel powers immune to them, but it makes sense. I was just going to post something like that myself as soon as I figured it out. :lol:
Actually I like the detail, as it leaves n room for misinterpretation.

I think not having time travel powers shouldn't exclude someone from being immune to them. Plus I think it would be really cool to see someone with this power walk outside just after someone changed the past.

"Hey Bobby? When did the Starbucks across the street get replaced by a building that's really similar to that colosseum in Rome? Oh yeah, Bobby? Why are you wearing a Tommy Hilfiger toga?"

No arguement here. That would be really cool.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Flatulent Leap [minor] by Roscoe Del’Tane
PFFFFFffft! “I am captain Flatus! Fear me!

That's kind of like a companion power to one I posted a long time ago. Pretty cool.

MrTwist wrote:Flight: Gas
Most of those with this power tend to hide it. It's not exactly the most magnificent of flight powers, though it can come in handy when you need to get somewhere fast. To avoid jumping around the point, this type of flight is achieved through expelling gas through the nether regions with enough force to create lift-off and continued flight. You fart yourself into the air. The facial expressions exhibited by those possessing this form of flight are legion and usually end up in the news.

Yeah, I kinda thought up Flatulent Leap when I was trolling the backlog of powers, about two pages before your power. Thought I should wait a little bit before posting mine. Maybe we should have a bonus of like, x2 or 3 F.P. If you take Flight: Gas and Flatulent Leap...

Oh and Mr. Gargoyle, of course I had to post it. No one else would! :lol: Thank God for borderline ADD! I have WAY to much time by myself, and spend most of it thinking thoughts that by all rights should get me institutionalized, but occasionaly I get some good ones. Those go there.

You would not believe the baclog of powers I dare not post for fear of being banned. The sexually oriented ones like Mega-Boobs being at the top of my list. That is not to say I do not use these in my games. There I can be as perverse and borderline offensive as I like as long as there are not minors present. Of course, if I could find a nonoffensive way to post them I might consider it.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Camelback (minor) by Roscoe Del’Tane
“Water? No thanks, I’m good for the next week or so…”

Character’s body fat has altered to sustain himself without eating or drinking for various periods of time. They also tend to either look really chunky no matter how much they exercise, or have a large hump on their back.

Every 2 P.E. points allows the character to go one day without outside sustenance, plus one day for every additional level; this results in a 5 lb gain in weight (sculpted muscle/fat) and an increase of one-half dress size. When character needs to regain “days” of stored fat, the equivalent of two full meals and three or four glasses of water will replenish one day of stored fat.

In addition, all cold and heat attacks do half damage (same for exposure to the elements), punches and kicks do half damage, and they gain 3d6 S.D.C. per level (including one).
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

You do realize how absurd that would look to most, Roscoe. I am thinking Igor from Young Frankenstein.
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Well, yeah. But so would Anaotimical independance, somebody pulling off their arm to scratch their back. And they don't have to have the hump, they could just look really fat. Besides, I figured that we needed at least one power that makes the character look bad. Maybe asssign a -1 to P.B. per even level or something, I've only got PU1, and HUR, so I wouldn't know about anything in the other PU books.

Wasn't there something silimlar poasted here before, like Desert Survival? If you guys don't want to use Camelback, use that.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Dangerous terrain: [Minor] By Iczer
'Don't worry. I don't think anyone will be chasing us'

The character can alter and morph objects to develop small spikes, shards, ridges and bumps, whicghh can be used to hinder movment, dteer pursuit or to turn innofensive items into deadly weaponry.
Area of effect: can morph a solid, more or less flat object up to a 20 by 20 foot area. The object becomes sharp as jagged edges appear, not unlike a field of thorns or caltrops. simply standing on the surface can inflict 1d4 damage for every step. running at speed inflicts even more deadly wounds (+1 for every 20 Mph).
In addition, any living being who takes damage from this effect will see their Spd slowed by 1/3rd unless they spend a Melee round removing jagged splinters from their feet. any one running through the area must save vs pain (14+ PE bonuses count) or trip and fall (inflicts 2d4 damage +2/20mph)
Targets with solid foot protection (wil penetrate all conventional footware) or with a force field, or with a natural AR of 12 or better will ignore these splinters. car tires may be shredded by this effect, regardless of their AR.
The character can turn a normal, blunt weapon, into a jagged spiked one that inflicts an extra 1D4 damage per strike. even a small coin can be turned into a razor sharp shuriken (inflicts 1D4 damage) even the outside of rigid armour may become jagged (add +1D4 damage to bare handed blows and the character can inflict an extra 2d4 with grapples/bearhugs)

Ego Template: [Major] By Iczer
' You fight me, you fight an army!'

The character can copy the pattern of another person, and store that copy for future use, pulling it out in case of emergency for a temporary but varied range of offensive abilities.
1) copy Template: to copy a subject, the character must touch his target for a whole melee. this power is noticable, and unless the target allows the copying to continue, he must be restrained or unconscious for the copying to take place. The character can store up to 6 templates plus one per level of experience.
a Person's template includes the following:
* Physical attributes
* Physical skills, including HTH skills
* His Image.
* his physical powers, but at half power (range, duration, damage etc)
* any equipment carried at the time of copying.
2) Display template. The character can withdraw a template from storage, thus coating himself in a holographic type image of the target. while doing so, his own powers, physical skills, physical attributes and fighting skills are suppressed, replaced by the template. The template has 30 SDC +10 per level. This is a soft force field type of effect, and damage inflicted may be divided amongst the template and the character as the character desires. Placing a template over oneself takes no action to perform but can only be done twice per melee. a template can mimic bionics and robotics, but only raw physical abilities (not enhanced senses)
3) limits on templates. a template disapears at the end of any melee round and cannot be reused for one minute ( though a different template can be used) the character can try to prolong the template already in use at the start of the next melee round by making a Saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply). if successful, the template remains, but loses half its SDC.
Templates do not recover SDC, and so vanish from the character's repetoire if destroyed
4) Power drain: in an effor to make more powerful templates, the character can attempt to absorb a target's essence. The target must follow the same process as #1) copy template above, but the target also makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) If the saving throw fails, the target takes 4D6 damage that melee round. this SDCis added to the template SDC. this process may be repeated every round untill the target makes a saving throw, or is able to get away from the draining process.
5) other benefits. the character always benefits from the templates stored inside him. every full template he has active grants him +4 HP.
Every 2 active templates provides him with a +1 to save vs poison, disease, pain, magic and psionics.
Every three full templates add a +1 to strike, parry dodge and initiative and +10 SDC
Every 5 active templates grant the character +5% to all skills
With 10 or more active templates, the character enjoys +1 attack per melee

Debase reason: [Minor] by Iczer
'That is it, give in to your rage'

By touching a foe, even combined with a normal HTH attack, the character can destroy a persons reason, replacing it with blind and uncontrolled fury.
Each touch counts as two attacks, and forces the target to make a save vs psionics or lose 2 IQ and one ME and MA. each successful touch will drop the target's mental attributes again. None of these values will drop below half.
as soon as the target loses any mental attributes, he exhibits savage and antisocial tendancies, and becomes reactionary and violent with the following effects.
* will fight for no reason at all. he will select obvious targets, but if not actively threatened may attack his own teammates if he has a grudge. Likewise, he will not stick to any plans or tactics.
* fights without discipline: -2 to strike parry and dodge but +2 to initiative and damage
* suffers a -4 to save vs psionics. his mind is easy to direct but not control
* submerged self: the target is succeptable to charismatic people, and any attempt at trust/intimidate that succeeds can redirect the fury of the target. [Come on man, you don't want to fight me, i'm just a wimp. doesn't that big guy over there look like a better target?]
Other benefits: +1D4+1 to MA
Recovery: The target recovers one mental attribute point per minute. and recovers from rage as soon as his IQ is back to normal. If forced to violate his alignment, or attack friends, he may make a save vs psionics (no penalty) to recover from the rage (although his attributes remain reduced)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Crucible of strength: [Minor] By Iczer
'Got you! and now Gigantor will CRUSH!'

The character can call upon an inner might to gain immeadiate streangth and power at the cost of mobility. when this power is activated, he gains a constantly renewing strength from the ground itself granting the following abilities:
* Gains a PS bonus equal to his PE attribute. this strength becomes extraordinary if not already extraordinary or better)
* Ignores any damage less than his PE attribute score from purley kinetic damage. damage from energy attacks are reduced by half his PE attribute
* Quadruples his mass.
* Cancells any flight ability, as well as any speed enhancing power.
* Reduces attacks per melee to 2
* Reduces Spd attribute to 1/10th
* character is immune to trips and throws, and will not suffer knockback from any attack that inflicts damage less than 5 times his PE attribute
Duration: lasts for 1 minute per level. after this duration the character may continue, but loses one PE per melee round (recovers at a rate of one per hour) after he stops using his power, the character must wait 15 minutes to use it again.
Bonuses: +2 PS +2 PE +4D6 SDC

Tuning Fork [Minor] By Iczer
'Hear that ringing? that's the bell that tolls for thee sukah!'

The character ressonates like a tuning fork when physically struck, creating sonic waves
1) sonic storage: the character stores damage inflicted by kinetic damage, and holds it for later use. The character takes half damage from any kinetic source. each blow generates a ringing noise as the sonic energy escapes. the remaining damage is stored as sonic energy that can be released at will. The character can store up to 20 points of sonic damage, plus his PE attribute, plus a further 5 per level. By slamming his fists against a solid object (even when punching) he can safely acquire 2 points of sonic energy without harming himself, (and thusly can charge up without harming himself) when his capacity is full, he can store no more, but is still resistant to damage.
2) effects of storage: apart from the ringing noise he generates when he stores sonic energy, (negates prowl -40%) the character can release his energy in the following ways
* Shockwave punch: can inflict an extra 1d6 with a single melee attack by releasing 2 points of charge
* Sonic attack: every 6 points of sonic charge releases a sonic beam out to 60 feet inflicting 2d6 damage with +2 to strike.
* Squeal: 10 points generates super or subsonic oscillations that affect foes within 10 feet. people in this area without hearing protection will lose one attack and 2 initiative as well as suffer -20% to skill use. this affect lasts for the whole melee round
3) other effects: Immune to sonic damage. excellent sense of hearing, can hear perfectly through his own noise.

Spin cycle: [Major] By Iczer
'and presto...he's gone'

The character can cause a target to simply dissolve a target, causing him to melt away leaving nothing left. this disintegration is neither permanent, nor deadly, but can be very inconvenient.
1) dissolving ray: The character fires off a ray of quivering energy at a target.
Action: each blast requires 2 actions to perform.
Range: 25 feet +10 feet per level.
Damage: 1D4x10 +2 per level, plus spin ability (see below)
Bonus to strike: aimed shots only +4 to strike.
2) spin ability: Molecules of a target are torn apart and 'spun away'. the pieces are spread far and wide, as dissasociated molecules. This attack ignores the AR of a target (worn armour protects as usual though) though living beings have a safety mechanism.
Living beings struck by this power Can make a saving throw to resist damage. The target must save 14+ (PE bonuses apply) to take 1/4 damage. by making this save however, the target is dissolved in entirety, only to reform later. The target reforms 1 melee round later within 6d6 feet of his starting location, suffering -1 attack and -2 initiative from the experience.
Instead of inflicting damage, the character may choose to spin a target away.In this instance the target takes the reduced damage and is dissolved as ususal, but remains gone for 1d4 melee rounds, and reforms up to 1d4x10+10 feet away.
3) spinning drill: The character can use this dissolving ray as a drill against inanimate objects. The character directs the beam against a solid object for a melee round. each melee round the spinnng drill inflicts 6d6x10 damage to the target.
4) weaknesses: this power is innefective against force fields, and inflicts half damage agaisnt super metals (Kisentite for examples and other 'MDC structures') and half damage to invulnerable characters.

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Spin Cycle :lol:
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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Well, yeah. But so would Anaotimical independance, somebody pulling off their arm to scratch their back. And they don't have to have the hump, they could just look really fat. Besides, I figured that we needed at least one power that makes the character look bad. Maybe asssign a -1 to P.B. per even level or something, I've only got PU1, and HUR, so I wouldn't know about anything in the other PU books.

Wasn't there something silimlar poasted here before, like Desert Survival? If you guys don't want to use Camelback, use that.

No, you misinterpret my teasing you for saying I don't like it when in fact I do. Have you not seen the absurd powers I generally post? I like freakish looking powers, especially when gearing them towards mutants. I plan on using Camelback, in fact.
I would make it a -1d4 to PB. After all, it will look better on some people than others. :lol:
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:No, you misinterpret my teasing you for saying I don't like it when in fact I do. Have you not seen the absurd powers I generally post? I like freakish looking powers, especially when gearing them towards mutants. I plan on using Camelback, in fact.
I would make it a -1d4 to PB. After all, it will look better on some people than others. :lol:

No, I understood, I was agreeing that they would look reduculous. That was half the point of posting the power, gives good bonus but makes you a fat, blubberly disgusting blob of flesh :D . Maybe I should have put in a speed penalty for this power as well, due to draggin your bulky butt around...
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:No, you misinterpret my teasing you for saying I don't like it when in fact I do. Have you not seen the absurd powers I generally post? I like freakish looking powers, especially when gearing them towards mutants. I plan on using Camelback, in fact.
I would make it a -1d4 to PB. After all, it will look better on some people than others. :lol:

No, I understood, I was agreeing that they would look reduculous. That was half the point of posting the power, gives good bonus but makes you a fat, blubberly disgusting blob of flesh :D . Maybe I should have put in a speed penalty for this power as well, due to draggin your bulky butt around...

Probably... :-P :lol: :D
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Cushioning Field (minor) by Roscoe Del’Tane
Don’t worry miss! I’ve got you!” SPUH-LATER! ”Whoops! Guess not.”

This power allows the character to project a field that allows falling people to rapidly (but safely) stop when falling. This power only works on living beings, that are more than 50% flesh and blood (cybernetics and bionics mess up the field)
Range: can be projected up to 50 feet away per level. Must be on a solid surface, not in the air.
Radius: Glowing disc, 5 foot across, and up to three feet thick. The disc increases in size by one foot per level beyond one.
Duration: Costs all melee attacks, for as long as it is in effect.
Effect: All those who strike the disc stop immediately, as if they had simply stepped down from the curb to the street. No damage is taken from the fall, unless the person is more than 50% artificial, in which case they fall straight through. Non living or inorganic substances are not affected by the field, and will fall straight through.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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If I am not mistaken Iczer did a Cushion Field power a while back. I will have to compare the two, but they do not at first glance appear all that different.
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I will be posting some variant powers similar to existing ones which I have thus far been reluctant to, simply to keep my contributions coming. It is getting kind of slow in here...
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Stretching Minors

Elasticity(minor) byStone Gargoyle
1.Stretching Body Appendages:
Body Maximum Length: PE X2 feet
Neck: 4 feet
Fingers: 3 feet each
Arms: 5 feet each
Legs: 10 feet each
2.Stratching Contortions:
Flatten Entire Body: 2 feet radius per 60 pounds of weight.
+10% to Prowl
Escape Artist: 60% +3% per level
3. Special Maneuvers: As per Stretching major ability
4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d6 SDC
+1d4 PE
+1 strike, +2 parry an dodge
+6 roll w/ punch, fall or impact
Half damage from projrctiles and physical attacks
Horror Factor 8 when stretching
Duration: Can only maintain constant stretching for 2d4 melees, after which superbeing is too sore to stretch for 10 minutes.

Elongation(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This power allows the character to stretch his limbs beyond their normal limits.
1.Stretching Body Appendages: Increased range of reach.
Body maximum length: PE X10 feet
Neck: PE in feet
Arms:PE X2 in feet
LKegs: PE X3 in feet
Nose, ears, toes, fingers, etc.: PE in inches
2. Limitations: Body only has normal flexibility and does not change shape. Body will only bend in normal places.
Penalties: Any stretching beyond twice normal length will drop PE and PS by one point per five feet
Bonuses: +2d6 SDC
+1d4 PE
Horror Factor of 8 when stretching

Extension(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This power allows the character to stretch his limbs beyond their normal limit.
1. Telescoping Bones: The character's bones overlap, giving them increased durability and allowing the character to stretch his limbs 3 times their normal length.
Punches do 1d6 additional damage when arms are minimum length
Fall damage is 2/3rds
+3d6 SDC
2. Penalties: Character is -2 to all moves when limbs are extended
-10% to prowl when extended
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Teleport(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This is a minor variant of the power appearing in the main book for HU2.
The superbeing can teleport himself from one location to another in the blink of an eye.
Weight Limit: Self and 50 pounds of equipment
Number per melee: one; uses one attack/action
Range: 100 feet per level
Duratiuon: Instant
Limits: Location teleported to must be within line of sight or well known to the character (apartment, place of work, etc.)
Success Ratio: 80% +2% per level
An unsuccessful teleport displaces him 1d4 feet.

Demonic Teleport(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing teleports by slipping momentarily into a realm of chaos.
Range: 5 miles
Duration:2 melee attacks/actions
Weight Limitation: Self and up to 1000 pounds
Number of Teleports per round: Twice per round. Each teleport counts as 2 melee attacks/actions
Chances of Sucessful Teleport: As per Teleport power( page 295 HU2)
Results of unsuccessful teleportation: Lingers in the chaos realm for a full melee round rather than normal duration before returning charater back to starting point.
2.Lingering Effects: Due to the nature of this type of teleportation, the character spends the second action of the duration lingering between worlds, in the chaos realm effectively. Any passenger must roll vs. Insanity (16 or better, ME bonus applies) or become a babbling lunatic for 2d4 melee rounds.
3.Choke Hazard: This type of teleportation produces smoke as a side-effect. Smoke produced by the teleport is toxic. All within 10 feet must roll vs. non-lethal toxic gas or suffer the following penalties:
- 2 attacks per melee round, -10% on skill performance and -10 the speed attribute for the full round following the character teleporting in or out of an area.
4.Limitations: Any time the character enters the chaos realm, there is a 30% chance his mind will remain even as his body continues on, arriving a comatose vegetable. In this instance, the character can save vs. coma to pass through unharmed.
Also, beings in the chaos realm may choose to attempt attacking the character (no dodge possible) in the character's brief lingering period.
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Organic Intangibility(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character's body becomes intangible, becoming a semi-transparent image of himself.
Abilities of note include:
Limited Invulnerability: Bullets, inorganic weapons (wood weapons are considered organic) and objects do no damage, passing harmlessly through the character.
Punches, kicks and attacks from organic opponents and weapons do 1/4 damage.
Walk Through Walls: The character can pass through inorganic substances such as concrete walls and brickwork and steel barriers,, wthout affecting it or himself.
Sink Into Earth: The character can will himself to sink into any ground not covered in grass or plants or latticed with root systems. He cannot, however, walk on water or air, but does glide as per the minor super ability of Flight: Glide.
Combat: The character can inflict 1/4 their normal damage to organic beings and suybstances, like wood, while intangible. He can also grab a person through a wall, slamming them into it. While fighting, punches and kicks automatically bypass any armor except Natural AR, making BP vests and other forms of body armor useless against this character.
Limitations: Any metal implants or surgical pins will fall out of the intangible character. This includes fillings.
The character takes full damage from energy based attacks.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d6 MA
+1d4 X10 SDC
+10% Prowl
Horror Factor: 14 when transparent
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You've been busy. I like the Organic Intangibility. I played an Experiment once with intangibility. He was an assassin. I would've liked to have been able to reach through a wall and slit someone's throat with a bone/chitin/whatever knife. Still, not being able to go through wood walls or grass is a big disadvantage.

The minor teleport is interesting. I've been considering trying to make a short range teleport power inspired by X-Men 2's Nightcrawler scenes from the White House.
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Here's a power I came up with as an alternative to shooting badguys or threatining them to get them to surrender.

Mental Regression [minor] by Roscoe Del’Tane
“Mr. President! I can’t launch those nukes!” ZAPPO! ”OOH! Pretty buttons!”

Character can fire off energy bolts that cause the victim to think that they are younger than they are.
Range: Line of sight.
Damage: Special. Each time that a being is hit by this power, they are mentally youthened by 1d4 years +1d4 every even level. If a critical is rolled, years regressed is doubled.
Attacks per melee: Once per melee round, and costs HALF of the character’s attacks.
Duration: 5 minutes for each of the attackers M.E. + 10 minutes every even level. This attack is considered psionic, use the savings throws under that section.
Bonuses: Character cannot be affected by this power, and is +3 to save vs. psionic attacks. Also tends to have a soft spot for children and the elderly, when dealing with them he has a +3 M.A. bonus.
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Flash-Port (major) sorry twisty, been kicking this one around for a while
Character spends one melee (15 seconds) concentraiting. No other actions available except for parry. When the character is ready he will be able to use a teleport for each attack at the cost of one attack. If he has 5 attacks he gets one teleport/attack or action combo for each attack. Opponents will be -3 to parry or dodge the attacks. This also affords him an auto dodge during the round. +6 to auto dodge in this manner, +3 against guns and ranged.
range: 10ft + 5 per level, and line of site.
duration: 1 melee round (15 seconds)
Character can peform a normal teleport 3x a day +1 per level (takes all attacks) range is 50ft + 10 ft per level and must be in line of site.
weight limit: 50lbs for both teleports.

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MrTwist wrote:You've been busy. I like the Organic Intangibility. I played an Experiment once with intangibility. He was an assassin. I would've liked to have been able to reach through a wall and slit someone's throat with a bone/chitin/whatever knife. Still, not being able to go through wood walls or grass is a big disadvantage.

The minor teleport is interesting. I've been considering trying to make a short range teleport power inspired by X-Men 2's Nightcrawler scenes from the White House.

The Organic Intangibility was inspired by a thread regarding the use of intangibility and bionics and I decided I wanted a meterials specific intangibility. But there had to be limits for the aded benefits. Leather armor would pose difficult as well.
The teleport thing was due to the fact that I have a number of them listed but none really fit with the way you see it typically used in comics.
Thanks for the feedback.
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Stat Pool {Major} by Roscoe Del’Tane
"Oh man, poor Sammy Joe is trapped under that unstable boulder. GRAAHAYI! Okie, me move rock now, stand back."

With this power, the character has an extra amount of generic stat points that they can apply as they need them.

1) Statistics Point Pool: Characters start with 10 + P.E. S.P. Points. They gain half their P.E. every level.

2) Statistics Boost: Character can boost his physical and mental attributes on a 1:1 basis. Put five points from the pool into strength, you get stronger, etc. Stats can be moved from ‘normal’, to ‘super’ by spending more points. 5 points will grant you an extraordinary stat, 15 a superhuman, and 25 a supernatural stat. There is a time limit of 5 minutes per level, before your stats go back to normal. S.P.P. gets refreshed every 12 hours.

3) At fifth level, the character can draw points from his normal stats and post them elsewhere on a 1:2 basis. Once the time limit expires, they are lost until the S.P.P. is reset.

4) Bonuses: Character heals twice as fast as normal.
Characters shape changes slightly when S.P.P. are used (Boost strength and you look more muscular, boost speed you look thinner, you get the picture), but not enough to act as an effective disguise.
Character gains an extra die from all stat boosting powers and skills.
Character gets 2d6 S.D.C. per level.
Character can lift and carry an extra 10% per even level.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Stat Pool {Major} by Roscoe Del’Tane
"Oh man, poor Sammy Joe is trapped under that unstable boulder. GRAAHAYI! Okie, me move rock now, stand back."

With this power, the character has an extra amount of generic stat points that they can apply as they need them.

1) Statistics Point Pool: Characters start with 10 + P.E. S.P. Points. They gain half their P.E. every level.

2) Statistics Boost: Character can boost his physical and mental attributes on a 1:1 basis. Put five points from the pool into strength, you get stronger, etc. Stats can be moved from ‘normal’, to ‘super’ by spending more points. 5 points will grant you an extraordinary stat, 15 a superhuman, and 25 a supernatural stat. There is a time limit of 5 minutes per level, before your stats go back to normal. S.P.P. gets refreshed every 12 hours.

3) At fifth level, the character can draw points from his normal stats and post them elsewhere on a 1:2 basis. Once the time limit expires, they are lost until the S.P.P. is reset.

4) Bonuses: Character heals twice as fast as normal.
Characters shape changes slightly when S.P.P. are used (Boost strength and you look more muscular, boost speed you look thinner, you get the picture), but not enough to act as an effective disguise.
Character gains an extra die from all stat boosting powers and skills.
Character gets 2d6 S.D.C. per level.
Character can lift and carry an extra 10% per even level.

The way I read that third part is you can exchange points on a 1 for 2 basis? I think a 2 for 1 basis might be better.
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MrTwist wrote:
The way I read that third part is you can exchange points on a 1 for 2 basis? I think a 2 for 1 basis might be better.

It says 1 to 1 as in for every 1 point used they get +1 to the stat.
(eg: using 5 points to raise her PP would give a +5 boost to PP)
Then it says 1 to 2, as in for every 1 point used they get +2 to the stat.
(eg: using 5 points to raise her PP would give a +10 boost to PP)

Yes the wording is a bit aquawrd, and could be more clearly worded.

The only thing I would do would have the phyical stats at the 5 min+1min/L duration, while having the metal stats use a 1 hour/L or 1/2 hour/L duration.
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Iczer wrote:Dangerous terrain: [Minor] By Iczer
'Don't worry. I don't think anyone will be chasing us'


May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:It says 1 to 1 as in for every 1 point used they get +1 to the stat.
(eg: using 5 points to raise her PP would give a +5 boost to PP)
Then it says 1 to 2, as in for every 1 point used they get +2 to the stat.
(eg: using 5 points to raise her PP would give a +10 boost to PP)

Yes the wording is a bit aquawrd, and could be more clearly worded.

The only thing I would do would have the phyical stats at the 5 min+1min/L duration, while having the metal stats use a 1 hour/L or 1/2 hour/L duration.

Sorry about the confusion. When using your BASE STATS, they count as 2 Stat pool points, not all S.P.P. as two. I guess this power does need a bit more work, but I though I should post it before my muse abandoned me again (shakes hand at muse :badbad: [DAMN YOU BOB!]) I'll try and re-work/word it so it makes more sense, thanks for the feed back guys!
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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You muse is named BOB? :-P
But seriously, I concur with the Stat power being confusing. Maybe if you made the number system more uniform and systematic. It seemed to be all over the place.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Sorry about the confusion. When using your BASE STATS, they count as 2 Stat pool points, not all S.P.P. as two. I guess this power does need a bit more work, but I though I should post it before my muse abandoned me again (shakes hand at muse :badbad: [DAMN YOU BOB!]) I'll try and re-work/word it so it makes more sense, thanks for the feed back guys!

With a 1 point for 2 points it just screams abuse, even though it is a major power. I can just see a player removing a bunch of points from their stats and switching them, thereby effectively doubling their attributes. With no listed attacks per melee being used while using the power what I see happening is;

"I pull every point from every attribute. Now I put everything back, doubled."

I'm not saying the power is a bad idea, actually it's rather cool, just that a bit of tweaking might be necessary.
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Flash-Port? I like it.
The name almost sounds like it should have a blinding effect upon teleport, but maybe I can work something like that into a specialized Angelic Teleport power.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to me. I am now 40. :eek:
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Flash-Port? I like it.
The name almost sounds like it should have a blinding effect upon teleport, but maybe I can work something like that into a specialized Angelic Teleport power.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to me. I am now 40. :eek:

yeah I stink at coming up with power names. after posting that I wasn't a huge fan of the name and had the same assumption you did about the power. A blinding flash and teleportation combo would be cool.
thanks for the feed back.
and happy birhtday! i just had the 32 sneak up on me and bash in my knee! love getting old. lol
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wolfsgrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Flash-Port? I like it.
The name almost sounds like it should have a blinding effect upon teleport, but maybe I can work something like that into a specialized Angelic Teleport power.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to me. I am now 40. :eek:

yeah I stink at coming up with power names. after posting that I wasn't a huge fan of the name and had the same assumption you did about the power. A blinding flash and teleportation combo would be cool.
thanks for the feed back.
and happy birhtday! i just had the 32 sneak up on me and bash in my knee! love getting old. lol

The APS Light power uses a subability where the character turns into a stream of light and travels after flashing brightly. I may start from there.
Also in the works is a Magnetic Intangibility power combining elements of machine disruption and manipulating the molecules through bioelectrical means. It is intended as an add-on for bionics and robotics characters, but they will have to dual class as robotics or bionics, and superpowers.
Everyone seems to want to use high tech gadgets with intangibility, so I am trying to figure a power like intangibilty that will give similar abilities but given appropriate weaknesses in exchange for the ability to use electronic gadgets.
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Omnifarious wrote:
MrTwist wrote:"I pull every point from every attribute. Now I put everything back, doubled."

I'm not saying the power is a bad idea, actually it's rather cool, just that a bit of tweaking might be necessary.

This could be like a "supercharge" ability, only it has half (third? quarter?) the duration of the "ordinary" stat shifts. And once that supercharge limit is reached, all stats are halved and no stat shifts are possible for an hour.

My two cents. Frankly, I really like the idea of this power.

I liked the idea as well. It was the execution and lack of concrete limits that was of concern, I believe.
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Omnifarious wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I liked the idea as well. It was the execution and lack of concrete limits that was of concern, I believe.

Nothing wrong with a bit of fine tuning. 8-)

No, and we were simply giving feedback to allow him to improve his writing of powers. Improve his presentation and product, as it were.

To update others on the teleport powers I am writing, there were two I came up with based on the blinding flash idea, one using APS Light subabilities as a guideline and the other utilizing plasma, as I loved the idea of someone teleporting into a wall and melting it in the process. I will be posting those soon.
I wrote up the electromagnetic intangibility for robotics/invention characters as well and it will also be being posted.
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MrTwist wrote:
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Sorry about the confusion. When using your BASE STATS, they count as 2 Stat pool points, not all S.P.P. as two. I guess this power does need a bit more work, but I though I should post it before my muse abandoned me again (shakes hand at muse :badbad: [DAMN YOU BOB!]) I'll try and re-work/word it so it makes more sense, thanks for the feed back guys!

With a 1 point for 2 points it just screams abuse, even though it is a major power. I can just see a player removing a bunch of points from their stats and switching them, thereby effectively doubling their attributes. With no listed attacks per melee being used while using the power what I see happening is;

"I pull every point from every attribute. Now I put everything back, doubled."

I'm not saying the power is a bad idea, actually it's rather cool, just that a bit of tweaking might be necessary.

How about we add that you can't put stats back into the same attribute, and also, you can't take natural points from a stat and increase that stat at the same time (ie: you can't take 10 from your natural PS and add it to IQ to be +20 IQ and at the same time take 30 from your speed and add it to PS b/c the ps has already been modified). Hm... I just realized that I think that you shouldn't be able to take points from Spd b/c that's a stat that can get into the hundreds... which is stupid if you can increase a stat by 600 or something. There additionally might need to be a limit on the number of points you can take from your normal stats. Perhaps you can't take more than 10 natural points from any one stat? That's a bit more balancing.

Lastly, I think if you have a PB of 15 normally, and you reduce it to 5, or zero, that should definately count as a disguise, as to have such a dramatic reduction, it seems like you'd have to be seriously deformed (especially if anything had a PB of 0 -- that'd be so ugly it might not even look human).
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The lowest I ever allow a stat to go is three.
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More Variant Teleport powers:

Blinding Teleport(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
1.Teleport: The character teleports using a burst of energy like a solar flare.
Weight Limit: Self and 50 pounds of equipment
Number per melee: one; uses one attack/action
Range: 100 feet per level
Duratiuon: Instant
Limits: Location teleported to must be within line of sight or well known to the character (apartment, place of work, etc.)
Success Ratio: 80% +2% per level
An unsuccessful teleport rresults in the blinding effect but nothing else.
2.Blinding Effect: The teleport generates light equal to 300 watts.
Range: 100 feet radius per level maximum, 20 foot radius minimum
Damage: None other than combat penalties. opponents over 20 feet away suffer -5 to strike, parry and dodge, with all others outside the 20 feet but within 100 feet suffering -1 to strike, parry and dodge, because the bright light makes it difficult to see without squinting and blinking.
All within a 20 foot radius suffer worse, being blinded for 3d4 melee rounds with a penalty of -10 to strike, parry and dodge.
Note: Light does double damage to vampires, Shadow Beasts and other creatures of the night.
3.Other Abilities: The character is immune to the teleportation powers of others and is immune to the effects of bright light and blinding attacks.

Plasmatic Teleport(Major) by Stone Gargoyle, with thanks to Whiz Kid, as some of the abilities herein were modeled on subabilities apppearing in his Plasmatic Power.
When the character teleports, it releases a burst of plasmoid energy.
1.Teleport: The character teleports using a burst of energy like Plasma burst.
Weight Limit: Self and 50 pounds of equipment
Number per melee: one; uses one attack/action
Range: 100 feet per level
Duratiuon: Instant
Limits: Location teleported to must be within line of sight or well known to the character (apartment, place of work, etc.)
Success Ratio: 80% +2% per level
An unsuccessful teleport displaces him 1d4 feet without engaging the Plasma Sphere(see below).
2.Blinding Effect: The teleport is blinding to watch.
Range: 12 foot radius around the character.
Damage: Blinds all in range; -6 to strike, parry and dodge, -1 attack per melee, lose initiative
Note: Effect happens at both ends of teleport
Duration: Instant; coincides with teleport
3.Plasma Sphere: The character is protected during teleport by a plasma spher with a radius of five feet All people his spfere intersects with take damage.
Damage: 1d6X10
He can use this teleport as a controlled strike but must take an extra attack to aim his teleport to strike, and is +3 to do so under those conditions. He can also choose to intersect with a wall, blowing a hole in it.
Duration: Coincides with teleport. Cannot use this power when not teleporting. Plasma Sphere effect is not engaged until teleporting and only becomes dangerous upon arrival to the destination. It is only momentary and provides no protection once the sphere dissipates in the next action following the teleport.
Note: Roll to strike and then roll for successful teleport when attacking with this power.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu May 31, 2007 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Omnifarious wrote:
MrTwist wrote:"I pull every point from every attribute. Now I put everything back, doubled."

I'm not saying the power is a bad idea, actually it's rather cool, just that a bit of tweaking might be necessary.

This could be like a "supercharge" ability, only it has half (third? quarter?) the duration of the "ordinary" stat shifts. And once that supercharge limit is reached, all stats are halved and no stat shifts are possible for an hour.

My two cents. Frankly, I really like the idea of this power.

Yes, the stat pool being limited does create quite a limitation on the 'supercharging' of stats. But most likely this will only be used in combat situations, and very very few of them last close to long enough for the duration limit to be concerned about. Also, as mentioned, the speed attribute can get quite high. This would be an easy stat to pull points from with little concern.

Maybe adding a limitation that no stat can be lowered less than half or 5 points, whichever is higher.
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Draw opponent: [Minor] By Iczer
'I suppose you are wondering why I called you here'

The character has the ability to cause an otherwise distant opponent to move towards him allowing him to engage physically. This power can be used to move objects other than the opponent with a little mor eprecision required. There are three methods to perform this, and the character selects the type when he selects this power
1) Teleport: The character can cause a target within 100 feet +20 per level, to vanish and reappear within 6 feet of the character. the target simply is moved closer in a straight line. This action requires 2 attacks to perform, and is resisted by the target with a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). Targets must weigh less than 200lbs plus 50 lbs per level.
2) Levitation: The target is attracted (pulled on a molecular level) straight toward the character stopping gently within 6 feet of the character. The target must check for balance at the trip's end in order to remain standing. Targets must weigh less than 150 lbs plus 20 lbs per level. The target may attempt to reflexively grab an object to remain where he is if he is aware what is happening (makes a strike roll to grab a solid object) if successfull, then the target remains where he is. This type of summoning requires 2 actions.
3) Tether: the character shoots out a strong cable, line or cord to the target, which adheres to him, and then yanks him towards the character. The tether May inflict up to 2d4 damage as it does so. One adhered, the line retracts instantly pulling up to 150 + 20lbs per level. The target may resist by rolling a D20 and adding his PS attribute. The character may do the same, but adds +2, with an additional +2 per level. If the target fails to resist,then he is yanked up to 60 feet (+10 per level). Using the tether option counts as two actions. Optionally, the tether can yank the character towards his target instead, as long as the target exceeds his weight range (a quick way to scale a building) the character still needs to hit with this power though, with a +2 to strike plus any PP bonuses
General notes:
* No method has the fine control to stop a target midway or partway along the line of movement. The target arrives within 5 or 6 feet of the character, not in a convenient pit halfway there.
* At 3rd level, this power may be combined with a normal melee attack as the opponent arrives. This is at +2 to strike if using the teleport method (he doesn't see it coming) , or +1 damage per level using the other two methods (essentially, pulling a target into the attack)
* objects weigjing less than 100 lbs may be summoned as a single action rather than as two actions.
* Objects less than 10lbs may be snatched without counting as an action. a nearby sword could be teleported to hand and then swung as a weapon as a single action.


(more to come... Shell, and spare limb)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Electromagnetic Intangibility(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character can use magnetic control of their molecules to vibrate them out of phase with normal matter. While intangible, the character still appears solid as if holographic.
1.Limited Invulnerability: When intangible, punches, kicks and conventional attacks pass right through the character. The character can be affected by electromagnets, and certain types of electrical atacks, which do double damage.
2.Walk Through Walls: The character can pass though objects without affecting them. If passing through a person, this acts as an electrical attack doing 1d6X10 damage direct to hit points. If passing through machines, this disrupts them(see below). Attempting to walk through or on water will cause the character's power to drain, sending electrical current through the water. Likewise, passing through metal will heat it up.
3.Combat While Intangible: Any strike by the character while intangible will do 1d4 burn damage and the opponent must roll vs. electrical shock(14 or better, PE bonus applies).
4.Partial Materalization: The character possesses enough control of the magnetism to allow him to solidify for a moment( one action per melee round) a hand or other small part of himself.
5.Conditions of Use: This power is designed as a Super-Invention augmentation of a Robotics character. The character must be metallic and possess high amounts of electricity.
6.Catastrophic System Failure: Passing through computers and complex machines will cause them to shut down(1d4X10% of normal capacity). The character can cause this to disrupt the machines so as to cause them to explode, doing 1d6X10 damage to the machine he is passing through. The character can in no way interface with the computer while he is doing so nor can he take the machine over in any way.
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Soul Anchor(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Try and move me."

The character is capable of locking himself by otherdimensional energy in place and not being moved.

1.Locked: The character is incapable of being knocked down, even on a natural 20, or falling when walking off a cliff or on water. As long as he slides straight forward on a plane of energy, he can walk in midair, dropping a mere foot per minute. This allows him to survive falls that would kill a normal person and resist being moved as if having a Supernatural PS of 60.
Duration: 30 minutes per level per day.
Note: can attempt to throw this up quickly to avoid falling, but must roll 16 or better with no bonuses.
2.Drawbacks: The character cannot Roll w/ punch, fall or impact, has his attacks cut to half and speed halved when this power is in effect. He takes double damage from Supernatural strength punches as a result.
3.Attacks: It takes 2 melee attacks/actions to connect/anchor and disconnect/sever energy ties.
4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d6 PS when power is on(considered Extraordinary)
+2d4 to PE when power is on.
+2d4 ME
Immune to Knock Back Attack and flips while power is on
Immune to teleportation and affixed to where he is whether power is active or not.
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Keep em coming guys, my player and I (yes I meant player :( ) appretiate the good works.
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