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Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:13 pm
by wolfsgrin
Shadow Shunt [major] by wolfsgrin
Character can create, within 10ft, 3-5 tendrils of shadow that come out and snatch a victim from a shadowy area. The victim is then transported (much like an involuntary shadow step) 100ft + 25ft per level to a shadow within line of sight. Victims must make save vs 14 with ME bonus. This is because the tendrils are like smoke when trying to grab a hold of them. It is actually the darkness inside the victim that pulls them into the shadow.
Range: 10ft away (line of sight) to pull a victim in. Victim must be standing within 5ft of the shadow(length of tendrils). Range/Shunt: 100ft + 25ft per level must be within line of sight.
Saving Throw: 14 or better, with ME bonus. Victim can attempt to dodge if he is aware of the attack. And even then is a -4 to dodge and any attempt to parry will pass. If save is not made then victim is shunted away, they lose Initiative, and 2 attacks. Plus whatever it takes make it back to combat range.
Vulnerability: Light based powers negate the effect. As well as intense sources of light.
Rate: Costs 2 attacks to peform
Bonuses: At level 5 he can create more than one shadow shunt at the same time, cost is still 2 attacks.

wasn't too sure about some of it. I really didn't want to make an overpowering ability.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:27 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
wolfsgrin wrote:Shadow Shunt [major] by wolfsgrin
Character can create, within 10ft, 3-5 tendrils of shadow that come out and snatch a victim from a shadowy area. The victim is then transported (much like an involuntary shadow step) 100ft + 25ft per level to a shadow within line of sight. Victims must make save vs 14 with ME bonus. This is because the tendrils are like smoke when trying to grab a hold of them. It is actually the darkness inside the victim that pulls them into the shadow.
Range: 10ft away (line of sight) to pull a victim in. Victim must be standing within 5ft of the shadow(length of tendrils). Range/Shunt: 100ft + 25ft per level must be within line of sight.
Saving Throw: 14 or better, with ME bonus. Victim can attempt to dodge if he is aware of the attack. And even then is a -4 to dodge and any attempt to parry will pass. If save is not made then victim is shunted away, they lose Initiative, and 2 attacks. Plus whatever it takes make it back to combat range.
Vulnerability: Light based powers negate the effect. As well as intense sources of light.
Rate: Costs 2 attacks to peform
Bonuses: At level 5 he can create more than one shadow shunt at the same time, cost is still 2 attacks.

wasn't too sure about some of it. I really didn't want to make an overpowering ability.

Wicked! :ok:

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:27 pm
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:Shadow Shunt [major] by wolfsgrin
Character can create, within 10ft, 3-5 tendrils of shadow that come out and snatch a victim from a shadowy area. The victim is then transported (much like an involuntary shadow step) 100ft + 25ft per level to a shadow within line of sight. Victims must make save vs 14 with ME bonus. This is because the tendrils are like smoke when trying to grab a hold of them. It is actually the darkness inside the victim that pulls them into the shadow.
Range: 10ft away (line of sight) to pull a victim in. Victim must be standing within 5ft of the shadow(length of tendrils). Range/Shunt: 100ft + 25ft per level must be within line of sight.
Saving Throw: 14 or better, with ME bonus. Victim can attempt to dodge if he is aware of the attack. And even then is a -4 to dodge and any attempt to parry will pass. If save is not made then victim is shunted away, they lose Initiative, and 2 attacks. Plus whatever it takes make it back to combat range.
Vulnerability: Light based powers negate the effect. As well as intense sources of light.
Rate: Costs 2 attacks to peform
Bonuses: At level 5 he can create more than one shadow shunt at the same time, cost is still 2 attacks.

wasn't too sure about some of it. I really didn't want to make an overpowering ability.

Wicked! :ok:

Here's another one.

Abyssal Trap (major) wolfsgrin
Character can set a trap of darkness and shadow that attracts its victims by slightly shimmering, as if the shadow was rippling. This power is best used in high traffic areas. Basically where somebody will actually see it easily. Potential victims within 5ft(+3ft per level) of the trap have a chance of being sub-consciencly attracted to it. Save vs 12 with any ME bonuses. Once victim is gazing into the abyss for about 3-5 seconds (1 attack) the victim needs to save vs 14 with ME bonuses. If saving throw is not made then the victim is consumed by the darkness and held for 15 seconds (1 melee round). After the first melee another save can be attempted (vs 14). If that fails, victim can save at the beginning of every round until freed. Max duration is 2mins per level.
When inside the abyss, victims feel as though they are falling through icey blackness with a hollow wind in their ears. Time has no meaning and when freed character is dazed and confused (half off all rolls and half the attacks) for 1d4 melee rounds.
Range: 5ft + 3ft per level for lure. The pool of inky blackness is about 10ft in radius and can cast away 25ft +5ft per level. Target must be in line of sight, a non living being(this includes any undead or supernatural beings and all that jazz, for all you rules lawers out there :P ) , and a darkened area.
Saving Throw: 12 vs lure. 14 vs being trapped and 14 vs staying trapped (ME bonuses apply).
Duration: 2 minutes per level after level 1. Once victim is inside trap, at the top of every round, victim can make a saving throw (14) to try and shorten their stay.
Rate: Costs two attacks to create
I'm thinking about adding a temporary insanity check for every 2 minutes in.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:22 pm
by wolfsgrin
Shadow-Ganger (major) wolfsgrin
The character can bring life to a persons shadow. The shadow being is a diabolical version of the target. Even ones who have evil and selfish alignments. The shadow being also has all the same powers, stats, abilites and they are all at the same level as the target. They do become physical, only they look like they have a constant light shadow enveloping their bodies. But normal kicks and punches do normal damage as well as powers and abilities. However, light based powers do double damage and those who possess light powers or abilites are immune to this power. Whenever the victim is reduced to a 1/3 of their SDC, they are eveloped by the being and become it. SDC is restored to maimum. Also retains all powers and abilities at the same level. The shadow covers their bodies as well making them darker even in the light. Now if the shadow being's sdc is reduced to 1/3, it goes screaming to the surface where the character's shadow would be cast.
For this to work the user must make eye contact with the target and a battle of wills will take place. He can engage a powerfull gaze that keeps the victim locked in for 1 melee per level. The victim can save vs 14 with ME bonuses and the gaze fails, or the duration runs out. User gets 1 attempt to, raise the shadow being, per attack. During this time character cannot peform any other action (neither can the victim until save is made, duration runs out or is released). Total concentration is used. Can be cancelled at any time by user or if made to break concentration. It will take an attack to be aware of any danger or change in situation. He is open to attack unless he has some kind of danger awareness power, or has bodyguards.
Range: 15ft +3ft per level. Must have direct eye to eye contact.
Save: Vs. gaze is 14 with ME and any bonus versus possessesion. And this save applies at every attempt made by user.
Stats for Shadow Being (before possession): Same as victim. SDC, powers, abilities, combat skills and the like are the same. However, aside from being diabolical, personal info of victim is not known by being. Only physical skills and skills that don't require a lot of thought can be peformed. This carries over when victim is taken over. They also have no Hit Points and if they lose 1/3 their SDC before possessing, they go back to being normal shadows, kicking and screaming. And only the victim of the shadow-ganger can actually fight the being before possession. Attacks pass through, except for light based powers, double damage.
Stats for Shadow Being (after possession has taken hold): SDC is restored to full (they still have no hit points)) any damage done to body is not carried over to the victim once the duration is over. Opponents will notice that when they hit the Shadow Being, the shadow seems to tear away only to reform. Damage is being done however and all of it goes to its main body (light based powers do double damage). And when that is depleted the shadow seperates and goes back from where it came. To the victim it would have seemed like a bad dream and only remembering bits and pieces
Duration: Gaze-1 melee per level. Shadow being (before possession) 1 minute per level of user (if it does not possess target within that time, it goes back to being a normal shadow. Shadow Being (after possession) 1 hour per level of user. After which it will go back to being a normal shadow
Rate:1 attack to make eye contact and engage gaze. Once engaged can make an attempt per attack in a melee. May do this with 2 normal humans a day(not at the same time) per level and 1 super human per day every other level starting at level 2. Supernatural beings and anybody immune to possession cannot have this done to them.
Note: The beings are loyal to the power weilder but not fully under his control. Just so happens most of the weilders "suggestions" are good ones and were going to be done anyway.
The being is very desperate to take over the target, if not, it screams and tries in vain to lash out at the character. Only its attacks pass through any target. And it goes back to being the target's shadow.
Bonuses: +3 to ME

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:28 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
wolfsgrin wrote:Abyssal Trap (major) wolfsgrin

I'm thinking about adding a temporary insanity check for every 2 minutes in.

Definitely do that. People naturally have an aversion and fear of darkness and the unknown which can be played for effect.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:04 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Sorry this took me a while to get back to.

Extreme Prejudice(Minor) Revised by Stone Gargoyle
The character is able to gain bonuses to combat by virtue of racial hatred. The race disliked must be chosen at the time the character is created and it is only against the race that the following bonuses apply:
+4 to initiative
+2 to strike
+1d6 damage
Actions committed against the race hated can go out of alignment and do not alter the character's alignment, though others might not like what this character does and may punish him for it.
Limitations/Penalties: The character is distracted by people of his hated race being around him, making him -10% to skill performance and -2 to combat moves when not fighting them if they are in the vacinity. He also must roll vs temporary insanity (standard) or go into a fit of rage lasting 2d4 melees. He will be -20% to any skill used to help someone of the disliked ethnicity as well.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:47 am
by Iczer
Insane power [Minor] By Iczer
'Angry? ANGRY!!! I'm not angry Boys....I'm MAD!!'

The character derives strength and power from his stae of being. when calm this power is almost nonexistant, when agitated it begins to rear it's head. It's when the character dips into insanity that he becomes dangerous.
1) Dip into insanity. The character can voluntarilly send himself crazy. When he spends an action doing so, and the madness builds, he rolls for a random insanity. This random insanity needs to be relevant to his current situation and be able to immeadiately affect him. If a random insanity would have no current effect, the character must reroll. (Phobia of darkness is rarely relevant in a day time fight.) the character can cure himself of insanity at any moment.
2) Power of madness. When the character is insane, either through dipping into insanity, or through natural madness (includes the crazy hero) he gains the following bonuses.
-6 to MA -2 to IQ. +4 to save vs psionics and HF +6 to PE +6 to PS +2 to PP and double Spd. Gains +1 attack per melee.
3) other benefits: The character is immune to madness (he can end it at a moment's notice) If previously afflicted with any form of insanity, he can turn it on and off at will. Given the close association of fear with madness, the character has a 60% chance (+5% per level) of gaining the above bonuses while suffering from a failed Saving throw Vs HF.

Illusionary assault: [Major i think] By Iczer
'Witness my power!!'

The character has the capability to augment himself with powerfull but short ranged illusions, that confuse the mind and senses of his opponents
1) Illusionary power. By expending an action, the character creates an aura of palapable power around himself. Crackling lightning, glowing red eyes, any special effects he can envision. Those viewing him are stricken as if facing a HF of 12 (plus one at levels 3, 5,7,9,11,13 and 15) Allies are immune to this, as are those immune to illusions. People who know of this character's propensity for illusions enjoy a +2 to the saving throw.
2) Illusionary attack: The character can recreate any attack he can imagine or has seen. The illusionary attack inflicts 1D4x10 damage (+2 per level) and can affect any target that the character can see (range is no option). the attack always strikes, though a successful saving throw vs Psionics allows the target to believe it has missed or has been dodged. Note that the others will be able to see the illusinary attack as it posesses a visual and audio component, but others will not be able to see the target's actual wounds.
3) Enhance attack: The character can also enhance the deadliness of his own attacks by coupling them with illusions. Enhancing an attack forces the target to make a save vs psionics. failure means the target suffers +2 damage per level (illusionary) or suffers a -2 to dodge or parry the attack (the attack seems to come from oblique angles, or seems to be launched as a volley) This penalty increases to -3 at 4th level, -4 at 7th level, -5 at 10th level and -6 at 13th level.
Characters immune to the basic attack, still take any illusionary damage attached to it. If the character desires, he may change the nature of the attack in an attempt to bypass a target's immunities. the whole damage is considered illusionary in this instance (Knowing his fireblast won't affect Sukkah the energy absorber, he changes the nature of his firey assault to freezing cold. Sukkah remains immune to the blast, but beleievs he takes full damage.
4) Illusionary damage: Illusionary damage heals at the rate of 1 per minute. Targets see their wounds while afflicted, though outsiders will not. Knowing for certain that an attack is illusionary, gives the target +2 to saveing throws and halves any illusionary damage. In additiona a target who knows his wounds are illusionary, may attempt a save vs psionics once every minute to remove all illusionary damage. Characters immune to illusions are simply unnafected and may inform any allies present of their nature. Targets who save vs psionics beleive either the attack missed or that it has lesser effect.
5) other bonuses: the characer is immune to illusions. In addition, he may add +4 to his MA and PB without concentration (these fade when the character is unconscious or asleep, and do not affect those who can see through illusions). He enjoys +10% to disguise and prowl as well as impersonation.

Leech Acid: [Major] By Iczer
'The earth is my ally, and provides all the firepower I need to defeat you'

The character can transmute elements found in the earth into a corrosive substance and then draw it towards himself. this allows a num er of complex stunts.
1) generate acid: The character can summon and fling acid as an attack as long as he has a sizable amount of stone or natural earth nearby. The Acid may be flung up to 60 feet (+4 to strike) away inflicting 4D6 damage (plus 1 per level) which inflicts 3d4 damage one round later. The character can instead create a pool on the ground that lasts for one minute per level and can measure 6 feet across, plus one foot every second level. anyone in the area of effect when the pool is bubbled upwards takes 4D6 damage every round until they leave (3d4 on the next round) though targets may dodge (16+ required) to leap away from the bubbling pool. lastly, a corrosive cloud 20 feet across can be generated. the cloud afflicts all relevant targets with 2d4 damage per round (lasts one minute per level unless dispersed by breeze) and chokes vision and breathing (-4 to all combat actions due to lower visibility and choking)
2) Mineral assault: By expending two actions, the character can concentrate the mineral acids in a stone or eathen object within 15 feet (+5 feet per level), causing it to become brittle (-2 to AR) and be eaten outwards (1D4x10 damage +3 per level). targets made from stone, including mineral aliens also lose 2d4 HP from this attack.
3) Immunities: the character is immune to the ravages of acid, and to a lesser effect to that of tear gas (half penalties +4 to saving throws). +1D4x10 to SDC.
The character can neutralise 1 gallon of acid per level by expending 2 actiosn to do so.
4) greater works: By expending a full minute, the character can taint a water supply connected to or fed from a natural source by leeching acid into the water. the water becomes bitter and tainted and mildly poisonous, killing local waterlife and raising the PH level. the character can affect 100 gallons per minute.
If given a full uninterupted minute, the character can also create aan acid Geyser. the geyser shoots 60 feet into the air and spreads an acid cloud as far as weather permits (typically a 300 foot radius). all exposed targets in this area suffer the effects of the acidic cloud mentioned in #1. in addition, for one minute per level, anyone within 20 feet of the geyser will take 1d6 damage from acid 4 times per melee round from raining acid. every minute left alone to generate this geyser, the cloud expands by 300 feet and the geyser rises another 30 feet (and the acid rain area expands by 10 feet.
5) limited supply. The character is limited in acid production by the local environment. Generating acid drains local mineral supplies from the earth and stone which recover very slowly. when simply using sub power #1, the character depletes a 30 foot radius circle of earth down to a depth of 10 feet. This area can be tapped for acid generation 3 times plus once more per level before the character must move 60 feet to drain another supply. Option #4 drains the local area up to a mile in diameter and can be tapped once per level of experience.


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:51 am
by Iczer
Shun earth: [Minor] By Iczer
'I'd like to think i'm above all that good Sir'

The character can perform a variation on levitation, where he actively cushions himself against the earth on a flexible pillair of force. by doing so, he gains the following benefits.
1) Movement: when within 1 foot of the ground, the character enjoys triple his normal speed. when within 5 feet of the ground he may move at normal spd. he moves at half speed up to 10 feet from the ground. from 10 feet to as many feet as his ME score, he moves at a spd of 1. he moves at this speed over water and may move at half his normal Spd through water.
2) Levitative leaping and falling. The character can, by shunning the earth as he leaps, may add his ME in feet to his leaping distance upwards or acrossways. Likewise, he may resist the damage from any fall under 60 feet, and take half damage from falls from greater heights (none with a roll with punch/fall/impact)
3) Mobility: his mobility is unparalelled as well while shunning the ground. he gains +2 to dodge and +4 to initiative while he is within 5 feet of the ground. he may make tight turns and navigate around obstacles without slowing and is able to shun the ground without tiring for hours upon end (can shun the earth without effort for as many hours as his PE score. for many characters, he will fall asleep before tiring of it)

Timesave: [Major] By iczer
'look what I've been saving for later'

The character can save time in small parcels, compressing them and bringing them out at a later date. The character can parcel up to 6 actions, plus one per level of experience at a rate of one per 15 minutes (must be awake and aware to do so). these saved actions can be brought to bear at a later time. A saved action can be expended for one of the following effects
1) Extra attack: The character can add an extra attack in his current melee round. this can be declared at any point, and can be tacked on to an existing action (The character seems to be taking multiple actions at once)
2) Rapid shot: the character can perform a flurry of attacks that dazzle and pummel foes. a single attack may be considered a burst inflicting 50% extra damage and being -4 to parry or dodge.
3) accellerated initiative. The character can expend one of his saved actions to act first in a given initiative round. his first action in a round is at +10 initiative.
4) autododge: the character can expend an action to dodge an incoming attack without losing one of his actions for the current round.
5) regain attack: the character can avoid losing an attack by expending one of his saved attacks.
6) feint: by expending a saved attack, the character can launch an attack that bypasses an opponent's regular defence, much like a simultaneous attack.
7) retry: the character can retry a failed action by bringing forth one of his saved actions to try again.
In all cases the character appears as a phantom of himself, as if surrounded by an illusion of himself performing the extra effect or assiting him in the chosen effect.
The character can also attempt to pull actions from the future, though this can be dire. He must make a Saving throw (14+ No bonuses) or take 2d4 damage from the strain. the action manifests, but in 1d4 melee rounds, he loses that action. If he is still in combat at this time he loses one action that round as he blurs for a moment (chosen at random) if performing a delicate task at that time (balancing, defusing a bomb) he suffers a -40% to the skill in use.
The character can also send an action into an imeadiate future with a kind of what if clause attached. he expends the action, and if a stated effect occurs in that time, he then performs it, even if he is out of turn, unable to act or otherwise could not act. he can only set this effect a maximum of 15 seconds into the future (for game purposes, anytime this round or next) The character musct be able to perform the said action at the time he declraes it. If the condition is not met, then the action was performed in an alternate future.
[Fingers Mcgee, not trusting Cobraman's attempt at truce, lowers his gun after stating that he will send a shot at Cobraman if he betrays him in the next 15 seconds. True to form, Cobraman mentally incapacitates Fingers with his Hypnotism as soon as the gun is lowered, but instantly, a shadowy ghost like copy of Fingers appears, shoots at Cobraman and then vanishes]

Dangerous mind: [Minor] By Iczer
'You wouldn't want to get in mind is not the safest of places'

The character is semi impervious to telepathic and psychic assault. any time the character is forced to make a saving throw Vs psionics (even against pseudopsionic super powers) a wave of chaotic energy breaches the psionic gap to smite the agressor.
If the character saves successfully, the aggressor takes 4d6 damage from psychic backlash.
If the character fails, the target takes 1d6 in psychic backlash. In addition if the effect requires concentration on the aggressors part, then he takes 1d6 extra damage per melee round.
(note some effects have a duration that is independant of maintenence. Bio-manipulation is not actively maintained by the aggressor for instance, though it can be as under its description. Posession has a continuing duration which continues to channell damage down to the aggressor)
Other bonuses: Half damage from psion effects, and half duration. +4 to save vs psionics.

Segmented limb: [Minor] By Iczer
'Take this and this, and this and.....hey you over there....>Thwack!<'

The character can transform his limb into a hardened substance, similar in appearance to stone (though may appear as steel, iron or any other mineral substance)
When transformed the hand becomes clumsy and innefectual, but the limb gains other bonuses.
Firstly it inflicts 2d6 as a bludgeoning weapon. It's large size and solid construction allows it to act as a shield against attacks (+2 to parry). It also enjoys +6 PS and has an AR of 16 and 100 SDC.
The limb can be made to stretch however, as it is made of hundreds of segemented sections, held together by organic tendrils that collapse and expand. the character can extend his fist out to as many feet as his PS (+2 per level). while extended, the hand acts as a whip or projectile, snapping outwards and then rapidly retracting. While extended. the limb has no inherant PS bonus but it's flexibility makes grants it a +2 to strike. While extended however it is vunerable to attack. a called strike against the organic cabling between segments (called shot at -4) can cause the bonds to seperate (damage must equal or exceed the characer's PE attribute, and must be energy or slashing type damage). if successfully severed the character loses the limb (regrows within a month). during this time, he may transform a different limb (though only one at a time).
While extended, the limb is not prehensile, and can barely be held above the ground, though it can grab at things.


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:29 am
by Iczer
Bioflame: [Major] By Iczer
'Look..I have made fire!! out of!'

The character can transform vital life essence into heat and flame
1) produce fire: The charactre can sacrafice 1D4 SDC to produce either a white and warm light that shines for 10 minutes per level (clar light for 60 feet) or a flaming fist that adds 2d6 to a single punch attack from flames, or a jet of fire that extends 20 feet per level, inflicting 1d6 + 1d6 per level with +2 to strike.
2) Combust: The character can instead concentrate on a target (2 actions) forcing him to overheat as his body canabalises itself to produce flame. He must save vs this power (16+ PE bonuses count) or be set ablaze and take 6d6 damage (+1 per level). the damage is caused not by the flames, but by the energy ripped free to make the flames (and thus affects creatures immune to fire and heat). This can be used on plants and any other organic life form. If something remains that is combustable, there is a 30% chance that these flames will set them alight.
3) reverse process: The character can reverse this process, turning a source of damaging heat into lifeforce to heal himself. He may transfer 1 point of fire/heat damage per level per hour into ficvve times as many HP or SDC (so a sixth level character can turn 6 damage from fire/heat into 30 SDC, either in one shot or many times over an hour). He is otherwise immune to fire and heat. Likewise, at great temperatures (over 150F) he heals at twice normal rate.

Transplant: [Minor] By Iczer
'I may be weak, but my brother here is strong'

The character by defualt, can enter a charged state by expending an action to transform into a moderately enhanced human, gaining th following benefits.
+2 to damage from Melee attacks
AR 12
+6 PS
+4 PE
+30 SDC
+2 to strike, parry, dodge and initiative
+1 attack.
This state is accompanied by physical changes distinctive to the character, that marks him as being charged (one charactre may be coated in a light rocky coating, another a green glow with black lightning etc)
In addition, by expending an action, he may transfer any one of those abilities, in full or in part, to another touched character. In fact he may divide these abilities as he desires amongst any he is touching. Thus he may dole out AR 10 to three teammates (or AR 11 to 2 teammates), give one other the +4 PE and give +1 attack to a local cop.
At third level, he may expend 2 actions to send these abilities crawling outwards to a target within 60 feet.
all those empowered take on the same cosmetic changes that the character himself assumes. The character can withdraw the bonuses at anytime by touch, or can cancel the bonuses without retrieving them at any time (recover in 30 minutes) The abilities dissolve within 1 round after the character passes out, or falls asleep.

Entropic fist: [Minor] By Iczer
'My shadow touch has a bite unlike any you have felt before Mr Amazing'

The character can transform a single limb into a obsidian like shard of entropic energy. The limb Inflicts 3d6 damage (no PS bonus) to anything it touches, regardless of immunities or any invulnerable nature, as it corrodes and degrades matter and energy itself.
The limb may be used to parry energy blasts and projectiles at -2 (no action required). In addition, those struck by the entropic limb must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose 1 PE point from wasting flesh ( inanimate objects lose 1 AR instead) Lost PE recovers at a rate of 1 per day. SDC/HP damage done by this attack heals at 1/5th normal rate.
The character however is not immune to his own power. every time he assumes an entropic limb, he takes 1d4 damage himself +1 for every minute of it's use. this damage heals normally however.


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:07 am
by Iczer
Ur power: [Major] By Iczer
'I am everything you are my friend. Everything and more'

The character is a parasite, absorbing powers from those around him and incorporating them into his own body.
1) general health and well being. The character enjoys +1PS for every living human around him within 15 feet. In addition, every superhuman within 100 feet grants him the same bonus. Whenever within 30 feet of a superhuman being, he heals 1 HP or 1 SDC per melee round for every such being.
2) specific Resistance: superhumans in the vicinity also grant additional benefits.
He gains a new resistance every melee round he spends near other superhumans (half damage). this resistance is based on a target's actual powers and abilities. if the same subject is tapped twice, this becomes full blown immunity. He never becomes immune to kinetic damage of any sort, but if a target has enhanced strength or natural weaponry, he gains an AR of 14 against it (and takes half damage if tapped twice). Note that this resistance is specific to individuals. Being immuneto Pyroman's fireblast does not render any reisstance to Omniman's heat ray vision. Likewise if the Character is resistant to cutting attacks from Ravager's claws, his kicks still inflict full damage) resistances last for 10 minutes per level
3) Siphon: by locating a target with 50 feet, the character can sample his abilities. the character expends 2 actions and the target makes a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) If the save fails, then one power of the target (chosen at random) is halved in effect. the character gains that power (also at half effect) for 1d4 melee rounds (+1 per level) (though may save it for later, in which case he can hold it for 1 hour per level after which it dissolves) at any rate the target gains his powers back at full strength after 1 minute.
4) Hard to fight: The character is hard to target with superabilities (and psionic abilities). as an action, the character can select a superpowered foe, and counteract his ability to fight him. Bonuses derived from superpowers are negated against him as he adpats to counter, or he gains +6 to save vs a specific effect. he can retain this bonus indefinately but it applies against only one opponent at a time. in addition, the character has +2 to strike and damage his selected opponent.
5) Bonus SDC. The character enjoys +30 SDC as part of this power. every superhuman that is within 60 feet adds a further 30 to this number. If a superhuman leaves this area, he loses 30 SDC from this total but this does not affect his normal SDC totals.

Teamwork: [Minor] By Iczer
'We are united against you have no choice but to surrender'
The character can transfer expertise to his allies and enjoys benefits himself when working with others.
1) transfer expertise: In combat the character can enhance his allies. If he posesses a superior HTH form or level, one ally per level of the character's choice gains a +1 level to his HTH skill while within 60 feet. if he posesses any weapons skills, he also grants that at +1 level to select allies (if untrained in the weapon, he is considered to be 1st level in proficiency)
2) Team bonuses: each member of th team shares a kind of group instinct. at every level, starting at level 2, the character adds one other person within 60 feet into a kind of team gestault. Each team member instructs each other in their foes on an instinctual level, alerting to hidden foes, or suprise attacks. if one person in the link is aware of danger, then all are. all characters in the link gain an autododge and +4 to initiative.
3) strength from allies: for every ally in a team gestault the character gains +1 to PP and +2 to Spd. skills used on the character's behalf by a member of the gestault (such as first aid) gains a +15% bonus.
4) other bonuses Add 1D4+1 to MA

Force negation: [Major] By Iczer
'I don't care how tough you are. you are going down bulldog'

The character create s a feedback loop when he strikes someone, temporarilly negating their powers and abilities. The character must connect (may strike natural AR) with a melee attack (not with a weapon, though natural weapons count.) The target must make a saving throw (18+ ME bonuses apply) or lose his defensive power. if the power inquestion prevented the attack from hurting, then the attack hits as usual and inflicts normal damage.
At any rate, the power remains gone until the target expends an action to 'switch it back on' but is vulnerable while his defensive powers are down.
This power shuts off any single power that provides AR, acts as a force field, or negates damage or penalises a character for making contact (such as APS fire). It affects targets the character cannot touch (such as intangible or APS air) as long as the attack would connect otherwise. it does not shut off other powers, nor does it reduce attributes. an invulnerable character loses the whole power but retains his high SDC and PS (which is no longer superhuman)
Other bonuses:
Adds 2D4x10 to SDC


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:01 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Wow, Iczer, you have been busy.

Root System(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character can plant roots for a variety of abilities.

1.Rooting to the Ground: The characer is able to anchor to the ground by sending roots deep into the earth. This takes three mele actions to accomplish and must be done on open ground, not concrete, tar, stone, metal, or plastic surfaces. Once anchored, moving the character requires a Supernatural PS greater than the character's PS attribute.
Duration: Can be maintained indefinitely.

2.Root System Travel: The superbeing can collapse his molecules, reducing himself to nutrients to travel through the root system, moving at the sped of energy (1 mile per melee action). The superbeing can sense the world around him and move anywhere the root system connects to, regrowing upon arrival.
Duration: 1 melee round per level of experience (but could pop up and then travel again).
Attacks: Takes 1 full melee to decompose for Root System travel and then one full melee to reconstitute himself.

3.Sense Surroundings: The superbeing can "see" through the eyes of the forest, letting him know the location of everything that goes on within this same area. A great way to find a friend, enemy or specific target person, or to catch a glimpse of an enemy or target to know where he/she/they are and what they are saying.
Range: 100 feet per level of experience
Duration: 1 melee round (must be rooted to the ground). Mst wait 10 minutes before using this ability again.
Limitations: Character's body is vulnerable if his focus is elsewhere.
Attacks: uses all attacks for that melee round.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to Maintain Balance (or 20%)
+20% to Wilderness Survival
Heals four times normal rate

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:16 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Sealed Battlefield [major] by Roscoe Del’Tane
”NO! No more innocents will be hurt in these battles between us, Major Calamity! I’ve learned a great new trick! One that will keep them safe from your malicious depredations!”


Sound like you have been watching the Anime Serise "X" The Protgonists can create a sealed area, that duplicates the world but for the people, for the Seal (dragon of the sky) and Harbringer (dragon of earth) to fight in. If the Seal wins then nothing happens to the real world, but if the Seal is killed, then all the damage that has happened in side the sealed area happens to the real world.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:18 am
by wolfsgrin
dang ice, i thought i was doing well with 3 new ones in a couple of days. lol

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:Abyssal Trap (major) wolfsgrin

I'm thinking about adding a temporary insanity check for every 2 minutes in.

Definitely do that. People naturally have an aversion and fear of darkness and the unknown which can be played for effect.

and here we go:
Abyssal Trap (insert)
People have long feared the dark. Is it the unknown? Is it the dark's seemingly infinite realm? ...Squishy things? For this reason if a victim is trapped for 2 minutes or longer a save vs insanity is needed. ME bonus is applicipal. If not saved, target is afflicted by a temporary phobia, relating to their dark experience
Duration of Phobia: 1d4 weeks (+1 week per level)

Phobia Table:
00-20: Darkness
21-40: Heights
41-60: Wells
61-80: Extreme Cold
81-100: Shadows

Whenever the phobia presents itself, a gaping abyssal hole will appear to the victim. Total halucination, but the results are the same. Roll on the phobia panic table (pg31 HU2)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
So the whole thing should look like this, then:

wolfsgrin wrote:Abyssal Trap (major) wolfsgrin
Character can set a trap of darkness and shadow that attracts its victims by slightly shimmering, as if the shadow was rippling. This power is best used in high traffic areas. Basically where somebody will actually see it easily. Potential victims within 5ft(+3ft per level) of the trap have a chance of being sub-consciencly attracted to it. Save vs 12 with any ME bonuses. Once victim is gazing into the abyss for about 3-5 seconds (1 attack) the victim needs to save vs 14 with ME bonuses. If saving throw is not made then the victim is consumed by the darkness and held for 15 seconds (1 melee round). After the first melee another save can be attempted (vs 14). If that fails, victim can save at the beginning of every round until freed. Max duration is 2mins per level.
When inside the abyss, victims feel as though they are falling through icey blackness with a hollow wind in their ears. Time has no meaning and when freed character is dazed and confused (half off all rolls and half the attacks) for 1d4 melee rounds.
Range: 5ft + 3ft per level for lure. The pool of inky blackness is about 10ft in radius and can cast away 25ft +5ft per level. Target must be in line of sight, a non living being(this includes any undead or supernatural beings and all that jazz, for all you rules lawers out there ) , and a darkened area.
Saving Throw: 12 vs lure. 14 vs being trapped and 14 vs staying trapped (ME bonuses apply).
Duration: 2 minutes per level after level 1. Once victim is inside trap, at the top of every round, victim can make a saving throw (14) to try and shorten their stay.
Rate: Costs two attacks to create
I'm thinking about adding a temporary insanity check for every 2 minutes in. People have long feared the dark. Is it the unknown? Is it the dark's seemingly infinite realm? ...Squishy things? For this reason if a victim is trapped for 2 minutes or longer a save vs insanity is needed. ME bonus is applicipal. If not saved, target is afflicted by a temporary phobia, relating to their dark experience
Duration of Phobia: 1d4 weeks (+1 week per level)

Phobia Table:
00-20: Darkness
21-40: Heights
41-60: Wells
61-80: Extreme Cold
81-100: Shadows

Whenever the phobia presents itself, a gaping abyssal hole will appear to the victim. Total halucination, but the results are the same. Roll on the phobia panic table (pg31 HU2)

I cut and pasted it to make it easier for when I print it out. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:27 pm
by Iczer
wolfsgrin wrote:dang ice, i thought i was doing well with 3 new ones in a couple of days. lol)

I had more prepared (8 more) but I ran out of time to post



Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:44 pm
by Iczer
Martial enhancemet [Major] BY iczer
'Yeah...I'll give you chop-suckey, you ninja wannabe's'

The character can channel power into his hands and feet gaining additional strength and power as he grows. this power is unique to each character that posesses it, expressing itself according to whim and will.
1) charge hands: The character can increase the power of his limbs for the purposes of hand to hand combat. The character gains an arsenal of abilities that enhance his strikes in melee combat. At first level, he has limited access and selection, but he grows as he gains levels.
2) Number of enhancements: The character knows four enhancements, plus one more at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14
3) Number of enhancements usable at once: at first level the character can use only one enhancement at a time, though he may swap out one enhancement once per round (does not count as an action) at Levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15 he may use another enhancement at the same time.
4) Speed of change: At first level, the character can choose to add or subtract enhancements, once per round without using an action. At levels 3,6,9,12 and 15 he may shift an additional enhancement as part of that action. At level 5 he may expend an action to make additional shifts.
5) enhancement list. The following enhancements are available to the character, to customise his own choices of bonuses.
* +1 to parry (may be selected up to 3 times)
* +1 to strike (May be selected up to three times)
* +1D6 damage (May be selected as many times as desired)
* Energetic strike: Converts all damage done to a singular strike of energy (select one of choice)
* Armour peircing: ignore 4 points of a target's AR (natural or otherwise)
* Striker: Blows from this character may attack unnusual targets. consider this character's PS to be supernatural when determining if a foe may be hurt by this strike. In addition, the character can parry swords and even bullets with the limb (no special bonuses, just unable to be hurt in the process)
* Flurry: the character can make an extra attack with the charged limb in the given melee
* Deadly: The critical chance on this limb is raised by one
* Hammer: When considering the force used by this blow, consider the damage to be doubled when determining knockback
* Agonising: The target must make a Saving throw Vs pain (14+) when struck or be staggered by the blow (-2 to all combat actions for 1d4 rounds, and lose one melee attack in this round)
* Crippling: Target of this blow must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or take one minor injury (refer to the injury section of HU2)
* Harming: The character can harm people otherwise immune to harm. This attack inflicts half damage to foes otherwise resistant or immune to the attack (such as invulnerable characters). applied twice it may inflict full damage.
* Deadly: the damage inflicted by a deadly blow is 1/10th normal, but is applied directly to HP
6) limitations: The bonuses apply to only one limb at a time, so losing or incapacitiating the limb can prove inconvenient. the character split his bonus enhancement across his limbs (left arm = +1 parry, Right arm +1d6 Damage (electrical), Left leg = flurry, etc..). In addition, when unconscious or stunned, the bonuses leave at the normal rate of one per round. If the character wants to turn off the effect (for example it would be inconvenient to have a flaming hand) he can shut it off at his normal rate. at low levels that may be a while. Lastly, any enhancement applied to a limb is obvious in appearance (even if not obvious in effect). the limb hums with power and crackles/glows.
7) other bonuses: +4 initiative. In addition, as soon as any enhancement is active he enjoys +2 to PP +6 to Spd and may attempt to parry projectiles (-0) or bullets (-2) or energy blasts (-4). +1 attack when any enhancement is active.

Mirroring: [Minor] By Iczer
'I look into your soul Black heart and I can see every move you are going to make'

The character can, after one round of fighting an opponent, develop a kind of feedback known as mirroring. Mirroring, a technique used in body language is used to elicit empathy from a subject, is used here instead to anticpate his every move.
after one round of combat with a foe within 30 feet, the character gains the following bonuses.
Autododge of +4 vs every attack.
+2 to Strike parry and dodge.
+4 initiative
unable to fall for suprise attacks by his foe (opponent cannot gain any bonus from unexpected attacks)

The bonuses from this power last until one round after the opponent stops engaging in melee combat (in effect, the best way to combat this character is to spend every alternate round merely dodging)

Hobble [Minor] By Iczer
'You used to be hotstuff, but not anymore'

The character can partially negate some of a target's superabilities, wasting them down to a shadow of their former selves.
The character specifies one target within 60 feet as an action. That target makes a saving throw (16+) Or suddenly see one randomly chosen Major power dissapear, to be replaced by a smaller, minor power.
In all cases the character's attributes, including SDC remains the same, and no new adjustments are made for the new minor power. The minor power that replaces the lost major is chosen by the GM based on any obvious choices.
The power remains lessened as long as the character is within 60 feet. The character may hobble additional powers from the same target or new targets without the others returning. 1D4 rounds after the target leaves the 60 foot area around the character, his powers return.


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:50 am
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:So the whole thing should look like this, then:

wolfsgrin wrote:Abyssal Trap (major) wolfsgrin
Character can set a trap of darkness and shadow that attracts its victims by slightly shimmering, as if the shadow was rippling. This power is best used in high traffic areas. Basically where somebody will actually see it easily. Potential victims within 5ft(+3ft per level) of the trap have a chance of being sub-consciencly attracted to it. Save vs 12 with any ME bonuses. Once victim is gazing into the abyss for about 3-5 seconds (1 attack) the victim needs to save vs 14 with ME bonuses. If saving throw is not made then the victim is consumed by the darkness and held for 15 seconds (1 melee round). After the first melee another save can be attempted (vs 14). If that fails, victim can save at the beginning of every round until freed. Max duration is 2mins per level.
When inside the abyss, victims feel as though they are falling through icey blackness with a hollow wind in their ears. Time has no meaning and when freed character is dazed and confused (half off all rolls and half the attacks) for 1d4 melee rounds.
Range: 5ft + 3ft per level for lure. The pool of inky blackness is about 10ft in radius and can cast away 25ft +5ft per level. Target must be in line of sight, a non living being(this includes any undead or supernatural beings and all that jazz, for all you rules lawers out there ) , and a darkened area.
Saving Throw: 12 vs lure. 14 vs being trapped and 14 vs staying trapped (ME bonuses apply).
Duration: 2 minutes per level after level 1. Once victim is inside trap, at the top of every round, victim can make a saving throw (14) to try and shorten their stay.
Rate: Costs two attacks to create
I'm thinking about adding a temporary insanity check for every 2 minutes in. People have long feared the dark. Is it the unknown? Is it the dark's seemingly infinite realm? ...Squishy things? For this reason if a victim is trapped for 2 minutes or longer a save vs insanity is needed. ME bonus is applicipal. If not saved, target is afflicted by a temporary phobia, relating to their dark experience
Duration of Phobia: 1d4 weeks (+1 week per level)

Phobia Table:
00-20: Darkness
21-40: Heights
41-60: Wells
61-80: Extreme Cold
81-100: Shadows

Whenever the phobia presents itself, a gaping abyssal hole will appear to the victim. Total halucination, but the results are the same. Roll on the phobia panic table (pg31 HU2)

I cut and pasted it to make it easier for when I print it out. :D

yes, thankyou. I was going to do the same but I was too lazy at that point in time. lol :D

oh and one more thing: I hate you ice :lol: <3

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:55 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Tsk, Tsk, Wolfy. :-P

I must say, Iczer, I have never been that big a fan of combat related powers that mimic actual training, but the Mirroring and Hobble powers are interesting.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:56 am
by Iczer
Scarlet Mist [Major] By Iczer
'Don't mind the red cloud general....It's just my way of saying how glad I am that you shot me'

The character has an unnusual response to injury and pain. When he accumulates wounds and damage, he generates a red cloud of mist around himself as a protective measure, as well as a method of defence. despite the power's name, the cloud generated is not neccessarilly red, certainly, azure mist, saffron mist and emerald mist powers exist.
1) generate cloud: When the character takes any damage, he may automatically generate this thick cloud around himself. The cloud has the following properties
* 10 feet radius, plus 5 feet per level of experience. the character may control the cloud's radius
* Difficult to see through. while shapes can be made out, aimed shots are impossible through the cloud. in addition, ranged attackers are -2 to strike anyone within the cloud itself.
* SDC. the cloud has an SDC equal to twice the damage that spawned it. If this SDC is depleted, it recovers in full when the character takes additional damage.
* Irritant: the cloud irritates the airways of anyone breathing it, much like a mild nerve agent. People in the cloud lose -4 to initiiative from the distraction and are -1 to all other combat abilities while within the cloud. If a person in the cloud requires concentration to maintain any powers, he must make a Saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose his concentration.
* Durability: the cloud is held together by the character, and thus resists normal weather. winds under 30 Mph do not affect the cloud. winds over 30 MPH halve it's radius, and winds over 100 Mph reduce it's radius to a mere 5 feet. The cloud loses 5 SDC every 10 minutes, vanishing when depleted.
2) Cloud properties: Aside from those mentioned above the cloud has the following additional properties.
* Protection from energy: the cloud absorbs half the damage from energy attacks. The character can choose to let energy attacks pass through unharmed if he desires, or the mist can absorb all energy attacks that pass through its area of effect. This depletes the SDC of the cloud, but if the character is injured by the incoming energy blast he may be able to generate a new cloud afterwards.
* Absorb cloud: the character can attempt to absorb his own cloud. every 5 SDC absorbed from the cloud heals 1 HP and 1 SDC
* Cloud awareness: the character is aware of all objects within his cloud. he cannot be suprised by people within his cloud's area of effect and enjoys +2 to strike and parry opponents within his cloud.
* Shield: By dumping 5 SDC from his cloud the character can harden a chunk of his cloud to form a shield of temporary force. this shield has +6 to parry, and may be used to parry ranged attacks with equal facility. the shield itself has an SDC of 20 +5 per level of experience and lasts long enough to fend off a single attack.

Blood strike [Minor] By Iczer
'Your pain gives me strength Commander Courage'

The character has a kind of bio-awareness keyed into the health of others.
When a living being is wounded within 30 feet (+10 feet per level) of the character, the character gains a temporary +2 to hit and a bonus of +2 to damage per level if he strikes within the next 2-4 seconds. Essentially, this is only usefull as part of the character's very next attack. This additional wound does not trigger a second instance of this ability.
In addition, the character has a vague awareness of the health and wellbeing of those around him, able to sense within 10% how much SDC or HP a target has remaining.

Sap lifeforce: [Major] By Iczer
'I cannot hurt you Megavore, but I can use you to help your friends'

The character can absorb energy from others and use that to fuel his own power
1) Drain: The character can touch an individual and draw power from them as an attack. By touching someone, (not merely striking them) he can inflict 2d6 damage to them, by withdrawing vital life force from their body. The target must make a Saving throw Vs this power (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose 1 PE point in the process and a further 2D6 damage. Every 10 damage inflicted in this manner and every PE point drained adds one 'touch' to the character which he may store for future use. most people have a defence mechanism to prevent this from killing them. No target can drop below Half HP through the use of this power, and his PE cannot be reduced below half. Badly wounded targets are simply not able to be used as fuel (they have too little to give and have too much of a grip on their remaining life force)
2) Playing with power: The character may expend one or more touches to enhance his powers for a very short duration.
* A single touch can add +1D6 damage to a single attack, be it melee or ranged. it cannot enhance the damage inflicted by weapons, but can enhance the damage inflicted by natural attacks and energy blasts.
* A single touch may be used to manifest a single minor power for one action. This manifested minor power has a level equivilent of first (+1 level per extra 'touch' used to activate it). The Power lasts for a single action and requires an action to use, even in the case of 'automatic' powers. the action used to start the power and the action the power is used for can be performed concurrently (Mike uses a touch to mimic Extraordinary PS. this counts as an action, but he may use another action immeadiately to punch Josh in the face)
* A single touch may be used to heal 2D6 damage
* A single touch may be used to add +1 level to a single power for one action
* a single touch may be expended to act as a meal, or three hours sleep.
Touches drain away at the rate of one per minute. The character can hold 12 touches at any one time, plus 2 touches per level.


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:55 pm
by Iczer
Trail [Minor] By Iczer
'You know...I think I've been here before'

The character leaves a trial behind him as he moves, a small ripple in time space that only he, and others with the ability to sense such things) can see. In essence, he cannot get lost as he can always follow his own trail. even better, he can visit parts of his own trail, and by concentrating, may look back on himself as he made the trail itself.
The character leaves a trail that hangs aroud for 1 month per level of experience. The trail ignores physical barriers that may have sprung up in the interim.

Synergy: [Minor] By Iczer
'Don't worry, i have this all planned out'

The character can chain a string of actions together to, in effect, unleash a chain of events all at once.
The character concentrates for a single attack. On his next available action, he can Chain a series of actions together, each event being a knock on effect of the last. these actions occur simultaneously.
Each effect must be a plausable outcome of the preceeding one, with each effect drainign one action. Each event may require a strike roll to initiate, if so it is done at +4.
For example, a sword weilder may take a moment to calculate a sword swing to connect with multiple opponents, or a villain with an energy expulsion power may calculate the trajectory to knock out two hand guns in a single shot. Out of combat, he could dash his Spd in yards as an action, shoot out a door lock along the way, and dive for cover, all in the space of a single (deferred action)
Other bonuses: The character's innate sense of timing and rapid reflexes grants +1 Attack per melee and +3 to initiative

Beauty and the Beast [Minor] By Iczer
Dedicated to Mierin.

The character posesses the ability to trade brains for beauty (or even brawn) and back again. The character can Lower His PB and IQ scores to enhance his PS. this 1:1 trade off allows the character to become a large, hulking brute, able to swap out up to 4 points per action (+1 per level).
The character can return his atributes to normal at the same rate.
Likewise, the character can lower his PS to enhance his PB or IQ, though this trade off is not as good. every 4 points from PS traded off can add either +1 to PB or IQ.
In all instances, all shifts are permanent until reversed. characters are to take specal note of their 'normal' attribute scores.
Other abilities: The character becomes inhuman looking when he drops his PB score. small mutant traits develop when he does so. when his PB drops to below 10, he acquires a mutation (altered skin colour happens automatically) that remains persistant for the entire transformation (same mutation each time, reroll if non visual). In addition, he acquires a HF of 10 when he drops to 8PB or less (or gains +1 to HF)

Power quake [Major] By Iczer
'Prepare for the Quake gentlemen. those shields are not going to help'

1) Power stomp: The character can generate energy and pump it into the ground beneath him, transmitting it along a snakey path to reach a target, where it explodes beneath him.
Range: affects a single target within 60 feet that is touching the ground.
Damage: 5d6 +1d6 per level of experience. This damage is reduced by the highest AR that the quake must travel through.
Attacks: each quake counts as a single action (+4 to strike)
Penalties: The target is -2 to dodge this attack unless he specifically uses a timed jump to do so. The attack affects an area 3 feet across and as such ignores Armour ratings.
2) Rumble: The character can unleash a small amount of power to instead shake the earth,causing it to crackle and lash with power. This creates a wave effect 3 feet high, 15 feet across and 20 feet long (plus another 20 feet per level). anyone in this area will take 4d6 damage, and must make a balance check or be knocked down (and take 2D6, lose one action, lose initiative and be sent 2d4 feet away from the character) characters may roll with the damage (14+ required) or may dodge by leaping free (16 or better required. 14 or better if the character has any leaping or flying power) each use of rumble requires 3 actions
4) Quake: By focusing his power into the ground, the character can start a quake around him. each and every round see's an increase in power an effect that lasts until stopped.
1st round: Takes ll but one attack to start up, and the character cannot move from the spot he starts it from. Creates a shield over himself out to 6 feet in all directions. this shield has 20 SDC (+5 per level) and serves to isulate him from the worst of the quake to come. the quake has a radius of 20 feet at this point. Lances of energy rise up and shakes the ground inflicting 2d4 damage twice per round to everything in the area of effect.
every round afterwards, this power adds 10 feet in radius and 1d4 to damage. the shield regenerates 20 SDC every melee round, and rises in strength by 10 SDC.
On the fifth round, the shaking has gotten very bad. The damage has risen to 6D4 twice per round, out to a radius of 60 feet. everyone in the area of effect loses one action from the jostling. Strikes are at -2 and aimed shots are impossible. everyone must make a balance check once per round to maintain thier footing or fall over.
at the 10th round, the radius is 110 feet and the damage is 11D4. energy starts lancing up to 10 feet off the ground now. characters in the area lose half their attacks per melee and Spd ad combat bonuses are halved. Balance checks are now made at -20% and anyone who falls will be thrown up to 1D4x10 feet (3d6 damage, lose 2 actions and lose initiative)
Theoretically, the quake has no limit, but it will wear on the character.
every minute, the character suffers a loss of 1D4 HP. The character can only withstand the quake for as many minutes as his PE score. after this point, the Character loses 2 to PS and PE every roud as well as 1D4 HP.
If the character ceases concentration, or is shifted from his spot, or has to dodge or chooses to end the power, then it most likely stops on its own.
there is a 5% chnce that the quake continues, losing one round of effect every round until it peters out. If the quake bcomes runaway in this fashion, then the shield remains until it ends. There is a flat 1% per level chance that it does not slow down when the character stops it. the shield continues to drop, but the power remains active. if this happens there is a 30% chance it will start to die down. check once every minute. Quakes like these can be disasters waiting to happen.

By defualt, the energy released by a power quake is heat/flame. character's can personalise this however. an electro quake is feasable. an ice quake or cold quake is amusing as well as unique.


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:51 pm
by Iczer
Timeskipping: [Major] By Iczer
'Hey man..what's the hold up'

The character can skip objects and people very short distances through time, without effort or exertion. His skill is such that he can use the power defensively in combat, reducing the effectiveness of attacks and hindering opponents.
1) Skip defence: The character skips attacks and attackers scant seconds forward in time in order to enhance. as an attack makes contact, he skips it a few miliseconds into the future, reducing the attacks accuracy. While the character has his skip defence active, attackers are minus 2 to target him
2) Offensive skipping: The character also inflicts small but potent jumps on a target while in combat. every successful melee attack made by this character also reduces a target's initiative by 2 places as he is displaced further and further in time. a target reduced below zero initiative loses all remaining attacks for this round.
3) Shunt: the character may simply shunt a target aside (this may include himself or an ally). any target within 30 feet may be shunted 3-4 seconds into the future. the target vanishes, loses his next action but returns for his next available action. Unwilling targets may save (15+ PE bonuses apply). Defensively, the character may shunt a ranged attack, or even a grenade those few seconds into the future, granting allies a chance to escape. Attacks shunted in this manner are +6 to dodge and +6 to roll. Likewise shunting a target into the near future will effectively rescue them from an attack. In any attempt to time this type of action, the character rolls a parry (+6 only). failure means the attack, or the target, was not shunted in time.
4) other bonuses: The character ages slowly, about 3/4 normal, and is immune to unwanted temporal effects. His awareness of time and ability to protectively and instinctively shunt himself grants him +2 to initiative, and +2 to dodge

Mind fire [Minor] By Iczer
'I like an opponent who uses his mind... it makes them such a better target'

The character can inflict real damage on a target by causing their mind to act as a bomb. The target of this attack literally burns himself up as his neurons are scavenged to produce ignition.
BY expending 3 actions, the character may force a target within 50 feet (+10 feet per level) to make a saving throw (16+ ME bonuses apply) Or take 2d6 damage as their thoughts literally explode from them. Worse, the target takes additional damage from the strength of their own mind. The character chooses a mental attribute (IQ, ME or MA). half of this score (round down) is added to the damage inflicted, and the target loses 1d6 from the selected attribute. The character's head and face erupt in heat and flames (or another energy type of choice). characters resistant or immune to energy take half damage. Targets may be reduced to 3 in any attribute score. lost attribute points recover at a rate of one every 10 minutes. diminished mental faculties may have additional effects on the target.

Batts: More later, gotta get some eats

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:47 pm
by MrTwist
Iczer wrote:Timeskipping: [Major] By Iczer
'Hey man..what's the hold up'

The character can skip objects and people very short distances through time, without effort or exertion. His skill is such that he can use the power defensively in combat, reducing the effectiveness of attacks and hindering opponents.
1) Skip defence: The character skips attacks and attackers scant seconds forward in time in order to enhance. as an attack makes contact, he skips it a few miliseconds into the future, reducing the attacks accuracy. While the character has his skip defence active, attackers are minus 2 to target him
2) Offensive skipping: The character also inflicts small but potent jumps on a target while in combat. every successful melee attack made by this character also reduces a target's initiative by 2 places as he is displaced further and further in time. a target reduced below zero initiative loses all remaining attacks for this round.
3) Shunt: the character may simply shunt a target aside (this may include himself or an ally). any target within 30 feet may be shunted 3-4 seconds into the future. the target vanishes, loses his next action but returns for his next available action. Unwilling targets may save (15+ PE bonuses apply). Defensively, the character may shunt a ranged attack, or even a grenade those few seconds into the future, granting allies a chance to escape. Attacks shunted in this manner are +6 to dodge and +6 to roll. Likewise shunting a target into the near future will effectively rescue them from an attack. In any attempt to time this type of action, the character rolls a parry (+6 only). failure means the attack, or the target, was not shunted in time.
4) other bonuses: The character ages slowly, about 3/4 normal, and is immune to unwanted temporal effects. His awareness of time and ability to protectively and instinctively shunt himself grants him +2 to initiative, and +2 to dodge

You've now convinced me there is a collective unconcious mind we all tap into to come up with ideas. I've been thinking about something similar to this for a couple days, and this is one of the many times you've beaten me to the punch.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:53 pm
by wolfsgrin
I have no idea what to call this power. (Major) wolfsgrin

Character can create an exact duplicate of himself. All powers, skills, abilities, memories, and level of experience are the same.
The character will never be able create more than one duplicate due to the other abilites afforded by this power. The weilder can place his duplicate, before creation, anywhere within 25ft (+5ft per level) thats within line of site. The duplicate has a duration of 2 minutes + 2 mins per level. The duplicate has a limitless range. The character can call his duplicate back at anytime. When its recalled it simply stops what its doing and dissapates from any range. After a full melee of concentration the weilder can also teleport himself to the duplicate instantly becoming one again with the same memories and awareness of a current situation.
If a duplicate is damaged it is recorded as normal and has no adverse effect on weilder. All damage done to the duplicate heals at the rate of 25 sdc/hp per hour. If duplicate dies the weilder's hit points will be halved for a 12 hour period. Attacks are reduced by 2, everything else is halved as well as skills due to the extreme pain that is caused by the death of a duplicate.
Range: Duplicate can be cast away 25ft +5ft per level. Must be in line of site. Duplicate itself, once created, has a limitless range (only constrained by duration).
Duration: 2 minutes + 2 minutes per level
Special: Weilder can spend 15 seconds of full concentration, no other actions possible to teleport himself to the duplicates location. The character will be fully aware of any situation his duplicate is aware of. And will be able to deal with it as if he'd been there the whole time.
Attacks: cost two actions to create duplicate until 3rd level, then it only costs one. Costs 1 attack to recall.
Limits: Duplicate does not have this power.
Bonuses: +2 PE

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:55 pm
by wolfsgrin
MrTwist wrote:
Iczer wrote:Timeskipping: [Major] By Iczer
'Hey man..what's the hold up'

The character can skip objects and people very short distances through time, without effort or exertion. His skill is such that he can use the power defensively in combat, reducing the effectiveness of attacks and hindering opponents.
1) Skip defence: The character skips attacks and attackers scant seconds forward in time in order to enhance. as an attack makes contact, he skips it a few miliseconds into the future, reducing the attacks accuracy. While the character has his skip defence active, attackers are minus 2 to target him
2) Offensive skipping: The character also inflicts small but potent jumps on a target while in combat. every successful melee attack made by this character also reduces a target's initiative by 2 places as he is displaced further and further in time. a target reduced below zero initiative loses all remaining attacks for this round.
3) Shunt: the character may simply shunt a target aside (this may include himself or an ally). any target within 30 feet may be shunted 3-4 seconds into the future. the target vanishes, loses his next action but returns for his next available action. Unwilling targets may save (15+ PE bonuses apply). Defensively, the character may shunt a ranged attack, or even a grenade those few seconds into the future, granting allies a chance to escape. Attacks shunted in this manner are +6 to dodge and +6 to roll. Likewise shunting a target into the near future will effectively rescue them from an attack. In any attempt to time this type of action, the character rolls a parry (+6 only). failure means the attack, or the target, was not shunted in time.
4) other bonuses: The character ages slowly, about 3/4 normal, and is immune to unwanted temporal effects. His awareness of time and ability to protectively and instinctively shunt himself grants him +2 to initiative, and +2 to dodge

You've now convinced me there is a collective unconcious mind we all tap into to come up with ideas. I've been thinking about something similar to this for a couple days, and this is one of the many times you've beaten me to the punch.

Yeah i think he has gone from creating to stealing. he must have those idea stealing nano bots that Bill Gates created. :P
I was thinking of similar related powers for an NPC. Thanks Ice! Groundwork is laid. woot!!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:41 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Hmm... Methinks I need to get back on the bandwagon and post more. Iczer is leaving us all in the dust.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:55 pm
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmm... Methinks I need to get back on the bandwagon and post more. Iczer is leaving us all in the dust.

yeah. All i can do is about one a month. lol. Most of the time i'm just hung up on wording more than mechanics. Like naming them. That'll stop me dead in the tracks. The idea doesn't flow as well without a good name.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:08 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmm... Methinks I need to get back on the bandwagon and post more. Iczer is leaving us all in the dust.

which is ironic, in that I only stepped up the effort becuase it looked lke I was falling behind you :)


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
wolfsgrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmm... Methinks I need to get back on the bandwagon and post more. Iczer is leaving us all in the dust.

yeah. All i can do is about one a month. lol. Most of the time i'm just hung up on wording more than mechanics. Like naming them. That'll stop me dead in the tracks. The idea doesn't flow as well without a good name.

Oh, I have quite a backlog of powers to post, but I have not been getting on as much due to doctor appointments and sharing time on the computer with my roommate playing Sims 2. :lol: It is his computer and I have spent most of my time on it playing that silly game and not getting online as much. I still write powers, it is just that they don't get posted. I would say that only a third of my material has been put on the board, but then not all of it is all that interesting.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmm... Methinks I need to get back on the bandwagon and post more. Iczer is leaving us all in the dust.

which is ironic, in that I only stepped up the effort becuase it looked lke I was falling behind you :)


Thank you for the compliment. As I have stated before, a good half the powers in my optional powers binders have your name on them. After all, you were a source of inspiration for me when I first started creating powers. I do hope it was okay that I used part of your Lipase Control power to create Mega-Girth. That power has always brought me great amusement. Mister Twist's powers also bring great amusement, but you definitely get the nod for volume written.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:51 am
by MrTwist
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmm... Methinks I need to get back on the bandwagon and post more. Iczer is leaving us all in the dust.

Iczer left us all in the dust about 70 pages ago. My biggest hurdle lately, other than work, has been that I've been getting inspiration at times when I can't write it down. After about 10 minutes I forget whatever the idea was.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:25 am
by Iczer
I cheat horribly when it comes to powers.

Typically I will see something whiz bang, on a trading card, on the TV, in another RPG, and I summ it up in a word. from that word, usually a week or so later, comes the power, which i usually write and outline for the very frst time in the post in which you all see it (thus the typos, and the usuall half arsed nature of many of my powers).

Occasionally I will remember i have posted something and will go back and copy it from this forum, becuase usually It will be the only copy of it.

Then I start compiling a word list again. when the list get's big enough, I post them again.

wash, rinse repeat.

That said, as the 'competition' has started to step up, I have felt a greater need to step up and post more. I'm hoping my sbmissions aren't coming off as lame as a result.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:53 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
My creation process is that some weird notion will hit me and I have to see if I can make a power out of it. Basically anything a person can do can have a superhuman version of it, sometimes coming off very absurd and borderline embarassing. Many won't see being posted because they would not make it past the censors. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:40 pm
by MrTwist
Iczer wrote:I cheat horribly when it comes to powers.

Typically I will see something whiz bang, on a trading card, on the TV, in another RPG, and I summ it up in a word. from that word, usually a week or so later, comes the power, which i usually write and outline for the very frst time in the post in which you all see it (thus the typos, and the usuall half arsed nature of many of my powers).

Occasionally I will remember i have posted something and will go back and copy it from this forum, becuase usually It will be the only copy of it.

Then I start compiling a word list again. when the list get's big enough, I post them again.

wash, rinse repeat.

That said, as the 'competition' has started to step up, I have felt a greater need to step up and post more. I'm hoping my sbmissions aren't coming off as lame as a result.


That's another reason why I haven't posted more. I'm very critical of anything I write. I analyze as many aspects of it as I can, and I also try to find ways to abuse it. As a result, it takes me quite a long time to actually finish anything.

Unless I'm drunk of course. Then I don't seem to be overly critical and post whatever pops into my head. I quite drinking, so that's probably a good reason why my posting has dropped off.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I have a bunch written, just not the inclination and willingness to devore more time to posting them. I have at least a dozen I want to post, but I am too tired right now. They will be posted soon, though.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:27 pm
by Roscoe Del'Tane
I Have Returned!

Reality Anchor (Major) by Roscoe Del’Tane
“Ohh, what’s the mattah widdle tewaportuh? Is oos powahs not working?”

This character is a rock in the middle of the river, the proverbial un-movable object, simply put this guy cannot be moved without his consent or tremendous outside force.

1) Enhanced Adhesion: Character can move at top speed on all solid surfaces carrying max carrying load with no penalties. Character can also cling with their whole body (face, knees, tongue, buttocks, etc), not just hands and feet.

2) Prevent Unnatural Movement: Whenever somebody within a 10 foot radius attempts to teleport, rift, or otherwise sidestep the normal modes of locomotion (i.e. walking, climbing and swimming) the character inflicts a 10% chance per level of failure (At Level 10, it always fails). This radius expands at a rate of 2 feet per level. This power is always on, and cannot be shut off, except with Negate Powers or death of the character. Of course, if somebody was flying and then hits the field, they will continue on in a straight line, until they pop out the other side.

4) Immovable: As per the minor ability

3) Odds and ends: Character looses half of their attacks per melee, round up.
Character only gains H.P. every third level, and half that of normal.
Offensive powers work at half power and range.
Character seems to emanate an aura of creepiness to those with transportation powers (when dealing with them, they have a penalty of -5 to M.A.).
Double your speed, including those of any transportation powers.
Gain +2 to strike, parry, and +3 to dodge.

Backlash Breaker {Major} by Roscoe Del’Tane

“Good, bad, I’m Captain Recoil!

This odd power allows the character to completely negate recoil from weapons, as well as some other perks that would make a gunslinger drool with envy.

1) Weapon Master: Character can pick up and know how to use, maintain, and properly clean any firearm in an instant; not knives, spears and such, only guns. They wield it as if they had that W.P. at their level plus one. Character can dual-wield hand guns and SMG’s without penalty to strike after reaching level 5.

2) Recoil Proof: No gun they use has any recoil, from a Dessert Eagle .50 Caliber, to a Howitzer Cannon. NO recoil at all, period. This will allow the character to pull off some cool stunts with their guns, somersaults/cartwheels while firing, hanging upside down and shooting, etc. If they want, this sub-power can be turned off and on at no cost.

3) Improved Impact Resistance: As per the minor power, with a minor change. Any damage that is taken after the 20 point buffer is cut to one third, and they can fall 100 ft per level before taking damage.

4) Odds and Ends. Character has Recognize Weapon Quality (even while looking its as if they were handling it) but only for Guns at +10%, as well as Find Contraband (Weaponry and Ammo) for +5%. Character has an extra Mutant characteristic, plus choose or roll for one of the below.
1. Character can ‘phase’ his bullets so that he can actually shoot though one target to hit another (can shoot through a hostages head to get at the terrorist behind them, for example). This requires all their attacks that melee, and both strikes must be a natural 15 or better to succeed, or the first target takes MAX damage from the attack (6d6 attack is botched, they would take 36 damage). Cannot be explosives, only bullets
2. Character always thinks that it’s better to use force in any situation, even when diplomacy and stealth might be a better approach. (“They got some orphans in there? Ya got snipers, just shoot tha darn varmints.”) They do gain a natural +2 to strike (so instead of needing a 20, only an 18 is required now, etc.) and dodge though, so this is somewhat balanced out.
3. The range with all fire arms is increased by 5% per level, but this extra range is only available if they take two actions per attack.
4. They have an extra attack per melee at first level, and another for every third level beyond one, but only if they use their guns exclusively for that round.
5. Their shots hurt more, add 1d6 to every wound caused by a weapon they fire.
6. Character has an unconscious ‘feel’ for weapons trained on them, they get ‘hunches’ when they are in danger. This gives them an auto-dodge at +3 once per melee round per level against guns.

Supervision: Multiple POV [minor] By Roscoe Del’Tane
“Uh-oh. Katie’s about to do something stupid” “What? She’s gotta be 4 miles away! How can you tell?” “Uhm, Mom powers?”

Character can make ‘focal’ points that allows them to see through them, no matter the distance (only works on planet, not across galactic distances). They can make three focal points at level one, and one more per additional level. The ‘focal points’ can be placed anywhrere, and on anything, but each one requires one full minute of uninterrupted concentration to place (old ones can be discarded with a thought and replaced with new ones). When the new POV’s are used, your regular vision is replaced with it (so if you check in on your kid while your driving, you won’t be able to see the road). You have the normal range of vision when using the focus, but aren’t able to move the POV unless the object it’s attached to moves, and only video images come through, no audio.

The focal point must be at least the size of a dime, but not bigger than a DVD. Focus’s cannot collectively weigh more than one pound per level (five lbs per level if taken as a major)

If chosen as a Major ability, you get ten ‘focal points’ per level, are able to see normally and through the focus simultaneously, and are able to use your other basic senses through the focus (aside from touch) as well.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:36 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Gee, Roscoe, your Reality Anchor seems to be a tweaked version of my Soul Anchor. Not thinking I like it the way you have it.
As for the other two, Backlash Breaker has too many powerful subabilities, especially since you give all those weapon abilities with no real justification for it, and there is no way your Multiple Supervision would be considered a minor with all its abilities.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:39 am
by Marrowlight
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Gee, Roscoe, your Reality Anchor seems to be a tweaked version of my Soul Anchor. Not thinking I like it the way you have it.
As for the other two, Backlash Breaker has too many powerful subabilities, especially since you give all those weapon abilities with no real justification for it, and there is no way your Multiple Supervision would be considered a minor with all its abilities.

reason #1 why threads like this are always risky.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:53 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Marrowlight wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Gee, Roscoe, your Reality Anchor seems to be a tweaked version of my Soul Anchor. Not thinking I like it the way you have it.
As for the other two, Backlash Breaker has too many powerful subabilities, especially since you give all those weapon abilities with no real justification for it, and there is no way your Multiple Supervision would be considered a minor with all its abilities.

reason #1 why threads like this are always risky.

Hey, I would not mind it if he gave credit for the inspiration, but it was like he just decided he should rewrite it more powerful when the power was already pretty badass.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:56 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:I Have Returned!


Supervision: Multiple POV [minor] By Roscoe Del’Tane
“Uh-oh. Katie’s about to do something stupid” “What? She’s gotta be 4 miles away! How can you tell?” “Uhm, Mom powers?”

Character can make ‘focal’ points that allows them to see through them, no matter the distance (only works on planet, not across galactic distances). They can make three focal points at level one, and one more per additional level. The ‘focal points’ can be placed anywhrere, and on anything, but each one requires one full minute of uninterrupted concentration to place (old ones can be discarded with a thought and replaced with new ones). When the new POV’s are used, your regular vision is replaced with it (so if you check in on your kid while your driving, you won’t be able to see the road). You have the normal range of vision when using the focus, but aren’t able to move the POV unless the object it’s attached to moves, and only video images come through, no audio.

The focal point must be at least the size of a dime, but not bigger than a DVD. Focus’s cannot collectively weigh more than one pound per level (five lbs per level if taken as a major)

If chosen as a Major ability, you get ten ‘focal points’ per level, are able to see normally and through the focus simultaneously, and are able to use your other basic senses through the focus (aside from touch) as well.

Supervision: Multiple POV should be a major, they already have a minior power that does the same to a lesser degree.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:44 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Ok I don't post power vary often and this one is a little work intensive but here goes

Super energy expulsion: Force blast
1. Force Bolt
Attack range: 400’+ 20’ per level of experience
Distance thrown:
Less than 500 lbs 70%+ 2% level of knock down Range thrown: 3D6X10’ + 10’ level
501 to 1000 lbs 50%+ 2% level of knock down Range thrown: 2D6X10’ + 10’ level
1001 to 1500 lbs 30%+ 2% level of knock down Range thrown: 1D6X10’ + 10’ level
1501 to 2000 lbs 10%+ 2% level of knock down Range thrown: 6D6’ + 10’ level
Cost 1 action
+ 3 strike aimed +1 wild
Damage 1D6 per 10’ throw + standard knock down (lose in initiative and 1 action)

2. Super Force Bolt
Attack range: 400’+ 20’ per level of experience
Distance thrown:
Less than 2000 lbs 100% level of knock down Range thrown: 3D6X10’ + 10’ level
2001 to 3000 lbs 90%+ 1% level of knock down Range thrown: 2D6X10’ + 10’ level
3001 to 4000 lbs 80%+ 1% level of knock down Range thrown: 1D6X10’ + 10’ level
4001 to 5000 lbs 70%+ 1% level of knock down Range thrown: 6D6’ + 10’ level
5001 to 6000 lbs 60%+ 1% level of knock down Range thrown: 4D6’ + 10’ level
6001 to 7000 lbs 50%+ 1% level of knock down Range thrown: 2D6’ + 10’ level
7001 to 8000 lbs 40%+ 1% level of knock down Range thrown: 1D6’ + 10’ level
8001 to 10,000 lbs 10%+1% level of knock down Range thrown: 1D6’+1' level

Cost all but 1 action and must be the first action performed in the melee round
+ 3 strike aimed +1 wild
Damage 1D6 per 10’ throw + standard knock down (lose in initiative and 1 action)

3. Aura effect
Attack range: 360 degree radius 10’+ 5’ per level of experience
Distance thrown:
Less than 500 lbs 70%+ 2% level of knock down Range thrown: 3D6X10’ + 10’ level
501 to 1000 lbs 50%+ 2% level of knock down Range thrown: 2D6X10’ + 10’ level
1001 to 1500 lbs 30%+ 2% level of knock down Range thrown: 1D6X10’ + 10’ level
1501 to 2000 lbs 10%+ 2% level of knock down Range thrown: 6D6’ + 10’ level
Cost 4 action
Hits every one with in range
Damage 1D6 per 10’ throw + standard knock down (lose in initiative and 1 action)

4. Other bonuses
Character is impervious to all force attacks and Knock down attacks
Character is Resistant to high impacts from speed and strength taking ½ damage,.

Hope you like it Dragon_Blaze
p.s. sorry if there is one like this already

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:32 pm
by Iczer
Lightknives: [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh man....I am never unarmed'

The character has the ability to create weapons out of energy. these weapons are solid, lightweight and as durable as steel, doing as much damage as a regular weapon.
Creating a weapon requires but a single attack. at 3rd level, the character can create a small weapon, and throw it in the same action..
Weapons formed by this power are exceptionally balanced, and customised for the creator, adding +2 to initiative +1 to strike and parry.
The character can attempt to make energy handguns, but these weapons cannot fire on their own. when combined with an existing ranged power, this power adds +2 to strike and add 50% to the augmented power's range.

Heavy armour: [Minor] By Iczer
'nothing like a little heavy metal'

The character has extraordinarilly tough skin, resistant to injury and durable when it counts.
This power adds the following bonuses:
+4 PE +2 PS +60 SDC and an AR of 12.
In addition to these normal bonuses, the character can 'armour up', gaining additional bonuses in return for a loss of mobility.
when armoured up, the character's AR rises to 16 and becomes covered in an obviously armoured skin. His weight doubles, but his Spd halves and his PP is reduced by 2. In addition he gains a bonus SDC of 60, +10 per level. this bonus SDC recovers at a rate of 2 per minute when not armoured up.

Telescopic vision [Minor]
'I see them......'

The character has a kind of supervision, allowing him to see objects with great clarity at great distance. Unlike similiar powers, this power adds great range, at the cost of close in vision.
Range: when 'zooming in' on an object or location the character can make out a human face at a range of 5 miles, plus 2 miles per level. when zooming in, the character is oblivious to events occuring outside his focus. If focusing on a fight several blocks away, the character is essentially blind to events around him.

Defensive deflection [Minor] By Iczer
'almost...almost...almost...almost....I can keep this up all day pal'

The character is exceptionally adept at deflecting incoming ranged attacks, developing shielded limbs that repel incoming sources of damage.
1) basic deflection: The character's sheilded limbs grant him a universal +2 to parry. in addition he may parry attacks from energy weapons or other otherwise 'untouchable' substances.
2) Deflect ranged attacks: as long as the character is aware of an incoming attack, and has his limbs free, he may attempt to parry incoming ranged attacks from virtually any source. this is made as his automatic parry, and is without penalties.
3) Reflect attacks: the character may also impart a new vector to ranged attacks he manages to deflect. upon successfully parrying a ranged attack, the character may immeadiately choose to reflect it to another target (or back to the originator). Te character makes an attack roll to hit his new target. this attack comes out of his next round of attacks and is at +1. he gains an additional +1 to hit at levels ,6,9,12 and 15.


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Launch (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing is capable of generating an anti-gravity pulse which allows him to propel himself high into the atmosphere.

1.Anti-Gravity Pulse: The superbeing generates an energy pulse to shoot himself high into the air.
Blast Radius: The puilse creates an energy blast damaging all in range.
Damage: 2d6 to everything in a 10 foot radius; does 4d6 to the ground below the blast.
Range: 10 foot radius. Can be reduced by a foot at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15

2.Launch Distance: The superbeing is hurled 10,000 feet per level
Speed: 200mph, plus 20mph per level
The character is immune to friction and other effects of travelling at high speed.

3.Dangerous Limitations: The superbeing cannot land without help, nor survive a fall from great heights. Unless the superbeing possesses another flight power, he will require a parachute and other protective equipment to survive falling, as well as protection from extreme cold and heat and breathing apparatus needed at higher altitudes.

Other Abilities abd Bonuses:
Resistant to heat and cold (half damge and duration for the negative effects of heat and cold)
+10% to parachuting skill

Note: Ability will not work as a flight power, as the pulse requires contact with the ground and is only capable of propelling the character upwards.
This power works well for allowing the character to intercept a plane, travel to a satellite, or tackle an airborne target.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:38 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Fetal Cables(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This is a gender specific superpower for female characters. The superbeing with this power has the ability to remove the unborn fetuses from her womb, using them as weapons.

Let me be the first to say huh????


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:56 pm
by NMI
Fetal Cables power removed. Innappropriate.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:48 am
by MrTwist
When the muse strikes me with an idea, but not the time to flesh it out, I've writing down a basic synopsis so I can go back to it later on. Here's one I wrote down about a week ago and figured was simple enough I could churn it out before I go to bed.

Borrowed Time(minor)
"I'll make it. I think. Just make sure I get to a hospital before this gaping hole in my chest does me in."

This power allows the character to live on past the point where normally they'd fall unconcious or die. It doesn't help with penalties due to wounds received, just keeps them up and alive a bit longer. It can be very helpful in situations where the character unfortunately suffers too much damage. While it can be suppressed, this power activates automatically.

Effect: Normally a character falls into a coma at 0 HP. With this power, they can hold off falling into a coma for an amount of minutes equal to their PE. Hopefully this gives them enough time to finish up whatever they were doing and get some kind of medical help. Also, they can hold off dying(which normally occurs at negative hit points equal to PE) for an amount of minutes equal to half of their PE. If the character can get medical attention or healing before the duration of the power ends, they might have a chance.

It might seem like nothing, but I'm sure it could come in handy. Sorry if someone else already had one.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:44 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Fetal Cables power removed. Innappropriate.

Understood. Sorry.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:47 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Fetal Cables(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This is a gender specific superpower for female characters. The superbeing with this power has the ability to remove the unborn fetuses from her womb, using them as weapons.

Let me be the first to say huh????


Okay, so it was a sick idea that was used in comics I have read that I decided to write up, one of many which are too adult oriented for here.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:40 am
by MrTwist
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Fetal Cables(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This is a gender specific superpower for female characters. The superbeing with this power has the ability to remove the unborn fetuses from her womb, using them as weapons.

Let me be the first to say huh????


Okay, so it was a sick idea that was used in comics I have read that I decided to write up, one of many which are too adult oriented for here.

Since anyone can join/view these forums you have to keep it PG or the mods will get annoyed.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:07 am
by NMI
Let's drop the subject and move along.
The Battle of the Power Designers - Stone Gargoyle and Iczer needs to continue

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:53 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Let's drop the subject and move along.
The Battle of the Power Designers - Stone Gargoyle and Iczer needs to continue

I really only was testing my theory that certain powers would be considered too offensive for here, and, being that I was right and it was, I am happy to continue as before. I will not be posting anything more that is inappropriate. Dropped, as it were.