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Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Pelican Puss (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is able to store his PE numberX10 in pounds in his enalrged mouth. This can include any non-toxic substances and animals. His PS to carry it, however, is only equal to half his PS. With objects in his mouth, the characteer suffers penalties, losing one attack, becoming -2 t0 initiative and -2 to strike, parry and dodge, and is unable to Roll with Punch, Fall or Impact. He also cannot talk clearly with objects in his mouth.
+2 to Strike to scoop up person/object into mouth.
+1d4 SDC and +1d4 PE

Pennywise (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Penny for your thoughts?"
The superbeing can encode memory onto coins and other metallic objects, transferring actual memories into the metal. Such transference prevents him from having his mind reveal secrets during interrogation and/or psionic attack and allows the restoration of the memories leter.

1.Memory Transference: The superbeing holds the coin or other metasllic object in his hand and writes the memories on it before wiping them from his own mind.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action.
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent until memories restored.

2.Extraction: Basically a reversal of the process, the superbeing holds the coin in his hand and regains the information, erassing it as he goes.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions.
Duration: Permanent.

3.Dangerous Limitations: The superbeing must keep the coins with memories on them safe, locked up, or else run the risk of losing them or having them stolen.
The character can only encode his own memories in this way and has no effect on the minds of others. Psychics touching the coins will "read" them unless using mind block or saving vs. psionics.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 ME

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:50 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Pigpen (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing is capable of whipping up dirt and dust around himself.

1.Dust Cloud: The character can create a dirt cloud covering a 10 foot radius per level of experience for 2 melee rounds per level. Victims are -6 to strike, parry and dodge for the duration of the cloud. The character can attack normally and does not lose any attacks to generate the cloud.

2.Resistant to Dirt: The superbeing takes only half damage from sand blasts and is ikmmune to the blinding effects of fog and sandstorms.
+6 save vs. gases and airborne toxins.

3.Filthy Bonuses: The character gains + 2 to PS and PE when dirrty; gains +4 to PS and PE when downright muddy. Gains only +1 to PS and PE when environment is only slightly dusty.
suffers -2 to PS and PE in neat environments and _4 to PS and PE in sanitized areas.

4.Dirt Nap: The character needs only half the normal amount of sleep if sleeping in soil, recovering twice normal SDC and HP.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% ti Agricultural skills
Can run on muddy surfaces with no penalties.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:10 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Reboot (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character possesses the ability to regenerate hands and feet only, and otherwise possesses no other healing factor.

Recovery Rate: The character regains lost SDC at a rate of 3 SDC every 10 minutes, restoring only that of the hands and feet. No scarring when healed.

Limits: The character can only regenerate a set of hands or feet every six hours. Hands can only be regenerated twice perm day; feet can only be regenerated twice per day.

Heals other damage at twice the normal rate
+1d4 PE
+1d6+6 to Hit Points
+1 vs. magic, poisons and toxins.

AutoSave (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character's memories are stored in an otherdimensional energy grid while he sleeps. Memories for each day are basically saved during slumber. This allows the character to regain certain memories if they are destroyed through Mind Wipe, Forget Spells or Temporal Erasure.

1.Save Feature: The character's memories are saved during sleep at a rate of 10 years per hour. The character cannot elect to save only a certain portion; it must be all memories. If sleep is disrupted, certain memories (most recent) may not be stored.
Duration: Indefinite how long memories can be stored.

2.Restore Feature: Memories are refreshed in the same way, missing portions of memory being filled in by prior saves. Restoration is at a rate of 10 years per hour and occurs much the same as the Save Feature, most recent memories restored last.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 MA and ME
+2 save vs. psionics
+1d6 ISP

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Create ExpolsiveObjects: Seed Bombs(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character's body produces seeds in skin pockets in their body which can be removed and used as grenades.

Number Produced: A seed is produced every 10 minutes, for a total of 6 per hour (144 per day).

Damage: Seeds can be thrown for 1d6 damage each ( so a handfull of 12 would do 12d6 damage when thrown at a target).

Maximum Stored: The character can only hold a limited number in their skin, equal to the PEXSDC of the character.
Note that striking the character while the seeds are in his skin will not ignite them.

Other Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+2d6 SDC
Resistant to explosive damage and fire attack (half damage).

Create Explosive Objects: Eye Ball Bombs(minor) by
Stone Gargoyle
The character regenerates and sheds eyes once per 24 hours. Due to the decomposition of the eye being shed, it can be used as a bomb.

Number: One set per 24 hours (two for humans, possibly more for mutants and aliens).

Damage: 2d4X10 per eye bomb

Details: The chasracter grows new eyes within 24 hours, the old eyes still functioning with the new ones directly behiind them. Eyes decompose if not removed within 24 hours, as only one set of replacements and onlyne set of explosive eyes will be held within the socket. The character must reach into the eye socket and pluck out the old eyes to use them as weapons.

Penalties: -4 to Perception and -15% to any skills requiring visual acuity while the old eyes await removal. If the 24 hours pass without the old eyes being removed, the decompose rapidly, causing the character to suffer 2d6 damage per ey and rik being blineded in the new eyes.

Note: If the character is blinded or loses sight in his eyes, he need merely wait until the new ones grow in and pluck the old ones. New eyes canno6t be removed unless spare eyes have formed without severe trauma and nerveamage to the character. Plucking old eyes occurs without trauma due to the nerve connections startingto dissolve as decomposition begins. Old eyes must be removed within 24 hours to avoid decomposition damage.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Coming soon: Create Explosive Object: Nitro Nut Clusters(Major), as I am just too wiped out right now to post more. I hope this latest batch will hold you guys for a while. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Petite Elfgirl wrote:Pennywise sounds like it should be major. Though maybe its limitations keep it from being so?

It has enough dangerous limits that it is only a minor. Imagine being robbed of your money and your memories. Not pretty.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Create Explosive Objects: Nitro Nut Clusters(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing grows clusters of nutlike pods, the location of said clusters to be decided when the character is created.

Number: Nuts grow in groups of three, the number of clusters grown equal to the character's PE, +1 per level.

Damage: Nitro Nuts do 4d4X10 damage to a 20 foot radius on impact. Can be thrown like a light baseball for good distance.

Explosion Resistance: The character takes only half damage from explosions and fire attacks, although these attacks can possibly ignite the clusters. Character is immune to the explosion of their own bombs.

Thick Skin: The character's body is also very treelike, having dense skin with a Natural AR of 10

SDC Bonus: +1d4X10

Other Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+2 to strike using Nut Bombs

Regenerate Clusters: Clusters are replaced within 4d6 melees

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Blimp (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character can inhale large amounts of oxygen and disperse it into air pockets in their body, heating it up and causing them to expand.

1.Ballooning: The character can inflate himself, stretching skin to accommodate air which is heated up inside his body.
Maximum Altitude: 10,000 feet, rising 10 feet per melee round.
Speed: 5mph, +1mph per level
Duration: PE number in hours.
Lowering Oneself: Accomplished through expelling the gas by belching and other less pleasant methods, loweing at a rate of 10 feet each time gas is expelled.
Penalties while in the air: -4 to strike, parry and dodge
Damage Resistance: Absorbs first 10 points of damage from physical attacks but suffers twicw damage from bladed weapons, the puncture releasing air as per Lowering Oneself, only the effect is cumulative with each puncture.

2.Puffing Up: The character can puff up his body to appear bigger, achieving the appearance of twice his normal mass before the inflation is obviously a trick.
Bonuses: +15% to Trust/Intimidate
Air Pressure adds +1d6 to PS but causes the character to suffer -1d4 to PP

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 Roll with Punch, Fall or Impact
Can survive falls from twice normal height

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:30 am
by Iczer
Fixer [Minor] By Iczer
'I don't care if it's broken, Pass it here!"

The character has the ability to temporarilly repair machinery, by using a combination of matter manipulation and the creation of force fields to cause otherwise brokn machinery to function.
The character concentrates on a machine within 20 feet +5 feet per level. This power then shunts broen pieces aside, forges new parts out of pure force, and then holds the whole shebang together with force of will. The action takes one action to perform for items under 100lbs, and one additional action for every additional 100lbs of mass. repaired items remain so for 5 minutes per level.
The character can also reload a firearm (but not recharge an energy clip, nor create explosive rockets). each action spent doing so creates 1 round/3 ME points +1 per level. Note the propellant cannot be created, but the power alters the weapon to fire these new force projectiles. after this power's duration, the machine is restored to its broken state

Diminish others: [Major] By Iczer
'wassamatter? feeling a bit small:) ?'

The character has the ability to shrink others, much to their discomfort.
Range: close. touch or 5 feet +1 foot per level.
Duration: characters remain shrunken for 1d4 melee rounds but see below.
Saving throw: 14+. a successful save enables the character to resist this attempt, but may be targetted multiple times.
Attacks per melee: each attempt to shrink a person counts as 2 actions.
1) shrink others: by targetting an opponent, the character can cause them to shrink. A shrunken opponent drops to half his normal height. Spd is reduced by half, as is PS and SDC. Characters are not shrunken enough to be any harder to target in combat, though the target also recieves +20% to prowl and +2 to dodge.
2) grapple: By grappling an opponent, the character can force a target into a more severe shrinkage. after the character has grappled a target (one action) he may subsequentially shrink him as his next action (presuming the target does not escape in this time. the shrinking still takes 2 actions) A grappled target has -2 to save and the duration for the shrinking is increased to 1d4 minutes. A grappled target is not released by being shrunken.
3) Multiple shrink attempts: The character can attempt to shrink an already shrunkn target. the target recieves a +2 to saving throws for every subsequent shrinking attempt. penalties continue to accrue after multiple shrinkings.
4) Shrink self: the character may target himself with this power, and may cancell his own shrinkage at will. the character loses one action per melee to maintain this shrunken state
5) shrink attacks: The character can also attempt to shrink small projectiles and hand weapons upon contact. the character must expend one action per melee round (may start spending as soon as he is attacked). while maintaining this 'shrink defence field', the character takes half damage from bullets, thrown weapons and most melee weapons, as the projectile or HTH weapon halves in size ( 1/8th mass) Melee weapon reliant targets will find their primary offensive items shrunken for 1d4 melee rounds, effectively disarming them. anyone trying to weild shrunken weapons will find them ineffctive, having too much reduced mass and durability

Bio Transfer: [Minor] By Iczer
'Thanks for the assist'

The character gains a kind of bio-feedback from others, temporarilly gaining strength and power. After touching a target (not as part of an attack, must be a second or two of contact) the character gains a pool of expendable points that can be spent on the following.
* each point can be spent to boost the character's PS attribute by a like amount.
* every 4 points may be spent to increase the character's PP
* every 2 points can be used to absorb 1 point of damage from incoming attacks or damage
* every 5 points can be used to add +1 to a saving throw of choice.
Points absorbed from a single touch equal the target's PE attribute. Half if the target makes (and chooses) to make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). Points last until the character very next action, and as such are oly very temporary bonuses (the character cannot save points. Just after the character's very next action, all points reset to zero)

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:55 pm
by NMI
Iczer and the rest....
Do you guys have copies of your powers saved in one file? broken up by major/minors?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:03 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Iczer and the rest....
Do you guys have copies of your powers saved in one file? broken up by major/minors?

The powers I have listed are on paper and not on computer. If I had them on disc or in a file it would be easier, but I am not in possession of my own computer at present.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:48 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Eye For An Eye (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing sheds eyes naturally, forming new eyes to replace old ones at regular intervals.

1.Optic Regeneration:
Number: The character can replace one set of eyes every six hours.
Duration: Eyes only last six hours before disintegrating and being replaced.
Limitations: Eyes only shed and reform at specific intervals. Eyes blinded or lost prior to new ones forming will leave the character sightless and suffering penalties for blindness (-8 to all combat moves if both eyes lost, -4 if only one eye lost) unless blind fighting skill is known.
Benefits: The character can recover from being severely blinded or losing an eye simply by waiting for the new one to form, recovering any SDC of the eye lost.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to have eyes disintegrate and be replaced, during which time the character is blind.

2.Other Abilities and Bonuses: Recovers lost SDC and HP at twicw normal rate. Damage to the eyes do not heal except during replacement.
Character has perfect 20/20 vision, gaining +4 to perception rolls and +2 to initiative. Gains +5% to skills requiring visual acuity. +2 to saves vs. optical illusion. Detect Concealment +5% additional bonus.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:07 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Legend (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing's adventures and exploits are recorded automatically in an otherdimensional book which the character can summon and refer to as needed.

1.Chronicle: The superbeing's deeds are written in detail as if he was being followed around by a scribe. The resulting tome shifts in size as new pages are added. It remains in a dimensional pocket until summoned by the superbeing.
Duration: Permanent and indefinite. Can be summoned for up to one hour per day, which can be broken up into smaller intervals as needed.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to summone the tome and another to banish it if wishing to do so prior to the duration expiration.
Information Contained: Locations traveled, names of people met (even if never introduced by name) and exact times and dates of when the superbeing committed certain acts. Primarily focuses on events of importance, so mundane happenings may not be detailed to any great degree. Locations will appear as a map or maps appearing as illustrrations in the tome; people will appear as drawn illustrations if important to the superbeing.

2.Drawbacks: If the tome gets in the wrong hands, it could prove damaging or dangerous to the superbeing. Caution should be exercised in this regard.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses: The character gets a +2 to ME due to a mental link to the book. +10% to writing and language skills, +5% to Art:Drawing skill.
The book itself is resistant to fire and heat as well as moisture. It is also resistant to alteration by ink manipulation powers or spells (+4 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs, ink manipulation(14 or better))
PPE of book equal to 3d6X10
Superbeing gains +2d6 to PPE
+10% to Research skill

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:56 am
by Iczer
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Iczer and the rest....
Do you guys have copies of your powers saved in one file? broken up by major/minors?


I do have a file. It does include a few powers posted by others (and acknowledged).

It's basically everything I have posted, minus a few that made no sense, got duplicated, or resembled something out of PU3 (grumblegrumble)


Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Iczer and the rest....
Do you guys have copies of your powers saved in one file? broken up by major/minors?


I do have a file. It does include a few powers posted by others (and acknowledged).

It's basically everything I have posted, minus a few that made no sense, got duplicated, or resembled something out of PU3 (grumblegrumble)


I'd like to see it too because no offense to Stone Gargoyle, Iczer is the man when it comes to making powers (and I even spell it right!)

Why would I take offense to that? Iczer has been writing powers for a longer period of time and was an inspiration to me early on.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:33 pm
by NMI
Iczer wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Iczer and the rest....
Do you guys have copies of your powers saved in one file? broken up by major/minors?


I do have a file. It does include a few powers posted by others (and acknowledged).

It's basically everything I have posted, minus a few that made no sense, got duplicated, or resembled something out of PU3 (grumblegrumble)

Could you email me a copy of that? Por Favor!

Stone Gargoyle - I have an extra computer I could sell you. PM me if you would like details.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:17 am
by MrTwist
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Iczer and the rest....
Do you guys have copies of your powers saved in one file? broken up by major/minors?

Not really. I saved some of them, but most are only posted here. One of these days I'll go back through and copy them all down to a file.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:09 pm
by wolfsgrin
Reversed Vision (minor) Wolfsgrin
This power enables the user to target a victim's vision and disables the the part of the brain that corrects the reversed images the eye captures. This is ver disorientating to the victim as everything is backwards and will have a hard time giving an appropiate response to what the victim sees.
Range: Eye contact is needed within 75ft +10 per level
Duration: 1d4 melees, once activated character cannot shut it off, nor does he have to concentrate to maintain.
Effect: Victims are -5 to all combat applicatons, half the attacks and negative 35% to all skills requiring site
Save: 14 with applicable PE bonus (though this is not magical, use the PE bonus for magic to save versus a physical manipulation)

oh and hey! long time no see. :D

{Editted the duration into the post - NMI}

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:35 am
by wolfsgrin
uh....duration? lol

duration for Reversed Vision: 1d4 melees, once activated character cannot shut it off, nor does he have to concentrate to maintain.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:35 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Hey, Wolfsgrin! That Reversed Vision is wicked. :ok:

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:26 pm
by taalismn
Agreed...applied basic neurology...

Now super-power separate the two hemispheres of the brain.... :demon:

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:41 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Agreed...applied basic neurology...

Now super-power separate the two hemispheres of the brain.... :demon:

I have a power like that and will look and see if it is fit to print.
Others I plan to post soon are Myth(Major) and Matter Expulsion: Seeds of Life(Major). I have others I can post, but those two are the favorites of my recent creations.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:04 pm
by wolfsgrin
i have several i want to post, but coordinating time with some liquid courage and internet has been difficult. i am waaaaaay too critical about my writing. :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:06 pm
by znbrtn
a power i've been tossing around in my head for a while now, inspired by countless video games and mecha anime.

bits - major

somewhat similar to energy doppelganger, this ability differs in the the character can create one large defensive bit or two smaller offensive bits.

defensive bit: the defensive bit is a large(5-7 feet in diameter) energy/force structure(usually spherical or ovular, but can be any symmetrical shape) that can be remotely controlled by the character to provide cover, support and transportation.
range: can be cast up to 100 feet +10 feet per level of experience from the character.
weight limit: 1000 lbs. per level of experience. the defensive bit cannot physically push other objects, but can move anything resting on top of it at its normal speed. physically pushing the bit from where it rests requires a supernatural p.s. of 35, +2 per level.
sdc: the defensive bit is effectively indestructible, but will vanish immediately if the creator is knocked unconscious, or if it is pushed outside its range.
maximum speed: 50 miles per hour per level of experience.
duration: 10 minutes per level of experience.
attacks per melee: the creation of the bit costs one attack to create, but moves reflexively with the character, costing no further attacks. if the character wishes it to move elsewhere(for instance, to hold up a collapsing roof), it costs the character one additional action. the defensive bit can be dispelled with a thought, and does not cost an action.
bonuses for the defensive bit: +4 to parry with the bit, due to its large area of protection; +3 to initiative to erect the bit before an attack hits(same as bio-armor, but can be used on others in range). +2 to dodge if flying on the bit at less than 60 mph, +4 if moving faster.

offensive bits: the offensive bits are a pair of smaller(1-3 feet in diameter) energy/force structures(usually in more of a wedge or conical shape) that can be remotely controlled by the character to attack enemies in unison with energy blasts, provide cover fire for the character while he performs other actions, and in a pinch, parry attacks directed at the character.
range: much shorter than the defensive bit, these bits can only go as far as 25 feet +5 feet per level from the character. their energy blasts have a range of 300 feet +30 feet per level.
weight limit: 250 lbs per level of experience. not effective for lifting passengers, but can push and exert pressure on others; equal to an extraordinary strength of 15, +2 per level of experience.
sdc: equal to p.e. times 15, plus 10 per level.
maximum speed: roughly 50 miles per hour, but not especially important, due to their limited range.
duration: 10 minutes per level of experience.
attacks per melee: the creation of the bit costs two attacks; one for each bit. they also move reflexively with the character, and thus, do not cost additional attacks. in combat, the bits effectively add one attack per round(must be a bit attack). attacking with the bits costs one attack, whether one or both are aimed at a single foe(count as a volley if both are fired at one target) or if each attacks a different target.
damage: energy blasts from the bits do 2d6 points of damage , plus 1d6 at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13, and 15.

any suggestions or(constructive) criticisms?

edit: changed a few details to make more sense and added ranges for the energy blasts.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I am not sure I understand this Bit power and want to read over it carefully before giving any criticism. Looks like a lot of work, though.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:03 pm
by znbrtn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am not sure I understand this Bit power and want to read over it carefully before giving any criticism. Looks like a lot of work, though.

anything i can clear up for you?

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:42 pm
by Iczer
Power Haze: {minor] By Iczer
'Darkness cannot hide you freak'

The character can cause a biochemical reaction in those around him, that causes luminesence to occur. This effect is most pronounced in those individuals posessing superhuman powers or aberrant physiology.
One target within 80 feet that the character can see can be affected per action. The target, if he posesses super powers, inhuman physiology or psychic abilities, begins to let off a phospherant glow for 1d4 minutes. This glow is enough to light up a room, but not to blind an individual.
In addition, as a seperate action, he may cause any affected individual within range to burst into a single moment of incandesence. The target makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or suddenly flare into brilliant light (taking 3d6 damage from the heat), blinding those within 30 feet (saving throw 14+ PE bonuses apply, or suffer -6 to Strike/parry and dodge for 1d4 melees). Once a target has been made to flare in this manner, the 'fuel' that causes him to glow is burnt up. he may not be targeted again for 1d4 Minutes.
The character may use this ability on himself. He constantly generates his own 'mutant fuel' and may maintain the glowing aura as often as he likes, and may cause himself to flare up once per melee. (he is immune to the heat and bright light he generates.

Cannibal Chemistry: [Major] By Iczer
'Errghh...Now lets see how you handle battery acid fool'

The character can convert parts of his own flesh and blood into a variety of chemical weapons.
1) Generate acids: By drawing on 1d4 hit points, the character can create and expel bolts of acid from his hands or mouth. These blasts inflict 4d6 damage to a target out to 20 feet, and inflict a further 2d6 damage on the next round. The character enjoys a +2 to strike with aimed shots. the character can create 1 acid blast per level before needing to sacrafice additional Hit points.
2) Narcotic production: By expending 1 Hit point, the character generates a variety of pharmacopea from his pores. A single touch by this character when he starts producing Narcotics can produce any one of the following effects
* Nausea: 1D4 Melee rounds. Target loses half his attacks per melee, and and has half Speed, -20% to all skills and halve all combat bonuses.
* Sedation: 1D4 Melee rounds Target loses one melee attack and -2 to all combat skills, and automatically loses initiative. Speed is reduced to 1/4. If not actively stimulated from an outside source then may fall asleep for 1d4 minutes (save 14+ every round of relative inactivity. ME bonuses apply)
* Hallucinations: 1D4 melee rounds. Target falls under the effect of a failed Horror Factor check. landmarks become confused and distorted and a perception check is required to tell friend from foe, discern speech or get one's bearings.
* Agony: 1D4 Melee rounds. Target suffers intense agony. The distraction causes a -6 to initiative and -2 to strike parry and dodge as well as -40% to all skills. Character must save vs pain ever melee round (14+) or take 1 Hit point damage.
* Bliss: 1D4 Melee rounds. Target feels very peacefull and happy. +10% to most skills and +6 to save Vs Horror Factor. also half initiative and -1 attack per melee.
* Hyperactivity: 1D4 Melee rounds. The target gains +1 attack per melee, and +50% to all speed modes but loses all coordination, halving all combat bonuses (except initiative)
* Rage: 1D4 Melee rounds. Target gains +2 to strike, but -2 to parry dodge and roll. Is insensitive to pain and fatigue for the duration, but is -50% to all skills, and can barely speak. Must make a saving throw (14+ ME applies) or attack the nearest person or object every action.
Any of these effects are countered by a successful saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) The effects are not addictive physically, but weak minded individuals may become emotionally addicted. The character can affect himself. at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14, all durations extend by 1 melee round. at levels 4,8,and 12 targets recieve a -1 to their saving throw. The character has 1 touch per level before needing to expend more Hit points.
3) copy chemical: The character can copy a chemical or drug that he has made physical contact with. Once he has sampled a chemical compound or drug, he may reproduce it by expending 1D4 HP. The character can memorise one chemical reaction or drug per level, but may swap out his knowledge of older ones. The chemical or drug operates as it normally does and must be administered the same way (he cannot turn an injected chemical into a contact chemical)
4) other bonuses: +4d6 HP
+6 to save vs poisons. Poisons and drugs do half damage/effect and have half duration. Acids and toxins also do half damage.

Fur: [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh my...fuzzy'

The character is coated in a layer of fur which serves a variety of purposes. The fur may appear sleek or thick and comes in a variety of colours, but forever marks the character as 'different'. Optionally, this power may also provide large, animal stle ears and a non prehensile tail.
1) Protection from cold. the character takes 1/2 damage from cold attacks or environments, and has +4 to save against the effects of cold environments.
2) The fur provides camoflage in one specific environment. when in that environment, the character recieves +20% to prowl
3) Natural AR of 6 or +1 to existing AR. also +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact
4) +4d6 SDC
5) +1d4 PB (if you can get past being furry)


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 12:35 am
by Iczer
Rejuvinate [Major] By Iczer
'I'll have this fixed in no time'

The character exudes an energy field that stimulates matter into repair. Simply by touching an item (no actions are required) It begins to pull itself back together. This will not repair objects that are destroyed, it cannot 'grow' needed parts but otherwise will affect every item the character holds, touches, rides or inhabits.
1) Small, hand held items are the fastest to respond, healing 4D6 SDC per melee round. this includes swords, mobile phones, reading glasses, clothes and Guns. If an item is whole, but otherwise broken beyond use, there is a flat 20% chance every round that it will spring back into life (though still broken until repaired). Guns with expended ammunition have a flat 20% chance of growing a new round ever melee. It cannot recharge energy weapons.
2) Man portable objects: Including appliances, laptop and desktop computers, heavy weapons, body armour and small furniture. Regenerates 2D6 every melee of contact. 15% chance of springing back into life every melee round. In the case of electronics, it will even defrag, and remove viruses and errors in programming, but only with a 15% chance per 10 minutes. In this case, lost files are not restored, but most Malware will be. The character can use this ability to perform a type of molecular welding, allowing him to repair broken chain, or other similar tasks.
3) Large items: ranging from couches to refridgerators to automobiles. Regenerate 1D6 every melee, though by expending all actios for the round, the character can make this jump to 1D6X10 SDC per melee. Massive repairs can be made in very little time using this, as well as the aforementioned welding/attaching. A new car door can be melded into place, or a stereo system installed with this power. While the physical attaching is handled by this power, as well as the electronics, it does not enable the device to exceed expectations. Installing a refridgerator into a motorcycle will seriously impede it's street performance. Attaching a coffee machine to a computer does not give the computer an appropriate and equivilent driver software etc. by regenerating 40 SDC, the character provides a half gallon of fuel.
4) Huge Items: Including yachts, buildings and the occasional spaceship. Individual breaks repair themselves at a rate of 1D6 SDC per minute. this is a constant and low level repair that ensures that the place runs smoothly (leaky taps sre fixed, as are broken windows and blown lighbulbs). By concentrating, the character can repair 2D6x100 damage every hour, but this is exhausting work (Save every 15 minutes 18+ or take fatigue penalties that accumulate). as long as the pieces remain within 100 feet of it, the character can rebuild whole apartment complexes.
5) other bonuses: +10% to all building type skills, from carpentry to mechanical skills.

Reset Mind:
[Minor] By Iczer
'Shook it off pal...let us see what else you can do'

The character can reboot his brain to restore it to a prior condition. By expending one action, he may remove the effects of any mind altering effect, including psionic attacks, pseudo psionic attacks (Mental stun, control others, hypnotic gaze) mind affecting magic and Horrorfactor.

Attach life force: [Major] By Iczer
'Yeah.. I thought I was dead too'

The character may attach a part of his life force to an object. while this ties his fate with that of the object, it alos allows him to cheat even the most gruesome of deaths.
The character must select the object to tie his life energy to. this can be any solid object more than a pound in weight and less than 1000lbs. The character can also attach it to a living thing, in which case it has no mass limits. By touching the object (living objects, aside from plants, may save if they choose, 14+ PE bonuses apply) he may transfer 10 or more Hit Points into the object. This process drains 2 PE from the character and 10% of his SDC.
The character recieves the following benefits from this process:
* a bonus to save Vs Coma/death equal to the objects AR
* a Bonus to PS equal to the objects AR. this PS is extraordinary.
* Can call upon that Objects strength. by expending a single action he can gain a natural AR equal to the object (his appearance changes to suit)
* Can pull 1 HP from the object over any distance. this HP heals 1D4 HP and 4D6 SDC (draining all the HP from an object negates this ability but restores all lost SDC, and PE. Calling a HP is an action.
* Gains a +2 to save vs magic, poisons, and psionics.
* can sense the location and distance to the object he has invested HP into. can sense when there is movement around it, and when it is being disturbed.
In addition, the character is resistant to death. should he die for any reason, his life force leaves the body and leaps towards his empowered object and nestles there. Over the next 72 hours (minus one hour for every invested HP remaining in the object) a new body is grown. this body has half normal attributes and 10 SDC and one HP for every HP already invested. The character heals one attribute point every hour after this, and when PE is back to normal, his HP and SDC begin to heal at their normal rates. The object or living thing takes 2d4x10 damage or 25% of it's SDC/HP (whichever is greater) over the period in which it literally gives birth. this may be fatal to some creatures, and devestating to some objects.
Drawbacks: anyone causing damage to the invested object sends pain down the line to the character (Save vs pain 16+ or lose half actions, half combat abilities and speed. also -20% to skills. lasts for the melee round). destroying the object permanently destroys the invested HP and SDC and PE. (Character must also make a saving throw (14+ Pe bonuses apply) or be sent into a coma from the ordeal (+20% chance of revival)
The power only has an effective range of 1000Miles, plus 200 miles per level.


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 12:40 am
by dragon_blaze_99
Very Cool Iczer

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:10 am
by Iczer
Illusionary Goliath [Major] By Iczer
'Mongo Huge!'

The character can create a realistic illusion of himself, only much Bigger. the character can create a virtual copy of himself, over himself, to appear 8, 10, even 20 feet tall.
as a virtual giant he gains the following abilities:
* is -4 to be hit when appearing to be over 10 feet tall: attacks are just not being aimed correctly. ranged attacks are at -6. called or trick shots are innefective at all unless the illusion has been seen through.
* Has a Horror factor of 10
* Is semi solid: Illusionary hands can be felt (and feel as if he is hitting with greater force). but the illusionary, giant hands have an effective PS of only 8. It also acts as a Force field of 60, +10 SDC per level.
* The Illusion's light based nature halves the damage of incoming heat, light or radiation.
* Trap with giant hand. when appearing 20 feet tall, the character can attempt to grab a foe with a giant hand. a grappled target must beat the character's PS plus his ME to escape. alternatively, he may try to break the hand apart by destroying it's SDC.
* becuase the Illusion is also semisolid, it cannot be 'disbelieved'. Extraordinary senses may see through it though (X-ray vision, energy senses, sense life force etc.) The ability to see through illusions also allows one to see through this ability.
* although the illusion does it's best to mimic the character's actions, it isn't perfect. If the PC is knocked down, the illusion will remain standing. If ther illusion is knocked down (say from a body flip/throw) the character is still standing. If the PC punches a target, the illusion does it's best to strike the same target. Targets are -2 to aprry gigantic fists, though it is the Character's damage that is inflicted on a target.

Self sacrafice: [Major] By Iczer
'Oy Vey..I can feel the burn now'

The character can sacrafice his own body mass to acquire speed and power. the character can perform any of the following functions.
* 5 HP or 1 PE grants +1 attack per melee for 1 melee per level.
* 5 HP or 1 PE grants +30 SDC for 1 melee per level
* 5 HP or 1 PE grants +5 PS for one melee per level
* 5 HP or 1 PE grants a bonus of +20 Spd for 1 melee per level
* 5 HP or 1 PE grants a natural AR of 14 for one melee per level
* 5 HP or 1 PE shakes off the effect of one poison, toxin drug or magic effect.
* 5 HP or 1 PE Creates a bio-energy blast that inflicts 1D4x10 +PE out to 200 feet with +6 to strike. Or 4 bio-energy blasts of 4d6 +1 per level out to 120 feet with +4 to strike
* 5HP or 1 PE adds +20 feet to one horizontal or vertical leap
* 5 HP or 1 PE adds +2 PP for one melee per level
* 2 PE or 5 PS adds +3D6+6 HP

Other benefits: the character heals at 3 times normal speed.
+1D4+3 PE
+ 6D6 HP
+25 SDC
+4 to save vs pain

Living skills [Minor? major?] By Iczer
'Oh yeah....I knew a doctor in bangladesh that could do this'

The character can encode the skills of others into his body, to release that proficiency at a later date. The character must make physical contact with a person with the desired skillset. The skills are copied over to the charactr and stored until discarded. The character can record one skill for every point of IQ plus one per level., and the percentage of success is equal to the donor's skill -5%. Discarding a donated skill takes 20 minutes of mild concentration. Physical skills impart no actual physical bonuses, but do impart the effects of training. Combat skills replace actual combat skills for the duration and are one level lower than the donor's ability.
To activate a skill, the character sacrafices 1D4 HP. he then gains the selected skill for 30 minutes per level.
The character cannot copy the skills of artificial life forms, but can from nonhuman life forms. aliens and supernatural creatures donate skills at -10% rather than -5% (and combat skills at -2 levels).
Borrowing a skill from a target also imprints a little of the target's memory, and instinct. The Character Knows each target fairly well (can predict their behaviour and reactions as if best friends). in addition, every 25% of skills known (or levels of) adds +1 to PP, ME, Or MA.
Other bonuses: +2 to ME and MA. +1D4+1 to IQ


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:56 am
by NMI
so what does the defensice bit do for a person? Also, I wouldnt make it "indestructable".. buttloads of SDC maybe, but not indestructable.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:29 am
by znbrtn
got the okay to clear things up a little.

deific: the defensive bit is mainly used to interpose itself between the creator and any generic danger, provide support(like to a collapsing roof), provide basic flight(like a flying force disc), or parry at the creator's command. it's essentially a mixture of the minor abilities flying force disc and energy shield, sans the offensive abilities of FFD, and elevated to what i figured was the appropriate level for half of a major power. i wasn't sure originally what or if i wanted to assign it for sdc/AR, so i'm leaving it indestructible until i get some feedback from people.

come to think of it, i could probably split the defensive bit as i have it now into a bit that's exclusively used for defense and a bit that's exclusively used for movement/support. hmm...

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:00 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
znbrtn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am not sure I understand this Bit power and want to read over it carefully before giving any criticism. Looks like a lot of work, though.

anything i can clear up for you?

Well, the power seems holographic or force field in nature, or some sort of prismatic effect. I am just trying to get my mind around the methodology of it.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:04 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer's Reset Mind has not time parameters or guidelines. Somehow this seems set up to compete with my AutoSave power, but with less definition.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:24 pm
by znbrtn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
znbrtn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am not sure I understand this Bit power and want to read over it carefully before giving any criticism. Looks like a lot of work, though.

anything i can clear up for you?

Well, the power seems holographic or force field in nature, or some sort of prismatic effect. I am just trying to get my mind around the methodology of it.

it's essentially a force construct, but with a creamy energy filled center.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Now for the aforementioned powers.

Myth(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character radiates a pseudo-psionic field and leaves behind residue which alters the perceptions of others.

1.Aura of Disbelief: Anyone seeing the character and his/her actions must roll vs. psionic attack or doubt their own senses.
Range: Line of Sight, 100 feet per level
Duration: Effect is constant and disbelief permanent if failing saving throw. Eveen if making the saving throw, opponents are minus one attack and -2 to combat moves to defend against the character.
Saving Throw: 14 or better, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 (ME bonus applies). Mind Block will negate this effect.
Penalties: Those failing their saving throw will lose half their attacks and be -6 to saving throws vs. the other powers of the character and -6 against the combat moves of the character as their mind struggles to overcome a disbelief that the character is even there.
Limitations: Natural Psionics and Immortals are immune to this power.

2.Exaggeration Effect: Those saving vs. Aura of Disbelief will remember actions taken by the character in a distorted fashion.
Range: Line of Sight, 100 feet per level
Duration: Effect is constant and permanent if failing saving throw.
Saving Throw: Those affected can save vs. mind control, 14 or better, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 (ME bonus applies). Mind Block will negate this effect . Those failing a save will remember their encounter with the character as being more impressive and/intimidating than it actually was. Witnesses will remember events as if the character possessed greater strength and vigor than he/she did.
Limitations: Natural Psionics and Immortals are immune to this power.

3.Disbelief of Evidence: Energy remains 2d4 hours past when the character leaves the scene. It causes individuals examining the scene to dismiss clues and traces left by the superbeing.
Range: Affects anyone looking at it.
Duration: 2d4 hours. Evidence will remain unless destroyed or tampered with, however, so it may be discovered eventually.
Saving Throw: Save vs. Illusion ofv12 or better if visually inspected; 14 or better if actually touched with bare skin (ME bonus applies).
Limitations: If evidence is gathered regardless of perceived importance, it may prove to be considered important over time.
Natural Psionics and Immortals are immune to this power, as is any form of mechanical sensor and anyone using electronic diagnostic equipment.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 MA and ME
+1d4X10 SDC
+1d4 PB
+4 to all saving throws, +6 vs. mind control
+10% to Lore skills.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:39 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
very nice SG a new npc is born.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:very nice SG a new npc is born.

Glad my work is appreciated. More is coming when I get time.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Matter Expulsion: Spice of Life(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Live long and prosper."

The character's skin produces dustlike spores which can be sprinkled on targets.

1.Transfered Immortality: The dust provides a boost to a target's immune system.
Range: Youch or a cloud 10 feet in diameter centered on the character, +1 foot per level.
Duration: 2d4 melees, +1 melee round per level
Attacks: uses one melee attack to touch target or release spores. Note that if released as a cloud, the spores will affect all targets within range.
Bonuses to Target: The target gains the following bonuses for the duration of the power unless making a saving throw:
Temporarily immune to all diseases, sickness and radiation
+6 save vs. gases and toxins, which only have 1/3 effect, duration and damage if saving throw is failed
Heals twice as fast without scarring
Can be reduced up to PEX2 hit points below zero and still function while this power is in effect
Saving Throw: 14 or better, PE bonus applies. There is also a 30% chance target will be allergic to the dust and instead suffer 2d6 damage directly to jit points as a result of inhaling them and failing a save vs. lethal toxins.

2.Limitations and Conditions: This power can only be selected by Immortals. It only affects living beings, so androids and certain power categories will not be affected, nor will anyone immune to poisons and toxins.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d6 save vs. poisons and toxins if not already immune
+1d6 Hit Points

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:51 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Major power: Weapon Oneness
The character practices with a single weapon for one year a minimum of 5 hours a day to achieve a Zen like oneness with it, the weapon is then named, the character must have the WP and continue to work with the weapon for 2 hours everyday or the powers abilities will fade at a rate of 1 level every day missed ( a lost day can be made up by doubling the training the fallowing day) 3 missed days would require 16 hours of training straight to make up for it.

If the character breaks, loses or wishes to change to a new weapon, one year of daily training is required (5 hours a day) but the skill with the weapon is a the characters current level it doesn’t start back at level one.

Bonuses: (only with the named weapon)
+1 action at 1,3,5,7,9,11 & 13 but all attack’s in the round must be with the weapon cannot throw in other attacks like punches or energy blast
+1 Strike at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 & 15
+2 Parry at 1 & +1 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 & 14
+ 1D6 damage at 4, 8 & 12
+1 Disarm at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15
Immune to Disarm
Other Bonuses:
The character keeps themselves in great shape working out 2 hour every day +1 PS, +1 PP, +1 PE, +1 PB and +1D4 spd
+ 5 SDC & +1 save vs coma/death per level starting at first.

Minor power: King of the mountain

The character has the ability to anchor himself to the ground, making it impossible for others to move him against his will.
Character is immune to knockdown attacks, being lifted, earth based attacks, throws or being body flipped.
Character takes half damage when anchored from physical and wind based attacks.
The characters attacks and Speed are halved, and cannot dodge or roll with punch. Also the character cannot use any flying or super speed abilities as will a jumps or leap attacks.


Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:28 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Cool powers, Dragonblaze.
I am working on one called Seedling which I will be posting if I can get the details to be within the limits of what is allowable. If not, there are some others I will be posting soon as well.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:57 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cool powers, Dragonblaze.
I am working on one called Seedling which I will be posting if I can get the details to be within the limits of what is allowable. If not, there are some others I will be posting soon as well.
Sounds good SG but trust me I'm not going to try competing with you or Iczer i would be a light weight in with heavy weight :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:28 pm
by wolfsgrin
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cool powers, Dragonblaze.
I am working on one called Seedling which I will be posting if I can get the details to be within the limits of what is allowable. If not, there are some others I will be posting soon as well.
Sounds good SG but trust me I'm not going to try competing with you or Iczer i would be a light weight in with heavy weight :lol:

okay dragon, now we stand together and pelt them from both sides with new powers. and maybe, just maybe, we might stand a chance and we come home for dinner. now we belt a mighty norseman YAAAARRRRRPPP!!!!! :-P

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:39 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cool powers, Dragonblaze.
I am working on one called Seedling which I will be posting if I can get the details to be within the limits of what is allowable. If not, there are some others I will be posting soon as well.
Sounds good SG but trust me I'm not going to try competing with you or Iczer i would be a light weight in with heavy weight :lol:

Well, thank you for the compliment, though sometimes I am just as lost trying to make a power as anyone else. I think it is my trying to keep limits on things that balance out the powers I write and make them work.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:41 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
wolfsgrin wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cool powers, Dragonblaze.
I am working on one called Seedling which I will be posting if I can get the details to be within the limits of what is allowable. If not, there are some others I will be posting soon as well.
Sounds good SG but trust me I'm not going to try competing with you or Iczer i would be a light weight in with heavy weight :lol:

okay dragon, now we stand together and pelt them from both sides with new powers. and maybe, just maybe, we might stand a chance and we come home for dinner. now we belt a mighty norseman YAAAARRRRRPPP!!!!! :-P

Frankly that would be nice. It gets to be the "Stone Gargoyle and Iczer Show" in here sometimes.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Okay, I am going to ttry and post a clean version of Seedling with much of the adult content stripped down. I hope this is not too offensive.

Seedling(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
This is a power for female characters.

Seed Pods: The superbeing produces seed pods which she can choose to make active or inactive. The total number of pods per day equals the PE score +1 per level. Active pods are able to burrow into the ground or a target and secure themselves.
Range: Pods can be fired up to 100 feet, plus 20 feet per level starting at level two. Pods are fired from openings in the palms or arms.
Attacks: Uses one action to activate seed pod. Uses one action to fire a seed pod or volley. Seed pods can be fired singly or in volleys of 2, 4 or 6.
Bonus to Strike: +2 if aimed.
Duration: Active pods must be fired within 2d4 melee rounds or else attach and feed on the superbeing (see below). Once inside a target, they attempt to burrow and attach within 2d4 melee rounds. A target may make a saving throw to keep this from happening. Inactive pods dissolve within 1d6 melees from the time fired but may remain within the superbeing for up to three weeks. They cannot hold more than their maximum number of pods per day at any one time.
Saving Throw: The target may make a Saving Throw vs. Disease to prevent active pods from attaching (14 or better, PE bonuses apply). If a saving throw is made, the seed is rendered inactive and dissolves within 1d6 melees.
Damage: A pod fired at a target does 1d6 damage upon impact due to the fact they are sharp. Inactive pods do no further damage. Active pods, however, attach to the host, doing 1d4 damage direct to hit points if a saving throw is failed. The active pod will continue to do 1d4 hit points damage to the host per day until the host dies or it is surgically removed. Once hit points are gone, the seed does 1d4 SDC damage per day to the corpse until half the SDC is gone, at which time the seed will burrow into the ground.
Burrowing: Active pods remain active for 2d4 melees in which time they borrow and attach. Active seeds burrow 1d6 feet into the ground and begin growing. Removing a seed from the ground requires a PS of Supernatural equal to the creator's PE.
Maturation: Once planted, the pod grows for 6 +1d6 months before opening and producing a child. The total time includes any time spent feeding off of a host body.
SDC of Seed Pod: 5 SDC per month of maturation. Inactive seeds never go beyond 5 SDC.

Limitations: This is the only means by which the superbeing can reproduce. All offspring are female and will reproduce in the same manner.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d6 PE
+1d4X10 SDC

New superbeing concept :idea:

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:16 pm
by Bones
New superbeing concept: a superbeing that can split himself into all the different systems of the body and each one would have a different power. Each of the super powers are especially relevant to the system that controls them. Each system of the body is not independent. They are all controlled by the Nervous System. The whole body has no super powers when all together. The body must separate to have access to the powers. This type of character would probably be considered a mega being. If any one part of the body is completely depleted of HP or SDC then the whole body will die (except for the reproductive system), maybe not right away, but soon. It might even be able to survive a reingtegration for a short while. Each body part has its own vitality. Some parts have SDC while others have HP. Obviously several of these body parts do not have any means of locomotion and should never be able move on their own. For the sake of super beings, each body part levitates and moves as if it were still located in the body. (ex: You might see digestive system floating down the street in the same exact position as if it were still in the body that it originally came from.) The floating body parts act exactly the same way they would be as if they were still in the body they originally came from. If they want to go down they will go down as if the body were crouching or lying down. Each of the body parts has all five of the senses and the nervous system is aware of all of them at the same time. The body is only able to reingtegrate if they are within 20 feet of each other.
Skeletal: Indestructible Bones or Invulnerability-SDC
Nervous: Latent or Master Psychic and Holographic Memory Projection-HP
Endocrine: Chemical Secretion-SDC
Digestive: Super Consumption-SDC
Circulatory: APS: Blood-HP
Muscular: Extraordinary, Superhuman, or Supernatural Strength-SDC
Lymphatic: Pestilence-SDC
Respiratory: Super Wind Blast-HP
Reproductive: Control Others but only the opposite sex-SDC
Urinary: ME: Liquid-SDC
Integumentary: Stretching-SDC

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:01 am
by Iczer
Scab: [Minor] By Iczer
' should see the other guy'

The character can turn injury into advantage by rapidly closing wounds and growing hardened scabs over the surface of his body.
1) Grow scabs: as soon as the character takes any open wound, he may expend an action to close it (the wound stops bleeding immeadiately)
The wound is covered in unsightly scabs, harder and denser than leather or chitin. The first time this happens, the character develops an AR of 6. every wound taken afer this point adds +1 to the AR as it closes (up to AR 18)
2) Hardened shell: While scabbed up, the character enjoys an SDC bonus equal to his PE score x2. every time his AR rises, so too does his SDC (+10) in addition, his hardened body inflicts an extra 1d4 damage in unarmed combat (hard and jagged surfaces)
3) wound conversion: when the character takes any HP damage, he may convert it immeadiately to SDC on a 1:1 basis. he may not convert his last 6 HP (but can still close up wounds)
4) self repair: the character may expend an action to close over a wound (he may also 'scab up at the same time'. 4 times a day he may heal 2d6 SDC of 4d6 HP.

Heart Murmer: [Major] By Iczer
'what was that detective? i couldn't hear you over your impending heart attack'

The character can seize control over a person's internal organs and squeeze ever so gently. The relatively weak force provided may seem meagre, but it's ability to bypass the body and attack internal organs directly maximises an otherwise smaller force.
1) Organ crush: The character may use this against a target within 40 feet (+10 feet per level), by expending 4 actions. The target feels this immeadiately and must make a save vs stun (14+ PE bonuses apply) or be shocked into temporary immobility (lose all remaining actions for the round, -6 to dodge, speed reduced to 0, lose all concentration). even a successful save is a minor stun (-2 initiative, -1 action) The target must save again (16+ PE bnuses apply) or take 1d4 dmage directly to HP and lose a PE point. (successful save loses 2d6 SDC only) Continued use of the Organ crush can quickly become fatal. lost PE points recover at rate of 1d4 every day of bed rest or 1 per day otherwise.
2) Hold organs: The character can initiate a form of grapple with a target. This requires 3 actions to perform and a target within 40 feet +10 feet per level. The character makes a d20 roll (adding ME score) while the target rolls a D20 (adding PE score) If the target wins, then there is a mild pain, but no other effect. if the character wins then the target is being held, almost literally, by his internal organs. any extra actions may be used to inflict 4d6 SDC damage to a held foe (half damage if the target can save vs Pain (14+) If the target must make a save vs pain (16+) to perform any action while so grappled, including move and while grappled his combat bonuses and speed are reduced by half. If the character takes any action other than to hold the target, then the grapple is lost. If the character is damaged while performing such a grapple, then the hold is lost. likewise, he loses all control if he is tripped, grappled himself, or performs any skill use.
3) inflict pain: The simplest use of this ability, the character can simply inflict painfull wounds on a target. by gesturing at a target and expending an action, he may cuase that target (within 40 feet +10 feet per level) to experience jolting pain (save vs pain 16+). the target loses one action and 2 from his initiative and suffers a single HP of damage.
4) biomedic: The character's ability to manipulate organs allows him to perform some healing works. patients under his care (even if his only job is to be present) enjoy a +20% to save vs coma death. with sustained care, the character can force an unconscious, near dead or freshly dead person to take breaths and pump blood, and can seal off bloodvessels to prevent bleeding out.

4D self projection: [Major] By Iczer
' may have got me dead to rights now, but i have a little suprise waiting for you.

The character can step backwards, into a 4th dimesnional space, and leave a shadow copy of himself behind to act on his behalf. The shadow self resembles the character exactly as he was when he stepped out of 3D space (including equipment) and is nothing more than a remote control drone piloted by the character. If injured, crippled or even destroyed, the character remains safe in his 4D apartment.
The shadow self has the following properties:
Attributes: all physical attributes are 20% lower than the original.
SDC: Has 1/3rd the character normal SDC
HP: only those donated (see below)
superpowers and other special abilities: half normal power and effect.
Electrical items (such as hand held electrical equipment) function normally, as long as the item does not need to affect the real world. Otherwise it functions at half strength (IE a watch works fine. a cell phone as well, up until you need to get a signal out. laser weapons inflict half damage and have half the normal power)
Chemicals: function at 1/4 normal power. so shadow copies of handguns and explosives are inneficiient at best.
making the 4D step requires the character spend 2 actions, and expending 1 HP and dropping 10% of his SDC. (or 10SDC, whichever is greater. the character may fuse with his shadow self, stepping out of the 4th dimensional space by expending an action (gets the HP and the expended SDC back. as long as the shadow self has 10 or more SDC left when recombining then the character is unharmed. If the shadow self is destroyed, the character is ripped from his 4D pocket (loses all actions for one round, lose initiative and half combat bonuses for the next 1d4 rounds, lose 1d4x10 SDC)
While in the 4D pocket, the character may choose what does and does not transfer from his copy to himself. he may drink copious amounts of alcohol and get drunk, but may exclude tranquilizers in his beer. Likewise, blinding lights can be ignored (though if the clone gets blinded then the character cannot see from the 4D world) Psionic affects and mind affecting magic affect the character normally, and of course, the clone body can be miserably affected by these things.
While in the 4D world the character has one extra action, that he may perform only in the 4D world. In addition, he may swap actions from world to world (IE: a character with 4 actions per melee (5 when in 4d) may perform 3 normal attacks with his clone, and spend his remaining attacks bandaging his real life wounds in his 4D pocket (or worse, blasting 4D creatures)


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:27 am
by Iczer
Chronal resistance: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time. It's on my side.'

The character has a resistance to time altering abilities, and to a lesser extent, the effects of time on even himself.
1) Slow ager. the character ages 50% slower than normal.
2) resist time powers: the character is immune to time manipulation, being unnafected by powers that alter time (includes time stop and slow motion control). The character can resist being thrown through time if he so chooses (or may, you know, jump with the rest of his team mates if he wants)
3) Variable stasis: by concentrating, the character can enter a kind of self imposed, partial stasis. In this stasis, he may slow himself down to a miserably slow rate. The character drops to 1/10th normal speed, loses all but one action per round, and suffers a -10 on all combat actions (and never wins initiaitve). he also uses air, and bleeds at 1/10th normal rate, and the flow of poison drops to 1/10th normal. Other effects that are generated by himself, can be given 10 times normal duration if he desires.

Chest trap: [Minor] By Iczer
'looky looky looky. I got you right where I want you'
The character can grow a set of 'jaws' on his torso, which he may use to attack others, or simply grapple with others.
These jaws, which typically open vertically, cannot swallow, but can chew.
If open, the character can attempt to grapple with an incoming attack. The character attempts a grapple rather than a parry, using half his normal strike bonus. If successful, the attack inflicts half damage, but the offending limb or weapon is clamped in between powerfull Jaws. a fail siimply means the character did not manage to clamp the jaws shut in time. he takes the hit and has no option to use an auto defence (but may use a regular dodge if he desires, and may roll if able.
While activated but closed, the Ribcage is effectively armoured, granting the character a natural AR of 11 (though called shots to the head or limbs ignore this AR).
When grappling, the character may engage the Jaws to assist (adds +4 to grapple checks.
If a target is caught in the Jaws, the character may expend an action to chem with those jaws, inflicting 2d6 damage, plus a bonus equal to his PE bonus (treat his PE score as an equivilent PS score)
The chest Jaws cannot swallow. The jaws may be retracted at will.

Magic reflective: [Major] By Iczer
'Hmmm...I'm sorry...i was told you were tough'

The character has a unique physiology that not only resists magic but turns it back on his attacker. Any magic spell or effect that targets him sepcifically is reflected back on the caster.
Damage from magically created objects, supernatural strength or from magically summoned energy (such as a fireball) inflicts 1/4 damage.
When the character encounters a spell effect, it's duration halves on the spot, and continues to drop by a further 10% every melee round. he does not affect permanent spells.
The character gains +1d4 HP/SDC every time a spell 'bounces' off him (or SDC) as he absorbs some of the residual energy, healing him somewhat.
The character cannot switch this on and off at will. it is always 'on' by default
+ 2d4+4 HP +4 PE


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
That Chest Trap power looks cool, Iczer. I wish I had thought to write one up like it. :D