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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:59 am
by taalismn
In a reverse of David Brin's 'Thor Meets Captain America' premise, the Norse Pantheon DOES show up over Nazi Germany...Only they're seriously dissed by this two-bit failed painter and chinless sycophants like Himmler using THEM to justify slaughter...the next day in 1940 finds the borders of Germany sealed by massive mile-high walls of ice, winged women guarding the river mouths and sky, and what few overflights get through show thunderstorms socking in the german cities, and what looks like some serious ass-kicking going on....
World leaders start getting a little nervous, and religious revivals begin rising in several nations...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:52 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:
taalismn wrote:In a reverse of David Brin's 'Thor Meets Captain America' premise, the Norse Pantheon DOES show up over Nazi Germany...Only they're seriously dissed by this two-bit failed painter and chinless sycophants like Himmler using THEM to justify slaughter...the next day in 1940 finds the borders of Germany sealed by massive mile-high walls of ice, winged women guarding the river mouths and sky, and what few overflights get through show thunderstorms socking in the german cities, and what looks like some serious ass-kicking going on....
World leaders start getting a little nervous, and religious revivals begin rising in several nations...

then musalini's socialist italy gets rimmed by mars and the other roman gods. uhm... a world war with gods. very intrueging.

The BRin short story has the Nazis CREATING the Aesir through necromantic magic harvested from the death camps and German conquests...Loki, KNOWING he's a mere construct, rebels against his fellow gods in part because it's part of his nature, and, after rescuing several thousand death camp internees, manipulates the Allies into a long range plan to weaken the Aesir....
It was later made into a graphic novel 'Death Eaters'....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:24 am
by Aramanthus
Cool alternate universes. I like the one where the pantheons punish those countries for starting WW2.

And in a continuation of this line of thought. The pantheon of Japan attacks and destroys the government of Japan after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. They then inform the US that Japan is theirs to restore to it's greatness.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:35 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
People are born with spikes (like a porcupine) or spines (like a hedgehog), thus reducing intimate physical contact, as they don't want to get poked to death by their significant other. Pointy hugs and kisses are no fun.

Movies and television never caught on as a form of entertainment, limited only to news casting and the weather reports.

Keeping in line with the previous posts: It turns out that the Gods of mythology routinely 'exile' themselves to Earth to experience life as a mortal and maintain some semblence of humility and humbleness. While here they are stripped of all their significant powers. Unfortunately, Loki (or one of the other Trickster Gods) manages to steal their abandoned power, after all the others are off on Sabbatical. Let the Lord of Chaos rule.

People are physically unable to throw up or burp, instead having a kangaroo like pouch on their stomach that stores all the unwanted material (excrement, gas, bad food). It is also bright purple, and glows brightly when full.

A spin off of one of Bill Cosby’s old skits. Before the beginning of any war or battle, one champion from each side is chosen. If he is victorious, he can make limits on what the other team can and cannot do in the war (“YOU, must wear only red, and march in a straight line. WE, will wear any color besides red, and hide behind the rocks and the trees and the bushes.”). If the loosing side breaks this ruling, everybody else can jump into the battle and beat the stuffings out of them.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:13 am
by Aramanthus
That is a great set of alternate universes Roscoe.

The earth turns out to be the last place in this universe for certain elements that the universe has a desperate need for. Which makes earth the richest place in the universe.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:46 am
by Beatmeclever
The Earth is actually a prison for the human race. 10,000 years ago, the Galactic Council decided that the human race would grow to be too violent and they put the entire solar system in a solitary confinement shell. Nothing can go in or come out of the shell without GC permission. The shell's limit is just beyond the Oort Cloud and anything that gets beyond that is destroyed. Satellites, like the Voyager, are recorded and replayed on a decressing signal strength to simulate its continued travel. All telescopic images are faked by the shell. One day, a rogue alien race penetrates the shell and tells the humans what has been happening. Some humans want revenge, others don't care, and still others want to petition for release. The saga continues.

A race of gargantuan robotic insects invades the Earth. They are opposed only with modern military hardware and the Great Eight. The Great Eight are eight adolesents between the ages of 8 and 18 each has one superpower and they are trained in the martial arts. When they are holding hands they form "Number Nine" a gestaltic psychic being who possesses all eight powers and stands 40 feet tall. The Great Eight all bicker and fight each other constantly whenever they are not fighting the alien hordes.

Cats, not humans, are the most intelligent beings on the planet. They whisper ideas in the ears of their masters at night in an effort to have them do the work of making the new inventions. When the time is right, they will eat all the humans and assume their rightful place in the galaxy.

An alien race attacks the Earth and only the geeks online at 2 am know. Only they can save the world!!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:37 am
by LostOne
Countries do not go to war. Instead border and political disputes between countries are settled by champions. Each side gets a team of 4 warriors, armed and armored however they want and they do battle in a no man's land set aside in the middle east for political disputes such as this. It's a 5 square mile area riddled with boulders and plenty of cover, and the teams start off at opposite corners. This of course leads to the ultimate in supersoldier programs for all the major powers of the world. Super powers, juicers, power armors and all sorts of things are made reality by the scientists of the world.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:56 am
by taalismn
Aliens land, intent on taking over the planet and enslaving humaity...Unfortunately, they realize too late that they're soft, weak, and their appearance and body odor are irresistible appetite motivators to humans, who also discover the aliens the aliens taste DELICIOUS...NOw we have FTL, advanced technology, and the awareness that there's a galactic empire FULL of the little tasty critters....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:24 pm
by taalismn

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:50 am
by Aramanthus
I also agree with Taalismn and Duck-Foot. Although I'm safe against the evil cats. I don't have a cat as a pet and I can tell when one is around. Because I'm slightly allergic to them.

Those were some very cool additions by both of you!

The world as we know it comes to an end one night just after midnight. Alien starships arrive to warn us that we have 24 hours to abandon earth because the sun is going to die. They are here to help us. They will save all of humanity, but not a single animal. They lift mankind away from earth. We disappear from the galactic community to disappear forever. The sun does explode although they helped it along with a special weapon which destabilizes the sun. The earth is destroyed and humanity is served up as a course on their menus.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:59 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:I also agree with Taalismn and Duck-Foot. Although I'm safe against the evil cats. I don't have a cat as a pet and I can tell when one is around. Because I'm slightly allergic to them..

And thus you do not benefit from their superior intel-Oh look! A Mouse!rt2uitrifdtefydtwegdgafgjwew

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:46 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:
taalismn wrote:agreed...

ofcourse you agree. my minnions never disagree... or so help them god :x

'minions'?...I'm at best a 'Freelance Goon'! 'Contract SpearCarrier'. 'Non-Red-Shirt Security Personnel'.*

*They're the guys who when the Evil Overlord shrieks: "You imbeciles! For your failure you must die---!" and makes a jab for the secret snake-pit dump hatch, looks his boss in the eye and sez: "Thug, Teamster, and Dungeon Construction Workers' Local #49.", whereupon the EO slumps back and whimpers "...eventually, after a long and fulfilling life, with health benefits and pension..."

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:41 am
by Aramanthus
ROFLMAO!!! Interesting Tangent! :lol: :lol:

The world overnight totally melts down society-wise. Anarchy rules completely on every inhabited continent. Even the seas are not immune to the insanity. Within 24 hours the whole of the human race is engulfed in the insanity. Within a month thousands of years of advancment that humanity had achieved was lost. We were far worse than any post apocalypse fiction ever predicted.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:07 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Overnight, humanity devolves back into monkeys. Half of us keep our advanced brains, the rest take off, looking for bannanas to eat.

Dogs were never domesticated, leading to large packs of unruly wolves and coyotes beating down out doors to devour us when we where cave-people.

Humanity has widespread extraneous limbs appearing on newborn children. Could be extra arms, could be functional wings, tenticles, extra legs, or whatever, but humanity now is multi-limbed. The clothing businesses take off into the stratosphere, pumped by all the new possibilities made possbile by our new physiques.

People never discover that animals do be edible, they're stuck living on rabbit food up to the modern day. (this would be horrible for me if I was stuck there, I love eating me a mess o' fried animal flesh...)

A world where superheroes and villains routinely fight epic battles across the skies and cheat death by a hair. What the populace doesn't know is that its all an act, with the 'heroes' and 'villains' actually sticking to a pre-prepared script, and both sides actually hang out after 'work', and are all good friends. The government uses these 'battles' to distract the populace from what is really going on. This has gone on since the 1800's without a hitch, right up untill a group of REAL heroes from Heroes Unlimted world and their respective villains Rift in, right in the midst of a pitched battle. In the confusion, most of the real villains escape with a plethora of Doomsday class weaponry, and its up to this crew of oddballs, weirdo's and rejects to teach an entire nation of idiotic and incompitent doo-gooders the tricks of the trade before it all comes to an end...

Movie physics actually work on this world. ANY bullet hitting a gas tank causes it to blow sky high, the 'good guys' never need to reload their guns, the bad guys all have incompitent morons as help, etc. etc.

Mars is after our women, apparantly, they taste like chicken.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:58 am
by LostOne
The laws of the world are very similar to ours, except for punishments. All crimes have a single response, execution. Police are authorized to shoot criminals on sight, no questions asked. Even minor things like speeding, jaywalking, profanity, parking violations, etc. If an officer sees it, they are authorized to shoot to kill. The plus of this is there are far fewer lawyers, crime is almost non-existent.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:42 pm
by taalismn
Nature Unionizes on Humanity...We're presented with terms for a renogitation of contract...until the contract terms are met or renegotiated, Nature Is On Strike!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:07 pm
by taalismn
Turtledove's now come out with another alternate history novel that postulates what would have happened had the Nazis fought the sort of guerilla war everybody was fearing....extending the hostilities in Europe and sapping the resolve of the Americans/Allies to reform and rehabilitate Western Germany...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:14 am
by Aramanthus
All of those alternate universes were excellent ones! Thank for for sharing them.

Something happens and in the blink of an eye every single resource suddenly replenishes itself. From oil to fish. Even the populations of whales seems to multiply over knioght and species who were on the brink reappear in great numbers. Miners return to their day jobs and look upon the mine being at the state it was when it was first started. No one can explain the renewal of the worlds resources.

Off the coast of New York City a collosal palace appears floating above the atlantic. It announces itself as the traveling throne of a vast empire. The empire spans over one hundred dimensions. They rely mostly on magic. They have no terratorial designs on our earth. As a matter of fact their Emperor wants to provide resources to our world. Their home world is about six times the size of earth. They offer the oil to us. They also offer people the opportunity to relocate to one of their worlds and they may retain their citizenship with their home country. But the people will be offered citizenship by the empire as time passses.
The Empire maintains their friendship with earth. They even offer a one time pay off the credit card debts for everyone who has one, and never ask for a thing in repayment.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:58 am
by LostOne
duck-foot wrote:mankind went through a industrial revolution 60 years prior to our time. yes, leading to more advanced technology. but, they like us could not find an alternate fuel. so they used up all thier gas and melted ALL the icecaps sending devestating waves and hurricanes across the globe. mankind civilization was destroyed in less than a year. all major cities on the planet except for possibly Moscow lie below 100 feet of water. 93% of the earths surface is now water. every one who surived now live on either huge floating cruisers or large "float towns" Welcome to a new age of apacalyptic piracy :-D .. oh did i mention mutants runamok :twisted:

Sounds like that Kevin Costner movie Waterworld.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:13 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote: Off the coast of New York City a collosal palace appears floating above the atlantic. It announces itself as the traveling throne of a vast empire. The empire spans over one hundred dimensions. They rely mostly on magic. They have no terratorial designs on our earth. As a matter of fact their Emperor wants to provide resources to our world. Their home world is about six times the size of earth. They offer the oil to us. They also offer people the opportunity to relocate to one of their worlds and they may retain their citizenship with their home country. But the people will be offered citizenship by the empire as time passses.
The Empire maintains their friendship with earth. They even offer a one time pay off the credit card debts for everyone who has one, and never ask for a thing in repayment.

Different take on the above...only the newcomers are polite, business-like, real blue-collar types who offer to solve our unemployment, pollution, and other ills with jobs working at their factories...they supply the technology, the training, and the resources, as well as managerial guidance...
Of course, Earth's turning out hardware for sale to other worlds/dimensions, and the greater percentage of the stuff is military hardware(though Earth's producing it as dissassembled components that are mated elsewhere)...the indutsrialists could be Naruni, Paladin Steel, or some other megaversal corp...Sure, it's great for Earth, but how do people react when they learn they're building guns for other people's wars? And what if one of those wars boils over and one of the sides sees Earth as a legitimate infrastructure target?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:06 pm
by taalismn
A bioremediation organism goes out of control, causing plastic materials to breath out into wood-like growths...civilization nearly collapses as plastic disappears, replaced by kudzu-like growth and shrubbery...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:09 am
by Aramanthus
Water World was an interesting movie. We watched it. And after the first scene we looked at everyone in turn and began to MST3K it immedately. Although you should watch it before making any decisions about it.

Duck-foot that one is a scary one! :shock: A great one Just scary.

Nice ones Taalismn! I like your twist on mine! :ok:

How about?
A world where no matter what humanity does they can't die or be injured. The only way to die is to die of old age or disease. Even big predators can't hurt a human being. Say a person is shot the wound quickly seals all blood vessels as it quickly expells the bullet and then seals the entry wound.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:07 pm
by LostOne
duck-foot wrote:
LostOne wrote:Sounds like that Kevin Costner movie Waterworld.

uh? never heard of it. sounds cool I thought it was a decent flick, but then I was 15 when it came out. Haven't seen it since then.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:21 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:How about?
A world where no matter what humanity does they can't die or be injured. The only way to die is to die of old age or disease. Even big predators can't hurt a human being. Say a person is shot the wound quickly seals all blood vessels as it quickly expells the bullet and then seals the entry wound.

You have a lot of interest in bioweapons and a lot of cases of people being buried alive(or dumped overboard with concrete waders into deep water) just to take them out of circulation

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:06 pm
by taalismn
Italy's Mussolini never rose to power; his strong arm tactics being effectively countered by democratic opponents perfectly willing to strongarm him fascism never arises in Italy, depriving Hitler of his ally in Europe....At best, a shaky Italy has to deal with German agent provocateurs trying to keep Italy out of the coming worst, Italy is too busy fighting itself to be of any help to Germany...

The Night of the Long Knives backfires, as the Brown Shirts catch wind of what's coming for them and are fully prepared for the purge, purging right back....Hitler gets assassinated in the fighting, and Germany descends into civil war as the National Socialist Party turns on itself

Franco becomes so disgusted with the heavyhanded manner and feels insulted by his Nazi patrons that he throws in with England after the Spanish Civil War, even though he's won against the opposition and the International Brigades....

Mao falls ill and dies during the LOng March(or else his litter overturns and he breaks his neck...)

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:03 pm
by gaby
Without Mao,the Communist can't control all of China,instead they pic to fromed a smaller country in the area where ther are a majorty,soon China is split into 7 countries,each having ther own political system.

Any ideas for them?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:36 pm
by Rathorc Lemenger
Here's some (I hope): Christianity is more tolorant and understanding of other religions.
The Spanish Conquitadors don't invade South America, per se, and they leave the Aztecs alone, thereby diverting the coming slawter that would have taken place.

Rathorc Lemenger.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:36 pm
by taalismn
Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Here's some (I hope): Christianity is more tolorant and understanding of other religions.
The Spanish Conquitadors don't invade South America, per se, and they leave the Aztecs alone, thereby diverting the coming slawter that would have taken place.

Rathorc Lemenger.

The Spanish settlement of the New World is far more controlled, but culture shock and disease(even with the Spanish remaining sequestered on island colonies), still takes a toll on Native Americans...Perhaps worse, in the long run, either by unscrupulous traders or rival European powers, the Aztecs and other bloody-minded local powers, acquire firearms, which they use outright to crush their enemies(the Aztecs' 'War of Flowers' was used to isolate tribes that were too powerful to knock out with brute force, by picking off weaker tribes around them, and encouraging other tribes to pick on the opposition in order to acquire prisoners to sacrifice to the Aztecs)....Slaughter insues, but of Indian versus Indian, fuelled by European arms dealers...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:22 am
by Aramanthus
Some nice ones guys! Keep thme coming!

I know what you mean Duck-foot! Taalismn, I'm a biologist by trainning. So I have some leaning for those bio diversity topics.

Humankind discovers early on that cetaceans (whales and their relatives) are fully sentient and can communicate. We learn how to communicate with them. With the whales working with humankind we explore the ocean depths easily. We also learn how to manage the land resources because of our efforts to stop pollution from entering the oceans. We also manage our harvesting the oceans for food with great care. Humankind does use aquatic farms to raise most if not all of the food from the seas. And they have even managed cloning to clone certain types of body parts (shark fins) to prevent species from being preyed upon and mangled by misguided people.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:43 am
by taalismn
Late in the Golden Age, aliens invade. Using a combination of mass- magic and bioweapons, they kill off most of humanity, leaving a few pockets of immune humans in Asia and Australia to find off the alien hordes....However, the aliens ignore the abandoned cities, where high-level AIs(ARCHIE-series supercomputers in America, Europe, China, and Japan) still run the factories...Will a new class of robotic champions arise to help Humanity stem the alien tide, or will the Machines let Humanity die out in order to promote their own agendas?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:27 am
by Aramanthus
What happened to the Russians Duck-foot? I can't see them sitting out that little world war. I'd like to hear where they fit in.

Someone is looking for oil in the pacific when they unearth a machine. The machine dates back approximately 100 million years. They bring this machine back to the USA. The world finds out quickly when it is leaked to the press by someone on the staff investigating the artifact. The science team ends up being a multinational event after the world almost goes to war over the artifact. They never find out who create the device, although they learn that the device can access other dimensions. Of course the first couple of hundred times nothing happens. But on the 213 opening the dimension at first appears totally normal. But it is a sham as the hidden forces from the dimension storm our dimension and begin their attmepted conquest of it. They almost succeed but are stopped by the combined forces of the entire world. The research on the device is stopped forever. Although the high tech weapons captured will usher in a new age...... a golden age.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:00 pm
by LostOne
The media is trusted and follows its own code of honor. They are EVERYWHERE following people of true importance, not drunk/naked/arrested/overdosed movie/music celebrities. They follow the superheroes, supervillains, political leaders of importance/interest, etc. They respect the heroes/villains need for secrecy and only report on their completed actions, keep their identities secret, etc. But because of this the public gets insider info and actual meaningful interviews with superheroes and villains, and the news is worth watching.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:33 am
by Aramanthus
Thank you for clarifying that! I was curious because of your previous alternate universe! Very interesting.

Our world changed in a differently manner. This is the situation. Ultimate mobility developed by humanity early on shortly after civilazation begin. Every human being can teleport to any location no matter where on the globe instantly. Imagine how out world would be different.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:26 pm
by gaby
All elect-Governments in the world have Term limit of 8 years no-more.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:40 pm
by Aramanthus
Interesting Duckfoot. I could see it occuring if they started working on it them at an earlier period.

Good one Gaby! Too bad it'll never happen. :(

Imagine a world where time is running differently on each continent. That traveling to different areas of the world could cause you to be there for weeks or even months. So having to travel overseas could be a problem for business travelers. Families would have to go with their love ones, or else marital problems could run riff thru the world.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:44 pm
by taalismn
Humans evolve the ability to create memory 'pearls' of hardened ectoplasm that allow us to record and recall memories with perfect recall and clarity...And likewise, for others to hold and feel those memories themselves.. The creation takes some concentration, and people can produce as many 'pearls' as they wish to record memories...THis has its upsides and downsides; biography and to an extent poetry are revolutionized as a person's thoughts and memories are accessible to anybody who can touch the pearl...passing around the hardened memories of famous people becomes a part of high culture...on the other hand, matters of privacy become paramount...people must continually decide whether or not to record and save their memories(say, of an important event or a love affair) when the solid memory might be stolen, its contents used as blackmail or to steal somebody's identity...'Memory Banks' where 'pearls' are kept in safe deposit boxes and vaults become the norm....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:38 pm
by Aramanthus
Welcome back Taalismn! Great alternate universe!

It is discovered that humans pass there full intelligence and memories along to their offspring. Racial memory is accessible by the family to the dawn of civilazations. Overall intelligence continues going up on average. This doesn't stop the evil or murder and wars from occuring.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:46 am
by LostOne
At the end of their term, elected officials (including the President) are subjected to a nationwide (or whatever region they represented) satisfaction survey on live TV. If satisfied, the official gets handed a nice fat check with a "you earned it" handshake from his newly elected replacement. If unsatisfied, they are summarily executed on live TV, firing squad, hanging, electric chair or lethal injection, they can choose the manner of their death.

This leads to only people who want to actually make a difference and improve the country running for office, not greedy people who are interested in power and influence.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:59 am
by taalismn
Politicians elected to high office are rigged with full sensory stimulation electrode systems that tie them into an algorithimic tabulator that factors economic growth, public approval ratings, deficit, national debt, and environmental health...the resulting profile is used to administer pleasure or pain to the official, giving them a real substantial sense of how they are doing...A low public approval rating but sound economic policy might result in the official having an itchy, poison ivy like sensation, but otherwise feel well...whereas a plummeting economy will cause stomach cramps and nausea....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:45 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:
LostOne wrote:At the end of their term, elected officials (including the President) are subjected to a nationwide (or whatever region they represented) satisfaction survey on live TV. If satisfied, the official gets handed a nice fat check with a "you earned it" handshake from his newly elected replacement. If unsatisfied, they are summarily executed on live TV, firing squad, hanging, electric chair or lethal injection, they can choose the manner of their death.

This leads to only people who want to actually make a difference and improve the country running for office, not greedy people who are interested in power and influence.

ehhhhhh. man i like that one. lets get GWB on it :lol:

Agreed...Problem is, he'd have trouble figuring out which way he wanted to go....", it's nuqluer...bomb?"

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:02 pm
by Rathorc Lemenger
*old English accent* I must say my good man, Interesting ideas here. Pip pip, Cherrio. :lol: :D :lol: :D

Another good idea is that England still has control over most of the world.

Rathorc Lemenger.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:32 pm
by taalismn
Rathorc Lemenger wrote:*old English accent* I must say my good man, Interesting ideas here. Pip pip, Cherrio. :lol: :D :lol: :D

Another good idea is that England still has control over most of the world.

Rathorc Lemenger. least until the Scots and Irish conclude negotiations for an alliance...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:33 pm
by Aramanthus
Excellent alternate universes!

Over night everyone in the world wakes up to discover that everyone is equal financially. Something happened to balance the scales. OVer a period of weeks it is discovered that the WWW has not only become self aware, but looks at humanity as it's creators and wants to make sure everyone is equal.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:23 am
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Excellent alternate universes!

Over night everyone in the world wakes up to discover that everyone is equal financially. Something happened to balance the scales. OVer a period of weeks it is discovered that the WWW has not only become self aware, but looks at humanity as it's creators and wants to make sure everyone is equal.

Child-like and innocent(despite having access to all that porn) it will be so bitterly disillusioned...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:34 pm
by Rathorc Lemenger
Here's anudder one: What if the roles of pets were reversed??? You know, cats were the protectors while dogs were the "lap" pets (mind your, there are already some lap dogs, but they don't really count since I'm talking about ALL dogs & cats).

Rathorc Lemenger.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:55 am
by Aramanthus
I'm already disillusioned Taalismn! :D

The world developes the capability where they can view accross the dimensional gaps. In doing so they communicate with the natives there. They also discover that people from this forum were part of a group in their world who ended up taking control of it for several decades before the revolted. They tried them all as war criminals and executed them. They wanr our world about us. The other world demands that we be turned over to them to try again. To prenvent it from happening again. Could it start over here?

Another version. They find out that we are all missing. Or that some of us were never born.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:55 pm
by taalismn
Saddam Hussein doesn't invest in WMDs...he invests in the development of a WTD---Weapon of TEMPORAL Destruction...On the eve of GW2, and the international coalition breathing down his neck, he escapes to one of his secret nuclear sites where he and a unit of his elite Republican Guard escape...back through acnient days....
Specifically, he goes back to help the Persians crush the Greeks...massacring the Spartans at Thermopylae with machine guns, and chopping up the Greek fleet at Salamis with bazookas..Thus effectively destroying the rise of the philosophies that will give rise to the Western World....He maintains Xerxes as a puppet for a time, then offs him.. Now the world lays at his feet, as he seeks to out-Alexander Alexander...
Only a few pockets of rebellious slaves and refugees oppose him....and a unit of Greek troops(or maybe NATO, or Americans) from the 20th century who have somehow been transported back in time, and know Saddam the Living God is anything but...but can they save the future?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:10 pm
by taalismn
NOw here's the reverse argument:
What if some well-meaning schlup...misguided by watching 300...goes back in time and "assists" the Spartans with a few well-placed mortar rounds from a well-camouflaged launcher...

No heroic sacrifice, and proof that the Gods favor the Spartans, raining thunder and lightning on their enemies... several decades later, the fired-up Spartans are burning Athens, convinced they are the Chosen of the Gods....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:14 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:uhmm... interesting i think you might have to elaberate on that one taalismn

It's kinda like the bombing of Coventry, England, during WW2...British intelligence KNEW that a big German air raid on Coventry was being planned, thanks to intercepted Enigma transmissions...With the forewarning, the RAF could have moved extra aircraft to protect the city and beaten off any air attack...BUT, it was feared, the fact that the British were waiting for them in force, might tip the Germans off that their coded transmission security was compromised....So Churchill elected NOT to act on the info, since the Enigma secret would be too valuable later in the war to blow over one air Coventry was bombed, and the Allies might well have won the war as they did because the Germans didn't suddenly change their coding system...

So, the point is...even a well-intentioned move, with respect to time travel and meddling in history, might blow up in your face....Saving a few lives here, might lose you a lot more elsewhere...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:45 pm
by taalismn
Somewhere out there in the world is your perfect opposite number, your natural enemy, your evil opposite, your instant nemesis...Global law allows you to kill that person(or be killed by them) without repercussion, but only if it is DEFINITE that person is your 'Other'....cases of mistaken identity are treated as murder and prosecuted accordingly...Most people go their entire lives not knowing or ever meeting their Other, as they may not be in one's vicinity at all, but when matched Others meet, bloodshed shortly follows, try as the more enlightened might to find a peaceful resolution...