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Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:57 pm
by taalismn
Whatever gets you back up and revving long as it doesn't involve eating children or anything that needs to be smuggled across borders.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:20 pm
by Jay05
taalismn wrote:Whatever gets you back up and revving long as it doesn't involve eating children or anything that needs to be smuggled across borders.
I agree, no jail time due to frustration please. LOL, just take er easy buddy. I'll look forawrd to it when I see it.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:30 pm
by DhAkael
Die Valkyrie Aug. ??, P.A. 109
Team Alpha were most disconcerted, backing away from the trees and looking to see if any fresh horrors were approaching. Both Felix & James Cormac noticed that the “Mist” from Nabraeus was beginning to rise over the edge of the valley. Johannes suggested that every spread out as they made tempting targets; as if magically summoned, two volleys of explosive projectiles arced onto the area where everyone was still huddled in a circle. The blast scattered the team like bowling pins, but also fired their blood to inflict retribution. Two more volleys came down, one of which was specifically targeted on the most concentration of technology. James, Johannes and eventually Fionna ran to deal with the reaver artillerists. Rika decided she’d best serve the situation as a forward observer for the RV’s remote controlled weapons and vanished into the brush (sadly her efforts were in vain).
Felix Deiter & Shalyndra stayed behind to guard the vehicle and were almost flanked by 3 sappers, however Deiter thought that letting their enemies come to them would be giving the reavers an advantage. The Calibanite warrior charged forwards in his battle-late and laid 1 explosive round into each black-carapaced alien warrior. One of the sappers narrowly missed gelding Felix with a spiked mace, and when it took a retaliatory ion-rifle burst to the face, the scorched pale visage turned to the crazy and asked in heavily accented Anglic; “Is that the best you can do ooman?”

The battle, like at the village seemed to be for the most part going towards Team Alpha, when not one, but TWO of the winged battle beasts descended upon them. This time, after hammering Fionna down into the soil, the beast attacking HER part of the team took off back into the air, leaving Johannes unable to repeat his last one-hit-one-kill attack. Things had swayed back to the reavers’ side of the tally sheet until… a radio broadcast from an REF Air-corp. (Mars Division) Beta fighter, under command of (call sign) ‘Moonlight Shadow’ offered close air support. Rika was most glad to accept.

The mecha jockette then opened up with a volley of air-to-air missiles at one of the reaver beasts that that broken away to peruse her (and narrowly missing with not one but 3 beam-breath attacks); sadly the missiles were blasted out of the air before they could impact against the alien fiend. Switching to guns, the beast jinxed and dodged but was at hit by a few heavy energy bolts. Meanwhile on the ground, the reaver’s leader and one other warrior had been disabled and captured. To everyone’s frustration, the two captured reavers died howling in agony as they dissolved from the inside out, while their compatriots still standing faded from view, including both winged assault creatures. Moonlight Shadow offered to remain within her beta fighter in GERWALK configuration to offer fire support and overwatch while her fellow Terrans scavenged what they could of the reaver’s gear that remained intact.

While the post battle adrenaline seeped out, it was noted that the “Mist” had dissipated back down below the edge of the valley of Nabraeus and the trees now looked normal (bark instead of rotted flesh, no blood or screaming, etc). In this calm, Fionna attempted to do psychometry upon one of the trees to see what had caused the horrific change in the trees and the reversion back to normalcy. Just the briefest touch opened a vision for the human Warphuntress; a pale hairless human face with cold dead-black eyes stuck upon a black shelled locust body with long barbed tail. The vision looked directly at Fionna and uttered a word that translated into physical pain for the woman. Rika & James hurriedly saw to Fionna, first with an application of psionic pain-block, and then analgesics.
A quick retreat was ordered and as the team shuffled onto the Naruni RV under the aegis of the Beta fighter and then moved to the halfway point between Sleipnir and Nabraeus, Fionna told of what she saw. James & Rika both looked on in shock as they recognized the description given; demon-locust. While the team did hasty field repairs on any damage to their gear, or swapped out ammo magazines, Rika suggested to the quiet Elf Swords-woman Shalyndra that she may want to use “all” her tricks. This caused Shalyndra to blink and look abashed as she asked for clarification. In this awkward moment, Fionna, feeling quite recovered but still dopey under the pain killer drug then remarked quite seriously on how cute Rika was.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:38 pm
by taalismn
Demon locusts...I'm Palladiumite enough to have immediately recognized the description.... :shock:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:09 pm
by Monkra
Felix: "Ms. Rika, i put in a requisition order for some industrial strength fungal pesticides and some nukes...but all we got were these raid roach motel thingies and some snap caps. That supply officer's CO is going to receive a rather harshly worded correspondence to say the least..."

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:28 pm
by taalismn
Monkra wrote:Felix: "Ms. Rika, i put in a requisition order for some industrial strength fungal pesticides and some nukes...but all we got were these raid roach motel thingies and some snap caps. That supply officer's CO is going to receive a rather harshly worded correspondence to say the least..."

Call the Vatican and see if they bless Fuel Air Explosives or Tsar Bombas.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:20 pm
by Jay05
Lost Seraph wrote:Against ground troops, a Demon Locust can crush platoons. In one campaign our poor Mechanical/Electrical Genius took four earthquake spells at the same time while in a suit of Equestrian power armor. The four locusts blasted him for 3600 MD. He was reduced to free-floating atoms drawn into the earthquake. If the raiders have support from one along with their power armor and grunts, we're going to need to a lot more guns.
Yeah, serious bad news, I wonder if Calto40k might be up to playing both his PCs, cause we still need Yanni, but we need Chirax for more air support! :eek:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:27 pm
by Jay05
Monkra wrote:Felix: "Ms. Rika, i put in a requisition order for some industrial strength fungal pesticides and some nukes...but all we got were these raid roach motel thingies and some snap caps. That supply officer's CO is going to receive a rather harshly worded correspondence to say the least..."
:James: Yeah, we definitely need to report that guy.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:47 am
by DhAkael
SLIGHT problem... Jack is presently in a healing coma after cyber-surgery. :D
Oh and he's 3 dimensions over with no way of knowing WHERE Phoenix force is at present. :lol: :demon:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:30 pm
by Jay05
Ah, forgot he'd gone off for enhancement. Oh well, we'll figure it out.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:31 am
by Monkra
Locusts are just ugly least that's what makes Felix sleep at night.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:30 am
by Jay05
Monkra wrote:Locusts are just ugly least that's what makes Felix sleep at night.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:35 am
by DhAkael
Sunday January 27th., A.D. 2013, 8:00 PM [E.S.T.]
We seperate the hard-core from the Redshirts. :D :nuke: :demon: :ok:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:13 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:Sunday January 27th., A.D. 2013, 8:00 PM [E.S.T.]
We seperate the hard-core from the Redshirts. :D :nuke: :demon: :ok:

Oh dear. This is going to be like that weekend in Bogata, isn't it?

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:43 pm
by Jay05
Weekend in Bogata? We talking dealing with coke and gunrunners here? lol

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:53 pm
by Jay05
Hell I'm not too worried about being a redshirt guy, Dhak and I both worked too hard to get Cormac involved! :lol:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:40 pm
by taalismn
Jay05 wrote:Weekend in Bogata? We talking dealing with coke and gunrunners here? lol

Let's just say it gave the Columbians reason to hate Canada, and leave it at that.
At least it wasn't like Budapest, with the KGB and the World Cup soccer team.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:51 pm
by Jay05
taalismn wrote:
Jay05 wrote:Weekend in Bogata? We talking dealing with coke and gunrunners here? lol

Let's just say it gave the Columbians reason to hate Canada, and leave it at that.
At least it wasn't like Budapest, with the KGB and the World Cup soccer team.

Ooookay lol :bandit:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:15 am
by calto40k
Time for Yanni to deal more death than the greatest barbarian of literary history

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:17 am
by calto40k
by the way due to my throat being destroyed this is the only game I've been able to enjoy. Can't run my rifts game or my cp2020 game due to the flu turning my throat into a hellish nightmare of blood and torn up flesh

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:20 am
by calto40k
I will however be running the live rifts game at The Gamer's Realm in Hamilton NJ on wed jan 30th

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:08 pm
by Jay05
calto40k wrote:by the way due to my throat being destroyed this is the only game I've been able to enjoy. Can't run my rifts game or my cp2020 game due to the flu turning my throat into a hellish nightmare of blood and torn up flesh
Well, I'm glad you're still able to run with us! And also glad that you seem to be feeling better buddy. If you're going to run a game on the 30th. See you guys tonight! :bandit:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:33 am
by calto40k
ended up spending a good portion of the night with dad at the hospital, they took his tubes out and he can eat and talk again finally

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:09 am
by taalismn
calto40k wrote:ended up spending a good portion of the night with dad at the hospital, they took his tubes out and he can eat and talk again finally

Ouch. Best wishes for full recovery to your dad.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:30 am
by Jay05
calto40k wrote:ended up spending a good portion of the night with dad at the hospital, they took his tubes out and he can eat and talk again finally
Missed ya last night, but that sounds like he's moving in the right direction. That's good news. I'm happy for you bro.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:45 pm
by DhAkael
calto40k wrote:ended up spending a good portion of the night with dad at the hospital, they took his tubes out and he can eat and talk again finally

Fair 'nuff.
I was just worried YOU were in the hospital (Re; coughing hard enough to tear larynx).
It was mostly "getting to know you" session with Lt. Tao-Shi Moon (Seraph's PC) and getting mind-screwed by Nabraeus Valley.

At the last moment, in-game, the Demon Locust did a "Peek-a-BOO!" on said Beta-Fighter pilot. ONLY Felix managed to make his HF check. :lol: :lol: :D

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:20 pm
by calto40k
awesome yet sad at the same time, Dad is doing way better than the past week so they wont have to give him one of those fancy cancer cowboy throat holes just so he can breathe like they had told my mom they would be giving him. Which in turn caused a lot of at home headaches and issues. Sad mainly because I missed out on hanging out with you guys.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:09 pm
by calto40k
the headaches and issues were caused by the nurse giving my mom the wrong info once again. Kinda like how they stated he would be coming home the next day while they were in the ER

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:50 pm
by Jay05
Very glad your Dad is not going to have to have the trachiotomy. That's very good news. We missed you on Sunday too buddy.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:01 pm
by DhAkael
No update this week; it's been tiring :P

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:18 pm
by Jay05
We still on for tomorrow?

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:54 pm
by DhAkael
Game is still a go :ok:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:43 pm
by Jay05
:ok: cool

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:51 pm
by DhAkael
*A Public Service Announcement.

It would be greatly appreciated if people could be on-deck roughly on time (8:15 to 8:30pm E.S.T. ) so we can get to the slaugh -kaf kaff- I mean mission at hand.
I ended off on a Cliffy hanger with you folks, and ALL the PC's are present.
I can't very well be fair and avoid beating on PC's with absent players, while the people who ARE present & on time get curb stomped.
THEREFOR, anyone not present at game start time will have their characters NPC'd with 'naked-dice' rolls and skills at base level, so they can enjoy the action as well, even though their players may not be with us. :demon:

Just sayin'. :angel:

Keep it surreal.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:00 pm
by Jay05
LOL, nice boss. You know I'll be there :ok:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:39 am
by DhAkael
They survived. :ok:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:49 am
by Jay05
DhAkael wrote:oi-vey...
They survived. :ok:

Whew! :eek: :lol:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:08 pm
by DhAkael
Please note, a full recap of last two sessions will be done at some time this week, but for now... A break-down of what happend in the last session.

The enemy:
1 'Posh' Necron death-squid fighter.
1 Demon Locust.
3 Ice Demons.
3 Shedim Demons.
1 Gallu demon-bull.

The Heros:
Beta-fighter Pilot.
Battle Magus.
Mutant Rogue Scholar (ExO PE, Power Channeling, Sonic Speed).

Situation: Summoning ritual in a mega nexus location to bring "somthing bad" into side-real universe. :? :shock: :frazz:

P/O'd Demon Locust (location unknown).
Blown up summoning ritual site.
Completely unharmed Posh Death-squid (retreated).
3 destroyed Ice Demons.
3 panic'd Shedim (running for high-hills)
1 "dead" Gallu demon (failed save Vs. Rune-Sword).

~while the goodguys had...
1 luck cursed Burster.
Heavy damage to hover-vehicles cockpit.
Moderate damage to Beta-fighters main body.
All food & water stores magically contaminated / spoiled.
Battle-magus with severe case of 'battle-blue-balls'.

Verdict: Typical Monday. :lol: :ok:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:10 pm
by Jay05
LMAO! It was a good fight, think we need to hunt down the squid, and shedim after repairs are made. Votes? Yea? Nay?

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:53 am
by Jay05
LOL, thanks for the concern, yeah James is a little pooped, fighting demons hth at sonic speed burns calories big time! Luckily, with the EX PE it takes him quite a while to wear out. I'm glad Moon's mech didn't get too messed up fighting the Posh. At least it seems repairable. Since no one's replied yet I'll just edit this. Just had a thought. As I think about everyone's capabilities, it seems to me we could've won that fight a little more decisively if combat via chat didn't take so damn long! lol

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:28 pm
by DhAkael
Also, as per usual, I tend to have my GMPC / NPC's NOT go all out.
Cuz that wouldn't be fair to both players OR enemies. ;)

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:28 pm
by Jay05
DhAkael wrote:Also, as per usual, I tend to have my GMPC / NPC's NOT go all out.
Cuz that wouldn't be fair to both players OR enemies. ;)
lol, well if that's true, the rest of us need upgrades! LOL :wink: :bandit: joking

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:17 am
by Jay05
that's two for rest N repairs. lol

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:29 pm
by DhAkael
Lost Seraph wrote:Do the warphunters get Psi-Claws? Repairing the Beta would be nice, since I'm down to 44 SRMs and I will need at least 20 of them to blow that Necron fighter's shield down. Also Dhak, how do you do multiple defense spells/force fields? Do they layer? So if you wore a force field belt and cast Armor of Ithan over your body armor, the enemy would have to pierce the belt, then the Armor, then your body armor?

Answering the questions here... :D
NuMen / Nei do not get the psi-power automaticaly, but they CAN purchase gauntlet / arm-bracer energy claws that act like the Noro psi-tech psi-blade. Rika at present has not purchased said gear and is using standard virbo-claws.

Yes, one can stack multiple energy fields, but it is not recommended in some circumstances. For pure tech, having a variable force field AND pin-point barrier system active at the same time would overload the power grid, regardless of the power source. However, if a TW modified vessel had, say impervious to energy up and then used a pin-point barrier or variable shield... the damage would go off the tech field first, and then be disappated by the impervious energy field OR strike armour once through the shields if it is a kinetic-kill weapon.

In the case of a Force Field Belt under an Armour of Ithan; I'd just group the two fields together and any blow through to one field would then bleed onto the other. I have kept the 'G.I. JOE' (tm) survival rule though when it comes to body armour being blown off. However, the character, if SDC/HP, will take a substantial ammount of damage in the process (burns, contusions, possible broken bones, etc).
In any case it is; TECH first then mystic then plating, in that order, for damage resolution.

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:54 pm
by Monkra
Rest and repair sounds good, maybe a little hunting and gathering, and a side of magicite salvaging, or any salvage for that matter...then defeather some shedim and nuke more of the dark forrest :D :fl: :thwak:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:58 pm
by taalismn
Monkra wrote:Rest and repair sounds good, maybe a little hunting and gathering, and a side of magicite salvaging, or any salvage for that matter...then defeather some shedim and nuke more of the dark forrest :D :fl: :thwak:

Ah, the joys of deforestation.... :twisted:

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:01 pm
by Jay05
Monkra wrote:Rest and repair sounds good, maybe a little hunting and gathering, and a side of magicite salvaging, or any salvage for that matter...then defeather some shedim and nuke more of the dark forrest :D :fl: :thwak:

All good ideas, and yeah, hunt/gather sounds good to replenish some of our lost rations. :D

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:36 pm
by taalismn
Jay05 wrote:
Monkra wrote:Rest and repair sounds good, maybe a little hunting and gathering, and a side of magicite salvaging, or any salvage for that matter...then defeather some shedim and nuke more of the dark forrest :D :fl: :thwak:

All good ideas, and yeah, hunt/gather sounds good to replenish some of our lost rations. :D

Jerked Shedim strips for rations?
Consult Rifter #32 for rules on denaturing supernatural, magic-soaked, foodstuffs... :D

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:55 pm
by Jay05
taalismn wrote:
Jay05 wrote:
Monkra wrote:Rest and repair sounds good, maybe a little hunting and gathering, and a side of magicite salvaging, or any salvage for that matter...then defeather some shedim and nuke more of the dark forrest :D :fl: :thwak:

All good ideas, and yeah, hunt/gather sounds good to replenish some of our lost rations. :D

Jerked Shedim strips for rations?
Consult Rifter #32 for rules on denaturing supernatural, magic-soaked, foodstuffs... :D
LMAO! I don't have that one,but perhaps one of the group does. During the fight we were joking about Gallu steaks, Shedim nuggets. But we couldn't do it due to the possible sickness from eating the meat! Great suggestion Taalismn!

Re: On wings of fire; Phoenix Force & Prelude to Minion War

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:05 pm
by DhAkael
*GENDO POSE* redux :demon: