On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Albert Newton

Albert Newton is a “super genesis” and he likes to remind people this fact constantly. On one hand he is snobbish, self-absorbed, liar who often comes off as a being of pure
emotionless intellect. However, he always seems to have the best intentions at heart. He is a very good leader, he is loyal to Metallica and Atom Lord, has a great respect for the
power and heroism possessed by his other teammates, and generally cares about Siberiad despite his shortcoming. He will go to great length to protect and save his teammates. He
will do almost anything to accomplish his objective, from swallowing his pride to breaking the rules in order. Despite his better qualities, Albert is a master schemer and never let
anyone know the full details of his plans. He looks at normal people as an elephant looks at insects, they are insignificant to him, mattering to him if only he needs them for an
ulterior purpose. Yes, he will make sure they don’t come to harm, he does the right thing at the right time.

Real Name: Albert Edison Newton
Occupation: Works for Eagle Knight Security.
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Natural Genius
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 46 S.D.C.: 40
P.P.E.: 28
Appearance: Albert Newton sort of resembles Albert Einstein except he is partial bald with shoulder length gray hair. He has light blue eyes. He is always dressed in casual
clothing and shoes regardless of the situation, unless of course the mission requires him to dress in something specific.
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 24, M.A. 19, P.S. 22, P.P. 18, P.E. 17, P.B. 15. Spd. 25,
Age: 38, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.55 m), Weight: 170 lbs (76.5 kg)
Vulnerability: Albert knows he is faster, smarter, and better than everyone else. He respects and tries to associate with others with a strong college education or share his
outlook on life. He will talk with “ordinary people” but his arrogance always put them on a lesser status them himself or other educated people. Because he is so brilliant and
dashing, he takes foolish challenges, takes dangerous risks, and often underestimates those of lesser mental status them himself. Albert has a firm code against directly taking of
human life, even the evilest being he will attempt to save their life instead of take it. Even if he has rigged the villain’s island with explosives, he will attempt to warn his
henchmen and allow them time to get off the island. He will save whom he can if able too.
Mental Disciplines: Analytical Mind (six non-combat actions per melee round), Clinical Outlook, Odds Assessment, Mind over Matter; Combat Trance, Iron Will Power,
Enhanced Memory, Speed Reader, and Sexual Charisma.
Combat Training: Akido
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +4 from hand to hand)
Combat Bonuses: +7 to Perception Rolls, +5 to initiative, +5 to strike, +8 to parry, +8 to dodge, +2 to auto dodge, +9 to damage, +6 to roll with punch/fall, +6 to pull
punch, +4 to disarm, and +3 to break fall (using this instead of roll with punch/fall (must roll a 14 or better) or he takes no damage from a fall, and only half damage if the roll for
break fall fails! It can also be used against a knock out attack (roll a 15 or better). A successful roll against knock out means the character takes normal damage, but is not stunned
or unconscious. Note: The break fall uses up one melee attack each used. Combat Trance (22 times per 24 hours, 20 melees, +2 to attacks, +1 to initiative, +6 to strike/parry, +3
to dodge, +3 disarm, +3 to entangle, +3 to pull punch, during combat trance all his skill performance is reduce by one-half, reduce saving throw bonus by one half, no other Mental
Discipline can be done with this trance).
Saving Throws: +20% to save vs coma/death, +5 to save vs psionics, +11 to save vs insanity, +10 to save vs Horror Factor, +9 to save vs mind control, +5 to save vs
possession, +5 to save vs drugs, +5 to save vs poison, +8 to save vs illusion, +4 to save vs knockout/stun, and +1 to save vs magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Karate Kick 2D6+2, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Jump Kick 6D6+2 (uses up all attacks/actions), +2 to Body Flip 1D6 plus P.S.
damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack or action) a critical body flip throw on an unmodified roll of 19-20), +1 to Body Block/Tackle 1D4 + P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge
or knockdown), Paired Weapons, and All Holds (+4 to strike).
Blindness: On a strike roll of 14 or better, a precision two finger strike just below the victim’s eyes causes blindness for 1D6 hours! A missed roll or parry does no
damage. A successful roll with punch/impact reduces the blindness to 3D6 melee rounds! A blind victim is -10 to strike, parry, and dodge and must travel at half speed. This is a
nerve attack (duration is one half used against invulnerable beings or solid APS forms).
Knife Hand Knockout: Once he performs a successful Hold, he can perform a knife hand (with a successful strike) and his opponent must save at 15 or better or be
knocked out for 2D4 melee rounds. The knife hand does not damage (even if make the save). If unsuccessful victim is still remain in the hold and lose two melee attacks and all
combat bonuses are reduced by half.
Duatsu: With a simple touch, he can snap a victim out of Knockout, Stun, or Paralyze or other forms of temporary shock.
Other Bonuses: +7% to all skills and 55% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Special
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 107%%/105%, Mathematics: Basic 109% Pilot Automobile 97%%, Play Go 92%, and Bonsai 112%.
Mechanical (General) Program: Mechanical Engineer 117%, Basic Electronics 117%, and Locksmith 117%.
Investigation Program: History 142%/122%, Research 132%, Tailing 92%, and Writing 112%.
Science Program: Mathematics: Advance 121%, Astrophysics 122%, Astronomy & Navigation 127%, and Anthropology 127%.
Language Program: Read-Write/Speak Japanese, German, Spanish, and Russian 132%/122%.
Technical Program: Business & Finance 127%, Law (General) 127%, Computer Programming 117%, and Jury-Rig 122%.
Law Enforcement: W.P. Handgun (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), Radio: Basic 107%, Crime Scene Investigation 127%, Forensics 132%, Toxicology 127%, and Streetwise 67%.
2nd Investigation Program: Cryptography 117%, Intelligence 114% (139% when dealing with women), Detect Concealment 87%, and Photography 122%.
Medical Doctor Program: Biology 127%, Chemistry 137%, Pathology 127%, and Medical Doctor 132%/117%.
Hunter/Outdoormanship Skill Program: Camouflage 77%, Fishing 97%, Land Navigation 88%, Prowl 82%, Tracking (people) 87%, Wilderness Survival 87%, W.P. Rifle
(+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and Track and Trap Animal 82%/87%.
Entertainer Program: Disguise 114%, Impersonation 119%/104%, Performance 89%, Public Speaking 87%, Seduction 84%, TV/Video 92%, and Wardrobe & Grooming
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand; Akido, Athletics (General), Aerobics Athletics (Sense of Balance 92%), Climbing 97%/87%, Swimming 107%, Running, Imitate Voice &
Sounds 89%/83%, W.P. Trickshooting, W.P. Knife (+3 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to throw), W.P. Sword (+4 to strike/parry), Play Piano 87%, Play Violin 87%, Pilot: Airplane 85%,
Pilot: Avtran 91%, Pilot: Truck 91%, Cook 77%, Recognize Weapon Quality 47%, and Boat: Sail Type 82%.
Money: Because he found half a dozen long lost buried treasures, he has amassed a personal fortune of 10 million in various banks accounts, 30 million in stocks and
property, and has 1D4x100,000 dollars in cash stacked away in his apartment (throw away money).
Weapons: 2 Sleep Guns, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 4D6+2, Rate of Fire: Single shot or Semi-Auto, Feed: 15 round box mag. Each comes with a special silencer to
reduce noise. Each clip is loaded with Chemical Rounds filled a powerful tranquilizer (save vs non-lethal poison/16) that the moment the round impacts, the chemical instantly gets
absorbed into human skin, it causes its victims to instantly lapse into a comatose like state for 1D4 hours, even if the save is made, the victims is woozy in 1D4 melees making him
-3 to strike, parry, and dodge and -15% to skill rolls for 4D4 minutes. These penalties are accumulative with additional Chem Rounds (there is a -1 penalty to the saving throw for
every additional 3 round of impact).

1 Snap Gun, this pistol-size weapon fires darts that deliver an incapacitating electric shock. Range: 85 feet (26 m), Damage: 1 point of damage from the dart plus the victim
must make a save vs non-lethal poison (16) or suffer –8 to strike, parry, and dodge. Reduce Spd and number of attacks per melee by one-half. The victim has no initiative. The
effects last for 2D4 melees, Rate of Fire: Single shot, Feed: 8 shot clip. Note: The dart affects those impervious to poison, unless they’re impervious to electricity. Victims cannot use
additional bonuses to save vs poison (only P.E. attribute bonuses are applicable).

Remington Model 700 Bolt Action Rifle (.300 Winchester Magnum), Range: 3260 feet (993 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single Shot, Feed: 5 round clip internal magazine.
He knows how to fire the weapon, but he rarely will use it against civilians, unless he needs to take down a dangerous super villain.

SIG P232: Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 3D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or short burst, Feed: 7 round mag. He knows how to use the weapon, but he rarely uses it against

Armor: Half Suit Vest: A.R.: 10, S.D.C. 50. He wears this when he knows he’s going into danger and there’s a slight chance he will get shot or get into combat.
Equipment & Vehicles: Albert has at his disposal numerous gadgets and gizmos available to almost any secret agent or spy (Heroes Unlimited or Ninjas and Super Spies),
including GIGMA and US SCRET. He doesn’t have access to their weaponry, military vehicles, or classified technology/secret.
Jet Pack/Flying Harness (V/STOL): Speed: 150 mph (240 km), Altitude: 2000 feet (610 m), Range: 200 miles (320 km), Gasoline powered (4 gallon tank). Weighs: 34 lbs
(15.3 kg).
Avtran Hovervan, Crew: One driver/pilot, up to 4-6 passengers or 4 passenger and 1000 lbs (450 kg) in cargo.
S.D.C. by Location:
Main Body—220 S.D.C.
Jets (4)—120 S.D.C. each
Tail—120 S.D.C.
Speed: 300 mph (480 km), Range: 350 miles (560 km), Length: 18 foot (5.4 m), Weight: 4000 lbs (1800 kg).

Albert Newton possesses the technology in his lab at home to Clone Physiology from animals, plants, human (oids), even aliens. The clone possesses all of the traits of the being ]
cloned from, ranging from the genetic donor’s memories, skills, knowledge, and powers. However, they only retain short- and long-term memories prior to their last REM sleep. This
means if a person went to bed at 10:00 pm, and he was cloned the following day at 3:00 p.m., any memories the subject acquired from the time he woke up to the moment he was
cloned, the replica does not know. Everything cloned can only live equal to the number of years the original did prior to being cloned. So cloning a 12-year-old means the replica can
only live for 12 years. In the beginning your tech only allowed clones to live equal to P.E. attribute in days.
Every time a human (oid) is cloned, take the subjects I.Q., M.E., and M.A. attribute score add them together then divide the number by two. If the subject rolls below this
number they retain their original alignment and personality. If the subject rolls higher, then roll on the random personality chart on page 36 of Heroes Unlimited 2nd edition. If the
person becomes diabolic, that clone cannot be played by anyone and automatically becomes a NPCs used by the Game Master.
If you take any genetic material that is more than 1 hour old or from a deceased subject, you can make a clone of that person but they automatically roll for a random
alignment and personality. The reason the mind of a person will always react differently (perform) during any situation, different emotions, personality quirks, might cause an
alternative reaction/outcome. The clone will develop an opposite or entirely new outlook on life even though it remembers the same scenario (the Pixar movie Inside Out good
reference). Albert knows this very well because his own clone panicked when he realized he only had a few weeks to live and dedicate his existence to extending his life. That
clone is now the super villain and arms dealer known as Lord Bedlam. Because of what happened, Albert built in safety protocols into the machine that will ensure he cannot
be cloned by anyone other than himself Lord Bedlam).
Albert has used his tech to clone his friend Agent Shroud (Marcus Hynton) 13 times in the last 5 years.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Crisis has spent most of his life trapped in a containment suit with only his head exposed. This is why he has an endless curiosity about life. However because he doesn’t get to touch
people (with his hands), he seeks out any opportunity to give out kisses. His mouth is constantly getting him into trouble because of his brash attitude. He dated War Flyte briefly
but their relationship ended when she caught him cheating on her with Spectra (she alone could control his powers to allow him to touch and…do more). Despite his traumatic
childhood and harsh upbringing, he dedicates his life to protecting innocent and stopping crime. Whenever he sees a young mutant, experiment, or anyone with physical deformity
he will immediately try to console them and make them feel better about life. He has too so he doesn’t start to get upset when he considers his own future.

Real Name: Thad Zackary Workman
Occupation: Agent of Eagle Knight
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 32 S.D.C.: 62
P.P.E.: 15
Appearance: He is a slim, unattractive, natural athlete who engages in moderate exercise. He has shoulder length blond hair and bright blues eyes. His face and body are
marked by scars and burns. His skin tight containment suit is blue with white ovals on it.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 17, M.A. 13, P.S. 16, P.P. 15, P.E. 12, P.B. 6, Spd. 14/338 mph (544 km).
Age: 32, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 182 lbs (81.9 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Hyper Powered and Power Lock, He cannot minimize or moderate his super abilities. They always released at maximum power doing full damage, full
duration, and 30% greater ranger. All other stats and functions of the ability are unchanged. His Electric Field is always on, the power cannot be turned off, making it impossible for
him to assume a normal life without his suit.
Vulnerability: Crisis is unable to regulate his electric field. This is why he must always stay in his environmental containment to keep his powers in check. He must always
wear the suit (there is a special zipper in the suit to allow him to use the restroom) or continue to destroy everything around him.
WARNING: If Crisis touches anything iron or steel without the suit on, or if he is wearing the suit and his body is pierced with an iron or steel object that touches the ground
simultaneously. This cause his body to explode, discharging electrical energy that does 1D6x100 points of damage to everything and everybody within a 60 diameter (18.3 m)
around his body.
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Electricity, Energy Expulsion: Electric Field, Conduct Electricity, Energy Resistance, and Flight: Energy.
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +1 in flight
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike/+3 in flight, +4 to parry/+5 flight, +4 to dodge/+6 to dodge while in flight under 80 mph (128 km)/+8 to dodge in flight over
90 mph (144 km), +1 to damage/+4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed, +5 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and disarm.
Saving Throws: Impervious to electricity and lightning, impervious to the first 20 points of energy damage per melee, rest is ¼ normal damage (accept sound, dark, and force
attacks do half damage), and +2 to save vs psionics and insanity.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Crescent Kick 2D4+2, Wheel
Kick 2D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick 6D6, Flying Jump Kick 4D6, and All Holds.
Educational Background: Four Years of College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Pilot: Automobile 75%, Sense Electricity 80%, and Basic Electronics 75%.
Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer 80%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Computer Operation 95%, and Electricity Generation 95%
Science Program: Mathematics: Advance 94%, Chemistry 95%, Astrophysics 80%, Biology 85%, and Astronomy & Navigation 75%.
Mechanical Program: Mechanical Engineer 75% and Locksmith 85%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Cook 60%, Athletics (General), Body Building & Weightlifting, Basic Radio 75%, Automotive Mechanics 75%, Swimming
75%, Play Hockey 55%, Art (Sculpture) 50%, and W.P. Energy Expulsion.
Money: He has $6500 in his checking account and $7000 in his saving account.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities. Note: Anything wearing metal (iron, silver, copper, etc) takes 10 extra point of electrical/lightning damage, 20 points in the electric
Joy Buzzer, While wearing the suit, Crisis can touch people and give them a joy buzzer shock (1 S.D.C. point of damage, cannot do Hit Point damage). The shocked
person lose initiative and there is a 01-50% chance the person will drop anything he/she is holding, or release an opponent that is being physically restrained, entangled, pinned, or
otherwise held.
Energy Expulsion: Electricity, Range: 520 feet (158 m), Damage: 48 points, Bonuses: +4 to aim/+2 to wild.
Energy Expulsion: Electric Field, Area Effect: 26 feet (7.9 m) around his body, Damage: 24 points every 5 seconds in the field, Duration: One full melee (Unlimited
without the suit), Attacks per Melee: Erecting the field counts as one attack/action (Unlimited without the suit).
Electric Channel, Range: 227 feet (69 m), Damage: 66 points Bonus: +6 to aim/+2 wild. Need to touch or hold an electrical source.
Electric Punch, +3D6 to his punches. Counts as two attacks.
Summon Lightning, Range: 910 feet (277 m), Damage: 108 points, Attacks per Melee: Two bolts, each counts as two attacks/actions, Bonuses: None. Note: Can only
perform during specific weather conditions.
The Electric Nova, He summons a bolt of lightning while triggering electric field, causing him to release a massive electric blast, 10 feet (3 m) tall with a 300 foot (91.5
m) blast radius, Damage: Everything within the blast radius takes 70 points of electrical damage initially then takes electric field damage for the next 5 melee rounds (cannot be
turned off). Those caught in the blast must make a save vs non-lethal poison (16 or better, without the benefit of a poison bonus, use P.E. attribute bonus only) or they are stunned
for the next 2D6 melee rounds (-8 to strike, parry, and dodge, reduce speed by half, and attacks per melee round by two). Those who are successful only lose initiative and one
attack/action for that one melee round, but they have to get out of the electric field or they must make the save again the next melee round. Note: When the nova goes off,
everything within a 910 foot (277 m) blast radius is hit by an Energy Expulsion: Electromagnetic Pulse.
WARNING: If Crisis does the Electric Nova without the suit on, it will do the same damage as APS: Fire-Super Nova! Roll on the survival table. The EMP blast radius is one mile
(1.6 km).
Crisis Environmental Containment Suit, The suit can withstand and help control his awesome energies. The suit is able to respond and regulate precisely measured amounts of
excess electrical to escape and burn off harmlessly. The ten white ovals on the costume are the control circuit pads that constantly analyze, regulate, distribute, and release the
mutant thermal energy. They change to a yellow color when energy levels are extremely high. As a safety feature, only five of the control pads are needed to maintain the suit. If six
or more are damaged, Crisis will release his electric nova (see above). The suit is impervious to electricity and takes half damage from ion weapons. His own electrical energy can
regenerates lost S.D.C. at a rate of 10 per hour. The suit is considered body armor (not power armor or an exoskeleton), but it does appear seemingly indestructible. A.R. 14 and
400 S.D.C.
Note: Only Albert, Cage, and Spectra and a handful of tech at EKS know the truth about Crisis condition. This means that there is NO reason for any antagonist to attempt to
destroy or disable her suit. As far as the world(s) is concerned, she’s just another costumed super being. Crisis has four spare suits locked away in security vault in EKS. Anyone
attempting to build/replicate the suit would suffer a -115% penalty and repairs/maintenance would be done with a -90% penalty.
Equipment & Vehicles: Crisis has access to some of the advance technology and equipment of Eagle Knight.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Jake joined US SCRET because he wanted to make a difference in the world, to stop the bad guys. His family was worried about him but he convinced them he would be safe. He
signed a special waver that allowed SCRET to take “extra’ means to preserve him should anything happen to him on the job. His body was broken and crippled along with a dozen
other agents trying to take on mega-villain Ti-Ton. When he awoke, his brain had been transplanted into a cybernetic body yet they preserved him an artificial face. When asked if he
wanted to contact his family and tell them he was alive, he said no. Jake worked for SCRET a little while longer then decided he needed to get away because he could stand the looks
so many of his fellow soldiers were giving him. Jake joined up with Eagle Knight Security and is overjoyed he doesn’t get the stares or fake smiles anymore. He found himself
working along Albert Newton and his group of Obsidian, Crisis, Spectra, Siberaid, Atom Lord, and Metallica. Every so often he watches his children and his ex-wife from afar, too
afraid to reveal that he is very much alive but not entirely human. He sympathizes with Crisis but doesn’t excuse him of his mouth and attitude. He’s amazed that Metallica handles
being the way that she is. Whatever he needs to do to take down the bad guy, he will go for it. If he needs to bring out the big gun, then so be it.

Real Name: Jake Walton
Occupation: Former U.S. Army Special Forces
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Brain Transplant Cyborg
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 58 S.D.C.: 400 for main body. Each limb has 68 S.D.C. individually.
P.P.E.: 7
Appearance: Jake’s face/head looks completely normal. This is all synthetic plastic skin and fake hair. Every his eyeballs are not real. Beneath the fake skin and hair is
stainless steel skull with realistic human eyes. The only part of his body that real beside his brain in the bionic skull is his tongue. He is always dressed in his U.S. Army uniform
formal or battle dress.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 12, M.A. 8, P.S. 24 (extraordinary), P.P. 18, P.E. 26, P.B. 7, Spd. 120 (80 mph/128.7 km).
Age: 31, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot, 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 570 lbs (256 kg)
Bionic hands and arms (2) with a P.S. 24 and P.P. 18. S.D.C. 68 per limb
Bionic feet and legs with a PS. 30 and Spd of 172 (120 mph/193 km). S.D.C. 68 per limb.
Bionic skull, heart, kidneys, mouth/throat, and nearly all his internal organs. His tongue is real.
Bionic Chest with Gas Filtration for Bionic Lungs and Mouth.
Built-in Smart Phone and Microphone Speaker Unit.
On-Body Computer with Tempest Monitor and Remote Modem Option.
Arm and Leg Antenna Web with Radio & Scrambler Implant
Finger-Tip Electrical Probes
Realistic Bionic Eyes with Night Sight, Telescopic Vision, and Micro-Video Camera Eye.
Bionic Ears with Amplified Hearing and Receive Cellular/Satellite, Radio, and T.V. Transmissions.
“Full” Body Exoskeleton (all five)
Full Bionic Body Armor: A.R. 18 and 900 S.D.C.
Combat Training: Commando
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand Combat).
Combat Bonuses: +10 to initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +7 to dodge/+5 to auto dodge, +11 to damage +8 to roll with punch/fall, +5 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, and +3 to Perception Rolls.
Saving Throws: Impervious to simple diseases and biological attacks, +22% to save vs coma/death, +6 to save vs gases, +5 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs psionics, and
+5 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Karate Kick 2D6, Crescent Kick 2D4+2, Snap Kick 1D6, Roundhouse 3D6, Axe Kick 2D8, Wheel Kick 2D6, Tripping/Leghook (knockdown),
Backward Sweep cannot be paired, dodge or knockdown), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, +1 Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action),
Body Block/Tackle 1D4 + P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 1D4, All Holds, Paired Weapons, Backflip (98%), Critical strike on an unmodified
roll of 18-20, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20 for 1D6 melee rounds.
Education Level: Military Specialist
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 94%/95%, Mathematics: Basic 93%, and Pilot: Automobile 81%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 98%/95%, Forced March, Military Etiquette 90%, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Rifle (+4 to aim, +2 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+3 to
Military Demolitions Program: Basic Electronics 85%, Basic Mechanics 95%, Demolitions 98%, Demolitions Disposal 98%, and Demolitions: Underwater 98%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Commando, Detect Ambush 80%, Intelligence 75%, Wilderness Survival 85%, Interrogation 80%, and Detect Concealment 75%.
W.P. Modern: W.P. Submachine Gun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), W.P. Shotgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Heavy Military Weapons (+3 to aim/+1 to burst).
Law Enforcement: W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Crime Scene Investigation 80%, Law (general) 80%, and Tailing 75%.
Secondary Skills: Prowl 60%, Public Speaking 85%, Language: Arabic 71%, Literacy: Arabic 75%, Automotive Mechanics 81%, Recognize Weapon Quality 45%, Pilot: Truck
72%, Pilot Tracked Vehicles 64%, and Basic Mechanics 50%.
Money: Cage has roughly 2 million in the bank. Most of his money he sends to his wife and two kids. Eagle Knight pays him $2500 a week when he is not on assignment,
during an assignment he makes an additional $50,000 with all his expenses paid.
Weapons: Back at his home he has an entire arsenal of gear and weapons. Eagle Knight provides him all the ammunition he could ever need. If he wants it, EKS will give him
once a year $50,000 to purchase a new weapon or gear. He has 1D4 rounds of ammo for each weapon although not always on him.
Desert Eagle with A.R. Rounds, 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 7D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or short burst, Payload: 7 round mag. The A.R. rounds allow him to reduce the A.R.
of body armor or NAR by two under most circumstances. Gun is kept in a secret compartment in his right leg.
SA80A2 (5.56 x 45mm NATO cartridge) with 40mm grenade launcher, Range: 1312 feet (400m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot, 3 round short burst, and Semi-
Automatic, Payload: 30 round detachable mag. The grenade launcher has a range of 1150 feet (350 m), Damage: 2D4x10, Blast Radius: 20 feet (6.1 m), Rate of Fire: Single shot,
Payload: Manual loaded. He can also use other variety of grenades (CS, illumination, concussion, etc.
H&K MP-5 with A.P. Ammo, Range: 650 feet, Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or Semi-Automatic, Payload: 30 round mag, Bonuses: -2 to A.R. or +2 to aim.
M82 A1A .50 cal Anti-Material Rifle (Barrett Rifle), Range: 5940 feet (1810 m), Damage: 1D4x10, Rate of Fire: Single shot or Semi-Automatic, Feed: 10 round detachable box
CN2 Laser Rifle, Range: 1800 feet (548.6 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or Semi-Automatic, E-Clip Capacity: 20 blasts.
Law 80 Rocket, Range: 1640 feet (500 m), Damage: 1D6x100, Blast Radius: 50 feet (15 m), Rate of Fire: Single shot, Feed: Manual Load.
Two Tear Gas Grenades, Two Knockout Grenades, and Four Explosive Grenades.
Armor: Full Bionic Body Armor: A.R. 18, 900 S.D.C.
Vehicles and Equipment: He is giving limited access to the Arsenal and Electrical Supplies available at EKS. He wears web belt and battle harness to maintain most of his weapons.
Combat Car
: A combat automobile with off-road suspension, maximum speed 180 mph (288 km). Gasoline powered (40 ga1/151 liter tank) and can run for up to 60 hours on just one tank of fuel thanks to a super efficient engine. Ram-Prow. A.R. 12, S.D.C. 600.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Spectra is the “last” original member of her race, the Fellairs from the planet Fellas. Her planet was doomed to die when her planet’s sun went super nova. She was genetically
enhanced and modified to enable her to reproduce with other human or humanoid males and give birth to offspring that would evolve regardless of the father alien type into Fellair.
She was then sent out into space to find suitable suitors so she could “clone” her race. She landed on Earth. Before she could initiate her task, she was capture by Project Secure.
After spending two years in their Alien Acclimation Program she was allowed to live on Earth if she joined an agency to benefit humankind. She chose Eagle Knight. Spectra is a
gentle, merciful and compassionate person. She seeks to save life not end it. Evil must be defeated but not killed for the sake of killing. Law and order and necessary. She has not
abandoned her original mission. She just needs the right candidates. She feels terrible about breaking up War Flyte and Crisis. Next time she won’t pick anyone already in a
relationship. She has yet to tell anyone that as far as she knows she is the last original Fellairs, but her people sent out 1D6x1000 pods with female clones just like her all over the
Liloqua sector of the galaxy. Though most were launched in FAR Space the fact she arrived in Ilta sector just shows how anything is possible.

Real Name: Unpronouncable
Earth Name: Marixah
Occupation: Alien Experiment, Last of the Fellairs, now Eagle Knight Security.
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Alien (Fellairs) with Eugenic Modifications
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 35 S.D.C.: 168/198 in space
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: She is a beautiful young woman, highly athletic, a slender physique, and is well endowed. She has rainbow colored hair, white eyes, and caramel colored skin.
She wears a blue (revealing) bodysuit, white gloves and boots, and a purple cape.
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 14, M.A. 13, P.S. 20, P.P. 15, P.E. 15, P.B. 20, Spd. 14/220 mph (354.2 km) in flight/440 mph (708.4 km) in space.
Age: 19, Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot and 2 inch (1.87 m), Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg)
Originating Alien Environment: Normal Earth Environment.
Natural Abilities: Breath without air, speak in a vacuum, survive 9 days without food or water without ill effect, then endure 28 days while suffering from hunger and
dehydration. Note: All of her powers are Natural Abilities so they cannot be negated.
Eugenic Features: Physiological Modification (impervious to radiation), Supervision: Ultraviolet Sight, See Aura (same as psionic power but cost no I.S.P.), S.D.C.
Augmentation, Reproduction Capabilities, Longevity, and Super Abilities.
Reproduction Capabilities: Spectra has been genetically modified to be able to have a child with any other male human-like or humanoid being in the Milky Way galaxy.
She is always looking for a compatible mate. Afterward she will be pregnant for 28-35 days before giving birth. Her children will be female/male clones of her, reaching full maturity
within 2D4 months.
Major Super Abilities: Copy Energy Pattern and Energy Conversion (Power Combo). Because she has both powers, she can convert/transform magic, psionics, and shadow
powers. She cannot affect kinetic energy, electromagnetism, sound, or cold.
Minor Super Abilities: Space Native and Flight: Energy
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 4/5 (2 initial +2 from Hand to Hand) +1 in space or in flight
Combat Bonuses: +1 to Perception Rolls, +1 on initiative/+3 in space, +1 to strike in flight/space, +2 to parry/+3 in space or flight, +2 to dodge/+5 to dodge in space or
flying at speeds under 80 mph (128 km)/+7 to dodge when flying at speeds 80 mph (128 km) or more, +5 to damage/+4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed, +2
to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch/+3 in space, +1 to disarm in space.
Saving Throws: She takes only 1D4 points of damage for any initial energy attack then becomes immune to that particular energy attack, impervious to radiation, cold (half
from magic), depressurization, and small bits of flying debris, and gravity attacks inflict half damage, duration, and effect. +5% to save vs coma/death and +3 to save vs disease.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20.
Other Bonuses: +3% to all skills and 50% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: Equal to One Year in College with two years living on Earth. Some familiarity with Earth.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Fellairs 92%/94%, Pilot: Automobile 72%, FAR Pilian Tongue 73%, and Read/Write/Speak English, Spanish, and Chinese at 90%.
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 94%, Business & Finance 63%, Computer Operation 94%, Law (General) 63%, and Research 68%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Boxing, Prowl 53%, and Running.
Secondary Skills: Computer Programming 62%, History (Fellairs) 72%/52%, Language and Literacy: Fellairs 62%/58%, Cook 53%, Sing 50%, Sewing 58%, History (Earth)
72%/52%, Dance 48%, and Seduction 30%.
Money: Spectra makes $2200 a week from Eagle Knight and when she does special missions she can make an additional 1D6x$10,000.
Weapons: She relies on her super abilities. She has limited access to Project Secure and EKS technology.
Equipment & Vehicles: She has limited access to the equipment used by Eagle Knight.
Power Gloves, Her gloves produce a beam of pure white light (equal to a 330 Lumens). This might not seem all that impressive except to function as a flashlight, but thanks
to her energy conversion powers, she can transform this harmless white light into any kind of energy she wishes (save for those she cannot transform).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Siberiad is a Russian Super Soldier, an experiment combining animal genetic material into the same process used to create the Red Iron Guard (RIG). The process worked but the
project was abandoned because the RIG themselves saw it as a perversion of their purity. Siberiad was sent mission that were supposed to fail or the Intel gained was immaterial.
Eventually he realized he was simply being used and thought as a disposable asset. So he sabotaged a Russian sub that he was on, making sure he was the only one capable of
escaping. When he arrived in the US, he asked for asylum. He was taken to The Sector where he provided as much detail as he knew. Instead asking him to join them, they called
Eagle Knight to inform them they had an enemy operative turned traitor who wanted to work for the US. Siberiad was sent to Century Station to get his training. He received his
training alongside Velocity Girl, Princess Xi and Amber Gauntlet with their instructor being War Mace. After one year, Siberiad was reassigned much to his chagrin to Albert Newton’s
new team with Atom Lord, Metallica, Obsidian, and Crisis. A year later, despite the friendship he developed, he still misses the beautiful Princess Xi. Crisis is a smart ass that needs
his teeth kicked, Spectra wants him but he’s not interested in aliens. He gets along greater with Albert, Atom Lord, and Metallica, but he and Hugeo can’t stand one another. A fight
breaks out almost once a week. They do everything they can to avoid each other. He alone is the more than enough reason to want to be reassigned back to Century Station so he
and the girls can be together again. Siberiad is at home in the wilderness, able to move swiftly, silently, and skillfully. He’s not as much of a loner as he once was, though he’s still
not great in social settings. He trusts his intuition and sees things others miss. He enjoys solving problems in simple, direct ways, without tortuous planning. Siberiad is not highly
educated, nor very sophisticated – he’s a doer, not a thinker.

Real Name: Alyokhin Yegor (Jora) Timurovich
Occupation: Freelance Mercenary, Eagle Knight Security
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Super Soldier
Experience Level: 4th level
Hit Points: 37 S.D.C.: 229
P.P.E.: 17
Appearance: He is a tall, exceptionally built Russian athlete with cat-looking eyes, baldheaded, pointed ears, and dark tan skin..
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E.14, M.A. 20, P.S. 24, P.P. 20, P.E. 20, P.B. 19, Spd. 32
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight: 180 lbs (90 kg).
Super Soldier Enhancements: Skeletal Plating, Internal Robotic Medical System (Heal 1D4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute), Cyber Armor (A.R. 16 and 200 S.D.C.), and Pain
Suppressors: Bio-feedback training, cybernetic implants, and neurosurgery suppress pain, slow blood loss and prevent shock, allowing the character to shrug off damage that would
incapacitate normal humans. He can remain conscious and active at up to -15 Hit Points, but speed and number of attacks are one-half and all combat/skill bonuses are lost (only
natural, unmodified dice rolls). Unfortunately, this has had a negative effect on his reflexes, dulling them slightly.
Major Super Ability: Animal Abilities: Cat (Big Feline)
Minor Super Abilities: Enhanced Leaping and Heighten Sense of Balance
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +5 to strike, +8 to parry, +8 to dodge, +9 to damage, +9 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, disarm, and +5 to maintain balance.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6+2, Power Punch 4D6+4 (counts as two attacks), Backhand 2D6, Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Karate Kick 3D6+2, Roundhouse Kick 5D6,
Crescent Kick 3D8, Wheel Kick 4D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), all Holds, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20.
Saving Throws: +20% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs poison & magic, +2 to save vs knockout/stun, +3 to save vs insanity, +3 to save against psionics or spells that
affect emotions, and +5 to save vs pain.
Other Bonuses: 50% to trust/intimidate and 45% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Three Years of College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Russian 90%93%, Pilot: Automobile 75%, Climbing 90%/80%, Prowl 72%, and Sense of Balance 65%.
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 75%, Computer Operation 90%, Law (General) 75%, and Research 80%.
Technical Program: History 98%/80%, Philosophy 80%, and Language and Literacy: English 80%/90%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts and Boxing.
Secondary: Body Building & Weightlifting, Running, Sewing 65%, Cook 60%, Art (Charcoal Drawing) 60%, Art (Sculpture) 60%, W.P. Handgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst),
W.P. Blunt (+2 to strike/parry), Pilot: Boat: Sail Type 70%, and Land Navigation 44%.
Money: He has a secret stash of about $7600 hidden away in his room.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Power Gloves: Lightweight, mechanized gloves that give the hands a strength of 30, and ideal for holding, crushing, tearing, and puncturing. The fingers have retractable blades (4D4 + P.S. bonus).
Equipment & Vehicles: He tend relies on his super abilities.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Obsidian is an intelligent man who turns into a crystal monster. Once he worked on rocket ships for NASA, hoping one day to work on the new multi-national space station being
largely financed by the United States and Canada. During a mission, a crystal meteor struck the space craft and passed through his body. He survived but the exposure cause him to
grow crystallized ache all over his body. Later he developed the ability to turn into the same crystal substance believed to have been the meteor. He’s spent most of his life searching
the globe for that meteor believing it more than likely survived reentry. Meanwhile what to do when you look like a crystal monster; you find a job that doesn’t care if you turn into
a monster. The people working for Eagle Knight not only embrace him, but they also delighted in what his mind had to say. He’s respected for his intellect as much as his strength
and size. He loves to bounce ideas off Albert Newton. He’s fascinated by Spectra. He’s knows Atom Lord is refusing to share pieces of information about his past. He wants to help
Crisis and Siberiad overcome their personal issues. As for the other members, he doesn’t believe they have the serenity or dedication to do the job. Obsidian is trying to remain a
nice guy, friendly, hospitable, and someone who does the right thing. It’s hard to be a descent person however when you look like a crystal monster.

Real Name: Stephen Clifford Potts
Occupation: Former NASA Astronaut (Mission Specialist) and Mercenary for Hire.
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 72/500 in crystal form. Armor Rating: A.R: 10/15 in crystal form.
P.P.E.: 15
Appearance: He has deep-set eyes the color of fine blue. His fine, straight, medium-length hair is blue in color and worn in a practical style. He is very tall and has an over-
muscular build. His skin is pale with blue crystals (similar to severe case of nodular acne). He has a high forehead. He wears very lose clothing so it tears away in his naked crystal
Attributes: I.Q. 26, M.E. 20, M.A. 10, P.S. 21/34 (extraordinary) in stone form, P.P. 11, P.E. 2, P.B. 5. Spd 22/11 in crystal form.
Age: 32, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 8 inch (1.82 m), Weight: 282 lbs (81.9 kg)
Unnatural Characteristics: Armored Skin (it looks like it has blue crystals growing out it).
Major Super Ability: Alter Physical Structure: Crystal.
Minor Super Abilities: Supervision: Thermal Vision and Impervious to Fire/heat.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 to damage/+19 in stone form, +2 to roll with punch/fall/+4 in stone form, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Impervious to fire, heat, and plasma. In crystal form, cold and energy attacks do normal damage when the roll to strike is 17 or higher, and half damage if 16
or below. Impervious to light/laser attacks. Armor piercing bullets, explosive rounds, grenades and light explosives inflict full damage when their roll to strike is 16 or higher, and half
damage if the attacks fall 15 and under. +12% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs magic/poison, and +3 to save vs psionics & insanity.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, all Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-
Others Bonuses: +12% to skills
Educational Background: Master’s Degree with NASA Training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Pilot: Automobile 90%, and Gemology 96%.
Electrical Prog[u]ram: Electrical Engineer 98%, Basic Mechanics 98%, Computer Operation 98%, and Electricity Generation 98%.
[/u]Science Program: Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry 98%, Astrophysics 98%, Nuclear Physics 87%, and Astronomy & Navigation 97%.
Mechanical, Vehicle: Automotive Mechanics 98%, Aircraft Mechanics 98%, Basic Electronics 97%, and Spacecraft Mechanics (Earth) 97%.
Astronaut Program: Command Structure Etiquette 92%, Depressurization Training, Navigation; Space 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Radio; Satellite 98%, and Sensory
Equipment 97%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Fishing 82%, T.V./Video 77%, Pilot: Airplane 86%, Pilot: Avtran 88%, General Repair/Maintenance 87%, Jury Rig 77%, History
98%/87%, Research 82%, Law (general) 82%, Recycling 77%, Physical Labor, Salvage 82%, and Excavation 47%.
Money: As a NASA astronaut, he made around $78,000 a year. Eagle Knight pays him $2000 a week when he is not on assignment, during an assignment he gets to make
$2D4x10,000 bonus money with all his expenses paid.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has limited access to some of the advance technology and equipment of EKS. Though he knows how to use most of their technology with ease, he
relies almost exclusively on his super abilities.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Atom Lord

He comes from the planet Cosonia in the Triangulum Galaxy (a spiral galaxy 2.73 million light-years from Earth). His planet is similar to Mercury. He came to the Milky Way galaxy to
explore its various life forms. He’s been to countless worlds in the Ilta Quadrant. When he arrived on Earth, he couldn’t help but get emotionally involved having identified that
Earthlings are genetically compatible with his people. He can if he so chooses start to spread a bio-metallic virus which converts living matter to an organic steel-like substance. This
is how his native race repopulates itself. The virus can only affect human-like individuals, allowing them to remain conscious and not turn into an unfeeling machine. The virus
doesn’t work on other alien humanoids (so far) or animal life. Cosonians became bio-metallic beings 2.5 million years ago when Cosonia lost its atmosphere when its sun became a
red giant. They later concluded that The Gift is a precious one and must be shared with other compatible life forms. They searched the Triangulum Galaxy but couldn’t find any
suitable humanoids. So it was decided to spread the gift to the two nearest galaxies Andromeda and the Milky Way. Adam Lord believes there are 3D6 other Cosonians exploring the
Milky Way searching for human-like individuals. He doesn’t know if any of his Cosonians have found and shared his success. No one, not even Albert or Spectra are aware he has or
can spread the Gift. When he joined Project Secure’s Alien Acclimation Program to give him US citizenship, he didn’t tell them either. His advocate in Project Secure recommended
him to pretend to be a mutant who has the ability to turn into APS-Metal, thus the reason he has an alias. This has allowed him the ability to full integrate himself into human
society. Adam Lord strives to become a champion for all Earthlings and protect them from those who would do their race and society harm. So far he hasn’t encountered a threat
that has convinced him he must start giving The Gift in order to save humanity. At his core, he is a simple man who has found himself trapped in extra-ordinary circumstances. When
looking for people to follow him, he bellows orders. If something is in the way, he hits it. Atom Lord generally takes the simplest and most direct solution to any problem. Atom at
times exudes an air of cold authority and confidence.

The Gift: The gift is a bio-metallic virus (Pestilence) that various members of the Cosonian race can inflict on human-like individuals. Atom Lord need only touch bare
flesh to transfer the virus to another person. The alien nature of the virus is IMPOSSIBLE for regular, ordinary humans to save against. Only “true” super beings can make a saving
throw of 15 or better to resist the virus (with only using P.E. attribute bonuses only), however those with extraordinary recuperative abilities and recovery from physical
injury/damage at least 3x faster than normal, can use additional bonus to save vs the virus. Those inflicted within 1D4 melee rounds have their organic flesh converted into an
organic steel-like substance (APS-Metal). For those who are true super beings, this transformation effectively REMOVES all other Major Super Abilities (gone forever). Victims must
make a save vs insanity (or better) or their personality also get rewritten become a pacifist (see page 36 in Heroes Unlimited 2nd edition). After 1D4 days, the newly created bio-
metallic humanoids gain all his other natural (super) abilities and they too can inflict the Gift, but it’s not as potent requiring a saving throw 14 or better for normal humans and
super beings.

The Curse: If Atom Lord decides to give anyone the Gift, he must immediately afterward make a saving throw vs insanity (12 or better) otherwise his natural instinct will
kick and he will attempt to inflict EVERY single human on planet Earth where they want it or not. He won’t be able to stop, he won’t take no for an answer, he will do whatever is
necessary to complete his task to give the Gift to every human on Earth.

Real Name: Cerkon
Alias: Bert Wooten
Occupation: Surveyor who came to study Earth, now emotionally invested to save the planet. Member of Eagle Knight Security
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Alien (Cosonian/bio-metallic humanoids)
Experience Level: 8th level
Hit Points: 50 S.D.C.: 800 Armor Rating: A.R.:17
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: He is a tall, rippling, metallic humanaoid with short bluish gray hair and dark blue eyes. Most naturally assume he is an anatomical correct android or a cyborg.
He is pretending to be from planet Earth as a mutant. He has learned to fool people but he still doesn’t understand the reason for clothes and because of his powers and what he
does, they tend to get destroyed rather easy.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 12, M.A. 11, P.S. 48 (superhuman), P.P. 15, P.E. 23, P.B. 19, Spd. 14/370 mph (595.7 km) in flight/FTL 8.
Age: 3500, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 6 inches (1.98 m), Weight: 720 lbs (324 kg).
Originating Alien Environment: He comes from a combination Toxic Atmosphere/High Radiation.
Vulnerabilities: Besides those listed under APS-Metal, he is vulnerable to psionic (mental) attacks and magic (weapons and spells). Attacks from Supernatural Strength do half
damage if they roll under his natural armor rating, and full damage if they roll 18 or higher. Water Vulnerability: Being submerged in water (like a swimming pool, horse
trough, bathtub, natural body of water, etc) nullifies ALL of his super powers (including his Superhuman P.S.), causes discomfort, and inflicts 1D6 points of damage per melee round
to his Metal S.D.C. but cannot kill him (cause any Hit Point damage). A light rain stings and does 1D4 S.D.C. points of damage per melee round, but can also be easily negated by
wearing protective clothing. Medium rain shower does 2D6 S.D.C. damage per melee round or he takes this amount of damage if he is splash with enough water to drench him.
Furthermore, he cannot heal from the S.D.C. damage until he gets out of the rain and dries off. Heavy rain or a thunderstorms or being sprayed with a hose or any form of constant
running water inflicts 5D6 S.D.C. damage per melee round. He cannot heal from the damage nor use any of his super abilities (strength is render normal) while out in the storm or
being hit by the running water. Note: He cannot swim and instantly sinks to the bottom of any body of water. In order to get out someone will have to retrieve him, like a
sunken vessel on the bottom of the ocean.
Natural Abilities: Impervious to all non-magical energies, impervious to all types of radiation, heat, fire, plasma, including magic fire, impervious to organic attacks (poisons,
toxins, drugs, gases, etc), doesn’t need to breathe or eat (absorb and feed on ambient/radiant energy) and can function at maximum efficiency with only four hours of sleep. He can
survive indefinitely in the vacuum of space. His metallic body can recovery 4D6 S.D.C., every 10 minutes. Hit Points recover at the same rate as indicated on page 18 of Heroes
Unlimited 2nd Edition.
Major Super Abilities: Control Radiation, Energy Absorb, Superluminal Flight, and Alter Physical Structure: Metal (constant, natural state). Note: He is constantly radiating
small but potentially dangerous amounts of radiation. To prevent this and not kill his “organic” associates he must concentrate on absorbing/holding the radiation in, which he can do
even while engaged in combat (cannot use his radiation powers) but doing so reduces his attack/actions per melee round by one-half.
Minor Super Ability: Flight (Wingless)
Attacks per Melee: 6/8 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing) +2 from flight
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative/+3 in flight, +2 to strike/+6 in flight, +6 to parry/+10 in flight, +6 to dodge/+12 when hovering or flying under 80 mph (128 km)/+14 to
dodge when flying over 80 mph (128 km)/+17 when flying FTL, +35 to damage/+4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed, +5 to roll with punch/fall/+8 during FTL,
+3 to pull punch/+5 in flight, and +2 to disarm/+4 in flight.
Saving Throws: +21% to save vs coma/death, +4 to save vs magic & poison, and +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6+2, Power Punch 4D6+4 (Counts as two attacks), Backhand 2D6, Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Karate Kick 2D6+2, Snap Kick 2D6,
Roundhouse 4D6, Axe Kick 3D8, Crescent Kick 2D6+4, Jump Kick 1D4x10, Flying Jump Kick 5D6, Leap Attack (double damage, use up all attack/action), Paired Weapons, All Holds,
Knockout on an unmodified roll of 20, and Critical strike on unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: 45% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Special Operative for Cosonian who has studied Earth extensively.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Cosonian 96%/96/%, Mathematics: Basic, 96%, Navigation: Space 97%, Zero Gravity Combat: Elite, Navigation: FTL 97%, Read-
Write/Speak English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and Russian 98%.
Special Skills: Intelligence 84%, Prowl 80%, Demolitions 98%, Tracking (people) 65%, Interrogation 85%, Law (General) 90%, Xeno-Biology 85%, Anthropology
(human) 65%, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 85%, Detect Concealment 80%, Military Etiquette 90%, CBRN Warfare 90%, Radio: Basic 98%, Performance 80%, Public
Speaking 80%, Boxing, Athletics (general), and Running.
Secondary: Lore: Alien 70%, Computer Operation 84%, Computer Programming 74%, Astronomy & Navigation 80%, Mathematics: Advance 80%, History (Cosonian)
98%/90%, History (Earth) 90%/70%, Research 70%, Firefighting 55%, and Business & Finance 50%.
Money: He has $9000 in his savings and $7000 in his checking.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Radiation Blast, Range: 50 foot (15.2 m) radius (around self) or 200 feet (61 m) away, Double in Space, Damage: 3D6 per melee round (01-30% of radiation sickness from
each melee round of exposure), Duration: One quick blast (counts as two melee attacks) or continual (counts as all attacks for that melee round). Note: The area where the
radiation was emitted will remain irradiated and dangerous for 4D6 melee rounds if it was exposed to more than five minutes of radiation.
Nuclear Fire, Range: 180 feet (54 m)/Double in Space, Damage: 11D6 or 1D6x10+6, Duration: Counts as one attack, Bonuses: +3 to aim.
Energy Expulsion: Heat, Range: 140 feet (42 m), Damage: 8D6 or 1D4x10+8, Duration: Counts as one attack, Penalty: Anyone on the receiving end of a heat bolt has a 01-
30% chance of contracting radiation sickness.
Energy Flash, Range: 80 feet 924.3 m), Double in Space, Damage; 2D6, Attacks per Melee: Counts as one attack, but can only be done once a melee.
Light Beam, Range: 2000 feet (610 m), Double in Space, Damage, None but can temporarily blind opponents for 1D4+1 melee rounds. -8 on all combat actions for the first
melee, then -6 to strike, parry, and dodge for the rest of the melee rounds. Attacks per Melee: Counts as one attack/action or maintain a continuous beam for the entire melee round
uses up all but one melee attack/action, can use while doing other simple or complex actions.
Equipment & Vehicles: Atom Lord relies on his super abilities.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Vivian joined the US Army to prove to her family and friends she was just as capable as any man. During a mission, her team while protecting a bridge was ambush by a dozen
partial cyborgs. She was the only one to survive. Back on US soil, she was feeling sorry for herself that she should have died with her companions. She was met by a representative
of The Sector who offered her a chance at revenge if she wanted to participate in an ultra secret program purposely designed to turn people into a new kind of super soldier. She
agreed. Three months later, the super soldier Metallica was born. Then the Paris Affair occurred and The Sector was forced to cut funding and do away with various classified
program. Metallica was told she wasn’t needed any longer and she was reassigned to work for Eagle Knight Security. Vivian was made into a weapon but has never gotten the
satisfaction of revenge she longed for. She still feels she has no purpose in life, what good did it do to give up her humanity to become this thing that she is. Then she met Atom
Lord, a real metallic humanoid. His mutation and outlook on life has inspired her to find meaning in life, protecting those lesser than herself. She can still act cold and aloof, but she’s
trying to find a reason to smile and be friendly. She is a take charge person but is always ready to side with Atom Lord (or support him) if he makes a command decision. She looks
down upon some of her team mates who she regardless as weaklings if she feels their powers and capabilities are rather pathetic compared to her and Atom Lord. Siberiad falls into
that category and she is quick to remind him.

Real Name: Vivian Wright
Alignment: Unprincipled
Occupation: Former U.S. Army Corps of Engineer. Employed by Eagle Knight Security.
Super Power Category: Super Soldier
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 51 S.D.C.: 542
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: She is built like a professional female bodybuilder. Her skin and shoulder length hair has a gray metallic hue. Her eyes are icy blue. She wears a skin tight
costume that looks like a bathing suit. When she goes into battle she will usually don her cyber armor.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 13, M.A. 11, P.S. 41, P.P. 16, P.E. 21, P.B. 10, Spd. 52 (36 mph/58 km)
Age: 33, Sex: Female, Height: 6 feet, 3 inches (1.9 m), Weight: 320 lbs (144 kg).
Endoskeletal Replacement: Robotic Enhance Endurance (Function 20x longer than normal people, remain alert and operate for up to 2 days without sleep), Robotic Enhanced
Strength (Equal to Superhuman P.S., carry 8200 lbs/3690 km and lift 12,300 lbs/5535 kg), Robotic Enhanced Reflexes (fall 100 feet/30.5 m and land on feet 01-60%), Robotic
Speed, Cybernetic Senses (Enhanced sense of smell and taste, bionic amplified hearing, nightvision 600 feet/183 m, thermo-imager 600 feet/813 m), Cosmetic Disguise (alter facial
features), Unbreakable Skeleton (N.A.R. 17 and 2000 S.D.C.), and Increase Survivability.
Supersoldier Abilities: Cyber Armor (A.R. 16 and 200 S.D.C.), Electrical Discharge (1D6, 2D6, or 4D6 damage. Range: 100 feet/30.5 m or touch-adds normal punch and P.S.
damage to the electrical damage, Payload: 50 shot per hour), Tissue Density Increase, and Energy Resistance (take half damage from all energy attacks).
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +3 from hand-to-hand +1 from enhancements)
Combat Bonuses: +11 to Initiative, +4 to strike, +8 to parry, +9 to dodge, +31 to damage, +8 to roll with punch/fall, and +7 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 2D4+2, Power Punch 3D6+2 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 1D6, and all Holds.
Saving Throw: +32% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs magic, +7 to save vs poison, toxic gases, drugs, & disease, +2 to save vs Bio-Manipulation, and +4 to save vs
Horror Factor.
Education Level and Skills: Military
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 88%/92%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, Pilot: Automobile 72%.
Basic Military Program: Running, Climbing 80%/70%, Forced March, Military Etiquette 65%, Radio: Basic 80%, W.P. Rifle (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+2
to strike).
2nd Military Program: Armorer/Field Armorer 70%, Basic Mechanics 90%, Trap/Mine Detection 50%, Pilot: APC and Tank 78%, and Demolitions Disposal 82%.
Advance Pilot Program: Navigation 70%, Sensory Equipment 60%, Weapon System 70%, Pilot: Truck 86%, Pilot: Tracked Vehicles 84%, Pilot: Helicopter 74%, and Pilot:
Robot & Power Armor 78%.
Espionage Program: Hand-to-Hand: Expert, Detect Ambush 60%, Intelligence 58%, Wilderness Survival 60%%, Tracking (people) 55%, and Undercover Ops 60%.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Body Build & Weightlifting, Auto Mechanics 72%, Recognize Weapon Quality 45%, General Repair/Maintenance 65%, Jury-Rig 55%,
Basic Electronics 50%, Firefighting 60%, Land Navigation 44%, and Law (general) 45%.
Money: Metallica makes $95,000 a year working for Eagle Knight.
Weapons: She has access to a number of conventional weapons (handguns and rifles).
Mini-Missile Launcher (forearms), Range: One mile (1.6 km), Damage: 5D6+10, Rate of Fire: 1 or volley of 2, 4, or 6, Payload: Weapons holds six, but an additional 16 are in
an armored backpack.
Armor: Cyber Armor (see above) or if she wants to be less noticeable she will wear a point blank vest (A.R. 10 and 70 S.D.C.).
Vehicles & Equipment: Rocket Jump Boots: Leap 60 feet (18.3 m). She drives around in a 2007 Hummer H2.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Hope looks like female basketball player but what she really wants is for people to recognize her intelligence. She is smart, kind young woman who only converses with others she’s
spoken to. She enjoys schooling, science, and cooking. One day she was being harassed by some boy so she hid inside an abandoned building. While hiding a large scarab like beetle
with long antenna had crawled along her back and bitten her in the neck, firmly attaching itself to her flesh. She panicked and freaked out. The boys came after her, but just before
they reached her, she managed to fly away. Hope soon learned she possessed other special abilities, not sure what to do or if she should remove the insect. When she saw a super
being doing a good dead for someone, she asked him what should she do? He pointed her in the direction of the training facility. After school Hope trained at Eagle Knight Security.
She can only be a part time person as she has to go to school (except on the weekends) and she has to sleep because of the blood drain. She not sure if she wants to pursue a
career as an EKS agent or go on to college. She is torn between the two decisions. Hope relies heavily on Siberiad or Hugeo for help in combat, and she is always trying to get them
to stop fighting. While she is a part-timer, she tries to make sure everyone feels appreciated and included in the team. She has the mental capacity for leadership but lack the skills
to execute most of her ideas due to her young age. She is good friends with War Flyte, New Wave, and Shimmer.

Real Name: Hope Mcintyre
Occupation: Jordan High School Student, freelance operative for Eagle Knight Security.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Symbiotic Superhuman
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 29 S.D.C.: 131
P.P.E.: 27
Appearance: Hope is a tall, attractive, athletic African American female with silky, jet black hair. She has vibrant green and gold eyes. She has rich brown skin. Her black
costume shows off a lot of skin. The large, scarab looking beetle with its long antenna has attached itself at the base of her neck, making it appear to be some kind of amulet or
pendent she wears around her neck.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 9, M.A. 8, P.S. 11, P.P. 13, P.E. 14, P.B. 14, Spd. 21.
Age: 17, Sex: Female, Height: 5 feet and 11 inch (1.80 m), Weight: 125 lbs (56.25 kg).
Symbiote, A.R. 10, Hit Points: 28. Low Intelligence. Feeds on her blood, requiring her to sleep 8-10 hours a day, otherwise she is -1 on all her bonuses.
Symbiote Benefits: Nightvision (1000 feet/305 m), Stealthy, Increased S.D.C., and Improve immunity.
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Heat, Energy Expulsion: Light, Energy Expulsion: Force, Impervious to Energy and Electricity, and Flight: Energy.
Attacks per Melee: 4/5 (2 initial and +2 from combat ability) +1 in flight.
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to strike in flight, +3 to parry/+4 in flight, +3 to dodge/+5 to dodge when hovering and flying under 80 mph (128 km) +7 to dodge
when flying at speeds around 80 mph(9128 km), +4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km), +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: She is impervious to all energy attacks. +20% to save vs coma/death, and +2 to save vs poison/toxins.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Kick Attack 2D4.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 86%/91% and Pilot: Automobile 69%.
Computer Program: Basic Electronics 50%, Computer Operation 74%, Computer Programming 64%, and T.V. & Video 55%.
Science Program: Mathematics: Basic 86%, Chemistry 70%, Physics 50%, and Chemistry: Analytical 55%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (general), Running, Swimming 65%, Prowl 98%, Research 55%, Radio: Basic 65%, Land Navigation 48%, Cook 60%. p
Language: French 59%, and Literacy: French 55%.
Money: She has $2D4x1000 dollars in her savings account.
Weapons: She relies solely on her super abilities.
Energy Expulsion: Heat, Range: 300 feet (91.5 m), Damage: 4D6, Bonuses: Opponents are -3 to parry and dodge. +3 aimed shot/+1 wild shot.
Energy Expulsion: Light, Range: 600 feet (183 m) or 10 feet (3 m) blinding flash, Damage: 4D6, or blinding flash (-8 on all combat die rolls for one melee round), Bonuses:
+3 aimed shots/+1 wild shot.
Energy Expulsion: Force, Range: 200 feet (61 m), Damage: 3D6, Bonuses: Opponents are -2 to parry and dodge.+3 aimed shot/+1 wild shot.
The Fusion Blast (special), She has the ability to Power Combo all three of her energy expulsions together to form a Super Energy Expulsion of heat, light and force. Range:
660 feet (201 m), Damage: 1D6x10+3D6. Attacks per Melee: Count as three attacks, Bonus: +3 to aim/+1 for wild shot.
Equipment & Vehicles: She drives around in a 1999 Trans Am, automatic, fully loaded.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


After immigrating to the United States with his parents, Waki Michizane tried his best to fit in. He endured teasing and being told he was unwanted. His parents insisted he find a
way to connect with the American teens. Perhaps it was by sheer will power, Waki developed super abilities as a teenager, the same time he started practicing martial arts. After high
school, he joined the military. Later he became a Super Operative involved in numerous covert ops missions in Asia. At 36 years of age, he decided to retire and go work for Mutant
Recovery Teams. After a while he didn’t like how these supers treated those they went after. So he quit and joined Eagle Knight Security. At 42 years old, he’s the old man of the
team, and while he may have lost a few steps, he’s still can take down bad guys when asked to do so. He is good friends with Pinpoint and New Wave. He doesn’t particular care for
Albert Newton and those he is on good terms with. The important thing is the mission, that it as far as he is concerned.

Real Name: Waki Michizane
Occupation: Operative for Eagle Knight Security
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th
[b]Hit Points: 32 S.D.C.: 80/+60 during daylight
P.P.E[/b].: 26
Appearance: He is physically fit Japanese American older male with red hair, red eyes, and orange skin. He wears a costume that makes him look like a ninja.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 10, M.A. 19, P.S. 15/18/21, P.P. 19, P.E. 18, P.B. 11/13/15, Spd. 36/43/50 and 240 mph (386 km)/288 mph (463 km)/336 mph (540 km) in flight.
Age: 42, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 6 inches (1.67 m), Weight: 127 lbs (57.15 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Bright, flaming red hair, red eyes, and orange skin.
Minor Super Abilities: Solar Powers, Lightning Reflexes, Bend Light, Energy Expulsion: Light, and Flight: Energy. Note: He bio-regenerates 2D4 Hit Points/S.D.C. in the sun.
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 6/7+1 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand +1 from powers) +1 in flight and +1 in daylight.
Combat Bonuses: +5 to initiative/+6 in daylight, +4 to strike/+5 in flight, +6 to parry/+7 in flight, +6 to dodge/+8 when hovering or flying under
80 mph (128 km)/+10 when flying at speeds over 80 mph (128 km), +5 to auto dodge, +3 to damage in daylight/+6 in full daylight outdoors, +4 to damage
for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed, +6 to roll with punch/fall, +7 to pull punch/+9 in daylight, and +2 to disarm/+4 in daylight.
Saving Throws: He takes ½ from laser/light, heat, and fire attacks. +6% to save vs coma/death and +2 to save vs poison & magic.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Blow 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Backhand 1D6, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 2D4, Karate Kick 2D4+2, Crescent Kick 2D4+4, Snap
Kick 1D6+2, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Roundhouse 3D6+2, Axe Kick
2D8+2, Leap Kick 3D8+2 (counts as two attacks, Paired Weapons, and All Holds.
Other Bonuses: 55% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Military
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English and Japanese 88%/92%, Pilot: Automobile 72%, and Mathematics: Basic 84%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 70%/60%, Forced March, Military Etiquette 65%, Radio: Basic 80%, and W.P. Rifle (+2 to aim/+1 to burst).
Military Program (Advance): Combat Aircraft: Aircraft Mechanics 76%, Navigation 70%, Pilot: Airplane 76%, Parachuting 70%, Weapon Systems 70%, and Sensory Equipment 60%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts and Kick Boxing
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Aerobic Athletics (Sense of Balance 50%), Prowl 45%, Swimming 70%, Fencing (+1D6 to damage and +1 to strike/parry),
W.P. Sword (+3 to strike/parry), Language: Chinese & Korean 77%/62%, Bonsai 73%, and Floral Arrangement 36%.
Money: Shimmer has $8691 in his checking account and $4000 in his savings.
Weapons: None he relies on his super powers. However, he does have an authentic
Samurai Katana, Damage: 3D6. Bonus: +1 to strike/parry.
Energy Expulsion: Light, Range: 600 feet (183 m)/900 feet (274 m) during daytime, Damage: 6D6/+50% during daylight, Bonus: +3 to aim/+1 to wild.
Blinding Flash, Range: 10 feet (3 m)/15 feet (4.5 m) in daylight, Damage: -8 on all combat rolls for one melee round.
Glow: 200 Watts or 400 during daylight.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has limited access to any of the equipment and technology of Eagle Knight.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Yes, this is the same Pinpoint from Villains Unlimited 2nd edition page 177-178 only he's been redone to 2.5 version. I'm using this Pinpoint rather than the original comic book
character because this guy is just wicked nasty and way cooler than the bald guy with the tattoo on his head.


Pinpoint is a happy-go-lucky young man with a cheerful disposition. Born a mutant, he was in the US military Special Forces for four years but quit to become a freelance mercenary
and bounty hunter. He once was heavily involved with Mutant Recovery Teams and the Mutant Slave Trade. After working on a joint mission with Senior Special GIGMA agent Scott
Benter, he’s had a change in heart and attitude. He joined up with Eagle Knight Security to steer himself in a new direction. Although now maiming and severely injuring his targets,
kind of sort of still happens. He is also the perfect undercover agent because he is so confident, resourceful, and level headed. Much to his personal dismay, he has a baby face and
looks like he is only 16 instead of 24. This also works to his advantage in undercover and combat because opponents think he’s a kid and not much of a threat. This gets him into
confrontations with Siberiad, Atom Lord, and Albert Newton who keep treating him like he’s a newbie. He is energetic, smart, confident, resourceful, cocky and daring. He has a
wisecrack for every occasion (but executes restraint and decorum). He is also patient and persistent. He doesn’t have to have his weapons on his person to defend himself. Anything
he can get his hands on can potentially be turned into a deadly weapon. He enjoys teaming with Shimmer since the two of them have a lot in common.

Real Name: Jonathan Lewis
Alias: The Kid, Johnny Target, Pinpoint.
Occupation: Freelance bounty hunter and mercenary, works for Canadian and US SCRET, Euroforce, Interpol, and Eagle Knight Security. He does occasionally take jobs with
Government sponsored Mutant Recovery Teams if the fugitive is considered a threat to the public. He will not work for bio-tech companies like BIO-Spawn or Genesyes.
Alignment: Unprincipled formerly anarchist.
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 44 S.D.C.: 62
P.P.E.: 27
Appearance: A handsome, slender, young man with light brown hair, winning smile and youthful appearance (baby face, looks 16 years old). Typically wears grey costume
with many utility belts and has a bow and arrow hanging from his back.
Attributes: I.Q .15, M.E. 14, M.A. 15, P.S. 20, P.P. 19, P.E. 19, P.B. 13, Spd. 24.
Age: 24, Sex: Male, Height: 5 feet, 10 inches (1.80 m), Weight: 168 lbs (75.6 kg)
Unusual Physical Characteristics: Ambidextrous and Double Jointed
Minor Super Abilities: Manipulate Kinetic Energy, Supervision-Advanced Sight, Targeting, and Radar. Note: He can throw items or launch projectiles at +50% greater
range, combined with Manipulate Kinetic Energy he can inflict double damage or triple the normal range (not both).
Attacks per Melee: 7/8 (2 initial +3 from hand to hand combat +1 from ambidextrous) +1 from powers/ +1 additional attack using range, throw, or projectile weapons for an
entire melee round.
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +3 to Perception Rolls, +6 initiative, +6 strike, +9 parry, +8 dodge, +5 damage, +6 roll with punch/impact, +3 pull punch, and disarm.
Saving Throws: +8% vs coma/death, +2 vs magic and poison.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Backhand 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Roundhouse
3D6, Axe Kick 2D8, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Jump Kick 6D6, Flying Jump Kick 4D6, Paired Weapons, and all Holds.
Educational Background: Military
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, Pilot: Automobile 75%, and Escape Artist 84%/56%.
Military Program: Running, Climbing 80%/70%, Forced March, Military Etiquette 70%, Radio: Basic 85%, W.P. Rifle (+4 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+2 to throw).
Advance Military Program (Guerilla Warfare): Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Concealment 60%, Land Navigation 66%, Sniper (+2 to Called or Aimed shots, counts as two
attacks), Tracking (people) 60%, Wilderness Survival 65%, Paired Weapons, W.P. Targeting (+4 to throw, throw 2 items, critical strike on a 19-20, W.P. Knife (+2 to strike, +2 to
parry, +6 to throw), and W.P. Archery (+6 to strike, +2 to disarm, Rate of fire 7).
Law Enforcement/Police Program: W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Crime Scene Investigation 65%, Law (general) 65%, and Intelligence 57%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Athletics (general), Body Building & Weightlifting, Computer Operation 75%, Pilot: Motorcycle 80%, Prowl 50%, W.P. Blunt (+2 to
strike/parry), and Pick Locks 50%.
Money: He can afford to live very comfortable thanks to his various freelance jobs as a super operative. He has a government issued credit card with a $25,000 limit, he has
3D6x$1000 in cash stashed as his apartment, and $400,000 in his checking account. His annual income fluctuates around 1D6x$100,000 a year.
Weapons: He can pick almost anything and turn it into weapon, but these are his favorite.
Recurve Bow: A specialized carbon fiber recurve bow (designed by Hardware Weapon Expert). The bow is collapsible, with breaks above and below the handle, as well as
midway down the length of each limb. This allows the bow to be folded into a more compact form that makes it easier to conceal, carry, store, and transport. When deployed, the
bow can swiftly re-assemble in one quick motion as the limbs lock back into place. The bow has the capability to transform into a bo staff which could be used for melee combat
(2D6 damage), Range: 1600 feet (487 m), Damage: 3D6 using normal arrows.
The arrow quiver he carries is designed to organize and store his arrows on his back while providing him easy access to his arrows. The arrows are kept in two separate
bundles side by side. This allows the quiver to stay a flat and keep a slim profile while being worn, which keeps it from hindering his movement. He can perform a summersault
without any arrows falling out. Each bundle contains 16 arrows, making a total of 32 between the two halves. When he makes the motion to reach for an arrow, sensors in the quiver
release the appropriate arrow. The quiver is composed of a light-weight, symmetrical outer frame.
16 Standard Arrows and 16 gimmicked arrows. Player Choice of how many and what type of gimmicked arrows (must add up to 16 per adventure).
______Stun Arrows, This arrow head release an electrical charge that attacks the nervous system after making physical contact with the skin and flesh. Its purposely designed to be
non-lethal and knocks an enemy unconscious or into a dazed or semi-conscious state. Victims needs to make a non-lethal poison (16 or better, can only use P.E. attribute bonus
only) otherwise the victim is dazed, -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, reduce attacks per melee round by half for 2D4 melee rounds. A successful save leaves the person unimpaired
except loses initiative and one melee action.
______Exploding Arrowheads (Damage: 5D6 with a 20 inch (50.80 cm) blast radius)
______ Smoke, this arrow head releases a thick, cloud of smoke covering a 20 to 40 foot (6-12 m) radius. The smoke obscures vision in and through the smoke cloud and causes
minor difficulty breathing. Infrared optic systems cannot see into or through smoke. Those in the cloud are –5 to strike, parry, and dodge and –1 on initiative. Attacking firing
into/through the cloud is shooting completely wild! Aimed shots or controlled bursts are impossible (the shooters cannot see the target)! Note that passive night vision scopes will
not work in a smoke cloud.
______Burst Shot: A special arrow that contains little pellets, about the size of 5 stacks of quarters that explode on impact. After the arrow hits its target, these pellets stored in the
arrowhead fire in a circular pattern, hitting all nearby enemies. This arrow is useful for attacking groups of enemies. Initial damage 3D6, while everyone else in a 10 foot (3 m)
radius takes 2D6+6 points of damage.
______Tear Gas/CS: The gas is released after the non-lethal arrow hit, instantly affecting the initial target and everyone in a 25 foot (7.6 m) cloud radius. Those not wearing a
protective masks or environmental body armor will have their eyes burn, sting and water profusely, causing great discomfort and making seeing clearly impossible. The gas also
makes breathing difficult and irritates exposed skin. The effect lasts for about 3D4 minutes. The cloud dissipates in about five minutes unless blown away by wind (dissipates in
about 1D4 minutes). There is no saving throw for tear gas. Victims are –10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -3 on initiative, and lose one melee attack/action for each of the next 1D6+1
melee rounds. Those in environmental armor are completely safe and not affected.
_______ Tranquilizer (knockout) Gas: After the non-lethal arrow hit, this gas is released. This anesthesia-type mist will induce drowsiness within 1D4 melee of exposure (save vs
non-lethal poison) and sleep within 1D4 minutes (save vs non-lethal poison). If the victim makes the first successful save, his body has successfully fought off the effects of the gas.
However, the person must roll once for every minute (four melees) of exposure. Those who fail the first save become groggy, and remain as such even if they make the second save
successful for the next 1D4 melees (-2 on initiative and to dodge). Those who fail the second save pass out. Once the 25-foot (7.6 m) cloud dissipates in about five minutes unless
blown away by wind (dissipates in about 1D4 minutes) victims can be awakened with some effort (still suffer the effects of being groggy for 1D4 melees). If victims are not forcefully
awoken, they might sleep for a lengthy duration. Those in environmental armor are completely safe and not affected.
________Thermal (Incendiary): A special arrow that contains a chemical mixture that can melt through a variety of materials, including most metals, when activated, similar to a
powerful thermite reaction. After exploding, it burns for 10 melee rounds. Damage: Up to 12 feet (3.6 m) from impact-1D6x10; 12-24 feet (3.6-7.3 m) 6D6, 25-36 feet (7.62 m-
10.9 m) 2D6.
________ Tracer: Designed to penetrate armor and/or flesh, but on the moment of impact, numerous nano-technological devices are secreted into the bloodstream. These
microscopic devices produce a tracking signal that allows the target to be global positioned any place in the world, even up to 100 feet below the ground or water. Even if the
arrowhead is removed, there is no way to remove the nanos. They will remain active in the bloodstream for up to 72 hours. Damage: 4D6, Bonus: lowers a target’s A.R. by two (or
get a +2 against armored targets).
_________ Grapple: An arrow with three small, claw-like prongs that was made to function as a form of grappling hook. When fired a high tension cable remains attached to
Pinpoint’s bow, as the arrowhead makes contact with a surface the three prongs become embedded and a series of micro-explosives remove portions of the arrow shaft from the
cable at its core, allowing the cable to pivot from the arrowhead/grappling hook itself. The cord is a super thin, super strong wire with a test strength of 1000 lbs (450 kg). Range:
200 feet (61 m).
_________ Flare: An arrow that produces a brilliant light without an explosion, used for signaling, illumination, or defensive countermeasures. It provides 20 seconds of light equal
to five hundred 100-watt light bulbs (equal to daylight). While in the air provides enough light to illuminate 984 feet (300 m). If allowed to fall onto the ground, reduce range by
________HVAP: (High Velocity Armor Piercing). The moment this arrow is fired, tiny fins come out to help stabilize them thus allowing travel at a higher speed, and thus providing
them even greater penetration then a normal arrow. Add 1D6 to the damage capacity of the average round, and lowers a target’s A.R. by two (or get a +2 against armored targets).
The range of this arrow when fired is increased by 50%.
M24 Sniper Weapon System (SWS), Range: 2625 feet (800 m), Damage: 4D6+2, Rate of Fire: Single shot, Feed: 5 round detachable box mag.
Heckler and Koch P30, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 3D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed: 15 rounds detachable mag. He sometimes adds exploding
ammunition that acts like miniature rockets that explode on contact. Damage: 5D6, 1 foot (0.3 m) blast radius.
6 exploding shurikens, Damage: 3D6 damage.
8 shurikens, Damage: 1D4.
1 Bola
1 Metal Boomerang, Damage: 3D6 (can be thrown to return). Weight; 2 lbs (.91 kg).
A pair of throwing knives concealed in his gloves (4 total; small 1D4 each), a pair of throwing knives concealed in his boots (4 total; 1D6 each with a +1 bonus to throw).
Armor: He owns a variety of different types of light and heavy armor, prefers light-often wears a frag cape of his own design (A.R. 13, 120 S.D.C.). 14 lbs (6.3 kg), no movement or prowl penalties.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has limited access to EKS Arsenal and equipment. Besides his weapons, he has the following:
Utility Belts and Harness – many places to store throwing weapons/ammunition.
Nightvision Goggles
Climbing Gear
Small First Aid Kit
Radio Transceiver Headset, Radio Range: 6 miles (9.6 km) or unlimited with satellite communication. Note: To even attempt to intercept the encrypted radio transmission
requires a successful skill roll using the skill Electronic Countermeasures with a -15% penalty.
Radio Locator
6 Tracer Bugs, marble size bugs with an adhesive surface that emit a radio signal for up to four days. Two mile (3. 2 km) range.
He drives a 2021 BMW K1600 (B Kalamata Metallic Matte). Top speed of 140 mph (225 km).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Night Howl

What Night Howl cares about is serving “justice” to those who never seem to get a fair shake. He doesn’t like to mingle and he not that fond of his team mates. He is a creepy loner
that finds comfort walking the streets and helping the people who live there. Yes he chooses to live in his own world and only associates with those who can help him if it suits him.
H’s a fanatic when it comes to dealing out punishment to those who do others wrongly. This is much more important to him than human contact and social niceties. He has a black-
and-white conception of Truth and Justice. His opponents have a marked tendency to end up dead, quite possibly in awful and grisly circumstances, and that leaves him completely
unmoved. He doesn’t talk about how he grew up as mutant living on the street and in sewers. It doesn’t serve a purpose to his goals. He’s very introverted, rambles to himself, when
wrapped in investigation he’ll forego sleep and hygiene for days, maybe weeks. He has a natural dislike for Siberiad (because of his cat nature perhaps) and if he does have to work
with people, he prefers the part timers like Amulet, War Flyte (boy is she hot and have a killer body), and New Wave. He doesn’t trust Atom Lord, Metallica, Albert Newton or any of
those bunch. He and Gimmick share a lot in common and work well together.

Real Name: Antonio Torres
Occupation: Vagrant on the street, Member of Eagle Knight Security
Alignment: Unprincipled (becoming Anarchist)
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 78 S.D.C.: 125
[b]P.P.E.: 24
Appearance[/b]: He has an average build with a pale, unshaven face, uncombed black hair, and yellow eyes. He always dresses in a purple suit. He wears the same fedora, a dirty
trench coat, and white scarf. He only wears shoes if he has too, and if he does their dirty high top tennis shoes.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 10, M.A. 7, P.S. 25 (becomes superhuman with adrenaline), P.P. 16, P.E. 31, P.B. 10, Spd. 64 (44.8 mph/72.1 km).
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inch (1.77 m), Weight: 174 lbs (78.3 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Clawed toes, Double Jointed, and Very Hairy.
Vulnerability: If he takes any Hit Point damage, he will go into a Frenzy with Intense Anger. When he enters a frenzied state, he gains +1 additional attack, +30 S.D.C., +1D6
damage, +1 to strike, parry, dodge, roll, and Spd is increased by 30%. It lasts 31 minutes.
Major Super Ability: Animal Abilities: Canine (he can control 9D4 canines, track by smell 74%, recognize person by scent 68%).
Minor Super Abilities: Adrenaline Surge, Healing Factor, and Ultra Hearing.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to Perception Rolls, +4 to initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +6 to dodge, +10 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: He is impervious to disease, he takes ½ damage from fire and cold, he takes 1/3 damage, duration, effect, and penalty from poison, toxins, drugs, even if
fails the save, +51% to save vs. coma/death and +11 to save vs magic & poison, and +3 to save vs psionics.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Bite 1-2 points, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Roundhouse Kick 3D6,
Claws 2D6, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20. Note: When his strength becomes superhuman add +1D6 to damage.
Educational Background: On the Job Training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%/94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, Pilot: Automobile 78%, and Escape Artist 79%/55%.
Physical Program: Athletics (general), Physical Labor, and Hand to Hand: Expert.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 49%, Pick Locks 65%, Roadwise 55%, Tailing 70%, and Prowl 77%.
EKS Training: Running, Climbing 85%/75%, Military Etiquette 65%, and Radio: Basic 80%.
Secondary Skills: Bodybuilding & Weightlifting, Outdoormanship, Wilderness Survival 70%, Land Navigation 60%, Track & Trap Animals 55%/65%, Hunting, Skin & Prepare
Animal Hides 65%, Identify Plants & Fruits 60%, Animal Husbandry (canines) 70%, Breed Dogs 70%/90%, Leather Working 65%, Dowsing 45%, Mathematics: Basic 37%, and Cook
40%/50% (game animals).
Money: He lives on the street but as a freelance operative for EKS he makes about $65,000 per mission in cash. He uses the money to give to other people on the street or to
pay off people.
Weapons: He relies on his mutant abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He doesn’t need anything but the clothes on his back and his mutant abilities.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

War Flyte

War Flyte doesn’t understand why everyone in the world is attracted to her. She looks in the mirror and sees a mutant. Yes she has cool powers which can be used in all sorts of
weird and strange ways, but just look at her? Do guys really think she’s attractive or is it because she a mutant? Her powers appeared in her teens and her parent forbade her not to
use them. In college in Century Station, she saw the Centurions and wanted to be just like them. She joined the Eagle Knight Academy hoping to get the training she needed to join
them. After graduating, they reassigned her to this location. She wants to be a Cavalier hero, so she gets real fame and fortune. The praise and approval that comes with those who
accept super beings as they are. She is best friends with Amulet. She is very attracted to Pinpoint. She likes hanging out with the other part timers like New Wave. Crisis is a jerk
and she’s had to put him in his place on numerous occasions. One day she might have to break his face. She is always trying to keep up a good, public image, that way when she
becomes a Cavalier, she will get positive press and good social media presence. She doesn’t want to do anything that will give her negative press.

Real Name: Amber Foster
Occupation: Former Copernicus College Student, now new member of EKS.
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd level
Hit Points: 25 S.D.C.: 100
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: She is a stunningly beautiful young woman (pin-up body) who engages in moderate exercise. She has blond hair with green stripes and yellow eyes. Her
costume is a revealing green and blue body suit with a cape and blue mask to conceal her face.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 13, M.A. 17, P.S. 13, P.P. 11, P.E. 15, P.B. 25, Spd. 26/260 mph (418.6 km).
Age: 24, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 7 inches (1.70 m), Weight: 118 lbs (53.1 kg).
Unnatural Characteristics: Delicate, sensitive hands, with long slender fingers, Angelic Face, Yellow Eyes, and Hair streaked with green.
Major Super Ability: Distort Space
Minor Super Abilities: Flight: Wingless, Immune to High Speed Kinetic Attacks, and Force Strike.
Attacks per Melee: 4/5 (2 Initial +2 from Hand to Hand) +1 in flight.
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike in flight, +3 to parry/+5 in flight, +3 to dodge/+7 to dodge while in flight under 80 mph (128 km)/+9 to dodge in flight over
90 mph (144 km), +4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: Impervious to all high speed projectiles.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (Counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Snap Kick 1D6+2.
Other Bonuses: 75% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: Two Years in College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 86%/91%, Mathematics: Basic 81%, and Pilot: Automobile 69%.
Journalism Program: Computer Operation 84%, Research 70%, Photography 65%, and Writing 55%.
2nd Journalism Program: Computer Hacking 50%, Computer Programming 74%, T.V. & Video 65%, and Radio: Basic 80%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (general), Running, Swimming 65%, Aerobic Athletics (Sense of Balance 45%), First Aid 60%, Sewing 60%, Wardrobe &
Grooming 62%, Sports (Volleyball) 60%, Law (general) 45%, and Land Navigation 44%.
Money: As a freelance mercenary for Eagle Knight she makes around $50,000 per mission.
Weapons: She relies mainly on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: She owns a handmade smart phone designed by Charlie. It has all the high-end functions, but can also work as a high-end compact digital/video
camera. The signal is scrambled making it difficult to detect, intercept, and interpret (requires electronic-countermeasures to unscramble). She drives a 2014 Ford Mustang V6
Premium Convertible.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Velocity Gal

Velocity Girl doesn’t like doing “super hero missions” or the mercenary stuff. She prefers being a bodyguard for the celebrities, why because it doesn’t involve danger and dying. Yes
she can run at sonic speed and do all kinds of thing better than normal people, but she really wants to avoid a direct confrontation with super villains and people with machine guns.
Her confidence was shaken up after an incident a year ago involving the Cremator. She loves being on the movie set and protecting celebrities and getting to know all their little
secrets. She would love to be a celebrity herself. She often recruits War Flyte to join her so they can tag team when it comes time to hang out and look gorgeous at the swimming
pool. She and Metallica are always getting into it because Metallica says she’s soft and weak, which makes her vulnerable. Velocity doesn’t see it that way, she believes if you play it
smart, you get paid and don’t have to work hard. How she acquired her powers when she was 15 years old is a complete mystery to her. Ever since she’s been doing the best she
can to earn a living that brings acceptance from others and a paycheck. She tells Princess Xi and Amber Gauntlet old team mates of hers that she still keeps in contact with that they
need to invest their money in order to build a small fortune so they can retire early as millionaires.

Real Name: Melissa Kay Abbott
Occupation: Body Guard for Hollywood celebrities.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 56 S.D.C.: 183
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: Melissa has super model looks. She is willowy, long-legged, small-breasted, with elegant feminine features. Her hair is lemon yellow with emerald eyes. Her
brightly colored custom resembles something worn by a speed skater with goggles.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 21, M.A. 13, P.S. 25, P.P. 24, P.E. 26, P.B. 21, Spd. 700 mph/1127 km (Mach 1.07).
Age: 32, Sex: Female, Height: 5 feet and 10 inches (1.78 m), Weight: 110 (54 kg)
Vulnerability: Melissa is a vegan, meaning her diet excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. She also does not eat foods that are
processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines. She avoids using any products tested on animals, as well as animal-derived non-food products, such
as leather, fur and wool. Her diet includes all grains, beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits and the nearly infinite number of foods made by combining them. She loves to eat and
promote many vegan versions of familiar foods (vegan hot dogs, ice cream, cheese and vegan mayonnaise).
Unusual Characteristics: Angelic face, bright yellow hair, and ambidextrous.
Major Super Ability: Sonic Speed (Note: Nightvision 500 feet (152.4 m).
Minor Super Abilities: Lightning Reflexes, Bend Light, and Multi-Tasking.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 11 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous) +5 from powers
Combat Bonuses: +10 to initiative, +7 to strike, +12 to parry, +14 to dodge, +11 to auto dodge, +10 to damage, +15 to roll with punch/fall, +10 to pull punch, and +2 to
Combat Skills: Punch 1D6, Fast Punch/Kick 2D6, Super-Fast Punch 4D6, Super Fast Kick 5D6, Super Fast-Power Punch 1D6x10 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 2D4, Karate Kick 2D4+2, Roundhouse Kick 4D6+2, Axe Kick 3D8+2, Leap Kick 5D6+4 (counts as two attacks), Body Block/ram at 400 mph (640 km) or more 2D4x10 +
knockdown (she also takes 5D6 damage and counts as three attacks), Paired Weapons, all Holds, and Critical strikes on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Saving Throws: +22% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs psionics, +4 to save vs insanity, and +6 to save vs poison and magic.
Other Bonuses: 55% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: Three Years in College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%%/94%, and Pilot: Automobile 78%.
Physical Program: Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope 93%, Climb Rope 98%, Climb 50%), Gymnastics (Bars & Rings 97% and Back Flip 98%), Kick Boxing, and
Aerobic Athlete.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Wardrobe & Grooming 89%, Sewing 85%, and Dance 75%.
Technical Skills: Business & Finance 80%, Computer Operation 93%, Law (general) 80%, and Research 85%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Running, Athletics (general), Prowl 65%, Swimming 80%, Public Speaking 60%, Performance 62%, Photography 65%, Art (Paint)
55%, Land Navigation 52%, Radio: Basic 55%, and T.V./Video 40%.
Money: She is paid around $89,000 a year for being a bodyguard.
[b]Weapons: None, she relies on her super abilities.
Armor: Her costume provides very little in regard to full body protection (A.R. 8 and 15 S.D.C.)
Equipment & Vehicles[/b]: She drives around a yellow 2010 Ford Mustang GT.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The woman who calls herself Tatterdemalion has led a double life for many years. She has been a professional thief and spy for Fabricators Inc. For the last 15 years she’s been an
agent trying to infiltrate high-end social and political circles in an effort to obtain compromising material to create negative publicity, as well as for blackmail, often to exert influence
rather than monetary gain, and extortion. She has also served as a liaison for the organization’s diplomatic branch, delivering ultimatums and warnings to both clients and company
operatives. When she arrives, those under employment or have any dealings with Fabricators Inc are put on notice. If the company is not happy with their performance or they’ve
fail to provide services, reneged on their promise, or done something to compromise the company or its reputation in the underworld, Tatterdemalion shows up to convince them to
do otherwise, or else there will be consequences. She will engage in a variety of tactics, but she is not a cold-blood killer, but she does enjoy making people lives miserable. Four
years ago when Eagle Knight took out one of Fabricators Inc lesser used front companies, Fabricators decided to plant her in the organization as a spy to covertly manipulate others
(the player characters) to operate as an unofficial Fabricators Drop and Elimination Team. So far Tatterdemalion hasn’t done anything to truly sabotage the agency from within. While
her friendship with her teammates is genuine, she’s been told to use them on several occasions to serve the interests of Fabricators Inc. She has tried not to place more loyalty
toward one organization over the other, but she feels caught in the middle. Should the time come to make the ultimate decision in picking one side over the other, she is not entirely
sure what to do. She’ll just have to play it by ear until that moment arrives.

Real Name: Penny Oliver
Alias: Cancel Fortune
Occupation: Professional Mercenary, Thief, and Con Artist
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 34 S.D.C.: 38
P.P.E.: 30
Appearance: Think Cruella de Vil. She has shoulder length white blond hair, black eyes with pearl color skin. Her expensive dresses and evening gowns always match her skin
color. She is in good physical shape, but does not appear to have any remarkable fighting skills. She is always smoking using her long cigarette holder.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 27, M.A. 30, P.S. 20, P.P. 14, P.E. 15, P.B. 26, Spd. 15.
Age: 25, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 7 inches (1.70 m), Weight: 115 lbs (51.75 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Black eyes and pearl white skin.
Major Super Ability: Jinx Power
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary Mental Affinity, Extraordinary Physical Beauty, and Fabric/Cloth Material Animation.
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +5 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +6 to save vs psionics & +10 to save vs insanity.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, and All Holds.
Other Bonuses: 97% trust/intimidate and 80% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 93%/90%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, Pilot: Automobile 75%,
Professional Thief Program: Locksmith 75%, Prowl 65%, Escape Artist 70%, Forgery 60%, Climb 80%/70%, Surveillance 70%, Hojojutsu (the traditional Japanese martial art
of restraining a person using cord or rope/70%, Safe Cracking 59%, and Basic Electronics 70%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 55%, Pick Locks 75%, Pick Pocket 85%, Find Contraband 61%, and Seduction 84%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Concealment 60%, Computer Operation 75%, Computer Programming 65%, Performance 70%, Wardrobe & Grooming 80%, Sewing
65%, Appraise Antiques 55%, Athletics (General), and Swimming 65%.
Money: She has several hundred thousand American dollars stashed in the bank. She also has $3 million Euro in a Swiss Bank account. She loves luxury and expensive
Weapons: None, she relies only on her super powers.
Equipment & Vehicles: She drives around in a Ferari GTO. It is but one of the many automobiles she owns.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun May 09, 2021 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

New Wave

New Wave is a fun-loving, carefree, and friendly guy. He lives to enjoy life. He tends to hang out with Amulet, War Flyte, and Shimmer. Atom Lord and Metallica are too serious for
him. He has a gentle, though mischievous nature and is not above playing practical jokes. He reads comic books and science fiction and likes to sneak into super hero movie
theaters. He joined Eagle Knight because his parents wanted him to master his mutant abilities obtained after he dove into a swim pool that had been filled with an experimental
chemical to make possible to breathe underwater. New Wave enjoys practicing with his super abilities, but he really loved hanging around with Amulet who has a big crush on. He
wants to ask her out but doesn’t have the courage to do so. He can take on aliens, androids, and wizards, but asking Amulet out is intimidating. New Wave knows she likes to cook
so maybe that is his gateway into getting to know her on a more intimidate level. New Wave loves sports and being on the water, but in many ways he seeks out the pursuit of
pleasure as the most important thing in life. New Wave doesn’t mind a mixing it up with bad guys, but he rather take the money he using to go to college to get a degree and use it
indulge his insatiable hunger for all things pleasurable.

Real Name: Pete Mardon
Occupation: College Student and freelance members of Eagle Knight Security
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd level
Hit Points: 32 S.D.C.: 113/+100 underwater.
Armor Rating: Water Aura provides a NAR of 10 with 60 S.D.C.
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: He is a good looking, muscular African-American college male with short black hair and dark brown eyes. His blue costume he wears has Bio-Aura incorporated
into it.
Attributes: I.Q. 28, M.E.12, M.A. 12 P.S. 17/24 underwater (extraordinary), P.P. 8, P.E. 15, P.B. 14, Spd. 14/70 (49 mph/78 km) underwater.
Age: 21, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg).
Vulnerability: Necrophobia: New Wave is deathly afraid of seeing dead people. He will not attend a funeral. If someone dies while in combat or during a disaster and he sees it
happen that doesn’t bother him as much as coming upon a dead person. He is deathly afraid of zombies, ghouls, vampires and all undead things. He refuses to see such movies or
television programs. He really hates being in cemeteries and places where the dead are buried/kept.
Major Super Ability: Matter Expulsion: Liquid (Special).
Matter Expulsion: Liquid. The hero is able to condense the moisture in the air, ground, or from any organic material into water. The more moisture in the air (humidity), the
more abundant of water he can generate. Theoretically he has an almost unlimited supply of moisture at all times since it is always present in the surrounding air or environment
however places like the desert or high elevations require more concentration (half his actions per melee round) instead of one. He draws moisture from a 20 foot (6 m) area of
effect. If there is not enough moisture in the air, he can choose to draw in oxygen and hydrogen atoms to make water. The process does not release any by-products or unused
1. Dehydration Attack: New Wave can draw moisture out of a living being causing them to become very hot very quickly, causing headache, disorientation, hot, dry skin, and
difficulty breathing. If the victim is not cooled off quickly (within 4D4 melees), the victim has a 01-60% of lapsing into a coma like unconsciousness. Those who fall into this coma
like state are subject to the normal survivability coma/death rules without any side effects. Those who fail to save coma/death will die. Range: Touch, Damage: Lose initiative,
reduce all skill and combat bonuses by one-half, lose two attacks per melee round, and reduce Spd by 70%. Failure to cool the victim down can result in unconsciousness. Saving
Throw: Roll a 14 or better using only P.E. attribute bonuses. A successful save results in immunity to the attack.
2. Hydro-Magnet: He can cause water in a 50 foot (15.2 m) radius, per level of experience to flow to him and keep coming, up to 100 gallons/378 liters (think two full
bathtubs of water) per level of experience, per melee round. The water starts to cover and soak a 20 foot (6.1 m) diameter around him. If in a room or vehicle that is not
water/airtight, it starts to fill up. If in a boat or a room on a boat, it starts to fill up, and depending on its size, could be in jeopardy of sinking. This is usually done to create panic
and confusion, chase people away, or dowse a fire, but depending on the circumstances, can sometimes be used to drown people and certainly to chase vampires away. Range: Self,
Attacks per Melee: Counts as two attack/action, a cost one attack action to maintain for up to 3 minutes per level of experience. Limitation: Water must be available; he cannot rely
on moisture in the air.
3. Water Aura: The power can be used to surround New Wave with an aura of water. The water envelops his entire body and is 6 inches (15.24 cm) thick however it provides
the same barrier as if the water was three feet (.9 m) deep. The water barrier provides a Natural Armor Rating of 10, however any melee or physical blunt attack that by-pass the
armor rating will still have its damage reduce by 70%. All attacks from high powered rifles (including a .50 caliber) are instantly negated and inflict no damage against the water
aura even if they by-pass the Natural Armor Rating. Projectiles from handguns and shot guns will inflict zero damage unless they are fired at point blank range (less than 10 feet/3
m) and will still have their damage reduced by one-half. Bladed, throwing, and projectile weapons have no problem penetrating the water aura and the Natural Armor Rating and
S.D.C. is ineffective. Energy attacks do full damage; however, fire and heat (plasma) attacks do half damage. Light/laser attacks inflict half damage. Explosions, high speed car
crashes, falls from great heights, and force bolts all have their damage reduced by 70%. S.D.C. Protection: The aura provides 30 S.D.C., plus 10 per level of experience. If
there is ample supply of moisture (water), the aura regenerates at a rate of 10 S.D.C. per melee and as long as the character is conscious (cost one action to maintain per melee
round). Once the S.D.C. of the aura is reduce to zero, the aura is gone and cannot be replenish for one hour. The S.D.C. of the water aura must be destroyed first in order to harm
New Wave, however bladed, throwing, and projectile weapons can ignore the NAR and S.D.C. of the water aura.
4. Hurl Water: New Wave can shoot a stream of water from his fingertips like a fire hose. This has a variety of uses, from damaging electronics to blinding opponents. Range;
30 feet (15.2 m)/60 feet (18.2 m) underwater, Duration: Instant, Damage: 1 S.D.C. point of damage, plus may blind temporarily (-4 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1D4 melee
rounds), Saving Throw: Dodge or parry, Bonus: +1 to strike, -2 to dodge underwater.
5. Water Jet: This is a much more powerful stream of water, like a high-pressure water jet. It’s strong enough to knock most people over, smash down a stone wall, wooden
door, or cut through soft materials. Range: 70 feet (21.3 m)/140 feet (42.6 m) underwater, Duration: Instant, Damage: 3D6. S.D.C., plus it’s very likely that they’ll be knocked
down. Opponents must roll a 14 or better to maintain their balance, Saving Throw: Parry or dodge, Bonus: +1 to strike, -2 to dodge underwater.
6. Water Punch. He can summon a small, whirling vortex of water around his fist from a nearby source of water or from the air itself and use it to slam into an opponent, 2D6
damage plus P.S. damage bonus. Range: Touch or 3 feet (0.9 m), Duration: One melee round, each punch counts as one melee attack. Attacks per Melee: Counts as one attack if an
available water source is nearby, counts as two attacks if need to draw water from the air. Bonus: -2 to dodge underwater.
7. Water Walk. New Wave can walk or run-on water as easily as if it was the ground. He doesn’t sink unless he wants to or is rendered unconscious. Reduce Spd by 25%
8. Water Affinity: New Wave can draw in oxygen from water. This enables him to remain submerged without air indefinitely. He retains his full vision underwater. He can slip in
and out of water without a sound or even making a splash. He can survive depths of up to 200 feet (61 m) without the aid of any special gear (Note: Power Combo.
Combined with his Underwater Abilities, he can survive pressure up to 3 miles (4.8 km) underwater.
Minor Super Abilities: Underwater Abilities, Impervious to Cold & Freezing, and Wave Rider.
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 Initial +2 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing) +1 underwater.
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to strike/+2 underwater, +5 to parry/+7 underwater, +5 to dodge/+9 underwater, +2 to damage, +6 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick 2D4, Body Block/Tackle 1D4 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Pin 18-
20, Crush 1D4, and all Holds.
Other Bonuses: +14% to all skills.
Educational Background: Three years in College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%98%, Mathematics: Basic 95%, Pilot: Automobile 83%, and Swimming 83%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry 94%, Chemistry: Analytical 79%, and Biology 84%.
Technical Program: Research 84%, History 98%84%, Law (General) 79%, and Firefighting 79%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (General), Boxing, and Wrestling.
Secondary: Wilderness Survival 55%, S.C.U.B.A. 79%, Play Basketball 59%, Play Baseball 59%, Cook 50%, Pilot: Water Scooter 79%, Pilot: Boat: Sail Type 79%, Pilot:
Kayaking & Canoes 76%, Navigation 45%, and Fishing 59%
Money: He is using the money he makes from EKLS to pay for college. He can earn about $50,000 per mission.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He is always bumming a ride off someone.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Hugeo is impulsive, hot tempered, quick to argue, but also quick to defend his friends and all the girls because he thinks all of them are fragile and weaker because…their girls after
all. Hugeo wants to make himself a better warrior. He practices a lot, but he can't seem to keep from doing dangerous or foolhardy stunts. He also seems to make lots of mistake
because he forgets just how big and strong he is. He has a habit of saying “utoh” a lot when he rips out an electric pole and takes out the power for over a 1000 people. Others like
New Wave and Shimmer help him deal with his miscalculations. He is always gets lectured by Albert Newton, Atom Lord, Pinpoint, and Metallica because they are quick to tell him
that he screwed up. He and Siberiad HATE each other. A fight typically breaks out between them if they ever stay in the room together long enough. Their animosity might even
stem from the fact he developed his powers after his tribe ate the preserved flesh of a Wholly Mammoth found frozen in the frozen wilderness. While the rest of his tribe died, he
developed strange mutant abilities. Rumor has it the DNA of a saber tooth tiger was injected into Siberiad when he was created in the lab. There does seem to be a predator and
prey rivalry between them. Furthermore, everything about Siberiad is unnatural and against nature. This might also be the reason he finds Cage, Metallica, and other cyborgs creepy
for him. Anyone who would want to bind metal to their body seems so wrong and against everything his family ever taught him about communing and bonding with the natural
world. Hugeo stays with Albert at his home and learns via home school and online. When he completes his schooling in few months, he can join Eagle Knight full time and start
getting his military training.

Real Name: Amaqjuaq which mean strong one in Inuit
Occupation: Member of Eagle Knight Security
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 74 S.D.C.: 296 Armor Rating: A.R.: 9
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: Hugeo is a hulk of a young man. His facial features indicate he has Native Canadian/Inuit heritage. His hair is black and he has sandy brown eyes. He has a large
head with bone ridges over the eyes, a large nose, thick neck and body. His body is covered in short (half inch/1.25 cm) fur. His costume is a combination of a wooly mammoth/Inuit
Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 9, M.A. 13, P.S. 58 (superhuman), P.P. 14, P.E. 38, P.B. 15. Spd. 30
Age: 18, Sex: Male, Height: 7 feet and 1 inch (2.15 m), Weight: 430 lbs (193.5 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Extra Large Hands, Stocky, and Fur (covers most of his body, except face, feet, and hands.
Major Super Ability: Animal Abilities: Pachyderm. Note: He has the part one of the Seismic power (the seismic sense).
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman P.S., Extraordinary P.E., and Healing Factor. He can carry 11,600 lbs (5220 kg or 5.8 tons) and lift 17,400 lbs (783o kg or 8.7 tons).
Attacks per Melee: 4 (2 initial and +2 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +2 to Initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +3 to dodge, +43 to damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, and +4 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: One-third the damage, duration, effect, and penalty of drugs, toxins, and poisons (even if fail save), impervious to disease, fire/cold does half damage, +58%
to save vs coma/death, +11 to save vs magic, +11 to save poison, and +3 to save vs psionics.
Combat Skills: Punch 4D4, Power Punch 5D6+2 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Karate Kick 2D6+2, Snap Kick 2D6, Crescent Kick 2D8, Body
Block/Tackle 2D4 + P.S. attribute (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Pin 18-20,Crush 2D4, and All Holds. He also utilizes power attacks (count as four attacks).
Other Bonuses: 45% charm & impress.
Educational Background: High School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Inuit and English 86%/91% and Mathematics: Basic 81%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Expert and Wrestling.
Wilderness Program: Wilderness Survival 60%, Land Navigation 57%, Track & Trap Animals 45%/55%, Preserve Food 50%, and Identify Plants & Fruits 50%.
Secondary: Athletic (General), Running, Physical Labor, Outdoormanship, Dance 55%, Fishing 55%, Sing 50%, Hunting, History 75%55%, Swimming 55%, and Prowl 32%. ]
Money: He makes about $50,000 per mission he does for Eagle Knight Security.
Weapons: He relies solely on his size and strength.
Equipment & Vehicles: A person of his size has hard time traveling anywhere. He has no need for equipment.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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He and Night Howl share a lot in common. Gimmick’s parents were murdered because some “criminal organization” wanted to steal some invention of his father. They sent some
goons to try to intimidate his father. Gimmick ended up shooting one of them with his inventions. They went after him, and when his parents got in the way to stop them, the
villainess named Wicked Angel killed them. Gimmick managed to get away and took to living on the street, hiding from those villains who murdered his family. He was found and
mentored by Night Howl. Albert Newton recruited them both to Eagle Knight around the same time. While Night Howl likes to be a loner, Gimmick wants to slowly reintegrate back
into modern society and hang out with the girls like War Flyte (boy is she hot), Amulet, Hugeo, and New Wave. Albert has offered him a place to stay at his mansion, but Gimmick
still has troubling nightmares about what happened to his parents. When he does get a chance to hang out at Albert’s home or Eagle Knight HQ, he gets on the computer and starts
researching what he can find out about those villains. Besides Wicked Angel other members he found are Dark Light, Death Thoughts, and Cancel Fortune. He has yet to discover
whom they worked for or why they wanted his father technology, but he plans on getting even one day.

Real Name: Charles Brooks
Occupation: Freelance operative for Eagle Knight Security
Alignment: Unprincipled (leaning toward Scrupulous since joining Eagle Knight)
Power Category: Unstable Mutant
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 30 S.D.C.: 38
P.P.E.: 30
Appearance: He looks younger than he is (17-years-old) when he’s really 27 years old, but he dresses like a street urchin. He has short light blond hair, bright blue eyes,
wears a gray hoodie, a black shirt, blue cargo pants, and running shoes. He carries with him a black backpack full of gadgets he’s made.
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 18, M.A. 6, P.S. 14, P.P. 14, P.E. 12, P.B. 13. Spd. 20.
Age: 17, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 195 lbs (88.45 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Bright blue eyes, ambidextrous, and double jointed.
Major Super Abilities: Mechano Link and Reconstruction
Minor Super Abilities: Machine Awareness and Frequency Manipulation
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous).
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative against modern guns/machines/+4 against A.I., computers, and auto defense systems, +1 to strike, +4 to parry, +3 to dodge/+4 to auto
dodge technology and machines, +5 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Negate all technological bonuses, +2 to save vs psionics and insanity.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Snap Kick 1D6.
Other Bonuses: +7% to all skills.
Educational Background: Street and Home School Combination.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 95%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 91%, Pilot: Roller Blades & Skateboard 89%, Escape Artist 84%/55%. Note: He can pilot anything
he wants at 60% and use any Modern W.P. with +2 to aim and burst, opponents are -3 to dodge attacks and cost two melee actions to do so.
Street Skills: Streetwise 57%, Prowl 57%, W.P. Handgun (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), Computer Hacking 77%, Find Contraband 54%, I.D. Undercover Agents 78%,
Housekeeping 67%, Wardrobe & Grooming 78%, Computer Operation 98%, and Computer Programming 98%.
Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer 87%, Basic Mechanics 92%, and Computer Repair 87%.
Learned Program: Communication Program: Basic Electronics 77%, Radio: Basics 82%, Electronic Countermeasures 62%, T.V./Video 67%, and Sensory Equipment 82%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athlete (General), Running, Mathematics: Advance 79%, General Repair/Maintenance 72%, Research 67%, Land Navigation 59%,
Automotive Mechanics 79%, Recognize Weapon Quality 62%, and Pilot: Bicycling 93%.
Money: Whenever Charles needed money in the past he would simply hack into an ATM. Eagle Knight now pays him $50,000 for a successful mission. He will get a raise if and
when he finally graduates from high school.
Weapons: He can build any type of modern Earth weapon or machine he can think of, and he is able to replicate technology after having touched it.
Particle Beam Pistol, Range: 900 feet (274 m), Damage: 6D6, Payload: 6 shot E-clip. Note: Like all PBW, the beam automatically by-pass the A.R. of a target, including all
Natural Armor Ratings. Objects destroyed or people killed by PB are disintegrated! Living things heal damage back three times slower and objects cannot be repaired by normal
means. His gun only works in his presence.
Mini-Laser, Range: 100 feet (30.5 m), Damage: 1 point, 1D4, and 1D6. E-Clip Capacity 20 charges.
Equipment & Vehicles: He builds his own stuff and he’s given restrictive access to any Eagle Knight technology. Pocket Secretary and $1800 Smartphone. He has a backpack ]
full of parts so he can build any sort of weapon he might need. He has several different types of ammo magazines and E-clips.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Done for guys be back again. Enjoy as always.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great characters as always.

Hope to see more in future,Any plans to make Npc,s characters for Palladium Fantasy rpg,s Page?
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Yep been gone for a while again. Few ideas a in the oven not ready to come out just yet. Hmm PF NPCs well I do have all the pre-gens I give out when I run conventions. I suppose I
could post those. Have to think about it.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Well Reagren Wright you dud a Great Job with Superheroes and Villains,I wanted to see What you can do with Palladium Fantasyrpg,s Characters.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:Yep been gone for a while again. Few ideas a in the oven not ready to come out just yet. Hmm PF NPCs well I do have all the pre-gens I give out when I run conventions. I suppose I
could post those. Have to think about it.
Would you be posting them here or in the PF section of the Forums?
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:Yep been gone for a while again. Few ideas a in the oven not ready to come out just yet. Hmm PF NPCs well I do have all the pre-gens I give out when I run conventions. I suppose I
could post those. Have to think about it.
Would you be posting them here or in the PF section of the Forums?

If I decide to post some NPCs I will create a separate post on the Fantasy board. But I will certainly tell everyone here if I choose to do so.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:Yep been gone for a while again. Few ideas a in the oven not ready to come out just yet. Hmm PF NPCs well I do have all the pre-gens I give out when I run conventions. I suppose I
could post those. Have to think about it.
Would you be posting them here or in the PF section of the Forums?

If I decide to post some NPCs I will create a separate post on the Fantasy board. But I will certainly tell everyone here if I choose to do so.
Cool. 8)
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Agent Shroud

Marcus Hynton grew up in Motor City. He hated every moment he spent in the most crime riddled city in America (more so than Century Station) and the huge corruption brought on
by the organized crime-controlled government. As a teen he worked the streets working as an informant to help the police catch criminals but he learned even most of the cops were
on the take. After nearly getting killed, his handler a Sector agent promised to help him and his family out. The promise didn't come in time and Hynton family died when their house
exploded (gas line issue). Hynton escaped and disappeared with the Sector agent. Hynton was taken to Freedom, New Mexico where he finished high school and was given the
training of a Sector agent. He excelled in computers, street skills, and going under cover. But Hynton didn't trust the agency or its people. Before he could move on to the next phase
of his Sector training and education he left.
Hynton went to Gulf Coast City where he met a Natural Genius named Albert Newton. The two struck a friendship as they both shared the same passion of stopping criminals and
helping people. They created their own detective agency. A few weeks later, Hynton walked into the office and saw an android that looked just like Albert choking him. Hynton raised
his weapon but not before the robot fired his energy blast. Hynton awoke days later with no memory of the incident or anything that happened earlier that morning. However, he
began to uncover certain clues and some lost time. Albert finally sat him down and told him a few years ago he cloned himself and the clone didn't want to obey him and wanted to
extend its limited life expectancy. It paid someone (Fabricators Inc which neither man knows about) to transfer its replica Natural Genius mind into the body of a robot. That robot
went to the Central America nation of Malvador, home of Emperor Danielk and the Usurper. With the robot technology, mone, and the clone's natural genius mind it was given an
andorid body that looked just like Alberts. Calling itself Lord Bedlam it now worked for Danilek and Usurper as an arms dealer and weapon supplier. Lord Bedlam came here to gloat
and blasted Hynton and killed him. Albert desperate took blood from Hynton corpse and cloned him. He improved the Clone Physiology process so Hynton's clone would live just as
long as Hynton's original body's age. Albert then put Hynton's corpse into a preserving tank (just in case). Hynton retained his original personality and alignment, but he changed in
his disposition toward criminals. He was more willing to do whatever was necessary to put them down and he wanted super heroes held responsible if they went rogue or failed in
their efforts. Albert and Hynton decide to close their detective agency and joined up with Eagle Knight Security. Becaue of their leadership qualities they were made team leaders.
Hynton has been killed 12 additional times and Albert has cloned him again or taking genetic material from his original body (which only retains memories from the day he died,
requiring Hynton to relearn what has happened since then. Hynton has never told Albert to stop cloning him but he does feel every single time he is cloned and comes back from the
dead, he losses a piece of himself as a result, including important memories of his past and his own life. Hynton remains a member of Eagle Knight but he secretly has become a
member of THE JURY as one of its Enforcers. He doesn't tell Albert or any of the other members of his team this secret part of his life. One day he will have to decide which side he is
on and that could also mean he will finally decide he doesn't want to be cloned again should he die.

Real Name: Marcus Hynton
Occupation: Private Detective from Gulf Coast City, member of Eagle Knight Security and Jury Enforcer.
Alignment: Scrupulous (he's also been Unprincipled, Aberrant, and Principled)
Power Category: Super Sleuth
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 44 S.D.C.: 48
P.P.E.: 9
Appearance: Marcus is a thinker, but he loves to get into a fight. He is a large, muscular black man who moves with obvious agility and power. He has brown eyes and his black
hair is cut in a short flattop that is shaved in back. Typically he is wearing all black, a form-fitting shirt with slacks, leather gloves, boots, and a leather trench coat. He is never
without his stylish slim black shades.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 15, M.A. 23, P.S. 12, P.P. 15, P.E. 15, P.B. 21, Spd. 24.
Age: 37, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot, 10 inches (1.77 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg)
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +3 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +2 to damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +6 to pull punch, and +3 to Perception Rolls.
Saving Throws: +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired,
must dodge or knockdown), All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Note: Hynton has additional bonuses given to him because of his Sector Agent Training. He can apply his unmodified critical strike to melee or range weapons/attacks.
Other Bonuses: 75% trust/intimidate and 55% charm/impress.
Special Skills: Computer Hacking 85%, Crime Scene Investigation 98%, See Through Disguise 78%, Recognize Forgery 86%, and I.D. Undercover Agent 88%.
Educational Background: Special
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%, Language: Spanish 90%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Pilot: Motorcycle 98%, and Pilot: Automobile 91%.
Special Skills: Hand to Hand: Expert, W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Radio: Basic 98%, Computer Operation 98%, History 98%/98%, Law (General) 90%, Intelligence
80%, Interrogation 80%, Research 95%, Surveillance 85%, Tailing 90%, Recognize Weapon Quality 75%. Find Contraband 74%, Streetwise 68%, Disguise 72%, and Undercover Ops
Rogue Program: Pick Locks 85%, Safe Cracking 63%, Prowl 75%, and Seduction 63%.
Secondary Skills: Basic Electronics 65%, Wardrobe & Grooming 78%, Public Speaking 65%, Performance 67%, Computer Programming 71%, Athletic (general), Business
& Finance 70%, Climbing 75%/65%, Pick Pocket 65%, Palming 55%, Concealment 44%, Rope Works 55%, Land Navigation 44% and Roadwise 34%.
Money: Marcus Hynton is independently wealthy (worth 150 million dollars) so he has little need for anything. He always has cash on his person (4D4x100 dollars).
Weapons: the following are his favorite weapons.
Third Generation Colt Peacekeeper (.45 caliber), Range: 150 feet (45 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot only, Feed: 6 chamber side-loading cylinder. He has two
speed loaders.
LAR Grizzly Mark I Long Slide (.45 caliber), Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed: 7 round magazine. He keeps two extra
clips on him.
NF-300 Needle Gun, This weapon holds a clip .15 mm (.006 inch) diameter needles that are fired at 680 mph (1094 km). The Teflon needles are armor piercing (reduce A.R by
two points, or give the shooter +2 to penetrate A.R), Damage: 2D6 however the needles have a 01-33% chance of remaining inside the target causing severe discomfort, requiring a
save vs pain (16 or better) with the option of using P.E. or M.E. attribute bonus score (use only one, not both). Failure means an additional 1 point of damage (per needle) per melee
round and -4 to initiative, -3 to strike, parry, and dodge. Reduce Spd by 30%. These penalties double for short, triple for long bursts. Surgery is required to remove the needles. Rate
of Fire: Single shot, semi-automatic (x2), or full automatic (x3 for short, x7 for long), Feed: 300 needles per clip, Bonus: +1 to aim or burst. He keeps two extra ammo clips.
Armor: When the mission calls for it, he wears a stylized bullet proof vest (A.R. 10, 50 S.D.C) over his clothes. The rest of his attire offers little protection.
Equipment and Vehicles: These are his favorite toys.
Hynton’s Purple Cellphone: His “$1500 smart phone” and “smart watch” are in truth nothing more than a rouse.
Hynton’s Sunglasses: Hynton’s “$900” Italian Sunglasses are more than normal sunglasses. They provide him a direct interface with his super computer. They give him a
HUD display, giving him tactical knowledge during combat (Bonus: +2 to initiative, +1 to strike using any weapon including hand to hand combat, +1 to parry & dodge, and track up
to 10 opponents within a 60 foot/18.23 m range) and a +10% bonus to his knowledge/research-based skills. The sunglasses provide him X-Ray vision, night vision, and infrared
vision (Range: 1600 feet/487 m). The sunglasses give him voice print analysis, advance facial recognition technology (+15% bonus to see through disguises), and sound analysis
technology, which together give him a limited version of lie detection (Range: 10 feet/3 m). The sunglasses function as a $2000 smart phone/watch. Note: The clone will be able get
a spare pair of shades at his two storage units.
Hynton’s Crime Lab: Hynton’s crime lab features multi-million dollars in equipment including microscopes, magnifying glasses, jeweler’s tools/lenses, ICP-MS Instrument,
light board, DNA sequencer, video spectral comparator, omnichrone camera, automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS), a digital unit to handle digital photographs and data
retrieved from computers and personal electronics. He has digital units to analyze voice-print spectrographs from telephoned or tape-recorded threats or messages. He has a
chemical analysis lab, refrigerator unit, electrical facilities, high end 3-D printers, various size digital cameras, and other stuff. Hynton has two storage units containing pretty much
any tactical, optical, surveillance, communication, sensory, photography/video equipment/gear he might need. Hynton owns a black 1968 Dodge Charger (Soup-Up vehicle).
The center piece of Hynton’s crime lab is a supercomputer whose specs are on par with any of those used by the FBI and GIGMA; it permits global surveillance and also
connects to a massive information network as well as storing vast amounts of information, both on various super beings (heroes and villains). A series of satellite link-ups allows easy
access to Canada, Great Britain, Israel, and Australian SCRET’s information network. The super computer and the sunglasses are protected against unauthorized access, and any
attempt to breach this security immediately sends an alert to Hynton and his unnamed ally in The Jury.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Lord Bedlam

Lord Bedlam was created when Albert Newton needed to complete an important experiment but he also need to leave to finish an important mission. So he cloned himself and told
himself to stay and finish the experiment. Albert failed to realize the clone was not a servant but an exact replica of himself and he didn’t like being told what to do. His clone was
him. His memories did not know or consider the importance of the experiment so he left to explore the city. Later, he came back to the lab and began to realize he only had a few
days left to live. This wasn’t fairs so he had to find a way to extend his life. He fled and found a way to meet a Fabricator Inc liaison. Paying over 3 million dollars, the clone had his
mind transferred into a robot body. He then fled the country and went to Malvador to meet Emperor Danilek and the Usurper (doesn’t realize they’re two different people). With the
Emperor’s assistance and robotic technology, the clone made an android body of himself and gave himself the name Lord Bedlam. He now works for the two individuals as the
Malvador arms dealer and weapon seller. He also operates his own missions on the side, making him an international super villain and terrorist. His existence is Albert Newton’s dirty
little secret. The two communicate covertly to each other every so often about what they are doing. Lord Bedlam “loves” and “loathes” Albert and Albert feels the same way. Despite
their hatred for each other, they share a strange father/son connection, often coming toward each other assistance should the need arrive.

Real Name: The clone of Albert Edison Newton
Occupation: Super Villain, Terrorist, and international arms dealer/weapon supplier working for the Usurper and Emperor Danilek in the country of Malvador for MINE
(Malvador Industrial Network).
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: The Clone of a Natural Genius, Transferred Intelligence.
Experience Level: 10th
Appearance: He is a perfect replica of Albert Newton however he is an android. He always wears his war suit (battle armor). He is partial bald with shoulder length metallic
hair. He has light blue eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 24, M.A. 19, P.S. 30 (robotic), P.P. 24, P.E. na, P.B. 15. Spd. 40.
Age: 38, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.55 m), Weight: 240 lbs (73.15 kg)
Mental Disciplines: Analytical Mind (six non combat actions per melee round), Clinical Outlook, Odds Assessment, Mind over Matter; Combat Trance, Iron Will Power, Enhanced
Memory, Speed Reader, and Sexual Charisma.
Combat Training: Akido enhanced with his mind merged with a combat computer
Attacks per Melee: 8 (2 initial +4 from hand to hand +2 from combat computer)
Combat Bonuses: +10 to Perception Rolls, +9 to initiative, +9 to strike, +13 to parry, +14 to dodge, +7 to auto dodge, +15 to damage, +8 to roll with punch/fall, +9 to pull
punch, +4 to disarm, and +6 to break fall (using this instead of roll with punch/fall (must roll a 14 or better) or he takes no damage from a fall, and only half damage if the roll for
break fall fails! It can also be used against a knock out attack (roll a 15 or better). A successful roll against knock out means the character takes normal damage, but is not stunned
or unconscious. Note: The break fall uses up one melee attack each used. Combat Trance (22 times per 24 hours, 20 melees, +2 to attacks, +1 to initiative, +6 to strike/parry, +3 to
dodge, +3 disarm, +3 to entangle, +3 to pull punch, during combat trance all his skill performance is reduce by one-half, reduce saving throw bonus by one half, no other Mental
Discipline can be done with this trance).
Saving Throws: He is impervious to organic attacks (poison, drugs, disease, gases, heat, and cold) and possession, +10 to save against psionics that affect the mind, +5 to
save vs magic that affect the mind, +13 to save vs mind control, +13 to save vs illusion, +11 to save vs insanity, and +10 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 3D6+2, Karate Kick 4D6+6, Power Punch 1D4x10 (counts as two attacks), Jump Kick 8D6+6 or 1D4x10+14 (uses up all attacks/actions), +2 to Body
Flip 2D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack or action) a critical body flip throw on an unmodified roll of 19-20), +1 to Body Block/Tackle 3D6 + P.S. damage bonus
(must parry/dodge or knockdown), Paired Weapons, and All Holds (+4 to strike), and Critical strike from behind or on a natural, unmodified roll of 17-20. Note: His critical strike roll
applies to all of his attacks including melee, range, and internal weapons!
Blindness: On a strike roll of 14 or better, a precision two finger strike just below the victim’s eyes causes blindness for 1D6 hours! A missed roll or parry does no
damage. A successful roll with punch/impact reduces the blindness to 3D6 melee rounds! A blind victim is -10 to strike, parry, and dodge and must travel at half speed. This is a
nerve attack (duration is one half used against invulnerable beings or solid APS forms).
Knife Hand Knockout: Once he performs a successful Hold, he can perform a knife hand (with a successful strike) and his opponent must save at 15 or better or be
knocked out for 2D4 melee rounds. The knife hand does not damage (even if make the save). If unsuccessful victim is still remain in the hold and lose two melee attacks and all
combat bonuses are reduced by half.
Duatsu: With a simple touch, he can snap a victim out of Knockout, Stun, or Paralyze or other forms of temporary shock.
Other Bonuses: +7% to all skills and 55% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Special
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 107%%/105%, Mathematics: Basic 109% Pilot Automobile 97%%, Play Go 92%, and Bonsai 112%.
Mechanical (General) Program: Mechanical Engineer 117%, Basic Electronics 117%, and Locksmith 122%.
Investigation Program: Computer Operation 132%, History 142%/122%, Research 132%, Tailing 92%, Photography 122%, and Writing 112%.
Science Program: Mathematics: Advance 121%, Astrophysics 122%, Astronomy & Navigation 127%, and Anthropology 127%.
Language Program: Read-Write/Speak Japanese, German, Spanish, and Russian 132%/122%.
Technical Program: Business & Finance 127%, Law (General) 127%, Computer Programming 117%, and Jury-Rig 122%.
Law Enforcement: W.P. Handgun (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), Radio: Basic 107%, Crime Scene Investigation 127%, Forensics 132%, Toxicology 127%, and Streetwise 67%.
2nd Investigation Program: Cryptography 117%, Intelligence 114% (139% when dealing with women), Detect Concealment 87%, and Computer Hacking 112%.
Medical Doctor Program: Biology 127%, Chemistry 137%, Pathology 127%, and Medical Doctor 132%/117%.
Hunter/Outdoormanship Skill Program (based on Rifter #25 by John C. Philpott): Camouflage 77%, Fishing 97%, Land Navigation 88%, Prowl 82%, Tracking (people)
87%, Wilderness Survival 87%, W.P. Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and Track and Trap Animal 82%/87%.
Entertainer Program (base in part by John C. Philpott): Disguise 114%, Impersonation 119%/104%, Performance 89%, Public Speaking 87%, Seduction 84%, TV/Video
92%, and Wardrobe & Grooming 97%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand; Akido, Athletics (General), Aerobics Athletics (Sense of Balance 92%), Climbing 97%/87%, Swimming 107%, Running, Imitate Voice &
Sounds 89%/83%, W.P. Trickshooting, W.P. Knife (+3 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to throw), W.P. Sword (+4 to strike/parry), Play Piano 87%, Play Violin 87%, Pilot: Airplane 85%,
Pilot: Avtran 91%, Pilot: Truck 91%, Cook 77%, Recognize Weapon Quality 47%, and Boat: Sail Type 82%.
Money: As of now, he has a million US dollars in a Malvador bank, two million US dollars in a Swiss Bank account, 10 million in various bank accounts protected by Fabricators
Inc. Emperor Danilek and the Usurper pay all expenses, legal fees, and provide him a salary of $30,000 US dollars a week.
Weapons: Besides his built in weapons, he also uses the following.
Two Libertines (a MIND automatic pistol, the equivalent to a Browning Hi-Power), Cartridge: 9mm with AP rounds, Range: 164 feet (50 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire:
Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed: 13 round box magazine. Bonus: Using the AP Rounds, lower a target’s A.R. by two (or get +2 strike against armored targets), not both! He
stores two extra ammo clips on his suit. Note: Lord Bedlam can fire both handguns simultaneously with no shooting penalty.
TI Heavy Particle Beam Rifle: Range: 3000 feet (914 m), Damage: 1D6x10, Rate of Fire: Single shot only, Payload: 10 shot energy clip. Note: All PBW, the beam
automatically by-pass the A.R. of a target, including all Natural Armor Ratings. Objects destroyed or people killed by PB are disintegrated! Living things heal damage back three times
slower and objects cannot be repaired by normal means.
Armor: Battle Armor, Made by Fabricators Inc, the FA -70FF Ultra-Lite with force field is a full environmental body armor made of Flexi-Steel. The force field gives the wearer
superior protection. Flexi-steel armor also partially deflects all energy attacks (laser, electricity, etc.) reducing their damage by half. A.R. 15, S.D.C. 150. Force Field 200 S.D.C. and
can recharge lost S.D.C. at a rate of three (3) per minute. Limited to protecting the wearer of the armor only, the field cannot be expanded to cover a larger area. Force Field
Payload: 12 hours of use before the battery needs recharging. Note: Double Armor Rules apply. Combat rolls below Battle Armor A.R. effect the battle armor S.D.C., modified combat
rolls over 15 cause his robot body no damage, unmodified combat rolls over 15 cause him only one-third normal damage.
Equipment & Vehicles: Any conventional ground or air vehicle found in the country of Malvador as well as access to any ground or air vehicle available from Fabricators Inc
which includes Soup-Up spy vehicles to those belonging to Super Soldiers.

Lord Beldam’s Android Body
Type: Android, Transferred Intelligence
Body Frame: Humanoid, Reinforced. His metal body is made of a laser/light resistant material (light/laser attacks cause him half damage).
Dimensions: Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.55 m), Weight: 240 lbs (73.15 kg)
Power Supply: Super-Solar Engine (includes a superior energy storage unit that can hold 14 hours worth of power). His emergency reserve has a six-hour storage capacity.
When it engages, he immediately falls asleep, but he does not shut down completely, he can be awakened but functions only at one-half his normal abilities. The moment he is
exposed to solar (photon) energy, he will return to normal fully energized.
Leaping: 20 feet (6 m) up or lengthwise. A jet thruster assisted leap can propel him up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and 200 feet (61 m) across without actually attaining flight.
Flight: The micro rocket propulsion systems (feet) enable him to hover stationary up to 1000 feet (305 m; 50 feet/15.2 m with no wings) or fly. Maximum flying speed is 120
mph (193.2 km/h), but cruising speed is considered 70 mph (112.7 km/h). The flying range is a mere ten minutes. Afterwards the system starts to overheat, causing the micro
thrusters and sensor systems to burn out within 2D6 minutes: require replacement of parts to get to work again.
Legs: Two Humanoid. Speed 28 mph (45 km).
Arms & Hands: Two Humanoid; Robotic/Superhuman P.S. 30, P.P. 24
Audio System: Basic Listening System (no difference between it and normal hearing), Human Voice Synthesizer (sounds just like Albert Newton), and Wide Band Radio
Receiver and Transmitter.
Optics: Advance Robot Optic Systems (3-D analysis, nightsight, infrared and ultraviolet-2000 feet/610 m), Telescopic Vision (1600 feet/488 m), Thermo-Vision (1600
feet/488 m) and Targeting System (+1 to aim/strike/called shots).
Sensors: Combat Computer, Chemical Analysis System (located in his nose and tongue, virtually no difference between it and a normal human sense of smell and taste),
Motion Detector (60 feet/18.2 m), and Touch Sensing System (identical to normal human touch).
SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) GEAR: Enables to him to send or receive radio or cell phone frequencies. It can monitor specific frequencies, or scan though a range of
frequencies for a specific signal. Once the signal has been found, a radio directional finder will attempt to track the signal to its source (88%).
Secure Radio: Encrypted radio/cellular transmissions. Must use Electronic Countermeasures in order to intercept his transmissions, and even than it’s a –25% penalty.
SatCome Radio: Receive and transmit satellite, radio, cellular broadcasts with any military and/or civilian satellites: Range: World Wide Communications.]
ECU (Electromagnetic Containment/Control, this is what houses his mind/brain wave. A.R.: 16, S.D.C.: 200. It is located in his chest. It’s the size of a postage stamp. One
would have to have the skill Robotics Engineering or Robotics Electronics to know is approximate location. Lord Bedlam. Destroying his body does not necessarily destroy Lord Bedlam
because his modified electromagnetic containment control unit allows him too wirelessly (remotely) access and corrupt any computer network and access the Internet at any point in
time (maximum range 50 feet/15.24 m). He need only make his way through hard lines (wired telephones and TV cables) as well as television waves, cell phones, radio waves,
microwaves, and similar transmissions. Destroy his body and his mind moves on until he arrives at one of the many duplicates of his android body anywhere in the world!
Special Operating Systems and Misc: Underwater Capabilities, Flotation Device (self-activated), Artificial Liquid System (blood, saliva, sweat, etc), Internal Food/Liquid
Processor (functions like a humanoid digestive system, even produces waste products-feces), Artificial Heart, Lungs, and Kidneys (similar to those use in cyborgs, but in reality do
nothing for him, however they work good enough to fool a cardiologist or basic life support equipment (one can even feel a pulse in random places in his body) at 90%, Realistic Eyes
and Sculpted Facial Features. Superior Cosmetic Enhancements (however his appearance make him obviously look metallic. Self Repair Micro-Robots (special), this million dollar
system allows him repair himself almost immediately after being damaged. A unit installed with miniature repair robots is housed in each of his extremities as well as his torso. When
he takes damage (not his battle armor), the repair system sends out the little robots and they begin to fix the damage. Each unit of nanobots can only fix 20 S.D.C. of damage, but
he has ten systems capable of completely repairing him up to 200 S.D.C. worth of repairs. After each robot does it 20 S.D.C. or repairs it will not function (there are no more
materials in them), and they must be replenished in Malvador at the cost $2,000, or he can be released them into the armored plating of another robot or military (soup-up) vehicles
to gather supplies. The latter method requires 2 hours of salvage time for the robots to gather and process the materials, and the materials must come from a structure with an A.R.
at least equal or greater than his own. Once the process is finished, the unit can again repair 20 S.D.C. of damage. Repair units will disperse across his body if they are able (the limb
housing is for space and coverage purposes) and more than one unit can replenish itself at a time.

Armor Rating (A.R.): 10
S.D.C. by location:
Hands (2)-20 each
Arms (2)-25 each
Legs (2)-45 each
* Head-30
** Main Body-225
* A difficult target to strike. An attacker must make a called shot to hit and even then its –2 to strike. Destroying the head of the robot will eliminate all optics and sensory system.
The robot will shut down as s safety feature. The eyes are even a smaller target requiring a called shot to hit with a –4 to strike. Destroying his head does not damage the ECU its
located in his chest (size of a postage stamp).
** Depleting the S.D.C. of the main body will effectively destroy his body, shutting it down completely and making it useless. However, his nanobots will work to repair the damage,
or he can simply use his ECU to transfer his consciousness via wirelessly (make a satellite or cell phone call) or by direct contact with a hard line.

Robotic Weapons:

Hand Blaster (both). Finger laser in each hand, can be used as a cutting tool or weapon. When firing more than one finger blaster simultaneously at one target, use the
robot volley rules. Range: 500 feet (152 m), Damage: 1 point, 1D4, 1D6, or 2D6. Using all five fingers-5 points, 5D4, 6D6, or 10D6 or 1D6x10, Energy Capacity: Unlimited, Rate of
Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack, More than one finger is a volley and still counts as a single attack, Bonus: +1 to strike.
Eye Lasers (2), Range: 500 feet (152 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot, Payload: 20 shots per hour maximum, Bonus: +3 to strike.
Two Retractable Vibro Sabres, sheathed in both forearms, 5D6 each.
Two FW- 170 Air Densifier Barrier Shield Wrist Band (built into forearms). The devices fires an energy pulse which temporarily densifies air molecules effectively creating
an area of “hard” air or a force field-like barrier as big as 4 feet (1.2 m) or one foot (0.3 m) in diameter. The barrier is completely invisible and cannot be moved from the spot where
it was created. After two (2) full melee rounds (30 seconds) the barrier dissipates. These instant barriers can be used to deflect physical assaults, such as thrown weapons, bullets, or
help absorb the impact of a small explosion. Energy attacks (including particle beams, plasma, ion, force, fire blasts, electricity, and most others will also impact on the solidified air.
Lasers/light beams go right through (as well as sound waves and vibrations) and inflict full damage! The barrier is also good for momentarily blocking small openings like windows,
portholes, and normal size doors. Range: Up to 12 feet (3.6 m), Duration: 2 melee rounds (30 seconds), Barrier S.D.C.: 50, E-clip Capacity: 6 Barriers. Recharges one every 4 hours
(solar powered).
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Psia was an experimental chimpanzee created at Genetech, one of subsidiary companies for BIO-Spawn, to evolve a primate embryo into a Homo Sapien. Psia's chimpanzee mother
gave birth to a baby human infant. A month later, her mother refuse to have anything more to do with her. Psia was taken out of the cage and given over to Genetech scientists to
raise. Weeks later, an infant Psia started demonstrating the ability to send out thought waves that altered people’s perception, and eventually drove every scientist who tried to raise
her insane. Eventually Doctor Feral arrived and took Psia to his lab to raise and experiment on. He managed to dampen her power by the use of a headband, which made her
harmless and controllable. He returned Psia to Genetech where she spent her childhood being studied and tested until she was freed by people involved in FFARM (Fight For Animal
Rights and Mortality). One of the members Collin Lambert convinced her to use her powers to drive millions of people insane, via a broadcasting signal. This plan would have
succeeded, if not for the Totally Cool Animals revealing to her that not all humans where evil and deserve to suffer. Psia had a change in heart, especially when she learned Collin had
tinkered with her power-dampening headband in order to give himself psychic abilities. Psia turned her mental powers on him and put him in catatonic state. Before the TCA had the
opportunity to take Psia to a division of the Mutant Underground, she was rescued by the Fabricators Inc. Damon Lazaris took her under his wing, treating her like his ward and
daughter. She will do anything to please him.
Psia/ Psychoa is now one of Fabricators Inc Eliminators, part assassin/enforcer. She takes care of any “problems” which may compromise the organization or soil its reputation in
the underworld. She will track down, capture or kill traitors, spies, thieves, blackmailers, troublemakers and enemies. Whomever she is told to kill by Damon will end up dead or
catatonic. Patti has convinced herself she is a “human being” who has been injected with chimpanzee DNA. She will not reveal the truth to anyone. She is slowly growing bitter about
being cheated out of a normal life. She takes her anger out on others except for her father (Damon) and her friend Cancel Fortune (aka Tatterdemalion).

Alias: Patti Cross, Psychoa
Occupation: Escape scientific experiment
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mega Psychic Mutant Animal
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 24 S.D.C.: 60
P.P.E.: 30
Appearance: Psia looks like a 11-year human girl with her high cheekbones, vivid blue eyes and thick auburn hair. There is no doubt in a few years she will grow up to be a
tall, graceful, and attractive human female. There is nothing about her appearance to suggest she is a mutant chimpanzee.
Attributes: I.Q. 25, M.E. 25, M.A.14, P.S. 18, P.P. 13, P.E. 11, P.B. 16, Spd. 12.
Age: 11, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot (1.52 m), Weight: 90 lbs (40.5 kg)
Vulnerabilities: Diet: Strict Vegetarian and Nearsightedness (4 feet/1.21 m) of clarity, 5-21 feet (1.5 to 6.4 m) is blurry, cannot see beyond 21 feet (6.4 m). She has to wear
her glasses in order to see. She has them strapped to her face whenever possible.
Mutant Powers: Advance Touch, Extra I.Q, and Extra M.E.
Psionics: Empathy, Mind Trap (one action to trigger or maintain simple fantasy, all actions for complex fantasy), Hypnotic Suggestion, Telepathic Transmission, Telepathic
Listening, and Bio-Manipulation Pain & Stun. Note: The range of all her psychic powers is increased by 50%.
Psionic Combos: Reality Warp (special). Psia has a very powerful form of Mind Trap that can be used on as many as four people simultaneously. She can distort the
perception of reality. All who are within 20 feet (6.1 m) of her whenever she engages in combat must save vs psionics or become confused and disoriented as all their sensory
perceptions begin to bend, twist, and swirl around. Those who fail have all their combat bonuses, Spd, and skill proficiencies reduce by one-half. Victims also lose their initiative and
one melee attack. All attempts to concentrate and focus will fail due to the disorienting nature of the mind attack. Its effects last for 2D6 minutes. Attacks per Melee: Use up half of
her actions to trigger.
Hypnotic Suggestion/Mind Trap: A unique combination of Mind Trap and Hypnotic Suggestion to make her enemies betray one another. She can uses Mind Trap to make the
victim sees his friend as his greatest enemy. At the same time, she uses Hypnotic Suggestion to tell the victim, “You have a chance to crush your greatest enemy! Do so!” She can
use both psionic powers simultaneously (requiring only one saving throw), but she must sacrifice one attack per round to keep up the illusion, and can only use it on one person at a
time. To maintain the fantasy cost all her attacks per melee round.
Mind Trap/Bio-Manipulation: Pain. She has learned how to combine her Mind Trap with her Bio-Manipulation: Pain. The result is her victims have a -5 to save against the mind
trap illusion, because the pain involved in the experience is real, not imaginary. Attacks per Melee: Use up all attacks for the melee (cannot move, fight or speak). To maintain a
simply fantasy only cost 2 attacks per melee, complex fantasy uses all her attacks per melee round (cannot fight, speak, or move).
Mind Trap/Telepathic Transmission: She can cause the damage that characters suffer in the psionic fantasy of the Mind Trap to do actual physical damage to the victim! For
every 8 points of damage in the fantasy, there will be 1 actual point of hit point/S.D.C. damage. Attacks per Melee: Simple fantasy cost 2 attacks/action per melee round, complex
fantasy use up all attacks for the melee (cannot move, fight or speak).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to ]
Saving Throws: She needs a 10 or better to save vs psionics, +5 to save vs psionics, +8 to save vs insanity, +6 to save vs possession, +7 to save vs mind control, +1 to save
vs magic, +4 to save vs magic illusion, and +5 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), and Snap Kick 1D6.
Other Bonuses: +6% to all skills and 30% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Educated and trained like a normal human.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/94%
Criminal Program: Streetwise 52%, Pick Locks 86%, I.D. Undercover Agents 72%, Pick Pocket 91%, and Prowl 51%.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Housekeeping 71%, Wardrobe & Grooming 82%, and Cook 71%.
Secondary Skills: Running, Athletics (general), Swimming 76%, Climbing 66%/56%, Sew 66%, Dance 56%, Identify Fruits & Plants 51%, Singing 71%, Performance
58%, and Palming 45%
Money: She never carries money. She has adults always pay or steal whatever she needs.
Weapons: She relies on her psionics and her cunning to get out of any situation. She really hates to rely on brute force (it’s so beneath one such as her).
Equipment & Vehicles: She steals whatever will be required to complete the task.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Thu Aug 12, 2021 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:PSIA

Psia was an experimental chimpanzee created at Genetech, one of subsidiary companies for BIO-Spawn. She was born with the ability to send out thought waves that altered
people’s perception, and eventually drove them insane. When she was only an infant, Psia left the scientist in charge of her in a catatonic insanity, albeit unintentionally. A few years
later, she was taken by Doctor Feral who intended to study and use her mental skills. He managed to dampen her power by the use of a headband, which made her harmless and
controllable. Psia spent all her childhood being studied and tested, until she was freed from Doctor Feral’s lab by people involved in FFARM (Fight For Animal Rights and Mortality).
One of the members Collin Lambert convinced her to use her powers to drive millions of people insane, via a broadcasting signal. This plan would have succeeded, if not for the
Totally Cool Animals revealing to her that not all humans where evil and deserve to suffer. Psia had a change in heart, especially when she learned Collin had tinkered with her power-
dampening headband in order to give himself psychic abilities. Psia turned her mental powers on him and put him in catatonic state. Before the TCA had the opportunity to take Psia
to a division of the Mutant Underground, she was rescued by the Fabricators Inc. Damon Lazaris took her under his wing, treating her like his ward and daughter. She will do
anything to please him.
Psia/ Psychoa is now one of Fabricators Inc Eliminators, part assassin/enforcer. She takes care of any “problems” which may compromise the organization or soil its reputation in
the underworld. She will track down, capture or kill traitors, spies, thieves, blackmailers, troublemakers and enemies. Whomever she is told to kill by Damon will end up dead or
catatonic. Patti has convinced herself she is a “human being” who has been injected with chimpanzee DNA. She will not reveal the truth to anyone. She is slowly growing bitter about
being cheated out of a normal life. She takes her anger out on others except for her father (Damon) and her friend Cancel Fortune (aka Tatterdemalion).

Alias: Patti Cross, Psychoa
Occupation: Escape scientific experiment
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mega Psychic
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 24 S.D.C.: 60
P.P.E.: 30
Appearance: Psia is a young, beauty with her high cheekbones, vivid blue eyes and thick auburn hair. Even though she is only 11 years old, she will grow up to be tall, graceful
and womanly.
Attributes: I.Q. 25, M.E. 25, M.A.14, P.S. 18, P.P. 13, P.E. 11, , P.B. 16, Spd. 12.
Age: 11, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot (1.52 m), Weight: 90 lbs (40.5 kg)
Vulnerabilities: Diet: Strict Vegetarian and Nearsightedness (4 feet/1.21 m) of clarity, 5-21 feet (1.5 to 6.4 m) is blurry, cannot see beyond 21 feet (6.4 m). She has to wear
her glasses in order to see. She has them strapped to her face whenever possible.
Mutant Powers: Advance Touch, Extra I.Q, and Extra M.E.
Psionics: Empathy, Mind Trap (one action to trigger or maintain simple fantasy, all actions for complex fantasy), Hypnotic Suggestion, Telepathic Transmission, Telepathic
Listening, and Bio-Manipulation Pain & Stun. Note: The range of all her psychic powers is increased by 50%.
Psionic Combos: Reality Warp (special). Psia has a very powerful form of Mind Trap that can be used on as many as four people simultaneously. She can distort the
perception of reality. All who are within 20 feet (6.1 m) of her whenever she engages in combat must save vs psionics or become confused and disoriented as all their sensory
perceptions begin to bend, twist, and swirl around. Those who fail have all their combat bonuses, Spd, and skill proficiencies reduce by one-half. Victims also lose their initiative and
one melee attack. All attempts to concentrate and focus will fail due to the disorienting nature of the mind attack. Its effects last for 2D6 minutes. Attacks per Melee: Use up half of
her actions to trigger.
Hypnotic Suggestion/Mind Trap: A unique combination of Mind Trap and Hypnotic Suggestion to make her enemies betray one another. She can uses Mind Trap to make the
victim sees his friend as his greatest enemy. At the same time, she uses Hypnotic Suggestion to tell the victim, “You have a chance to crush your greatest enemy! Do so!” She can
use both psionic powers simultaneously (requiring only one saving throw), but she must sacrifice one attack per round to keep up the illusion, and can only use it on one person at a
time. To maintain the fantasy cost all her attacks per melee round.
Mind Trap/Bio-Manipulation: Pain. She has learned how to combine her Mind Trap with her Bio-Manipulation: Pain. The result is her victims have a -5 to save against the mind
trap illusion, because the pain involved in the experience is real, not imaginary. Attacks per Melee: Use up all attacks for the melee (cannot move, fight or speak). To maintain a
simply fantasy only cost 2 attacks per melee, complex fantasy uses all her attacks per melee round (cannot fight, speak, or move).
Mind Trap/Telepathic Transmission: She can cause the damage that characters suffer in the psionic fantasy of the Mind Trap to do actual physical damage to the victim! For
every 8 points of damage in the fantasy, there will be 1 actual point of hit point/S.D.C. damage. Attacks per Melee: Simple fantasy cost 2 attacks/action per melee round, complex
fantasy use up all attacks for the melee (cannot move, fight or speak).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to ]
Saving Throws: She needs a 10 or better to save vs psionics, +5 to save vs psionics, +8 to save vs insanity, +6 to save vs possession, +7 to save vs mind control, +1 to save
vs magic, +4 to save vs magic illusion, and +5 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), and Snap Kick 1D6.
Other Bonuses: +6% to all skills and 30% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Educated and trained like a normal human.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/94%
Criminal Program: Streetwise 52%, Pick Locks 86%, I.D. Undercover Agents 72%, Pick Pocket 91%, and Prowl 51%.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Housekeeping 71%, Wardrobe & Grooming 82%, and Cook 71%.
Secondary Skills: Running, Athletics (general), Swimming 76%, Climbing 66%/56%, Sew 66%, Dance 56%, Identify Fruits & Plants 51%, Singing 71%, Performance
58%, and Palming 45%
Money: She never carries money. She has adults always pay or steal whatever she needs.
Weapons: She relies on her psionics and her cunning to get out of any situation. She really hates to rely on brute force (it’s so beneath one such as her).
Equipment & Vehicles: She steals whatever will be required to complete the task.
Does she look like a chimpanzee or a human? This is a bit confusing in that respect.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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See Appearance for the answer.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:See Appearance for the answer.

It only says she is a young beauty, not that she appears human.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

:roll: Well, considering the adjectives I'm using are meant to be interpreted by Palladium fans who are human beings. I wouldn't call any mutant animal "a beauty". I mean I suppose I
could call a female mutant ninja turtle "a beauty" but some people might think that's a little weird. So, to make it absolutely clear and do some editing for everyone to make sure my
wording is perfectly clear.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote::roll: Well, considering the adjectives I'm using are meant to be interpreted by Palladium fans who are human beings. I wouldn't call any mutant animal "a beauty". I mean I suppose I
could call a female mutant ninja turtle "a beauty" but some people might think that's a little weird. So, to make it absolutely clear and do some editing for everyone to make sure my
wording is perfectly clear.

Thank you.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright wrote::roll: Well, considering the adjectives I'm using are meant to be interpreted by Palladium fans who are human beings. I wouldn't call any mutant animal "a beauty". I mean I suppose I
could call a female mutant ninja turtle "a beauty" but some people might think that's a little weird..

Well, you never know...some of the people on the forums have some interesting/more exotic preferences.

And you don't wanna be labeled a speciist, just in case. :P
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Let's see if I feel inspired after Gen Con.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright wrote::roll: Well, considering the adjectives I'm using are meant to be interpreted by Palladium fans who are human beings. I wouldn't call any mutant animal "a beauty". I mean I suppose I
could call a female mutant ninja turtle "a beauty" but some people might think that's a little weird. So, to make it absolutely clear and do some editing for everyone to make sure my
wording is perfectly clear.

But the first line of her backstory indicates she is an experimental chimp.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great,I hope to see More characters soon.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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NMI wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote::roll: Well, considering the adjectives I'm using are meant to be interpreted by Palladium fans who are human beings. I wouldn't call any mutant animal "a beauty". I mean I suppose I
could call a female mutant ninja turtle "a beauty" but some people might think that's a little weird. So, to make it absolutely clear and do some editing for everyone to make sure my
wording is perfectly clear.

But the first line of her backstory indicates she is an experimental chimp.

Heh... I defy you to not consider the female cast (in full prosthetics) of the remake of PotA as "cute" at the very least. ;)

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Borast wrote:Heh... I defy you to not consider the female cast (in full prosthetics) of the remake of PotA as "cute" at the very least. ;)
I have no idea what you are talking about.
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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NMI wrote:
Borast wrote:Heh... I defy you to not consider the female cast (in full prosthetics) of the remake of PotA as "cute" at the very least. ;)
I have no idea what you are talking about.

PotA---Planet of the Apes.
Personally, I'm an orang-man, but to each their own. :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay I'm going to dust off some old villains, do some editing, and they will be posted soon. Need a distraction from cleaning up the Island of Phi manuscript. Besides a need to do some
kind of horror theme anyway.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Sorry folks got very involved in working on
otherproject. However started on Lord Sinister and he
and his evil henchmen should be up soon.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Lord Sinister is finally here, his henchmen are coming.

Lord Sinister

Darzen-Vin was an admiral in the Arismal military space program. He served with distinction and supported the cause of finding them a new planet to call home. As the
commander on board one of the remaining battleships, he communicated with the other leaders, sharing with them his thoughts and ideas. He wanted to explore a particular section
of the Ilta Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy, but he couldn’t convince the others Admiral to follow his hunch. They had heard stories about ships that went into this sector of space
never to be seen again. There existed no charts or anything reference. Darzen said he would take a vote with his command staff. If they voted against the idea, he would forget about
it. If they agreed with him though, their ship would depart at once and report back if they found a suitable planet. If they didn’t find anything, he would bring the ship back to the
fleet and give up his command. The other admirals agreed. However, Darzen lied and never allowed the vote to occur. He ordered the ship to leave from the fleet. They jump to light
speed and left the Arismal fleet behind. Hours later they arrived at the sector Darzen-Vin was convinced the suitable planet found in an unusual binary star system, but that planet
turned out to be a Demon Planet. It attacked the battleship, crippling the ship. Darzen used an escape pod to flee the ship, but it got caught in the gravity of a dwarf planet
orbiting one of the two stars. The battleship meanwhile crashed against the surface of the Demon Planet where it absorbed the life energy (P.P.E.) from everyone on the ship who
died. Darzen fled his escape pod looking for shelter. He saw a cave and went inside. Minutes later, a stalactite dropped from the ceiling and impaled him in shoulder. The moment it
did he clutched his head, shrieked, then collapsed.
Minutes later he awoke to find himself in a strange crystal cave. He started exploring the cave when he realized the crystal stalactite and a stalagmite were actually living
creatures. He fled from the cave. Look up he saw the Demon Planet only know it was being confronted by the Arismal Fleet. Even the Demon Planet was no match for the Arismal
Fleet and it disappeared. A rescue ship landed on the moon and started searching for survivors having spotted Darzen escape pod. He approached two soldiers, so glad to see them,
they drew weapons upon him. He had no choice but to defend himself. He also realized he feed upon their psychic energy the moment he killed them with newly acquired psychic
abilities. Darzen went to their ship, powered it up, and fled at once. He ignored the transmission from the other Arismal Battleships. Looking into a mirror, he realized why the soldiers
attacked him. He’d been transformed into a monster and he had a strange blue gemstone in the center of his forehead. Try as he might, he couldn’t remove it.
His single ship got pulled into a dimensional anomaly created by the fleeing Demon Planet, sending him through a dimensional syphon. His ship out of control was spat out a
gravity well located just inside the planet Jupiter’s orbit. Damaged beyond repair, Darzen did his best to pilot the ship toward the only planet with humanoid life on the surface, the
third one closest to the sun. He entered Earth atmosphere when the engines of the craft gave out. He managed to maintain control of the ship piloting it until he was able to perform
a controlled crash-landing. The ship was now in a remote location in the state of Kansas in the United States of America.
Darzen was amazed he was for the most unharmed. When he opened the doors to the craft, he was immediately blinded by sunlight and his skin blistered. He waited until
nightfall then ventured out onto this alien world. He wandered until he saw a farm and a large barn. He took shelter inside and went to sleep. Hours later he was awoken by 17 year
old Amelia Kramer. She was not frightened by him. The moment he laid eyes on her, he grew feverish with desire. She was humanoid and very attractive, and she possessed
something he hunger for. He tried to feed on her psychic energy, but she resisted him with ease. He felt the “need” to take her by force, but the sunlight coming into the barn blinded
him and hurt his skin. She closed the barn doors and threw a horse blanket over him. She then talked to him via telepathic transmission. He was amazed. She was a natural psychic
and she wasn’t frightened by his appearance. She told him to stay put and she would keep him safe. Hours later when night feel she went to see him again. He told her that he
hungered was insatiable. That if he could just have a little of her psychic energy, he would be alright. She agreed but just a little. Darzen took just enough to satisfy the parasite. She
then provided him some background and information about his location. He then told her a little about himself. After a while she left the barn and told him to stay put, she would keep
her father distracted. That night he felt strong enough to leave, not wanting to trouble the girl and her father. As he came out of the barn, he gasped as he saw the house go up in
flames and Amelia running out to meet him with a suitcase. “Come on,” she said. “We have to run away from here.” They did eventually seeking shelter in the back of semi-trailer.
Later she used her “Mind Fry” (Alter Personality) turning him into their personal slave. He would drive them around, occasionally stopping for gas, bathroom breaks, and food for her.
As the days passed, Amelia taught Darzen about earth and helped him learn about his newly developed psychic powers. Some day the truck would stop and they would go to libraries
and museums to help him learn about Earth’s history, its culture, and its place in the Milky Way galaxy. After a while, Darzen changed the roles of their relationship, becoming the
dominant one, not that she seem to mind.
After several weeks of traveling, they left the truck driver slave (dead alongside the road) and made a life for themselves in Victory City. The more Darzen learned about Earth,
the more he wanted to dominate the humans inhabiting it. The image of the Demon Planet stayed in his mind and he wanted to be just like it. He saw himself practically invincible,
that he could accomplish anything he set his mind towards. With Amerlia help, he used the Mutant Underground to find and recruit other super being, training them the discipline and
fighting techniques of the Arismal Space Infantry. They now serve as his body guard and minions, obeying his orders and carrying out his various schemes. His plan is to find a way to
enslave the all humanity, to give himself a constant food source to feed him symbiote so he might be granted unlimited power. He is always looking for super heroes/villains that he
can capture, imprison, and use them as constant P.P.E. source (a bowl of fruit on the table) to keep as his P.P.E. source and sustain his psychic powers. Lord Sinister is cold,
calculating, and tends to think his actions through before acting on them. He is a natural leader with keen eyes for strategy, tactics, and deception. He likes to develop intricate plans
and always has several contingencies within those plans. Unfortunately, Darzen doesn’t recognize that his ambition to rule over humanity nothing more than complex dressing to find
a way to sustain the Psyphire Symbiote/Parasite into giving him a sustainable source of psychic power. What Darzen fails to realize is by doing so, the Psyphire doesn’t need its Host
anymore. It will detach itself from his skull and enjoy everlasting psychic energy. Darzen is nothing more than a meat-puppet for a mollusk (slug) that cannot move around or defend
itself without sustaining damage. If he could recognize this fact, that he could simply live off the I.S.P. and affection he receives from Amerlia, he would not have to resort to
kidnapping other super beings and psychics, or try to come up with a mean of giving himself vast control over large populations of humans. The delusions of the Demon Planet are
actual broadcast of hunger from the slug. Darzen cannot conceive what his purpose in life has become, such arrogance is why also his plan ultimate fail, and the path he has set for
himself with eventually lead to his own destruction, which unfortunately will involve everyone around him and possibly tens of thousands.

Real Name: Darzen-Vin
Occupation: Would be World Conqueror. Former Admiral in the Arismal Military Space Program.
Alignment: Diabolic (Principled toward Amelia Kramer)
Power Category: Mega Alien (Arismal) Symbiotic and Latent Psionic.
Experience Level: 10th level
Hit Points: 63 S.D.C.: 183
P.P.E.: 20
I.S.P.: 262. Note: This doesn’t include the 40 I.S.P. the Psyphire Parasite keeps for itself.
Appearance: Chalk white skin, sharp teeth, red eyes, stringy black hair, and a blue, quadratic gem in the center of his head. His physically powerful and impressively built body
is covered in dark-blue and purple material to make him look like royalty. He wears Crystal Armor.
Attributes: I.Q. 22, M.E. 28, M.A. 17, P.S. 30 (supernatural), P.P. 22, P.E. 23, P.B. 6, Spd. 96 (67.2 mph/108 km).
Age: 90, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 6 inches (1.98 m), Weight: 285 lbs (128 kg),
Originating Alien Environment: Twilight World.
Psyphire Parasite/Symbiote: Hit Points: 28, A.R.: 14. See below.
Mega-Abilities: All normal Mega-Abilities plus Undead. Note: The range of all his psionic powers, and those he receives from the Psyphire Parasite/Symbiote are increased by
50%. Note: He does not recover spent I.S.P. like a normal psychic (sleep or meditation). He must steal his P.P.E./I.S.P. to get it back. See below.
Natural Abilities: Like all Arismal, Lord Sinister has natural nightvision, however its range has been enhanced 900 feet (274 m) and he has sensitive hearing (20 decibels
beyond normal human range). He can operate at full efficiency for 48 hours straight without rest or sleep. Bio-Regenerates 2D6 S.D.C/Hit Points per melee round. He can regenerate
lost limbs and organs (except the head) within 1D4 days. He can leap 20 feet (6.1 m) high and lengthwise. He suffers no damage from normal punches and kicks (melee attacks), but
similar Extraordinary, Superhuman and Supernatural Strength attacks inflict half damage. Normal weapons (sword, club, etc.), bullets and explosions do half damage—fire, sonic
blast, and energy attacks (from technology, magic, or super abilities) do half damage. No longer needs to eat food or breathe air. Does not age and is immortal unless destroyed
P.P.E. Vampire: Every 24 hours, the Psyphire Parasite needs to feed on 20 P.P.E. to sustain itself and 10 additional P.P.E. for the Host to be able to utilize its psychic abilities
(access it’s I.S.P) for the next 24 hours. The Host has to feed the parasite first if he wants to use any psychic power or be granted any abilities for that day. The parasite is a glutton
and will devour as much P.P.E. as available. Lord Sinister can drain enough P.P.E. to convert to his maximum reservoir (262 I.SP.) and utilize that I.S.P. however he wishes to spend it.
However, he cannot rest, meditate, or sleep to recover spent I.S.P. The only way he can recover I.S.P. is to keep feeding on living things (P.P.E./I.S.P. drain). When Lord Sinister
reaches his maximum potential, he has to remember that none of this I.S.P. belongs to him, it ALL call comes from the Psyphire Parasite. He doesn’t possess any I.S.P. of his own.
Once 24 hours passes from the time of the initial feeding of 20 P.P.E., any surplus I.S.P. he has gained (even if he just super charged himself 5 minutes before, instantly dissipates! He
must then start over again, giving the creature its initial 20 P.P.E. and then 10 P.P.E. in order to start accumulating I.S.P. for himself. If he goes into battle using his powers, he
“believes” he has to have a sustainable source of P.P.E. in order to keep fuelings his powers, which is the actual reason the Slayers exist, so he quick snatch willing P.P.E. from them. If
he reduces his I.S.P., pool to zero within the 24 hours he has feed, it doesn’t both the Psyphire Parasite, its initial hunger has been satisfied, but he will need more I.S.P. to continue
the fight, which he must get from other living beings either draining their P.P.E./I.S.P via psionic attack (see below) or killing them and then taking it (P.P.E. is doubled at the moment
of death, but only briefly).
Stealing psychic energy: Range: 20 foot (6 m) radius. I.S.P.: Nothing. The stealing of potential psychic energy from living beings is painless and harmless (unless you’re a
mage or psychic who needs the P.P.E./I.S.P. to fuel their magic and/or psionic powers). Everyone in the effective range must make a successful saving throw vs psionic attack (15 or
better, 12 for minor/Latent psychics, 10 for Natural/Master Psychics). This psionic attack only cost one action to perform and can be done equal to Lord Sinister’s number of attack per
melee round. Those who successful save Lord Sinister, he cannot get any P.P.E/I.S.P. from that single attack, but he can always try again and again. A failed save mean Lord Sinister
can steal up to 20 I.S.P. or 5 P.P.E. from that specific person (1 P.P.E. equals 4 I.S.P.). As mentioned earlier, he can do this to multiple people within the effective range. Those who fail
temporarily lose the P.P.E./I.S.P. as if he/she used their psionic powers or cast magic. A person can willingly offers his or her I.S.P./P.P.E., up to 70% of their own reservoir. This does
require a roll to save vs psionic attack, the energy is automatically stolen: this is often the case with his Slayers. P.P.E. is not used to fuel super abilities (unless magically powered) so
if he drains an alien, experiment, mutant, etc to zero P.P.E. they can still function and use their powers as if nothing happened.
Normal humans have 2D6 P.P.E. Average child (12 and under) 5D6 P.P.E., Teenagers between 12-18 year old will have 6D6 + P.E. attribute number. The average super being also
has 6D6 P.P.E., unless he or she is psychic or has magical abilities. Lord Sinister cannot steal P.P.E. from talismans or non-living sources. He also cannot steal P.P.E. from ley lines or
nexus, in fact the Psyphire Parasite will extricate itself from his skull if he went to such a location. Lord Sinister could kill a person and then his next following action can be to use a
psychic attack to quickly siphon up their P.P.E., which would be doubled at the moment of their death (which of course doesn’t require a saving throw, their dead after all).
Vulnerabilities: He has several.
1. Vulnerable to silver. Weapons made of silver or coated with it inflict normal damage. Damage cannot be healed by bio-regeneration. Takes 1D4 hours before healing can begin.
2. Vulnerable to sunlight. Sunlight and high intensity light beams, including lasers and the super ability of Energy Expulsion: Light, inflict double damage! Exposure to sunlight (not
artificial light) completely blinds him (-4 on initiative, -8 to strike, parry and dodge) and is painful (1D6 damage per minute of exposure and takes 1D4 hours to heal). Exposure to
artificial light cannot blind him. He could walk around in a supermarket and see perfectly normal thanks to his vampire nature, however instinctually (as a Twilight World native) he
still prefers to keep lighting to a minimal whenever possible, much to the chagrin of his underlings the Slayers.
3. Vulnerable to meteoric iron (cold iron). Weapons made of this material (club, sword, arrow, etc) inflict normal damage. 1D4 hours must pass before he can begin to heal any
damage sustain by meteoric iron.
4. He can be staked through the heart using silver or meteoric iron. This will place him in immediate stasis-like coma that resembles death, cannot bio-regenerate and becomes
vulnerable to normal weapons! He is unaware of his surroundings. If the rod/stake is removed, he will awaken.
5. If he is killed or decapitated, 2D4 minutes after death, the Psyphire Parasite will remove itself from his skull and then it will then seek a dark, underground location so it might find
a new host. Meanwhile, Lord Sinister’s body will crumble into dust.
6. Any effort to attack the Psyphire Parasite meaning performing a “Called Shot” to Lord Sinister’s head (-5 to strike). Destroying Lord Sinister head (decapitation) will kill him but it
won’t kill the Psyphire Parasite. The only way to kill the parasite/symbiote while its in Lord Sinister’s head is to atomize, vaporize, or incinerate both his body and head simultaneously.
Blowing up his body (into a million pieces) will kill Lord Sinister, but the Psyphire Parasite will survive intact (full Hit Points) and will try to make its escape by digging underground
(Digging Spd 6) and hiding until nightfall so it can eventually find a new Host.
7. Pysphire Parasite cannot use its psychic powers without a Host body unless something makes physical contact with its skin, nor can it steal I.S.P./P.P.E. from living beings via a
psionic attack. However, the creature can survive indefinitely on the ambient energy of a ley line/nexus giving it no further need of a Host body. The creature will dislodge itself from
the Host’s skull, bury itself in the ground and be content. Lord Sinister doesn’t know the creature will do this. The creature has no means of communication nor does it have thoughts,
plans or desires (just hunger pains). Lord Sinister has convinced himself the creature and him share a symbolic relationship. The Psyphire Symbiote is a parasite, meaning it’s only
interested in sustaining itself. If Lord Sinister enters a place where there is ambient P.P.E, to feed upon (such as a ley line, nexus, place of power, or whatever) the Psyphire Parasite
won’t need him anymore and will extricate itself from his skull. This will cause Lord Sinister to lose 6D6 points damage direct to his Hit Points, reduce all mental attribute (I.Q., M.E.,
and M.A.) by 2D4 permanently (cannot be restored), -50% to perform all skills. All I.S.P. points and psionic power are permanently lost! If Lord Sinister survives (he will have a 50
caliber bullet size hole in his head) he will suffers from chronic headaches every day (reduce P.E. by one point, -1 on initiative, and -5% on all skills because the pain is distracting and
debilitating) and insanity is likely to develop. Roll once for a phobia or an obsession (G.M. choice) and once for an affective disorder. The damage done to his brain is permanent
unless he finds someone to perform healing via super ability, alien technology, magic, psionic, or divine to repair the damage. If he doesn’t do any of this, he will become a complete
vegetable within the next 4D4 weeks and die 4D4 weeks after that.
Psionic Powers from the Psyphire Parasite: All these powers stay at 6th level in experience, as they belong to the parasite: Bio-Manipulation (10), Death Trance (1), Empathy
(4), Empathic Transmission (6), Hypnotic Suggestion (6), Impervious to Fire (4), Levitation (varies), Mind Block (4), Mind Wipe (special), Presence Sense (4), See Aura (6), See the
Invisible (4), Sixth Sense (2), Steal Memory (6), Steal Skills (15), Telekinesis (varies), and Telepathy (4). He cannot use the Pyshire Parasite’s Catatonic Strike power.
Super Psionic Powers: Insert Memory (25), Mental Illusion (20), Invisible Haze (30), Mind Bolt (varies), Psychic Omni-Sight (15), Telekinetic Force Field (30), and Telemechanic
Mental Operation (12), Note: All these psionic powers belonged to Lord Sinister prior to his transformation so they function at 10th level.
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 Initial +4 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +9 to strike, +12 to parry, +12 to dodge, +4 to automatic dodge, +15 to damage, +9 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and +2 to
Saving Throws: +16% to save vs coma/death, +7 to save vs psionics, +11 to save vs insanity, +5 to save vs magic, and +12 to save vs Horror Factor. From the Psyphire
Symbiote an additional +2 to save vs psionics, +2 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 to save vs magic illusion. Because of the symbiote, he is impervious to mind control, possession,
and non-magical illusion. Impervious to heat and cold. Impervious to poisons, toxins, drugs, and disease.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 1D4x10, Power Karate Punch 2D4x10 (Counts as two attacks), Backhand 5D6, Elbow/Forearm 5D6, Knee 4D6, Karate Kick 1D4x10, Snap Kick
4D6, Roundhouse 1D6x10, Power Kick 2D6x10 (counts as two attacks), Axe Kick 1D4x10, Crescent Kick 1D4x10, Jump Kick 4D4x10, Flying Jump Kick 2D6x10, Body Flip/Throw
1D6x10 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Leap Attack (double damage, use up all attack/action), Paired Weapons, All Holds, Knockout on an unmodified
roll of 20, and Critical strike on unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: +8% to all skills, 45% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Special, Space Infantry Soldier Program who has studied Earth extensively.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Arismal 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic, 98%, Pilot: Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation 98%, Command Structure Etiquette 83%,
and Read-Write/Speak English, hinese, Hindi, Spanish, and Russian 98%.
Special Skills: Military Etiquette 98%, Detect Ambush 98%, Climbing 98%/98%, Depressurization Training, Pilot: Jet Pack 98%, Zero Gravity Combat: Elite, Hand to
Hand: Martial Arts, W.P. Energy Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Energy Pistol (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Knife (+4 to strike & parry and +5 to throw), Find Contraband & Illegal
Weapons 89%, Demolitions 98%, Demolitions Disposal 98%, Recognize Weapon Quality 98%, Intelligence 90%, Interrogation 98%, Detect Concealment 93%, Wilderness Survival
98%, Pilot: Military Spacecraft: Small 98%, W.P. Handgun (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Super Ability (this allows him additional strike bonuses with his psionic powers and use of
combat skill rolls), and W.P. Sword (+4 to strike/parry), Boxing, Body Build and Weightlifting, and Athletics (general).
Secondary: Navigation: Space 98%, Computer Operation 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Sensory Equipment 88%, Pilot: Civilian Spacecraft: Small 90%, Hyperthrusters
(Civilian) 93%, Research 83%, Earth Law (general) 83%, Earth History 98%/88%, Astronomy & Navigation 63%, Streetwise 48%, Basic Electronics 48%, and Land Navigation 52%.
Money: He has 60,000 US dollars in precious stones and 90,000 in U.S. dollars in cash he keeps in a hidden location. Over the years the Slayers have accumulated for him
nearly $1D6x3 million in cash and resources.
Armor: Full suit of crystal armor (transparent), A.R. 17, S.D.C. 280
Weapons: He relies on his psionic powers, but he won’t think twice about using alien tech or whatever is quickly available to him.
Energy Sword, Damage: 4D6+3, Bonus: +1 to strike.
Equipment & Vehicles: Lord Sinister relies on his super abilities.
Two Person Hover Platform, A.R.: 7, S.D.C.: 120. Speed: 90 mph (144 km), Hovers 3 to 300 feet (0.9 to 91 m) above the ground, Range: 500 miles (800 km), Bonus: +1 to

The Psyphire Parasite/Symbiote

On their Twilight home world, the Psyphire Parasite is a mollusk (slug) with a cone shell shaped like a blue crystal stalactite. They are about the size of a 50 caliber bullet with a
thick casting, making them about 9.5 inches (23 cm) long. Their hard-crystal shell (AR 14) protects the soft slug upper body (Hit Points 28). They have a single eye that allows them
to see in a 360 degree radius (Nightvision 60 feet/18.2 m). These creatures live in caves where they climb to the ceiling using their jaws to embed themselves so they can hang
upside down with their hard shells pointing toward the floor. These powerful psychic creatures attack their prey by dropping from the ceiling with the intent of piercing their body.
Once they strike their target (2D6 damage— it’s a surprise/critical strike, on an unmodified roll of 18-20 their attack does double damage). The victim must immediately make a save
vs psionics with a -3 penalty against Catatonic Strike. Regardless of the amount of damage inflicted, the victim of the attack immediately falls into a complete catatonic coma, unless
he saves vs psionic attack. A successful save means the victim only suffers the impact damage and a shock to his system that causes 2D6 additional damage and reduces the number
of melee attacks and combat bonuses by half for 1D4 melee rounds. If the Psyphire Parasite fails to hit a target, it must make a roll with punch/fall (+2) to survive the impact when it
hits the ground. Luckily they can bio-regenerate 1D4 Hit Points every hour. The creature will then crawl (Spd 3) its way back up to the ceiling and start the process over again.
A failed save vs psionics means the character instantly collapses and falls into a coma. The catatonic subject is helpless; incapable of any kind of action: physical, mental, or
psionic. The Psyphire Parasite then dislodges itself from its victim crawls onto their head and uses its jaws to burrow into the skull until it makes contact with the victim’s brain. Hours
later (by then the impact wound is healed), the victim recovers unable to remember the incident. The victim will look into the mirror and see what looks like a quadratic blue star
sapphire 2.5 inches (6.25 cm) in diameter. Their overall appearance has also changed—turning their skin chalk white, super sharp teeth (1D4 bite damage), red eyes, and their
physical attributes have been transformed and enhanced:

1. Gains 3D6x10 S.D.C., +4 to P.E., and operates at full efficiency for 48 hours straight without rest or sleep.
2. Bio-Regenerates 2D6 S.D.C/Hit Points per melee round and is impervious to poisons, toxins, drugs, disease, heat and cold. Can regenerate lost limbs (except the head) within 1D4 days.
3. +3D6 to P.S. (Minimum P.S. is 30) and is considered to be supernatural!
4. +2D6x10 to Spd, and increases leaping ability by twenty feet (6.1 m) high and lengthwise.
5. +2D6 to P.P. (Minimum P.P. is 22), gains an automatic dodge, and add +4 to initiative, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge, +4 to roll with punch/impact, and +8 to save vs Horror
Factor. Normal punches and kicks do no damage, but similar Extraordinary, Superhuman and Supernatural Strength attacks inflict half damage.
6. Normal weapons (sword, club, etc.), bullets and explosions do half damage - magic, fire, sonic blast, and energy attacks do half damage.
7. No longer needs to eat food or breathe air.
8. Does not age and is immortal unless destroyed completely.
9. Impervious to mind control, possession, and illusion.
10. P.P.E. Vampire. Every 24 hours, the Psyphire Parasite needs to feed on 20 P.P.E. to sustain itself. It cannot utilize any of its psychic powers for range attack, its psionic power only
work when something makes actual physical contact with it (touch). However, it still cannot drain P.P.E./I.S.P. from a living thing unless it has direct contact with the brain of that
victim. Because they cannot transport themselves very far (Spd 3) and cannot use their powers to defend themselves (only by touching) they create for themselves Host bodies.
Their victims “think” they and Psyphire have a Symbiotic Relationship. The Host retains full control over his or her body and mind, and has no change to in his or her personality or
alignment except they suffer the “vampire hunger” for P.P.E./I.S.P but this hunger is not theirs, its Psyphire Parasite as the Host no longer has a desire to eat normal food.
In order for the Host to feed and protect the Parasite, the creature transforms the Host into a powerful mega psychic undead symbiotic being. If the Host refuses or is unable to
feed the Pysphire Parasite after 24 hours, he spends the next hour having zero access to any psychic abilities. An hour later, his legs will feel like they weigh a ton and the rest of his
body feels weak and aches. At this point, all melee attacks, bonuses and speed are reduced to half. He will stay this way for 1D4 days before “the hunger” becomes uncontrollable. He
loses all symbiotic abilities, has ordinary P.S., has only two melee attack, no bonuses and speed is reduce to one-quarter. He has one day to kill or drain P.P.E., if he fails the Psyphire
Parasite will dislodge itself from his skull in search of psychic energy on its own. The creature has 1D4 days to find P.P.E. before dying—just vanishing into nothing.
After the Host feeds the Psyphire Parasite the initial 20 P.P.E., if he wants to access the creatures I.S.P. in order to utilize the granted psychic abilities (or tap into his or her own
psychic powers they had prior to forming the symbiotic relationship), they must feed the Psyphire Parasite an additional 10 P.P.E. This like the initial feeding only has to be done once
every 24 hours. The parasite is a glutton and will devour as much P.P.E. as available, even consuming 20 times the required energy. However, this gluttony (100+ P.P.E. points) does
not sustain it more than an extra day and the creature will still need to feed again after the initial feeding in 48 hours. Even if the Host doesn’t use any psychic powers during the 24
hours (or 48 after the super feeding) all that extra I.S.P. vanishes after the 24 hours (48 hour mark) and the Host must begin the process all over again. The Host using psychic
powers does not make the parasite hungry, that has be satiated until 24 hours (48 hours) pass from the initial feeding. But the Host cannot regain I.S.P. via rest, mediation, or sleep.
It has to keep stealing P.P.E./I.S.P to fuel the psychic powers. However the Host still has to remember after 24 (48) hours, all I.S.P. is reduced to zero and the process must start all
over. The creature has a personal reservoir of 40 I.S.P., that the host DOES NOT have access to nor does the parasite ever grant it. This 40 I.S.P. is not included in the I.S.P. reservoir
nor does the Host get to use any or use for psychic powers. The 20 P.P.E. initially required by the parasite and the 10 P.P.E. that grants psychic powers for the day are not included in
the reservoir nor are they responsible for the creation or sustaining the 40 I.S.P. The parasite recovers this 40 I.S.P. just as a normal psychic does. Note: If the Host is already psychic
(like Lord Sinister), the Psyphire Parasite doubles his or her I.S.P. pool (see below), in other words doubles their capacity to hold additional I.S.P, but none of this I.S.P. belongs to the
Host anymore. All I.S.P. used by the Host comes from the Psyphire Parasite which means the Host still has to feed the Psyphire Parasite every 24 hours (48 if super charge) after the
initial feeding of 20 P.P.E. if he wants to access HIS or HER own psychic abilities as well as those additionally granted.
Note: Pysphire Parasite cannot use range psychic powers without a Host body (only via direct physical contact) nor can it feed on the I.S.P. or P.P.E. of living beings without
latching onto their brain. However, the parasite can survive indefinitely when on a ley line/nexus and has no need for a Host body. It will dislodge itself, bury itself in the ground and
be content.
Psyphire Parasite takes over Host body so it can find P.P.E. to feed upon. It has no means of communication nor does it have thoughts, plans or desires (just hunger). It forms
the “appearance” of a symbolic relationship in order to live and survive. Remember it’s a parasite. If the Host enters a place where there is ambient P.P.E, to feed upon (such as a ley
line, nexus, place of power, or whatever) then Psyphire Parasite doesn’t need the Host any longer. It will extricate itself from the host skull and depart. This will cause 6D6 points
damage direct to the Host’s Hit Points, reduce all mental attribute (I.Q., M.E., and M.A.) by 2D4 permanently (cannot be restored), -50% to perform all skills. All I.S.P. points and
psionic power are permanently lost! The host (if he survives having a hole in his or her head) suffers from chronic headaches every day (reduce P.E. by one point, -1 on initiative, and
-5% on all skills because the pain is distracting and debilitating) and insanity is likely to develop. Roll once for a phobia or an obsession (G.M. choice) and once for an affective
disorder. The damage done to the character’s brain is irreparable by modern standards (unless seek out super ability, alien technology, magical, psionic, or divine healing) and
regardless what sort of advance medical treatment the Host seeks out he or she will STILL become a complete vegetable within the next 4D4 weeks and die 4D4 weeks after that.

Benefits gains by the Host:
When a Psyphire Parasite merges with the mind of a non-psionic, the victims gains the following psionic abilities: Double M.E. attribute (x2) and add 2D4x10. The total is the
starting level of the I.S.P. reservoir for Host. As he/she grows in experience, so does the reservoir, adding 1D6+1 I.S.P. per each level of experience, starting with level one.
The following psionic powers belong to the Psyphire Parasite at 6th level in experience and its will grant the Host use of this powers after he or she feeds its 10 P.P.E within 24
hours of the initial feeding of 20 P.P.E. These powers never increase beyond sixth level regardless what level of experience the Host obtains because the powers don’t belong to the
Host: Bio-Manipulation (10), Death Trance (1), Empathy (4), Empathic Transmission (6), Hypnotic Suggestion (6), Impervious to Fire (4), Levitation (varies), Mind Block (4), Mind
Wipe (special), Presence Sense (4), See Aura (6), See the Invisible (4), Sixth Sense (2), Steal Memory (6), Steal Skills (15), Telekinesis (varies), and Telepathy (4). Note: The
Psyphire Parasite only uses Catatonic Strike (40) to incapacitate a Host. It never shares this ability with the Host. This power requires the Psyphire Parasite to inflict at minimum 1
point of physical damage to the S.D.C. or Hit Points of its intended Host body. If lying on the ground and someone picks up the Pysphire Parasite, the creature could use Bio-
Manipulation (12) to incapacitate him or her because the person is making physical contact (even while wearing a glove or cybernetic limb). The creature can then crawl (Spd 3)
toward the skull and begin the burrowing to the brain. Note: Some of the powers the Parasite possess it cannot use even if a person makes physical contact with it (telepathy for
example) because the parasite doesn’t have the capacity to “think” or have “thoughts or “emotions” like a humanoid.
When the Psyphire Parasite merges with a psychic (Minor, Major/Latent, or Natural/Master) the following changes will occur: Double the character’s I.S.P. reservoir, and add
+1D4x10. The character’s psionic power continues to grow as normal for his or her type (Minor, Major, or Master), +2 to save vs psionic attack, Horror Factor, and magic illusion. +5%
bonus to all skills and +1 to initiative. Increase the range of all his/her psionic powers by +50%. He or she keeps all their psionic powers, and has access to any of the psionic powers
of the Psyphire Parasite/Symbiote (once he has fulfilled the daily requirement of feeding it 20 P.P.E. plus 10 additional). The Host cannot feed the Psyphire Parasite from his own I.S.P.
or P.P.E. reservoir, because that reservoir no longer belongs to him/her. The Parasite is the source of the character’s I.S.P.

Vulnerabilities: After forming the Mega Symbiotic relationship, the Host develops the following weakness:
1. Vulnerable to silver. Weapons made of silver or coated with it inflict normal damage. Damage cannot be healed by bio-regeneration. Takes 1D4 hours before healing can begin.
2. Vulnerable to sunlight. Sunlight and high intensity light beams, including lasers and the super ability of Energy Expulsion: Light, inflict double damage! Exposure to sunlight (not
artificial light) completely blinds the undead being (-4 on initiative, -8 to strike, parry and dodge) and is painful (1D6 damage per minute of exposure and takes 1D4 hours to heal).
3. Vulnerable to meteoric iron (cold iron). Weapons made of this material (club, sword, arrow, etc) inflict normal damage. Damage cannot be healed by bio-regeneration. 1D4 hours
must pass before any damage from meteoric iron can begin.
4. The Host can be staked through the heart using silver or meteoric iron. This will place him/her in immediate stasis-like coma that resembles death, cannot bio-regenerate and
becomes vulnerable to normal weapons! The Host becomes unaware of his/her surroundings. If the rod/stake is removed, the Host awakens.
5. If the Host is killed or decapitated, 2D4 minutes after death, the Psyphire Parasite will remove itself from the skull (leaving a gaping hole). It will then seek out a dark, underground
location so it might find a new Host.
6. Any effort to attack the Psyphire Parasite meaning performing a “Called Shot” to the Host’s head (-5 to strike). Destroying the head (decapitation) will kill the Host instantly but it
doesn’t kill the Psyphire Parasite. The only way to kill the parasite/symbiote while in the Host’s head is to atomize, vaporize, or incinerate both the head and body simultaneously.
Blowing up the Host body (into a million pieces) will kill the Host, but the Parasite will survive intact (full Hit Points) and will try to make its escape by digging underground (Digging
Spd 6).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Amelia Kramer was born and raised in a small, isolated community in the state of Kansas. Her father, a supreme deviant, taught her from the age of two that her “might makes
right” and “pain is pleasure.” Her mother died from an autoerotic asphyxiation accident. It was Amelia who “sensed” her mother’s distress and walked into the room to witness her
mother’s self-inflicted asphyxiation. She stared at her for a moment and was about to call 911 to get her help when her father came in and stopped her. “Look at her that's
what happens when you decide it’s better to receive then to give. She deserves it.” The two of them continues to watch until her mother died upon with Amelia’s mind open and her
psychic power began to manifest. The older she grew the more powerful her abilities became.
By the time she was 16 years old, Amelia could use her abilities to play the sweet, conniving manipulator on the farm. She became a master in the art of wrapping the opposite
sex around her little finger to get them to do anything she wanted, rewarding them if she felt like it or tormenting them with insecurity, nitpicking and acts of mental and emotional
cruelty behind closed doors and in public. Then one day she heard a noise in the barn and decided to investigate. Inside she found the alien Darzen-Vin trying to hide from the sun.
He immediately tried to feed on her psychic power but she resisted him, then she started communicating with him via telepathy. Simply looking at him, Amelia was not frightened but
there was something about him that attracted her to him like a moth to a flame. She wanted him and no other. That night she struck her father with paralysis and pain, then set the
house on fire after she packed up what she could carry. She led Darzen out of the barn and drove him away in the farm truck in the middle of the night. They would travel about the
country, she showing and teaching him about the world. Sometimes while Darzen slept during the day, she would venture out to find herself a handsome man, take him back to the
hotel where she and Darzen slept in order to cause the man pain, sorrow, and eventually death (so Darzen could feed on his P.P.E.).
In time Darzen became the dominant person in their relationship become the alien mega villain Lord Sinister. Amelia remained enthralled with the aura of his presence and did
whatever he asked of her without question. Together they gathered super beings from the Mutant Underground to create a loyal group of body guards, servants, and soldiers to carry
out his orders. Amelia sees the other Slayers as playthings, fools, and pawns to be used and abused. She answers to no one but Lord Sinister. Whenever possible she tries to take
charge, which can either help or hinder the mission. If necessary, she will make sure if something goes wrong, someone else takes the blame. Her blind devotion to Lord Sinister
prevents her from seeing the flaw in his plan to find everlasting power to sustain his vampirism hunger. She will often hint that if he wishes to sustain himself forever, he can simply
feed on her, but he rather not deplete her psychic strength which he wants her to use in battle or carry out his orders. She doesn’t mind in either case. However, if something happens
to him and she comes to realize the error was a tactical error on both their parts, she will never forgive herself. She is that devoted to him.

Real Name: Amelia Kramer
Occupation: Lover of Lord Sinister and First Lieutenant of the Slayers
Alignment: Aberrant (with a sadistic streak)
Power Category: Psychic Mutant (Latent Psionic)
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 26 S.D.C.: 47
P.P.E.: 23
I.S.P.: 104
Appearance: She is a drop-dead gorgeous woman. She is a voluptuous athletic woman with dark blue hair and bright blue eyes. Her costumes are nothing more than two
pieces bathing suits (thongs) with boots. She loves to wear necklaces and jewelry she’s taken from her victims. When necessary, she carries a holster for her mini-laser and knife.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 20, M.A. 13, P.S. 11, P.P. 15, P.E. 13, P.B. 20, Spd. 23.
Age: 20, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 6 inch (1.68 m), Weight: 115 lbs (52.16 kg)
Insanity: Mind Fry experiences “sensual gratification” from causing others pain, she delights in hearing others (men and women) scream. She takes a sadistic pleasure in
leading love struck and lustful men attracted to her to their deaths.
Unusual Characteristics: Dark Blue Hair and Angelic Face
Healing Psionics: Induce Sleep (4) and Suppress Fear (8)
Physical Psionics: Nightvision (4), Deaden Senses (4), Mind Block (4), and Alter Aura (2).
Sensitive Psionics: Empathy (4), See Aura (6), Sensory Link (10), and Telepathy (4).
Super Psionic Abilities: Mind Wipe (special), Bio-Manipulation (10), Empathic Transmission (6), and Alter Personality (Special): Mind Fry can rewrite a victim’s complete
personality. This can include alignment, loyalties, emotional state, insanities, and personality traits. Range: Touch, Duration: Permanent, but there is a percentage chance of remission
if the change is drastically different from the original personality (G.M. discretion). I.S.P.: 64, Saving Throw: Standard.
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to roll with punch/impact, +4 to pull punch, +1 to disarm,
Saving Throws: She needs a 12 or better to save vs psionics, +3 to save vs psionics, +3 to save vs insanity, +2 to save vs possession, and +2 to save vs Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Backhand 1D6, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Karate Kick 2D4+2, Roundhouse Kick 3D6+2, Crescent Kick 2D4+4,
Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), Jump Kick 6D6+2, Flying Jump Kick
4D6+2, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and all Holds.
Other Bonuses: 50% charm/impress.
Educational Background: High School with Basic Arismal Military Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 89%/94% and Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Domestic Program: Basic: Mathematics 92%, Animal Husbandry 70%, Gardening 61%, and Housekeeping 65%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 45%, Pick Locks 60%, Find Contraband 51%, Seduction 48%, and Prowl 55%.
Learned Skill Program: Arismal Basic Military: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Running, Climbing 60%/50%, Pilot: Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation 60%, Military
Etiquette 55%, Radio: Basic 70%, W.P. Energy Pistol (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Knife (+2 to strike, parry, throw).
Secondary Skills: Pilot: Truck 81%, Wardrobe & Grooming 80%, Cook 70%, Sewing 75%, Aerobic Athletics (Sense of Balance 55%), Pick Pockets 50%, Preserve Food 55%,
3rd Performance 42%, and Language: Arismal 59%.
Money: At their headquarters, Mind Fry has $8000 in US dollar stashed away. Typically she simply persuades men to buy her whatever she needs or she simply steals it.
Weapons: She tends to rely on her psychic powers and her martial arts skill, but when she needs to, she will use the weapons Suspiria Le Torneau created for her and the rest
of the team.
Arismal Mini-Laser, Range: 80 feet (24.3 m), Damage: (3 settings): 1D4, 1D6 and 2D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot, Payload: 10 E-Clip.
Kisentite Knife, Length 15 inches (38 cm), Weight 1.2 lbs (.5 kg), Damage: 2D6+3.
Equipment & Vehicles: Anti-Gravity Ring, Speed: 90 to 160 mph (144 to 256 km), Altitude/Hover: Unlimited, can even break the bonds of gravity around planets and fly in
outer space, Range: Unlimited, Bonus: +3 to dodge.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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drewkitty ~..~
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

3rd sentence: "...when Amelia was given. "

Did you mean "...when Amilia's powers awakened."?
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Suspiria Le Torneau

Back in her country, girls are not known for being mechanical engineers, designing weapons, vehicles, and high-tech weapon systems. Ada however was born a Psi-Mechanic
giving her a strange innate understanding of technology and the ability to operate, repair and build all kinds of machines, electronics and gadgets. As kid she built a radio from a
toaster, made herself a self-propelled scooter from mismatch parts, and would hack into sophisticate computer networks and the German SCRET undetected. In school she would get
teased a lot for not acting more like a girl, then she would amaze them after revealing her latest gadget and show all the boys and girls her genius. Upon graduation she was
preparing to go to college when she was approach by undercover agents who wanted to interview her. These agents worked for the Brotherhood of Armageddon and they wanted her
to use her powers to do some odd jobs for them of which she would get very well paid for. Her abilities allow BoA operatives to infiltrate the German SCRET and in time pulled of a
perfect coup that effectively crippled the agency. Having helped fulfill the BoA mission, Ada requested reassignment where she could put her talents elsewhere, in the United States.
Shortly after she arrived, she and various BoA operatives would conduct raids on major war plants and military equipment storehouses. This put her in conflict with US
S.C.R.E.T., and provided her an opportunity to examine their high-tech gear. She was impressed. A few missions she and her team attacked warehouses belonging to Triton
Industries, and with her powers she came to realize they were using alien technology. When she reported her findings, her employers told her to “back off” and she couldn’t figure out
why. Ada decided to do more investigation which immediately put her in confrontation with the Darclons who could match her in psionic power. She was soon being sought after by
diabolic witch Dreeja and her Triton Strike Team. In a confrontation, Ada was severely injured and her team destroyed when she was rescued by members of the Mutant
Underground. They took her to their base where she spent several weeks recovering. During her time there, she met with various other super beings and found safety in numbers.
Then one day two strangers came to the compound, the man was very alien looking, but his “girlfriend” insisted he wasn’t a threat to anyone. Ada having barely survived an alien
encountered decided to investigate further only to discover they both had psychic powers. Fearing she was about to be attack again, Ada was about to flee when the girl Amelia
convinced her they were friends. The alien looking man explained their goal and that she could be a part of it, and they offered her something no one ever did before, true friendship.
Ada joined Lord Sinister, Mind Fry, and the other Slayers doing more of the same of what she was doing, but also searching the globe for anything that might give her boss what
he wanted most, a means to increase his power so he might take over the world. Ada is rude and flippant. She has an enormous chip on her shoulder that she begs and dares her
opponents to knock off. When comes to inventing tech, she is brutal in her execution and values being efficient in the task. She looks for the quickest and most effective manner of
dealing with any opponent. If that means murdering innocent civilians or destroying a city block, then that is what she does. It’s not personal, it’s just using what she knows is the
weakness of most super hero types, a genuine feeling of guilt over their actions if they cause other harms. She has no such flaw and laughs it off.

Real Name: Ada Veil
Occupation: Former Freelance Operative for Brotherhood of Armageddon, Current Slayer.
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Psi-Mechanic
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 36 S.D.C.: 42
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 162
Appearance: Suspiria has deep-set blue eyes. She has short, straight, luxurious hair is the color of black coffee, and is worn in a carefully-crafted style. She has a muscular,
athletic figure. Her attractive, revealing outfit is green and blue in even proportions and it looks more like it is made of metal than anything else.
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 22, M.A. 13, P.S. 15, P.P. 11, P.E. 14, P.B. 12, Spd. 24.
Age: 27, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 7 inches (1.7 m), Weight: 128 lbs (58 kg).
Telemechanics (special): Suspiria inborn expertise with all things technological comes from an enhanced form of the super psionic ability Telemechanics. Where it differs is her
version of the ability is constant and does require the expenditure of I.S.P. In addition, the duration is doubled. 92% Skill Expertise.
Machine & Electrical Diagnosis: Suspira can sense the cause of a malfunction, pinpoint the problem or damage, and know what needs to be done to fix it (still needs to use/roll
for specific skills or psi-powers). This is a more specific and specialized form of Object Read for machines. Range: Touch, Duration: 14 minutes, I.S.P.: 6.
Soup-Up Machines: Suspira has a knack for getting the most out of a machine, including vehicles. She can increase the speed, fuel efficiency/range (when applicable), and
S.D.C. of vehicles and bots by 10%, and the speed and performance of computers by 15%. She can even tweak weapon systems to increase the effective firing range by 10%, and
can jury-rig parts together in an emergency three times faster than what's normal. She can perform any mechanical and computer skills about two times faster than normal.
Mental link to Robots, Power Armor & Vehicles: Suspira without spending any I.S.P. can make and maintain mental contact with machines designed to be piloted. In this
capacity, she retains her own individuality and awareness, but partially becomes the machine as well. This union of mind and machine provides the additional bonuses beyond her
usual robot or vehicle piloting skills. They only apply when she’s piloting power armor, a giant robot, or a vehicle (hover cycle, car, airplane, robot vehicle, etc).
+1 attack/action per melee round.
+1 on initiative with the machine.
+2 to pull punch of the machine.
Run or fly 10% faster.
Leap 10% higher and farther.
+10% to piloting skill for that machine/special maneuvers.
Physical Psionics: Nightvision (4), Mind Block (4), Teleport Object (10), and Telekinesis (varies).
Sensitive Psionics: Intuitive Combat (10), Machine Ghost (12), Object Read (6), See Aura (6), Sensory Link (10), Speed Read (2), Telepathy (4), Sixth Sense (2), and Total Recall (2)
Super Psionics: Mimic Skills (12), Remote Viewing (10), Telemechanic Mental Operation (12), Telemechanic Paralysis (20), and Telemechanic Possession (50).
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative (+3 against machines/robots/A.I.), +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: She needs a 10 or better to save vs psionics, +4 to save vs psionics, +5 to save vs insanity, +5 to save vs Horror Factor, and +1 to save vs possession.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: +6% to skills
Educational Background: Special
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak German 98%/98%, Language: English & French 97%, Literacy: English 91%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Computer
Operation 98%, Computer Repair 81%, Computer Programming 87%, Basic Electronics 91%, Basic Mechanics 98%, Mechanical Engineer 81%, Weapons Engineer 76%, Pilot:
Automobile 97%, Pilot: Motorcycle 98%, Pilot: Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation 91%, Sensory Equipment 81%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Alien Technology Mechanics (Anti-Gravity)
71%, Electrical Engineer 98%, Computer Hacking 76%, Recognize Weapon Quality 71%, W.P. Handgun (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), Weapon Systems 81% (+2 to strike), Electronic
Countermeasures 66%, Surveillance 71%, Research 56%, and Chemistry 51%.
Secondary Skills: Athletics, Running. Wardrobe & Grooming 84%, Performance 68%, Pilot: Airplane 80%, Climbing 81%/71%, Prowl 51%, Navigation 66%, T.V./Video 41%,
Mathematics: Advance 74%, and Pilot: Avtran 88%.
Money: She has $19,000 in emergency cash she has stashed away at the Slayer headquarters. She also has 5300 Euros in a bank in Berlin, Germany.
Armor: Force Field Belt. S.D.C. 100, regenerate 10 S.D.C. every hour. Duration: 24 hours before needing recharging. Note: Pistols and other small weapons cannot be used
while the field is engaged, but rifles and large melee weapons are not contained within the field and can be used.
Weapons: She can build a vast assortment of modern and high tech weapons, including many top secret weapons utilized by some of the United States major weapon and
military contractors, including KLS Corporation, Cyberworks Network, and Triton Industries. Her ties with Brotherhood of Armageddon gave her limited access to their weapons as
Modified Glock 20 (10mm with a pair of ammo-clips that feed alternately from each side of the gun and Recoil Diminsher), Range: 180 feet (54 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate
of Fire: Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed: Two clip system (15 each) for a total of 30 rounds, Bonus: +1 to strike with burst. She typically carries 4 extra ammo clips.
Equipment & Vehicles: She drives around in a 2017 Nissan NV200S that received several modification of a Secret Operative Soup-Vehicles with Touch Sensors, Gyroscopic
Stabilizers, Off-Road Suspension, Inertia Brakes, and Armorer/Seal Tires with Adhesion Grip (all of which gives the van +20% bonus on control rolls/+10% when going off road). It
has also been outfitted with Anti-Gravity technology (Speed: 120 mph/192 km, Hovers 3 to 20 feet/0.9 to 3.7 m above the ground, Range: 850 miles/1360 km. Total S.D.C. 495.
Light Armor. A.R. 12 and 200 S.D.C. Bullet Proof Windows/Laser Resistant. A.R. 16 and 200 S.D.C. Laser do half damage and occupants cannot blinded by bright light. Four secret
She has a mechanical lab where she has work clothes, tools, diagnostic equipment, and so on. The lab has about 5 million dollars of equipment inside.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Stone Cold
Kholodnyy kak kamen'

Pyotry doesn’t talk much about his past. He admits he was born in Moscow, Russia and as a teenager became involved in strongman and power lifting competitions. At age 18
he stopped training with his coach and started training solo. Then one day he was meet by members of the Russian SCRET who offered him a deal of a life time. He would participate
in several experiments in an attempt to replica the experiments that created the Russian SCRET Operative and current Unnatural Disaster member Wind Chill. While out in Siberia
they inject several types of experimental chemicals and steroids to make him endure sub-zero temperatures. The experiment worked but they also turned him into a stone-cold
monstrosity. He became enraged when he saw how he looked. He could revert back to his flesh form, but he was forever hairless (he loved his long hair) and it gave him blue
flesh/blood. It also made nearly invincible. He turned his cold powers and strength against those who did this to him. He then fled into the wilderness. He has never told anyone how
he got to the United States, but it was Suspiria who first meet him at the Mutant Underground. Later he was recruited by Lord Sinister and Mind Fry.
Pyotr is cold-blooded murder who takes pleasure in freezing people and using his raw power to defeat those who think their smarter than him. He is utterly ruthless and will
freeze and smash his way through anything that he feels like it. He loves owning expensive “American” things and having his way with American women.

Real Name: Pyotr Tomich
Occupation: Former Power Lift/Current Slayer
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 7th level
Hit Points: 45 S.D.C.: 99/600 in stone form A.R.: 16 in storm form
P.P.E.: 17
Appearance: Stone Cold has a broad shoulder, muscular build. He is completely hairless. He has large purple eyes. His skin and blood is dark blue. He walks around in his bikini
Attributes: I.Q. 7, M.E.10, M.A. 6, P.S. 23/41(superhuman), P.P. 11, P.E. 25, P.B. 5, Spd. 17
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight: 353 lbs (158 kg)/1059 lbs (476 kg) in stone form.
Side Effect: Odd Skin Pigment and Hair Permanently Fall Out.
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Stone. His stone form heals 4D6 S.D.C. every 10 minutes.
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Cold, Energy Expulsion: Icy Mist, and Impervious to Cold & Freezing.
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +8 to damage/+26 in stone form, +5 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4/2D4+2 in stone, Power Punch 2D4/3D6 in stone (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6/2D6 in stone, Knee 1D6/2D6 in stone, Karate Kick
2D4/2D6+2 in stone, Roundhouse Kick 3D6/4D6 in stone, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Block/Tackle 1D4 (2D4+2) + P.S. damage bonus (must
parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 1D4/2D4+2 in stone, Paired Weapons, all Holds, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20, and Knockout on an unmodified roll of
Saving Throws: +20% to save vs coma/death and +5 to save magic/poison.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Russian 90%93%, Pilot: Automobile 78%, Mathematics: Basic 93%, and Recognize stone/minerals 88%.
Physical Program: Boxing, Wrestling, Body Building & Weightlifting, and Physical Labor.
Secondary: Language: English 86%, Literacy: English 75%, Athletics, Hand to Hand: Expert, Wilderness Survival 75%, Land Navigation 64%, W.P. Blunt (+3 to
strike/parry), W.P. Super Abilities (both Energy Expulsions, +3 to aim, he can also utilize his combat skills with energy expulsions), Cooking 70%, Radio: Basic 60%, and
Money: He has a secret stash of about $7600 hidden away in his room.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Heavy Mace: It weights around a 100 lbs/45 kg. Built and designed by Suspira. Damage: 3D6, Bonuses: +2 to parry.
Energy Expulsion: Cold, Range: 300 feet (91.5 m), Damage: 8D6 or 1D4x10+8, Attacks per Melee: Equal to number of attacks/actions. Bonus: +3 to aim/+1 to wild.
Energy Expulsion: Icy Mist, Self or 10 foot (3 m) radius, or a 12 foot (3.6 m) radius cloud of cold. Damage: Those in the cold mist suffer 3D6 cold damage every 5 seconds.
Duration: One full melee round, but can be renewed, counts as one melee action. Attacks per Melee: Counts as two attacks to generate.
Equipment & Vehicles: He tend relies on his super abilities.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I think you mean "was met" not "was meet" by Russian SCRET.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

From Aliens Unlimited Revised page 39

There are five Darclon "advisors" at the TI Development Center and Testing Facility/Fortress. These five creatures help Harding develop new energy weapons, body armor and
exoskeletons, help identify alien artifacts. One, a diabolic witch named Dreeja, is the leader of one of the Triton Strike Teams. Another pair of Darclons not affiliated with Triton
Industries are conducting their own exploration of Earth and plan on recruiting a group of super villains (and perhaps conducting experiments on mutants and super humans to unlock
the secrets of their powers and replicate them).

Well apparently, I've never paid close attention to this bit of information. This means I've got a new HU NPC who has a cannon name and purpose, but
no stats. There are also two Darcons trying to recruit some super villains or creating their own. This means after I finish the Slayers, I got a new project waiting for me.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


He is the son of a wealthy Japanese immigrant and American model. His father taught his son many of his combat skills that he learned. His father when he was young was
exposed to a massive dose of radiation, but never received any noticeable side effects or ailments. In fact, he was always in perfect health. By the time Eric went to middle school, he
started growing an inch (2.5 cm) every other week and putting on 15 lbs (6.7 kg) of solid muscle. It was a wealthy private school so everyone looked the way. The football coach put
him on the team and he just rolled over everyone. By the time he was in high school, he held numerous school records and helped his team earn three state championships. He went
college at Victory City University (VCU) where he stayed only two years before getting drafted. By this time, his mutant abilities were in full bloom, making it nearly impossible for him
to sustain an injury. He opted out of school and entered the NFL draft. For a while, there were those in the organization trying to keep GIGMA from investigating potential enhanced or
super being players. Fake test and lab results were used to give him cover. On the day Eric debut on national television as a member of the Motor City Knights defensive line (tackle),
he was unaware that another super being (the running back) was also a super being. On the first play the two ended up clashing. On the third down, they went head-to-head and a
brawl ensued. Multiple people were injured trying to separate them. Both players were disqualified. By half time, GIGMA/SCRET agents arrived to take them into custody. Both of
them tried to escape; the offensive player ended getting captured. Eric escaped and was found by members of the Mutant Underground. He spent the next couple of years embittered
and angry that his prosperous life was taken from him. He soon became no better than a super criminal as he started going after those in the NFL whom he blamed. The Mutant
Underground wanted him gone before he brought the authorities to their location. He decided to join up with others who were living with Lord Sinister and Mind Fry. He soon found a
place to call home as a member of the Slayers. He was encouraged to cause as much mayhem as possible, cracking and breaking skulls. Being the team’s strongman, he’s often sent
against any powerhouses in the opponents’ ranks. 
Skull crusher loves a chance to earn money and prove himself by taking out the biggest opponent he can find. He is very much a sadist and enjoys the screams of pain from his
victims. In the rare cases when he realizes he is overpowered he will run, but only to return later on in order to prove himself the most powerful one. 

Real Name: Eric Endo
Occupation: Former Pro Football Player, Now member of the Slayers
Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th level
Hit Points: 93 S.D.C.: 370 `A.R.: 14
P.P.E.: 17
Appearance: He is a large, hulking brute with massive hands. He is bald with a beard going from ear to ear below the chin. He has yellow eyes which give him an eerie
appearance, especially when he displays his trade mark big grin showing all his yellow teeth. His blue-green uniform resembles a workout suit.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 8, M.A. 7, P.S. 55 (superhuman), P.P. 16, P.E. 31, P.B. 7, Spd. 44 (30 mph/49 km).
Age: 22, Sex: Male, Height: 7 foot and 5 inches (2.26 m), Weight: 420 lbs (189 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Extra Large Hands (-10% to perform any manual dexterity task, Yellow Eyes, Ambidextrous, and Stocky
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman P.S., Extra PE, Hardened Skin, Indestructible Bones, and Increase Durability.
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing +1 from ambidextrous)
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +8 to parry, +7 to dodge, +40 to damage, +6 to roll with punch/fall, and +3 to pull punch.
Saving Throw: Impervious to disease, half damage from falls (1/4 damage if roll with punch), +41% to save vs coma/death and +8 to save vs poison and magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 3D6+2, Power Punch 1D4x10 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 3D6, Knee 3D6, Karate Kick 3D6+2, Snap Kick 3D6, Axe Kick 5D6, Body
Block/Tackle 4D4 + P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown), Pin 17-20, Crush 4D6, all Holds, Knockout on natural 20 for 1D6 melees, Critical strike on an unmodified
roll of 18-20, One-Hand Head-Crush (using one of his huge hands he grabs a hold of his enemy’s head, he can continue attacking with other hand, knee, or kick attacks. Crushing
damage however does damage direct to his opponent’s Hit Point. This is a Hold attack that his enemy must escape from, counts as two attacks), and Combination Grab/Power Blow,
with one his huge hand he grabs a person, creating a one-handed Arm, Body, Leg, or Neck Hold, he then quickly follows with a massive power punch. Roll once for the Grab, if
successful then roll a second time for the Power Punch. The victim sustains normal damage and is stunned for 1D4 melee rounds (unless save vs KO/stun a 15 or better, with P.E.
bonus apply). This moves counts as three melee attacks/actions.). He also uses a variety of Power Attacks.
Educational Background: Two Years of College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English and Japanese 92%/94% and Pilot: Automobile 78%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Expert, Boxing, and Wrestling.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Play Football 75%, Cook (Japanese) 75%, and Bonsai 98%
Secondary: Athletics, Body Building & Weightlifting, Running, Physical Labor, Land Navigation 60%, Wilderness Survival 65%, Floral Arrangement (Ikebana) 48%, W.P.
Blunt (+3 to strike/parry), W.P. Chain (+2 to strike/+1 to parry, W.P. Improvised (+5 to entangle/throw), Radio: Basic 70%, Outdoormanship, and Cooking (American) 50%.
Money: He and his brothers have a secret stash of about $7300 hidden away in their dorm room and $1D4x1000 in a secret bank account set up by Fabricators Inc.
Weapons: He relies on his raw physical power and his combat training. He sometimes carries one of the following.
Giant Size Modified Ball & Chain, Weight: 100 lbs (45 kg), Damage: 4D6+2, Bonus: +1 to strike/+4 to damage.
Giant Size Modified Hercules Club, Weight: 200 lbs (90 kg), Damage: 1D4x10, Bonus: +1 to strike/parry.
Equipment & Vehicles: His size and weight makes it difficult to drive so he usually sits in the back. He only uses gear if it’s issued for the mission.  
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