Page 31 of 121

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:45 am
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:That Chest Trap power looks cool, Iczer. I wish I had thought to write one up like it. :D

it actually snuck up on me whilst I was writing Chronal resistance.

Just one of theose 'out of the blue' moments I guess. which is good, because I'm beginning to let the side down.


Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:58 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
*Coming soon:* Murder(Major) and Helping Hand(Major) ... and I will have to review the ones I have posted of the minors to see which ones I have not.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:43 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Murder(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Your soul is MINE!"
The superbeing is able to collect the souls of those he kills and use them as scouts and messengers.

1.Soul Collector: The superbeing absorbs the essence of those he kills, becoming stronger, and is able o control the souls he collects.
Number: The superbeing is able to detain his PE number in souls, +1 per level. He may choose to release a soul and replace it with another so long as the maximum number is not gone over.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to absorb the soul of an opponent upon their death.
Duration: A soul is held until it is replaced or released, at which time it becomes a ghost or passes on.
Saving Throw: 14 or better(ME bonus applies) vs. mind control. Save is made after death is assured. A successful save protects the soul from collection.
Limitations: Powerful souls, like those of Immortals and superbeings, cannot be collected. The power only affects living things, as machines and inorganic substances are generally not considered t have a soul.
Bonuses: Each soul adds 2d4 HP to the superbeing.

2.Shadow Forms: The souls can be placed into shadow constructs which serve the superbeing.
Appearance: This power was designed with the idea that they resemble ravens, but the exacr form may be decided by the player and GM. Only one form can be chosen and must be decided upon then the power is chosen.
Number: The superbeing can only controll his ME number in constructs at any one time.
Attacks: Creating a construct takes 2 melee attacks/actions and maintaining control of them uses one melee attack per round.
Duration: 2d4 melees, or until maximum range is exceeded, after which the soul returns to the collector, or until destroyed.
Range: 300 feet, plus 30 feet per level
Attributes: The constructs have a speed equal to the superbeing's ME. Other attributes do not apply, as they are slaves to the collector.
Remote Senses: The superbeing can use the senses of the constructs to see and hear at a distance.
Attacks: Shadow forms can attack independently, up to half the number of times they did when their soul inhabited a living body.
Damage: Attacks by the constructs do only 1d4 damage regardless of the type of attack.
SDC: Shadow constructs have an SDC equal to the superbeing's ME number.
Limitations: Constructs must be inhabited by a soul and cannot be created otherwise. If a construct is destroyed, the soul is released, taking any Hit Point bonus to the superbeing with it, plus inflicting an additional 1d4 damage direct to the superbeing's hit points. Constructs can only travel within range of the superbeing. Light attacks do twice damage to the shadow constructs.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 SDC
+1d6 Hit Points
+20% save vs. coma/death
+4 save vs. psionic attack and mind control
+2 save vs. disease, poison and magic
Immune to necromantic spells
+2d4 ISP if psionics are also possessed
+2d6 PPE, plus an additional 1d6 PPE per level.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:23 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Helping Hand(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Talk to the Hand..."
The character possesses a hand that has evolved independent organs ans survival capabilities, able to seperate from its host and act independently. The player determines which hand it is when creating the character.

1.Detachment: The hand remains linked to the character unless it decides to detach. Detachment takes two full melee rounds during which time the hand is immobilized. This is done by releasing its "grip" on the wrist.
Duration: The hand may remain detached indefinitely, but the character suffers a -4 penalty to strike and parry where two hands would normally be used.
Range: Unlimited, though the hand may not be able to find its way home if getting too far from its host.

2.Wandering Hand: The hand is able to sense where it is and move independently from its host.
Movement: The hand moves at a rate equal to half the character's normal movement rate and can leap half the distance its host can.
Bonuses: Due to its small size, large opponents are -6 to grab or strike it. The hand is +2 to strike when attached or detached, and +4 to roll with punch, fall or impact when detached.
Damage: The hand is able to strike for damage equal to half the character's normal punch damage.

3.Powers of the Hand: The hand has its own intelligence and skills.
Psionic Link: The hand has a psionic connection with its host for a range of 300 feet, plus 20 feet per level
Mental Abilities: IQ, MA and ME equal to 3d6 each, plus one point per even level
PS, PP and PE: PS and PE are half that of the host body; PP is equal to 4d6. Stats apply only when detached.
Skills: Equal to the hand's MA in number. These are independent skills not known to the host and generally include Art:Drawing, Musical Instruments, writing skills and Language: Braille.

4.Heightened Sense of Touch: Similar to the minor super ability, but applying only to the hand.
The hand has an uncanny and superior tactile sense.
Bonuses and Abilities:
Recognize and locate slight differences in textures: 70% +2% per level
Identify fabric and material: 60% +2% per level
Notice minute changes in temperature: 60% +2% per level
Hand suffers no penalties for being blind
Gains 10% to skills requiring a delicate, light touch, including identifying and making forgeries, demolitions, pick pocket, pick locks, palming, cardsharp, etc.
+1 to strike with thrown weapons( on top of any other strike bonuses).

5.Other Abilities:
Hnd possesses hit points and SDC equal to 1/5 the character's body total when detached.
Hand possesses 2d6 PPE of its own beyond what the character normally gets.
Hand heals at twice the normal rate
While detached, the hand can sustain itself by eating through osmosis, transfering 1d4 SDC from organic substances to itsel,f through touch, daily.
If this power is chosen as part of a symbiote character, the hand may possesses magical or psionic abilities of its own.

6.Limitations: Only one hand can be made independent( this power may ony be selected once per character). The hand may make a saving throw (14 or better, ME bonus applies) to resist doing actions which it ojects to and may decide to detach permanently if the character commits actions dangerous to the survival of the hand. GMs should take control of the handand run it as an NPC if such events occur.
Also, an opponent of greater strength might be able to pull the hand free when grappling, or fatigue within the hand may cause it to loosen its grip on the wrist and fall off.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:14 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Helping Hand(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Talk to the Hand..."


Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:43 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Helping Hand(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Talk to the Hand..."


It would probably appear to be such, yes, but it was not based solely on one source. It evolved out of alternate ways of having "children", which in this case comes from having the hand evolve to where it no longer needs the "parent".

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:37 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Helping Hand(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Talk to the Hand..."


It would probably appear to be such, yes, but it was not based solely on one source. It evolved out of alternate ways of having "children", which in this case comes from having the hand evolve to where it no longer needs the "parent".

Was just saying the 1st thing I thought afeter reading it. :p

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Spider Optics(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

1.Wandering Eyes: Rather than having conventional eyes, the superbeing uses remote probes to see.
Range: Probes may travel and transmit visual images at a distance of the character's ME number X20 feet, plus 200 feet per level. Probes see to a distance of 200 feet, plus 20 feet per level. Visual acuity and range can be increased by 50% by becoming stationary and erecting a sensory web.
Duration: Indefinite. Can be used until destroyed.
SDC per eye: Equal to PE number of the character. Eyes have a Natural AR of 6.
Number: The superbeing can generate his PE number in eyes per day. He can control his ME number in eyes. Note that there is little to be gained by generating more eyes than he cascan control and each is linked to sensors on the superbeing's forehead.
Attacks: The use of the eyes costs nothing, as this is the character's natural form of vision, however he loses an attack per melee for every set of four eyes in use beyond the first four eyes generated. So if he uses four eyes, there is no penalty, but he loses an attack if using five, six, seven or eight eyes simultaneously. He loses another attack if trying to monitor nine, ten, elevel or twelve, and so forth. Generation of the eyes uses 2 melee attacks/ actions for each eye generated.
Movement: The eyes travel on spiderlike legs and climb and run at half the character's speed. They have a base Prowl ability of 50%.

2.Spying: The eyes provide the superbeing vision and allow him to see in places he would not otherwise be able to.
Bonuses: The character gains +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, and +1 to perception for each active eye over four being used in a 200 foot area, provided they all provide surveillance of the same area.
Remote Viewing: Given their small size, the superbeing can send the spiderlike eyes into ventilation ducts and other places he would not be able to access, as well as using them to see around corners.
Sensory Web: By using one full melee,to erect a sensory web, the range of the eye increases by %0% and gives an additional +4 to Perception with that eye.
Adhesion: The eyes can climb walls and attach to ceilings to spy. This does not hinder speed in any way.

3.Limitations: The character suffers penalties for being blind when less than two eyes are active(-5 penalty for only having one active eye in use, -10 penalty to being totally blind).
Receptor eyes form on the superbeing's forehead as each new eye is created, unable to see themselves but for the reception of information transmitted by the eyes. Damaging these eyes break the connection between the superbeing and his remote probes. It is possible to effectively blind the character in this way as well.
The eyes require light, so darkness will inhibit the effectiveness of this power, obscuring its use the same way it would normal vision.
Destruction of the eye probes can be traumatic and painful as well.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:36 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I will be posting a Major called Rainbows pretty soon, and hopefully a few minors.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:39 pm
by dragon_blaze_99

slade the sniper
Joined: 16 Aug 2007
If you are shot in the groin, you will not die of trauma, but you may die of shock. I would go for double damage on a called shot.

Amazingly enough, shock is usually what kills people. Basically if you lose a limb below the knee or elbow, you really don't have all that much to worry about "physically"'s the mental "oh, I lost my leg" freak out that people do is what seems to kill off a lot of people.

A skill called "Resist Shock" would be wonderful in that you could reduce additional damage by half with a successful roll...granted you can't do anything else except just relax, stay calm and do some first aid, but it is enough to save you when you are losing 1d6 HP a round due to blood loss.


Minor ability: Resist Shock
This power allows the character to lessen the damage and affects of shock,
All damage done to HP is ½ (not SDC), character is +5 save vs shock/stun and pain, +15% save vs coma death, also gains 4D4 HP at level one and an additional 1D4 HP @ levels 2,4,6,8,10.12 & 14.

Thanks for the Idea STS

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:54 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:

slade the sniper
Joined: 16 Aug 2007
If you are shot in the groin, you will not die of trauma, but you may die of shock. I would go for double damage on a called shot.

Amazingly enough, shock is usually what kills people. Basically if you lose a limb below the knee or elbow, you really don't have all that much to worry about "physically"'s the mental "oh, I lost my leg" freak out that people do is what seems to kill off a lot of people.

A skill called "Resist Shock" would be wonderful in that you could reduce additional damage by half with a successful roll...granted you can't do anything else except just relax, stay calm and do some first aid, but it is enough to save you when you are losing 1d6 HP a round due to blood loss.


Minor ability: Resist Shock
This power allows the character to lessen the damage and affects of shock,
All damage done to HP is ½ (not SDC), character is +5 save vs shock/stun and pain, +15% save vs coma death, also gains 4D4 HP at level one and an additional 1D4 HP @ levels 2,4,6,8,10.12 & 14.

Thanks for the Idea STS

Hey, I like that! :ok:

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:04 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
thanks SG

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I hope I have not posted these minors before. It is hard for me to keep track sometimes.

Fracture (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is capable of striking for maximum breaking capability.
1.Enhanced Critical: The character does double damage on a Natural 17-18 and triple damage on a Natural 19-20.
2.Bone Breaker: Any blow doing more than 10 SDC does an automatic 1 points of damage to Hit Points. Furthermore, this 1 point of damage is cumulative for each additional 10 SDC damage, making the character take a point of HP damage for each 10 SDC points of damage inflicted.
3.Strike Bonus: +3 strike bonus to melee attacks
4. Other Bonuses: +1d6 PS

Fireman (minor) By Stone Gargliczer
"Is it it hot in here? I hadn't noticed."
This power is an elemental conveersion of Iczer's Snowman power.

The character takes no damage from heat. Even better, where he would normally suffer penalties from extreme heat, he instead heals damage, receiving 2 SDC or 3 Hit Points for every five points of heat damage. In conditions of extreme heat(140-190 degrees fahrenheit), the character is in fact healthier, gaining 30 SDC, +2 PS, PP and PE, and feeling upbeat(+10% to all skills). In hot but not burning temeperatures(90 to 120 degrees fahrenheit), the character feels in a good mood(+5% to skills) but ony 10 extra SDC.
In addition, the charactrer has +15% to save vs. gases in cases of smoke inhalation. He can also walk on hot coals as if his weight were 30% of normal.
Note: The character is also resistant to fire, taking half damage from flames and fire attacks.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Fierce Field (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates ferocity which affects others. The energy waves are subliminal. This affects everyone within range. victims gain +2 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and +4 to save vs. Horror Factor. They also gain one attack per round and +1d6 to speed and +1d6 to PS.
Range: 10 feet, pus 2 feet per level
Damage: Ferocity does internal damage to targets, who lose 1 hit point per round affected by the field.
Duration: Field is constant once initiated. Effects remain on target for one full melee even if they step out of range.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack to activate and uses up one attack per melee due to energy drain on character.
Saving Throw: Save vs. Mind Control (14 or better, +1 at levels 4, 8 and 12), ME bonus applies)
Limits: Only affects those vulnerable to psionic attack, not androids, robots or certain alien types. -2 to all combat rolls to victims coming out of it for 1d4 melee rounds.
Other Bonuses:
+2 to ME
+2 save vs. Mind Control and Psionics

Eye Scream (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can cause their eyes to vibrate and generate a sonic signal within their eye, using it as a resonation chamber.

1.Optic Shout: The character's eye vibrates, generating a low hum which is amplified within their eye, which acts as a resonance chamber, emitting sound at an amplification of 10 decibels per level. This may cause damage (1d4 per level, starting at level 6) to objects within range (200 feet, plus 10 feet per level, starting at level 6). The sound can be heard by those nearby and used as a signal.

2,Sound Dampening: The superbeing can learn to regulate the sound, moving it up or down by 10 decibels, starting at level 3.

3.Penalties: While the eyes are vibrating, the character is -4 to perception. Additionally, if doing the scream for more than one melee continuously, the character will suffer one point of damage to SDC per melee and develop a severe migraine.

4.Duration: 1 melee round per level(see penalties for effects of prolonged use).
Attacks: Uses one melee Attack/action to begin vibration. Can stop without using up an action.
Note: This power is useful when the character is gagged or unable to send any other form of signal.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Rainbows(Major) by Stone Gargoyle, modified with thanks to Drewkitty
The superbeing controls frequencies of light, controlling the light reflected and capable of deflecting it, for a variety of effects:

1.Bend Light: Basically the same as the minor super ability.
Range: Self or light beam with a range of 200 feet, + 20 feet per level
Damage: none
Duration: one melee round
This ability allows the character to manipulate light radiation like a prism.
a) The superbeing can seperate the color bands or light to produce a colored light beam or radiate about 70 watts of colored light (enough to light up a 10X10 foot room or read by). The colors possible are blue, green, yellow, orange, red and purple, as well as infared and ultraviolet.
b) Blank Spot: The character can manipulate light and light beams, such as infared and ultraviolet, to "bend" around him, thus making him invisible to such light. However, since the light is bent around the character, an opponent may notice a blank spot or ripple in the area he is looking at (roll d20, 18 or higher on initiative notices the anomaly).
c) Parry Light Beams and Lasers: This is done by bending the light around him. The superbeing can parry and deflect narrow light beams, including flashlight and laser beams. Roll like a normal parry +3.
d) Deflect Light Beams: The character can try to deflect light beams back from where they originate or at a specific target within range of the beam. This is done first as a parry (same as C above) and then as a strike (counts as one melee attack/action). This is a targeted deflection without bonuses; unmofied dice roll(d20).
e) Ultraviolet and infared vision: Range: 200 feet, plus 100 feet per level

2.Laser Beam: Using his control of light molecules, the hero gathers light about him, adjusting its frequency and wavelength, thus changin git into a coherent beam of light.
Range: Gathers light from area 100 feet around him, plus 10 feet perlevel, into a beam he can project 600 feet, plus 100 feet per level
Damage: 1d6 per level, and can regulate in increments of 1d6 after level 3.
Attacks: Each attack counts as 1 melee attack/action.
Bonus: +1 to strike with laser.

3.Color Manipulation: Essentially the same as the minor super ability.
The character can alter the light reflected off of objects, effectively changing their color.
Range: Self or other people, animals, plants and objects up to 100 feet away, plus 10 feet per level.
Area of Effect: 200 square feet per level.
Damage: none
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience, though the character can chang it back at any time.
attacks: uses one melee attack/action
Saving Throw: none

4.Rainbow Walking: A type of focused deflection, the superbeing can cause a controlled dual deflection of the energy, deflecting it off the ground and himself simultaneously, enough to strengthen it so as to hold him in midair. This requires beams of constant, unwavering light. The character can use available light or generate his own.
Range: Can project light to walk upon to a distance of 600 feet, plus 100 feet per level, which he gathers from availablelight within 100 feet +10 feet per level of himself; self and up to 10 pounds per level can be supported.
Duration: Light bridges generated by the character will remain for 15 minutes per level
Damage: none; in fact, objects and people can pass through the light beam unharmed, though if it is blocked the light may no longer give the superbeing support.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to generate a stable light beam.
Note that a second beam can be generated while the character is still on the first, but jumping between beams requires a successful roll with punch, fall or impact of 18-20 to avoid falling.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to energy attacks(half damage).

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:31 pm
by znbrtn
combination request/suggestion

has anyone created a monofilament wire type power?
definition here: ... fiction%29

it seems to me that it would follow similar rules to particle beams(natural rolls only, different roll means different effect)

thanks in advance. :D[/url]

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
znbrtn wrote:combination request/suggestion

has anyone created a monofilament wire type power?
definition here: ... fiction%29

it seems to me that it would follow similar rules to particle beams(natural rolls only, different roll means different effect)

thanks in advance. :D[/url]

I have thought about something like that, but not knowing the mechanics involved would make it difficult for me to write.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:17 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Rainbows(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing controls frequencies of light, controlling the light reflected and capable of deflecting it, for a variety of effects:

2.Laser Beam: By intensifying the light around him, the character can focus it into a beam of coherent light.
Range: 600 feet, plus 100 feet per level
Damage: 1d6 per level, and can regulate in increments of 1d6 after level 3.
Attacks: Each attack counts as 1 melee attack/action.
Bonus: +1 to strike with laser.


Lasers are not just a 'bright light' they are light of the exact same color and having siychronoes wavelengths. Thuse you can't just gather light and focus it into a laser.

A better way of saying what you mean is ..."The hero gathers light about him and changes it into a coherent beam of light"

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:23 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Rainbows(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing controls frequencies of light, controlling the light reflected and capable of deflecting it, for a variety of effects:

2.Laser Beam: By intensifying the light around him, the character can focus it into a beam of coherent light.
Range: 600 feet, plus 100 feet per level
Damage: 1d6 per level, and can regulate in increments of 1d6 after level 3.
Attacks: Each attack counts as 1 melee attack/action.
Bonus: +1 to strike with laser.


Lasers are not just a 'bright light' they are light of the exact same color and having siychronoes wavelengths. Thuse you can't just gather light and focus it into a laser.

A better way of saying what you mean is ..."The hero gathers light about him and changes it into a coherent beam of light"

Okay, I will modify it accordingly. Thank you.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:06 am
by Iczer
Metalic: (minor) By Iczer
'Feh...I can take him'

The character can transform his flesh into a metalic alloy. Unlike a grander alter physical structure, the transformation is not as invasive and complete, producing a weaker, but more fluid form of protection.
Turning Metalic takes 2 actions to complete, and grants the character 100 extra 'bonus' SDC, +1D4 PS, +1D4 PE and a natural AR of 12.
The bonus SDC recovers at a rate of 1D6 every 10 minutes that the character is flesh and blood.
While metalic, the character is conductive (immune to electricity) and impervious to cold, and damage from unarmed melee attacks inflict half damage unless backed by an extraordinary strength or better.

Flowers: [minor] By Iczer
'Sweet? My dear, you are not as sweet as me'

The character can force plant like protrusions to erupt on his body,, which quickly open into small leaves and bright flowers. These flowers radiate a pleasant aroma that pacifies insects (they become placid and non aggressive) and soothes animals (animals that are not specifically conditioned to attack intruders treat the character as non threatening).
The flowers grant a preternatural, but clearly inhuman, beauty. +2D4 PB and +1D4 MA.
The character can choose to release a more aggressive scent, a cross between sickly sweet and that of rotten meat. All creatures within 20 feet of the character must make a saving throw every melee round or be overcome with nausea (-2 to all combat manoevres, and one less attack per melee). this nausea lasts for an entire melee round, but a new saving throw is required at the beginning of every round.
Needless to say, the character does not benefit from improved PB and MA while otherwise 'pungent'.

Stinger Limb [Major] By Iczer
'Looky here Diablo. This is what you get when you mess with my clan'

The character can transform one limb into a segmented and rigid carapace covered extremity, complete with a 7 inch barb. the limb grants the following traits.
+1 Melee attack with the stinger.
+2 to strike and +3 to Parry with the stinging limb. (can parry weapons with armoured limb)
The limb inflicts 2d6 damage with a backhand or with the stinger.
The stinger is poisoned as well. every stinger wound injects a small dose of toxin. the target must make a saving throw Vs Poison (14+) or take an extra 1d6 damage.
Additionally, once per minute, the character can release an extra strong dose of venom through the stinger. This inflicts an extra 1d6 damage on a successful save, with an additional 1d4 HP damage on a failed save.
The limb posesses +4 PS, and has an AR of 14 and 120 SDC. IF destroyed it will grow back in 1d4 weeks.
The character is highly resistant to Poison. +4 to saving throws Vs poison, and poisons inflict one third effect and damage.


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:29 am
by Iczer
Builder [minor] By Iczer
'Can I fix it? Yes I Can!'

The character has a talent for structural engineering, a kind of sixth sense for weights, masses loads and structural integrity granting him the following abilities.
* +20% to Carpentry, masonry and any form of art/sculpture (as well as any other 'industrial' style building skill imported from other books (EG: plumbing)
* +10% to mechanical and electrical skills
* character has a sixth sense of a buildings construction and weak points. can estimate the SDC and AR of doors, walls and other structures on sight (is correct 90% of the time) can estimate the required force to destroy or demolish such a structure (does double damage to buildings, walls and other civil engineering constructions) and has 2d4+6 seconds warning before a building colapses.
* an adept builder, the character completes most building projects at twice normal speed.

Skien: [Minor] By Iczer
'you guys are lucky I have a thick skin'

The character can grow a skin over his body, that resembles an inorganic, flexible material roughly 1/4 to 1/2 inches thick. This skin takes One minute to form per PE point of the character.
The skin is Opaque (except around the eyes) and breathes like egyptian cotton, but is water tight. The skin is power permeable (allows powers to function through it without damaging itself, but can block if necessary) and variably insulative (has +4 to save vs the effects of cold or hot temperatures.)
The skin can be peeled off, and stored for later in which case it lasts for1d4 days plus one day per level of the character (at which point it begins to rot, losing 10% of it's SDC per day).
The skin is also like light armour. Natural AR of 8, and deadens and softens most impact damage (reduce the damage from kinetic impacts by 1 point per level, or half, whichever is less) The skin has an SDC Equal to the character's PE, +5 per level. the character may defray half of any inflicted damage he recieves to the skin rather than to himself.

Whipsaw [Minor] By Iczer
'Check this out..I got me some reach on this razor'

The character has a series of organic, weighted blades, barely an inch long, but running down the length of one or more of his limbs (may be retracted at will).
In melee combat, these blades are awkward to strike with, inflicting 2d4 damage without PS bonuses and are -2 to strike with. However, the blades are attached to elastic tendons with an exceptional reach. By flicking an arm outwards, the character may snap out these blades like a whip, lent considerable kinetic 'oomph' by a combination of the character's strength and superhuman elasticity.
On any target 10 or more feet away (out to 30+PE feet) the character can 'snap' his spines outward, inflicting damage of 2 points per level PLUS half the total of his strike roll (IF Garcia, a 4th level mutant struck with an 18, he would inflict 17 damage)
Due to the light and fragile nature of these attacks, The damage is reduced by the target's AR rating, even if the character rolled over it in his hit roll. On the plus side Whipsaw blades enjoy a critical hit two points lower than the character's normal rate, and are hellishly fast to parry (Parry at -4, dodge at -2)


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:52 am
by Iczer
Preserving fluid [Minor] By Iczer
'>BLEARGH< Now...what was I saying?'

The character can vomit forth a spray of thick slime, at a rate of one gallon every melee, up to 10 gallons per PE point of the character per day. This foul smelling slime serves a variety of purposes.
* Shoot fluid: once per melee round, as an extra action, the character may spray this fluid out to 30 feet. it hit with the force of a human kick (2d4 damage) with +6 to strike.
* The fluid smells terrible, and the scent is very hard to wash out without chemical washes. the smell persists for 2d4 days otherwise with normal showering (and can be detected for twice this time by people with extraordanary sense of smell)
* once exposed to a living being, it forces wounds to top bleeding, by forcing blood to coagulate on contact. Moreso, it acts as a barrier to the decay process.
* the fluid's properties allow it to act as a preservitive (but you wouldn't want to eat anything preserved by it), as antifreeze, as coolant, as lubricant and as corrosion proofing.
* The fluid dissolves in the sun, losing 10% of it's mass every 30 minutes of exposure. (5% if merely exposed to open air)

Monkey Limbs [Minor] BY Iczer
'Let me give you a hand maam.'

The character can expand his shoulders and limbs to produce more effective striking weapons. His arms expand by 15% in thickness, but lengthen by 30%.
This grants the following bonuses.
+2 PS and PP only for the arms.
+1 to strike and parry with arms
+10% to climb.

Kite [minor] By Iczer
'Come fly with me come fly come fly away.....'

The character can, with just a thought, flatten and streamline his body. He forms into a flat, vaguely triangular version of himself.
While in this form, his PS is halved (and his carrying capacity halves again) but his PP increases by 4 and he gains the ability to glide on air currents (identical to the mutant animal power of glide).
In this manner, he can use this ability to roll with punches (has +8 to do so) and with falls (no damage if successful: he becomes a glider) and explosives (1/4 damage, but blown some 2d4x10 feet away)
The character's weight drops throught this power by 25%.
While the character presents a much larger surface area in his adopted form, his spatial awareness, and reflexes negate any extra bonuses for him to be hit.
While the character can flatten in the blink of an eye (may be done defensively without expending an action and out of turn) he must expend an action to flesh out again.
at 4th level, the character can perform a flying kite tackle. he glides toward a target, and then fleshes out. This expends 4 actions, and does 1d8 damage (plus his PS bonus) but adds +2 damage for every 40 MPH, and is considered a critical strike. (functionally, it is a jump kick attack, with a small speed bonus)


(minor powers are done now. Majors to follow)

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:38 am
by Iczer
Integration [Major] By Iczer
'Wha? was that supposed to hurt?'

The character has the reverse of disintegration, the ability to bring things back togeher from disparate parts.
1) disintegration resistance: The character is immune to disintegration type effects, including the power. Particle beams inflict 1/4 normal damage. worse, if a disintegration attack is levied at the character, the chance for deadly reflection doubles.
2) Repair disintegration: The character can restore, as an action, 2d4x10 HP or SDC to a target within 30 feet as long as this is to restore damage done by disintegration (or particle beams). a target completely disintegrated can be restored to life completely (though the soul, or essential life spark may be long gone. typically the character makes a simple save vs coma upon reintegration. if successful the body comes back to life upon reconstruction. the soul's return is complely a GM call.)
3) Integrate matter: By act of concentration, the character can assemble objects out of microscopic particles to form simple shapes. He can form simple objects (no moving parts) within 5 feet of himself (plus 5 feet per level) out of 'miscellaneous matter' just lying about. Objects created are usually no more than 100 cubic feet in size, weighs no more than 140lbs, (typically less) and have an SDC equal to the character's ME score x4 (+5 per level)
Formed items last for about 10 minutes per level before dissolving into dust and powder.
As an attack the character can create small weights above an opponent (+2 to strike, -2 to be dodge, inflicts 2d4+2 damage) or form shield walls ( ar 8 +6 to parry). anything more complicated or lasting takes a melee round to form. Weapons formed from this power are pretty poor (2d6 damage maximum)
4) Integration cleaning: by controlling minute particles and forming simple solids (or liquids) the character essentially does a cleaning job of an area 20 feet across +5 feet per level. this is the area that the particles are drawn from. thusly, the area becomes, in an instant, free from dust (and other particles smaller than grains of sand), and humidity, and scrubs the area of foreign gasses (smoke, carbon monoxide, and gas attacks). The character can use this to simply force water to appear, creating about a gallon per level (but removes the humidity from the air in the process, so it is hard to repeat)
5) disintegration carrying: if the Character is present when a target is disintegrated, then he may latch onto the disparate particles and drag them with him. effectively, the character can carry One Ton of disintegrated matter with him per level, holding onto it. Time and other constraints cause these particles to drift and fall out. these carried articles lose 10% of their SDC every day they are left 'dormant' The character can reintegrate these items at a rate of 100lbs per melee. If the character is exposed to explosive force, or great heat, or extreme magnetism the held mass loses 2% of it's SDC per melee round. if the character is teleported (usually against his will) then he drops all mass entirely. Obviously this aspect is more useful when combined with the actual disintegration power
6) other bonuses: +1D4x10 SDC. heals at 4 times normal rate (opportunistically scavenges for replacement material)

Bacterial Belly [Major] By Iczer
'Oh yeah, well this is why my Boyz call me upchuck...'

The character's belly contains a number of exotic bacteria used to produce a variety of chemical effects. the character can brew and expell any of the following products. if aiming at a target, the character can effectively strike an opponent 30 feet away +10 feet per level with a +3 to hit. each expell takes 1 action to perform. The character can 'brew' as many doses as needed equal to his PE score, +5 per level.
1) Bacterial package: hits like a softball (1d6 damage). the scent of which deters pursuit and covers other smells (-20% to any scent based tracking after encountering one of these) a called shot to an oppoent's face will temporarily blind them (-4 to strike parry and dodge until wiped off)
2) Accellerant: this viscous fluid is highly flamable. if ignited by any source it will burn brightly and hotly, inflicting 3d6 to anyone covered by it. it continues to burn for 1d4 melee rounds, doing 2d4 damage each round.
3) Explosive: the character may expell a ball of tar like substance that remains attached to the character via a trail of goo. the tar is sticky but can be scraped off as a single action. One melee round later, the character can clamp his teeth, cutting the trail and thus igniting the explosive which does 2d4x10 damage to a 10 foot area. Clamping the teeth shut early creates a small bang (2d6 to a 5 foot area). the character can walk his trail out to 30 feet. the trail has 2 SDC and can be destroyed by any deleiberate strike
4) Digestive juices: this wad of vile grey/green fluid has the consistency of treacle. it inflicts 2d4 damage upon contact, but if not wiped within one melee round, it softens the natural AR of any organic object for it's splatter range (can cover an area 4 feet across). AR is reduced by 1d4+1. creatures with a natural AR from an organic source, regain AR at arate of 1 per hour.
5) Phospherant: the wad of goo produced by this aspect of the power, functions as a lit torch, radiating good light out to 40 feet, and weak light for another 40 feet. ideally it has to be smeared on an object or stored in a container. it remains glowing for 1 hour per level, but electrical current can keep it active for one hour for each 'jolt' (one point is enough)
6) Reactive slime: this is just goo. it is obviously a biological byproduct, and is sticky and viscous. it's purpose is just to disgust really (though if you have any other uses for a fist sized wad of tacky substance then feel free)
Other bonuses: the character's stomach is a bacterial nightmare. ingested poisons and bad food are innefective on this character. he can digest anything, but only gains nutrients from actual food. he is highly resistant to nausea (only 1/4 effect and is +6 to save). +30 SDC +1D4+2 PE


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:20 am
by Iczer
Absorb and redirect matter [Major] By iczer
'Let me just grab this wall for a second'

The character can breakdown and absorb Matter on a molecular level and then absorb it to use later, even to forge ammunition from the proceeds.
1) Destroy matter: By touching an item, the character can inflict 1d4x10 damage to an object (subtract its AR from damage done) this works on any solid matter, including heroes transformed into inorganic forms, but fails to function on living creatures and plants (though dead wood dissolves just fine)
The destroyed matter is absorbed into the body. The character effectively holds up to 50 SDC of destroyed matter (plus 20 per level) inside himself.
2) Absorb Liquids and gasses: the character can also absorb liquids. consider every gallon of liquid to be the equivilent of 5 SDC of matter. an area 10x10x10 feet of gasses is also considered to be 5 SDC of matter.
3) Expell held matter: the character can make use of held matter. by expending 5 SDC of held matter, he may create and fire a single bullet, inflicting 3d6 damage out to 140 feet (+2 to strike) he may instead create a flechette type round, or shotgun blast that inflicts 2d6 out to 40 feet, but with +6 to strike.
If the character holds any flamable liquids, he may make a flamethrower stlye blast, expending 5 SDC worth of fuel for a 3d6 blast with +4 to strike out to 60 feet.
Likewise, he may deliver a payload of absorbed gas as a spray out to 80 feet.
4) Chemistry set: by concentrating, a character with the chemistry skill can mix and match stored chemicals inside his body to produce different results. By mixing absorbed oxygen and hydrogen, he can create water. this requires a chemistry roll at -20% or a chemistry analytical roll (no penalty) to perform. a failed check spews the ingredients outwards. In a similiar manner, the character can spread a small amoutn of absorbed silver over a lot of absorbed iron to make silver coated bullets.
5) immune to gasses and acids: the character can make himself immune to inhaled gasses, contact poisons, acids and bases, by simply absorbing them as they come into contact. the concentration rquired to keep this up reduces the character's attacks per melee by 1 every round and reduces initiative by 4. alternatively, the character may use this power to parry these styles of attacks. this takes an action and requires him to compare initiative rolls with the attacker. if he fails, he absorbs the attack, but only after being subjected to it. note that the character cannot protect himself from complete immersion in acid. after he absorbs his maximum load he is still coated in acid so this provides limited protection. Note also that he has no special immunity to temperatures. absorbing a gallon of lava will destroy the matter in question, but the heat will be transfered to the character (who must be touching it)

Chaotic power flux: [Major] By iczer
'wow man..look at me go!'

The character can enter a state of hyperactivity and mutation that allows him to cycle through a vast variety of powers in a short amount of time.
1) enter flux: the character eneters the flux as a simple act of will. when he enters this state, he gains +20% to Spd +1 attack and +1d4+1 PP (roll every time this power is activated) as well as +4 initiative. during this time, his body starts to crackle and trickle with uncontained energy (he glows, sparks and changes colour) -40% to prowl, -10% to all other skills as concentration is difficult.
In addition, every time the character rerolls initiative while in flux, he gains a random minor power! The character gains all the benefits of the power for a single melee round, before having to reroll. he gains all the intrinsic benefits of the power, but no actual attribute or SDC bonuses. whenever he gains a new power, he also heals 2d4 SDC or HP spontaneously and for the duration is energy resistant (half damage). The character knows what the power is when he gets it, and how to use it.
2) the downside. the character never chooses his powers from round to round (though may expend an action to reroll the power, also healing the 2D4). When the power is halted, the character takes 3 damage for every round it was active and becomes tired and listless for 6D6 minutes (halve initiative and speed -1 attack per melee, cannot reactivate power while in this state). every time he loses an action while in combat (body flip throw, mental stun, KO/stun, slow motion control) there is a flat 60%-PE score that this power stops prematurely and deals 3d6 damage to the character.
3) other bonuses: has a keen awareness of other powers. Has +2 to savingthrows made in response to another superpower, and is -2 to be hit by aimed or targeted superpowers.

Energy repulsion and avoidance: [Minor]
'Lightning? Heatrays? Lasers? Give me a set of knuckle dusters anyday'

The character posesses a keen energy senstive danger sense and protective fields that form in response to energy attacks.
1) The character has an auto dodge of +6 against energy attacks. this includes attacks that are from suprise or from ambush.
2) energy sense: when within 30 +10 feet per level. feet of a superhuman who posesses superpowers, he becomes aware of any energy style powers the target posesses, as well as the type and average damage thy can do.
3) Block energy: as an action, the character can block energy attacks that pass within 20 feet of him. he causes the enrgy to dissipate and bend away. He can disperse 3d6 damage as a parry action or 2d4x10 for the whole melee round round. damage in excess of this makes it through to its intended target (but the damage is halved) roll when the parry is declared. due to the character's superhuman awareness the parry is automatically successful. the character can choose to let some attacks slip through (especially if they are not aimed at him). if the character opts for a whole round protection, he must have 3 actions remaining for the round. during an all round parry, the character has only one attack available and he may not budge from his spot.


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:44 pm
by znbrtn
very good stuff, iczer. i especially liked absorb and redirect matter and bacterial belly. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:29 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Thanks Iczer i'll make sure I'm never eating when I see you have posted powers or if I'm at work i wont look at your powers :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:06 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I think Iczer wins simply based on sheer volume of powers. I cannot possibly post so many at a time.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:36 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Large and In Charge (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates an aura of intimidation that makes people think twice.

1.Aura of Intimidation:
Range: 20 foot per level radius
Duration: While in range of the character, +1d4 melees after he has left the area.
Attcks: Automatic and constant; uses no attacks/actions to activate.
Saving Throw: Everyone within range must make a saving throw or feel intimidated by his presence (14 or better, ME bonus applies).
Penalties: Those affected suffer -4 to initiative and -2 to combat moves for then duration of the power against all opponents and -4 to combat moves directed against the superbeing. When not in combat, it gives the superbeing the equivalent of +20% to Interrogation and Trust/Intimidate rolls against those affected.

2.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Opponents perceive the superbeing as 1d6 levels higher
+2 to MA and ME
+1d4 to PS and PE
Suffers -2 to PB, however

Face Off (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character can basically cause his own facial features to morph into those of someone else while simultaneously morphing their features into his.

1.Mugging: The character can swap faces with another person by touching their face.
Saving Throw: 14 or better (PE bonus applies) if the victim is alive; none if swapping faces with a corpse.
Attacks/Actions: Contact must be maintained for one full melee
Range: Touch; faces morph and spasm unless in full contact (faces touching).
Duration: Faces remain changed for 1 hour per level, after which the faces revert to normal, both the superbeing's and that of the victim. They can revert back sooner at the will of the superbeing.

2.Limitations: This power only alters muscle and bone configuration and may not eliminate scars, birthmarks, moles or freckles, nor does it change eye or hair color in the superbeing or his victim.
Can only swap faces once per day per level and time for all changes cannot exceed duration. For example, if he uses one face for 6 hours at level twelve, he can only use an additional 5 faces for a total of 6 more hours. The duration for all changes may be spaced out as needed but cannot exceed one hour per level for the total number of face changes.

Note: This power can be used for such things as losing a tail or faking one's own death. Caution must be used, however, as changing one's face into a known criminal's can have negative results.

Facial (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can cause organic compounds to transmute on a molecular level and graft to his/her skin temporarily, aiding in disguises and making them difficult to identify.

1.Organic Mask: The character can apply creams and organic compounds to their face and cause it to alter on a molecular level to resemble their own skin.
Attacks/Actions: Takes one full melee to apply and transmute the organic compound.
Duration: The compound will resemble skin for one hour per level, after which it will dry, crack and fall off.

2.Graft: The character can elect to merge the mask with their own skin. Connection must be maintained through concentration.
Attacks/Actions: Uses one attack/action to apply, and then one action per melee to maintain, for the duration of the mask (see above).
Duration: Concentration (using 1 action per melee) for up to one hour per level (duration of mask).

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Adds +10% to Disguise skill
Mask possesses an SDC of 10
Provides an AR of 8 to the face while grafted

Character suffers loss of 1d4 SDC when mask is removed, damaging the skin (-2 PB for 2d4 days following). Effects are cumulative with repeated use of this power.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:50 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Large and In Charge (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates an aura of intimidation that makes people think twice.

1.Aura of Intimidation:
Range: 20 foot per level radius
Duration: While in range of the character, +1d4 melees after he has left the area.
Attcks: Automatic and constant; uses no attacks/actions to activate.
Saving Throw: Everyone within range must make a saving throw or feel intimidated by his presence (14 or better, ME bonus applies). Does not affect Natural Psionics or Immortals.
Penalties: Those affected suffer -4 to initiative and -2 to combat moves for then duration of the power against all opponents and -4 to combat moves directed against the superbeing. When not in combat, it gives the superbeing the equivalent of +20% to Interrogation and Trust/Intimidate rolls against those affected.

2.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Horror Factor of 8 +1d4
+2 to MA and ME
+1d4 to PS and PE
Suffers -2 to PB, however

instead I'd lose Horror factor (because of Aura of Intimidation) and make people perceive the character as 1D6 level higher that way theres no save and it will effect psionics and immortal. that just me

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:55 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Face of Death(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
This is designed as a deific power but can possibly be used by other categories.

The character appears normal other than their head, which is always shrouded underneath a hood or cloak. Thie face cannot be seen without close examination and will appear somewhat normal unless the shroud is pulled back.

1.Appearance: Their head appears to be a rotting corpse skull with worms, flies, maggots and/or rats crawling on and through it. The eyes appear to be empty sockets until one gazes into them, at which point they reveal horrifying images of destruction, war and devastation. Those seeing the head itself must roll vs. Horror Factor of 16(ME bonuses apply) or cringe in fear. Those gazing into the eyes must save vs. Horror Factor of 18(ME bonuses apply) or else wet themselves, scream in terror, break down crying or run away, refusing to believe what they saw.

2.Look of Death: The character cn stare at a target, which must then make a save vs. Coma/Death(-20%) or feel their heart seize up, breathing become restricted, or any other desired effect the GM chooses, essentially dying (6d6 damage directly to Hit Points). If they survive the attack or save, they will be stunned and in shock for 2d4 minutes and require medical attention.
Range: 10 feet (Lineof Sight)

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
PS +1
SPD +2d6
SDC +3d6
PB -1d6 while face is concealed
MA +1d6
ME +1d6+1
Immune to Horror Factor
Immune to Death Aura, death type powers and death magic

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:00 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Large and In Charge (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates an aura of intimidation that makes people think twice.

1.Aura of Intimidation:
Range: 20 foot per level radius
Duration: While in range of the character, +1d4 melees after he has left the area.
Attcks: Automatic and constant; uses no attacks/actions to activate.
Saving Throw: Everyone within range must make a saving throw or feel intimidated by his presence (14 or better, ME bonus applies). Does not affect Natural Psionics or Immortals.
Penalties: Those affected suffer -4 to initiative and -2 to combat moves for then duration of the power against all opponents and -4 to combat moves directed against the superbeing. When not in combat, it gives the superbeing the equivalent of +20% to Interrogation and Trust/Intimidate rolls against those affected.

2.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Horror Factor of 8 +1d4
+2 to MA and ME
+1d4 to PS and PE
Suffers -2 to PB, however

instead I'd lose Horror factor (because of Aura of Intimidation) and make people perceive the character as 1D6 level higher that way theres no save and it will effect psionics and immortal. that just me

Perhaps. Let me think on that for a while. :-D It does make sense about the Horror Factor (I had myself considered leaving that part out), but I am not sure about the effect it would have on immortals.
Eh, you are probably right. I will edit it...

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:15 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Large and In Charge (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates an aura of intimidation that makes people think twice.

1.Aura of Intimidation:
Range: 20 foot per level radius
Duration: While in range of the character, +1d4 melees after he has left the area.
Attcks: Automatic and constant; uses no attacks/actions to activate.
Saving Throw: Everyone within range must make a saving throw or feel intimidated by his presence (14 or better, ME bonus applies). Does not affect Natural Psionics or Immortals.
Penalties: Those affected suffer -4 to initiative and -2 to combat moves for then duration of the power against all opponents and -4 to combat moves directed against the superbeing. When not in combat, it gives the superbeing the equivalent of +20% to Interrogation and Trust/Intimidate rolls against those affected.

2.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Horror Factor of 8 +1d4
+2 to MA and ME
+1d4 to PS and PE
Suffers -2 to PB, however

instead I'd lose Horror factor (because of Aura of Intimidation) and make people perceive the character as 1D6 level higher that way theres no save and it will effect psionics and immortal. that just me

Perhaps. Let me think on that for a while. :-D It does make sense about the Horror Factor (I had myself considered leaving that part out), but I am not sure about the effect it would have on immortals.
Eh, you are probably right. I will edit it...

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:25 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Render (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing has an eye for structures and seeing weak points.

1.Weak Spot The character has an uncanny knack for spotting weakness. Also, the character has knowledge of pressure points and anatomy, knowing just where to hit someone to do the most damage.
Bonuses: +1d4 to damge with melee weapons and unarmed attacks
+4 to Perception
+15% to Medical skills and Art:Drawing, as well as construction skills.
+4 to strike, critical on a Natural 16-20

2.Other Bonuses:
+1d4 IQ
+2 Initiative

Restraint (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing is overly cautious and gains bonuses as a result.

1.Caution: The superbeing is exceptionally cautious, sacrificing an attack for additional bonuses when he does act.
Bonuses: + 2 to strike for each action sacrificed prior to attack. Automatically gets +2 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 to initiative and the Sniper Skill.
Penalties: Automatically loses one attack per melee and loses 1/3 of speed attribute by taking this power.

2.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to Pull Punch
+15% to Tracking and Surveillance skills
+15% to Save vs. Coma/Death
+4 to Perception
+2 MA and ME
+10% to Prowl

Remane (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
While the character's body does not possess a strong healing factor, his hair does, regrowing rapidly when cut, restoring itself to its maximum length in minutes.

1.Growth Rate: Hair restores itself at a rate of 1d4 inches per melee round.
Maximum Length: The hair is down to the character's hips
Limitations: The character must constantly brush and comb the hair and tie it back to keep it out of their eyes.

2,Hair Whip: The character can snap the hair at an opponent for 1d4 damage per strike.

3.Stunts: By constantly cutting and regrowing hair, the character can generate enough to weave ropes or fashion wigs for others.

4.Liabilities: The hair is easy for an opponent to pull on and attack the character.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses: Hair Provides a Natural AR of 8 to the character against attacks from behind
+2 to Roll with Punch, Fall or Impact due to the cushioning the hair provides

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:53 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Qe Serat Serat (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character has a visible aura they control which acts to obscure their featrues, making them more difficult to hit (-4 penalty) and see when attacking (character gets +2 to initiative). The energy field appears to be pixelated and makes the area affected resemble a pointilistic painting.
It is not as controlled a color manipulation as Camoflage or the super ability Color Manipulation.
Area of Effect: 20 foot Radius(strike penalty and initiative bonuses to all inside field)
Duration: Indefinite and constant as long as character wills it.
Attacks: Requires no actions to activate or deactivate.

Oxygenization (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing is surrounded by a particle field which converts all gases passing through it, making the character able to enter otherwise unbreatheable environments and impervious to toxic gases.
Range: 10 foot radius
Duration: Constant and permanent; 1d4 melees in poisonous or toxic environments, such as methane clouds. This also allows the character to breathe underwater for up to 10 minutes.
Drawbacks: Plants, requiring carbon dioxide, will wither and die due to prolonged exposure to the character's field.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
Fatigues at half the normal rate
Heals at twice the normal rate
Takes Twice damage from fire attacks

Overheat (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can cause anything with a temperature to burn hotter by 10%.

Fever: The superbeing can cause individuals to have their body temperature rise, fatiguing at twice normal rate and sweating profusely for 2d4 melees before having to resist passing out.
Saving Throw: Save vs. Psionic attack to resist thyroid being hyperactivated (14 or better, ME bonus applies) and then save vs. Disease (14 or better, PE bonus applies) to overcome the fever. A secons save vs. disease will be rolled to avoid passing out.
Range: TRargets in line of sight , 20 feet per level

2.Burnout: Machines and circuitry can be caused to heat up, causing motors and circuits to burn out.
Saving Throw: None, but computers may be programmed to shut down in the case of becoming overheated.
Range: Line of sight, 20 feet per level
Duration: Instant; burning lasts 2d4 melees unless stopped. Overheated engines and cicuitry require complicated repairs.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 save vs. psionics and disease
Resistant to heat (half effects and damage)
The character can also cause water within 20 feet to boil

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Optical Cables (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This visual power is a handicap in as much as it is a benefit. The character's optic nerves are like cables capable of linking to video monitors.

1.Optic Connection: The character has no actual eyes, relying on connection to video monitors and fiberoptics to see. The benefit is that he can potentially tap into spy satellites and cameras.
Penalties: The superbeing is worthless in combat, suffering a penalty of -10 to all combat moves.
Range: Cables stretch out to a distance of 200 feet per level
Duration: The superbeing can only remain connected for 1d4 hours per day. This is due to the electrical nature of the video feed.

2.Skill Bonuses:
+20% to TV/Video, Optics Systems and Read Sensory Equipment; +10% to Compter Operation and Computer Programming.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to Electrical Attack (half damage)

Nature Boy (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has a connection to nature, gaining bonuses when in the forest. An alternative to Feral, this power does not force the hero to take on a bestial nature.

1.Bonuses in Forest Environments:
* Add 6 feet to horizontal leaping distance and 4 feet to vertical
* +3d4 to Speed attribute
* +2d6 PS
* +1d6 PE
* +2 attacks per melee
* +20 SDC
* +10% skill bonus to any Wilderness, climbing, swimming and tracking skills

Suffers -2 to combat rolls in extreme urban environments and cities, -10% to Piloting skills (other than Horsemanship)

Note that animals in the forest are generally more accepting and less likely to attack the hero or consider him a threat.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2+1d4 save vs. poisons

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:19 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Remane (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
this power should not be played with my Achilles heel Hair of Samson: :D

great powers SG keep up the great work

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:30 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:Remane (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
this power should not be played with my Achilles heel Hair of Samson: :D

great powers SG keep up the great work

Oh, I intend to. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:00 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Create Explosive Objects: Cherry Bombs(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
These are not what you normally think of as Cherry bombs. This power allows the superbeing to generate small red sacs which explode on impact, doing little damage but creating a mess of red dye.

1.Paint Bombs: The sacs explode on impact, splattering dye on the target and the surrounding area.
Range: Can be thrown as tiny object weighing a few ounces. Spallters for a radius of 2 feet.
Duration: Instant, as they explode on impact. Unused and unplucked cherry bombs rot away after 2d4 days. Once removed from the vine, bombs must be used within 2d4 melee rounds. Bombs will leak and become ineffective otherwise.
Damage: Paint bombs only do 2 SDC on impact, as their real purpose is to mark targets for tracking purposes or cause confusion. A called shot to the eyes, if successful, will blind the target, causing them to lose 2 attacks and have a combat penalty of -10 until the paint is washed off or dissolves in 2d4 melee rounds.

2.Bomb Generation: Cherry Bombs are generated as part of the superbeing's normal growth, producing his PE number in bombs per hour which grow on a vine.
Number Produced: PE number per hour, plus 2 extra per level of experience.
Size: Bombs are approximately an inch in diameter.
SDC: 2 per bomb; as they are an external part of the superbeing, growing on him in vinelike strands, they can be destroyed prior to use.
Vines: The bombs form on vines which grow along with the bombs, a new vine forming each hour and all bombs generated in a given hour sharing the same vine. The vines attach to the superbeing at the scalp. Vines have a tensile strength equal to a PS of 5 and cannot be used to throw bombs with any accuracy; whipping the vine to toss cherries as a volley attack throws all bombs on the vine simultaneously and is done with a -4 to strike. The vines dissolve once all bombs have been plucked or thrown off, or are destroyed.

3.Combat and Tactics: For any accuracy, the bombs must be removed from the vines and thrown.
Attacks: Removing a single cherry bomb and throwing it can be done as a single attack/action; preparing a volley and attacking with multiple bombs uses 2 actions.
Vine Whip Attack: See above for penalties for using cherries still on the vine to attack. The vines themselves inflict no damage and are not strong enough to use for an entangling attack.
Volley Attack: When removed, cheery bombs can be thrown individually or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or 8.
Bonuses: Bonus to strike with a single cherry bomb (aimed) is +3. No bonus when throwing multiple bombs.
Duration: see above

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:16 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Photo Optics(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
A filmy layer over the superbeing's eye allows him to capture images which can be used as evidence.

1.Image Capture: A filmy leyer resembling a contact lens forms over the superbeing's eyes which are capable of freezing images.
attacks: Uses one atrtack to capture set image on one of the lenses; uses another action to remove the lens from the eye which can be done painlessly as if removing a contact lens.
Number: The superbeing generates his PE number in lenses per eye per day. After a lens is removed, a new one will form over the ey within 2d4 melees unless maximum number per day has been expended.
Range: Phot capture range is 60 feet per level of experience. Trying to capture an image betond the effective range produces an unfocused and blurred image.
Duration: Filmy lenses over the eyes must be used within 2d4 hours after forming on the eye. Captured images sitting on the eye must be removed and transferred to a propere photograph within 2d4 hours or the image will dissolve, though the lens cannot be used a second time and must be discarded regardless. Images can be transferred to paper using standard photo developing equipment.

2.Penalties: Lenses obscure vision when images have been captured on the lenses but they have not been removed. This causes -2 penalty to Perception for a single eye's vision obstructed and _-4 to Perception if both eyes have been used to capture images and the film not yet removed. The superbeing is also -2 to strike and parry when captured images block their view.

3.Bonuses: +2 to Perception when lenses are present without images captured on them; +2 save vs. blindness and +10% to photography skill

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Too Much Coffee(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I will save the day. Just let me get a cup of coffee first."
The superbeing can amp up his powers using caffiene.

1.Caffiene Powered: Drinking a single cup of coffee or other strongly caffienated beverage (8 ounces), the superbeing can boost his power levels.
Duration: Effect lasts 2d4 melee rounds, +1 melee round per level of experience.
Range: Self, though the energies bleed over to affect those around the superbeing within a 10 foot radius (half bonuses to those affected. Others affected may save against the effect (12 or better, PE bonus applies).
Fatigues at half normal rate
+2d6 to PS
+3d6 to PE
+4 save vs. poisons and toxins
+2 to initiative
Speed tripled for the duration

2.Withdrawal: The superbeing goes through a period of withdrawal after the duration of the bioost expires. This can be delayed, however, with another cup of coffee. Penalties are NOT cumulative. Others affected by the power ony have half the penalties for half the duration.
-1d6 to PS
-1d4 to PE
-2 save vs. poisons and toxins
-2 to initiative
Speed reduced by 1/4
Duration: Withdrawal lasts 1d4 melees.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 vs. cold attacks
+4 vs. Disease
+5% to save vs. Coma/Death

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Clockwork(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character's body is flesh and blood but has mutated to function much like a wound clock, having gears of bone and levers and hinges for joints, with blood and bodily fluids resembling oil, or in some cases sand. The nature of the character's ody givers him a mechanical nature and anatomy.

1.Machine Repairable: The character can be repaired when injured by those with Mechanical skills raher than having to wait for a doctor (-30% penalty due to organic nature of "machine").

2.Breathing Differences: While large balloonlike sacs imitate brathing, the character does not breathe in the conventional sense, though suffocation will occur if the cells in the body do not get oxygen. As a result, the character can survive without air for long periods of time. Identical to Hold Breath Minor Ability (please insert information for that power, as I am not going to write it all out). :D .

3.Telescopis/Microscopic Vision: The character's eyes include lenses which can be adjusted to allow the eye to magnify like a gun scope, apply crosshairs (+1 to strike) and increase vision in general. Identical to Supervision: Acute Sight and Supervision: Advanced Sight.

4.Precision Timepiece: The character's body is a clock, so he has a very acute sense of time, identical to the Heightened Sense of Time minor ability.

5.Gyroscopic Balance: Functions much like the Heightened Sense of Balance minor ability.
Bonuses: +10% to Acrobatics, Gymnastics and climbing, +5% to Maintain Balance rolls, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact.

6.Immunities: Immunt to Magic and Psionics

7.Reinforced Body: +1d6X10 to SDC

8.Slowed Aging: Equivalent of Longevity minor ability
+d4 to PE
+1d4 PB
+3 save vs. disease
+5 save vs. Coma/Death

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Air Superiority(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
More than just flight, the superbeing gains abilities in the air he would not have otherwise.

1.Flight: Wingless: Essentially the same as the minor superability but with modifications.
Speed: 320 mph +20mph per level of experience.
Maximum Altitude: 25000 feet
Bonuses in Flight:
+1 attack per melee
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to dodge under 80mph
+6 to dodge when over 81mph
+4 to damage for every 20mph of speed
+40 SDC
+10% to Prowl when hovering

2.Strength Boost When Airborne: The superbeing's strength goes up a category in terms of raw power (normal becomes Extraordinary, etc.). This does not affect the PS number, just the weight able to be lifted and carried and increases damage.

3.Heightened Sense of Awareness: Same as the minor superability but limited to use in flight.
Cannot be surprised
+2 to initiative
+2 to roll with punch, fall or impact
+2 vs.Horror Factor
Gets an automatic dodge (with no bonuses)

4.Air Superiority: Possesses indimitable spirit when in the air the same as the Iron Will minor ability.
Needs 12 or higher to save vs. psionic attack
+7 vs. possession
+6 vs. mind control
Additional +5 vs. Horror Factor
+5 vs. illusions
+3 vs. disease
+3 vs. insanity
+20% save vs. coma/death
Half penalties when confused, dazed or drugged

Limitations: Powers only in affect when in flight; -2 penalty to all combat moves when stuck on the ground.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:46 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Corporial Punishment (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates an energy field which causes intangible creatures to be forced tangible by creating a singularity effect.

1.Corporial Lock: The field prevents those within range from becoming intangible and can even keeep Immortal ghosts locked in solid form.
Range: Radius of 20 feet, plus 2 feet per level of experience
Duration: Constant when targets in range. Requires no actions to activate, as it is always on.
Saving Throw: 14 or better (PE bonus applies), +1 at level 4, 8 and 12
Those savong vs. the effect are still able to go intangible as normal.

2.Making Intangibles Tangible: Those entering the field who are already in an intangible state are also affected but can resist better than those trying to go intangible from solid form.
Range: 20 feet, plus 2 feet per level
Duration: Constant while targets are in range. Requires no actions to activate, as it is always on.
Saving Throw: 12 or better (PE bonus applies), +1 at levels 5, 10 and 15

3.Keeping Intangibles Intangible: Conversely, through concentration, the superbeing can alter the field to keep intangible opponents from becoming tangible to strike at him.
Duration: Concentration. Uses one melee action to alter the field and then one action per melee round to maintain the effect.
Range: Lowers field radius to a mere 10 feet, plus 1 foot per level
Saving Throw: 12 or better (PE bonus applies), +1 at level 5, 10 and 15

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Can sense people who are intangible within a 100 foot radius
+2 vs. psionics and mind control
+2 vs. magic
+1d6 PPE

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:22 am
by Iczer
Morphic Claws [Minor] By Iczer
'Just what I need for the situation'

The character can grow claws on both hands (or feet if necessarry) which adapt to the character's needs. 'popping' claws is instantaneous and occasionally reflexive, but altering their state will often require an action.
Damage: Claws inflict 2d6 damage and can be used to parry melee weapons as needed. Damage increases by +1 every level.

1) as an action, the character can make any of the following alterations. Each alteration replaces the last, and any newly formed claws have none.
* Spur: the claws merge to form a single spur that tapers at the end. This spur punctures armour with a little more ease, reducing an opponent's AR by 4 when striking them.
* Elongated: The blades, normally 8 -12 inches long, elongate to between 14 to 18 inches in length. These extra long blades grants +2 to strike
* Serrated: Serrated, wicked blades increase the base damage of claws to 2d8 rather than 2d6.
* Knuckle guard: These tiny blades jut from the knuckle out to an inch or less, but the blade's mass backs down the back of the hand and forearm. damage is a mere 1d4, but the character enjoys +2 to parry, and can combie this damage with normal HTH strikes (so a 2d4 karate punch, becomes a 3d4 karate punch, plus claw bonuses)
* Finger Blades: the claws form light 3 inch blades. fighting with these tiny blades does 2d4 damage rather than 2d6 but the sheer speed of the little blades adds +2 to initiaitve
* Nekode: as above, but blade damage is a mere 1d6, but the character using these curved cat claws add +15% to all climb checks. In addition, as these claws hook onto flesh and clothing, they add +2 to all attempts to maintain a grapple.
* Tool: The character forms the blade into a simple tool (corkscrew, saw nailfile, lockpick)

2) Launch blades: the character can, as an action, lauch the blades on his hands out to 50 feet at a target with +2 to strike. this inflicts normal claw damage (minus PS bonus). The finger blades, and nekode lauch like a short burst of shuriken. instead of their normal damage, roll 2d4 (+1 per 2 levels) and apply the damage as you would a small burst (x2 damage, harder to dodge etc) claws grow back within 1d4 melee rounds (though he will have claws on the 'other' hand)

3) Suprises: The character has a couple of special moves he can perform. the most notable is to change the shape of a blade whilst inside a body. This requires 3 actions to perform,(grab, strike, deform blade) and is particularilly nasty. The target takes double damage from this endeavour, and remains grabbed and stabbed until he can escape (every action he remains impaled in this fashion, he takes normal claw damage)
another trick is to implant a target. this requires 2 actions to make a precise enough strike, but the character leaves a fragment of his claws in the target. the wound will not close properlly, or stop bleeding, until the blade is removed, and the blade is typically hooked or babrbed to prevent extraction (First aid -20%, paramedic or MD -10%)


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:23 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Corporial Punishment (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates an energy field which causes intangible creatures to be forced tangible by creating a singularity effect.


"...the mallinium falcon...the ship that did the Kessl run in 5 parsecs"

Loose the explanation with the science fluff words. ( i.e.: "by creating a singularity effect.")

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Too Much Coffee(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I will save the day. Just let me get a cup of coffee first."
The superbeing can amp up his powers using caffiene.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:49 am
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Corporial Punishment (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing radiates an energy field which causes intangible creatures to be forced tangible by creating a singularity effect.


"...the mallinium falcon...the ship that did the Kessl run in 5 parsecs"

Loose the explanation with the science fluff words. ( i.e.: "by creating a singularity effect.")

Look, when you write powers you can decide how they should be explained. Just let me do my thing, okay?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:03 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Morphic Claws [Minor] By Iczer great power really like this one a simple idea made really cool and great power not just a up'd minor!


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Stolen Thunder(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
This is an alternate version of Energy Absorption. The character absorbs static electricity from the area around him, draining energy from machine and robbing certain superbeing's of their control on it in the process,

1.Energy Syphoning: The hero draws in static electricity and chared particles, causing machines to shut down and there to be less available to those who use static electricity and electrical attacks. Those possessing energy control powers must save vs. the effect in order to maintain control of their powers or have them reduced to half effects (damage, range and duration).
Range: Affects machines and superbeings within 120 foot radius of the character, plus 10 feet per level
Duration: Constant; cannot be turned off. After leaving the area of effect, machines and targets return to normal after 1d4 melee rounds.
Limitations: Only affects storm based and electrical and static powers. Does not affect other energy manipulation powers.
Attacks: Occurs automatically and requires no actions to activate
Saving Throw:Targets can save vs. the effect; 14 or better (ME bonuses apply), plus 1 at levels 4, 8 and 12

2.Lessen Storms: The superbeing causes storms to reduce in intensity by his mere presence. This decreases wind speed and precipitation as well as static in the clouds.
Range: 320 foot radius
Duration: Constant while the hero is present, plus 4 minutes per level after he has left the area.
Limitations: Mainly affects roaring storms and will not stop it from raining.

3.Energy Expulsion: Electricity: Same as the minor superability
The absorbed energy can be released via bolts of electricity. As the character gains levels (3rd or higher), he can regulate the damage by increments of 1d6.
Range: 400 feet maximum
Damage: 3d6, plus 1d6 per level
Duration: Instant
Attacks per melee: Uses 1 melee attack; can shoot two simultaneous beams using only one melee attack
Bonus +3 to a strike when aimed, +1 when wild

4.Immune to Electrical Attacks: Cannot be harmed by raw electrical current but can be affected by the physical aspects of storms and the damage they cause
Range: Self
Duration: Constant
Limitations: Can be harmed by other forms of energyy attacks, though light and laser attacks only do half damage.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 ME
+2 PE
+1d6 SDC

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:17 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Stolen Thunder(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

super cool :ok:

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:38 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:Stolen Thunder(Major) by Stone Gargoyle

super cool :ok:

Thanks. That one was rolling around my head yeaterday while I was waiting for the bus and was put to paper last night.