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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:42 pm
by Aramanthus
Those were some very interesting and sometimes twisted alternate universes.

The things that go bump in the night really exist. Parents checked under the beds as a precaution before theirs kids or they go to bed, otherwise they might get taken by something laying wait under the bed. The creatures are more than willing to take whole families if they get a chance, dinner is dinner and people taste like chicken according to the TV shows. When humanity discovers the hidden predators they start fighting back. Little wives tales are listened to, such as "If you don't behave the boggeyman is going to get you" is totally true. The war is on!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:52 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Those were some very interesting and sometimes twisted alternate universes.

The things that go bump in the night really exist. Parents checked under the beds as a precaution before theirs kids or they go to bed, otherwise they might get taken by something laying wait under the bed. The creatures are more than willing to take whole families if they get a chance, dinner is dinner and people taste like chicken according to the TV shows. When humanity discovers the hidden predators they start fighting back. Little wives tales are listened to, such as "If you don't behave the boggeyman is going to get you" is totally true. The war is on!

Futons would come into fashion, kids would go to bed packing haet, and we'd be breeding a whole new range of mean-arse guard animals, like assault dachshunds, battle cats, and attack gerbils, able to go under beds and into closets and hold their own against the foes of humanity...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:36 am
by Aramanthus
I can see that, when the Dashund is bred with the Rottweiler. Now that would be a scary dog! :eek: :shock: :D

Humankind is surprised when the CERN particle accelerator opens a dimensional tear into another universe. It shows humanity that the M theory is correct and that other dimensions exist and are seperated from us by only the thinest membranes. Over the years many wars occur when we open the wrong doorway. Of course there is some peaceful contacts made thru out the years.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:24 pm
by taalismn
The CERN goes on-line and only those people who complained about it mysteriously disappear...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:13 am
by Aramanthus
Hmmmm I like that one.

Everything we know about physics changes over night. Laws of reality rewrite themselves without any sort of warning. (Example Bumble bees can't fly any more. Gravity works oppositely then it did the night before. Scienctist are totally in the dark!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:40 pm
by taalismn
Well, even when allied to Italy(or maybe because they were allied to Italy) the Germans were contemplating plans to kidnap the Pope and other prominent Roman authorities/Italian government figures.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:58 pm
by Aramanthus
So the Germans were planning on kidnapping the Pope? I never heard that.

Scienctist doing research on alternate energy discovers an incredibly cheap and ultra efficent fuel source for humanity. Energy needs are fulfilled!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:09 pm
by gaby
2002 a plague killeds 80% of the worlds humans population over the Age of 13,the 20% that survive are farest away from the Backout zone,the East cosat of India.

Now the children and the survivors need to rebuild the world.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:26 pm
by taalismn
1776---as the American Revolution rages, Continental Europe is obliterated by a meteor shower, and England is severely hit....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:51 am
by Aramanthus
Good ones guys!

During the push to cross the continent with the first railroad a man who was considered a crack pot by the scientific community finds paths of energy that criss cross the world. He discovers how to travel on them. He actually invents a practical method to travel across them. The new mode of travel doesn't actually distribe nature.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 10:12 am
by taalismn
The Rifts don't unleash demons , but a massive alien jungle that quickly overwhelms the globe in a green embrace...giant insects swarm out, and technological society is quickly overwhelmed...soon, only the Orbitals and a few surface enclaves are the only ones with 'hard' technology...the rest of the survivors are reduced to a Swamp Barbarian-like tribal existance...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:27 am
by Aramanthus
Alternatives to that one Taalismn!

When the Rifts open they unleash really bad kilted scottish tennis players!

When the Rifts open they unleash a furious army fluffy bunnies. (Who immediately join up with NinjaBunny.)

When the Rifts open they unleash hostile desserts which we promptly devour! :D

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:42 am
by taalismn
Rifts open up and we discover a mirror universe, exactly like ours beyond...except that for some inexplicable reason, everybody who encounters their twin from the other universe automatically loathes them. Pretty soon, both worlds are gearing up for war with the other...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:50 am
by Aramanthus
That would make an interesting Universal War!

The potential of the Rifts are seen immediately and various governments around the world start competing to control various access to various worlds they have opened. Multidimensional empire is now within humanities grasp.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:09 pm
by taalismn
Crossover---The ever bloody and ailing Battletech universe...with all the nukes and mass executions the Word of Blake is pulling off, they're straining space/time...and start setting off Rifts Events on some of the worlds they're beseiging...can the BTverse stand up to demons? Can the WOB cyborg infantry and battlemechs stand up to the cyborge of Rifts Earth or the Central Alliance? And, well, darn, is that a Dragon Dreadnought hunting Jumpships?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:53 pm
by Aramanthus
LOL!! I had a conversation with Sam Lewis about Battletech versus Renegade Legion. Battletech looses hands down. As for against Rift's earth? Good question. I'd still say they'd loose. Interesting alternate universe. I like it, my vote is against those humans from the BT universe.

The universe comes to an end abruptedly. There is a massive sign as the day approaches which reads........ Th..Th..tha..That's all folks!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:29 pm
by taalismn
THe plague turns everybody over age 19 into a domestic animal...
Imagine, as a youngster, trying to hold society together with a bunch of animals who remember being able to hold things in their hands and speak, but now cannot do either...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:53 am
by Aramanthus
As long as you don't get the shortened life of the domestic animal.

The rifts come way early. They come one year before the end of the Mayan calendar predicts. The cause is a terrorist attack on a major world event at a time when the sun is at the summer solistice. The effects on the planet are even worse than they they were in the Rifts books.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:39 pm
by taalismn
People start going without sleep for three days...then sleep for three days straight...aside from a few folks who retain their normal sleep patterns, and a few who don't need to sleep at all(but suffer shorter life spans)...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:12 pm
by taalismn
Napoleon invades Egypt, his troops blow the nose off the Sphinx...and the ancient glory of the Pharoahs comes to life, brutally slaying the French troops, then hunting down the rest of the French army....before advancing on France in the form of a demonic Sphinx(or Maggot if you want to use Palladium demons)...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:38 am
by Aramanthus
Cool alternate universes.

Humankind in it's entirity evolves overnight to become super humans. Although society isn't ready for the jump in evolutionary terms. Religions can't deal with the changes. Economies are falling apart as fast as the rest is. Rifts occur way earlier then on Rift's earth. Although humanity being super humans help control the effects of the creatures from the Rifts. There is a second dark age, but it doesn't last nearly as long as the one from Rifts earth. Humanity comes out of the dark ages smarter and wiser.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:25 am
by taalismn
Hell On Earth...Millenia ago, Earth was invaded by one of the Infernal Realms and thoroughly assimilated...same ecosystem, but higher ambient magic PPE, and now 90% of the population can claim varying degrees of demon blood in them, to the point that magic and psionics are engrained....but so is technology, though warped and altered by magic...and D-Humans can be Summoned to other realms by foolish mortals...Of course, the other part of D-human society is that we can buy favor and off our indentureships from our 'true' demonic overlords by getting fresh souls, so there's a lot of interest in pursuing independent interdimensional travel...and a lot of thought given to throwing off the overlords, declaring independence, and going into business for ourselves...D-Humanity is regarded by the 'trues' from Hades and other proper Infernal Realms in much the same way as barbarian Technowizards....second- or third-class citizens with pretensions of being equals, and our heads filled with idiotic notions about 'technology', 'progress', 'ethics', 'restraint', 'corporations', and the like...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:23 pm
by Aramanthus
Very interesting one Taalismn! And very appropriate for this time of year.

During the golden age of humanity things begin to start down the cold war lane. This get derailed by an effort by a second revolution within the new communist powers. Diring a second October Revolution the freedom loving people under communism yokes successfully rebel and establish a new rebublic which causes all of the pressures to vent without leading to the event which lead to the coming of the RIfts. The situation which leads to the event never occurs. The coming of the Rifts doesn't occur do to war, but does occur due to a scientific experiment gone wrong. And it spirals out of control leading to the comings of the Rifts about one hundred years later than it should have happened.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:25 am
by LostOne
The coming of the Rifts happens in 2008 due to sabotage of the Large Hadron Collider.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:36 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Very interesting one Taalismn! And very appropriate for this time of year.


I figure people would have 'lineages', having characteristics of whatever demonic types were in their ancestry, making things more interesting...
'Normals' are still around, but they're rather rare...there's conservation efforts, and recently somebody's realized that 'normals' can handle some things that the d-humans can' holy symbols and certain metals and substances...making them much in demand as alchemists and technicians for the assassin trade...or 'holymat' disposal teams..

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:56 am
by Aramanthus
That is a cool addition to yours, Taalismn.

LOL That was a funny one Lostone! You should elaborate on that one.

It is found that every single secret of the universe can be discovered in music. Not natural music but written music. The people who compose it unknowingly place within each and every song secrets to the very nature of the universe. It is discovered by a physicist who happened to be listening to heavy metal. And the discoveries continues unleashing a torrent of discoverys.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:24 am
by LostOne
Aramanthus wrote:It is found that every single secret of the universe can be discovered in music. Not natural music but written music. The people who compose it unknowingly place within each and every song secrets to the very nature of the universe. It is discovered by a physicist who happened to be listening to heavy metal. And the discoveries continues unleashing a torrent of discoverys.

This is discovered by a group of teenagers while attempting to uncover the infamous brown note.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:47 pm
by taalismn
Heavy Metal...Heavy Water...makes sense...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:46 am
by Aramanthus
That was a great one Duck-foot! Been watching a little too much South Park LostOne! :D Now there is a MYth Mythbusters should do! :twisted:

It is found that the so called "Brown Note" does not exist. The note which should cause it actually cause humans to spontaneously combust. So when some person finds this legendary note they literarily blow themselves up!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:44 pm
by taalismn
A wandering spacial radiation source sweeps through the solar half of the Earth is bathed in radiation that effectively dramatically reduces the lifespan of all those exposed and renders them all sterile...The other half, completely unaffected, now faces the prospect of half the human race dying within the next fifteen years(and perhaps a large percentage of the higher animal life)...already some nations begin planning for expansion into the territories affected by the irradiation, leading to looming tensions among their rivals...and not all of the people affected are happy to be condemned to death...some of them want to go out with a bang....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:35 am
by Aramanthus
Interesting one Taalismn! I'm doing a variation on yours. :D

A wandering spacial radiation source sweeps into the system and baths a portion of earth. Upon the exposure the medical teams inform the world that these beings are evolving at a tremendous rate. The ones effected by the radiation are leaving humanity behind. These beings eventually ascend and leave the rest of humanity behind. The rest of humanity continue the slow trek down the evolutionary pathway. They are unknown to them watched over by their ascended brothers.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:54 am
by gaby
Here is how I do it,the Exposure Zone go from the West coast of Turkey to the east coast Vietnam,it happen in 1908,People in the unexposure zone are changed too,they are not dieing off and sterile,but have active the Mutant genes,in the year after the exposure the first mutant will be born.
Lucky from the First mutants ther not Obvious and ther powers are manifested at adolescence.

The number of people die every year will increase the P.P.E level of this world.
Before the Exposure this world was BtS,s one.

what do you think?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:30 pm
by khyron1144
Mithraism remains the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. Christianity is persecuted almost to death. Rome still falls but at a few hundred years later date. The Dark ages are shorter. An elightenment occurs and democracy rises and state religion declines. Colonization of the New World and subsequent independance occurs pretty much as normal. December 25th is celebrated as Sol Invictus every year by the majority except for a very small population of neo-Christians who think of the day as Christmas.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:48 pm
by taalismn
The Western Hemisphere gets cut off from the rest of the world by massive barriers that prevent passage and all communication...on one side of the barrier, time progresses as normal, and on the other, time is sped up...but people on that side are subjected to alien/demonic some five-ten years later, the barrier is showing signs of weakening...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:52 am
by Aramanthus
Great ones guys!

Another surge of new life begins in the depths of the ocean. This new life evoles quietly. Remaining in the depths of the ocean, hidden from us. Eventually they start learning about the inhabitants of the surface. They quietly gather information about us as they grow in the ways of the world. Eventually they make contact with humanity.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:18 pm
by taalismn
The Titanic manages to make it across the Atlantic safely...however, given various flaws in its design and a rush to improve her sisterships, this only delays the inevitable disaster befalling them...However, in order to beat White Star, J.P. Morgan's Cunard lines commission several thousand-foot 'floating palaces', stretching design capabilities of the time to the limit, and cutting several corners to speed construction...and before any of the Olympic sisters wipe out, one of J.P, Morgan's monster ships goes down with an even greater loss of life, casting the American industrialist in the portrait of a greedy, over-reaching materialist who put ambition before lives....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:23 pm
by taalismn
The Romans invent movable, reusable, type and discover how to make cheap durable paper...they either revitalize their academia with the ability to produce and reproduce books...or they drown under the bane of bureaucracy...PAPERWORK...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:15 pm
by khyron1144
duck-foot wrote:
khyron1144 wrote:Mithraism remains the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. Christianity is persecuted almost to death. Rome still falls but at a few hundred years later date. The Dark ages are shorter. An elightenment occurs and democracy rises and state religion declines. Colonization of the New World and subsequent independance occurs pretty much as normal. December 25th is celebrated as Sol Invictus every year by the majority except for a very small population of neo-Christians who think of the day as Christmas.

and then..........

I really don't know. I was honestly envisioning something like the modern world with one tiny change. Every year come December, everybody wishes me a Merry Christmas and people think I'm odd when I fire back with a Triumphant Sol Invictus or Cool Yule.

Honestly though, there's a lot that could be done with a world where Pagan faiths were never suppressed to the point that they either went underground or died out and had to be re-invented. For example, Christian bookstores would be seen as weird, fringey even hippyish establishments like today's new age bookstores are.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:45 pm
by taalismn
khyron1144 wrote:

I really don't know. I was honestly envisioning something like the modern world with one tiny change. Every year come December, everybody wishes me a Merry Christmas and people think I'm odd when I fire back with a Triumphant Sol Invictus or Cool Yule.

Honestly though, there's a lot that could be done with a world where Pagan faiths were never suppressed to the point that they either went underground or died out and had to be re-invented. For example, Christian bookstores would be seen as weird, fringey even hippyish establishments like today's new age bookstores are.

I already do...

But I would also see a lot more political competitiveness based on 'faith-based' politics, and there would be a lot of 'competitive marketing' for religious membership....Governments and businesses would have to either declare ALL days potential holidays or NONE would be holidays off from work, in order to get anything done...there would also be lots of sub-sects and hybrid churches, in those area where sectarian violence didn't pit everybody against everybody else...and there would be a fair number of people holding membership in several religions, or attempting to promote a 'unified field theory' of religion...i.e., making the members of a pantheon the angels or saints of Christianity, or making Jesus Favored Son of Zeus...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:16 pm
by gaby
Lets go back to my H.U idea.

Here is a small Timeline

1908:the Event Happed.

1909:the First Mutant is born in the Unexposed zone.

1914:Germany and it,s Allies Invade Russia.

1916:Japan Invade China.

That what I have to date.

I Am Still woking on some things

If you have any ideas that can help me,show them here.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:22 pm
by taalismn
Lincoln gets shot...dies...and recovers...He's one of the first metahumans...with paranormal abilities beginning to appear in the aftermath of the American Civil War...the reasons for this are unknown...some blame a freak shower of meteors over North America, others claim the Blessing of God, and some deep south folk claim it's the result of deep magic gone awry...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:43 pm
by Roscoe Del'Tane
John Wileks Booth was suffereing from dysentery (or something) when he attempted the assassination. His trembling hands caused him to only blow off the lower portion of Lincoln's ear, Licoln leapt up, grabbed his chair, and beat his assailant uncouncius. Later, Booth was tried and executed as a traiter to the United States.

George Washington was knocked off his boat when they were doing the "crossing the delaware (or whichever river)" thing during the American Revolution. The U.S. never successfully excapes from their oppressors.

Skunks don't spray stinky gasses, instead they launch highly corrosive acids from their derrier.

All I've got for the moment.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:20 am
by khyron1144
Food has radically different names because there is no Hamburg, Germany; Sandwich, England; Frankfurt (frankfurters also known as hot dogs); Vienna (Vienna sausage also the word weiner); or Philadelphia Pennsylvania (philly cheesesteak).

Imagine the trouble a native of our Earth would have ordering in this dimension's restaurants.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:20 pm
by taalismn
Lincoln dies in a log-splitting accident well before he goes into politics...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:11 am
by Aramanthus
LOL Some great ones! Just one thing of note Taalismn. The Titanic and her sister ships were constructed in England by English industry.

It is discovered that humanity is deviod of souls! It couldn't be proved until science and faith working together discover that several people in the past made some really bad deals with the wrong beings. And those beings are coming to collect humanity for their little toys.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:33 am
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:LOL Some great ones! Just one thing of note Taalismn. The Titanic and her sister ships were constructed in England by English industry.

It is discovered that humanity is deviod of souls! It couldn't be proved until science and faith working together discover that several people in the past made some really bad deals with the wrong beings. And those beings are coming to collect humanity for their little toys.

True...It was Harland & Wolff......but the politics and business arrangements behind the actual shipping lines were much more convoluted....JPM was attempting to gain an American monopoly on Atlantic shipping(in fact, the White Star LIne was a British subsidiary of JPM's INternational Mercantile Marine), and some say the pressure he was putting on his rivals helped the sort of 'do it first' attitude that led to engineering mistakes...In any event, in reality, the shipping tycoons ALL pretty much got blasted in the popular media of the time after the Titanic for putting profits before safety...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:55 pm
by taalismn
Keef Riffhard wrote:
taalismn wrote:Lincoln gets shot...dies...and recovers...He's one of the first metahumans...with paranormal abilities beginning to appear in the aftermath of the American Civil War...the reasons for this are unknown...some blame a freak shower of meteors over North America, others claim the Blessing of God, and some deep south folk claim it's the result of deep magic gone awry...

For some reason this gave me the image of Lincoln flying through the air battling Gamera! :lol:


Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:10 am
by Aramanthus
LOL Now that would be funny! Abe Lincoln as a super hero!

We later found out that Abe's parents found a strange cylinder that fell to earth on their property. Little Abe demonstrated abilities far above the standard humans of the day. He grew up strong and fit. He would serve as president of the UNited States thru the civil war. And when it came to Fords theatre, it was discovered that Lincoln was bullet proof too.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:58 am
by Aramanthus
That is what I was hinting at! :D I just wasn't going to say it.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:35 am
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:LOL Now that would be funny! Abe Lincoln as a super hero!

We later found out that Abe's parents found a strange cylinder that fell to earth on their property. Little Abe demonstrated abilities far above the standard humans of the day. He grew up strong and fit. He would serve as president of the UNited States thru the civil war. And when it came to Fords theatre, it was discovered that Lincoln was bullet proof too.

JWB would be utterly convinced the South lost to a Spawn of Satan at that point....