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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:14 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
It took a while to figure out exactly how the Invisible Friend power was going to work and I did several versions before settling on this one. I am glad you like it.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:17 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I have been working on ideas for new power categories. This one is still in the development stages, so I would appreciate any feedback.


The superbeing has bestowed abilities given to them through the transfer of energies. The powers are passed between Representatives who share the secrets and conditions of the activation of the powers. The power may inhabit an object or just be part of the superbeing's aura. In any case, the powers must be passed and cannot simply be activated by anyone.

Gaining the Powers: The superbeing completely transforms upon assuming the powers and cannot change back without transferring the powers to someone else or having the powers stripped from him.
The candidate for this category is one having a history of valor or bravery, or, if evil, dastardly acts. Upon transformation, the powers will remake the character as a perfect Representative of those granting the powers. The individual will be remade as a Representative and always appear such, unable to hide it, as changes will be extreme and obvious. If granted by an item, removing the item will not remove the powers. The character may choose to attempt to appear ordinary when not on duty, but this will merely be an illusion. The superbeing gains the following bonuses (Adjust all attributes as follows):
MA +2d6 (minimum 18)
PS +2d6 (minimum 20), considered Extraordinary
PP +1d6 (minimum 18)
Multiply Speed by 5 (minimum 24)
SDC +3d6X10
Any injuries or imperfections the hero had will be instantly healed upon transformation.

Super Abilities: Roll for Number and Category on page 57-8 of PU2
Heals at twice normal rate

Union Suit: The hero's uniform is magical and appears on command. It does not tear and absorbs the first 20 points of damage from any attack. Note that superabilities and the costume remain the same for each person (might vary ever so slightly, but not in any significant way) acting as the Representative.

Special Bonuses and Abilities:
+4 vs. Magic
+2 vs. Psionic Attack
+4 vs. Possession and Mind Control, +1 at levels 4, 8 and 12
+1 vs. Horror Factor
+4 to Pull Punch

1.What is the nature of the transfer agent?
01-15% Biological: Requires blood or other biological agent be transfused betwee the giver and receiver of the powers.
16-30% Bio-Electrical: The energy aura transfers by will or touch.
31-45% Magical: A ritual or spell is involved, possibly a key word for activation as well.
46-60% Soul: The superbeing gains powers upon the death of the previous holder.
61-75% Hypnotic Conditioning: The giver trains the receiver how to unlock the powers.
67-90% Divine: Gods transfer the powers to their representatives.
91-00% Unknown The powers simply jump in a seemingly random fashion between hosts.

2.What Conditions do the powers impose?
01-20% Alignment Allegience: Powers must be used according to the dictates of a specific alignment even if this is not the alignment of the user.
21-40% Emergency: The powers activate themselves when danger or a critical situation occurs.
41-60% Sacrifice: The superbeing must kill something to activate the powers daily.
61-80% Sexual: The representative must have sex 1d6 times per day to maintain the powers.
81-00% Requested: The superbeing must pray or otherwise ask that his powers, if not the type that are constantly active, be turned on.

Who can use the powers available to the Representative?
01-50% Only the specific representative can use them.
51-70% The hero and any member of his bloodline can activate the powers.
71-90% Anyone "charged" with power by the Representative and deputized. Powers in this case empower an assistant for 2d4 melee rounds.
91-00% Anyone hearing or figuriing out the transfer method may "steal" powers for 2d4 melees.

4.Who can have the powers transfered to them from the previous Representative?
01-50% Only a specific gender, age range and alignment will be selected.
51-70% A member of the family (relative).
71-90% Anyone close or well known and trusted.
91-00% Anyone the superbeing chooses (even accidentally).

5. How long is the Representative's Tour of Duty? (This designates how long the powers will remain with one Representative before requiring transfer to someone else)
01-10% One day
11-20% 2d4 months
21-30% 2d4 years
31-40% Until incapacitated.
41-50% Until transfered (may do so at any time)
51-60% Until death
61-70% Until family line dies out, with the power transferring between family members
71-80% 2d4 melees
81-00% Until the powers elect to leave (unknown and uncontrolled by user)

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:41 pm
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I have been working on ideas for new power categories. This one is still in the development stages, so I would appreciate any feedback.


The superbeing has bestowed abilities given to them through the transfer of energies. The powers are passed between Representatives who share the secrets and conditions of the activation of the powers. The power may inhabit an object or just be part of the superbeing's aura. In any case, the powers must be passed and cannot simply be activated by anyone.

Gaining the Powers: The superbeing completely transforms upon assuming the powers and cannot change back without transferring the powers to someone else or having the powers stripped from him.
The candidate for this category is one having a history of valor or bravery, or, if evil, dastardly acts. Upon transformation, the powers will remake the character as a perfect Representative of those granting the powers. The individual will be remade as a Representative and always appear such, unable to hide it, as changes will be extreme and obvious. If granted by an item, removing the item will not remove the powers. The character may choose to attempt to appear ordinary when not on duty, but this will merely be an illusion. The superbeing gains the following bonuses (Adjust all attributes as follows):
MA +2d6 (minimum 18)
PS +2d6 (minimum 20), considered Extraordinary
PP +1d6 (minimum 18)
Multiply Speed by 5 (minimum 24)
SDC +3d6X10
Any injuries or imperfections the hero had will be instantly healed upon transformation.

Super Abilities: Roll for Number and Category on page 57-8 of PU2
Heals at twice normal rate

Union Suit: The hero's uniform is magical and appears on command. It does not tear and absorbs the first 20 points of damage from any attack. Note that superabilities and the costume remain the same for each person (might vary ever so slightly, but not in any significant way) acting as the Representative.

Special Bonuses and Abilities:
+4 vs. Magic
+2 vs. Psionic Attack
+4 vs. Possession and Mind Control, +1 at levels 4, 8 and 12
+1 vs. Horror Factor
+4 to Pull Punch

1.What is the nature of the transfer agent?
01-15% Biological: Requires blood or other biological agent be transfused betwee the giver and receiver of the powers.
16-30% Bio-Electrical: The energy aura transfers by will or touch.
31-45% Magical: A ritual or spell is involved, possibly a key word for activation as well.
46-60% Soul: The superbeing gains powers upon the death of the previous holder.
61-75% Hypnotic Conditioning: The giver trains the receiver how to unlock the powers.
67-90% Divine: Gods transfer the powers to their representatives.
91-00% Unknown The powers simply jump in a seemingly random fashion between hosts.

2.What Conditions do the powers impose?
01-20% Alignment Allegience: Powers must be used according to the dictates of a specific alignment even if this is not the alignment of the user.
21-40% Emergency: The powers activate themselves when danger or a critical situation occurs.
41-60% Sacrifice: The superbeing must kill something to activate the powers daily.
61-80% Sexual: The representative must have sex 1d6 times per day to maintain the powers.
81-00% Requested: The superbeing must pray or otherwise ask that his powers, if not the type that are constantly active, be turned on.

Who can use the powers available to the Representative?
01-50% Only the specific representative can use them.
51-70% The hero and any member of his bloodline can activate the powers.
71-90% Anyone "charged" with power by the Representative and deputized. Powers in this case empower an assistant for 2d4 melee rounds.
91-00% Anyone hearing or figuriing out the transfer method may "steal" powers for 2d4 melees.

4.Who can have the powers transfered to them from the previous Representative?
01-50% Only a specific gender, age range and alignment will be selected.
51-70% A member of the family (relative).
71-90% Anyone close or well known and trusted.
91-00% Anyone the superbeing chooses (even accidentally).

5. How long is the Representative's Tour of Duty? (This designates how long the powers will remain with one Representative before requiring transfer to someone else)
01-10% One day
11-20% 2d4 months
21-30% 2d4 years
31-40% Until incapacitated.
41-50% Until transfered (may do so at any time)
51-60% Until death
61-70% Until family line dies out, with the power transferring between family members
71-80% 2d4 melees
81-00% Until the powers elect to leave (unknown and uncontrolled by user)

sweet. very nice category
I would lower PP to a +2 or +1d4 (i like the minimum). so easy to stack PP bonuses nowadays.
and to be sure, this is based in magic? and would anti magic stuff be usefull against the weilder?
again nice work.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I would lower PP to a +2 or +1d4 (i like the minimum). so easy to stack PP bonuses nowadays.

Yeah, I tend to be a bit generous, but I think I based that on the magically bestowed bonuses.

and to be sure, this is based in magic? and would anti magic stuff be usefull against the weilder?

I am thinking it is magical in many ways, but I was not sure how I wanted that to impact the category. This was the reason I wanted feedback.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:30 pm
by wolfsgrin
well with the deevil and dyval war looming in the main HU plot line (which i like, palladium is finally mapping this stuff its great ), i think it would be a much needed option/addition to the magic/bestowed categories. It was the resistance to magic and the "magical" change in appearance that prompted the question.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:57 am
by dragon_blaze_99
Heat limb (minor)
the character has the ability to create a intense heat from this limbs but not real fire this heat adds damage to all physical melee attacks and can be used with body weapon type powers
Damage: +2D6 +1D6 at levels 5,10 & 15. this is in addition to normal punch
Actions: although all the characters limbs can be heated at once each cost one action so both arms and legs is 4 actions, in the first melee round
Durations: 4 melee rounds +1 round per level after 3rd.

how does this look to strong/weak any thing would help

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
wolfsgrin wrote:well with the deevil and dyval war looming in the main HU plot line (which i like, palladium is finally mapping this stuff its great ), i think it would be a much needed option/addition to the magic/bestowed categories. It was the resistance to magic and the "magical" change in appearance that prompted the question.

Well, there are many characters in comics which follow this model. I have more to add to it below:

Representative (continued)

Primaries and Secondaries: The powers may be passed to a group of individuals all sharing the same powers, with the leader of the group being a Primary Representative and the others being Secondaries. Secondaries get lesser attributes when getting the powers as follows:
+1d6 MA
+1d6 PS, considered Extraordinary
+1d4 PP
Speed multiplied by 3
+2d6X10 SDC
Note that those deputized for limited periods and those who steal the powers do not get attribute bonuses, only the ability to use the powers at their level of experience.

Limitations: As with the Mystically Bestowed category, the powers granted are magical in nature. A Negate Magic or Anti-Magic Cloud spell will cause the powers to be lost temporarily unless a successful save vs. magic is made. The power loss will only be temporary, lasting 1d6 melee rounds, unless the powers elect to leave at that time (see tables regarding duration of powers. If a family or group of heroes, one may be affected by the spell and the others continue to have access to the powers.

Other Stuff for the Representative:

Alignment: Any alignment may be chosen, though the GM may determine any alignment restrictions to certain Representatine personas. Heroes should generally be of Good alignment.

Level of Education: Standard, though the GM may wish to restrict this category to well educated individuals.

Attacks per melee (Hand to Hand): As with all heroes, Representatives get 2 attacks per melee. Those characters who have no Hand to Hand combat skill get 2 additional attacks per melee round at level one and one additional at levels 4 and 9. Those who have some sort of Hand to Hand training only get one additional attack at level 6.

Weapons and Armor: Unless the character is extremely wealthy, only conventional weaponry and body armor would be availble.

Structural Damage Capacity: #d6X10+30 for Primaries, 2d6X10+30 for Secondaries. Representatvies have no bonus SDC after their powers transfer to someone else.

Available Financial Resources: 2d4X1000 dollars in ready cash. This is in addition to possible life savings. There is also a 90% likelihood the character owns a conventional car 1d4 years old. Presumably the character has a job, apartment and reasonable personal possessions.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Here is another category I have been working on:


Genefreaks are mutant children born to other superbeings (mutants, experiments, bestowed and imbued) who inherit some of their parents' powers.

Attributes: Determine attributes as normal, with the following bonuses:
+1d4 PS, considered Extraordinary
+1d4 PE
+2d6 Speed

Hit points as SDC: Roll hit points as normal, gaining 1d6 hit points per level. Genefreaks get 40 SDC before any bonuses from skills or powers.

Unusual Physical Characteristics: Roll 1d6 times on the Unusual Characteristics table (HU2 p. 159-60, or use table provided by Mephisto). Reroll the "No Unusual Physical Traits" result.

Birth Defects: Roll once on the Side Effects table (HU2 p.116). If "Must Physically Transform" is rolled, apply the size and weight modifications, but these are permanent and constant changes, not when transformed.

Super Abilities: The Genefreak gains their powers from birth, though certain powers may not manifest until puberty or adolescence.
Roll number and type of powers from Mutant Powers table (HU2 p. 161), then add either one major super ability or two minor super abilities, as these are inherited from the parents. If the child of another NPC or PC, the power may be a major power similar in type to a minoor ability of the parent.

Other Stuff:

Schooling: Education is rolled as standard, but if the baby was quarantined and raised by the government then they get the Trade
School level of education.

Hand to Hand Combat and attacks per melee: Standard rules apply.

Weapons and armor: Unless raised in government quarantine, only conventional weaponry and armor will be available.

Alignment: Any alignment may be selected, but heroes should generally be of good alignment.

Structural Damage Capacity: See above.

Available Financial Resources: Unless raised by a government program under quarantine or the fmily is wealthy, the Genefreak will only have 4d4X100 dollars in available ready cash. This is in addition to any life savings. There is also a 01-88% likelihood the character owns a conventional automobile 1d4 years old.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:27 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
And yet another one:


Freakazoids are individuals belonging to a race of mutants, born of mutants with no living relative who is not a mutant. Due to this fact, they live in a somewhat reserved society even amongst other humans, taking care of their own and being secretive to anyone who is not a mutant.
They have learned to blend in as necessary, less prone to abnormal skin colors than other mutants, and to recognize abilities from birth so as to train their children from an early age.
Any powers they have affect their body chemistry and appearance drastically. Animal Abilities, for instance, will cause permanent mutations if selected, with the individual always in the bestial form. They can be mistaken for animals in some instances.
Unlike Genefreaks, powers may not be similar between parents and children or between siblings, so diverse are the latent powers in their geneology. Powers and mutant traits will be apparent from birth. These characters are generally less accepted by society as a result than even other mutants, mainly due to the fear that mutants will one day replace mankind.

Attributes: Determine as normal, but anyone not possessing enhanced attributes from superpowers (such as Spuerhuman Strength and Enhanced Physical Prowess) gain additional bonuses automatically.
The bonuses are as follows:
+1d6 IQ
+1d4 ME
+1d6 PS, considered Extraordinary
+1d4 PP
+2d6 PE
Speed Twice normal
Heals twice normal rate
Fatigues at half normal rate

Hereditary Cause of Mutations: The powers have been in the family for hundreds of years, so much so that the cause may have been forgotten.
01-14% Divergent Evolution: The mutant race is a subspecies of humanity that evolved in extreme conditions.
15-28% Divine Intervention: The race was blessed or cursed by deities due to actions long forgotten.
29-43% Ancient Spell Magic: a spell transfigured the ancestral line in times long past.
44-57% Alien Abduction: The race was experimented on by aliens and then returned to Earth.
58-70% Alien Origins: The race evolved from aliens stranded on Earth who interbred themselves with humans in order to survive, thus creating a new race.
71-85% Natural Phenomena: A strange anomalous natural occurance altered the genetics of the ancestral line.
86-00% Mutant Inbreeding: The ancestors were early mutants outcast by ancient societies who banded together for survival.

Unusual Physical Characteristics: The mutant will have evolved to fit in, babies being too extreme even killed in some instances. Roll once on the Physical Characteristics table (HU2 p. 159-60, or use the table provided by Mephisto), but ignore "No Unusual Physical Traits and ODD Skin Color. Their powers will give them other unusual traits as well.

Super Abilities: Roll on the table for mutants (HU2 p. 161) but ignore the result of Unstable Powers. The race has learned how to detect that and prevent it at birth. Add one major super ability or two minor abilities in addition to those rolled.
Psionics and pseudopsionic powers, as well as those relating to time and reality manipulation are extremely rare but not unheard of, though these individuals may find themselves unaccepted by the majority of the other members of their race. Common powers for the race are APS powers, Energy Expulsion, Matter Expulsion and Animal Abilities, as well as the more physically oriented powers.

Other Stuff:

Education: Unless living in a remote isolated area with only their own kind, only 10% of the race will have an education higher Street Schooled. Freakazoids living amongst humans will avoid such public interactions.

Hand to Hand Combat: Combat skills are not automatic. They must be selected as a learned skills.

Attacks per melee: Freakazoisa start with the regulat 2 attacks plus one additional to reflect the early training they receive. Additional attacks are developed through Hand to Hand combat and other combat bonuses or special abilities.

Weapons and Armor: The race stockpiles armor and weapons, though the GM should use discretion in this regard.

Alignment: Any alignment can be selected, but heroes should generally be of good alignment.

Structural Damage Capacity: All Freakazoids get a base SDC of 40. The SDC can be increased through physical skills, some unusual characteristics and some super abilities.

Available Financial Resources: The family proviedes support and keeps money available, so 4d4X1000 dollars are available in ready cash. This is in addition to any possible life savings. Unless living in a remote isolated region, the character will not drive, as a license would provide evidence as to their existence and provide a paper trail. They will avoid such legal evidence of their existence, even to the point of having no birth certificate, or a cleverly forged one. Doctoring and healing is also done by members of the race, with hospitals carefully avoided. Some will choose to pass as human, gaining forged documents and gaining employment in service professions so as to obtain supplied and equipment. 01-88% chance of living in abandoned buildings or railway tunnels.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:57 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Stone Gargoyle you're killing me; why not reference my table instead of the table in HU2? But I digress...

Well, Mephisto, the reason I did not refer to it is that it is optional if they wish to include those tables. If they want, people can access other tables as needed, but these categories were generated so people will copy them hopefully and and use them in their games whether they use your optional tables or not. I am not here to plug your materials any more than I am to plug Kittenstomp's work. I am going to go ahead and reference it since you want to make such a big deal out of it. :-P I mean, no offense, but sometimes optional tables overcomplicate things. I will be posting some of my own in coming weeks but I am not going to try to force feed them to people. That said, I hope that we can get along amicably in spite of this differing perspective. :-D

Nice work with the Atomizing Aura, btw.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:38 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I like the Achilles heels as well and they fit nicely with some of the newer categories I have developed, helping me to flesh them out somewhat.
I am glad you liked Pathfinder, Mephisto. It just seemed like someone would have a power like that, especially a mutant raised in the woodlands.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:56 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Major Power

APS: Action Figure

The strange power in the sisterhood of APS Rag doll, APS plastic and APS Rubber, this super hero has the strange and uniquic ability to change his form into that of an action figure, be it a human sized one or the actual action figure sized, with benifits that come from such.

As a "modern" action figure the form is a mix of plastic and hard rubber that is strong, retains shape but not as brittle as APS Plastic alone, and with out the ability to manifest bashing limbs or bounce and stretch like APS rubber.

1) Figure form: Ar 14 SDC 360. Being between 'plastic' and "rubber' phyiscal attacks do one half damage,
Electric and energy attacks do full damage if they surpass the AR
Fire, heat, plasma do FULL damage and ignore AR compleatly, if they hit they do full damage
Impervious to cold.

2) Enhanced flexability: Like many modern action figures the hero can now contrort on a number of joints with maximum articulation. In addition to some really freaky poses and stances, this also allowes for minor escapology attempts. If the hands or feet are bound with rope or cuffs there is an 80% chance of escape, if the hands, arms, legs, body, are bound with rope, chains, straps, straight jacket, the chance drops to 56%

3) Increased mass and Strength: +50 lbs when in figure form (( Full sized)) + 2d4+4 to str. ((( rolled once at character generation, not each time you change forms))

4) The pride and joy of the APS Action figure hero. The POSSIBILITY of size reduction.
1-33 (( Human size only. You're a 'giant' action figure))
34-66 (( Action figure size only. When you shift, you shrink, weither you like it or not))
67-100 (( Can choose each time you shift, to be human sized or small sized. The best of both worlds!))

IF you roll a smaller size you must at character creation choose a scale.
12 inches, 8 inches or 4 inches. This size is the size you assume when you shrink.

Unlike the "SHRINK" Major power you CANNOT stop at any size along the way or roll for smaller and unlike the SHRINK power you cannot choose "Constant mass" You are automaticly "Reduced mass"

Benifits in SHRUNKEN FORM ONLY (( Should you roll and assume such form))
Prowl 55%
Weight 4-12 oz (( Deoend on inches pretty much))
Speed is reduced to inches per minute. SpdX20= your inches per minute.
Ps is one HALF Normal.
SDC is one HALF Normal (( Thus 180 as you can't shrink unless in action figure form, so it'd be 1 half of that form only. You're mighty tough for a little guy but you are a super hero after all))
+6 to dodge
-5 to strike normal sized opponits
-10 to Parry normal sized opponits.

Horror factor (Optional) 9 when in human sized action figure form, as it's a bit strange and starteling.
No heat and doesn't show up in heat or inflared sensors.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:30 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Alrighty Mr. Gargoyle, I've got another Power Catagory (well one in its infant stages at least) to post here. This was conceived more as a way for VIP's and high level executives to get enahnced and protect themselves without getting Bionics or mutant powers, and is not meant for straight up combat; it's more of a means of keeping youself alive so your bodyguards can worry primarily on the attackers than on keeping you safe.

Bio-Organic Nanite Enhancement System (a.k.a. B.O.N.E.S.)

Character is injected with a biodegradable, symbiotic, protein based nanite colony. These nanites will reproduce, but only have an operational lifespan of about 100-150 years (typically injected at birth or in infancy), and will go dormant immediately if unable to locate the main colony (player’s character). This is done for safety reasons, so that the nanites won’t spread beyond the original host, and so that they won’t keep the character alive longer than they should (Though there is a chance of them being passed on to their offspring). These nanites will give the characters injected with them the type of strength and endurance normally seen in cybernetic enhancements, implants, and replacements. As the character ages, they gain Nanite Points, and when they level up, they can trade them in for new features. So a character could buy a new eye, heart, and arm, to start off with, and get better legs next time, and so on.

Build the character the way you would for a bionics character, only all the changes are made on a cellular level and made out of the characters own flesh and blood. So if you wanted a super strong arm, when in use it would take on a steely aspect, night-vision eyes would glow red in the dark, etc. Built in weaponry and armor will be retractable, but they will be neither as strong or as damaging as its mechanical counterparts, but with the added bonus of healing on its own and replenishing its own ammo (missiles and explosives cannot be duplicated, but can be launched from existing ports).

Character can select up to FOUR]/i] minor powers, or [i]FOUR million in ‘bionic’ parts at character creation, or a combination of both (three minors and one mill in parts, two powers and two mil in parts, etc.), but keep in mind that all powers or money left over cannot be spent until the next level advancement (kind of like Splicers in this regard). A limb can be enhanced at the cost of a power slot, and will a P.S. and P.P. of 16 +2d6 (considered extraordinary), and the limb (if enhanced in this manner) will regenerate if completely destroyed or severed. EE or minor ME type powers will have one or two places they can be fired from, chosen at creation, and those places must be activated (costs one melee action to prep them) before they can be used. So Joey the B.O.N.E.S.-Borg can choose EE-Light, but would have to prep the launcher in his arm before shooting or risk blowing his arms off.

That's all I've got right now, more to come later, after I've had a reviltalizing snooze.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:58 am
by dragon_blaze_99
nice Roscoe Del'Tane it would make a great SS option

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:58 pm
by Roscoe Del'Tane
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:nice Roscoe Del'Tane it would make a great SS option
Thanks! Nap time has been put on hold, while that darned muse uses my poor brain as a punching bag though, expect to see a more detailed write up sometime soon. :D

Be warned though, I might not be able to comepletely finish it without help; I have great ideas, but have trouble making them balanced or translating them adequately from head to digital format. :?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:30 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Good work, Roscoe. You might also want to conduct an internet search to find the Nanotech Warrior category. I do not remember who created it or what site it is on, but there are costs listed there for nanotech technology which can be used in conjunction with Bionics. The technology includes a nanocomputer and Nanite factory. It is well worth checking out.

Happy Hunting

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:02 pm
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Allright, got some backround fluff and explaination for you guys, still got to work out the stats and the pacing and wording, but still, here ya go.

This Power Class does NOT allow the character to remote access or control machines, hijack computers, or mess with other peoples cybernetics or bionic systems. It allows them to (nearly) spontaneously sprout the genetic equivalent from their own bodies. Think Splicers without all that gross body armor and poop guns, only less powerful.

Bio-Organic Nanite Enhancement System (a.k.a. B.O.N.E.S.)

The character is injected with a biodegradable, symbiotic, protein based nanite colony. These nanites will reproduce, but only have an operational lifespan of about 100-150 years (typically injected at birth or in infancy), and will go dormant immediately (within 5 minutes at the most) if unable to locate and rejoin the main colony (player’s character). This is done for safety reasons, so that the nanites won’t spread beyond the original host, and so that they won’t keep the character alive longer than they should (Though there is a 2% chance of them being passed on to their offspring, in which case those nanites would mutate to match the child’s lifespan and DNA). Blood transfusions or organ donations from these characters should NOT be attempted under any circumstances, as the nanites would either regard the new body as an invading virus, or the host body horribly mutated. In the 5 or so minutes before they shut down, they would cause a lot of damage, possibly lethal, and most likely irreversible. These nanites will give the characters injected with them the type of strength and endurance normally seen in cybernetic enhancements, implants, and replacements. As the character ages, they gain Nanite Power Slots, and when they level up, they can trade them in for new features. So a character could buy a new eye, heart, and arm, to start off with, and get better legs next time, and so on.

Build the character the way you would for a bionics character, only all the changes are made on a cellular level and made out of the characters own flesh and blood. So if you wanted a super strong arm, when in use it would take on a steely aspect, night-vision eyes would glow red in the dark, etc. Built in weaponry and armor will be ‘retractable’, but they will be neither as strong or as damaging as its mechanical counterparts, but with the added bonus of healing on its own and replenishing its own ammo (missiles and explosives cannot be duplicated, but can be launched from existing ports, the weapons barrel will bulge and warp, and within 3 melee actions will be ready for use).

Character can select up to four minor powers, or four million in ‘bionic’ parts at character creation, or a combination of both (three minors and one mil in parts, two powers and two mil in parts, etc.), but keep in mind that all powers or money left over cannot be spent until the next level advancement (kind of like Splicers in this regard). A limb can be enhanced at the cost of a power slot, and will a P.S. and P.P. of 16 +2d6 (considered extraordinary, but if two mil/powers are used it would be superhuman, cannot do SN), and the limb (if enhanced in this manner) will regenerate within two months if completely destroyed or severed (this time can be cut down to a bare week if the removed limb is found and surgically reattached). An armored arm or leg will have a normal appearance (unless you bought knuckle spikes or something), and will count as a super power, not a nanite ability as it is a permanent effect.

An eye can also be replaced, in which case they get the genetic equivalent of the Multi-Eye from Rifts, or three minor supervision abilities (only one can be used at a time though). If a character has both an arm and an eye, the can choose to have the arm linked to the eye, so that any weapon programmed into the system (costs $200,000 for each weapon type) will gain a natural +3(+2? not sure which would be better) to strike, and an extra attack when using that weapon. EE or minor ME type powers will have one or two places they can be fired from, chosen at creation, and those places must be activated (costs one melee action to prep them) before they can be used. So Joey the B.O.N.E.S.-Borg can choose EE-Light, but would have to prep the launcher in his arm before shooting or risk blowing his arms off.

At levels 3, 6, and 9, you will gain either another million dollars in enhancements (00-75%) or a minor power (76-99%) slot to use. However, powers gained in this fashion are originally very weak, taking 1d4 weeks to fully manifest themselves, and intentionally attempting to use them prematurely will likely (95% chance) result in a painful failure, costing the user 1d4 Hit Points in damage, loosing 4 melee attacks (carries over to the next round if necessary), and looses initiative for the next melee round. If minor powers are chosen instead of enhancements, they only gain in strength at the aforementioned levels, though the range will increase normally (character has trouble ‘powering’ these abilities). Nanite abilities will only be accessible for 15 minutes per level of advancement every 8 hours (so a character who’s level 6, would have 45 minutes of ability every 8 hours), and each nanite ability has its own clock, so keep a record.

Abilities are not constant unless chosen as a minor power, enhanced limb or eye, and have to be activated to be used; so choosing heavy-duty combat armor that won’t always be in use might not be the best choice if the character is a spy, but extra P.P., light armor, and some sensors would be fine. If the character has more than three nanite features, they can choose to activate them all if the spend an entire melee round doing so. When a nanite power is activated, the flesh bulges and morphs into whatever the item is, armor, weaponry, exposed sensors, etc., but all made out of flesh, blood and bone. This also gives the character a minor type of shape-shifting, by cutting their abilities ‘run time’ in half, they can alter their looks to be something other their standard appearance (no good for close scrutiny, but for moderate to far distances it works great). Since the nanites are made out of protein chains, the character is 14+1d4% (15-20%) heavier than normal, and will have a thin layer of hard ‘muscle’ just under the skin that ripples and vanishes when nanite abilities are in use.

The nanites aren’t ‘aware’ (one exception, explained below) of things, other than their bond partner, in any sense of the word. They provide the necessary power in this binary unit, and their partner provides the commands and creativity. The nanites are, literally, ‘dumb computers’ that cannot do anything without their partners explicit command, and cannot be hijacked, influenced, or interupted by Mechano-Link or Machine Merge, but will be affected by mental attacks (though they use their partners savings throw at +3, and are only affected for one quarter the duration).

The nanites have a strange awareness of the tech-level of the world around them, and strive to match their solid state brethren as best that they are able. This means that a character that gets rifted into the middle of the Chi-Town Burbs would be able to gain C.S. and maybe even Triax level bionics and cybernetics. Oh, and in M.D.C. environments, their armor and weaponry are converted over on a 1:1 basis, so they are still able to fight and defend themselves.

Any equipment from the Bionics section, as well as Ninjas and Super spies can be used, but reduce all armor ratings by one, but make it natural when transformed (it is, after all, a part of the characters body), and reduce S.D.C. by 10-15%. Damage to armor, sensors, and parts heals at the twice the normal rate, and ammunition is healed at the same rate (three rounds for the equivalent S.D.C. point) after the extra S.D.C. is refilled. The solid rounds made by the nanites are made from excess blood, fat, anything that is not immediately needed, but is rendered genetically neutral and virtually untraceable within half an hour of being expended. The weapons that fire said ammunition can also fire regular ammo as well, but it takes a full melee round to swap over, and can only be done once all ‘organic ammo’ has been expended (cannot override this, and ammo replenishes automatically in any case).

The B.O.N.E.S. technology came about after a high level government official was nearly beaten to death by a super powered protester, despite the presence of several Secret Service agents. He knew for a fact that the government was sitting of several trillions of dollars worth of alien tech, and ‘borrowed’ a few of the necessary items. A few years later, he had a series of working prototypes, and demonstrated them to great effect, by hiring an assassin to come after him, while he was in the presence of P.O.T.U.S. Not only did he succeed in disarming and defeating his ‘attacker’, but he did so with nary a scratch on him. The down side was that he a much too strong a dose of the nanites, and they literally ate him up from the inside out less than a decade later. The process has since been refined to a far greater degree, granting powers that are less impressive and lacking in oomph, but making up for it in stability, concealment, and flexibility.

Mega-Characters (should be very rare, even for Mega Beings) have double the starting budget, and are not limited in their choices of minor abilities.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
This will take a bit of going over, Roscoe, but so far it seems you have my attention in a good way. No, not like that, you perv! :-P

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:06 pm
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This will take a bit of going over, Roscoe, but so far it seems you have my attention in a good way. No, not like that, you perv! :-P
oh darn, and here I thought I had won your heart! :lol:

That's alright, I know it's alot of stuff to go through (and I probably was babbling half the time due to sleep dep, but bah!), but that's why I posted it here, you guys are the best at finding potential flaws and suggesting corrections for them.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:35 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Wow. Not one comment on my power.. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:57 pm
by wolfsgrin
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Major Power

APS: Action Figure

The strange power in the sisterhood of APS Rag doll, APS plastic and APS Rubber, this super hero has the strange and uniquic ability to change his form into that of an action figure, be it a human sized one or the actual action figure sized, with benifits that come from such.

As a "modern" action figure the form is a mix of plastic and hard rubber that is strong, retains shape but not as brittle as APS Plastic alone, and with out the ability to manifest bashing limbs or bounce and stretch like APS rubber.

1) Figure form: Ar 14 SDC 360. Being between 'plastic' and "rubber' phyiscal attacks do one half damage,
Electric and energy attacks do full damage if they surpass the AR
Fire, heat, plasma do FULL damage and ignore AR compleatly, if they hit they do full damage
Impervious to cold.

2) Enhanced flexability: Like many modern action figures the hero can now contrort on a number of joints with maximum articulation. In addition to some really freaky poses and stances, this also allowes for minor escapology attempts. If the hands or feet are bound with rope or cuffs there is an 80% chance of escape, if the hands, arms, legs, body, are bound with rope, chains, straps, straight jacket, the chance drops to 56%

3) Increased mass and Strength: +50 lbs when in figure form (( Full sized)) + 2d4+4 to str. ((( rolled once at character generation, not each time you change forms))

4) The pride and joy of the APS Action figure hero. The POSSIBILITY of size reduction.
1-33 (( Human size only. You're a 'giant' action figure))
34-66 (( Action figure size only. When you shift, you shrink, weither you like it or not))
67-100 (( Can choose each time you shift, to be human sized or small sized. The best of both worlds!))

IF you roll a smaller size you must at character creation choose a scale.
12 inches, 8 inches or 4 inches. This size is the size you assume when you shrink.

Unlike the "SHRINK" Major power you CANNOT stop at any size along the way or roll for smaller and unlike the SHRINK power you cannot choose "Constant mass" You are automaticly "Reduced mass"

Benifits in SHRUNKEN FORM ONLY (( Should you roll and assume such form))
Prowl 55%
Weight 4-12 oz (( Deoend on inches pretty much))
Speed is reduced to inches per minute. SpdX20= your inches per minute.
Ps is one HALF Normal.
SDC is one HALF Normal (( Thus 180 as you can't shrink unless in action figure form, so it'd be 1 half of that form only. You're mighty tough for a little guy but you are a super hero after all))
+6 to dodge
-5 to strike normal sized opponits
-10 to Parry normal sized opponits.

Horror factor (Optional) 9 when in human sized action figure form, as it's a bit strange and starteling.
No heat and doesn't show up in heat or inflared sensors.

nice work pepsi, nice to see another player in the creation process. ;)

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:34 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Wow. Not one comment on my power.. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

Not yet,but it really is seeming like a good way to avoid having to have them to take Shrink and APS Plastic. I promise a good amount of Gargoyle criticism when I get time. Be careful what you wish for. :-P

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
After perusing both APS Action Figure and the B.O.N.E.S. category, I am impressed by the conservative way these are written. not overly powerful or any ridiculous bonuses, just good variants and alternatives to existing material. Good going, guys.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:29 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Snakebite(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"My bark is not worse than my bite. Not by a long shot."
This was developed as an alternative to Super-Consumption.
The superbeing has jaws and a digestive tract similar to a snake, capable of swallowing objects, animals and even small children whole.

1.Jaw: The superbeing's mandibular bones never fused at birth, allowing him to seperate the two sides of his jaw, widening it and stretching and distending the skin on the underside of his chin. With the ability to also unhinge his jaw, the superbeing has a huge bite radius and can swallow good size animals and things.
Damage: The superbeing's bite does 2d6 damage plus PS bonus and possible paralysis from venom (see below).
BBite Radius: The superbeing can swallow anything that is not larger than 15cm(6 inches) thick by 15cm wide and not greater than 1/4 his own mass and weight at one time. Anything larger and he risks choking.
Jaw Strength: Once biting down, the victim must break free of a hold equivalent to the superbeing's PS. Note that if the character also has Supernatural Bite, the damage would be more and the hold would be the equivalent PS at Supernatural levels.

2.Venom Sacs: The superbeing's mouth contains venom sacs which contain non-lethal paralytic poison by which the superbeing paralyzes an animal or victim he is attempting to swallow (If a player wishes this character to have a deadly type of poison, he can do so by taking the Venomous Attack minor ability along with this power, but the character may have only one type of poison, so if deadly poison is selected he would lose the paralytic poison altogether). Victims must save vs. poison (16 or better, PE bonus applies) or else take an additional 1d4 damage, and the part of the body bitten becomes paralyzed in seconds. If an arm or leg, the victim functions without its use. One melee round later, the entire body is paralyzed by the neural toxin for 1d6+2 melee rounds, during which time the victim cannot attack, use powers (except for mental ones) or even speak.

3.Distending Digestive Tract: The superbeing can stretch his neck muscles to accomodate the mass going down his throat.. The muscles are very strong, crushing the thing being swallowed. This occurs in addition to the chewing and physical damage done to the thing being swallowed
by the superbeing as he attempts to tenderize it or rip it into smallr pieces. The superbeing can only swallow sometine once it is small enoough to pass though his mouth (see above). Anything not organic and soft and squishy will not be digested, but simply occupy space until regurgitated. Organic substances break down at a rate of 3d6 SDC per melee round. Anything not fully digested will be regurgitated after the superbeing's PE number in melee rounds. When this happens, the superbeing must save vs. choking hazard (14 or better, PE bonus applies) or risk asphyxiation. Note that indestructible characters swallowed will be regurgitated without damage as well. Survival, however, requires being able to hold one's breath while inside the superbeing for the full duration before being regurgitated if one is unable to free oneself otherwise. Items and creatures regurgitated cannot be swallowed again unless cleaned and taste nasty if this is attempted.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Immune to the effects of snake venom, +8 to save vs. insect venom, +6 to save vs. other posons and toxins (half damage and duration if a fail is saved), +2 to save vs. drugs

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:34 pm
by wolfsgrin
yuck! nice SG. the reptile side of the amphibious power.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Another new catefory, though the name might get changed:


There are some superbeings who defy explaination, logic and reason, surviving in spite of being reduced to atoms. They are not dead but not alive in their original bodies, having somehow defied death to live on. These superbeings are on borrowed time and reform themselves by borrowing the atomic structure of other substances to reassemble themselves. They do not become immortal but quite the opposite, living shortened lives but having incredible powers.

Attributes: Determine as normal, but the initial stats may be modified by the APS and other powers.
SDC and Hit Points: The being no longer has Hit Points, their SDC being a reflection of the artificial bodies they employ. They strart out with either 80 SDC or the amount granted by their APS power.

Super Abilities: The superbeing automatically gets an APS power and the major power of Regeration Ultima. They also get either two major abilities, four minor abilities or one major and two minor additionally. Due to their defiance of death and mystical nature, they start out with 1d6X10+PE in PPE points.

Shortened Life Span: The Borrower can only keep this adopted form for a total number of years equal to his ME number, unless of course it is destroyed completely before that time and he is unable to regenrate.

OIther Limitations: The superbeing does not transform from his APS form and once the SDc of the form is depleted they must use the Regeneration Ultima to reform or else be destroyed.

Other Stuff:

Education and Skills: Standard, though typically Borrowers are amongst the better educated individuals.

Money: Unless able to prove their identity, Borrowers will have little access to money. They might, howerver, be able to sell their services due to their unique powers.

Hand To Hand Combat: Combat skills are not gained automatically and must be learned.
Attacks per melee: As all other superbeings, the Borrower starts out with 2 attacks/actions per melee, with any additional developed through Hand to Hand combat, Boxing and super abilities.

Borrowers are immune to drugs, poisons, toxins and are +6 to save vs. magic potions.

Unless a Borrower can prove their identity, a Borrower will not have an apartment, vehicle or job. There is only a 30% chance he will be seen as human.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:23 am
by Iczer
Sense control [Minor]
'wait a moment....I smell purple!'

The character can recode his mind to reinterperate his senses, providing him with normal range, but customised senses.

1) Fine tune: the character can optimise his senses for a given task by tuning out unnessesary stimuli. he render himself short sighted while reading or focusing, tune out an enemy's taunts or destroy the tstae of a bitter pill. When the character needs to, and can anticipate the necessary task, he may add +10% to any skill in which an optimised sense would be useful, or add +2 to perception checks. as a down side, this ability can leave the character momentarilly blinded to actions outside the defined range of his new senses. In addition, the character can, with a moment's notice, adjust his senses to ignore stimuli that would distract him, including pain, loudnoises, and strobing lights.

2) adjustment: The character can swap asects of one sense with another. a blinded hero may transfer his hearing into vision, or his agony of a broken foot into sound. while this does not compensate a character for his loss, it does releive the symptons. Penalties for blindness are reduced to a mere -2 by transmuting his erception of sound into sight. Likewise a character can lipread by turning his vision into hearing (or more amusing, into a different type of sight..such as subtitles)

Flamable [Major]
'Hey a light?'

The character can produce a vapour that is intensely flamable that can be used in a variety of ways.
1) Gas jet: the character can shoot out a jet of semi transperant vappours from his hands. This jet extends for 60 feet (+10 feet per level) and the character enjoys a +6 to strike with it. sadly the jet exerts as much pressure as an industrial hair dryer.
The target, if struck will have a light film of vapours surrounding him for a very short duration (until the character's next action) if an open flame comes within 2 feet of the target during this time, the vapours ignite and inflict 4d6 damage. If the character posesses a source of flame, or if one intersects with the gas jet, then the target will take the 4d6 damage, just as if he had been struck by a flame thrower.
a gas jet in a person's face (called shot required) will cause them to tear up and choke. they must save vs poison or take 2d4 damage and gag (lose one action and -4 to initiative)
2) Enhance fire: The character can double the size and intensity of an existing blaze by simply adding his own vapours to the mix. if co-ordinated with an existing flame or heat attack, he can add 50% to the damage inflicted.
3) Explosive force: The character can shoot his vapours for explosive effects as well. By targetting any device with a live electrical spark, or open flame the character can create an explosive force at that point. The resulting fire ball has a radius of 20 feet and inflicts 6d6 damage, but requires 3 actions to initiate as he builds up vapour pressure and volume.
4) Flaming body:L the character can choose to excrete just enough gas over his body to ignite at will. If the character is hit by any flame, heat or electrical attack, he ignites. The effects are similiar to Alterphysical structure: fire except for the following.
* He inflicts 3d6 damage at a touch
* The flames burn out at the end of the melee round unless the character uses an action to maintain them
* The flames actually burn up gasses, preventing other uses of this power
5) Vapours: The character's vapours can make a person light headed without even trying. if the character chooses to release vapours, which requires little to no concentration to do, then people in the vicinity begin to suffer for the poisoning and oxygen loss. after 5 minutes in a sealed environment (virtually anywhere indoors except for really large rooms) or one minute in combat (his sweat increases production) all targets within 20 feet begin to suffer wooziness and dizziness. -1 to all combat abilities, plus they must save vs poison every melee round thereafter or lose 1 HP
Characters with sensitive senses of smell are -2 to these saving throws, and animals will not track him by scent.
6) Other abilities: the character is immune to fire and heat attacks, but not to high temperatures. he takes half damage from explosives (including those he starts) +20 SDC

Tap [Minor]
'reach out and touch somebody'

The character has a kind of telkinetic talent, one that manifests weakly but lends itself to a variety of uses.
1) Exert pressure: out to 60 feet (+20 feet per level) the character can exert the pressure of a PS score of 1, and can manipulate items as a clumsy tendril. this is a physical effect, and as such needs uninterupted ability to cross the distance. It cannot, for instance, reach through a window and unlock it from the inside, and the 'tendril' of force, while invisible, is not intangible (it has 1d4 SDC) but can be created at will, and it's destruction has no effect on the character (he regrows it). it expands and retracts at a rate of the character's ME in feet per melee round.
2) increase range: the character can channel his other powers into the tapping force, as long as it involves no force. Disruptive touch, for example, now can be used at a range with this power, as can power channelling and even energy claws. When used in this manner, the tapping part of the tendril glows with power. The limb of force requires no actions to create, cannot parry, has an effective PP score equal to the character's ME and has the aforementiond SDC of 1d4.


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:16 am
by Iczer
Progressive armour [Major]


The character's body becomes tougher and stronger with each blow that connects
1) AR and SDC. the character's progressive armour starts at an AR of 8. the character also enjoys an SDC of +200, +2 to PS and PE. The armour is no obvious at this point.
2) absorb punishment: Whenever the character is struck in combat, the character's natural armour grows to match. if the blow bounces off his AR, his SDC rises by 1/4 of the deflected damage. if he is struck, but his AR does not protect him, his AR rises by one and the damage is reduced by half.
3) The power of growth. every time this power triggers an AR rise, the character gains +2 to PS +20% to his current mass and +5% to his height. the character has a maximum AR of 14 before things get ugly.
4) Extreme growth.after the character has hit an AR of 14, he may choose to exceed his normal expansion. If struck again while his AR is 14 or better (under or over his AR) he May make a saving throw (16+ PE bonus applies). Succeed or fail, he loses an action in the attempt. If he succeeds, then the character loses another action, doubles in weight, adds 2 to PS and PE and gains 100 extra SDC. He also loses 6 PP and halves his speed, and becomes monstrously plated and obviously armoured. from this moment he continues to gain AR (and all it's bonuses) with a maximum AR of 19. While monstrous, the character regenerates 1d4 HP/SDC per melee round.
5) drawbacks: apart from the gamble of trying to gain AR over 14, the character finds that he loses AR at a rate of one every melee round (and all the bonuses). If he has made the cross over to monstrous form, he will not drop below AR 15 unless he goes one minute per level, without any hits. His ability to take reduced damage stops when he has maxed out on his AR (either 14 or 19)

Phase field: [Major]

'Like, whoa man, that bus went right through us'

The character can create a force field like dome to surround and protect others. this field shunts matter into a pahsed state temporarilly protecting others by reducing impact rather than deflecting it.
1) force field creation. The character can create a dome 30 feet across, up to 50 feet away (+20 feet per level) The field can be reshaped to any structure roughly 10x25x25 feet or smaller. creating the force field as a defensive action requires a super powerered parry attempt, using +6 and using up an action (but may be done out of the characters usual turn order)
2) effects of the field. Most simply put, things that intersect with the outside of the field are made intangible while they intersect or are within the field's effect. a Bus bearing down on the field would pass straight through, remaining intangible for while it was within the field and then becoming solid after leaving. Intangible characters who cross the field are rendered tangible.
The field is unmoving, and takes an action to reshape or generate. The field cannot be generated halfway though any massive objects, though objects narrower than 2 feet may be made part tangible, part intangible.
3) offensive uses: the character can make a shard of this field and wrap it around a limb to use as a weapon. targets struck find themselves partly in and out of phase, with vital fluids seeming out where they shouldn't and the normal operation of the body impeded. as a weapon, targets take 2d4 damage +1 per level (PS bonus does not apply). A critical strike is available on a 17 or better with such a weapon. targets struck must however save vs pain (14+) or be stunned by the blow (lose one action and -2 initiative. It takes one action every melle to maintain the weapon and can strike foes that are intangible. targets transformed into inanimate objects (stone, smoke wood) lack the vitals to be affceted effectively by this power.

Morphic armour [Major]
'I'm just a whole bag of tricks'

The character is coated in a type of bio-organic armour that looks unnatural but can be shaped into effective tools.
1) Armour: The Character has an AR of 14 and an SDC bonus of 150. the character is about 20% heavier with this armour and it drops his PB by 4 points and simply looks unnatural it also increases his PE by 6 and his PS by 4. the character can retract this armour, but doing so is distracting, dropping skill use by 20% and reducing combat bonuses by 2. of course, any real lapse in concentration brings the armour back. while the armour is hidden in this way, his PS bonus vanishes but his PB returns to normal.
2) armour points: the character also has a collection of armour points equal to his PEx15 which can be used in a number of ways.
* May be traded for Temporary SDC on a 1:1 basis
* 60 points may be traded for +1 AR. maximum AR of 18. (240 Armour points!)
* May use 40 points to fashion a weapon out of the armour. this weapon inflicts 3D6 damage.
* May expend 10 armour points to add +1 to PS.
* May expend 50 points to jump strength to extraordinary, or 100 to jump to superhuman
* May form a defensive wall or shield around 8 x 8 feet with an SDC equal to half the SDC invested. it takes 1/2 damage from direct attacks, but none as a defensive item and adds +2 to parry (or can completely shield another.
* may form crude tools for 30 armour points. no working parts or precisison equipment, and only 2d6 as a weapon.

The character can shift as many armour points around as his ME attribute in a single action. The character's SDC recovers as normal, though armour points lost through damage recover at a rate of 1d4 every 15 minutes.


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:14 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Super Cool Iczer keep it up

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:20 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I was just trying to come up with something similar to Sense Control, so thanks, Iczer!

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:02 am
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote:Iczer: what happens if someone fails a saving throw on the extreme growth sub-power of Progressive Armor?

Hmm...I was less than explicit.

Failure on the save means that the damage is taken in full (he can't grow any more, his AR is maxed until he makes the save). He's lost an action from the exertion but otherwise may try again the next time he is hit.

That said....this is probably my last post for a while. I'm moving house and the internet is a pretty low priority (a refrigerator comes first, and then at some time I may need to put the phone on. after that I get to shop for new internet plans that don't suck, so I may be a while)



Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:54 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:This is probably my last post for a while. I'm moving house and the internet is a pretty low priority (a refrigerator comes first, and then at some time I may need to put the phone on. after that I get to shop for new internet plans that don't suck, so I may be a while)



What? You mean I lose my sparring partner? Oh, well.
Good wishes on the move. :-D

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Coming Soon: APS Photonic Being/Hologram (Major) and Create Explosive Objects: Optical Grenades (Major), as well as a revision of the minor ability Create Explosive Objects: Eye Ball Bombs, as it was a bit weak in the previous version and needed reworking and clarification. The two eye powers are very much different and that is why clarification was needed. I added a tear gas feature to Eye Ball Bombs and Optical Grenades will actually launch from the eye sockets and feature a flash effect, being a photonic grenade power. It is cool, you will see. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:31 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Mephisto wrote:A life without Iczer???? How are the rest of us supposed to function?? Oh wait I got an idea...

Achilles Heel: Waiting for Iczer's Return

Sitting sweaty palmed at the keyboard, hitting refresh ad nauseum, all abilities away from the keyboard are 1/2.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:A life without Iczer???? How are the rest of us supposed to function?? Oh wait I got an idea...

Achilles Heel: Waiting for Iczer's Return

Sitting sweaty palmed at the keyboard, hitting refresh ad nauseum, all abilities away from the keyboard are 1/2.

So I guess I should just not bother posting anymore, considering noone seems to want to acknowledge that there are others of us providing ideas for powers here. :-x

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:54 am
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle, you must keep the thread alive. Even though I dont comment on the posts, I do read them.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:48 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Stone Gargoyle, you must keep the thread alive. Even though I dont comment on the posts, I do read them.

Oh, I intend to. There are still a lot of powers I wish to post. It just seems they spend a lot of time with their lips locked on Iczer's posterior, if you know what I mean. :-P

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:26 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
dont feel bad SG it's not that we don't like yours stuff we love the competition thats all

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:29 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Alter Physical Structure: Photonic Being/Hologram(Major)
by Stone Gargoyle

This is in the brotherhood of APS Force Fields and APS Light.
This power allows the hero to convert his body into photons and force fields, but they otherwise look the same.
1.Size and Strength: Unchanged
2.SDC: As a being made up of force fields, the character's altered form has a Natural AR of 14 and 700 SDC (an attacker must roll 15 or higher to strrike and inflict damage). When all 700 SDC are gone, damage is done to Hit Points.
The force field SDC regenerates at the impressive rate of 2d6 per melee round, allowing him to quickly recover from any damage taken.
Projectiles, arrows, bullets, exploives, kicks and most physical attacks do only half damage even when the force field's AR is exceeded. However, blows from Extraordinary PS, Superhuman strength and Supernatural strength all do full damage, provided the roll to strike is 14 or higher.
Light, lasers and light based attacks do no damage due to the light particles (photons). He can also not be harmed by poisons, toxins, gases or disease. Magic and psionics have full effect, as do all other types of energy attacks. The superbeing does not breathe in this form.
3.Instant Wardrobe: The superbeing's clothing becomes holographic and can change as desired with a mere thought, using no action to do so. He cannot, howerever, use this power to change his own appearance.
4.Shape Force Weapons: The superbeing can shape part of himself to become a carried weapon, cup, cane or whatever he desires.
Range: Weapons can be used in Hand to Hand combat, as if using a normal melee weapon, but cannot be used as thrown weapons.
Damage: The weapon inflicts the same amount of damage as the real weapon of the same type, plus PS bonus.
Bonuses: +1 to strike, parry and disarm, +2 to pull punch.
5.Other Bonuses: +5% to prowl when in photonic form.

I hope this makes sense. It is more limited than APS Force Filelds due to the limitation of having to still appear to be himself, the structure of the body being the main difference.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:dont feel bad SG it's not that we don't like yours stuff we love the competition thats all

It just gets a bit frustrating when you guys are constantly saying how great his powers are when if it weren't for me this thread would probably have died out a long time ago. A little appreciation would be, well, appreciated.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:32 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Cool SG i like it

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Create Explosive Objects: Optic Grenades(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can shoot his eyes out of his sockets as an attack.

Launch Distance:
200 feet, plus 20 feet per level
Blast Radius: 10 feet

Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to shoot an eye out of its socket.

Number: The superbeing can shoot each eye out of its socket his PE numberX10 times per day without trauma, bleeding or pain.

Strike Bonus with Optical Grenades: +3 aimed

Damage: 1d4X10, +2 points of damage per level, to all targets within range (twice damage to vampires, shadow beings and creatures of the night). This is a physical and light attack, being photonic in nature. It produces a flash effect in addition to the damage inflicted.

Regeneration Rate: The superbeing regenerates the eye shot out within 2d4 melees after it is shot out. Penalties apply due to blindness when he does this, causing the character to suffer -4 to Perception, strike, parry and dodge, -2 initiative and -15% to any skills requiring visual acuity while having one working eye; -10 to all combat rolls, loss of initiative and reduced to half attacks when sightless from having expended both eyes.

Details: Light particles are naturally drawn into the eyes which convert them into photonic grenades.

Other Bonuses: Immune to being blinded by bright light and suffers no penalties even when looking directly at the sun. Resistant to light attacks, lasers and explosives (half damage).
Heals at twice normal rate.
+1d4 PE

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:24 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Create Explosive Objects: Eye Ball Bombs-Revised(Minor)
by Stone Gargoyle

The hero regerates and sheds eyes, once per six hours. Due to the decomposition of the eye, it can be used as a bomb.

Throwing Distance:
Can be thrown 90 feet before exploding, will detonate on impact.
Blast Radius: 40 feet

Attacks/Actions: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions (one to pluck eye from socket, one to throw)

Number: Two per six hours, posibly more for those with more than two eyes.

Damage: 2d4X10 per Eye Bomb within blast radius. Also emits tear gas(see below).

Tear Gas: In addition to the damage on impact, a gas cloud is relaesed which causes the eyes of all within a 25 foot radius of impact to burn/sting and water profusely, causing great discomfort and making seeing difficult. It also burns the throat and nasal passages, causing coughing and difficulty breathing, as well as irritating exposed skin. Only a gas mask and protective clothing can protect against the gas. Effects last 3d4 minutes before the gas dissipates. Victims are -10 to strike parry and dodge, -3 initiative and lose i melee attack/action for the next 1d6+1 melee rounds. Most effective in small, confined areas. Not effective outdoors, as wind will disperse the gas.

Details: The superbeing generates new eyes every 6 hours, the old eyes still functioning with the new eyes directly behind them. Eyes decompose if not removed within the next six hours, as only one set of replacements and one set of old eyes can be held within the length of the socket. The character must reach in the socket and pluck out the decaying eye to use it as a weapon.

Penalties while eyes await removal: -4 to Perception and -15% to any skills requiring visual acuity. If the eyes decompose fully while still in the socket, the superbeing will suffer 2d6 damage per eye, be reduced to half attacks, and suffer -4 to combat for one eye, -10 for both eyes.

Note that if the superbeing is blinded or loses his sight, he need merely wait until the new eye grows in to have his vision restored by plucking the sightless eyes. New eyes cannot be plucked, as the spare eyes must form before the decay process allows removal of the eyes without severe trauma and nerve damage. The old eyes must be removed within the 6 hour margin to avoid damage from decomposition.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:47 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Transparency(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This is a minor form of Invisibility. The hero can make himself and anything worn, as well as up to 30 ibs of carried items, transparent. They will still be parttly visible, just appear to be made of some clear substance, such as plastic. All layers will be vivible in this manner, so one looking closely enough could literally see the hero's internal organs and everything carried on his person. The hero can do this with a thought and it requires no actions to initiate or maintain. Items remain transparent as long as they are held, worn or carried on the hero's person and cannot be made visible except by the hero losing his transparent state or by being dropped.
Penalties to Opponents: Opponents must roll vs a Horror Factor of 12 (16 if at night) or believe the hero is a ghost or apparition and act in fear. Combat penalties apply regardless, mainly due to the difficulty in seeing something having light passing through it. -2 to initiative and -4 to strike parry and dodge the hero, as well as -2 to perception in full daylight; -1 to initiative and -2 to strike, parry and dodge st night, though other penalties may apply due to darkness and lack of light. Opponents with Extraordinary Sense of Smell are ony -1 to strike, parry and dodge in full daylight and do not suffer a penalty to initiative or Perception, as well as suffering no penalties at night. POopponents with heat or infared sensors never suffer these penalties.

Bonuses to hero while transparent:
+10% to prowl and any skills used in hiding, such a Camoflage, when applied to himself, +2% to palming skill.

Note that the hero will remain transparent even when sleep or knocked unconscious, as it requires an act of will to make himself lose the transparent state.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:04 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Invisible Flesh(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Look at me, I am just skin and bones... Well, bones, anyway."
This is a minor form of Invisibility. The hero can turn the fleshy portions of his body invisible, appearing to be a mere skeleton. This invisibility does not extend to clothing or onjects carried, so for the effect of a appearing to be a laboratory skeleton, the hero's clothing would have to be removed.

1.The Bare Bones: The hero can, with a thought (requiring no attack/action be expended) turn the fleshy portions of his body invisible, leaving his bones visible. If stripped, this makes the hero appear to be a walking skeleton. Opponents are -2 to hit the hero when in normal lighting and -4 to hit in low level lighting. This can be used to aid a doctor in seeing where bones are broken, though the hero would have to become visible to be treated. The hero can do this indefinitely while conscious and alert, but they become visible when asleep or knocked unconscious. This gives the hero a Horror Factor of 10+1d4; 16 at night or in areas where the locals spook easily, such as rural farm areas.

2.Selective Visibility: The hero, through concentration (using 1 melee attack/action to initiate and one per melee round to maintain) can make selective parts, such as eyes, hair, internal organs, etc., visible while still keeping the other parts of himself invisible. He can do this indefinitely out of combat, but due to the rigors of battle it can only be maintained for 2d4 melee rounds before it becomes too difficult to concentrate while in combat. They will become fully visible when knocked unconscious or aslepp, as previously indicated.

3.Limitations: Blood loss will become obvious after 1d4 seconds once blood has left the body and spilled on the ground, others' clothing, etc., though any on the surface of the hero's skin will remain invisible until the hero becomes visible, it drips or it is washed off.

4.Other Bonuses: +1d4 ME, +2 PE

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:24 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Nanobytes(major) by Stone Gargliczer
This is a major power version of Nanoslaves which was created by Iczer.
The hero has thousands of nanomachines in his bloodstream and bodily fluids which heal him and which he can release outside his body.

1.Repair Wounds: The nanomachines repair wounds as quickly as they are inflicted, healing 1 SDC or HP per minute. They act as if they have the skills of First Aid (75%) or Medical Doctor (45%) on the character, breaking down shrapnel and converting it into more nanomachines.

2.Releasing Nanomachines: Any process that releases bodily fluids can potentially release the nanomachines into the world outside the hero's body, including but not limited to spitting, sweating and bleeding. The nanomachines can convert dirt and dust into more nanomachines, or reverse the process to reduce themselves to debris one their usefulness has ended.

3.Nano-Cloud: The nanomachines can swarm as if a dust cloud which does 1d4 damage per second to a target (15d4 per melee round), devouring them. They can be instructed to do this selectively, only absorbing organic matter, only eating metal, or attacking only specific targets. The cloud can only extend 100 feet per level from the hero's body, becoming inert and decomposing once out of range. They will transmit data while in range, so the hero will be able to use them to see around corners or into places he cannot go. This can be done indefinitely until they are recalled out go out of range.
If the clouds are instructed to, they will condense and heat up to form crude decoys to fool sensors. The hero can only control one such decoy per level and this will cost an action per melee round due to the concentration involved.

4.Other Bonuses:
Nanomachines provide a +4 to save vs. any poisons/toxins it can identify (must have been exposed to it before)
+20% to save vs. Coma/Death
+1d4+2 PE

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:46 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Transparental Migration (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Family ties are more easily severed than you think."

The hero can shift identities through a minor form of reality manipulation. He can literally switch who his parents are and, thereby, his identity (chooses a new first name and will know his new full name upon the shift).

1.Relative Change: Once per 24 hours, the hero can abandon his family ties, severing any connection, and attach to other people.
Duration: It takes one hour to alter records and memories, during which time records surrounding the hero will be sketchy. Anyone attempting to discover information on the hero during this time will be -40% to do so.
Parental Candidates: Potential parents must have a 90% probability of DNA match, so they will be of similar genetic makeup and same racial and ethnic background as the character and be withing the local area of where he triggers this power. They will also be of an age that it is conceivable they would have a chiild the hero's age.

2.Family Ties: Once the new connections are made, the new parents will be forced to acknowledge the hero as their child (unless making a saving throw vs. mind control of 16 or better, PE bonus applies). Each time this happens, the former parents and his real parents also roll to save, potentially regaining their memories. Even if acknowledging the hero, there will be little to no pictures or other proof, as the pwower is not that thorough, their memories being fuxzzy. Documentation will be erased of the previous life and new documentation manifested at an appropriate hospital and town hall of records. However, if additonal copies of former records exist, there is a 30% chance they will not be destroyed, due to lack of thoroughness again, and a 30% any news articles or pictures of the hero will survive the shift.

3.Dangerous Repercussions: Since the genetics are on;ly 90%, genetic testing might reveal the fraud and the hero could potentially be brought up on charges. There is also a 30% chance that the shift could cause temporal destabilization, in which case the hero would have to roll against Temporal Erasure (12 or better, PE bonus applies0 and a 10% chance of amnesia.

4.Other Bonuses: +1d4 ME and PE

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:51 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
damn man your on a roll.....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:12 pm
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Nanobytes(major) by Stone Gargliczer
This is a major power version of Nanoslaves which was created by Iczer.
The chero has thousands of nanomachines in his bloodstream and bodily fluids which heal him and which he can release outside his body.
This power I like. Could be interesting to have a character with Alter Limbs (Major) and possibly APS: Mercury (PU3) or Bio-Armor

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Nanobytes(major) by Stone Gargliczer
This is a major power version of Nanoslaves which was created by Iczer.
The hero has thousands of nanomachines in his bloodstream and bodily fluids which heal him and which he can release outside his body.
This power I like. Could be interesting to have a character with Alter Limbs (Major) and possibly APS: Mercury (PU3) or Bio-Armor

Thanks. I have been reading a lot lately about possible uses of nanomachines and this seemed a cool idea.