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Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:56 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
o.k. the last one takes the cake!!! but both were good in there own ways of the two i give the edge to SG it some how seems more complete but i cant place why.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:24 am
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:o.k. the last one takes the cake!!! but both were good in there own ways of the two i give the edge to SG it some how seems more complete but i cant place why.

The last listing was a combination of my Microwave Manipulation and her Control Elemental Force: Microwaves to create a more comprehensive power than either one by itself. It would be more advantageous to have the microwave frequencies listed specifically, and I know I have the energy frequency table somewhere. There are also redundant range and duration notes in the communications jamming section that need editing, so I will be editing the last post to make it more comprehensive. It is obvious Pepsi took some of the sections directly from guidebooks on microwave communications, and while that is all well and good, it reads choppy at the moment.
Part of my power's subabilities dealt specifically with temperature regulation, an aspect which was not adsdddressed in Pepsi's, which is why I thought to merge the best parts of the two powers. I do hope no one takes offense to this, as my goal is to create the best power possible. :-D

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Hooded Lantern- Revised(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I am the light you seek".

The character is able to change his body into a hollow metal shell containing photon particles.

1.Photon Blast: The character can release the energy within him as physical attacks.
Range: 1000 feet, plus 100 feet per level
Damage: 1d4X10, +2 per level
Duration: Instant
Attacks per melee: Each beam counts as one melee attack/action

2.Light Beam: The character can also shoot a light beam which is harmless and does no damage. It is so bright that it can be used to partially blind an opponent( Partailly opponents are -5 to all combat actions for 1d6 melee rounds.
Range: 2000 feet
Damage: None
Duration: Instant
Attacks per melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action. Can maintain the beam for a full melee round with no further actions used.

3.Photon Particle Points: Upon becoming metal, the character splits off his original SDC, converting it into photon particle points which he can use for his photon blasts. For the urposes of this power, photons are considered to be quantum electromagnetic particles which emit light and energy. The photon particles must be replaced before the character can return to human form. He regains it by absorbing photon particles to replace those used, requiring one full melee to regain 15 photon particles( regains one point per second). This cannot be done at night or in areas of limited light.

4.Bio-Armor: The character appears to be an armored humanoid. The "armor" is actually a type of organic metal shell. Note that while hooded" by the Bio-Armor, the light itself cannot be harmed by shadow attacks and other things which might harm the light body. Light escaping is regulated by a system of valves and lenses. The Photon Blast and Projecting Out as Light subabilities require the valves to be opened, but the Light Beam can be shot out of the lenses. It is these lenses which allow the character to see.
The main body color is one consistent color, typically pewter, light grey steel, medium grey steel, dark steel-blue, blue-black or black. Additional highlights are usually limited to the lenses and stylish lines and patterns. These additional markings can be a different color than the main body, but never consist of more than two additional colors(typically just one extra color or shade). any of the previous colors may be selected.
Damage Bonus: +1d6 to Hand the Hand combat damage/strikes
Natural Armor Rating: 16. Any attack below 16 does no damage. Any rolls above 16 do damage to the armor shell. Lenses have a Natural AR of 12(considered Plexiglass). If targeting the lenses, they are a called shot at -6 to hit. See Limitations for the effect, as shatterinf the lens is the equivalent of breaking a hole in the Bio-Armor.
SDC: 200, +20 per level for main body of Bio-Armor, 10 SDc for lenses.
Movement Penalty: Character's speed is reduced 50%. Penalty to prowl of -40%; cannot climb in this form.
Combat penalties: -2 to strike, paerry and dodge, -4 to roll with punch, fall or impact, -4 to pull punch, -2 to disarm

5.Projecting Out As Light: The character can leave the shell temporarily, up to 2d6 melee rounds, but will have to return before that time expires. The hero can exist as light in a room in oreder to spy on others, but does not have the benefit of his shell, so any SDC lost comes off this form, with the photon points acting as SDC, but as the hero is immune to most attacks tis is not really a big problem. The hero cannot attack in this form and is invulnerable to all but psionic, magic and shadow based attacks. Shadow attacks do double damage.

6.Limitations and Disadvantages: The character has only very limited movement ouside the shell, having to remain within it most of the time. The armor is a permanent feature of the power and connot be removed except when projecting for a limited time as light. The armor is big an bulky (see movement and combat penalties), and the character cannot pass as a normal human, though at times might be mistaken for a robot.
Does not protect agains psionic or magical attacks. Immune to light and laser attacks as energy. Explosions ignore the shell AR when doing damage, though he takes only half damage from concussive blasts as both armored shell and photonic light. Damage that cracks the armor will release photons, the hero doing 4d6 damage to the attacker. If a hole is broken in the shell, the hero loses one photon particle point per second and cannot rgain it, being forced to return to human form with any lots points appearing as damage (-1 SDC for each photon particle point lost). The character can choose to erupt as a suicide attack, doing 4d4X10 damage to the assailant, but if he does this must roll a save vs. coma/death or have his essence dissipate permanently.
All of his senses are half as effective while in the metal shell, making him -4 to perception rolls.

7.Mass and Strengh adjustment: Weight is half, but physical srength becomes Extraordinary in this form. Fatigues at half normal rate.

8.Other Abilities and Bonuses: Horror Factor: 13

As promised, I have added clarification and whatnot to this to make it function better for gaming purposes.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
*Sigh* More revisions needed:

Photonic Light Absorption and Control- Revised(Major) by Stone Jedi and Pepsi Gargoyle
This revised version clarifies some of the abilities:

The hero's skin is capable of attracting photonic particles surrounding him. For some unexplained particles reverse polarity, absorbing light to the point that they appear black, surrounding the hero in energy darker than shadow. For the purposes of this power, photons are defines as quantum anomalous particles which generate an electromagnetic pulse. This pulse is what can draw light inward like a mini black hole.

1. Dark Energy: The character appears to become surrounded in an inky energy. In reality, the photons surrounding his skin destroys light on contact, causing the particles of light around him to appear black. The darkness seems to hang in the air around him as light is absorbed from the nearby particles. In areas of shadow and darkness, the hero appears to disappear, gaining a +20% to prowl.

2.Protection: The light being absorbed renders the hero immune to the damage of light and lasers, and reduces radiation effects on himself to half normal. The photon energy also provides a shield against physical attacks, allowing him to only take half damage from those as well.

3.Dark Photon Blast: The hero can generate a physically concussive blast due to his control of photons, but it does no light damage due to the fact that the particles absorb light rather than project it.
Range: 1000 feet, +100 feet pe level
Damage: 1d4X10 points of damage, +2 per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Attacks per melee: Each beam counts as one melee attack. It normally takes both hands joined together to shoot for full damage. The hero can split the beam, but the damage for each hand is 1d4 X5. to shoot simultaneously at two different targets (-2 penalty to strike secondary target).

4.Strength Enhancement: Absorbing the light energy from the photons boosts the hero's strength by one category, so normal strength becomes Extraordinary, etc. Adjust damage and lifting and carrying capacities accordingly.

5.Flight: The hero is able to cause the photon particles surrounding him to create micro-blasts/bursts of energy which propel him through the air at a speed of 100 mph, +10% per level. due to the means of propulsion, the hero gets less bonuses in flight than other flight powers.
Bonuses: +1 to strike when airborne
+2 to dodge when flying over 80mph
+4 damage for every 20mph of flight speed.

6.Damage Bonus: Photonic energy surrounding the hero grants +1d6 to most Hand to Hand melee damage.

7.Other Notes: The photon particles emit no light or heat, absorbing rather than emitting energy, so the hero need not worry about burning or injuring comrades.

8.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+1d6 SDC
+1d4 Hit Points
Heals at twice the normal rate.[/quote]

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:43 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Here is another one in the nuclear powers category:

Molecular Accelleration(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can accellerate the molecules of small objects, causing them to disintegrate and converting their SDC into balls of energy.
Range: Touch; can shoot balls of energy 300 feet maximum
Damage: SDC(of object converted)X10, +2 points of additional damage per level
The hero can only convert an amount of SDC equal to half of her PE number
Note that the hero can also use this ability to escape ropes and destroy locks if the item's total SDC is under the power's conversion limit. Objects converted must be unliving, inanimate objects(will not affect anything having hit points).
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions, only twice per melee round
Strike Bonus: +3 to aimed strike, +1 wild
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Molecular aggitation created by the character adds +1d6 damage to hand to hand strikes
+1d4 PE
+1d6 SDC
+2 initiative

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:00 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Comig up: Tool Arm(minor), Mussels(minor) and Energy Expulsion: Psychotic Scream(minor)

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:05 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mussels(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can cause muscle mass to seperate from his body to form an independent organism in the form of a small sluglike creature.

1.Creature Creation: The hero can cause part of his muscle mass to form an independent organism. This can be done to remove injured tissue, extract bullets or reduce fatigue.
Cost: Each slug has 1 PS and PE and 1 SDC, all which reduce the character's attributes and SDC. Cannot reduce any attribute or SDC below half. Attrributed and SDc become that of the slug, which automatically gains 1 hit point.
Effects: Removing damaged tissue cuts the effects of trauma and fatigue in half and stimulates healing(twice normal rate after damage removal).
Maximum Distance/Range: 100 feet per level; each slug has a sight distance of 10 feet and transmits visual images to the hero. The slug may be left behind to act as surveillance devices in this manner.
Duration: Ten minutes per level. Slugs dissolve after the duration or if taken out of range(causes pain; must save vs. pain at 12 or better, ME bonus applies, or lose initiative, -1 attack, and become -2 to all combat actions for 1d4 melee rounds).

2.SDC and Attribute Recovery: Recovers SDc and attributes lost by generation of slugs at a rate of one point per hour

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 PS and PE
+1d4X10 SDC

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:05 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Request time:

dragon_blaze_99 wrote:i'm looking for a power that is something along the line of a major alter limb but with tools fingers in to screw driver and at the cost of HP into a power drill, arms in to a hammer or cost of HP into a jack hammer do you think you could make something like that I would try but powers are not my thing

Not too tricky. It should look something like this:

Tool Arm(minor) by Stone Dragon and Blazing Gargoyle
The character has the ability to alter one of his limbs(hand and forearm) into a variety of mechanical tools as needed. The various implements cannot be removed from the body but otherwise work like tools. A minor version of Alter Limbs.

Minor Tools:These include wrenches, hammers, crude blades, pliars and screwdrivers, as well as lock picks and pry bars/crowbars. Blades and small tools are made from the fingers and are not intended for melee weapons(there are other powers for that). The hero can adjust tip sizes, socket radius, etc., with a thought.

Major Tools: Mechanized tools which are simulated cost of a hit point when created. This is to fuel the power necessary for a jackhammer, drill or buzzsaw run run at full rotational speed and/or power.

Range: Reach; but can extend the limb to twice its length if needed to form a jackhammer or similar tool.
Duration: Can keep the Tool Arm available for as long as necessary.
Damage: The weapons inflict damage as per a real weapon, +1d6, however blades cannot be longer than a finger.
A High powered drill will do 3d6 damage; a buzz saw will do 4d6 damage.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike and parry
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to create a minor tool. Major tools require 2 melee attacks/actions to restructure the limb.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% to Mechanical and construction skills, as well as Pick Locks
+1d4 PE

It is not a major, but it does not need to be. I hope this fits what you need.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:20 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Just a point of note. I do agree my last one read a bit choppy and yeah I did cut and paste a bit on it, good work on making it more streamlined and what not. Thanks.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Here is another sonic attack power:

Energy Expulsion: Psychotic Scream(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing creates neural waves which she encodes in the soundwaves she produces when she screams. The sound waves cause hallucinations in those who hear them.

Range: 40 foot radius, +10 feet per level. does not work underwater.
Duration: Inflicted effects last as long as the sound is maintained- one melee round at level one, +1 melee round at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14
Damage: None, however the sound causes hallucinations and short term memory loss if the victim fails a save.

Saving Throw: The sound affects the chemicals in the brain. Victims must save vs Insanity(12 or better, +1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15, ME bonus applies) or suffer from hallucinations for the duration of the power +2d4 melee rounds.

Hallucination: The victims lose sight of the real world. Roll percentile for the victim's response (if during combat):
01-33% Does not recognize a friend or foe and attacks whomever he believes is his enemy.
34-65% Fights in a frenzied bloodlust, shows no mercy, and will not stop until all his enemies are slain(real or imagined), unless restrained; +1 to initiative, strike and parry.
66-00% The character knows things are not right, that he is experiencing a hallucination and consequently is tortured and confused by it; -2 to initiative, strike, parry and dodge, and -10% to performance of all skills.
Once the hallucinations are over, vital chemicals in the brain are stripped away, causing memory loss for 2d4 days.

Attacks: Uses half the character's attacks for the melee round
Limitations: Does not work on deaf people. Those hard of hearing are +2 to save vs. the effect, though those with Heightened Sense of Hearing are -2 to save. Does not work on inorganic aliens or aliens with a different brain chemistry, robots, or anyone using artificial listening devices and equipment to hear it.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:38 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Just a point of note. I do agree my last one read a bit choppy and yeah I did cut and paste a bit on it, good work on making it more streamlined and what not. Thanks.

No problem. I knew my original effort was a bit low powered and the only way I saw to make both powers better was to combine them. I would have discussed it with you first, but as I said, I was having one of those days where everything was getting me angrier and angrier as the day progressed. I do want to say that I think your work to research the microwave stuff was a good idea and brought a lot to the power. :D

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:19 pm
by abe
power:achilles heal
basically you give a enemy a POWERFUL weakness!
the exact weakness is random(i.e. the gm decides what the weakness is)but the user of said power ALWAYS knows what the weakness is!
tell me what you think of it.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
abe wrote:power:achilles heal
basically you give a enemy a POWERFUL weakness!
the exact weakness is random(i.e. the gm decides what the weakness is)but the user of said power ALWAYS knows what the weakness is!
tell me what you think of it.

You need to stat out range and if the power can be saved against. Also, a list of potential weakneses might be helpful (like maybe if Dragon Blaze ever gets his Achilles Heels table up). Also, you have to determine any duration, how it is activated, etc. Right now it is way too vague to be a useable power, in my humble opinion.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:09 am
by dragon_blaze_99
looks good SG kinda what i was looking for

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:looks good SG kinda what i was looking for

Only kinda? Is there something else you wanted to include or add to it? The major power of Alter Limb can already do much of what you asked, though I could try doing a major focusing more on industrial tool metemorphosis. Oh, please tell make I did not fail you, or at least let me set things right...*laughs* :lol:
Dude, the power is exactly what you asked for. I used the general guidelines of Gun Limb and referred to Alter Limbs for ideas. The drill and buzzsaw stats are modified from stats for arm attachments in the robotics section. If you want, I can expand on the mechanized tool damages, but it really looks good as it is, at least to me.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:19 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
I was thinking more a long the lines of Jack Hammers and Air tool etc. and stuff for cracking safe its for a villain turned hero character

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:25 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:I was thinking more a long the lines of Jack Hammers and Air tool etc. and stuff for cracking safe its for a villain turned hero character

Geeze, man, why did you not specify that in your request? Safecracking can be added in, as well as lockpicks and such. Now you have me going back and having to write a second power more focused in the safecracking aspect. I am leaving Tool Arm as is, with the exception of adding a couple tool additions and a bonus to Pick Locks, but I will write you another one more focused on the rogue and mechanical end of things.
*Grumbles* :wink:

(Please note the added material to Tool Arm since I just edited it.)

Coming Soon: Another power for Dragon Blaze tentatively titled Alter Limb: Criminal Intent(Major) :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Revised version:

Tool Arm-Revised(minor) by Stone Dragon and Blazing Gargoyle
The character has the ability to alter one of his limbs(hand and forearm) into a variety of mechanical tools as needed. The various implements cannot be removed from the body but otherwise work like tools. A minor version of Alter Limbs.

Minor Tools:These include wrenches, hammers, crude blades, pliars and screwdrivers, as well as lock picks and pry bars/crowbars. Blades and small tools are made from the fingers and are not intended for melee weapons(there are other powers for that). The hero can adjust tip sizes, socket radius, etc., with a thought.

Major Tools: Mechanized tools which are simulated cost of a hit point when created. This create a, say, jackhammer, drill or buzzsaw that can run at full rotational speed and/or power. They are considered air tools, working by virtue of compressed air and producing ver little sound. these are considered to be the strongest possible, capableofcutting through reinforced steel as if diamond tipped.

Range: Reach; but can extend the limb to twice its length if needed to form a jackhammer or similar tool.
Duration: Can keep the Tool Arm available for as long as necessary.
Damage: The weapons inflict damage as per a real weapon, +1d6, however blades cannot be longer than a finger.
A High powered drill will do 3d6 damage; a buzz saw will do 4d6 damage.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike and parry
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to create a minor tool. Major tools require 2 melee attacks/actions to restructure the limb.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% to Mechanical and construction skills, as well as Pick Locks
+1d4 PE

Coming next: the major versions: Tool Limb and Tools of the Trade(yes, I created two)!

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:54 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Tool Limb by Stone Dragon and Blazing Gargoyle
The hero has an arm with the ability to become various mechanical tools.

1.Tool Arm-Revised(same as minor super ability)
The character has the ability to alter one of his limbs(hand and forearm) into a variety of mechanical tools as needed. The various implements cannot be removed from the body but otherwise work like tools. A minor version of Alter Limbs.

Minor Tools:These include wrenches, hammers, crude blades, pliers and screwdrivers, as well as lock picks and pry bars/crowbars. Blades and small tools are made from the fingers and are not intended for melee weapons(there are other powers for that). The hero can adjust tip sizes, socket radius, etc., with a thought.

Major Tools: Mechanized tools which are simulated cost of a hit point when created. This create a, say, jackhammer, drill or buzzsaw that can run at full rotational speed and/or power. They are considered air tools, working by virtue of compressed air and producing very little sound. these are considered to be the strongest possible, capable of cutting through reinforced steel as if diamond tipped.

Range: Reach; but can extend the limb to twice its length if needed to form a jackhammer or similar tool.
Duration: Can keep the Tool Arm available for as long as necessary.
Damage: The weapons inflict damage as per a real weapon, +1d6, however blades cannot be longer than a finger.
A High powered drill will do 3d6 damage; a buzz saw will do 4d6 damage.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike and parry
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to create a minor tool. Major tools require 2 melee attacks/actions to restructure the limb.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% to Mechanical and construction skills, as well as Pick Locks
+1d4 PE

2.Special Features: The major version of the power allows the creation of additional tools.

Suction Cups: Can create these on his finger tips, adding +15% to pickpocket and imposing a penalty to disarm of -4.

Grappling Hook and Towline: Costs 1 HP to create, uses a rewind device that recoils the line.
Range: 120 feet, +20 feet per level
Weight Tolerance: Twice the character's weight.
Damage: 1d6 as weapon

Acetelyne Torch: A cutting torch may be created at the cost of 1 HP and is a form of energy expulsion. Cuts through thick metal at a rate of one inch per melee round.
Range: One foot
Damage as Weapon: 1d6

Amplified Sound Detector: This costs 1 HP to create and allows the character to turn the hand into a piece of listening equipment with a parabolic mirrored dish forming in the palm and the fingers becoming cables, three of which have listening sensors and two of which act as headphone cables. Triples normal hearing and creates a parabolic affect so as to allow the character to hear tumblers when safecracking, etc.
Range: Reach, but can be extended to twice the normal length of the limb to extend cables.
Duration: Can keep available for as long as necessary.
Penalty: Has no initiative and bonuses to dodge and parry are half while the character is keenly focused on the sound, leaving him open to attack or surprise by an outside source.
Bonus: +20% to locksmith and safecracking skills

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d6 to damage inflicted by the limb when not altered
+1d4X10 SDC
+5% to other rogue and espionage skills

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 1:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Tools of the Trade by Stone Dragon and Blazing Gargoyle
Similarity Alter Limbs, the superbeing with this ability can change flesh and blood parts into mechanical forms to aid him.

1.Tool Arm-Revised(same as minor super ability)
The character has the ability to alter one of his limbs(hand and forearm) into a variety of mechanical tools as needed. The various implements cannot be removed from the body but otherwise work like tools. A minor version of Alter Limbs.

Minor Tools:These include wrenches, hammers, crude blades, pliers and screwdrivers, as well as lock picks and pry bars/crowbars. Blades and small tools are made from the fingers and are not intended for melee weapons(there are other powers for that). The hero can adjust tip sizes, socket radius, etc., with a thought.

Major Tools: Mechanized tools which are simulated cost of a hit point when created. This create a, say, jackhammer, drill or buzzsaw that can run at full rotational speed and/or power. They are considered air tools, working by virtue of compressed air and producing very little sound. these are considered to be the strongest possible, capable of cutting through reinforced steel as if diamond tipped.

Range: Reach; but can extend the limb to twice its length if needed to form a jackhammer or similar tool.
Duration: Can keep the Tool Arm available for as long as necessary.
Damage: The weapons inflict damage as per a real weapon, +1d6, however blades cannot be longer than a finger.
A High powered drill will do 3d6 damage; a buzz saw will do 4d6 damage.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike and parry
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to create a minor tool. Major tools require 2 melee attacks/actions to restructure the limb.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% to Mechanical and construction skills, as well as Pick Locks
+1d4 PE

2.Suction Cups: Can create these on his finger tips on both hands, adding +15% to pickpocket and imposing a penalty to disarm of -4. Can also use them to hold glass and other surfaces while cutting, but not for climbing purposes.

3.Climbing Claws and Spikes: The character can create spiked claws which form on his palms and the bottoms of his feet.
Damage Bonus: +1d6 to palm and foot strikes while spikes are out.
Climbing skill bonus: +30% when climbing wood and stone surfaces
Note that these must be retracted in order to run and walk properly.

4.Grappling Hook and Towline: A lesser form of matter expulsion, the character can shoot a grappling hook out of bone and a line made of material similar to muscle sinew which he can use to rappel up and down the side of buildings and rappel across openings and chasms(will be shot from arm not serving as Tool Arm)
Range: 50 feet per level
Weight Tolerance: Twice the character's weight. Going over this limit will cause the line to tear, a very painful experience.
Damage: 1d6 as weapon
Bonuses: +3 to strike(aimed), +10% to rappelling skill when using this ability.

5.Parabolic Hearing The character can focus on hearing tumblers and other machine noise, ignoring all other sound
Range: 200 feet per level. Tuning out other sounds takes only one melee action.
Duration: 30 minutes listening without pause, per level
Penalty: Has no initiative and bonuses to dodge and parry are half while the character is keenly focused on the sound, leaving him open to attack or surprise by an outside source.
Bonus: +20% to locksmith and safecracking skills

6.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4X10 SDC
+5% to other rogue and espionage skills

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Go Boom(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can elect to have his strikes do minimal damage,having the excess go into a sort of tempral buffer, on a successful pull punch. The excess damage can then be held until the next action at level 1, plus an additional action per level, building up in power and intensity by doing minimal damage on all strikes following and shnting the excess damage into the buffer. The strike following the time the power is held for does damage which adds the amount accumulated in the temporal buffer. If the strike misses, the damage accumulation disappears and cannot be added to the next strike. If the hero does not hit something on his action, the damage will hit him in a backlash effect, potentially causing severe damage to the hero.
+2 to strike
+2 to pull punch
+1d6 SDC
+1d4 HP

Settlement(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"To the victor goes the spoils."
The hero sets up a damage reservoir which absorbs an amount of SDc equivalent to 10% of the amount he inflicts on opponents, +1% per level starting at level 2. If the hero wins the battle by either knock-out or surrender, the reservoir creates a feed by which the hero absorbs the amount in the reservoir to heal ge he sustained in the conflict. The drawback of this is that the reservoir will give the opponent the amount in the reservoir should he become incapacitated, all things being fair. Note that no points are rewarded by the reservoir if the opponent escapes or the battle is a draw, all SDC in the reservoir dissipating.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 damage bonus
+10% to save vs. coma/death
+1d6 SDC
+1d4 HP
Heals at twice normal rate.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:39 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Solitaire(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I work alone."
Put simply, the hero is not a team player.

1.Penalties for Teamwork: The hero suffers -1 to combat rolls for each teammate or ally present, plus -5% to skill performance in group efforts.
2.Lone Benefits: When working alone, the hero enjoys +1 to combat rolls at level one, +1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15. This is in addition to any other bonuses from attributes, skills and HtoH combat training.
+5% to skill performance when going solo.
3.Other Bonuses:
+2 save vs. mind control, possession and psionic attack
+10% to save vs. coma/death if dying alone
Heals twice normal rate when not being aided or hospitalized in any way.

The Kitty(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can create an imaginary being to transfer damage to so as to heal others.

1.Damage Reduction: The hero can shunt damage from others, inflicting it upon an imaginary being which gains solidity by the filling of the damage deficit.
Deficit Amount: The hero's ME number per level in damage can be absorbed by the hero and fed to the imaginary being to fill its damage deficit. Once the deficit is full, no more damage can be fed to that particular being, referred to as the kitty.
Reducing the Deficit: Those whose damage has been reduced by feeding the kitty must contribute half the amount of their normal healing to get rid of the deficit.
Limitations:bThe hero must heal all targets in range, up to maximum amount, equally to fill the deficit. This means that individuals healed may not recover much individual SDC or that they might receive healing using more than one kitty.
Saving Throw: Targets may resist being healed(14 or better, PE bonus applies)
Range: Individuals healed must be within 10 feet per level, limited to ME number in targets.
Duration: Until deficit is repaid. Uses all attacks for round to creatre and feed kitty.

2.Number of Kitties: The hero can create his ME number in kitties at level one, gaining an additional kitty each level as he moves up in levels. Cannot create more kitties if his maximum number of kitties are active. Once a kitty has its deficit repaid, it disapperars and a new one can be created to replace it.

3.Down Side: The hero is crazy, seeing these imaginary beings as dead soldiers or ghosts walking amongst the living. After activating a kitty, the hero will become withdrawn, quiet and spaced out for the next melee. -3 initiative, strike, parry and dodge, -6 on all skill performance.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:50 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Energy Expulsion: Energy Arc(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero shoots energy from his eyes which spreads to hit everything in range, circling to the sides in an arcing effect.
Range: 20 feet, +2 feet per level within a spread of 60 degrees, +20 degrees per level(can hit everything within a 50 foot radius at level 15, as he hits everything within 360 degrees.
Damage: 1d6 per level. Each increase in degrees of the striking vector gained begins at the beginning damage(so at level 15, everything within the first 80 degrees will take 15d6 damage, with 10 degrees on each side of that taking 14d6 damage, and so on, with targets directly behind him taking only 1d6 damage).
Duration: Instant
Bonus: +3 to hit aimed, +1 wild, in the initial vector only.
Special: Can regulate the strength of the blast in increments of 1d6 after level 3,, though reducing the damage will reduce the arc of the energy blast.

Muttonchops(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's hair is edible, capable of sustaining him when no other food is available. If all is removed, the hair grows back at the rate of one inch per hour.
Length: typically to the shoulders

Typical Types of Food:
01-10% Kelp or Algae
11-20% Broccoli or Asparagus Tips
21-30% Lettuce or Cabbage
31-40% Sprouts
41-50% Licorice Whips
51-60% Fruit Roll-ups
61-70% Cotton Candy
71-80% Jello
81-90% Chocolate
91-00% Spaghetti Noodles or Pasta
Other exotic foods, such as lunch meat or tofu, may be selected if going for an even more extreme look.

Generally, the hair will provide for one full meal or many light snacks. Since the hair is obviously food, the hero's comrades may pester the character for a taste, usually thinking it to be a costume of some kind.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Odds and Evens(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's powers and combat bonuses, as well as his number of attacks, are affected by the number of opponents he faces.
1.Evening the Odds: The hero gains an attack if having an even number of attacks and facing an odd number of opponents, and vice versa. His bonuses are affected in the same way(such as gaining +1 to initiative if his bonus is an even number when facing an odd number of foes).

2.Limiting Duration: Durations for effects inflicted on the character are reduced by one if an even number when he is facing an odd number of foes(and vice versa). The duratiion of his own powers' effects gain by one in the same circumstances.

3.Damage Counter: The hero always does an even number of damage to foes of an even number(add 1 point if rolling an odd number and add an additional +1 to PS bonus if it is an odd number) and vice versa. Damage inflicted to the hero is reduced in the same way(adjust foe's damage accordingly).

4.Save Bonuses: These work in the same way, with the character gaining +1 to a save bunus if his boonus is an even number and he is facing an odd number of foes, and vice versa.

5.Exceptions and Limitations: SDC, Hit Points and attributes are not directly affected, nor is PPE, ISP, spell PPE cost or psionics ISP cost. Why? Because the changes are due to psychological factora and instincts which compensate in certain circumstances, not actual changes in physics.

6.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% to games of chance, as well as math skills

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:25 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
vary sweet SG

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:12 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:vary sweet SG

Glad you like them. Here are a couple more:

Crowd Control(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero gains benefits to dealing with large groups.

A type of claustrophobia, the hero gains bonuses when in a crowd. He gains +1 to combat moves when working with a team. Furthermore, he gains +1 to combat moves and +1% to trust/intimidate for every ten people in range.

Range: 100 feet +10 feet per level
Duration: While people are present(always on)

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to all saves when working with a team
Fatigues at half normal rate when in high population urban environments

Insurance(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero gains potential healing energy for every day she does not suffer physical damage.

1.Potential Healing Poiints: The hero gains four Potential Healing Points per day, +1 at levels 6 and 12, for up to his PE number in days, +1 day at levels 4,8,and 12, that she does not take any damage.

2.Spending Points: One point of SDC costs 1 Potential Healing point, but Hit Points are recovered at the cost of 2 Potential Healing Points. This is in addition to normal healing. Maximum points that can be spent per day are equal to the character's PE number, but the hero can continue to spend unused points each day until healed. Once she is healed, the excess points disappear and cannot be used.

3.Save Bonus: The character gains +1% to save vs. coma/death for every day she does not take damage, but once the added percentage is used once, it is gone.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+2d4 Hit Points
+2d6 SDC

Coming soon: A new category- Spiritual Warrior!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:49 pm
by taalismn
[quote="Stone Gargoyle"]

Muttonchops(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's hair is edible, capable of sustaining him when no other food is available. If all is removed, the hair grows back at the rate of one inch per hour.
Length: typically to the shoulders


Go. Eat. I can hear your stomach growling from here.... :D

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Muttonchops(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero's hair is edible, capable of sustaining him when no other food is available. If all is removed, the hair grows back at the rate of one inch per hour.
Length: typically to the shoulders

Go. Eat. I can hear your stomach growling from here.... :D


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Consuming Darkness(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is at one with the darkness, finding comfort and sustenance in it.

1,Dark Sustenance: The character does not need to eat or drink and does not suffer from fatigue by dark of night. During the day, however, he fatigues at twice normal rate and requires food and drink twice as often.

2.Consuming Shadow: The character can create a supernatural shadow around himself which drains the life force of others.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Concentration; loses one attack per melee and is -5% to skill performance
Attacks: Requires 2 melee attacks/actions to summon supernatural shadow and one attack per melee to maintain (see other penalties under duration).
Damage: 1d6+1 Hit Point damage to targets entering the supernatural shadow, with 1 HP damage/loss per melee round if remaining in the shadow.

3.Shadow Beasts: The character can also create creatures out of shadow which come to life at the cost of 1 Hit Point.
Range: Must be created within the radius of the supernatural shadow(30 feet, +5 feet per level), and can travel up to 500 feet, +50 feet per level, away from the character. Going beyond the range limit causes them to dissipate.
Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Attacks: Uses 2 of the character's attacks/actions to create shadow beasts. The beasts themselves get 4 attacks per melee round plus additional attacks equal to the character's ME bonus.
Combat bonuses: The shadow beasts gain a bonus to combat rolls such as initiative, strike, parry and dodge equal to the character's ME bonus( ie.. if user gets +3 from M.E., then the wolves would get +3 to initiative, strike, parry, etc...)
Number that can be created: 2 at level one, plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6 bite damage; 1d6 claw damage
SDC: Equal to the character's ME, though intangible for the most part. They can only take damage from light and laser attacks, as well as magic and physical psionic atacks.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals 1 Hit Point and 2 SDC per hour when in complete darkness
+1d4 ME
Takes no damage from shadow based attacks

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:19 pm
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Consuming Darkness(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
the character is at one with the darkness, finding comfort and sustenance in it.

1,Dark Sustenance: The character does not need to eat or drink and does not suffer from fatigue by dark of night. During the day, however, he fatigues at twice normal rate and requires food and drink twice as often.

2.Consuming Shadow: The character can create a supernatural shadow around himself which drains the life force of others.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Concentration; loses one attack per melee and is -5 to skill performance
Attacks: Requires 2 melee attacks/actions to summon supernatural shadow and one attack per melee to maintain (see other penalties under duration).
Damage: 1d6+1 Hit Point damage to targets entering the supernatural shadow, with 1 HP damage/loss per melee round if remaining in the shadow.

3.Shadow Beasts: The character can also create creatures out of shadow which come to life at the cost of 1 Hit Point.
Range: Must be created within the radius of the supernatural shadow(30 feet, +5 feet per level), and can travel up to 500 feet, +50 feet per level, away from the character. Going beyond the range limit causes them to dissipate.
Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Attacks: Uses 2 of the character's attacks/actions to create shadow beasts. The beasts themselves get 4 attacks per melee round.
Number that can be created: 2 at level one, plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6 bite damage; 1d6 claw damage

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals 1 Hit Point and 2 SDC per hour when in complete darkness
+1d4 ME
Takes no damage from shadow based attacks

ooooo, thanks!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:15 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Consuming Darkness(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
the character is at one with the darkness, finding comfort and sustenance in it.

1,Dark Sustenance: The character does not need to eat or drink and does not suffer from fatigue by dark of night. During the day, however, he fatigues at twice normal rate and requires food and drink twice as often.

2.Consuming Shadow: The character can create a supernatural shadow around himself which drains the life force of others.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Concentration; loses one attack per melee and is -5 to skill performance
Attacks: Requires 2 melee attacks/actions to summon supernatural shadow and one attack per melee to maintain (see other penalties under duration).
Damage: 1d6+1 Hit Point damage to targets entering the supernatural shadow, with 1 HP damage/loss per melee round if remaining in the shadow.

3.Shadow Beasts: The character can also create creatures out of shadow which come to life at the cost of 1 Hit Point.
Range: Must be created within the radius of the supernatural shadow(30 feet, +5 feet per level), and can travel up to 500 feet, +50 feet per level, away from the character. Going beyond the range limit causes them to dissipate.
Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Attacks: Uses 2 of the character's attacks/actions to create shadow beasts. The beasts themselves get 4 attacks per melee round.
Number that can be created: 2 at level one, plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6 bite damage; 1d6 claw damage

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals 1 Hit Point and 2 SDC per hour when in complete darkness
+1d4 ME
Takes no damage from shadow based attacks

Reading the name brought me back to something in a book I've read. The protagonists have to fight a beast/demon that consumes everything, so they have to make a magic circle that makes essence of "nothing" to combat the monster.

This power would suit a dark campain, or a nb game.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:20 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Consuming Darkness(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
the character is at one with the darkness, finding comfort and sustenance in it.

1,Dark Sustenance: The character does not need to eat or drink and does not suffer from fatigue by dark of night. During the day, however, he fatigues at twice normal rate and requires food and drink twice as often.

2.Consuming Shadow: The character can create a supernatural shadow around himself which drains the life force of others.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Concentration; loses one attack per melee and is -5 to skill performance
Attacks: Requires 2 melee attacks/actions to summon supernatural shadow and one attack per melee to maintain (see other penalties under duration).
Damage: 1d6+1 Hit Point damage to targets entering the supernatural shadow, with 1 HP damage/loss per melee round if remaining in the shadow.

3.Shadow Beasts: The character can also create creatures out of shadow which come to life at the cost of 1 Hit Point.
Range: Must be created within the radius of the supernatural shadow(30 feet, +5 feet per level), and can travel up to 500 feet, +50 feet per level, away from the character. Going beyond the range limit causes them to dissipate.
Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Attacks: Uses 2 of the character's attacks/actions to create shadow beasts. The beasts themselves get 4 attacks per melee round.
Number that can be created: 2 at level one, plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6 bite damage; 1d6 claw damage

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals 1 Hit Point and 2 SDC per hour when in complete darkness
+1d4 ME
Takes no damage from shadow based attacks

Reading the name brought me back to something in a book I've read. The protagonists have to fight a beast/demon that consumes everything, so they have to make a magic circle that makes essence of "nothing" to combat the monster.

This power would suit a dark campain, or a nb game.

Yeah, I just thought that up last night thinking about all the shadow based powers in here and how nothing quite fit an Odin type who eats throught the use of shadow wolves. They would only be vulnerable to light attacks and should have an SDC equal to the character's ME. I will go back and edit the post to reflect that as well.

wolfsgrin wrote:ooooo, thanks!

Yeah, I thought you might like this one. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:21 pm
by wolfsgrin
wolfsgrin wrote:Machine Senses (minor) by wolfsgrin
Character is able to gain the ability of a near by sensory machine. Machines like motion detectors, radars, listening devices, optics, ext....Can only utilize one of a sensor's capabilities at a time. The bonuses are whatever the machine provides its user. It also gives a limited machine awareness. Limited to sensory equipment. When in range character intuitively knows there's something with sensors in the area (will not know if he is being scanned or tracked) and is able to acess the abilities of that machine. Knows all sensory options automatcally and instantanously.
Radius: 30ft +5ft per level
Attacks: Takes 2 per target
Duration: 1 melee round per level
Bonuses: -27% +3 per level to skill rolls involving sensory equipment used to track. Also gains +2 Intitiative +3 parry and dodge attacks relying primarily on sensory equipment. +2 perception when locating sensory machines.
Note: For this power to work, user only has to be is in range. Doesn't have to know the exact location

a major version of this will be posted soon

Without further a-doo-doo

Machine Senses major by wolfsgrin
Same as the minor version only the user is able to "see" (sense) what the sensors are seeing as well as borrow them. So if somebody is using nightvision equipment within range, the power user is able to see what is diplayed for the machine's user.
Character also gains mechanical awareness out of PU1. All abilities and bonuses apply. The only exception is that it only pertains to sensory equipment powered electronically. So the character only knows if a weapon is pointed at him if it has an electronic targeting system or other sensory equipment that helps its weilder target the character with this ability.
Character also knows where the sensory equipment is located that has has targeted him. As long as it is range.
Range: 100ft +10ft per level
Attacks: Uses one attack to access and use nearby sensory equipment. If using it like the minor power, no negatives to combat or skill usage while using this aspect of the power. If using it to see what the sensors see, it requires full concentration and no other actions are possible but to maybe give a command or detail what is happening.
Duration: 1 minute + 1 minute per level for both abilities
Bonuses: Same as Mechanical Awareness, but only against sensors or weapon systems that use electronic senses that target an opponent.

I also added a duration to the minor

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:03 am
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Consuming Darkness(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is at one with the darkness, finding comfort and sustenance in it.

1,Dark Sustenance: The character does not need to eat or drink and does not suffer from fatigue by dark of night. During the day, however, he fatigues at twice normal rate and requires food and drink twice as often.

2.Consuming Shadow: The character can create a supernatural shadow around himself which drains the life force of others.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Concentration; loses one attack per melee and is -5% to skill performance
Attacks: Requires 2 melee attacks/actions to summon supernatural shadow and one attack per melee to maintain (see other penalties under duration).
Damage: 1d6+1 Hit Point damage to targets entering the supernatural shadow, with 1 HP damage/loss per melee round if remaining in the shadow.

3.Shadow Beasts: The character can also create creatures out of shadow which come to life at the cost of 1 Hit Point.
Range: Must be created within the radius of the supernatural shadow(30 feet, +5 feet per level), and can travel up to 500 feet, +50 feet per level, away from the character. Going beyond the range limit causes them to dissipate.
Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Attacks: Uses 2 of the character's attacks/actions to create shadow beasts. The beasts themselves get 4 attacks per melee round.
Number that can be created: 2 at level one, plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6 bite damage; 1d6 claw damage
SDC: Equal to the character's ME, though intangible for the most part. They can only take damage from light and laser attacks.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals 1 Hit Point and 2 SDC per hour when in complete darkness
+1d4 ME
Takes no damage from shadow based attacks
magic and certain psionics should be able to hurt the wolves.
Also perhaps the wovles should have some sort of combat bonuses? strile/parry/dodge/init and number of attacks. quick resolution = bonuses equal to whatever bonus the users ME provides. ie.. if user gets +3 from M.E. (not from any other sources), then the wolves would get +3 to initiative, strike, parry, etc...
Just a thought.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Consuming Darkness(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is at one with the darkness, finding comfort and sustenance in it.

1,Dark Sustenance: The character does not need to eat or drink and does not suffer from fatigue by dark of night. During the day, however, he fatigues at twice normal rate and requires food and drink twice as often.

2.Consuming Shadow: The character can create a supernatural shadow around himself which drains the life force of others.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Concentration; loses one attack per melee and is -5% to skill performance
Attacks: Requires 2 melee attacks/actions to summon supernatural shadow and one attack per melee to maintain (see other penalties under duration).
Damage: 1d6+1 Hit Point damage to targets entering the supernatural shadow, with 1 HP damage/loss per melee round if remaining in the shadow.

3.Shadow Beasts: The character can also create creatures out of shadow which come to life at the cost of 1 Hit Point.
Range: Must be created within the radius of the supernatural shadow(30 feet, +5 feet per level), and can travel up to 500 feet, +50 feet per level, away from the character. Going beyond the range limit causes them to dissipate.
Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Attacks: Uses 2 of the character's attacks/actions to create shadow beasts. The beasts themselves get 4 attacks per melee round.
Number that can be created: 2 at level one, plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6 bite damage; 1d6 claw damage
SDC: Equal to the character's ME, though intangible for the most part. They can only take damage from light and laser attacks.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals 1 Hit Point and 2 SDC per hour when in complete darkness
+1d4 ME
Takes no damage from shadow based attacks
magic and certain psionics should be able to hurt the wolves.
Also perhaps the wovles should have some sort of combat bonuses? strile/parry/dodge/init and number of attacks. quick resolution = bonuses equal to whatever bonus the users ME provides. ie.. if user gets +3 from M.E. (not from any other sources), then the wolves would get +3 to initiative, strike, parry, etc...
Just a thought.

No, those are good. I rushed to post the power and am having to address those issues, and your suggestions help. I have similar shadow construct powers which can be harmed by magic and certain psionics, so that makes sense, and I like the combat bonuses equal to the ME bonus. I will make sure my Dark Thoughts(minor) and Ravenous(Major) powers reflect these changes as well before posting them.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:08 pm
by Senator Cybus
Doomed (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

“Why me?! Why me?!"

Simply put, the universe hates this hero. For whatever reason, the character suffers one calamity after another, his whole life being one long run of lousy luck. While this would be terrible news for most people, for a super hero it’s not all bad: the cosmos doesn’t want him dead, it wants him to suffer. This means that while his life may be impossibly screwed-up, the fates will at least conspire to keep him safe from death, if only to prolong his misery.

+30% to save vs. coma/death.
+5 to save vs. fatal disease or poison.
+5 to dodge or parry any attack that would kill the character outright.
+5 to roll with any fall/impact that would kill the character outright.

Once per day, the player may call upon a Minor Miracle: this can be any extraordinary turn of luck, but only if it is something that prevents the death of the character, e.g. causing a gun pointed at the character’s head to jam, or an off-course fishing boat arriving when the super being is drowning in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The exact form that the Miracle will take is up to the GM. The Minor Miracle cannot be invoked in a non-lethal situation.

-2 to parry or dodge any non-lethal attack (Damn those random patches of slippery mud!).
-2 to roll with non-lethal fall/impact (Ow! Who left that broken bottle there?!).
-3 to save vs. non-lethal disease or poison (Stupid, misprinted ‘best before’ dates!).

The character will always lose at any game of chance: roulette, poker, coin toss, etc. Games dependent entirely on skill are unaffected.

Any time the character uses an electronic or mechanical device, there’s a chance that it will spontaneously malfunction: the chance is a percentage equal to the character’s experience level x 2 (2% at level one, 4% at level two, etc). This does not, of course, apply to any device that the character wants to break down. Equally, if a malfunction of the device would directly cause the character’s death, it will work normally, at least until he is out of immediate danger.

Once per day, the GM may inflict a Minor Disaster upon the character: this can be any extraordinary turn of bad luck, but only if it is something that will not kill the hero, e.g. his wallet falls down an open sewer hatch, his crime-mobile is crushed by a rogue elephant, he accidentally squirts the piping-hot contents of his fast-food restaurant apple pie into the police commissioner’s cornea, etc. The GM cannot invoke the Minor Disaster during combat.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:53 pm
by wolfsgrin
Senator Cybus wrote:Doomed (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

“Why me?! Why me?!"

Simply put, the universe hates this hero. For whatever reason, the character suffers one calamity after another, his whole life being one long run of lousy luck. While this would be terrible news for most people, for a super hero it’s not all bad: the cosmos doesn’t want him dead, it wants him to suffer. This means that while his life may be impossibly screwed-up, the fates will at least conspire to keep him safe from death, if only to prolong his misery.

+30% to save vs. coma/death.
+5 to save vs. fatal disease or poison.
+5 to dodge or parry any attack that would kill the character outright.
+5 to roll with any fall/impact that would kill the character outright.

Once per day, the player may call upon a Minor Miracle: this can be any extraordinary turn of luck, but only if it is something that prevents the death of the character, e.g. causing a gun pointed at the character’s head to jam, or an off-course fishing boat arriving when the super being is drowning in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The exact form that the Miracle will take is up to the GM. The Minor Miracle cannot be invoked in a non-lethal situation.

-2 to parry or dodge any non-lethal attack (Damn those random patches of slippery mud!).
-2 to roll with non-lethal fall/impact (Ow! Who left that broken bottle there?!).
-3 to save vs. non-lethal disease or poison (Stupid, misprinted ‘best before’ dates!).

The character will always lose at any game of chance: roulette, poker, coin toss, etc. Games dependent entirely on skill are unaffected.

Any time the character uses an electronic or mechanical device, there’s a chance that it will spontaneously malfunction: the chance is a percentage equal to the character’s experience level x 2 (2% at level one, 4% at level two, etc). This does not, of course, apply to any device that the character wants to break down.

Once per day, the GM may inflict a Minor Disaster upon the character: this can be any extraordinary turn of bad luck, but only if it is something that will not kill the hero, e.g. his wallet falls down an open sewer hatch, his crime-mobile is crushed by a rogue elephant, he accidentally squirts the piping-hot contents of his fast-food restaurant apple pie into the police commissioner’s cornea, etc. The GM cannot invoke the Minor Disaster during combat.

this could be worth turning into a hero catagory

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:41 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I am not sure, but Doomed might border on being a major and not a minor. Anybody else got an opinion?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:26 pm
by Senator Cybus
wolfsgrin wrote:this could be worth turning into a hero catagory

Hmm. You could be on to something there...give me a day or two and I'll get back to you...

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:46 pm
by Senator Cybus
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am not sure, but Doomed might border on being a major and not a minor. Anybody else got an opinion?

Ooh, I have an opinion! :D

Let me explain my reasoning: initially, I was going to err on the side of caution and make it a Major, but then I weighed what the power gives you versus what it takes away.

You can be injured, incapacitated, imprisoned, mind-controlled, possessed, bankrupted, bamboozled and humiliated and this power will be of exactly zero use. It's only good for giving you a chance (not a certainty) of hobbling away from a fatal encounter.

It won't help you rescue the hostages, catch the villains and you sure as hell won't ever get rich off the back of it.

About 90% of the time, it actively works against you! Any power that gives the GM not only an excuse but an obligation to screw with you is not one I would consider up there with Invulnerability and Magnetism. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:35 pm
by wolfsgrin
Senator Cybus wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:this could be worth turning into a hero catagory

Hmm. You could be on to something there...give me a day or two and I'll get back to you...

i'm always onto something 8)

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:45 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am not sure, but Doomed might border on being a major and not a minor. Anybody else got an opinion?

It's a few too many points shy for me to put into a major category (where it would be swimming with invulnerability, immortality, karmic power and the like)

That said it is pretty powerful. I would have toned it down a smidge and ditched the drawbacks. I don't see it, as is, as more powerfull than lunar power or solar powered.


Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:38 am
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Consuming Darkness(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is at one with the darkness, finding comfort and sustenance in it.

1,Dark Sustenance: The character does not need to eat or drink and does not suffer from fatigue by dark of night. During the day, however, he fatigues at twice normal rate and requires food and drink twice as often.

2.Consuming Shadow: The character can create a supernatural shadow around himself which drains the life force of others.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Concentration; loses one attack per melee and is -5% to skill performance
Attacks: Requires 2 melee attacks/actions to summon supernatural shadow and one attack per melee to maintain (see other penalties under duration).
Damage: 1d6+1 Hit Point damage to targets entering the supernatural shadow, with 1 HP damage/loss per melee round if remaining in the shadow.

3.Shadow Beasts: The character can also create creatures out of shadow which come to life at the cost of 1 Hit Point.
Range: Must be created within the radius of the supernatural shadow(30 feet, +5 feet per level), and can travel up to 500 feet, +50 feet per level, away from the character. Going beyond the range limit causes them to dissipate.
Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Attacks: Uses 2 of the character's attacks/actions to create shadow beasts. The beasts themselves get 4 attacks per melee round.
Number that can be created: 2 at level one, plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6 bite damage; 1d6 claw damage
SDC: Equal to the character's ME, though intangible for the most part. They can only take damage from light and laser attacks.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals 1 Hit Point and 2 SDC per hour when in complete darkness
+1d4 ME
Takes no damage from shadow based attacks
magic and certain psionics should be able to hurt the wolves.
Also perhaps the wovles should have some sort of combat bonuses? strile/parry/dodge/init and number of attacks. quick resolution = bonuses equal to whatever bonus the users ME provides. ie.. if user gets +3 from M.E. (not from any other sources), then the wolves would get +3 to initiative, strike, parry, etc...
Just a thought.

No, those are good. I rushed to post the power and am having to address those issues, and your suggestions help. I have similar shadow construct powers which can be harmed by magic and certain psionics, so that makes sense, and I like the combat bonuses equal to the ME bonus. I will make sure my Dark Thoughts(minor) and Ravenous(Major) powers reflect these changes as well before posting them.
glad you liked the ideas.

See, this proves I do read this thread! :D

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:42 am
by Senator Cybus
Iczer wrote:That said it is pretty powerful. I would have toned it down a smidge and ditched the drawbacks.

Is this more to your tastes?

Last Chance (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

“Whoa! That was a close one!"

For whatever reason, the cosmos has decided that this character must survive. Whether he's the favoured of the gods, has a great destiny to fulfil or is somehow necessary to the continuation of reality itself, the end result is the same: the fates will conspire to keep him safe from death, subtly altering probabilities in the super being's favour whenever he finds himself faced with a life-threatening situation.

+20% to save vs. coma/death.
+3 to save vs. fatal disease or poison.
+3 to dodge or parry any attack that would kill the character outright.
+3 to roll with any fall/impact that would kill the character outright.

Once per day, the player may call upon a Minor Miracle: this can be any extraordinary turn of luck, but only if it is something that prevents the death of the character, e.g. causing a gun pointed at the character’s head to jam, or an off-course fishing boat arriving when the super being is drowning in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The exact form that the Miracle will take is up to the GM. The Minor Miracle cannot be invoked in a non-lethal situation.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:47 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Consuming Darkness(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character is at one with the darkness, finding comfort and sustenance in it.

1,Dark Sustenance: The character does not need to eat or drink and does not suffer from fatigue by dark of night. During the day, however, he fatigues at twice normal rate and requires food and drink twice as often.

2.Consuming Shadow: The character can create a supernatural shadow around himself which drains the life force of others.
Range: 30 foot radius, +5 feet per level
Duration: Concentration; loses one attack per melee and is -5% to skill performance
Attacks: Requires 2 melee attacks/actions to summon supernatural shadow and one attack per melee to maintain (see other penalties under duration).
Damage: 1d6+1 Hit Point damage to targets entering the supernatural shadow, with 1 HP damage/loss per melee round if remaining in the shadow.

3.Shadow Beasts: The character can also create creatures out of shadow which come to life at the cost of 1 Hit Point.
Range: Must be created within the radius of the supernatural shadow(30 feet, +5 feet per level), and can travel up to 500 feet, +50 feet per level, away from the character. Going beyond the range limit causes them to dissipate.
Duration: The character's ME number in melee rounds, +1 melee round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Attacks: Uses 2 of the character's attacks/actions to create shadow beasts. The beasts themselves get 4 attacks per melee round.
Number that can be created: 2 at level one, plus one more at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15
Damage: 2d6 bite damage; 1d6 claw damage
SDC: Equal to the character's ME, though intangible for the most part. They can only take damage from light and laser attacks.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals 1 Hit Point and 2 SDC per hour when in complete darkness
+1d4 ME
Takes no damage from shadow based attacks
magic and certain psionics should be able to hurt the wolves.
Also perhaps the wovles should have some sort of combat bonuses? strile/parry/dodge/init and number of attacks. quick resolution = bonuses equal to whatever bonus the users ME provides. ie.. if user gets +3 from M.E. (not from any other sources), then the wolves would get +3 to initiative, strike, parry, etc...
Just a thought.

No, those are good. I rushed to post the power and am having to address those issues, and your suggestions help. I have similar shadow construct powers which can be harmed by magic and certain psionics, so that makes sense, and I like the combat bonuses equal to the ME bonus. I will make sure my Dark Thoughts(minor) and Ravenous(Major) powers reflect these changes as well before posting them.
glad you liked the ideas.

See, this proves I do read this thread! :D

I know you do. I have just been stressed between the whole power index issue and trying to keep everyone entertained while Iczer is gone. I hope he gets to posting some powers soon. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Without further ado, the category I promised:

Spiritual Warrior

Note on use of religion in gaming: This is in no way meant to be taken as offensive. Those whose players might be offended or object to religious content in the game should not use this category. I also wish to aplogize if these fictional depictions of real religions are taken as insulting or offensive.

Not all heroes are permanently bestowed with super powers from birth or by the fluke of an experiment. Some must beseach higher powers or unlock the energies within themselves. The exact reason is still up to the player, but there are some charts to help with the details.
The important thing to remember with these characters is that they must engage in religious preparation to use the powers and behave in accordance with guidelines for the use of the powers in most instances. If not devout enough, the character may find the powers denied him.

Step One: Determine attributes as normal. Keep initial stats in pencil, as skills and superabilities modify them. Remember that the character may have a few attribute bonuses which only apply when granted powers. This means that the player will need to keep track of two sets of attributes, those with and without divine powers.

Attribute Bonuses when powered up: These are in addition to any bonuses given by skills and powers.
+1d4+2 PS
+2d6 PP
+2d4 PE
Speed is tripled

Step Two: Hit Points and SDC: Add up the character's PE attribute and an additional +!D6 per level to determine Hit Points. The character gets a base amount of 30 SDC points, plus any bonuses from physical skills or special powers.

Step Three: Divine Powers: Pick or make random rolls to determine background information and religious practices necessary to gain the powers. They may also provide some possible motives for the character. If the rolls made do not fit the hero envisioned, you can ignore the result and roll again, or pick as desired.

1.What is the nature of the religion?
01-10% Judeo-Christian The character is a member of a monotheistic religion centered around a single deity which is considered all powerful, both the creator and destructor, as weoll as the only hope of salavation against the evils of the world. Characters will be of good and selfish alignments, though Principled is favored.
11-20% Satanic The character believes in the might of the self and that salvation lies in self-gratification and sometimes in the murder of those who would hinder spiritual evolution. Characters will be of selfish and evil alignments, though Diabolic is favored.
21-30% Buddhist The character unlocks his enlightened being through strict methods to unlock the powers of the Buddha. Must be Principled or Aberrant alignment, though Principled is favored.
31-40% Taoist Use Taoist alignment from N&SS Mystic China.
41-50% Kabbalistic/Enochian Awareness and power are achieved through balance and following spiritual pathways of evolution. Can be any alignment, though Principled is favored.
51-60% Shamanic/Shinto Gains powers through connection with ancestors and nature.
61-70% Quaker/Amish/Puritan Focus is on strict observance of humility and not unsettling the status quo. Typiically Principled or Aberrant.
71-80% Pagain/Druid Powers are granted through communion with nature and study of mysticism/magic. Belief is in multiple archetypal gods, so alignment will vary with deity.
81-90% Masonic/Ceremonialst/Catholic Powers granted by the divine through ceremony and structured magic rites.
91-00%Other/Agnostic The hero belongs to a cult or has a unique spirituality and religious practice.

2.What type of religious practice is necessary?
01-20% Strict The hero must dress and act in a specific way at all times even when in the privacy of his own home.
21-40% Ordered The hero is expected to keep up certain appearances in public and attend meetings, but can otherwise act as he pleases when not being observed or being outwardly unkind.
41-60% Casual The hero is fine as long as not committing vile or unkind acts.
61-80% Forgiveable The hero is permitted minor acts of violence, cruelty and substance abuse as long as it does not get in the way of attending religious functions.
81-00% Loose The character can act however he wants as long as he "believes".

3.Who can gain powers by worshipping the source of the powers?
01-25% Only the Chosen hero, who was prophesized as a Messiah
26-50% Any member of the hero's family, as they are Scions.
51-75% Anyone selected and annointed by the religious leaders or the church
76-00% Anyone who practices within the faith and performs the rituals.

4.Who must be involved in the rituals?
01-20% Must be overseen by a pries or elder
21-40% Those instructed by the hero to aid trance, as in drumming, etc.
41-00% Just the hero

5.How long do the powers last?
01-30% One hour for every one hour of prayer and meditation
31-50% One hour for every five minutes of prayer and meditation
51-70% ME number in hours regardless of prayer time(must be at least five minutes per day)
71-85% 1d6+1 hours for every hour of prayer and meditration
86-00% 1d4+4 hours for every hour of prayer and meditation

6.How often must the hero pray and meditate?
01-25% Once per 24 hours
26-50% Twice per 24 hours
51-75% Once per six hours
76-00% Once per eight hours

7.Imbued Super Abilities: Roll under Magic Spells or Super Abilities in Enchanted Object section of HU2, p. 149. If spells, roll under Power Level of Spells. The spells would be considered to be the answer of prayers by angels/beings of light/spirit guides serving the higher power.
Automatically gets the minor super ability of Physical Perfection ans can See the Invisible
+4 save vs. Horror Factor
Creates costume out of thin air
Note that powers are considered to be the result of a strong connection to one's deity or divine aspect, the alignment and clearing of chakras, spiritual pathways, etc.
Restrictions: APS powers cannot be selected, nor can Copy Physical Structure or Shapeshifting powers, unless the nature of the religion selected isPagan/Druid; Christian Spiritual Warriors cannot select Shadow Manipulation or any powers which might be construed as evil, nor take Multiple Beings/Selves. Puritan faiths cannot select Mechano-Link, Negative Matter, Transferral/Possession, or any powers related to technology, or any they might view as evil. The GM should feel free to restrict the other category as he sees fit based on their religious dogma and structure. This is in no way intended to limit the player's choices, but rather fine tune the powers based on a religious image and stereotype. GMs should feel free to ignore the restrictions if they feel they are excessive or take away from the game in some way.

Step Four: Education and Skills: Determine the charater's education level as normal. Can have any level of educatiion without affecting their role as a super hero (or villain).

Step Five: Alignment: See "What is the Nature of the Religion?" section for and restrictions on alignment.

Step Six: The Spiritual Warrior will often have the backing of the church or religion he is aligned with. If not, only 1d4X1000 dollars are available in ready cash. This is in addition to any possible life savings(see optional rules for rounding out one's character). There is 01-60% likelihood the character owns a car 1d10 years old, although 60's hippy buses are not unheard of. Presumeably, the character has a job, apartment and reasonable personal possessions.
Weapons and Armor: Unless backed by a major world religion, such as the Vatican or the Soka Gakkai, or an extremist paramilitary cult, the hero will have access to only conventional armor, weaponry and equipment.
Other StuffHand to Hand Combat Skills are not gained automatically. They must be selected as a learned skill (though the presence of their guardian spirit gives them a +4 Autododge).
Experience Level: Use Magic experience levels.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:28 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Dark Thoughts(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character can transfer his thoughts and memory into shadow constructs to prevent psionic attack and memory loss due to head trauma.
The hero cannot suffer permanent brain damage or memory loss as a result of being hit in the head. The duration of shock from injury to the head is cut in half. Psionics directed at the character do not work unless the shadow constructs are specifically targeted, and even then they save vs. psionic attack at +4 (in addition to any other ME bunus). The constructs generally resemble ravens.
SDC: Each shadow construct has SDC equal to the hero's ME, but are basically intangible, taking damage only from light and laser attacks, magic and psionics. When one of them is destroyed, the character will lose that mental faculty for 2d4 days before his memory and creativity/mental faculties return. If one of the ravens is partially injured, the character is -1% to skils and trust/intimidate for each point of damage taken until the damage heals. Healing of the shadow constructs is at a rate of one point per melee round.
Number of Constructs:Two: One for memory, the other for thought.
Range: Can fly up to 50 feet away, plus 50 feet per level
Flight Speed: MEX10mph, +10mph per level
Damage: 2d6 pecking damage, 1d6 damage from raking with talons
Attack Bonus: Add character's ME bonus to all combat moves.
Attacks Uses one melee attack/action to create shadow ravens and transfer mental attributes. Shadow ravens have an amount of attacks equal to the character's ME bonus plus 4 attacks
Duration:Concentration. Uses one melee attack/action per round to maintain and the character is -2 to combat moves and -5% to skill performance.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 IQ
+1d6 ME

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Ravenous(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing eats by a kind of energy transference from shadow constructs he creates. When the shadow creatures attack, the character absorbs part of the life energy taken from the target.

1.Shadow Ravens: The superbeing can generate birds of shadow.
Range: Can create from existing shadows up to 400 feet away, plus 10 feet per level. Once created, they can fly where desired until the power's duration expires. Must be in line of sight in order to attack.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to create the birds. Each act of commanding the birds uses one attack/action. The superbeing can use only half of his attacks for the purpose of commanding the birds. The birds do not attack or anything else but circle overhead unless ordered to do so.
Duration: Character's ME number in melee rounds, plus 1 melee round at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14
Number: Can generate his ME number in birds at one time. Maximum number equal to MEX10 per level
Speed: MEX10mph
Damage: 2d6 per peck, with a swarm typically doing 3d6X10 per melee attack. Each attack generates 1 Potential Healing Point for the character to heal himself with(see below).
Combat bonuses: Equal to character's ME bonus
SDC: Equal to the character's ME per bird/construct, though pretty much intangible, taking damage only from light and lasers, physical psionics and magic.
Horror Factor: 16

2.Dark Sustenance: The superbeing does not fatigue or require food or drink by night. During the day, the superbeing fatigues at twice the normal rate. Does not heal normally, requiring Potential Healing Points to fix damage. Hit points are restored at a cost of 2 Potential healing points each, while SDC is restored at a rate of one for one. Absorbing Potential Healing Points eliminates the need for food and drink and any fatigue.

3.Blinding Swarm: The shadow ravens can be commanded to form a solid mass of shadow around an opponent, effectively blinding them (lose initiative, reduced to half attacks and are -10 to all combat moves) if all light is blocked, though if some light is still available, the target suffers a penalty of only -4 to all combat moves.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+4 save vs. Horror Factor
Impervious to shadow attacks

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Storm Shadow(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can alter existing shadows, causing them to absorb electrostatic energy which can later be expelled.

Range: Can affect shadows within 300 feet, +50 feet per level. Shadows absorb electricity from electrical devices, such as computers, televisions, radios, blenders, etc., within 20 feet of them. The electricity can be formed into electrical bolts, striking targets within 100 feet, +15 feet per level, which are triggered upon anyone coming into range of them.
Attacks: Two attacks to activate or deactivate; responds to targets nearby, therefore not using an action to attack. Note that he can activate the effect and then leave the area and it will still work.
Damage: 3d6, +1d6 per level, to targets outside the shadow but within range of the bolts. Anyone inside the shadow when it is activated suffers 4d6 per 5 seconds while within the shadow.
Number of Active Shadows: Equal to the hero's ME number, +1 per level
Bonus to Strike(of energy bolts) Equal to the ME bonus of the superbeing.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Impervious to electrical attacks and shadow attacks
+2 save vs. Horror Factor
+1d4 ME

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:30 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:I like the Spiritual Warrior, it's a great new class (and one that would be interesting to incorporate into the Minion War)

It helps to have so I don't have to convert other categories to make the character I want to create. The Imbued and Magic categories fell short of what I was wanting.