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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:39 am
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Excellent one Vampire_hunter_D! Taalismn all I can say :lol: :lol: :lol: ! That was something I didn't expect!

The aliens are actually not the little greys but are reptilian descendants of an intelligent species that existed during the time of the dinosaurs. Some of them left to explore and colonize the universe. And since they haven't heard from their mother planet they are returning to see what happened to their people. And low and behold there is an alien race living on their mother planet, with no sign of their own progenitors.

Manabe used that idea in 'Outlanders', with the technocrats leaving to establish a galactic empire, while the magic-users stayed on Earth(actually it was more a dynastic feud than anything else, with BOTH sides using magic and technology)...Eons later, the empire returns to Earth, with the imperial government hiding the truth, and using the byline that their 'sacred planet' has been 'invaded'(by the fallen descendants of the other group)...
Of course, in Manabe's story, our galactic cousins aren't little gray dudes, but statuesque horned humans...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:21 pm
by gaby
the USS Nimitz get téléport to oct 1863,not to far from New York.
the Captain give Lincoln info about the future and use the USS Nimitz to hit the South Ports.
Cut down the time of the War.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:48 pm
by taalismn
The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, the first all-black combat regiment in the Union Army, are stuck with field-testing a set of contraptions thought inspid and crackpot by the rest of the Union Army(hence the tests assigned to the 'colored' force...)...Steam Tanks....for the assault on Fort Wagner....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:27 pm
by Aramanthus
I'm not familiar with that fellow Manabe..... Taalismn! Sounds like a great story though. Great ones from both of you!

During WW2 several hundred fully equiped, crewed and stocked Sherman Tanks disappear and reappear at General Sherman's starting position before his march. Sherman's march becomes even more devastating once they accept these people from the future into their army group. The war is shortened in it's execution.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:03 pm
by taalismn
By pure dumb luck, the very day the Martians invade, the Mole People of the Hollow Earth launch their own invasion of the Surface World...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:41 am
by Aramanthus
LOL That would make for a very interesting movie. Maybe SciFi could invest some money in that one. It's probably be better than most of their movies. :D

It turnss out that kids have been right. There really is a Santa Clause! And he lives at the North Pole!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:49 pm
by taalismn
Rather than the oceans rising, the complete reverse; they start mysteriously draining away...Where?!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:43 am
by Aramanthus
During the expansion of communism we see these insurgents expand their rebellion into Canada during the late 1940's. This ends up bringing the US and the USSR almost to blows. Finally after the cold war ends as a democratic government. An ally for the US for the future.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:31 pm
by taalismn
vampire_hunter_D wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:During WW2 several hundred fully equiped, crewed and stocked Sherman Tanks disappear and reappear at General Sherman's starting position before his march. Sherman's march becomes even more devastating once they accept these people from the future into their army group. The war is shortened in it's execution.

How did he keep them fueled up?

"Behold, the power of STEAM!!!!" :D :D :D

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:08 am
by Aramanthus
Oil was being drilled for at the time. And the odds are someone within that unit might have some knowledge of refining. They could easily have accelerated the drilling to easily accessible oid fields.

With a few of the right people it could have been done. Especially with their knowledge of Texas and Oklahoma being oil rich. Just hold the land and drill the holes you need. Just put the industrial power of the north behind them and it'd work. :D

One company of M1A2's and crew appear in France within Days after D-Day occurs. Suddenly the Tigers end up becoming the hunted. Also supplies for these tanks appear at the same time. (No one questions this help.) The allies accelerate the assualt on German forces. With M1A2's leading the attack on the Germans even the Tigers and Panthers have to retreat.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:24 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Oil was being drilled for at the time. And the odds are someone within that unit might have some knowledge of refining. They could easily have accelerated the drilling to easily accessible oid fields.

With a few of the right people it could have been done. Especially with their knowledge of Texas and Oklahoma being oil rich. Just hold the land and drill the holes you need. Just put the industrial power of the north behind them and it'd work. :D


Except that by the time you managed to set up that infratsructure, the Civil War would be decided one way or the other...Plus, the South would catch wind of what the 'Yankess' were doing, poking around those areas(and there were soem substantial Confederate cavalry ttroops and raiding bands wanding around, making sure the Union didn't try to flank them from that direction, or that the Territories didn't mobilize for the Union...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:09 am
by Aramanthus
Shhhh We're talking about an RPG not actual reality. Keep it under your hat! :D

As the world is watching a major event something strange appears on the screens of the worlds tvs. We suddnely see a major distortion caused by something like a tv about to go out. As it turns out we are a video game version of the "Sim" for another universe.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:41 pm
by taalismn
Instead of alternate Earths....

*The Kreeghor throw off the Splugorth, and instead establish a stable democratic republic, rather than an empire....They still hate the Splugorth witha venegeance, but they're more inclined to recruit friendly allies than establish slave territories...

*The United Worlds of Warlock was never established...the Dwarves who showed up in response to the Star Elves' call for help, were themselves thoroughly corrupted by evil(or nursed a very BIG grudge from the last Elf-Dwarf wars), waited for the Splugorth to weaken the Elves, then drove off the Splugorth and fell upon the Elves themselves...The few surviving Star Elves now live as fugitives and exiles in the Three Galaxies, with a vendetta against the Anvil Dwarves(and Dwarves in general).

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:50 am
by Aramanthus
Good choices. Nice alternate universes.

The Kreeghor never escape their slavery to the Splugorth. They remain a slave race to this evil empire.

After throwing out the Splugorths the Kreeghor go only after the various Splugorth empires in the Three Galaxies. They annhilate them whenever they track them down. Soon the splugorth become an endangered species.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:22 pm
by taalismn
The Dominators didn't blow their own homeworld away; they merely transposed it into another universe, where they could build population numbers and assets away from paranoid eyes...The 'surviving' Dominators are really scouts who are stirring up trouble and gauging the relative strengths and advancement of the rest of the rest of the Three Galaxies, until the day the Second Dominator Advance begins...Think one Dominator is bad? Try several HUNDRED loose on your system...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:18 am
by Aramanthus
LOL Cool one! Just think if those guys became mutated into us. And our world was theirs.

During the early days of the CCW the Kreeghor actually petion to join instead of leading their empire building.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:39 pm
by Jay05
Dark day hits an HU2 style world april 45 the day after Hitler commited suicide. In reality was replaced by a dopplganger. His new "advisors" are a moloch avatar and a night prince. Allies scramble with super soldier programs and paranormal recruitment (including NB) to counter. Does Nightlord involvement change the outcome of WWII?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:06 pm
by taalismn
In an effort to deflect the nationalist energies re-emerging during the Golden Age, the nations of Earth turn to the terraforming of Venus..After a century or so the planet becomes habitable(with heavy maintenance), and is colonized...but several decades later, a brush war between colonial factions triggers a cascading Rift event...not as bad as on Earth, where BILLIONS die feeding their PPE into the cascade...roughly equivalent to Rifts Earth(109 P.A.)(will likely die down to Palladium Fantasy world levels in another century or so)...killing most of the colonists, as Earth watches on in horror...
Now the nations of Earth are anxiously debating what to do; make an effort to reclaim Venus, sneak in and hope to rescue the surviving colonists, or quarantine the planet altogether...
Worse, there are signs that the Venus catastrophe has sent shockwaves throughout the solar system, the effects of which are just starting to be felt...solstices and other cosmological events are cause for concern on Earth due to what seems to be weakened space/time firmament...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:15 am
by Aramanthus
Good one guys!

The groups that originally formed the CCW never had the need to join forces. So they continued to remain in their own seperate paths in the Three Galaxies. No one to actually oppose the TGE. So eventually it gobbles up every one of it's enemies.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:15 am
by taalismn
The Intruders are a creation of the Ancient Prometheans...Like the Atlanteans' Mechanoids, they got out of control and now seek to abolish their creators and everything they hold dear...Naturally, the Prometheans don't want to talk about that disgraceful period of their distant past, and erase anybody who gets close to the truth...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:34 pm
by taalismn
*1945---The Hiroshima atom-bomb triggers a series of increasingly powerful earthquakes up and down the Japanese islands, culminating in the virtual sundering and sinking of one of them...

*THe first Mariner pictures from Mars reveal massive developed facilities, centered around what seem to be giant missile silos...most of which appear to be open and empty....

*Rather than a token and temporary presence in California to make their fortunes, then return home, the Chinese immigrant waves double, triple, and quadruple, and aggressively pursue equal rights and representation in the communities, as they clearly mean to stay, especially after after several members of the Forbidden City courty and IMperial Family come over to settle, and make it clear they're here to stay too, effectively santicifying the foreign soil as land worthy of their ancestors...and make it clear that they're not going to tolerant being treated or legislated against as second-class citizens...and enough wealthy Chinese come over to make it political suicide for the Anglo-dominated California and Oregon territory governments to ignore them. Faced with either accepting the Chinese(and other asians) as equals in all regards, or possibly having a Chinese state breaking out in the American west coast, the government goes with a more open policy.
The result of a nearly 4-to-1 demographic ratio of ethnic Chinese to other groups in the State of California? You decide.... :D

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:16 am
by Jay05
duck-foot wrote:
Jay05 wrote:Dark day hits an HU2 style world april 45 the day after Hitler commited suicide. In reality was replaced by a dopplganger. His new "advisors" are a moloch avatar and a night prince. Allies scramble with super soldier programs and paranormal recruitment (including NB) to counter. Does Nightlord involvement change the outcome of WWII?

no not for the germans anyway the russians are already in berlin when he kills himself. however, things may change for japan. with the nightlords reaching earth the US, UK and USSR may sign a peace treaty with the Japanese in order to counter the new threat presented by the nightlords.

You don't think having the supernatural advantage as well as the continued leadership of Hitler doppleganger or not, who at least at the beginning was a brilliant leader (EVIL and soulless, but brilliant never the less) as well as the suprise of Dark Day it'sself could've changed the outcome even with the German forces drastically depleated. I mean really what are the Soviets of that era going to do against hordes of sn creatures that strike while they sleep? Not ahelluva lot. lol

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:10 pm
by taalismn
Jay05 wrote:

You don't think having the supernatural advantage as well as the continued leadership of Hitler doppleganger or not, who at least at the beginning was a brilliant leader (EVIL and soulless, but brilliant never the less) as well as the suprise of Dark Day it'sself could've changed the outcome even with the German forces drastically depleated. I mean really what are the Soviets of that era going to do against hordes of sn creatures that strike while they sleep? Not ahelluva lot. lol

Recruit up the Baba Yaga Brigade!!!
And drink lots of vodka! Vodka fortifies against everything, including nuclear radiation!(ask the boys at the Chernobyl!)

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:54 pm
by 89er
I love this topic; it has ideas for movies, RPGs, video games, Anime/Manga, practically every form of entertainment media.

And for some ideas:
-The dead rise to…protect the living?!
-Axis and Angels vs. Allies and Demons
-Ape-Men, Lizard-Men and Mole-Men come to the surface to escape destruction and ask humanity for help fighting against the Rock-People.
-Pluto is not a planet but a living entity that is headed to our world to consume it.
-The A-Bombing of Hiroshima releases the oni into our world.

-The Four Horsemen are already on Earth, each in control over a Megacorporation:
War: Red Sword Arms
Pestilence: White Archer Labs
Famine: Black Scales Biotech
Death: Pale Rider Bank
And for my crown jewel:
N.E.X.U.S. fall in love with ARCHIE-3.
Oh, Bleep.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:56 pm
by Jay05
taalismn wrote:
Jay05 wrote:

You don't think having the supernatural advantage as well as the continued leadership of Hitler doppleganger or not, who at least at the beginning was a brilliant leader (EVIL and soulless, but brilliant never the less) as well as the suprise of Dark Day it'sself could've changed the outcome even with the German forces drastically depleated. I mean really what are the Soviets of that era going to do against hordes of sn creatures that strike while they sleep? Not ahelluva lot. lol

Recruit up the Baba Yaga Brigade!!!
And drink lots of vodka! Vodka fortifies against everything, including nuclear radiation!(ask the boys at the Chernobyl!)

LMAO right :lol: ;)

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:13 am
by Aramanthus
LOL That was a particularly funny one Taalismn! Those are some great ones guys. Please keep them coming!

An alien race arrives in orbit around earth. They announce their presence. They are here to judge us. To determine that we are worthy of existing. They even mention that they were the ones to help destroy the dinosaurs.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:44 am
by Jay05
Aramanthus wrote:LOL That was a particularly funny one Taalismn! Those are some great ones guys. Please keep them coming!

An alien race arrives in orbit around earth. They announce their presence. They are here to judge us. To determine that we are worthy of existing. They even mention that they were the ones to help destroy the dinosaurs.

Oooh yeah I've loved that type of scenario (there's a famous example in Marvel comics that I love) I hope I don't get a warning for mentioning that company. LOL

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:49 am
by Aramanthus
Just remember not to convert anything to stats here on the board and you'll be safe.

Another alien race shows up at earth and demands to know why we aren't out in space. They promptly give every nation on earth the technology to get human beings to the farthest star in the galaxy in weeks. They don't even think abbout about charging us.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 6:37 pm
by taalismn
The Earth gets advance word that aliens are arriving soon to devour us...only they're very picky eaters...only the best-looking, most physically perfect, adn healthiest will do...Anybody else, they just plain ignore....
Overnight, obesity, smoking, alcoholism, and self-mutilation rates skyrocket...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:03 am
by Aramanthus
ROFLMAO!!! Those were both great!

A huge alien ship appears in orbit around our planet. The inhabitants of the ship inform earth that they have 30 days to prepare for the end. They inform humanity that they are going to feast on all life. When they finally land they turn out to be no bigger than an 7 millimeters tall and as it turns out they are extremely tastey to humanity. Their race suddenly becomes enslaved by us and bred as our latest fad food. All of this and they are low calorie and low fat!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:52 am
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:ROFLMAO!!! Those were both great!

A huge alien ship appears in orbit around our planet. The inhabitants of the ship inform earth that they have 30 days to prepare for the end. They inform humanity that they are going to feast on all life. When they finally land they turn out to be no bigger than an 7 millimeters tall and as it turns out they are extremely tastey to humanity. Their race suddenly becomes enslaved by us and bred as our latest fad food. All of this and they are low calorie and low fat!

Provided they don't swarm like bees, bite like chiggers, and have hell weapons on their big ship...

"Another alien squadron landed near Boston! Looks like they're going to try hitting another metropolitan population center!"
"Airlift reserve supplies of cocktail forks and garlic butter to the area immediately!"

"Another Gartolian on the barby, dear?"
"Make it a dozen, honey!"
"...I protest! This treatment goes against the universally recognized conventions of civilized galactic invasion, inferior ones!!!..."

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:07 am
by Aramanthus
ROFLMAO!! Good twist!

Several people in the world discover simultaneously that the sun is radiating a new and strange radiation. They start studing the effects on the radiation. It turns out that the radiation causes extremely fast mutation in species exposed to it. Some mutations are deadly and some are beneficial. It turns out that half of humanity will die within two decades and that the other half could live forever.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:39 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:ROFLMAO!! Good twist!

Several people in the world discover simultaneously that the sun is radiating a new and strange radiation. They start studing the effects on the radiation. It turns out that the radiation causes extremely fast mutation in species exposed to it. Some mutations are deadly and some are beneficial. It turns out that half of humanity will die within two decades and that the other half could live forever.

Worse...insects are starting to show signs of INTELLIGENT behavior....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:14 pm
by taalismn
Just finished reading S.M. Stirling's -The Peshawar Lancers-....Decent alternate history about the world after , in the 1870s, a series of cometary impacts strikes across the northern hemisphere, wiping out much of Europe and North America...and the resultant nuclear winter weather scenario starves most of the civilized world, and forces the re-alignment of nations into the warmer climes....The British elite relocate to India and establish a New Empire(incorporating the natives into the government), Japan takes over southern China, the French move into North Africa, an Islamic Caliphate holds sway over the Middle East, and a cannibalistic Russian Tsarist regime holds sway over Samarkand..
It's 2025....technological progress is just now getting back on its feet, war is still fought largely with swords and cavalry, though lighter-than-air airships are the new rage, gasoline engines are just starting to come into their own, Babbage Engines are becoming the new analytical instruments of the recovering sciences...and political intrigue is afoot...

Good read, though I find myself hoping for a sequel...Unlikely, though, since Stirling's concentrating on his 'Post-Event' worldline series, where technology suddenly abruptly stops, and nothing more complicating than primitive steam engines works(it is somehow connected, though, to the same paratemporal event that catapults the island of Nantucket back into the Bronze Age in his ..IMHO...superior Island in the Sea of Time trilogy)..

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:23 am
by Aramanthus
Excellent one Taalismn! I have to read that particular book in the future. I am not dememted Duck-foot. :fl:

Over night the world changes. It becomes more like the world presented in the movie "Kentucky Fried Movie!" Hillarity follows as some of the craziness of the movie is joined by other crazy events from various movies.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:37 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Excellent one Taalismn! I have to read that particular book in the future. I am not dememted Duck-foot. :fl:

Over night the world changes. It becomes more like the world presented in the movie "Kentucky Fried Movie!" Hillarity follows as some of the craziness of the movie is joined by other crazy events from various movies.

Hmmm...I presume a world where cliches have real power?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:03 am
by DhAkael
The stars now are right and those that dream below, in strange realms where death may die, a great yellow eye opens.
In a mighty city with non-Euclidian geometry, the great one awakens.

Somewhere in the New England region of North America, in a lonely grave, the sound of a champange bottle popping open is heard faintly by a wandering Splugorthian slaver. Using its translator, the human words "I was right!" can be heard through the speaker crystal. The slaver looks down at the worn gravestone. focussing and enhancing its vision the letters;
How(blank)d P(blank)p (blank)craft can be seen.
For some reason the slaver starts shivering...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:16 pm
by MrMom
A strange Object falls to earth and the military recover it. After some test it turns out to be 100,000 trillion years old. However what really has the military and scientific commuity excited is that the object is actually a recording device set to broadcast its content sometime in the next 48 hours.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:40 pm
by taalismn
Henry the VIII, KIng of England, begets two healthy SONS on Ann Boleyn...He decides to keep her...The girl who would be Elizabeth I never appears on the scene(or else she is pushed to the background by her two older brothers, and simply used as a marriagable marker in the Royal Family's alliance-swapping), nor does Henry have any reason to go hunting for another wife with the succession apparently successfully secured...
But English politics being what they are, there's still a number of supporters willing to back Henry VIII's FIRST daughter, 'Bloody' Mary Tudor(the vehemently loyal Catholic), though Henry's MALE heirs carry the greater weight with regards to the title...
Needless to say, Royal politics become TOTALLY different from this point on...Instead of a timid and fragile Edward I dying early and leaving the throne to the easily deposed Lady Jane Gray(the Six Day Queen), Mary has to contend with an older Edward I and brother...who just might unite against the obvious threat of a Catholic resurgence headed by Mary(and Phillip of Spain, possibly, if he's willing to risk it)..before, as is often the case, the two brothers likely turn on each other for the crown...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:55 pm
by Aramanthus
Excellent additions!

Astronomers upon looking for dark matter discover that dark matter exist near gravitional deformations caused by stellar bodies blanet sized or larger. It further turns out that the dust in peoples homes is actually dark matter. Even more discoveries coor about dark matter. It turns out that each individual speck of dark matter contains a universe within it's overall parameter.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:20 am
by DhAkael
The Trinity bomb, instead of igniting the atmosphere like some physicists thought, did something even more unexpected; It tore a hole through 'The Veil'.
Since that fateful day, White-Sands New-Mexico was prone to "world shifting". Various different ecologies and geography would spontaenesouly fade into existence within the blast site of the nuclear explosion, only to revert back to the desert hours or even days later. For decades, anyone trapped inside the shifting effect would vanish, never to be seen again. Simmilar effects were recorded both at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though nowhere nearly as dramatic or as long lasting (people wandering through the shifting effects would only feel vertigo, but remain fixed in their own reality).

All that changed in the year AD 2072.
The 'South American Skirmish' occoured sparking the limmited nuclear exchange.
Earth shattered durring the nuclear and dimensional maelstrom, fragments flung across the megaverse. A small portion of Midwestern North America survived the holocaust. The populace and the land mass arriving on a temperate planet many dimensions removed from their own, in a cluster of 3 unique galaxies.

Authors note; Yes I know it's kinda silly that it would be midwestern america that got transplanted, but seeing as how EVERYTHING in the main rifts storyline seems to be fixated on that part of the world *shrug*...figured I stick with the theme
:D :P

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:32 am
by Aramanthus
Excellent ones! Now the first one could have dimension shifting anywhere they detonated a nuke on the face. But what if it effects even the unground test. Imagine what sort of things could actually lurk under the surface of the earth. Maybee even things that would make those horror movies pale in comparison.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:37 am
by DhAkael
Aramanthus wrote:Excellent ones! Now the first one could have dimension shifting anywhere they detonated a nuke on the face. But what if it effects even the unground test. Imagine what sort of things could actually lurk under the surface of the earth. Maybee even things that would make those horror movies pale in comparison.

:twisted: :demon: :D

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:58 am
by Aramanthus
So we can expect more fun that the movie series "Tremors".

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:38 pm
by taalismn
Shakespeare makes a royal blunder when his performers actually perform several scenes that show an English king being deposed(a no-no at the time...)...Facing charges of sedition(not quite treason, but if you got enemies in high places, it can become so), Shakespeare bails and hotfoots it for the new American colonies and relative safety in the New World....English drama is forever changed by his exile...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:36 am
by Aramanthus
The world's contintents are layed out differently. Everything is reversed. So what happens if humankind rises to prominence in the Europe which is located in the southern hemisphere. So the exploration of the world comes from what was Africa in our world. The great explorers come from the eastern side of that great place where civilazation is expanding in great colonizing waves.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:39 pm
by taalismn
Lady (Queen) Jane Gray, Queen of England for 9 days, instead gets a reprieve when Flaming-Mad Mary's men arrive to arrest her...and find the young Queen has a loyal retinue of ninja waiting for them...
Yep, fleeing to the Far West, with the wealth to grease their way into society, either a ninja clan or samurai clan have settled in England...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:04 am
by Aramanthus
Now that would be a very cool situation! Now just think of those Samurai modifying their armor so instead of wood lamilar it'd be steel lamilar.

In the world of the future cars have replaced 90% of all other personal forms of transportation. They have gained some other abilities including being able to fly. They have evolved into the ultimate utility vehicle. The car has become the most important vehicle for humanity.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:39 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
In a move that shatters the grip of Big Oil forever, Greenpeace discovers a way to make engines run off of specially treated wood. The wood is broken down into a syrupy goo and infused with certain chemical additives, that make it not only clean burning, but much more efficient. Soon, most of the worlds vehicles are swapped out for the Green Cars, and only the super rich bother with the Dino-Burners (as they now require permits).

The world does get introduced to the assembly line type of production, but are only semi-satisfied with it, not happy with the shoddy workmanship that accompanies it. 'Mass Produced' gets labeled (rightly so) as cheap, easily broken items, while hand crafted (also rightly) is seen as longer lasting, harder working, and more resource efficient. Ford does enter the ring of automotive sales, but isn't the giant he would have been otherwise. Companies now have to strike a balance between massive amounts of churned out product, wach being sold for a small profit, or making fewer, more expensive items that are almost certain to be bought out.

The American Government had buried in the Constitution allowing allow any and all monopolies* on U.S. soil. The catch (c'mon, you know there had to be one of these), is that after 10 years, the company becomes property of the U.S. government, ALL of it, all the buildings, the products, the money, the employees, EVERYTHING. The real kicker is that most companies don't know this, as it wasn't announced until Microsoft and Ford Motors were seized in the mid 1990's. The result is a state of uneasy, but friendly, rivalry between virtually all businesses. A few crazy groups try to play the odds, absorbing their competitors, making obscene ammounts of money for 8 or 9 years and then disbanding, but it never works out.
*monopoly in this case is defined as: Any group, business, person, or association** that controlls better then 85 percent of the market in any area.
**the government also reserves the right to change or add to these definitions as they see fit.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:24 am
by taalismn
Earth has just received notice....Our solar lot(and planet) has been foreclosed and we squatters have thirty days to vacate the premises, or marshals will FORCIBLY evict us...