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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:27 am
by gaby
The US go to war with North Korea instead of Iraq in 2003.
I think the US will have more advantages then in Iraq like close allies South Korea and Japan both are in danger from NK.
We known the claims of WMD were Right here.

How do you think things will go?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:37 pm
by taalismn
What if the Spanish Influenza of 1918 caused a 98% fatality rate across North America?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:31 pm
by taalismn
Actual History: In 1939, the Japanese military, anticipating the need to build large long range bombers but knowing their aviation establishment lacked experience, acquired the DC-4E, a prototype four-engined American airliner that was rejected as too mechanically complex. The prototype was subsequently 'lost in Tokyo Bay'(really dismantled and studied) and a military aircraft, the G5N1, came about a result a year later.
The G5N1 proved overly complex and woefully underpowered, and only six aircraft were produced, to do drudge duty as heavy transports throughout the war. Two other programs, which expected to base themselves on the data of a successful G5N1, were effectively nixed, and Imperial Japan never produced a successful four engined bomber during the war.

What if, by the time of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese HAD managed to produce a successful, operational G5N1 design? HOw might it have changed the overall Japanese strategy, given a heavy bomber with a 6,000 mile range in the commanders' 'toolbox' of available weaponry, and the Allied response to the strategy? Might more attention have been given to defending distant Allied airfields? Would the bomber bases have assumed a greater priority for bomber raids over population centers and urban industrial sites?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:06 pm
by gaby
O.k here remade it,The Land that Replace Africa is the same Size,the Jungles is Larger and the deserts is much smaller,Ther no current day Technology,ther Pop is 680 million,ther racial bareakdown Orcs(35%),goblins(20%),kobolds(20%)lizardmen(15%)Others (10%)

Ther colud be Magic but it can wokr outside the Continent.

Ther are Millions of Animals some are natural to Africa but ther also Fantasy animals.

How would the Outside world react to this New Continent.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:44 pm
by taalismn
gaby wrote:O.k here remade it,The Land that Replace Africa is the same Size,the Jungles is Larger and the deserts is much smaller,Ther no current day Technology,ther Pop is 680 million,ther racial bareakdown Orcs(35%),goblins(20%),kobolds(20%)lizardmen(15%)Others (10%)

Ther colud be Magic but it can wokr outside the Continent.

Ther are Millions of Animals some are natural to Africa but ther also Fantasy animals.

How would the Outside world react to this New Continent.

Look for oil! New rush for mineral rights!
Rise of Preserve the Orks Societies and ecological conservation versus Kill the Inhumans and Burn the Invading Species Before They Wreck Our Ecosystem groups!
Multiple Third World organizations rush to arm the orcs and goblins with AK-47s, China claims to 'protect the rights of the newcomers'(along with other powers), while the US, Europe, and Russia start snooping around to see what caused the damn event in the first place and try to insure it doesn't happen to them next!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:48 am
by gaby
Ho sorry,made a mistake,It,s Magic das not wokr outside of the continent.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:26 pm
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Curly from the Three Stooges was treated for his lifelong fear of surgery, and was thus able to have a longer, more productive career, before finally passing the torch when he turned 60. Now a days, the three stooges are still turning out tv shows and movies, (well, the actors who replaced them are).

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:24 pm
by taalismn
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Curly from the Three Stooges was treated for his lifelong fear of surgery, and was thus able to have a longer, more productive career, before finally passing the torch when he turned 60. Now a days, the three stooges are still turning out tv shows and movies, (well, the actors who replaced them are).

Or the original 3 Stooges went into politics...could you imagine that if an actor like Ronald Reagan became president, what might of come of the office aspirations of any of the Three Stooges? :P :fool: :clown:

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:36 pm
by taalismn
Ouch...doomsday weapon, or mass-psychology?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:29 pm
by gaby
In 1760 the continent of Théah (From 7th Sea Rpg the yearis 1660)appare in the Pacific ocean Reserve.
All the Magic from the game wokr on it or close to it.

How would this change the world?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:17 pm
by taalismn
gaby wrote:In 1760 the continent of Théah (From 7th Sea Rpg the yearis 1660)appare in the Pacific ocean Reserve.
All the Magic from the game wokr on it or close to it.

How would this change the world?

Don't know enough about the game to know...
So I go with..
Massive international landrush/negotiations with local powers paranoia + global hysteria that magic really exists.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:18 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:
taalismn wrote:
gaby wrote:In 1760 the continent of Théah (From 7th Sea Rpg the yearis 1660)appare in the Pacific ocean Reserve.
All the Magic from the game wokr on it or close to it.

How would this change the world?

Don't know enough about the game to know...
So I go with..
Massive international landrush/negotiations with local powers paranoia + global hysteria that magic really exists.


When in doubt, play the hysteria card.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:06 pm
by taalismn
Won't see much difference, aside from some extinct animals being preserved, some whacko religions being formed, and the occasional Neanderthal taking refuge in a local YMCA.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:52 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:
taalismn wrote:Won't see much difference, aside from some extinct animals being preserved, some whacko religions being formed, and the occasional Neanderthal taking refuge in a local YMCA.

i could see it now. saber tooths trained to sniff drugs, amish riding mammoths, and the new bully at school is a neanderthal.

Actually the bagger at the supermarket is a Neanderthal...when he's not running for local politics.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:08 pm
by gaby
The 11 states of the Confederacy of may 30,1861 is téléport to 1761.

How would this changed things?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:52 pm
by taalismn
gaby wrote:The 11 states of the Confederacy of may 30,1861 is téléport to 1761.

How would this changed things?

I find out whoever the hell is sending chunks of global real estate across time and smack them with my many-times-rendered-obsolete historical atlas.
I'm TIRED of having to replace the thing; it gets expensive!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:01 pm
by DracoMagus
gaby wrote:the entire Popublation of africa in 2010 are replaces by the Races of World of Warcarft.
The Bigest City of each race have also been téléport in.

How do you think would the world reacted?

OK, Where would each of the Races be?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:31 pm
by DracoMagus
OK, how about a world where Psyscape and the area a good 20 miles around it replaced Kettering Ohio and the area 20 miles around it, or where Kettering Ohio would be depending on the time frame.

Now that we've got that in mind, what would the reactions be were this to happen During this timeline? (2000 - 2010). How about in the 20th Century? (1900 - 1920, 1921- 1940...figure on 20 year increments). The 19th Century, 18th Century, 17th Century, 16th, 15th... What if Psyscape was around when the Vinland settlement was established?

Another idea I had is based off of a couple posts I saw in here. Namely the post about if the pagan expatriates from Scandanavia came to Vinland As Well as the Templars coming to colonize.... (let's throw in Psyscape with it too for giggles lol).

OK, there's my bit of madness.....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:14 pm
by taalismn
Every town in America should have at least one household that sports a better-than-complete machine shop, and at least one household with a private library detailing at least one of the following; a) chemical processeses for making everything from soap to napalm to insulin, b) detailed plans for steam engines, metal foundaries, and ancient firearms, c) military and political strategies and policies for every conceivable period of history since reliable record keeping started....all on the offhand chance that one's community will be catapulted to some earlier time.

In fact, there should be a list along the lines of the 'If I were Evil Overlord' or 'If I am the Hero' for what to do and prepare for if one is mayor of a small town, director of a prison, or chief executive of a high tech facility/island resort/naval vessel that is likely to be ripped out of its proper time.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:21 pm
by DracoMagus
duck-foot wrote:
taalismn wrote:
duck-foot wrote:
taalismn wrote:Won't see much difference, aside from some extinct animals being preserved, some whacko religions being formed, and the occasional Neanderthal taking refuge in a local YMCA.

i could see it now. saber tooths trained to sniff drugs, amish riding mammoths, and the new bully at school is a neanderthal.

Actually the bagger at the supermarket is a Neanderthal...when he's not running for local politics.

a neanderthal politicain...... priceless :lol: , well it is do easy a caveman can do it.

oh gawds, don't let the Geico Cavemen hear ya say that, they might get all angsty and go PC Crusader on ya. :roll: :lol:

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:24 pm
by taalismn
That's why I have an Gigantopithecus for a family lawyer

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:35 pm
by DracoMagus
taalismn wrote:That's why I have an Gigantopithecus for a family lawyer


Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:50 am
by gaby
OK,if the entire Union is too much wank,How about just the state of Massachusetts from may 1861 get exchange places with the one from 1775.
How would this change things.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:17 pm
by taalismn
gaby wrote:OK,if the entire Union is too much wank,How about just the state of Massachusetts from may 1861 get exchange places with the one from 1775.
How would this change things.

The technology of more accurate cannon, rifled rifles(muskets were just plain inaccurate), Gatling guns, and steam power, not to mention a much more densely populated State with teh trappings of the nascent Industrial Revolution, would still maul the British Army, provided that they could protect such industrial sites as Springfield from the inevitable British armies that would be marching up from New York. And the Brits would find Boston Harbor well-fortified, if not well-manned. Oh, and don;t forget any steampowered vessels in port.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:57 pm
by 89er
I keep thinking of this one idea I had started with my friends:

Axis and Angels vs. Allies and Demons

I was inspired by Winston Churchhill's quote:
"If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."

I keep picturing that photo shoot at the start of the first hellboy movie, but instead of baby hellboy, there would be various demons mixed in with the humans.

Just think about it and could you give me some feedback and ideas?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:44 pm
by taalismn
89er wrote:I keep thinking of this one idea I had started with my friends:

Axis and Angels vs. Allies and Demons

I was inspired by Winston Churchhill's quote:
"If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."

I keep picturing that photo shoot at the start of the first hellboy movie, but instead of baby hellboy, there would be various demons mixed in with the humans.

Just think about it and could you give me some feedback and ideas?

Hit the first books of THe MInion Wars for ideas, or PFRPG: Land of the Damned for generating your own demonic legions.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:07 am
by 89er
Ok, here’s the story for my idea:

Shortly after the tide of World War Two turns in favor of the Allies, Hitler is visited by angels, proclaiming they are the true race and will aid the Nazis in ascension and purging the vermin of this world I.e. the Allies. Shortly afterward, several devastating attacks by the revitalized Axis destroy Allied cities all over world. Several months later a massive invasion of New York City would have givin the Nazis a foothold in America, but was halted by…demons!? Who saved lives and repelled the angels!?! What was going on? Well the demon’s ArchDevil Cifer, explained everything to the leaders of the Allies. The angels were not really angels but species from another dimension and so were the demons. Obsessed with purity and killing the “lesser races”, they traveled to this world to start their crusade across the megaverse. The demons, not being infernal but looking the part, however had been fighting them for centuries and came over to help other races fight against this common threat. Shortly afterward, the demons had filtered into every arm of the armed forces to fight the Celestial Axis.

The tech of the demons is hellish equivalents of our modern warfare technology. The demons do come in various sizes and shapes, other than that, they are just as emotional as us humans. The first human-demon team is a special taskforce codenamed: SPEARHEAD, whose goal is to find the pieces of the spear of destiny, which have been scattered across the most remote regions of the globe.

So a good start?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:32 pm
by taalismn
Oh yeah!
By 'modern technology', you mean 1940's, or 200o's era military tech?
Suspect you mean the latter, but just want to be sure.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:56 am
by 89er
taalismn wrote:Oh yeah!
By 'modern technology', you mean 1940's, or 200o's era military tech?
Suspect you mean the latter, but just want to be sure.

Yeah the 2000s era.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:58 am
by taalismn
Ah good; so we can have hellfire-propelled jets, literal Hellfire missiles, and the M-1 Asmodeus Main Battle Tank.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:35 pm
by taalismn
Here's a different take on the MInion Wars; it's not war; it's SPORT. The two INfernal Realms are really competing in extreme sports, using their hellish equivalents; football, soccer, baseball, snowboarding, racecar racing....Thing is, while the teams tend to be rather honorable and friendly towards each other off the field, their playing tends to be rather hard on the real estate, so they're constantly looking for new places to play. Even their races tend to be destructive, belching poisonous fumes into the atmosphere, killing bystanders, and in many cases, the vehicles and equipment require fueling with lifeforce or living components. The various Deevil and Demon Lords are the equivalent of team and stable owners, sponsoring various events.
Worse yet, the FANS who follow the events have the worst traits of European soccer fan-thugs, NASCAR tailgaters, and Superbowl fanatics. Rowdy enough in the stands, they need slaves to tend to their needs, and they tend to wander off into the local neighborhood looking for places to eat, sleep, and excrete. They don't really give a damn about what a mess they create in the process.
The Lands of the Damned on the Palladium Fantasy World are one of the few 'static' facilities that's been maintained and 'improved' by both realms' it has massive stone bleachers, leveled tracks and playing fields, and other amenities for rotating teams to play on. But they still occasionally raid over the mountains to find supplies(including slaves).

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:03 am
by gaby
I think England after a few weeks of fight will give colonials ther independence in Exchange for 1861,s knowledge like Railways,steam engines and other things.

Massachusetts will put a end to slavery,but the New Nation will not accept black Immigrants,With steamship and a high birth rate I see the US geting close to a 1861 Pop in half the time.

O.k here another one the entire North American continent of 1958 get exchange
with the one of 1928,how will this changed the world of 1928.
What would be the reaction?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:51 pm
by taalismn
Hitler calls the Swiss bluff, sez to hell with their neutrality, and invades them anyway.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:34 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:
taalismn wrote:Hitler calls the Swiss bluff, sez to hell with their neutrality, and invades them anyway.

well he would have more money than he knew what to do with........ buy plots on mars

Yeah, but who'd trade with him? The Japanese are just too far away, the Romanians and the Czechs are either all under his thumb or German slums by this point, and the Italians are arguing that some of those Swiss accounts were THEIRS!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:23 pm
by taalismn
Man, would that have shifted naval activity to blockade Argentina...

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm
by taalismn
Air cargo flights over the Amazon? And the Andes? I knew that during WW2 they were flying anti-submarine blimps out of Brazil.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:23 pm
by taalismn
Oh, the Marines would LOVE to get ahold of some of these 'demonic' troops...Fighting devil-dogs indeed!
Army chaplins might have to do some rethinking and public relations work...'Don't judge a book by its cover', '666 simply means six hundred sixty six new Balrog gurading our left flank!', and "fire and brimstone aren't necessarily's your brothers in arms calling!"

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:37 pm
by taalismn
How about gargoyles, dragons, and harpies in D-Day invasion striping?
Or a Succubus in a uniform on a recruiting poster? "Free Will's More Fun! Join the Armed Forces and Fight for Yours!"
Or maybe a group of gargoyles on the ledges of a building in New York City...looking appropriately gargoyle-like, but watching the skies, next to a group of rooftop Civil Air Watch lookouts, looking alert (or steadfast and alarmed) as a group of sinsiter-looking angels plunge from the sky like flaming meteors on the city below, with the slogan; "Watch The Skies! Protect Our Cities! Join the Civil Defense Corps!"

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:57 pm
by taalismn
Archfiends in camouflage robes...
"Nice guys, but that stuff they smoke smells like ####....."

"Aren't you a little SHORT to be a soldier?"
"I'm an IMP! I want to join the armor corps! YOu got no objection to somebody who can fit inside a tank, right?"

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:35 pm
by taalismn
Thomas Jefferson had once expressed hopes that 'antedeluvian' species might be found in the wilds of western America...
What if he was right...and Lewis and Clarke returned East with a Mammoth in tow?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:45 pm
by Gazirra
duck-foot wrote:there is actually a book about that written by one of my fav writers harry turtledove i cant remeber what it is called however. it even has a mammoth battleing a steam powered train. well for one thing it would have changed how we colonized the US. the dangers of the wild. a sabretooth cat is a hell of a lot more intimidating than a mountain lion, so going out at night probibly would not have happaned. big game hunting would have stayed in the US, president Teddy would have loved to have bagged a mammoth. we would have almost exterminated a large portion of them. sabers and dires because they are a threat to us and our livestock. giant sloths would be easy to hunt and mammoths once tamed would have helprd us to colonize the US much more effeciently. and people would now be complaining about returning sabers to yellowstone instead of the wolf (i think i prefer the wolf) it also would have changed slavery. with mammoths there would have been les of a need for such things. dire wolves might have breed new species of huge freakin dogs and you might find farmers using diatrama instead of emus for egg selling. not to mention if the indians tamed mammoths as war mounts the indians wars would have been really one sided early on keeping the english and french from winning as often as they did. wow i could go on with this for ever, but i think ill stop now

I believe the book is called "A Different Flesh"
The change in history would have been Homo Erectus migrating to the New World instead of Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:20 pm
by taalismn
Idi Amin happens to be at Entebbe when the Israeli commandoes storm the place, incidentally cutting him off and his Presidential Guard, and in the insuing firefight, whack him. Despite heavier casualties, the Israeli rescue mission is still a success when they pull out.
Despite efforts by his inner circle to keep his death secret, the word gets out, and the impulse is immediately to spin the idea that he was deliberately targeted by Israel, rather than him essentially being collateral damage, in order to create a political ####storm.
Would such an incident have had greater ripples across Africa and the Middle East, or would the Mad Man of Uganda have gone under the waters of history with barely a wavelet?

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:34 pm
by Gazirra
The crew of the NCC1701-D discover a large M-class area on an otherwise alien planet. Colonel S. Richey's body is found, along with a copy of "Lord of the Rings" ^_^

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:52 pm
by taalismn
Gazirra wrote:The crew of the NCC1701-D discover a large M-class area on an otherwise alien planet. Colonel S. Richey's body is found, along with a copy of "Lord of the Rings" ^_^

Not quite Rifts-able(Star Trek/Borderline Conversion content), but I'll entertain it. Worf would either get mistaken for an orc or be cast as one of the Fellowship...."Who is this...Gimli?" "He's a dwarf."

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:11 pm
by taalismn
No. the contest worth seeing would be Elves versus Vulcans...
May the better pointy-eared, long-lived, emotionally reserved, high-brow win!

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:08 pm
by taalismn
Yeah, but Elves are natural bowmen....If they can keep the Vulcans beyond melee weapon reach, they can cut them down English Longbow style.

Just read Stephen Baxter's short story "The Pacific Mystery" about an Earth where the Pacific is historically uncrossable due to some unknown reason(it turns out the Pacific conceals a fold in space/time that makes it infinitely wide and stretching across time) and its effects on history(particularly with an eye towards WW2....With the Japanese unable to threaten America, the US doesn't enter ww2, Hitler bargains Britain into a ceasefire and negotiated peace, and can devout his full energies to attacking Russia, while America stays aloof from the conflict).

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:17 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:cool book, so europe end up in up in a communist empire or does germany win

Germany is successfully invading Russia(which isn't receiving supplies from America via Alaska, since the Pacific west of Alaska seems uncrossable), then planning on subjugating Asia(what it doesn't divide up between itself and the Japanese)...It's hinted that Hitler anticipates a hundred-year ideological battle and campaign of ethnic cleansing in Asia(hinting that eventually the Japanese are going to become a target).
The story is written in the form of journal entries by a British liaison officer aboard the Herman Goering, an enormous atomic-powered 'flying battleship that has been constructed both as a sign of Nazi power and to finally cross the Pacific west to east, finally breaking the Mystery of the Pacific...They overfly a beaten-down Russia, then are escorted to the Pacific by the Japanese, and then they enter the Mystery....

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:47 pm
by taalismn
Or just go the way of radioactive dust bombs, as in Robert Heinlien's 'Solution Unsatisfactory'.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:55 pm
by The Dark Elf
Exactly the same as now only the star wars prequels were never made......

Jar Jar who?

I had a good two minute reflection then before clicking submit. Powerful stuff.

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:16 pm
by taalismn
The Dark Elf wrote:Exactly the same as now only the star wars prequels were never made......

Jar Jar who?

I had a good two minute reflection then before clicking submit. Powerful stuff.

Jar Jar's role is instead taken by an eldritch abomination known as Cthulu...
"Computer generated special effects? WHAT computer generated special effects? We just had a regular human cast in the role! Whattya mean he looks different on film?"