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Matter Expulsion: Laminate(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero can generare thin plastic which he can use for a variety of effects.

1.Lamination: The hero can coat documents and small objects in plastic at a rate of one foot per second by touch. Coating a small card would thus use no actions to perform, but anything larger than a piece of paper would use one melee action. The limit on this is the hero's PE number in feet, plus one foot per level, to coat any one object, though at higher levels he could seal a room with it. Objects so encased will be resistant to cold (half damage), be unaffected by airborne toxins and gases, and have an effective AR of 8. SDC of the laminate is one SDC point per foot. Lasts indefinitely unless removed.

2.Costume Jewelery: Jewelery coated on this fashion can be made to appear fake, as if made of plastic, to hide its value. This causes anyone trying to identify it as real jewelery to suffer -40% to any skill roll used to do so (forgery, etc.).

3.Encase Living Creatures: This may be used to temporarily bind an opponent, but with only an effective PS of 10, so it is easily broken by those with greater strength. Wrapping in layers, however, adds +1 to the PS for each additional layer applied. Evil aligned characters could also attempt to wrap someone's head or face so as to asphyxiate them, the target falling unconscious if the laminate is not removed in the time that they can hold their breath. Following that, the target will lose 1 HP per minute if the laminate is not removed and their breathing restored using medical skills.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Morphic Limbs(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character with this power can redifferentiate his limbs to change their abilities.

Range: Self
Duration: Until he changes them back.
Attacks: Takes one melee attack/action to change a limb, though limbs may be changes simultanously.

The hero can switch his limbs between different types as needed in the following ways:
* Hands to Feet: This allows the character to "punch" for kick damage, essentially enlarging his arms into "legs" and turning his hands into feet. Limitations: Loses the use of his hands while this power is in use, suffering -40% to any skill requiring the use of hands.
* Feet to Hands: This adds +30% to the hero's climbing skill and allows the character to have the use of a second set of hands. Adds +20% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills. Limitations: Speed is reduced to half; cannot be used for movement if the hands are wielding weapons, firing guns, operating machinery, etc. Would allow the hero to drive a vehicle and fire weapons simultaneously with no penalties, however.
* Arms to Fins/Flippers: Doing this adds +20% to the swimming skill and doubles the hero's speed while in the water. Limitations: Loses the use of his hands while this power is in effect, suffering -40% to any skill requiring the use of his hands.
* All Limbs to Fins/Flippers: The hero gains the ability to swim at 80% skill proficiency, +1% per level. Swimming speed is equal to normal speed X5. Limitations: Speed reduced to one quarter when on land, and the hero loses the use of his hands while this power is in effect, suffering -40% to any skill requiring the use of his hands.
* All Limbs to Tentacles: The hero gains a reach of 12 feet with the tentacles, as well as +1 to strike with the tentacles, +4 to Entangle, +20% to climbing skills, +10% to Acrobatics, and can swing from trees, objects and buildings at twice his normal speed. Damage with the tentacles is 2d4 plus PS damage bonus Whip damage. Limitations: The hero is reduced to half his normal movement rate across flat land.
* Legs to Hooves: The hero's speed is doubled, adds +1d6 to kick damage, +4 to maintain balance.
* Arms to Wings: This gives the hero winged flight at a speed of 60mph, plus 5 mph per level. Limitation: Loses the use of his hands, suffering -40% to skills requiring the use of the hands.
* Normal Limbs to Predator Quadrupedal Limbs: The hero grows claws, adding +1d6 to damage from Hand to Hand strikes, and is able to triple his regular movement speed through quadrupedal movement.
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Redundant Organs(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The character possesses 1d4 duplicate body parts (internal organs only) which take over when their primary counterparts are damaged, plus one additional organ at levels 4, 8 and 12. These can be of the following types:

* Heart: The character possesses a secndary pulmonary organ which provides a +30% bonus to saves vs. coma/death and adds +1d6 Hit Points when created.
* Lungs: These additional lungs provide 5 extra minutes of breath in an airless environment and give a bonus of +4 to save vs. airborne toxins and gases, +30% to save vs. coma/death.
* Liver: The additional liver allows the character to go twice as long without food than normal and fatigue at half normal rate.
* Bladder: The character can drink twice as much and resist needing to use the restroom, as well as allowing him to purge toxins and poisons (effects from ingested poisons and toxins are half duration).
* Stomache: The character gains +5 to save vs. nausea and +4 to save vs. poisons in food (can have this more than once).

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Heals at twice normal rate.
+2d6 SDC
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Unread post by ZEN »

Hey Gargoyle, I think the lamination effect rendering objects immune to cold is a bit much, otherwise, very funky power.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:and now back to our program.......

Disrupt (major or minor?) by wolfsgrin

Character can produce an invisible feild that makes it virtually impossible for victims to concentrate on any task at hand. This could be while peforming a skill, combat, use of any ability needing concentration like magic and/or psionics, even relaying information and talking. Victims feel anxious and like they have to go somewhere but have no idea where that is. Sort of like ADHD. With concentration the character can effect one person within line of sight and range.
Radius: 25ft+5 per level
Line of Sight Range: 100ft+10 per level
Save: Victims save vs 12 with ME bonuses. Character get a +1 to the save base at levels 3,5,9,11,15
Damage: none. Victims who fail to save will see all skills/combat/powers/psionics/magic at 1/4 their strength for the duration.
Attacks: 2 for line of sight and all for the feild.
Duration: 1 melee per level

been awhile since i flexed my power muscle. let me know what you guys think. I rushed it out to get back on topic. :P

Nice work. Were you planning on adding this and your others to the wiki? :?:

as soon as my illiterate butt learns how to use the wiki. lol
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

ZEN wrote:Hey Gargoyle, I think the lamination effect rendering objects immune to cold is a bit much, otherwise, very funky power.

What about resistant to cold then then? I thought it a bit much when writing it, but was not sure how much protection it would provide.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

wolfsgrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
wolfsgrin wrote:and now back to our program.......

Disrupt (major or minor?) by wolfsgrin

Character can produce an invisible feild that makes it virtually impossible for victims to concentrate on any task at hand. This could be while peforming a skill, combat, use of any ability needing concentration like magic and/or psionics, even relaying information and talking. Victims feel anxious and like they have to go somewhere but have no idea where that is. Sort of like ADHD. With concentration the character can effect one person within line of sight and range.
Radius: 25ft+5 per level
Line of Sight Range: 100ft+10 per level
Save: Victims save vs 12 with ME bonuses. Character get a +1 to the save base at levels 3,5,9,11,15
Damage: none. Victims who fail to save will see all skills/combat/powers/psionics/magic at 1/4 their strength for the duration.
Attacks: 2 for line of sight and all for the feild.
Duration: 1 melee per level

been awhile since i flexed my power muscle. let me know what you guys think. I rushed it out to get back on topic. :P

Nice work. Were you planning on adding this and your others to the wiki? :?:

as soon as my illiterate butt learns how to use the wiki. lol

Would you like me to post them for you or help you understand the wiki? If so, send me a PM!
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APS: Duct Tape (major) by wolfsgrin
The character can turn into duct tape wrapped up to look like a humanoid wrapped in tape. Character will see his strength and toughness increase, as well as his flexibility, unless held just right and torn or against a bladed weapon.
Character gains Extraordinary PS +1d4 (character already possessing a strength power will only recieve the 1d4 given)
Increased SDC and PE: 300 SDC 14 AR Half damage from blunt attacks and hand to hand with characters with less than an extraordinary PS of 30. Bladed attacks do double damage, and a tearing attack is double damage. +1d4 to PE
1) Flexable: Effectively double jointed gaining a +20% to escape artist. Can literally bend in any way. And immune o squeeze or crush attacks.
Soft Footed and lightweight. About half as much in normal form. +10% prowl.
Ranged Attack: Balls of Tape: A weak attack that stings and pesters the target.
Range: 150ft plus 15 per level
Damage: 1d4 per every other level
Rate: 1 shot per attack
2) Lay Sticky Trap: The character's tape starts to unwind (no deplenishiing effects) at the hands and lays out (up to)10 ft sqaure +3ft per level. This can be placed on the floors or in doorways exct....
Duration: Dissolves after 1 hour per level
Victims must have supehuman PS of 30 or 40 extraordinary (20 for SnPS)
to pull themselves away from it.
Attacks: costs 2
Range: 30ft
3) Morph Self Into Giant Duct Tape Wad: Character can wad himself into a ball, and throw him self into targets to attempt to knock them down. Radius of the wad is 10ft and is hard and dense (as if packed tightly), double weight.
Damage: 3d6 damage (it is a wad of tape)
Special: Chance to knock over anyone caught in the 10 ft radius of the wad. Tagets weighing less than 200 lbs 60%/ between 201lbs and 300lbs is 40% Between 301lbs and 400lbs is 30% And no knock down for anything heavier.
4) Chance to fix anything: 64% +4% per level. Should be within reason, but what the hey, its duct tape.
Range: 25+5ft per level
Attacks: 3 (1 for wadding, 1 for throw, and 1 for reform)
5) Binding Attack Ranged: Character can also produce smaller strips and fire them in an attempt to bind an opponent.
Range:50ft+10 per level
Attacks: 1 for hands or feet, two if binding legs or arms, 3 if trying to wrap the whole body.

fun power maybe? Definitley some good beer. :D
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I had actually debated doing an APS Duct Tape at one time but was not sure how to do it. Good work, wolfsgrin.

Substitution Teleport(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The character teleports by switching places with an equal mass of organic matter. The character generates a spatial rift by which he can displace a mass of solid organic matter or equivalent weight to himself. The hero will teleport to the loocation of the displaced mass. If used on dirt terrain, this will kick up dirt and dust, imposing a -2 combat penalty to those in range. Anyone striking the character when he teleports will instead damage the object or person substituted.

Range: 4 miles, plus one mile per level, though the hero must be familiar with the object or person to be displaced; otherwise, it is line of sight.

Attacks: Uses 1 melee attack/action to teleport. may be used as a dodge if the hero has the initiative for the round, at +4 to dodge.

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Living things may resist teleportation (16 or better, PE bonus applies).

Weight Limit: The hero can teleport himself and up to his MEX10 lbs, +10 lbs per level, by displacing an equal weight/mass.
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Unread post by Iczer »

I think the power juxtaposition covers this

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Unread post by ZEN »

Has anyone come up with a minor power that reduces the mass of an object? The maximum limit should be set so that a character can't lift any more than someone with a strength enhancing power granted by another minor power.. in fact, it should be considerably less.
The object would not suffer a lot of S.D.C. reduction, but the reduced mass would allow other people to possibly pick it up, or have it fly further or using less fuel.
What sort of applications the power has are fairly open to creative ideas.. perhaps it can even be applied to living beings (with a saving throw of course).

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Iczer wrote:I think the power juxtaposition covers this


Where is this power listed? Anyhow, no harm in having more than one way to do something.
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ZEN wrote:Has anyone come up with a minor power that reduces the mass of an object? The maximum limit should be set so that a character can't lift any more than someone with a strength enhancing power granted by another minor power.. in fact, it should be considerably less.
The object would not suffer a lot of S.D.C. reduction, but the reduced mass would allow other people to possibly pick it up, or have it fly further or using less fuel.
What sort of applications the power has are fairly open to creative ideas.. perhaps it can even be applied to living beings (with a saving throw of course).


Mass reduction [Minor] By Iczer
'OK..this wasn't as heavy as it looked'

The character can alter the effects of mass of an object without reducing structural integrity.
The character simply targets an item within 60 feet of himself an expends an attack. The item (or person if so desired) must weigh less than 1 ton per level of experience.
The item drops in effective mass by 10% +5% per level.
To save on calculations this in effect does the following:
add the base percentage loss to speed
Add the base percentage loss to range of a thrown object or projectile.

By defualt, this power does not reduce the damage of any given object, nor does it reduce it's structural integrity, as this power compensates for both. as a defensive manoevre however, the character can reduce the effective force of impact of an object by a flat 5% per level as a kind of auto defense. In addition, as a directed attack, the character can forgo the saftey's on the power, and allow structural integrity decrease as well (SDC is reduced by 5% per level, AR is reduced by 1 every 3 levels)

Duration: the defensive field is automatic as a response to danger. suprise attacks can bypass it, and it is considered 'down' if the character is stunned, dazed or unconscious. An item with standard mas reduction remains lightened for 1 minute per level (no save). with the safety's off, the duration is 1 melee per level (with a saving throw 14+ (PE based)) to iignore it. Thrown items remain lightened for 5 minutes per level (small masses are more easilly affected). Items held and carried by the character may be lightened indefinately.

Actions: it takes one action to lighten one item either safe or not. At level 3 the character can lighten an object as he throws it as long as it's total mass when lightened is 1pound per level or less.


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Isn't there a mass reducing power in one of the Powers Unlimited books, called Lifting Field? I don't have the books to hand, but I think that's it... :-?
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Illuminate [minor] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Ho! Let there be Light! Yeah, I know, its an old saying."

This is a weakened version of EE:Light. Instead of a laser-like blast, pure light is emitted from the character. The color, intensity, and shape of the light can be controlled, but unles the character has the art skill, only crude shapes and diagrams can be made. The light created can be used to temporarily blind targets, but it cannot be made permanent. If the charcter wishes, they can 'tie' the light onto a target.

Duration: indefinite, the lights will burn as long as the character wishes them to, but are linked to his life-force, if he dies, so do they. Creating a light or altering costs one action.
Range: lights can sent out 200 feet per additional level, though they can shine beyond the limit.

Character cannot be blinded by anymeans (though if the light is at e level that would blind a person, they will only see white), and can identify all types of holograms and illusions.

Just something that popped into my head, something that could be useful in a bunch of situations.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Senator Cybus wrote:Isn't there a mass reducing power in one of the Powers Unlimited books, called Lifting Field? I don't have the books to hand, but I think that's it... :-?

it doesn't reduce mass, just increases lifting to supernatural strength levels, which has its place mind you.

Thisone lifts less (increases effective lift by 50% at 8th<sc>)
but has a few other uses. (the defensive aspect).

similar but different.

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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

speaking of similar but different, I looked up whiz kid's juxtaposition power and it only has a range of 10 feet, making mine a major verion of it, sort of.
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Self Sacrifice(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
" I may die here today, but if I do, I'm coming after you."

If the superbeing has time to prepare (one full melee round) prior to an attack he knows will kill him, such as in a fire, explosion, bombing, firefight, electrocution, or other event leading to his death, the superbeing may summon an alternate self from another quantum reality/timeline. His alternate self may save vs. such summoning/displacement (12 or better, PE bonus applies). If the alternate self is successful, the superbeing must try again with another alternate self.
Upon successful summoning, the superbeing shifts dimensions with the alternate self for 1d4 melee rounds, after which the superbeing is pulled back to his own quantum reality/timeline. He can attempt to save vs. returning (16 or better, PE bonus applies) but runs the risk of temporal erasure as a result (30% chance).

Attacks: Uses one action to attempt a summoning for each alternative self called; if successful, the superbeing can perform no other actions for one full melee round.

Number of Alternate Selves/Quantum Duplicates: The superbeing begins able to summon up to his MEX1000 duplicates and is not limited in how many he may kill off per day. After this initial number is reached, however, the power will stop working for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the superbeing will begin generating his ME number in duplicates in alternate timelines per day, at a rate of one per hour) which accumulate until killed off.

Effects of the death of a Quantum Duplicate: The superbeing gains 1d4 HP and 2d6 PPE from the Quantum duplicates he sacrifices on his behalf. If unused, the points bleed off at a rate of one point per hour after gained, losing 1HP and 1 PPE point each hour.

Reappearance: The superbeing will reappear at a random location within 4 miles of where the summoning takes place following his reported death. The location will be one familiar to the superbeing, always be secluded and in the presence of no witnesses.

Powers and Abilities of Duplicates: The duplicates are essentially the same as the superbeing, but there is a 30% chance they will have different superabilities or no superabilities at all.
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Self Sacrifice(Major) by Stone Gargoyle
" I may die here today, but if I do, I'm coming after you."

If the superbeing has time to prepare (one full melee round) prior to an attack he knows will kill him, such as in a fire, explosion, bombing, firefight, electrocution, or other event leading to his death, the superbeing may summon an alternate self from another quantum reality/timeline. His alternate self may save vs. such summoning/displacement (12 or better, PE bonus applies). If the alternate self is successful, the superbeing must try again with another alternate self.
Upon successful summoning, the superbeing shifts dimensions with the alternate self for 1d4 melee rounds, after which the superbeing is pulled back to his own quantum reality/timeline. He can attempt to save vs. returning (16 or better, PE bonus applies) but runs the risk of temporal erasure as a result (30% chance).

Attacks: Uses one action to attempt a summoning for each alternative self called; if successful, the superbeing can perform no other actions for one full melee round.

Number of Alternate Selves/Quantum Duplicates: The superbeing begins able to summon up to his MEX1000 duplicates and is not limited in how many he may kill off per day. After this initial number is reached, however, the power will stop working for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the superbeing will begin generating his ME number in duplicates in alternate timelines per day, at a rate of one per hour) which accumulate until killed off.

Effects of the death of a Quantum Duplicate: The superbeing gains 1d4 HP and 2d6 PPE from the Quantum duplicates he sacrifices on his behalf. If unused, the points bleed off at a rate of one point per hour after gained, losing 1HP and 1 PPE point each hour.

Reappearance: The superbeing will reappear at a random location within 4 miles of where the summoning takes place following his reported death. The location will be one familiar to the superbeing, always be secluded and in the presence of no witnesses.

Powers and Abilities of Duplicates: The duplicates are essentially the same as the superbeing, but there is a 30% chance they will have different superabilities or no superabilities at all.

cool. kinda of cool to have a goody, goody character who starts off not knowing what he's actually doing, then he finds out he's been killing "people".
Or (before I understood that he actually goes to his duplicates reality) he gets put in another deadly situation. Could be a long 1d4 melees.
Actually this springs all kinds of ideas. nice.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

wolfsgrin wrote:cool. kinda of cool to have a goody, goody character who starts off not knowing what he's actually doing, then he finds out he's been killing "people".

You could play it from that angle. He could simply think he is escaping danger, not even knowing who he is sending in his place.

Or (before I understood that he actually goes to his duplicates reality) he gets put in another deadly situation. Could be a long 1d4 melees.

Yeah, the idea being that he does this blindly, so he may be pulling someone from an identical or similar situation and trapping himself in their reality. Hence why the use of the power is effectively unlimited.
The dangers of using the powers are abundant. Not being able to do anything for the melee round after, being stuck temporarily(or permanently) in an alternate dimension, killing off your resources from overuse of the power, and finally the possible trouble from temporal erasure or distortion. This could be fun to throw in for a creative GM. :D
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

just what this somewhat creative gm needs, food for thought.
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Unread post by ZEN »

On a similar vein...
How about a minor power that allows the character to see alternate versions of reality?
Applications could include the power to see events just before or after they happen (post and pre cognition) and see alternate courses of action, to judge a possible best case scenario.

This would be modified by percentage chances of accuracy, increasing as the character becomes more skilled at interpreting what is seen.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Speed of Light [Major]
'Lookat me Ma...lookatmelookatmelkatme'

The character absorbs light and transfers it directly into his reflexes and speed, producing a variety of results.

In any normal lighting conditions, the character enjoys +1 to initiative, and +2 to PP and Spd.

In no or low light conditions, the character has no exceptional bonuses.

In areas of very bright light (anything that might be considered blinding) the character gains a further +2 to PP and +2 to Spd as wellas a further +1 to initiative.

The character cannot be blinded by sources of light (and any attempt simply shifts them to heighetened speed for 1 round) and is impervious to lasers (light does no damage, half damage from heat or radiation)

Laser attacks empower the character. exposure to laser damage causes the character to convert every point of damage rolled into Spd, and every 10 points into a point of PP. when his Spd or PP score has doubled, he gains auto dodge, and an additional +1 attack per melee.

Alternatively, the character may transfer light damage to healing. 1 point of SDC damage may be healed with 5 points of laser/light damage. 1 HP may be healed with 2 points of light/laser damage. in the absence of lasers, strong light, particularilly sunlight, allows the character to heal 2D6 SDC or HP per hour.

Radiaion and heat also invigorate the character, though at 1/4 normal rate (and the character is only resistant. half damage). he cannot use heat or radiation to regenerate.

as a side effect, the character automatically recognises holograms (but cannot see through them) and can spot invisible or light bending opponent's. He can see into the IR and UV spectrum.

Darkness based attacks actively counter any gains by light based attacks at the same rate. In low light or darkness conditions, all bonuses fade in one melee, otherwise, bonuses fade after 4 melee rounds (one minute) (though repeated light attacks will maintain it).

The character cannot use his own light attacks on himself (though a hand held laser pistol would still work)

Last edited by Iczer on Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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ZEN wrote:On a similar vein...
How about a minor power that allows the character to see alternate versions of reality?
Applications could include the power to see events just before or after they happen (post and pre cognition) and see alternate courses of action, to judge a possible best case scenario.

This would be modified by percentage chances of accuracy, increasing as the character becomes more skilled at interpreting what is seen.

Consider it in the works. :ok: I could call it Sidereal Sight.
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Webwalker [Minor]
'Spiderdude, spider dude, copyright infringement is so rude'

The character can touch a solid, flat surface and generate a flat field of force that coats said surface with a near invisible lattice, suitable for climbing. The lattice will form over any flat surface at least 1 foot wide, and will bend and curve against the surface as needed. The lattice allows the character to scale it at ease (no climb checks is like climbing a ladder in effect), The lattice stretches for up to 30 feet (+10 feet per level) in every direction, and extends as the character climbs it. The lattic can be made to jut outwards stretching across open space for 10 feet +5 feet per level (+10 extra feet if it can anchor on a solid, flat surface at both ends). The lattice is strong enough to support the character (and can be used to create a ledge, halfway up a wall if necessary).

Defensively, the lattice can be formed vertical to the ground. this creates a wall4 feet wide and 6 high of force field lattice with 30 SDC (+5 per level). This wall will not block small projectiles or energy attacks (the lattice is mostly holes) but protects against attacks larger than, say, a baseball. Creating this instant wall can be done as a reaction to an attack (+6 to parry) but effectively drains the characters attacks (as soon as the character performs any other action, the lattice dissolves)
If the character forms the lattice over a door or window, he efectivley seals it shut. as long as he is touching the lattice in question, he is assumed to be holding it shut with double his normal PS attribute.

Other bonuses: +10% to climb, and can climb his own lattice without fatigue (climbs 50% faster too when using the lattice)

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Sound transferrence [Minor]
'Use the force Louis'
The character can create a barely visible portal through which he may transmit sound. With it he can speak with others and hear their replies.
The portal can be created anywhere within sight, or in any familiar location up to 1 mile away per level. The portal lasts as long as the character wills it, using no actions to maintain, but it takes another action to move the portal 15 feet in any given direction or to try a completly new location.

This power interacts with sonic powers as well.
When a portal is created, sonar see's through it as if it were a visual portal (obviously only sonar images are recieved). this functions for echolocation and other forms of sonic sensing.
The character can link a portal to a location, and then use the portal to redirect a sonic attack. creating th portal is an action. from that point, any sonic attacks directed at the portal, will divert themselves through it to its terminus. alternately, the charactre can simply attach a 'quickie' portal, to an existing sonic attack, by spending an additional attack. sonic attacks redirected in this manner have -6 to strike(-2 for 'quickie portals) but are near impossible to spot coming (-6 to dodge).
sonic effects that affect an area, will emit at half normal radius from the terminus point.

The character can also parry sonic attacks. this counts as an action and uses a bonus of +4. if successfull, the character may attempt to divert it, via portal to a new location (-8 to strike a specific target with a redirected attack).

The character takes half damage from vibratary or sonic attacks and is resistant (+4 to saving throws) to loud, deafening noises and sonic stunnig attacks.

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Iczer wrote:Speed of Light [Major]
'Lookat me Ma...lookatmelookatmelkatme'

The character absorbs light and transfers it directly into his reflexes and speed, producing a variety of results.

In any normal lighting conditions, the character enjoys +1 to initiative, and +2 to PP and Spd.

In no or low light conditions, the character has no exceptional bonuses.

In areas of very bright light (anything that might be considered blinding) the character gains a further +2 to PP and +2 to Spd as wellas a further +1 to initiative.

The character cannot be blinded by sources of light (and any attempt simply shifts them to heighetened speed for 1 round) and is impervious to lasers (light does no damage, half damage from heat or radiation)

Laser attacks empower the character. exposure to laser damage causes the character to convert every point of damage rolled into Spd, and every 10 points into a point of PP. when his Spd or PP score has doubled, he gains auto dodge, and an additional +1 attack per melee.

Alternatively, the character may transfer light damage to healing. 1 point of SDC damage may be healed with 5 points of laser/light damage. 1 HP may be healed with 2 points of light/laser damage. in the absence of lasers, strong light, particularilly sunlight, allows the character to heal 2D6 SDC or HP per hour.

Radiaion and heat also invigorate the character, though at 1/4 normal rate (and the character is only resistant. half damage). he cannot use heat or radiation to regenerate.

as a side effect, the character automatically recognises holograms (but cannot see through them) and can spot invisible or light bending opponent's. He can see into the IR and UV spectrum.

Darkness based attacks actively counter any gains by light based attacks at the same rate. In low light or darkness conditions, all bonuses fade in one melee, otherwise, bonuses fade after 4 melee rounds (one minute) (though repeated light attacks will maintain it).

The character cannot use his own light attacks on himself (though a hand held laser pistol would still work)


cool :D
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hahahaha spider dude
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Unread post by ZEN »

Speed of Light is a great power.
I can see it could be easily modified to suit.. swap the energy type absorbed and the stats influenced by it.
You could even have the character absorb mass and convert it to density and endurance (increasing invulnerability).
The character could have a version which converts electricity into intelligence and mental endurance.
The possibilities are numerous.
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Here are two powers based on the idea of quantum sight. Let me know what you think.

Temporal Window(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can view events up and down the time stream from his current spatial vantage point. This allows him to view events which have happened in the location where he is currently at, as well as possible future events with a skill equivalent to Clairvoyance at 50%, +5% per level.

Range: The superbeing can see events within a radius of 200 feet, plus 20 feet per level, within a number of hours equal to his PE number, plus one hour per level.

Attacks: Observing events in other times uses 2 attacks to perform and can only be done the hero's ME number of times per hour, plus one additional time per level. The hero is prone to attack while doing so and can perform no other actions, effectively blind to everything else.

Note: The hero can only see events centered around the area he is in when observing other times.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The hero can see temporal disturbances due to time travel and temporal disruption/erasure.
+1d4 ME

Sidereal Sight(minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can observe temporal divergences when they occur to observe outcomes of alternate courses of action. This allows him to do such things as explore multiple hallways at one (through doing so in alternate timelines) and send himself ahead to see the outcome of an action he wishes to take.

1.Split Sight: The hero can create secondary "screens" in areas of his field of vision whenever he makes a choice so as to observe alternative outcomes.

Attacks: Uses no attacks; happens automatically when decisions are made which create multiple possible outcomes.

Range: Self. The other outcomes are observed for the hero's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level, but the hero can choose to stop observing them any time. If the hero stops observing a given timeline, he will be unable to reaccess that timestream to gain more information.

Number Observed: The hero can simulteneously observe multiple outcomes (and even outcomes based on decisions of the divergent self) up to a number equal to his ME attribute, although each timeline observed imposes a -1 to Perception and -1 to combat moves.

The hero gains +2 to initiative against opponents located using Sidereal Sight.
+1d4 ME

More variants like these to come...
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Quantum Sight(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero is capable of seeing divergent timelines as they form. As he makes decisions, the divergent selves generated as a result within quantum reality split and he will be able to see them as ghost images.

Range: The hero can see his divergent selves and the objects they interact with (within a radius of his ME number in feet around them) for a distance of his ME number in feet from himself, as long as they are within his field of vision.

Quantum Harmonics: The hero sees the images of his divergent selves and their interactions with objects around them as ghost images. Each divergent self and its surrounding reality will appear as a slightly different shade and hue, so as to allow the hero to to focus on a specific divergent event/timeline.

Duration: The divergent reality wi;ll be able to be seen for an amount of time equal to the hero's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level.

Attacks: This occurs automatically and costs no attacks to perform. Bringing a specific timeline/divergence into and back out of greater focus uses one melee attack/action.

Number Perceived: The hero can perceive a number of divergent realities equal to his ME number, plus one additional reality per level. He can choose to cut off his perception of a specific divergent self as desired, but doing so will cut off his ability to access that reality again.

Penalties: Each divergent reality observed reduces his ability to perceive the "real" world, imposing a -1 to Perception and -1 to all combat maneuvers for each active divergent timeline/reality overlapping his own. Bringing a reality into focus reduces his overall penalty to a third but blinds him to whatever actual image lays beyond the one he is focusing in, making his -8 to dodge or parry any attack coming from this blind spot.
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some fun stuff :ok:
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Unread post by ZEN »

More fun with reality..
This idea is simple. The character can concentrate on an object or area in close proximity, normally extending a hand and repeating a desired outcome over and over again will trigger the power.
The character wills the object into a desired state, and is capable of seemingly altering the object or event by force of will alone.
What the character is actually doing is exchanging a tiny part of reality for an alternate reality.
The complexity of the task at hand determines the difficulty and time it takes to perform, but for a rough guide...
Altering a card about to be drawn from a deck, takes two whole rounds.
Causing the chambered bullet to be a dud, three rounds.
Causing a bomb's digital timer to malfunction, one round.
Causing an insect to go in a specific direction, one action.
Causing a cold cup of coffee to become hot, four rounds.
Changing a small amount of one substance into another (coal into diamond), can take up to 48 hours.
Changing a living insect into a dead one, one action.
Changing a dead insect into a living one, ten minutes.

So, it depends on the size, mass, complexity and how far it deviates from reality.
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so......did you want that written up there Zen?

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Forward Thinking(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero is capable of looking forward at events in time. this is very limited, however.

1.Looking Forward: By expending one action prior to taking a critical action, the hero can see what result that action will have ("Should i cut the green wire or the red wire?"). The length of time the hero can view is equal to his ME number in minutes. the accuracy of what he sees is 80%, +1% per level. This can be performed a number of times per hour equal to the hero's ME attribute.

2.Looking Further: The hero can also attempt to view the eventual results of the action he wishes to take. The hero must set the time he wishes to look in on, a time which must be within his ME number of hours in the future and span a length of no longer than his ME number in minutes. This can be done in addition to the looking forward ability, but the hero will be unaware of what events transpire between the initial look and the eventual result hours later. This is done at the same 80%, +1% per level, accuracy, but fishing for more information on events in between will add a +5% penalty cumulative for each additional use of the power to investigate the results of the same action. Use of this ability subtracts from the total number of uses of the power per hour (see above).

3.Limitations: This power must be used before the action is taken and cannot be used to view future results of actions already taken. The power must be used in the same melee round as the action is performed.

4.Other Bonuses: +1d4 ME
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Incediary conversion [minor]
'Blerch..waht was that supposed to s...YEARGH!'

The character can transmute the outer layer of a target into a hihghly volitile mix that, eventually, ignites to immolate the target.

The character designates a target within 60 feet, and rolls a D20 and adds his ME score. Another D20 is rolled and added to the target's AR (or PE score if higher.

If the character rolls higher then the target see's his outer layer dissolve into a stcky morass (inflicts 2D4 damage).

1D4 rounds later the target bursts into flame, and continues to burn for 1D4 rounds (+1 at levels 3,6,9,a2 and 15). Burning targets take 3D6 damage per round.

Being on Fire is horrifically painful. Targets must save Vs pain once per round (14+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer -4 to all combat actions and lose one attack per melee (and -20% to all skill use).

Targets may attempt to wash off the substance, every action spent doing so (using more than just bare hands) lowers the duration he will spend burning by one melee round. diving into water or being doused can cancel this power (40% chance per melee) after combustion has started, the flames can be dused, but spring back to life when out of water (unless he stayts submerged until the power runs out)

The power can be used very precisely. at a range of 10 feet or less, the character can target an individual item the size of a screw head or can write in cursive script on a wall. He can can create a line of this substance across section of ground that shoots into a wall of flame 5 feet high. anyone crossing this wall of flame takes 3D6 damage.

Once a target has been targetted with this power, (success or fail) his available fuel is no longer available, and remains this way for 2D4 hours.

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Boom bomb: [Minor]
'..Thud thud BOOM!'

The character can project a bolt of concussive force that expands rapidly on impact.
Range: 120 feet +20 feet per level
Damage: 2D4 +1D4 per level of experience
Attacks: each boom bomb expends one attack per melee

special effects: Upon impact, the target is shoved with the equivilent PS equal to double the damage inflicted (regardless of whether the target actually took any damage) Roll D20 for the attacka nd the target and add respective PS scores. success by the target means the character is shoved back 1D4 feet but is otherwise upright (unless the boom bomb is too weak to shift the target that is). If the character wins, then the target is knocked backwards as if thrown (1 foot per effective PS' and will be knocked down if the damage exceeds his PP score. -1 attack and losese initiative)

Compensatory: [minor]
'Ahhhh are SO going to pay for that'

The character develops new muscles and hardened flesh,a swell as heightened reflexes in response to specific trauma.
any injury or attack that inflicts penalties to combat bonuses triggers a like increase in PP, Spd and PS scores, as well as a temporary SDC bonus equal to 5 times that score.
This is a reaction to trauma and injury. Exposure to Mace or psionic irritation will trigger the penalty, but simple darkness wil not.
reductions in Spd will enhance PS only, but reductions in any other attribute will enhance the remainder.
The character takes only one enhancement per injury, typically the highest, but can contine to enhance himself with additional injury.
[EG: Luke Moore, Private eye is maced in the eyes and is suffering a -6 to strike parry and dodge for the blindness. this triggers a +6 bonus to PS, PP and Spd as well as a bonus 30 SDC. While blinded, a thug slams a poolcue into his knee, the damage triggering a roll on the minor injury table. The Sprined Knee reduces his Spd by half (in his case an 8 point drop) which raises his PS by a like amount again (and adds another 40 SDC) Blinded and crippled, whips into a few poorly placed blows with a total of +14 PS, 70 bonus SDC, +6 PP and +3 Spd.]

all bonuses last as long as the penalties do.

Energy Transperancy [Major] By Iczer
'Hah! your laser eyes cnnot affect me GuyBall!'

The character can become intangible to all forms of energy. Laser beams, electricity, ion beams, flames all pass through him without resistance, and without injury. The character is free to take 5 lbs of equipment with him when he takes this state.

The character is also semi transperant when he adopts this state, granting a +20% bonus to prowl (excpet where a translucent man might be suspicious)

The character is immune to all normal forms of energy, and takes half damage from cold and darkness. he is still vulnerable to sonic and vibration damage. all damage that he does not block, passes through him, possibly damaging people behind him.

Other bonuses: +1D4x10 SDC

Grounding: [Minor] By Iczer
'I hit him Xott! Take him down!'

The character can cause other targets to become highly attractive to electromagnetism. the character attempts to strike a foe up to 80 feet away with +4 to strike. If successful, the target becomes highly susceptible to electrical attacks for 1 round per level of the character's experience. Likewise, anyone trying to strike a nearby target with electrical attacks will see their strike roll reduced by 4 and their damage reduced by 10% +5% per level.

Anyone targetting the now grounded target, enjoys +4 to strike and inflicts 10% more damage (+5% per level).

In addition, the target draws electrical energy to himself. active curent will, once per melee per source, will arc out 10 fet per level to strike the character (2D6 damage) and electrical devices within 5 feet per level of the target have a 10% chance of malfunction +5% per level every round in which he is nearby. a sensitive electrical device targetted with this power takes 1d6 damage every round from it's own power source and has a 25% chance every round of shutting down completely (burning out).

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by ZEN »

working on? Iczer probably posts as he creates these powers.
I know I do anyway.

And yeah, if you feel like formating any of the concepts I add in here, feel free Iczer, I'd love to see your spin on them.
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Iczer does have by far more powers posted in here than I do, and he has been posting longer. He is indeed THE MAN. I have never claimed otherwise. 8) I do what I do and he does what he does, and if that keeps people entertained and they appreciate what we create, all the better. Now enough of the sappy stuff and let's get on posting powers.
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Intelligent Design (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"My layouts speak for themselves."
The hero can produce schematics which take on a life of their own once drawn.

1.Documentation: When the hero draws up a schematic or blueprint, details such as angle and length measurements, the location of necessary wiring and plumbing features which are necessary to bring the builing or other product up to code, and other marks necessary of blueprints or schematics will appear on the document of their own accord within seconds of the schematic or blueprint being drawn. It is a mystery as to why this occurs, but many would consider it a form of automatic writing. The editing skilld done to the designs are done at a skill level of 60%, +5% per level.

2.Better By Design: Any attempts made to alter the document once it has been finished by the hero are fruitless, as alterations to the document will be corrected seconds after they are made. This occurs regardless of the medium used; the document could be written in stone and it would still change.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
This adds +10% to electrical, mechanical and construction skills.
+20% to Art: Drawing as it pertains to technical illustrations.
The power corrects spelling and grammatical errors as well, adding +10% to writing skills, and prevents the alteration of messages written by the hero.
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ZEN wrote:working on? Iczer probably posts as he creates these powers.

That's about right, though i usually leave posting until I have 2 or 3.

And yeah, if you feel like formating any of the concepts I add in here, feel free Iczer, I'd love to see your spin on them.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:That's about right, though i usually leave posting until I have 2 or 3.

Same here, though I usually try to break them up into more posts so as to make them easier to print and so I don't lose connection while typing them. Lately I have been so busytransferring powers to the wiki that little of my stuff is getting posted, but I hope to change that here shortly after getting Iczer's powers caught up in there, though I have only gotten through a third of them so far.
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ZEN wrote:More fun with reality...

Alternity Swap [major] By Iczer but thought up By Zen
"Nothing Up My sleeve"

This idea is simple. The character can concentrate on an object or area in close proximity, normally extending a hand and repeating a desired outcome over and over again will trigger the power.
The character wills the object into a desired state, and is capable of seemingly altering the object or event by force of will alone.
What the character is actually doing is exchanging a tiny part of reality for an alternate reality.

The character merely guestures at an object within 60 feet (and clearly visible). The item Takes 1D6 damage. This damage is held in reserve and the target takes no actual damage at that time. When this damage exceeds the target's SDC (and HP if any) the target undergoes a shift, becoming an item similiar, but not quite the same. if the character performs any other action, the accumulated 'reality' damage is halved.

Base chance of success: 58% +4% per level, rolled when the target has accumulated enough reality damage. if the roll fails, then the accumulated reality damage halves (and the character can keep trying)

The base chance of success is modified as follows:
If the object is under 1 lb in mass: +15%
Object is between 1-5 lbs :+10%
Object is between 11-25lbs +0%
Object is over 25lbs: -5%
Object is over 50Lbs -10%
Object over 100lbs: -15%
Object over 200lbs: -20%
Object over 500lbs: -30%
Object over 1000lbs: -40%
Object over 2000lbs: -50%
Object over 2 tons: -60%
Object over 5 tons: -70%
Object over 10tons: -80%

Object is living: -10%

Character is emlating a skill that he has with this power +10%
(EG: he uses this power on a lock when he has locksmith as a skill)

Object remains functional, just changed (bomb disarmed, a joker becomes an ace) +0%
Object is broken by this power -10%
Object gains a new ability or function -15% (A gun becomes a hairdryer, water becomes acid etc)
Object changes composition without changing shape -20%
object is similiar in form or function ($5 note to a $100, Wasp to a butterfly, Revolver to a 9mm, Oldsmobile to a porche) -40%
Object changes with little to no connection to original Not possible.

dealing 1D4 damage per action +5%
Dealing 1 damage per action +10%
Dealing 1D8 per action -10%
Dealing 1d10 per action -20%

Transformations are permanent, but cannot affect a target's mind.

The character can also use this power defensively. expend an action and roll to parry with this power (1D20 plus 1 per level) if you beat the strike roll,reduce the incoming damage by 2D6 per level. changes wrought this way are very basic, often temporary, and are uncontrolled.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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double post...sorry

while I am hee...any requests?

Last edited by Iczer on Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Killing machine: [Major]
'This is what I do'

The character has a body designed to kill, and instincts to match. he posesses a killer instinct that kicks in with adrenaline enhancing his body and mind for the purpose of death.
The character gains the following bonuses when attempting to inflict lethal damage.

* +4 damage
* +2 to strike
* +2 attacks per melee
* Critical locations are modified by 3 (so a crit on a 20+ becomes a critical on a 17+)
* +4 initiative

The character projects a field of force around his body, triggered by murderous intent. this field surround hand held weapons as well as normal, bare body blows but does not apply to ranged weapons. The field grants 50 SDC (recovers 1 SDC per minute) that starts when the character makes his first lethal attack. this bonus SDC climbs by 10 points every level. The field allows the character to blow through AR (natural or otherwise) ignoring 4 points of AR, and it cuts through otherwise invulnerable characters (half damage) and allows him to parry weapons when he is otherwise unarmed.

Once per day the character can enter a 'fighting trance' that allows him to add 3 levels to his HTH and weapon skills and adds 3 to his PP PS and PE. This fighting trance lasts 4 rounds plus one per level,. at it's completion, the character takes 4D6 damage and becomes fatigued (-2 to combat actions -10% to skills half speed and -1 attack per melee)

Other bonuses:
+30 SDC
+1D4 +1 to PS and PP
+1D6 SDC
Heals at 4 times normal rate

Metafeedback [Major]
'Ohhh I love megaheroes'

The character feeds on superpower, so much so that he becomes stronger in the presence of superpowered foes.

The character selects one target within 60 feet of his position.
If the target posesses superpowers, or psionic powers, the character gains a boost to his PS and PE equal to the target's level.
the character also gains the following
* For every Minor power the target has, he gains +2 to PP, +10 to Spd and gains 20 SDC. This SDC is bonus SDC which replenishes when the character selects a new target. going back to a previous target does not renew that bonus SDC.
* For every major power, the character gains +3 PP +10 PS +10 Spd and 50 SDC. he also gains +1 attack per melee.
* For every ISP the target has, the character gains a like bonus to SDC.

The character can feel when targets are within 60 feet, but cannot pinpoint them with this power. His awareness gives him a few bonuses outside these gained abilities.

+4 to save vs psi if the psionic himself is within 60 feet.
+2 to parry and dodge super powered assaults (anything except melee attacks. only applies if the attacker is within 60 feet)
+4 to save vs superpowers. where applicable, only if the user is within 60 feet.
Half damage from superpowers, and half effect. does not apply to super inventions or heightened strength, but does apply to supernatural PS

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Random Havoc [Major]
'Wooowee!...didn't know that would happen'

The character can sponaneously generate energy that resolves itself randomly.
Range: 120 feet +20 feet per level
Attacks per melee:each use of ths power counts as a single action
Bonus to strike: +4 with aimed shots +1 wild.
Duration: instant
Effect: special
When a target is struck with this power, the character rolls for a random power (30% major, 70% minor). The Target is afflicted, as if struck by that power normally. This power is ranged even if the resulting power is not. If the power generated is not a power that can affect a target then it inflicts 2D6 damage +1D6 per level of experience. OR grants the target that power for the space of a melee round.
(Bruiser fires at count Lucky. He generates Disruptive touch, causing The count to make a save vs a normal death touch. Later he fires at a glass window and rolls EE: expulsion: electrical field, and decides an electrified window is kinda cool. He strike Captain panic later that day and rolls extraordinary PS, so he opts for damage)

Other abilities:
+1D4x10 SDC
+1D4+1 PE
+2 PP

Burden Of power [Minor]
'OK...Now I'm won't like me now I'm ang..HEY! get back here!'

The character can Increase his personal might and power, at the cost of his mobility.
When the charactre activates this power he gains the following:
* +10 PS
* AR 12
* 200 SDC
* +2 to strike, Parry and initiative

Tyhe character also gains a lot of mass. quadruple his normal weight, but his bracing and balancing effectively makes him impossible to topple.

The character also suffers from reduced speed while this power is active. Spd is reduced to a mere 1D6, flight is impossible (all forms of self powerd flight is impossible) and all super speed powers are negated while this power is active. His PP also drops by 6 points when this power is engaged, and he loses half his actions per melee round)

His slow, pulsing steps cause the ground to shake within 10 feet of his position. Every time he walks, he inflicts 6D6 Damage directly to the ground. by stomping on a fallen foe, he may add his PS damage bonus to this damage.

It takes one action to activate or turn off this power.

Temporary damage [Minor]
'Don't worry about doug...I only flesh wounded him'

The character can set any damage he inflicts as 'temporary', allowing it to reverse itself after as many as 1 round per level. The damage must be done by himself, or by a weapon in his hand. Guns and thrown weapons do not apply. after the specified time, the damage reverses itself, though the repercussions still remain. A dead target remains dead (though he is in an excellent condition to be resucitated), and the memory of pain also remains.
The character could force a door off its hinges and fully expect the door to be whole within minutes. Physically seperating the broken pieces will cause the damaged object to reassemble in distinct pieces. (seperating the ashes of 2 $1 bills will see two halves of a dollar bill form. an a blown open door may be whole, but likely to still be open).

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Multiplex Personality (minor, but can be made into a major with some tweaking) by Stone Gargoyle
"I'm sorry, Captain Ultra is not here right now. May I take a message?"

The hero possesses a type of gestalt mind made up of individual personalities which share a common body. All are of the same alignment and generally get along, aware of one another and working in unison for the most part, but they do not share memories or skills. The character with this power would generally be regarded as insane by society, as their different personalities take turns being dominant.

1.Personalities as Individuals: The personalities are normally seperate.
Number of Personalities: The hero starts out having two seperate personalities and gains one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Those wishing to take this as a major can gain a new personality each new level.
Duration of each personality's control: hours are divided equally amongst the personalities unless one is disabled, at which point opposing self control rolls using a d20 are made, with the personality rolling highest winning control. The disabled personality will be added to the cycle again in the winning personality's slot as if trading scheduled time to be dominant, though the schedule will shift to begin at the time the winning personality asserts itself. The personalities remain seperate unless pulled into the gestalt (see below).
Range: Self
Attacks: The hero will enter a trance when the personalities shift, preventing any other actions for one full melee round. If taken as a major, the shift occurs in a single melee action.
Mental Bonuses: The hero gains +1 to IQ, ME and MA for each personality in the gestalt mind to each individual personality's stats, whch are rolled seperately. If taken as a major, these stats can go over 30 to give added bonuses to skills, saves and bonuses to Seduction. The hero gains a +4 to save vs. Mind Control and psionic attack regardless of the personality in control. the hero gains +10% to technical skills shared between 2 or more personalities in the gestalt, with physical attribute bonuses being shared between all personalities but not percentages for performance of physical skills, so PS and PE bonuses would affect the whole body but the skill to climb or swim would not.

2.Gestalt Mind: The hero can also elect to merge the individual personalities into a new one, with the new personality having the best of each of the attributes of IQ, MA and ME selected from the personalities creating it. So if one has a higher IQ, that IQ would become the one for the gestalt personality while it might get its ME from another personality with a lower IQ but really high ME. The gestalt personality also gains access to all of the personalities' skills, which are normally not accessible by the individual personalities.
Duration of Gestalt: The hero can only remain in gestalt for his ME number in minutes per hour, and can only use this gestalt ability his ME number of times per day, if taken as a minor. If taken as a major, the gestalt can be maintained for up to the hero's ME number in hours per day nonstop.
Range: Self
Attacks: The trance to enter the gestalt personality mode requires 2 full melee rounds if this is selected as a minor, but only 2 melee action to perform if taken as a major.
Mental Bonuses: While in gestalt, the hero gains the minor super ability of Impervious to Control and Possession.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses: Fatigues at half normal rate.

Note: As memories are not accessible directly between personalities (though "messages" may be left in the forward consciousness for a given personality to retrieve), a personality cannot be forced to give up secrets of another personality through interrogation or torture (they may be accessed through hypnosis, however).
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Dimorphic [Minor]
'We are Duo. We shall Triumph'

The character is two people, sharing the same body, and occasionally sharing or co-operating in certain duties. This grants the character certain bonuses.

* Ambidexterous. the character gains an extra attack per melee, +1 to parry and +10% to skills where co-ordinated hands work best. In addition the character automatically has paired weapons and, of course, can use his left and right hands wth equal proficiencey.
* Two minds: Having a bacup mind means the character enjoys constant companionship. On purely mental tasks, the character enjoys a +10% bonus. The spare mind often adds insight and support. the added willpower adds an additional +2 to save vs psionics and mental magics.
* Hijack: the spare mind can hijack the body in an emergency. The character can reroll any single roll once, as long as the roll can be modified by a single reflex (so a sense of balance check, or dodge roll can be rerolled, but a minutes long dance check cannot). He can do this once per day per point of ME.
* Multiskilled: as the character advances and learns secondary skills, both parties can learn seperate secondary skills as he advances in levels. as long a s a skill is not physical or weapons based, both minds can develop their own interests (effectively doubling his secondary skill gain).

Drawbacks: The two halves cannot communicate mind to mind, but need to alternate between speaking and listening (which can look odd when he's talking to himself) Additionally, over time, both minds may start to drift apart, becoming less alike as the character grows older and experiences more. this is, however, more of a storytelling aspect (can you imagine having an argumant with yourself)

Liquid power: [Minor]
' it's raining this is a different story...'

The charatre can gather ambient moisture and direct it as a weapon.
Range: 60 feet +10 feet per level.
Effect: special
Duration: instant
Attacks: each use of the power takes either one or two actions.
Bonus to strike: ranged attacks have a +2 to strike, with a +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12. wild shots have an unmodified bonus of +1

Effect: Under normal conditions the attack does 1D4 damage, plus another D4 per level of experience.
In high heat, or low humidity environments, this drops to nothing. the power simply fails to gather moisture.
In humid conditions, the power jumps to D6's rather than D4's. This applies if the character is waist deep or deeper in water, is in an area of steam or fog (or any other water vapour)
In pouring rain, the character can unleash D8's as a weapon.

when either knee deep water, or any decent dounpour, the character can perform a power punch style of attack with this power, using 2 attacks, but gaining +2 to strike, and inflicting an extra 4 dice damage.

As an alternative, the character can form blunt or sharp melee weapons, as long as he has access to some form of water vapour. Melee weapons formed in this fashion are +1 tostrike and parry, and inflict 2 Dice damage (depending on the water source needed). water weapons take one action to form, and last until dropped or discarded.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Multiplex Personality (minor, but can be made into a major with some tweaking) by Stone Gargoyle

It is so freaky that You posted this while I was typing up mine....

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.

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Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Multiplex Personality (minor, but can be made into a major with some tweaking) by Stone Gargoyle

It is so freaky that You posted this while I was typing up mine....


What can i say? Sometime's I'm freaky like that. :D

Coming Soon: Partial Resurrection(minor).
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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