Alternate Dimensions

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

vampire_hunter_D wrote:
taalismn wrote:
vampire_hunter_D wrote:and come to think about it, sine it was the central asian Islamic empires that brought Islam to the Indian Subcontinent, there wouldn't be pakistan either. unless it comes another way.

I thought Pakistan came about as a result of the tensions that arose from the European Colonial period and the 'Great Game' that arose(particularly between Britain and Russia), the various compromises and subdivisions of territory ultimately setting the stage for the split.

You're right, but it was hte result of religeous tensions between the muslims and hindus of the Indian Subcontinent as well. Since it was the central asian islamic empires that brought Islam to India, there would have been no muslims to found Pakistan if Islam had never penetrated into teh Bhuddist states there.

Ah-ha!. Now, Would the Hindus and Bhuddists have been able to co-exist peacefully, or would the disputes have spilled over to the border regions? Seemed to me the indus could be downright militant when they wanted, and likewise the more pragmatic Bhuddists when needed.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

vampire_hunter_D wrote:
taalismn wrote:Ah-ha!. Now, Would the Hindus and Bhuddists have been able to co-exist peacefully, or would the disputes have spilled over to the border regions? Seemed to me the indus could be downright militant when they wanted, and likewise the more pragmatic Bhuddists when needed.

never thoguht of that.

There's also some speculation to be done whether the Sikhs would have arisen, since they really got their start in the early 1600s, and got their real kickstart as reaction to martydom due to persecution by the Mughals(Persian by descent, but generally liberal when it came to religion)...though their best religious art was Islamic.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


I have an update from the Shared Worlds of Ben Franklin's Riftgate Saga!

The Herah, Franklin & Daremyr Dimensional Trading House (HFDDTH) are HORRIFIED by the aweful destruction of the Portal Explorer Team Encampment!!!

Troops from each of the Allied Worlds are screened for potential
recruits for a Portal Authority Force.

Candidates are chosen for skill at arms, a commitment to service and resourcefulness. Atlantian, Human and Grahl troops train and train and train some more. Cross-Disiplinary training is determined to be the key to success and survival.

Portal Authority Forces are assembled for their first deployment. The newly purpose-built Portal Chamber stands alone with a series of layered defenses that point in towards the Portal Chamber.

Sargent H'raf, a Grahl, stands in front of his squad, the P.A.F. 1st Team, nicknamed "The Wardens". Sgt. H'raf pointed to the Chamber "Now boys, we're gonna go in there, and we're gonna do it by the numbers! Nobody had better screw up! Daniels! That goes double for YOU!!!" Private Daniels *gulped* and replied "Sargent, yes Sargent!" The squad marched into the Portal Chamber with military precision.
The Sargent barked out "Alright, men, form Insertion Ranks!" The men known collectively as "The Wardens" quickly, and professionally formed two lines, side-by-side and six men long. Sargent H'raf grinned with satisfaction as the Command Staff smiled at the smartly organized squad. *Here we go* thought the Sargent. The overhead voice-amplifier (an Atlantian Crystal Device) called out "First Squad, prepare for Portal Insertion." As the squad waited, a Portal formed in the room, making it glow blue-white. After the Portal stabilized, the overhead sounded "First Squad, you are GO for Insertion! Good luck Wardens!" The men of The Wardens grinned as they poured into the Dimensional Portal. The First Deployment had begun.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

Great to see your next chapter of your dimensional nation up!

Okay, here's one inspired by the '28 Days Later' couplet:

Europe(and subsequently the entire Eastern Hemisphere) is swept by a neurological plague of madness, devastating the population.
To the surprise of the Western Hemisphere's citizens, though, as hysteria sweeps the globe and the West begins fearing for its own safety, a NEMA-like organization, armed with advanced technologies never before seen, springs into action. This NEMA claims to be have been created in secret to fight the War on Terror, but it quickly becomes apparent that the organization was created to deal with other problems as well....unorthodox, out-of-context, global plagues.
The Western Hemisphere is locked down...ships and planes trying to reach the West are routed to quarantine exceptions. Those vessels that comply are boarded by EBA-suited soldiers and robots and the passengers screened for the virus. The infected are treated as best they can, or euthanized on the spot. Those craft NOT heeding the quarantine orders are obliterated by armed aircraft, drones, or by some other agency. The quarantine is brutal, merciless, and efficient. Those who test totally clean are allowed to move on, those who aren't, are dealt with. In the dwindling enclaves of sane people not infected in the East, there are howls of outrage as the strict quarantine protocols become publicized. As the madness psreads, several nations try to attack the West, but find that somehow NEMA has a complete SDI network up and operating...several nuclear missiles end up being vaporized in mid-flight.
Attempts by Westerners to break the quarantine from the other side are dealt with with similar decisiveness....Martial law is declared, and the public is exposed to contant media coverage of how dangerous the situation sweeping Africa, Asia, and Europe is. The fact that NEMA is also protecting South America also works to its advantage, and the protection of key locations in Australia also works well as PR. Massive economic aide to SA also helps, as the new technologies combine with a clampdown on foreign trade to minimize contact with the infected regions and populations.
But it's still difficult as fears and paranoia almost as bad as the madness plague sweep the people huddled behind the quarantine. It becomes a new Dark Age that lasts over fifteen years. But somehow it works; the Western Hemisphere remains plague-free.
After fifteen years of strict quarantine, the West begins to tentatively contacting the long-silent East, fearful of any reservoirs of infection that might remain, and is well aware of the animosity of any survivors(naturally immune or huddled behind their own redoubts) who might remain. Expeditions, guided by satellite recon data, begin probing into the silent continents.
It's a grim dark alternity; NEMA is effectively the shield of the West, but it rules with an iron fist wrapped in a surgical glove; its actions during the Quarantine Years saved the West, but at considerable cost to human ethics, and NEMA stands ready to enforce Quarantine again in the event of another outbreak of plague. Westerners are skittish, fearful of what they'll find, while others foolhardedly want to rush ahead and reclaim the silent lands. Others suffer from an intense survivor guilt at the cost of their own survival.
And what of NEMA's own mysterious past? There are rumors that the organization was created during the Cold War years, but were they really? What's the source of their technologies...reverse-engineered alien tech as some claim? And what of the nastier rumors, that the plague was deliberately created and set loose? Was it just coincidenance that NEMA was ready and organized on the scale it was to keep the West safe?
And the empty ruined cities of the East....who has survived? Is it as quiet and depopulated as rumored? Or have new(albeit smaller) nations arisen in the power vacuum, and how are they likely to feel about the almighty West come poking around now after so many people have died?
And there's the Big Question: Is the plague that killed nearly two-thirds of the human race still out there, or has it safely burned out? Those who survive are fearful that it hasn't, or worse, has mutated, and remains viable somewhere.
Strangers found in the depopulated regions(like, say, dimensional explorers) may be blundering into a BAD situation....even if they are plague-free and can identify the NEMA units looking them over, this is a NEMA that's twitchy and fearful(dealing with a microbal nemesis), and ready to shoot to incinerate. And any non-humans might find themselves subject to even more intense scrutiny, given the rampant speculation about the origins of the madness plague.
Step with caution, and wash your hands frequently.
Last edited by taalismn on Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:Great to see your next chapter of your dimensional nation up!


Thanks, Taalismn! I had too much "Holiday Stress" and simply could not make my brain create at all. Now that the Holidays are nearly over, my creativity should return to Abby Normal (Geek Point for the Movie referance)!

I'll post more in a bit.

PS: Taalismn, you might want to use a spell-check on your last post, cuz it's not up to your usual impeccable standards.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

Oops. The perils of speed-typing. Going over it again for spellchecking.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


I have the Wardens' first deployment:

Sargent H'raf was greeted by an angry storm as he and his men deployed onto a rocky outcropping that overlooks an alien sea. Rain water hammered the Wardens as sea water smashed into the jagged boulders below. "Form a perimeter! By the numbers! GO! GO! GO!" Roared the burly sargent. The area lit from above as lightning flashed amoung the clouds. Private Daniels reports a few moments later "Sarge! The Crystal Cannon is up and ready!" H'raf looked at the private "Good! Stay sharp! We don't know what's out here!" Private Daniels nodded and turned back to his beloved Ordinance. Within five minutes, the area was as secure as could be. Sargent H'raf grinned approval and turned to his Portaleer (Sets up/Maintains Portals), Corp. Arreyas, an Atlantian, said "Alright! Let's get a Comm-Class Portal open, and let Command know that we made it, wet, but safe!" "Right you are, Sargent!" Replied Corp. Arreyas. As the Portaleer "Coded" Home, the sargent got a better look at their surroundings. There, in the distance, a tall, square-topped object can be seen. His nose quested for answers, but the rain drowned nearly all scents. H'raf pointed to the structure, and ordered "Daniels! Keep that thing covered, but DO NOT SHOOT without my ORDERS!" Daniels complied quickly as he answered "Yes, Sargent!" As he regareded the stucture H'raf tried to judge the distance. "Bowman! Take G'rath and get good close eyes on that thing, but no hostilities unless you are attacked! Being ugly ain't a shooting offence-yet!". Bowman laughed and said "Yes Sargent! We'll be good!" Corp. Bowman took private G'rath into the pouring rain, Crystal Bolters held at the ready...

More later.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
Last edited by GaredBattlespike on Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


RE: The Grahl.

In my Fic, Humans and Grahl share Africa, in a fairly well intermingled manner. Many villages (by the 1700's) are about 1/2 Human and 1/2 Grahl. The Tech Level in Africa is (by the end of the American Revolution) is mixed: Many places have never seen a white Human, and the Technologies that go with them. Other places, in Egypt especially, are quite cosmopolitan and thus are as advanced as their European counterparts. The Ivory Cost sees a brisk business as the New Trade opens up a Grahl-centric city, Herrakkalog, to new worlds (literally) of opportunity!

As to inter-species breeding, it's a cheezy sci-fi, but it's what I wanted for my Fic. I just like the potential for more love AND more tragic endings as well-as I had stated, it is POSSIBLE to have half-breed children, but not likely (a tragic affair) and even if they DO have a child or two, such offspring are almost certainly doomed to be sterile (and even WORSE fate, as it's not the offsprings fault).

In regards to Religion: I simply do not have the major Faiths of Humanity hate/fear/turn on the Grahl. On this Earth, the two species evolved together. GREW UP together. This Earth's Christianity sees the Grahl as they act. If the individual Grahl is of Christian Faith, then they are Christians. Period.

In regards to slavery: It's really hard to keep SENTIENT HYENA-forms in bondage! Jaws that crack bones! Stronger muscles. Stubborn-as-all-Hell!!! In this epic, the issues of slavery are mostly a moot point, as it has fallen out of favor by my American Revolution.
Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


The next Chapter of The Wardens is now up! Enjoy!

Corp. Bowman and Pvt. G'rath crept up the hill, as the rain lashed them mercilessly. G'rath held up his left hand in a fist. Corp. Bowman froze in place, and wondered what his fellow Scout had noticed...

Pvt. G'rath's nose quivered at the odd and alien scent. Something alive was there in the distance, probably in the structure ahead, Corp. Bowman looked around and his dilligence was rewarded with a glimmer of light about halfway up the structure. "There. Halfway up. I saw a light. A lantern, maybe." Corp. Bowman turned, and flashed his small Crystal Lantern in a coded pattern at the Portal Encampment.

Sargent H'raf saw the Scout team's coded flashes. The burly sargent turned to PFC Ellayes, another Atlantian, and said "Alright! Get the shelters up! We aren't alone, here, This means we gotta stay and 'make contact' as peacefully as possible."

Meanwhile, the Scouts huddled under a tree that was some variety of pine. Corp.Bowman and Pvt. G'rath leap-frogged their way up to the base of the structure. No shots. No alarms. It was certainly better that the other possibilites. Ahead, the base of the structure's large door opened up...

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of "The Wardens First Deployment", enjoy!

The large door at the base of the Structure opened...revealing a petite Human/Atlantian-like woman with pointed ears, alluring eyes and a longbow. An ornately carved weapon that is strung, but is pointed at the ground. The alien female, in her leathers says something in her musical language. Corp. Bowman looks at Pvt. G'rath and asks "What's she sayin' ?" To which the Grahl Private responds "Damned if I know. She smells good though!"
Bowman *grins* and says "I BET!"
The petite alien lovely *smiles* at either Bowman's tone or his grin, maybe both...But *smile* she does. The smiling female backs into the entrance, and motions with her hands. "I think she wants to invite us in, G'rath."Said Bowman "Just be careful, my friend." Replied G'rath "I will. Signal the squad, alright?" Private G'rath *nodded* and used his Light Crystal to signal the squad.

Back at the Portal Encampment, Sargent H'raf was awaiting his Scouts' report. "C'mon...Where ARE they?!?!" Just then his eyes caught the light of the the open doorway and his Scout's flashed report *AT OBJECTIVE STOP* *LOCAL FEMALE CONTACTED STOP* *CONTACT PEACEFUL REPEAT PEACEFUL STOP*
The burly sargent *sighed* with relief. Peaceful Contact is the Best-Case-Senario the squad cound hope for, and here it was. The sargent turned to his Portaleer, Arreyas, and said "Code to Command: 'Peaceful Contact in progress'. Got that?" PFC Arreyas *nodded* and replied "Yes, Sargent!" H'raf looked to the Structure and began to plan his next move...

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

To a Grahl 'smells good' might mean 'smells edible'..... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:To a Grahl 'smells good' might mean 'smells edible'..... :twisted:


That would be telling...

Do you like this as the Story better than as just as the "raw data" that it had been?

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


More of my Transdimensional Epic with "The Wardens' First Deployment" Continued...

Corp. Bowman and Pvt. G'rath lowered their Crystal Bolters and walked inside the Structure's entrance. The Structure is clearly made of stone, but it's all one piece! No small stones, or even huge blocks stacked together. Not even a seam where the metal door-frame meets the wall. As the two PAF Scouts look around, they can clearly see the light source, that the alien woman is holding. Marvelling at her beauty, Corp. Bowman is far more interested in the tight dark leathers the cling to her delicate frame! Private G'rath, however, is more interested in the odd stick that the alien woman is holding. It has no flame. It does not flicker. It is not even Crystal. The stick is about 30-35 centimeters long, made of something that seems like translucent wax. The alien woman *smiles* at Bowman, and gestures to a set of chairs around a table. The two PAF Scouts move to the seats and look at the room more closely. There are no windows to give away the fireplace's growing flames. As the pair look at their hostess, she, in turn is looking at them. Seeing equipment totally unfamilliar, and fascinated with their Crystal Bolters, she *points* to Bowman's Crystal Bolter and says something in her musical language. Bowman asks G'rath "What's she sayin' ?" G'rath *shrugs* "Heck if I know. She smells like flowers a Human girl in heat." Bowman *shushes* his companion "Hush! You wanna upset h..Um..Right, she can't understand us either. Still, G'rath, don't say that kinda stuff. It IS rude ya know!"

Meanwhile, back at camp, Sargent H'raf got together with his escorting squadmates, Privates Gary Boxer, Harry Goldstein, and the Atlantian Medic-Private Eniaes Aethier and left Corp. Ishath Arreyas, Squad Portaleer in charge of the ramaining Squad. "Allright, Corperal, just keep an ear out for trouble, but don't start any. I will signal every hour from now. Got it?" The tall thin Portaleer nodded and said "Yes, Sargent!"

As the Sargent and his small detatchment approched the Structure, OTHER eyes were watching from the rain-lashed woods...

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

GaredBattlespike wrote:
taalismn wrote:To a Grahl 'smells good' might mean 'smells edible'..... :twisted:


That would be telling...

Do you like this as the Story better than as just as the "raw data" that it had been?

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike

I'll admit a story-format 'flows' more easily, but an occasional 'data readout' highlighting important points, organizations, dates, and numerical data can serve as a good scorecard for readers in a well-established universe also allows the creator to quantify certain points that would be awkward to fit into a story line like "An Explorer regiment consisting of 500 effectives armed with Whitney repeaters, 36 Fulton steam carriages, and an attached light dirigible unit capable of carrying six men and a light 8-pounder breechloader, etc..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by gaby »

Well I made a AU chaos Earth,where the ley line zone are the same places in the Map page 25 of New West.

A number of cities in Nebraska,Kansas and Oklahoma are sami and fully intact,with a number of Suriviors,giving that Demons and D-Bees must travel a distance,Nema have the time to bulited the few intact cities into fortress.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Gaby, I believe that you are right about the Ley Lines of Chaos/Rifts Earth. After super-imposing the New West Ley Line Map with the real world map of the same area, one can clearly see that many communities are spared. Therefore it makes sense for NEMA to try to fortify the LARGEST/BEST-SITUATED communities, and move the population from the small/poorly placed communities into the ones being fortified. How well they can do this depends upon how many Demon attacks they must defend against. If the populations of the smaller communities are badly swarmed before they can get into a Fortified Community, then they will likely all die. If NEMA can pull this off with even one city, it would change a lot of Rifts timeline for the New West. The existance of even one high-tech Fortified City would seriously alter the New West as it has been written. Nice catch there, Gaby.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is "The Wardens' First Deployment" Continued...

As Sargent H'raf and his men marched towards the Structure, Other eyes watched the soldiers.
Eyes that had no notion what the large Furry One was nor why the others ears had lost their points.
The watching Others saw the odd items that the Strangers had, and realized that the longer objects must be weapons-clubs perhaps...

Sargent H'raf and his men, Privates Bowman and Goldstein, as well as Medic Arreyas, marched towards the Structure. They kept their wits about them, but failed to notice the watchers in the woods. As the Sargent and his men approched the Structure, the rain began to lessen. In the distance, the storm's fury began to ebb, as it left the land and hammered the sea...

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

In the 1980's, Wozniak punches out Bill Gates at a computer conference, for unknown reasons. In return, Gates has his buddies trash the Woz's car. The next week it's dead animals thrown on Gates' doorstep, and then somebody spraypaints obscenities across the Woz's office walls.
The Mac/PC Wars have begun in earnest...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by Kovoston »

What would happen if Rome didn't engage in war with Alexander? Or if Napoleon was successful (The French Empire??)? Or if the Confederacy Won the American Civil War? Or if Erin Tarn was never born, or if the Splugoth never learned Bio-Wizardry? Or if the Juicer process failed constantly?

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of "Wardens' First Deployment".

Sargent H'raf and Medic-Private Aethier marched across the rain-soaked clearing towards the Structure with Privates Boxer in front and Goldstein behind. As the PAF soldier moved in good order, eyes watch them from the woods to the soldiers' right. As the small detatchment made it's way to the Structure, some of those watching eyes left...

Corperal Bowman and Private G'rath stood until their petite, and lovely hostess sat down. Corperal Bowman *smiled* at their hostess, who *smiled* back. Private G'rath thougth to himself 'Why don't they just get a room...' The woman sat opposite the soldiers at the table.
The two soldiers waited, knowing that their Sargent was on his way.
The two waited as their hostess chattered at them in her musical language. The Scouts paid attention as she pointed to various objects and would say something. She looked at Bowman and pointed at herself and said "Thaliya." Bowman pointed to himself and said "Danny Bowman." Their hostess *smiled* at Bowman...

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

Idly take out your silver cross and finger it, or take a quick whiff of garlic...just to see how your hostess reacts...Idly check your appearance in a small hand mirror(while discretely scanning the room in the reflection). ;)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of "The Wardens' First Deployment" Enjoy!

Sargent H'raf, Medic-Private Aethier, and Privates Boxer and Goldstein were just reaching the Structrure's large main door, when the Sargent's keen nose told him of Others in the woods to his left. "Boxer, Goldstein, keep sharp-Someone's in the woods over there. Don't look! Just stay alert..We don't know what's what here."

The Others who remained in the wood waited for reinforcements as they watched the Furry Stranger and his band approach the stronghold of their enemy/prey. As the Furry One's band reached the door, the Others' leader made a silent of handsignal, which was aknowledged, and carried out...

Inside the Structure, Corperal Bowman was eagerly trying to learn the musical-sounding language of his lovely Hostess, Thaliya, as well as trying to teach her English in turn...Bowman pointed and said "Table." Thalia pointed to the table and said "Valith. Table." Private G'rath said to Bowman "Is 'valith' a 'table' or just a 'yes'?" Bowman *blinked* "Uuummmm...Got me. Let's try chair and see if she says it again." G'rath nodded and let the Corperal try it his way. Bowman pointed to the chair he was sitting in and said "Chair." He pointed to his companion's seat, as well as Thaliya's and said "Chair." "Chair." Then he pointed at the seats in rapid succession and said "ChairSSS. Chairs." Thaliya looked at her odd guests and nodded. Then she pointed to her chair and said "Viller. Chair." She then pionted to the seats in a rapid motion and said "Villeri. Chairs." As the minutes passed only G'rath wondered where their Sargent was...

Just as G'rath was getting worried, the Sargent and his little detatchment reached the door and knocked...The door was answered by a male Humanoid with pale skin, long blonde hair in braids wearing a chainmail shirt, and a longsword in a sheath. Then H'raf noticed the ears long points. The male stepped aside and bowed in some formal style that was simply beyond the Sargent's abilty to even describe, much less return. The burly Sargent settled on a simple military salute, which was accepted by the strange host. The pointy-eared host motioned to the left-hand door and started towards it...Sargent H'raf led his little band into the room just as Bowman was saying "Grahl. OH! Sargent! We were getting into language lessons, Sarge." H'raf nodded and said "Good work, men!" Both Scouts smiled with pride. Meanwhile, outside...

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


My "Wardens' First Deployment" continues...

As Sargent H'raf disappeared into the Structure, Private Daniels nervously watched the area, while keeping his Crystal Cannon primed. In the woods Daniels spots movement, and calls his Corperal "Corperal? We've got movement in those woods. There! Just behind the tree shaped like a drunk guy with a beard!" The Corperal, an Atlantian Portaleer named Arreyas calmly walked over to the nervous Private and Ordered "Don't point, but tell me what you saw, Daniels." Private Daniels nodded and reported "Corperal, a few moments ago I spotted movement in the woods, by the tree that's leaning like a drunkard with a beard. I'm sure that I saw two Humanoids sneaking around there, and called for you, Corperal." The Portaleer nodded and said "I see one now, Daniels. Good eyes. Keep watching, but NO shooting without orders. Understood?" Daniels replied "Yes, Corperal! I'll keep 'em covered..."
The Corperal looked around as the rain washed out to sea and asked "Alright, men, if anyone else spots anything else, say so right off. No need to shout, but DO NOT point. It could be spotted, and I'm sure the Sargent would want the any hostiles thinking we don't know that they're there. Everyone got that? No pointing unless we're actually being attacked or approched!"

Meanwhile, back inside the Structure...Sargent H'raf saluted both the Host and Hostess, who looked enough alike to be siblings. H'raf wondered if they were, or if this was just the way this people were. The two slim, armored Humaniods bowed in that elegant manor of thiers, then gestured to the seats and made to seat themselves. As the Sargent sat he noted the scent of lust coming from Corperal Bowman AND their Hostess. H'raf sighed and thought to himself 'Don't furless ones EVER think about anything else. Comes from a lack of proper breeding seasons, I guess.' H'raf looked at the two Humanoids and pointed to himself and said "Sargent B'rox H'raf, Pee Ahy Eff First Squad."
Corperal Bowman said "Ummm, Sargent, we aren't that far along yet.". The burly Grahl Sargent said "I know. Did you two see anyone or anyTHING else, like in the woods perhaps?" Private G'rath said "No Sargent. We could hardly see-smell the woods on the way up to here with all the rain." Bowman perked up and quietly asked "Did we screw up Sargent?" H'raf shook his head "I don't know, but I saw Humanoids moving at the edge of the woods as we got within Bolter range of the Structure." Both Scouts looked at their curious Hosts, and then at their companions "Damn." Said Bowman.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is the Technical Readout of "The Wardens First First Deployment"

The Crystal Cannon:
A two meter length of Atlantian Crystal, carved with intricate designs, set upon a wheeled carriage with enough power to destroy mass-packed infantry with horrific ease.

Gaming Specs:
WP: Heavy Energy
Range: 3275 ft/ 1000 meters
Damage: Base of 2D6 (x 10) SDC or 1D6 (x 10) MDC
Damage Type: TK Burst/Concussive
Area of Effect: 20 ft/6 meter Radius
Ammo: Crystal Power Plug; (Fits into rear of Cannon) Holds Three (3) Shots of Energy, afterwards it must be replaced. A trained crew can change CPP's in just two (2) APM's.
SDC/MDC of Cannon: 150 SDC/75 MDC
Weight: 440 pounds/200 kilos

Crystal Bolter
WP: Energy Rifle
Range: 1600 ft/524.5 meters
Damage: 3D6 SDC/MDC
Damage Type: TK Blast/Concussive
Ammo: Crystal Power Plug (Fits into bottom of barrel like a modern-day bannanna clip) holding 10 shots, reloading takes a trained (WP: Energy Rifle and/ or Field Armorer) Two (2) APM's to replace the CPP.
Wieght: 8 pounds/3.63 kg for the whole affair, the Bolter accounts for 7 pounds/3.18 kilo, and the CPP each mass 1 lb/0.45 kg.


Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
Last edited by GaredBattlespike on Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

At some point, you might want to have a separate 'Equipment Readout' listing weapons like the Crystal Cannon and other common or special devices, with their tech specs(weight, range, operation, construction notes), each in a separate paragraph not in story format...This incidentally, is also a good step towards setting up gameable stats and rules for anybody wanting to set up a campaign in your universe setting. :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Taalismn, I agree. I will keep them seperate from now on. Should I go back and redact the last post, so as to seperate the Crunch from the Story?

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

GaredBattlespike wrote:Greetings!

Taalismn, I agree. I will keep them seperate from now on. Should I go back and redact the last post, so as to seperate the Crunch from the Story?

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike

If you want...Clive Cussler has the same problem...he frequently drops big statistic-laden notes right in the middle of we really need to know that an underwater explosion went off '320 yards' from the boat, when 'the explosion went off not far from the boat' would have done just you're in good company for that little fault.

Still, in a separate readout you can add details to the weapon, without freezing action on the story....and if you get several tech-descriptions in one post you got the beginnings of an eventual collected TOE going for your netbook. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Taalismn, I must admit that I was ignorant of Clive Cussler's style (Because I think I read one book of his waaaaaaay back about 15-20 years ago), so thanks for the compliment!!!

I think that I will set up the technical readout seperately, and simply make note of the stats 'In Character' such as: Private Daniels waited until the mass of charging infantry reached about 900 meters before triggering the Crystal Cannon. Watching the glowing energy sphere reach towards it's maximum range, Daniels reflected on the Enemy Infantry's rate of advance, and thus where he needs to drop the next shot, as he waited for the Cannon to recharge...

Like that! That's what I now have in mind. Any other useful criticisms would be happily welcome, because I know just how new I am at this, and want to do a good job for my fellow RPG'ers. Thank You, Taalismn. You're a rightious Gamer!

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

GaredBattlespike wrote:Greetings!

Taalismn, I must admit that I was ignorant of Clive Cussler's style (Because I think I read one book of his waaaaaaay back about 15-20 years ago), so thanks for the compliment!!!

I think that I will set up the technical readout seperately, and simply make note of the stats 'In Character' such as: Private Daniels waited until the mass of charging infantry reached about 900 meters before triggering the Crystal Cannon. Watching the glowing energy sphere reach towards it's maximum range, Daniels reflected on the Enemy Infantry's rate of advance, and thus where he needs to drop the next shot, as he waited for the Cannon to recharge...

Like that! That's what I now have in mind. Any other useful criticisms would be happily welcome, because I know just how new I am at this, and want to do a good job for my fellow RPG'ers. Thank You, Taalismn. You're a rightious Gamer!

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike

I dunno how good a gamer I am, but I read a lot, and can appreciate a well-set up text. It made sense, however, given as you're developing this world of yours at a nice steady clip, and besides the adventure aspect of it, you've got these snowballing social, organizational, and technological developments on the side, to set up notes fro both yourself and other readers to better keep track. :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:
GaredBattlespike wrote: Thank You, Taalismn. You're a rightious Gamer!

I dunno how good a gamer I am, but...


Sorry if I lapsed back into my 80's speak. I do so only when I am both excited, and sleep-deprived like that. I might as well have called you a "rightious dude"...As 70's baby and an 80's kid/teen, I have to suppress my old speech patterns or risk being hauled off to the ash bin of history. Oh well. So I'm older than many of the Gamers I see at Cons, that I can now tell "In MY day..." Stories.8-) "I'm so old...My first GM was Mr. Saur...Mr. Dino Saur!"

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

Luftwaffe General Walther Wever, advocate for the pre-War development of German heavy bombers, does NOT die in a plane crash, leading to a halt to the development of such machines as the Dornier Do. 17 'Ural Bomber'. Kesselring, Wever's successor, doesn't have the opportunity to push for a switch to fighters and tactical bombers that will clip the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain.
However, while the emergence of a longer-ranged bomber force opens up more tactical and strategic options to the German war machine, Wever finds his programs constantly hamstrung by the German General Staff's insistance on concentrating on short term projects, believing that the coming war will be quickly over. Though the Battle of Britain shows that Wever was right in concentrating on heavy designs, he runs into flack about his big bombers taking too much time and resources to build up in strength, and though his command is able to get several good solid designs in production, constant political sniping and rivalries lead to the force being smaller than needed and constantly fighting for resources with other bureaus. Though the German heavy bomber arm is able to savage what targets it can reach, especially in Russia, its very existance makes them and the factories producing them vital targets for Allied bombers, leading to further problems as the more mature Allied heavy bomber programs force the Germans to sacrifice strategic bomber production to fighter production. Even late endorsement of heavy bomber missions by Hitler does more harm than good as Hitler places unrealistioc expectations on the bomber fleets(he wants dive bomber attacks, like Stukas). Wever's heavies do more damage than the scads of HE. 111s do, and prevent the heinous 'Griffin' bombers from being developed, but ultimately, without correspondingly advanced long range fighters to escort them, the Do-17s and their derivatives face increasingly treacherous conditions flying against the Allies.
Ultimately, Wever falls out of favor with Hitler and Goering and is forced on the defensive as his bomber bases and factories are hammered, and production shifts to fighters. The last Do.17s and their kin end up being converted to long range transports to help evacuate German officials out of Berlin and to neutral territories.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

GaredBattlespike wrote:Greetings!

Here is the Technical Readout of "The Wardens First First Deployment"

The Crystal Cannon:
A two meter length of Atlantian Crystal, carved with intricate designs, set upon a wheeled carriage with enough power to destroy mass-packed infantry with horrific ease.

Gaming Specs:
WP: Heavy Energy
Range: 3275 ft/ 1000 meters
Damage: Base of 2D6 (x 10) SDC or 1D6 (x 10) MDC
Damage Type: TK Burst/Concussive
Area of Effect: 20 ft/6 meter Radius
Ammo: Crystal Power Plug; (Fits into rear of Cannon) Holds Three (3) Shots of Energy, afterwards it must be replaced. A trained crew can change CPP's in just two (2) APM's.
SDC/MDC of Cannon: 150 SDC/75 MDC
Weight: 440 pounds/200 kilos
Cost: (In Dimensional Credits, to the PAF to build/aquire) 5,000 DC + 150 DC/ Crystal power Plug
Availability: No Black Market Availability-yet

Crystal Bolter
WP: Energy Rifle
Range: 1600 ft/524.5 meters
Damage: 3D6 SDC/MDC
Damage Type: TK Blast/Concussive
Ammo: Crystal Power Plug (Fits into bottom of barrel like a modern-day bannanna clip) holding 10 shots, reloading takes a trained (WP: Energy Rifle and/ or Field Armorer) Two (2) APM's to replace the CPP.
Wieght: 8 pounds/3.63 kg for the whole affair, the Bolter accounts for 7 pounds/3.18 kilo, and the CPP each mass 1 lb/0.45 kg.
Cost: 150 DC + 5 DC/ Crystal Power Plug
Availability: No Black Market Availibility-Yet.

Crystal Torches (Flashlights)
Weight: 1 pound / 0.45 kg
Range/Area: Cone 30 ft/18 meters long x 15 ft/4.5 meter Diameter
Duration: 60 Hours Total-any combination of duration up to 60 Hours-Then have it recharged!
Cost: 2 DC + 1 DC to recharge
Availibility: Military; Mandatory, Government; Very Good, Civilian; Uncommon-Good. Legal to own.

Portal Communicator
Weight: 18 pounds/8.18 kg
Duration: Holds enough Power for up to 12 Hours of Transdimensional Communication-then needs a recharge.
Range: Transdimensional/310 Mi/500 Km
Cost: 10,000 DC !!!
Avalibility: Military-PAF Teams Required, other Military Units at Battalion or Higher. Government: Not Documented...Civilian/Black Market: NONE !!! Extremely Illegal for Civilian use w/o heavily restricted licence !!! Penalty is DEATH!

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike

Here is my current version of PAF Crystal Weapons, with Megaversal stats. Note that the Damage assumes SDC in SDC environments, and MDC in MDC environments.

If any flaws are found, or questions too be asked, PLEASE post it here, so that I make a prompt responce.
Thank You and Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
Last edited by GaredBattlespike on Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

Looks good! :-D
Cost? Availability? ;)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:Looks good! :-D
Cost? Availability? ;)


Oops! I knew that I forgot something. Thanks for the heads-up, Taalismn. I added those two catagories, although the Cost catagory will need a quick explination: Since the different governments of the PAF used different currencies, a NEW one had just been created as a "Gold-Standard" of value of goods/services; the Dimensional Credit, or the DC. One DC has the same buying power (in Jan 2011 US Bills equivallance) to about five US Dollars/British Pounds. So a good meal for a romantic couple should be about 6-10 DC, depending on how thrifty they are...A bottle of good whiskey should be about 2-4 DC, mostly depending on size of the bottle.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

Grand! And you've already got the basis of an interdimensional economy there with a shared currency.
Won't be long before you have 'trade polygons' set up in imitation of the 'triangular trades'....Silver from China buys chili peppers from South America, which go to India, where opium is bought and sold to China...waitaminute, that's maybe not the BEST example, but the Iron Finished Goods-Slaves-Rum triangle is even worse....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:Grand! And you've already got the basis of an interdimensional economy there with a shared currency.
Won't be long before you have 'trade polygons' set up in imitation of the 'triangular trades'....Silver from China buys chili peppers from South America, which go to India, where opium is bought and sold to China...waitaminute, that's maybe not the BEST example, but the Iron Finished Goods-Slaves-Rum triangle is even worse....


As longs as they're not trading Poke/Digi-critters, I'll be fine. 8-)

More in a bit...

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is "The Wardens' First Deployent, Chapter 2: First Clash"

Private Alan Daniels waited by his Crystal Cannon, scanning the treeline for hostile activity. Unfortunetley, he found it. In spades.

Boiling out of the woods Humanoids, wearing medieval type armor and weilding spears and other hand weapons, came screaming out of the rain-soaked forest. First a few, then a dozen,two dozen, a hundred, and still more howled in a disorganized infantry rush at the encamped PAF Troopers. "Corperal!!!! We got COMPANY!!!" Corperal Ishath Arreyas, the Squad's Portaleer turned, saw the problem and yelled "Daniels! Drop ONE round in front of them!!! Scare them off!!!" The Artillerist replied with his Ordanance *CRACK-SIZZLE* The Crystal Cannon spat a globe of unstable Telekinetic Force a good 100 feet/30.5 meters in front of the charging Humanoids The explosion was massive! Even at 30 meters, the Humanoids obviously felt the Cannon's destructive power as the ones closest stopped short and stared. The others, slowed, then stopped. A few looked into the crater the Cannon had made. One even spat in it. After a moment, and no more explosions happened, the mass of Humanoids re-started their charge. Daniels saw the horde still comming and muttered "Dammit! We're in trouble..."

Back at the Structure, Sargent H'raf and his men all heard the explosion, an instantly recognized the Cannon's blast for what it was. Looking confusedly at their guests, the two pointy-eared hosts babbled to each other in their own musical language. Soon, all were looking out of the nearest windows. Seeing the greenish-gray Humanoids, Sargent H'raf looked at his Hosts and said "I don't know if you can understand mean but we need to help my men!" As the Sargent pointed, his meaning was made clear, so their Hosts grabbed their own gear and accompanied the PAF soldiers to flank the attacking horde.

Back at the PAF encampment, Corperal Arreyas called out his orders; "To arms! Man the wall and ready your Bolters!" The men obeyed, knowing that their only chance for living lay in disciplined use of their weapons. The Enemy's sheer number made that very plain to the small group of PAF Troopers.
PFC G'rith D'rot the Squad's sharpshooter sighted in on the bastard with the fanciest helmet and said "Got a good target, Corperal." The Portaleer simply replied "Give it to him." The Sharpshooter gently breathed and stroked his trigger. A moment later the aliens head fountained fluid, and the creature dropped from sight. "About one thousand and five hundred...fifty feet. Not too bad..." Murmured the sniper.

More later.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of "The Wardens' First Deployment"

Privates Erik Hoff, and Arthur Winters got to their assigned places at the center of the little battlements. Made of shoveled earthworks fortified by a set of filled sandbags, the wall was scooped out of the camp's perimeter soil/mud. PFC Athriyas Ellayes, Combat Engineer, grabbed his "Wires" kit and ran out about thirty yards/meters to the camp's far right, and feverishly began unrolling a length of copper wire that is set with Crystals every yard/meter. As the PFC set to his trade, so to did the rest of the detatchment. The Corperal called to the men "Fire by the numbers! D'rot! You have the firing line!" The Grahl Sharpshooter replied "Yes, Corperal! Alright, men. Ready! Aim at the front, center Rank! FIRE!!!"

As the Sargent and his detatchment ran to flank the rushing horde, his practiced eye watched the Crystal Cannon *BLAST* the horde's center.

More later.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of "The Wardens' First Deployment" !

Sargent H'raf stood in line with his Scouts; Bowman, and G'rath. While Privates Boxer and Goldstein arraied themselves to either side of the Scouts. At the far left, the longbow weilding hosts Thaliya and Hylias set themselves and awaited the experienced Non-Com and his men.
On the Sargent's command, the PAF troopers raised their Bolters. At the same time the two hosts nocked arows and raised their bows. At the next command the PAF troopers aimed at the center of the enemy's left flank. As the command to shoot was given, five Crystal Bolters hurled their Telekinetic blasts into the charging mob, even as a pair of arrows gracefully plunged into the horde. None hit were spared by their armor.

Back at the encampment, Corperal Arreyas contacted Headquarters with his Crystal Communicator. "We are in danger of immanent overrun by medieval level troops. Numbering Two Hundred plus."
The Portaleer listened for a reply, but grabbed his Bolter and double-checked it's charge. At the Crystal Cannon, Private Daniels lowered the elevation of the cannon, then let loose his third blast. That shot landed with a sickening *CRUNCH* among the charging horde, leaving more than two dozen dead and perhaps a dozen wounded-shrieking in agony from multiple broken bones and pulped organs. As Daniels hurredly grabbed the Crystal Power Plug and removed it from the cannon, PFC Ellayes finished setting his Wires, and ran like hell towards the Cannon!

More later tonight!

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is the continuation of "The Wardens' First Deployment"

As Private Daniels struggled to reload the Crystal Cannon, PFC Ellayes, an Atlantian Combat Engineer, arrived to lend a helping hand. As the horde got closer, PFC D'rot, a Grahl Sharp Shooter led the disciplined, measured death of the detatchment's Crystal Bolter Rifles in killing groups of the onrushing horde a handful at a time. Now picking targets to either side of the Crystal Cannon's likely 'Kill Zone' at the center of the horde, the Corperal, an Atlantian named Arreyas, added his shots to those of Private Winters. PFC D'rot added his shots to those of Private Hoff, and they stopped most of those they aimed for, with the Grahl Sharpshooter often killing his outright with a quick headshot. As the moments passed D'rot noticed the Sargent and the others on the enemy's left flank. By now the horde's ranks had thinned conciderably, and now possessed just some sixty percent combat effectives, leaving the Wardens to face about one hundred and seventy five or so howling, gray-green skinned Humanoids with tusk-like lower teeth and using medieval arms and armor.

Just as the horde reached the five hundred yard range (454 meters), PFC Ellayes and Private Daniels finished reloading the Crystal Cannon and re-aimed it to compensate for the horde's movement. Daniels yelled "Firing!!!"
Down range, the horde received another hammer-blow from the unstable Telekinetic Bolt launched from the Crystal Cannon, which has just now killed about thirty of the horde, and disabled perhaps thirty more just outside the 'Kill Zone'.

Sargent H'raf saw the horde take another savage beating from the Cannon, and still surge forwards. "GurrrrrrrrrRRRRR!!! How many have to DIE before you idiots figure you're screwed?!?!?!?" Not suprisingly, the horde did not answer in words. As the horde swept across the grassy plain, the two detachments of the PAF, and their two longbow-weilding allies took a terrible toll of the rushing Humanoids. A dozen fell from every volley. The disciplined fire of the PAF troopers ensured no wasted ammunition, and that when it was time to reload, the PAF troopers did so by pairs. This technique allowed the Troopers to keep up a steady rate of shooting, without anyone running out of Crystal Power Plug Charges, providing the supply holds out. As the horde reached the four hundred yard/three hundred sixty meter mark, the Cannon reaped another crop of corpses from among the charging Humanoids. A second lethal blast of the Cannon, killing three dozen, and dropping two dozen more, seems to have finally broken their will, and the horde scatters in chaos!

Next up: Aftermath!

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!"
"Ah, sir, what if their eyes don't have whites? Or maybe they don't have eyes at all?"
"Fine! Fire when you see their nostrils!"
"Ah, what if they don't HAVE nostrils?"
"Oh, hell fire when I tell you!"
"What if we can't hear you or you're incapacitated?"
"... :x ...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is "The Wardens' First Deployment: Aftermath". Enjoy!

Sargent H'raf looked at the fleeing horde and then at his two hosts, and pointing as he growled "What the Hell were those things?" The male host, who called himself Hylias pointed to the retreating creatures and said "Orcs. Shalhalia, Orcs."
The burly Grahl Sargent nodded and repeated his host "Orcs. Right then! Orcs they are. Bowman! Get over there and get me a prisoner from among their wounded!"
Corperal Daniel Bowman Saluted his Sargent and nodded to Private G'rath, his fellow Scout and said "Sargent! Yes, Sargent!"

As they two halves of the Wardens were reunited, the Crystal Communicator chimed with a reply to the earlier call to HQ about the attack "To Sargent H'raf. From: Captain Stone. Hold for relief. Repeat: Hold for relief. Over." The Atlantian Portaleer, Corperal Arreyas *sighed* and looked at his Sargent. "Sorry, Sargent. It didn't look so good when I made the call, Sargent." The Sargent nodded in understanding to the Portaleer "I underrstand, Corperal. I'll talk to the Captain when he gets here. Just remember: You did your job when it mattered. You assessed the situation, then get the men organized, and then you KICKED ASS! That is a job well done, no one was lost, or even injured." The Atlantian Portaleer beamed at the rare praise from his Sargent and just smiled...

More soon.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

Orcs? ORCS?!

Oops...sorry, wrong game. :oops:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:Orcs? ORCS?!

Oops...sorry, wrong game. :oops:

:lol: :lol:

"We hates the stinkin' orcses..."
"An orc isn't a person, unless it's in ShadowRun..."
To the tune of the "Mr. Ed Show" Theme "An orc is an orc or course, of course, and no one can talk to an orc, of course, that is, unless your Cleric casts 'Speak With Dead' !!!" After all, you don't talk to a LIVE Orc...

The humor aside, I wonder if anyone has played an Orc-Centric campaign in any PB game?

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of "The Wardens' First Deployment: Aftermath" Enjoy!

The burly Grahl, Sargent H'raf, watched the Portal sizzle into existance. As the Atlantian Portaleer, Corperal Arreyas, gave the opening Portal a professional assessment, he reflected upon the suprise attack and it's gruesome aftermath. This line of thought was the main topic of nearly everyone's mind, everyone except Corperal Daniel Bowman, who was thinking of the very lovely, and tightly clad alien hostess; Thaliya. He wanted nothing so much as to just spend some alone time with the blonde beauty...A blonde beauty who kept sneaking smiling glances at him! His blood thundered in his ears as his imagination began to get...interesting.

As the Portal stabilized, a group of PAF Troopers exited the Portal and entered this world. Eight men marched into this world, with a clean-cut young Lieutenant in the lead. Following the Lieutenant, a group of PAF Troopers, in PAF Blues.

More Later.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

Oh dear....
Beware 'clean-cut Lieutenants'...especially young ones...They'll either get you killed, or they'll get themselves killed doing something incredibly courageous to prevent any more of their guys getting killed...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:Oh dear....
Beware 'clean-cut Lieutenants'...especially young ones...They'll either get you killed, or they'll get themselves killed doing something incredibly courageous to prevent any more of their guys getting killed...


Stop giving away plot points!

Bad Taalismn! :badbad:
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by taalismn »

GaredBattlespike wrote:
taalismn wrote:Oh dear....
Beware 'clean-cut Lieutenants'...especially young ones...They'll either get you killed, or they'll get themselves killed doing something incredibly courageous to prevent any more of their guys getting killed...


Stop giving away plot points!

Bad Taalismn! :badbad:

Oh's going to be a Bug Hunt Gone Bad, isn't it?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


*Casts "Thread Resurrection" *

Here is the continuation of my Trans-Dimensional Epic "The Wardens: First Deployment"

Location: Office of Dimensional Exploration, US Capital, USA
Time: 10:17 am, May 11th, 1779 AD

Ben Franklin looked up from his desk and *sighed* "I trust that we have something resembling good news, Agent Ragoth?"
The Grahl Intelligence Agent *nodded* as his tail gently *wagged* "Yes, Mr. Franklin. We have no casualties, Sir. Not one serious injury has been reported from the Wardens..." Ben Franklin gave the Agent a blank look and asked "Pardon? Wardens? Pray tell me just what you mean, please."
The Agent stopped wagging his tail as he explained to his Governmental Superior "Sir. The First Team is named 'Wardens', Sir. The report states that the swarming attack from the 'Orcs' was crushed, Utterly crushed. The creatures, that our new aquaintances named 'Orcs', never reached effective spear tossing range."
Ben Franklin removed his glasses and intoned a heartfelt "Thank Providence! I feared we may encounter a hostile force beyond our abilities to handle. Please, Agent Ragoth, if you would be so kind as to tell me everything from the beginning..."

Location: Dimension 3, The Structure
Time: 11:43 am, May 11th, 1779

Lieutenant John Erikson sat in his dress uniform, with his Scouts and the 'Elves' at a table inside the stone tower. "Erikson." The Lieutenant *pointed* to himself and repeated "Erikson, Lieutenant in the US Army..." The Male 'Elf' *nodded* and *pointed* to the American Officer and said "Erikson. You Ess Army. Lootenant. In the."
Scout Corperal Bowman quietly said to his superior "Not bad, Sir. They catch on quick. I'm still struggling with the absolute basics, but I learned how to say 'I am...' Sir."
Lt. Erikson *nodded* "Good. Keep up the language lessons. We NEED to be able to communicate with these people as soon as possible."
Corp. Bowman said "Yes, Sir!"

More later

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Alternate Dimensions

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here's more of "The Wardens"

Location: Woods outside The Structure, Dimension 3
Time: May 17th, 1779, 00:23 am Local Time

Garoosh, Warchief of the Orcs of the Blood Tusks Tribe, looked silently at his intended prey. With a hand gesture, Garoosh ordered his sons to attend his will. "Yes, Father?" Said Korash, Eldest son of the Chief.
"We will hit the strange prey and the Ancient Enemy in five dorchas. Ready your warriors. We will use the Grasping Hand method. Korash, you take the right Tusk. Grakkor, you take the left. Do NOT fail me." Each son replies "Yes, Father."

Time: 01:37 am, May 17, 1779 Local Time
Location: Warden's Base Camp, Dimension 3

"Sargent. Sarge!" Private Paul Stavros, Artillerist, called out urgently. Sargent B'rox H'raf arrived with his Crystal Bolter in hand. "What is is, Private?" Sargent H'raf *sniffed* the wind. "Sarge, I saw movement at the edge of the woods. The moons came out, and I saw somebody out there. Right by the stumps..." Sargent H'raf looked at the indicated area, but saw nothing. "I don't see anything, but I sure SMELL the bastards. Good eyes, Private. Keep 'em open." The Private stayed at his post with the Crystal Cannon (now manned at all times) as the Grahl Sargent went to wake the Lieutenant.

Good Gaming, GaredBattlespike
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.

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