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Unread post by Iczer »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Iczer wrote:Sense Order [Minor]
'Wait aminute..something's right ....'

Shouldnt this read as:
'Wait aminute..something's not right ....'

not really...I was pointing out that the character has noticed rightness/order. Thusly, to his suprise, something was right (or ordered and correct)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

BARQ wrote:ok definetly on the right baord, there some sick twisted souls,ahh seems like home.

Overuse of the Super Power Induce Dementia around here....
As well as several dozen other mind-warping and reality-twisting powers...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Sorry about the power shortage. I hope to have more powers up within the next few days.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sorry about the power shortage. I hope to have more powers up within the next few days.

'Well, hey, too bad...but it really sucks when I call upon my ever-mutating super abilities and haul up some power that the other guys have ALREADY SEEN BEFORE...and are ready for me! Put yourself in my boots for a moment...just one day...and see how much it stinks when your schtick gets crimped because somebody couldn't meet contract and give you a new power a day!? writers!"
---Novelty-Man, in a cellphone message from his hospital bed, after his surprise defeat at the hands of Adapt-O and the Memorizer...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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How about the minor power: Annoyance? It causes all villians to WANT to throw themselves in jail just to get away from the character???

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Rathorc Lemenger wrote:How about the minor power: Annoyance? It causes all villians to WANT to throw themselves in jail just to get away from the character???

Rathorc Lemenger.

A power possessed by the majority of under-aged rugrats under the alternate name: Whining...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:How about the minor power: Annoyance? It causes all villians to WANT to throw themselves in jail just to get away from the character???

Rathorc Lemenger.

That doesn't need to be its own power. There are any number of powers which will have that effect on enemies, including Stench from PU1(?).
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I am finally coming up with some new ideas for powers. Coming soon: Gravitation
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Gravitation (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has the strange ability to shift his gravitational relationship to solid masses.

1.Surface Gravity: The hero has the ability to lend any solid mass gravity in relation to himself. This gravity will not affect anyone but the hero. This allows him to run, walk or stand still on walls or even the ceiling, as well as jump and land on said surface so long as it is the closest solid mass to him. His perspective adjusts aas well, so the mass gravitated to will always be what he considers Down, even if he is standing on the ceiling. This gives the hero an equivalent of 90% to Maintain Balance. Walking on rounded surfaces and tightropes is done with a skill penalty of -40%, however. He is also immune to G-foces if standing on a moving vehicle and cannot be thrown by wind shear. THe drawback of this ability is that the hero's movement is reduced to half and he is -4 to dodge when this power is active.

2.Object Attraction: The hero can use this power to pull small objects weighing less than his ME attribute number in pounds toward himself from a range of his ME attribute number in feet, plus one foot per level. This can be used to pull a weapon or other object toward himself directly into his hand. This takes one action and adds +20% to juggling and picking pockets, and +2 to use thrown weapons. Unlike magnetism, this ability can be used on any solid object within the weight limit of the power. The object must be solid, however, so this will not work on water, air or dust particles.

3.Special Stunts: The character can attempt to learn a new stunt every third level strating at level 3.
*Leaping: The hero can leap twice his normal distance if using this power to jump between two solid surfaces, such as buildings.
*Internal Compass: By standing on solid ground, the hero is able to to feel the planet's magnetism to determine directions, so he will always know which direction is north. Uses one action to perform.
*Repulsing Field: The hero can cause hhis bio-energy to push outward, creating an energy field which will repel anything lighter than the hero's ME attribute number in pounds if it comes within 1 foot per level of the hero. Uses one melee action to activate lasts a full melee round.
*Levitate Objects: The hero can create an energy from his hands, allowing him to levitate objects less than his ME attribute number in pounds, holding them up to his ME attribute number in inches above his hand. This will allow him to grab and hold dangerous substances when using Object Attraction. The hero is -4 to dodge and cannot parry when holding an object and is reduced to half attacks, as well as not being able to use the hand levitating the object. Levitating an object uses one malee action to activate and 1 action per melee round to maintain.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d6 to PS when power is active
+1d4 to ME
+10% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Gravitation (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has the strange ability to shift his gravitational relationship to solid masses.

"Perhaps you don't understand the gravity of the situation..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Bio-energy surge [Minor]
'I get a charge out of this'
The character is able to expend 2 actions supercharging his body's nerves with stored bio-electricity. The net effect, causes his body to glow and spark with the following enhancements.
* add 1D4 to all damage caused by physical contact as electrical jolts pass through the target.
* The character is temporarily ambidexterous (+1 attack per melee, +1 to parry, +5% to climb as well as a number of skills that would benefit from having enhanced motor control (refer to Pg 159 HU2)
* +2 to PP, +6 to Spd
* resistant (half damage) to electricity and ion weapons.

In addition, the character can discharge this energy, either in a melee attack, or as a ranged attack out to 80 feet (+10 feet per level) with +4 to strike. the discharged bio-energy inflicts 1D10 damage per level of experience. after discharge, the character requires one melee round to recover a storde charge (and 2 actions to access it)

Metabolise body mass for energy [Minor]
'This is going to hurt, but it's better than the alternative'

The character can convert his PE into PP at a rate of 1:1. the character drops body mass as he eats inot his own flesh to produce speed and enhanced reflexes.
In addition: after dropping 5 or more PE in one go, the character gains an autododge and an extra attack per melee but loses 10 points of PS.

The character's metabolism is geared toward rapid repair of this autocanaibalisation. Lost PE recovers at a rate of 1 every 15 minutes (PS recovers at the same rate). Gained PP dissapears after 5 minutes (plus 2 minutes per level).

Generate leeches [Major]
' don't worry...I won't eat you....I am what I eat'

The character can, once per melee round, expel a mass of leech like creatures from his mouth out to 40 feet. this shotgun like blast of wriggling maggots and protein enriched saliva has a +4 to strike (No bonus if wild). a target struck by this takes 2D6 damage and find himself with 2D4 leeches still clinging to his body (+1 extra per level). The character can, once pre melee round, command any attached leeches to perform any of the following tasks.
1) Chew: this is the default command (if the leeches are not commanded to do anything, they will do this instead). Chewing inflicts 2D4 damage to a target (+1 for every 5 full leeches attached)
2) Burrow: this is a suicide run. The leeches attempt to burrow into a target. The target takes 3D6 damage and must save vs pain (14+) or lose 1 PE point. the leeches die inside thier host.
3) Drug: The leeches vomit an anesthetic compound into their host. the target must save vs non lethal poison (with a -1 for every 5 leeches attached) or feel light headed and groggy (-1 attack per melee -2 to all combat skills and -10% to skills) for 3D4 minutes. this effect kills half the leeches attached.
4) Envenom: The leeches suicide, liquifying their insides and belching them into their hosts open wounds. the target makes a save vs lethal poison (-1 for every 5 leeches) or take 2D4 HP
5) Drain blood: Each leech starts sucking and venting blood from a target, who takes 1 HP damage from bloodloss (+1 for every 5 leeches attached)
6) Transfer: the leeches drain away a target's bio-energy. the target must make a saving throw vs fatigue (14+ PE bonuses apply, but -1 for every 5 leeches attached). if the target fails, then he becomes fatigued (page 16 HU2). if he fails again while already fatigued, he becomes stunned for a melee round (1 action per round, -4 to all combat manovres. spd is reduced to 4 and concentration is not possible). every time this saving throw is failed, the character gains 2D4 HP (or heals a like amount of damage)

Other notes: the character has a set of needle like teeth and can chomp on a foe, inflicting 2D4 damage in a bite. furthermore, if the character has grappled a foe (or is grappled) he may land a bite. as long as the hold/grapple continues, he may inflict 2D4 damage from a bite, and, once per round, can act as a swarm of his own leeches (can perform any of 1-6 listed above(except burrow), as if he was a swarm of them equal to 1 for every 2 PE points he posesses (+2 per level).
Other benefits: +2 PE +5D6+10 HP
Leech like affinity enables a swim skill of 45% (or +10% to swim skill)
Removing leeches: a target with leeches attached can expend an action ripping and pulling them off. 1D4 leeches are removed or killed per action spent doing so. Immersiojn in water will not help, but salt water will kill them. fire or acid will also kill them (but may harm the host as well) transforming into an inorganic or plant form will kill them instantly. Invulnerable characters, as well as plant based or inorganic characters are immune to this power. characters immune to high speed impacts take no damage from the initial shotgun like blast but can be chewed on later. likewise those immune to slower speed kinetics will take damage from the blast but the leeches will not be able to maintain a grapple and will fall off. Characters in force fields are immune to this power.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Rocket fuel: [Major]
'get ready to go boom'

The character can generate a type of explosive air/fuel mix and cause it to ignite and explode for a variety of effects.

1) Rocket blasts: The character generates a controlled, explosive force in a single direction. This loud and showy display of force counts as two actions, and targets opponents up to 200 feet away (+50 feet per level).
The attack inflicts 2D4x10 damage to targets within 60 feet and 1D4x10 damage to targets beyond that (+2 or +1 per level). in addition, the concussive force will send targets within 60 feet hurling backwards. The Traget is shoved with a supernatural PS equal to half the damage rolled, and as such, targets weighing less than the carrying capacity for this PS will be shoved 1D8 feet for every 5 PS. characters with supernatural PS may reduce this distance by reducing the effcetive PS by 1 for every PS point. superhuman characters may reduce the effective PS by 1 for every 2 PS. extraordinary PS can reduce this by 1 PS for every 4 points of extraordinary PS.
The character can vary the mixture of heat and force to match his target. roughly speaking, half the damage is heat, the other half crushing force, but the character can choose the proportion of heat and force with each blast. This blast has a +3 to strike with aimed shots, but wild shots have no bonus.
2) Explosive flight: the character can fly by generating force around himself, directed away and riding the concussive wave outward. the character flies at speeds between 60 and 180 Miles per hour, but cannot hover, and cannot slow down below 60 MPH (landing is a practised affair. While flying, the character enjoys +4 to dodge, but steers like a brick (a 90 degree turn requires 2 feet per mile an hour. (so a at 100mph a character needs 200 feet of clear space to turn, or 400 to go back the way he came. Hitting a target at high speed infliccts normal speed damage (+4 for every 20MPH) but 1/4 of this is taken by the character.
3) Auto explosive: the character can ignite the air around him for a large explosive radius. this inflicts 6D6 damage to all targets within 30 feet.
4) Burning hands: The character can slowly burn his fuel air mix, essentially creating a constant flaming hand (and indeed head or feet too). control issues prevent him from igniting more than 1 or two limbs at once though. keeping a limb engulfed in flame reduces the attacks per melee by one per round but adds 2D6 to his bare handed strikes from the flames. (and acts as a portable light sorce, or a way to light cigarettes.)
5) Ignition: the character can also ignite any flamable (but not combustable) substance within 60 feet that is exposed to open air with a wink and an action.
6) other abilities: +40 SDC. half damage from heat and fire and half damage from explosives.

Flesh conversion [Minor]
'What's a matter? were you using that hand?'

The character can expell a toxic fluid up to 30 feet away that bonds with living flesh and converts it into plant matter.
The character has a +3 to strike opponents with this enzyme (can be performed twice per round). The target takes 3D6 from the acidic enzyme and must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply, but this is not poison). The burnt flesh turns immeadiately inot a type of mold and begins to take root. on a successfull saving throw, the character has a dead patch of skin and muscle from the attack. On a fail, the patch of mold grows, sending roots into the character (2D6 damage every round for 1D4 rounds) as well as attempting to use the host as fuel for an evolutionary growth spurt (growing flowers, leaves and more complicated plant based physiology)
Characters transformed into inorganic substances, or plant matter, or protected by a force field are immune to this power. Characters immune or resistant to acid take normal damage but automatically make their Saving throw. Invulnerable character takes half damage from this power, but are otherwise affected as usual.
A living creature killed by this power will rise as a mindless but somewhat violent shambling plant thing. (halve PP and Spd, grant it 2 attacks per melee and give it an SDC equal to 10+ its PE. it has an AR of 8 and takes double damage from fire. at the GM's whim, it may posess some powers and abilities from its living self. the new creature is not under the character's control)

Space expansion [Minor]
'Wow, it is certainly bigger than it looked from outside'

The character can simply expand space in a limited area. In any area that is enclosed, the character can reset the amount of space in that area. this can be performed on a container (bucket, purse, pocket etc) or an entire room (one room at a time). the power follows the normal physical boundaries, skipping small openings to the outside (like a doorway). It cannot work on open space (more than 70% of the space must be enclosed.
It takes 5 minutes to expand the space on a small handheld item, and one hour for a larger area (like a room). the space stays expanded until either the character undoes it, or the item is unattended by the character for 1 week per level.
The space that results is typically a doubling in any or all of the three dimensions. a 100 foot long corridoor can be stretched to 200 feet. at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15 he increases this multiplier by 1 (so Tardis man's 10x10 foot cell can be expanded to a comfortable 20 x20 foot cell at first level, a 30x30 foot cell at third level and so on. The power causes matter attached to the are'as boundaries to replicate, so the paint on the walls remains uniform rather than stretched out. space expanded in this matter, cannot be re-expanded (but as the character grows in level, so he can puff out currently expanded space without shrinking it first)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Create Force Construct: Disguise (minor)
"where did that big guy come from?"

Range: self
Durability: SDC=PE per Level
Duration: constant, till cancled or the SDC deplited

Can affect an outward apperance of just about anything larger then the hero. This power creates a shell around the hero that create the apperance chosen by the hero. Clothing can be simulated but is a part of the construct and is static for the duraion of the power. The accuatcy of the disguise (skill) increases with level: 55+5/L . When paired up with Create Force Construct, the disguise's PS can be raised to the hero's ps to SNPS, same limits as the gient limbs sub power. Flight can be simulated with ether the the force wings from Create Force Construct or Flying force disc powers. If paired up with 'Create Force Construct: Clothing' then the clothing can be changed along the lines of the 'CFC:Clothing' power limitations.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Limboverse [Major]
'Let's take a trip'

The character has access to a lifeless, featureless void to which he can drag others into for a short time.
1) enter limbo: the character can enter the white void by expending a single action. in the void, the character is unable to see or percieve the natural word, and remains oblivious to it. after one melee round (typically at the start of the new melee round) the character pops back into our world within 2D10 feet of his entry point, with or without any momentum prior to his entering (and may or may not, at his own choice, remain relative to the place he exited)
The character's time is limited, but he has a few options.
By expending 2 actions and making a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) the character can extend his stay by one more melee round. alternatively, he mayexpend an action and make a similiar saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) to eject himself or a fellow passenger (he cannot leave with any mass left behind...if the character leaves, then everything that entered with him does as well)
2) dragging additional mass: the character can pull others with him. If the chararacter is holding something, then it comes with him. In combat he can expend two attacks (one to touch or strike, and one to jump) in order to takes someone. unwilling and unrestrained targets may attempt to wriggle free Make opposed PP checks, roll D20 and add PP attributes. high roll wins. grappled or held targets may not try to escape) The character can take up to 10lbs per point of ME (+20lbs per level)
3) Conditions in limbo: there is no air in limbo, but living creatures need not breathe so that's a moot point. sound carries through whatever the ether in there is, but is muted and distorted. vision is clear for 50 feet in all directions, but visibility drops to zero out past 200 feet. There is no gravity either. characters are at a disadvantage if they cannot cope with zero G. momentum is meaningless in Limbo as well. attacks that rely on it (bullets and explosions) see their damage reduced to 10%. Melee attacks are unnafected, but any ranged, kinetic attack is worthless.
4) Exiting limbo: when the conditions for leaving are met (see above) all targets are dumped into the real world, displaced 2D10 feet in a random direction. If the character had momentum then the character may cancel it upon exiting (or may retain it). all targets remain relative to their starting points. Exiting has no chance of dumping a target in a solid object but can dump them up to 20 feet into the air.
5) drawing upon Limbo: the character can draw a portion of limbo to himself. when he does this, he becomes weightless (as per the minor power) and releases a white misty light (from limbo). This light halves kinetic damage leveled at him as limbo attempts to drain momentum.

Reincorporate [Minor]
'I told you I would be back.'

The character pulls himself back together after death, good as new but not necessarilly at the peak of health.
If the character dies, or is dismembered, he passes into a state of rapid regrowth. The body reacts to his surroundings and attempts to rebuild what it can. This takes 2 hours per point of PE score the character had, plus another 5 hours per level the character possessed.
The character recovers at 1 HP, and with 1d4 minor wounds (use the optional injuries chart)
The character will not recover if his body is totally destroyed, or even dismembered and seperated. additionally, if underwtater the character will not be able to awaken (he would just drown)
the power does remove all disease, close all wounds, restore lost body parts and of course restore a character to life, it just takes a while and can be interupted by an outside party, either deliberately or accidentally. If the character is prevented from healing for 10 hours per level, then he will not return.
The character heals at 2x normal rate in addition to the above.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Thanks to the baron von clog for this one

While I'm thinking of it, I've thought about adding a sub-ability into Negate that worked more like a parry, which would let you deal with multiple supers at once. You're being attacked by more than one person? "Parry" their attempts to use their powers on you, the same way you might block two attackers trying to punch you. The first could be an auto-parry, the second might use an attack... As you level, perhaps you gain a version of "paired weapons" that lets you simultaneously block more people's attempt to use their powers.

Not a blanket killjoy, so much as a combat ability.... Ideas?

Pinpoint power Negation [Minor]
'Whoa..thought you had me there didn't you'

The character can, as a reflex, attempt to negate the powers of a single target for a split second. This brief interference can mean the difference between life and death for a character, and can be used to extradite oneself from a variety of scrapes.
* against direct attack type powers (involving a strike roll). The character makes a parry attempt with this power (D20 plus a bonus based on his IQ score as if it were a PP score. Add one at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15). if it is higher than the opponent's strike roll, then the incoming attack fizzles before it cn reach the character.
* Against powers that require a saving throw. The character can make a second saving throw if the first fails, the second one uses the character's IQ rtaher than ME or PE.
* Against continuous or automatic type powers: the character and target make opposed ME checks (D20 plus the ME attribute. high roll wins) if the character wins, the power targetted drops for a split second. Anyone timing thier attacks just right, or naturally within one initiative of the character, may take advantage of this fact. additionally, if the target relies on the power being used, thn he may meet with an accident unless he can make an appropriate check. (A person running at 600 Miles per hour may need to make a sense of balance. a person flying may be a little jolted for the half second or so but otherwise fine. a strongman holding a bridge up might hold on, or he might drop his load, and an invulnerable character can be opened up to some real damage if someone else times it right)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Okay, I am getting real behind on power production.

Burning Fat (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Oh, I'll help you lose weight all right."

The character has the ability to ignite fatty acids in overweight people and cause them to do damage. This is basically a way of causing the opponent's body mass to work against them.
Since using the Body Mass Index would overcomplicate the power and be difficult to calculate, for the purposes of this power anyone over 160 pounds can be affected. The target can be made to suffer one point of damage for each pound of body weight over 160 pounds up to 200 pounds, and 2 points of damage for each pound over 200. This represents the cells exploding inside the body painfully. Additionally, each 10 points of damage to SDc will automatically cause the target to suffer one point of damage to Hit Points. The exception to this is any weight gained from artifical parts such as bionics, Super Soldier Tissue Density Increase, the Eugenic parts of Pituitary Gland and Massive Build, and/or super powers increasing body density or altering the physical structure of the character. This power can be saved against so the target only takes half damage, and they will also take 30% less damage if possessing Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Body Building or Military skills, or if dual classed with Physical Training.

Range: Touch, plus one foot per level starting at level two.

Duration: Instant.

Attacks: Causing the body mass to combust uses 2 melee attacks/actions.

Saving Throw: 14 or better, PE bonus applies. A successful saving throw reduces damage to half.

Other Abilities and Bonuses: The character is always at his optimal weight, gaining +1d4 to PE and +20% to save vs. coma/death.
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Storm Troopers (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"It was like an army came out of thin air!"

The hero can construct electrostatic energy bodies out of raw current and lightning, making it hold a shape the apparent height and shape of its creator. These have no physical solidity but can do damage to targets struck by them or passing through them. The hero can thus use them to attack or create large numbers of them to form an electrical barrier.

Range: The hero can call down lightning or draw it from exposed wires anywhere within a rangof 200 feet from him, plus 20 feet per level

Duration: Figures hold their shape for one melee round per level of the hero's experience.

Damage: The figures may be made to strike targets for stunning electrical damage of 2d6. Opponents attempting to pass through the bodies will take 6d6 damage and be knocked back 1d6 feet, as well as suffering electrical shock if they have nerve endings, potentially being rendered unconscious. Anyone struck by them must save vs. electrical shock (16 or better, PE bonus applies).

Attacks per Melee Round: The hero can create the electrostatic bodies up to a number equal to his ME attribute number at any one time, controlling them as a group. Each action he causes the bodies to make also uses up one melee attack/action.

Controlling the Clones: The hero can only activlely control up to his ME number of the electrical bodies at any given time.

Maximum Number of Bodies: Unlimited, but he can only create a limited number per melee action and within the limits of his range.

Electrical Body Abilities and Attributes: The bodies will have a functional SDC of 40 each but take no damage from physical or electrical attacks, as well as only half damage from fire and energy attacks. Since they are merely puppets, the bodies do not have IQ, ME or ME, and their physical attributes when controlled will equal the hero's ME attribute number. The bodies have an effective Horror Factor of 8+1d10.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The hero is himself Resistant to Electrical attacks (half damage), +2 to save vs. electrical shock
+1d4 ME
+2d4 PE
+2 to save vs. Mind Control and Possession
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Paragon (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

"See, there's my way - and then there's the wrong way."

Note: this power can only be selected by characters with an alignment of either Principled or Diabolic.

A peculiar, metaphysical power, that turns the super being into an exemplar of his moral standpoint - whether that be good or evil.

1. Sense Opponent. The super being can instinctively tell when he is in the presence of a being with an opposing alignment (an Aberrant, Miscreant or Diabolic being if good, a Principled or Scrupulous being if evil).

Range: 10 feet (3 m) and requires eye contact.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks Per Melee: Identifying an alignment uses up one melee attack/action.

Limitations: This sense provides no other information about the target, just whether or not they are the character’s moral opposite.

2. Defender of the Faith. When fighting opponents of an opposing alignment, the super being gains a bonus to strike, parry and dodge equal to half of his experience level (round fractions up), e.g. +1 at levels one and two, +2 at levels three and four and so on.

Range: Any. The power works equally well in melee or long-range combat.
Damage: Strikes against enemies of an opposing alignment cause an additional 1D6 damage.
Duration: Always on; an automatic ability.

Limitations: The character gains no bonuses when fighting opponents of the same or a selfish alignment.

3. Champion. In addition to a boost to overall M.A. (see Bonuses below), the super being gains a further bonus to Mental Affinity when dealing with individuals of similar alignments (Aberrant, Miscreant and Diabolic characters if evil, Principled and Scrupulous beings if good). This M.A. bonus is equal to half of the character’s experience level (round fractions up), e.g. +1 at levels one and two, +2 at levels three and four and so on.

Range: Line of sight; the character can affect whole crowds with this aspect of the power.
Duration: Always on; an automatic ability.

Limitations: This aspect of the power cannot affect characters of an opposing or selfish alignment.

4. Proselytize. By focusing his attention upon a single being, the character can actually talk that individual into accepting a new alignment, albeit temporarily.

The super being simply converses with the target, engaging them in debate, challenging their views and beliefs, until the sheer power of his moral perspective overwhelms them entirely.

Range: The target can be no more than 10 feet (3 m) away, and must be able to clearly see and hear the super being.
Damage: If successful, the target’s alignment changes to that of the super being. Note that this will make them vulnerable to the sub-ability of Champion.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience, before the target snaps out of it.
Attacks Per Melee: The character must talk to the target for at least five minutes, gradually wearing them down.
Saving Throw: The target may make a save vs. insanity, needing a roll of 14 or better to resist the effect (M.E. bonuses are applicable). This is not strictly the same as mind control; rather, the Paragon exposes the other being to the essence of his alignment, radiating good or evil like a furnace radiates heat. Therefore, beings that are protected against psionic or magical mind control must still roll to save against this conversion.

The super being must devote all his attention to engaging the other person and cannot do anything other than attempt to convert them to his cause, or the spell is immediately broken.

Proselytize cannot be used during combat; it is only effective if the other person is prepared to actually relax and listen to what the character has to say.

The power can be thwarted by the interference of a third character, who can easily ruin the attempt at conversion by simply distracting the target and/or the super being.

A converted individual will not automatically obey the super being, though they will be far easier to manipulate.

5. Bonuses:
+1D4 M.A.
+1D4 M.E.
+2 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Immune to other super beings’ use of the Paragon power.

Note: Individuals with no alignment (robots, golems, mindless undead) are completely immune to all aspects of this power.

Vampiric Bite (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

"I vant to suck your blood! Mu-hoo ha ha!"

The character can deliver a powerful bite attack, and use it to feed upon opponents.

The super being can will his canine teeth to transform into sharp fangs: this uses up only one melee action, and reversion to normal is just as fast. Once this is done, the character’s bites will inflict 2D6 damage + P.S. bonus (if any).

Furthermore, the character can use these fangs to drain the blood of others, to nourish and heal himself. If the super being’s target is incapacitated, he can simply bite them and feed at his leisure. If used in combat, the character must first successfully grapple with his opponent, pinning them or placing them in a hold that puts them within biting distance. If the opponent cannot break free on their next action, the super being can sink his fangs into his helpless foe, and feed for as long as he can maintain the hold.

The super being can drain the maximum amount of blood allowed for his level (see Damage below) with every melee action he devotes to the act of feeding. S.D.C./Hit Points taken from an opponent in this way can be used to replace the character’s own lost S.D.C./Hit Points on a one-to-one basis, e.g. inflicting 6 damage with the bite allows the super being to instantly recover 6 S.D.C.

Alternatively, the hero can use the blood to nourish himself: the super being can comfortably go for 48 hours without food or drink by causing drain damage equal to ten times his experience level (10 at level one, 20 at level two, etc).

If not in immediate need of healing or sustenance, the character can store a limited amount of blood: he can stockpile an amount of S.D.C. equal to 50 + 10 x the character’s experience level (60 at level one, 70 at level two, etc). This can be used to either repair injuries or provide nourishment as needed.

Note: the character is not a true vampire, and does not possess the traditional abilities or weaknesses of such creatures, though the player may choose other powers that simulate them.

Range: Touch - close combat.
Damage: 2D6+ P.S. bonus from a bite attack. Blood drain causes 1D6 damage + 1D6 per level of experience.
Attacks Per Melee: A bite attack uses up one melee attack/action. Draining the maximum amount of blood also uses up just one melee attack/action.
Bonus: +1 to strike with a bite attack, plus any P.P. bonus.

Limitations: While the super being’s transformed teeth are unnaturally sharp and tough, they cannot penetrate natural or man-made armour with an A.R. of 10 or greater.

The character cannot drain blood from inorganic, supernatural or energy-based beings. He can feed from the recently deceased, as long as the target has not been dead for more than an hour; any longer than that and the lifeless blood actually becomes toxic, causing the character 3D6 damage if he ingests it.

While draining an held opponent, the character is vulnerable to attacks from others; he is essentially defenceless for as long as he maintains his feeding hold.
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Nice work on these, Senator. I especially like Vampiric Bite! :D
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Nice work on these, Senator. I especially like Vampiric Bite! :D

Thanks! :)

You know, once I thought of it, I couldn't believe that a power like it wasn't already in one of the PU books! Yet, apparently not (unless I've missed something). It just seems kinda obvious, when you think about all the heroic vampires in fiction...
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Nice work on these, Senator. I especially like Vampiric Bite! :D

Thanks! :)

You know, once I thought of it, I couldn't believe that a power like it wasn't already in one of the PU books! Yet, apparently not (unless I've missed something). It just seems kinda obvious, when you think about all the heroic vampires in fiction...

There are Vampire type power, just nothing exactly like this one.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Storm Troopers (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"It was like an army came out of thin air!"\

"Your Evil Army is now complete, my lord!"
"I can now make my own Capital-One credit card!"

Sorry...Had to said... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Create Force Construct: Disguise (minor)
"where did that big guy come from?"

Range: self
Durability: SDC=PE per Level
Duration: constant, till cancled or the SDC deplited

Can affect an outward apperance of just about anything larger then the hero. This power creates a shell around the hero that create the apperance chosen by the hero. Clothing can be simulated but is a part of the construct and is static for the duraion of the power. The accuatcy of the disguise (skill) increases with level: 55+5/L . When paired up with Create Force Construct, the disguise's PS can be raised to the hero's ps to SNPS, same limits as the gient limbs sub power. Flight can be simulated with ether the the force wings from Create Force Construct or Flying force disc powers. If paired up with 'Create Force Construct: Clothing' then the clothing can be changed along the lines of the 'CFC:Clothing' power limitations.

Nice job doing this updated version of the power you posted so long ago. Well done.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Create Force Construct: Disguise (minor)
"where did that big guy come from?"


Nice job doing this updated version of the power you posted so long ago. Well done.

I wasn't thinking of it as an updated version, but another power in the same genre of power types.

While its sort of combines both aspects of CFC:Clothing in making a visable FC, it also has the body field aspect of Force Aura, as well as Shapechanger.

some questions I can think up are "Should it have a limited duration?" "should it have a regenration rate or can it flick back on at full sdc?" "should it be a major or minor?"
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It really has limited application, making it work very nicely as a minor.
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Absorb Opponent [Major]
'Sucks to be me heh....'

The character can abosrb his foes, trapping them inside his own mass, crushing and grinding them until they escape. This can be a superhuman swallow, allowing a target to be immersed in the characters bulk, or simply subsuming a target into his own form.

1) absorb opponent: After grabbing and holding a foe, the character can then absorb them into his mass on his next available action. In reality the character has a lot of extradimensional mass than his outward appearance belies, and can hold a fair amount inside himself without harm.
The target is effectively held (as if grappled) but cannot communicate with the outside world. furthermore, the character is free to move around and take other actions, unburdened by his held foe.
The target can escape the grapple by rolling a d20 and adding his PS attribute. the character rolls using his PE attribute instead (and adds +3 to this roll every level) if the target fails to escape in this manner then he remains held.
The character can, as an action, compress and squeeze targets inside him, inflicting 4D6 damage (plus PS bonus) to all targets inside him. the character can , as an action, spit a target back out (who loses an attack in the process as well as initiative).
If the character has any other powers that work at a touch range (disruptive touch, chemical secretion etc) then he may use them on a held target as well.

2) Limitations and escape clauses: The character can absorb his own mass worth of targets, though he has a 'virtual' 50lbs of extradimensional mass per level that combines with his own mass for this calculation. if a 'absorbed' opponent gains mass whislt held, and exceeds the character threshold, or should the character lose mass (weight manipulation), then any held targets are vomited forth (when their mass exceeds the characters).
An absorbed target cannot harm the character conventionally, as the internal muscle mass flexes and stretches as needs be. However energy attacks, or the creation of energy fields inside the body inflicts 1/3rd damage.(and must exceed his internal AR of 12. being grappled makes any shot a 'wild' shot) creating toxic chemicals, growing quills or forming acid has normal effects (quills will inflict 1/3rd damage as normal through.
A character who can teleport can leave at will. a character who can turn to liquid or gas (efefctively any APS power with manipulate shape) may roll their PP to escape rather than their PS (as they flow out of the character's orifaces)

3) other benefits. The character has +20 SDC for every 50lbs of virtual mass.
+4 PE
+ 2 to keep or maintain a grapple (conventional grappling that is)
the character can absorb non living matter as well. Half of any absorbed mass adds to the character's weight. this power compensates the character preventing the extra mass from being a burden, but every 50lbs of absorbed matter adds +1 to damage from bare handed attacks and subtracts 1 from the Spd attribute.
Lastly: the character can spit any held targets at other people. this attack is done at -4 to strike (no other bonuses allowed) but human sized targets inflict 2d6 damage as this sort of improvised attack.

Partially armoured: [Minor]
' might want to catch me on my good side'

The character can create an armoured exterior over one half of his body. thes plates combine to contribute the following.
* AR 13
* + 60 SDC (this SDC recovers at a rate of 1 per minute, and it's loss does not end the power)
* +1 to parry with the armoured limb. (does not assist with weapons)

Furthermore, if the character faces a single opponent, and turns his armoured side to him like a shield, he may increase his AR to 16 and his parry bonus to +3. Fire and energy attacks inflicted by this single target are halved (if the strike roll is greater than the AR. no damage otherwise)
when fighting multiple opponent, the character can use either his normal bonuses (ar 13) against all opponents or defend against a single foe and present no bonuses to all other targets.
Targets performing sneak attacks presumably have the presence of mind to target the unarmoured side.

Wilderness warrior: [Minor]
'Day 15. Still stranded in the jungle. It's beginning to feel a lot like home.'

The character has a survival instinct that triggers when isolated from the regular creature comforts of home.
the character has an instinctive climb, prowl, swim and wilderness survival of 30% +2% per level (or +10% to these relevant skills)
every day of isolation that the character experiences, he gains +10% to the aforementioned skills, as well as +5% to wilderness skills (skills max out at 98%) (the definition of isolation is a GM discretion. typically it refers to being abandoned in the wilderness, jungle, desert etc but could refer to a post apocolyptic urban environment as well)
In addition, the character gains +1 PE per day of isolation, to a maximum of 30.
The character heals at twice normal rate, and is highly resistant (half effect and duration) from normal enviromental trauma (baking heat, dehydration, natural disease or venoms etc)

Limb Recovery [Minor]
'Broken leg? I guess I'll just walk it off'

The character can spontaneously shed and regrow limbs. with but a thought he can cause an existing limb to break off and have a new one grow in it's place. effectively, damage to limbs and extremities is completely ignored. this does allow for a few additional party tricks though
* Can shed fingers and hands to escape from handcuffs or ropes.
* Adds 20% to escape artist skill (or grants it at 30% +5% per level)
* Can choose to absorb attacks on his limbs. as an action can use his limbs like a barrier, absorbing some damage from an attack (absorbs up to his PE score in damage from a single attack)
* insensitive to pain in his limbs

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Mental weaponry [Minor]
'Mind over matter'

The character can genrate a weapon formed from a combination of extradimensional matter and pure will. The weapon appears either as a natural weapon (horns, Mace like fist, spiky growth) formed from semi transperant energy (3d6 damage, +1 to strike and parry) or as a hand held weapon (does normal damage for it's weapon type but is +2 to strike, parry and initiative). The character chooses as he needs to. In any case the weapon inflicts damage based on the character's ME rather than PS.

It takes one action to create one of these mental weapons (or to change the type weilded)
The weapon also penetrates most forms of conventional protection, the character essentially willing it to bypass defences. if damage rolled equals or exceeds a target's AR or ME (targets choice) then it slides by AR or other forms of invulnerability and damages directly. If targets are otherwise immune, then they would, in this instance, take half normal damage.

The character can also genrate objects other than weapons. typically they have a range of about 3 inches per level, and must have a volume no less than a 3foot across sphere.

Irradiate [Major]
'I know, I know. I make everyone sick'

The character can irradaiate a target (or area 4 feet across +1 per level) within 60 feet (and he can clearly target).
Living targets must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) but if successful, they are unnafected.

Living targets suffer the following on a failed saving throw.
* Begin to glow lightly, and radiate heat (and will register as mildly radioactive)
* will fall sick. lose 1D6 PE (+1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15). also lose one attack, halve speed -2 from all combat skills and -10% to skill performance.
* will start to burn up from the inside. take 1d4 damage every melee round for 4 melee rounds (per level) characters relevant resistances to radiation and heat apply.

Innanimate objects suffer the following when targeted
* glows softly and becomes hot.
* will register as radioactive
* Takes 1D4 damage every round for 4 melee rounds (per level) will catch on fire if flamable.

After effects: Living targets stop being sick after 15 minutes per level, but remain ill at ease for 1 day per level (ashen appearance, small burns and residual radiation lowers PB by 3. bleeding soft tissue such as gums and upset stomaches contribute to a feeling of unwellness -2 to initiative -5% to skill performance) PE recovers at a rate of 1 every 15 minutes after the sickness has passed. Living targets cannot be sicked until the first dose has run it's course.

The character is immune to radiation himself. he can also irradiate and fire off a stream of particles Like a mini particle accellerator) inflicting 5D6 to targets out to 60 feet with +2 to strike with aimed shots.

Electrogenesis [Major]
'Now here's a shock'

The character can cause latent electrical charges to magnify, causing targets either pain or occasionally aiding them where necessary.
Living targets within 60 feet are subjected to intsense pain as their own bio-electric charge overloads their nervous system. The target makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) failure inflicts 2D6 damage, and the target loses an action from intense pain and muscle contraction. the target also loses any concentration he may have been maintaining.

Alternatively, a living target may have his bio-electric charge boosted gently. in this instance the target feels pretty upbeat and healthy (the equivilent of the spell: cure minor disorders). if the target can project electrical attacks, his next one enjoys a bonus of +1D6 damage (+1 per level) (the character can augment his own electrical attacks by 50% by expending an additional action with the attack)

Machines can also be harmed if they have electrical systems. Machines take 5D6 damage and have a 30% chance of shutting down some or all functions. The gentle approach increases efficiency by a factor of 4 (electrical consumption of any targeted device within 40 feet is reduced to 1/4...exploitable when combined with an energy weapon)

Metal objects can also be excited. a metal object so excited inflicts 2D6 to anyone foolish enough to be holding it (the target can drop a held metal item instead of taking damage) the character can affect a single metal item or all (conductive) metal within 30 feet.

The character is immune to electrical damage, as well as ion and stun wepaons.

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Iczer wrote:Absorb Opponent [Major]
'Sucks to be me heh....'

Yeechhh..."I wanna be ONE with you..."
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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animal telepathy aka noahs toungue(minor)
this a form of telepathy that ONLy works on animals
if you also have shapeshift(any animal)you can only use it on the type of animal you become & only when you are that animal.
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Leon Kennedy wrote:Web Casting (Major - save the questions until after you read the whole thing and you'll understand why it's major)


Reading the Name of the power my 1st thought was that the hero could access the www for live video from his location w/o a wi-fi hot spot or such.
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soda generation!(major)all of the following abilities can only be used after taking a drink of soda pop!
super speed-like the minor power
strong surge-you gain(once per drink for 1d10 minuites at a time)1d6 ps per level
mega burp!-you cause glass/crystalin objects to break apart for 1 mile per level,living beings loose 1d4 sdc per level of the burpy
sticky goo-like the carpet of adhesion
gain 1d6 pe,1d2 me,1d2 ms & 1d2 ps
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abe wrote:soda generation!(major)all of the following abilities can only be used after taking a drink of soda pop!
super speed-like the minor power
strong surge-you gain(once per drink for 1d10 minuites at a time)1d6 ps per level
mega burp!-you cause glass/crystalin objects to break apart for 1 mile per level,living beings loose 1d4 sdc per level of the burpy
sticky goo-like the carpet of adhesion
gain 1d6 pe,1d2 me,1d2 ms & 1d2 ps

Pray you don't run into Mentos-Man... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by willthetiger »

First of all would like to say,I love the powers you have created.I am not to creative so was wondering if anyone had time,if they would make the following powers.

I always thought I character with Super strength,even with pull punch would still kill normal humans,any power where you can regualte your strength, so a character with Supernatural strength,could say hold an egg without turning it to powder.

A power for mystical and psychic chracters(ie perfection for psyical and genius for mental)
maybe Mystical Superiority and Mystical Perfection.

I didnt see this power,but maybe a Superhuman or supernatural reflexes.

Those are just a few I was thinking of,thank you in advance if you can help me out.
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Minor Matter Expultion Mentos

Mentos Blast
Range: 200'
Damage: 1d4-3 sd per mentos & save vs pain vs 17 each hit
Rate of fire: single or burst (use the machine gun burst rules for a 99 round payload)
Duration: each blast or burst is created instantly. Evaporates after 30 min.
Unlike other M.Ex. powers, this is capable of bursts up to 99 mentos per melee round. The Heros with this power have to point at the target, with the mentos firing from the tip of the pointing finger. (if just making some for breath mints the hero can create half a dozen in the palm of his hand.) When encountering opponents with think clothing, the clothing gives the opponent a +5 vs pain, and opponents in armor take no damage unless the AR is beaten. This attack is more of a ouch then a real hurt, so when rolling damage, only a roll of 4 does any damage at all. Nat twenties will hit a soft spot, so the crit strike will result in an auto fail vs pain and the lost of 1 APM. Any opponents with Nat AR are immune to all but nat 20 hits.
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Minor Matter Expultion Mentos

Mentos Blast
Range: 200'
Damage: 1d4-3 sd per mentos & save vs pain vs 17 each hit
Rate of fire: single or burst (use the machine gun burst rules for a 99 round payload)
Duration: each blast or burst is created instantly. Evaporates after 30 min.
Unlike other M.Ex. powers, this is capable of bursts up to 99 mentos per melee round. The Heros with this power have to point at the target, with the mentos firing from the tip of the pointing finger. (if just making some for breath mints the hero can create half a dozen in the palm of his hand.) When encountering opponents with think clothing, the clothing gives the opponent a +5 vs pain, and opponents in armor take no damage unless the AR is beaten. This attack is more of a ouch then a real hurt, so when rolling damage, only a roll of 4 does any damage at all. Nat twenties will hit a soft spot, so the crit strike will result in an auto fail vs pain and the lost of 1 APM. Any opponents with Nat AR are immune to all but nat 20 hits.

Oy. Next people will be amazing us with Matter Expulsion: Chicklets.
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willthetiger wrote:First of all would like to say,I love the powers you have created.I am not to creative so was wondering if anyone had time,if they would make the following powers.

I always thought I character with Super strength,even with pull punch would still kill normal humans,any power where you can regualte your strength, so a character with Supernatural strength,could say hold an egg without turning it to powder.

A power for mystical and psychic chracters(ie perfection for psyical and genius for mental)
maybe Mystical Superiority and Mystical Perfection.

I didnt see this power,but maybe a Superhuman or supernatural reflexes.

Those are just a few I was thinking of,thank you in advance if you can help me out.

You might check the wiki to see if there are powers there that fit this description.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Minor Matter Expultion Mentos

Mentos Blast
Range: 200'
Damage: 1d4-3 sd per mentos & save vs pain vs 17 each hit
Rate of fire: single or burst (use the machine gun burst rules for a 99 round payload)
Duration: each blast or burst is created instantly. Evaporates after 30 min.
Unlike other M.Ex. powers, this is capable of bursts up to 99 mentos per melee round. The Heros with this power have to point at the target, with the mentos firing from the tip of the pointing finger. (if just making some for breath mints the hero can create half a dozen in the palm of his hand.) When encountering opponents with think clothing, the clothing gives the opponent a +5 vs pain, and opponents in armor take no damage unless the AR is beaten. This attack is more of a ouch then a real hurt, so when rolling damage, only a roll of 4 does any damage at all. Nat twenties will hit a soft spot, so the crit strike will result in an auto fail vs pain and the lost of 1 APM. Any opponents with Nat AR are immune to all but nat 20 hits.

Oy. Next people will be amazing us with Matter Expulsion: Chicklets.

Bon-Bon Bombardment
Alter Form: Marzipan
Alter Form: Marshmellow Fluff
Matter Expulsion: Candy-Cane
Form Melee Weapon: Lollipop
Energy Expulsion: Minty Blast

and of course...

Induce Diabetes...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Induce diabetes, huh? Hmmm...

Natural Piloting Ability {minor} by Stone Gargoyle

The hero does not need to do a vehicle control roll unless exceeding the Cruising Speed plus miles per hour equal to his IQ and PP scores combined (so if Formula One has an IQ of 21 and PP of 16, he can drive 37mph over the vehicle's Cruising Speed before needing to make a control roll). He does not suffer penalties for exceeding maneuver speed and driving in reverse, and only suffers -5% penalty for taking his eyes off the road. In addition, all crashes will be treated as a Lucky Fall, with the hero taking only 2d6 damage. When rolling on the Loss of Control Table (HU2 p. 83-84), ignore and reroll if resulting in Totaled! or Roll and Burn!, as the worse the hero will ever do is crash the vehicle. The above conditions apply to all vehicles, whether ground vehicles, watercraft, aircraft or spacecraft.
Also, when rolling a Dodge, the hero only uses up half his actions, not all for the melee round as usual.
When making a successful roll to Ram in a ground vehicle, the hero's penalties are also reduced, allowing him to only suffer -20 when attacking and -30 when defending.
For a Cut-Off in a ground vehicle, the hero only suffers -20 when attacking and -15 when defending.
A Sudden Brake is made with only a -10 penalty, with Bootleg Turns done at -40.
So most of these reduced penalties apply to ground vehicle combat only, and air combat penalties are the same as normal. The reasoning is that this power relies largely on traction of the vehicle which aircraft and watercraft do not have.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Mon May 19, 2008 8:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Motorhead (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero possesses an uncanny knack when it comes to motors, gaining +30% to any Electrical and Mechanical skills related to motors and engines. If possessing bionics, the hero can do self-repair and does not suffer any penalties when wrking on Robotics and Bionics. Repair times are halved for the hero and he is +4 to strikes intended to disable machines.

Other Bonuses:
+1d4 IQ
+2 to save vs, psionics, mind control and possession
+10% to piloting skills when driving anything possessing a motor. All piloting skills are available to him regardless of educational level.
+5% to Weapons Systems and Computer Hacking

Slingblade (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero has an affinity with knives and can throw them using methods not normally possible. This allows the hero to do a couple interesting things.

1.Throwing Blades: The hero automatically gets the Weapon Proficiencies of Targeting: Missile Weapons and Knife, and can throw knives by using a sling with no penalty, able to add the strike bonuses together in a single attack (This attack gets the normal bonuses of WP Targeting and +1 to Throw the knife at levels 1, 7, 11 and 15). If possessing WP Whip, the character can do a combination entangle/throw to grab an unheld knife (This is done with a successful Called Shot entangle the knife and then a blade throwing roll to strike a secondary foe with the knife. Bonuses to throw are the same as for slinging a blade as above. Cannot be used to Disarm and then throw, though the whip might be used to Disarm the opponent rather than Entangle using the Entangle bonuses).

2.Juggling Knives: The hero gains the equivalent of the Stage Magician's Juggling Special Skill when using knives.
Attacks: 5 attacks per melee when juggling knives to throw them, plus one additional attack at levels 3, 6, and 9. this replaces the normal Hand to Hand attacks for the round and cannot be combined with normal attacks. He must do one or the other.
Additional Bonuses: +1 to strike with any throwing knives, +1 to parry. This is in addition to Hand to hand and WP bonuses.
Number of Items juggled: Up to six knives at level one, plus one for each additional level of experience. Base Skill: 50%, +5% per level.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Induce diabetes, huh? Hmmm...

Natural Piloting Ability {minor} by Stone Gargoyle


These apply to ground vehicle combat only, and air combat penalties are the same as normal.

Maybe they would have to pick ether driving or flying when taking this power, but you would have to define what the flying bonuses are. Or rename this one to be Nat. Driving Ability.
Dose this power cover piloting boats? Spacecraft?
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Induce diabetes, huh? Hmmm...

Natural Piloting Ability {minor} by Stone Gargoyle


These apply to ground vehicle combat only, and air combat penalties are the same as normal.

Maybe they would have to pick ether driving or flying when taking this power, but you would have to define what the flying bonuses are. Or rename this one to be Nat. Driving Ability.
Dose this power cover piloting boats? Spacecraft?

The reduced maneuvering penalties are the only thing limited to ground vehicles. The increased speed applies to all vehicles. My reasoning appears in the edited version.
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Alter Physical Structure: Swamp

By Senator Cybus

The strange ability to transform into a being of fetid water, fauna and flora, mud and muck; not just a thing from the swamp, but the swamp given human form! This weird change grants the following abilities.

1. Partial Invulnerability. The transformed body does have a certain amount of solidity, in the form of plant matter, soil and even the occasional animal swimming around inside, but is mostly composed of murky water: consequently, projectiles (bullets, arrows, crossbow bolts, etc) and physical attacks (punches, kicks, weapon strikes, etc) do only 10% of their normal damage!

Heat, fire, lasers, electricity and all other forms of energy do half damage. Cold and shadow-based attacks cause full damage. Radiation, gases, poisons and disease do full damage, as do magic spells and psionics.

Explosions cause only 10% of normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 2D4 minutes.

2. Increased Mass and Strength. Height increases by one foot (0.3 m). Weight is eight times normal. Physical strength is increased by 2D4 + 5 and is considered Extraordinary while in swamp form.

Additionally, if the character is in contact with the living earth (soil or swampland, but not sand, bare rock or man-made surfaces) or a natural body of fresh water with a diameter of at least 30 feet (9 m), his strength is further increased: P.S. becomes Superhuman while in such environments.

3. Stench. The fetid waters of the character’s alternate form constantly exude an overpowering stink. While the super being is immune to the smell, those around him find it distracting and debilitating.

Range: 5 feet (1.5 m) radius. Everybody within the radius must roll to save.
Saving throw: A roll of 14 or higher (P.E. bonuses applicable).
Effects and Penalties: A failed save means that the victim is overcome by the putrid odour. Victims are -6 on initiative, -2 to strike, parry and dodge, -20% to perform any skill and lose one attack/action per melee round due to gagging and retching.
Duration: Victims suffer the above penalties for as long as they remain within range and for one full melee round after.
Attacks Per Melee: None. This is an automatic ability; as soon as the hero transforms, this effect is active.

4. Weed Wrap. The super being can will the weeds and roots that form part of his body to wrap around his opponents, binding them tightly.

The character must first successfully grapple with an opponent, pinning them or placing them in a hold. If the opponent cannot break free on their next action, the super being can envelope his helpless foe in vegetation, making it much more difficult to escape his grasp (see Bonuses below).

If the character wishes, instead of simply disabling an opponent, he can try to draw them into the murky waters of his own body, in order to drown them! If they cannot break the hold in time (see Attacks Per Melee below), the opponent will be dragged into the character’s main body and be engulfed…

Note: A character of good alignment would never even consider this tactic, except in the most dire of circumstances.

Range: Close combat.
Damage: None, if just holding an opponent. If drowning them, opponents become dizzy within one minute, unconscious within two and suffocation occurs within 4D4x10 seconds thereafter.
Duration: A Weed Wrap can be maintained indefinitely.
Attacks Per Melee: Wrapping an opponent uses up one melee attack/action. Drawing an opponent into the main body uses up two melee attacks/actions: if the opponent can break the hold before then, they can avoid being dragged in.
They can still attempt to escape even after being drawn in, but it’s much more difficult; the super being is +3 to maintain a hold on someone trapped within his main body, in addition to the bonus already granted by the Weed Wrap.
Bonuses: Once the Weed Wrap is covering an opponent, the super being is +1 to maintain a hold, plus 1 per level of experience (+2 at first level, +3 at level two and so on).
Limitations: The water of the super being’s swamp form is oxygenated, so the drowning attack is ineffective against opponents that can breathe underwater.
Opponents that are physically larger than the super being cannot be drowned in this way.

5. Beast Blast. As a living swamp, the super being’s body is home to a number of marshland creatures. At will, the character can summon them to combat his enemies; while not strictly under his control, they will fight to protect their “territory“. The creatures will burst out of the super being’s torso, launching themselves directly at an opponent.

Range: 5 feet (1.5 m) to actually hit an opponent with an animal; if successful, the creature/s will inflict an automatic strike, effectively a sneak attack (see below for damage). If the enemy is farther away, the animal will chase after them.
Damage: As per the natural weapons of the animals; see below.
Duration: The animals are real, flesh and blood creatures, and will live until killed or re-absorbed by the super being.
Attacks Per Melee: Summoning an animal uses up two melee attacks/actions.
Bonuses: +2 to hit an opponent with an animal.
Limitations: The character can only use the Beast Blast ability a number of times per hour equal to his experience level x 3 (three times at level one, six times at level two and so on).

The hero cannot choose what kind of animal will appear when he uses this ability; the player must roll 1D4 on the following table each time the power is used, to determine the creature type:

1. Snakes. 1D4 snakes; each has the following attributes:

Size: 1 ½-6 feet (0.4 to 1.8 m) long.
Weight: 2 to 8 pounds (1 to 4 kg).
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 2D6
S.D.C.: 1D6
Horror Factor: 12
Attacks Per Melee: 1
Damage: Bite does 1D4 damage, plus 1D6 additional poison damage unless the opponent successfully saves against it (14 or higher; P.E. bonuses applicable).
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +4 to strike, +1 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, swim 80%, climb trees 40%, night vision 30 feet (9 m), heat sensor in its “pit” organs enables the snake to see the heat signature of its prey (+2 to strike) even in total darkness or if the target is invisible.
Speed: 7 on land, 5 in water.

2. Leeches. 5D6+10 leeches will explode outwards and attempt to latch onto any opponent they can reach. They have the following attributes:

Size: Up to 3 inches (0.08 m).
Weight: A few ounces.
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 1
S.D.C.: None.
Horror Factor: 8
Attacks Per Melee: Effectively none, as the leech will do nothing but hold onto opponents and drain their blood. After 1D4 minutes, a leech will be completely full and will drop off and attempt to swim/slither away.
Damage: An attached leech will drain away 1 S.D.C. every melee round.
Bonuses: +2 to strike if in water.
Natural Abilities: Sensitivity to heat and motion allows the leech to “see” its prey in total darkness or even if the target is invisible.
The powerful jaws of the leech allow it to hang on if the prey is thrashing about and trying to shake it off. The best way to remove it is to either burn it, forcing it to let go, or simply allow it to drink its fill and then drop off, if you can spare the blood.
If a leech is ripped off, its head will remain attached and the wound may become infected; the victim must save vs. disease (11 or better; P.E. bonuses applicable), or 1D4 hours later he/she will break into a fever. Victims start to burn up, feel dizzy and weak, vision becomes blurred, the body aches and it is difficult to concentrate. Reduce combat bonuses, speed and initiative by half, skills suffer a -30% penalty and the number of attacks/actions per melee round is reduced by two. Symptoms persist for 1D4x12 hours.
Speed: 2 on land, 6 in water.

3. Frogs. 3D6 frogs with the following attributes:

Size: Up to 6 inches (0.15 m).
Weight: Up to ½ pound (0.25 kg).
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 1
S.D.C.: None.
Horror Factor: None.
Attacks Per Melee: No attacks against humanoids or large animals; three melee actions (leap about, swim).
Damage: None; useful only as a distraction.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative and +4 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Swim 95%, prowl 75%, night vision 25 feet (7.6 m) and can hold breath for 1D4+1 minutes.
Speed: 16 on land, 12 in the water.

4. Alligator. A single ’gator, with the following attributes:

Size: 10-25 feet (3 to 7.5 m) long.
Weight: 800-1500 pounds (363 to 680 kg).
A.R.: 8
Attribute Note: Alligators are very strong with incredibly powerful jaws. The P.S. of a ‘gator is 1D6+20.
Hit Points: 4D6+10
S.D.C.: 3D6+20
Horror Factor: 14
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Tail slash does 1D6 damage, claws do 1D4 damage, while a bite does 2D6 damage. A P.S. equal to the alligator’s is needed to pry its jaws open, but only half that to hold them shut.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to dodge underwater.
Natural Abilities: Swim 90%, Prowl (in water) 70%.
Speed: 6 on land, but can run at speed 44 (about 30 mph/48 km) in brief bursts of one minute. Speed in the water is 18.

6. Bonuses.
+250 S.D.C. in swamp form. S.D.C. recovers at four times the normal rate, or ten times normal rate if in contact with living earth or a body of fresh water.
The hero can walk or swim through marshland and swamps at twice his normal, non-transformed speed.
The character does not need to breathe in swamp form, as the water of his body is oxygenated.
The super being automatically possesses the skills of Land Navigation, Prowl, Track Animals and Wilderness Survival, all at 80% +2% per level, but this innate knowledge only applies to swamp or marshland environments. The character may use these skills in either his normal or transformed state.
Horror Factor: 12 (optional).

7. Disadvantages and Limitations:
-1 to dodge.
-2 to save vs. poison and gas attack.
Speed is reduced to one third of normal.
As the super being stinks and leaves a trail of silt and muck wherever he goes, attempts to track him enjoy a bonus of +40%.
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"There is beauty in the swamp...if you know where to look for it..."

"Swamp Thing! You make my heart sing!"'s a good power... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Yes, Senator, very impressive. :D
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Thanks, guys! :D

Here goes another one...

Personal Bubble

By Senator Cybus

"Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home..."

With a thought, the hero can replace the local surroundings with his ideal environment, overriding reality to give himself the home field advantage wherever he happens to be.

The Personal Bubble manifests itself as a dome centred on the super being, in which just about any conditions can be created: this pocket reality could resemble a desert, a graveyard, the courtyard of a mediaeval castle or anything else that the character can imagine. Once created, the bubble is fixed in place and the hero can maintain it in that location for as long as he chooses. People in the real world can see and move into the bubble at any time, and vice versa. As soon as someone enters the bubble, they are subject to whatever hazards and physical laws exist inside it (see below for further details).

The concentration required to maintain a basic Personal Bubble uses up one action/attack per melee round, but grants the following bonuses: the hero is +1 to strike, parry, dodge and roll with punch/impact, and +2 to save vs. Horror Factor (this is his home turf, he’s comfortable here and he knows his way around). Additionally, the bubble provides a constant breathable atmosphere and the temperature inside is always at optimum levels, regardless of conditions outside. High ambient radiation and airborne disease cannot penetrate the bubble.

To add additional features, players should use the following guidelines (note that the more complicated the alternate environment, the more attacks/actions that the super being must devote to keeping it active):

Any effect that empowers the hero. This could mean an area of permanent sunlight for a Solar Powered hero, a floor of bare soil for a super being with Earth Empowerment, or a dome filled with sea water for a character with Underwater Abilities; basically anything that boosts the super being’s attributes or activates/enhances his powers.
Cost: one attack/action.

Any effect that would hamper opponents. This is anything that hinders an enemy‘s movement or confuses their senses, but without actually injuring them (this assumes that the hero is facing normal, non-powered opponents; super beings may be able to adapt to the adverse conditions). Very bright light, such as that produced by the power of Glow Bug, a coating of slippery ice or slime on the floor, or a terrible smell like that produced by the Stench power would all fall under this category.
Cost: one attack/action.

Any effect that injures opponents. Extreme heat/cold, high radiation, a vacuum or toxic atmosphere; anything that would cause S.D.C. loss or lead to an opponent’s death (this assumes that the hero is facing normal, non-powered opponents; super beings may be able to adapt to the adverse conditions).
Cost: two attacks/actions.

Any effect that alters the environment without empowering the super being or affecting his opponents. This is anything that doesn’t directly help, harm or hamper anyone, but is different to the conditions of the outside world. This could be things like an anti-sound field (producing noise of any kind is impossible), continual pulses of electromagnetic energy that knock-out electronics, omni-directional gravity (occupants of the bubble can walk along any surface; floors, walls or ceilings), extensive ramparts or obstacles that provide cover and places to hide, or a sterile field that neutralises airborne diseases released inside the dome.
If the super being chooses, he can prohibit the usage of certain exotic energies in his pocket reality. He can block the use of I.S.P., P.P.E., super powers (the super being’s own powers are unaffected) or super technology: each counts as a separate effect, and uses up attacks/actions accordingly.
Cost: one attack/action.

The cost of these effects is cumulative. For example, the aquatic hero Captain Cod decides to make his Personal Bubble simulate the ocean floor, with a layer of sand on the bottom and sea water filling the rest of the dome. It costs him one attack/action just to generate the basic bubble, one more because the water activates his Underwater Abilities, another one because the water would hamper his opponents’ movements and two more because being completely submerged in water will drown his opponents: this means he must sacrifice five attacks/actions per melee round for as long as he wants to sustain the bubble.

Note: It is impossible to list here all of the possible combinations of effects that a player might choose. Players and G.M.s should work together to ensure that the final design of the bubble is fair and balanced.

Once the player has selected the features of the Personal Bubble, they cannot be changed. As the character grows in experience, the bubble can be made larger and purely cosmetic features can be added in the new space, but the basic environmental conditions cannot be altered or added to.

Environmental conditions outside the bubble do not affect the inside and vice versa; it could be blazingly hot inside the dome, but perfectly cool just an inch away. However, people and animals, solid objects and projectiles of all kinds can pass in and out of the bubble without any problem.

People within the bubble’s range are caught inside when it is created, but structures, furnishing and the normal terrain are temporarily displaced, removed to some other dimension until the bubble is cancelled.

The Personal Bubble is useful as a temporary shelter from the elements, an obstacle, a trap for the unwary or just as a way to impress or intimidate.

Range: The bubble has a maximum radius of 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience, centred on the spot where the hero first created it. The character does not have to create a bubble of the maximum size, but once it is in place he cannot change its radius, and he must cancel it and create a new bubble if he wants a smaller or larger one.
The super being can leave at any time, but if he moves more than 100 feet (30 m) away from the bubble, it instantly disappears.

Duration: Indefinite. The bubble lasts for as long as the super being wills it.

Damage: As per chosen features.

Attacks Per Melee: Creating a bubble uses up just one attack/action. See the rules above regarding maintaining it.

Bonuses: As the super being gains in experience, he finds it easier to maintain the bubble; at experience levels six and ten, he can reduce the number of attacks/actions needed to sustain it by one (for example, if a bubble uses up four actions per melee round at level five, it only uses up three actions per round once the character reaches level six). However, the bubble always uses up at least one melee attack/action, regardless of level.

A super being with Personal Bubble can use it to negate another character’s use of the same power. To do this, the hero and his opponent both roll a D20; high roll wins. M.E. bonuses are applicable, and both characters gain a bonus to the roll equal to their experience level (+1 at level one, +2 at level two, etc).
Whoever wins can replace reality with their bubble, and the loser cannot attempt to override that power again until they have gained at least one new level of experience.

The super being is not affected by any power or effect that alters time or space (such as Pause Temporal Flow or Portals) unless it originates inside the bubble; even if he can be clearly seen from the outside, he cannot be targeted from there.

Limitations: If the super being is rendered unconscious or killed, the Personal Bubble will collapse immediately and normal reality will be restored.

The character cannot pick and choose who is affected by the conditions inside the bubble; everyone within range is exposed to its hazards, whether they are friend or foe.

Only one Personal Bubble can be created at a time. It is fixed in place upon creation, so if the super being wants it positioned somewhere else, he must first cancel it and then physically move to the new location.
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again...impressive..I can see this power manifested associated with some insanities/psychological complexes/traumatic past histories...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Just so you know, I hope to get some new powers up soon. Having a lot of personal things to deal with, though.
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“You suck, man, you SUCK!”

The superbeing can cause atmosphere or liquids to displace themselves, moving through a narrow ‘bottleneck’ to produce a suction effect with the following effects/applications:
1: -Suction Draw---The superbeing can create the suction effect at a remove from himself/herself, to pull objects(and people) around. The ‘bottleneck’ can be defined as a space as narrow as 3 inches or as wide as 3 ft through which air is drawn. The effect can be used to siphon atmosphere from one locale to another, ventilate an area, pick up small objects, and, as an offensive power, slam people through opennings and into walls.
Range: The suction point can be created as far away as 10 ft +5 ft per level of experience, and the suction effects have a range of 30 ft +10 ft per level of experience(typically affects a 45-degree area of effect).
Damage: None normally. Suction Draw has a pull strength equivalent to the superbeing’s P.E. and P.S. combined, +2 per level of experience, and is considered Superhuman Strength(example: Doc Hoover has a P.E. of 10 and a P.S. of 12, and is 8th level...10+12+16 equals 38...x20 for carrying weight...His suction power can pull 760 lbs of weight!). Picking up and THROWING an object as a missile with this power uses the P.S. 38 for calculating range and damage....same applies for grabbing somebody and throwing them into a wall or deliberately too narrow openning for damage purposes.
Other Suction Applications:

2. -Adhesion---The superbeing can use his suction abilities to stick to surfaces, anchor himself in place(with a strength equivalent to that of the Suction-Draw ability above), and even climb walls and ceilings(reduce speed to 1/4)

3.-Vacuum Welding---By placing two perfectly flat, polished, surfaces next to each other, and then drawing out all the air, the superbeing can effectively weld them together. Takes about 30 seconds to accomplish, and the surfaces must be smooth, flat, and non-porous.

4.-Other Bonuses: +2 to save against airborne toxins, gases, and pollutants
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Senator Cybus
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taalismn wrote:Suction(Major)
“You suck, man, you SUCK!”

- snip!

Nifty. Lots of possible nasty uses for this... :twisted: :D Quick question: if I'm using the power to throw an object, is there any bonus to strike?

Anyhoo...this thread has been disturbingly quiet lately (no new powers for six days! :eek: :D ), so I guess I'll have to do my bit...


Ultimate Weapon, Energy Expulsion: Elemental and Retcon Punch.

Yeah. You read that right. Retcon Punch...
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Heaven's thunder [Major]
"i'm gonna rock your world'

The character has an energy blast style attack which he can scale up at the cost of his own health.
1) energy blast. the character can fire a blast of energy (select which one) out to 500 feet with a bonus of +3 to strike (+1 on a wild shot). the blast inflicts 3D6 damage +1D6 every level.

2)Power bolt: The character can scale up the damage of his blast by sacraficing his own PE score. The character drops 1-10 PE points. each point sacraficed adds 3D6 to the blast's basic damage. such an enhanced blast melts through armour (reduce AR of any struck target by 4) and emits a bright light and sonic boom. the target of the attack, as well as anyone within 20 feet of the character must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) a failed saving throw means the target is part blinded, and part deafened (-4 to initiative, and -2 to strike/parry and dodge and loses an action. If the is actually struck by the blast (as opposed to being missed or dodging) then he has a -4 to the saving throw.

3) build power: the character can spend actions building power. every melee round spent building power adds 2D6 to the damage and doubles its range. a minute building power would then add 8D6 damage and double the range 4 times (8000 feet) The character ignores 4 AR of a target for every melee round spent and gains a +2 to strike per melee round. the character cannot hold on to this built up power for long (one melee round per point of PE), and if the character lsoes concentration, or suffers more than 4 damage, he randomly releases the built up energy like a bomb (half damage to all targets, character included, within 10 feet per melee +5 feet per level. the character can combine aspects of #2 and #3.

4) other abilities: half damage from energy. immune to his own energy type. if the energy type is 'force' he takes half damage from kinetic assaults.

Insect rebirth: [Minor]
'I didn't mean to bug you man'

The character can enter a trance while injured, which in turn summons swarms of bugs that crawl over the character and transfer their own body mass to the character. the bugs arrive at their own pace (typically start within 4D6 minutes) and cover the character in a cocoon of their own flesh. while the character remains in the trance, the bugs continue to come, and the character heals 6D6 HP or SDC every hour. In addition, the character will regrow burnt skin, lost fingers, teeth, soft tissue and even eyes at a rate of 1 part per hour. when finished, the character arises from the dessicated husks of the insect corpses (roughly speaking, every 5 points of damage healed results in 1 pound of insect corpses.
Oddly enough, the character can generate a swarm of bugs from his own flesh, essentially reversing the process. such a swarm is considered a blinding, itching or biting swarm and functions much like mentally control insects (ability #3 Control Insects and arachnids Page 261 HU2). the creation of such a swarm requires the character to take 4D6 damage from his own flesh.

Armoured organs: [Minor]
' wooden object in the groin...I'm glad there's a layer of cartilige there now'

The character has armoured growths of bone and hardened tissue protecting his major, and some of his minor) organs. The character has 75 SDC (plus 10 per level) used to offset the damage done by called shots and critical hits. (normal hits affect the character's SDC normally) damage effects that target an organ (such as some specific super powers and the effects of massive damage) have no effect aside from any real damage they cause (30 points of damage that normally would result in a punctured lung is just 30 damage.)
The character also enjoys the following bonuses:
+ 6D6 SDC
+ 4D6 HP
+2 PE

toxic storage: [minor]
'I can squirt that stuff from my eyes!!'

The character has an unnusual method of dealing with venom and toxins. any time he succeeds in a saving throw vs poison or toxins, he stores the excess toxin in his body, and can squirt it from his eyes out to a range of 15 feet with +6 to strike (and is typically a suprise attack) the regurgitated toxin is concentrated and made more reactive in this process. The toxin has the same effect, but will react with skin to skin contact even if the original toxin/venom was not a contact agent. (if squirt into a targets eyes successfully, then the target is -2 to save and will be blinded for one melee round in addition to any other toxic effects)
The character also enjoys +4 to save vs poisons and toxins. He may store one 'squirt' per level.

Return power: [Minor]
The character can trigger a target to turn his own powers on himself. If the character can touch a target, he causes his own powers to trigger. the character selects one power posessed by the target. the target must make a saving throw of 14+ (PE bonuses apply) or fall victim to his own power. This power works on any power that requires a saving throw. regardless of the targetted power, the saving throw remains 14+, is usable at touch only and has no consequences for a successful saving throw.

Bloodscent: [minor]
'I can smell you little girl...and I'm coming for you'

The character has a heightened sense of smell specifically sensing the telltale taint of blood.
the character can smell blood out to about 50 feet on still air (half this distance in a cross wind, but next to no scent when upwind)
the character can track blood at a base of 65% chance (roll every 1000 feet) if the blood loss comes from HP damage, add 10%. other wise add +5% per level.
When a target the character faces is bleeding, the smell triggers a kind of hyperactive rage. the character gains +1 to strike already bleeding targets in Melee combat.
If the character severely wounds a target himself (inflicting HP damage) then he becomes more excitable, gaining +1 attack per melee for 1D4 rounds +1 per level.

Feathers: [minor]
'My daughter says they look cute. lay off me man'

The character can grow feathers on his arms, back and head at will, and can retratct or shed them at will. The feathers are of a uniform type and provide the following bonuses.
+4 to save vs cold effects
Half damage from cold and ice.
Have damage from falls over 50 feet. no damage from controlled falls under 50 feet.
doubles leaping distance (minimal lift)
adds +10% to all flight speeds.
Individual feathers may be removed and used as small knives (1D4)

+20 SDC while fetahers are 'out'

Blood transfer: [Minor]
'Let me tell you a story'

The character can transfer his blood to another, sharing circulatory systems.
The character need only press an open wound to another open wound for this to occur. This power seals the wounds and allows both character to share blood safely. (this power makes all blood in the system safe for both parties). while linked to another in this way, both parties enjoy a +2 to save vs poison and disaease, (and both may make a save at the point of contact to avoid further progression of the disease or poison). In addition, the character may transfer a large quantity of information to a target (or vice versa) sharing clouded memories with each other at arapid rate. the character can seperate at will from his target closing both wounds as he does so.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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