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Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:23 pm
by Mack
While legitimate, and constructive, criticism is encouraged, personal attacks are not.

Please maintain the level of civility we've all enjoyed in this discussion.


Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:32 pm
by Icefalcon
Sorry Mack.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:53 am
by Colonel_Tetsuya
Hey, NG 1&2 are Right around the corner!. Kev will be getting started on them just as soon as he finishes the Vampire sourcebook.


Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:56 am
by jaymz
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Hey, NG 1&2 are Right around the corner!. Kev will be getting started/ on them just as soon as he finishes the Vampire sourcebook.


Personally....I expect NG1 by June.....with NG2 maybe by September and Megaverse in Flames by years end.....But that's me.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:49 pm
by Icefalcon
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Hey, NG 1&2 are Right around the corner!. Kev will be getting started on them just as soon as he finishes the Vampire sourcebook.


We'll see. I am not holding out any hope that they will see serious attention with the release of the Robotech Tactics gearing up.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:36 pm
by Zamion138
I wrongly assumed like the lumiria one that by doing the kickstarter/crowd funding that northern gun would be the next things out.....

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:40 pm
by DhAkael
Poor mangement by the management on the Kickstarter thang.
The whole POINT of doing the Kick-Starter is to make sure that the product that is being kick-started is the VERY NEXT PROJECT RELEASED. :frust: :thwak:
-pant pant pant-
But as has been stated by the powers-that-be previously; they are getting sick and tired of people constantly re-stating the obvious...even though it IS obvious that those re-stating things have a point to make.
So we have to wait another month to half a year...
How about those of us wating on 'Megaverse in Flames'? Nearly a year & half delayed.
Mind you, it wasn't Kicked, so yeah it gets to fall by the wayside because everyone wants sparkly spanish-speaking undead that can be ganked with squirtguns. *shrug*

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:49 pm
by Athos
DhAkael wrote:How about those of us wating on 'Megaverse in Flames'? Nearly a year & half delayed.

Try 5 years...

If you don't believe me, look in Rifter 42, page 9 iirc.

Megaverse in Flames was due out in Fall of 2008.

I have been dying for this book to come out, and was really looking forward to it.

Now... I am just hoping it is out by XMas 2013.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:10 pm
by Icefalcon
Athos wrote:
DhAkael wrote:How about those of us wating on 'Megaverse in Flames'? Nearly a year & half delayed.

Try 5 years...

If you don't believe me, look in Rifter 42, page 9 iirc.

Megaverse in Flames was due out in Fall of 2008.

I have been dying for this book to come out, and was really looking forward to it.

Now... I am just hoping it is out by XMas 2013.

Yeah, but that book was not pre-funded by the fans though.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:14 am
by Sureshot
While delays happen and hearing about the delays can be annoying. Why would anyone think that constant delays are going to make anyone happy. I also agree with DhAkael in that a product that is kickstarted is given full priority over anything and everything else. Not pushed to the side. Hopefully it was a learning process and next time they do something similar we do not also see a similar mistake on their part.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:00 am
by earthhawk
I had planned to write a really long and sarcastic post concerning the Northern Gun offers but I decided not to. Instead I'll say this: if you let someone borrow money on the promise that they would pay you back but never did, would you let them borrow money again? I think most people on this forum would say no. Well, having another Insider offer without the last Insider being fulfilled is the same thing. You can't keep asking for money without producing product to show for it. No lender in the world would approve your loan if this was your business model.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:07 am
by Nightmask
earthhawk wrote:I had planned to write a really long and sarcastic post concerning the Northern Gun offers but I decided not to. Instead I'll say this: if you let someone borrow money on the promise that they would pay you back but never did, would you let them borrow money again? I think most people on this forum would say no. Well, having another Insider offer without the last Insider being fulfilled is the same thing. You can't keep asking for money without producing product to show for it. No lender in the world would approve your loan if this was your business model.

Well there are plenty of people who do keep lending though, most people don't actually stop after the first loan that wasn't paid back it takes several before they go 'okay that's enough I'm not doing this anymore'. Human nature sometimes does favor that, under the idea that as a good person you give the benefit of the doubt and believe that this time for sure they'll pay things back. So people keep 'lending' to Palladium in hopes it will pay off.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:24 am
by Colonel_Tetsuya
Talk about late...

so there i was re-reading Rifts Japan (which i never really gave much attention to when it came out, even though i bought it) last night....

"already working on a supplement that will focus on all the gods, oni, and supernatural beings that fill Japanese mythology; will also focus on magic powers and Shinto priests; likely to be a big book (160 to 220 pages)" - some paraphrasing there. this, however, is a direct quote:

It will be available in early 1996

The italicized will is like that in the text.

Also slated for 1996, apparently:
Juicer Uprisings, Lemuria and Easter Island, Northern Gun, The New West, and Lonestar. (Bold emphasis mine).

.. so, in retrospect, seems like Norther Gun is something like, oh... Seventeen Years Late. O.o

also "likely releases" including Rifts Chi-Town or the Coalition States (one assumes this became CWC), The Omegan Order, and Cyber Knights.

.... wth is the Omegan Order?

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:30 pm
by Icefalcon
earthhawk wrote:I had planned to write a really long and sarcastic post concerning the Northern Gun offers but I decided not to. Instead I'll say this: if you let someone borrow money on the promise that they would pay you back but never did, would you let them borrow money again? I think most people on this forum would say no. Well, having another Insider offer without the last Insider being fulfilled is the same thing. You can't keep asking for money without producing product to show for it. No lender in the world would approve your loan if this was your business model.

I certainly wouldn't lend money to someone like that again. And I am certainly not giving any money to Palladium until I have the results of my last investment.

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:35 pm
by Icefalcon
I hope that we see some more news about these books in tomorrow's weekly update. I would like a bit more than "working on it next and it is great".

Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:17 pm
by flatline
Icefalcon wrote:I hope that we see some more news about these books in tomorrow's weekly update. I would like a bit more than "working on it next and it is great".

Do things really change often enough to make weekly updates worthwhile?


Re: Northern Gun 1 & 2

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:35 pm
by Icefalcon
flatline wrote:
Icefalcon wrote:I hope that we see some more news about these books in tomorrow's weekly update. I would like a bit more than "working on it next and it is great".

Do things really change often enough to make weekly updates worthwhile?


Not usually but I keep hoping to see more information on just how much of the book is done and ready for typesetting/layout.