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Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:17 am
by Aramanthus
I think it's a very cool variant. I think you should fully stat it out!

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:14 pm
by taalismn
Command Glitterboy---Said to be a NEMA variant; an officer's machine for leading platoons of Glitterboys...the head features an extra 'crest' for communications gear able to fire-link the systems of the platoon members and allowing them to fire as one with exceeding accuracy....+3 to strike in addition to standard targeting system bonuses, but while linked, individual members are -1 to initiative, due to their systems being 'slaved' to the command program...

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:17 pm
by akito
i have two GB "ideas". I had a GB that needed some work, the heros had saved a CS base so the CS base had allowed some repairs to be made while in the safty of the base. The techie that was working on the GB did not know what he was doing "by the natural 00" and had inadvertently fired the cannon in the stowed posistion. :eek: when the dust settled and they got done cleaning the smear off the GB, the Base commander was :x which was quite :lol: . I could see that particular GB be a little accident prone if that happned a lot in its history.

My second GB story is my team found a NEMA stash in the desert "had to bring in a PC". The heros really did not want to leave the AI monitering the cryo tubes. They removed the cocpit and installed the hardware for the AI. The AI then spot welded himself shut. They then programed the AI with the personality of Bender from futurama.....I had to give him the voice. :mrgreen:

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:02 am
by Aramanthus
ROFLMAO!!! A Bender AI in a GB! Now that is nasty! Good one Akito!

That would be a cool one Taalismn!

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:35 pm
by taalismn
Sarael wrote:Heh, instead of Bender you can call him Boomer :P

"I'm a booming unit"
"Kill all humans"
"Bite my shiny chromium ..."
"Oh, ARCHIE3!!!" :P

(To admiring Operator)"You're not one of those robosexuals, are you?"

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:23 pm
by Aramanthus
LOL!! That is bad! :D :lol: I hope we see some stats on that one! I'd love to see them!

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:18 pm
by taalismn

Just can't keep a Glitterboy down!

'Headless Prussian'
The Headless Prussian is a Glitterboy said to haunt the wilds of Canada...It's a wrecked Triax T-550 Glitterboy that's said to be haunted...the soul of its pilot enslaved by a witch and the mindless mutilated body set free to wreck havoc as it roams the land...Other tales say the German pilot was accidentally decapitated by friendly fire or traitorous Coalition troops, and the betrayed German now wanders the land looking for his blown-away head...Others claim the Free Quebec power armor is a hoax meant to frighten CS soldiers with rumors of an 'invincible super-Glitterboy' that just keeps coming...
The Truth is more mundane...the Headless Prussian is actually a full suit of T-550 armor that was part of a consignment being shipped to Free Quebec when the transport went down near the Magic Zone, and was lost with all hands. Part of the wreck, and its cargo, were found by a trio of Faerie Bot D-Bees who were travelling together. The little technowizards decided to supplement their Eebs with something that might fit in better with the surroundings, so they rebuilt the T-550. The restored and modified power armor normally looks like a regular T-550, and has all the armaments, but can actually split up into three sections---the head, upper torso, and lower torso, each piloted by one of the Faerie-Bot d-bees(aka 'Fraanids')..Each section has been modified...all sections have a Fraanid hover system that allows the sections/whole armor to fly/hover at up to 150 MPH for the head, and 90mph for the legs and upper torso, sensors equal to the original Eebs, an energy field system, Armor of Ithan, and additional features; The head has two small lasers(2,00 ft range, 2d6 MD per single shot) built in, as well as two small manipulator arms that emerge from the neck. The upper torso sports a grappling hook in the forearm. The lower torso has two manipulator arms with a PS of 18 that emerge from the hips, three tool arms that emerge from the 'belt', and two small lasers on the waist(2,000 ft range, 3d6 MD per single shot, 6d6 MD for both firing simultaneously)..
The three Fraanids have been travelling as a team, exploring North America...They frequenlty send the faster and less easily seen head module ahead to scout...which is when the rest of the ambling 'headless' power armor has been seen...When danger threatens, the d-bees join back together to form the whole Glitterboy, ready for action, or that can split up and disperse, flying for cover and giving their enemies three separate targets to divide their attention among...

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:49 am
by Aramanthus
Very nice! I like how you included stats too! I can find an immediate use for this one! :D

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:57 pm
by runebeo
How about a Glitter Boy with a chameleon-like holographic plating and a boom gun with silencer & sound dampener. Most likely have reduced range and damage, but I sure would love one.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:20 pm
by taalismn
runebeo wrote:How about a Glitter Boy with a chameleon-like holographic plating and a boom gun with silencer & sound dampener. Most likely have reduced range and damage, but I sure would love one.

"Yep...cost me a mint to nearly undo everything the old NEMA set out to do with this design...but man are people s**** bricks when they figure out there's a Glitterboy sniper stalking 'em..." :D

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:47 pm
by Captain Shiva
One issue of the Rifter has an OCC called the Gridsmith, who is kind of like a Techno-Wizard, but instead of building magic powers into devices, they build superpowers into devices.Now here's a nasty thought: what if you built Cloaking, Sonic Power(not sure of the exact name,) and Kinetic Control(again, not sure on the exact name) into a Glitterboy? It would not show up on sensors, would be silent, and would not need to be anchored. 8-)

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:00 pm
by taalismn
Gotta look that Gridsmith sucker up, then, and start building that Elemental Control Boomgun!

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:57 am
by Aramanthus
Yeah, so do I. It sounds like a very cool idea to make the Glitterboy even better.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:19 am
by The Galactus Kid
ARISE!!! This is somethig that I've been thinking about doing in my minion war campaign. The players are all powerful characters and something like this could be right up their alley.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:25 am
by taalismn
The Galactus Kid wrote:ARISE!!! This is somethig that I've been thinking about doing in my minion war campaign. The players are all powerful characters and something like this could be right up their alley.

A Shining Army of TW Glitterboys?

Or, a thought occured to army of zombie Glitterboys, raised by a combination of Splicer-like nanotech and necromancy....Sure, some of the Glitterboys ain't all in intact, but they fight on! And on! And on!(shot of lower torso of a zombie GB kicking and stomping a demon to death).

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:39 am
by taalismn
Excellent fireside story! :D

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:53 pm
by taalismn
Hey, it's a time of Legends... 8)

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:05 pm
by MrMom
Have a round for the Glitter boy that is a barb instead of a fletchet.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:12 pm
by taalismn
MrMom wrote:Have a round for the Glitter boy that is a barb instead of a fletchet.

"Ah...the Glitterboy known as the 'Shredder'...chromium spikes on its shoulders and forearms, more horns on it's helment than a Horn-Head Demon's, vibroclaws like you wouldn't believe....Like somebody had raided Hell's own kitchen for cutlery....and the Boom didn't just punch holes in SHREDDED a tomato in a hovercraft's lift fans..."

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:27 pm
by Library Ogre
taalismn wrote:
MrMom wrote:Have a round for the Glitter boy that is a barb instead of a fletchet.

"Ah...the Glitterboy known as the 'Shredder'...chromium spikes on its shoulders and forearms, more horns on it's helment than a Horn-Head Demon's, vibroclaws like you wouldn't believe....Like somebody had raided Hell's own kitchen for cutlery....and the Boom didn't just punch holes in SHREDDED a tomato in a hovercraft's lift fans..."

"Too bad about its unfortunate vulnerability to rats and turtles."

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:49 pm
by taalismn
justicar5 wrote:Or.... the Old Guard

Possibly an original GB suit, possibly just an urban myth....

When the Rifts came a decomissioned suit of GB armour was at the Royal Armouries in England, a display piece, a nothing.

But sorrounded as it was by so much equipment taken from the dead of war is it any surprise that the spirit of war had inhabited this ultimate expression of knightly virtue?

A spirit of a disquiet knight slain in a forgotten war, or a medal winner maybe, his bronze and silver medals reflected in the mirror bright finish? Whatever the reason, a new legend was born, a knight of a scale to fight the monsters that came into this land.....

A GB suit sat astride the statue of an ancient warhorse given life by unknown methods...or is the mount a robot? we do not know. The suit 'jousts' his boom gun his lance, riding forth against the alien forces that corrupt this land, his home land, the suit may have a pilot and has been known to speak, but only to Royal Knights, he will not tolerate the presence of nexus knights, all others he ignores. Who or what pilots it, why has the passing centuries not destroyed the suit, and if the legends are truw, what force animates it?

Sorry if this is subpar, but it is my first attempt, and I only have the courage to post because I am slightly drunk.

It's a good idea and worth expanding on..try tweaking it when you're fully sober and you could work wonders! :D
There's also a hint of 'Doorknobs and Broomsticks' about it... :D

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:13 pm
by taalismn
justicar5 wrote:true, actually the image that insipred it, was the fully armoured kinght on rearing horse that the have in the museum, plus knight in shining armour, well how about glittering armour.

I can see the image...Only use the horse armor and barding so it's not entirely clear WHAT'S inside it, the illo would be dim, the Glitterboy bright....

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:06 am
by Aramanthus
Cool! It's nice to see some new legendary Glitter Boys! Please keep them coming!

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:50 am
by R Ditto
I need to dig out my old "dark man" GB variant, see if I can make a 'legendary' GB out of it.

Superior to a GB in many ways, and cheaper and easier to make... just to get tossed aside, likely because it involved more than "aim, shoot, kill target in brutal way" that the whiz kids and desk jockying arm chair generals in the military could accept...

(sort of like the M1 Abram's being limited because the military only allows generally anti-tank cannon ammo to be used... and the canister round that is redundant with the 15,000 rounds of MG ammo it carries... which makes it the most expensive tank in the world with the least main gun ammo and least flexibility due to not being allowed to use any of a half dozen other types of ammo that are used by tanks of other nations that use the exact same model of main gun... I heard that even older M60 tanks could perform better due to being multi-purpose capable and not limited to 'just' killing tanks... and drawing enemy fire)

Also got my old Crusher GB idea... but that is more akin to a literal walking tank than a PA... (100mm shell going mach 8 and a recoil compensation system that will probably cook and launch anyone standing behind it when the gun fires... even if said person is in EBA... 20ft long path of burnt ground anyone?)

Would mention more, but I am sleepy, and files on old computer... :(

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:55 am
by taalismn
R Ditto wrote:I need to dig out my old "dark man" GB variant, see if I can make a 'legendary' GB out of it.

Superior to a GB in many ways, and cheaper and easier to make... just to get tossed aside, likely because it involved more than "aim, shoot, kill target in brutal way" that the whiz kids and desk jockying arm chair generals in the military could accept...

(sort of like the M1 Abram's being limited because the military only allows generally anti-tank cannon ammo to be used... and the canister round that is redundant with the 15,000 rounds of MG ammo it carries... which makes it the most expensive tank in the world with the least main gun ammo and least flexibility due to not being allowed to use any of a half dozen other types of ammo that are used by tanks of other nations that use the exact same model of main gun... I heard that even older M60 tanks could perform better due to being multi-purpose capable and not limited to 'just' killing tanks... and drawing enemy fire)

Also got my old Crusher GB idea... but that is more akin to a literal walking tank than a PA... (100mm shell going mach 8 and a recoil compensation system that will probably cook and launch anyone standing behind it when the gun fires... even if said person is in EBA... 20ft long path of burnt ground anyone?)

Would mention more, but I am sleepy, and files on old computer... :(

It's the BFG Glitterboy---When Boom Guns just ain't big enough...(also known as the GDB---GigaDamageBoy..or the Finkleburger Special Edition..mass-produced in the millions for his personal army..."Oh sorry, the moon was just too bright tinight for my tastes so I got rid of it")

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:47 pm
by MrMom
How about a GB fashioned to look like a retro WW2 Tank called the Patton. It could be reflective green with four tiney little stars painted on its head. It would could also look like it was rivited together in certain places.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:47 pm
by MrMom
How about a GB that is kind of industral. It would have a smokeing exaust pipe sticking up in the back and look more armor plated and rusty than shiny and streamlined.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:38 pm
by taalismn
MrMom wrote:How about a GB fashioned to look like a retro WW2 Tank called the Patton. It could be reflective green with four tiney little stars painted on its head. It would could also look like it was rivited together in certain places.

Give it bulging thighs, a swagger stick, two pearl-handled rail gun pistols, and a vocalizer that makes anything spoken by the pilot come out sounding like George C. Scott.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:38 pm
by taalismn
MrMom wrote:How about a GB that is kind of industral. It would have a smokeing exaust pipe sticking up in the back and look more armor plated and rusty than shiny and streamlined.

Glittterboy Tin Man? :D

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:23 pm
by MrMom
What if someone found the Proto type for the GB in some underground vault?

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:03 pm
by R Ditto
MrMom wrote:What if someone found the Proto type for the GB in some underground vault?

That's partly an angle I was thinking of, of a GB prototype that got 'discarded', of a model that didn't even make it to production.
Sort of like the YF-23 of the PA world.

Used inspiration from some video slamming the M1 Abrams by comparing it to other tanks of the world... apparently it's the most expensive one of the least effective/flexible tanks out there, the flexibility problem being the military doesn't allow the use of anything beyond anti-tank rounds and canister shot, so they apparently don't even give the M1's stuff like HE, HESH, HE Frag, stuff like LAHAT rounds, etc...
Just like how the GB is apparently restricted to only have its own effective canister shot, and not anti-armor/explosive rounds in general.

In a way, it seems some of the 'American Empire' designs from Rifts are very limited in the roles they fit, which goes with why during a competition between different designs of different defense contractors, the superior and more flexible entry is the one to get discarded, because it did 'more' than the military wanted, even if it did have more advantages, such as cheaper cost and having armor that was easier to make (and had superior laser and thermal resistances)... and a boom gun that doesn't have each round loaded with the mother of all hyrid flashbang aquatic rocket systems... (the excessive noise and the fact it 'launches' the GB back underwater... water 600 time denser than water, yet the GB gets launched back dozens of times farther and is unable to do anything for at least a minute if it fires unanchored when underwater...), plus secondary ammo drums directly on the weapon (with ability to select them easily, no need to swap ammo drums to change ammo, just flick a switch).
Due to spin and focus of the 'shock and awe' effect (shiny armor seen far away and the unusually loud bang) and brutal ability to kill infantry in general (the effects of 200x 5x25mm 8 gram 1500m/s projectiles against people in cheap EBA and effect on borgs, PA, juicers, crazies, mutant animals, etc), the loosing design gets picked and restrictions slapped onto to it in some ways to limit its flexibility, forcing it to rely on other units such as the SAMAS for support.

Many years later, Rifts hit, a 'rogue' NEMA platoon (idiot officer dead, a 'skilled' veteran in charge and seeing a dramatic drop in casualties and loss of equipment) retreat to a surplus storage depot, knowing that any gear, weapons and ammo, even of old and not very effective, is better than no working gear at all, they find old crates that apparently are dusty, and a priority order sticker on each crate saying they were supposed to have been shipped out disasembled and destroyed over a year before...
With the old prototypes inside, and then use them to easily take out some monsters that had shredded a regular GB team (fyi, the platoon used to be a company before, it never shrunk below the size of a platoon after their officer was killed, and the vet guy who flunked officer training took over), and they did kick much butt, becoming a force official (surviving) NEMA commanders discounted, as few even knew such PA did exist, and a few knew they would catch hell from their surviving soldiers if everyone found out the 'good' stuff was tossed aside and the less effective stuff issued to everyone and ammo type purposely restricted, and that said trash (in two squads) had wiped out monsters that easily took out 2/3rds the GBs in a GB company...

Just imagine a CS GB hunting team hunting a rumored 'super' GB (it 'looked' like a GB) that was not a GB (dark non-shiny armor, 'encased' boom gun, armor resistant to plasma weapons, had other ammo types, secondary weapons, was more stealthy due to no shiny armor for, gun that was as loud as it should be and not absurdly loud), and other tricks one does not excepted (two shoulder mounts, allowing for a second lower recoil weapon, or two medium recoil weapons).
Finding out variable lasers are use (thermal resistance, not reflectiveness), on top of their favorite weapons (plasma rifles, plasma missiles, plasma grenades, micro-fusion grenades) also being of much less effect (again, the armor being resistant to thermal energy in general, and with rapid heat dissipation capacity), rendering plasma weapons as useful as lasers, and lasers even less useful (armor originated from a batch that included a desired 'flaw' of thousands of microscopic crystals that had a refractive effect that messed up laser weapons even more, by 'spreading out' the laser energy on top of better resisting the heat... and you can't use a variable laser when each of a thousand microscopic crystals in a square cm is like a snowflake and have no 'identicle' frequency that will bypass them)

Just have to figure out how to apply it into a legendary GB tale, or of a team of legendary GBs, since all the prototypes would have been in one place...
and figure out a way to have said tale not have all that technical junk I mentioned...

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:11 am
by Aramanthus
Could we see some stats on this monster R Ditto! I'd really like that! Even if you have to PM me with them. I'm very interested in them. I thought you had created other rounds for the GB. Maybe you could repost them here. And I know Kitsune has some variant rounds.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:38 pm
by taalismn
Hmmm..headless horseman, only it's the hoprse that's headless... :twisted:

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:35 pm
by R Ditto
Aramanthus wrote:Could we see some stats on this monster R Ditto! I'd really like that! Even if you have to PM me with them. I'm very interested in them. I thought you had created other rounds for the GB. Maybe you could repost them here. And I know Kitsune has some variant rounds.

The stuff is on an older computer, although I hope the old MS Word files will fit on a floppy (it has USB 1.1, and I can only find USB 2.0 compatible memory sticks these days, which makes things slightly challenging trying to get some files onto my newer computer)

Basic run down.
2 secondary ammo drums with 30 rounds each, directly attatched to the back of the boom gun.
A powerful articulated gun mount on each shoulder, it can actually fire 'hands free' when mounting lower recoil weapons, I forget if it could go hands free with a BG or not, probably could on a lower velocity setting.
Ammo included AP, solid slugs (usually for training or 'soft' targets), canster shot, HE, HE Frag, HEAT, a general purpose canister with metal sheath that could be loaded with whatever you wanted to fit into it (say a few cups worth of BBs, nails, fruit cake, glass fragments, toothpicks, bouncy balls, silver jewelry, etc...)
Slightly more MDC.
Armor was thermal resistance with rapid heat dissapation capability, anything heat based did half damage, including plasma, fusion/microfusion explosions, lasers, MDC fire, magic/psychic fire, etc. Microscopic crystalline structures within armor cause further refraction of light energy, halving laser/light based weapon damage again.
Variable lasers are 100% useless in countering the armor.
Optional guns included missile packsm 40mm AGL, .50 cal gatling gun, quad rail gun cluster (SAMAS style rail guns, something like 5D6 per gun, with each firing a 30 round burst for 2D6x10 MD and 120 rounds total in a combined burst), dual heavy infantry energy weapons, etc, for the shoulder mounts.
Thermal had a range rated in many miles, think it could spot people 2 miles out, hot stuff father than that, and large fires (such as burning vehicles/structures) somewhere out to 8-10 miles.
A secondary rapidly pulsing radar system doubled as a proximity detector, and had a counter-ballistic capability. Someone fires a ballistic round in its general direction, or the path goes close enough to it, the pilot will be able to take the data and fire back very close to where the shot came from, not good for the shooter with a tight beam radar imager that could 'detect' possible targets at range in line of sight of the gun (within tight cone, iirc).

"This ain't no toy for little boys, it's a toy for a real man!"

Or as one saying goes "The difference between men and boys are the size of their toys."

It is, in a way, to be a true 'military specification' version of the GB, the type of stuff that would have to be pried out of the cold, dead hands of military commanders if someone wanted to give it to another country/nation/empire.

The type of stuff that if the CS found where one was stored, they might have some uber-version of the Skelebot or some overgrown tank killing robot just waiting to shoot anything that shows up that does not perfectly match the face, voice and DNA of authorized (and long since dead) military personal... and which also have guns meant to drop stolen super GBs dead in their tracks... (like a super sized Boom Gun with AP rounds and much higher muzzle velocity and double the bore diameter, but that's another story... that and sub-tactical nukes on a military grade security robot are just the thing for stopping thieves and rival empires from getting at the stuff stored there... stuff left to rot in a surplus depot is another matter... although I can see the 15ft tall yet broad security death machine with old graffiti on it like "NEMA Sucks" and "Glitter Boys, it's what's for breakfast" put there by its maintenance team before they died... and maybe an AI that hates the CS, and which allows some specific person to enter the place due to being 'worthy' of what is contained within... hmmm... ideas... maybe...)

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:31 pm
by romanwarrior
Theres another way this could be taken... (stolen from the Wierd War II rpg) take properties from the "Haunted Vehicle" section. Basically, the vehicle (in this case the GB) has the spirit of its previous operator. This can offer many differetn options from giving bonuses to attack or dodge, give the armor regeneration, only allows family desendents to operate, etc. I'll dig up those books and post more of the options that they suggest for their haunted vehicles...

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:53 am
by Aramanthus
Cool! Thank you for that data R Ditto! I can wait for the rest of it! :D

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:09 am
by R Ditto
Aramanthus wrote:Cool! Thank you for that data R Ditto! I can wait for the rest of it! :D

I still need to get stuff off of my old computer, but I found some of my old stuff on the forums.
Golden Age Technology... post your ideas
Second post in that thread.
It is some of my slightly earlier work and not so early work, but no real stats.

Oh, the "Raptor" at the end of my post there is the "overgrown tank killing robot" was reffering to in my previous post here. (76mm EM accelerator guns designed specifically for taking out targets like GBs... okay, so it is a GB killer... can't let NEMA run around with all that shiny stuff unless there is a counter to it someplace...).

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:35 pm
by Aramanthus
That makes sense. Thank you for the link!

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:35 pm
by Vladamir Krophski
Both the "True" federation of magic and Coalition States have put out an large bounty on a as of now unknown mech type that has been dubbed "Wrecker". This mech looks like a scrapped hulk of a power armor covered in rough high density plates from many different sources. in its hands it wields a mighty hammer that smashes through troops and armor alike. Rumors of an imortal pilot swirl about this mech as it has been seen numerous times in the last three hundred years. It has fought mages and demons to a stand still, as well as coallition patrols. On some occasions it crackles with blue electrical arcs and seems to hit even harder. It leaves all of its enemies the same... Wrecked.

Wrecker was the personal Glitter Boy of Ulysses Armstrong of North Carolina. He kept a cluster of small mountain comunities safe from the monsters that came to our world. Over the years with out proper supplies the unit was repaired with what ever was available, while it has lost its shine it more than makes up for it with its strength and detemination to win against unimaginable odds. It weilds a massive warhammer in replacement of its long lost Boom Gun. Several other modifications make up for the loss of its signature traits.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:41 pm
by MrMom
How about a GB with some kind of energy leeching device, (fires a cable that attaches to other power armors or robots and drains their energy cells) It would be a problem for powers who reley solely on technology.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:58 am
by Aramanthus
Excellent variations. I guess your NPC is related to the scienctist I had locked away in a stasis pod from before the comings of the Rifts. Since then he has helped develope a large number of new GBs in my campaign. And since they have connections to Phase World they have seriously added some new tech to the GB.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:07 pm
by taalismn
And of course, you can always have the Triax Robot Soldier/Vehicular Cyborg option...only with a Glitterboy Pilot implanted into his/her power armor...effectively becoming a GlitterBorg(and maybe serving as the Wise Elder of a family of Republicans or GB pilots).

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:38 am
by Aramanthus
Now that would be a very cool ideal for a legendary GB! Great idea Taalismn! :D

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:01 pm
by MrMom
During the time of Legends that was the dark ages before the coalition clawed its way to dominance there was a tale of a Glitterboy that stalked the Wilderness surrounding Chi-town. The locals at that time had named the glitterboy The Dead Reign because when it arrived there was no peace to be found even in death. It was talked about in hushed tones for fear that saying its name to loudly would indeed summon it. The Glitterboy itself was a marvel to behold for it seemed to be able to regenerate from any damage sustained and no matter how long a battle would last The Dead Reign would never run out of ammo for its boom gun. These two facts alone would have been enough to frighten ever the most battle hardened vets. Yet that is not what all feared about the Dead Reign for when the glitterboy left the field the true nightmare would begin. Those who had fought bravely and been killed by the killer glitterboy would then rise and begin stalking the living. Many towns and small city states where completely destroyed in this fashion. After the army of the Dead had completely wiped out the living the Dead would begin to shuffle off chasing after The Dead Reign. Then one day the Dead Reign completely disappeared and along with it, its army of the Dead. In the two hundred years since its last appearence the tale of The Dead Reign has become a ghost story told around camp fires by soliders to try and frighten new recruits. Could the The Dead Reign really exist though. Does it wait for some unknown signal to once again unleash its terrible hunger or has it moved on to another world to continue its unknown dark purpose.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:31 am
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:
runebeo wrote:How about a Glitter Boy with a chameleon-like holographic plating and a boom gun with silencer & sound dampener. Most likely have reduced range and damage, but I sure would love one.

"Yep...cost me a mint to nearly undo everything the old NEMA set out to do with this design...but man are people s**** bricks when they figure out there's a Glitterboy sniper stalking 'em..." :D

And how do you dampen the sound of a super sonic round? Every modern firearm that uses a silencer has to use sub-sonic rounds. The gun doesn't make the boom the round does and the shockwave that travels with it makes the book along the entire path until it drops below super sonic speeds. So damage would definately have to be... severely reduced. Once the round is only accelerated below supersonic speeds you won't need a silencer because their will only be the snap of the arc as the armature leaves the rails and turns into plasma the flechettes continuing on their way quietly.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:03 pm
by Captain Shiva
Zer0 Kay wrote:
taalismn wrote:
runebeo wrote:How about a Glitter Boy with a chameleon-like holographic plating and a boom gun with silencer & sound dampener. Most likely have reduced range and damage, but I sure would love one.

"Yep...cost me a mint to nearly undo everything the old NEMA set out to do with this design...but man are people s**** bricks when they figure out there's a Glitterboy sniper stalking 'em..." :D

And how do you dampen the sound of a super sonic round? Every modern firearm that uses a silencer has to use sub-sonic rounds. The gun doesn't make the boom the round does and the shockwave that travels with it makes the book along the entire path until it drops below super sonic speeds. So damage would definately have to be... severely reduced. Once the round is only accelerated below supersonic speeds you won't need a silencer because their will only be the snap of the arc as the armature leaves the rails and turns into plasma the flechettes continuing on their way quietly.

TW seems to the only answer.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:19 pm
by Akashic Soldier
The Blackguard Glitterboy: an enigmatic suit of power-armor that is fueled by the lives it takes on the battlefield and is surrounded by the nightmarish rumor that whoever sees it... will die!

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:58 pm
by taalismn
Akashic Soldier wrote:The Blackguard Glitterboy: an enigmatic suit of power-armor that is fueled by the lives it takes on the battlefield and is surrounded by the nightmarish rumor that whoever sees it... will die!

Rumor: If you gaze too long into its mirror-chromed surface, and ESPECIALLY if you see your own reflection in will steal your soul....

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:21 am
by Akashic Soldier
taalismn wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:The Blackguard Glitterboy: an enigmatic suit of power-armor that is fueled by the lives it takes on the battlefield and is surrounded by the nightmarish rumor that whoever sees it... will die!

Rumor: If you gaze too long into its mirror-chromed surface, and ESPECIALLY if you see your own reflection in will steal your soul....

That's the one.

Re: Legendary Glitter Boys, been done?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:40 pm
by taalismn
Akashic Soldier wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:The Blackguard Glitterboy: an enigmatic suit of power-armor that is fueled by the lives it takes on the battlefield and is surrounded by the nightmarish rumor that whoever sees it... will die!

Rumor: If you gaze too long into its mirror-chromed surface, and ESPECIALLY if you see your own reflection in will steal your soul....

That's the one.

Wish you'd told me that sooner...(brrraaaaiiiiinnnnnnsssssss......brrrrrraaaaaaiiinnnnssssss...)