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Unread post by Iczer »

Evolve young: [Major]
'Let me show you what I have wrought'

The character can alter the genetic codes of creatures still in development.
1) remove young: The character can perform a sort of psychic surgery on a target. by reaching through the flesh walls of a target who is willing or helpless, the character can extract a developing creature. the unborn creature can then be slain or placed in a chrysalis of the character's making. the Target is unhurt throughout the procedure, but will feel great discomfort during.

2) create chrysalis: the character can weave a sort of womb out of his own flesh and blood. the chrysalis stands about 2 feet across and resembles a pulpy, distorted organ. weaving a Chrysalis takes 15 minutes, and displaces 10 of the character's HP (cannot be healed until the chrysalis is destroyed). On its own, a chrysalis needs little more food and attention than a houseplant. If an unborn creature is placed inside, the character must and tend it more thoughorly. A chrysalys will absorb nutrients from the gorund it lies on but will need proteins. Either the character can 'donate' 1 PE point every day (recovers after a night of rest at a rate of 1 PE per night) Or the character can leave meat at the base of the chrysalis (in which case an average chrysalis will consume 5 lbs of meat per day)
In any even, the unborn creature inside will grow at a rate of 1 month every day untill ready to be 'hatched' Offspring born from a chrysalis continues to age at the accellerated rate after being born and are slavishly loyal.

3) alter offspring: The character can, when exposed to a natural birth, alter the DNA of any creature still in its first trimester. the character can add the equivilent of 5 Bio-E to a target creature or one mutation of choice. Creatures in a chrysalis can see thier DNA severely altered, gaining up to 20 BIO-E worth of changes, to up to 4 mutations. In any event the character decides the fate of the offspring. The character chooses the end result, meaning he can remove unwanted characteristics in utero, alter sex, alter eye and hair colour and remove unwanted genes as readilly as he can inuce mutation. any 'favourable' birth will also see the targeted offspring grow up with the minor power 'physical perfection'

4) Other abilities:
+5 HP per level
+10% to any medical skill, with a further +10% when involving the care of pregnacies

tooth control: [Minor]
'Go ahead...I won't bite'
The character can cause massive and rapid muations within his teeth, growing new ones at will, altering and strengthening teeth as necessary.
The character has a natural bite attack by growing massive fangs and teeth. 3D6 damage, no PS bonus, but with +2 to strike.
The character can transmute his teeth to even inorganic substances, growing wood or silver teeth as necessary. By clamping on with a bite attack, the character can add +4 to resist breaking out of a grapple.

Second self: [Major]
'Oh, I'm beside myself. really I am.'

The character has a second self, a kind of jeckyl and hyde arrangement. This second self has it's own base attributes (modified for your skills and powers) and is in every way a different being. The second self also has it's own HP and SDC (so in effect, SDC and HP are doubled). the second self is loyal and has the character's same goals and often the same alignment, but may have a different personality entirely.

the character may roll on the following chart in ordder to further differentiate the two beings

01-10 Mutant: the character's second self has 1D4+1 mutations
11-20 Inhuman: the character's second self has an alien form unlike the character's (roll on alien apperance)
21-30 Physical opposites: The character or the second self gains +1D4 to PS and PE, while the other form gains +1D6 to PP and Spd.
31-40 Mental opposites: The other self, or the character, enjoys +6 to IQ and ME, but -4 to PS and PE. the other suffers from the reverse of these bonuses.
41-50 Different creatures: The other self loses a minor power but gains a different, randomly rolled one
51-60 Psychosis: the other self is crazy. roll 2 random insanities or add the crazy hero option. the character gains +2 to IQ and ME
61-70 Different power categories: The other self posesses only this power. instead he gains 8 lesser psychic powers and 1 major psychic power. his ISP equals twice his ME attribute plus 10 per level.
71-80 alterego: The other self is a normal, mortal man, with your mental but not physical skills, 10 SDC and no extraordinary powers or abilities. You gain the giant power as a response
81-90 Opposite powers: Aside from this power, your other self has completely opposite powers wherever possible.
91-100 Altered: the other self has a side effect as rolled on the experiments table.

In either form, both characters can communicate with each other. If either side has an IQ bonus, then both sides benefit. if neither does, then collaboration allows for +5% to most sedentary skills. Multiple minds means that that both sides enjoy +4 to save vs psionics, and a failled save vs psionics may trigger a body swap.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Guys, and gals, if you are going to reference a very recent post yee don't need to re-post the whole gawd darnd thing. Speshilly those affully long ones, they alreadt take haf da page alredy.
If you just be talking about the whole post then you can nip everything after the first few bits, so we know which post yee be talking abut and get right to posting yee peace. If yee are going to comment on specific bits and peices of the post, then snip out what yee is not commenting on and then say yee peace.

The worst of yee don't even take out the old bit of post the last bugger decided on posting with his sayin of his peace. Its down right drives a sane man buggy.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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. wrote:Sorry to ask but, I've always loved this power, And I like how well written your version of it is (as apposed to other, which couldn't be understood), but I'm having trouble understanding whether this Bubble is Always the same Everytime it's manifested (IE It's always a water world when formed each time).

Or does this just mean that once it's created, said environmental standards remain untill the bubble is recreated, (IE Bob The Builder realizes that the "Water world he created is not hampering "Fishman Rays" attacks as he can swim, so Bob drops the power and reactivates/reups it a moment later as a desert with a hot sun, hoping Ray doesn't like that as well!). The latter is cool, the formmer sounds like a minor, and doen't allow for any ability to adapt to powers as the text suggests.

Signed, Confusseld! :-?

Firstly, thanks for the compliment. :-D

To answer your question,
Senator Cybus wrote:Once the player has selected the features of the Personal Bubble, they cannot be changed. As the character grows in experience, the bubble can be made larger and purely cosmetic features can be added in the new space, but the basic environmental conditions cannot be altered or added to.

Once you've chosen your ideal bubble, it's always the same, or at least that's how I see it working. You raise a good point, though: I thought it was powerful enough to count as a Major, but maybe it only deserves Minor status...hmm.

Does anyone else have an opinion on this? Does the power as it is deserve Major status, or should I make it a Minor and write up a Major version that allows the user to alter the environment each time he uses it?

Now I'm confusseld! :)
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

yah I would say it would be a Major also. Though if the hero goes through a life change. Like his others powers change. The personale bubble setting might change to. But that is a part of GM desression I would thing.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Senator Cybus wrote:
taalismn wrote:Suction(Major)
“You suck, man, you SUCK!”

- snip!

Nifty. Lots of possible nasty uses for this... :twisted: :D Quick question: if I'm using the power to throw an object, is there any bonus to strike?

Anyhoo...this thread has been disturbingly quiet lately (no new powers for six days! :eek: :D ), so I guess I'll have to do my bit...

I'd say you'd need to take a skill like W.P. targeting for the strike....the power's really about PULLING, rather than pushing...

And yeah, I was starting to get a little worried and wondering if my 'Threadkiller' power had accidentally activated...

Glad to see it wasn't...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by taalismn »

Iczer wrote:Evolve young: [Major]
'Let me show you what I have wrought'
tooth control: [Minor]
'Go ahead...I won't bite'
The character can cause massive and rapid muations within his teeth, growing new ones at will, altering and strengthening teeth as necessary.
The character has a natural bite attack by growing massive fangs and teeth. 3D6 damage, no PS bonus, but with +2 to strike.
The character can transmute his teeth to even inorganic substances, growing wood or silver teeth as necessary. By clamping on with a bite attack, the character can add +4 to resist breaking out of a grapple.

Drives the Cavity Creeps mad too... :mrgreen:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

. the power ether summons a bit of alternate reality or it changes a bit of that reality. Its on par in power level as an alter physical structure power. While its not a powerful COMBAT hero power, it is powerful.
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Unread post by Senator Cybus »

. wrote:To bad, I liked the power to. Oh well! nother time perhaps.

So much for my compliment! :wink: :lol:

Sorry it wasn't what you were looking for; maybe you could re-write it more to your liking, and post it here? I'd be interested to see how someone else handles it.

. wrote:But you need to cut all that combat stuff out, as that was written in a manor indicitive of the power being able to be altered at will.

I think I will give it an edit to make that more clear. Good call.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:the power ether summons a bit of alternate reality or it changes a bit of that reality. Its on par in power level as an alter physical structure power. While its not a powerful COMBAT hero power, it is powerful.

Maybe I should give it a bit more kick? I think I'll re-write it so you at least get the +1 strike/parry/dodge and +2 vs. H.F. for free on top of any selected features (but with the same rule that the Bubble uses up at least one attack/action, whatever form it takes).
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Unread post by Iczer »

Reactive: [Major]
'You do not want to touch me right about now'

The character builds energy with each and every strike against him, building it into environmentally affecting energy that can be harmfull to others.

1) Build energy. every time the character takes damage from any source, he starts a count. the damage count has a maximum of 50 points plus 20 per level. The character can normally controll how this energy is released, but if his pool is exceeded, then he releases it all (see below)

2) release energy: The character can cause the energy to bleed back into his surroundings, affecting an area 20 feet across +5 feet per level. every thing in the area is subject to a portion of that damage from a variety of released sources. small fires, voltage, glowing lights and kinetic discharge among them. The character normally controlls the flow of energy. Evry 10 points released inflicts 1D6 damage to all objects in the affected area.
* slow release. this is a controlled loss of 1 damage every melee round. this is generally harmless to the environment except to small and delicate items.
* Rapid release. this releases a set amount of charge ever melee round.
* Reflective release: This causes all damage to be released when taken. If struck for 8 damage, the character releases 8 damage upon impact, the character literally exploding the air around him.
* instant release, the character releases some or all contained energy in one shot. a first level character causes 5D6 (50 damage maximum threshold at first level assuming he was full) to his entire 20 foot radius.

Obviously, the more damage this character endures, the more bomb like and unstable he becomes. If his maximum limit is exceeded, the character releases all energy at once.

3) Controlled usage. Under normal circumstances, the character has limited controll over this ability. his entire area of effect is subjected to his pains. at third level, he can exclude half of his area from this effect (effectively shielding allies behind him). at 5th level he affects only a 45 degree arc in front of him, but to double normal range. at eight level, he can control the released energy as a bolt (+4 to strike with a deliberatly released bolt, normaly calculated damage and 10 times normal range)

4) reactive armour: by releasing anergy as he recives it, he can offset the damage done by pure kinetic force. by performing reflective releases of energy, he can take half damage from kinetic assaults, effectivly softening blows by turing their energy back on themselves. The other half of the damage is reflected back on the object causing the damage (flattening bullets, shattering swords and harming unarmed attackers) the character does not absorb any damage reflected in this manner.

5) other bonuses: takes half damage from explosive force (but absorbs full damage) and half damage from falls and heavy impacts. +2D6x10 SDC

Thinner [Minor]
'I'm on a new weightloss plan. the first step is kicking your butt!'

The character can alter his dimensions to appear thinner. the character remains the same height, but his width and girth are reduced by half, and his weight is reduced to 1/4. This provides the following benefits.
* Physical damage inflicted is reduced by 1/2
* opponents are -4 to strike the character
* Character recieves +4 to dodge and +4 to roll
* +10 Spd. +30% to balance on narrow surfaces
* double jumping distance (normal strength, but reduced weight) and halve damage from falls.

The character's narrow fists and striking points are more adept at cutting through armoru and striking sensitive points. Criticals inflict normal damage (not reduced by 1/2) and the character's critical range increases by 1 (so at first level a natural 19-20 is a critical)

Projected force field [Minor]
'I'll save you!"

The character can project a force field to encompas others to give them protection. The character targets another within 60 feet and makes a strike roll. a ray of energy reaches out and strikes the target, who becomes surrounded in a field of force. (+4 to strike targets)
The force field has a total SDC equal to the character's MEx2 plus 10 per level. the character can create two fields (one from each hand) but both fields share the SDC. SDC is recovered at a rate of 1 per minute. The character uses one melee action per round maintaining another's field, and must remain within range and not lose line of sight to the target (loses two actions for 2 targets)
The character has anumber of other options with this power, aside from shielding a friend.
* Can be used to shield a chunk of air, allowing the character to parry (not auto parry) any incoming attack within 60 feet (uses a +4 rather than his parry bonus)
* Shielding an enemy's weapon prevents it from being fired.
* shielding something will cause it to hold together. water can be shielded thus forming a bubble that holds together. a gas grenade can be made to hold its contents in and a shielded door has to be forced open etc.

The beam can be disrupted though. if blocked, the target no longer recieves any protection.

The character also enjoys a smaller force field, having an SDC bonus equal to his ME atrtribute plus 2 per level.

Intoxicate self: [Minor]
'yesh ossifer...I'm completely Shober'

The character can stimulate his own body chemicals to produce highs and lows as needed. artifical highs and lows generated by this power can be cancelled at will.
Apart from simulating the effcts of drugs and alcohol, the character can control his overall reaction, and can simulated any one (at a time) conditions.
* Hyper: +2 initiative but -5% to all skills
* Surly and aggressive +1 to strike, +2 damage
* Laid back/mellow: immune to HF -2 initiative
* Overconfident: +5% to skills
* rage: no pull punches or dodge's possible. +1 attack damage is trippled on a critical
* Manic: +2 dodge -10% to skill performance

The character can also self medicate, able to produce the effects of most over the counter pharmaceuticals in his own body (reduce pain, ease colds, induce sleep)

The character enjoys half damage/effect from drugs and toxins and recovers in half the time.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Iczer »

Ganglia [Major]
'Let me chew your ear for a moment'

The character can extend1-4 tendrils from one hand, each with the strength of a human finger but very dexterous. the tendrils can extend up to 50 feet and have some very special abilities.
The tendrils have the ability of heightened sense of touch. Thier excessive flexibility and dexterity mean that the character gains Pick pockets at 75% +5% per level
and add +10% bonus to all skills requiring a light touch..presuming his tendrils can perform the work.

The tendrils have 1D4 HP +1 per level, and are harmless in combat. They do add +2 to disarm attempts. If all tendrils are bunched up together, they make a tin rope like limb that has +2 to strike (only) and inflicts 1D4+1 damage (only)

The tendrils really shine when used on a helpless target. the tendrils can be sent into th ears and/or nose of a target and forge a link with the target's brain. this allows control assuming a failed Saving throw(16+). the Character can manipulate the target's body as if it were an extension of his own (a new control save is made once per minute). The new body is a little slow to react though (-2 to any combat moves and PP is roughly half)
If the tendrils are severed a controlled subject becomes momentarilly dazed (no attacks for 1 round, can defend at -4) and the target takes 1D4 damage to his HP. The character can inflict 2D4 damage direct to HP as an action.

Other abilities: +2 to PP +2D4 to ME +2 to MA

Familiar Link [minor]
'Don't worry, I always have a spare set of teeth available'

The character can grow a life form from his own body, connected by an umbilicus. The creature grown is a mishapen lump of flesh, typically a head like shape with a sngle manipulator and numerous sharp teeth. It takes 3 actions to grow a familiar which has the following statistics

* SDC 30 plus the character's PE scroe
* HP 2 per level
* Attacks: a grown familiar has 2 attacks per melee in addition to it's creators.
* Attributes: mental attributes are like an animal. PS is 10+1D4. PP is 12 +1D4. Spd is equal to the character's. it gains 1 point to either pS or PP every level.
Natural weapons. either a claw, bite or horn attack of 2D6. It enjoys +2 to strike and has an auto dodge of +4 and an AR of 8
* Senses: any posessed by the creator. automatically relays all information back to it's creator via the umbilicus.
* range: a familiar can wander outwards to 40 feet +5 feet per level (this is the length of the umbilicus)
* umbilicus: can take 10 points of cutting, tearing damage +5 per level before it severs the link. The umbilicus is -4 to strike with a called shot and has an auto dodge of +4.

The creator can replenish his familiar's HP with his own out to it's maximum total. a killed familiar inflicts 2D4 HP to the creator and another cannot be grown for 24 hours.
The creator can channell his own powers into his familiar, and for all intents and purposes the familair is just another one of the character's limbs.

Combat feed back [Minor]
'ready for the ole one two?'

The character feels a reactive surge of energy when he harms another. Once per melee if he strikes a foe and inflicts damage (does not trigger if dodged, parried, blocked or absorbed without injury) he may immeadiately strike again with an additional +2 to strike and damage. The character normally must stike the same target, but at third level he can choose to instead zoom out to another target within half his Spd in feet instead (no bonus to strike or damage)
Likewise if the character is harmed in melee combat, he may once per round return the favour by making a strike at +2 to strike and damage, turing the blow into added momentum. he can combine that strike (if he hist) into another strike if he desires (and has not used that strike in that round). At third level, he may choose another target within half his spd in feet instead.

The character enjoys +5D6 to SDC. after one melee round of fighting an opponent, he gains +2 to parry and +2 initiative against him.

Bushwhack: [Minor]
'Bamm! gotya!

The character can perform a kind of short range teleport with a thud upon arrival. He can teleport up to his ME in feet once per melee round by expending 4 actions. His arrival inflicts 4D6 damage to a five foot across area (plus a bonus figued as if his ME were PS)

In combat, the character can simply teleport near a target (roll to strike as normal, target may dodge) or the character can teleport above him, using the force of the port to arrive with the power of a jump kick (damage is normal as described above, but is doubled) This attack is at +2 due to the odd angles available for approach, but the target may parry.

The character cannot arrive inside an object. attempting to do so, accidentally or otherwise inflicts the normal damage to the btarget and the character, and pushes them both aside (forcing the character into empty space).
a small amount of concentration is required to boom port in this manner. any power that disrupts concentration prevents this from functioning.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Wow, you posting a lot, Iczer. Makes me think I'd better get some powers up soon myself.
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Unread post by Iczer »

. wrote:
Iczer wrote:Ganglia [Major]
'Let me chew your ear for a moment'

The character can extend1-4 tendrils from one hand, each with the strength of a human finger but very dexterous. When used on a helpless target. the tendrils can be sent into th ears and/or nose of a target and forge a link with the target's brain.

..."Yes"!...Batts is the word I'm looking for....

Your gross dude....And you've been watching Way too many eps. of "Dark Skys". Let me guess, You wer Just watching cuz you liked "7of9", and she wasn't in this episode, so you desided to create the nastyest power yet outta boardum...Rrrrrright?

Batt, your freaky scary when your board! Do you know this? I'm with Gargoyle...I wanna start creating sick powers too now. Your a living motivator.

I'm Gross? well...I've been called worse :D

seriously though....your post prompted me to look up this dark skies. sadly, I'm in a regional town in Australia, and we don't get a lot of TV, but the series looks good (time to start trawling for it I guess)

I do like gross powers, but I honestly only really noticed I hadn't posted anything for a while so I brainstormed a few on the fly.

Good to hear some critiscism though. Thanks.

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Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

love Combat feed back its just the minor i was needing to round out a new villain thanks
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Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Wow, you posting a lot, Iczer. Makes me think I'd better get some powers up soon myself.

It's like a cyclical Power surge..periods in which the inspiration replenishes and the pressure builds, and then it just has to come gushing all out....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Making time to do it has been a big factor me of late. I have just been really busy. I have a few in the works now, though, so it is all gravy. 8)

Coming Soon: Shards (minor), Bottleneck (minor) and maybe some others.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Making time to do it has been a big factor me of late. .

Yeah, I find myself with a lot more time now that I'm unemployed again...


"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

Ah,,,I haven't thought about those 'X-Files' wannabees for a long time...the paranoia factor of that age of television.... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Bottleneck (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

"He eats like he's got a hole in his neck."

The hero possesses a valve in his neck just above the sternum which he can control, opening and closing it as necessary.
The valve can act as an air vent to prevent asphyxiation or as a place to put a feed tube or bottle which he can use to be fed nutrients and food. This allows him to eat and talk at the same time, or use breathing apparatus without obstructing his face.
This gives him a +4 to save vs. choking (the obstruction can be pushed out through the valve) and +4 to save vs. airborne toxins (the valve acting as a filtration vent against toxic gas).
The hero can also use the valve to talk when his mouth is gagged, but this will sound like the Partial Speech of Mutant Animals- While everything he says may be understood by friends and family who have heard him talk by this method before, strangers may have difficulty.

Jelly Belly (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero takes only half damage if hit in the gut. He will also take only half damage on a successful roll with punch, fall or impact from a great height, up to an height equal to his PE number in feet X his standing height in feet.
The hero can also belly flop down steep surfaces at twice his normal speed without injury (must make a Belly Flop skill roll when running into sharp rocks or attemting to jump crevices; 30% +5% per level of experience).

Other Bonuses:
+2 PE
The hero is +2 to save vs. ingested poisons and toxins
+2d6 SDC, adding 1d4X10 pounds to the hero's weight
+2 Hit Points
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Shards (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

When striking glass, the hero is able to cause it to shatter and make the pieces attack a secondary target with the glass shards.

1.Shatter: The hero's strikes do double damage against glass. A Critiacal Strike of 16-20 will shatter the glass even if reinforced glass or plexiglass, and can hit fiberglass armor as if their AR were 4 points lower.

2.Glass Shards: The hero can push broken glass shards to a range of 80 feet, plus 20 feet per level, in the direction of his strike. So in addition to the damage done by glass hitting those directly near to it when i shatters, the glass can be made to inflict the same die amount of damage used to break or shatter it upon another single target in range (so if the hero strikes the glass doing 4d6 and breaking it, the additional target will also take 4d6 damage).

3.Other Bonuses: The hero is impervious to attacks by glass, including being hit by glass shards or crashing through a window.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Shards (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

When striking glass, the hero is able to cause it to shatter and make the pieces attack a secondary target with the glass shards.w.

This guy would be reviled by modern architects due to the massive amounts of collateral damage he'd inflict on modern office buildings... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Spike generation [minor]
'Get the point yet?'

The character can generate sharp wicked spikes that he can use as knives, or as lethal throwing weapons. The character can generate these spikes at a moment's notice, causing them to appear in his hand.
the typical spike deals 2D4 damage as a melee weapon, plus PS bonuses, and can be generated without costing an attack (a character can enerate and attack in a single action).
The character can also generate and 'shoot' his spikes firing them with the power of a slingshot. as a shot weapon the character may use his PP instead of his PS when calculating the additional damage (may use his PS if it is higher)
The spikes are considered armour piercing, and treat any AR as -4.
The character also gains WP Knife and wp targetting, for use only with his deadly spikes.
At third level, the character may generate a spike in each hand, giving the benefits of paired weapons. at fifth level, he can use his throw spieks as paired thrown weapons.

Neuron Salvage [Major]
'Let me share with you a piece of my mind'

The character has an unnusual bond with deceased flesh, in particular neural matter posessed by the deceased, granting him a host of bizzaire and potentially disturbing abilities.
1) Salvage head: By touching the head of a corpse (no more than 60 minutes deceased +15 minutes per level, the character can sink his fingers into the flesh and bone of the skull and into the brain. He can then pull the head free, dragging behind the remanants of the spinal column. Overall this process takes 4 actions (3 to make the connection, one to tear the spine and head free).
2) Interrogation: The character can, once attached as described above, may interrogate it's memories. the head becomes animate, with lifeforce provided by the character. The head functions with half the original owner's IQ and will answer basic questions to the best of it's ability. while grotesque, the original inhabitant of the brain is gone, and it is just this power reviving a few dead braincells on a temporary basis. The head will also acquiese to any reasonably phrased requests, including the use of any superpowers that are left to it (Though a head and spine will find its options are limited) interrogation requires the expenditure of 1 HP every melee round. some question and answer sessions can stretch out for several minutes though.
3) Tap IQ: rather than animate the remains, the character can instead tap the stolen brain as a resource. while the brain is 'good' (see the duration listed in #1) the character can use the former user's IQ, ME and MA rather than his own. furthermorehe can expend a HP to borrow the use of one of the previous owner's skills (at -15%) for one minute per level.
4) Augment self: once per level, the character may consume one neural system of another living, sentient being to enhance his own mental prowess. This process, which chews 3D6 HP, garners the character 1D4 points that may contribute towards his own IQ, ME or MA. he cannot raise any of these attributes above his targets though, and after a while he may find the need to seek out smarter and smarter victims. he also gains +10% to a single skill that he and his target both posessed, or one of his target's non physical secondary skills.
5) manipulate head: the character, once a head has been removed, can keep it grafter to his hand and arm for as long as the duration lasts (see #1) During this time he is down a hand, but may use the head as a blunt instrument (1D6 as a clubbing weapon) and may use any bite attacks posessed by the head, and can utilise its senses. he may also speak with the voice of any head he has attached to himself. The character can not attach more than two heads to himself (one per arm: if the target posesses mutliple manipulating limbs then this may increase)
6) other benefits: +2D6 HP

Super sense: [Minor]
'Whoa Quickminx, you almost had me there'

The character posesses a kind of low level emergency response to the use of superpowers in his vicinity. More like a passive danger sense than an actual detection power, it does give the character an edge in super power combat.
Range: 100 feet centred on himself
abilities: enjoys an autododge (+3) against any super powers, and has +2 to initiative against super powered foes.
cannot be suprised by the use of superpowers, negating any suprise bonus provided by them.
Opponents targetting the character are -4 to strike him with the use of superpowers, and the target has +2 to any saving throw agsints those powers.
When facing a superhumanly augmented foe (ex-ps, ex PP etc) the character enjoys a +2 to strike and parry agaisnt that foe.
The character also takes half damage from super powered enery. the character can inflict half normal damage agaisnt invulnerable characters and treats any superhumanly derived AR as being 3 less than normal.
How to counter: while the character enjoys a great many bonuses, the best way to defeat him is to simply not use powers against him. attacks against the character without the benefit of inborn superabilities simply negates this power altogether. He has no special defence against a car hurled by superhuman strength, nor the punches of a superhuman lacking any enhanced attributes.

Plant generation: [Major]
'welcome to my garden Professor Justice'

The character has the ability to cause plantlife to spontaneously germinate and develop.
The character is equipped with 'growth points' that he may use. these point sare equal to 50 times his PE score and may be used in the following manners.

1) spontaneously generate plant life: The character expends an amount of growth points, and plant life germinates and develops with an SDC equal to the amount of points expended.
The plantlife grows as directed and in the shapes directed by the character, but with the following limitations.
weeds and grasses will not have more than 30 SDC per 10x10 section
Vines and heavy weeds will not have more than 60 SDC per 10x10 section
Bushes and shrubbery will not have more than 90 per 10x10 section
Woody trunks will not have more than 120 SDC per 10x10 section (though individual trees may have more SDC than 120)
plants grow at a rate of 10 SDC per melee round. if anything activly impedes their growth it will inflict 4D6 damage per round to move or burrow through it, or if possible, will grow around it. Plants can be grown in any solid surface that is not metal, and has some ability to reach ground (a fourth storey floor is not the place for an oak tree but will suffice for wildflowers)
The plants grown adapt to their environment as necessary ( lotus blossums growing on the surface of a lake would be exotic, but otherwise viable life form, as would poison ivy on the side of an office building) plant growth is permanent.

2) altered plant life: the character's generated plantlife is most often familiar to us. even exotic plant life is still familiar. he can imbue the following traits into his plant life.
AR 8 +10 growth points
AR 12 +25 growth points
AR 14 +40 growth points.
Fire resistant: +10 growth points (takes half damage from fire)
Hardy: +20 growth points (half damage and effect from cold and half effect from herbicides)
Spiny: Pushing through such a plant form can cause 1D4 (5 growth points) 2D6 (15 growth points) or 4D6 (50 growth points) from barbs and razor sharp leaves.
Succulent: 15 growth points: the plant absorbs half or more of it's mass in water when created from as far away as necessary. roughly every 10 SDC in succulent plant life is 1 gallon of water.
hallucinogenic: 60 growth points The plant emits a fragrance that makes others calm and docile. Targets must make a saving thow (16+) vs poison or become docile. halve combat bonuses (including damage) and reduce attacks and spd by half. range is about a 1 foot radius per SDC of plant.
Flotation: 20 growth points The plants will float on water (he can create a life raft) and will bouy 10 lbs per SDC
Levitation: 100 growth points: The plants are naturally lighter than air and bob with the wind. they may support 10 lb per SDC.
Poisonous: +20 growth points plants generated that are poisonous either generate fruit that can be used as a poison (saving throw 14+ or 4D6 damage once per minute fro 1D4 minutes) or is poisonous to contact (save 14+ or develop hives and rashes -10% to skill performance -2 to initiative
Other: strange and unnusal plant type abilities can be mimicked for a variable cost adjudicated by the GM

3) alter other plant life: the character can alter existing plant life, as #2 but growth points required are doubled. for 50 growth points, he can mimick plant control ability #2 (grow plants)

4) Recognise and ID plants and fruit at 85% +2% per level.

5) growth points: recover at a rate of 20 per hour.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle
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Strength Adjustment (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Oh, I can lift it. Just gimme a second."

The hero can change his strength category temporarily (for a short time). He can only use one form of adjusted strength at a time (no stacking).

*Extraordinary Strength: The hero can change his strength to Extraordinary PS for up to his PS number in minutes. Once returning to normal strength, he must wait his PS number in minutes before using this ability again. While active, it allows him to carry 100 times his PS in pounds and lift 200 times his PS of weight in pounds. He will also inflict more damage (See Kittenstomp's Tables of Doom for adjusted damage table).
*Superhuman Strength: The hero can change his strength to Superhuman PS for up to his PS number in ,elee rounds. Once returning to normal strength, he must wait a length of time equal to twice his PS numberr in minutes before using this ability again. While active, this allows him to carry 200 times his PS in pounds and lift 300 times his PS of weight in pounds. He will also inflict more damage (See Kittenstomp's Tables of Doom for adjusted damage table).
*Supernatural Strength: The hero can change his strength to Supernatural PS for a number of actions equal to his PS number. Once returning to normal strength, he must wait his PS number in hours before using this ability again. While active, this allows him to carry 300 times his PS in pounds and lift 500 times his PS of weight in pounds. He will also inflict more damage (See Kittenstomp's Tables of Doom for adjusted damage table).

Other Bonuses:
+2 to Pull Punch
+2 to PS and +2 to PE

Brick By Brick (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero possesses a strange affinity towards brick and stone surfaces.

1.Stone Adhesion: The hero can attach himself to any brick or stone surface, including concrete walls, by his fingers and hands, toes and feet. This gives him the ability to walk on stone walls and ceilings and climb rocks. Equivalent to Climbing at 90% on rock surfaces (does not include rapelling, obviously).
The limit to this is the hero's own strength and speed. Attempting to cary a heavy load greater than his PSX10 in pounds will cause the hero to immediately fall. Speed climbing and crawling along stone and brick surfaces equal to half his running speed, reduced half again if moving along loose rocks.

2.Rend Brick: The superbeing can create openings in wals of brick, stone or concrete. This can also be used to cause crevices to form in the ground or floors and ceilings.
Range: Touch. Creates an opening 15 feet wide, 20 feet deep, and 40 feet long.
Duration: Permanent
Damage: Falling into such a chasm as created by this ability does 3d6. Climbing down is done via Stone Adhesion (above).
Attacks: This ability can only be used once per melee round and uses up two melee attacks/actions.

3.Hurl Brick: By striking a wall of brick, stone or concrete, the hero can dislodge debris which he can send flying at a secondary target.
*Shatter: The hero's strikes do double damage against stone, brick and concrete. A critical strike of 16-20 will punch through a wall less than six inches thick, and will strike beings in APS stone form as if their AR were 4 points lower. His strikes do double damage against stone, so a critical will deal four times his normal damage.
*Brick Debris: The hero can push stone debris to a range of 100 feet, plus 10 feet per level, in the direction of his strike. So, in addition to the normal damage from the debris hitting those directly near to it when the debris is formed, the stones and brick can be made to inflict the same die amount of damage used to create the debris upon a single target in range (so if the hero strikes the stone doing 4d6 and breaking it, the target will take 4d6 damage).

4.Other Bonuses:
The hero is impervious to earth-based attacks, including being hit by avalanches, and takes half damage when falling from great heights and hitting concrete, brick or stone surfaces.
+10% to Masonry skill and Art: Sculpture: Stone
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Iczer wrote:[
Plant generation: [Major]
'welcome to my garden Professor Justice'

The character has the ability to cause plantlife to spontaneously germinate and develop.
The character is equipped with 'growth points' that he may use. these point sare equal to 50 times his PE score and may be used in the following manners.

1) spontaneously generate plant life: The character expends an amount of growth points, and plant life germinates and develops with an SDC equal to the amount of points expended.
The plantlife grows as directed and in the shapes directed by the character, but with the following limitations.
weeds and grasses will not have more than 30 SDC per 10x10 section
Vines and heavy weeds will not have more than 60 SDC per 10x10 section
Bushes and shrubbery will not have more than 90 per 10x10 section
Woody trunks will not have more than 120 SDC per 10x10 section (though individual trees may have more SDC than 120)
plants grow at a rate of 10 SDC per melee round. if anything activly impedes their growth it will inflict 4D6 damage per round to move or burrow through it, or if possible, will grow around it. Plants can be grown in any solid surface that is not metal, and has some ability to reach ground (a fourth storey floor is not the place for an oak tree but will suffice for wildflowers)
The plants grown adapt to their environment as necessary ( lotus blossums growing on the surface of a lake would be exotic, but otherwise viable life form, as would poison ivy on the side of an office building) plant growth is permanent.

2) altered plant life: the character's generated plantlife is most often familiar to us. even exotic plant life is still familiar. he can imbue the following traits into his plant life.
AR 8 +10 growth points
AR 12 +25 growth points
AR 14 +40 growth points.
Fire resistant: +10 growth points (takes half damage from fire)
Hardy: +20 growth points (half damage and effect from cold and half effect from herbicides)
Spiny: Pushing through such a plant form can cause 1D4 (5 growth points) 2D6 (15 growth points) or 4D6 (50 growth points) from barbs and razor sharp leaves.
Succulent: 15 growth points: the plant absorbs half or more of it's mass in water when created from as far away as necessary. roughly every 10 SDC in succulent plant life is 1 gallon of water.
hallucinogenic: 60 growth points The plant emits a fragrance that makes others calm and docile. Targets must make a saving thow (16+) vs poison or become docile. halve combat bonuses (including damage) and reduce attacks and spd by half. range is about a 1 foot radius per SDC of plant.
Flotation: 20 growth points The plants will float on water (he can create a life raft) and will bouy 10 lbs per SDC
Levitation: 100 growth points: The plants are naturally lighter than air and bob with the wind. they may support 10 lb per SDC.
Poisonous: +20 growth points plants generated that are poisonous either generate fruit that can be used as a poison (saving throw 14+ or 4D6 damage once per minute fro 1D4 minutes) or is poisonous to contact (save 14+ or develop hives and rashes -10% to skill performance -2 to initiative
Other: strange and unnusal plant type abilities can be mimicked for a variable cost adjudicated by the GM

3) alter other plant life: the character can alter existing plant life, as #2 but growth points required are doubled. for 50 growth points, he can mimick plant control ability #2 (grow plants)

4) Recognise and ID plants and fruit at 85% +2% per level.

5) growth points: recover at a rate of 20 per hour.


Oh yeah...'Gaia's' becoming more of a reality with this power. Thanks!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Pain reaction: [Minor]
'You no mess with Sulk! Sulk Crush!'

The character responds to pain and injury by bulking up and becoming more powerful. He has three stages of hurt.
1) First stage. Nominally reached when the character is down to half his SDC, the character gains a burst of verve and energy. he grows about 3-4 inches, (and gains30-60lbs) and gain +10 to PS +4 to PP and +10 to Spd. Ps jumps to at least extraordinary
2) second stage. When taking his first point of HP damage, the character bursts again, gaining another +10 PS and another 3-4 inches (and another 30-60lbs). he also gains an AR of 11, but in his rage he loses his ability to dodge, but gains +2 to strike. PS jumps to at least superhuman.
3) third stage. the final and peak of his growth. When down to half his normal HP total, he grows another 3-4 inches, gains another 30-60lbs (now 9 to 12 inches taller and 90-180lbs heavier). His skin changes colour (roll on change of skin colour on experimental side effects table). His PS jumps to another +10 (does not rise above superhuman). All defences are now at -4, his AR is 13 and he gains +1 attack per melee. while angry, the character reasons normally (will not attack friends and allies and can formulate strategies other than 'smash')

In the event that he suffers from any great deal of pain (a failed saving throw VS pain counts only if the saving throw exceeds 14) then he jumps a stage automatically. If left alone for 4 melee rounds, the character drops a stage, and continues to drop a stage every 2 minutes. Psionic attempts to pacify him, if successfull, can also dial him back, but must last for the full 4 melee rounds to have any effect. the character can dial himself back, but he cannot calm himself if under attack (taunting and mental trauma count as 'under attack').
Every time the character drops down one category, he heals 4D6 SDC or HP

Power tag: [Major]
'I love fighting this guy...superspeed rocks!'

The character has a kind of empathic feedback from certain targets. Much like the ability to mimic powers, the character can acquire a reliable power from another target through mimicry alone.
When first encountering a foe, the character may choose to start mimicking. He gains one minor power after 1 round (concentration is not necessary, but the target must remnain within 50 feet for this to work), after this he gains one minor power that is similiar to the targets, but not necessarilly the same (typically a minor version of one of the target's major powers).
He gains no SDC or attribute bonuses from this, only the raw power.

The character can hold one power every two levels from multiple targets, but only one from any single target. Better yet, the character can pick and choose which targets he mimics every round (as long as he has spent more than 1 round in their presence) If the character encounters a target a second time, that target triggers the same power from their previous encounter.

Piece of self: [Major]
'This will hurt us both..let's see who can hold on the longest'

The character can fire off parts of himself, turing his own flesh to energy and firing it off at targets.
1) Convert flesh to energy: The character can sacrafice his own flesh, inflicting 2 points of damage to himself to inflict 1D6 damage to a target within 120 feet with +2 to strike (no bonus to wild shots). the character can convert up to 6 SDC or HP per level in any single blast. the energy type is selected upon character creation.
2) convert energy to flesh: The character can convert a source of energy that contacts him (same type as chosen above in #1) into SDC and HP. every 3 damage he would normally take from that source instead heals the character 1 point of damage. the character never takes damage from that source (is immune) and takes half damage from any other form of energy.
3) continuous conversion: assuming constant contact with his chosen power source (live electrical wires or having one hand in a furnace) the character can both absorb and discharge energy (the damage that should be taken, instead is converted at a rate of three to one. three damage taken allows 1D6 damage of energy blast. he can only channell 2D6 damage per level in this fashion though.
4) Other bonuses: +6D6+6 SDC

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

Iczer wrote:Pain reaction: [Minor]
'You no mess with Sulk! Sulk Crush!'

The character responds to pain and injury by bulking up and becoming more powerful. He has three stages of hurt.
1) First stage. Nominally reached when the character is down to half his SDC, the character gains a burst of verve and energy. he grows about 3-4 inches, (and gains30-60lbs) and gain +10 to PS +4 to PP and +10 to Spd. Ps jumps to at least extraordinary
2) second stage. When taking his first point of HP damage, the character bursts again, gaining another +10 PS and another 3-4 inches (and another 30-60lbs). he also gains an AR of 11, but in his rage he loses his ability to dodge, but gains +2 to strike. PS jumps to at least superhuman.
3) third stage. the final and peak of his growth. When down to half his normal HP total, he grows another 3-4 inches, gains another 30-60lbs (now 9 to 12 inches taller and 90-180lbs heavier). His skin changes colour (roll on change of skin colour on experimental side effects table). His PS jumps to another +10 (does not rise above superhuman). All defences are now at -4, his AR is 13 and he gains +1 attack per melee. while angry, the character reasons normally (will not attack friends and allies and can formulate strategies other than 'smash')

This power must be fun at physicals..."I just need to draw some blood...(prik!)...Now that didn't hurt much, did it?...Uh...did you just add an inch or so? Okay, get back on the scale, we have to do this ALL over again..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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As promised/threatened :D -

Retcon Punch

By Senator Cybus

“I’m warning you, stay back! One hit and - POW - you’re married to a gorilla!”

The impossible power to strike at an enemy’s time line, altering their history with one mighty blow!

To use this reality twisting ability, the super being must first successfully target his opponent with a punch: roll to strike as usual, and calculate punch damage normally. The additional effects of a Retcon Punch are unpredictable (see below), but whatever the result, only the super being and his target will be aware that anything has changed; for the rest of the world, the new reality is the true reality.

Roll 1D20 on the following table to determine the outcome of a successful Retcon Punch:

1. Flawed. The opponent now has vulnerabilities that he didn’t before; roll twice on the Mega Hero Achilles Heel table (HU main book, page 183) to determine what weaknesses he has in this altered time-line.

2. Inexperienced. The opponent has lived much the same life as before, but less of it - he is now 1D6 years younger and loses a corresponding number of experience levels (e.g. becoming two years younger means losing two experience levels). Reduce skill/power bonuses accordingly.

If this loss of levels would take him below level one, the opponent loses all but one of his skill programs; he retains no secondary skills or Special Skills from his power category. Also, if applicable, the values of his super powers/psychic abilities/spells (range, damage, duration, the saving throw needed to resist an effect, etc.) are reduced to 50% of what they would be at level one, and his I.S.P./P.P.E. score is half of what it should be at the first level of experience, as is the number of psionic abilities/magic spells that he knows.

3. Public Figure. The opponent’s identity is now common knowledge; his full name, skills/powers and address are known by just about everyone.

4. Out of Ammo. In this time-line, the opponent has recently been involved in combat and has completely exhausted the ammunition or energy required by any weapons he carries. He must re-supply/recharge before he can use them again.

5. Civilian. In this reality, the opponent never gained any super powers, unusual equipment or special training and just lived an ordinary life. Skills and basic attributes are unchanged, but all extraordinary abilities are lost.

6. Instant Nemesis. The target of the punch is now confronted by some old enemy (an established foe or maybe some new creation of the G.M.), who will not hesitate to join in the attack against him.

7. Poorly Educated. For whatever reason (poor parents, bad teachers, simple lack of interest) the opponent barely had any education at all. He is now Street Schooled (see HU main book, page 44): bonuses from any former skills are lost.

8. War Weary. In the new time-line, the opponent was involved in ferocious fighting only minutes before confronting the super being. Consequently, he is already injured; reduce his S.D.C. to one half of its normal total and roll twice on the Minor Injury Table (HU main book, page 19) to determine what wounds he has incurred.

9. Mental Illness. Some past trauma has damaged the opponent’s mind; roll once on the Random Insanity table (HU main book, page 28) to select the affliction.

10. No Back-Up. Any allies that had accompanied the target are no longer there; they are 1D6 miles away (G.M. picks a direction) and the opponent must fight alone.

11. Physical Impairment. The opponent in this time-line just isn’t that physically capable. Roll 1D4 to determine why:

1. The enemy was lazy and/or simply never had any interest in sports or exercise. He has no physical skills, including hand-to-hand combat skills (reduce bonuses and attacks per melee accordingly).

2. The opponent is a chain smoker, smoking at least forty cigarettes a day: his P.E. is reduced by 1D4+1 and he fatigues three times as fast. +10% to attempts to track the opponent by smell. If the opponent goes more than one hour without smoking a cigarette, all skills suffer a penalty of -10%.

3. The enemy is ill and suffering from a powerful fever; reduce speed and initiative by half, combat bonuses are halved, -2 attacks/actions per melee round and all skills suffer a penalty of -30%.

4. The opponent is morbidly obese: in this new time-line, his weight is increased by 200 pounds (90 kg) plus 1D4x100 lbs (45 kg). For every 100 lbs (45 kg) of weight, the opponent suffers a penalty of -2 P.P. (e.g. gaining 600 lbs reduces P.P. by 12) and speed is reduced by 15% (e.g. gaining 600 lbs reduces speed by 90%). The opponent fatigues at a rate equal to his normal rate x the increase in hundreds of pounds (e.g. gaining 600 lbs means that the opponent fatigues at 6 times his normal rate).

12. Mutated. The opponent has some strange physical deformity that makes it hard to blend in with the crowd. Roll 1D4 on the following table to select the mutation:

1. Odd skin colour. See the Unusual Physical Characteristics table (HU main book, page 159) for possible choices (roll or G.M. selects).
2. Unusual eyes. See the Unusual Physical Characteristics table (HU main book, page 160) for possible choices (roll or G.M. selects).
3. Odd hair colour. See the Unusual Physical Characteristics table (HU main book, page 160) for possible choices (roll or G.M. selects).
4. Strange ears. See the Unusual Physical Characteristics table (HU main book, page 159) for possible choices (roll or G.M. selects).

13. Never Born. The opponent simply does not exist! His parents never met and so his life just never happened.

14. Far, Far Away. Instead of showing up to fight the super being, the opponent is instead somewhere else entirely. Roll 1D4 on the following table to determine where:

1. At home. The opponent just hasn’t left the house yet.
2. 1D4 miles away (G.M. picks a direction).
3. The opponent is at his local supermarket, picking up the weekly shopping.
4. The opponent is on holiday in a foreign country; roll on the Land of Origin table on page 25 of the HU main book to determine where (if the roll would place the opponent in his own country, roll again).

15. Wardrobe Malfunction. The opponent was recently involved in a fight or incident that left his clothing in tatters. Any man-made armour he was wearing is now shredded and offers no protection at all. If the opponent was wearing a protective/containment suit, that is now equally useless. If the opponent was wearing a mask, that’s gone too; so much for the secret identity…

16. Beaten Near to Death. Similar to War Weary above, but in this time-line the enemy was involved in a far more desperate and prolonged fight that nearly killed him. Reduce the opponent’s S.D.C. to 1D6+8 and roll twice on the Side Effects From Serious Damage table (HU main book, page 19).

17. Public Enemy Number One. In this new history, the opponent is wanted by the law for some terrible, high profile crime. Whether the alternate version of the opponent is actually guilty or not is up to the GM: either way, cops, federal agents and super heroes will all be on the look-out for him, and will not hesitate to use force in his capture.

18. Instant Hostage. An individual that the opponent cares deeply for (G.M.’s choice) is now present, and may provide a useful means of coercion…

19. Battle Scars. Some years ago, the opponent was involved in a fight that nearly killed him. Roll twice on the Recovery Side Effects From Near Death table (HU main book, page 19).

20. Erased. The opponent still exists, but somehow he no longer has a place in the world. His family and friends don’t recognise him, his details disappear from every file and database, and all of his property now belongs to someone else; he has nothing and no-one, other than the clothes on his back and innate skills/powers. The only person in the world who knows he ever existed is the super being who performed the retcon!

Notes: G.M.s may wish to restrict this power to NPCs only, due to its far-reaching effects.
If an opponent loses skills or special abilities due to the punch, he will remember that he had them, but be unable to recall the specifics of how to use them.
Keep in mind that some changes will affect different characters to different degrees; an invulnerable mega-hero probably doesn’t care if his armour gets shredded, and a psychotic vigilante won’t give a damn if his identity is made public knowledge, but if it’s the other way around that’s a different story...

Range: Close combat/hand to hand.

Damage: Normal punch damage, plus the time-line change (see above).

Duration: The effects of the Retcon Punch persist for one hour per level of experience; after this, the altered time-line reverts to normal and all changes to reality are undone. However, the opponent will remember everything that happened, and if he was injured during this time his wounds will remain. Equally, any equipment that was lost or damaged in the other reality must be replaced or repaired through conventional means.

Attacks Per Melee: This attack can only be used once every four melee rounds (once per minute).

The attack must be announced at the beginning of the melee round. All attacks are used up whether the super being hits or misses; he has no other actions for the rest of that melee round and can do nothing else.

Any attacks directed at him can be parried or dodged, but at half the character’s usual bonuses. If the character opts to dodge, each attempt counts as one of his attacks/actions for the next melee round. Even if the character has automatic dodge, the Retcon Punch is so draining that the act of automatic dodging now counts as one melee attack for every two auto-dodges he attempts.

Saving Throw: Only characters with specific protection against time-altering effects may attempt to resist the change, by rolling a 12 or higher (attribute bonuses are not applicable, though bonuses granted by super powers are). Such protection also applies to individuals not directly targeted by the punch; i.e. if they successfully save against the effect, they will recognise that another being's history has been altered and recall the details of the true time-line. Most people have no way to prevent the effects of the Retcon Punch.

Bonuses: The super being is +3 to save vs. time altering effects or powers.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Good 1 Cybus. i got sum in the works. Coming soon : Shellshock, Particular and othrs.
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"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Senator Cybus wrote:

Retcon Punch

By Senator Cybus

“I’m warning you, stay back! One hit and - POW - you’re married to a gorilla!”

year cool :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:

Retcon Punch

By Senator Cybus

“I’m warning you, stay back! One hit and - POW - you’re married to a gorilla!”

year cool :ok:

Yeah..this is SUPER ,,,reality modification...serious AND funny! I second the :ok: and add a :nuke:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Hmmm...could be, but I'm make it a -small- chance of a beneficial effect/backfire, since this is an OFFENSIVE power and the effects are somewhat balanced out by the fact that it's only temporary(aside from the damage)...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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I would like it if there was a small percentage chance that the effects could become permanent instead of just temporary, say a 10% probability. Reality does not always snap back, after all. If so, the time ripple would eventually hit the hero using the power as well. But then, I do so love the idea of poison powers that come back to haunt the hero over time. :twisted:
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Shell Shock(minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"This should be a shocker."

The hero causes armour and ojects held in close contract to his skin to become charged with electrical energy. The object must be solid enough to act as a conduit, so normal clothing will not work but body armour will. Any type of armour will suffice but metal works best.
Range: Touch
Duration: Constant and cannot be turned off
Damage: The electricity does one point of damage per minute to non-metal armour worn. When he is wearing armour, attackers striking him without clothing resistant to electricity take 1d4 points of damage when striking in unarmed combat. If using barehanded strikes, this becomes 1d6 and the opponent must save vs. electrical shock or be stunned for 1d4 melee rounds, losing initiative and all attacks. Once the armour takes damage equal to 10% of its total SDC, the armour will do more damage, gaining an additional +!D4. Metal armour also conducts the electricity better, adding another +2d4 to the damage inflicted upon the attacker.
Energy fed through a melee weapon will add +1d4 to damage of a weapon not made of metal and +3d4 to metal weapons (this applies only to melee waepons and cannot be used to charge arrows and the like).

Drawbacks: The hero takes an extra die of damage from water attacks directed at him and cannot use a conventional shower or bathtub due to potentially electrocuting himself, though he is resistant to electrical attacks (half damage). IOf he is submerged in water, others within a 50 foot radius, plus 5 feet per level, will take 4d6 points of damage per melee round and suffer from electrical shock (though the hero himself will also suffer shock and take 2d6 damage per melee round and have to make a similar saving throw).

Saving Throw: Those suffering shock may make a saving throw to resist it (16 or better, PE bonus applies; the hero may resist the shock with a 24 or better, PE bonus applies).

Other Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
+1d6 Hit Points
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Particular ( Major) by Stone Gargoyle
The hero has a limited ability to control particles, allowing him to create a few useful effects.

1.Electronic Conversion: The hero can seperate ions and neutrons in the air from electrons to form a protective field of electrical energy.
Range: 40 foot radius, plus 10 feet per level
Damage: The field does 4d6 to all coming into the field of charged particles (attackers taking 1d6 electrical damage from striking the hero even if the field is not active).
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to seperate and activate the electrons
Duration: Particles disperse after a time equal to the hero's ME number of melee rounds.
Defensively, this makes the hero immune to electrical attacks, ionic blasts, photon blasts and other types of charged particles used for Energy Expulsion attacks.

2.Particle Accelleration: The hero can also stratify and condense particles to slow them down and make them more brittle.
Effect: Opponents entering this field are reduced to half attacks, half Speed and do half damage on physical and melee strikes, suffering one quarter of their normal damage back on themselves due to their own molecular structure being affected. In addition, they are -4 to their AR and take half the damage they sustain directly to Hit Points, with the other half going to SDC as normal. In the case of a Critical Strike, no damage is taken to Hit Points and the normal amount of damage for a non-Critical Strike is taken to SDC, the reason for this being that the particles are hit in such a way as to allow them to reassert themselves after the strike. Concussive blasts, explosions and energy blasts occurring within the field all do double damage to targets so affected.
Range: 40 foot radius, plus 10 feet per level
Damage: None to organic beings (see effects above), but inorganic aliens and those with powers like APS Stone take 1d4 damage for each melee round they are in the area of effect.
Attacks: Uses one attack to activate the effect and one attack/action per melee round to maintain it.
Duration: As long as the hero concentrates on it, up to his ME number of melee rounds.

3.Disintegration: The hero can touch any object and cause its particles to disperse.
Range: Touch at level 1, one foot per level starting at level 2.
Damage: 1d4X10, vaporizing material touched regardless of AR. Only affects inorganic matrter. Damage from this attack cannot be repaired.
Attacks: Large objects must be held or remain immobile for three full melee attacks/actions. This means that the hero must hold the wearer of armour immobile or render them unconscious in order to affect it. Small handheld objects take only two melee attacks/actions to destroy.
Limitations: Cannot be used on plants, animals, people, or any other organic beings, as only inorganic material can be affected. If used on inorganic beings it will only do damage to their SDC. Objects larger than the hero cannot be affected unless consisting of smaller parts (so a brick can be disintegrated but not a full wall all at once, making opening doors and walls by this method tedious and time consuming). Can only disintegrate a number of items equal to his ME attribute number per hour. Does not affect magical items or those that are considered indestructible. Cannot be used through skin to destroy items inside an organic body (to destroy bullets, artifical organs, pacemakers, artificial joints or bionic and cybernetic parts).

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+2d6 HP
+1d4X10 SDC
+2 to save vs. biomanipulation powers
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“Okay...Where’s Chicken-Man? There’s something I wanna try on him.”

A variant of the Major power Stretching, this power is instead used on OTHER people to transform them into a boneless, elastic state. Unlike Stretching, the victim of this power CANNOT effectively contol their now elastic bodies, but instead will find themselves limp and boneless...Reduce P.S. and Speed to 1d4, NO initiative, NO bonuses, and is reduced to flopping about on the ground.
A favorite tactic of superbeings possessing this power is to quickly tie their victims literally in knots....This is a rather painful process, even with the increased resistance to damage. In this state they can be stretched out to about three times their original height, mashed, twirled, pulled, and bounced with seemingly no ill effect (sadistic GMs might want to force a roll versus pain to avoid passing out in the hands of a particularly enthusiastic mauler or power taffy stretcher). At the end of the duration of this power, however, the victim will instantly snap back to their original shape and non-elastic state(though depending on how thoroughly they’ve been knotted up, this may be accompanied by great discomfort for 1d6 minutes, and they’ll be -5 to strike, dodge, parry, roll, and lose all initiative for 1d6 minutes afterwards while they pull themselves back together).
The beneficial effects of this power is that those Rubberized acquire a toughness and elasticity that allows them to take large amounts of physcial damage without harm. Victims gain an additional 2d4x10 SDC, and take only HALF damage from punches, falls, and physical attacks.
Range: Touch
Duration: 1d4 minutes per touch; effects are cumulative
Saving Throw: Victims of this power actually get a Saving Throw versus Lethal Poison(14 or better, P.E. bonuses DO apply); a successful save means that the intended victim may feel a bit weak and dizzy, but otherwise is able to fight off the effects of the Rubberizing touch.
Note: Does NOT work through body armor or power armor.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Leon Kennedy wrote:Messing with time is a weird, game-changing experience (which is why almost NOBODY uses time changing effects in other RPGs). I just want to make sure that everything is taken into account. : )

I'll see if I can answer your questions. Firstly, thanks for taking such an interest in the power; I was worried that it might have been seen as a bit too silly (even by my standards). :)

Leon Kennedy wrote:My reasoning behind this is that the superhero is using an ability to strike a blow at a random place in time, without actually being there to direct his actions (that would only be possible when travelling through time, which is what is not happening here). If he isn't travelling through time to alter the reality, but rather striking a random blow at a random point in time, wouldn't the possibility exist that the blow is actually beneficial to the recipient?

Personally, I wouldn't want there to be a chance of something beneficial happening to your opponent when you use the punch: what you're suggesting is entirely logical, but it's designed to be an offensive power, and if I as a player had just spent all my attacks/actions in one go to use it, I'd be pretty ticked-off if all I'd done was repair my opponent's armour or heal his wounds! I see it as the super being attacking someone's time line, not just altering it; he's aiming for a negative effect, even if he doesn't have precise control over what that effect will be.

Of course, that's just my opinion; if you want to use a tweaked version of the punch in your games that implements your change, more power to you. As I say, it's completely logical and certainly adds a fun twist to the ability.

Leon Kennedy wrote:I guess I am confused on how the effects of this are only temporary? All damage is permanent, any armor that is destroyed is destroyed permanently, and in the initial description the only people that are aware that anything is different are the person using the retcon and the person that it is being used against.

Well, again, logic is on your side. :) Technically, there's no reason why damage should carry over, but if it doesn't then the power is basically pointless.

Say that the evil Doctor Clock uses his Retcon Punch to cripple your character, and then, taking advantage of your weakened state, he lops off your head with an axe, dismembers your corpse and finally burns every last trace of the body. If time later completely re-set itself, none of that would matter; your hero would re-appear, without a scratch on him or even any memory of being dead! By ruling that damage and loss of equipment carries over from the other reality, then use of the power has real consequences: if you're killed in the alternate time line, you die for real.

Of course, this is a double-edged sword. If the super being that used the punch is injured, those wounds carry over, too: there's no magical re-set button for either combatant.

If you want a bit of techno-babble to justify it, say that the super being and his opponent are at the eye of the temporal storm, at the point where realities meet, allowing them to remember one while existing in the other. Or if you've seen The Butterfly Effect, it's like that. Yeah, Ashton Kutcher can explain temporal physics a lot better than I can. :D

Leon Kennedy wrote:For example:

Hero is in a fight with villain. Hero uses retcon punch, successfully, and then wins the fight BECAUSE of this (say, villains armor is destroyed due to the retcon punch). Hero takes villain to jail. After a few hours, the timeline rights itself. Would the villain still be in jail once the timeline rights itself seeing as the villain wouldn't have been in that position had the timeline not been altered to begin with?

Well, to keep things simple, I'd say that the opponent re-appears in the spot where the punch was used, though time will have passed at a normal rate, i.e. fifteen hours in an alternate time line means it's fifteen hours later in the real world. The super being, on the other hand, stays wherever he is - the advantage of being the source of the retcon rather than the victim.

Hmm. I should have put that bit in the power write up, shouldn't I? I'll edit that.

Anyway, no, the villain would not still be in jail, but the hero would have had time to rest/run away/prepare a trap/break into the villains lair and uncover his secrets...

Leon Kennedy wrote:Also, assuming that my last question gets implemented (and there can be good and bad effects) what happens when the retcon is used multiple times on an opponent, and some of the outcomes conflict? Say the battle lasts for an hour (it can happen!). At the beginning of the hour, hero uses retcon and gets good outcome for villain (armor is in perfect condition). This lasts for, say, 6 hours. At the very end of the hour-long battle, hero uses it again, and ends up with a bad outcome for the villain (armor is destroyed). For our purposes here, we'll say that this lasts less time than the initial shot due to fatigue and randomness (and maybe the hero lost a level or two during the fight due to something) - say 3 hours. So the armor is destroyed for 3 hours, and then reverts to....what? perfect condition for 2 more hours before going back to the way it was at the start of the battle?

Like I say, I wouldn't go the route of possibly beneficial changes, but I'd keep it simple; if the results of two rolls would directly contradict each other, then the most recent roll supersedes the first. So your villain should have perfect armour for six hours, but after the second punch, their armour is destroyed and does not return after three hours.

If the results of mutiple rolls were all positive (or all negative), then they just stack.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I would like it if there was a small percentage chance that the effects could become permanent instead of just temporary, say a 10% probability. Reality does not always snap back, after all. If so, the time ripple would eventually hit the hero using the power as well. But then, I do so love the idea of poison powers that come back to haunt the hero over time. :twisted:

Ouch! Would you want to be the player permanently stuck with the effects of Civilian? :eek: :lol:
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Friendly Nip: [Minor]
'let me just give you a little nip'

The characaters teeth are laced with a type of neurotoxin that can assist others with the merest nip.
The character enjoys a bite attack that inflicts 2D4 damage, +1 per level. The character enjoys enough control over his bites that he is assumed to have automatically and successfully pulled punch with his teeth (and as such may inflict only one damage if he chooses)
On any successfully bite attack, the character may choose to inflict the nerotoxin.
Primarilly the neurotoxin will have one of the following effects. the character chooses which effect with every bite.
* mercy: The character becomes resistant to pain as anesthetics roll in. the bitten target gains +4 to resist pain. Mercy lasts 1D6 minutes per level
* Rush: The target of the bite feels heightened sensations of rage. he gains +2 to strike and damage. Rush lasts 1D6 Minutes per level
* clotting tongue: the character's spit secretes a coagulant that slows and stops bloodloss by licking a wound.
* Antitoxin: The target becomes infused with heighteend chemical defences, gaining +4 to saving throws vs poison and toxins for the next 1D6 minutes per level.
* Joy: The target feels a rush of endorphins that calm him down. not only can this reliev anxiety, but provides a +4 bonus to saving throws vs fear or HF.

Mental armour: [minor]
'My will is all I need to slay you Anthrax!'

The character's willpower causes physical alterations, chielfy creating and reinforcing a field of energy over his body.
On a round by round basis, the character can use his ME to simulate any of the following.
* Gain an AR (Up to 16)
* Add to his PS or Spd (on a 1:1 basis)
* Add to His PP (on a 2:1 basis)

anytime the character uses any of the above, he creates a forcefield around himself with an SDC equal to his ME and PE combined plus 5 per level. This SDC recovers at a rate of 1 per minute.
Maintaining mental armour requires the devotion of 1 attack per melee. Moreso, should the character fail a saving throw vs HF or psionics, his effective ME for this power halves for 1D4 melee rounds.
[Douglas (3rd level experiment ME 18) faces off the cops by devoting 16 ME to natural AR and 2 to his PS. when it becomes clear that sustained gunfire will still hurt him, he devotes 10 to PP (gaining +5 PP) and 8 to spd and attempts to escape]

Escapist [Minor]
'I can get us out of here'

The character is a master of escapism, viewing obstacles and barriers as merely complex puzzles to solve.
The character enjoys a natural escape artist skill of 75% +4% per level. he likewise enjoys a +25% to pick locks, safe cracking and detect ambush.
More to the point, the character does not need tools to perform these exceptional skills. he extends a field of telekenetic like force that manipulates objects, even through 6 inches of steel (+2 inches per level) allowing the character to unlock cuffs on his feet, untie ropes around his legs and fiddle with locks on the other side of a wall. these manipulations add +4 to escape grapples and holds.

On a broader scale, the character has a kind of environmnetal sense when it comes to larger prisons. In his minds eye he percieves guard routes and camera sweeps and has an intuitive feel for alarms and weak points in security. He enjoys a bonus of +25% to prowl when evading electronic security and +25% to surveilance systems when avoiding them. Electronically triggered traps are -4 to target this character (or conversely he has +4 to dodge them)

Bloodbank [Major]
'I'd like to make a withdrawal'

The character can manipulate blood in a person's body to jet outwards in a painfull streak, to be used instantaneously in a variety of fashions.
1) Draw blood. The character can target an individual withion 60 feet that he can clearly see. that target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer incredible pain as blood bubbles through his body to fly the intervening distance to the character. the target takes 1D4 HP damage as well as 3D6 SDC and suffers -2 initiative and -1 attack from the pain. this attack can be performed up to twice per melee round.

2) bond of blood: the character can use blood drawn on the same action to perform one of the following feats.
* Heal self: regenerating as much damage as he inflicted.
* Blood blast: the character can harden the gathered blood into tiny flechettes, solid balls or red hot liquid, and fling it at a target within 60 feet with +2 to strike. the target takes 1D6 damage, plus 1D6 per level (it is possible to strike the target recently drained of their blood with a weapon forged of their own blood)
* Gain a level: the character can use the gained blood to act as one level higher for the rest of the melee round in regards to other superhuman powers or psionic abilities. if performed twice in the round, the character gains the benefit of 2 extra levels for the rest of the melee.
* Blood spray: lacking another resource, the character can simply let the target's blood accumulate in an area of his choice within 60 feet in any simpl pattern he can devise

3) other abilities: Gains +1D4x10 SDC. the character is immune to blood type powers and has +4 to save vs bloodbourne diseases.

Diamondcoat: [Major]
'as you can see ladies, I am your best friend'

The character can coat hismelf or other small objects with a kind of flexible diamond glaize.
1) coat self: when coated in a sheet of diamond like matter, the character gains a crystal/white sheen and sparkles in light. Kinetic attacks that rely on speed (such as bullets) or sharpness (such as blades) inflict half damage and need to penetrate an AR of 16. blunt, slow impacts need only penetrate an AR of 12 and inflict normal damage. The diamond sheet adds +40 to the character's SDC (regenerates at a rate of 1 per 5 minutes).
Lasers bounce off the character's shiny surface, and heat and electricity inflict only half damage to a diamond coated object.
While coated in diamond layers, the character's abraisive surface inflicts 2D4 damage to anyone grappling him.

2) coat objects: an object sheathed in diamond gains similiar protection as outlined above. the character must touch the object in question. objects with delicate, or exposed moving parts (such as a gun) will no longer function (GM's call though. a computer may function perfectly, in theory, but it will take a hammer and chisel to actually get the on switch to work)

A blade coated in diamond layers gains a +1 damage bonus per level, and ignores 3 points of AR when it hits a target.
At any rate, the coating breaks down after 3D6 minute s+1 minute per level.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Brain transference: [Major]
'Oh don't worry about the professor...we are coming to terms with each other even as we speak'

The character has the ability to absorb the thoughts and memories of the taking their head.
1) Harvest the dead: The character can decapitate any deceased person just by pulling at the flesh and letting the head come loose. The character can then sink the head into his chest creating a kind of womb within himself.
The target needs to have been deceased (negative his PE in HP) for less than 10 minutes per level and the brain must be in somewhat servicable order. The character's body rewires the nervous system for the implant. While carrying another human brain, the character may use the higher of their ME and IQ scores as desired, and may interrogate the brain at will. the character can use the skills of the borrowed brain (at -10%) and will recognise many aspects of the brain's former life but will not have 100% recall of tiny details (will remember where he hides his keys and how he likes his coffee, but may forget his wife's birthday). when in doubt roll percentile dice. results under 30% indicate a mental blank. The character can holdone brain at a time, but may loose one to store another.

2) Ressurect the dead: The character can opt to, while holding a brain, to regenerate the deceased. This process takes 2 months in the form of an advanced type of pregnancy. at the end of the two months, the deceased is reborn. The deceased emerges with an infant body but with an otherwise intact mind (though he must Save Vs Insanity 14+). the infant grows at a rate of 1 year every month from then on, until early 20's. During the ressurection, the character requires twice as much food as possible and will be apparently pregnant (much to the amusement of some)

3) other abilities: The character's ability to extract a human brain while normally effective with a fresh corpse, has some combat application. His hands carve through flesh melting it as it goes. His bare hands cause 3D6 damage in combat though this is normal SDC damage it affects any form of flesh, even natural body armour (though not those derived by bone or inorganic sources)
While in posession of another person's brain, the character enjoys +4 to save Vs psi and HF, and the effects of such see their duration halved. If the target posessed mental powers, then he has access to half the target's normal ISP pool and half of his available powers. in addition the character weilds them as if at first level, and targets recieve a +2 to saving throws vs his 'borrowed' psi attacks.

Necromimic [Major]
'Shut up and die...I need your healing factor'

The character can steal powers from the dead. In essence this power functions very much like mimic with a number of exceptions.
As long as the character can sense a corpse withinin 80 feet of himself (primarilly by sight but by other senses if available) he can acquire it's abilities. If the corpse had superpowers while alive, then the character gains them (but trades out his current set) In the case of super powers, all that need be available is a single bone for this to work. The power set remains until the character drops it voluntarilly (usually as a prelude to copying the powers of another corpse) The character cannot gain a target's attributes or SDC (after all the body is dead and a lot of those attributes are 0)
The character can also draw a general health and duribility from the dead.
By targetting a corpse in the same manner as if he was drawing powers, the character can heal 6D6 SDC or HP once per round. the targetted corpse loses an equivilent amount of SDC (corpses will have around 30-80 SDC depending on size and condition) he can draw this strength and power through 12 feet of earth and soil. Moreso, the character gains the strength of the dead when doing so. after destroying 50 SDC worth of dead material, the character gains +5 PS and +5 PE.

Salt Form: [Major]
'Would you like salt with that?'

The character can transform into a pillar of salt. a humanoid made of sodium chloride and teeming on the inside with his internal fluids.
1) enhanced mass and strength. in salt form, the character is 50% heavier and enjoys 1D6+1 to his PS attribute.
2) enhanced durability and endurance: while in salt form, the character enjoys 2D4x10 SDC with a bonus of +20 every level. his AR is 12 and his PE increases by 4. Furthermore, weapons and attaks that rely on piercing or penetration bypass his ar but inflict only 1/4 damage, passing through his crusty body and back out again.
3) Salt acid innards. while in salt form, his internals become a highly concentrated acid. He can spew this acid 40 feet with +4 to strike. Those struck take 6D6 damage and must make a saving throw vs Lethal poison or inhale the acidinc vapours and taking 3D4 HP damage. If struck for more than 40 damage in a single blow, the character breaks apart spewing salt acid out to 10 feet in all directions. The character reforms almost immeadiately (takes 1 action) the salt acid is innefective against stone or metals
4) water vulnerability: takes double damage from water attacks. more to the point even water psitols can inflict 2D4 damage, and a bucket of water can inflict 6D6 damage. Complete immersion deals 1D4x10 damage every round and will force the character back into human form or die (if force to turn human again by water damage, the human form takes 6D6 damage) On the plus side, the character recovers 2D6 SDC every minute.

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Brain Transferrence...gah... :shock:
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Mephisto wrote:
taalismn wrote:Brain Transferrence...gah... :shock:

Made even worse by Iczer's creepy smile :-D

So what do you rate Iczer's smile's Horror Factor as?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Neecromimic, Brain Transference and Salt Form were all pretty creepy. :D I liked them. :twisted: Nice work, Iczer. :ok:

Next up for me will be Deconstruct (minor), Degenerate (minor) and Mega-Negation (Major), though I have ideas in the works for a few after that. I hope to have the three I just listed up later tonight, though.
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Deconstruct (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Seems like things are always breaking down around here."

The superbeing is like a gremlin, causing machines and other mechanical devices to become broken as soon as he touches them.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant, effects are permanent until the machine or device is fixed; power is always on and cannot be shut off.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action

Effect: The hero has the equivalent of 40%, +5% per level, in skills used to un-fix and dis-repair machines, devices, weapons and gadgets he touches (if he does not break it, it will still not operate for him). Upon a successful skill roll, the construct is rendered unworking and inoperable and may fall apart (GM's discretion). This may be combined with a strike roll against those in power armor or against robots. This does not work against magical constructs, machines created using superpowers, or mechanical aliens. The superbing suffers the usual penalty of 40% to this skill when dealing with robotics or alien technology.

Other Abilities and Bonuses: +10% to Mechanical, Electrical and Construction skills, though this is limited designing things since actually building them since anything he actually builds will break down as a result of this power.

Degenerate (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"So much for your clones, Copycat!"

The superbeing has the ability to cause organic constructs to degenerate by means of touch.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Damage: The superbeing gains +2d6 damage to organic opponents, though this does not work through armor or dense/thick clothing. Opponents struck will also have to save vs. disease (cellular degeneration specifically; 16 or better, PE bonus applies) or take an additional point of SDC damage per melee round, for 2d4 melee rounds, unless receiving medical treatment to stop the cellular degradation (only one such saving throw is permitted, as once the process is begun it will run its course). Damage taken from such cellular degeneration takes twice as long to heal and cannot be healed any quicker by the use of healing powers, nor are those with healing powers immune to this degeneration.
Bio-Constructs or clones created with powers must make a save vs. degeneration as above, being instantly negated upon failure of the save (bio-constructs disintegrate, energy clones disipate, Multiple Selves vanish, etc.).
Plants are made to wither at his touch as well.

Other Abilities and Bonuses: +1d4 PE
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Mega-Negation (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"He's not so tough now..."

The superbeing has a type of power negation which causes any Mega-Hero or Mega-Villain in range to lose any bonuses, special mega-powers and Achilles Heels resulting from being a Mega-Hero. This includes their Supernatural PS, power range bonuses, and any type of Immortality, even if the said immortality is the result of a power they possess in addition to that possessed due to being a Mega-Hero.

1. Ranged Negation Attack: The superbeing can shoot a glowing beam of energy to strike the Mega-Hero at a greater distance.
Range: 500 feet, plus 50 feet per level.
Duration: Instant, effect lasts 2d4 hours.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action
Damage: In addition to the power negation effect, the energy beam does 1d6 points of damage, plus 1d6 per level. Those Mega-Heroes in flight when hit by the beam will lose the ability to stop themselves if flying using the added Speed provided by their Mega-Hero abilities.
Bonus: +3 to strike (aimed,), +1 wild

2.Radius Negation Effect: The superbeing automatically radiates an area of negation by means of his presence in an area.
Range: 50 foot radius, plus 5 feet per level
Duration: The effect lasts only while the target is in range.
Attacks: None, as effect is always on.
Damage: The radius effect does no physical damage except that resulting from the sudden loss of increased strength or control of powers. Those Mega-Heroes in flight when entering the radius of effect will not lose speed but instead lose the ability to stop themselves if flying using the added Speed provided by their Mega-Hero abilities.
Other Notes: While the beam attack can be seen, the radius one is not visible with normal vision. Those using ultraviolet vision or energy detection equipment will detect it, however, and even be able to track the superbeing by tracking the energy. It will be able to be seen by those able to See the Invisible, as well as trigger any Danger Sense powers of superbeings nearby.

3.Exceptions: Does not affect any bonuses to Hit Points or SDC the Mega-Hero might possess, including Tremendous SDC. It does not affect Undead creatures or gohsts and astral beings, even if considered Mega-Heroes. It also does not affect aliens with Mega-Hero abilities as traits of their race and/or species. Energy Expulsion attacks entering the radius of effect are not lessened as a result of entering the field, since the power affects the Mega-Hero and not the expression of his powers entering the field.

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to save vs. Radiation sickness
Resistant to Energy Expulsion attacks (half damage and effects)
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Bartender [minor] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"You played it for her Sam, play it for me."

The character has a limited form of Matter Creation, in that they can make any and all types of alcohol. Furthermore, this matter will last as long as they need it, enabling them to create a lucrative business if they so choose.

1) Booze creation: At will, the character can cause alcohol to stream forth from their fingertips. At first level, they can only handle bad wines, and common beer and ales, but once they reach third level they can attempt to make better classes of alcohol (85% skill level, +3 per additional level). They are able to make up to one gallon a day per 2 M.E. points, and can dismiss their booze at will (preventing someone from making a drunken mistake and dispelling hangovers at the same time). At Fifth level, they can cause the booze to spontaneously generate up to 50 feet away (but only within line of sight w/o super powers).

2) Total Immunity to alcohol: NO matter how much they drink, they cannot themselves get drunk unless they wish to. They are resistant to other drugs so long as they know their there (half damage/effect/duration)

3) Spot the Alchey: The character has the ability to spot not only who has had anything to drink recently, but how much as well. 65/80% skill level, +5/2% per additional level.

Just a fun little power I thought of, great for a little fun or a quirk for a sidekick or N.P.C.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Mephisto wrote:So I take it a character with Bartender can also become instantly sober and never suffers a hangover?

Maybe beyond sober...maybe even knurd

I'd give a Major form of this power the ability to shoot flaming alcohol from mouth or fingers, massive M.E. allowances for dealing with talkative inebriates, selective hearing(can listen to loud noises and long diatribes and pick up on the gist of it when suddenly asked a question), and a resistance to damage from glass attacks(splinters, hurled glass products, and shattering plates of it) and liquid...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Mephisto wrote:So I take it a character with Bartender can also become instantly sober and never suffers a hangover?

If they wanted to get drunk, and did so on booze they made, sure. If they just wanted to get drunk, they forgo the immunity, and will get hungover, so make sure they know that before going on a bender before a misison.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Splitz: [Minor]
'let's get to the bottom of this'

The character has the unnerving ability to seperate his upper and lower halves, each becoming a seperate creature controlled by the same will.
1) The upper half: The upper half retains all the normal attributes for the character, save that Spd is reduced to 1D6 and PP is reduced by 2. The upper half has half of the character's SDC and one less attack per melee. lacking legs, the character cannot kick or jump but is otherwise unhindered
2) the lower half: The lower half has the same attributes as the character, but obviously lacks functioning hands, and cannot communicate. Its senses are poor at best. it can make out blurry details out to 10 feet, and nothig but dark or light patches out to 25 feet. Likewise its hearing is muted (half normal range and clarity but is immune to deafening type attacks) and it lacks smell or taste. The lower half has half the normal SDC of the main body and it's poor senses rob them of 1 attack per melee. On it's own it has -2 to strike parry and dodge, but these penalties are negated if the upper half is within 20 feet.
3) Other abilities: The seperate halves have their own pool of HP equal to the characters normal HP (it is not halved). Furthermore, when the halves are recombined, the character will have the higher of the two halves HP total.
The character can 'shoot' his upper half from the lower half, out to 10 feet plus one foot per point of PS. as an attack this requires 2 actions, and is +2 to strike as a sort of body block tackle inflicting 3D6 damage plus the target must make a sense of balance check or be bowled over.
If one half is badly damaged it can be resucitated by joining with the other. The two SDC totals are combined and of course the higher HP total is applied to the character. If oner half is destroyed (killed) then the upper half can be regrown from the lower half in 60 days. the lower half can be regrown in 45 days.
The two halves can be any distance away from each other, for any length of time. the upper half has the ability to nourish the lower at any distance.

Mobile jump: [Major]
'It's one thing to hit me Jones, it's another to try to hit me'

The character can perform a kind of limited teleport or hop from one location to another, as long as he already has a vector and speed already. essentially when in motion, he sidesteps a porrtion of our reality
1) Enhance movement: The character can increase his spd score by 50%, by periodically zooming forward. this allows him to by pass obstacles up to his Spd score in feet as he does so. He cannot pass through complete barriers though.
Likewise he may double his leaping and jumping distance, or add his spd in feet to any jumping distance, whichever is better.
2) Enhanced dodge: the character can sidestep further than usual when dodging. any dodge attempt can move the character up to 1 extra foot per level. likewise when rolling with punches, explosions or impacts (but not falls), a successfull roll means 1/4 damage while a failed roll is half damage.
3) Attack options: In combat, the character can shift right before attacking a target, coming in from odd angles and granting a +2 to strike rolls. In addition, if charging more than 15 feet to an opponent (body block/tackles, leap attacks), the target suffers a -4 to defence from his sudden displacement.
4) Other notes: The characters displacement is based on his vector. It is similiar to teleport except for a few details. the character must be able to move. if tied down or held he is pretty much unable to use this power. he cannot by pass solid objects, nor can he 'steer around' while displacing. He cannot port out of handcuffs using this method either. He can take no more than 15lbs plus 5 lbs per level. anything more is a burden on the power. He can also only displace in the direction he is already travelling. This power cannot save him from a fall (exception: he can reduce the height of a fall by his spd in feet by simply bypassing the distance without accruing velocity) Lastly he can only use this power with an action. it's not fast enouygh to be used automatically or out of turn.

Innate boxer: [major]
'Watch these hands..they are faster than you think'

The character has a kind of balance and hand eye speed that greatly crontributes to his fighting prowess.
1) Combat bonuses: +2 attacks per melee as long as all attacks this melee are with unarmed melee attacks. despite the power's name it enhances more than just boxing. The character automatically recieves HTH expert at his current level. +3 to parry and dodge. auto dodge of +1. Bare handed strikes add +1 damage per level and the character gains a KO-Stun on any bare handed blow on a natural 19-20.
2) Light footed: the character enoys +2 PP +1D4+4 Spd +4 PE and +6 to PS. he has an innate sense of balance equal to 60% +4% per level (or a +10% bonus) and 1D4x10+10 extra SDC.
3) specialist blows: the character can perform one of these specialist attacks per melee. he knows one at first level, and one more at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
* Power punch: 2 actions. 2D6+PS bonus +1 per level
* Stagger: this blow causes a target to make a saving throw (18+ PE bonuses apply) or stumble back from the blow (2D4 feet)
* Daze: a dazing blow does half damage, but the target must make a saving throw ( 14+ PE bonus applies) or lose their next action
* Brutal blow: 2 actions: causes 2 HP damage on top of any other damage inflicted
* Uppercut: this rapid blow comes from an odd angle. the target has -2 to parry or dodge it.
* Iron knuckle strike: This penetrating blow ignores 6 points of AR
* Dashing blow: This running strike requires the character charge a foe. the character may use his Spd instead of his PS when calculating damage.
* Rabbit punch: by balling both fists into one punch, the character lands a heavy blow. damage is increased by 25%. both parties make a saving throw after this (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose their next action.
4) other notes: despite the name, the power is more about balance and precision strikes that with traditional boxing per se. The character may not learn the boxing skill (duh)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:Splitz: [Minor]
'let's get to the bottom of this'

The character has the unnerving ability to seperate his upper and lower halves, each becoming a seperate creature controlled by the same will.

"And this is my other, arguably better, half."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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taalismn wrote:
Iczer wrote:Splitz: [Minor]
'let's get to the bottom of this'

The character has the unnerving ability to seperate his upper and lower halves, each becoming a seperate creature controlled by the same will.

"And this is my other, arguably better, half."

thanks god that some other them me said that :D
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