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Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
99 Red Balloons (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can summon a number of balloons from his environment, up to a number of yards away equal to his ME attribute number X10 (MEX30 feet). He can summon either a large hot air balloon or a munber of smaller balloons, equal in number to the hero's ME attribute number X10.
These balloons can be used in the following ways:

1.Small Balloon Barrier: The hero can use the smaller balloons to act as a barrier against attacks. This barrier will obscure vision, imposing a penalty on attackers of -6 to strike through the balloons, and serve to block attacks. Each balloom has 1 SDc point, popping when hit with a strike roll under 10. Strikes over 10 will push the balloons aside and continue on to their original target. Popping a balloon will cause the attacker to have to make a save vs. being stunned by the noise (14 or better, ME bonus applies) or lose an attack.

2.Flight: Hover: The hero can use a summoned hot air balloon to ride in, or summon a group of smaller balloons to carry him aloft in flight.
Speed: 10mph, plus 5mph per level
+2 bonus to Dodge
+2 dmg for every 20mph of speed
Note that the hero will fall if 10% or more of the SDC of the smaller balloons is depleted, as all the ballons must be used for him to fly with them.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to Roll w/ Punch, Fall or Impact
+4 or +20% to Balance checks


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:44 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Sugar Expulsion (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Let me lay a little sugar on ya..."

The hero can shoot blasts of granulated sugar, similar to sand.

1.Sugar Blast:
Range: 30 feet, plus 5 feet per level of experience
Damage: 1d6, plus 1 per level
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action

2.Insect Attraction: The sugar naturally attracts pests and biting insects, which will bite anyone covered in sugar unless it is washed off. A swartm of biting insects typically does 1d4 damage per melee. It will be up to the GM to determine damage of any other animals bitng the person. Swatting insects will generally have no discouraging effects, though diving in water will generally discourtage them. The GM can also determine and effects due to the sugar becoming wet, such as stickiness.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 PP (from the sugar)
+1d4X10 SDC


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Glitter (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"All that glitters is not gold."

The hero has luminescent flakes of dead skin and dandruff he produces which is toxic. In spite of being pretty in appearance, this dangerous substance has toxic reactions with organic beings and creatures.

1.Glitter Distraction: The flakes produced form a cloud around the hero, hanging in the air as it is shaken from his hair.
Attack Pentalties: The glitter causes opponents to suffer -4 to Strike the hero.
Range: The glitter hangs in the air within a 20 foot radius. Anyone inside this range also suffers the toxic effects (see below).
Duration: The flakes are constantly being produced. Glitter produced by the hair remains airborne only for a short time and will leave a trail behind the hero (giving a +20% to Tracking to anyone doing so). Cannot be turned off.
Attacks: Uses no melee attacks/actions to create the flakes.
Penalties: The hero is -40% to Prowl due to the glowing flakes.

2.Toxicity Damage: Anyone walking into the radius of effect, touching the fallen glitter, kissing or biting the hero will have to make a save vs. Toxins.
Damage from toxic substance: 1d6 per melee round
Duration: Continues until saved against. Fallen flakes remain toxic for the hero's PE number in minutes.
Saving Throw: 14 or better, PE bonus applies, if inhaled ot on skin; i6 or better if resulting from biting the hero or kissing him; 12 or better if touching fallen flakes. A saving throw must be made each round until successful to stop the toxic effects.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
+4 to Save vs. Poisons and toxins, and is immune to his own flakes/glitter


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Crossbones (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero's forearm has extra bones which can pop out of his skin, stretching out a piece of sinew betwwen them, creating a natural crossbow which he can fire by flexing the muscles in his arm. The bones that form the crossbow, as well as the sinew, retract into the arm when not in use.
Shooting Range: The hero's PSX20 feet
Damage: Normal damage for the type of crossbow bolt used (typically 2d4) plus the hero's PS bonus.
Attacks: It takes 1 attack/action to pop out the bones and create the crossbow, then 1 attack to load and fire it.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, in addition to any targeting skills (may use WP Archery when using this natural weaponry).
Note that the hero cannot be Disarmed or drop his weapon since it is a part of him.

Other Bonuses: +2 to Dodge and Parry projectiles such as arrows and crossbow bolts


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:57 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I will see what I can come up with in that regard, Mephisto, but it is intended to be used with regular bolts as written right now. No worries, though, since it does just beg for a major version of it to be written.


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:43 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I will see what I can come up with in that regard, Mephisto, but it is intended to be used with regular bolts as written right now. No worries, though, since it does just beg for a major version of it to be written.

Cool when I first heard the name Crossbones I thought the power would be something like the bones of the character twisting around the body and jutting out (such as a rib sticking someone attacking from behind or an ankle bone thrusting up during a knee attempt to have modular skeleton abilities where the bones can do abnormal things) so the actual power definitely took me by surprise.

I could write something like that up, too, though it would have to be a different power. :)


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:41 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Mold Metal (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

"I thought that gag about wrapping a golf club around somebody's head only happened in the cartoons..."


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:44 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Glitter (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"All that glitters is not gold."

The hero has luminescent flakes of dead skin and dandruff he produces which is toxic. In spite of being pretty in appearance, this dangerous substance has toxic reactions with organic beings and creatures.

1.Glitter Distraction: The flakes produced form a cloud around the hero, hanging in the air as it is shaken from his hair.
Attack Pentalties: The glitter causes opponents to suffer -4 to Strike the hero.
Range: The glitter hangs in the air within a 20 foot radius. Anyone inside this range also suffers the toxic effects (see below).
Duration: The flakes are constantly being produced. Glitter produced by the hair remains airborne only for a short time and will leave a trail behind the hero (giving a +20% to Tracking to anyone doing so). Cannot be turned off.
Attacks: Uses no melee attacks/actions to create the flakes.
Penalties: The hero is -40% to Prowl due to the glowing flakes.

I'd maybe give this aspect of the power equivalent bonuses as an Anti-Laser Aerosol(lasers and other light beams do HALF to NO damage passing through the cloud)


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:47 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Crossbones (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

"You ever have those deep aching pains in your bones sometimes? No? Let me correct that...*TWANG*...Feel the pain now?"


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Glitter (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"All that glitters is not gold."

The hero has luminescent flakes of dead skin and dandruff he produces which is toxic. In spite of being pretty in appearance, this dangerous substance has toxic reactions with organic beings and creatures.

1.Glitter Distraction: The flakes produced form a cloud around the hero, hanging in the air as it is shaken from his hair.
Attack Pentalties: The glitter causes opponents to suffer -4 to Strike the hero.
Range: The glitter hangs in the air within a 20 foot radius. Anyone inside this range also suffers the toxic effects (see below).
Duration: The flakes are constantly being produced. Glitter produced by the hair remains airborne only for a short time and will leave a trail behind the hero (giving a +20% to Tracking to anyone doing so). Cannot be turned off.
Attacks: Uses no melee attacks/actions to create the flakes.
Penalties: The hero is -40% to Prowl due to the glowing flakes.

I'd maybe give this aspect of the power equivalent bonuses as an Anti-Laser Aerosol(lasers and other light beams do HALF to NO damage passing through the cloud)

I am failing to see the basis for this, since the flakes are not in a solid mass but rather like a powdery effect.


Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:15 pm
by Steeler49er
The flakes may affect "open beam" lasers, but if they're not (as the Stone G-man says) as solid enuff cloud, than he's right. But a Minor power like "Chaff" now becomes a potential idea... Not that one couldn't derive a power stunt/technique'/jutsu-ish sub-ability out of ME: Metal that could do similar.

BTW- Awsome <as ususal> powers Stone & Izce!


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:42 am
by Iczer
many thanks.

Snakebite grasp, bend space and warp space are coming soon (ish) I just need the GF to vanish back to uni for a couple of hours



Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:17 pm
by Iczer
or when she goes to the gym for a power outing......

Aquatic: [Major]
'As a matter of fact I was raised by Squid'

The character is completely adapted for deepwater existence, his very being reconfigured to suit any aquatic climate.
1) default abilities. These abilities apply at all times.
* Immune to cold
* +2D6 PS (extraordinary)
* +2D6 PE
* +10 Spd
* AR 10
* Can hold his breath for up to his PE in minutes.
* Animal brother (as per the minor power) only with marine life
* +2D4x10 SDC
* nightvision 120 feet
* Sonar: as per the minor power

2) underwater abilities. These apply when submerged in water (at least 3/4 of his body)
* Immune to deep sea pressure, 1 mile per level.
* PS increases by 10 and becomes superhuman
* SDC increases by 3D6x10 (roll once for total extra increase)
* AR rises to 12
* Can breathe underwater, both fresh and seawater
* can see in total blackness out to 120 feet. nightvision extends to 240 feet
* Can swim underwater at a Spd score equal to 5 times his normal land speed.
* Can leap from water, out to his PS in feet into the air (triple with at least 100 feet of 'run' up)
* +1 attack per melee
* fatigues at 1/4 rate

Other abilities:
* If fighting on otherwise dry land and is showered (not immersed, but still exposed to a lot of water, rain will do, as would sprinklers or a busted fire hydrant) he enjoys a brief burst of morale and strength. add +2 to his PS while the water persists, and +25 temporary SDC.
* Does not lose his balance when on water slick surfaces.
* If exposed to constant moisture, he heals at 4 times normal rate
* Can sense moisture. Can feel when rain will fall about 10 minutes before it arrives. can sense a large body of water up to 1/2 mile away per level of experience , even through walls. Can sense water running through housepipes or in sewers underneath him out to 20 feet away per level of experience.
* Takes only 10% damage from water type attacks.

Snakebite Grasp [minor]
'Ohh you left yourself wide open..'

The character has powerful adpatations to his hands and forearms that allow his grasp to become especially deadly.The character can lash out with his hand and grab hold of a target, usually by a cluster of nerves. His fingers exert pressure in an amount greater than his strength would suggest.
Lashing out in this manner requires 2 actions to perform, and may be parried or dodged normally. If the target is struck then the character's hand has latched onto him in a vice like fashion.
The Target takes 2D6 damage from this attack plus any PS bonus at the end of any given melee round. In addition, the pressure exerted on nerves(The power reaches out through the target to stimulate more nerves than the character could even feasably grasp) incapacitates the target, lowering thier PP and PS by 3, plus 2 per level of the character, and reducing combat bonuses and actions per melee round by 2.
The target is considered grappled, although the character is not (though the hand used to grapple is occupied). the target may attempt to escape the grapple as normal, though the character enjoys a +4 to resist any escape attempts. (also note that unless the target is grappled normally, his limbs are still free as well)
The target must also make a saving throw every round (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose 1 PE point per round.
Lost PS, PP and PE points are recovered one round after the character lets go of the grapple. The character needs to spend an action each round to maintain any snakebite hold (and he may have one hold per hand available to him, though may only make one such grab per round)
As a final action, the character may throw any victim he is has a hold on. the Character rolls to strike as normal, while the target defends as normal. if successful, the target is flung away 1 foot per point of PS posessed by the character and is knocked down (takes 1d6 damage plus PS damage bonus and loses initiative and 2 attacks)

The characters superhuman, and telekinetic style grip allows the following extra bonuses.
+10% to climb
Can parry melee weapons with his bare hands, +1 to parry
Can exert his full PS with his hands and fingers

Bend space [Major]
'Honestly, your shennanigens are driving me right around the bend'

The character can perform a number of tricks with space that allow him an increased amount of options regarding his mobility in and out of combat.

1) Bend space for self : The character can adjust space to allow him to treat any bend as a straight path. this can be used to peer around corners, and fire attacks along this new straightened path, and allows him to traverse these bends without difficulty. He can turn a vehicle 90 degrees without slowing, and can even attempt to run up a wall (by bending the way space works he makes the transition from floor to wall a straight line and then only has to fight gravity while on the wall, can move a number of feet equal tohis Spd score before gravity sends him back. half if upside down)
To those watching this character it seems as if his attacks bend around obstacles, and that he can simply turn on a dime (even in a car).
The character can perform a tyope of jumping manoevre by bending horizontal space upwards. if he has a run up of a dozen or so feet, he may 'leap' his Spd in feet horizontally or half that vertically.

2) Bend space for others. The character can use his power defensively and offensively as well.
He can parry ranged attacks by guesturing and causing space to bend. this counts as an action, and requires a roll to parry (D20 +4 for this power) the projectiles just turn away without losing momentum. he can even use this on people who are using any sort of momentum to attack him (charging, body block/tackle etc) though the parry bonus is only +2 (humans can course correct)
He can use this to save himself from a fall if need be, making his normal parry in place of a roll with fall. He takes half damage if he fails and no damage on a success. he can use this on others as well
Without spending any actions he can negate any cover a target may have, bending his sight and his ranged attacks around obstacles. He can also fire ranged attacks off at odd angles, only to have them careen through space to hit the intended target. (targets are -4 to dodge his ranged attacks)
He can use this power to trip attackers. By making a strike roll (use a straight D20 roll at +4) he can cause the space around a target to bend. the target moves through space, finds himself now facing upwards, or downwards. He may make a balance check (for free) or a dodge to avoid this trip. a tripped target loses one attack and any initiative he may have. targets who are aware of this aspect opf the power may just simply not move in order to negate this sort of attack

Other notes: can affect targets that are 200lbs or less (+25lbs per level), and up to 50 feet away.
Has a kind of spatial sense, an awareness of how space is supposed to be in his general vicinity. he is aware of any invisible foes (just that they are there not their precise location) and can feel the arrival of teleportation, and other space distorting effects) within 60 feet of him.
His ability to alter the way space bends around him grants him +1 to strike, parry and dodge (he can make instantaneous, on the fly adjustments to his, and his opponent's movements)



Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:14 am
by Iczer
Coming soon: Antipodal energy expulsion, Extradimensional control and 2 others I'm wrapping my head around (possibly more after seeing hellboy 2 tonight)


>>EDIT<< Am back from the movie. (it was awesome.) more powers gurgling now will post tomorrow when GF goes to the gym *touches wood*



Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Okay, I did two majors based on Crossbones and two based on Glitter. So without further ado, here is the first:

Bone Bag (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"He's no threat... he's just an old pile of bones."

The superbeing has the ability to dislocate his bones for a variety of advantages.

1.Contortionist: The superbeing can temporarily dislocate his bones from joints, flod and bend his body.
Automatically gets the Escape Artist skill at +20%
Add +4 to Roll w/ Punch, Fall or Impact
+10% tp Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills
+4 PP

2.Bone Regeneration: The hero's bones regenerate at four times the normal healing rate. Otherwise he heals at twice normal rate. Trauma effects due to broken bones are reduced to half.

3.Bone Blades: The superbeing can dislocate bones so as to push them through his skin to act as weapons.
* Blade Knuckles: The superbeing can cause the bones in his forearm to push the bones in his hands out, making them appear to be spikes. These do 4d4 damage on strikes, though the superbeing himself takes no damage from bursting the bones through the skin.
* Elbow and Knee Blades: Sliding bones from the forearm or lower leg, the superbeing can push them through the skin to form blades, doing 4d6 daage on an elbow or knee attack, though the superbeing himself takes no damage from popping the bones through his skin.
*Shoulder Blades: The hero can push his shoulder blades through the skin of his back to stab at opponents behind him. These bones do 2d6 damage and extrend up to 6 inches maximum.

4.Natural AR: The hero's bones are extra strong, providing the hero a bit of durability. They give him a Natural AR of 10 against blunt weapons and physical attacks. He also absorbs the first 20 points of damage from these types of strikes.

5.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+1d4X10 SDC
+2d6 Hit Points


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Crossbones (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero has extra bones which serve to be used as weapons.

1.Shoulder Blades: Basically as the minor super ability.
The hero has sharp bones running down his back which can be folded and retracted when not in use. They resemble malformed wings and can be made to extend 4-6 feet.
The blades can inflict 2d6 slashing damage or 3d6 piercing damage, with PS bonus added to any damage. They can also be used to parry incoming strikes but take half damage when parrying blades (cannot parry bullets).

2.Form Crossbow: This is basically the same as the Crossbones minor super ability but with modifications.
Each of the hero's forearms has extra bones which can pop out of the skin, stretching out pieces of sinew between them, as well as shards of bone to use as bolts, creating natural crossbows which fire the bolts by the hero flexing the muscles in the arms. The bones that form the crossbow, as well as the sinew, retract into the arms when not in use.
Shooting Range: PSX20 feet
Damage: Bones shards do 2d6 (plus PS bonus) damage when used as bolts. Crossbow bolts may also be used for 2d4 (plus PS bonus) damage.
Number of Bone Bolts: The hero's body produces his PE atrtribute number of bolts per minute which automatically load when available.
Attacks: The hero can fire both arms at once, using a single attack for the crossbows to form and fire the bone shards; uses an additional attack if having to load in a crossbow bolt.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with these natural weapons, in addition to any Targeting skills the hero may have (may use WP Archery for the purpose of this). Automatically gets the Paired Weapons skill.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to dodge and parry projectiles such as arrows and crossbow bolts.
Bones heal at four times the normal rate.


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:39 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Glitter (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero's skin refracts light, making him impervious to light and lasers, as well as resistant to electrical attacks (half damage). The skin produces flakes of dead skin which hang in the air around the hero as a glittering field. In spite of being pretty in appearance, it is pretty toxic stuff.

1. Glitter Distraction: The glitter is produced by the hero's skin, hanging in the air around him and on his clothing, similar to a dust cloud of dndruff. This gives him a -40% penalty to Prwol and +20% to Tracking to anyone following him.
Attack Penalties: The light refracted off the glitter imposes a penalty of -4 to hit anything within the glitter field and -6 to strike the hero himself.
Range: 20 foot radius around the hero for the airborne flakes.
Duratrion: Constant and cannot be shut off.

2.Toxicity: The flakes of skin are highly toxic.
Damage: 2d6 per melee round until saved against.
Duratrion: The intitial toxic condition continues for 1d4 melee rounds if the person fails their first saving throw, after which it continues on but the person may save against it once per melee round. Fallen glitter remains toxic for the hero's PE number in hours, and there is a 30% chance the person could develop radiation sickness.
Saving Throw: Save vs. Toxins (16 or better, PE bonus applies). A saving throw must be made if the glitter is inhaled or gets on the skin or is ingested, whether it be by entering the glitter field, touching the hero in some way, or touching the dead flakes left on surfaces.

3.Impervious to Poisons and Toxins: The hero himself is immune to toxic substances and has a +4 to Svae vs. Disease. The hero also gains +2d4 to PE and +2d4X10 to SDC.


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:50 pm
by Steeler49er
Niffty Stone.


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Sparkles (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero's hair produces incendiary spores which ignite in contact with the air, creating a field of energy around the hero's head.

1. Bright Light: The sparkles are hard to look at, shining intensely, making attacks directed at the hero done at -5 to strike. Other combat in the area is done at -1 to strike, parry and dodge due to the bright light. This light also absorbs light and lasers directed at the hero, making him effectively impervious to them. Note that the sppores burn themselves out and leave no debris.
Range: 40 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Heat damage: The light does 1d6 damage to anything in its area of effect (double to vampires, shadow beings and other creatures of the night).
Duration: Constant, cannot be turned off
Attacks Per Melee: Does not use any melee attacks for this effect to occur.

2.Electrostatic: The spores are also capable of absorbing electrical energy, making ther hero impervious to electrical attacks. The hero can also control the sparks of energy generated to shoot an Electrical Bolt.
Range of Electrical Bolt: 20 feet beyond the light field (60 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Damage: The bolt does 1d6 points of damage above and beyond any other damage taken from the heast of the light field, plus it disrupts power tools and electrical equipment. A static bolt of this nature will erase computer discs, cause distortion on audio tapes, and can potentially overload electrical devices, temporarily rendering the items useless for 1d6 minutes.
Duration: Strikes instantly
Attacks Per Melee: Each bolt counts as one melee attack/action
Bonus: +3 to strike if the target within line of sight; penalties apply if attempting to strike an opponent behind himself.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The hero's eyes are polarized
+1d4 PE


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:23 pm
by Iczer
Sheath: [Minor]
'Ohhh I could use a new outfit'

The character can create a whole body suit out of a raw, ectoplasmic type excretion that he generates.
The sheath, completely disguises the character's body allowing him to use it to spontaneously generate a costume, or simply impersonate a a target.
Duration: a generated sheath lasts indefinately if it has any SDC remaining, otherwise it dissolves when concentration ends.
Number of sheaths. The character has 4 sheaths at first level, and gains one more every level after that. Each sheath has it's own apperance, and its own SDC (Equal to the character's ME). Sheath SDC recovers completely after a half hour of rest.
Disguises: If the character can lay his hands on a target, he can cause one sheath to take on that target's apperance. When wearing this sheath, the character adds +10% to disguise and impersonation (of course it does nothing about the voice).
Actions: It takes one action to generate a sheath. To reshape a sheath the character needs 5 minutes of contact time with a subject.

Power hand [Minor]
'Time for the Hammer!'

The character can alter his hand (and a part of his forearm) into a solid, stone like object. This hand, for the duration of the transformation has the following properties.
* Is Invulnerable. Takes no damage from any source (with the exception of effects and powers that specifically can harm invulnerable structures)
* Is Inorganic. The hand is not really part of the character. Touch based powers and effects do not function through the hand, nor can they affect the character if the hand is touched. It does not conduct heat or electricity either.
* Is Immobile. The hand and wrist is pretty much frozen in the position it was when the character activated this power (he is effectively one handed during this power's use) (at 5th level, the character regains minimal control over the hand, enough to make it the equivilent of a partial hand)
* Is different. The hand is obviously transformed when in use. Larger and differently shaped the power is obvious when in use.
It takes one action to activate or deactivate this power.
In combat, the fist does 2D6 damage, plus any PS bonus. It provides +1 to strike and parry with that limb alone.
If used as a battering ram to knock down doors, consider the character's PS to be supernatural for determining how much can be broken down (see HU2 GMG under superbrawl)

Black breath [minor]
'I spit on you and your morals Crimson Claw'

The character can generate black fungal spores in his lungs, and exhale them as a spray or coud of virulent and aggressive toxins. The character can breathe out his cloud of spores, creating a spray about 10 feet across up to 10 feet away (+5 feet per level).
Anyone subject to these spores are in for a mess of pain. The cloud can be dodged by rolling a 16 or better by the target.
Anyone exposed to the black breath will have a fine layer of spores on his body that attempt to eat away at his flesh 2D4 damage, once per orund for 1D4 rounds.
They also cop an eyefull of the black spores. an action will be required to unclog eyes or clean visors. this power can also be used to blacken a window or security camera lens.
Lastly, any targets in the area must make a saving throw vs poison (non lethal) or accidentally breathe in thes spores and begin choking (-2 to all combat actions, -1 attack for 1D4 rounds)
Breathing the black breath requires 2 actions. The spores in the lungs can be generated at a rate of one breath every minute. by canabalising his own flesh (2 HP) he can spontaneously create a new cloud at any time.



Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:46 pm
by Iczer
Shape adjustment: [Major]
'Yes...I do love it when the elementals stage a bank robbery. Water boy is fairly easy to mop up nowadays'

The character can force a character to activate some of their own powers, causing them to change and lose control.
The character can, once per round, touch a target and expend 2 actions. The Target must make a saving throw to resist (14+ PE bonus applies)

If the save is successful, then the target immeadiately activates any shapeshifting or body manipulating powers he may have, but the uncontrollable nature inflicts a -6 penalty to his PP and halves his Spd (and -1 attack per melee) The change is not his usual change. A target with stretching will be malleable and superpliable, but unable to direct his elasticity properlly, drooping on the floor etc. A target with APS: wood, may turn into his wooden form, but be grotesquely formed as he does so, losing flexibility.
As bad as that seems, a target who fails his saving throw becomes immobile, a prisoner of their own power. Targets that can turn to air do so and are scattered by the breeze. Targets who can turn to stone turn to statues etc.

Duration: Trandformations of this nature last 2D4 melee rounds +1 round per level. Those that fail their saving throw endure another 1d4 minutes +1 every 2 levels, of the reduced efficiency (as if they had succeeded in their saving throw) While the power is active on a target, he cannot turn the power off.

Drawbacks: Obviously some targets are completely unnafected by this power. Any target lacking a transformation style power is pretty much immune. Targets with a multitude of shapes (shapeshifters, animal metamorphosis etc) constantly shift rather than shift into something inconvenient. There is always the problem with having a mad and transformed opponent within touch range as well. On the plus side, if a target is already transformed, they suffer a -2 to their saving throw.

Ore Concentration: [Minor]
'Oh yeah...feel me now I've got some iron in my diet'

The character can multiply and concentrate the iron in his blod to gather in concentrated doses across hsi body, reinforcing flesh and bone.
The character gains 30% extra mass when he uses this power (and incidentally, becomes ferrous). He gains 50 SDC and his bare handed blows inflict an extra 1D4 damage from this new mass.
His skeleton also becomes preturnaturally hard. he takes half damage from blunt impacts, and has a genarl +6 to roll with punch/fall impact and gains an AR of 8 (or an AR of +1)
It takes one action to make this transformation (which halves his Spd attribute) but no action is required to cease it.

Living flame [minor]
'Burn baby burn'

The character can shroud his body in a type of ectoplasmic flame that sheaths his hands and arms (or in fact any where he chooses) this dull blue(or yellow, or green, or red or whatever) flame gives off light, but very little heat.
It does excel in affecting living targets. The flame burns, but the only fuel it needs is life force (Or PPE if you want to get picky).
The flames inflict 3D6 damage on touch (do not include PS bonus) +1 per level on living targets. innanimate objects lack the life force necessary to be harmed. There is a 25% chance that any target struck with this flame ignites. a target may will the flames to stop burning with an action and by making a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) an ignited target takes 2D6 every round until the saving throw is made or the fire runs out of fuel (consumes 1D4 PPE per round.)
The nature of this power means the character is +4 to save vs magic and takes half damage from fire.
The character can exhale a cloud of this flame out to 50 feet, inflicting the normal damage and with +4 to strike, but doing so exhuasts any flame he has active (takes one action to ignite/reignite himself)



Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:09 am
by Iczer
Ghost body [major]
'Spooky huh....'

The character can transform his flesh into a spectral substance, a translucent, pastel coloured shape of himself with the following properties.
1) Limited invulnerability. Takes half damage from energy attacks in his spectral form. Kinetic attacks do limited damage. if the damage from any kinetic attacks inflicts less than his PE in damage (+1 per level) then he takes a single HP instead as a small scrap of himself is torn off. If it is greater than this amount, he takes 2D4 HP and is shredded. While shredded the character exists as lumpy jelly scattered about and takes 2D4 melee rounds to recombine
2) Flowing: The character can squeeze through any gap larger than a quarter, usually at half Spd.
3) Regenration: The character heals 1D6 HP per round, and 1 SDC per minute while in ghost form
4) Other qualities. The character's mass is halved in this form. He takes no damage from any fall and has +4 to roll with punch/fall impact. He has only half his PS in this shape, but can harm invulnerable, astral and intangible foes with his punches and kicks.
While in ghost from, the character can see the invisible, and into the IR and UV spectrums, and may glow with the power of a weak lightbulb if he chooses.
Despite the name of this power, it it not supernatural in nature. he is not vulnerable to powers spells or effects that specifically target ghosts and astral entities.

Snake skin: [Minor]
'Letssss get thisss Party sstarted....damn I hate ssssibilantssss'

The character can rapidly muatte his flesh to become more snake like and reptillian. He gains 5 SDC per level when he does this as his flesh turns leathery and his hair reweaves into scales. He gains no AR, but does add +4 PP while doing this, and his skin is harder than usual to cut or penetrate (may handle sharp or hot objects without injury).
More to the point, he may shed this skin to add an immeadiate +6 to escape from holds or grapples, or+20% to escape artist checks, but doing so ends this effect.
The bonus SDC for this power recovers at a rate of 5 every 15 minutes when not in use.

Out of body
'You got to see what the chicks next door are doing!!!'

The character can leave his body as a wisp of smoke with 1 HP and an SDC equal to his PE score.
It takes one mellee round to do this, and the body falls into a deep, coma like trance.
as a wisp of smoke, the character has a prowl score of 88% and can venture up to 60 feet away, plus 20 feet per level, traversing wherever smoke could travel (Spd equal to double the character's ME)
as a wisp of smoke, the character has one action per round and a a PS of 1. He trails his smokey mass for 40 feet behind him.
He is mostly invulnerable to damage, taking half from energy, nothing from fire or heat or cold, and being immune to kinetic damage. he is vulnerable to high winds (anything over 40MPH) inflicts 1D4 damage to his smokey form every round. being cut off (such as having one's smoke trail slammed in a door) imemadiately snaps the remaining smoke back to the character's body, which immeadiately wakes and takes 2D4 HP from the shock.
The character can remain outside his body for as long as he likes, but he must return periodically to feed and maintain his body lest it starve.



Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:42 am
by Iczer
Reproductive control [Minor]
'Aww...I'm having a baby. and so's my wife'

The character can control aspects of his own fertility, in a form of biogenesis.
1) Control fertility. the character chooses exactly how fertile he (or she) wants to be. Typically this is an all or nothing thing (why would you choose to be 50% fertile?). In addition, the character can choose what traits to pass off to his offspring (and which traits to leave off) the character and can exert control over the amount of offspring produced (make a saving throw 16+ ME bonuses apply, to produce a twin. roll again to produce a triplet and then a quad, and so on until you fail or until you give up)
2) Auto genesis. lacking a partner, the character can simply choose to impregnate herself, giving birth to a virtual clone of herself (or a clone with selected traits weeded out). Even males can spontaneously produce a womb for the purpose of this power.
3) Other bonuses. +4 to MA and PB. +2 to PE. the character is adept at finding a mate, and is routinely a healthy specimen.

Life generation [Minor??]
'Here we go.....this will cure what ails you'

The character generates a kind of life force that he can tarnsfer to others.
1) HP battery. The character has a battery of extra HP equal to His PE plus 2 per level. These HP recover at a rate of 4 per hour and can be used as described below.
2) heal self or others. The character can tarnsfer 1d4 HP per action to a target, in order to top up their own supply of HP, or can simply channell it into himself to heal.
3) generate life form. The character can spontaneously generate small life forms, creating worms, insects and other extremely simple creatures. a single HP can generate a handfull of harmless bugs or worms out of nothing, or create a single immature budding plant, ready to be planted, or 5 square feet of mold or fungus up to one inch thick, or 2 square feet of semi-complex plant life (vines and grasses typically).
4) Impregnate. the character can use this power to spontaneously cause a creature to start their reproductive process. inneffective on males, but very effective on plants (which immeadiately attempt to grow fruit..1D4 fruits formed per HP used. Females of any species will become pregnant with a single clone of themselves, but 5 HP are needed, and the target may make a saving throw (12+ PE bonuses apply..although an animal, particularilly one in heat, may not resist)

Lifelong growth [Minor]
'I used to be better looking than this i swear. Time has worn me down.'

The character imroves with age,becoming more and more bizzaire as he grows older.
The character gains 10 SDC every level from this power, but also gains one randomly rolled mutation every level as well.
All is not lost though. the character can conceal his mutations (including ones gained apart from this power) up until level 5. Any mutations gained after level 5 cannot be concealed (but the character may swap less offensive changes for the more nasty ones)
Concealing mutations denies the character any access to his bonus SDC, and is somewhat tiresome (-5% to skill usage and -2 to initiative)

Bio-mimetics [Minor]
'Here..drink will explain....everything'

The character can distill memories (real or false) and other general information into a viral form and then administer them to others. With a simple bite, kiss or drink, a character can summarise a life's story, give someone an exact memory of an encounter, or tell a fairy tale in a matter of seconds.
The character can transfer even a large chunk of information, but this does not equate to skill use, into viral form. he may excrete this virus from his skin. The target must imbibe the viral concoction, or be injected with it for him to recieve the information (takes 3 seconds). an unaware target must make a saving throw of 16+ (as if a non lethal toxin) but even a success transferes around half the information.
The character can opt to slow release the information when he creates the viral packet. If he does so, then he may allow the virus to run around the target's body for up to 7 days before releasing it to his memory (he determines the time until release when he excretes the virus)
Virus packets dissolved in water, remain viable for 8 hours (more if preserved and cultured in as a biological sample)

Tactical tutorage [Minor]
'Eugene...hit him high, sandra and Bjorn..rush his legs. Let us sweep this mother'
The character has a grasp for tactics and a kind of hypnotic command that allows him to direct others in combat especially effectively.
1) Grant opportunity. By calling out instructions to a target, the character can effectively loan him an action, that can be taken on the spot (out of that target's turn). Simply by calling it out, the target may act on the specific instuction gaining a free action, at the expense of one of the characters.
2) Coordinate battle. as long as the character's allies are in range (see below) The character's constant battle instructions grant every ally a +4 to initiative at fifth level, every ally gains +1 action per melee round
3) other bonuses: +1 virtual action (one that can be transfererd to an ally) and another virtual action at levels 3,6,9 and 12. +2D4 to IQ +1D4 to MA. +15% to the intelligence skill.
4) drawbacks. only works on targets within 60 feet +10 feet per level. only works if his commands can be given and can be heard. The effect is psionic in nature, but is harmless. creatures immune to psionics are unable to get any benefit from this power.



Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:29 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Wow, Iczer! You are on a roll!


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:10 pm
by taalismn
Stupidity Field(Minor)

“Stupidity _IS_ Contagious!”

This is a near-psychic ability that attacks the nueral processes associated with high- order cognition and cogitation(that’s ‘smarts’). The superbeing broadcasts an energy disruption field that causes thoughts to grow sluggish, competence to suffer, memory to fade, and......what was I going to say? The possessor of this power is himself immune to it, but not any companions standing next to him(he cannot selectively tune this power to exempt people).
Range: 20 ft radius, +10 ft per level of experience
Effects: Reduce IQ by HALF, Lose any IQ-based skill bonuses, and -20% to skill rolls. Victims will also be -1d4 to initiative, and will have problems remembering short-term memories, such the names of people they just met, where they parked their supervehicle, passcodes, and important dates. Beings who suffer particularly acute IQ loss(like 3 or worse) may forget how to work simple mechanisms, tasks like tying their shoelaces, simple mathematics, and their own names...
Duration: As long as they remain within the field’s area of effect, +1d6 melees after leaving it.
Save: Successful save versus Psychic Attack renders a person immune to the field’s effects as long as they are within the area of effect(if they leave the area, then come back into it, they must save again).


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:12 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Wow, Iczer! You are on a roll!

"Can nothing stop this man?!"


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:46 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Stupidity Field(Minor)

“Stupidity _IS_ Contagious!”

This is a near-psychic ability that attacks the nueral processes associated with high- order cognition and cogitation(that’s ‘smarts’). The superbeing broadcasts an energy disruption field that causes thoughts to grow sluggish, competence to suffer, memory to fade, and......what was I going to say? The possessor of this power is himself immune to it, but not any companions standing next to him(he cannot selectively tune this power to exempt people).
Range: 20 ft radius, +10 ft per level of experience
Effects: Reduce IQ by HALF, Lose any IQ-based skill bonuses, and -20% to skill rolls. Victims will also be -1d4 to initiative, and will have problems remembering short-term memories, such the names of people they just met, where they parked their supervehicle, passcodes, and important dates. Beings who suffer particularly acute IQ loss(like 3 or worse) may forget how to work simple mechanisms, tasks like tying their shoelaces, simple mathematics, and their own names...
Duration: As long as they remain within the field’s area of effect, +1d6 melees after leaving it.
Save: Successful save versus Psychic Attack renders a person immune to the field’s effects as long as they are within the area of effect(if they leave the area, then come back into it, they must save again).

I have a couple coming that deal with affecting the neural process, one called Out of Sight and another called Brain Storm. The others I have are called Rain Dance, Blood Rain and Safety Dance. I will have some of them up here shortly.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Safety Dance (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

When making a successful Dance skill roll, the hero gains +4 to Parry and Dodge, as well as +6 to Save vs. Magic, Psionics, Insanity and Hortror Factor, and a +2 to Save vs. Poisons and Toxins. This is only active while he is dancing.

Limitation: In order to dance and have this ability be effective, the hero must be in a room lareger than 20 square feet and have no more than two people within a five foot radius of himself. There must be music playing and he must make a successful dance skill roll. The power can only be used for up to the hero's PE number minutes per hour. The hero cannot dance for the purposes of this power if he has sustained injuries of more than 10% of his total SDC, is suffering any sort of trauma or penalties reducing his movement, or is intoxicated or under the influence of any sort of toxin or substance.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2 to MA and PB whhile dancing
+1d4 PE

Out of Sight (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero radiates neural waves which cause blindness in those of his same species (though only his species; does not affect sensory equipment, bionic eyes or any type of superhuman vision).
Range: Affects targets in a 10 foot radius, plus 5 feet per level of experience. Anyone outside the area of effect will still be able to see the hero normally, as it only affects those in close proximity.
Duration: Once affected, continuous while a target is in the area of effect, and then keeps affecting the target for 1d4 melee rounds after the hero is out of range. The power is constantly on and cannot be shut off.
Saving Throw: A Saving Throw vs. Psionics may be made to resist the effects, 14 or better for non-psionic characters, 12 or better for Latent Psionics and 12 or better for Master Psionics (ME bonus applies). Even if making their first save, targets must roll each successive melee round while still in the area of effect.
Attacks Per Melee: Since it is always on, it uses no melee attacks/actions to maintain.
Blindness Penalties: Those blinded suffer a penalty of -10 to Strike, Parry and Dodge, lose initiative, and are reduced to half attacks. There are no further penalties once their vision has returned.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Rain Dance (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"It always seems to rain when I need to get somewhere."

The hero generates a rain cloud above himself if he moves beyond half his Speed attribute in movement. This cloud appears wherever he is, even indoors, hovering a mere 100 feet over the hero's head. The storm increases if he enters into combat. As a result, the hero himself is immune to its effects and resistant to water atrtacks of others (half damage).
Range: 400 foot radius, plus 50 feet per level. Everyone within this area suffers penalties imposed by the rain (except the hero).
Duration: Constant: Always on.
Attacks Per Melee: Uses no attacks/actions to maintain.
Damage: The rain intensifies during battle until it is capable of doing 1d4 points of water damage per melee round after the first 4 melee rounds of battle. If the rain persists beyond the first four melee rounds, the ground also becomes very wet and slick, imposing a 30% chance of slipping to those under 300 ibs in weight of moving over half their Speed attribute, slipping and falling
, thus losing intitiative and one action. Victims of the rain also suffer -2 to initiative, -2 to all combat moves and are -10% to any skill they try to perform in the rain.

Other Abilities and Bonuses: The hero suffers no penalties due to any type of rain.

Blood Rain (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"A little rain won't kill ya."

The hero generates hailstorms if he moves beyond half his Speed Attribute. This cloud appears wherever he is, even indoors, hovering a mere 100 feet over the hero's head. The storm increases if he enters into combat. As a result, the hero himself is immune to its effects and resistant to hail attacks of others (half damage).
Range: 400 foot radius, plus 50 feet per level. Everyone within this area suffers penalties imposed by the hail (except the hero).
Duration: Constant: Always on.
Attacks Per Melee: Uses no attacks/actions to maintain.
Damage: The hail intensifies during battle, doing 2d6 damage per melee round, plus 2 points per level of experience. Those in the area of effect also suffer -4 to initiative, -4 to all combat moves, are reduced to half Speed and attacks and are -40% to any skill they try to perform in the hail. These are considered a physical assault since they are hard crystals, nt a water attack. Does full damage to anyone wearing armor with an Ar of less than 10, half damage to those with AR above 10 but less than 16, and no damage to those with AR of 16 and above.

Other Abilities and Bonuses: The hero suffers no penalties due to any type of rain.


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:05 am
by Iczer
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Wow, Iczer! You are on a roll!

"Can nothing stop this man?!"

I have three more. Just waiting for another Gym routine



Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:04 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
I have a couple coming that deal with affecting the neural process, one called Out of Sight and another called Brain Storm. The others I have are called Rain Dance, Blood Rain and Safety Dance. I will have some of them up here shortly.

Hmmm...Out of Sight....A more powerful version of Plateau Eyes(Larry Niven reference :D )....pretty decent...


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:57 pm
by Zenvis
Iczer wrote:or when she goes to the gym for a power outing......

Aquatic: [Major]
'As a matter of fact I was raised by Squid'

The character is completely adapted for deepwater existence, his very being reconfigured to suit any aquatic climate.
1) default abilities. These abilities apply at all times.
* Immune to cold
* +2D6 PS (extraordinary)
* +2D6 PE
* +10 Spd
* AR 10
* Can hold his breath for up to his PE in minutes.
* Animal brother (as per the minor power) only with marine life
* +2D4x10 SDC
* nightvision 120 feet
* Sonar: as per the minor power

2) underwater abilities. These apply when submerged in water (at least 3/4 of his body)
* Immune to deep sea pressure, 1 mile per level.
* PS increases by 10 and becomes superhuman
* SDC increases by 3D6x10 (roll once for total extra increase)
* AR rises to 12
* Can breathe underwater, both fresh and seawater
* can see in total blackness out to 120 feet. nightvision extends to 240 feet
* Can swim underwater at a Spd score equal to 5 times his normal land speed.
* Can leap from water, out to his PS in feet into the air (triple with at least 100 feet of 'run' up)
* +1 attack per melee
* fatigues at 1/4 rate

Other abilities:
* If fighting on otherwise dry land and is showered (not immersed, but still exposed to a lot of water, rain will do, as would sprinklers or a busted fire hydrant) he enjoys a brief burst of morale and strength. add +2 to his PS while the water persists, and +25 temporary SDC.
* Does not lose his balance when on water slick surfaces.
* If exposed to constant moisture, he heals at 4 times normal rate
* Can sense moisture. Can feel when rain will fall about 10 minutes before it arrives. can sense a large body of water up to 1/2 mile away per level of experience , even through walls. Can sense water running through housepipes or in sewers underneath him out to 20 feet away per level of experience.
* Takes only 10% damage from water type attacks.


What no matter expulsion water with a dehydration penalty? Just kidding. Awesome power.


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:17 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Crossbones (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero has extra bones which serve to be used as weapons..

"Lemme just pop my shoulder free and I'll show him how unarmed I really am..."

Hmmm...what could you do with a few extra ribs or a spare set of collarbones? :D


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:29 pm
by Senator Cybus
This one's for all you Solipsists out there...

Unaware Intangibility (Minor)

“Sniper? What sniper?”

A strangely selective form of Intangibility that renders the super being immaterial to physical attacks - but only if he doesn’t see them coming! The hero has no conscious control over this ability, meaning that he cannot use it to walk through walls or avoid obvious assaults, but any strike that the character is unaware of passes straight through his body, making it effectively impossible to use sneak attacks against him. Essentially, the attack isn’t ‘real’ unless the character knows it’s coming.

This odd defence applies to all forms of physical damage: punches, bullets, lasers, arrows, missiles, explosive force and so on. The power even protects the hero while asleep or unconscious, as he is then completely unaware of pretty much everything.

Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.
Attacks Per Melee: None. An automatic ability.
Limitations: The character must be genuinely unaware that an attack is imminent for the power to function. If he detects a strike before it lands in any way (sees it coming, hears it, detects it with Radar, Antennae or Danger Sense), then the power cannot protect him. Keep in mind that one attack may presage another: an opponent’s energy bolt may pass straight through the super being, but when it blasts a big, smoking hole in the wall right in front of him, the hero will become aware of the danger and is then as vulnerable as anyone else.

The character is vulnerable to super-powered, magical or psionic mind control, even if he doesn’t consciously know it’s being used against him: on some level, his mind is dimly aware of the telepathic intrusion, which is enough to negate the protection of his power.

If the super being is knocked unconscious or falls into a coma due to serious injury, treating his wounds is virtually impossible, as no one can touch him: the hands of a helpful doctor will pass through the hero just as easily as the fists of a murderous adversary. It might be possible for allies to awaken him (he can see, hear and smell normally while intangible), but if this fails, the character may be at serious risk of death.


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:19 am
by dragon_blaze_99
ok so i don't make powers but this is something a player whats for a game could someone give me a hand rounding it out and making it a little more balanced

Decoy clone (minor)
The character can make a single clone that looks and acts like him in everyway but has no superhuman abilities.
The clones attributes are half that of the creator and if the character has extraordinary, superhuman or supernatural PS the clones is normal.
The clone has combat bonuses equal to its attributes and half the characters experience level and no bonuses from power and has only 1 action + hand to hand type bonus.
The clone has no HP
The clones SDC are equal to the characters ME X 2 +1D6 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14
The clone has an AR of 8 + 1 at 3, 9 and 15
Actions the clone cost the character 2 action per melee round to create and maintain
Duration: 4 melees + 1 melee per level
Range: The clone can be given simple orders like “walk to the end of the street” or “wonder around the mall”, it will avoided people by stepping around them and speak when spoken to but has none of the creators memories unless told them before hand,
The clone can act like the creator 100% with all memories if the clone stays with in the range of the characters ME X10’ if the clone is sent out of the range the character does not have knowledge of what is happening to the clone and can on tell if it is in combat.
Disadvantage: if the clone is destroyed the characters becomes disoriented for half the time the clone had been created for minimum of 2 melee round, when disorientated the character lose 2 action – 5 strike, parry and dodge.

thanks dragon_blaze

AR Edit


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:18 pm
by taalismn
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:ok so i don't make powers but this is something a player whats for a game could someone give me a hand rounding it out and making it a little more balanced

Decoy clone (minor)
The character can make a single clone that looks and acts like him in everyway but has no superhuman abilities.
The clones attributes are half that of the creator and if the character has extraordinary, superhuman or supernatural PS the clones is normal.
The clone has combat bonuses equal to its attributes and half the characters experience level and no bonuses from power and has only 1 action + hand to hand type bonus.
The clone has no HP
The clones SDC are equal to the characters ME X 2 +1D6 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14
The clone has an AR of 8 + 1 at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15
Actions the clone cost the character 2 action per melee round to create and maintain
Duration: 4 melees + 1 melee per level
Range: The clone can be given simple orders like “walk to the end of the street” or “wonder around the mall”, it will avoided people by stepping around them and speak when spoken to but has none of the creators memories unless told them before hand,
The clone can act like the creator 100% with all memories if the clone stays with in the range of the characters ME X10’ if the clone is sent out of the range the character does not have knowledge of what is happening to the clone and can on tell if it is in combat.
Disadvantage: if the clone is destroyed the characters becomes disoriented for half the time the clone had been created for minimum of 2 melee round, when disorientated the character lose 2 action – 5 strike, parry and dodge.

thanks dragon_blaze

"Wait, I KILLED you!"


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:20 pm
by taalismn
Senator Cybus wrote:This one's for all you Solipsists out there...

Unaware Intangibility (Minor)

“Sniper? What sniper?”

A strangely selective form of Intangibility that renders the super being immaterial to physical attacks - but only if he doesn’t see them coming! The hero has no conscious control over this ability, meaning that he cannot use it to walk through walls or avoid obvious assaults, but any strike that the character is unaware of passes straight through his body, making it effectively impossible to use sneak attacks against him. Essentially, the attack isn’t ‘real’ unless the character knows it’s coming.

This odd defence applies to all forms of physical damage: punches, bullets, lasers, arrows, missiles, explosive force and so on. The power even protects the hero while asleep or unconscious, as he is then completely unaware of pretty much everything.

Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.
Attacks Per Melee: None. An automatic ability.
Limitations: The character must be genuinely unaware that an attack is imminent for the power to function. If he detects a strike before it lands in any way (sees it coming, hears it, detects it with Radar, Antennae or Danger Sense), then the power cannot protect him. Keep in mind that one attack may presage another: an opponent’s energy bolt may pass straight through the super being, but when it blasts a big, smoking hole in the wall right in front of him, the hero will become aware of the danger and is then as vulnerable as anyone else.

The character is vulnerable to super-powered, magical or psionic mind control, even if he doesn’t consciously know it’s being used against him: on some level, his mind is dimly aware of the telepathic intrusion, which is enough to negate the protection of his power.

If the super being is knocked unconscious or falls into a coma due to serious injury, treating his wounds is virtually impossible, as no one can touch him: the hands of a helpful doctor will pass through the hero just as easily as the fists of a murderous adversary. It might be possible for allies to awaken him (he can see, hear and smell normally while intangible), but if this fails, the character may be at serious risk of death.

:D Because a little ignorance can be a powerful thing... :D


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:24 pm
by Senator Cybus
Cackle (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“I’ve seen grown men cut off their ears rather than hear that sound again…”

The character’s laugh is a noise straight out of nightmare - an unnaturally loud and long cacophony of raw insanity.

1. Horrify. So disturbing is the character’s laugh, that anyone within earshot must immediately roll to save vs. Horror Factor.

Base Horror Factor: 10 +1 per every other level of experience.
Range: 50 feet (15 m) radius, plus 5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. Twice that for opponents with a heightened sense of hearing. Half that if used in a particularly noisy environment - anywhere with an ambient noise level of more than 80 decibels.
Duration: Indefinite - as long as the super being wishes.
Attacks Per Melee: Maintaining the Cackle uses up one attack/action per melee round.
Saving Throw: Opponents must roll higher than the character’s H.F. to save. If they can somehow plug their ears, they gain a bonus of +3 to the roll.
Limitations: Everyone within range is affected, friend or foe.

2. Harm. Up close, the Cackle is distracting, painful and even physically damaging.

Range: 20 feet (6 m) radius, plus 2 feet (0.6 m) per level of experience. Twice that for opponents with a heightened sense of hearing. Half that if used in a particularly noisy environment.
Damage: 1D6 per melee round of exposure, and those affected are -6 on initiative, -4 to strike, parry and dodge and -30% on skill performance. Double the damage and penalties when used against opponents with a heightened sense of hearing.
Duration: Indefinite - as long as the super being wishes.
Attacks Per Melee: Maintaining the Cackle uses up one attack/action per melee round. Note that if an opponent is close enough to be affected by Harm, he/she will also be vulnerable to Horrify.
Saving Throw: None; only save is to plug ears, which will reduce damage and penalties by half.
Limitations: Everyone within range is affected, friend or foe.

3. Sonic Shielding. By necessity, the super being’s ears are adapted to withstand harsh noise. He is immune to his own and other peoples’ Cackle and resistant to the effects of other loud, damaging or dangerous levels of sound - such attacks inflict only half the usual damage and penalties.

4. Laughing Fit. The hero’s lungs have been modified to allow him to laugh for as long as he wants, regardless of any other exertion - he can run, fight and jump around normally, without ever seeming to pause for breath. As a side effect of this, the super being fatigues at half the normal rate and can hold his breath for four minutes plus one minute for every point of P.E. he has over 15 (a P.E. of 16 allows him to hold his breath for five minutes, six minutes with a P.E. of 17, etc).


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:38 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Sorry, I been a little sick in the head (cold), but I will bet to wrttin' up some more powers shortly. :-P


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:42 pm
by Senator Cybus
Chatter (Minor)

By Senator Cybus


Due to his superhuman vocal cords, the hero can talk at incredibly high speeds, relaying messages to those around him in the blink of an eye. Somehow, these hypersonic speeches seem to bypass the ears of his audience and go directly to the communication centre of their brains - listeners can understand the character as easily as if he was speaking in real time.

The hero can pack roughly 100 words per experience level (100 words at level one, 200 at level two, etc.) into each use of Chatter, allowing him to deliver exposition and instructions incredibly quickly. The super being can choose either to broadcast to everyone around him or just target one specific person, in which case only he/she can hear the message (at most, other people might hear a barely audible, split-second squeak).

Chatter can be broadcast via radio or television transmission.

Range: Radius of 20 feet (6 m) plus 2 feet (0.6 m) per level of experience. Twice that for beings with a heightened sense of hearing.
Duration: Virtually instantaneous.
Attacks Per Melee: None; use of Chatter requires so little time and effort that it is considered a free action. Even transmitting several messages back-to-back would barely use up one melee attack/action, and the hero could still simultaneously move and fight normally.
Bonuses: +15% to the skills of Imitate Voices & Impersonation and Sing.
Limitations: While targeting one person with Chatter usually guarantees complete confidentiality, if anyone else within range of the power has a superhuman sense of hearing, they will be aware that a message has been sent and will be able to make out key words (familiar names, words that are repeated several times, etc.). Also, like any sound, Chatter can be recorded; if played back at a slower speed, the entirety of the speech will be revealed.


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:12 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
You still posting these to the wiki, Cybus?


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:31 pm
by Senator Cybus
And now my answer to PU 3's Grant Powers, which, I think we can all agree, stinks.

Power Share (Major)

By Senator Cybus

"Stick with me, I'll get you through this..."

The hero can share a portion of his powers with others, granting them the use of extraordinary abilities.

While in physical contact with another person, the hero can share all of his other powers with him/her (Power Share, ironically, is the one ability that he cannot bestow on others): if the super being has, for example, Energy Expulsion: Fire, Invisibility and Lightning Reflexes, so will his chosen target.

However, sharing powers reduces their potency. The super abilities of both the character and his target will function at half of their usual level of power; for example, if a 6th level hero touches a nearby bystander, both of them can use the same super abilities, but as if they both were only 3rd level characters, with a corresponding reduction in capabilities (round fractions down when determining the new level of power). If the super being is only a first level character, all variables of the shared powers - range, damage, duration, bonuses, saving throws needed to resist the ability, armour ratings - are halved (again, round fractions down).

Power Share is ideal for protecting bystanders (potentially granting them healing abilities, various immunities and enhanced attributes all at once) and useful for conjuring up some extra firepower, though not really ideal for empowering people to engage in hand-to-hand combat (see Penalties below).

Only one person at a time can share the super being’s abilities. Direct, skin-to-skin contact between the character and his chosen target must be maintained in order for Power Share to function; the instant they are separated, the target loses all powers and the super being’s full potency is restored.

Power Share does not work on other super beings, psychics, aliens, mutant animals, robots, cyborgs, immortals, supernatural beasts or creatures/practitioners of magic. However, characters who have one of the non-powered, skill-based Power Categories (Hardware, Special Training, etc.) can be granted super abilities.

Range: Touch.
Damage: As per power/s.
Duration: Indefinite. As long as physical contact is maintained.
Attacks Per Melee: Touching the target and transferring power to them takes just one melee attack/action, as does breaking the bond (though it’s quicker to just let go).
Penalties: Moving, fighting and even performing simple everyday tasks is a lot more difficult when you have to hold on to someone else at the same time. For as long as contact is maintained, both the super being and the recipient of his power suffer the following penalties: -1 on initiative, -4 to strike, parry, dodge, entangle and roll with impact/fall, speed is reduced by 25% and skill performance is at -15%. If the recipient of the powers is unconscious or has to be carried by the hero, these penalties are doubled.


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:43 pm
by Senator Cybus
Stone Gargoyle wrote:You still posting these to the wiki, Cybus?

Well, I was waiting until I'd done a re-write of Perfect Weapon - if that passed muster, I'd post it and any others made since then. Of course, with my magpie brain, I've slacked off on doing that and jumped into writing up new powers that only just occurred to me! :oops: I'll start posting my latest ones later today.

Get well soon! :)

EDIT: Didn't you create a Decoy Clone ability once? Kind of like what dragon_blaze_99 is asking for, up above?


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:57 pm
by Steeler49er
Stone Gargoyle wrote:You still posting these to the wiki, Cybus?
??? Aren't we supposdta post only once everyones told us here<on this thread> whether or not they agree it's worthy?

You know;
Does it got good grammer or does it need editing.
Does it already exist pretty much as is in the Vault.
Is it to over the top.

I thought if it passed those three minor criteria that only then you should post.


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:09 am
by Senator Cybus
. wrote:??? Aren't we supposdta post only once everyones told us here<on this thread> whether or not they agree it's worthy?

You know;
Does it got good grammer or does it need editing.
Does it already exist pretty much as is in the Vault.
Is it to over the top.

I thought if it passed those three minor criteria that only then you should post.

Well, sorta kinda. I don't think it's a law of the board or anything, but it's a good idea to let everyone here see it first. Check it for game balance, clarity and so on, like you say.

Plus, there's now been three frickin' times when I've written up a new power, only to discover that a pretty much identical one already exists on the Wiki! :evil: :? :oops:

So, yeah, I always post here first... :lol:


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:16 am
by Zenvis
Senator Cybus wrote:This one's for all you Solipsists out there...

Unaware Intangibility (Minor)

“Sniper? What sniper?”

A strangely selective form of Intangibility that renders the super being immaterial to physical attacks - but only if he doesn’t see them coming! The hero has no conscious control over this ability, meaning that he cannot use it to walk through walls or avoid obvious assaults, but any strike that the character is unaware of passes straight through his body, making it effectively impossible to use sneak attacks against him. Essentially, the attack isn’t ‘real’ unless the character knows it’s coming.

This odd defence applies to all forms of physical damage: punches, bullets, lasers, arrows, missiles, explosive force and so on. The power even protects the hero while asleep or unconscious, as he is then completely unaware of pretty much everything.

Range: Self.
Duration: Indefinite.
Attacks Per Melee: None. An automatic ability.
Limitations: The character must be genuinely unaware that an attack is imminent for the power to function. If he detects a strike before it lands in any way (sees it coming, hears it, detects it with Radar, Antennae or Danger Sense), then the power cannot protect him. Keep in mind that one attack may presage another: an opponent’s energy bolt may pass straight through the super being, but when it blasts a big, smoking hole in the wall right in front of him, the hero will become aware of the danger and is then as vulnerable as anyone else.

The character is vulnerable to super-powered, magical or psionic mind control, even if he doesn’t consciously know it’s being used against him: on some level, his mind is dimly aware of the telepathic intrusion, which is enough to negate the protection of his power.

If the super being is knocked unconscious or falls into a coma due to serious injury, treating his wounds is virtually impossible, as no one can touch him: the hands of a helpful doctor will pass through the hero just as easily as the fists of a murderous adversary. It might be possible for allies to awaken him (he can see, hear and smell normally while intangible), but if this fails, the character may be at serious risk of death.
This is a cool power; defective but cool!


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:10 am
by taalismn
Senator Cybus wrote:Cackle (Major)

By Senator Cybus

“I’ve seen grown men cut off their ears rather than hear that sound again…”.

It's a cliche..the laugh of annoyance...but you've realized it well... :D


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:57 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
repair: the ability to read the information in the item and to remake the broken item into it's former whole. With the living, it just reconects the tussues in the proper places with out replacing the lost blood, taking 5 min. of meditation or concentration for SDC beings (costs 2 PPE); with the non-living this power fixes and replaces lost atoms from the suroundings and binding them into their places. takes five min per 10 SDC or 10 min. of meditation or concentration per MDC (costs 1PPE per point repaied). If a template item can be found, then this power will reproduce any mundain item, using double the repair times.

Its a bit rouph... feed back?


Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:45 am
by Steeler49er
Tough call as PB has "Power Touch" which does this to both "Or & Inorganic" matter and it Is rather rough at present, Meanning it would be very rude to critique it as is.

But as is, it would make a very, very good minor power which can fill a nice nitch!


Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:52 am
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:repair: the ability to read the information in the item and to remake the broken item into it's former whole. With the living, it just reconects the tussues in the proper places with out replacing the lost blood, taking 5 min. of meditation or concentration for SDC beings (costs 2 PPE); with the non-living this power fixes and replaces lost atoms from the suroundings and binding them into their places. takes five min per 10 SDC or 10 min. of meditation or concentration per MDC (costs 1PPE per point repaied). If a template item can be found, then this power will reproduce any mundain item, using double the repair times.

Its a bit rouph... feed back?

Call it 'Universal Repair'
Gotta read up on 'Power Touch' to see how this stacks up against it...