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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Subdual (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I thought it was just one guy, but others say it was two drawves..."

The hero can divide himself at the waist, morphing the segmented section into a duplicate of himself, though more diminutive. The upper body section will morph as well, moving vital organs up and forming legs. He essentially becomes two dwarves linked by a single controlling consciousness.
Range: Te two bodies formed by dividing must remain within a number of feet from each other equal to the hero's ME attribute number X100.
Duration: The bodies may remain seperated for the hero's PE number in hours, and once rejoined require an amount of time equal to half the time seperated to recuperate before being able to seperate again.
Attacks: Seperating or rejoining the bodies requires two melee attacks/actions to perform. The bodies are made to move simultaneously, mirroring each other, and can be made to run in opposite directions or coordinate dual strikes on one or two targets (a seperate strike roll must be made for each target but will still only use one attack). No attacks need to be expended per melee to maintain the seperation. The bodies cannot be made to attack independently or be made to stop mirroring each other (which can tend to prove a problem at times and be an annoyance to the hero's companions).
SDC and Hit Points: These divide equally between the two bodies. Trauma inflicted to one body will affect the other, as will damage to limbs. Rejoining the bodies will heal 10% of the damage sustained while they are seperated.
Notes: The divided segments fatigue at twice the hero's normal rate and take twice as long to heal. Any other powers possessed by the hero are at 50% of the hero's full power level for the purpose of calculating ranges, damage, duration of effects, etc, and only move at half the hero's normal running Speed.
The hero only takes half damage to blows to his midsection while undivided, though each strike to his midsection will have a +10% chance, cumulative with each additional strike, to force him to divide.

Soul Crush (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

Upon a successful Knockdown of an opponent, the downed character must make a Save vs. Psionics (16 or better for non-psionics, 14 or better for Latent Psionics, and 12 or better for Master Psionics, ME bonus applies). A failed save will cause the opponent to remain on the ground for an additional melee round, during which time he will be unable to defend himself against attack in any way, effectively paralyzed. The opponent will also will also lose 1d6 PPE points and will take an additional 1d4 Hit Points of damage from the Knockdown Strike regardless of whether he makes his save or not. The Soul Crush uses no additional attacks and is instantaneous.

Pussyfoot (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

Te hero has non-skid pads on her feet and ands which are rough like sandpaper. The character is not likely to lose her grip even id a 1d4 is rolled on a D20 in combat, and she is able to keep her balance on steep, smooth or oily surfaces, with only a 5% chance of falling. Adds +10% to Climbing and +10% to Maintain Balance. Opponents suffer a -4 when attempting to Disarm the hero.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+4 to Roll with punch, fall or impact
+10% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills
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Subdual reminds me of cartoonist Don Martin's 'National Gorilla Suit Day' where the hapless character has to put up with an endless succession of gorilla suited antagonists(mainly gorillas in people suits) showing up at his door to beat him up...the kicker being an Abomidable Snowman showing up at the door, and the nef proclaiming "An Abomidable Snowman?! What can be worse than an Abomidable Snowman?!"
"TWO Abomidable Snowmen!"
INdeed...there are TWO dwarf yeti inside an Abomidable Snowman Suit...
Yes, the guy gets beaten up...again...'s a Monday morning...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.


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Genetic Keys (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero's equipment is designed to only work for him, keyed in some way to his genetic code. There is only ever a 1% chance that the equipment will work for someone else. The lockout would have to be bypassed in some way for someone else to utilize the gear, skills to do so being performed with a -40% penalty. Typed of equipment that can be coded in such a way is dependent upon the means used to code it. Typically it is limited to computerized systems in robotic weapons, armor, vehicles and other gadgets. This power can be given to a hero who uses Super-Inventions to make it so only he can use them. If a Mystically Bestowed character, the gear can be anything, as the items are altered by magic when the hero first acquires it. If a Eugenics character, the hero's DNA is either altered to create a chemical which the hero excretes to activate the equipment, OR the hero actually has a body part formed in the shape of a key needed to activate the equipment (either way such genetics would cost 1 million to purchase). If a Super-Soldier, the equipment was created specifically for the hero and affects his Special Weapons and Prototype Vehicle.

Drawbacks: Villains who become aware of the hero's special relationship to his equipment might attempt to amputate or remove the body part so as to steal the equipment, or use mind control or bio-manipulation to gain the use of the equipment.

Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2 to Save vs. Mind Control, Possession and any sort of Bio-Manipulation powers.

Gift of the Gorgon (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"You like my hair? I just fed it and now I can't do a thing with it."

The hero has snakes for hair which bite.
Number of Snakes: Equal to the hero's number of attacks, with each snake able to attack once.
SDC Per Snake: 4+1 per level of experience
Damage: Each snake has a bite that does 1d4 damage, but the venom does 6d6 damage. A successful Save vs. Lethal Poison (14 or better, PE bonus applies) means the victim only suffers half damage.
Attacks: Attacks by the snakes subtract from the hero's number of attacks, each snake able to attack only once per melee round.
The hero gets one additional attack that can only be used to strike with one of her snakes.
The snakes are +3 to strike, +2 to initiative and +1 to dodge attacks directed at them (get no PP bonus to strike or dodge).
Duration: Snakes strike instantly. Snakes are a permanent feature but may be hidden under a hat or wig.
Range: The snakes can reach up to 4 feet from the character.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Horror Factor: 14
The hero is immune to snakebite and resistant to poisons and toxins (half damage and duration of effects).
+1d4 PE

Note that if GMs wish to substitute Paralytic Poison in place of the lethal damage, they may refer to Types of Venoms under the Venomous Attack minor superability (PU1, page 48).
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.


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Compound Eyes (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero has insectlike eyes which give him 180 degree vision but with less clear sight. The eyes are polarized, giving him +2 to Save vs. being blinded by bright light (half duration of effects if blinded; no penalties if fighting with the sun in his eyes of from glare.
The eyes have 20 SDC each and add 30 to the hero's total SDC.
The hero gains +2 to initiative, +1 to strike and dodge, and +1 ro roll with punch, fall or impact.
The drawback is that the hero suffers -1 to PB and -10% to skills requiring reading, with such skills taking @0% longer time to perform.

Laser Sight (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can manipulate laser diode energy to diagnose problems in the human body and to perform surgery in addition to other typers of laser attacks.

1. Laser Image Creation: By shooting a low powered laser into an organic body through the heating of the bodily fluids, the hero forms vapor inside the target which he can scan to detect imperfections and anomalies.
The hero automatically has the equivalent of First Aid skill at 80% plus 2% per level of experience, +1 on initiative, +1 to dodge and +3 to pull punch. He knows pressure points and vital spots, from his continuous familiarity with living bodies, to inflict an extra +1d4 +4 points of damage from his punches intended to do maximum damage (the player must announce his intentions before he rolls to strike), and inflicts Critical damage (double) from behind or on a Natural 17-20, provided he has scanned the individual prior to this attack.
Range: Close Combat or line of Sight up to 1000 feet
Damage: None, cannot be combined with a damaging beam.
Duration: 15 seconds of close combat or 1d6+1 minutes to conduct a scan on an individual.
Attacks: Not Applicable
Saving Throw: Not Applicable, though the hero will be unable to scan anyone Impervious to Light and Lasers.

2. Energy Expulsion: Laser Beam: The hero can intensify the beam as necessary, doing as little as 1d4 damage, as for the purposes of laser surgery, or up to 2d6, plus 1d6 per level, damage (the hero controls the amount of light emitted).
Range: 600 feet
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Each blast counts as one melee attack action, though it will use two attacks/actions to perform precise cuts for surgical purposes.
Duration: Strikes instantly and cuts made are permanent until they heal.
Bonuses: +3 to strike on an aimed shot, +1 if shooting wild

3. Other Abillities and Bonuses:
The hero is Impervious to Light and Lasers, and only takes half damage from Electrical attacks.
The superbeing can cause his eyes to glow, providing up to 60 watts of light (the same as a typical desk lamp).
+3 to distance weapon attacks within 1600 feet due to an ability to use his laser vision to aid in targeting.
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Burden: [Minor]
'This will hurt me as much as it hurts you.'

By selecting a living target within 40 feet, the character can force a target to suffer as he suffers.
The character uses 2 actions to perform this, and then the target must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply).
The character can inflict 1d4 damage to himself per level of experience. If the target succeeds in his saving throw, then he takes the same amount of damage as the character. If the saving throw was failed, then he takes double that damage.
Damage taken in this manner can be healed by the character at a rate of 1 SDC/HP every 5 minutes.
Targets composed of non living tissue (such as those altered by physical structure) take half as much damage by this.
Other bonuses: +30 SDC

Ember blast: [Minor]
'Eat this pig'

The character can exhale a cloud of burning embers. This affects an area 10 feet across out to 30 feet. each target in the affected areaa must dodge at -4 to avoid being in the cloud. as an area affect, this attack bypasses any AR rating posessed by the character.
Targets in the area take 3D6 damage from the heat, and are temporarilly blinded (saving throw 14+ PE bonuses apply). Those that fail their saving throw lose one attack and are -2 to combat rolls for the round. those that save lose initiative from the choking and blinding, but are otherwise fine. Those immune to heat/fire are still subject to the choking and burning eyes (but are +2 to their saving throw). those with eye and mouht protection will be fine.
The character has a +3 to strike with this power. he is resistant to fire and heat (half damage) and does not choke on his own fumes.

Ram: [Minor]
'Comming right at you!'

The character can reinforce himself at a point of impact, increasing the damage and force he can inflict, as well as eliminating the damage to himself.
Whenever the character performs a long range combat manoevre (body block tackle, leap attack, or even a simple running attack for characters with 20 Spd or better) he adds 2 damage per level, and reduces a target's AR by 4 points.
In addition to this extra damage, the character is immune to the impact he causes, at least for the split second point of impact. This means he could charge an oncoming freight train without harm, though he would then be tossed aside like so much wheat, possibly incurring harm from the secondary collision.
In addition, if the character attempt to use this power to roll with punch/fall/impact, he takes half damage if he fails, and no damage if he is successful.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Bog: [Major]
'Sucked in hah!'

The character can transmute earth, rock and stone into more pliable material, as well as exert limited control over the area when he has done so.
1) Create bog: By expending all actions for the round, the character can tarnsmute a radius of 30 feet (+5 feet per level) into soft soil, and boggy mud. This is only effective on earth, soil, sand and rock, and works by transmuting a percentage of the matter into moisture and random organic compounds. This will work on Brick and mortar, but is less effective on concrete and bitumen. The bog has a depth of 3 feet +1 foot per level (1/3rd depth for bitumen and concrete) and lasts as long as the character remains in the area, plus 1D4 minutes. The boggy area sinks most vehicles, and is difficult to pass over. characters in a bog move at 1/3rd spd and are -4 to dodge. each target in the bog must roll under their PP score on a d20 every round or lose an action from being 'stuck'. anyone moving at high speed over the bog must make a sense of balance check or fall over (lose 1 attack and lose initiative)
2) Sink: The character can cause any target touching his boggy area, to sink Any target may dodge this attack (14+ required). A sunk target is sucked downward to the bottom of the bog. The Target needs to be able to blow or rip his way free (15 damage per foot of bog) to escape. a target sucked waist deep or deeper is unable to dodge and loses one action per round. anyone sunk neck deep or deeper loses 2 actions per round. anyone submerged will, of course, start to suffocate.
3) Expell: anyone touching the characte's boggy area can be expelled by an upswelling of the fluidic surface.the character can attempt to dodge (14+). if not, he is thrown into the air 10 feet plus 2 feet per level, and is knocked down (lose one action, plus initiative) damage from a fall is halved if he falls back into the bog (target can be pushed 1 foot per level in a direction of the character's choosing) If a character has laready begun to sink into the bog, the character can add this distance already sunk to the height thrown (and double the distance outward). The character can use this to try and hurl an opponent into another one by expending 2 actions.
3) bog manipulation: the character can use the bog to swipe at a target, inflicting 3D6 damage to anyone inside a controlled bog or within 15 feet of it. targets are muddied by the experienec. the character has +2 to strike with this form of attack. as an alternative, the character can raise the bog as a wall, and can even surround his whole controlled area with a 10 foot high wall (+2 feet per level). as a bog wall, all targets are slowed upon entering and require 1D4 actions to pass through. anyone slamming into the wall take 2d6 damage. The wall stops all thrown weapons and projectiles. energy blasts and bullets that inflict less than 30 damage are also stopped, while any damage in excess of 30 will be halved as it passes through the wall. Holding a wall together requires 3 actions per orund to maintain.
When a wall is raised, the bog within has it's depth halved. if completely surrounded, the bog has negligible depth. Anyone inside a bog wall when it is released, takes 3D6 damage and has a 70% chance of being knocked down.
4) Other abilities: when used on an actual bog or swamp, the vharacter's effectiove radius is doubled, as all are all ranges and distances. The character can walk on soft mud, earth and even quicksand without ill effect. water and mud effects drip away from the character (never blinded or knocked down by water or mud style attacks. half damage if any. Character enjoys a natural swim skill of 45% +3% per level. when in a swamp or bog, either made by himself or a ntaural one, he enjoys +30 SDC +4 PS and +2 initiative, as wellas +10% to prowl, climb and swim.

Living proxy [Major]
'You can kill the flesh, but the earth lives on'

The character can sink into the ground and enter a torpor like state. His consciousness leaves him for another body, forged from nearby earth.
The body has the following statistics.
PS Equal to the character's ME (considered extraordinary)
PP equal to the character's MA
PE not applicable
Spd: 10 plus the character's MA
SDC 50. If the character has sunk himself into fertile soil with living plants around, this becomes 75. if he sinks into rocky or poor ground, then it is 25. if he sinks into an urban landscape, but still at least concrete, he has 25 SDC.
AR 12 normally. if sunk into barren rock it becomes 14.
Powers: the living proxy has few of the character's powers. Pseudo psychic powers are transferred to the proxy, and any power that affects or works with earth/rock and stone also transfer. (includes plant control). everything else stays with the body.
A proxy can be active indefinately, and move any distance from the character. new proxy's are created within 10 feet of where the character sunk.

It takes 1D4+1 minutes to form the living proxy, which appears composed of the native landscape (twice as long for concrete)
If a proxy is destroyed, the mind snaps back to the character's body. The character must then make a saving throw of 16+ (ME bonuses apply) if successfull, the character may start forming a new body. if he fails, he is ejected to the open air and cannot return to the earth for 2D6 minutes.
If the ground where the character sunk is disturbed, the character must make the same saving throw. if the ground is torn open, the character fails the saving throw. In any case the character takes 3D6 damage from the awakening.
The character can also use this power in any instance where his own body would fall lifeless or useless (transferal/posession is a classic example). in this instance, the character's body will sink into the nearby earth when it falls in this fashion, and rise again when the power ends.
The character lies suspended and sustained by the erath he sinks into. He does not age, does not need to sleep eat or breathe while suspeneded, and can lead to a form of immortality.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Mephisto wrote:Nice powers all...very nice.

Many thanks. :)


Armour wings: Minor
'Yeah I'm Badarse in the air, but I'm a killer on the ground'

The character has a set of heavy, solid wings that he can wrap around himself. Formed of seemingly inorganic plates, it seems incredible that they could support him in flight at all.
1) as wings: the character can fly at a speed of 40 MPH, Plus 10 MPH per level. In air he has +2 to dodge, and adds normal speed bonuses to damage (+4 per 20MPH) the wings are too heavy to flap in place, and the wingspan is at least double the character's height. On the ground, a wing can be used to inflict 2D6 damage (plus PS bonus)
2) as armour: when the the wings are pulled tight, they form a barrier against attack as they lock over his body. He gains an AR of 14 and can parry sharp or otherwise dangerous objects.
3) cocoon: by wrapping the wings all around himself, he loses all actions, but gains an AR of 18, and all kinetic damage is halved. he can wrap a second person when performing a cocoon.
4) concealed: the armoured wings are bulky. if pulled tight across his body he will look normal at a glance , but he will need to physically strap them down to appear normal. holding the wings down is distracting, losing one attack and 2 initiative. strapping them down is painful, causing the same penalties, and -10% to skill performance.
5) other bonuses: The wings have 40 SDC each and an AR of 16. the character enjoys +2 PE and a bonus of 40 SDC himself. Damage taken when cocooned or using the wings as armour can be trasnferred across the wings, but if a wing is destroyed then flight is impossible and any AR's gained drop by 2. The wings add 20% more to the character's weight.

Extreme Power [major]
'I control the universe worm....even you'

The character taps into significant levels of cosmic power, which drain away his sanity and strength.
1) mimic Power: the character can for a single melee round, will himself to posess a single major power of choice. He can choose from any major power, except any that alters his own body or attributes. This can be done once per round, with the character chopping and changing power as he chooses. The character requires no actions to do this (and may do so as a parry for free, at +8 as long as he has not already generated a new power this round) But each time he does so, he loses either 1 PE or 1 ME. The character can choose a minor power instead (with the same restrictions) but loses 1D4 HP instead. a minor power can be turned on twice a round, allowing a character to swithc between offence and defence in the same round.
When a power is not maintained from round to round, the durations for any powers in effect ends.
2) extend power: by expending 1 PE or 1 ME he may augment an existing power (including one he has mimicked). ranges increase by 10 times and durations by 5 times, and damage increases by 10% per level. More so, any saves that a power requires is increased by 2. an enhanced power remains enhanced for 1 minute per level or until it is dropped.
3) Protective field: By expending 1 PE or 1 ME, the character can generate a crackling field over himself, that extends to 10 feet in all directions. touching the field causes a target to take 1D6 damage per level and make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or be knocked prone by the shock (characters resistant to electricity take reduced or no damage, and are not shocked). The field has 50 SDC, plus 15 per level, and can be reinforced to full by expending an action and 1 PE or ME. the field does not prevent the character from attacking through it with ranged attacks (it is one way) but the field is motionless. if the character moves then it drops.
4) Other bonuses: +1D4+1 to PE and ME

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Target Tag(Minor)

“Okay, Pathfinder just marked the target for us! Everybody! OPEN FIRE!!”

Target Tag allows the superbeing to ‘tag’ a target with a blob of glowing day-glo yellow-green biomaterial akin to plastic, that sticks and spreads out over its target, ‘painting’ it for subsequent attacks. Any subsequent attacks by the superbeing on the tagged target get a +6 to strike(Line of sight), for as long as the tag is attached. Furthermore, the tag-blob is readily visible and allows OTHER participants to target the tagee; +2 to strike. Should the tagging superbeing stop attacking the tagged target, however, to take action against another person/object, or take any other actions, then return to attacking the tagee, they lose the +6 to strike, and only get the regular +2 to strike.
Being illuminated, the tag can also be used to track people in darkness.
Range: Touch or 10 ft
Duration: 3 minutes +1 minute per level of experience
Note: The tag-blob CAN be scrapped off the victim/target, but it will take a combined PS of 25 and 1d4 melees to accomplish
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

*Grumbles about more to post to the wiki.* Where do you get the energy to keep all these coming, Iczer? :eek:
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:*Grumbles about more to post to the wiki.* Where do you get the energy to keep all these coming, Iczer? :eek:

There's 'Superhuman Endurance', but nothing like 'Flash of Genuis'...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Iczer »

Heh....Honestly you guys are making me blush.

That said, I occasionally hit a pocket of inspiration, and so I burst post what comes to me. sometimes a list of 10 powers swells to 15 or so becuase one power or train of thought, or power variation drops a new one in my lap.

At this stage of the game plan though, I'm mostly worried about repeating myself.

I do have 6 more to post, but it's been rush rush rush here as i Scramble between job interviews, and have exceeded my limit for the month (stupid anime downloads)

Once again, thanks for the praise.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.


Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Some of your powers do get to being very much similar, but there is variety in the expression even if the powers essentially do the same thing, so no worries...
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
Location: Lurking on rooftops like a proper gargoyle should, in and around Tacoma, WA.


Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:Heh....Honestly you guys are making me blush.

That said, I occasionally hit a pocket of inspiration, and so I burst post what comes to me. sometimes a list of 10 powers swells to 15 or so becuase one power or train of thought, or power variation drops a new one in my lap.

At this stage of the game plan though, I'm mostly worried about repeating myself.

I do have 6 more to post, but it's been rush rush rush here as i Scramble between job interviews, and have exceeded my limit for the month (stupid anime downloads)

Once again, thanks for the praise.


What kind of anime are ya watching?

He's probably been watching too much Pokemon LOL...
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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bah...shared household connection. flatmate is downloading anime and not me (she had better share by criminy)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by taalismn »

You need a machine-related power like 'Wireless'(minor) :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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“Grow something new, Captain Invincible? Your vaunted insta-healing giving you problems, now? So sorry to hear it...NOT!”
This power deliberately targets advanced healing abilities by tampering with the Henflick Limit(which governs the number of times a cell can replicate). The power usurps the acceleration of the healing process to introduce replication errors in the new cells, leading quickly to the development of tumors. Superpowers that accelerate healing, such as Regeneration, and Divine Healing, are effectively nullified for the duration of the Carcinogen power, and furthermore, for every 1d6 of healing such powers would normally do, Carcinogen does 1 point of HP/SDC, and the new tissue will grow back diseased-looking and discolored. Limbs and appendages that are regrown using advanced healing abilities will grow back distorted and crippled by tumor growths, and will be effectively useless(treat as a crippling injury with regard to arms and legs). In such cases, the only cures are standard technological/chemical medical treatments like chemotherapy, or waiting until the Carcinogen power runs its course(and possibly having to amputate the damaged limb in the meantime), then activate the healing power as normal.
This power is particularly dramatic and dangerous to beings who can regenerate damage within melees, minutes, or hours, as their own healing power turns on them.
Range: Touch or 5 ft+1 ft per level of experience
Duration: 4 days +1 day per level of experience
Other Bonuses: The superbeing is IMMUNE to all carcinogens, including radiation and this power.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
Location: Lynnwood WA


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Well, here's what Brett Heigar came up with...

Alter Physical Structure: 4-D by Brett Hegr
This was a tough power to do! I hope I came up with something that everyone can enjoy though.

Duration and Limitations:
The transformation can be maintained for a total of ten minutes plus five minutes per level of experience. A five minute period of rest between uses is required (reduce to three minutes of rest at level five). A maximum total transformed time of one hour per level of experience (per 24 hour period) is possible. The transformation process requires about 5 seconds, one- third of a melee, and during the melee that it takes place the character has last initiative and half his 4-D form attacks. The change back to normal 3-D form is instantaneous.

The 4-D form looks almost like the character's 3-D form, but it seems to be vibrating or somewhat 'blurred'. There is also a faint blue glow about him. His movements seem quicker and more exact, as if he had more time to think about them than he let on. The character has a base Horror Factor of 8, or add a +1 bonus to a higher existing one.

Conciousness in the 4-D realm is pretty far- reaching in comparison to that of the 3-D world. Thus, at levels three, six, and nine roll to save vs insanity (12 or better with M.E. bonuses). If the roll fails the player must choose one of these: Roll for two random insanities, roll for one additional multiple personality, or roll for one insanity from the table on page 77 of Rifts® England (ignore any 'no insanity' roll). These insanities are not present when a 4-D creature.

1. Local Omniscience:
The character posesses the visual ability of Super Vision: Electromagnetic Vision (with an increased range of 2000ft +500ft per level of experience). He can also sense all sneak attacks directed against him. All sentient intelligences and moving objects within a 90ft radius +10ft per level are also sensed - though he may not be able to see them directly he 'knows' they are there. This ability is not accurate enough to use as a Radar- like ability.

2. Spatio-Temporal Powers and Awareness:
Can see and sense dimensional, spatial, and temporal anomalies. They can be seen clear as day. Large things like rifts are picked up with a range of 30 miles. Mystic portals, time holes, and ley line storms are sensed with a one mile range. Dimensional pockets are sensed within 100ft and dimensional envelopes are sensed within 10ft. All types of teleportation, astral beings, two and fourth dimensional creatures, and phased/ intangible beings are picked up within 100ft. In all cases the opening, closing, and general location are known.

The character can also attempt to 'jump into' time holes or reach into dimensional pockets and envelopes, once per melee, with a base chance of 30% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.

He can also force a rift, magical portal, or dimensional gateway (or whatever) to stay open - this requires all his melee attacks and can be maintained for two melees per level of experience. Afterwards, the character may feel fatigued and disoriented (GM's discretion, relative to the intensity of the experience).
It is also possible force a portal shut with a base chance of 10% plus the M.E. attribute plus +3% per level of experience, one try per minute. Permanent gateways cannot be closed at all and major rifts and portals impose a -15% (minimum) penalty to the closing attempt. A successful attempt to force a rift closed permanently costs two

The character also has the minor super ability of Clock Manipulation, without the bonuses. Since it isn't stated in the power description, each act of manipulating a clock or timer requires one melee action and the range of this ability is 100ft. If the character selects the Slow- Motion Control ability (as outlined below), ignore ability #4 and instead increase the range of this power to 300ft.

3. Player Options:
To avoid making a much too strong power but to allow the variety I desired, the player may select one of the following upon character creation:

Option One: Choose a related major power! The character changes into a more powerful 4-D creature. The player must give up two minor super abilities (or give up one major super ability selection and gain a minor super ability selection in its place) to 'pick' the exact power - he does not get an additional major power but instead gains the option to choose from a limited selection of powers. The selected power can be used only while the character is in the 4-D form.

The avaliable powers are: Cloaking (page 256 of HU), Control Elemental Force: Time (page 75 of The Riftertm #1), Energy Absorbtion (page 273 of HU), Invisibility (page 276 of HU), Intangibility (page 277 of HU), Motion Field, Multiple Beings/ Selves (page 282 of HU), Power Sphere, Shrink (page 286 of HU), Singularity, Slow- Motion Control (page 287 of HU), or Teleportation (page 256 of HU, or one of our home grown variants).

Option Two
: Pick three of the following minor abilities - they can be used no matter which state the character is in, 3-D or 4-D:
Energy Resistance (page 231 of HU) with no changes.
Extradimensional Storage
Extraordinary Mental Endurance (page 231 of HU).
Extraordinary Speed (page 233 of HU). Do not add bonus and halve the dodge bonuses listed there).
Flight: Wingless (page 232 of HU). Do not add the bonus and halve the dodge bonuses listed there).
Super Vision: X-Ray (page 237 of HU), but seeing through objects requires only half the time listed there.
A variation of the Radar power - the Local Omniscience ability is increased greatly. Do not add the bonuses listed with the Radar power. The character can interpret shapes and estimate distance, speed, etc. as per the power. The ability is not affected by rain, snow, smoke, etc. Instead of using radio waves the character senses time and space itself, and so ley line storms and other cosmic disturbances have a similar effect to dust and smoke on normal Radar.
Option Three: If the character has an M.E. of at least 12 and the GM allows it (and has Phase Worldtm) he can have Phase powers! At the very least, the character could gain several minor psionic powers. Phase powers can be used only when in the 4-D state but normal psionic powers can be used whenever desired. The character becomes a major psychic with an base of the M.E. plus 2d6+18, plus 1d6+1 per additional level. For mutants that already posess super abilities and psychic powers combined, instead add a bonus of +15

The character may select five Phase powers from page 32 of Phase Worldtm. One phase power may be traded for two of the following minor psionic abilities: Alter Aura, Mind Block, Object Read, Presence Sense, Psychic Diagnosis, Psychic Surgery, Psychokinesis, Read Dimensional Portal, See Aura, See the Invisible, Sense Energy, Sense Evil, Sixth Sense, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Acceleration Attack, and Teleport Object.
4. Combat Bonuses: The character's local omniscience also grants him bonuses during combat:
+4 on initiative
+3 to strike
+4 to parry and dodge
+2 to pull punch and roll with punch/ fall, or impact
Automatic dodge, +2 bonus
One additonal melee attack
5. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Impervious to illusions, mind control, possession, and mind- altering drugs.
Add 1d4x10, or turn the hit points into a mega- damagetm equivalent in Rifts®. The character recovers 4d6 per ten minutes.
Heals at double the normal rate.
Recovers from poisons and toxins in half the normal time.
+3 vs magic and psionics.
Add an additional +5 to save vs Temporal magic
For T.M.N.T. Transdimensionaltm rules, the character is immune to temporal energy change.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Really? :-?
Power 3 you say? Humpf, I've never read the power, I just pulled it off his web sight :P Now I'm tempted tp read it... Espessally no#3
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Mobility [Major]
'Get him...he cannot possibly escape us all'

The character has an unparralelled close quarters mobility that allows him to whip around opponent's in melee combat, as well as other tricks.
1) Combat bonuses: The character enjoys an autododge when actively in combat of +4 plus any PP bonuses. Opponents have a -2 to strike him while he is actively using this power, and called and aimed strikes are impossible. becuase the character has the ability to strike from odd angles, mostly by whipping to an opponent's flank before striking, he gains a +2 to strike in melee combat.
2) Method: There are three methods of using this power, one of which is chosen at creation.
* Fluidic: The character achieves his mobility becuase he flows and distorts his shape, much like putty or liquid. The fluidic character enjoys a +4 to PP and +4 to Spd as well as +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact. the fluidic character can automatically escape from any hold or grapple (no action) and can move through any gap larger than his fist.
* Speed: The character achieves this power by concentrated bursts of high speed. He has +4 to initiative, as well as a bonus of +2D6+6 to his Spd
* Teleportation: the character blinks in and out of combat, hopping around his opponennt's like a jackrabbit. The character can teleport 10 feet (+5 feet per level) once per roundtaking no more than 5-10lbs of extra weight with him.
3) Other tricks: apart from being very mobile, this power has a number of other uses. The character can run without slowing through any normal obstacle that he can see past just by exhibiting his exceptional mobility, as long as he can pass through the opening and that the obstacle requires no more distance to cross than 10 feet (plus 5 feet per level) the character could use this to bridge a narrow crevasse, run through a hallway full of hoodlums or step carefully across a minefield.
The character can also perform a special area attack. this area attack strikes all opponents within 10 feet (plus 5 feet per level). the character uses his mobility to simply jump from one target to the next, making individual strike rolls against all opponents. The character can vary these attacks (can disarm one ally, then pick up the ally's weapon, and then use it on 3 thugs, and then a kick to a fourth). using this area bounce attack counts as all of the character's actions for the round.
4) other bonuses: +2 to normal dodges, +15 SDC. +1 attack per melee +2 initiative.

Future vision: [major]
' I know what you are going to do the second before you do it, so don't try me General'

The character has a type of analytical danger sense, that not only alerts the character to danger, but to other future events, along with a detailed analysis of the event.
1) The character has glimpses of the next few seconds always playing in his head. the character's attention to these details always varies with his need. danger gets his immeadiate response, while the nuances of conversation are a distant and faint doppler in his head. At any rate the character recieves the following bonuses:
+2 to initiative.
Cannot be taken by suprise. He knows what to expect from a target, and in addition, he knows the location of a target by the immanent threat he poses. hidden and invisible attackers have no bonus to strike this character, and he has half normal penalties to retaliate.
Auto dodge +3
2) Reading others. because the character is immune to suprise, he is also hard to get a head start on. The character gets a bonus to his initiative equal to the highest initiative bonus of any person within 50 feet of him.
3) Corrective combat: the character's knowledge of the future allows him some chance to correct the course of combat. by dropping one attack per melee, the character can reroll any and all combat and damage rolls he makes. damage he inflicts in this manner is increased. Likewise he can attempt to twist with blows he knows are coming, reducing damage from incoming sources by 5% per level
4) other bonuses: +1D4+1 to ME and +2 to IQ

Doppelganger [minor]
'Let me introduce you to steve'

The character has a doppelganger, a physical duplicate of himself with all his memories, experiences and skills. But withiout the superpowers. The doppelganger is an independant character identical in all ways to the original in regards to attitudes and alignment.
When in contact with his doppelganger, the character can transfer information and memories instantaneously.
The real advantage to this power is the ability to transfer any and all of his superpowers to his doppellganger and back as needed. powers and SDC may be transferred in whole or in part as required. moreso, if injured, the character can borrow some of his doppelgangers SDC and up to half his HP in order to recover. If badly injured, it may be prudent however to simply transfer his powers to his doppelganger and let him take over, full healed and refreshed.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:Mobility [Major]
'Get him...he cannot possibly escape us all'

The character has an unparralelled close quarters mobility that allows him to whip around opponent's in melee combat, as well as other tricks.
1) Combat bonuses: The character enjoys an autododge when actively in combat of +4 plus any PP bonuses. Opponents have a -2 to strike him while he is actively using this power, and called and aimed strikes are impossible. becuase the character has the ability to strike from odd angles, mostly by whipping to an opponent's flank before striking, he gains a +2 to strike in melee combat.
2) Method: There are three methods of using this power, one of which is chosen at creation.
* Fluidic: The character achieves his mobility becuase he flows and distorts his shape, much like putty or liquid. The fluidic character enjoys a +4 to PP and +4 to Spd as well as +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact. the fluidic character can automatically escape from any hold or grapple (no action) and can move through any gap larger than his fist.
* Speed: The character achieves this power by concentrated bursts of high speed. He has +4 to initiative, as well as a bonus of +2D6+6 to his Spd
* Teleportation: the character blinks in and out of combat, hopping around his opponennt's like a jackrabbit. The character can teleport 10 feet (+5 feet per level) once per roundtaking no more than 5-10lbs of extra weight with him.
3) Other tricks: apart from being very mobile, this power has a number of other uses. The character can run without slowing through any normal obstacle that he can see past just by exhibiting his exceptional mobility, as long as he can pass through the opening and that the obstacle requires no more distance to cross than 10 feet (plus 5 feet per level) the character could use this to bridge a narrow crevasse, run through a hallway full of hoodlums or step carefully across a minefield.
The character can also perform a special area attack. this area attack strikes all opponents within 10 feet (plus 5 feet per level). the character uses his mobility to simply jump from one target to the next, making individual strike rolls against all opponents. The character can vary these attacks (can disarm one ally, then pick up the ally's weapon, and then use it on 3 thugs, and then a kick to a fourth). using this area bounce attack counts as all of the character's actions for the round.
4) other bonuses: +2 to normal dodges, +15 SDC. +1 attack per melee +2 initiative.


"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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I have a number of powers coming, most which are still in the idea stages. Hope soon to post Frog in My Thorat (minor), Rhinocerous (Major), Wild (Major), and Herkamer.
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Scour [Major]
'I'll wipe you and your smirk off punk'

The character can unleash a destructive wave of disintegration, starting from his own body and lashing outwards.
The character expends one melee round in preparation (he can do nothing else that round except speak and defend himself at -4). During this round, anything that touches him takes 3D6 damage as his ambient energy begins to run amok.
After that first melee round, The character becomes volitile and potentially explosive.
If he takes any damage after that round, he has a flat chance of going off equal to the damage taken (roll percentile dice)
While volitile, the character has half his normal attacks per melee, -2 to all combat rolls and half his spd score. skill percentage is down by 40%.
The character may, while volitile, attempt to unleash his power, by rolling under his PE score on percentile dice. this counts as an action.
If he is ever successful, then he unleashes his inner energy. everything within 50 feet takes 6D6 damage, and every living thing takes 1D4 Hit points per level. this damage bypasses invulnerabilities and energy resistances. Raw matter simply flies apart.
The character is not immune to this aspect of this power, and takes the same damage, plus he loses 2 PE points when he finally erupts. (recovers after a night's rest)
The character remains charged for 2 rounds per level before the charge drains. he cannot end it prematurely, but may choose to end the effect at the end of the 1 round charge period.
Other abilities:
1) disintegration fist: The character can add +2 damage per level to his hand to hand strikes and melee attacks, by trickling a disintergration type field over his body. Likewise, that damage is applied to most kinetic projectiles and melee attacks. Bullets and thrown/projectile weapons inflict half damage and are possibly destroyed by this field. Likewise any living creature touching this character can expect to recieve the same damage. This field requires 1 action per melee round to maintain.
2) energy resistance. the character is resitant (half damage) to heat/fire, electricity, plasma and particle beams. he is immune to disintegration type attacks.

Head generation: [Minor]
'When the chimera attacks, you stay...umm..attacked? Maybe I should have used the smart head for this one'

The character can generate one extra head per level. This can replace his existing head, or can sprout elsewhere on his body (can sprout one head on his torso, another on his shoulders, and one on each arm, replacing the hand. if the character has a tentacle, or tail, he may top a head on that appendage as well.)
Each head has one of the following traits, which the character can use when generating the head.
* +2D4 PB (but not very usefull if he manifests multiple heads)
* +1D6+1 IQ
* +2D4 ME
* Bite attack: 2d6 damage
* Horns attack 2D6 damage
* Heightened sense. select one from the mutant animals section of HU2)
* At 5th level, a fire or acid breath attack, inflicting 4D6 damage out to 30 feet with +2 to strike.

Generating a head for the first time in any 24 hour period, heals 2D6 HP and SDC.
The heads have their own appearance which may be similiar (so similiar as to be indistinguishable from each other) or wildly different (menagerie has different animal heads, for different occasions)

Downgradable armour [Minor]
'Feh..if this keeps up I'm not going to be much of a blocker anymore'

The character Can generate a natural armour plating around himself that grants him an AR of 16 and 40 additional SDC. The armour is obvious when generated, with an apperance chosen by the character. It takes one action to armour up.
By dropping his AR by 1, the character can heal 6D6 HP and SDC. this takes an action.
The character enjoys a bonus to PS equal to half his current AR (rounded downwards)
If his AR shoukld drop below 8, then this power fails to function for 2D4 hours.
Lost AR recovers at a rate of 1 every hour of rest (armour must not be in use) when the armour is back to full rating, the bonus SDC provided is instantly restored (otherwise it does not heal)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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gadrin wrote:
Astral Slip

"She came in wearing only an Astral Slip...
Tired as I was from creating her perfect Dream Realm, I knew I was going to have to put out if I wanted to survive the night...Falling into a snooze-coma would NOT be a compliment...
Bless _Summon Inner Strength_ and _Resist Fatigue_, man, those psi-disciplines have saved me more than once..."

Sorry, Gadrin, just had to do it... :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Frog In My Throat (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero's voicebox can be seperated and expelled through vomiting, morphing into a shape resembling a frog. This allows the voicebox to travel seperately to carry messages. The "frog" will only be a one and a half inches in size and weigh 3 to 6 ounces, having only one Hit Point and 1d4 SDC. It will travel at a Speed of 8 on land and 10 in water, having the Natural Abilities of Swimming at 90%, Climbing at 80% and Prowl at 85%. Since the skin of the expelled voicebox is covered in acidic fluid, touching it will do 1d4 points of acid damage to the flesh of anyone attempting to grab it.
The "frog" will carry its message until reaching the intended recipient of its message, which it will deliver in the superbeing's exact voice. Messages can include 5 minutes of chatter, so the voicebox could be programmed to sing a song, spell out detailed instructions or give a detailed account of events happening to the hero.
The hero temporarily loses his voice, having to regenerate the lost Hit Points and SDC through healing. The "frog" will only survive for 1d4 hours once seperated from the hero and CANNOT live independently beyond that time. The hero will not be able to speak until all lost HP and SDC of the voicebox are regained. The voicebox can only carry a set message or messages preprogrammed into it, and cannot be used to carry responses of the recipient back to the hero (Communication is one-way).
Seperating the voicebox uses two melee attacks/actions.

Herkamer (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can animate dead tissue by touch, lending it 1d4 Hit Points, temporarily animaing part of a corpse.

1. Animating the Head: The superbeing touches the face or another part of the head. Since mental attribute points are lost at the rate of one point per hour following death, this works best on a fresh corpse. Animating the head will work even if the head has been severed from the rest of the body.
The head will remain animated once touched for the superbeing's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level. Animation such as this requires 2 melee actions to perform.
This will allow the corpse to access its memories at 90%, -10% for each hour ir has been dead. The speach will be severely impeded, so there is only a 50% chance the speach will be intelligible, -5% for each hour the corpse has been dead.

2. Animating the Body: The superbeing touches the chest or back to animate the main body of the corpse, which will shuffle around mindlessly once animated. The animated corpse has all its original physical attributes, minus one point for each hour it has been dead. It will follow the superbeing (it is the life source) so long as the superbeing does not move faster than the corpse is capable of, and remains within an effective range equal to the hero's ME attribute number in feet. The animated corpse can only remain so for a time equal to the hero's ME attribute number in minutes, plus one minute per level. Animating the corpse takes two melee attacks/actions to perform.
The corpse can only make one attack per melee rouind, this attack subtracting from those of the superbeing animating the corpse, and the bonus to strike is equal to the superbeing's ME bonus (the corpse cannot dodge or parry an attack).
Aniating smaller parts, such as a severed hand, is also possible, the smaller part not suffering the attribute penlties from decay if it is just a hand or such.

Limitations: Attempting to reanimate both the head and the body to create an intelligent zombie will overload the corpse's nervous system, causing it to collapse, thus making such a thing impossible. The superbeing must choose to do one or the other and cannot do both at the same time to a single corpse.
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Rhinoicerous (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can increase his body mass and size, as well as gfain offensive natural weapons for use in combat.

Hit Points and SDC: The hero gains +2d4X10 Hit Points and +6d6 SDC. He gains +7d6X100 pounds as a result.
Natural AR: The hero gains a Natural AR of 8.
PS: The hero's strength becomes Extraordinary.
Attack Bonuses: +2 to strike and +1 to dodge

Special Attacks:
Headbutt: 2d4 plus PS bonus
Horn Attack: The hero has a horn or horns protruding from the center of his face which does damage equal to 3d6 plus PS bonus. He can charge with the horn for 4d6 plus PS bonus in damage.
Stomp Does 2d4 plus PS bonus in damage
Trample: Does 5d6 plus PS bonus in damage
Charging: The hero can run at a Speed of 44 (30mph) in bursts lasting 3d4 minutes but can perform no other actions while doing so.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Frog In My Throat (minor)[
[b]Herkamer (minor)
by Stone Gargoyle

Gahh...yep...'tis the season for this... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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I am still working on more. I may further edit Wild before posting it, and I have another called Rising From Embers I will be posting soon. Liquid Sunshine and Backhand are two others I am developing and hope to post soon as well.
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I'd say 5-10 pounds, similiar to intangibility.


NB: I really should get back to making more powers.....stupid True20.....
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Impervious [Major]
'Ouch..well that hurts'

The character's body chanels kinetic force and energy into smaller packages which. while painful, are harmless.
When the character takes damage, he may choose how much he wishes to mitigate (in multiples of his PE score) each 'block' mitigated inflicts 1 damage to PS, PP or PE (as per players choice). The character heals this damage back at a rate of 1 per minute. If any attribute should drop to 0 he passes out until all attributes have been restored.
[Robert, with a PE of 14 and a PS of 25 is facing a claymore mine when it goes off. Robert looks at the 75 damage and decides to mitigate it all. He takes the 6 damage straight to his PS score]
The character must be awake and aware to be able to mitigate any damage.
When the character absorbs that level of damage, he gets to use some of the dispersed energy for himself. he heals 2d6 SDC or HP for every attribute point he loses in this fashion.
Impervious also allows for a number of other benefits.
* has an AR equal to 8, plus 1/4 his PE score (round down). he may shunt damage into his AR if necessary.
* Has bonus SDC equal to twice his PS score.
* adds his PP to his Spd score.
Other bonuses:
* +4 to PS and PE.
* +4 to roll with punch. any successfull roll means the character takes 1/4 damage.
* +1D4x10 SDC
* character heals and extra amount of HP/SDC per day, equal to his PE score.

Power block. [Minor]
'I love it when you try that on me'

The character absorbs superhuman energies and channels them into his own nervous system.
Any time the character succeeds in a saving throw Vs magic, psionics or a superpower, he gains +1 action for that round, +2 to dodge and temporarilly adds +10 to his Spd score.
The character has +4 to saving throws vs magic, psionics and superpowers (though not the indirect effects of superpowers. Blinding light and sonic dissorientation still applies for instance)

Familiar [Minor]
'I call this a helping hand'

The character can create a small sphere of force, which obeys his will.
The sphere has an SDC equal to the characters ME. It also posesses a PP equal to the creators MA, a PS equal to his ME and a Spd equal to 5 per level.
The sphere can venture about 30 feet per level from the creator, who needs to devote one action per round to maintain it, and levitates as it does so.
The sphere can reshape itself as necessary, usually into a hand. it allows the creator to;
* use the hand remotely, as if it were his own hand.
* Shoot out and attack someone, +2 to strike, 2D4 damage (plus its PS)
* interpose itself (parry) other attacks. +2 to parry with the familiar (plus its PP bonus if any, -4 to parry ranged or energy attacks. a failed parry means that it takes the damage to itself.)
The familiar can be destroyed with a called shot at -2, but can be reformed with a single action by the caster if destroyed. the familiar does not dodge on it's own, unless directed to (one action) by the creator (it has +4 to dodge)

Woundfly [Minor]
'heh..I love doing this, your pain, is my gain'

The character has the ability to inflict wounds on another by touch, absorbing health from a target while enhancing his own abilities, specifically, granting him the ability to, briefly, defy gravity.
1) wound touch: by touching a person, the character can force his target to make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply). If the target fails this save, he takes 2d6 damage, plus 1 per level of the character. The character gains the ability to fly at a Spd score equal to the damage inflicted in this manner.
2) flight bonuses: while able to fly, the character adds +2 to dodge +2 to intitiative, and +4 to roll with punch. once the character can reach a Spd of 35 he gains +1 attack per melee while in flight.
3) duration. At the end of each melee, the character loses 7 from his flight Speed. the only way to offset this is to drain another target.
4) other notes: the character can choose himself as the target for this power, but he inflicts half normal damage to himself with his own power. If he finds that targets are making their saving throws consistently, he can start draining through hand to hand attacks instead, but damage inflicted from such attacks only contributes half their normal flight speed.

Unliving weapon: [Minor]
' think you're armed. All you are doing is giving more toys to play with'

The character can alter and twist innanimate matter to attack at his command. all he must do is gesture at an inanimate object (even the ground may do) and it lurches forward to attack.
1) Blades and spears. The animated matter forms a bladed tendril, which attempts to spear a target. It attacks with a +2 to strike out to 30 feet and inflicts 3D6 damage, with a PS bonus equal to it's AR.
2) Shrapnel:the character can cause an item to break into pieces and spray shrapnel at a target. the shrapnel spray inflicts 1d4 damage per level out to 90 feet with +4 to strike. the object used in this attack takes 2D4 damage
3) Disarm: Held items may be targeted as well. a target's weapon can be made to turn on it's owner inflicting damage equal to its normal base damage (no PS bonus though) It does this with a +2 to strike. the character may dodge this without losing an action by dropping the item. alternatively, the target item may be forced to grow wicked barbs inflicting 2D4 damage, with a further 2D4 damage for every swing/attack the character chosoes to make with the item. Used on body armour, the armour inflicts 2D4 damage every round until it can be peeled off. clothing can be affected, but it cannot inflict any real damage.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Mephisto wrote:Iczer the "damage sponge" aspect of Impervious is a bit confusing...could you clarify it a bit as the example left me scratching my head. How did he take 75 damage and only lose 6 off of his P.S. score?

No worries. (this is what happens when I type on red bull and mother)

Robert, as mentioned (my he is popular) has 14 PE. This is where he derives exactly how much of a chunk he can take out of oncoming damage.

Some goon throws a punch at him. 6 damage, no sweat. he can mitigate it (6 represents only a fraction of 14) and so he takes the one point of PS reduction (though he could choose PP or PE)

The goon's superior, on an upper walkway Hurls a handaxe at him. 14 damage results, and he can mitigate this in one chunk as well (he can mitigate up to 14 damage and translate it into one attribute point loss)

Unfortunately he has been trying to disarm a bomb while these goons assail him (probably a bad idea since at least one goon is going to be in the blast radius). The bomb detonates, inflicting 40 damage. This can be mitigated in discrete chunks of 14. so 14, 14, 14 is 42. he would take 3 points of attribute damage (less if he rolled with punch/fall/impact)

He's allowed to mix it up as well.

After crawling from the wreckage of the explosion (aside from severe muscle strain he's unharmed) A loose light fitting falls from the ceiling (shoddy construction work if you ask me, definitely not a union job) and strikes him for 15 damage. he can mitigate this twice, once for 14 the other for the remainder, but he can instead to mitigate 14 points, and take a single SDC point instead.

More to the point, though. Say he takes 16 HP from choking on smoke and dust (kicked up by the aforementioned explosion) He cannot mitigate it because it's not strictly incoming damage, he's just choking to death, (and all in all it has been a bad day for Robert so far.) If he takes 14 damage from a shotgun blast as he wades free of the dust cloud he can mitigate it all at the cost of a single attribute point, and use that point loss to heal 2d6 of those 16 HP.

At the end of the day, Robert has been shot, hatcheded, blown up and shot again, for very little overall damage. in the above example he mitigates 7 times (losing 7 points split between PS, PP and PE as he chooses. 7 minutes later he has recovered them all and is more or less back in fighting condition.

Had he a PE score of, say, 20, he could have reduced his overall losses due to mitigating chunks of 20 damage.

The real trauma of this power comes from deciding where the losses go. a reduced PE reduces the chunks you can mitigate in the future, and contributes to lowering AR indirectly (though he could have applied his losses to his AR score instead. Reduced PS lowers the bonus SDC recieved, while reduced PP is...well reduces his primary combat attribute.

Hand on my heart, I promise to post from now on with a reduced caffiene load :)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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"She came in wearing only an Astral Slip...
Tired as I was from creating her perfect Dream Realm, I knew I was going to have to put out if I wanted to survive the night...Falling into a snooze-coma would NOT be a compliment...
Bless _Summon Inner Strength_ and _Resist Fatigue_, man, those psi-disciplines have saved me more than once..."

:D :lol:
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Hey everyone, its me again. Quick question: Did anyone do up stats for the various metals as APS: Metal?? the reason is that some one posted a question over in the ATB section about a metal mutant. I told him that all he'd have to do is do up a mutant with APS: Metal, but I wasn't sure about what the stats are for the different metals like APS: gold, silver, platnum, etc.

Rathorc Lemenger
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
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Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Hey everyone, its me again. Quick question: Did anyone do up stats for the various metals as APS: Metal?? the reason is that some one posted a question over in the ATB section about a metal mutant. I told him that all he'd have to do is do up a mutant with APS: Metal, but I wasn't sure about what the stats are for the different metals like APS: gold, silver, platnum, etc.

Rathorc Lemenger

There is a seperate thread that included that but I did not have permission to post any of the APS: metals powers to the wiki. It was posted quite a while ago, but if you look I am sure you can find the thread. :)
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Malignor wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:There is a seperate thread that included that but I did not have permission to post any of the APS: metals powers to the wiki. It was posted quite a while ago, but if you look I am sure you can find the thread. :)
There's a WIKI?!?!

Yep...browse, read, get inspired.... :D
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Than the Sage among his Books,
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Defensive resistance: [Minor]
'Hit me!'

The character's body hardens for a split second as he concentrates, providing nominal resistance to damage.
When the character focuses on defending himself, his body responds. when a character makes an auto parry or auto dodge, he reduces incoming damage to himself (kinetic or energy) equal to half his auto-parry or auto dodge result.
When he makes a regular parry or regular dodge (one action) he gains a resistance equal to the full total of his dodge or parry result.
In either case, the resistance lasts but a fraction of a second.
As a secondary benefit, his briefly desnified body grants him a natural AR equal to his dodge or parry (auto or otherwise). this does, in effect, allow him to parry blades and weapons with his bare hands without fear of injury.
Other bonuses: +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact (quarter damage if successful, half otherwise). +1 dodge per melee round ( an extra action that can be used for dodging only) and +2 to parry and dodge.

Heatwave: [Major]
'Is it hot in here or is it just me?'

The character can produce waves of debilitating heat.
1) heat waves: his most potent ability, this allows the character to simply crank up local ambient temperature. an area 30 feet across (+10 feet per level) becomes like an oven. the scorching heat causes dizziness and dehydration, as the character simply bombards the area with baking heat. Every living thing in the area takes 2D4 damage every melee round. after one melee round, every living target must make a saving throws (14+ PE bonuses apply) or become fatigued from the heat and dehydration. the saving throw worsens by1 every second round after that. It is difficult to see inside the heat haze. anyone with real eyes (IE not protected) will find themselves at -2 to all combat manoevres. even those firing into the done from outside will find that targets are blurry and also suffer a -2 to strike.
The dome of heat requires one action per melee round to maintain but other actions are unnafected, though Spd is halved. The dome follows the character.
2) Bolts of heat: the character can launch scorching heat bolts, inflicting 2D6 damage +1d6 per level out to 60 feet (+20 feet per level) with a +2 to strike. If the character is maintaining his heatwaves, the damage is scaled up by 1D6. if the target is within the heat wave dome the damage is scaled up by an additional 1d6 again. Each heat blast requires one action.
3) Immunity to fire and heat. In addition, he is resistant to fatigue, and is adapted to great heat. he is resistant to blindness from light or heatwaves, and can sustain himself on minimal water even in the dryest climates. The character also takes half damage from plasma and lasers.
4) Scorch: The character can start fires within his heat dome by expending an action. any readilly available, and flamable object ignites in a few quick seconds (is the equivilant to a lighter. He can ignite the air in his dome as well. This inflicts 6D6 damage from heat and flames, and knocks back everyone in the vicinity (refer to knockback attack and compare the damage to the target) this cancels the dome and takes 2 actions to perfrom. the dome cannot be restarted for 1d4 melee rounds.
5) other bonuses: +25 SDC

Brick tricks: [Major]
'Bigger. stronger. Tougher.'

The character is strong and tough, but also has the capacity to use those muscles in new and unnusual ways.
1) hyper leaping. The character can leap great distances with muscles alone. He may leap 10 feet across and 5 feet high for every point of PS. He can leap 50% further with a running start. He can also ignore falls of distances of 5 feet per PS point (Twice that if the fall was deliberate)
2) Hyperclap: By slamming his hands together, the character can generate a shockwave that radiates outwards.
The narrow shockwave has a range equal to twice his PS score, and inflicts 6D6 damage.
The wide shockwave travels outward for as many feet as his PS and is half that wide at the end and inflicts 4D6 damage.
Either use of hyperclap counts as an action. the wide clap has a +2 to strike with.
3) Stomp: The character can slam the ground with hands or feet to produce tremors and shockwaves.
The smallest shockwave, radiates for his PS in feet in all directions. everyone on the ground at the time must make a sense of balance check or fall over (lose one action and initiative)
The next largest shockwave takes 2 actions.any target in the area takes damage as if he had physicaly struck them with half his normal strength in addition to the possible knockdown. the ground takes that much damage as well.
The largest shockwave takes 4 actions and requires a wind up to perform (giving time for people to flee the area) All targets in the area are struck as if hit with his full strength punch, and tossed aside. all targets are affected as if affected by knockback attack in addition to need ing to save vs balance to remain standing. Physical objects lying around are hurled away from the character as if he had tossed them away (half distance)
The character can choose to make this a line of shockwaves instead of a radius. he must spend an additional action to perform this (requies extra care and effort). the line is about 6 feet wide, and stretches for twice his PS in feet. the line istwice as wide at the end.
4) tough and strong: the character gains 2D4 PE, 2D6 PS (Superhuman) and 2d4x10 SDC and an AR of 8. In addition, the character can lift 50% more than normal as long as he is just lifting and slowly moving (cannot hurl extra heavy weights, but can move them around at no greater than a Spd of 6).

Communicate with earth: [Minor]
'He's just..talking to the statue boss'

The character can communicate with earth, rock and sand. Not the best of conversationalists, he can still gain valuable information. By touching a piece of earth, rock or other mineral, he can ask simple questions and get reasonable answers. By touching the mineral in question, he empowers it with an IQ score. This is usually 25, minus its AR score but there are other exceptions.
* Natural rock has +4 IQ
* Finely worked stone has an IQ of +2 (Includes worked gems)
* Processed stones, blasted granite and concrete, have half normal IQ
* Glass has normal IQ.
To get a reasonable answer, the character must roll under the object's IQ on a D20. failure means it does not know, or it's answer is too vague to be of assitance.
What rocks know. Rocks are pretty dumb all in all, and lack a lot of sensors. Rocks have a reasonable sens of time, although things that happened more than a few hours ago get's blurred. Otherwise a rock can:
* reveal information about itself (I was qaurried a long way from here, I was shaped 15 months ago, there is a body buried beneath me)
* Reveal what it has witnessed (can sense light and shadows and can hear loud noises but not soft)
* reveal what it has felt, or what it feels (has a veriosn of seismic sense)

Other bonuses: +20% to track a target walking on earth or soil. the ground itself offers advice. +10% to survival and +4 to dodge rocksm, earth, mud etc. (has a discrete danger sense regarding these things)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Minor Mimic
the minor mimic can only imitate minor powers,but unlike the normal Mimic,he das not need to stay within 60 foot (18.3m radius).
The Minor Mimic can hold up to 5 minor powers.
he must give up a powers if he wants to mimic another one.
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Absorb Anguish (Minor)

By Senator Cybus

"That's it, let it all out..."

The super being can sense the emotional pain of others and even draw it into himself, taking their suffering for his own.

1. Sense Anguish. The hero can sense the presence of the traumatised, the anguished and the insane. Essentially, this is a specialised form of empathy - the super being can detect extremes of negative emotion (misery, terror, rage, etc.) and the existence of mental illness (phobia, neurosis, psychosis, etc.), though not the cause or specific details of the malady, just the general type of disorder.

Range: 10 feet (3 m) plus three feet (0.9 m) per level of experience.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks Per Melee: None; an automatic ability.
Saving Throw: None, though a Mind Block or the super power of Immune to Psionics will prevent the use of this sub-ability.

2. Absorb Negative Emotion. The hero can drain away the emotional turmoil of others, leaving them calm and rational. Misery, terror/panic, guilt, rage, disgust, envy and hatred can all be removed (in the case of hatred, the target may still despise someone, but can at least share a room with them without attempting murder, at least temporarily). While the target of the power will enjoy a few moments of clarity (see Duration below), he or she may again experience the emotion if the stimulus that initially triggered it is still present.

Note that this ability is fully effective against negative emotions created through magic, pisonics or super powers, and can be used to neutralise the abilities of Adrenaline Surge and Battle Rage.

Range: Touch.
Duration: The target enjoys one full melee round of emotional stability for every level of experience of the super being.
Attacks Per Melee: Each use of this power uses up one melee attack/action.
Saving Throw: 16 or higher (M.E. bonuses applicable). This only applies if the target has some reason to want to hang on to their negative emotions: most people will be glad to get rid of them! If the target successfully saves, the super being must wait for one full minute before he can attempt to drain them again.
Penalties: After the hero absorbs an emotion, there is a chance that he will be overwhelmed by the sudden rush of feeling: he must roll 12 or higher (M.E. bonuses applicable) to save against this. If he fails, he will experience whatever emotion he drained from his target for up to 1D4 minutes, whether that be suicidal depression, homicidal rage or blind panic.

3. Absorb Insanity. Just as the hero can absorb emotions, so too can he drain away mental illness.

When using this aspect of the power, the super being can choose to either grant temporary relief from the malady or attempt to cure it completely; alleviating the illness is easier (and safer) than eradicating it.

Range: Touch.
Duration: If the hero uses the ability to grant temporary relief, the target enjoys one hour of mental stability for each level of experience of the super being, during which time he or she can function normally. A full (successful) cure is permanent.
Attacks Per Melee: Each use of this ability uses up two melee attacks/actions.
Saving Throw: 14 or higher (M.E. bonuses applicable): since the insanity is beyond the target’s control, he/she will always attempt to resist this ability. If the target successfully saves, the super being must wait for one full hour before again attempting to absorb their illness.
Penalties: After the hero absorbs a malady, he may be overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of disordered thoughts. If he has drained only enough mental energy to grant temporary relief, it is easier to resist this effect: the character must roll 14 or higher (M.E. bonuses applicable) to save against it. If he fails, he will suffer the same mental illness as his target for the next 1D4 hours.

If the super being has used his power to grant a full cure, he must roll 16 or higher (M.E. bonuses still applicable) to retain his sanity. If he fails, he will suffer from the same mental problems as his target for the next 1D4 days. However, if the player rolls a natural one when attempting this save, the malady is permanent: the hero must be cured of his new mental illness through conventional means.

4. Bonuses:
1D4+2 M.E.
+3 to save vs. Horror Factor.
+3 to M.A. when interacting with anyone suffering from a mental illness.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I'm re-submitting this next power, after having tweaked it so that it's a smidge less powerful and easier to handle maths-wise...

Power Share (Major)

By Senator Cybus

"Stick with me, I'll get you through this..."

The hero can grant a portion of his powers to others, granting them the use of extraordinary abilities. While in physical contact with another person, the super being can share all of his other powers with him/her (Power Share, ironically, is the one ability that he cannot bestow on others): if the character has, for example, Energy Expulsion: Fire, Invisibility and Lightning Reflexes, so will his chosen target.

However, sharing the powers reduces their potency. The super abilities of both the hero and his target will function at half of their usual level of power; all variables of the shared powers - range, damage, duration, bonuses, saving throws needed to resist the ability, armour ratings - are halved (round fractions down). For example, if a 2nd level super being with Energy Expulsion: Fire (Range: 300 feet, Damage: 4D6, +3 to strike on an aimed shot) shares the power with another character, both have E.E. Fire at 50% potency (Range: 150 feet, Damage: 2D6, +1 to strike).

Any power that grants an absolute quality, such as Invisibility, Impervious to Disease & Illness or Invulnerability still does so, but any associated bonuses are halved, e.g. shared Invulnerability still makes both characters immune to virtually all physical damage, but S.D.C./Hit Point/attribute bonuses are halved.

Only one person at a time can share the super being’s abilities. Direct, skin-to-skin contact between the character and his chosen target must be maintained in order for Power Share to function; the instant they are separated, the target loses all powers and the super being’s full potency is restored. Power Share does not work on other super beings, psychics, aliens, mutant animals, robots, cyborgs, immortals, supernatural beasts or creatures/practitioners of magic. However, characters who have one of the non-powered, skill-based Power Categories (Hardware, Special Training, etc.) can be granted super abilities.

Power Share is ideal for protecting bystanders (potentially granting them healing abilities, various immunities and enhanced attributes simultaneously) and useful for conjuring up some extra firepower, though not really ideal for empowering people to take part in hand-to-hand combat (see Penalties below).

Range: Touch.
Damage: As per power/s.
Duration: Indefinite. As long as physical contact is maintained.
Attacks Per Melee: Touching the target and transferring power to them takes just one melee attack/action, as does breaking the bond (though it’s quicker to just let go).
Penalties: Moving, fighting and even performing simple everyday tasks is a lot more difficult when you have to hold on to someone else at the same time. For as long as contact is maintained, both the super being and the recipient of his power suffer the following penalties: -1 on initiative, -4 to strike, parry, dodge, entangle and roll with impact/fall, speed is reduced by 25% and skill performance is at -15%. If the recipient of the powers is unconscious or has to be carried by the hero, these penalties are doubled.
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Handicam [Minor]
'Ewww..what's that thing coming from your finger?'

The character can produce a tendril from his body, often the hand, but it can come from any part of him. This tendril can be extended from as little to 1 foot, out to a maximum of 20 feet +10 feet per level. This tendril is pretty much invulnerable to blunt, physical trauma (ever try to punch out a rope?) but snaps if exposed to more than 10 points of damage, +4 per level of experience (it's flexible nature means that it takes half damage from bullets and sharp impacts unless held flat against a wall)
The tendril itself allows the character to 'see' through it's end, and hear and pick up subtle vibrations. as it it only a quarter of an inch thick, it can be slid through keyholes and under doors, allowing the character to covertly eavesdrop at a convenient distance.
The tendril is lithe, suple and dexterous, and can be used as a weak hand at a range (its PS is negligible, and can lift about 2 pounds).

Deface [Minor]
'Stop! wait! what are you doin......mrphmurphmm!'

The character can remove the face of another person. By touching a target, the character can force him to make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply). if the vbictim fails to save, he loses his face, as it melts away into a formless blank mask.
The target is blinded, and has his sense of smel removed, but mor eimportantly no longer has a mouth. This can be disturbing.
every subsequent melee round, the target must make a saving throw vs a Horror factor of 13. a failure menas he is panicked and disorientated, and running out of air. he takes a HP of damage from suffocation. for the rest of the round he is blind (-8 to strike/parry and dodge). he can still hear normally.
Once a target makes his save, he can relearn to breathe and see. a successfull roll under his IQ with a D20 allows the character to realise he can see and breathe if he is cautious and carefull. His 'sight' is grainy, colourless and mostly just shadows, and his breathing is laboured. The character is only -4 to strike parry and dodge, but cannot distinguish targets well and can distinguish nothing after 30 feet. as long as he spends one action per round concentrating he may breathe normally, if laboured (-1HP on any round he does not devote to breathing)
The facelessness lasts 2 minutes per level. the target can claw his own face off to open eyeholes or a breathing hole. to do so he must inflict 10 damage to his own face (+2 damage per level of the character), usually by clawing or shredidng his face. doing so ends the penalties of this power, but leaves the target with a shredded face.

Chopper [Minor]
'Prepare to be Ballerina'd to death!'

The character can, by whirling in circles, magnify his tourque and strength, aprticularilly in his arms and hands. The character must expend one action per round to maintain his spin. by doing so, he gains the following benefits.
* +4 damage with melee strikes
* +2 to strike, parry and dodge
* Is unable to be suprised from sneak attacks.
* Sees his Spd score halved.

By twirling his outstretched arms, he can reduce damage from falling great heights. falls under 15 feet per level are harmless, and falls over this amount do 1/2 damage. He can also augment his leaping, adding 20% to any high jumps, and 50% to any long jumps while twirling.

Hyper strength [Minor]
'I swear boss, he just kept getting stronger'

The character is stronger than most, and gets stronger and stronger while he is opposed.
His PS increases by 10 and moves to extraordinary in lifting and carrying capacity.
Moreso, when confronted by a stronger opponent, the character gains +2 PS every round until he is stronger. a stronger opponent, is any living foe whose PS exceeds his own (numerically). Actual strength category is irrelevant..
As a final burst of strength, the character can sacrafice his PE score to enhance his PS further. By doing so, his PS increases by an amount of PE sacraficed and jumps to superhuman in lifting and carrying. He loses a like amount of Hitpoints by doing so. The extra PS fades after one melee rond per level. the PE returns after 12 hours of rest

Swerve bolt [Minor]
'You superspeedsters think you're so fast.'

The character can project a bolt of sizzling energy that curves and zigg zags, homing in on a target and moving in slideways rather than directly.
Attacks: each swerve bolt counts as one action
Range: 60 feet +10 feet per level.
Bonus to strike: +2 with an aimed shot, +0 with a wild shot.
Damage 1D6 plus 1D6 per level of experience. This is an energy type chosen by the character when this power is created.
Special. the swerving bolt is -2 to be dodged or parried.
Special: like most EE powers, at 3rd level, the character can split the damage bewteen two targets Each target is struck as if by a wild shot, but both take the -2 to dodge)
Special: By sacraficing a D6 of damage, the swerving bolt can curve and jink even further, subtracting a further -2 to dodge.
Special: The swerve bolt is an unpredictable and homing type bolt of energy. as such, powers that normally protect against suprise style attacks, offer no protection. The character cannot rely on his dodge bonus from any powers, aside from those that enhance his reflexes. (Radar for instance, will not assist, while lightning reflexes would)

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feral vampire [Major]
'I Like cats just fine...they just don't like me'

The character has an unholy rapport with lesser creatures. while creepy to human beings and other sentient creatures, he is an abombination to our animal cousins.
1) Beast hunter: the character inflicts +1D6 damage and has +2 to strike any animal. Nominally this is any reasonably complex (insects and worms are out) non sentient creatures, but after 3rd level it applies to any character manifesting animal like traits (mutant animals, animal abilities, even the minor power of feral)
2) Beast terror. the character has a HF of 8 to sentient beings, but a HF of 14 with animals. this does not apply to sentient animals or characters with animal like traits.
3) Vampiric communion: by killing an animal, the character gains some of it's essence and memories. it knows the creatures habits and commands and recognises anything it would recognise. by killing a dog, the character would recognise it's master. By killing a crow, it would understand in which direction it's nest is. If combined with copy animal abilities, the character can consider the salin animal to be within range for the duration of this effect. This effect lasts for 30 minutes +5 minutes per level.
4) Deeper communion: Once the character killed a creature with his bare hands, he absorbs its life force into his own body, healing 1 HP or 3 SDC per PE of the slain creature. Moreso, once he has absorbed 30 PE or more from killing animals, he changes physically, becoming less refined and more beastial. he loses 4 from MA and PB, but gains the minor power of Feral for 10 minutes +2 minutes per level
5) other abilities: +10% to survival and wilderness skills. Keen but not superhumans senses. +20 to SDC and +4 to PE. heals at 2 times normal rate.

Corrosive [major]
'Oh face..what have you done to my beautiful face!?'

The character can exude a corrosive fluid from his body, to harm others on contact.
1) Corroive touch: the character can inflict 2D4 damage (+2 per level) with a touch by exuding a corrsoive fluid from his hands and pores. he can also inflict this upon anyone he grapples or is being grappled by. he can also use it's nature to sabotage objects by touch alone. This touch ignores any natural AR of the target.
2) Corrosive fluids: the character's spit, and blood are corrosive as well. any injury sustained by the character is likely to splash his attacker. if attacked by a cutting, slashing or piercing attack (anything that draws blood) the character splashes in that direction causing 2D4 damage (+2 per level) it has a range of about 4 feet, and is higly innacurate (-4 to strike, 8 or better needed) but may require the attacker to dodge the spray. any objects left inside his body will corrode.
3) Corrosive projection: the character can project an acid bile like attack out to 60 feet with +1 to strike, inflicting 1D4 damage +1D4 per level. he can perform this twice per melee round.
4) Corrosive resistance: The character is immune to acids and bases. His acidic nature means that he is also highly resistant to poisons and toxins (+4 to save, half effect)
5) effects of corrosion. any target struck with any corrosive damage from this power has additional problems. Corrsive damage ignores a targets natural AR, it just eats it away unless it is glass, plastic or protected by a force field. (the acid is useless against a force field of any sort) anyone who takes damage from an acidic attack continues to do so suffering 1 damage per dice inflicted, every round for 1d4 rounds plus 1 per level. Inorganic targets suffer this effect for only half the normal duration, but see their AR reduced by1 point every round as well. artifical AR protects as normal, but will be eaten away every round unless mad eof palstics or ceramics.

undying [Major]
'Ohh my head. How long was I gone this time?'

The character is immortal, in the sense that he cannot die. he can be crippled, injured, knocked silly, wounded and incapacitated, but he will not die.
If he should be reduced to a negative HP total greater than his PE, he instead calcifies, turning into an inorganic substance. In his new 'statue form' he posesses 100 SDC per level and an AR of 18 each week of 'petrification' the character heals one HP, crawling back from the grave as it were. when he is on 5 or so HP, he uncalcifies, returning to flesh, wounded but stable.
His inorganic form repairs itself, gaining 10 SDC per minute. If shattered, (0SDC) it pulls itself back together, growing from the largest mass if necessary taking 3d4 minutes to reform enough to start repairing itself again.
If placed in a constantly perilous situation (dumped in a volcano for instance) he may be gone a very long time.

Otherwise, the character is unaging, and healthy, enjoying +50HP and +25 SDC as well as +1D6 PE. He heals at a rate of 1 HP or SDC every 10 minutes, and regrows limbs, and organs within 12 hours. discarded body parts, including spilt blood, calcifies instantly, and then flakes away over the next few minutes. he does not leave any DNA at a scene.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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you could probably achieve those aims with create force constructs.

That said, you should write your power exactly as you see it working.

Cloak manipulation: By Arrowsmith

Insert pithy quote here

Fluff text: 'the character can generate and shape bio sythetic fibres from seemingly nowhere to form simple flat shapes, which he can then manipulate.'

1) Typical dimensions of cloak
2) Manipulate colour (of cloak)
3) Form wings (and now that I think of it, maybe whips, edged blades etc and maybe a partial hand) Give a flight speed that's reasonable rather than munchkiny
4) Shape cloak into clothing
5) cloak body armour. AR while cloak is active (treat as artifical AR) cloak power armour (treat as natural AR BUT deny any access to the above abilities) give cloak stats.
6)other abilities. things like durations, hown quickly the cloak repairs itself etc.


And, it's nice to have a fan.
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Destructive [Minor]
'Don't let the pretty blonde locks fool you boys..I've got a killer right hook with your name on it'

The character surrounds himself with a disruptive field that makes his physical blows, and any natural attacks, much more potent.
When striking with any natural hand to hand or ranged attack (one resulting from powers rather than equipment) the character treats all AR's as being 4 points less.
Furthermore, he inflicts 1 point of damage more per level of experience, and adjusts his critical results dowjnward by one (so a critical on a 20 becomes a critical on a 19-20)
Furthermore, if the character winds himself up for a blow, he doubles his normal damage, ignores any AR the target may have and will put a hole in the target object. winding up for a blow in this manner counts as all attacks for the melee round.

Wound field [Major]
'Come to me..we will see who can outlast the other'

The character emits energies from is body that twists and rend at living tissue. Activating this power requires that the character expend 3 actions every round to maintain, limiting his ability to fight normally. However any living target, including those transformed into inorganic objects, within 20 feet (plus 5 feet every second level) begins to feel the pull of thousands of tiny shards of force rending everything in the environment.
Any target may remain inside the character's radius of effect for one round per level (so a third level foe could last 3 rounds inside the field with no ill effect) After this time he is subjected to the field's effect. their efefctive level is reduced by 1 when the character reaches levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15 (so a fifth level target fighting a 7th level character with this power would be able to last 5-3 or 2 rounds.)
At the start of any round where this field affects the character, the targets take 2D4 damage (+1 per level). He is also required to make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or acquire a random injury from the serious injury table (refer to optional injuries table in HU2) as soon as a target takes any damage, he also becomes fatigued (-1 attack, -2 to all combat moves and half speed and -20% skill performance).
The target(s) continue to take damage and make saving throws every round until they leave the field. any target that leaves the field must remain out for 5 rounds (+1 per level of experience) to reset his 'safe period'

second skin
: [Minor]
'I will always be with you'

The character can coat himself with a shield of force, tight fitting, smooth and seamless. this force field has an SDC equal to his ME +2 per level, but renews itself in entirety every round without regard to action.

The character can project this field outwards, making a glassy, mirror image of himself to perform either of the following tricks.
1) may project his aura self infront of a target as a parry (use +6 to parry) any damage in excess of the shield is halved when it overflows to the target (the shot will be partially deflected as well as partially absorbed)
2) May project it as an attack. the shield inflicts 1D6 damage plus any bonus the character has as if his ME were his PS score. The character can opt to perform a trip or disarm instead. in any case the projected self has +4 to strike.

In either case, projecting the shield drains it away for the round (possibly leaving the character helpless until next round. a shield can be projected up to 60 feet, plus one foot per point of ME posessed by the character.

Last edited by Iczer on Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Iczer wrote:Destructive [Minor]
'Don't let the pretty blonde locks fool you boys..I've got a killer right hook with your name on it'

The character surrounds himself with a disruptive field that makes his physical blows, and any natural attacks, much more potent.
When striking with any natural hand to hand or ranged attack (one resulting from powers rather than equipment) the character treats all AR's as being 4 points less.
Furthermore, he inflicts 1 point of damage more per level of experience, and adjusts his critical results dowjnward by one (so a critical on a 20 becomes a critical on a 19-20)
Furthermore, if the character winds himself up for a blow, he doubles his normal damage, ignores any AR the target may have and will put a hole in the target object.
The highlighted portion should count as two attacks.
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bah....caught me

Actually, in my head it was going to be an attack requiring all attacks for the round. will edit as appropriate.

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High Altitude Flight [major]
“Not often that somebody can look down at the Northern Lights…okay, now how do I get down from here?"

This character can fly (not really a big deal, lots of supers can fly), and while they might not be the fastest when dealing with horizontal or lateral movement, they excel at vertical movement.

1) Flight: Essentially the same as the Wingless Flight minor power, with the addition that they can go as high as the ionosphere without aid, and the speed increase is halved. Climbing or diving speed is the level in increments of the speed of sound (so at level 10, they can reach escape velocity). They also have a built in altimeter (height monitor) accurate to within 2d6 feet.

2) Increased Awareness: The character has a heightened sense of situational awareness, granting them a +3 bonus to dodge attacks and makes perception rolls at +2. The character always knows where they are in relation to other objects, this is accurate to within 2-4 inches.

3) High-Altitude Adaptation: This character is MADE for the cold, any temperature less than 30 below zero Fahrenheit is unnoticed, this immunity increases by 5 points every odd level (so at level 3 it would be 35 below, etc). In addition their lungs are much more efficient, allowing them to survive longer on just one normal breath (typically 2d4 minutes for this character); if they have a chance to prepare (three or four deep breaths, equal to 2 actions) they can go without air for their P.E. plus 2d4 minutes per level.

4) Enhanced Vision: Because they are going so high, the character automatically has Supervision: Advanced Sight, starting out at level 6 (so eight miles max), as well as Supervision: night vision (it gets dark up there). In an alternative, the character could have the minor ability of Radar, with a boosted starting range of 1,000 feet.

Just something I had knocking around inside my head for a while, we need more major flight powers, there’s not enough variety here.
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Nice hearing from you Roscoe. Are you still posting your stuff to the wiki?
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Focused [minor]
'You thought me trapped in your web of magic Dr Arcanum. You were mistaken'

The character can focus his willpower to achieve short lived bursts of energy and power. To achive this, the character must center himself. This requires an action to perform and requires that he make a saving throw (18+ ME bonus applies. Assume any attempt outside of combat or when timing is not important, that 5 minutes of 'alone time' is sufficient to get this in place. Once focused, the character holds onto this 'charge' until he depletes it.
While focused, the character enjoys +3 to saving throws vs psionics and magic, as well as fear and insanity.
The character can become unfocused at will, and by doing so he gains one of the following abilities.
* Add 1 foot per level to any jump or leap.
* add 2 damage per level to any melee attack or natural ranged attack.
* Add 10 to PS for one action
* Add +4 to strike or dodge
* Add one level to a given superpower
* instantly end any power affecting the character as a result of a failed saving throw

Other bonuses: +1D4+1 to ME

Body awareness: [Minor]
'Rat poison Miranda? Really.. Did I forget another annerversary?'

The character has an awareness of his body, akin to a constant examination.
He is aware when a disease or drug has entered his body, and can track its progress as it works it's way through his system, even able to estimate how long until it takes hold.
He is acutely aware of his state of health, and can literally think of himself in terms of remaining HP and SDC
He has a refined sense of kinesthesia and as a result of balance and direction.
He is constantly aware of his emotional state, and the chemicals produced in his own body.
These abilities result in the following:
* +4 to save vs disease or poison, and half effect from either. he knows the moment he is infected, and the point of infection.
* +2 to save vs any power that alters his mood or his bio-chemistry. Furthermore, he knows the type of affliction. He may ignore the effects of any artificially derived emotion or compulsion. He can be overtly controlled, but not covertly (suggestion would fail, where as outright mind control can succeed)
* Natural sense of balance equal to 60% +5% per level. +2 to PP and Initiative +10% to climb, dance acrobatics and gymnastics. +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact.

Brain Growth: [Minor]
'That's no moon...that's his head!'

The character can swell his head, making it bulge out 50% larger, +10% per level of experience. The brain inside swells as he does so, granting extra mental abilities, at the cost of his social ones.
When his head is expanded, he gains
* +6 IQ
* +6 ME
* +2 MA
* -6 PB.
Furthermore, he gains +10% to purely sedentary/intellectual skills, plus most such tasks are completed in half the time.
Once per day per level, the character can, while his head is expanded, make a mental leap in the form of a clue or random fact provided by the GM.

2 Faces [Minor]
'I guess you could say I'm....well..Pretty Ugly'

The character can switch his features, dropping his normal good looks to assume a more monstrous visage.
The character gains a +1D4+1 to PB when he selects this power. When he chooses too, he may subtract 20 PB points, (To a maximum of 8) to acquire a HF of 13.
The change acts as a disguise, the two faces are not recognisable as each other.
despite the name of this power, the change occurs across the body.

Mental energy [Minor]
'I never was popular at chess club...I kept blowing up the pieces'

The character can use the bio-electricity in his brain to perform real physical deeds.
By reducing his IQ and ME by 1, he can unleash a bolt of bio-electrical energy, inflicting 3D6 damage +1 per level of experience. This bolt has +8 to strike and has a range of 60 feet.
alternatively, the character can sue the energy to create a field that operates much like a hand. This 'hand' has a range of 15 feet and a PS equal to The average of his IQ and ME scores. The hand has +4 to strike and parry, but burns 1 point of ME and IQ each melee round it is maintained. (on the plus side, it adds an extra attack). it inflicts 1D4 damage as a fist of energy. (If the hand is strong enough tio lift his own weight, he may use it to lift himself up to 15 feet in the air and fly in this fashion at a spd equal to the average of his ME and IQ.
Other notes:
The character gains a bonus of 1D4 to both IQ and ME
Lost Points recover at a rate of one every 10 minutes

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Nice hearing from you Roscoe. Are you still posting your stuff to the wiki?

:oops: No I'm not. I'm embarrassed to say that I'd forgotten about it, to tell you the truth. :oops: I’ll have to remedy that later on. For now, I have a new power I hope it's not too similar to others posted, but I'm not about to go look through 10-15,000 powers to check right now.

Inverse Anti-Power Energy Expulsion [major]
“Hmmm, an invulnerable speed healer eh? Since I shoot caustic energy, this’ll be over before you know it.”

This power is possessed by few mortals, but can be quite devastating in even an amateurs hands.

1) Class knowledge: After watching an opponent (or anybody/thing, really) for an amount of time the character will know what power category they fall under, and how to formulate their energy attacks. The observation takes one minute for every level of the opponent, and only one opponent can be focused on at one time. At level 3, 6, 9, and 12 the character can memorize ONE enemy and be able to instantly reformat their attacks.

2) Energy Attack: After the character has identified what their target is, they are able to tailor make an energy attack specifically designed to harm them. Each attack costs 2 actions/attacks, and can be a hand to hand attack (can form an energy ‘sheathe’ for small hand to hand weapons, knives and short-ish swords are fine, but no staves or projectiles), or a blast of energy. Max range for the energy blast is 600 feet, +50 per even level.

Normal ‘civilian’ type NPC’s only take one point of S.D.C. per character level. They cannot be killed by this power, but any damage done after their SDC is knocked out forces them to save vs. pain or pass out for 1d6 minutes per level of the character.

Un-powered N./P.C.’s take base damage of 2d6 +1d6 per level of the character.

Powered N./P.C.’s take 4d6 +1d6 per level. Against powers like invulnerability or energy resistance/immunity, this power punches through, though damage inflicted is halved. Against regenerative type powers, IA:EE causes a temporary short circuit, knocking them off line for 10-15 minutes (9+1d6) for every odd level of the character; damage dealt to those characters with this power takes three times as long to heal once their regenerative abilities to come back online.

Against inanimate, animated, or non-physical types of foes/targets the damage is 1d4x10 damage (plus an additional 1d4x10 at levels 7 and 14). Damage done to solid, inanimate objects are liquefied at the point of impact(not melted, but turned into a liquid), making it much harder and more expensive to repair (takes 3x as long and is 2x as expensive).

If the target has any form of natural armor, that rating is reduced by one point for every even level of the character; the maximum amount of reduction is to one half the starting point.

3) Odds and ends: The character is immune to his own attacks, and resistant to similar attacks by others (half damage).

The damage can be increased by one die at the cost of 1 S.D.C./H.P. for all of the types of foes except inanimate/energy. Said S.D.C./H.P. is gone for one month, minus two days for every level. Pumping up the damage adds an extra action to the attack, and as many dies can be added as the character has actions.

All shots are made with natural rolls, no bonuses other than P.P. Critical strikes on natural 20’s only.

Each time this power is used, it places great strain on the users body, greatly weakening it. They are -2 to all savings rolls against non-lethal poisons or disease for 20 minutes (-1 per even level) after use, -3 to lethal for the same amount, and lose one point off their initiative for the next melee round for each energy attack made. Frequent use of this power (more than 30-40 times in a day, or several hundred times in a month) may result in severe health complications (heart attack, stroke, aneurism and such).
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Adrenal vampire [Major]
'Yes...that's afraid..Your Fear tastes sooo good'

The character can absorb adrenaline from the skin of others, wekening them when they need it most and heightening themselves while they do so.
1) draw adrenaline: by selecting a target within 10 feet (+2 per level) the character can attempt to squeeze the adrenaline from their body. The target must make a saving throw to resist this (14+ PE bonuses apply) If they fail, tiny golden beads of sweat bubble to the target's skin and whisk towards the character.
The target suffers the following penalties.
* 2D4 damage
* Loss of any excited conditions. berserk fury, superbrawl, and any powers that rely upon heightened states of excitement simply cease working. Likewise, a target's sense of fear or panic dulls (but the target will remember why he or she was frightened and may still be cautious/wary)
* mild fatigue. the target loses 1 action per round and spd is reduced by 1/3rd for 2D4 melee rounds.
Feasting on a target's adrenaline grants the character the following for one round per level
* +1 action per round.
* +2 to dodge and initiative, +1 to strike, parry and roll.
* +10 to Spd.
2) tap adrenaline: The character has a more conscious control over his own adrenaline. Once per day per level, the character can sraw adrenaline strainght to himself, sending him into a frenzy of fight or flight. either state lasts for 1 minute plus one round per level beyond the first.
Fight: +4 to damage, +2 to strike -2 to parry, dodge and roll +1 attack. This adds to any bonuses gained from drinking the adrenaline of another.
Flight: +2 to dodge, double spd attribute
3) adrenal control: The character can conquer fear and anger by limiting his supply of adrenaline, and if conscoious, can negate any fear or anger artificially or naturally induced. Likewise he can trickle adrenaline into himself to negate the effects of pain.
4) other bonuses: +1D4+1 PE +3D6 HP +25 SDC
5) notes: A target can only be tapped for adrenaline once per 6 hours. Once it has been drained, then he simply doesn't have enough to drain off later. characters with adrenaline control can be tapped once every 20 minutes but has +4 to save.
While a target has a relatively mild save requiremnt for this power, if he is consciously using his adrenaline (is frightened, or angry/berserk) then he is at -4 to his saving throw.
multiple doses of adrenaline do not add bonuses, but will add duration.

Cancer creation: [Major]
'let us fix those beautiful looks of yours..I want to sacre your family when they pick you up'

The character can cause a target to sprout nasty tumours from their body, twisting them into gross parodies of themselves.
1) Inflict body tumours. Used on a target within 50 feet. The target, who may make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply), will suffer for his failure by losing 1D6 from his PP and Spd, 1 from his PE and will immeadiately halve his PB score. he will also gain 2d4x5 SDC in the process, and gain 2d4x10 lbs from the growths. the growths are painful, and the target will, while they last, suffer from -10% to skill usage, and -2 to initiative from the discomfort. inflicting bodily tumours requires 3 actions to perform. the gained SDC drops at a rate of 1 every 4 hours. when the SDC is gone, the tumours drop off over a period of 2d4x10 minutes. there is a 20% chance of minor scarring lasting 2D4 days (-2PB)
2) Inflict internal growths: used on a target within 50 feet. the target must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer 1D4 HP damage from the growths spiralling through internal organs. the target must make a saving throw vs pain every round or lose one action and -2 initiative. Inflicting internal growths counts as 3 actions. the internal growths break up and pass out of the body in 1D4 hours. Internal growths are more malignant and invasive than most. If a target has already succumbed to this power once, he suffers a -2 to his next saving throw. in addition, each subsequent usage of thsi power on a target inflicts an extra +1 damage.
3) Brain cancer: by indicating a target within 50 feet that already posesses cancer (either naturally or inflicted by another use of this power) the character can cause tiny tumours to swell inside a target's head. The target must save (16+ PE bonuses apply) or lose 2D4 from IQ, ME and MA and become stunned for 1D4 rounds. while stunned, the target must continue to make new saving throws, or lose 1 HP and 1 from each mental attribute each round that he fails. brain cancer requires 3 actions to perform, but the character can continue to use this on a target each round in order to extend the duration of the stunning.
4) Other abilities: The characer is immune to cancer. furthermore, he can remove cancers from a target at will (takes 4 melee rounds) or instantly undo cancers he has inflicted on others.
The character can forge a type of cancer armour on himself. he gains 30 SDC (+5 per level) and an AR of 12 as well as +6 to PS, but his PB drops to 1D6+1. it takes 2 actions to create this and lasts until cancelled.

Spatial defence field: [minor]
'I just got to stay ahead of the bullets'

The character projects a field of minor spatial distortion around himself. this field hampers ranged attacks by warping the effective distance around the last inch or so around his body.
Any ranged attack leveled against the character see's its effective range halved. So standing 120 feet away from a shooter whose weapon has an effective range of 200 feet will find that the weapon soars towards it's target before dropping limply aside when within a few scant inches of him. an attack that goes beyond its effective range suffers a -4 to strike, and is considered a wild shot.
Powers that target the character, but are not strictly attacks also consider the target to be twice as far away as normal.
In melee combat, it also provides an edge, albeit a mild one. the extra half secod it takes for an opponent to move a weapon through his field adds a +1 to parry, dodge and roll in melee combat.
This power requires no actions to activate, and can be switched on and off in combat at will.

Augment attribute [Minor]
'For this I will need...super brains!!'

The character can augment a single attribute for a limited time frame, with a toll on the body.
The character simply selects an attribute, which then rises while otghers drop. each rise lasts 1D4 melee rounds +1 round per level.
enhancing a mental attribute (IQ, ME, MA) adds +10 to it, but lowers the other mental attributes by 3 and the physical set (except PB) by 6
Enhancing a physical attribute has the reverse effect, adding +10, while the other physicals lower by three, and the mentals lower by 6.
Once the duration has run dray, the enhanced attribute returns to normal, while the others recover at a rate of 1 per minute.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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