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Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:44 pm
by Iczer
taalismn wrote:Planetary Defense(Major)???!!!

Eyagggghhhhh!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

"Yeah, Dolza...come on, I DARE yah..."

heh heh. My only problem is that it doesn't do anything else.



Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:48 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Kinda limited computer time the past few days, so might take a while getting these on the wiki.
Makes me kinda think I better dust off my brain and get to writing up some again.


Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:18 pm
by Iczer
Reduction touch [Major]
'Let's make you something a little easier to handle'

The character causes objects he touches to reduce in size, compressing and reducing their mass.
1) Reduce objects: by grabbing an object under 25 lbs (plus 5 lbs per level) the character can cause it to reduce by 5% in size per melee round, down to half size (50%) at half size, such an object weighs half as much and occupies half its volume. objects remain shrunken for 5 minutes per level before returning to normal size. reduce d objects posess a proportionate SDC value.
2) Reduce opponents: More effective against living targets, the character can prime his unarmed strikes to reduce the size of any opponents he is fighting, sapping their strength and power. each time he strikes a living opponent with an unarmed strike, the target must save sv reduction (16+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer size reduction. The target loses 5% of his total and his current SDC, as well as 5% of his natural weight each 5% reduction lowers a targets PS by 2. Physical dimensions are also reduced, but overall does not affect his combat performance.
Other side effects of size reduction, is that equipment and clothing becomes oversized and uncomfortable. at 10% reduction, armour and weapons are becoming unweildy (-1 to strike and parry). heavy amrour Also begins to become awkward and oversized (-5% to skill use, -1 to dodge). every subsequent 10% reduction bestows cumunilitive penalties.
A target remains reduced for 15 minutes plus 5 minutes per level.
3) Reduction defense: Bullets and projectiles are automatically shrunk on contact with the character, as long as he is aware of danger (though the source may not be). such projectiles inflict half damage due to their reduced mass. If the character chooses, he may attempt to parry a physical attack with his reduction power. he rolls a parry (+4 flat bonus) and if successfull the attacking object (melee weapon, bullet etc) is reduced to miniscule sizes (1/10th damage)

Probability defence [Minor]
'Lucky he missed hey'

The character alters probability in life and death moments, triggering chance and happenstance to affect his survival.
At first level, opponents are at -2 to strike the character. at levels 4,7,10 and 13 this increases by -1.
In addition, Once per melee, if struck in combat, he may choose an opponent to reroll his damage. Moreso, if stuck with a critical, he takes 1.5 times as much damage rather than 2 times.

Storm Lord [Major]
'You mess with the thunder, you bring down the that right?'

The character can manipulate atmospheric conditios, making them worse, by introducing energy and chaos into an otherwise simple weather system.

1) manipulate atmosphere. as soon as this power is activated, the sky darkens and it becomes overcast. windspeed picks up 5 MPH every melee round he maintains this. if there is moisture to be had, it begins to rain (or snow if the climate is right) lightly at first, but increasing 10% per melee round. Once per melee round, sheet lightning and the resultant thunder clap randomly occurs. This effect stretches for a quarter mile in all directions per level. it takes no actions to maintain this, though concentration is required. The artificial weather conditions remain for 2D4 rounds after concentration is lapsed.
2) Powers in the storm. after 2 melee rounds in stormy conditions (even one he makes himself) the character gains the following abilities:
* +10 PS +50 SDC +2 to initiative Double Spd.
3) Bolts of lightning: once per melee round, as an extra attack, while a storm is raging, the character may direct a bolt of lightning from the sky. This bolt of lightning can be directed at any visible target not under cover. The character has a +2 to strike, and the target has -2 to dodge such an unexpected bolt from the blue. The bolt of lightning inflicts 6D6 damage and the target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or be knocked down from the blast (lose one action and initiative).
4) heal from lightning: The character heals SDC when struck by lightning (not other forms of electricity though). half normal damage that would be inflicted, is instead healed.
5) other abilities: Resistant to cold (half damage) Immune to electricity. +25 SDC +4 PE.
Keenly attuned to slippery and wet conditions, no penalty to balance or skill use in even the worst driving rain or howling wind, and penalties for handling vehicles in the wet are halved.
Keen senses allow him to see normally and hear normally even in the worst storm conditions.

Crowd control [major]
'On two three...panic'

The character can interfere with group dynamics and mold them as he wishes. The character modifies the human response to mimic others in a crowd, and manipulate human sympathy, and as a result he needs an audience to work with ( groups of 8-18 people enjoy a +2 to save. groups of less are immune)
1) sway crowd: the character can produce an awe or Horror factor to crowds of 15. each individual is affected the same way. if the character chooses, he may maintain this, and targets are required to save every round. the character can also negate the HF or Awe factores of other sources as long as he has enough people to work with.
2) direct crowd: in the same manner as above, the character can cause groups of people to take actions. he can herd them in a direction, force them to purchase or buy drinks or maintain any normal behaviour as he directs. he does not have to actually issue any orders.
3) Mob: the character can turn a group into a violent or frightened mob. a frightened Mob tramples in any safe direction (or in a direction of the character's choosing). an angry mob attempts to overwhelm and bludgeon a single target of the character's choice. in either case, the character kmust dominate the group with an action expended every melee round. those in the group must make a saving throw (15) every round or bend to the wishes of the mob.
4) Notes: typically, this affects most (70%) of the people in a mob (and the remaining 30% may go along with the group anyway). it is usually safe to say that most people fail the save, though Player characters and important NPC's shouls make their saving throws as normal. an individual, isolated from the group can be made to come to his senses (new saving throw at +4) but if he remians within the crowd he is likely to fall sway to it again. removing a person from the crowd (at least b 30 feet away) free's him from the extra normal influence.
5) other bonuses: the character enjoys +2D4+2 MA and +2 to ME and PE. He is immun to Horror and awe factor and has a +2 to save vs mind control.
The character is (usually) indistinguishable from the rest of the mob and may be difficult to isolate amongst the crowd he is manipulating.



Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:44 pm
by Iczer
Booster [Minor]
'I hope you don't hold this against me..I kinda grow on you after a while'

The character can generate growths of mishapen lumps on his body, that may look like large boils, warts or even fungus. each growth, 1 per level, is between the size of a golf ball and a grapefruit, and each growth lowers the character's PB by 2 when active.
Normally the growths are hidden away. The character can cause them to spring forth in an action (as many as desired at once)
When on the character's body, he enjoys a +15 SDC bonus per growth. This Bonus SDC recovers at a rate of 10 per hour and heals seperately from the character.
By touching a target, he can expend an action to transfer a growth to that target. The target recieves one of the following benefits:
* +4 PS
* +4 PE
* +2 PP
* +10 Spd
In addition he loses 2 PB

The character can reclaim the growth by touching the target and expending an action.
When on a target (not when on the character) the growth has 8 SDC +1 per level of the character, and can be targetted individually (-6 to strike a small target) a destroyed Growth cannot be regrown by the character for 8 hours.
A growth can settle on a target for 1 hour per level. if not reclaimed before then, the cha growth withers away.

Time skin: [Major]
'Time is on my side'

The character's skin projects compressed tachyons that assist and affect his body.
1) longevity: as per the minor power. in addition the character heals at 4 times normal speed.
2) Resistant to time manipulation: Immune to attempts to modify his local time (slow motion control. In addition, he is +2 to strike, parry and dodge melee opponents using time manipulation to enhance their own attacks (stretch time for example, or slow motion control's autododge) and takes half damage from time accellerated attacks.
3) Skip time: The character's tachyons allow time to flow differently around the character. if affected by any power with a duration, that duration may be reduced to one 5th normal. the character may add 50% to his Spd attribute

Drinker: [Minor]
'You're not so take...I think I can tough you...'

The character gains strength and agility while plastered.
The character can drink anyone under the table (can drink four times as much) but cannot prevent actual penalties for alcohol consumption. He cannot suffer from alcohol poisoning, and is immune to hangovers.
He does enjoy the following bonuses while intoxicated:
* +1D6+4 PS
* +4 PP
* +1 attack
* +50 SDC
* Auto dodge at +2
* Immunity to psionics and mind affecting powers and abilities.

while the character cannot actually prevent himself from getting drunk, or addicted to alcohol, his recovery from alcoholism is rapid, treating each day sober as if it were a week

Champion: [Minor]

The character gets a surge of power by dominating his foes.
Every time the character, in melee combat, stuns, knocks out, disables, or kills a living opponent, he gains an adrenaline rush that heals him of 6D6 HP and SDC, and grants him a boost of 4 PS for 2 minutes per level.
Multiple takedowns add to the strength gain and resets the duration (so wading through a dozen minions can see the character imbued with a +24 PS bonus.
as long as the character has any enhanced PS he gains an additional +1 attack per melee.



Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:45 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Deadshot seems too powerful to ne a minor, more of a major in my opinion, Primus.


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:25 pm
by taalismn
Iczer wrote:Champion: [Minor]

The character gets a surge of power by dominating his foes.
Every time the character, in melee combat, stuns, knocks out, disables, or kills a living opponent, he gains an adrenaline rush that heals him of 6D6 HP and SDC, and grants him a boost of 4 PS for 2 minutes per level.
Multiple takedowns add to the strength gain and resets the duration (so wading through a dozen minions can see the character imbued with a +24 PS bonus.
as long as the character has any enhanced PS he gains an additional +1 attack per melee.


Yeah...I can see Mister Righteous doing his Happy Dance after trouncing Doctor Metropolis...


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:23 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Tread (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing's feet are armored, giving them a Natural AR of 10 and additional 20 SDC each. This allows him to parry blade atrtacks using kicks and to take only half damage from physical attacks, cold and ice, and heat and fire attacks. As he feels no pain in hids feet, he can walk on hot coals or even nails without feeling it.

+2d4 Speed
+1d4 PE
Fatigues at half normal rate when marching or hiking long distances
+4 or +20% to balance checks and rolls to prevent slipping on slick surfaces

Rib Cage (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing has a secondary set of ribs which he can extend out from the front of his body to clamp onto or enclose targets being grappled. This gives him the following:
* The rib cage has an SDC of 30 which adds to the hero's total SDC, with a Natural AR of 12.
* The ribs have a reach of one foot, clamping onto or around targets being grappled.
* The hero has +2 to strike when grappling opponents with the ribs, which uses one melee attack/action.
* The hero can body block/tackle for 2d6 damage, as well as pin/incapacitate on a roll of 16/20 if holding the opponents inside the ribcage. Breaking free of the ribs requires an Extraordinary PS equal to the superbeing's PS score.
* The hero can also use the ribs to crush/squeeze, doing 3d6 plus PS damage bonus bite damage.


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Finger Hut (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can enlarge the bones and skin in his hands one hundred times, making them huge and heavy. This affects his hands only, but allows him to use them to serve as barracades, cages, shelters and walls, as well as being able to use them as sleds or rafts when necessary.
Each hand can be expanded seperately so as to have SDC equal to that of the hero's entire body, the SDC in the hands multiplying by 100. The hero CANNOT change the hand to any ther size, either having them normal size or huge. The hero can also not move the fingers or any other part of the hand once it is enlarged, as the hand expands in the position it is held in when the expansion is initiated. Due to its size, the hero is limited to dragging the hand around or riding on it. It takes the superbeing two melee attacks/actions to enlarge or reduce the hand in size. Weight of the hand is increased as well as size. If both hands are expanded at once, the hero is reduced to half attacks and moves at half normal speed. An enlarged hand will have a Natural AR of 12 and will be capable of acting as cover for the superbing (and others) to hide behind.


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Echo-Rotation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can ditort sound waves, obscuring their direction.

Range: 400 foot radius, plus 100 feet per level
Duration: Constant, cannot be shut off. Uses no actions to activate or maintain.
Effects: Those with forms of superhuman hearing within the radius of the power suffer a penalty to the powers' skills to detect sound, a percentage equal to the superbeing's ME plus his IQ (so a superbeing with this power having an IQ of 16 and an ME of 18 would impose a penalty of 34%).
The superbeing takes only half damage from sonic and sound-based attacks. Those using sonic attacks in range of the superbeing suffer a penalty of to strike equal to the superbeing's ME bonus.
Note that this does not change the decibel level, pitch or sound quality of the noise, merely confuse the direction of the source of the sound waves.


Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:15 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Echo-Rotation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can ditort sound waves, obscuring their direction.

Range: 400 foot radius, plus 100 feet per level
Duration: Constant, cannot be shut off. Uses no actions to activate or maintain.
Effects: Those with forms of superhuman hearing within the radius of the power suffer a penalty to the powers' skills to detect sound, a percentage equal to the superbeing's ME plus his IQ (so a superbeing with this power having an IQ of 16 and an ME of 18 would impose a penalty of 34%).
The superbeing takes only half damage from sonic and sound-based attacks. Those using sonic attacks in range of the superbeing suffer a penalty of to strike equal to the superbeing's ME bonus.
Note that this does not change the decibel level, pitch or sound quality of the noise, merely confuse the direction of the source of the sound waves.

Can it be used to confuse echo-location and sonar abilities?
"Flying Fox would be well-advised next time to use her eyes as well as her ears, next time..."


Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:27 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Echo-Rotation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can ditort sound waves, obscuring their direction.

Range: 400 foot radius, plus 100 feet per level
Duration: Constant, cannot be shut off. Uses no actions to activate or maintain.
Effects: Those with forms of superhuman hearing within the radius of the power suffer a penalty to the powers' skills to detect sound, a percentage equal to the superbeing's ME plus his IQ (so a superbeing with this power having an IQ of 16 and an ME of 18 would impose a penalty of 34%).
The superbeing takes only half damage from sonic and sound-based attacks. Those using sonic attacks in range of the superbeing suffer a penalty of to strike equal to the superbeing's ME bonus.
Note that this does not change the decibel level, pitch or sound quality of the noise, merely confuse the direction of the source of the sound waves.

Can it be used to confuse echo-location and sonar abilities?
"Flying Fox would be well-advised next time to use her eyes as well as her ears, next time..."

That is the idea, so anyone using those abilities would be severely impaired when in range of the superbeing.


Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Immune to Mimicry and Imitation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero cannot be copied, and is thus impervious to such powers as Alter Physical Body, Scan Powers, Mimicry and other powers which scan and copy powers, fighting abilities, attributes, skills, and psionic and magical abilities. Those attempting to disguise themselves as the hero by normal means such as the Disguise and Imitate Voices and Impersonation skills suffer a -40% penalty to use those skills. Those trying to use Forgery on the hero's signature also do so at a -40% skill penalty.
The character with this ability has unique features, so those tracking him will be at +20% to skills used to do so.
This power cannot be taken in conjunction with Alter Facial Features & Physical Structure, Alter Body, Shapeshifting, Mimicry or any other powers which alter his body to disguise it, since those powers would be neutralized by this one.

Other Bonuses and Penalties:
+2d4 PB
+20% to Charm/Impress
+10% to Trust/Intimidate
Suffers -20% to Disguise and Imitate Voices/Impersonation skills


Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:24 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Lockout (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero's energy signature is scrambled in such a way as prevent attempts to read it or lock onto it.

!.Impervious to Psionics, Mind Control and Possession: The hero cannot be psionically controlled or scanned, nor can he be controlled or scanned by superabilities, making possession and mind control imposdsible. The drawback of this is that the hero cannot be scanned by even those trying to help him using Psychic Diagnosis or Increased Healing. This power does not block scans done by magical means, however.

2.Immune to Mimicry: The hero is immune to powers which transfer or mimic superabilities. He can, however, still be affected by power dampening fields and power negation which do not target specific abilities.

3.Unnoteworthy- Forgettable: Same as the minor superability (PU1 p.48)


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:07 pm
by taalismn
Primus wrote:Meteorites (major)

Query: Can this be used indoors, or do you have to have some sort of minimal clearance to use it?
(I'm reminded of an old Wizard of Id cartoon involving Lucky Ernie, the Unluckiest Peasant in the Kingdom...they kept kept dragging his beat-up body to the Wizard for help...until..."No, don't tell me...a herd of buffalo stampeded through his hospital room.""Nope.""Meteor hit him...during surgery.") :D


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:08 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Lockout (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

"The Hel--?! I see him, but HE ISN'T THERE!"



Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:25 pm
by Senator Cybus
Death’s Door (Minor)

"Strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine..."

If the hero is so severely injured that he is at the very point of death, he can draw upon the necrotic energies of the netherworld and transform into a being neither living nor dead! When reduced to zero Hit Points or below, the super being immediately changes into an undead state: his skin becomes inhumanly pallid and his eyes turn as black as midnight. This transformation provides the following bonuses:

  • The undead super being has a S.D.C. score of 45 +5 per level of experience - this is not added to the hero’s regular score, it only applies once he has lost all of his normal S.D.C. and Hit Points.
  • The character gains the power of Extraordinary Physical Strength. If he already has Ext. P.S. (or better), he receives a bonus of +10 P.S. instead.
  • Horror Factor of 10 (or a bonus of +3 if he already has the power).
  • The character is impervious to pain and suffers no penalties due to fatigue or injury. His wounds do not bleed.
  • Cannot be stunned, and not vulnerable to death blows or critical hits.
  • Immune to psionics (not including physical psionic attacks, like Mind Bolt and Psi Sword), illusions and mind control.
  • Impervious to extremes of heat and cold and ambient radiation.
  • Immune to poisons, drugs and toxins.
  • Does not need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe.

Note: while undead, the character’s normal metabolic activity is suspended - unfortunately, this means that any regenerative superpowers he has (Healing Factor, Super-Regeneration, etc.) will not function. He can still use psionic abilities/spells to heal himself and can healed by others. The super being will immediately revert to mortal form when he has healed back up to at least 1 Hit Point or the transformation has run its course (see Duration below), whichever happens first. If the duration runs out and the hero still has zero/negative Hit Points, he will drop into a coma and may soon die: see Surviving Coma and Death on page 18 of the HU main book.

If all the S.D.C. of his undead form is depleted, it indicates that the character has been torn to pieces, beyond any hope of revival or resurrection.

Range: Self.
Duration: The character can remain in an undead state for 2 minutes per level of experience (2 minutes at level one, 4 minutes at level two, etc).
Attacks Per Melee: None; the character transforms as soon as his Hit Points reach zero, even if he is unwilling or unconscious (immediately awakens).
Bonuses: The hero is immune to the paranormal/mystical attacks of the undead, though they can still strike him physically. Cannot be turned into a vampire.

Limitations: While transformed, the hero takes double damage from any weapon made of silver. Additionally, he is vulnerable to any attack or effect that specifically targets the undead (such as the wizard spell Turn Dead) and will register as undead to anyone with the ability to detect such creatures (psychics with Presence Sense or See Aura, super beings with Sense Death & Destruction, etc).

The super being can only use this power a number of times per day equal to half of his experience level (round fractions up); once at levels one and two, twice at levels three and four, etc. Additionally, due to the strain of channelling necrotic energy, he can only use it once per hour, regardless of the number of daily usages remaining.

While the transformation allows the hero to ignore most injuries, it cannot compensate for dismemberment; severed limbs will not magically regenerate. Equally, it cannot save the hero from decapitation - if he loses his head, he’s dead for good.

If the hero is reduced to zero Hit Points or less by an attack that causes massive damage, it’s possible that he may be destroyed outright rather than transform, his power overwhelmed by the sheer force of the attack. If the strike that kills the character reduces him to less than -40 Hit Points, -10 per level of experience (-50 at level one, -60 at level two, etc.), then he dies straight away and the power cannot help him.


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Lockout (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

"The Hel--?! I see him, but HE ISN'T THERE!"


:D Always glad to know my work is appreciated.


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:52 pm
by Senator Cybus
Inspiration (Minor)

"Well, I'm stumped. I haven't got a clue. No ideas at all. Unless..."

The hero has a uncanny knack for making leaps of intuitive reasoning; ideas just pop into his head, allowing him to figure out how to do…anything! The super being can use this power a number of times per day equal to 1 +1 per level of experience (twice at level one, three times at level two, etc), in the following ways.

The hero can add a bonus to any skill roll, of 50% +2% per level of experience (this can take the character’s skill proficiency over 100%): if the character does not have the skill, use this as a base proficiency score. If successful, the character can guess his way through a single, corresponding task - repair an engine, translate a text in a foreign language, cook a birthday cake - even if he has no experience in that area of expertise!

Additionally, if a player is stuck for the best course of action in a given situation or faced with a riddle that he can‘t otherwise solve, the GM may allow him to trade in a use of Inspiration in exchange for a clue. The character isn’t omniscient; the clue shouldn’t be anything that reveals the entire storyline, more something along the lines of, “You suddenly notice, as Doctor Deluge is escaping, that one of his masked henchmen has a limp exactly like that guy Larry who works at the bowling alley…” or, “You can’t be sure, but from this angle, the piece of unknown alien technology in front of you looks an awful lot like that super villain’s teleporter that you saw on the news…”

Optional: the GM may also initiate a use of Inspiration, feeding the player a clue to advance the plot. If the GM does this (and he should do it sparingly), he should reward the player with a bonus of 50 experience points, as compensation for hi-jacking the power.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:17 am
by Senator Cybus
Like Karmic Power, but hate all that 'morality' nonsense that goes with it? Then maybe you should try...

Luck Leech (Minor)

"Do you feel lucky, punk? Oh, yeah, you do..."

The super being with this power can actually steal another person’s luck, simultaneously improving his own fortunes and cursing his victim.

The character must first touch his chosen target; this requires a successful roll to strike, unless he can catch them unawares. He then receives a bonus equal to his experience level to all of his combat rolls (initiative, strike, parry, dodge, roll with punch/fall/impact, disarm, entangle, hold and damage) and saving throws: his victim receives a corresponding penalty. For example, if the super being is 4th level, he gains +4 to all of his rolls, while his opponent suffers a penalty of -4.

The hero can only retain one lot of stolen luck at a time, and cannot take more from one target than his level allows - he cannot repeatedly drain an individual or drain several people in a row to gain massive bonuses.

Range: Touch.
Duration: One minute per level of experience. After that, the super being must choose another victim.
Attacks Per Melee: Stealing an opponent’s luck uses one melee attack/action.
Saving Throw: 13 or higher. Attribute bonuses are not applicable, though any bonuses granted by powers/spells that specifically protect against curses/luck drain are.
Bonuses: The character cannot be affected by other super beings’ use of Luck Leech or any luck-altering abilities.
Limitations: Luck Leech will not work on anyone with the ability of Karmic Power.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:29 am
by Iczer
Payback [Minor]
'Heya. Payback's a witch'

The character responds to physical trauma by generating a counter pulse of energy, a reactive defence mechanism designed to shield him from harm.
The character takes half damage from kinetic damage. In addition, each time the character is struck from any kinetic source, one of the following effects occur (select one at character creation)

* Sonic discharge: The character emits a high pitched shriek upon recieving physical damage. all targets within range (one foot per point of the original damage dealt) must save vs pain (14+) or lose one attack and suffer -6 to initiative for one round. The character takes half damage from sonic damage
* Energy discharge: The character emits a heat flash when struck. Within the normal range (listed above) the temperature rises by 1 degree for every point of damage dealt. The temperature cannot rise more than 50 degrees per melee round. The temperature lowers 10 degrees per melee round on its own. The character takes half damage from fire/heat.
* Bio-electrical discharge: when struck, all targets within range must make a saving throw Vs Stun (14+) or lose -2 to initiative, -1 to strike/parry and dodge -6 to spd and -10% to skill usage for 1D4 melee rounds. the character takes half damage from electricity.
* Light discharge: When struck, the character emits a blinding flash of light. all those within range must save vs the blinding flash (14+) or be partially blinded for the melee round (-4 to combat rolls). the character takes half damage from light/lasers.
* Kinetic discharge: when struck, the character 'grows' a kind of force field. upon impact, the character gains a force field with an AR of 8. every subsequent 'hit' raises the AR by one to a maximum of 16. the AR drops by one per round. strikes deflected by AR do not affect the character or this power.
* Vibration discharge: When struck, the character emits a shockwave. Unlike the above powers, the range is equal to 1 foot for every 4 damage recieved. targets in this area take 2D6 damage. objects used to strike this character, such as bare fists or melee weapons are subject to even extra damage, taking an extra 2d6.

Notes: this power protects against kinetic damage only, and is triggered by such. radius of effect is based on the incoming damage rolled rather than the halved version, though other powers that protect from kinetic energy protect first, and may prevent this power from functioning. Crushing/squeezing attacks do not trigger this power.



Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:53 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Senator Cybus wrote:Like Karmic Power, but hate all that 'morality' nonsense that goes with it? Then maybe you should try...

Luck Leech (Major)

"Do you feel lucky, punk? Oh, yeah, you do..."

The super being with this power can actually steal another person’s luck, simultaneously improving his own fortunes and cursing his victim.

The character must first touch his chosen target; this requires a successful roll to strike, unless he can catch them unawares. He then receives a bonus equal to his experience level to all of his combat rolls (initiative, strike, parry, dodge, roll with punch/fall/impact, disarm, entangle, hold and damage) and saving throws: his victim receives a corresponding penalty. For example, if the super being is 4th level, he gains +4 to all of his rolls, while his opponent suffers a penalty of -4.

The hero can only retain one lot of stolen luck at a time, and cannot take more from one target than his level allows - he cannot repeatedly drain an individual or drain several people in a row to gain massive bonuses.

Range: Touch.
Duration: One minute per level of experience. After that, the super being must choose another victim.
Attacks Per Melee: Stealing an opponent’s luck uses one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: The character cannot be affected by other super beings’ use of Luck Leech or any luck-altering abilities.
Limitations: Luck Leech will not work on anyone with the ability of Karmic Power.

This seems to be more a minor than major, but that just my opinion. I like it and the other one you posted, Cybus. :D

Next up for me, coming soon, are Wizardly, Shadow possession and Corpse Possession.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:52 pm
by Senator Cybus
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This seems to be more a minor than major, but that just my opinion.

Well, I wasn't sure about that, tbh.

On the one hand, the Orbital Sheres power is a Major, despite initially giving a small bonus - because, a few levels later, it gives you a much larger one. Same with this. And you'll notice that there's no saving throw against Luck Leech; I touch you, I drain you.

Then again, it's got a really short duration, and if I can't touch you, it's useless.

Hmm. Now I'm leaning towards Minor, too. :-? Anyone else with an opinion?

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like it and the other one you posted, Cybus. :D

Thanks. :) But the other 'one'? Did you not see Death's Door? Not fishing for compliments here, I just like the feedback. :D


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:55 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Senator Cybus wrote:Thanks. :) But the other 'one'? Did you not see Death's Door? Not fishing for compliments here, I just like the feedback. :D

Oh, sorry, thought there might be one I missed. I will have to look it over. :)...
Ok, the power looks to be a bit powerful for a minor, but not really up to a major level.

And I agree with Mephisto, Cybus. You sometimes have a tendency to not add saving throws to powers, something which makes the game more a game than the GM just inflicting punishment on everybody or the players' supers having powers that always work perfectly.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:10 am
by Senator Cybus
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Ok, the power looks to be a bit powerful for a minor, but not really up to a major level.

Okay, I halved the duration of Death's Door and dropped the S.D.C. a smidge - actually brings it more in line with my original idea of a last resort, all-else-has-failed, final desperate boost kind of power.

Gone with Luck Leech as a minor - again, that fits my initial concept better. There's now a saving throw - of 13. Couldn't resist. :D

Stone Gargoyle wrote:And I agree with Mephisto, Cybus. You sometimes have a tendency to not add saving throws to powers, something which makes the game more a game than the GM just inflicting punishment on everybody or the players' supers having powers that always work perfectly.

Hmm. You've got a point there. Just had a search through my powers on the Wiki. 'Brand' definitely needed a saving throw, seeing how it nerfs two of the opponents attributes!

Anyway, something new:

Gunrunner (Minor)

“Flamethrower, officer? What flamethrower?”

The super being has a quasi-psionic talent that allows him to openly carry around weapons and ammunition without arousing so much as a suspicious look - the minds of observers are tricked into ignoring the potential danger, allowing the character to go about his business unimpeded.

The character can simultaneously smuggle a number of weapons/discrete containers of ammunition equal to his experience level (one at level one, two at level two, etc). Each weapon cannot exceed a weight of 5 pounds (2.3 kg) plus 3 pounds (1.4 kg) per level of experience. The power can conceal an unusually large/long/bulky weapon if it is within the weight limit, but GMs may wish to treat it as being two items (or maybe even more) to reflect the extra difficulty in keeping it hidden - if the hero wants to run around town with a mediaeval lance, there’s a price to pay. As a general rule, any weapon that cannot reasonably be wielded with one hand by an average human is subject to this penalty.

The instant the hero makes any kind of threatening move with a weapon, even if only to intimidate someone, the spell is broken - the observers’ survival instincts kick in, and all of the weapons become obvious to everyone in the vicinity (though the character may have just enough time to strike once before anyone can react - see Bonuses below). If this happens, all witnesses to the event will be immune to the super being's power for 1D4 hours.

Range: 50 feet (15 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.
Duration: Indefinite - the effect persists for as long as the character is conscious.
Attacks Per Melee: None; an automatic ability.
Saving Throw: 16 or higher (M.E. bonuses are applicable).
Bonuses: Observers have a penalty of -1 to their saving throw if the hero has the power of Personal Recognition or Unnoteworthy/Forgettable, or a penalty of -3 if he has both.

The character has a bonus of +2 to initiative in the initial melee round of combat if striking with a previously concealed melee weapon (ranged weapons cannot be employed quickly enough to benefit from the momentary element of surprise).

Limitations: Super beings with the powers of Immune to Psionics and/or Immune to Illusions, or psychics with an active Mind Block are automatically immune to the effects of Gunrunner - no save required.

Machines cannot be fooled by Gunrunner - cameras will record images of any smuggled weapons, metal detectors will react to the presence of guns, etc.

If an observer knows for a fact that the character is carrying weapons (saw them on CCTV, tipped off in advance, the weapons are pointed out by someone immune to the power, etc.), it is still possible to fool them, but more difficult: the observer has a bonus of +3 to their saving throw. If successful, that observer is totally immune to the character’s power for the next 1D4 hours. If they fail to save, they cannot find any weapons even if they frisk the super being at length, and will assume that they were mistaken.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:51 am
by Stone Gargoyle
I think the items need a weight limit or size limit for Gunrunner, Cybus, otherwise players gonna want to smuggle heavy artilliary weapons with this power. :eek:


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:54 am
by Senator Cybus
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think the items need a weight limit or size limit for Gunrunner, Cybus, otherwise players gonna want to smuggle heavy artilliary weapons with this power. :eek:

Already thought of that :D :

Senator Cybus wrote:The character can simultaneously smuggle a number of weapons/discrete containers of ammunition equal to his experience level (one at level one, two at level two, etc). Each weapon cannot exceed a weight of 5 pounds (2.3 kg) plus 3 pounds (1.4 kg) per level of experience. The power can conceal an unusually large/long/bulky weapon that is under the weight limit, but G.M.s may wish to treat it as being two items (or maybe even more), to reflect the extra difficulty in keeping it hidden - if the hero wants to run around town with a mediaeval lance, there’s a price to pay. As a general rule, any weapon that can reasonably be wielded with one hand by an average human is not subject to this penalty.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:22 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think the items need a weight limit or size limit for Gunrunner, Cybus, otherwise players gonna want to smuggle heavy artilliary weapons with this power. :eek:

"tank... what tank officer?" :D


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:18 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think the items need a weight limit or size limit for Gunrunner, Cybus, otherwise players gonna want to smuggle heavy artilliary weapons with this power. :eek:

"tank... what tank officer?" :D

Imagine the situation at an airport security screening...
'Walk back through the metal detector and empty out your pock---HOLY!!!!"


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:54 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Wizardly (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I make the magic happen."

The superbeing's powers assist in his study of magic.

1.Prerequisites: The superbeing with this ability must be of a category combiuning powers with magical study, which includes those dual classing with the Magic- Mystical study category and Immortals using magic, though this is unavailable for minor heroes.

+10% to Special Skills of Magical Lore and Knowledge, and any parapsychology and occult study skills, though the bonus also applies to the Research skill when looking up occult matters.
An aditional +2d6 to PPE
Gains half his ME attribute number in spells (rounded down) level 1-4 in addition to any he gets for his power category/class
Gains an additional +1 to saves vs. magic, possession and Horror Factor


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:41 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Corpse Possession (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Why not use his body? He's not using it anymore."

The character has the morbid power of possessing dead bodies and using them for combat and errands.

1.Body Snatching: The superbeing can leave his body in a trancelike state and take control of a fresh corpse, since his power won't occupy an inhabited body. The superbeing can inhabit the corpse for his ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level of experience, before having to return to his own body. This can only be done the superbeing's ME attribute number of times per day, plus an additional time per level of experience. It must also be done before rigor mortis sets in, typically three hours after a person's death.

2.Dead Man Walking: The animate corpse has the following attributes and abilities:
Attributes: PS of 20, PP equal to the inhabiting superbeing's ME attribute number, PE of 18, and Speed equal to the inhabiting superbeing's ME attribute number. PB varies according to who he is inhabiting, with points dropped from when they were alive due to being dead. Since the corpse is being animated by the supeerbeing, all mental attributes and skills are those of the superbeing inhabiting it, with none of the corpse's mental attributes or skills being accessable by the superbeing. Any powers, psionics or magic once possessed by the dead man are also inaccessable.
SDC: Corpses with broken bones will still have them when animated, so the superbeing should exercise caution when occupying a body to make sure it can still move normally.
Strike, Parry and Doge Bonus: Equal to the hero's ME attribute bonus.
HP: Not applicable. Once all of thye corpse's SDC is depleted, the superbeing's mind reverts to his body. Cannot suffer trauma effects while inhabiting a corpse.

3.Other Bonuses:
+1d4 ME
+2 to save vs. psionic attack, mind control and possession
+4 to save vs. Horror Factor and does not need to save vs. Horror Factor if the horror is from a zombie


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:59 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Headwig (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can detach his scalp by expending an action and taking 1d4 SDc damage. This power is useful if the hero is being held by the hair, or if the hair is caught in a machine or on fire.
The hair can be reattached, sealing back to the head but not healing any of the damage, if done within the hero's PE number of melee rounds. If not reattached, the head will have to heal the damage from removing it before the hair will grow back at its normal rate. Damage to the head heads at twice the normal rate, however.

Other Bonuses:
+1d4 SDC
+2d4 PE
+1d4 PB when the hair is grown out and still attached.

Shadow Possession (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can solidify his shadow, using it to hold or manipulate targets.

Range: The hero's ME attribute number in feet, plus one foot per level, line of sight.

Number of Targets: The hero can target and hold one person at level one, plus one more at levels 4, 8 and 12. Manipulating someone like a puppet can only be done if ther hero is holding a single target.

Attacks Uses one melee attack/action to grab a target with the shadow, rolling a d20 to strike as if doing an Entangle attack. If holding multiple targets, the hero can perform no other attacvks/actions and is rendered immobile. If holding a single target, the hero can move but the target held will move in the same manner, synchronized with the hero, its motions copying exactly thse of the hero. In this way he can cause the target to attack someone against the the target's will, such strikes being at a -4 penalty to perform. If using the target to attack with, the hero loses one melee attack/action per melee round to maintain the hold on them.

Duration: The hero can hold a target for his ME attribute number of melee rounds, plus one melee round per level of experience, after which he must make a power control roll starting out at 12 or better (ME bonus applies) and increasing in difficulty by 1 each melee round he struggles to retain control of the shadow. A failed power control roll means he releases all of the targets held.

Shadow Strength: An Extraordinary PS equal to the hero's ME attribute or better is required for a target to attempt to break the shadow hold entanglement. If having adequate PS, the target can make a roll once per melee round to attempt to break the hold of the shadow, and the hero must use an additional attack/action to try and maintain the hold, high roll on the d20 wins.

Damage: Targets with PS less than half the hero's ME attribute number take 1d4 damage per melee round from the hold. Creatures sensitive to shadow attacks take 2d4 damage regardless of their PS attribute number.

Limitations: This attack cannot hold a person immune to shadow and darkness attacks and can only be used if the hero's shadow(s) is distinctly visible.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:48 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Scowl (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I'll be right there. Just let me change my face."

The hero has a morphing mask which he can shift to look like other people or to a generic type. Skin color of the mask, once selected, cannot be changed. The hero can increase the PB of the mask by a number equal to his ME bonus, but begins with a PB of 3d6 which may be different than the PB of his actual face. This mask grafts onto the hero's actual skin, sealing to it, overlaying his facial features with artificial ones. The face alteration does not require a skill roll unless the hero is trying to look like a specific person.

Skin Color: The skin can be of any color, but this must be chosen when the power is selected and cannot be changed.

Skill to Copy Another's Appearance: 25% skill base, plus 5% per level of experience (adds +10% to the disguise skill if possessed)

Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to put the mask on or to remove it, plus one attack per melee round to maintain its hold on the skin. If the hero is killed or knocked out, the mask will unseal and fall off.

Bonuses: PB bonuses to charm/impress are replaced by those of the mask, if any.

Duration: Concentration (see attacks above)

Limitations: Does not change voice or eye color.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:05 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Wizardly (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I make the magic happen."


I would make the bonus PPE as per level starting with L1


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:15 am
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Wizardly (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I make the magic happen."


I would make the bonus PPE as per level starting with L1

Maybe I do that if making this a major, but adding too much makes it too powerful, and it mainly a skill based power right now.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:03 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Wizardly (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I make the magic happen."

The superbeing's powers assist in his study of magic.

1.Prerequisites: The superbeing with this ability must be of a category combiuning powers with magical study, which includes those dual classing with the Magic- Mystical study category and Immortals using magic, though this is unavailable for minor heroes.

+10% to Special Skills of Magical Lore and Knowledge, and any parapsychology and occult study skills, though the bonus also applies to the Research skill when looking up occult matters.
An aditional +2d6 to PPE
Gains his ME attribute number in spells level 1-4 in addition to any he gets for his power category/class
Gains an additional +1 to saves vs. magic, possession and Horror Factor

Don't you think that's adding a lot of spells? Maybe M.E./2 (rounded down) in spells would be more appropriate. It would also be an interesting Sorcerous Proficiency if one would be willing to sacrifice an additional skill program (representing a true Dedicated Wizard as opposed to a Worldly Wizard) or possibly one of the Wizard's special abilities (Familiar Link, Astral Projection, Sense Evil).

I might have to rethink the number of spells, but it is designed to allow one to gain more proficiency by sacrificing a minor power slot.

Still coming: Rock Hard Defense and Cowl. Hopefully I will come up with others to post as well. :D


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:04 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Wizardly (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I make the magic happen."

The superbeing's powers assist in his study of magic.

1.Prerequisites: The superbeing with this ability must be of a category combining powers with magical study, which includes those dual classing with the Magic- Mystical study category and Immortals using magic, though this is unavailable for minor heroes.

+10% to Special Skills of Magical Lore and Knowledge, and any parapsychology and occult study skills, though the bonus also applies to the Research skill when looking up occult matters.
An additional +2d6 to PPE
Gains his ME attribute number in spells level 1-4 in addition to any he gets for his power category/class
Gains an additional +1 to saves vs. magic, possession and Horror Factor

Don't you think that's adding a lot of spells? Maybe M.E./2 (rounded down) in spells would be more appropriate. It would also be an interesting Sorcerous Proficiency if one would be willing to sacrifice an additional skill program (representing a true Dedicated Wizard as opposed to a Worldly Wizard) or possibly one of the Wizard's special abilities (Familiar Link, Astral Projection, Sense Evil).

I might have to rethink the number of spells, but it is designed to allow one to gain more proficiency by sacrificing a minor power slot.

Still coming: Rock Hard Defense and Cowl. Hopefully I will come up with others to post as well. :D

Com on Meph, they are only level 1-4 spells, its not like he said level 1-6, we all know the useful combat spells start in L6.

Another option would be to get ME levels in spells, e.g. a mage with a me of 16 could get 1 L15 and 1 L1 spell or get 2 L5's and 3 L3's.


Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:33 pm
by taalismn
Misdirect Attack(Minor)

“He knows how to UNtelegraph his attacks.”

This power modifier allows the superbeing to make a ranged or melee attack in one direction and actually have it strike another target up to 180 degrees in angle away from the apparent target. The apparent target of the attack finds the incoming fist stopping just inches away, or the energy blast disappearing at the last moment. This is NOT a subspace teleporting or window attack in that it allows the character to shoot through solid matter or from an angle of attack he normally couldn’t....he has to have a clear line of sight on his real target, and the attack will come in from an angle he could have attacked from anyway...But the power allows for surprise(the real target may think that the character is attacking somebody else) and also allows for the character to be angled away from the real target for protection or for a speedy getaway.
For instance, Rhinobeetle is facing off against The Harpooner and Hipster, who are a few feet apart. He can hit either, but decides to throw a punch at Hipster, screaming at Hipster with a haymaker from hell. The Hipster sees the incoming attack and starts dodging, but the anticipated hit merely taps him, while behind the Rhinobeetle, Harpooner, who’s turned hs attention to other parts of the fight, gets creamed by a left hook that shouldn’t be there. Turning his attention back to Hipster and Rhinobeetle, the bruised Harpooner sees that the attack could have come from Rhinobeetle, but Rhino’s got his heavily carapaced back to him. Harpooner can start looking for another attack source(like a flier or teleporter) or make a brilliant deduction and attack Rhinobeetle for smacking him, but will have to either attack through the bug’s formidable back armor or try getting around to his more vulnerable front side. Either way, he’s at a disadvantage.
Bonuses: Opponents are -7 to Dodge and Roll from this surprise attack, and CANNOT Parry a Misdirect.
The superbeing him/her/itself is also +2 to Initiative when dealing with ambushes and surprise attacks, especially from behind.
Duration: Any attack being modified in this manner takes an extra APM to pull off(so a regular punch would be 2 APMs, and a power punch 3 APMs)

Carbon-copy of Pain(minor)

“You handed quite a beating to my little sister...Now you’re going to feel EXACTLY how she felt...”

Ths ability allows the superbeing to store and transfer the damage amount and damage pattern (broken limbs, burns, bruises, etc.) inflicted on himself or another person/lifeform and give it to another. So if a teammate gets their arm and leg broken, doing 18 points of damage, OfficeMax touches his colleague...then tackles the goon who did the deed, and touches him, asserting Carbon-copy of Pain. The goon immediately ‘relives’ having his arm and leg broken, and experiences the same injuries, in the same places. Note that this power does NOT heal damage, nor does it inflict additional damage on the possessor.
The superbeing can only copy and store a set amount of damage and one set of wounds at a time. OfficeMax cannot, for instance, at first level, copy a fifty-point full body trauma injury, nor, having memorized his friend’s arm-and-leg fracture, can he also pick up and store away that double damage groin kick he was witness to. If he wants the latter for use later, he’ll have to forget the double-limb fracture.
Range: Touch
Damage: The superbeing can duplicate and store his P.E. x2 in damage, +1d6 per level of experience.
Duration: Permanent damage(until healed). The superbeing can store the pattern of injuries indefinitely, but can store only one set at a time. Only at level 6 of experience can he store an additional set, and another at levels 9 and 12, but the total damage between the damage patterns cannot exceed hs maximum damage buffer.
Save: The targeted being gets a save versus psionic attack; if successful, they take NO damage from this power, aside from a mild tingling sensation around those body parts that would have been affected.
Note: The superbeing can only copy the injuries of LIVING necro-copying off of corpses.


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:37 pm
by Steeler49er
Senator Cybus wrote:Death’s Door (Minor)

Note: while undead, the character’s normal metabolic activity is suspended - unfortunately, this means that any regenerative superpowers he has (Healing Factor, Super-Regeneration, etc.) will not function. He can still use psionic abilities/spells to heal himself and can healed by others.

Duration: The character can remain in an undead state for 2 minutes per level of experience (2 minutes at level one, 4 minutes at level two, etc).
The super being can only use this power a number of times per day equal to half of his experience level (round fractions up); once at levels one and two, twice at levels three and four, etc. Additionally, due to the strain of channelling necrotic energy, he can only use it once per hour, regardless of the number of daily usages remaining.

?? Since a super with this power can not heal at all without outside help, isn't this power a bit of a One shot pony?


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:48 pm
by Steeler49er
And 'Yes', I only ask because I think this is a Really nifty neat 'O' power you made.


Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Com on Meph, they are only level 1-4 spells, its not like he said level 1-6, we all know the useful combat spells start in L6.

Another option would be to get ME levels in spells, e.g. a mage with a me of 16 could get 1 L15 and 1 L1 spell or get 2 L5's and 3 L3's.

Let's see...16 spells from levels 1-4...what could I come up with that could be physically damaging? (Or at least provide a combat advantage)

Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, Befuddle, Darkness (don't underestimate this spell; being effectively blind is quite significant), Energy Bolt (blast them while either blind, in a cloud, or befuddled and unable to dodge), Paralysis: Lesser, Blind, everyone's favorite Carpet of Adhesion, Fire Bolt, Magic Net, Multiple Image, Shadow Meld, and Trance. That's 13 spells from levels 1-4 that could throw opponents off. Not to mention the always popular Armor of Ithan is in there too.

Okay, you made your case. Consider it edited.


Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:23 pm
by Senator Cybus
Steeler49er wrote:Since a super with this power can not heal at all without outside help, isn't this power a bit of a One shot pony?

Well, the power was designed with a few assumptions in mind...

Firstly, if the character's getting such a beat-down that he's hit negative Hit Points, then his regen power wasn't helping him much anyway. Without Death's Door, he's probably a goner.

Secondly, if the power's chosen by a PC, then he's almost certainly part of a team and his team mates can provide assistance, be it through powers or conventional medical care (shove his lungs back in, replace the eight pints of blood he's lost, etc). Encouraging a player to rely on his team mates is no bad thing. :-) And even if he's alone, he can still call for an ambulance. :D

"Yeah, massive internal injuries, spinal damage, punctured lung. How do I know? 'Cause they're my injuries. When you get here, I'll be the dead guy in the spandex. Please hurry."

Thirdly, even if he reverts to mortal form with negative HP, he's still got time to be rescued: as long as he hasn't exceeded the absolute limit of how much damage he can take, he should have a number of hours before he's beyond saving (see those Surviving Coma & Death rules).

I was concerned that if the character can still use regen powers, then it stops being a desperate, last resort, final boost kind of thing, which is how I see the power, and becomes just another combat tactic...

"Huh, I'm getting low on Hit Points and the GM's slapping injury penalties on me, that sucks. Oh, wait - if I just let the villain hit me a couple of times, I get that undead boost thing - that'll make me stronger and immune to most of his powers, and I don't have those penalties. I can just pimp-slap him into a coma, use my insta-heal to get back to positive Hit Points, and it's all good..."

The power does give you a nice boost when you really need it, and even at first level lets you take the kind of negative HP damage that would kill most characters outright. Least ways, that's how I see it, YMMV of course... :)


Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:20 pm
by Iczer
EM shield [Minor]
'Everyone, get behind me'

The character can generate a dome like structure composed of invisible electromagnetic energy, that absorbs and repels energy attacks as well as some psychic phenomenon.
The shield can take the form of a wall, 6 feet wide and 6 feet tall (+2 feet per level) or a dome some 10 feet wide (+2 feet per level).
In any case the dome absorbs and redirects energy attacks at it. Radiation, laser, electricity and ion blasts are reduced by half effect, and refraction reduces the ability to hit anyone through the shield, reducing the chance to strike by 4.
Those completely protected by the dome effect (not the wall version) are resistant to psionics and mind control while inside, enjoying a +3 to saving throws.
The shield is invisible by nature, until it interacts with an energy source, in which case it flares briefly. Sonar and motion detection do not see the shield, but radar see's the wall and the dome as inpenetrable objects, and characters with radar who are inside the dome find their radar to be jammed.
It takes one action to erect the wall or dome, and one action per round to maintain it. It follows the creator, and in the case of the wall, swivels as he directs it.

Emergency evolution [minor]
'I need to shape up'

The character can pause for a moment (one melee round) while he grows a quick cocoon over himself. The cocoon has an AR of 13 and an SDC of 25 plus 10 per level. If the cocoon remains intact for a full melee round, then the character emerges with a new, but temporary shape.
The character has one of the following, basic shapes when he emerges from his cocoon.
* Winged: Can fly up to 50% faster than his normal Spd attribute and glide effortlessly. while in flight he has +2 to dodge and +2 to initiative.
* Combat: a set of natural weapons of choice inflict 2D6 damage, plus the character is covered in a carapace (AR 12 +25 SDC)
* Swimmer: Gains the swim skill at 88%, plus can swim at double his normal spd score and can hold his breath for 2d6+4 minutes.
* Labourer: Halve Spd and PP, but but lifting and carrying capacity rises by 50%, and the character fatigues at 1/4 rate.
* Acrobat: gains +4 PP and an auto dodge. Gains a natural climb of 75% +2 % per level.
* Mutant: Roll 3 times on the mutation chart.

In all instances, the character's PB halves while he is transformed.
Transformations last for 5 minutes per level of experience.

Venom Body [Major]
'Yeah..this hurts like you wouldn't believe.'

The chartacter can tarsnform parts of his body into toxic materials. while somewhat deadly, and certainly noxious, the transformation lends itself to a number of benefits.

While transmuted, the character suffers 1D10 damage every melee round, and is -2 to initiative, -10% to skill usage and -1 attack per melee, regardless of immunities to toxin or poison. This damage does not regenrate until this power is discontinued.

The character enjoys the following bonuses.
1) toxic touch. just by touching someone (cannot be combined with normal HTH attacks) the character can exude toxic substances. the touched takes 2d4 damage (+1 per level) from the touch, and must save vs lethal toxin or take an additional 4D6. the initial damage is severe enough to be mildly corrosive, and affects metal, wood, and stone. at 3rd level, he can spit this type of attack up to 15 feet with +2 to strike.
2) Altered chemistry. while transmuted, the character exudes his toxins lightly through his pores. his smell is displeasing. those attemtping to track him by smell, or those using heightened senses of smell while within 15 feet of him, must make a saving throw each round (16+) or gag, losing one attack for the melee round and suffering -2 to initiative. Biting this character causes the attacker to take damage as if affected by toxic touch #1. While transmuted, the character is immune to toxins and poisons, takes half damage from acid, is immune to nerve gas, and mace agents and has a +4 to saving throws vs unwanted bio-manipulation (including disruptive touch) his skin, hair and eyes take on sickened, toxic like colours as well.
3) Altered metabolism: while transmuted, the character enjoys heightened physical strength and endurance. he ignores normal fatigue while transformed, and has +10 to his PS, which is considered extraordinary as a matter of course. His AR rises to 8, and feels no pain beyond that which he normally feels from burning up inside.
4) other benefits. +4 PE. resistant to toxins and poisons (+4 to save and half damage) half damage from radiation.

Reflex posture: [Minor]
'Ok..Now I'm ready for you'

The character can adopt, at the start of a melee round, a kind of flexibility and improved reaction time that grants him superior reflexes, at the expense of power.
When the character adopts the stance, he recieves;
* +10 to initiative
* Autododge, and is aware of attacks coming from all directions.
* +2 attacks
* +4 roll with punch/fall/impact
* his unarmed attacks are -2 to be parried and dodged

Sadly, while in this state, the character loses a lot of raw explosive power. He cannot utilise any PS damage bonuses, and his Spd is reduced by 1/3rd

Proxy Shield [Minor]
'Let me take him'

The character can generate a crude and unrealistic force construct of himself that can assist him and act as his puppet for a very short amount of time.
The puppet has all the character's attributes, but none of his powers, and posesses an SDC fo 10 +5 per level. The proxy shield can venture no more than 10 feet per level from the creator, and lasts for no more than a single melee round, or until destroyed or abandoned. The proxy takes actions when the character makes him, thus the character can take an action or he can have his proxy do so. it takes an action to create a proxy shield, but it can be done defensively, forming in front of a target with a +4 to parry.

Flesh rot [Major]
'Come on man...lets shake and make up'

The character rots flesh by touch, twisting and corroding with his hands alone.
The rotting touch inflicts 4D6 damage to living targets, including invulnerable ones and those with natural armour. (cannot be combined with a HTH attack). Anyone touched in this manner, must make a saving throw (14+) or also lose 2 PS 2 PB and 1 PE point. A character reduced to 0 PS cannot move. a character reduced to 0 PE is on deaths door, even a single HP can kill him. when either hits 1 or less, the target halves his remaining SDC, as the flesh rots off.
Targets recover 1 attribute point (from each attribute) per hour of rest. SDC recovers at half normal rate.



Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:54 pm
by taalismn
Ewwww...Proxy Shield....'Meat Puppet' springs to mind for a character with that power...


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:49 am
by Iczer
Machine manipulation [Major]
'You see a child's toy. I see...innovation'

The character can cause sudden and massive alterations to nearby machines, seizing their potential, and evolving them far beyond their initial purpose.
1) Proxy Limb: By guesturing at a nearby machine and expending 3 actions, the character can cause that machine to build an arm. The arm extends, tendril like outwards and obeys the character's mental directions. The machine in question loses 15% of it's SDC forming the arm (It goes into the limb) and is roughly 6 inches long for every 5 SDC. The tendril has an AR equal to the donor machine, and a PS equal to 10, plus 2 for every foot of length it has (superhuman). It inflicts 2D6 damage with a whip or claw like strike, and has +2 to strike and disarm. After creation, it attacks as directed by the creator, but each attack uses one from the creator's. The limb is a permanent growth. Cyborgs, who are very intimately connected to their hardware may make a saving throw to resist this transformation, and can make a new saving throw each round to control the limb (14+ ME bonuses apply) machines must weigh less than one ton per level for this to function.
2) disable machine: the character can cause a machine to twist itself up and become basically unworkable. a device subjected to this ability losees a fraction of it's accuracy and relaibility. The character expends an action and a chosen machine within 60 feet becomes less workable, losing 5% of it's functionality per level of the character. Vehiclels inflict a -5% per level penalty on relevant piloting skills, weapons have a -1 to strike per level. Other items are affected as needs required. ( A calculator may develop a 5% error margin. a ceiling fan 5% slower.) the changes remain until repaired, but any repair checks have a -5% per level penalty to them.
3) Grow legs: a machine grows legs at the characters command. The character expends 3 actions and targets a machine within 60 feet. the machine in question grows 4 legs (or three or six etc). the legs have 20% of the machine's SDC (Split evenly) and the machine acquires a Spd score of 10 per level (+50% if the character is actually riding the thing).
4) Break:The character inflicts double damage to machines with melee attacks.
5) Grow weapon: The character can cause any machine he touches to sprout a weapon. It takes 2 actions to do so, with the machine in question losing 10% of it's SDC in it's construction. The weapon is not animate in and of itself, and will not fire unless physically touched and directed by the character.
A small weapon, inflicts 3D6 damage out to 120 feet, losing 1SDC per shot fired.
A Large weapon inflicts 5d6 damage out to 250 feet, losing 3 SDC per shot fired.
A small burst fire weapon inflicts 2d6 damage per shot, but fires a short burst for 2 SDC, or a medium burst for 4 SDC.
A large burst weapon inflicts 4D6 damage per shot, but fires short bursts for 7 SDC or long bursts for 12 SDC
6) Jury Rig: the character can repair machines by expending 3 actions and concentrating on a single machine. This repairs 4D6 SDc to the machine in question, but alters it radically as it does so. every 30SDC of repairs degrades the machine by 5% in relaiability, speed and quality, as it reforms and reshapes to work, taking parts from places where they may already be needed. the relaibility can be repaired with the relevant skills with a -5% for every 30SDC already repaired.

Boneblaster [Minor]
'I got a bone to pick with you'

The character can cause his bones to twist, grow, and explosively fire from his body.
Range: 60 feet +10 feet per level. Or 5 feet per level for bone explosion.
Damage: 3d6 +2 per level, Or 1D4 plus 1D4 per level for the bone explosion
Attacks: each use of this power uses one attack.
Bonus to strike: +2 with aimed shots.
Special: The above statistics are the safe version of the power. the character can push himself further and further, exceeding his safety limits.
By inflicting 1D4+1 HP damage to himself, the character can cause a single use of this power to be heightened giving him one of the following extra bonuses.
* +2D6 damage (Or 2D4 to explosion)
* +4 to strike
* Double range
* Armour piercing -4 to AR

The character is immune to the effects of broken bones as well (He can just create replacement bones, and teeth for that matter, at will) As long as he is conscious, he can simply replace any lost or broken bones. Character heals at 2 times normal rate, and has +4 to roll vs punch.

Skin armour [Minor]
'I get a choice between security and efficiency...decisisons decisions'

The character can canabalise his own body mass for armour plating. By subtracting a number of his choice from PS, PP and Spd, the character gains an equivilent AR (Maximum of 16). while armoured in any way, the character's hardened skin and jagged (optoional) plating grants him a +1D4 damage bonus to his melee attacks. the character can vary this number on an action by action basis, and may even use this as a defensive manoevre (Roll to parry at +4. success means the character's AR is up.)
The character gains a bonus SDC equal to twice the attribute point's surrendered. if these are whittled away, the character can simply return to normal, and then regrow it.

Pounce [Minor]

The character gainsa kind of limited kinetic control over his body when he lurches it into motion.
He gains a bonus of +4 to Spd, and may leap twice his own body length across, and his own body height upwards. these numbers are increased by 50% with a running start. The character can drop down up to 5 times his normal height without injury (and has +4 to roll with fall beyond that)
The character's control allows him to execute a leap attack or jump kick like strike regardless of his level or proficiency with the martial arts. any attack involving hurling himself bodily at a target (includes any leaping version of a body block/tackle) grants him +2 to strike and +4 to damage.



Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:54 pm
by Senator Cybus
Marvel at my use of techno-babble in the opening paragraph! :D

Ghost Shot (Minor)

“Oh darn, you’re wearing a Kevlar vest! Well, maybe I’ll just take the shot anyway and see what happens…”

The super being can alter projectiles just before launching them, momentarily varying their phase frequency to give them a kind of selective intangibility. This allows a projectile to pass straight through certain materials while striking others with full force.

The hero may render projectiles intangible to the following types of target (note that only one type of alteration can be applied to a projectile at a time):

Living: The missile will pass straight through living, organic material (such as people!) and only damage non-living solid objects and substances.

Non-living: Will only hit living targets and pass straight through non-living objects and materials.

Tangible: The character’s projectiles will not harm solid substances, but will hit intangible objects - astral travellers, ethereal beings, mutants with the power of Intangibility, etc.

Force Fields: The projectile can pass straight through force fields and force constructs, striking whatever lies behind them. Projectiles altered in this way can also pass through an Energy Shield or Psi-Shield, though the denser energy will slow them down, halving the damage caused by the projectile.

Collateral Damage: The hero may designate one, specific target - the projectile will pass straight through anything else, living or otherwise. To select the target, it must be visible and within 50 feet (15 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience. If the target subsequently moves beyond range, he/she/it remains selected until the hero uses a different application of the power.

Range: As per the weapon.

Damage: As per the weapon.

Duration: Instant.

Attacks Per Melee: Altering a projectile takes up one melee attack/action. Actually throwing/launching/dropping it uses up one further attack/action.

Limitations: The super being must be touching the projectile at the instant it is thrown, launched or dropped in order for the power to take effect. Therefore, he cannot apply it to crossbow bolts, sling shots or bullets, though arrows can be empowered.

The Ghost Shot effect does not increase the range, damage or accuracy of a projectile. The effect cannot be used in conjunction with a melee weapon, as it lasts for only moments - just enough time for an altered projectile to reach the limits of its range.

While the hero can shoot a projectile through solid objects to hit targets on the other side, unless he has some way of aiming through an opaque substance (such as X-Ray Vision), he is shooting blind and is -8 to strike.


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:45 am
by Senator Cybus
Okay, I'm re-submitting this one after a tweak or two...

Enhance Super Abilities/Powers

“Why be a Mega Hero, when you can be a Giga Hero!”

The character with this ability can augment the super powers of others, potentially turning even weak and inexperienced super beings into unstoppable powerhouses!

This strange form of bio-manipulation only affects super powers; it cannot be used to enhance psionic powers, magic, robotics, cybernetic implants or learned skills. The character can choose to either blanket an entire area with Enhance Super Abilities, augmenting the powers of everyone present, or to target a single individual at a greater range and for greater effect.

If the ability is used to affect an area, the super powers of any beings within range will function as if they were one experience level higher than normal. For example, a first level mutant with Extraordinary Speed and Energy Expulsion: Fire would operate as a second level character, and be able to run 20 mph (32 kph) faster and produce fire blasts that cause an extra 1D6 damage.

If focused on just one being, the character can boost that individual’s powers even further: the hero may grant the target an effective increase in levels equal to his own level of experience. For example, if the super being was at the fifth level of experience, his target’s powers would be boosted by five levels - if the target was a first level mutant, their powers would then function as if they were a sixth level character. Yes, this means that if the hero and his target are sufficiently experienced, he can boost their powers beyond fifteenth level…

Range: A blanket area enhancement affects a radius of 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience, centred on the super being. When targeting a specific individual, range is 50 feet (15 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.

Damage: None.

Duration: Indefinite. As long as the super being remains conscious and focused on maintaining the effect.

Attacks Per Melee: Activating the power uses up one melee attack/action. Sustaining the effect requires intense concentration: this means that the character can only perform two other actions/attacks per melee round and skill performance suffers a penalty of -25%.

If in tremendous pain, or forced to concentrate on something else (like an all-out attack), the hero’s concentration will fail and the power will cease to function.

Bonuses: The super being is immune to the power of Negate Super Abilities/Powers. If focused on an area or individual affected by that power, Enhance Super Abilities/Powers instantly cancels it out.

Limitations: If used as an area effect, the super being can not pick and choose who is enhanced - everybody within range gets a power boost.

While the hero may use this power to block the effects of Negate Super Abilities, that power can be used to block the effects of Enhance Super Abilities, creating a stalemate.

The character is immune to Enhance Super Abilities, and so cannot boost his own powers or be augmented by others.


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:09 pm
by Smlawrence8
Iczer wrote:Machine manipulation [Major]
'You see a child's toy. I see...innovation'

The character can cause sudden and massive alterations to nearby machines, seizing their potential, and evolving them far beyond their initial purpose.
1) Proxy Limb: By guesturing at a nearby machine and expending 3 actions, the character can cause that machine to build an arm. The arm extends, tendril like outwards and obeys the character's mental directions. The machine in question loses 15% of it's SDC forming the arm (It goes into the limb) and is roughly 6 inches long for every 5 SDC. The tendril has an AR equal to the donor machine, and a PS equal to 10, plus 2 for every foot of length it has (superhuman). It inflicts 2D6 damage with a whip or claw like strike, and has +2 to strike and disarm. After creation, it attacks as directed by the creator, but each attack uses one from the creator's. The limb is a permanent growth. Cyborgs, who are very intimately connected to their hardware may make a saving throw to resist this transformation, and can make a new saving throw each round to control the limb (14+ ME bonuses apply) machines must weigh less than one ton per level for this to function.
2) disable machine: the character can cause a machine to twist itself up and become basically unworkable. a device subjected to this ability losees a fraction of it's accuracy and relaibility. The character expends an action and a chosen machine within 60 feet becomes less workable, losing 5% of it's functionality per level of the character. Vehiclels inflict a -5% per level penalty on relevant piloting skills, weapons have a -1 to strike per level. Other items are affected as needs required. ( A calculator may develop a 5% error margin. a ceiling fan 5% slower.) the changes remain until repaired, but any repair checks have a -5% per level penalty to them.
3) Grow legs: a machine grows legs at the characters command. The character expends 3 actions and targets a machine within 60 feet. the machine in question grows 4 legs (or three or six etc). the legs have 20% of the machine's SDC (Split evenly) and the machine acquires a Spd score of 10 per level (+50% if the character is actually riding the thing).
4) Break:The character inflicts double damage to machines with melee attacks.
5) Grow weapon: The character can cause any machine he touches to sprout a weapon. It takes 2 actions to do so, with the machine in question losing 10% of it's SDC in it's construction. The weapon is not animate in and of itself, and will not fire unless physically touched and directed by the character.
A small weapon, inflicts 3D6 damage out to 120 feet, losing 1SDC per shot fired.
A Large weapon inflicts 5d6 damage out to 250 feet, losing 3 SDC per shot fired.
A small burst fire weapon inflicts 2d6 damage per shot, but fires a short burst for 2 SDC, or a medium burst for 4 SDC.
A large burst weapon inflicts 4D6 damage per shot, but fires short bursts for 7 SDC or long bursts for 12 SDC
6) Jury Rig: the character can repair machines by expending 3 actions and concentrating on a single machine. This repairs 4D6 SDc to the machine in question, but alters it radically as it does so. every 30SDC of repairs degrades the machine by 5% in relaiability, speed and quality, as it reforms and reshapes to work, taking parts from places where they may already be needed. the relaibility can be repaired with the relevant skills with a -5% for every 30SDC already repaired.

ok this has to be one of my favorite new abilities...........


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:54 pm
by Iczer
Senator Cybus wrote:
Enhance Super Abilities/Powers

“Why be a Mega Hero, when you can be a Giga Hero!”

The character with this ability can augment the super powers of others, potentially turning even weak and inexperienced super beings into unstoppable powerhouses!

I love it. the quote makes me weep for the system, but this is solid.



Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:52 pm
by Senator Cybus
Iczer wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:
Enhance Super Abilities/Powers

I love it. the quote makes me weep for the system, but this is solid.


Hey, thanks! High praise indeed, from the Prince of Powers! :)

You know the best thing about this ability? I actually thought of it before Ando got his power-up on Heroes. :D


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:15 am
by Iczer
Senator Cybus wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Senator Cybus wrote:
Enhance Super Abilities/Powers

I love it. the quote makes me weep for the system, but this is solid.


Hey, thanks! High praise indeed, from the Prince of Powers! :)

You know the best thing about this ability? I actually thought of it before Ando got his power-up on Heroes. :D

Ouch...spoiler warning? We haven't got that far this side of the world :)

Prince of powers. I like it. :D
