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Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:11 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Compost Recomposition (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing heals by allowing damaged parts to decompose and absorbs minerals from the ground to replace them.

1. Decomposing: Following a battle, the superbeing can expend one attack/action to allow damaged skin to separate from his body, which does not heal the damage but seals it from outside contaminants and prevents infection from contaminating the rest of the body from the wound. Provides +4 to save vs. poisonous bite wounds and +2 to save vs. disease. While doing so, the superbeing has a Horror Factor of 12.

2. Composting: When immersed in mud, the superbeing can heal up to 1d4 damage per hour, though no other actions may be performed by doing so.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +10% to Wilderness Survival and Gardening skills

"Gangrene? No, don't worry about it..It will just turn black and drop off....No problem!"

"hmmm...nice...somebody threw out some old orange peels...good, I'll smell a lot better in the morning..."


Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Coming Soon: More powers, tentatively named Icon, Cypher, and Comm-Cast.

Out Cold (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I can camp out here even if it is winter and I have no blankets..."

The superbeing's temperature drops when he goes to sleep, at a rate of one degree per minute. As a result, the superbeing becomes invisible to thermal tracking devices. The superbeing also becomes immune to the effects of cold and freezing temperatures. When waking, the superbeing's temperature rises and he suffers -1 to all combat actions for every five degrees he is under his normal body temperature.

Hard Sleep (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't worry about me, I sleep like a rock."

The superbeing's body hardens and turns to stone while he is asleep, giving him a Natural AR of 19 and an extra 2d10 SDC. The superbeing also blends with the surrounding rocks, effectively camoflaging him at a skill level of 60%, +2% per level. This power is only in effect while the superbeing is actually asleep, not just unconscious, and will not activate when the superbeing is K-O'd. It takes one melee round for the body to return to normal after waking, and it also takes one melee round for the character's body to harden.


Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:37 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Coming Soon: More powers, tentatively named Icon, Cypher, and Comm-Cast.

Hard Sleep (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't worry about me, I sleep like a rock."

The superbeing's body hardens and turns to stone while he is asleep, giving him a Natural AR of 19 and an extra 2d10 SDC. The superbeing also blends with the surrounding rocks, effectively camoflaging him at a skill level of 60%, +2% per level. This power is only in effect while the superbeing is unconscious and will also activate when the superbeing is K-O'd.

Oh..that is such a perfect defense mechanism for those really nasty worldlines... :D


Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hard Sleep (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't worry about me, I sleep like a rock."

The superbeing's body hardens and turns to stone while he is asleep, giving him a Natural AR of 19 and an extra 2d10 SDC. The superbeing also blends with the surrounding rocks, effectively camoflaging him at a skill level of 60%, +2% per level. This power is only in effect while the superbeing is unconscious and will also activate when the superbeing is K-O'd.

Bolded for my emphasis. I like the power, but I'd also add it while the character is sleeping (not just unconscious) and it takes one melee round for the body to return to normal after waking. It also takes one melee round for the characters body to harden.

Okay, I will edit it.

Cypher (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

"Let me read that...Oh, it's just ancient Aramaic...should be no problem..."

The superbeing can decipher all manner of texts. The character automatically starts with his ME number of Literacy skills and Cryptography, in addition to any taken as part of his education, and has a bonus of +20% to all literacy skills automatically. The character can then learn one additional language per level. He gains a one time bonus of +2d6 to IQ which can only be used to provide a bonus to understand written forms (so the character would have one IQ for normal things and one for use with this power so these should be kept separate).


Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:12 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Icon (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing possesses a runic marking which provides a boost to his powers which can be transfered or copied onto others.

1. Iconic Powers: The Iconic Marking gives the superbeing the following abilities:
*Doubles the Spd attribute number
*Moves the character's PS up one category (normal to Extraordinary, Extraordinary to Superhuman, Superhuman to Supernatural).
*Doubles the distance of energy attacks or effects such as force fields.
*Adds +2d4 to ME and PE
*Adds +2d6 to MA and PB

2. Transference: The superbeing can temporarily transfer the Icon to someone else for a duration of one melee round per level of experience. Once transfered, the superbeing cannot use the benefits of the power, with the new host being granted them for the duration of this ability. It uses one melee attack/action to transfer the icon, with skin-to-skin contact being required at level one, but the icon can be transfered at a distance of one foot per level starting at level two.
The power can also be permanently transfered if the character expends two melee attacks/actions, and it must be done by skin-to-skin contact. Once the icon is transfered, the superbeing cannot act as a host to the icon again, even temporarily.

3. Copying: The superbeing can also copy the image of the icon onto someone else at the same ranges and using the same number of attacks as listed above. In the case of a copy, it does not grant the wearer of a copy enhanced abilities; rather it allows the superbeing to communicate with the wearer telepathically and keep track of the wearer of the copy psychically, allowing him to locate them easily. The wearer must remain within range of the superbeing (within a range of the superbeing's ME attribute number X100 feet) or else have the icon symbol disappear and lose psychic connection with the superbeing. The superbeing can have one copy active at a time at level one, plus one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. The icon will only remain on the wearer for a maximum number of melee rounds equal to the superbeing's ME attribute number, plus one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.

4. Limitations: The icon must be clearly visible, such as on the arm, leg, chest, back or face of anyone who has the Icon or a copy of it for the abilities to work.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +10% to Art:Drawing and Literacy skills and +20% to Cryptography.

Bone Chill (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can send ice shivers down to the bone of a target, causing severe damage.

Range: Touch at level one, plus one foot range at levels 4, 8 and 12
Damage: 2d4, +2 points of damage per level, directly to Hit Points, plus there is a 30% chance the target will get sick from it, doing 1d4 damage per day until seeking medical treatment.
Saving Throw: 18 or better (ME bonus applies), -1 for each 20 pounds over 200 pounds, since the added weight will insulate the target against the attack.
Duration: Instant
Limitations: Will not affect anyone immune to cold attacks or anyone without bones. Can only use this type of attack on a given target once .
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/actionb


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:25 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Parting Glance (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"I can see through people, though it is not exactly painless..."

The superbeing can literally stare a whole through people and things.

Range: 40 feet, plus 4 feet per level, line of sight.
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action, but can be maintained with additional attacks to keep the hole open in a person or to drill through thick walls.
Damage: 2d6, plus 1d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12. The stare ignores body armor, though it will have to drill through artificial armor for one attack before pushing through the wearer, and then through the armor again, using three attacks. It affects people and inorganic substances differently.

* When the superbeing stares at a person, he rips a hole in them which he can see through to the other side. Maintaining the stare causes no further damage but is extremely painful, causing them to save vs. pain (14 or better, PE bonus applies) to avoid fainting once he releases the hole. The hole closes back up to the size of a bullet wound but can be stretched to the size of a quarter to act as a peephole.
* When staring at inorganic substances and surfaces, such as walls, the hole is permanent and the general size of a bullethole. The superbeing must use this power to drill through thick walls, using one atack per foot to drill through.


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:33 am
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Icon (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing possesses a runic marking which provides a boost to his powers which can be transfered or copied onto others.

"I'll have you know, this is a LOT more than a chintzy temporary stick-on tattoo..."


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:10 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Icon (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing possesses a runic marking which provides a boost to his powers which can be transfered or copied onto others.

"I'll have you know, this is a LOT more than a chintzy temporary stick-on tattoo..."

Can't you contribute more than quips? Got the board to myself right now. You would think Iczer would be posting more in response to my increased activities. :P

Comm-Cast (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can cause radio waves to travel through an extradimensional realm, preventing the signal from being intercepted, though it might miss the target, being 80% accurate, +1% accuracy per level of experience. Radio range is twice normal and the superbeing can also send the signal to other temporal locations, essentially sending it forward or back in time up to his ME attribute number in hours, allowing him to call and remind or warn himself or others of things. This happens automatically to signals sent by the superbeing via equipment held or within his ME attribute number of inches from his body, having to be within his immediate aura.


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:10 pm
by taalismn
If I did not enjoy or approve, I would not quip....Besides, where new powers are concerned, it is not my speciality; I constantly find myself, when making new powers, playing Doubting Thomas to myself; "This has either been done before, it is only a mild variant on an existing power(and thus could be more easily accomplished by tweeking said power), or, this constitutes a gross violation of common sense and, say...Unified Field Theory---Control ALL Space/Time...or...Megaversal Omnipotence(Mega-Major): Controls EVERYTHING, -INCLUDING- the GM...
When a rush of new Powers hits me, I will be certain to post, but until then, I shall criticize where necessary, and encourage when the opportunity arises(quip= MInor Power: Empowering Praise)... :wink:


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Yeah, but sometimes I like watching other people post, especially when my burst of powers is done, like now. I should have more soon, but pretty done at the moment.


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:25 pm
by taalismn
Well, if it's any consolation, my previous response gave me an idea for a power, but I want to check that its effects aren't already covered by Divine Aura, Karmic Power, or something like Empower Others....


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:49 pm
by Steeler49er
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Indestructible (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing is not invulnerable, just indestructible. He will succumb to disease or poison, or even hypothermia, and he can be electrocuted. Anything which can bypass his SDC will kill him. He is just impervious to heat and cold,which will not affect his outer body, and fire, since he cannot be burned. His skin cannot be cut and he is impervious to any normal form of physical strike which would attack his SDC first (treat as Natural AR of 19), though Supernatural strength characters and nuclear explosions will do half damage. Any strike hard enough to break a limb will do half damage to his HP. Fire attacks resulting in his inhalation of smoke and choking can kill him, and he can drown. Yes, his body will die, it just won't bloat or decompose or burn up. He can survive a fall from the outer atmosphere provided he can breathe and does not suffocate.
If he dies, as long as no vital organs are removes, his body will continue to heal damage, and he can be brought back from death if his breathing and heart can be restarted within his PE attribute number of days. He has a +20% to save vs. coma/death, plus 2% per level of experience.
If he does truly die, his body will never decompose, leaving it vulnerable to biomanipulation powers and possession.

Other Bonuses: The character's strength is considered Extraordinary for the purpose of lifting and carrying and increased strike damage. He also gets an extra +2d6 PE.

I'da Called this the Name "Impenetrable"
Mostly cuz I've been waiting fer someone to make the power impenetrable, and I'm way to lazy to be that somebody. :P
I've always wanted a power like this...
That way I could have MY wife have My corps STUFFED and have her sit it on the couch so as to reminded her of Our eternal vows to never cheat on me... Even in DeAtH :bandit:

"You won't get any older, and yah won't ever die"-Well, you'll die, but you'll be forced to see me every day o your life!



Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:03 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Steeler49er wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Indestructible (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

I'da Called this the Name "Impenetrable"
Mostly cuz I've been waiting fer someone to make the power impenetrable, and I'm way to lazy to be that somebody. :P
I've always wanted a power like this...
That way I could have MY wife have My corps STUFFED and have her sit it on the couch so as to reminded her of Our eternal vows to never cheat on me... Even in DeAtH :bandit:

"You won't get any older, and yah won't ever die"-Well, you'll die, but you'll be forced to see me every day o your life!

Well, I am not changing the name in my game or on the wiki, but you are free to call it whatever you want in your game, as long as I still get credit for it.


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:12 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Steeler49er wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:CORRECTIONS
Com-Cast (minor) by Stone Gargoyle, Corrected by Steeler49er :mrgreen:

The superbeing can create radio waves that travel poorly through an extradimensional realm known as the realm of Immense Pixalization, preventing the signal from being intercepted... Or even seen and "Like a Bad marksmen, it keeps missing it's target!", being 98% in-accurate, +1% accuracy per 100$ visit by a cable proffessional.

1)Radio range: is twice the normal for a child sized Toys 'Я' Us hand held radio.

2) NotOn Demand: The superbeing can also send the signal to other temporal locations, essentially sending it forward or back in time up to his ME attribute number in hours But is Never on time. This allows the super to call and remind or warn himself or others of things just like TiVo, but it will never be the message you wanted. This happens automatically to signals sent by Other superbeings with this power via equipment held by them, Or by the super himself with this power, but Only when he's within his ME attribute number of inches from his body, having to be within his immediate aura and has payed his first and last months billing cycle.

Please don't do that. I don't edit your work, don't edit mine.


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:14 am
by Steeler49er
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Please don't do that. I don't edit your work, don't edit mine.

It was a joke



Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:37 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Steeler49er wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Please don't do that. I don't edit your work, don't edit mine.

It was a joke


Sorry if I don't find someone mocking my powers to be funny. I work hard on them, and yes some of them have some really STUPID names, but that does not mean I appreciate them being made stupider. I really don't have a sense of humor about that, and I suffer from PTSD and anger/depression, so I tend to overly stress about how my powers will be received and take it personally when they are insulted or criticized. Also, I have had an extremely stressful day. It is not meant as a criticism on you or your attempt at humor, just as an explaination as to why that sort of thing bothers me. There are many people who can attest to my oversensitivity regarding my posts, Iczer being one of them since I have overreacted to his comments and criticisms in the past, so I hope you will not take it to be geared against you specifically as I know you have done in the past. That said, don't modify powers I write again or I will report it to Nimmy (DeificNMI).


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:02 pm
by NMI


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:15 pm
by taalismn
Reality Anchor (Major)
"I don't know what you hoped to accomplish with that little 'poof' act, 'JumpDancer', but it seems you're still stuck here between that concrete wall and my fists..."

This power effectively nullifies all efforts to edit reality or alter others' powers via paranormal means in a radius around the character. Time travel, dimensional loops, teleportation, all abilities that violate linear space/time are effectively nixed by this ability.
For about 50% of possesors of this power, it is ALWAYS on, whether they're aware of it or not...These individuals tend to be skeptical of such powers as teleportation and time travel, and even paranormal powers in general, since any attempt to prove such powers before the skeptic invariably fail....While they can still be attacked with superpowers, psionics, and magic, they cannot be teleported, dropped down a dimensional hole, stuck in a time loop, or have their lives effectively altered by reality-altering abailities...
Reality Anchors also tend to be rather more level-headed and less vulnerable to mind control and illusions; they have a firmer grip on reality than a lot of other people.
Range: 60 ft radius, plus 10 ft per level of experience
Duration: 1 melee per level of experience(costs 1 APM to maintain), or (50%) permanently on...
Effects: Prevents the use of all teleportation, time-manipulation, space/time manipulation, and reality -editing abilities, including psionic and magic powers like Clairvoyance. This includes spell-altering magic like Temporal Magic and DImensional Teleport.
Penalties: Invividual cannot be teleported themselves unless they drop this power(or not at all if it's always on), nor can they benefit from any sort of reality editing or alterations...
Other Bonuses:
*+1d4 M.E. , +2 to save versus Illusions and Mind Control, +3 save vs Horror Factor/mass hysteria.


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Reality Anchor (Major)

Nicely done, though I would imagine it was difficult reining in the power to keep from making it too powerful. That is why making it limited in range was a good thing. Overall I would say it's acceptable though borders on being overpowered a smidgeon.


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:36 pm
by taalismn
Thanks...but you can use it to rein in OTHER overpowering abilities... :D

Have another...

Projective Praise(Minor)
“Pretty Soldier Luna, Fear Not! For Your Cause is Just and Love will Alwa---”

The superbeing possessing this power can bolster the spirits and enhance the performance of another person with an encouraging word(or phrase) directed at them. Whether it’s a subconscious transfer of strength, or merely the power of positive feedback, the recipient of the praise will generally feel stronger, more confident, and willing to give the task at hand that extra ounce of effort, or one more go. The praise is an AUDITORY transmission; thus the intended target must be able to HEAR the shouted praise. This power can also be jammed or blocked out by Sonic powers or high levels of ambient noise.
Range: 100 ft +10 ft per level of experience, line of sight(only half as effective if the user cannot see the target of this power).
Can only use the power on one person initially, but at levels 4, 8, and 12, can include one other person in this power.
Duration: 1 melee, plus 1 additional melee at levels 4, 8, and 12.
Effects:The superbeing can choose to affect the target of this power in one of the following ways:
*Combat; The target gets a +1 to Initiative, a +1 to Strike/Parry, and +1 to Damage
*Mental Endurance: The target gets a bonus of HALF the praiser’s MA to save vs Insanity, Pain, and Possession.
*Physical Endurance: The target ignores any fatigue penalties for the melee they are being praised, and gets a bonus of HALF the praiser’s MA to save vs Coma/Death.
*Strength: The Target temporarily gets a +1d6 bonus to their Strength
*Skill Performance: The target gets a % bonus of HALF the praiser’s MA to their skill rolls, however applicable(example: Detcord gets a case of the shivers while trying to defuze an Omega Bomb, but Celestial Choir, standing behind him, whispers encouragingly to him ‘You know you can do this; you’ve trained all your life for this moment...”. Heavenly Choir has an MA of 24; that translates as a +12% to Detcord’s Demolitions Disposal skill; his hands steady again, his faith in himself renewed, Detcord gets back to the task of dismantling the doomsday device....).
Other Bonuses:
*The power possessor has a loud, clear, voice, and never suffers from normally-induced sore throats


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:51 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Thanks...but you can use it to rein in OTHER overpowering abilities... :D

Have another...

Projective Praise(Minor)
“Pretty Soldier Luna, Fear Not! For Your Cause is Just and Love will Alwa---”

LOL Tourets Projection :P


Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:04 pm
by taalismn
Alignment Immunity(Minor)
“WHY!? Why couldn’t I pull the trigger and end his despicable evil life when I had the chance?! WHY!?”

This power prevents beings of a specified(fixed) alignment from being able to directly harm the power’s possessor...The antagonist for some reason cannot bring himself to strike or attack the target, feeling a pang of pain, wave of nausea, blanks out for a moment, or otherwise pulls their attack. The actions must be directed AT the target, with deliberate intent, for this power to kick in.
This power does NOT affect area-of-effect attacks aimed at general areas or other people, nor does it affect traps, nor actions carried out by third parties(unless they are also of the proscribed alignment)...Example: Warlord Kron(Aberrant Alignment) cannot bring himself to stab, shoot, or punch Raging Rebel...nor can he launch a missile for the express purpose of obliterating Raging Rebel...He CAN, however, order General Yutz(Miscreant) to ‘bombard every rebel position in that area’, or he can persuade Raging Rebel’s innocent little daughter(third party, Principled alignment) to deliver a ‘gift’ to her daddy....
Note: At Level 8 of this power, the possessor can select a SECOND alignment to be so proscribed.
Note 2: The power Soul Targeting is unaffected by this power.


Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:41 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Can't you contribute more than quips? Got the board to myself right now. You would think Iczer would be posting more in response to my increased activities. :P.

Ahem. Actually, I've been gaming a lot more recently (A LOT more) and I have had to cut back on some other extraneous activities. Combined with the ever increasing hassle of Jobsearch (Don't get me started on Australia's Unemployment policy) I simply haven't had the time to grind out some new ones.

That said, I do recognise a challenge when I see one, even if it was slyly disguised (S/ dawg you) and I am of sufficient pride to respond most appropriately. Expect a dozen new ones in the next 24 hours.

Batts (as of 29-June 2009 1040hrs)


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:37 am
by taalismn
Power Eruption(Minor)
"Guess THAT little secret's out, eh, Gorilla Girl?"

This power allows the possessor to randomly activate a superpower in another superbeing involuntarily, with potentially disasterous effect. Examples: setting off an Alter Physical Structure power in a crowd of people, randomly setting off an unaimed Energy Blast(typically at one's feet or in a random direction), or sending a superbeing careening out of control for a moment. This power can be cast randomly to trigger a random superpower, or, if the caster knows what powers his intended target has, can choose which ones to trigger. THis power is typically used to publicly expose superbeings, or distract them(force them to abort an attack, spend an APM lowering a forcefield that was sent up, or see to collateral damage unintentionally done by a wild power).
Range: Touch, or 60 ft+10 ft per level of experience
Duration: 1 melee
Effects: Triggers a random superpower(GM chooses or randomly determines), or, if the superbeing knows which power he wants to trigger, deliberate selection. Does NOT affect Magic, Psionics, Eugenic modifications, or Cybernetics/Bionics/Robotics.
Saving Throws: (Minor Superpower) None, no saving throw
(Major Superpower) Roll vs M.E.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:40 am
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Thanks...but you can use it to rein in OTHER overpowering abilities... :D

Have another...

Projective Praise(Minor)
“Pretty Soldier Luna, Fear Not! For Your Cause is Just and Love will Alwa---”

LOL Tourets Projection :P

I always wanted to kill Tuxedo Mask...


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Combine (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing is a master at slicing and dicing and absorbs flesh hacked off of opponents to add to himself.

1. Immunities: The Superbeing is immune to communicable diseases and blood borne pathogens, so absorbing flesh from his opponents have no ill effects on him. The character is also +2 to save vs. infections and poisons.

2. Slicing and Dicing: Cutting opponents is done at a +2 to strike and the superbeing has a Critical Strike on a Natural 16-20. He also gains a Weapon Proficiency with his bladed weapon of choice and Paired Weapons with bladed implements.

3. Flesh Absorption: The superbeing absorbs damage points from his strikes, absorbing half of all damage inflicted by bladed weapons or natural claws or bites. This adds to his SDC up to a limit of his PE numberX10, plus 10 SDC per level, with each 10 points of SDC adding +1 to his Horror Factor, which starts out at 8, with a maximum Horror Factor of 18.

4. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2d4 PE and +1d4X10 SDC

Static Electrical Tentacle (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can create static electricity around his body and use it to create tentacles with which he can grab people.

1. Static Aura: The superbeing can generate an energy aura without expending an action which is simply on until he wills it to shut off. It disrupts electrical appliances and computers within 10 feet of him, but it only extends out from him for about a foot. Anyone not immune to or protected from electrical attack striking him will take 1d4 damage, plus 1d4 at levels 4, 8 and 12, and be stunned for a full melee round.

2. Static Tentacles: By expending an action to create them and one per melee round to maintain them, the superbeing can generate an energy tentacle, plus one more at levels 4, 8 and 12, which can strike for 2d4 damage, plus one point per level, to a distance of 20 feet, plus 2 feet per level. These can potentially stun an opponent or knock out any power armor they are wearing. A save of 16 or better (PE bonus applies) must be made in either case. The tentacle can also be used as a grappling arm against metal foes, vehicles or power armor, with an equivalent PS of the superbeing's ME attribute number, which is considered Extraordinary.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to energy attacks (half damage) and Immune to Electrical Attacks
+1d6 PE
+1d4 ME


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:47 pm
by taalismn
Repetitive Flashback(Minor)
“I hear ‘Thriller’ play ONE more time in my head, I’m going to take a power drill to my skull!!!”

Repetitive Flashback allows the superbeing to induce an annoying or distracting fragment of memory to replay in the target’s mind over and over and OVER again for the duration of the power. The flashback can be something recent the victim has seen or heard(80%), or could be a nightmare or emotional trauma the victim suffered in the past(20%). While not physically dangerous in itself to the target, the flashback can be quite distracting, disturbing, annoying, and potentially emotionally painful for the victim. It can louse up concentration on delicate tasks, cause the victim to lose focus at a critical moment, or lose sleep over it....In the case of relived emotional trauma, the victim could become moody, depressed, and even suffer a relapse, leading to alcoholism or drug addiction.
Range: 200 ft+10 ft per level of experience
Duration: 1d4 hours+ 1 hour per level of experience(2 hours in the case of traumatic experiences)
Effects: -1d4 to initiative, -1d4 to perception rolls, -1 to strike/parry/dodge, and -2d10% to skill rolls requiring concentration/focus. In the case of flashbacked trauma, a Horror Factor (9) roll once per hour may be appropriate.
Saving Throw: Save versus Psionics. For every hour after the first, the victim gets to roll again to save versus the flashback(+2 to the save roll in the case of ‘minor’ annoyances).


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Just A Scratch (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't worry about that shot to the head, it's just a flesh wound."

The superbeing defies reality by refusing severe injury. Any wound which would normally automatically affect Hit Points, such as a bullet to the head, instead only takes away from SDC. In addition, shots normally getting a Critical on less than a Natural 20, such as on a 16-19, no longer do so, requiring the Natural 20 for Criticals. He also gets an Autododge of +2 automatically and +2d6 SDC.

Bullet Bypass (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Watch out behind me, I've just been shot."

The superbeing's tissue parts just enough to allow projectiles to pass through him to the next target in the line of fire. This includes bullets and arrows, basically any thin object hitting at high speed, so could include shrapnel, reducing explosion damage to half. This does not apply if the shot is a called shot to the brain or other vital organ (Critical shots). But normally the superbeing will suffer no damage from being shot, though any clothing or armor worn will take damage.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:55 pm
by Iczer
Ouch. so much for my promises i Guess. (Posted 1055hrs)

Thunderbolt: [Major]
“Do you find me attractive Ultraman? Most men find me.....stunning”

The character can create bolts of electricity that permeates targets igniting and exciting their molecular structures.
Range: 75 feet +5 feet per level
Damage: 1D6 +1D6 per level of experience, plus overcharge. See below.
Attacks: each use of the power counts as one attack per melee
Bonus to strike: +3 with an aimed shot, +1 with wild.
Overcharge: when a target is struck with a thunderbolt attack, he retains an electrical charge for 1D4 melee rounds. Being charged in this fashion is painful (-10% to skill use) and in addition, the character must make a saving throw vs pain (14+ PE bonuses apply) to perform any meaningful action apart from stumble at half speed. An over charged target can discharge himself by immersing himself in any body of water, touching any conductive and grounded metal, or being grounded out by another living being. Discharging inflicts 2D6 damage to the target (and to anyone he touches to discharge). Targets resistant or immune to electrical damage are unaffected by this part of the power.
Other abilities: the character suffers half damage from electrical attacks.

Gather energy: [major]
“Considering the circumstances, I don’t need x-ray vision at the moment”

The character can convert his other powers into a sort of internal battery for other forms of enhancement. By expending one melee round, the character can negate a minor power of his choice and convert it into +10 PS +30 Spd +1 attack and +50 SDC (The bonus SDC gets chewed away before any of his normal SDC. If that SDC is chewed away it won’t return for that power for 24hours. He could always remove a different power though)
Burning off a major power adds +20 PS, +60 Spd +2 attacks per melee and 100 SDC.
The character can remain enhanced as long as he likes, but his powers do not return for30 minutes after he has relaxed his enhanced state.
If a power is burnt away by this power, SDC and attribute bonuses remain, but drop to normal human limits (Typically 30 in the case of humanity)
While the character has any of his powers converted into energy, he crackles and glows with the contained power making him resistant (half damage) to energy sources. He can release his stored power as a one shot energy blast inflicting 3D6 for each minor so used up and +6d6 for each major. Such a blast has only +1 to strike though, but has a range of 750 feet.

Victimise: [Major]
“Who would have thought that Firelord would be vulnerable to fire. Oh wait...I would have.”

The character can alter a target’s metabolism to inflict debilitating weakness and injury to a target. The character must select a target within 60 feet who must make a saving throw (16+ Normal PE bonuses do not apply). If he fails then he develops a spontaneous metabolic susceptibility.
The Target may be made vulnerable to a type of energy or a material. Attacks or damage from the selected source either bypasses normal defences, or inflicts 50% extra damage.
The target may develop an irrational weakness to a substance or energy. Exposure (within 30 feet) causes him to weaken (temporarily halve PS and SDC and lose 2 attacks per melee while ‘exposed’)
The target may simply be made extra vulnerable to an effect, losing -6 to saving throws against it.
When the target has failed a saving throw against this power, the character must make a similar saving throw ( 16+, add IQ bonus to the saving throw, as if it were ME). If he makes the saving throw, he may select the weakness. Otherwise the GM does. A target may only suffer from one weakness at a time.
It takes 3 actions to use this power.

Charge objects: [major]
‘A fight you say...let me just prepare my clothes’

The character can enhance inanimate objects to perform or function better by charging them with energy.
1) Charge inanimate objects to explode. As per the minor power.
2) Enhance melee weapons: By adding charge to a held melee weapon he can add +1D6 to it’s damage and doubling its SDC. Sharp weapons also cut through other objects reducing the effectiveness of any AR by 4 points.
3) Enhance garments: By charging worn garments, the character gains an effective suit of armour with an AR of 14 and an SDC equal to his ME x2.
4) safely charge objects: by simply applying a charge to an object, the character double’s its SDC and adds +2 to its AR score (this affects regular armour). If the item runs on electrical energy, then this power supplies that need.
Duration: a charged object remains charged for as long as he is touching it, and for 1D4 rounds afterwards. It takes 2 actions to charge a held item, and a charged item visibly glows from the energy.

Dreamquake: [Major]
‘Hush your screaming child. You don’t want to wake the neighbours do you?’

The character can stimulate the brain to produce hallucinations akin to those experienced while dreaming.
1) stimulate narcosis: By expending 2 actions and specifying a target within 60 feet, the character can induce fatigue and drowsiness. The target must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) or begin to lose focus and concentration as he falls into what feels like sleep. (The target is not falling asleep per se, but the chemicals that govern his waking/sleeping states are now thrown out of whack) The target cannot concentrate on powers (powers that rely on concentration fail) and the target has difficulty with normal interaction (-1 attack -10% on skills, -2 to all combat abilities) This effect lasts for 1D4 melee rounds (+1 round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15) an area affect version of this power affects all targets within 30 feet but for half duration and a +2 to the relevant saving throw. The area affect version requires 3 actions.
2) Stimulate horror: by playing havoc with a target’s brain chemistry, he can simulate the unreasoning horror and terror of a waking nightmare, combined with faulty perception. The character specifies a target within 60 feet who must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) a successful saving throw means the target feels nausea and dizziness (-1 attack). A failed saving throw means the target brain begins to trip. For the duration, he is under the constant effect of a HF of 14 (Roll once per round to confront). In addition, the character must make a perception check of 14+ to even identify any targets. In any rate, the target suffers from a heightened heart rate and other associated signs of anxiety, losing one attack per melee for the duration. This effect lasts 1d4 melee rounds plus an additional round at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15. As above, the character can perform this over an area of 30 feet, the targets of which must make a normal saving throw at +2. The area affect version requires 3 actions.
3) Other bonuses: +4 to ME +4 to save vs Horror factor. Does not need to sleep, but may do so if he chooses. Is himself immune to nightmares.

Hurricane: [Major]
“This will put wind in your sails”

The character can create a windstorm of horrific size and volume centred upon himself. It takes one melee round to start this effect, and all attacks to maintain it.
1) Inner radius. The inner radius of the hurricane is 25 feet across and expands 5 feet every level. The inner radius is calm and serene. While creating the hurricane, and until it dissipates, the character may drift upwards and downwards up to 20 feet per melee round, and may drift 10 feet horizontally every melee round. Because of the concentration required, he may perform no other actions except talk (He cannot even defend himself). If wounded, he must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) to maintain his storm. The tornado has a height of 60 feet plus 20 feet per level.
2) Middle radius. The destructive zone extends 50 feet from the edge of the inner radius (+10 feet per level). The middle zone has inflicts 6D6 damage to all solid objects inside it. Light objects will be sucked through the vortex, suffering 4D6 damage unless they can grab onto another object (the hurricane has superhuman PS of 20 to determine what it can and cannot lift. Characters holding on, or trying to fight this with powers such as flight, must make a contested d20+PS roll to maintain grip) characters sucked into the hurricane can perform only one action while spinning, but are effectively blind and helpless while doing so. After 1D4 rounds, a target is hurled 100 feet (+20 per level)in a random direction, inflicting2D4x10 damage (roll with punch/fall/impact for half)
3) Outer radius. The outer radius extends for a further 75 feet (+10 feet per level). In this zone the wind whirls debris around but apart from 2D4 damage per round from debris (roll with impact for half) apart from the minor damage, the whistling wind is loud, and very obvious.
4) stopping the hurricane. When the character halts the hurricane(either by choice, or being forced to due to damage or loss of concentration) it immediately drops in size by half (Damage drops as well) after 1 melee round, the hurricane fizzes out completely, and must be started again.
5) Mini tornado: a smaller personal tornado can be formed around his body. The mini tornado allows him to fly at 20Mph, to a height of 50 feet, and deflects small, light projectiles (but not bullets) (-6 to be struck).

Drift: [Major]
“ I am so out of here man”
The character can latch onto the timestream and surf it a little, drifting in and out of reality as he does so.
1) Step: by stepping through the time stream, the character can ignore obstacles less than 6 inches thick, effectively allowing him to hop through walls and force fields. It takes no actions to do so, and can be used to phase in and out to avoid attacks (treat as an auto dodge at +6)
2) Jump: By grabbing firmly onto the time stream, the character can step out of time and step back in within 60 feet of his original location but up to 20 minutes per level in the future (may be less) each jump requires 2 actions to perform (but may be used as a dodge)
3) Voyage: By concentrating for a minute, the character can simply shift himself, and any willing object within 30 feet up to 25 miles east/west or 5 miles north/south. The trip is staggering and has only a 40% chance of success (+5% per level). A failed roll drains 2 ME from the character. Any target that goes on the ride, including the character, arrives fatigued (-1 attack -10% skills -2 to combat). The character always lands in an open area and on a solid surface (though this can include open water)
4) Dismiss: By spending 3 actions the character can attempt to send another target into the future. The target, who must be within 20 feet, makes a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) or be sent 2 melee rounds into the future. A second saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) is made when he arrives to avoid being fatigued.

Energy field: [Major]

The character can supercharge his flesh to become more powerful. When he does so, his eyes glow brightly, smoke and flame emits from his mouth and his body crackles with electricity.
He gains +10 PS +25 Spd, +4 initiative and +1 attack per melee and an AR of 14. He also grows a force field over his body with a total SDC equal to his normal SDC (recovers 1 point every minute while powered down)
Just touching the character will inflict 2D6 damage (added to unarmed attacks). While powered, he can leap 20 feet high and 35 feet across. Prowling is impossible.
He can maintain his powered state for one melee round per point of PE before resting. It takes 2 actions to transform to his powered state, and he requires a 10 minute rest period between charges.

Tap cosmic power: [Major]
‘Oh wow’

The character can tap into an infinite well of cosmic power to create a wide variety of effects.
By taking 2D6 damage, the character can mimic any minor energy power, or flight. By taking 4D6 he can mimic any major energy or control power.
Wounds inflicted upon himself in this manner burn horribly, and are hard to heal with outside interference (regeneration powers and magical/Psionic healing will not function)
A held power lasts one melee round per level, but can be renewed at a rate of one more round per point of damage.
Bonuses: half damage from external energy sources. Heals at 3 times normal rate

Infest: [Major]
“Let’s all be friends”

The character can infest a touched target with a variety of nasty, metabolic enhancing parasites. The parasites worm into the target (who must be touched, and either willing or unable to resist). The parasites take 2 melee rounds to settle down in their new home.
A parasite ridden individual has access to any of the following at the character’s behest.
1) +4 PE +6 PS +10 Spd +2 initiative
2) -2 ME -2 PE
3) Must make a saving throw every round or take 3D6 damage (14+ PE bonuses apply)

The parasites remain inside a victim for 24 hours per level. Targets with healing factor or similar regeneration have this reduced to one hour per level. Any target taking damage from the parasites an spend 3 actions trying to vomit them back out. This requires a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply). Of course a doctor and access to medical gear can remove the parasites with medication, antibiotics and good ole surgery.

Refractive eyes: [Major]
‘Look lady, I don’t care how my eyes look, I am not the amazing hornetman’

The character has refractive multifaceted lenses for eyes providing the following bonuses.
The character can se clearly into the U/V spectrum and cannot suffer from blindness from bright light. Chemical irritants no longer bother his eyes either. He has better than 20/20 vision, and can recognise a human face from up to a half mile away. (+2 to visual perception checks and +2 to initiative)
Better, if the character has had an ample dosage of sunlight in a given day (1 hour) then he can unleash rays of light from his eyes once per melee round (is an extra action) inflicting 3D6 damage out to 60 feet with +4 to strike as an aimed shot.

Lobotomy blast: [Minor]
‘Are we feeling smarter yet?’

The character can unleash bolts of bio-energy from his forehead that strike not so much for damage but weaken his foes.
Range: 200 feet
Damage 2D4 plus lobotomy
Bonus to strike +6
Rate of fire: each blast counts as 2 actions
Lobotomy: each time an opponent is struck he must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) or lose 1 point from IQ ME or MA (characters choice) and become stunned, losing a single action.



Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:01 pm
by taalismn
Iczer wrote:Lobotomy blast: [Minor]
‘Are we feeling smarter yet?’

The character can unleash bolts of bio-energy from his forehead that strike not so much for damage but weaken his foes.
Range: 200 feet
Damage 2D4 plus lobotomy
Bonus to strike +6
Rate of fire: each blast counts as 2 actions
Lobotomy: each time an opponent is struck he must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonuses apply) or lose 1 point from IQ ME or MA (characters choice) and become stunned, losing a single action.


The effects of this permanent or temporary?


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:37 pm
by NMI
Iczer wrote:Ouch. so much for my promises i Guess. (Posted 1055hrs)

Thunderbolt: [Major]
“Do you find me attractive Ultraman? Most men find me.....stunning”

The character can create bolts of electricity that permeates targets igniting and exciting their molecular structures.
Range: 75 feet +5 feet per level
Damage: 1D6 +1D6 per level of experience, plus possible paralysis and heightened energy state. See below.
Attacks: each use of the power counts as one attack per melee
Bonus to strike: +3 with an aimed shot, +1 with wild.
Overcharge: when a target is struck with a thunderbolt attack, he retains an electrical charge for 1D4 melee rounds. Being charged in this fashion is painful (-10% to skill use) and in addition, the character must make a saving throw vs pain (14+ PE bonuses apply) to perform any meaningful action apart from stumble at half speed. An over charged target can discharge himself by immersing himself in any body of water, touching any conductive and grounded metal, or being grounded out by another living being. Discharging inflicts 2D6 damage to the target (and to anyone he touches to discharge). Targets resistant or immune to electrical damage are unaffected by this part of the power.
Other abilities: the character suffers half damage from electrical attacks.
Where is the chance of paralysis?


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:51 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:Ouch. so much for my promises i Guess.

I dunno, only fifteen minutes off. Close enough for government work. :lol:
I liked Drift, but Victimise seems too much like some of your existing powers.


Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:21 am
by Iczer
taalismn wrote:
The effects of this permanent or temporary?

good spotting. Temporary. lost points recover at a rate of 1 per hour.



Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:23 am
by Iczer
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Where is the chance of paralysis?

another good spotting. editing for clarity



Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:54 am
by Iczer
Critical mass: Major
'Come on..keep are just making me stronger'

The character builds up a pool of power just by exerting himself, a pool that grows until it reaches critical mass before exploding out of him.
Initially his power pool starts at zero. every action spent using any power at over half capacity, including his PS score, adds his level to this score.
any damage taken by the character can be taken by his power pool instead, absorbed by his ever growing power.
When the character reaches maximum capacity, he experiences a sudden surge of power before releasing it all. the character has a maximum capacity equal to his PE score, plus 10 per level. When his power pool reaches that much the pool does not rise any further but the following happens.
1) For one melee round (plus one at every odd level thereafter) he enjoys +10PS and +20 Spd(minimum superhuman lifting and carrying) and a force field with a value equal to his power pool. damage done to this force field does not lower the power pool once the reaction starts. The character gains +2 levels when calculating the effects of his other powers. in addition, energy powers see their ranges increased by 50%.
2) when this heightened burst of power finishes, the character bursts into a fireball, igniting a 20 foot radius for 6D6 damage. This happens at the end of the character's last action for that final round.
3) preventing buildup: by using powers at half effect, the character avoids any buildup whatsoever. Passive powers typically provide no actual contribution. One melee round of inactivity halves the current pool total or by 5, whichever is less. If the buildup reaches higher level, the character can voluntarilly absorb the damage from an enemy or teammate to drop the dangerous levels. lastly, the character can attempt to make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) every melee round as an action to hold in the power (recieves no benefits from the pool overflowing, and delays the countdown for the melee round)
4) Other benefits: resistant to energy attacks (Half damage) +4 to PB, +4 to PS +4 to PE.

Bloodshot: [Minor]
'Here's mud in your eye'

The character can concentrate and spit his own blood from his eyes. This gruesome attack shoots about a 8 ounces of blood from his tear ducts at a target within 30 feet.
The blood inflicts 2D4 damage (+1 per level of experience) from an acidic secretion, and if a called shot is made (-6 to hit the eyes) then the target is blinded for the melee round (unless adequate eye shielding is in place, -4 to all combat manoevres).
Typically, the blood has +4 to strike, but as a suprise attack it has +8 to strike an unsuspecting foe.
The charactercan fire blood as often as once per round as an extra attack.



Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:39 pm
by taalismn
Either that or she has Horned Toad in her genetic background...


Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:29 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:Critical mass: Major
'Come on..keep are just making me stronger'

The character builds up a pool of power just by exerting himself, a pool that grows until it reaches critical mass before exploding out of him.
Initially his power pool starts at zero. every action spent using any power at over half capacity, including his PS score, adds his level to this score.
any damage taken by the character can be taken by his power pool instead, absorbed by his ever growing power.
When the character reaches maximum capacity, he experiences a sudden surge of power before releasing it all. the character has a maximum capacity equal to his PE score, plus 10 per level. When his power pool reaches that much the pool does not rise any further but the following happens.
1) For one melee round (plus one at every odd level thereafter) he enjoys +10PS and +20 Spd(minimum superhuman lifting and carrying) and a force field with a value equal to his power pool. damage done to this force field does not lower the power pool once the reaction starts. The character gains +2 levels when calculating the effects of his other powers. in addition, energy powers see their ranges increased by 50%.
2) when this heightened burst of power finishes, the character bursts into a fireball, igniting a 20 foot radius for 6D6 damage. This happens at the end of the character's last action for that final round.
3) preventing buildup: by using powers at half effect, the character avoids any buildup whatsoever. Passive powers typically provide no actual contribution. One melee round of inactivity halves the current pool total or by 5, whichever is less. If the buildup reaches higher level, the character can voluntarilly absorb the damage from an enemy or teammate to drop the dangerous levels. lastly, the character can attempt to make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) every melee round as an action to hold in the power (recieves no benefits from the pool overflowing, and delays the countdown for the melee round)
4) Other benefits: resistant to energy attacks (Half damage) +4 to PB, +4 to PS +4 to PE.

Dude! This power is totally Awesome! :ok:


Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:42 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:Bloodshot: [Minor]
'Here's mud in your eye'

The character can concentrate and spit his own blood from his eyes. This gruesome attack shoots about a 8 ounces of blood from his tear ducts at a target within 30 feet.
The blood inflicts 2D4 damage (+1 per level of experience) from an acidic secretion, and if a called shot is made (-6 to hit the eyes) then the target is blinded for the melee round (unless adequate eye shielding is in place, -4 to all combat manoevres).
Typically, the blood has +4 to strike, but as a suprise attack it has +8 to strike an unsuspecting foe.
The character can fire blood as often as once per round as an extra attack.

I was actually contemplating something like this. I still have one I am working on called Icy Stare which should be ready fairly soon.


Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:13 pm
by 89er
Say, could you give some advice to a novice power creator? I’m bursting with ideas, and have the power books, but it all seems so complex. :-?


Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Break powers down into things like ranges, duration, and damage. Keep them comparable to what you see in the books. Sometimes it is easiest modeling powers after ones in the books and breaking them down into simple terms. "What is the power and what does it do?" is a question to ask yourself when writing a general description, then the rest is putting it into statistics like ranges, duration, damage, bonuses and saving throws.
Also keep in mind that powers have to be different than spells, so making them do things you can't do in other ways helps. Same goes with psionics. I write those too, just not as many.
If you make a power that is more powerful than ones in the book, making limiters and flaws as part of the power can justify the increase by "balancing the numbers". We all have our own systems of figuring out what those numbers are and how to balance a power.
Remember a power generally does one thing, but that one thing can sometimes be used to do other things. How many things a power can do determines whether it is a Major or minor, the "numbers".
But this is not a how-to, and discussing it in here will derail the thread, so if you have specific questions you can send me a PM and I will try to help if I can.


Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:22 pm
by taalismn
Color Bias(Minor)
"Ohhhh, favorite color....Lemme show you how much I love it..."

This power modifies the possessor's attacks to do DOUBLE damage to objects of a particular color(specified at the time the power is taken). Maybe because the specified color absorbs more energy, or it simply serves as an emotional focus for the superbeing to channel their powers into. All other colors take normal damage. Note that a quick costume change or paint job will effectively nullify this power if it changes the color of the target...
Note: Does NOT amplify the effects of magic or psionic attacks. Nor does it work on invisible targets(even if they're normally of the specified 'target' color).
Range: Line of sight/power
Duration: 1 APM for 1 melee of power activation
Saving Throw: None


Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:30 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Icy Stare (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"And then he gave me a cold look...brrr, I can still feel it."

The superbeing's eyes generate cold energy which can be felt by anyone he gazes upon within 10 feet, plus one foot per level, and he can intensify the cold to attack with.

1. Cold Expulsion: Less powerful than Energy Expulsion: Cold, the superbeing can nonetheless cause damage with his cold stare.
Range: 200 feet, plus 2 feet per level
Damage: 2d4, plus 2 points of damage per level
Duration: Instant
Bonuses: +4 to Strike
Special: Can limit the damage to minimal amount (just 2d4) at level 3.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action

2. Icy Tears: If hit for damage or moved to emotion enough, the superbeing can generate tears of ice which can be shot at an opponent as a projectiles.
Range: 10 feet per level of experience
Damage: 1d4 per level of experience. The exact amount of damage can be regulated in increments of 1d4.
Duration: Instant; can maintain the tear production for his ME number of melee rounds.
Bonuses: +2 to Strike aimed, none wild.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks/actions

Icy Stare (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"And then he gave me a cold look...brrr, I can still feel it."

The superbeing's eyes generate cold energy which can be felt by anyone he gazes upon within 10 feet, plus one foot per level, and he can intensify the cold to attack with.

1. Cold Expulsion: The same as Energy Expulsion: Cold (PU page 21-22), with the specification that the power is blasted from the eyes.

2. Icy Tears: If hit for damage or moved to emotion enough, the superbeing can generate tears of ice which can be shot at an opponent as a projectiles.
Range: 30 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience
Damage: 3d6, plus 1d6 per level of experience. The exact amount of damage can be regulated in increments of 1d6.
Duration: Instant; can maintain the tear production for his ME number of melee rounds. Ice pellets melt after 30 minutes in room temperature.
Bonuses: +2 to Strike aimed, none wild.
Attacks: One melee attack/action

3. Resistant to Cold: The superbeing takes only half damage from cold and ice attacks.

4. Thermal Invisibility: The superbeing's body temperature is so low that he does not show up on thermal sensors.


Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:10 pm
by Iczer
Grow Implants: [Major]
'Yeah well....I have a gland that will fix you right up'

The character can , with effort, manufacture spare and exotic organs cultured from his own flesh.
1) Grow organs: By dint of will, the character can manufacture new organs, suitable either to replace lost ones, or to graft onto another person. If the character suddenly needs an organ (Lost an eye, ruptured kidney, punctured lung etc) he can suffer a -2 to his PE attribute and spontaneously grow a new one. The old organ dosn't go away, and the character's body has to deform to accommodate the new, functional organ. generating a new organ in this manner adds +10 SDC and +10 HP to the character. Organ generatyion can be done spontaneously enough that the character can survive a near fatal wound, just by expending an attack. The organ can be retracted at any time, returning the lost PE and losing the bonus SDC and HP (Just be sure to wait until you are at the doctor's office)
Growing an organ for another is less stressfull to the body. The character can produce a new, spare organ for another in a melee round for the cost of 10SDC or 5 HP (These heal normally). It is still required that a surgeon remove the organ and implant it into the recipient. the power won't perform the transplant The organ grown is typically cultured to lack a lot of the defining factors that foster organ rejection, but it can have features not intended or not specified ('Wait a minute doc...wasn't my eye supposed to be blue?')
2) Grow Implants: the character can custom grow new implants in his body. Growing an implant requires 10 minutes (and removing requires the same).
Sacrificing the flesh for the job lowers the character's PE by 1 point while it is tasked to the new job, and the new deformities to the body constitute a -2 PB loss for each implant grown.
An implant grown in this manner can simulate any of the following.
* A mutation from the mutant section from HU2 (or the excellent rifter article denoting the same)
* roughly 10 BIO woth of animal abilities from the mutant animals section (also refer to after the bomb)
*The equivilant of any household, common appliance (Yes. You too can have a coffee gland)

Changes are permanent until reversed. It is possible to culture new implants for others to use, but as above, a surgeon is required to remove and transplant the new organs.



Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:19 pm
by Iczer
Grenadier: [Minor]
'Ready for the boom?'

The character can absorb nearby matter, comporess it into a small ball and shoot it through a newly grown oriface in his body.
1) Absorb matter. absorbing localised matter inflicts 1 damage to every object within 1 feet. Tiny pieces of matter are scraped off each object and sucked into the character. Alternatively, the character can simply localise the phenomenon to target a single object. that object takes 2D6 damage as it is salvaged for parts.
In either case, the process creates a lump of matter the size of a soda can inside the character's body, and requires a single action. the character can only hold one at a time
2) grenade launcher: The character can fire his new slug of matter out to 300 feet with a +4 bonus to strike with any aimed shot. It impacts for 2D6 damage +1D6 per level, and then sprays the surrounding 10 feet for 2D4 damage from shrapnel. firing held matter in this fashion count's as an action.
3) Special properties: should a majority of the absorbed matter have any special properties, then the GM is free to add those properties to the shot taken. a shot made almost compleetly out of Ice will hurt characters vulnerable to such. likewise absorbing tar and oil might create a flaming projectile. GM call.



Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:16 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Sleep Deprivation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"You know, when Insomniac is around I can never sleep."

The superbeing radiates energy blocking access to trance states and sleep. Anyone within 10 feet of the character, plus 1 foot per level, will be unable to fall asleep or, more importantly, access psionic abilities. This power requires no actions to activate and is always on. The superbeing himself is unaffected by this power. Sleep patterns and psionic abilities return to normal once those affected are outside its range of influence.

Saving Throw: Those in range can attempt to save against its effects once per melee round (16 or better, ME bonus applies.

Other Bonuses: +2 to Save Vs. Psionics

Cross-Dimensional Incursion (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This power requires the GM to create a secondary landscape which only the superbeing with this power can access.
The landscape used by the character can change to one he accesses via a cross-dimensional overlapping which only he can see and utilize. When active, this power allows the character to access a parallel universe's natural features (such as the natural land bridge which collapsed in the mainstream reality but still exists in the other dimension). The superbeing must expend an action to activate the power which attempts to open the connection between worlds. This is not always successful, having a chance of success percentage equal to the character's ME attribute number, plus 2% per level of experience.
Those viewing the character will see him seemingly walking in midair or on water as he accesses alternative reality landscape. They can still attack him, however, and he is still prone to being hit by things not expecting him to be there, such as speedboats (or that plane crossing what it thinks is open sky but to him seems like a continuing plain extending across a chasm to everyone else). The other dimensional landscape will not protect him from attack, hide him or hit anything when he throws it at someone, passing harmlessly through a target.
The superbeing also sees BOTH realities, making him -4 to all attack moves while the power is active. The other dimension accessed is limited to topographical features and landscape and will not differ in any other way (so even if it would be having a building on a hill in the dimension the landscape belongs to, it will not appear to him as such and he will not be obstructed by such structures when accessing the otherdimensional landscape.
The power lasts for a time equal to the character's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level, and can only be used his ME attribute number of times per day, plus once more at levels 4, 8 and 12.


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:22 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cross-Dimensional Incursion (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This power requires the GM to create a secondary landscape which only the superbeing with this power can access..

"How we going to get up there?"
"WE take the stairs, silly!"
"What stairs?"
"The stairs right there!"
"I don't see any stairs! What the heck are you talking about?!"
"The stairs are right there, as plain as the nose on your face!"

Honestly...I can see little kid superbeings having this power, along with Imaginary Friend....


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:56 pm
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Icy Stare (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"And then he gave me a cold look...brrr, I can still feel it."
4. Thermal Invisibility: The superbeing's body temperature is so low that he does not show up on thermal sensors.

If the superbeing's temperature is lower then their surrounding area, then wouldnt they still show up on thermo as a cold spot?


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Icy Stare (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"And then he gave me a cold look...brrr, I can still feel it."
4. Thermal Invisibility: The superbeing's body temperature is so low that he does not show up on thermal sensors.

If the superbeing's temperature is lower then their surrounding area, then wouldnt they still show up on thermo as a cold spot?

When the power is active, the character would definitely show up as a cold spot. Otherwise the cold simply masks his presence. I can see the validity of your point, however, so if you think it should, by all means feel free to play it that way. I was merely thinking his normal temperature is room temp, not necessarily colder unless using his power to send out cold energy.


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cross-Dimensional Incursion (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

This power requires the GM to create a secondary landscape which only the superbeing with this power can access..

"How we going to get up there?"
"WE take the stairs, silly!"
"What stairs?"
"The stairs right there!"
"I don't see any stairs! What the heck are you talking about?!"
"The stairs are right there, as plain as the nose on your face!"

Honestly...I can see little kid superbeings having this power, along with Imaginary Friend....

Well, it also fits for characters who have other powers based on the concept of accessing a quantum reality to use them. I am just trying to find alternatives to flight powers. :)


Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:00 am
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Well, it also fits for characters who have other powers based on the concept of accessing a quantum reality to use them. I am just trying to find alternatives to flight powers. :)

Alternatives or variations?
