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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[
Yeah, that is why I need a major version with increased damage ranges. :twisted:

Oh goodie....I shall pass the time until then contemplating the explosive velocity of a Tootsiepop...

LOL :lol:

Think of it like one of those 'glue bombs' issued before WW2 for anti-tank use....lick it, stick it, run away...*BOOM*

Hey now, that would be handy, unless of course you are a diabetic bomb disposal guy. :eek:
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Hey now, that would be handy, unless of course you are a diabetic bomb disposal guy. :eek:

Sequel to 'The Hurt Locker'?
"&*^(&!!!!...It's an Almond Joy, wired to a motion sensor trigger...I'm allergic to cocoa, coconut, AND almonds....Oh Joy..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Cardboard Cutout (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I can make my own gun if you pass me the scissors."

The superbeing can construct cardboard sculptures which function as weapons and equipment.

1. Prefabricated Cardboard Constructs: Any existing cardboard structure such as a cardboard cylinder can act as a tool for the superbeing, the number of uses of said item equal to the superbeing's ME attribute number, plus one use per level of experience. In this way, he can fashion grenade launchers or telescopes from cardboard tubes, simply be expending an action, which last for a duration equal to the superbeing's ME attribute number in minutes or until reaching the maximum number of uses. The cardboard does not need to be modified in any way to act as a tool or weapon if already in a shape which serves the superbeing's purposes. Cardboard constructs will only have half the range of a normal tool or weapon, however.

2. Creating Cardboard Constructs: By modifying cardboard or creating a tool from scratch, the superbeing can potentially create on which has the same range as an actual tool or weapon, but with the usage and duration limits being the same as prefabricated cardboard constructs. To do so, he must make a successful Art: Sculpture roll with a base level of 30%, plus 5% per level, if he does not already have the skill, or at +20% if he does. For items such as guns, he would also have to make a successful Weapons Engineer roll for anything more complicated than a basic handgun or grenade launcher. Standard construction time applies to creation of larger weapons and tools. The superbeing can create cutouts of people which move like robots as well, but they will not look convincing at close inspection, though might fool an onlooker targeting through curtained windows, such constructs moving at a PP and speed equal to the hero's ME attribute number.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+10% to mechanical skills and art skills
+2d4 ME
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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This is the aforementioned major version of Lollipop.

Gumdrop (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"You can never have too much sugar."

The superbeing unlocks the explosive potential of sugar simply by touching it and can affect it in such a way to cause a timed explosion.

1. Sugar Alteration: The superbeing can affect pieces of candy or gum to cause them to unlock the potential explosive energy of the sugar contained within. This uses one melee attack/action to alter the candy, which will explode after the superbeing's ME attribute number in minutes, plus one minute per level, if not set to detonate sooner. 50 pounds of candy can be affected at one time, plus 5 pounds per level, if in a pile or crate.

2. Sugar Detonation: The superbeing can use his power to detonate the candy from a distance at any time prior to its minute limit above, or can set the candy too detonate automatically within that time.
Range: The superbeing can detonate the candy from a distance of 400 feet, plus 100 feet per level, maximum. This will detonate all altered candy within range when triggering it in this way. Using a timed detonation must be done by touch but will only detonate the piece of candy set to detonate. Blast Radius varies with each type of candy.
Duration: Can be detonated or set to detonate at any time prior to the maximum duration of the superbeing's attribute number in minutes, plus one minute per level.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to trigger the detonation or to set it to detonate at a set time. Since candy is sticky, it can be made to adhere to a surface before detonation for maximum effect.
Damage: Blast damage and radius varies based on the type of candy involved.
Pixy Stick: One pixy stick will explode for 1d4X10 damage, with an effective casualty radius of 10 feet. Tootsie rolls have the same blast radius but do only half the damage (1d4X5).
Gumdrop: A gumdrop will explode for 4d4X10 damage, with an effective casualty radius of 20 feet.
Bubble Gum: This can be used to form a shaped charge for opening safes and sabotage, doing 1d4X10 damage to an area of about a foot.
Note that damage is cumulative based on the amount of candy detonated at one time, multiplying in damage and casualty radius the more candy is used.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to Explosives: The superbeing only takes half damage from explosions and fire attacks.
+2d4 ME
+10% to demolitions skills
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cardboard Cutout (Major) bu Stone Gargoyle
"I can make my own gun if you pass me the scissors."

The superbeing can construct cardboard sculptures which function as weapons and equipment.

For those superheroes-in-disguise who work in the mail room, or in the shipping department... :D

When Office-Max and Power Postit get together...look out, evil!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cardboard Cutout (Major) bu Stone Gargoyle
"I can make my own gun if you pass me the scissors."

The superbeing can construct cardboard sculptures which function as weapons and equipment.

For those superheroes-in-disguise who work in the mail room, or in the shipping department... :D

When Office-Max and Power Postit get together...look out, evil!

LOL... It was actually partly inspired by little kids pretending to have equipment by using toilet paper empty rolls and cylinders from paper towels.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Cardboard Cutout (Major) bu Stone Gargoyle
"I can make my own gun if you pass me the scissors."

The superbeing can construct cardboard sculptures which function as weapons and equipment.

For those superheroes-in-disguise who work in the mail room, or in the shipping department... :D

When Office-Max and Power Postit get together...look out, evil!

LOL... It was actually partly inspired by little kids pretending to have equipment by using toilet paper empty rolls and cylinders from paper towels.

...actually, some of the carboard tubes they come out with are pretty thick walled and can hurt if you hit people with them. I once was almost fired from a store for nearly breaking their industiral strength trash compactor, I had gotten some of those pallat saran wrap tubes propped up in three corners before hitting the 'crush crap' button. BIG problems, those things are like, half an inch thick, and five or six inches across. Theystopped the crushing plate dead in its tracks for several seconds, before setting off lots of buzzers. I imagine that they would make fairly decent clubs in a fight, and the smaller, thinner ones could be used to poke people in the eyes.

O lord, I'm having too much fun with this.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Unread post by taalismn »

Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
LOL... It was actually partly inspired by little kids pretending to have equipment by using toilet paper empty rolls and cylinders from paper towels.

...actually, some of the carboard tubes they come out with are pretty thick walled and can hurt if you hit people with them. I once was almost fired from a store for nearly breaking their industiral strength trash compactor, I had gotten some of those pallat saran wrap tubes propped up in three corners before hitting the 'crush crap' button. BIG problems, those things are like, half an inch thick, and five or six inches across. Theystopped the crushing plate dead in its tracks for several seconds, before setting off lots of buzzers. I imagine that they would make fairly decent clubs in a fight, and the smaller, thinner ones could be used to poke people in the eyes.

O lord, I'm having too much fun with this.

The episode of 'The Simpsons' where Bart and Lisa build a box-fort and fend off the armies of UPS armed with cardboard weaponry keeps coming up in my head...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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--------Rudyard Kipling
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Stone Gargoyle
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
LOL... It was actually partly inspired by little kids pretending to have equipment by using toilet paper empty rolls and cylinders from paper towels.

...actually, some of the carboard tubes they come out with are pretty thick walled and can hurt if you hit people with them. I once was almost fired from a store for nearly breaking their industiral strength trash compactor, I had gotten some of those pallat saran wrap tubes propped up in three corners before hitting the 'crush crap' button. BIG problems, those things are like, half an inch thick, and five or six inches across. Theystopped the crushing plate dead in its tracks for several seconds, before setting off lots of buzzers. I imagine that they would make fairly decent clubs in a fight, and the smaller, thinner ones could be used to poke people in the eyes.

O lord, I'm having too much fun with this.

The episode of 'The Simpsons' where Bart and Lisa build a box-fort and fend off the armies of UPS armed with cardboard weaponry keeps coming up in my head...

I am glad you guys are enjoying the potential insanity of that power. :mrgreen:
Here goes another one:

Fear Net (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Behold as I use his own fears against him..."

The superbeing can use a person's fear to bind them in a net which becomes solid enough for the superbeing to use to drag the poor scared fool away in.

1. Horror Factor: Same as the minor super ability.

2. Bound With Fear: Once the potential target has failed a save vs. Horror Factor, the superbeing can initiate a PPE drain, drawing an amount of PPE from the frightened person equal to the superbeing's ME attribute number, plus one PPE point per level of experience. This draws forth magic tendrils which may be used to entangle the person (roll to Entangle with a bonus of +2 plus and ME bonus amount; other strike bonuses do not apply). Draining the target and entangling them can be done with a single action, with the tendrils being magical in nature (can be dismissed with a dispel magic spell) and having an effective SDC and PS tensile strength both equal to the superbeing's ME attribute number, +! SDC and PS per level of experience. The victim cannot break the net by fighting it but can do a save vs. magic once per melee round starting the round following the initial capture.
The superbeing can generate one such net at a given time at level one, plus one additional at levels 4, 8 and 12, and can drag them on the ground at half their normal SPD even if the weight exceeds the normal carry limit for the superbeing.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 ME
+4 to save vs. magic
+2d6 PPE
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Here's my meaningful contribution....

Matter Control: Alcohol(Major)
“I hate to drink alone; why don’t you join me?”

The superbeing has incredible powers over alcohol and fermentation/distillation. This is useful for producing large amounts of alcoholic beverages, fuel, sanitizing alcohol, spoiling foodstuffs, or turning benign drinks into powerful intoxicants. The superbeing can also induce the effects of alcohol consumption/poisoning in a person...or dispel them.
Range: Touch or 5 ft+5 ft per level of experience, and can affect their P.E. +4 per level of experience in gallons of substances affected.

1)Control/Accelerate Fermentation----The superbeing can accelerate the rate of fermentation(as opposed to outright decay) and the formation of alcohol molecules in various substances...Ideally, this has to take place with appropriate substances(grape juice, barley mash, sugar cane juice...but other, more exotic substances like mare’s milk are possible) and in appropriate conditions(sealed cask or’re not going to be able to create champagne on the vine). Acceleration of the process is effectively a year per hour at first level of experience, with an increase in rate of x2 with every subsequent level of experience, so creating a cheap gin takes a matter of minutes, while producing a decent champagne is going to take several hours(examples of typical aging include whiskey at 2 years, cognac at least 2 years, scotch no less than 3 years, rum at one year, champagne a minimum of 1.5 years) . The superbeing can also create volumes of wood alcohol from other substances(such as coal, but not from natural gas, as is industrial standard)....poisonous to consume, but good for industrial purposes, such as fuel.
Note that this superpower can also produce a DISTILLATE, but the substance being fermented and distilled must be appropriately contained and rigged with some means to draw off the distillate(otherwise, it’s lost to the air or mixed back into the ferment).

2) Raise Proof---The superbeing can increase the percentage of alcohol in a product by as much as 5% per level of experience per minute. Raise the level high enough, and even wine can become effectively toxic(note: the American proof system generally holds the proof number to be twice the percentage of 120-proof whiskey contains 60% alcohol). Most potable drinks are marketed at 40-proof(20% alcohol by volume), but are brewed/distilled at much higher proofs and diluted for marketing(whiskey can start out at 80-proof, rum at 160-proof, scotch at 188-proof. Substances of 40-proof WILL burn, but the quality of flame and sustainability of same will not be good; typically a 140-proof product is required for a sustained flame.

3)Induce Intoxication--With a touch or wave of the hand, the superbeing can induce a state of intoxication in another person. However, the person does get a saving throw against their PE to fight off the effects of the induced drunk. An unsuccessful save means the target is -75% on all skills, -10 on perception and initiative, and reduce APMs and Speed attribute to 2. Effects last 1d4 hours. Unless actual alcohol has been consumed, however, the target will NOT suffer a hangover at the end of the duration.

4)Induce/Cure Hangover---With a touch or wave of the hand, the superbeing can induce a crushing hangover, or mercifully end one. A blindingly bad hangover has the following properties; -50% to all skill performance, -5 on perception and initiative, -4 to strike, parry, and dodge, reduce APMs by HALF, and has a 65% chance of becoming nauseous with bright lights, loud noises, or other strong stimuli(like the smell of cooking food, or even the THOUGHT of it...”...mmmm...skunk-butt...sauteed in garlic and greasy butter...want some?”). The hangover lasts 1d4 hours if alcohol has not actually been consumed by the target--1d6 hours if they have.

5) Other Bonuses
*Can imbibe 10x as much alcohol as a normal person, without feeling ill effect
*Intoxication effects are HALVED, and never suffers from hangovers
*+4 to save versus ingested toxins/poisons
*The superbeing automatically gets the skill Brewing at +20% and Basic Chemistry at +10%
*Discriminatory Taste---Where alcohol is concerned, the superbeing has a super-sensitive pallete, and can, with a taste, tell the type, composition, and age of any alcoholic beverage with an accuracy of 60%+5% per level of experience
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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...mmm...Did I accidentally activate my 'ThreadKiller' power again? :-?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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taalismn wrote:...mmm...Did I accidentally activate my 'ThreadKiller' power again? :-?

No, just been slow. I had to have dental work thursday and been in mass pain, bro. It has also been hella hot here, making me lethargic.

Inviso-Vision (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing sees through objects by temporarily rendering them invisible by means of altering their light refraction to give off light which is not able to be seen by normal vision.

Range: 400 feet, plus 100 feet per level. Affects everything between the superbeing and what he is trying to see. Affects an area of two feet square, so large objects will appear to have a hole in them.
Duration: Instant, with objects remaining invisible for one full melee round following their alteration.
Damage: None to nonliving objects. Living things take 1d6 damage, plus one point of damage per level.
Limitation: Does not affect objects or living things which absorb energy or are immune to energy expulsion powers.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:...mmm...Did I accidentally activate my 'ThreadKiller' power again? :-?

No, just been slow. I had to have dental work thursday and been in mass pain, bro. It has also been hella hot here, making me lethargic.

I'm going to have to come up with Novacaine-based powers then...maybe dental-powers(though I think we already went through a run of 'teeth'-based powers long ago....)
"One man's pain is another's inspiration...though conversely it might inspire the former to re-distribute his pain to the latter...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Weapon Mastery [minor] by: NMI
"This knife is about a 1/2 ounce heavy on the pommel side."

Characters with this power are deadly masters of combat when wielding a weapon. This power can be used with any weapon that user has a W.P. in. This is an intuitive ability.
Bonuses: All weapons that the user has a weapon proficiency in act as if they were 5 levels higher then the level the user has the proficiency in. For example, if the user has W.P. Knife at 4th level proficiency, then with this power they will use the weapon at 9th level proficiency with all inherent bonuses.
Additional Bonuses:
  • Gains W.P. Paired along with 2 (two) additional W.P.'s of choice. These can be selected from Ancient or Modern W.P.'s.
  • Recognize Weapon Quality: 60% + 4% per level of experience.
  • Gains +20% to the skill Weapon Systems.
Note:[sup]1[/sup] This power can be selected as a Major. As a Major super ability, the user has proficiency in ALL weapon skills equal to 6 (six) levels higher then his current level! Effectively, the user has ALL W.P's! This includes W.P. Trick Shooting/Sharpshooting, Targeting, etc...
Note:[sup]2[/sup] If used with the martial arts from Ninjas and Superspies, various Rifters, etc.. then this character is consider to have the appropriate weapon kata for any weapon proficiencies he has.
Restrictions (as a Major): The character can not use any of his skill selections to acquire Weapon Proficiencies.
Last edited by NMI on Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: corrected typo
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True Sight(Minor)
"I love my black maple dresser-drawer set...which is why, if you don't tell me what you did with the REAL one, Morpho, I'm going to put a twenty-millimeter shell between your middle and bottom drawers..."

This power allows the wielder to effectively see through all manner of illusions, technological, psionic, or magical, and even spot transformed shapeshifters. On the minus side, the power user will have trouble reading holographic displays(they appear as even more insubstantial than normal) and even regular video displays appear grainy and 'snowy'(the person 'sees' the scanning surface, rather than the virtual illusion).
Range: 200 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience, or can be made permanently 'on'
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Coming Soon: Clear Vision (Major) and Free Parking (Major), with more hopefully.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Coming Soon: Clear Vision (Major) and Free Parking (Major), with more hopefully.

Take your time...let your jaw mend... :)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Coming Soon: Clear Vision (Major) and Free Parking (Major), with more hopefully.

Take your time...let your jaw mend... :)

I had a tooth fragment that had to get pulled that was causing most of the pain, so am trying to get back in the game ASAP to avoid another extended absence and to get them out while relatively fresh in my mind.

Wisdom Tooth (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing possesses a removable tooth which transfers added wisdom and knowledge to the bearer. It glows and appears to be highly valuable to the onlooker (must save vs. insanity (16 or better, ME bonus applies), who will feel compelled to take it if failing to save against its drawing energy.

When possessing the tooth, the bearer will gain the following:
*+2d4 IQ
*+1d4 MA
*+20% to the Research Skill (can go over 98% for the purposes of offsetting any penalties)

This can also be taken as a Major ability, in which case it will grant the minor superabilities of Criminal Intuition (PU page 19) and Sense Death & Destruction (PU page 39).

Drawn Out (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing possesses an inklike fluid which he can use to mark surfaces in order to bring forth the items drawn.

1. Drawing on Inorganic Surfaces: When drawing on an inoganic surface, the item forms itself out of the material it is drawn upon, having the same strengths and weaknesses of the material it makes itself out of. Items created are lifeless unless the character lends his HP to the creation, the item gaining sentience and HP equal to half that the superbeing donates, so a minimum HP of 2 must be given to give the creation one HP. Non-living creations remain in the new shape until destroyed, but living items will revert to being a drawing if not destroyed before a time in minutes equal to the superbeing's ME attribute number.

2. Drawing on Organic surfaces: When drawing on living flesh or leaves, the item forms bonded to the surface drawn on. Items created must be surgically removed and remain until such is done. This can be used to draw working gills or other adaptations onto a person, with such alterations being permanent at the cost of the permanent loss of one HP of the target or superbeing doing the alteration, otherwise reverting back to just a drawing after the superbeing's ME attribute number in minutes.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 ME
+1d6 HP
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...or nefarious individuals who simply like working over people's teeth with pliers... :twisted:
There are folks who don't NEED an excuse like a Wisom Tooth to do that...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:That Wisdom Tooth power is interesting (and I've had a wisdom tooth that had to get extracted because it got infected from an improper eruption, that was a potentially life threatening situation, so I'm well aware of how serious dental problems can be). I could see it being a non-removable tooth, and that it could only grant other abilities by being forcibly extracted. But then I could see the same for a number of powers, and the nefarious individuals that would want to copy, clone and duplicate such things.

That was the idea behind the power- make it one which would make the bearer, at least initially, in some serious danger simply by possessing it. I do have my evil moments. :twisted:

Free Parking (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I'll just park where the Buick is. That should work nicely..."

The superbeing can pull himself out of phase for mere moments for the purpose of leaving objects held or used in a phased state so as to hide them or to leave them in an area where they would not otherwise be safe.

Range: Touch, but affects anything directly connected by parts to the object held, up to 2000 pounds, plus 1000 pounds per level. This allows him to not just phase a steering wheel but the whole vehicle connected to it.
Duration: The superbeing can phase himself and his clothing only for his ME attribute number in minutes, plus one minute per level of experience, but anything phased and left phased will remain so for the superbeing's ME attribute in hours, plus one hour per level of experience.
Damage: The superbeing can only phase a particular item once per day before doing it damage, 1d6 for each additional attempt, cumulative, with a 60% chance of phasing, plus 5% per level, on the first attempt, but with a -5% cumulative penalty for each additional act of phasing. This damage does not apply to the superbeing or his clothing unless he phases a number of times beyong his ME attribute number of times per day, plus one time per level of experience. Also note that the vehicle unphasing inside another vehicle will cause the two to merge, including any unwitting passengers.
Other Limitations: If hit by magnetic or electrical energy, the object will move out of phase within the next 2d4 melee rounds. Unlike intangibility, the phasing leaves the object visible unless it is concealed inside another object. Living organisms cannot be left phased. Attempting to un-merge an object with another one my be attempted only if there are no intricate parts and will still take 1d6 for each hour merged with another object even if separated from the other object. An object must be smaller than another to be hidden inside it, with no intersecting pieces. If pieces intersect, the object wil take 1d6 damage per hour merged with the other even if within the duration of the power.
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Took me a couple of rereads to figure it out...So this ability allows the user to get into a vehicle, drive it around phase it, slide it and himself into a solid object, then get out and revert to normal, while leaving the vehicle(car, robot, exoskeleton) in invisible phase state?
Okay, prior to being 'buried' in a solid object, when the vehicle is phased, is it invisible or in a semi-tangible state, and can it driven around? Or is this power just for the purpose of parking...i.e., Captain Stupendous is seen to be driving the Zipmobile around, then he drives into a concrete wall in the parking garage, and moments later Captain Stupendous steps out of the wall, putting his car keys away...
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taalismn wrote:Took me a couple of rereads to figure it out...So this ability allows the user to get into a vehicle, drive it around phase it, slide it and himself into a solid object, then get out and revert to normal, while leaving the vehicle(car, robot, exoskeleton) in invisible phase state?
Okay, prior to being 'buried' in a solid object, when the vehicle is phased, is it invisible or in a semi-tangible state, and can it driven around? Or is this power just for the purpose of parking...i.e., Captain Stupendous is seen to be driving the Zipmobile around, then he drives into a concrete wall in the parking garage, and moments later Captain Stupendous steps out of the wall, putting his car keys away...

It is developed as a "poison" power in that using it actually stands to wreck the vehicle being parked, and primarily to hide a vehicle. It cannot be used while driving, since one of the limitations causes electrical activity in a vehicle, as from engine sparks and lights, to negate the power. He could make intangible only long enough to park it and get out or get in and take off, though he is screwed if the motor stalls. :D
I designed it that way to keep the power from being too over-the-top. Practical applications of the power could include hiding a heavy artillery gun inside a statue or retrieving a tank from inside a shipping crate without having to bust it open, turning the motor off in the car and coasting and ghosting through a wall, stealing a diamond and hiding it inside a cheaper hollow pendant, parking inside another car or van to mask yours' presence, etc.
Items phased are NOT invisible, so they must be hidden by parking them inside larger concealing objects.
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Clear Vision (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I can see the cat. It is in the tree behind that building over there."

The superbeing sees reality as a series of overlapping transparent layers, with each layer giving a perception penalty to see things in the layer beyond of -1. So while the superbeing may see an object behind the car, he may be limited in how well he sees it. But this basically allows the character to see through walls, floors and ceilings as well as though people and such.

Benefits and Bonuses: This makes him immune to charm/impress since seeing things in the way he does makes people unattractive in general. The superbeing has this power always on and for their full range of vision. Specific training is required to use this effectively, but it can add +20% to medical and mechanical skills. The superbeing is not fooled by disguises, camouflage, palming or concealment skills used by others and can See the Invisible.

Drawbacks and Penalties: It imposes a -40% to all Literacy checks and any skill being performed through reading. Also, the superbeing cannot block blinding effects and suffers twice normal duration and -4 to penalties when blinded.

This is still in the concept stages, so any feedback is appreciated.
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Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Weapon Mastery [minor] by: NMI
"This knife is about a 1/2 ounce heavy on the pommel side."

Characters with this power are deadly masters of combat when wielding a weapon. This power can be used with any weapon that user has a W.P. in. This is an intuitive ability.
Bonuses: All weapons that the user has a weapon proficiency in act as if they were 5 levels higher then the level the user has the proficiency in. For example, if the user has W.P. Knife at 4th level proficiency, then with this power they will use the weapon at 9th level proficiency with all inherent bonuses.
Additional Bonuses:
  • The character gets 2 (two) additional W.P.'s of choice. These can be selected from Ancient or Modern W.P.'s.
  • Recognize Weapon Quality: 60% + 4% per level of experience.
  • Gains +20% to the skill Weapon Systems
Note:[sup]1[/sup] This power can be selected as a Major. As a Major super ability, the user has proficiency in ALL weapon skills equal to 6 (six) levels higher then his current level! Effectively, the user has ALL W.P's! This includes W.P. Trick Shooting/Sharpshooting, Targeting, etc...
Note:[sup]2[/sup] If used with the martial arts from Ninjas and Superspies, various Rifters, etc.. then this character is consider to have the appropriate weapon kata for any weapon proficiencies he has.
Restrictions (as a Major): The character can not use any of his skill selections to acquire Weapon Proficiencies.

Thoughts? Comments?
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Unread post by taalismn »

Nice power for the weapon-monger...I WOULDN'T allow a power like Instinctive Combat to be taken with it, however...
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taalismn wrote:Nice power for the weapon-monger...I WOULDN'T allow a power like Instinctive Combat to be taken with it, however...

I'd throw in Paired Weapons (didn't see it in there, so sorry if it was already included). It goes without saying that more than one hand-to-hand amendment/enhancement power should be allowed at a time in general, though I could see allowances being made if the player had a good concept as to why they had it.
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Unread post by Her0man0 »

Here is a major power i just cooked up, hope to have more to come soon.

Absorb and Expel Heat
This is the ability to absorbed the heat within an area and channel it into the body. Not only does this make the surrounding area really cold, but the heat being absorbed can make for several useful sub-abilities.
Absorb Heat

The character is able to absorb all the heat within a given area. This will make it progressively colder at a rate of -30 degrees Fahrenheit per melee round. The radius of the most intense cold will always be centered on the character. A 3ft area around the character will always be 30 degrees cooler than the rest of the circle until the total temperature reaches -100 degrees Fahrenheit at which time the entire circle will be the same temperature. Follow the scale from the major super ability Sub-Zero (PU3 Pg97) to see the damage these types of temperature can cause.
Range: The total range is a dome with up to a 30 ft radius around the character. The inner dome has a 3ft radius +1ft per every 3rd level of experience.
Duration: As long as this character is able to keep focus. The temperature quickly returns to normal when this ability is deactivated 1 min max.
Attacks per melee: It takes 2 actions per melee round to keep the effects in place.

Scalding Body
The character is actually absorbing the heat from the surrounding area. This will cause the body of the character to become extremely hot, able to cause damage by touch alone. The damage the character is able to inflict will depend on how cold the surrounding area is made. This makes for an interesting effect as a large area around the area is freezing cold and the actual center is scalding hot.
Range: Self
Damage: The characters touch will add 1d4 damage per 30 degrees the temperature is dropped (this is the outermost circle, not the inner one). This damage is added to hand to hand attacks, if the character should grab and hold onto someone the damage would be 1d4 points of damage per melee action. A bear hug would inflict 3d4 damage per melee round it is held.
Duration: As long as the character is absorbing heat. The effects take one minute to fade after the absorb cold ability has been turned off.

Bolts of Heat
The character is able to project heat from their hands as long as the absorb cold ability is active. Like the scalding body sub ability the amount of damage the character can inflict will depend on how much heat is being absorbed.
Range: 100ft +20ft per level
Damage: 1d6 +1 per level of experience of damage per 30 degrees absorbed. The hotter the original temperature in the area the more damage a character is able to do.
Attacks per melee: 1 melee attack per bolt of heat
Bonuses: +3 to strike due to the blast being somewhat hard to see; it looks like a shimmer in the air, like the heat coming off the sidewalk.

Heat Wave
The character is able to expel all the heat in their body at the same time to create an aura of heat. The expelling of heat lasts a very limited time and the temperature raise depends directly on how much heat the character has absorbed.
Range: A 20ft radius +2ft per level. The center of the blast will always be the hottest, +30 degrees within a 5ft radius around the character.
Duration: lasts for 3 melee actions +1 per every other level.
Damage: Varies; the intense heat doesn’t last long enough to cause any serious damage but it will distract anyone caught in it (save Vs H.F. of 10 to see if there are any penalties) and may even make some characters pass out (25% chance).

Frozen Body
The character is able to expel all the heat within the body to make it more durable. With all the characters heat expelled the body won’t quite freeze but it will become somewhat stiff and difficult to injure due to all the fluids becoming slushy. An interesting side effect of this ability is that the character will have a rather warm 98.6 degree aura being pushed out in all directions while it is in use.
Range: Self
Duration: Until the character decides to unthaw; this takes 1 melee round.
Bonuses: adds +25 to the characters S.D.C., provides an A.R. of 8, and the characters punches and kicks do an additional 1d4 damage. Also the character does not bleed due to the blood being frozen. On the down side the characters Spd and P.P. is reduced by 25% due to the stiffness of being mostly frozen.

Other Bonuses:
The character is impervious to the effects of heat and cold and takes half damage from fire of all kinds.
+ 1d4x10 to S.D.C.
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Her0ma0, dude, c'mon with this... Waaaay overpowered. You give this all the abilities of an existing Major and then tack on more without balancing it out. It is really easy to add to existing powers to get stupidly high power levels, quite another to create a balanced power.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Her0ma0, dude, c'mon with this... Waaaay overpowered. You give this all the abilities of an existing Major and then tack on more without balancing it out. It is really easy to add to existing powers to get stupidly high power levels, quite another to create a balanced power.

If i recall, the subzero power has the absorbe heat listed as only one sub-ability among a whole bunch of other more powerfull sub abilities. such as bolts of cold, subzero freezing blast, ice constructs, preserve ice, and ice slide. I think this ability is way less powerfull than the subzero category. I mean common the character has to have the aura of cold active to use the project heat and scalding body, what if allies or innocents are close by, not to mention the low A.R. on the cold body. check the subzero power again and tell me it you still think this is just a copy or too powerfull.
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Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Her0ma0, dude, c'mon with this... Waaaay overpowered. You give this all the abilities of an existing Major and then tack on more without balancing it out. It is really easy to add to existing powers to get stupidly high power levels, quite another to create a balanced power.

it might be a tad strong, but isn't overwhelming like some of the APS powers. And it's his first power posted, give the guy some latitude. (and really next to canon powers like Geo-Thermal, Bio-Armor and Zombie Flesh I don't think it's that bad)

It's not too bad, just a tad strong, as you say. I did exaggerate my point a bit, I admit.

Her0man0 wrote:If i recall, the subzero power has the absorbe heat listed as only one sub-ability among a whole bunch of other more powerfull sub abilities. such as bolts of cold, subzero freezing blast, ice constructs, preserve ice, and ice slide. I think this ability is way less powerfull than the subzero category. I mean common the character has to have the aura of cold active to use the project heat and scalding body, what if allies or innocents are close by, not to mention the low A.R. on the cold body. check the subzero power again and tell me it you still think this is just a copy or too powerfull.

Sorry, It was late when I was reading the power and clearly overreacted and misunderstood your intent. Apologies. The problem I have with the power is this: By generating the cold levels you are, most of my players would want to develop the Sub-Zero abilities as stunts of your power, which it could easily be argued are reasonably possible to do if you are generating that level of cold. From a numbers crunching perspective, you are right, it is a powerful one but not over the top. But from a playability aspect, I have to ask myself "is this going to remain limited to the abilities written or should I rein in the potential abuse issues?" One of the reasons I post certain limits in the power itself when writing the power is to avoid power gaming in my group, which usually results from logical player argument, saying that if a power has the ability to produce one effect of a given power it can be used to create stunts allowing all the other abilities of said power. This is the basis of my criticism and meant in no way to discourage you from posting powers. I am addressing power abuse by players using your power as written, not how you have written the power.
Let me give you some examples: Does ice form in extreme cold? Yes, so my players would want to take that Ice Slick sub-ability and add it to the power. Does not removing heat in a specific line of force create a cold bolt effect? Yes, generally it does, so then they would want to add the cold bolt ability on there. And since you say it has the full range of temperature change of sub-zero, they would argue that these effects could be amplified as the cold got greater to create sub-zero freezing bolts and ice sculptures, including the ever-popular ice slide all the kiddies want.
So while your power does not give the abilities of sub-zero, it certainly has potential to be abused so that players would want to recreate those effects. What can I, as GM, do, alter the game physics already set in place as to what happens when cold is created? Concept wise, I have tried writing up that power more than once and had to face this same dilemma in how to introduce it to my players without creating such abuse issues. It is a matter of concept vs. playability and abuse potential.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Her0ma0, dude, c'mon with this... Waaaay overpowered. You give this all the abilities of an existing Major and then tack on more without balancing it out. It is really easy to add to existing powers to get stupidly high power levels, quite another to create a balanced power.

it might be a tad strong, but isn't overwhelming like some of the APS powers. And it's his first power posted, give the guy some latitude. (and really next to canon powers like Geo-Thermal, Bio-Armor and Zombie Flesh I don't think it's that bad)

It's not too bad, just a tad strong, as you say. I did exaggerate my point a bit, I admit.

Her0man0 wrote:If i recall, the subzero power has the absorbe heat listed as only one sub-ability among a whole bunch of other more powerfull sub abilities. such as bolts of cold, subzero freezing blast, ice constructs, preserve ice, and ice slide. I think this ability is way less powerfull than the subzero category. I mean common the character has to have the aura of cold active to use the project heat and scalding body, what if allies or innocents are close by, not to mention the low A.R. on the cold body. check the subzero power again and tell me it you still think this is just a copy or too powerfull.

Sorry, It was late when I was reading the power and clearly overreacted and misunderstood your intent. Apologies. The problem I have with the power is this: By generating the cold levels you are, most of my players would want to develop the Sub-Zero abilities as stunts of your power, which it could easily be argued are reasonably possible to do if you are generating that level of cold. From a numbers crunching perspective, you are right, it is a powerful one but not over the top. But from a playability aspect, I have to ask myself "is this going to remain limited to the abilities written or should I rein in the potential abuse issues?" One of the reasons I post certain limits in the power itself when writing the power is to avoid power gaming in my group, which usually results from logical player argument, saying that if a power has the ability to produce one effect of a given power it can be used to create stunts allowing all the other abilities of said power. This is the basis of my criticism and meant in no way to discourage you from posting powers. I am addressing power abuse by players using your power as written, not how you have written the power.
Let me give you some examples: Does ice form in extreme cold? Yes, so my players would want to take that Ice Slick sub-ability and add it to the power. Does not removing heat in a specific line of force create a cold bolt effect? Yes, generally it does, so then they would want to add the cold bolt ability on there. And since you say it has the full range of temperature change of sub-zero, they would argue that these effects could be amplified as the cold got greater to create sub-zero freezing bolts and ice sculptures, including the ever-popular ice slide all the kiddies want.
So while your power does not give the abilities of sub-zero, it certainly has potential to be abused so that players would want to recreate those effects. What can I, as GM, do, alter the game physics already set in place as to what happens when cold is created? Concept wise, I have tried writing up that power more than once and had to face this same dilemma in how to introduce it to my players without creating such abuse issues. It is a matter of concept vs. playability and abuse potential.

While i still dont see how this ability is too powerfull, i do see how your players might try and twist it, the subzero ability's to generate ice constructs and ice slide are seperate abilities, there are different physics involved that have more to do with just making it cold, that would be like asking why someone with a.p.s. ice couldnt do some of the subzero abilities or e.e. cold or something.
I guess ive always just considered that the powers work how thier laid down and thats just how it is.
but i will update the ability to actually say that it can only be done in a radius effect and cannot be directed to just one particular spot or line which i just assumed was obvious.
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Her0man0 wrote:While i still dont see how this ability is too powerfull, i do see how your players might try and twist it, the subzero ability's to generate ice constructs and ice slide are seperate abilities, there are different physics involved that have more to do with just making it cold, that would be like asking why someone with a.p.s. ice couldnt do some of the subzero abilities or e.e. cold or something.
I guess ive always just considered that the powers work how thier laid down and thats just how it is.
but i will update the ability to actually say that it can only be done in a radius effect and cannot be directed to just one particular spot or line which i just assumed was obvious.

My early experiences as a GM taught me never to assume anything is obvious and that my players tend to push the limits unless it is spelled out for them not to. It's like they say, give 'em a bite and they'll eat the whole dang sandwich! :roll:
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Nice power for the weapon-monger...I WOULDN'T allow a power like Instinctive Combat to be taken with it, however...

I'd throw in Paired Weapons (didn't see it in there, so sorry if it was already included). It goes without saying that more than one hand-to-hand amendment/enhancement power should be allowed at a time in general, though I could see allowances being made if the player had a good concept as to why they had it.

Updated to reflect the addition of W.P. Paired.

In regards to not allowing this power with Natural Combat Ability -
To use this power as a minor and gain its benefits to ones weapon proficiencies, you have to select W.P.(s). Sounds simple enough. The balancing act is, If you have Natural Combat Ability, you (by the book) are not allowed to select any W.P.'s, instead you get a static +2 strike/parry in all weapons. There are no "per level w.p. bonuses" for Weapon Mastery to affect.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Yeah, Permanent PE loss is one way to balance it as a SuperPower(a magic version would have yah sacrifice somebody ELSE'S lifeforce to accomplish...)...You can be a relatively fit guy with an extradimensional closet, or a panting wimp with a secret lovenest nobody knows about... :D
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It may be a bit til I post more powers. I am busy writing up my requested campaign idea for my new gaming group (see my thread on my HU2 steampunk style campaign I am writing).
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There are some game systems where you HAVE to sacrifice HP or attribute points to use powers, or where you buy powers (like BIO-E). There have been powers posted based on these concepts which have been pretty powerful based on this trade-off idea.
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Disarm (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Let me just pop off your arm and take a look at that wound."

The superbeing can defy reality by popping the arms and legs off opponents or allies harmlessly. This can be done to prevent them from attacking or to stop the bleeding of a wound or the spreading of poison. Of course, should the limb be left off too long it becomes permanently severed. A limb takes 2 melee attacks/actions to remove or reattach and is painless. It can remain away from the person it belongs to for the superbeing's ME attribute number in minutes, plus one minute per level. Reattaching the arm restores the SDC to the character it belongs to and is unaltered from before the superbeing removed it. The limb may be stitched up or bandaged while removed, and will not bleed or suffer damage from poison to it while removed, and no damage to the limb while it is removed will be felt by its owner. The limb will still be damaged when reattached if damaged while removed, however. Limbs removed will reattach automatically after the power's time limit if placed next to their owner within a foot.
Opponents unwillingly having limbs removed may save against it (14 or better, PE bonus applies). The missing limb(s) will hinder movement and attack abilities.
Only one limb can be removed at one time at level one, with the superbeing able to remove an additional limb from the same or another opponent simultaneously at levels 4, 8 and 12.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Disarm (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Let me just pop off your arm and take a look at that wound."

The superbeing can defy reality by popping the arms and legs off opponents or allies harmlessly. This can be done to prevent them from attacking or to stop the bleeding of a wound or the spreading of poison. Of course, should the limb be left off too long it becomes permanently severed. A limb takes 2 melee attacks/actions to remove or reattach and is painless. It can remain away from the person it belongs to for the superbeing's ME attribute number in minutes, plus one minute per level. Reattaching the arm restores the SDC to the character it belongs to and is unaltered from before the superbeing removed it. The limb may be stitched up or bandaged while removed, and will not bleed or suffer damage from poison to it while removed, and no damage to the limb while it is removed will be felt by its owner. The limb will still be damaged when reattached if damaged while removed, however. Limbs removed will reattach automatically after the power's time limit if placed next to their owner within a foot.
Opponents unwillingly having limbs removed may save against it (14 or better, PE bonus applies). The missing limb(s) will hinder movement and attack abilities.
Only one limb can be removed at one time at level one, with the superbeing able to remove an additional limb from the same or another opponent simultaneously at levels 4, 8 and 12.

Effectively how much SDC damage does a removed limb represent?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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10% of total SDC, I should think.
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“Is that a Barret Light Fifty M82A1 with Starlite scoping you got there? I wish I had one of those...(POOF!)...Now I do!”

This creation power allows the superbeing to scan and replicate inanimate objects out of thin air. First, the superbeing scans the object(either by a visible laser-like beam from their eyes or finger or by holding and touching the object), then holds out their hand(s) and focuses on materializing a duplicate object...a moment later, the air seems to shimmer, and the duplicate comes into reality. With this power, the superbeing can recreate relatively small objects; firearms, personal electronics, books, CDs, clothing, even foodstuffs, and can equip a small force, feed a family, or furnish a house given enough time and access to models to scan.
Firearms will be in the state they were scanned in, so if the weapon was fully loaded, the duplicate will be fully loaded, if the cell phone was charged, the battery of the duplicate will be fully charged as well, and food will be wrapped, hot, or as fresh as they were when scanned.
A being with this power is a copyright or patent lawyer’s worst nightmare....
Range: 60 ft +10 ft per level of experience for the scanning range.
Duration: The process of Replication is two part: scanning an object takes 15 seconds(1 melee) while creating the duplicate takes 1 melee per 6 lbs of mass). Objects created by this process are permanent.
*The mass of the objects the superbeing can duplicate is limited to 6 lbs +1 lb per level of experience. So at first level, the superbeing could easily duplicate a pistol, but not a machine gun(though, if the character disassembled the machine gun first, then scanned the parts, he could create the components necessary to assemble a new machine gun)
*The superbeing can produce as many multiple copies as he or she has P.E. points, but will have to regain the points from fatigue as normal(rest/sleep).
*Replicated objects can be used as scan models, but after the first 2nd copy, they begin deteriorating in quality, losing SDC/damage/effectiveness by 20% per generation, until the 5th generation copies are effectively useless scraps of material or inedible goo....
*The object being duplicated CANNOT be alive, radioactive, magical, nor can it contain any unique/exotic materials like inobtainium, handwavium, neutronium, mithril, or whatever else....
*Computer hardware that is duplicated will NOT contain private files or secured data...the only software will be what is hardwired into the machine.
*The superbeing can hold a pattern in his memory for as many hours as he has M.E. points...after that, he loses the pattern. For every four three levels of experience, the superbeing can hold another pattern in memory.
*There will be something slightly ‘off’ about a replicated object that will reveal itself upon close inspection(must be inspected for a minute or more by someone familiar with the original object); a slight difference in color, minor quality flaw(like the superbeing’s fingerprint in the material), slightly different taste, faint smell, odd wood grain, or slight change in appearance that will distinguish it from the original. Any other being with this power will IMMEDIATELY be able to spot a replicant object.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Nice work, Taalismn.
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Unread post by Her0man0 »

I like the major animal metamorphosis ability but ive always wanted my character to be able to transform into just one type of animal and no other, but that didnt seem right for a major ability so i created this minor one. While it may be a little powerfull with a minor, i did try and add a few limitations to make closer to a minor.

Animal Metamorphosis: Minor

The character is able to transform into an animal just like the major ability of the same title, the differences lies in that the character is only able to turn into one type of animal. The animal is chosen at the time of creation and never changes. The animal the character changes into can any type of animal, but a Genus, Species, and breed (if applicable) must be chosen. An example would be a Canine, Dog, then German Sheppard, it must be that specific.
The Characters physical attributes will change up or down with the type of animal, the base S.D.C. will change to match the animals, but any super ability attribute bonuses the character gets will add to this new base and be the same every time the character transforms. This means that the character will have two sets of stats, one while “human” and the other while in animal form.

Duration: Instant and for as long as the character desires

Attacks: changing takes a full melee round at level one, takes three actions at level 5 and a single action at level 10.

Limitations: Unable to speak in animal form without some sort of telepathy or body language, the characters base physical attributes will change when transformed, so if a week or slow animal the character will suffer these consequences as well.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Nice work, Taalismn.

Thanks...You might not be able to start out making rocket launchers(or the average Rifts Energy Rifle) from thin air, but grenades? Communicators? MREs? Sure! Then when you get into the high levels, you can start making heavy weapons...
For guerilla fighters, a power like this is a godsend...get a single gun and a safe place for your superbeing to hide out, and he can churn out fully-loaded copies as long as he's fed and well-rested....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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TrumbachD wrote:Brilliant!
So If I've got this right...
Replicated foodstuffs have Identical nutrient value to the original. And they would contain equal amounts of poison if someone slipped you a specimen to replicate. (possibly setting you up if they wanted to assassinate someone you fed,) Right?
It is impossible to replicate an object from a TV screen or photograph, the actual Item must be physically present. Right?

Right....including poor nutritional content, if you consider that to be toxic....A 5th generation replicated Twinky would be beyond inedible(but might still be useful as a brick)...
And yes, you have to have an actual model to work from...the 'scanning beam' essentially x-rays, spectrographs, MRI's the object and produces a mental template for the creation process to work from....
Thus, if you're doing mass-replication, choose something that you can keep with you to refresh the template memory when it starts to deteriorate...
On the other hand, this is useful if you're stealing technology and get get a moment alone with the object...scan it, leave, and produce a copy of it once you get back to the safety of your home, or someplace a confederate can make off with it......
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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taalismn wrote:Replication(Major)
“Is that a Barret Light Fifty M82A1 with Starlite scoping you got there? I wish I had one of those...(POOF!)...Now I do!”

This creation power allows the superbeing to scan and replicate inanimate objects out of thin air. First, the superbeing scans the object(either by a visible laser-like beam from their eyes or finger or by holding and touching the object), then holds out their hand(s) and focuses on materializing a duplicate object...a moment later, the air seems to shimmer, and the duplicate comes into reality. With this power, the superbeing can recreate relatively small objects; firearms, personal electronics, books, CDs, clothing, even foodstuffs, and can equip a small force, feed a family, or furnish a house given enough time and access to models to scan.
Firearms will be in the state they were scanned in, so if the weapon was fully loaded, the duplicate will be fully loaded, if the cell phone was charged, the battery of the duplicate will be fully charged as well, and food will be wrapped, hot, or as fresh as they were when scanned.
A being with this power is a copyright or patent lawyer’s worst nightmare....
Range: 60 ft +10 ft per level of experience for the scanning range.
Duration: The process of Replication is two part: scanning an object takes 15 seconds(1 melee) while creating the duplicate takes 1 melee per 6 lbs of mass). Objects created by this process are permanent.
*The mass of the objects the superbeing can duplicate is limited to 6 lbs +1 lb per level of experience. So at first level, the superbeing could easily duplicate a pistol, but not a machine gun(though, if the character disassembled the machine gun first, then scanned the parts, he could create the components necessary to assemble a new machine gun)
*The superbeing can produce as many multiple copies as he or she has P.E. points, but will have to regain the points from fatigue as normal(rest/sleep).
*Replicated objects can be used as scan models, but after the first 2nd copy, they begin deteriorating in quality, losing SDC/damage/effectiveness by 20% per generation, until the 5th generation copies are effectively useless scraps of material or inedible goo....
*The object being duplicated CANNOT be alive, radioactive, magical, nor can it contain any unique/exotic materials like inobtainium, handwavium, neutronium, mithril, or whatever else....
*Computer hardware that is duplicated will NOT contain private files or secured data...the only software will be what is hardwired into the machine.
*The superbeing can hold a pattern in his memory for as many hours as he has M.E. points...after that, he loses the pattern. For every four three levels of experience, the superbeing can hold another pattern in memory.
*There will be something slightly ‘off’ about a replicated object that will reveal itself upon close inspection(must be inspected for a minute or more by someone familiar with the original object); a slight difference in color, minor quality flaw(like the superbeing’s fingerprint in the material), slightly different taste, faint smell, odd wood grain, or slight change in appearance that will distinguish it from the original. Any other being with this power will IMMEDIATELY be able to spot a replicant object.

I like this. However, I don't think I would allow the replicated item to be permanent. P.E. or M.E. in minutes + 1 minute per level of experience. Spend 1 or 2 points to make it permanent or perhaps 1 hit point per lb of the item replicated.
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