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Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:45 pm
by Gryphon Chick
gmapprentice wrote:to be honest, so am i... many spells and superpowers, not to mention psionics, could be re-worked into the other categories.

I always try and convert powers into their machine equivalents for use in the robotics and bionics categories.


Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:53 pm
by Gryphon Chick
gmapprentice wrote:that's good, too. the problem with robots and bionics, of course, is that they're limited by the boundaries of plausibility and science/mechanics/electronics/other technology stuff. for example, how in he11 could a robot get Personal Recognition (powers unlimited 3, i believe) ?

Holographic Emitters and Brainwave Scanners. :)


Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:58 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Gryphon Chick wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:It does better as magic.

Lifted the idea from a game when I played in an IRL group.

I noticed that the past couple of powers you wrote read a little like spells. Stone Gargoyle has done that with a couple of his spells and actually wrote a spell version of a power he did recently,of course he also used it to create a monster type for the Monstrous Creations thread as well. I am surprised it is not done more often.

The one before last started from the words 'Nigh Invulnerability' (as in the hero thinks he is invulnerable but is more like has a nat ar 16). I twisted the beginning Idea to get something new. (or how invulnerability should be.)


Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:58 pm
by Gryphon Chick
My point is that most powers can be simulated by machines but you have to change how the effect is brought about.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:02 am
by Gryphon Chick
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:It does better as magic.

Lifted the idea from a game when I played in an IRL group.

I noticed that the past couple of powers you wrote read a little like spells. Stone Gargoyle has done that with a couple of his spells and actually wrote a spell version of a power he did recently,of course he also used it to create a monster type for the Monstrous Creations thread as well. I am surprised it is not done more often.

The one before last started from the words 'Nigh Invulnerability' (as in the hero thinks he is invulnerable but is more like has a nat ar 16). I twisted the beginning Idea to get something new. (or how invulnerability should be.)

Oh, I had thought you were doing a power based loosely on Deific Curse: Confer Immortality from the Dragon & Gods book.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:06 am
by Gryphon Chick
gmapprentice wrote:the concept of machines imitating powers, natural or otherwise, makes sense..... i just don't have a clue how it works, which is a problem for me since i seek to understand everything.

Well, that's the thing: I don't really know how machines are actually programmed and stuff, I just know how they can be made to be in a game like this. It is the difference between reality and comic book reality.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:24 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:I hate to be the wet blanket, but can we limit this thread to powers??

To try and keep it on track

Track Teeth (minor)

"Make fun of me? Say it to my face"

The character has teeth that swirl and gnaw like tracks thanks to the jaws and dental work of the character. The teeth are on a track that move independent of each other (upper and lower plate are not tied together) and can effectively grind and rip anything that the character can bite. The effect is substantial damage in a single bite attack.

Damage: 4D6 per attack. A Perpetual Bite is possible, if the character has the ability to keep the bite attack going. The teeth themselves are also very strong, adding +1D4x10 S.D.C. to the characters face and preventing the character from suffering knockout/stun attacks.

To be fair, it looked like Gryphon Chick started talking about cross-application of powers and the topic got led astray.
I like this power. I probably would have gone 5d6 on the damage, though.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:36 am
by Iczer
Power Tap: [major]
‘Let me just get my bearings’

The character can root himself to the earth and draw upon the earths source of heat and energy.
1) Root to earth: Identical to the Immovability power, except that it requires the character to plant himself on open soil, rock, earth, stone or concrete. This works through Lawn and grass, but artificial coverings.
2) Draw heat: while rooted, the character is impervious to fire and heat and has a natural AR of 12. In addition, he may fire bolts of heat from his outstretched hands. He inflicts 2D6 damage +1D6 damage per level of experience with +4 to strike out to 120 feet. He also radiates heat making him uncomfortable to be around and painful to touch (2D6 damage from heat when touching the character. This adds to HTH attacks)
4) Other abilities: +20 SDC, with another 30SDC when rooted in place (This is in addition to the SDC granted by the Immovability power)

Energy Evolution: [Major]
‘’s good for the soul and for the body’

The character transforms energy into raw evolutionary force. When subject to damage from any energy source (aside from kinetic) the character transfers the damage and stores it as BIO-E. Every 3 damage he absorbs becomes 1 BIO-E which drains away at 1 point every 5 minutes. While there is no limit as to how much a character can absorb, he Cannot have more than 10 BIO-E (+5 per level) unspent. If he does then he takes 2 damage for every BIO-E left unspent as it drains away. Alterations and mutations last until the character discards them (the energy bleeds away slowly) or until he can no longer hold them (1 BIO-E per 5 minutes is lost)
As an alternative, the character can burn off mutations and stored BIO-E by releasing the energy as a blast. This blast has +1 to strike, and has a range of 60 feet +10 feet per level and inflicts 1D4 damage per BIO-E discharged.

Reformat: [Minor]
‘You know..I always wanted to be Welsh’

The Character can perform broad ‘refinement’s’ to his character by simply slipping into a coma and forming a shell over himself as he sleeps. As he does so he may make the following alterations to himself.
• He may adjust his body fat by +/-20%
• He may Alter his size by +/- up to 5 inches.
• He may alter his body type between endo and meso morphic.
• He may alter his level of tanning, eye colour, ethnicity, hair colour (Even to ‘unnatural’ tones and shades)
• May shift up to 4 points from one attribute to another
• May repair up to 30 SDC and 10 HP of damage as he sleeps. Remove scars and regrow minor organs.
The shell lasts6+1D4 hours and any changes are permanent (until changed again later)

Metabolic boost: [Major]
‘Yeah I look like hell, but watch what I can do...’

The character can drain his own life force for additional temporary power. By expending an action, the character turns muscle, fat calcium and other essential minerals into a burst of adrenaline. He loses 2 PE 6PS and 10% of his SDC when he does so. For 5 minutes per level afterwards, he enjoys +2 attacks per melee, doubled Spd +4 PP and +6 to initiative +2 to strike and +1D6 to damage, as well as an autododge at +1. While Juiced, he is resistant to pain (can fight to -32 HP before dropping dead and is impervious to pain) and all his powers function as if 2 levels higher.
Lost attributes recover at a rate of 1 per hour of rest after the adrenaline boost is over. The lost SDC recovers as normal.

Wings of death:
‘Oh I’m an angel alright’

Upon touching a target, the character can drain them of vital energy making them weak and feeble. The character can touch a target to inflict 3D6 damage to them (PS and other damage bonuses to not apply) the Target may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) to take half damage. When the character has absorbed 30 or more damage from assorted targets, he rapidly grows a pair of feathered wings from his back. These wings grant him a flight spd of 50 plus 5 per level, and the character gains +2 to initiative and +2 to dodge while in flight. Furthermore, half of any damage inflicted with this power heals the character as well of an equal amount while he possesses wings.
The wings last 30 minutes per level but may be shed earlier if desired.



Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:40 am
by Gryphon Chick
Mephisto wrote:I hate to be the wet blanket, but can we limit this thread to powers??


Love Stinks (minor)
The character can seduce someone so as to cause their hormonal glands to overload, causing them to sweat and stink.
Range: 50 feet plus 5 feet per level, causes the target to emit a noxious odor in a 10 foot radius.
Duration: Nausea effects last one melee round per level
Saving Throw: Save vs.Seduction skill
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to trigger the hormones
Effects and Penalties: When the target has been seduced, the character can trigger this power to increase the affect on the target's hormones. The target and all in range of them will have to save vs.nausea or suffer -8 to initiative and -4 to strike, parry and dodge, plus are -40% to all skill rolls from vomiting.

I was also thinking about one where the character draws points from the target during seduction to use towards attacks, tentatively called Love Is A Battlefield. What do you think, SG? You up to it?


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:16 am
by Stone Gargoyle
I think I can do that, Chick. I am thinking you want the emotional energy to charge rocks and such like landmines, maybe?

Love is a Battlefield (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by Gryphon Chick

1. Seduction Points: The character gains power points by seducing targets and draining their PPE, converting them into power points. Upon a successful Seduction skill roll, the character drains 1d4 PPE points from a target. The character can drain and store a number of power points equal to the character's ME attribute number X10, plus 10 points per level. These points can be used to charge objects to be used in battle. Bonuses: +2d4 MA and +1d4 PB

2. Charging Objects: By touching an object, the character charges it with destructive energy from the available power points.
Range: Touch, or up to 10 feet away
Duration: Objects can store the energy for the character's ME number in minutes or until triggered
Attacks: Charging an object uses two melee attacks/actions
Creating Grenades and Landmines: By using one power point, the character charges an object (usually a rock or floor tile) which can be thrown to explode, or detonate upon pressure contact, for 1d4X10 damage to a blast radius of 10 feet. By using more power points, the damage is multiplied by the number of charge points invested, to a maximum of 4 power points per object (maximum damage 4d4X10).

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Immune to the effects of Seduction (cannot be seduced)
Resistant to explosives (half damage)


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:21 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Not exactly what I had in mind, but good.

Love is a Battlefield (minor)
"I'll show you how much your love hurts!"

The character can drain PPE points from a target using the seduction skill, drawing 1d4 points, plus 1 point per level, and use them to add damage to attacks. The character can store 1d4X10 damage points (converted from the stolen PPE).
Range: Touch
Duration: Stolen damage points can be stored for the character's ME attribute number of hours.
Damage: The character can add one damage point to a strike automatically (uses no extra actions) to add +1d4+1 damage to a strike. Damage points added do double damage to the person they were taken from.
Attacks: Uses one attack/action to drain the PPE points from the seduced target, with strikes using this power using their normal number of attack/actions.
Bonuses: +2d4 ME, +1d4 PB, +2 to strike when using this power.
Saving Throw: Save vs. Seduction to avoid having PPE drained


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:31 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think I can do that, Chick. I am thinking you want the emotional energy to charge rocks and such like landmines, maybe?

Love is a Battlefield (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by Gryphon Chick

1. Seduction Points: The character gains power points by seducing targets and draining their PPE, converting them into power points. Upon a successful Seduction skill roll, the character drains 1d4 PPE points from a target. The character can drain and store a number of power points equal to the character's ME attribute number X10, plus 10 points per level. These points can be used to charge objects to be used in battle. Bonuses: +2d4 MA and +1d4 PB)

"Got time for a quickie?"

Yeah...I had vague ideas about something similar, but didn't dare try to put them down as anything concrete.... :D


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:33 pm
by Gryphon Chick
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think I can do that, Chick. I am thinking you want the emotional energy to charge rocks and such like landmines, maybe?

Love is a Battlefield (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by Gryphon Chick

1. Seduction Points: The character gains power points by seducing targets and draining their PPE, converting them into power points. Upon a successful Seduction skill roll, the character drains 1d4 PPE points from a target. The character can drain and store a number of power points equal to the character's ME attribute number X10, plus 10 points per level. These points can be used to charge objects to be used in battle. Bonuses: +2d4 MA and +1d4 PB)

"Got time for a quickie?"

Yeah...I had vague ideas about something similar, but didn't dare try to put them down as anything concrete.... :D

I bet you didn't. ;)


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:14 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:it's about quality, not quantity...

He keeps up pretty good quality, too. He's just a power posting machine.h


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:Not exactly what I had in mind, but good.

Love is a Battlefield (minor)
"I'll show you how much your love hurts!"

The character can drain PPE points from a target using the seduction skill, drawing 1d4 points, plus 1 point per level, and use them to add damage to attacks. The character can store 1d4X10 damage points (converted from the stolen PPE).
Range: Touch
Duration: Stolen damage points can be stored for the character's ME attribute number of hours.
Damage: The character can add one damage point to a strike automatically (uses no extra actions) to add +1d4+1 damage to a strike. Damage points added do double damage to the person they were taken from.
Attacks: Uses one attack/action to drain the PPE points from the seduced target, with strikes using this power using their normal number of attack/actions.
Bonuses: +2d4 ME, +1d4 PB, +2 to strike when using this power.
Saving Throw: Save vs. Seduction to avoid having PPE drained

Okay. I am thinking that once the seduction is done, the character could probably continue to drain the target as long as each draining uses an attack to build up to the limit.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:never said he didn't do a good job. just making a point.

It just comes off disrespectful when you criticize him because of all the people posting in this thread, Iczer has been posting from the beginning of it and has worked to keep the thread going. He has written well over 800 powers on this thread.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:41 pm
by taalismn
gmapprentice wrote:yes, yes, i know. he does a good job. i wasn't criticizing him. still, quality (which his powers DO have!) is more important than quantity. for example, i've posted several powers but most of them aren't very good at all, yet one or two are actually pretty good which sort of makes up for that. what i meant was, the number of powers he posted isn't the important thing, it's about how good they are.

You're still young...your style will mature, your ideas will become more refined...and frankly, not everything even the best/most prolific of us does flies....If I had a dime for every posting I thought was CERTAIN to be a hit, and it fell resoundingly flat instead...well, I could laugh joyously all the way to the bank.....


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:43 pm
by Gryphon Chick
It needs a saving throw, probably vs. psionics, 16 or better, ME bonus applies. :)


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:48 pm
by Gryphon Chick
gmapprentice wrote:alright, got it. good idea. thanks.

Saving throws are pretty much standard for powers like that. You have to give the person affected the ability to fight the effects.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:04 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Fingernail File (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can absorb computer information by touching the equipment it is stored on, whether it be a computer or disc,and imprint it onto her fingernails. Each fingernail can hold one megabyte of information for the character's ME number of hours, plus one hour per level. The character can transfer the information to a new computer or disc at any time prior to the duration of the power. The character can view and control the information being transfered.
Range: Touch (nail must be in contact with the source of the data).
Duration: ME number of hours, plus one hour per level, or until the fingernail is broken.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to move the data, whether absorbing the data or transfering it to a new computer or disc.
Capacity: At shortest length, each fingernail (or toenail) will hold no more than one megabyte of information, so there would be a maximum capacity of 10 MB for a standard human. Growing the nail over an inch long would increase storage of a given nail by 1 MB for each inch grown.
Limitations: If striking with the bare hands or feet during combat, there is a 10% chance of breaking a nail one inch long, plus 5% for each additional inch of length, and losing data each time a strike is made with a limb on which data has been transfered. Nail polish will interfere with the data,erasing it, so nails cannot be coated.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:14 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:one question..... there are people who go long periods of time (decades in some cases) without trimming their nails, usually in an attempt to break a world record. should long nails (more than 4 inches or something) be able to hold more information, but be more likely to break?

Yes, they would basically increase the nail's information storage capacity 1 megabyte for each inch of nail but each inch growth would increase breakage risk by 5%.



Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:29 pm
by Iczer
taalismn wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:yes, yes, i know. he does a good job. i wasn't criticizing him. still, quality (which his powers DO have!) is more important than quantity. for example, i've posted several powers but most of them aren't very good at all, yet one or two are actually pretty good which sort of makes up for that. what i meant was, the number of powers he posted isn't the important thing, it's about how good they are.

You're still young...your style will mature, your ideas will become more refined...and frankly, not everything even the best/most prolific of us does flies....If I had a dime for every posting I thought was CERTAIN to be a hit, and it fell resoundingly flat instead...well, I could laugh joyously all the way to the bank.....

LOL. I originally had 9 powers. I clipped the stupider ones. I must be doing serious wacky sauce to come up with some of these



Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
That's okay, mine are just wacky today.

Head Room (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I hear voices in my head."

The character can look at people and objects, causing them to shrink and be drawn into his head. This is useful for smuggling people or objects out of an area unnoticed or for holding emergency meetings.

1. Head Shrinker: The character can stare at people and objects, causing them to shrink to .01% of their normal size and mass, and to be pulled into his head.
Range: 40 feet, plus 4 feet per level
Weight Limit: Can shrink and hold up to 1000 pounds of material per level
Duration: Targets remain shrunken for the character's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level. Note that objects in the character's head after the duration will enlarge and potentially kill the character.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks/actions to shrink or enlarge a target and move it in or out of his head.
Saving Throw: Sentient beings may make a saving throw vs.the power (14 or better, PE bonus applies) to keep from being shrunken.

2. Empty Head: The character has no actual brain, so the space in his head has breathable air flowing through it. As a result, he does not suffer trauma effects from strikes to the head. The space has holographic imagery to make it appear to be a room complete with ceiling, floor and support beams, the exact decor being up to the character, decided upon when the power is taken.

3. Miniature Self: The character projects a holographic miniature image of himself into the head to interact with visitors and to take inventory of objects taken in. This projection always looks the same regardless of what the character is wearing, its exact appearance decided upon when this power is taken (so a grown man may appear as a child in his head, or even something completely different than how he normally appears).

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 ME
+2 to save vs. psionics


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:14 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
gmapprentice wrote:Supressing Depression (Major Power)

The character has a bizarre, powerful psychic aura that is physically draining to those around the character.

I was in game of Doc's that had a villon NPC with something like this power.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:16 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
gmapprentice wrote::shock: shouldn't having NO BRAIN have some penalties??? :shock:

The hero might have a quantum level brain that doesn't need all that room .


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:16 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote::shock: shouldn't having NO BRAIN have some penalties??? :shock:

No, the functions of the brain are distributed throughout the body instead of localized, so he suffers no penalties that way. :D


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
gmapprentice wrote::shock: shouldn't having NO BRAIN have some penalties??? :shock:

The hero might have a quantum level brain that doesn't need all that room .

Yeah, I thought of doing it as a phased brain but there might be energy discharges to affect things inside the head that way.

gmapprentice wrote:...........that seems a bit unfair.............

Doesn't it? :lol:


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I added more detail and clarification to Head Room, adding a weight limit and additional information as to the appearance inside the head.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:looks better now, although i still think having NO BRAIN seems kinda crazy... oh well, it's your power, not mine.

It is crazy, that was kind of the point. But scientifically, there are organisms with no centralized brain which have the functions of the brain distributed through the body, so it is not as absurd a concept as you might imagine. This is not even the first power to introduce such a concept. It is just bizarre, which is what I was going for.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:alright then.

speaking of no brain, what the heck is the deal with jellyfish? or, is that too far off topic again?

Yes, it is... That is what wikipedia is for.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:50 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Discarding Pieces (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"When I get hurt, I just go all to pieces."

As a defense to a strike, the character can lessen damage by allowing the damaged parts such as torn skin and whatnot to fall away and thus take less damage. This is done as a saving throw against damage (14 or better, PE bonus applies). If successful, the character can shrug off half the damage to SDC normally taken or change damage to Hit points into mere SDC damage.

Eating the Remains (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"He's so fast! I gotta get a piece of him!"

The character scrapes skin off opponents, consuming it afterward to get bonuses to attributes.

1. Claws: The character has claws which add +2 damage to hand to hand strikes. The claws scrape away skin in the process.

2. Eating Attributes: When struck, the opponent must save vs. this power or lose an attribute point of the character's choice which is transferred over to the character, adding to his attributes. Points transferred will raise the same attribute taken from (so one cannot lower the opponent by a speed point and add it to strength; it must be transferred to the same attribute). Attribute increases last 24 hours from the time absorbed before reverting back to the people they were drained from. A maximum of the character's PE attribute number of total attribute points can be absorbed per day, plus one point per level. This is limited to physical attributes, so IQ, ME, and MA points cannot be transferred. This requires the character to eat the skin of the opponent that is scraped off, also, so the character will have to make a save vs. poison when doing so or take 1d4 damage as a result of eating it. This can also be used to eat pieces left over in battle, such as cut off skin or amputated pieces.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Eating the Remains (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"He's so fast! I gotta get a piece of him!"

The character scrapes skin off opponents, consuming it afterward to get bonuses to attributes.

1. Claws: The character has claws which add +2d6 damage to hand to hand strikes. The claws scrape away skin in the process.

2. Eating Attributes: When struck, the opponent must save vs. this power (16 or better, PE bonus applies) or lose 2d6 attribute points of the character's choice which are transferred over to the character, adding to his attributes. Points transferred will raise the same attribute taken from (so one cannot lower the opponent by speed points and add it to strength; it must be transferred to the same attribute). PS attribute points absorbed will transfer by category as well,so draining Extraordinary PS will reduce the opponent to normal strength while boosting the character's PS category. Attribute increases last 24 hours from the time absorbed before reverting back to the people they were drained from. A maximum of the character's PE attribute number of total attribute points can be absorbed per day, plus 6 points per level. This is limited to physical attributes, so IQ, ME, and MA points cannot be transferred. This can also be used to eat pieces left over in battle, such as cut off skin or amputated pieces.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Immune to disease and poison
+2d4 PE


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:that last one seems very familiar....

It is similar in concept to yours, except this does not transfer superabilities, only attribute points.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:17 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
One-Two-Three Punch (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing's strike damage multiples for sequential punches. When doing a physical strike in his next action following the same kind of strike (punch,kick, head butt, etc.), the damage is doubled on the second hit, including PS bonus. Continuing with a third strike triples the initial damage. Critical strikes will still double the increased damage, also. This only applies to three strikes, though, so a fourth sequential strike will revert to normal damage and the power starts all over again. Changing the type of strike, say going from a punch to a kick, also causes the damage to go to normal. An attack must be made on the next action after the initial attack for the power to work, also, and the attacks must be made on the same opponent.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:29 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Damage Counter (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"My punches do increasingly more damage as the battle goes on."

The character gets increased damage as he continues to do consecutive physical and melee weapon strikes, adding +1 to each consecutive attack. This is in addition to any other bonuses from PS, skills or powers. So, say, Billy Badaxe is in a fight and hits someone for 1d4+PS bonus, on his next strike he would hit for 1d4+1+PS bonus, and so on. It continues building as long as he does not stop fighting, regardless of things like ending of melee rounds and whatnot. Dodges do not count against this, so if he dodges he will still continue to get the adding damage as long as he is still fighting.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:43 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Dangerous Liaison (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"We are definitely more dangerous as a group."

The character has an energy field which gives attack power to his allies.
Range: 200 feet, plus 20 feet per level
Duration: Continuous while in range, always on
Damage: Adds +1d6 to all physical and melee attacks performed by allies, +1 damage for each member in the group.
Attacks: Uses no attacks/actions to activate
Number Affected: Can affect the character's ME number of allies, plus one per level of experience
Saving Throw: Those affected may choose to save against it (14 or better, ME bonus applies)


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:58 pm
by Gryphon Chick
gmapprentice wrote:Great Defender (Major Power?)
"I will protect them at all costs..."

The character draws strength from the responsibility of protecting others. The character can designate one person to Protect for every point of ME + PE, +1 per level. These people cannot be Mega-Beings, Immortals, someone not alive like a robot, or someone trying to harm the character.

Range: Can Protect those within 300 feet of the character, +50 feet at levels 5, 10 and 15.
Duration: As long as the Protected people stay within range.
The character starts with an AR of 5, constantly. Every Protected person raises this AR by one (maximum of 16) and gives the character 10 extra SDC temporarily (no limit for this). Any damage taken comes off the extra SDC first.
Other Bonuses: The character is +2 to save versus Horror Factor and, even when sent into a berserker rage by any power, will not harm a Protected character. The selection and cancellation of Protecting someone is instant.

With all those bonuses, he should have to touch them to enact it and it should cost one action to do so, with them getting a saving throw to resist it. The range should be a distance they have to be from him. The way you have it written, it sounds as if they don't have to know he is protecting them and he protects them whether they want protection or not..


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:54 pm
by Steeler49er
Gryphon Chick wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:Great Defender (Major Power?)
"I will protect them at all costs..."

The character draws strength from the responsibility of protecting others. The character can designate one person to Protect for every point of ME + PE, +1 per level. These people cannot be Mega-Beings, Immortals, someone not alive like a robot, or someone trying to harm the character.

Range: Can Protect those within 300 feet of the character, +50 feet at levels 5, 10 and 15.
Duration: As long as the Protected people stay within range.
The character starts with an AR of 5, constantly. Every Protected person raises this AR by one (maximum of 16) and gives the character 10 extra SDC temporarily (no limit for this). Any damage taken comes off the extra SDC first.
Other Bonuses: The character is +2 to save versus Horror Factor and, even when sent into a berserker rage by any power, will not harm a Protected character. The selection and cancellation of Protecting someone is instant.

With all those bonuses, he should have to touch them to enact it and it should cost one action to do so, with them getting a saving throw to resist it. The range should be a distance they have to be from him. The way you have it written, it sounds as if they don't have to know he is protecting them and he protects them whether they want protection or not..
Hi ya, Sorry I've been gone fer the last few days.
As to this power GC, I find no fault in it
I've gone through 0ver 1000 powers and this is actually a weak power (Minor). I've seen far greater advances and bonuses before. No other such power required a save of any kind so as to protect "Others against their wills", so that point is null. Additionally I have come across powers that also have No upper limits of SDC gained from Groups, (Accumulated Power by Iczer) as an example of a Major power which does the same, and considering that "GmAp" listed his power as a major, this seems just fine. Additionally the other bonuses (AR, +2 vs HF) are so Very small that despite the SDC bonuse, this power is outright weak! At least Iczers Major Power gave you the ability to take on supers by gaining a power of your own fer ever super you're faced with...
Additionally Iczers power (One of a few like it) has NO limit on howmany people you can gain sdc from! Although GM's power SAYS "No Upper Limit", it automatically has one due to the fact that you can ONLY protect a small number of people in the first place (And No Mega's or other such beings is a small but welcome limit) this would mean that an Average SPHuman with this power and 15 PE, 15 PE and level one, could only gain 300 SDC!, where as Iczers power you could Fight the entire Chines Army (Heck, all of China fer that matter) and end up with 10,000,000,000+ PLUS SDC to do with as you please!
(Lotsa powers like OVER LOAD, Alter Limbs, Heal Others, and Weapons meld could make use of this Crazy amount of power & SDC!)

So, with all of the limits GM has placed on his power, And since it has such a big limt (Only in the defence of other) AND since he's got so few bonuse (At least after the ReWrite)-It's safe to call it a minor power.

Another great power from 'GM'...

And Gargoyle... You are on fire yourself, with all of them powers you've been putting up! Sorry I've been gone, haven't read most of them (But I'm sure I will after I get back on Black Vault). Cool speed....
And I have no prob with the No Brain thing since it's totally possable from 30 differant ways via Other super power!


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:57 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Cool, looking much better now. :ok:


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:03 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Steeler49er wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:Great Defender (Major Power?)
"I will protect them at all costs..."

The character draws strength from the responsibility of protecting others. The character can designate one person to Protect for every point of ME + PE, +1 per level. These people cannot be Mega-Beings, Immortals, someone not alive like a robot, or someone trying to harm the character.

Range: Can Protect those within 300 feet of the character, +50 feet at levels 5, 10 and 15.
Duration: As long as the Protected people stay within range.
The character starts with an AR of 5, constantly. Every Protected person raises this AR by one (maximum of 16) and gives the character 10 extra SDC temporarily (no limit for this). Any damage taken comes off the extra SDC first.
Other Bonuses: The character is +2 to save versus Horror Factor and, even when sent into a berserker rage by any power, will not harm a Protected character. The selection and cancellation of Protecting someone is instant.

With all those bonuses, he should have to touch them to enact it and it should cost one action to do so, with them getting a saving throw to resist it. The range should be a distance they have to be from him. The way you have it written, it sounds as if they don't have to know he is protecting them and he protects them whether they want protection or not..
Hi ya, Sorry I've been gone fer the last few days.
As to this power GC, I find no fault in it
I've gone through 0ver 1000 powers and this is actually a weak power (Minor). I've seen far greater advances and bonuses before. No other such power required a save of any kind so as to protect "Others against their wills", so that point is null. Additionally I have come across powers that also have No upper limits of SDC gained from Groups, (Accumulated Power by Iczer) as an example of a Major power which does the same, and considering that "GmAp" listed his power as a major, this seems just fine. Additionally the other bonuses (AR, +2 vs HF) are so Very small that despite the SDC bonuse, this power is outright weak! At least Iczers Major Power gave you the ability to take on supers by gaining a power of your own fer ever super you're faced with...
Additionally Iczers power (One of a few like it) has NO limit on howmany people you can gain sdc from! Although GM's power SAYS "No Upper Limit", it automatically has one due to the fact that you can ONLY protect a small number of people in the first place (And No Mega's or other such beings is a small but welcome limit) this would mean that an Average SPHuman with this power and 15 PE, 15 PE and level one, could only gain 300 SDC!, where as Iczers power you could Fight the entire Chines Army (Heck, all of China fer that matter) and end up with 10,000,000,000+ PLUS SDC to do with as you please!
(Lotsa powers like OVER LOAD, Alter Limbs, Heal Others, and Weapons meld could make use of this Crazy amount of power & SDC!)

So, with all of the limits GM has placed on his power, And since it has such a big limt (Only in the defence of other) AND since he's got so few bonuse (At least after the ReWrite)-It's safe to call it a minor power.

I agree. I just think that when energy is drawn from people, a saving throw is warranted. But yeah, probably a minor.

Stteler49er wrote:]Another great power from 'GM'...

And Gargoyle... You are on fire yourself, with all of them powers you've been putting up! Sorry I've been gone, haven't read most of them (But I'm sure I will after I get back on Black Vault). Cool speed....
And I have no prob with the No Brain thing since it's totally possable from 30 differant ways via Other super power!

Yeah, I don't really see why the No Brain thing is even an issue. These are super powers after all.

As for the super powers, I am surprised he had the energy to do a burst after posting that Kronos god thread in Palladium Fantasy that he was working on for three days! I guess sometimes the mind just builds them up and they shoot out when you are that creative. :)


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:38 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:As for the super powers, I am surprised he had the energy to do a burst after posting that Kronos god thread in Palladium Fantasy that he was working on for three days! I guess sometimes the mind just builds them up and they shoot out when you are that creative. :)

What can I say, I get creative when I am tired.


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:49 pm
by Steeler49er
Permanence (Major) By Steeler49er"Dude, you're gonna look like that forever when I get through with you!"

Super powers generally exist for a finite length of time but, a small number of powers can extend durations permanency, however for supers with this power almost All of their powers possessed may be given a duration of Permanence. More so is the ability to extend Others powers into the realm of Indefinite duration as well by either the target supers okay or by defeating them in a contested savings throw. As is common the Super Must give up of themselves some of their own lifeforce to make such effects stick and Not all powers can be affected in this way. Additionally the effects of Permanence are never eternal and are Always susceptible to to entropy.
To initiate the power the super Must be in range and Must spend a period of time measured in turns/actions also known as AtPM (Attacks Per Melee) equal to the powers potency in level Plus one, as it is to be made permanent at that time. This means that a level 4 super with power of Bend Light who wishes to create an area 10ft in size (Diameter) to forever separate all of the colors of light that enter it's effect radius would require the super to spend Five melee attacks to do so. However If the neither area affect, nor any other aspects of the power of an ability Never grows with the level of the person than the level is always set to a default of 1. This means that unless their power does not allow for such fine control of it (IE the power grows w/o the supers control and power levels may Not be regulated) the super could simply choose to apply their powers at a lower setting.

An example of this would be if a level 6 super with Energy Expulsion: Light could, for whatever reason, choose to make their body constantly expel light until the day they die, at full level 6 expulsion of power. However the super may simply wish to regulate the power down to an mere 1 point of damage! In the first option the super must spend 7 melee attacks to turn their power on full blast permanently, but In the second option the lower setting of the power would Only take 2 attacks to make permanent.

Many powers you would not suspect could be made permanent via this ability, but Each one strips the super of more of their life force (Unless the super has and uses the power "Reserves" By Iczer to combat the deleterious effects of this power, but Doing so require triple the cost in reserve points).

Cost: 1 PE & 2D6 HP To any effect/Power with a duration.
1 PE & 2D6 HP To reverse any act of Permanence (Only if it is the one who initiated it).
The super may cause another supers powers to be made permanent but Both must pay for the cost unless it is Unwilling. In this case the super with this power foots the bill. This is the case in any attempt to use this power inflictively on others.

Range: 10ft per level
Duration: Permanent save for entropy or to a maximum 1000 years per level (like as in the case of using Gravity control to make a zone of High gravity permanent).
AtPM: Equal to the intended level of power +1
Savings Throw: None if willing, Contested with all ME and PE bonuses to save added together at +4. The super Cannot affect/make permanent the effects of Magic, Chi, Psychic energies or the supernatural unless they are definitively part of a super power, nor can the super Affect/Make permanent any effect on a Magical creation, or Supernatural (Or greater) being, ever if the being wishes it. This even applies to powers that would normally seem to be benign like Color Manipulation.
Powers Affect-able: All Matter Creation/Expulsion powers, Grant Super Powers, Flesh Works, All Elemental Control powers, Control Others, All APS powers, Any Energy Expulsion powers and Any ability with a duration or effect that can be measured or maintained (but in this last case the power Must remain focused on the super-IE Energy Expulsion powers).
Example Exceptions: Powers that would cause a Stunning effect centered on another being must overcome a contested savings throw and would see their durations measured in Power Level [PL] years. Any energy expulsion power can be made to stay On but could never be "Left behind" unless it normal could as a rule as the Super is the source of the power being generated. However IF a super chooses to make a power

Bonuses: (Not gained via power simulation unless said power allows for the super to experience one full level with this power. These bonuses are gained at that point regardless of such limitations against it)
+3 PE
+6D6 HP
<If this is the only power rolled, the play may roll for another (minor) power with a durational effect>

Yes Inflictively is a made up word but, so is every word in the begining... That's why we have such big dictionaries!!! :P


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Nice, Steeler, though I am at a loss as to why you have an HP increase as part of the power.


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:19 pm
by Steeler49er
Danka! :-)
Reason fer the HP bonuse is that the power is considered a strain on the body of the super, which over time (about the point the super becomes compfy with this power), they'll have adapted a bit to it and its stresses. It's a one time bonuse just like the PE bonuse.

Additionally I put it there so as to give PCs a chance to test this power out at least three times before they'd have started cutting into (What was) their own PE & HP pools. After all, how does one ever get up the #### to test out this power if the testing phase kills you :P
3PE and 6D6HP should be enough for two good tests and, the third was me just being nice.... after all, if you get stuck with Just this power (GM says "No rerolls") it's Not like you're gonna be using it all that often (If more than once) so I figured you could have at least a small bonuse, none much bigger than a Minor Super power would grant.

But if yawl feel that needs to be brought down a bit, feel free to give me a tell. I got my finger on the edit button...
Thanx again SG1 :-D


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:45 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
No, it's fine.I was just curious,but it makes sense now that you explain it.


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Support Cables (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, based loosely on an idea by znbrtn

The superbeing has fibrous organic cables which he can either extend to use as arms or wrap around his arms for added strength.

1. Cables: The character has fibrous cables resembling externalized veins which he can retract into his arms when not in use.
Length: Extends reach when in use by six feet, plus one foot per level
Width: 1-3 inches in diameter (the character decides)
Cable PS: Half that of the character rounded up,so if the character has a PS of 15, the cable will have a PS of 8
Cable SDC: 40; if a cable is severed or destroyed (loses all SDC), the
character suffers 3d6 damage, loses that one cable plus the extra melee attack provided by the pair. The cable cannot be recreated for 2d6 hours.
Damage: When a cable is used to strike (whip), it does 1d6 damage per cable, with both cables able to be used against a single target simultaneously as a single attack.
Bonuses: Adds an additional attack per melee; the character is +3 to strike or entangle with the cables.

2. Arm Support: The cables can be wrapped around the arms to add the strength of the cables to that of the character, so a character with 15 PS and 8 PS of the cables could wrap his arms with the cables and have a PS of 23. In addition, this combined PS is considered Extraordinary. Added PS increases the damage bonus to strikes the same as the character's normal PS does. Any damage while the arms are wrapped comes off the cable SDC first, also.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
+1d4X10 SDC


Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:04 pm
by Iczer
Steeler49er wrote: Additionally Iczers power (One of a few like it) has NO limit on howmany people you can gain sdc from! Although GM's power SAYS "No Upper Limit", it automatically has one due to the fact that you can ONLY protect a small number of people in the first place (And No Mega's or other such beings is a small but welcome limit) this would mean that an Average SPHuman with this power and 15 PE, 15 PE and level one, could only gain 300 SDC!, where as Iczers power you could Fight the entire Chines Army (Heck, all of China fer that matter) and end up with 10,000,000,000+ PLUS SDC to do with as you please!!

technically true, but the power does say that the bonuses only apply when the targets are a direct threat. While this usually is the GM's call, it would discount a lot of combatants. If the chinese army was the foe in question, only those that could make a strike roll to hit the character would count. anyone waiting behind a mass of people, anyone using long range weapons such as artillery, anyone serving food at the cafeteria would hardly count towards a direct threat. It's a built in GM control designed to allow restraint.



Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:43 am
by Steeler49er
:shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

That means that last nights game (Where I Used this power and got into it with 800+Zombies) didn't quite give me the High PS & SDC bonus I thought it did!

Which means last nights game will have ta be redone... Drat


Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:43 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Steeler49er wrote::shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

That means that last nights game (Where I Used this power and got into it with 800+Zombies) didn't quite give me the High PS & SDC bonus I thought it did!

Which means last nights game will have ta be redone... Drat

I just play it to where if a power is modified mid-campaign, the sessions still count but from then on I use the modified power.

Reinforced (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't worry about me, I'm tough, I can take it."

This power modifies base HP and SDC and attributes and must be used before any added points from other powers or skills. It doubles the character's base HP, SDC, PS and PE while halving his PP and Spd.

Mega-Damage (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"This is gonna hurt you."

The character generates a kind of damage incursion field which intensifies the force of his blows. All damage from physical strikes (punches, kicks, etc.) is multiplied times ten, including damage from PS bonus.

Mega-Damage (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"This is gonna hurt you."

1. Damage Incursion: The character generates a kind of damage incursion field which intensifies the force of his blows. All damage from physical strikes (punches, kicks, etc.) is multiplied times ten, including damage from PS bonus.

2. Damage Resistance: The character ignores the first 20 points of damage from ANYTHING, whether physical blows, melee strikes, projectile weapons, energy strikes or explosions, and the remaining damage is reduced to half.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 PE
+1d4X10 SDC


Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:42 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote::shock: my goodness....... MEGA-DAMAGE? SERIOUSLY? AS A MINOR POWER? THAT THING IS AT LEAST TWICE AS STRONG AS MY SUPERNATURAL DAMAGE POWER (go back a few pages, you'll figure it out). i reallly think that should be a major power... and just imagine what would happen if you had that along with supernatural strength!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :eek: :shock: :eek: :shock:

As a multiplier, it relies on other powers for actual strength and most normal strikes don't do more than 80 points of damage, not any more than your typical Energy Expulsion. Combined with others, yes, it does get quite massive the amount of damage it can potentially inflict, but alone it is pretty much limited, making it a minor.