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Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:53 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Supercalifragilistic (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character gains battle prowess by making himself more vulnerable to being severely hurt. The character can increase all of his attack bonuses by +1 point for every 4 Hit Points and 2 points of SDC he sacrifices up to a limit of +10 or half his Hit Points, whichever is less. Sacrifice of points requires one action per each +1 bonus point. The bonuses are lost and revert back to HP and SDC after the character's PE attribute number in minutes provided he survives combat.

"Say it fast five times or I break every bone in your body..."

Let this be a lesson to stumped power-makers out there of how sudden, unexpected, ridiculous, and serendipitously inspiration can come.... :)

A lot of my powers lately have been inspired by some absurd notion related to something posted in other threads or by comments people have written on powers posted here.
gmapprentice wrote:has someone already made a power where the user makes armor out of junk lying around?

Junkyard from PU3. The first ability is Junk Armor. Created as a minor, it looks like this:

Junk Armor (minor) by Stone Gargoyle, based on the subability of the Junkyard major superability.
"I love it when I dress trashy."

With a thought and force of will, the character creates an outer hide out of scrap and debris. Just how formidable this armor is depends on what it is predominantly composed of. The junk just adheres to to the character's skin/surface, and falls away when all of its SDC is gone or the person inside is knocked out.Armor is not environmentally sealed, so the character inside is still affected by gas attacks (though is +2 to save vs. airborne toxins), powerful smells, disease, heat and cold; fatigues at normal rate. The armor makes the character 50% larger than he was without it.

Junk Armor, AR & SDC based on the primary type of scrap:
Paper, Cardboard and/or Rags & Household Trash: AR 7; 1d4X10+15 SDC.
Leaves, Twigs & Organic Garbage: AR 8; 1d6X10+10 SDC.
Broken Pottery, Bottles and Glass: AR 11; 2d4X10+20 SDC.
Bones and/or Sticks: AR 12; 2d6X10+30 SDC.
Scraps of Wood & Nails (Furniture): AR 13; 2d6X10+25 SDC.
Hard Plastic, Wire and/or Soft Metal (Tin): AR 13; 3d6X10+25 SDC.
Rubber/Old Tires: AR 14; 4d6X10+40 SDC.
Broken Cement, Bricks & Asphalt: AR 15; 5d6X10+60 SDC.
Scrap Metal & Steel: AR 16; 6d6X10+100 SDC.

Range: The junk is attracted from the surrounding 200 foot (61 m) radius, +100 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes per level of experience. When all SDC is destroyed, the junk armor cannot be recreated til after 1d6X10 minutes of rest. If the character is rendered unconscious, the junk armor reverts to trash which can be used to reform the armor (with whatever SDC was left) when he wakes up.
Damage: Punches and kicks do an additional 1d6 damage from all types of material, except scrap metal, which does an extra 2d6 damage.
Attacks per Melee: It takes two melee attacks/actions to form the armor and then one attack/action per melee round to maintain it.


Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:06 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:A lot of my powers lately have been inspired by some absurd notion related to something posted in other threads or by comments people have written on powers posted here.

Whatever works for you...Personal Muses move in mysterious ways...


Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:43 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gas Filter (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can absorb any type of gas without harm to himself, distributing it to areas of his body.
This makes the character gain mental and physical endurance (+2 to ME and PE) and become smarter (+1d6 IQ).
The character is immune to any airborne toxins, poisons, drugs and similar attacks.
The character can breathe in any type of gas and can breathe on both land and under water.
Range: Covers a 20 square foot area of effect around the character.
Duration: The gas can be stored for one hour per level of experience. The character can also hold his breath for one hour per level of experience. This allows the character to also release breatheable air for others when in a sealed area, with the reserve being used up by one other person at a rate of 20 minutes per level of experience (half that if two additional people). If water is present,however, the character can generate an endless supply of oxygen.
Damage: Same as for any gas attack leveled against the character.
Attacks: Counts as one attack/action to suck in gas as a defense maneuver or to blow gas out as an attack. Otherwise gas is absorbed through normal breathing.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:57 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Leon Kennedy wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Gas Filter (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can absorb any type of gas without harm to himself, distributing it to areas of his body.
This makes the character gain mental and physical endurance (+2 to ME and PE) and become smarter (+1d6 IQ).
The character is immune to any airborne toxins, poisons, drugs and similar attacks.
The character can breathe in any type of gas and can breathe on both land and under water.
Range: Covers a 20 square foot area of effect around the character.
Duration: The gas can be stored for one hour per level of experience. The character can also hold his breath for one hour per level of experience. This allows the character to also release breatheable air for others when in a sealed area, with the reserve being used up by one other person at a rate of 20 minutes per level of experience (half that if two additional people). If water is present,however, the character can generate an endless supply of oxygen.
Damage: Same as for any gas attack leveled against the character.
Attacks: Counts as one attack/action to suck in gas as a defense maneuver or to blow gas out as an attack. Otherwise gas is absorbed through normal breathing.

Great power. But there are some things in here that make me think this should be a Major power (breath on land AND water, create breathable air for others, plus the duration per level)

This was created using two subabilities of APS Sponge, which has several additional abilities, so I do not think it would be a major given it fits into being roughly a third of an existing canon major power.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:06 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
TrumbachD wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Paintscape (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"What a beautiful landscape."

Love It!
A couple questions though:
1) Regarding structures/buildings painted into portraits, If the painter only painted the outside of the building, is it impossible to enter since the inside is undefined?

No, each aperture opens a subdimension within the paintscape. This has already been covered in my descriptions of painter magic in Invented Spells.
2) Also concerning structures can a hero with this power and the painting skill create a paintscape House by painting a building from the inside out. Although the 1 hour per level duration means He/She would not be able to live in it full time, it could be a good hiding place.

The character cannot alter the paintscape unless they are a painter mage. This is a superpowered mimicry of the painter magic, so while a painter mage has a spell allowing this, it would not be possible with just this power.
3) does the above mentioned weight limit allow for carrying other willing team members into the paintscape, or just nonliving material?

Only nonliving material with this power as written. The reason for this is the conversion into a Portrait to travel through the paintscape only affects the character and his equipment. Much more is possible with ACTUAL painter magic.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
TrumbachD wrote:Thanks SG! 8)
That was the crux of my question, the similarities and differences between the Super and Magic Versions.

Generally speaking, this version is for travel purposes through the paintscape and little else.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:48 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:Gigaweight (Major Power)

The superbeing is incredibly dense, with powerful muscles and astonishing weight, but the superbeing's size remains unchanged. This gives the following powers and penalties:

One: Weight of the superbeing is multiplied by ten. For an average human, this means the character weighs around 1,500 pounds!!!

Two: Incredibly dense muscles gives Superhuman PS with a bonus of +15 to the PS attribute.

Three: Incredible density gives a natural AR of 12 and +160 SDC.

Other Bonuses: +20 HP, +3 PE, and +5 Damage is inflicted with the melee attacks.

Penalties: Reduce Speed by 75%. This includes abilities giving Super-Speed. Reduce the combat bonuses given from these powers by half. Also, this power cannot be combined with any power that allows the character to alter their own density or weight.

Good, except I would have made the SDC variable by making it 2d6X10+40 and the weight 3d6X100 pounds. PS could be expressed as +3d6, also. With the PS at+15, the +5 to damage is a bit redundant, unless you mean it is +1d6 damage due to the density of the bones.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:23 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:Gigaweight (Major Power)

The superbeing is incredibly dense, with powerful muscles and astonishing weight, but the superbeing's size remains unchanged. This gives the following powers and penalties:

One: Weight of the superbeing is multiplied by ten. For an average human, this means the character weighs around 1,500 pounds!!!

Two: Incredibly dense muscles gives Superhuman PS with a bonus of +15 to the PS attribute.

Three: Incredible density gives a natural AR of 12 and +160 SDC.

Other Bonuses: +20 HP, +3 PE, and +5 Damage is inflicted with the melee attacks.

Penalties: Reduce Speed by 75%. This includes abilities giving Super-Speed. Reduce the combat bonuses given from these powers by half. Also, this power cannot be combined with any power that allows the character to alter their own density or weight.

Good, except I would have made the SDC variable by making it 2d6X10+40 and the weight 3d6X100 pounds. PS could be expressed as +3d6, also. With the PS at+15, the +5 to damage is a bit redundant, unless you mean it is +1d6 damage due to the density of the bones.

I also see the penalty of not being able to swim if this is an always on power.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:04 pm
by taalismn
Persona Projection(Major)
“I liked you better when you were just a voice in the back of my head...”

This power is available only to beings with the Multiple Personality insanity. This power allows the superbeing to project one of their other personalities(or, depending on your point of view, one of the personalities to project themselves) externally from the body as a semi-tangible ectoplasmic form. The projected personality will appear as a ghostly, translucent, idealized form of what the personality is, and may not bear any physical resemblance to the dominant person at all; for instance, a warrior personality may appear as a fully armored warrior(or simply a more aggressive version of the original), a psychotic personality may appear as a slobbering bloodthirsty beast (or bloodsoaked version of the original person), a child-like personality as a little kid(or teddy bear, or other icon of innocence), etc.
The Persona Projection can drift apart from the body, and like an Astral Projection, to a limited degree interact with the material world. The Persona can look around corners and report what it sees(if it is so inclined), keep an eye out behind the superbeing, and(at later levels), and offer an hand if able. In combat, the Projection can protect the superbeing, distracting enemies or striking directly.
As a ghostly accompaniment to the superbeing, Persona Projections can be both a help and a hinderance...The superbeing may have an extra set of eyes to watch his back(and later on an extra set of hands to work with), but he or she isn’t entirely in control of the other personalities....They may choose an inopportune time to appear, publicly criticize or argue with the dominant personality, attempt to take matters into their own hands, or take aactions wholly on their own, as far as they’re able to reach(this can be particularly dangerous with evil-inclined personalities). Some personalities may not be inclined to cooperate with the dominant one, either, and may not warn of danger, speculating that they may be able to use circumstances to gain control of the actual body, and not simply a projection. For some multiple-personality sufferers, this power can be like trying to herd cats, with the dominant persona constantly having to run damage control and try to rein in their semi-independent ‘other selves’.
Range: The Persona Projection may not stray more than 6 ft +1 ft per level of experience from the host body.
Triggers: The Persona Projection may come out under the normal circumstances for the activation of that personality, even though the main personality remains in control of the body(no double multis), or the personality can make a roll against the base M.E. to come out.
Conversely, if the dominant personality wants, they can spend an APM to roll against their M.E. to try to keep the persona from coming out, or to pull it back in once it’s emerged.
*The Persona Projection is effectively Intangible; physical attacks do NO damage to it but pass right through, including explosions, gas attacks, and fire (though, given the proximity to the host body, these attacks are likely to still hit the superbeing; GM’s discretion).
*Has 1/4 the normal SDC of the superbeing(plus any bonuses from the different personalities)
*Has a Physical Strength rating equal to 1/4 that of the superbeing, and strength is considered NORMAL(so if the superbeing has Superhuman P.S., the Projection is limited to normal P.S.). I.Q., M.E., M.A., P,B., and P.P. remain unchanged(unless modified by the different personalities), P.E. is inapplicable, and Speed doesn;t much matter as the Projection is essentially ‘towed’ along by the superbeing.
*The Persona Projection has 1/4 (round down) as many attacks/APMs as the host if the superbeing only starts with 3 attacks/APMs, the persona is limited to only observing and commenting
*The Projection also has the skills of the original personality, as modified by the sub-persona
*If the Superbeing has Magic or Psionic powers, the Projection can access and use them, but draws on the same PPE/ISP reserve as the superbeing, and the Projection’s attacks will be HALF as effective.
*At levels 6 and 12 of experience, if the superbeing has any other personalities, they too can be manifested as Projections.
*CANNOT use any of the body’s physical powers(The exception is magic or psionic powers)
*CANNOT fly or float(is limited to the normal range of motion)...though if the superbeing is swimming or flying, the Persona Projection is essentially towed along like a balloon.
*CANNOT walk through solid materials(can’t just stick its head through a closed door to see what’s on the other side...the door has to be open). On the other hand, if the Persona Projection is on the other side of a door when it closes, it CAN continue to report/act until the superbeing moves out of range, at which point the Projection will suddenly find itself back on the other side of the door.
*The Persona Projection is still vulnerable to Electricity(HALF damage), magic, and psionic attack......Note that the actual physical body takes HALF damage from these attacks(they’re essentially attacking a metaphysical extension of the superbeing). Anti-Multiple Being attacks are also effective against Persona Projection, and ClueBat attacks have a 30%+5% per level of experience of disipating a Projection.
If a Persona Projection is destroyed, the personality retreats back into the body and cannot come back out again for 24 hours(GM note: depending on HOW the Persona Projection was ‘killed’, it may not WANT to come out again, even after 24 hours).
*If the superbeing is knocked unconscious, the Projection must roll versus its M.E. -4 to remain active....a Success means that the Projection can continue to fight/act, but must roll every melee (again M.E. -4) to keep from being drawn back into the body(possibly to take dominance when the superbeing regains consciousness).


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:46 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Interesting Power, T, very in keeping with the season. What ever became of Alter Physical Form: String, though?
I am plotting some new powers, but my most recent burst appears to be over. Hopefully I can get some more up in the next few days.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:21 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Interesting Power, T, very in keeping with the season. What ever became of Alter Physical Form: String, though?
I am plotting some new powers, but my most recent burst appears to be over. Hopefully I can get some more up in the next few days.

Simple...I discovered on a power-check that almost ALL of the attributes I'd come up with for Alter Physical Form: String, aside from the ability to graft mundane string into oneself, had already been covered by your Alter Physical Form: Rope! Fortunately, I had APF: Pipes as a backup, so String's on hold(or up for grabs) until I totally rethink it...I'm more likely though to come up with APF: Lint before then, if ever...

But yeah, Persona Projection can be a real nightmare depending on what sort of alternate personalties a character has...and it can be unsettling, for instance, since conceivably a really psychotic persona could try to kill himself(in effect)...but I'd prefer to think that the most problems a Crazy Hero would have would be the Kleptomaniac personality picking pockets and slipping the stuff in the host body's pockets, or the Angry Warrior going Bull-in-China Shop behind the hero...


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:56 pm
by taalismn
gmapprentice wrote:has anyone done a major version of the horror factor power?

Don't know how you'd work it....I mean, one demon in the middle of a crowd and you got your mass hysteria spark right there....That works well enough...


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Interesting Power, T, very in keeping with the season. What ever became of Alter Physical Form: String, though?

Simple...I discovered on a power-check that almost ALL of the attributes I'd come up with for Alter Physical Form: String, aside from the ability to graft mundane string into oneself, had already been covered by your Alter Physical Form: Rope! Fortunately, I had APF: Pipes as a backup, so String's on hold(or up for grabs) until I totally rethink it...I'm more likely though to come up with APF: Lint before then, if ever...

You forget that it would take a LOT more sting to make a character, thus your length would become insane. Imagine a character that can knit himself into clothes, bedspreads and curtains. There are a lot of things you can do with string that rope is not suited for.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:16 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:has anyone done a major version of the horror factor power?

The only way to make it a major would be to alter the Horror Factor of others by altering their appearance for a given amount of time.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:59 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I never said it was the ONLY way to do it, I was merely pointing out that one option to show that it is possible, unlike Taalismn's assertion that it isn't. I did not go into a list like you did, Mephisto, quite frankly because I am exhausted from my last burst of powers and from dealing with other matters today. It was the same reason I did not bust out a version of APS: String in response to Taalismn saying it had to be like APS: Rope.

Horror Factor (Major) by Stone Gargoyle and Mephisto
"He scares the spit out of me."

The character is so horribly frightening that fear radiates from them.

1. Radiating Horror Factor: The character is so unsettling that he or she radiates horror, making it difficult to come into combat range with the character. Saves vs. horror factor (16 or better, ME bonus applies) need to be made every melee round to even approach the character without penalty. Those not even looking at the character must also save, but are at +2 to do so.
Range: Anyone seeing the character regardless of distance, sightless for a 40 foot radius.
Duration: Always on. Penalties last for the whole time character's are in range of or fighting with the character.
Attacks: Uses no melee attacks/actions.

2. Unnerving Effects: Whether by appearance, demonic behavior, or sheer evil or depravity, encounters with this character have a lasting effect. Failing a saving throw will cause them to have a -6 penaltyto combat moves against the character; if making their saving throw, opponents are -2 to all combat moves when facing the character. Also, for every three failed saves, the victim gets a permanent -1 to save vs horror factor against the character, and if forced to fight the character and loses, might also get a random insanity (30% chance, roll on Random Insanity Table). There is also a 01-70% chance the person will have nightmares of the character attacking, giving them an additional permanent -1 to combat penalty when fighting against the character afterwards.

3. Presence Incites Fear In Everyone: The character is so horrific to be around, that even the characters friends and allies are wary of him. So imagine regular people, they are going to be petrified of this character! Every action this character takes causes those who fail to save against Horror Factor to suffer the penalties above, and those with an M.E. less than eight to go into complete panic, running away from the character regardless of consequences. All combat moves are also at -4 for the frightened people for 2d4 melee rounds following even one away from the character.


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:38 am
by taalismn
Friction Heating(Minor)
"What happened to Fastball? The usual...You know...Live Fast, Burn Out...."

This superpower is particularly effective against speedsters; by dramatically increasing friction over the surface of a speeding object or being, this power can cause them to heat up to damage-inducing levels. The faster they go, the hotter they get. Speeding car tires can be made to smoke and explode, and supersonic projectiles, vehicles, and beings will quickly find themselves glowing with heat and approaching burn-up, even vaporizing from friction-heating. This bypasses the normal protection afforded by powers like Supersonic Flight or Supersonic Speed against friction-heating, but powers like Resistance/Invulnerbaility to Heat/Fire WILL negate it. It's only HALF as effective in water, and effectively useless in vacuum, where there isn't enough ambient matter to generate friction.
Range: 200 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Damage: Does 1d4 SDC damage per 25 MPH of speed of the target, per melee
Duration: 1 melee per level of experience


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:13 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mitey (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"You get under my skin."

The character has millions of flesh eating bacteria living on his skin which prevent the character's body from becoming overly bulky and provide other benefits.

1. Abnormal Skin Growth: If the bacteria is scrubbed off with alcohol or antibacterial soap, it takes 2d4 melee rounds to return and causes the characters body to become awkward and less dextrous. During its absence, the character will suffer -1 to PB per melee round and be -2 to PP the first melee round, with an additional -1 PP per melee round. Lost PB returns at a rate of +1 per melee round. Lost PP regenerates at a rate of one point per hour.

2. Skin Mites: The skin mites live in the character's skin and regulate it by keeping it under control. As a result,the mites are always swarming all over him and can get into the skin of those touching his skin.
Range: Touch, either through being touched or hit, or by touching or hitting someone.
Duration: Transfer is instant. Skin mites transferred will attack the other person's skin for 2d4 melee rounds, or until scrubbed off by alcohol solution or antibacterial soap.
Damage: 1d4 SDC damage per melee round. The itching from the mites will also make it hard to concentrate, imposing a penalty of -4 to all combat moves and -20% to skill performance.
Attacks: Touching someone will only require one melee attack/action.
Saving Throw: If making a saving throw vs. bacterial infection (14 or better, PE bonus applies), the person to whom the mites is transferred will on y take one melee round of damage and penalties.

3. Healing: Wounds close quickly as a result of the mites and the excess skin growth actually allows the character to heal at twice normal rate. The character is also +4 to save vs. toxins and poisons which affect the skin through contact.

4. Other Bonuses: +1d4 PE, +2d4 SDC


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:57 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mudblood (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Blood is thicker than water."

The character has thick, syrupy blood that quickly clots to prevent bleeding. Vital organs clot quickly as well, so a strike to the heart is not fatal and the character will only take half damage to HP.
Any piercing weapon passing through the character will get stuck and held, requiring a PS greater than the character's PE score to withdraw it, and the weapon will be covered in the syrupy blood, making it only do half its normal damage until the blood can be cleaned off using solvent or harsh cleansers.
Note that this also makes surgery on the character nearly impossible, but severed limbs will be able to be reattached more easily (+10% to medical skill roll to do so).

I am also contemplating a Zombification power to allow the character to change people into zombie-like minions within a small area and for a limited duration.


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:49 pm
by znbrtn
i have an idea and just want to make sure it hasn't been done before, so... yeah. let me know, i guess.

probably gonna call it Blood Shaping or something like that, and it will definitely be a major.
the idea is that the character has the ability to cause all the blood in his body to quickly drain out, leaving him with a bloodless body(which still functions normally) and a floating mass of blood to do... things... with. pointy, dangerous, perhaps even ranged and defensive things.


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:12 pm
by taalismn
znbrtn wrote:i have an idea and just want to make sure it hasn't been done before, so... yeah. let me know, i guess.

probably gonna call it Blood Shaping or something like that, and it will definitely be a major.
the idea is that the character has the ability to cause all the blood in his body to quickly drain out, leaving him with a bloodless body(which still functions normally) and a floating mass of blood to do... things... with. pointy, dangerous, perhaps even ranged and defensive things.

In PU3 I believe there's a Major Power called Blood Control, but that's more an internal thing and more of a healing power....But what you describe sounds pretty sure to give big Horror Factor...


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:45 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
znbrtn wrote:i have an idea and just want to make sure it hasn't been done before, so... yeah. let me know, i guess.

probably gonna call it Blood Shaping or something like that, and it will definitely be a major.
the idea is that the character has the ability to cause all the blood in his body to quickly drain out, leaving him with a bloodless body(which still functions normally) and a floating mass of blood to do... things... with. pointy, dangerous, perhaps even ranged and defensive things.

That sounds wicked. I look forward to seeing it. :D


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:25 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Thriller (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Rise my minions!"

The character with this ability can raise undead minions which move in synch with him. While useless for individual combat, this makes for good coordinated attacks and is just plain frightening to behold. Movement will be identical to the character, with slight turns when attacking.
Saving Throw: None; they are dead.
Appearance: Zombies will appear in various states of decomposition, having rotting skin and tattered clothing.
Range: 200 feet, plus 20 feet per level
Duration: Concentration, up to the character's ME number in minutes, plus one minute per level.
Attributes: Basically meat puppets, they have no IQ, ME or MA. PS is 20, SDC is 2d6X10+20 each. PP and PE do not apply, nor do Hit Points.
Invulnerabilities: Bullets will pass straight through zombies, as will arrows. Physical unarmed strikes and blunt melee weapons and objects do half damage. Zombies will continue to move at full speed even if the head is cut off and will move at half speed if losing one or more limbs, with the loss of all limbs making them have to try to scoot across the ground at one tenth speed. Zombies do not bleed and will only take damage when attacked. They are immune to cold and heat, disease, poisons, toxins and gases. They are not true undead and so are not vulnerable to silver or wood. Zombies no longer think for themselves and are immune to psionic attack.
Vulnerabilities: Magic, explosions and fire does double damage.
Attacks: The character uses 2 melee attacks/actions to raise the dead and then one melee attack/action per melee round to maintain them. Attacks must be choreographed and simultaneous with the character, so they will move at his same speed and attack with his attack bonuses (one roll to strike for character and all zombies).
Attack Bonuses to Group Attack: +4 to strike when using the zombies to do a swarming attack.
Damage: Zombies inflict 2d6 damage from clawing or biting attacks when coordinated by the character, or can trample as a mob for 6d6 damage to an opponent.
Number: The character can raise his ME number of corpses, plus one per level.
Horror Factor: 18

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 ME
Immune to Horror Factor


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:49 pm
by Gryphon Chick
gmapprentice wrote:Head Shot (Minor Power)
"Trust me, this is gonna hurt you more than it'll hurt me."

The character has an incredibly powerful neck muscles and a detatchable head, which can be launched from the neck to attack enemies!!!

Part 1, The Head. The character's head has a thick skull, giving it a natural AR of 15 and 80 SDC. Head SDC heals at a rate of 2 per minute. When detatched, the character's head remains fully functional- the character can see through the eyes, etc. and CANNOT be killed by decapitation unless the head stays detatched for more than 20 minutes per level of experience. See Note Below.

Part 2, Neck Muscles. The character's neck is strong, with a natural AR of 9 (but not extra SDC) and damage to the Neck heals at a rate of 1 per minute. Headbutt Damage is 3D6 plus PS bonuses due to the character's powerful neck and thick skull.

Part 3, Head Shot. The character can use their neck muscles to launch their head at the enemy. This inflicts 2D6 damage to the user's head, and 5D6 damage to the target. The character is +3 to strike. Takes 2 actions to perform. Range is 20 Feet per level of experience.

Other Bonuses: The character has a Horror Factor of 14 when the head is disconnected, and has +10 to main body SDC. Can detatch and remove the character's own head with 1 melee action each. No one else can do this and the character cannot use this on others.

Important Note: The character can function relatively normally with the head removed, but THERE IS A TIME LIMIT OF 20 MINUTES PER LEVEL. After the duration expires, unless the head has been reattatched, the character will DIE!!!

The healing rate and AR make this a major. Headless is already a minor power by Stone Gargoyle, so this would be a major version of that. The dying part is bad since it makes the power undesireable, so I would change that to each can survive independently for the PE number in DAYS. After all, what happens when the villain captures the head?


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:56 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
znbrtn wrote:i have an idea and just want to make sure it hasn't been done before, so... yeah. let me know, i guess.

probably gonna call it Blood Shaping or something like that, and it will definitely be a major.
the idea is that the character has the ability to cause all the blood in his body to quickly drain out, leaving him with a bloodless body(which still functions normally) and a floating mass of blood to do... things... with. pointy, dangerous, perhaps even ranged and defensive things.

That sounds wicked. I look forward to seeing it. :D

That does seem to have great potential for mayhem. :twisted:


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:42 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:Head Shot (Minor Power)
"Trust me, this is gonna hurt you more than it'll hurt me."

The character has an incredibly powerful neck muscles and a detatchable head, which can be launched from the neck to attack enemies!!!

Important Note: The character can function relatively normally with the head removed, but THERE IS A TIME LIMIT OF 20 MINUTES PER LEVEL. After the duration expires, unless the head has been reattatched, the character will DIE!!!

The healing rate and AR make this a major. Headless is already a minor power by Stone Gargoyle, so this would be a major version of that. The dying part is bad since it makes the power undesireable, so I would change that to each can survive independently for the PE number in DAYS. After all, what happens when the villain captures the head?

That is too funny! I can see the team of superheroes running around with Headmaster looking to find his head in the villain's secret lair whilst the villain has it in a cage. "They'll never rescue you- Mwahahahaha!"


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:heheh... glad you like it, sg.

As you can tell from a lot of my powers, I like absurdity in powers. The character would be unable to attack without a head, would he not? or would it just have penalties for being blind? Is he able to sense anything with the body when the head is detached?


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:54 am
by znbrtn
update: Blood Shaping is coming along fine, but it's inching toward the territory of create force constructs; i may try to re-work it entirely in the morning.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 10:24 am
by Stone Gargoyle
znbrtn wrote:update: Blood Shaping is coming along fine, but it's inching toward the territory of create force constructs; i may try to re-work it entirely in the morning.

Oh, so you must have done it using blood pool points.

Fire Blast (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, based on the Fire Warlock spell
"This is gonna get HOT!"

The character can shoot extremely hot blasts of fire which shoot for short bursts, incinerating objects and people in its path. When incinerating an object completely, it fuels the flame to further distance.
Range: Blast is one foot wide and shoots for 50 feet on the initial blast, striking all targets in its path unless they dodge it (-4 penalty to do so) or have AR higher than 16, in which case all damage is done to the armor unless the roll is over the AR. If it completely incinerates its target (destroys all SDC and Hit Points), this extends the range, sending it into a second blast the same distance as the first, up to a maximum distance of 500 feet at level one, plus 50 feet per level.
Duration: Instant, but each blast extending the original takes time equal to one of the character's attacks/actions and will continue to blast as long as it has fuel until the limit of the range is met.
Damage: 3d6X10 damage at level one, plus 1d6X10 damage per level, with half damage to targets with AR over 16 on a successful strike, with no damage done on a roll of 4 or under. This will blast through walls if destroying all the SDC.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to do the initial blast.
Bonuses: +1, considered a wild blast.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:04 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Head Shot would be a major for Decapitation, not Headless. Here is my major for Decapitation:

Decapitation (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached."

The character's head can act as a separate unit from the character.

1. Head Removal:The character is capable of removing their head indefinitely for the purpose of keeping it safe from harm or to allow it to attack on its own.
Range:100 feet +50 feet per level. Any added distance will cause the character to save vs. coma/death(-10%) to keep from dying.
Duration: Indefinitely as long as it is in range.
Limitations: The character can only "see" in the direction his head is facing, but he could easily hold it in his hand to look around corners or over high walls. As long as the head is within range, he does not have to be touching it to receive directions.
Penalties: Since his head is removed, the character's personal orientation is off, suffering -4 to strike, parry and dodge. The penalty lessens by one each following level, having no penalty by the time they reach level 5.
Attacks: Uses 1 melee attack/action to remove/restore head.
Bonuses: The character is immune to strangling attacks, but a strong physical blow to the head or face may knock the head loose. +10 SDC to the head. The head can roll to travel at three times the character's normal speed, though no attack with the body is possible while doing so. The head also has a Natural AR of 12 against strikes to it.

2. Floating Head: The character can levitate their head over the body at their normal speed, or send it flying off on its own at a speed in miles per hour equal to their ME attribute number, plus 2mph per level. Bonuses: The head is +2 to dodge and adds +2d4, +4 damage for every 20mph of flight speed, to head butts when flying at a target. The character gets an additional attack using the head and attacking with it uses one melee attack/action. Does not get normal body bonuses to dodge, but has a +6 to dodge when flying and +6 to roll with fall or impact.
Limitations: The head cannot fly beyond the range for the head listed above, and no flight is possible with the body attached unless another flight power is possessed.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:34 pm
by 89er
I've been thinking about some ideas that I should share, all APS-related:

APS: Tropical Island
The user is a seamless humanoid fusion of water and sand, with a coconut palm tree growing out of their back.

APS: Telephone Pole
The user is made of wood and metal with electric cables for limbs. Handy for intercepting phone calls.

APS: Windmill
The user is made of wood and has two giant fans on their chest and back.

So, sparking any ideas?


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:40 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Head Shot would be a major for Decapitation, not Headless.

Sorry, my bad.

89er: APS tropical Island looks interesting. what kind of details were you thinking of adding besides the palm tree?


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:32 pm
by 89er
Can you say Coconut canapult, because I can't.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:36 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
89er wrote:I've been thinking about some ideas that I should share, all APS-related:

APS: Tropical Island
The user is a seamless humanoid fusion of water and sand, with a coconut palm tree growing out of their back.

This seems like it would be overly complex for even a major power. It would be like giving them a combination of APS Sand, APS Water and additional abilities.

89er wrote:APS: Telephone Pole
The user is made of wood and metal with electric cables for limbs. Handy for intercepting phone calls.

This might be workable but again pressing the limits of what one power should do alone.

89er wrote:APS: Windmill
The user is made of wood and has two giant fans on their chest and back.

This would be the easiest to do, but the windmill blades/fans would not be on the chest and back.

Alter Physical Structure: Windmill (Major) by Stone Gargoyle,from an idea by 89er

This bizarre power turns the character into a wooden structure resembling a walking tower with a windmill fan where his face should be.

1. Increased Size and Mass: The characters weight is doubled and he is 1d4 feet taller in the wooden form.

2. Armor Rating and SDC: The wooden character has a Natural AR of 12 and 600 SDC. This means, in most cases, an attacker must roll 13 or higher to strike and inflict any damage. Any roll to strike under the Armor Rating (AR) bounce harmlessly off the wooden body, even if it's from a kick, knife, sword, club or similar physical attack. Rolls above the AR, 13 or higher, inflict full damage to the SDC. When all the SDC is gone, damage is done to Hit Points.
Electricity, lasers, and energy bolts do normal damage when the roll to strike is 13 or higher and half damage if 12 or below.
The hero is resistant to cold-based attacks, poisons and drugs (all do half damage).
Fire, plasma and magical fire all do double damage.

3. Setting on the Ground: The character is able to set on the ground and resembles a miniature model windmill when doing so.

4. Hammering Limbs: The character has arms which are blunt and can be used as a club.
Range: Hand to Hand combat, as if using a club.
Damage: 2d6 plus PS damage bonus, skills and other applicable powers.
Bonuses: +2 to strike and parry, +2 to pull punch.

5. Wind Attack:
Range: 300 feet
Damage: Special
Duration: One melee round
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions
Bonus: +3 to strike
The character can spin his fan to create a gust of wind at 60 mph which will stagger and knock people down and blow away objects less than 30 pounds, as well as break ordinary window glass.
Directed at one specific target, the wind attack is a hard-hitting focused blast that has a 01-60% likelihood of knocking down a person and items weighing up to 300 pounds. Everyone caught in the wind is staggered (if not sent sprawling), speed is reduced to one quarter speed, one attack per melee round is lost, and all attempts to attack are -6 to strike. Items weighing 30 pounds or less will be sent flying 1d6X10 yards/meters away. Vehicles weighing over 300 pounds have no fear of being knocked over, but speed and attack penalties still apply.

6. Bonuses/Abilities While in Wood Form: The character cannot be seen on infrared, thermal vision or heat sensors, is impervious to most gases that hurt humans, doesn't breathe oxygen (breathes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, which can be used by humans), floats on water, and heals at a rate of 4d6 per 10 minutes. +3d6 PS, which is considered Extraordinary.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:53 pm
by Gryphon Chick
89er wrote:Can you say Coconut canapult, because I can't.

Coconut Catapult? Cool. I am thinking it would be a form that is amphibious rather than having the water as part of it, because SG is right, that is too much. The body can be some sort of APS Dirt and would not have sand powers per se. I will research it and see if we can make something that works for what you want but is not overpowered.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:14 pm
by znbrtn
okay, so i'm just about done. this is what i've got for Blood Shaping so far. you'll notice that there are no example items currently; i don't know what specifics should go there, so i'm leaving it alone for now. feel free to suggest any you think of, because it's always appreciated.

Blood Shaping (major)
a character with this ability can forcefully remove the blood from their own body and shape it into a variety of useful forms. one aspect of this power is that even if drained of all of his blood, the character will continue to function with no ill effects.
1: Corpse-like flesh: when the character's blood is outside of his body, he takes on some aspects of a regular dead body. his flesh withers slightly and loses any healthy look, and his pulse stops completely.
benefits: this zombified look allows the character to feign death at 70%. while the character's blood pool is separate from the body, he is immune to effects that cause HP damage.
penalty: this causes the character's HP pool to separate from his body, leaving him with only SDC while it is active. should his SDC be depleted completely, the character will fall into a coma-like state until some amount of his blood can be restored. this is as simple as pouring some of his own blood on the body, but can be accomplished through a blood transfusion as well.
2: Extraction: when this power is first activated, the character's blood forcefully removes itself from the character's body, either pouring out of the body's orifices or creating harmless cuts across the body to pour out of. it collects into a single mass hovering next to the character, which the character can shape into its different forms. witnessing this act is quite horrifying, carrying a horror factor of 16.
3: shapes: the character has a variety of possible uses for the blood mass, but shaping requires the entire mass of the blood stay in continuous physical contact, meaning only one object can be created at a time. being separated for more than 1d4 seconds causes the smaller portion to become temporarily inert until the main mass or the character's body absorbs it by touch. because of this, only the fastest moving of projectiles can usually be used effectively(bullets).
size of objects: the blood mass can alter its own physical size, shrinking or growing itself to fill out any creation from less than 1 ounce, to a hefty 25 lbs of matter per hit point in the pool. physical dimensions range from the size of a playing card, all the way up to a 10x10x15 foot cube, although something of that size would likely be nearly immobile.
item types: practically any tool or weapon can be fashioned from the character's blood. items can include multiple parts, chemical volatility(gunpowder, mainly), and simple mechanical effects, so long as it doesn't require any more sophisticated electronics than a simple motor. mechanical and volatile items do, however, require the character to expend some of his own life-force to power them. items generally follow the rules that a normal item of that type would follow(WP bonuses, skill bonuses, etc.), only differing where noted.
firearms: to create a working firearm costs the character nothing. it behaves exactly as a normal weapon of that type would act(even if it looks outlandish and bizarre), including range and capacity. creating bullets, however, costs 1 HP per 10 d6's of damage output, which can be divided up however the character desires. the character could, for example, create 5 weak bullets, which do 2d6 damage each, or he could pump every bit into a single powerful round, causing 1d6x10 damage with one shot. grenade launchers can be made as well, but the range for these is limited to 200 feet. each grenade costs a full HP and does 5d6 damage to a 6 foot radius. this expenditure and division is a reflexive action, and does not cost the character any attacks per round to use.
motorized items: work just as a normal item of that size and construction would, but cost the character 1 HP to power every minute of use.
4: other bonuses:
heals 1 hp every hour when the blood mass is retracted into the body
is immune to the effects of blood loss and bloodborn pathogens.
is a universal donor for blood transfusion.
+1 to strike and parry with blood weapons
+1d4x10 SDC
+5d6 HP


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:28 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:That is too funny! I can see the team of superheroes running around with Headmaster looking to find his head in the villain's secret lair whilst the villain has it in a cage. "They'll never rescue you- Mwahahahaha!"

"Why quit when you're just a head! Muwahahahhahaahhah! Get It? Get it? 'Just a head'?"
"Arghhhhhh...if I could get over there out of this cage, I'd bite you!"
"Say, Headmaster! Air's kinda dry in here! Bet with your skin, your nose must itch a lot! Like now! How you going to take care of your little itchy-scratchy, huh?"


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:30 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I'm not real crazy about the size of object part of Blood Shaping, znbrtn, nor the inclusion of creations with multiple parts, such as guns. You don't really explain where the extra or lost mass goes and frankly only costing one Hit Point for something big is a bit far-fetched. There is no basis for the solidification of hard objects from the blood or any density and mass increase. Put simply, you are trying to do too much with the power, IMO. It should be simplified and put in more limited terms, since right now it is way over the top.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:01 pm
by znbrtn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I'm not real crazy about the size of object part of Blood Shaping, znbrtn,

i wanted to leave room for a large number of possibilities. i have been annoyed too many times by limits that leave out possibilities for things like whips, tables, etc.
edit: forgot to mention, for an example, the average maximum size for a first level character would be around 775 lbs.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:nor the inclusion of creations with multiple parts, such as guns.

i can't really say anything to convince you otherwise here; it's just part of my concept for the power.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:You don't really explain where the extra or lost mass goes and frankly only costing one Hit Point for something big is a bit far-fetched.

the mass goes wherever mass goes. do you ask the same of the growth power? :p
you'll have to clarify what counts as something big; i'm not sure what you mean there.
Stone Gargoyle wrote:There is no basis for the solidification of hard objects from the blood or any density and mass increase.

again, it's just the concept of the power.
Stone Gargoyle wrote: Put simply, you are trying to do too much with the power, IMO. It should be simplified and put in more limited terms, since right now it is way over the top.

i'd strongly disagree here. it has a very minor self-alteration effect and an item creation effect that, while broad in scope, is not more powerful than any similar effect in the books.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
You are right, I don't have to agree with the concept, which I actually do like. I just like powers that make some modicum of sense. Your explaination is that it just appears or disappears out of nowhere. Usually powers that gain or decrease mass are shunting it elsewhere, like to a subdimension. But if that is the case here, why make him drain his body of blood for it rather than have it be an expulsion power? I know you are going to say it is in the concept, and if that is the case then run with it.
I guess I just don't get the mechanics of it conceptually. It might make more sense if you spent points from the Hit Points, like 1 Hit Point equaling 10 Blood points, and then spending the points on things like 1 point for moving parts, 1 point for ranged weapon, 1 point per pound, that sort of thing, like you do with Bio-E. I only mentioned the 25 pound thing as big because typically blood would not get dense enough to weigh that much. There should be additional costs associated to different abilities, so a blood knife will cost less than a gun and so forth. If you had a good point-based system, it would make more sense to me.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:29 pm
by znbrtn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:You are right, I don't have to agree with the concept, which I actually do like. I just like powers that make some modicum of sense. Your explaination is that it just appears or disappears out of nowhere. Usually powers that gain or decrease mass are shunting it elsewhere, like to a subdimension. But if that is the case here, why make him drain his body of blood for it rather than have it be an expulsion power? I know you are going to say it is in the concept, and if that is the case then run with it.
I guess I just don't get the mechanics of it conceptually. It might make more sense if you spent points from the Hit Points, like 1 Hit Point equaling 10 Blood points, and then spending the points on things like 1 point for moving parts, 1 point for ranged weapon, 1 point per pound, that sort of thing, like you do with Bio-E. I only mentioned the 25 pound thing as big because typically blood would not get dense enough to weigh that much. There should be additional costs associated to different abilities, so a blood knife will cost less than a gun and so forth. If you had a good point-based system, it would make more sense to me.

your suggestion for the system is a lot like how it was originally, and it just came out too close to create force constructs.
since it stays as one mass, i see very little reason to make it cost points to simply take a form; that's really only necessary when the character expends life force to make it perform powered mechanical tasks and chemical reactions.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
znbrtn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:You are right, I don't have to agree with the concept, which I actually do like. I just like powers that make some modicum of sense. Your explaination is that it just appears or disappears out of nowhere. Usually powers that gain or decrease mass are shunting it elsewhere, like to a subdimension. But if that is the case here, why make him drain his body of blood for it rather than have it be an expulsion power? I know you are going to say it is in the concept, and if that is the case then run with it.
I guess I just don't get the mechanics of it conceptually. It might make more sense if you spent points from the Hit Points, like 1 Hit Point equaling 10 Blood points, and then spending the points on things like 1 point for moving parts, 1 point for ranged weapon, 1 point per pound, that sort of thing, like you do with Bio-E. I only mentioned the 25 pound thing as big because typically blood would not get dense enough to weigh that much. There should be additional costs associated to different abilities, so a blood knife will cost less than a gun and so forth. If you had a good point-based system, it would make more sense to me.

your suggestion for the system is a lot like how it was originally, and it just came out too close to create force constructs.
since it stays as one mass, i see very little reason to make it cost points to simply take a form; that's really only necessary when the character expends life force to make it perform powered mechanical tasks and chemical reactions.

Okay, I see what you're saying. I just reread it and it did make more sense to me the second time. Nice concept and good work!
If you are leaning towards volatile items, what about grenades?


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:59 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:i think i've gotten a good headless penalty system set up for Head Shot...

Another thing I noticed was you reinforced the head and gave it an AR, yet it still takes damage when hitting things? Totally unnecessary. Lower the damage to 3d6 on the strike and eliminate the head damage on impact and you're golden.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:42 pm
by Senator Cybus
This is a bit of a weird one... :shock:

Life Line (Major)

"Just hold on a little longer, buddy; we've found your right lung already, the left one's gotta be close by..."

The hero can transfer his life energy directly into others, keeping them alive through sheer force of will, no matter how badly injured or weakened they may be. In the hands of a hero, this power can be used to buy time for injured allies or protect them from lethal environments. When used by a villain, it can extend torture indefinitely…

1. Life Support. Once the character establishes a bond with another being, that other person simply cannot die. Bullets, poison, explosions, starvation, fire, suffocation - nothing can kill them! Even if the recipient of the life energy transfer loses all S.D.C./Hit Points, they still will not die, and will remain fully conscious and aware despite sustaining wounds sufficient to put them into a coma or kill them outright.

However, while Life Support will stave off death, it cannot prevent or heal injuries. So while the target of the bond can survive any trauma, he may be left horrifically, impossibly mangled, and still awake to suffer the pain of his wounds.

The character must touch his target to establish Life Support. It will cost 1D4 Hit Points per minute to maintain it; the transfer of energy can be stopped at any time with just a thought.

Range: 1000 feet (305 m) plus 200 ft (61 m) per level. If the hero and his target become separated by a distance greater than the maximum range, the bond is instantly severed.
Duration: Indefinitely; if the super being has sufficient Hit Points, he can keep the life energy flowing for as long as he wants.
Attacks Per Melee: Establishing Life Support takes just one melee attack/action. Sustaining it uses up one attack/action per melee round, due to the concentration involved.
Saving Throw: In the unlikely event that a target wishes to resist this power, he must roll 15 or higher to save against it (P.E. bonuses applicable).
Limitations: The super being can only maintain one such bond at any time. If the character is rendered unconscious or killed, the Life Support immediately stops.

While Life Support can buy time until medical help arrives, some wounds may be too severe for conventional treatment to deal with: if, for example, the target has been decapitated or burnt to ash, only super powered or magical healing can help (and probably a lot more of it than player characters can provide).

The super being can not raise the dead with this power; if a target dies before Life Support is established, he is gone for good.

The hero can not protect himself with this power, only other people.

2. Life Force. Essentially the same as Life Support but on a grander scale, the character projects an omni-directional wave of life energy that protects all those nearby from the ravages of death. The hero does not need to touch his targets to infuse them with Life Force; anyone within range (see below) is automatically protected.

This aspect of the power is much more costly to the super being: maintaining the effect uses up 1D6 Hit Points per melee round!

Range: A radius of 50 feet (15 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.
Duration: Indefinitely, if the character has the vast amount of Hit Points or amazing rate of regeneration necessary to power the effect.
Attacks Per Melee: Initiating the effect uses up just one melee attack/action, but sustaining it takes tremendous concentration: the super being can only perform two other attacks/actions per melee round (defensive moves not included) and suffers a penalty of -25% to skill performance.
Saving Throw: In the unlikely event that anyone wishes to resist this power, they must roll 15 or higher to save against it (P.E. bonuses applicable).
Limitations: The same as for the Life Support sub-ability above.

3. Bonuses.
+3D6 Hit Points.
The character gains an extra 1D6+2 Hit Points per level.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:50 pm
by Gryphon Chick
gmapprentice wrote:3D6 seems a bit low on damage for a major, doesn't it?

Not for a simple headbutt. But you could leave the damage the same and just take off the damage to the head, hmmm?

Cybus, what happens to the hero if the Life Line is attached when the person dies? Does he suffer trauma?


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:59 pm
by Senator Cybus
Well, once the Life Line is attached, the other person can't die; that's the whole point of the power. :)

If you mean what happens if the super being tries to establish a bond with someone who's at the very point of death, and they pass on a split-second before the power kicks in...I would say nothing; it just doesn't work. The power's already costly enough in terms of Hit Points, I think a risk of trauma from an unfortunately timed application of the power is a bit much. YMMV, of course. :)


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Senator Cybus wrote:Well, once the Life Line is attached, the other person can't die; that's the whole point of the power. :)

If you mean what happens if the super being tries to establish a bond with someone who's at the very point of death, and they pass on a split-second before the power kicks in...I would say nothing; it just doesn't work. The power's already costly enough in terms of Hit Points, I think a risk of trauma from an unfortunately timed application of the power is a bit much. YMMV, of course. :)

I just find your comment that no one would want to save against it interesting. If I were blown into bits and somebody tried to keep me alive, I would definitely fight it to avoid the pain. Sometimes the prospect of living can be a scary proposition.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:26 pm
by znbrtn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
znbrtn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:You are right, I don't have to agree with the concept, which I actually do like. I just like powers that make some modicum of sense. Your explaination is that it just appears or disappears out of nowhere. Usually powers that gain or decrease mass are shunting it elsewhere, like to a subdimension. But if that is the case here, why make him drain his body of blood for it rather than have it be an expulsion power? I know you are going to say it is in the concept, and if that is the case then run with it.
I guess I just don't get the mechanics of it conceptually. It might make more sense if you spent points from the Hit Points, like 1 Hit Point equaling 10 Blood points, and then spending the points on things like 1 point for moving parts, 1 point for ranged weapon, 1 point per pound, that sort of thing, like you do with Bio-E. I only mentioned the 25 pound thing as big because typically blood would not get dense enough to weigh that much. There should be additional costs associated to different abilities, so a blood knife will cost less than a gun and so forth. If you had a good point-based system, it would make more sense to me.

your suggestion for the system is a lot like how it was originally, and it just came out too close to create force constructs.
since it stays as one mass, i see very little reason to make it cost points to simply take a form; that's really only necessary when the character expends life force to make it perform powered mechanical tasks and chemical reactions.

Okay, I see what you're saying. I just reread it and it did make more sense to me the second time. Nice concept and good work!
If you are leaning towards volatile items, what about grenades?

i thought about traditional grenades and came to the conclusion that they simply wouldn't work with the power as written, as it would either have to explode the entire mass in one attack, which would be all kinds of complicated, or it would have to separate from the main mass, which would cause it to go inert too fast.
a grenade launcher, however, could work since it's detonated on impact and could theoretically be fired fast enough.
how does this sound?: grenade launchers can be made as well, but the range for these is limited to 200 feet. each grenade costs a full HP and does 5d6 damage to a 6 foot radius.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:26 pm
by Senator Cybus
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I just find your comment that no one would want to save against it interesting. If I were blown into bits and somebody tried to keep me alive, I would definitely fight it to avoid the pain. Sometimes the prospect of living can be a scary proposition.

Hee. Good point. I guess when I wrote that bit, I was thinking about it from the hero point of view ("I'll save you!"), not the villain perspective ("First I'll feed you feet first through the wood chipper, and then into the microwave you go..."). :lol:


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:44 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
znbrtn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
znbrtn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:You are right, I don't have to agree with the concept, which I actually do like. I just like powers that make some modicum of sense. Your explaination is that it just appears or disappears out of nowhere. Usually powers that gain or decrease mass are shunting it elsewhere, like to a subdimension. But if that is the case here, why make him drain his body of blood for it rather than have it be an expulsion power? I know you are going to say it is in the concept, and if that is the case then run with it.
I guess I just don't get the mechanics of it conceptually. It might make more sense if you spent points from the Hit Points, like 1 Hit Point equaling 10 Blood points, and then spending the points on things like 1 point for moving parts, 1 point for ranged weapon, 1 point per pound, that sort of thing, like you do with Bio-E. I only mentioned the 25 pound thing as big because typically blood would not get dense enough to weigh that much. There should be additional costs associated to different abilities, so a blood knife will cost less than a gun and so forth. If you had a good point-based system, it would make more sense to me.

your suggestion for the system is a lot like how it was originally, and it just came out too close to create force constructs.
since it stays as one mass, i see very little reason to make it cost points to simply take a form; that's really only necessary when the character expends life force to make it perform powered mechanical tasks and chemical reactions.

Okay, I see what you're saying. I just reread it and it did make more sense to me the second time. Nice concept and good work!
If you are leaning towards volatile items, what about grenades?

i thought about traditional grenades and came to the conclusion that they simply wouldn't work with the power as written, as it would either have to explode the entire mass in one attack, which would be all kinds of complicated, or it would have to separate from the main mass, which would cause it to go inert too fast.
a grenade launcher, however, could work since it's detonated on impact and could theoretically be fired fast enough.
how does this sound?: grenade launchers can be made as well, but the range for these is limited to 200 feet. each grenade costs a full HP and does 5d6 damage to a 6 foot radius.

That is along the lines of what I was driving at, heavy artilliary and grenade launchers. :D


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:47 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I just find your comment that no one would want to save against it interesting. If I were blown into bits and somebody tried to keep me alive, I would definitely fight it to avoid the pain. Sometimes the prospect of living can be a scary proposition.

Hee. Good point. I guess when I wrote that bit, I was thinking about it from the hero point of view ("I'll save you!"), not the villain perspective ("First I'll feed you feet first through the wood chipper, and then into the microwave you go..."). :lol:

Plus you have to factor in the disorientation involved from pain and the fear of living as a cripple and not being the man you were, like some of the crippled war veterans. The hero always thinks of saving the person instead of putting them out of their misery.