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Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 12:29 am
by Iczer
Toxic Blast [Major]
‘Eat hot sulphur!’

The character can project waves of superheated, acidic gasses that burn on contact, not only stripping flesh from bone but also blinding and gassing an opponent.
1) Project toxic blast:
Range: 75 feet plus 10 feet per level.
Duration: Instant
Actions: 2 attacks are required to fire this blast.
Damage: 3D6 from the heat, 4D6 from the acid. Heat damage increases by +1 per level.
Bonus to strike: +2 with an aimed shot.
2) toxic cloud: at the point of impact, this power generates a wash of acidic clouds, that extends 10 feet in all directions. Anyone in this area suffers 3D6 damage and is subjected to the choking/blinding effects listed below (with a +2 to save). The cloud is short lived, blowing away soon after it is formed. Those in the cloud may make a dodge roll (12+) to exit the area, avoiding the cloud.
3) Choking/blinding: anyone subjected to this blast, as well as anyone in the cloud when it forms, risks lung and eye damage. Targets suffer -2 to all combat bonuses for one melee round as they choke and burn on acrid fumes and blistering heat. They must also make a saving throw vs lethal poison or take 2D4 Hit Point damage and lose an action from choking on blood and sulphur. Those with eye protection (more than sunglasses) suffer half penalties (-1). Gas filters and even the inability to breathe protects from the subsequent saving throw (characters with heightened sense of smell from any source suffer -2 to the saving throw and suffer double the normal penalties)
4) drawbacks: a simple force field of any nature simply halts the acrid blast. The field takes damage from the heat alone and it filters away the acidic effects. In high winds, or rains, the heat and toxic damage is halved, the cloud halves in size and saving throws are decreased by 2.
5) other benefits: the character is immune to his own toxins, is resistant to heat (half damage) and acid (half damage) and enjoys a +4 to saving throws against toxins.

Xenoflora generation [Major]
‘I love communing with the wilderness. Just not Earth’s wilderness’

The character can generate plant matter that matches no known phylum on earth. Truly, he creates plant like organisms spontaneously, from his own cells and from thin air. The plant forms generated with this power superficially resemble terrestrial flora. They typically have a root system for obtaining nutrients. They photosynthesise (after a fashion), and are typically sessile. Pigment, shape, diet and other factors are simply not terrestrial in nature. GM’s may wish to roll on the unusual colouration chart from the mutant chapter to determine gross physical changes that remain consistent from character to character ( Joseph creates xeno flora that is covered in tiny cilia like hairs and is dark black insead of green, while Emily’s creations are dotted with dark red flowers)
1) Xenoflora armour: The character causes xenoflora to germinate in his skin and muscles. This requires three actions to perform and is very painful, but leaves the character with a bonus 30 SDC (+10 per level) and an AR of 12 (energy attacks bypass this) all for the cost of 1D4 HP. The character can renew this bonus SDC, healing it with but a thought, restoring 10 SDC per HP expended. The character cannot feed his plants if his HP drop below 5. Xenoflora armour lives more or less as long as the character is alive, living off his body symbiotically rather than parasitically (aside from the HP used to germinate and root the xenoflora). While the character has the xenoflora armour active he weighs an additional 35 pounds and has halved PB.
2) Xenogarden: The character can spot generate xenoflora, germinating in a location dictated by the character. The primary growth for this affects an area 6 feet across, plus 2 feet per level and plants formed in the area grow to be between 3 to 8 feet high (plus 1 foot per level). A 10 foot permitter around the primary growth enjoys the production of smaller, weaker xeno grasses and weeds. The primary growths enjoy 80 SDC (+10 per level) and can be used to block corridors, or support existing structures. They take root in any non living, non metal structure and will grow on glass and steel if formed as a fungus (but will not root). The SDC of any object that is grown on is halved by the sudden and violent penetration and creation of the plant’s root system. If grown on any surface other than dirt or sand, the primary growths last 20 minutes per level before dying, their energies expended. In life bearing soil or other nutrient rich environment, the growths halve in size after the listed duration, but remain in perpetuity barring normal destruction from outside sources. It takes 2 actions to create a patch of xenogarden, and 1 HP is required to spawn it. It grows up almost instantly, and if used to support a wall or halt a bus (aside from its SDC) it has extraordinary PS of 20 +5 per level.
3) Xenoforming: This massive effort allows the character to spawn an entire farm of xenoflora. Xeno forming affects an area up to 1000 feet on a side (plus 200 feet per level) affecting one basic surface (so if done to an open park, the growths would not, for instant, affect the concrete fountain, nor the asphalt driveway running through the park). Xenoforming requires one 30 minutes per 200 foot area (so 2 and a half hours at first level) whereby he germinates new life into the area. The new growth is virulent, killing existing plants where possible. The character decides what grows where and how high or thick. The largest single individual specimen he can create is a meagre 10 feet tall (plus 5 feet per level) and xenoflora specimens have SDC equal to their terrestrial equivalents. The character remains ‘connected’ to his land as long as it lasts, able to feel how it is doing and if anyone has entered. Like Xeno gardens, the new life exists only as long as it has access to nutrients, is free to propagate and is free of hazards. Unlike regular terrestrial flora, the xenoflora can be custom sculpted to endure in hazardous locations, such as in salt water, sand and urban concrete structures (drawing water from precipitation and burst water mains) In such hazardous climes, the plant life automatically dies off at a rate of 100 feet a side per day that the character does not tend the growth personally, ( 2HP per day plus about an hour every day tending the garden). If grown in healthy soil, the xenoflora remains until starved, poisoned or destroyed. (fun fact: without the co-operation of local insects and birds, the plants will have a harder time competing with terrestrial flora. Long term xeno-gardens require planning both in the form of regular agriculture (supplying water) as well as their initial biological design (making them compatible with terrestrial wildlife for instance)
4) Bioweapons division: The character can create plant based weaponry. By expending a few HP and an action, the character can form aggressive weapons from his xenoflora armour, his xeno gardens or his Xeno farms. The character can create such bioweapons ‘on the fly’ from his xenoflora armour, but he must expend the HP to create the longer lasting forms in his garden or farm creations.
* Pollen production: when formed, the character surrounds himself at will (one action per round) with a choking cloud of pollen. Everyone within the 20 foot cloud must make a saving throw vs Non lethal poison or suffer wheezing and allergic reactions (-3 to combat actions and -20% to all skills). As part of a xeno garden the character need not expend actions to maintain this bio-weapon, but he cannot turn it off either. As part of a xenofarm the whole area, plus an area surrounding it for the same distance is covered in this choking miasmic cloud. 1HP for himself, 2 for a garden, 4 for a farm.
* Seed spitting: The character’s xenoflora armour grows small seeds that can be shot out at high speed. A volley of 1-4 spikes or seeds can be shot outward with +4 to strike out to 60 feet, inflicting 1D4 damage per seed or spike. When applied as part of a garden, the garden has 2 attacks per melee and divides 6 shots between any moving targets within 40 feet. as part of a farm, the place is festooned with 1 of these plants for every point of ME the character has. Individual plants have1d4x10+40 seeds and regrow 6 an hour. 1Hp for the armour, 3 for the garden 6 for the farm.
* Grasping vines: The character grows a trio of vines, granting him one extra attack per melee with them inflicting 2D6 in a whipping motion out to 20 feet. the vines add +10% to climb and +4 to make or maintain a hold or grapple. In a garden the vines latch onto any moving object and attempt to grapple with it’s normal PS attribute. In a farm the place is nearly impassable as every step attempts to constrict and destroy (every solid structure in the area loses 10% of it’s SDC per hour until down to its last 10%. 1 HP for armour, 3 for gardens 6 for farms.
* Thorns or spines: The character forms spines, thorns or other sharp ridges on his xenoflora armour. The spines inflict 3D6 as a hand to hand attack and the plant sap burns horribly (irritation, -1 to initiative -5% to skills until cleaned out) the character is +1 to strike and parry with the plant spines. Furthermore, anyone grappling the character suffers 2D6 per round by doing so. As part of a garden or farm, trying to force one’s way through the brambles or thorns inflicts 1D6 damage for every 10 feet of careful travel, or 2D6 per 10 feet for rapid, careless travel. Targets with AR’s of 14 or better (Natural, force field or environmental) are immune to this damage. 1HP for armour 3 for gardens 6 for farms.
* Carnivorous growth: The character grows a grasping limb in the shape reminiscent of a venus flytrap. The limb has +2 to strike (only). And if it does, the target is grappled by the limb and takes 2D6 damage per melee. The character is free to pound on the target with hand to hand attacks and can defend himself normally (but depending on the target, he may not be able to physically move around). Target’s can escape normally, but cannot dodge and suffers -6 to parry and roll. In a garden, the limb that grows attempts a grapple on any target within 10 feet once per round, but it does not let go, and so is broken as soon as a target escapes (or inflicts 30 damage to it). The farm with this develops more mundane trap like plants that litter the area like natural hazards (but don’t actively hunt targets.) The most common configuration is a pit trap that is covered with leaves. When walked over, a target falls some 15 feet into 6 feet of acid. Targets take 2D4 damage per round, must try to swim and needs to climb the wet sides to escape (-50% to climb). 2HP for the armour, 4 for the garden and 6 for the farm.
* Poison plant: Run of the mill poisons are generated by the xenoflora armour. The character can spawn a lethal (2D6 damage) contact poison or non lethal (-1 action, -2 to strike/parry or dodge) sickening rash. The garden and farm versions of this affect anyone having to force their way through any flora (or more insidiously once for every 15 minutes in long grass). 2HP for armour, 4 for the garden, 6 for the farm.

Blood of red earth [Minor]
‘From dust we are born, and to dust we shall return’

The character’s body is dehydrated, and dust pumps through his veins. The character is immune to water deprivation, and can clog his own wounds with caked dust (does not suffer bleeding). The character suffers no effects from bloodborne diseases, and has a +8 to resist bloodborne poisons. In addition, as he has no blood in a conventional sense, he is immune to effects that target or affect blood. Lastly, his dust, when out of his body, tends to scatter and blow away rather than stain, making forensics difficult where the character is concerned.
Other bonuses: +10 HP

Pinpoint eye [Major ]
‘I Spy with my giant eye....’

The character concentrates all his reflected light into a single rotating spot on his body. When he does this (one action) he resembles a dark, shadowy silhouette of a man with a single 6 inch wide bright spot hoving1-2 inches over his body. This bright spot is the sum collection of all the light impacting his body. While active the character enjoys the following benefits.
* Supervision: Circular vision (powers unlimited 1, Page 45) except that this power covers the areas above and below him.
* Laser attacks, and attacks augmented with the use of a laser sight suffer a -8 to strike the character. Laser attacks inflict half damage.
* Nightvision: can see 60 feet in near lightless conditions (but not pure blackness)
* laser Beam: Once per melee as an additional attack, the character can focus the concentrated light out the aperture inflicting 6D6 damage out to 60 feet with +6 to strike.
* Exceptional normal vision, able to make out a street sign at a distance of a mile, able to read an open newspaper from across a study hall. +4 to perception checks made using sight, +20% to skills where an eye for detail is important (delicate electronics for example)
* Because he can reposition the ‘eye’ he can move it to his hand and use it to safely peek around corners.
* Limitations: This power funnels light to him. Blinding attacks based on light are impossible to avoid (he cannot ‘shut’ his eyes, and as he is looking everywhere around him at once that includes directly at the source of the light). Double penalties for light based blindness though the character can attempt to ‘shut off’ the eye as a reflex (make a Saving throw of 16 or better, adding ME bonuses). The power stays off for the remainder of the melee round.

Orbital rings [Minor]
‘..and if that mocking bird don’t sing, Momma’s going to buy you a razor ring.’

The character can form dust, stray particles, air moisture and pure willpower into a series of rotating rings.
1) Hand rings: By expending an action, the character can create a spinning ring around one or more hands. The character can use this as a weapon (3D6, PS bonus does not apply) or can hurl it 60 feet with a +4 to strike. The savage spinning action ignores 2 points of an object’s AR.
2) Body Rings: By expending an action the character can create a pair of rotating rings around his body. Anyone entering melee combat with this character (by choice or otherwise) takes 4D6 damage (+2 per level). The rings can be smashed (14 to strike, though the character may dodge, 20 SDC) but the character may recreate them with an action. Anyone forcing their way through the rings may grapple the character without harm (the rings are wider than the character’s reach). Likewise appropriate powers or a dodge roll of 16 can be used to avoid the rings and slip inside his reach.

Vulcan-port [Major]
‘Hawaii looks nice this year. Pity I can’t take the kids’

The character can briefly turn himself into living heat and transmit himself through the magma of the earth to appear elsewhere. Functionally this limits the area’s he can transmit to and from but the side effects more than compensate.
1) Immunity to fire and heat. The character is unaffected by intense heat or fire. In fact exposure to it turns his outer body to compensate, causing him to glow with warmth for 1 minute per point of damage he is exposed to. Likewise, he is immune to smoke, sulphuric acid and other effects of vulcanisation. He is likewise not impeded by magma, able to wade through, and even breathe in molten substances as if it were air. In fact 30 points of fire or heat damage in a given day is sufficient to substitute for his daily needs of food, water and sleep.
2) Lava-port: The character can dive through volcanic shafts and swim through the earth to another. The character can safely and easily navigate from any surface exposed to lava, magma or any volcanic vent. If the vent is sealed (by normal cooling) he can break through up to 20 feet per level of any cooled substance (any thicker and he stops where he is). Transport is amazingly fast, and he can circumvent the globe in minutes (1D6 minutes per 500 miles)
3) Create mini volcanoes: Through force of will, the character can create mini volcanoes. Aside from their destructive uses, they also serve as an emergency conduit to the earth’s magma (and out again).
Range: a mini volcano can be formed within 10 feet of the character, usually just in front of him.
Size: a 4 foot wide opening, some 3 feet tall (6 feet at the base).
Damage: Forming the volcano does 1d4x10 damage to the ground it was summoned from. The volcanic vent can be made to spew lava at targets inflicting 4D6 damage with +4 to strike. Everyone within 10 feet of the volcanic vent takes 2D6 damage from the heat and possible fires.
Actions: It takes 4 actions to create the mini volcano, One to direct a lava bolt and one to vanish down the vent.
Duration: lasts until the character jumps down, or until he fails to expend an action per melee round to maintain it.
Chance of success: 60% +5% per level. +20% in an area known for geological instability (LA for instance) -30% in a urban environment, -40% underwater. Impossible indoors.
Distance: By jumping down the vent, the character vanishes into the magmasphere. He must designate where he wishes to arrive. If there is no active volcanic opening at that site, there is a 30% chance of arriving within 300 feet of his desired location. Otherwise he arrives up to 2D4x1000 feet away. In any event, if there is no volcanic opening, he needs to form one (same chance of success as before. Apply penalties for his actual arrival location rather than his desired one). If he cannot form an opening, move him 1D4x1000 feet and have him try again in 10 minutes.

Retrospection: [Minor]
‘You tell me the precise date, and I will tell you what I was doing’

The character can look backwards through time, to relive events as they happened rather than as he remembers. This effect is similar to an eidetic or enhanced memory, except that recall is not instantaneous and events have to be trawled through to recover them. Unlike a really good memory, the character see’s things as they happened to him (the memory is a shocking liar in a human being). The character can stop, rewind and pause a memory, going over subtle nuances again and again. He does have to search time though. Asking him to relive a memory without attaching a time frame means the character has to basically guess when he wants to look and then fast forward and rewind as necessary. A specific event that occurred at a memorable time in the character’s life takes 2D4 minutes to find. If a date is given, then the event can be found in 1D4 melee’s. The time required is halved if the event was a moment of particular focus (such as an exam studied for specifically for recall later) or of particular importance (the character’s wedding day for instance). Events with no particular time frame in mind takes 3 times as long to find (Last time you met Steve, was he carrying an I-Pod?) and really general events take twice as long again to find (when you go shopping, have you ever seen coffee on special?). events are witnessed in the character’s minds eye exactly as he witnessed them then. The GM will need to determine if an event was actually viewed from the character’s Point of view at the time of the recollection. (If he passed a cultist at a rally he may not have been directly looking at his face for instance).



Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:49 am
by Stone Gargoyle
CoalitionMerc wrote:ive been looking at the Black Vault wiki where NMI said all the powers in this thread are and cant find a power i want, and since you guys and girls have more experience in making new balanced powers i was wondering if you could assist me in writing up Matter control: Sand

this is what i got so far

Matter Manipulation: Sand (Major)
"Feel the power of the Desert"

all abilities require at least one cubic foot of sand to work unless otherwise noted.

1: Sand twister
By sacrificing your action to create a twister made up of sand that orbits around you. you gain a +3 to defense for that round, but inflict a -3 penalty to yourself for all attacks made due to the concentration needed to keep the sand spinning.

can you guys help? my mind is kinda dead tonight so any help would be much appreciated
(i know it should have at least a Sand Storm ability)

I can work on it tomorrow at the earliest. This is pretty straightforward, you just need the statistics worked out for the storm and additional effects. If anyone else cares to give it a try before I get it done, they are more than welcome to.


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:51 am
by Iczer
CoalitionMerc wrote:Matter Manipulation: Sand (Major)
"Feel the power of the Desert"

all abilities require at least one cubic foot of sand to work unless otherwise noted.

1: Sand twister
By sacrificing your action to create a twister made up of sand that orbits around you. you gain a +3 to defense for that round, but inflict a -3 penalty to yourself for all attacks made due to the concentration needed to keep the sand spinning.

can you guys help? my mind is kinda dead tonight so any help would be much appreciated
(i know it should have at least a Sand Storm ability)

Standard rule of thumb with Major powers is to look at the benchmarks. APS sand incorporates a lot of sand manipulation abilities, as does earth manipulation. refer to both of those for inspiration.

Incorporating what you have already written up might I suggest:

Matter control: Sand
'insert pithy or witty quote here'

The character can use nearby sand to form defensive and offensive weaponry as needed, using localised sandstorms for defensive screens and for bludgeoning and shredding assaults.
1) Sand shield. With access to at least 100 lbs of sand the character can create a localised shield of whirling sand to protect him from assaults. Creating the shield requires constant concentration, using one action per melee round to maintain. While active, the shield deflects light projectiles reducing their chance to hit by -6. Likewise melee combat is made difficult by the whirling silicon. Anyone within 4 feet of the character will find the stirred up sand annoying without eye protection, suffering -2 to strike, parry and dodge while within this close range. Characters with extended reach will ignore these penalties. Energy attacks that strike the character see their damage reduced by half, absorbed by the sand shield.
2) Sandquake: by using nearby sand, at least 50 lbs, the character can form and hurl jets of tightly compressed and hard hitting sand or a rapid fire shower of shredding sand. Both attacks have a range of 70 feet and have a +2 to strike. The heavy sand inflicts 4D6 damage and the target must make a check versus balance or be knocked down (targets over 500lbs are effectively immune to this). The shredding sand also inflicts 4D6 damage, but its diffuse nature means that if it fails to penetrate a target’s AR then it still inflicts half damage. Any targets truck by either form of this attack must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer temporary blindness due to sand in the eyes (-2 to initiative)
3) Sandstorm: The character is able to cause all the sand in the area to rise up and swirl about. This requires two attacks on the character’s behalf and it affects an area 50 feet across. The diffuse sand makes visibility impossible for more than 5 feet and all targets in the area lose one action from the sudden coughing and breathing in fine sand particles. the cloud lasts for one melee per level, significantly less if disrupted by a medium breeze or rain.
4) Generate sand: the character can generate 5lbs of sand per level by causing nearby stone, glass and other silicate items to break down. This affects all items in a 50 foot spread. Objects become obviously pitted and scarred. Targeting an individual object deals 1D6 damage to it for 5lbs of sand needed. If the target is living stone or glass, he may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonus applies) to take half damage 9and half as much sand is produced)



Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:33 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
CoalitionMerc wrote:Matter Manipulation: Sand (Major)
"Feel the power of the Desert"

all abilities require at least one cubic foot of sand to work unless otherwise noted.

1: Sand twister
By sacrificing your action to create a twister made up of sand that orbits around you. you gain a +3 to defense for that round, but inflict a -3 penalty to yourself for all attacks made due to the concentration needed to keep the sand spinning.

can you guys help? my mind is kinda dead tonight so any help would be much appreciated
(i know it should have at least a Sand Storm ability)

Standard rule of thumb with Major powers is to look at the benchmarks. APS sand incorporates a lot of sand manipulation abilities, as does earth manipulation. refer to both of those for inspiration.

Incorporating what you have already written up might I suggest:

Matter control: Sand
'insert pithy or witty quote here'

The character can use nearby sand to form defensive and offensive weaponry as needed, using localised sandstorms for defensive screens and for bludgeoning and shredding assaults.
1) Sand shield. With access to at least 100 lbs of sand the character can create a localised shield of whirling sand to protect him from assaults. Creating the shield requires constant concentration, using one action per melee round to maintain. While active, the shield deflects light projectiles reducing their chance to hit by -6. Likewise melee combat is made difficult by the whirling silicon. Anyone within 4 feet of the character will find the stirred up sand annoying without eye protection, suffering -2 to strike, parry and dodge while within this close range. Characters with extended reach will ignore these penalties. Energy attacks that strike the character see their damage reduced by half, absorbed by the sand shield.
2) Sandquake: by using nearby sand, at least 50 lbs, the character can form and hurl jets of tightly compressed and hard hitting sand or a rapid fire shower of shredding sand. Both attacks have a range of 70 feet and have a +2 to strike. The heavy sand inflicts 4D6 damage and the target must make a check versus balance or be knocked down (targets over 500lbs are effectively immune to this). The shredding sand also inflicts 4D6 damage, but its diffuse nature means that if it fails to penetrate a target’s AR then it still inflicts half damage. Any targets truck by either form of this attack must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer temporary blindness due to sand in the eyes (-2 to initiative)
3) Sandstorm: The character is able to cause all the sand in the area to rise up and swirl about. This requires two attacks on the character’s behalf and it affects an area 50 feet across. The diffuse sand makes visibility impossible for more than 5 feet and all targets in the area lose one action from the sudden coughing and breathing in fine sand particles. the cloud lasts for one melee per level, significantly less if disrupted by a medium breeze or rain.
4) Generate sand: the character can generate 5lbs of sand per level by causing nearby stone, glass and other silicate items to break down. This affects all items in a 50 foot spread. Objects become obviously pitted and scarred. Targeting an individual object deals 1D6 damage to it for 5lbs of sand needed. If the target is living stone or glass, he may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonus applies) to take half damage 9and half as much sand is produced)


The other thing I would recommend would be a sand trap made by having the sand on the ground form a type of whirlpool, which is not so much quicksand as it is an in-ground storm pulling the character in at high speed and spitting out sand.


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:57 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:Wow good job Iczer, those powers are cool.

I agree. Awesome lot, all of it.

Mephisto wrote:Blanking Books (minor)

This bizarre power affects all books that the character holds or can read at a distance (if the appropriate super vision power is used in conjunction) so that the book is made permanently blank! It can be rewritten on, but all words on the book are completely gone. This affects any written media that the character holds, including magazines, newspapers, invoices, etc. Money is also completely wiped clean. This power has no effect on non-paper media and definitely not computer screens.

What are the effective range and number of books affected at a time, etc.? I am not clear as to the power's limits.

Automatic Writing (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character is able to communicate at a distance by writing on any smooth surface at a rate or 400 words per minute (100 words per melee round)! This requires some concentration, about two actions per melee round, and can be done at a distance of 100 feet per level, line of sight, and in any font (knows 2d4X10 fonts at level one, plus 2d4 fonts per level). Creating an illuminated manuscript or graffiti is done at the same rate but uses all of the character's actions per round to perform. Letters in the case of graffiti can be a maximum of a square foot in size.
The character can also erase books, signs, and graffiti using this ability.
If used on skin, the target gets to make a saving throw (12 or better, PE bonus applies).


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:55 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
CoalitionMerc wrote:i also am going to work on another power if its not out there already

Plague carrier
*cough* *wheeze* "Don't worry about me I'm Fine"

most likely this will be done by tomorrow.

There are at least two powers like that: ... ing_Plague


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:40 pm
by Gryphon Chick
CM, there IS a power like that on the boards; it might not have been included in the wiki or it might be listed under some odd terminology. Disease transferal is a fairly common theme.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Major) by Gryphon Chick
"Colorful, isn't it?"

The character can open a teleport jump aperture and cannot immediately close it; he must leave it open until it closes. The two gates jumped between will glow a golden color and they will have a rainbow effect linking the two ends. The rainbow effect is caused by a molecular carrier wave which deconstruct and reconstruct the molecules of the travelers passing through the gates.
Range: One mile per level of experience
Duration: The gate must stay open a minimum of one hour, with a maximum of one hour per character level. The time open must be regulated in hours.
Weight: Weight limits are different for the character and those besides him who chance to use it. Each person passing through the gate can safely carry one hundred pounds per the character's experience level, with a person's maximum body weight being 350 pounds, with a total weight (person and equipment) possible, though unsafe, of 2000 pounds. Only one person can travel through the gate at one time, so all weight must be able to be carried by the person alone. Every 10 pounds over the maximum weight limit increases the disfigurement chance by 01% (see below). The character himself can take himself and up to 1500 pounds of equipment at any level safely.
Damage: There is a 01-10% chance passing through the gate will leave the traveler horribly disfigured (-2d4 PB and all physical attributes halved), with weight overload on the teleport increasing the chance as noted above. Using the gate also does 1d4 damage to the traveler using it. The character himself is immune to the disfigurement risk.
Attacks: Uses one full melee round to open a gate.
Number of uses: Can open the three times per day at level one, plus an additional time at level 4, 8 and 12.
Chance of successful teleport: Once the gate is established, teleport success is 100%. Establishing the gate is trickier.
Chance of Successful Gate Construction:
Place well known 100%
Place been to a few times 88%
Place been to once 58%
Targeting from picture or description: 18%
No description or picture, just guessing 2%


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:34 pm
by taalismn
Matter Expulsion: Condiments(Major)
“Slugman, you may be the Gastropod that Gulped Down Galveston, but to me, with a little salt and garlic, you’re escargot!”

The superbeing can expel any of a variety of spices, seasonings, and condiments from his hands. Most have the properties of being irritants, or can blind if smeared in eyes or on goggles, windows, and optical sensors, but others have special properties.
It typically takes 1d4 melees and at least 3 APMs per melee to remove substances sprayed into the eyes(care must be taken not to just grind the irritant in more)...Takes HALF that time if irrigation is available(a water hose, stream or dish of water, decontamination spray, etc....).
Range: 60 ft +10 ft per level of experience, and typically affects a 10 ft wide area.
Quantity: 1 pound or gallon of condiment per level of experience
Effects: Varies by Condiment:
*Salt---Rubbed into wounds or into the eyes, salt is an irritant(-1 to strike/dodge/parry, and -1 to initiative until removed), it can also provide traction spread on ice(+3 versus any penalties for maintaining balance on ice).

*Pepper----Inhaled or rubbed into the eyes, this is an irritant(-2 to strike/dodge/parry, and -1d4 to initiative until removed. If inhaled, roll versus P.E. per melee or be convulsed with sneezing; -1 to initiative, -1 APM, and -1 to strike/parry/dodge until sneezed up)

*Ketchup----A mild irritant (-1 to strike/dodge/parry, and -1 to initiative until removed) if rubbed into eyes or open wounds due to its vinegar content, ketchup makes for a great blinding spray....It also looks alot like blood, so when it starts flying, it can look pretty horrifying (H.F. 10-12, depending on how it’s used).

*Tabasco----This is WAY hotter than the commercial stuff; any hotter and it would be classed as Corrosive Secretion.(-3 to strike/dodge/parry, and -1d6 to initiative until removed)

*Mustard---This is the proper yellow mustard; thick and tart...and burns with a mild heat when ingested. It ain’t good if rubbed in the eyes, however....(-1 to strike/dodge/parry, and -1 to initiative until removed)

*Garlic----Besides driving off vampires, Garlic is great for blood pressure, but it has an unmistakable reek; the super-powered version more so. Horror Factor of 14 for creatures repelled by garlic; all others roll Save versus P.E. or be overcome by trouble breathing(-1 Initiative, -1 APM)

*Horseradish---Another irritant with an incredibly poignant smell that brings tears to the eyes. Save versus P.E. or be racked by tearing eyes(-2 to initiative, -2 to strike/dodge/parry) and a hacking cough lasting 1d4 melees after getting out of the region of that overpowering smell.

*Sugar/Molasses/Corn Syrup/Honey---Sticky sweet goodness; it will gum upelectronic devices(reduce effective range of sensors to 1/4 until cleaned off, and NO bonuses from optical systems such as laser targeting) and joints, and slow down anybody trying to run through it(reduce speed by HALF). It can also be poured into gasoline tanks and other gummable apparatus. It also attracts insects in droves(Insectoid characters will find it hard to resist; -2 to save vs M.E. to avoid being distracted by the substance) .

*Nutmeg---Inhaled or ingested, nutmeg has a mild europhic effect; -1d4 to Initiative, -15% to skill rolls, lose 1 APM, for 1d4 minutes per ounce consumed.

*Melted Butter---It’s fattening, it’s slippery, it goes great with popcorn and lobster. Spread on flat firm ground, it forms a nice slick(-5 to Maintain Balance). Rubbed all over, it makes it rather hard for others to grip(+5 to Escape/Break Grip). It can also be set on fire, producing a sputtering, oily fire.

Other Bonuses:
*Gets Cooking at 50% (or +15% to Cooking skill)
*Discriminatory Pallete---Has a limited form of Enhanced Senses: Taste; can identify what spices(if any) are used in a dish with just a taste....65%+5% per level of experience


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Matter Expulsion: Condiments(Major)
“Slugman, you may be the Gastropod that Gulped Down Galveston, but to me, with a little salt and garlic, you’re escargot!”

A little a'salt and buttery? Hmmm.... How about Matter Expulsion: Fruit?


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:22 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Matter Expulsion: Condiments(Major)
“Slugman, you may be the Gastropod that Gulped Down Galveston, but to me, with a little salt and garlic, you’re escargot!”

A little a'salt and buttery? Hmmm.... How about Matter Expulsion: Fruit?

Didn't somebody do Matter Expulsion: Tomato?
Off to the Black Vault to look.... :D

Hold did....
Ah...interesting...THISE are still up for grabs....
And nobody's done Grapefruit Squirt Attack yet....Matter Expulsion: Citrus?
"Say goodbye, ScurvyDog! Say hello to my good friend VITAMIN-C!!!!!" :D


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Matter Expulsion: Condiments(Major)
“Slugman, you may be the Gastropod that Gulped Down Galveston, but to me, with a little salt and garlic, you’re escargot!”

A little a'salt and buttery? Hmmm.... How about Matter Expulsion: Fruit?

Didn't somebody do Matter Expulsion: Tomato?
Off to the Black Vault to look.... :D

Hold did....
Ah...interesting...THISE are still up for grabs....
And nobody's done Grapefruit Squirt Attack yet....Matter Expulsion: Citrus?
"Say goodbye, ScurvyDog! Say hello to my good friend VITAMIN-C!!!!!" :D

Actually, I did exploding bio-weapons resembling fruits and vegetables, not actual fruit. The actual Matter Expulsion of fruit is still up for grabs.


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:18 pm
by Iczer
gmapprentice wrote:for sand manipulation, what about condensed sand weaponry?

I felt the power had adequately covered all the necessary bases. It had an adequate and multi layered defence and 3 offensive abilities plus a 'get out of jail free' ability. If a player was asking me about this, I would have reccommended they grab body weapons as a minor rather than simply add more power and abilities to a major.



Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:23 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Spaghetti Topping (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"That's one spicy meatball!"

The character has fibrous tendrils resembling spaghetti noodles, chunks of meat resembling meatballs, and a blood-like pasty substance resembling spaghetti sauce as a permanent feature of the head. These various parts serve some interesting purposes.

1. Using The Old Noodle: The character's head is covered by numerous fibrous tendrils which are 2 feet long, and can be used to whip opponents for 2d6 damage when thrashing the head about (uses one melee attack/action; +2to strike). The tendrils are hollow, and the character can drink water to refresh himself, as well as use them to breathe through so as to prevent suffocation. The noodles add 40 SDC to the character's total, and each strand has an SDC of 2 points. They provide a Natural AR to the head of 10. The strands have a PS of 2 (cumulative when more than one strand is used in combination) and can be manipulated to grab small objects (uses one melee action) within range and throw them when whipping the hair (uses a second melee action; wild strike, no bonuses).

2. On Top Of Spaghetti All Covered With Cheese: The character's head also has a light layer of skin flakes resembling cheese which causes those around the character to sneeze, losing one attack per melee round and suffering a -2 penalty to combat moves while in range. If within one foot of the character, the opponent has a 01-30% chance of getting the flakes in his eyes, suffering -6 to strike, parry and dodge and -4 to initiative for 1d4 melee rounds.

3. You No Likee The Sauce?: The substance resembling spaghetti sauce is dried blood which is excreted from the character's scalp. It makes strikes to the head more difficult, imposing a penalty to strike the head of -2. Those touching the sauce will have their hand become sticky, suffering -10% to skills requiring use of the hands.

4. Meatballs: The head also grows 2d4 meatballs per day which have 4 SDC each and absorb some of the damage that would be taken by the character. They can be pulled out and thrown.
Range: Throwing range, as per tiny object under a half a pound.
Duration: Permanent feature until thrown; strikes instantly.
Damage: Meatballs strike for 1d4 damage with the same impact as a baseball.
Bonuses: +2 to strike in addition to any PP attribute bonuses and throwing bonuses from skills and powers.


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:35 pm
by taalismn
I just have this horrible image of PastaMan coming up against somebody with Super Consumption....
"...oh my god....the humanity...."
"They don't call me the Glutton for nothin'!"


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:42 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:it's good to see a new matter expulsion power... and you guys have been making a lot of unique powers lately, as usual. i don't know if i'll be able to "ketchup" to you. :lol:

The more unique a power is, the less likelihood that it has already been done. :D


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:12 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:i know that, but i'm not the most creative person ever.. though i do try. btw progress on aps: string is going slow. sorry, sg.

Well, I may just have to try and do that one myself, then.

Alter Physical Structure: String (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can alter his structure to become a being made of string, with some interesting and useful abilities.

1.Natural Armor Rating and Increased SDC: When transformed into a creature of string, the superbeing gains a Natural AR of 6. His SDC becomes 900 (SDC applies only in string form and is the total SDC, not a bonus). This means an attacker must roll over the AR to strike and inflict any damage. Rolls above the AR hits harmlessly off the string body. When all 900 SDc is gone, damage is done to Hit Points.
Punches, kicks and physical strikes do no damage, even if the attacker has Extraordinary or Superhuman strength. Supernatural Strength does only 5% normal damage. Pulls on the string sections greater than half the character's PE, however, will tear the string apart, taking him 1d4+1 rounds to rejoin the pieces by tying them together.
Blades, electricity, lasers, explosions, fire, heat and plasma do double damage and ignore the character's AR completely.
Impervious to cold (no damage), but gases, ingested drugs, magic and psionics have full effect.
Bullets and projectiles do full damage with a 30% chance of severing the rope.
Damage to the string body heals at a rate of 4d6 every 10 minutes.

2.Mass and Strength: Weight and lifting strength is reduced to one fourth, but the character gains a tensile strength equal to half of his PE attribute (considered Extraordinary) for binding opponents. Attempting to pull something over the tensile strength will break the string body.

3.String Form Abilities: The character can unwind his string form to stretch to a length of his normal height in feet X1000. The string is one solid piece,though can sacrifice SDc to cut off parts of himself, and simply weaves, ties and twists around to form different shapes, so the character can assume the appearance of clothing, bedspreads and such as long as he can maneuver the string into the right shape (skill level 40%, +2% per level, and adds +10% to sewing skill), thus able to spy on people by appearing to be articles made of threads. The character can stretch out his string body to trip opponents, use parts of himself to rig traps (+10% to creating traps involving string triggers) , or wind around targets to tie them up or entangle their limbs (roll to entangle at +8). The character can also pass under or through narrow areas less than 1/2 inch in height or diameter.
The character can also do a whipping attack for 1d4 damage, or can attempt to choke an opponent for 4d4 damage while entangling the neck. Can also do a squeezing attack for 1d4 damage while entangling the body.

4.Other Abilities, Bonuses & Things of Note: The character has no heat in rope form and is invisible to infared and heat sensors. Speed is unaffected. The character still needs to breathe and is susceptible to gasses, drowning, suffocation and disease in the same situations as normal humans.
Can fall from any height without harm.
Horror Factor (optional): 9 in string form
+4 to disarm
+4 to Entangle in Hand to Hand Combat

5.Stunts/Possible Additions: Additional Material by Taalismn:
*Splice---The superbeing can splice in additional lengths of regular string into his own body, extending his length...but only temporarily. The superbeing can hold the splice for 5 minutes per level of experience, no limits to the amount of string so added. The superbeing also gains 1 SDC per foot of string spliced in(damage comes off the splices first, as they tend to be the weakest part of the superbeing).
*Collect String---The superbeing can heal injuries in himself by absorbing additional string, regaining 1 SDC per foot of string. Unlike the aforementioned Splice, this string is permanently absorbed into the superbeing's 'flesh' like a dissolving suture. It CANNOT be used to ADD permanent SDC; it only replaces/regenerates lost string.


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:12 pm
by 89er
gmapprentice wrote:i know that, but i'm not the most creative person ever.. though i do try. btw progress on aps: string is going slow. sorry, sg.

I hear you. I'm a creative guy but getting the powers into stats is my weakness. :(

I figure I should create the power with the stats and hopfully get better with time.

Speaking of which...

Drum Smoke +Minor+
By drumming with your hands on a solid surface, the user can generate smoke in the area he’s drumming in.
Create Smoke:
Range: 10 feet radius around the drummer.
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks per Melee: Each creation counts as one melee attack per melee round
Effects: Infrared optics and thermo-imaging devices are useless.


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
89er wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:i know that, but i'm not the most creative person ever.. though i do try. btw progress on aps: string is going slow. sorry, sg.

I hear you. I'm a creative guy but getting the powers into stats is my weakness. :(

I figure I should create the power with the stats and hopfully get better with time.

Speaking of which...

Drum Smoke +Minor+
By drumming with your hands on a solid surface, the user can generate smoke in the area he’s drumming in.
Create Smoke:
Range: 10 feet radius around the drummer.
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks per Melee: Each creation counts as one melee attack per melee round
Effects: Infrared optics and thermo-imaging devices are useless.

You need choking and blinding penalties.


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:09 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:i know that, but i'm not the most creative person ever.. though i do try. btw progress on aps: string is going slow. sorry, sg.

Well, I may just have to try and do that one myself, then.

Alter Physical Structure: String (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

I'd throw in a +4 to Entangle in hand to hand combat.....ever try to untangle a ball of string? One that's been thoroughly tangled up?
Of course, Real Men use a Gordian Knot solution(i.e. slice right through)

I'll even toss in what I was working on from my own version of this:

*Splice---The superbeing can splice in additional lengths of regular string into his own body, extending his length...but only temporarily. The superbeing can hold the splice for 5 minutes per level of experience, no limits to the amount of string so added. The superbeing also gains 1 SDC per foot of string spliced in(damage comes off the splices first, as they tend to be the weakest part of the superbeing).

*Collect String---The superbeing can heal injuries in himself by absorbing additional string, regaining 1 SDC per foot of string. Unlike the aforementioned Splice, this string is permanently absorbed into the superbeing's 'flesh' like a dissolving suture. It CANNOT be used to ADD permanent SDC; it only replaces/regenerates lost string.


Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:28 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:i know that, but i'm not the most creative person ever.. though i do try. btw progress on aps: string is going slow. sorry, sg.

Well, I may just have to try and do that one myself, then.

Alter Physical Structure: String (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

I'd throw in a +4 to Entangle in hand to hand combat.....ever try to untangle a ball of string? One that's been thoroughly tangled up?
Of course, Real Men use a Gordian Knot solution(i.e. slice right through)

I'll even toss in what I was working on from my own version of this:

*Splice---The superbeing can splice in additional lengths of regular string into his own body, extending his length...but only temporarily. The superbeing can hold the splice for 5 minutes per level of experience, no limits to the amount of string so added. The superbeing also gains 1 SDC per foot of string spliced in(damage comes off the splices first, as they tend to be the weakest part of the superbeing).

*Collect String---The superbeing can heal injuries in himself by absorbing additional string, regaining 1 SDC per foot of string. Unlike the aforementioned Splice, this string is permanently absorbed into the superbeing's 'flesh' like a dissolving suture. It CANNOT be used to ADD permanent SDC; it only replaces/regenerates lost string.

Added as Stunts/Additional Material section.


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:31 pm
by taalismn
Mister Twine thanks you... 8-)


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Mister Twine thanks you... 8-)

"It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string..."
The main changes between rope and string is that rope is thicker, so the string had to be longer to compensate for the characters size. String is easier to weave, also.
Speaking of weaving, what about APS Wicker/Baskets?


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:23 pm
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Mister Twine thanks you... 8-)

"It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string..."
The main changes between rope and string is that rope is thicker, so the string had to be longer to compensate for the characters size. String is easier to weave, also.
Speaking of weaving, what about APS Wicker/Baskets?

*facepalm self*


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Mister Twine thanks you... 8-)

"It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string..."
The main changes between rope and string is that rope is thicker, so the string had to be longer to compensate for the characters size. String is easier to weave, also.
Speaking of weaving, what about APS Wicker/Baskets?

*facepalm self*

ROFLMAO! With all the other excessively absurd APS Powers being suggested of late, and only now does one make you do that. My roommate does that, too. :D You don't HAVE to be crazy to write powers, but it helps. I know, I'm going to hell in a handbasket... JUST IN TIME FOR THE MINION WAR!

Alter Physical Structure: Telephone Pole (Major) would have an AR of 14, the ability to jack into existing phone lines, and use the wiring from telephone lines as electrical attacks. I see this as more a combination of APS Wood and another power, though. I am still contemplating how it could be made into its own separate power as 89er suggested.


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:24 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Telephone Pole (Major) would have an AR of 14, the ability to jack into existing phone lines, and use the wiring from telephone lines as electrical attacks. I see this as more a combination of APS Wood and another power, though. I am still contemplating how it could be made into its own separate power as 89er suggested.

"Yeah, I got an inside line into their compound...Had to mug a local phone pole and hide the body, but those creeps suspect nothing..."

Since I'm working on PowerHouse(Major), this would be a good combo to go with it....
Among the problems I see with APS: Telephone Pole is that they maybe take double damage from wind-based attacks and random automobile/vehicle strikes...(unless they have guy wires...same efefct as Glitterboy pylons, and take 1 APM to deploy/pull up)
I'd also expand the description to include metal powerline towers...
Being grounded, they take NO damage from lightning-based attacks


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:46 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Very good suggestions, T. I don't suppose you'd feel like writing it up since you have an idea of what would be involved?

Sandstorm (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Drown in my shifting sands!"

1. Sandstorm: The character can surround himself with an area of sand around himself for a 20 foot radius per level of experience, and can maintain it through concentration.
Range: 20 foot radius per level of experience.
Duration: Concentration, lasting two melee rounds per level of experience
Damage: Sand blasts for 1d6, +1 point per level, damage to all targets in range. Victims are -6 to strike, parry and dodge for the duration of the storm, plus an additional 1d4 melee rounds after it ends.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to start the storm and one attack/action per melee round to maintain it.

2. Sand Trap: The sandstorm can dig out an area of sand at a rate of two feet per melee round, up to a depth of eight feet. The trap will appear to be solid ground unless a successful detect concealment is rolled to detect it (done with a -5% penalty). If deeper than 5 feet, the trap will delay an average sized human or animal.

3. Sand Surfing: The character can ride the sands like ocean waves, with a skill of 50%, plus 5% per level. Doing so, he can move at three times his normal running speed.

4. Other Abilities and Bonuses: Gets Desert Navigation skill for free with this power, at a bonus to the skill of +15%.
Can go for his PE number of days without water.


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:16 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Very good suggestions, T. I don't suppose you'd feel like writing it up since you have an idea of what would be involved? .

Dunno---I'd probably wind up giving 'em a Fatal Attraction for squirrels :D


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:23 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Very good suggestions, T. I don't suppose you'd feel like writing it up since you have an idea of what would be involved? .

Dunno---I'd probably wind up giving 'em a Fatal Attraction for squirrels :D

Maybe so, but I am just unsure what to put for damage from an electrical cable for a phone line. :(


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:53 pm
by znbrtn
had an idea rolling around in my head and didn't see anything like this on the black vault, so i decided to try my hand at it. it might be a little much for a minor, so let me know if you've got any suggestions.

Partial Invisibility (minor)
this useful ability allows a character to make only part of their body invisible. this invisibility is just as effective as the major power invisibility, but only one of the character's limbs(arms, legs, head) can be cloaked at a time. any clothing and gear on the limb can also be included in this effect, but is limited to a maximum of 10 lbs of material at a time; any excess simply stays visible, apparently floating through the air.
Duration: this effect can be maintained indefinitely, created and cancelled at will.
Attacks per melee: costs 1 attack to activate or dismiss this ability.
Extra limbs: this ability is somehow more effective when used in conjunction with unnaturally occurring limbs like tails, wings, tentacles and extra arms. in these cases, the character can cloak the entire set of limbs. the sheer numbers involved with cloaking tentacles is problematic, however, so only a maximum of 4 tentacles at a time may be affected by this power. this makes for a crude, but very workable way to maintain a secret identity for those with such obvious mutations.
Other abilities: same as the major power for the most part, except as follows:
since the character is only partially invisible, he does not gain the full benefits of fighting invisible. opponents aware of his presence are only -3 to strike, parry and dodge. those with heightened senses, however, do not gain any special bonuses against him.


Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:45 pm
by taalismn
“’Go Green, Buy An Electric Car’? Sure, sounds good to me! Kinda steep price, though. How much for it WITHOUT the batteries?”

This power turns the superbeing into a living reactor or dynamo capable of pumping out kilowatts of raw electrical power! Enough to power buildings, vehicles, weapons, even power armor and robots! Unlike powers like APS: Electricity or Atomic Conversion, however, the superbeing CANNOT project lightning bolts or generate electromagnetic fields. On the other hand, casually coming into contact with the superbeing, or being slapped by them, can mean fatal electrocution.

1.Generate Electrical Power---The superbeing generates KILOwatts of electrical power per hour(for reference, 745 watts = 1 horsepower. The average electric golfcart runs on 200-500 watts, the current average electric car 30,000 watts/30Kw, an air liner’s APU-auxiliary power unit- can generate in the 750-1145 Kws...estimate the ‘average’ power armor or exosksleton to run off a 10-40 Kws). The Powerhouse can generate their P.E. x5 in Kilowatts +10 per level of experience(in comparison, commercially available home gas-powered generators can produce 1-7 Kilowatts). The Powerhouse can then trickle or surge this current into a power grid or electrical system by touching an outlet or other connection(may have to moderate power flow or install step-down transformers, however, to prevent overloading the systems).
The superbeing can generate this power in both Direct and Alternating Current formats, but not both simultaneously.
The character can recharge batteries and e-clips with a touch, power up a household, even power a vehicle if they have enough juice. Energy and rail weapons can be powered by hand; a typical MD energy weapon or rail gun eats up 5-10 Kws per shot, so a 10-shot e-clip will take 50-100 Kws to recharge.

2.Shocking Touch---Coming into contact with the Powerhouse means taking shock damage; the superbeing generates far more powerful contact currents than even APS: Electricality characters. However, they CANNOT project this power like lightning bolts or electrical arrays.
If the superbeing holds a properly conductive weapon(like a copper rod or whip) they can extend their shocking reach(although at higher power levels, their weapon might just melt in the process).
The superbeing can also use conductive structures like metal grates or shallow water to increase the range and area of effect of their electrical attacks.
Range: Melee (typically 30-50 ft if pumping power into a metal structure like a floor grate, 100-200 ft if through cable, 20-40 ft if through water)
Damage: 7d6+1d6 per level of experience(5d6 base damage when conducting through a conduit like metal or water). Can regulate damage in increments of 1d6 or even take it down to Stun levels, akin to a tazer(effectively acts as a Pull Punch).

3. Overload Strike---By touching into an electrical system and dumping an excess amount of power into it, the Powerhouse can attempt to overload the system. Most stand-alone systems lack proper surge protection against overloads, but powergrids and much military equipment, hardened against electromagnetic pulse, is so protected(the overload attack is -15 on the following chart against such systems), but if the Powerhouse character can bypass the surge protection(such as tapping into a main power trunk directly), this is negated.
01-10: No damage
11-20 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative. Unprotected memory devices are 25% likely to be wiped out/corrupted.
21-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds. Unprotected memory devices are 50% likely to be wiped out.
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds. Unprotected memory devices are 75% likely to be wiped out.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair. Unprotected memory devices are wiped out; little chance of file recovery.
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockput. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.

4. Living Battery---The superbeing can also absorb and store up excess electrical power(including his own) at a capacity of P.E. x 10 + 20 per level of experience in Kws. Note that this is regular electrical current; the superbeing CANNOT absorb thermal, particle beam, microwave, or other energy formats....The Powerhouse CANNOT absorb electrical attacks or lightning(unless modified by another power). This allows the character to build up a reserve of power for extended peak usage(like powering heavy weapons or multiple applications). Dumping the WHOLE reserve into an Overload Attack gives a +15% to the effects chart and DOUBLES shock damage for ONE attack.

4. Other Bonuses:
*Takes NO damage from electrical attacks
*+1d6 P.E.
*+50 SDC
*Gets the skill Electronics: Basic at +20%, and any other Electrical skills at +15%

(Optional) Powerhouse characters can have the following Penalties, if the GM or Player so desires(or roll 1d4):
*Special Diet---The superbeing requires a diet high in some exotic or unusual additive that acts as a moderating element...Without heavily seasoning their food with suchlike as powdered lead, cadmium, arsenic, or boron, the superbeing will suffer overload and surge problems manifesting as cramps, constipation, glowing stool, fever, delerium(-1d4 to initiative, HALF bonuses to strike/parry/roll/pull, HALF APMs, and -20% to all skill rolls while ill), and a 25% chance of 1d4 random electrical eruptions per hour(electricity will arc around them, and possibly jump to the nearest conductive object)doing full damage.

*Susceptibility to Water---The character hates to get wet; takes DOUBLE damage from water-based attacks. Merely being submerged(must be 50% or more of body in direct contact with the water) in water will do the character 2d6 damage per melee.

*Glowing with power---The character fairly glows with excess electrical power; 50% chance of also resonating with a low ominous electrical hum. -20% to Prowl.

*Self-Destruct----If taken below zero Hit Points and essentially killed, the Powerhouse character has a 01-50% chance of catastrophically exploding, obliterating the superbeing's body and doing 2d6x10 damage to everything in a 10 ft radius(+5 ft per level of experience), or a 51-00 chance of simply melting down into grease and soot, making conventional resurrection/resuccitation attempts(which require a largely intact body) difficult to say the least.


Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:48 pm
by taalismn
znbrtn wrote:had an idea rolling around in my head and didn't see anything like this on the black vault, so i decided to try my hand at it. it might be a little much for a minor, so let me know if you've got any suggestions.

Partial Invisibility (minor).

"Keep your hands so I can see them, or I plug you, In-Viso!"


Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The meltdown damage seems low, T, unless it is to each target in that radius. I am confused by the wording.


Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:47 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The meltdown damage seems low, T, unless it is to each target in that radius. I am confused by the wording.

Okay...Self Destruct is pretty much like a lot of Palladium explosives...pretty contained...But yes, you can consider the superbeing GONE and damage done to the blast radius...
Meltdown is more like a greasefire...a lot of smoke and sputtering, and it stinks, but you're not going to get shrapnel ripping through walls....


Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:17 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Alter Physical Structure: Telephone Pole (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Give me a call sometime."

The character can transform into a wooden structure resembling, and acting as, a telephone pole, which is 120 feet tall.
A utility pole, alternately referred to as a telephone pole, power pole, telegraph pole or telegraph post (all names commonly misused colloquially, as these names refer to their specific equipment), is a (usually wooden) pole used to support overhead wire, cable, fiber optic cable, and related equipment such as transformers and street lights. A single pole is often used to support both electric power distribution lines and telecommunications cables, as well as their associated equipment. Wire and cable are routed overhead as a relatively inexpensive way to keep them insulated from the ground and each other, and out of contact with pedestrians or vehicles. Utility poles were first used in the mid-1800s with telegraph systems.

1. Alter Physical Structure: Wood The character transforms into a wooden being which is elongated to 20 times his height with an SDC of 1,200 (roughly10 SDC per foot) and a Natural AR of 12. Attacks under the AR do no damage, while attacks 13 and above do full damage. Since the character is grounded, he is impervious to electrical attacks, lasers and energy bolts. The hero is resistant to cold-based attacks, poisons and drugs.
Fire, plasma and magical fire do double damage.
Takes double damage from wind-based attacks and random automobile/vehicle strikes, unless hooked up to guide wires and support framework.

2. Rooting to the ground: The character is able to anchor himself into a hole set up for a pole to fit in and can replace an existing telephone pole. Doing so, he will resemble a standard utility pole. In doing so, he will become unable to move unless stepping out of the hole. He will typically not move while disguised as a telephone pole so as to be indistinguishable from other utility poles.

3. Pole Position: When hooked up to the phone network, the pole is able to hold electrical and communications lines. Utility poles are commonly used to carry two types of electric power lines: Distribution lines (or "feeders") and subtransmission lines. Distribution lines carry power from local substations to customers. They generally carry voltages from 4.6 to 33 kilovolts (kV) for distances up to thirty miles, and include transformers to step the voltage down from the "primary" voltage of the lines to the lower "secondary" voltage used by the customer. Service drops carry this lower voltage to customers' premises. Subtransmission lines carry higher voltage power from regional substations to local substations. They usually carry 46 kV, 69 kV, or 115 kV for distances up to 60 miles. Voltages of 230kV can be placed on two- or three-pole towers. Transmission lines carrying higher voltages are usually not supported by poles, but by metal pylons (known as transmission towers in the United States). The character possesses all necessary connections and wire transfer apparatus. As such, the character can use a power line to attack with by unhooking the line and causing a power outage in the neighboring area. A high voltage power line used to attack will do 5d6 points of electrical damage (to Hit Points of unprotected humanoids) and stun or kill the recipient of the current (roll save vs. coma/death must be made).
The character also has connectors for phone lines which allow him to act as a living switchboard and monitor calls coming in over a line for use in spying on a location. This is done with a telephone communications skill of 45%, plus 5% per level of experience.

4. Hammering Limbs: Due to his increased size, the character can splinter into a humanoid shape with hammering limbs which extend out for 60 feet and do 4d6 damage plus PS damage bonus, with a +1 to strike and parry.

5. Bonuses/Abilities While in Wood Form: The character reads on thermal sensors the same as any wooden pole, making his wooden body unable to be seen on infrared, thermal and heat sensors.
+3d6 PS, considered Extraordinary.
Heals damage at a rate of 4d6 SDC per 10 minutes.

I am not sure if this is right, so any feedback is appreciated.


Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:51 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:looks good as usual, sg.

I just threw in a lot about utility poles as an idea how the character interacts with the environment, but was not sure if those electrical elements added enough abilities.


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:43 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Telephone Pole (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Give me a call sometime."

The character can transform into a wooden structure resembling, and acting as, a telephone pole, which is 120 feet tall.
... snip

Would only work in places that still use wood for their utility poles.


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:11 am
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Alter Physical Structure: Telephone Pole (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Give me a call sometime."

The character can transform into a wooden structure resembling, and acting as, a telephone pole, which is 120 feet tall.
... snip

Would only work in places that still use wood for their utility poles.

Like where I live, yes. It could easily be modified to be metal simply by raising the AR and eliminating the vulnerability to fire.


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:32 am
by drewkitty ~..~
APS: High voltage power tower
"they will never find me here"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:11 am
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:APS: High voltage power tower
"they will never find me here"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"You want us to WHAT, Master?!"
"...but sir, if we do that....well, there are over a hundred towers in this county...Somebody's going to notice us ...and isn't the point of a secret presence, well, that it's secret and unnoticed?"
"...Don't question my orders, toadie, carry them out....."


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I am out of ideas for powers right now. If anyone has any ideas for something they want written up, pm me or outline it here...


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:06 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Restructure Physical Structure(Minor)
The character has a power which is always on and disrupts APS powers within a radius of 200 feet, plus 20 feet per character level. In the case of gaseous APS powers, it causes them to partially solidify and fall to the ground as sludge, unable to move unless reverting to normal form, with the target taking half damage from attacks normally not doing damage. In the case of APS stone and metal powers, no visible change is apparent, but their natural AR is reduced by 2 points at level one, with an additional point lost at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, and they take full damage from attacks. APS wood type powers take 2d6 damage each melee round in range of the character, plus 1d6 damage at levels 4, 8 and 12, and their AR drops to half and PS becomes ordinary.


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:22 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am out of ideas for powers right now. If anyone has any ideas for something they want written up, pm me or outline it here...

What about an energy expulsion inhibitor which causes the power to backfire and attack its user?


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:46 pm
by NMI
taalismn wrote:Powerhouse(Major)
“’Go Green, Buy An Electric Car’? Sure, sounds good to me! Kinda steep price, though. How much for it WITHOUT the batteries?”

This power turns the superbeing into a living reactor or dynamo capable of pumping out kilowatts of raw electrical power! Enough to power buildings, vehicles, weapons, even power armor and robots! Unlike powers like APS: Electricity or Atomic Conversion, however, the superbeing CANNOT project lightning bolts or generate electromagnetic fields. On the other hand, casually coming into contact with the superbeing, or being slapped by them, can mean fatal electrocution.

1.Generate Electrical Power---The superbeing generates KILOwatts of electrical power per hour(for reference, 745 watts = 1 horsepower. The average electric golfcart runs on 200-500 watts, the current average electric car 30,000 watts/30Kw, an air liner’s APU-auxiliary power unit- can generate in the 750-1145 Kws...estimate the ‘average’ power armor or exosksleton to run off a 10-40 Kws). The Powerhouse can generate their P.E. x5 in Kilowatts +10 per level of experience(in comparison, commercially available home gas-powered generators can produce 1-7 Kilowatts). The Powerhouse can then trickle or surge this current into a power grid or electrical system by touching an outlet or other connection(may have to moderate power flow or install step-down transformers, however, to prevent overloading the systems).
The superbeing can generate this power in both Direct and Alternating Current formats, but not both simultaneously.
The character can recharge batteries and e-clips with a touch, power up a household, even power a vehicle if they have enough juice. Energy and rail weapons can be powered by hand; a typical MD energy weapon or rail gun eats up 5-10 Kws per shot, so a 10-shot e-clip will take 50-100 Kws to recharge.

2.Shocking Touch---Coming into contact with the Powerhouse means taking shock damage; the superbeing generates far more powerful contact currents than even APS: Electricality characters. However, they CANNOT project this power like lightning bolts or electrical arrays.
If the superbeing holds a properly conductive weapon(like a copper rod or whip) they can extend their shocking reach(although at higher power levels, their weapon might just melt in the process).
The superbeing can also use conductive structures like metal grates or shallow water to increase the range and area of effect of their electrical attacks.
Range: Melee (typically 30-50 ft if pumping power into a metal structure like a floor grate, 100-200 ft if through cable, 20-40 ft if through water)
Damage: 7d6+1d6 per level of experience(5d6 base damage when conducting through a conduit like metal or water). Can regulate damage in increments of 1d6 or even take it down to Stun levels, akin to a tazer(effectively acts as a Pull Punch).

3. Overload Strike---By touching into an electrical system and dumping an excess amount of power into it, the Powerhouse can attempt to overload the system. Most stand-alone systems lack proper surge protection against overloads, but powergrids and much military equipment, hardened against electromagnetic pulse, is so protected(the overload attack is -15 on the following chart against such systems), but if the Powerhouse character can bypass the surge protection(such as tapping into a main power trunk directly), this is negated.
01-10: No damage
11-20 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative. Unprotected memory devices are 25% likely to be wiped out/corrupted.
21-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds. Unprotected memory devices are 50% likely to be wiped out.
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds. Unprotected memory devices are 75% likely to be wiped out.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair. Unprotected memory devices are wiped out; little chance of file recovery.
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockput. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.

4. Living Battery---The superbeing can also absorb and store up excess electrical power(including his own) at a capacity of P.E. x 10 + 20 per level of experience in Kws. Note that this is regular electrical current; the superbeing CANNOT absorb thermal, particle beam, microwave, or other energy formats....The Powerhouse CANNOT absorb electrical attacks or lightning(unless modified by another power). This allows the character to build up a reserve of power for extended peak usage(like powering heavy weapons or multiple applications). Dumping the WHOLE reserve into an Overload Attack gives a +15% to the effects chart and DOUBLES shock damage for ONE attack.

4. Other Bonuses:
*Takes NO damage from electrical attacks
*+1d6 P.E.
*+50 SDC
*Gets the skill Electronics: Basic at +20%, and any other Electrical skills at +15%

(Optional) Powerhouse characters can have the following Penalties, if the GM or Player so desires(or roll 1d4):
*Special Diet---The superbeing requires a diet high in some exotic or unusual additive that acts as a moderating element...Without heavily seasoning their food with suchlike as powdered lead, cadmium, arsenic, or boron, the superbeing will suffer overload and surge problems manifesting as cramps, constipation, glowing stool, fever, delerium(-1d4 to initiative, HALF bonuses to strike/parry/roll/pull, HALF APMs, and -20% to all skill rolls while ill), and a 25% chance of 1d4 random electrical eruptions per hour(electricity will arc around them, and possibly jump to the nearest conductive object)doing full damage.

*Susceptibility to Water---The character hates to get wet; takes DOUBLE damage from water-based attacks. Merely being submerged(must be 50% or more of body in direct contact with the water) in water will do the character 2d6 damage per melee.

*Glowing with power---The character fairly glows with excess electrical power; 50% chance of also resonating with a low ominous electrical hum. -20% to Prowl.

*Self-Destruct----If taken below zero Hit Points and essentially killed, the Powerhouse character has a 01-50% chance of catastrophically exploding, obliterating the superbeing's body and doing 2d6x10 damage to everything in a 10 ft radius(+5 ft per level of experience), or a 51-00 chance of simply melting down into grease and soot, making conventional resurrection/resuccitation attempts(which require a largely intact body) difficult to say the least.

I like this power. Similar to a power that Wayne Breaux had envisioned to include in Atorian Empire


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:59 pm
by taalismn
Thanks :D ...I figured it would make for a great 'support' character, or technophilic one who could power his or her own gear...


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am out of ideas for powers right now. If anyone has any ideas for something they want written up, pm me or outline it here...

What about an energy expulsion inhibitor which causes the power to backfire and attack its user?

How about this:

Deflection Grid (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Right back at ya!"

The character can surround a target with reflective particles which appear to be dust. In most cases, this is pointless. But in the case of a target with energy expulsion, the dust serves to block the attack and send it back on the user.
Range: 200 feet; surrounds a target or targets with an area of two cubic yards (6 cubic feet)
Duration: Dust cloud lasts for 2 melee rounds per level of experience.
Damage: Dust catches and reflects the energy shot, so the person or persons caught in the cloud take the damage from the shot, unless otherwise immune.

Or how about:

Expulsion Inhibitor (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't even try it."

This power will lock an energy expulsion into the aura of the person using it and build up the energy involuntarily when they are not. This prevents the victim from attacking and potentially harms them in the process.
Range: Touch, or up to one foot away per level starting at level 2. The character must be in range of the person for this to effect to activate. May be combined with a strike.
Duration: 2d4 melee rounds following activation.
Damage: Once this is initiated, the victim will take 1d4 damage from his own energy even when not using the attack per melee round. If attempting to use the energy expulsion to attack, it will get caught in his energy field/aura and feed half the damage back on him. No damage is inflicted if the character is immune to their own energy.
Saving Throw: Victims can save vs. the effect each round it is active to stop it by rolling 16 or better, PE bonus applies. Those immune to the effects of their own energy expulsion are still affected by this power if failing their saving throw, preventing them from attacking.


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:personally i like the first one better. good job.

So do I, but I always like to create variations on how powers can be done.


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:54 pm
by Gryphon Chick
The second one is closer to what I was thinking, but the first one is more effective. Nicely done, SG.


Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:19 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Psi-Jack (minor)
The character has to have psionic abilities and I.S.P. to take this power. It allows the character to draw from another psychic's I.S.P. to use for their psionic powers the same way a mage draws P.P.E. The character can sense the I.S.P. of other psychics in range and draw on the collective I.S.P. of those in range as if it were his own. It will drain points of a psychic closest to the character first.
Range: 10 foot radius per character level
Duration: Always on seeing I.S.P. sources.
Damage: None, just drains I.S.P. points.
Attacks: As per use of psionic powers.
Saving Throw: Latent psychics are 16 or better to save, Master Psychics are 14 or better to save (M.E. bonus applies)

Psi-Lock (minor)
The character blocks the use of psionic powers in range by emitting a kind of psionic dampening field.
Range: 10 foot radius per character level
Duration: Always on.
Attacks: Uses no melee attacks to work.
Saving Throw: Latent psychics are 16 or better to save, Master Psychics are 14 or better to save (M.E. bonus applies)

Psi-Duct (minor)
The character has to have psionic abilities and I.S.P. to take this power. The character can sense the I.S.P. of other psychics and target them to drain their I.S.P. into his own private I.S.P. reservoir.
Range: 100 feet away per level
Duration: Extra I.S.P. points start draining away after an hour at a rate of one point per hour unless used. Once a target is drained, the points are not regained and must be restored as normal.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions.
Saving Throw: Latent psychics are 16 or better to save, Master Psychics are 14 or better to save (M.E. bonus applies)
Reservoir: The character can drain up to their M.E. attribute number, plus 1 per level, in I.S.P. points from a single target, with a maximum number of points stored equal to their M.E. attribute number per level (so at level 15 can store their M.E. numberX15 points of excess I.S.P.).


Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:37 pm
by znbrtn
if you're still looking for ideas, SG, i think i've got a couple that you could work with:

a matter expulsion that focuses on the shooting portion, being somewhat similar to super energy expulsion.

an ability that allows the character to enhance vehicles(from bicycles to automobiles), making them faster, stronger, tougher, and perhaps even giving them some sort of offensive capability.


Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:27 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
znbrtn wrote:if you're still looking for ideas, SG, i think i've got a couple that you could work with:

a matter expulsion that focuses on the shooting portion, being somewhat similar to super energy expulsion.

an ability that allows the character to enhance vehicles(from bicycles to automobiles), making them faster, stronger, tougher, and perhaps even giving them some sort of offensive capability.

I am, actually, since I seem to be at a lack of ideas.
The first suggestion is pretty easily done, but the second will require work.

Super-Matter Expulsion (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by znbrtn

This power is similar to matter expulsion powers but is more powerful and random.

1. Matter Expulsion: The player must choose the general type of matter his character expels: Wood, metal, stone, bio-organic (bones, etc) or man-made material (plastic, etc.). The exact nature of the objects unleashed depends on the type of matter chosen, but the effects are similar regardless of type. The damage can be controlled by altering the weight, number and size of the objects expelled, with each object's damage being in increments of 1d6 (1d6 per 20 pounds of matter expelled).
Range: 60 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant.
Damage: Normal expulsion: 3d6 plus 1d6 per level
Super-Expulsion: 1d6X10+1d6 per level (+30 damage for characters 6th level or higher), but must be done as the character's first attack and uses up all but one of the character's attacks for the melee round.
Attacks per Melee: Each normal blast uses one melee attack/action. Attacks can be done as a spray attack (with granular or particulate matter) on multiple targets only using one attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 for an aimed shot, +1 for wild or spraying shot.

2. Absorb and Expel Matter: The character can absorb objects and melee weapons if they strike for less than 80 damage, pulling them into himself and then shooting them back out. The absorption of the object will stop any resulting trauma or bleeding since they never penetrate the skin.
Range: 60 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant.
Damage: Normal expulsion: 3d6 plus 1d6 per level
Super-Expulsion: 1d6X10+1d6 per level (+30 damage for characters 6th level or higher), but must be done as the character's first attack and uses up all but one of the character's attacks for the melee round.
Attacks per Melee: Each normal blast uses one melee attack/action. Attacks can be done as a spray attack (with granular or particulate matter) on multiple targets only using one attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 for an aimed shot, +1 for wild or spraying shot.
Deadly Limitation: Absorbing sharp objects do half their normal damage directly to Hit Points.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character takes no damage from matter of the type he normally expels.
The character takes half damage physical strikes from unarmed attacks and melee weapons.