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Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:43 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
mhcisme wrote:eps 12 is sub

How did the Macross get thier?

From the pre-veiw of the next episode it looks like the ship is of the same class that crashed onto earth.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:57 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
mhcisme wrote:How can that be? Humans added the transformation to the Macross.
(Added a a ? and a Capital so the quote makes sense. Yes, the way you punctuate your sentences changes what the words mean.)

The humans that rebuilt (more like refurbished) the SDF-1's hull, only discovered the modular sectioning of the hull, then used that to switch sections about so they could fire the main cannon. So it isn't a far step to walk to presume that ships of the same class that the SDF-1 was made out of are also modular and transformable.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:47 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
then do what I do. stop and read what you are about to post and fix dem errors before you post it. Or read it after you post and fix them with the edit button.
As for the spelling, check your edit pull down menu on your browser. It should have a spell check there.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:14 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
AS I was watching ep. 12 again,I noticed that the symbol on the front of the (rebelling) zentradie armor looked sort of like the m from the SMS company logo.

And several nose bleeds from the zentran soldiers while Ranka was singing.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:18 pm
by MacrossManual
I got a kick out of the Zentradi swooning over Ranka. Hilarious :)

The SDF-1 is a first generation Macross class vessel in the same way the VF-1 is a first generation variable fighter. I don't think it means any more than that. Yes, the Japanese is specific, but like I said, it's the interpretation that matters. I am still really curious what the heck it's doing there. It looks like it's operational as well, at least according to the preview.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:17 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Last few posters please remember the spoiler tags. The mods got them added for a reason.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:52 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Was looking @ ep one and noticed a contunuancy error.
In the first half of the ep Ranka's hair is green.
But after Sheryl is rushed off from the concert, and ranka is wandering the streets, she has blue hair.
Didn't see anybody else mention this, But if someone did it wouldn't be the first time I've didn't see something.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:08 pm
by MacrossManual
That's not a continuity (spelling) error; that's coloring to approximate different lighting. It's a very common technique used in most anime. You'll notice in that same scene Kathy's hair looks red instead of brown, Alto's hair appears purple instead of blue and they all have different skin tones. It was a simulation of the light at dusk.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:09 pm
by MacrossManual
Wow, wow, wow! Episode 13 is awesome. I haven't a clue what the heck is happening, but it's 100% anime ownage :)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:26 am
by DhAkael
Grace is a back-stabbing 3-faced little (censored). Brera is psycho (or brain-washed). Ranka is so FUBAR and SNAFU'd. Michael is gonna be sininging high castrato if he touches Sheryl and Klan finds out :mrgreen:

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:16 am
by Cap'n Nick
Ep 13 stuff
What is LAI and what is the connection with Grace and Luca and the Galaxy fleet? You'll notice that the dimensional eater thingy had the LAI logo on it. Is LAI a company Luca's family owns? From what Grace said, seems the plan was foment hatred, but between who? Is the plan to drive apart the humans and zentradi, making it look like the 33rd captured/killed Sheryl? Guess the VF-27 is just a regular valkyrie with super BDI type stuff from Macross Plus. When Alto and Brera were fighting it gave me flashbacks to plus, with Isamu and Guld. I'm sure they team up in the end: will it have the same result, with Brera sacrificing himself and dying, just like Guld? Seems Grace's "real" job was to raise/mold Sheryl into a huge star every liked and then have her killed off to create some massive ill-will. Strange how the 117th fleet seemed to have Vajra ships growing on the inside. The SDF Global, huh? Guess that means in the early days the UN built a number of Macross-class ships, and it wasn't just the Megaroad ships. Makes sense, I suppose. My guess is that Grace was poisoning Sheryl, and it has to do with those pills she was trying to give her. Michael might be catching on to this. For all Grace knew, Sheryl was on the base and died in the planet-killer. That should put a kink in the masterplan of whoever's doing the masterminding. Supposing Michael/Sheryl hitch a ride to the Frontier fleet on the Vajra fold, I guess Alto can use the portable "insta-fold" fast pack to get back. Anyone else getting Macross II emulator vibes from Ranka? Was Grace even human? If she's an android of some sort, is she truly dead and gone, or could she upload to another body? For that matter WTH was that dimensional eater thing? Is it just like a bomb in that it destroyed everything, or was it all just folded somewhere? Or dumped into fold space and destroyed. Or what? Very interesting.

Ep 13 was the midway point of the series, and it did a good job. Some things answered, lots of juicy new tidbits and nagging questions. This would be like the mid-season break of Lost or Battlestar Galactica that leaves you slavering for the next one (like the standoff between Galactica and Pegasus). Thankfully we don't have to wait a year to get the next part of the story (thank you japanese tv!)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:45 pm
by MacrossManual
Reviews for episodes 11 and 12.

I watched episode 13 and I'm not sure what happened yet, but it's AWESOME! :)

Episode 11, "Missing Birthday"

This episode starts out with adverts for Ranka's first live performance intercut with a conversation between Leon and Kathy riding in a car. Gallia 4, a New UN Goverment world, is going to be a focal point for important events according to Leon's information and Kathy is very curious. It's clear she knows about Mr. Bilrer through discussion with Leon, but he appears tight lipped himself. Ranka is clearly becoming very busy starring in adverts and doing interviews, but is planning to attend Alto's birthday. Back at the school, the students talk around the pool and learn Sheryl is planning a concernt of Gallia 4. Kathy meets with Ozuma to arrange an escort for Sheryl. It's the perfect job for Alto, but he'll have his hands full this episode with the arrival of his brother Yasaburo Saotome. Alto's father has fallen ill and has made a deal that should Alto return on his birthday, his father will accept him again. Sheryl then meets with Ranka and the two talk of careers, but Sheryl has a dizzy spell revealing she might not be well. Grace later speaks with Sheryl and confirms signs of illness, buit a stubborn Sheryl will hear nothing of it as she prepares for her appearance on Gallia 4. Ever inquisitive about the circumstances on Gallia 4, Kathy meets with Klan to discuss the Zentradi living there and it's clear even after 50 years there are still divides in Zentradi society; those for the New United Nations and those against. Alto then meets with Sheryl and she offers him a chance to go to Gallia 4 where a real sky exists where Alto can fly his Valkyrie. Once alone, Alto listens to Ranka's phone message, offering to meet at the park on his birthday. Alto has a choice, decides to escort Sheryl instead and asks Mikhail to meet Ranka to offer his apologies. Ranka is left alone at the park but agains encounters the strange green animal that has followed her previously. The episode ends with Leon covertly contacting Grace aboard Sheryl's transport for Gallia 4, Alto escorting in his VF-25. The mysterious VF-27 then follows with it's own fold booster attached.

There's much happening in this episode and the story feels perfectly on track. The episode mostly focuses upon Alto, especially his relationship with his step brother and his father, but it also plays upon Alto's vulnerability for his dreams of flying. Sheryl cleverly siezes upon this opportunity to fulfill Alto's wants and makes him an offer she knows he won't refuse. It's still unclear if Sheryl has admitted to herself yet how much she's fallen for Alto, but it's clear she's competitive with Ranka and given her personality is determined to keep Alto for herself. Ranka is clearly too passive in her relationship with Alto and is almost begging for his approval. What Ranka needs to do is prove her worth by fighting for Alto, but will she? On the war side of the story, Leon is assisting the plans of Mr Brilrer and it seems much more is happening on Gallia 4 then almost anyone suspects. The episodes of Macross Frontier are again building to something and it's going to happen soon. Brera barely appears in this episode, but it's again made certain that he's being equipped and supplied from within the Macross Frontier fleet. His VF-27 is equipped with a fold booster at the end of the episode by what looks like L.A.I., the company that built the VF-25 and is Luca's family business, run by his siblings. More ties are sure tobe revealed as the story unfolds.

That brings to a close another strong episode of Macross Frontier and we're on to the next. Deculture!

Episode 12, "Fastest Delivery"

Without doubt this episode was made for the fans. Almost everything about episode 12 is an echo of Macross past; the giant Zentradi, the language, the young idol singer, the speaker pods, the mecha combat, and so on. Starting inside the bridge of a Zentradi warship on the surface of the colony world Gallia 4, this episode opens with a scene of Major Ogotai and his advisor speaking in Zentradi of the Zentradi themselves, a scene very reminiscent of the opening to the 1984 film Macross: Do You Remember Love. From there Sheryl Nome's transport , with Alto in the VF-25 as escort, defold over the planet and adjust for the time difference in the transition to real space. Back aboard the Frontier fleet at Mihoshi Academy, Ranka surprises her friends by taking the day off. Nanase is overjoyed, but discovers Ranka has domesticated her curious green pet. Alto and Sheryl land upon Gallia 4, Alto leaving his Super Packs and Fold booster in a self-bundling configuration in orbit of the planet. The Zentradi prepare a grand salute for Sheryl but her illness gets the better of her. As Sheryl makes her way out and faints, the event sparks a battle as the ambitious Temjin seizes an opportunity to fan the flames of latent unrest among the 33rd Marine Battalion. Alto is subdued and Temjin takes hostages. On Frontier, Nanase warns Ranka of violating ecological protection laws within the closed system of a colony ship, but agrees to keep Ranka's secret. News of the Zentradi rebellion spreads quickly to the Frontier fleet angering President Glass who damns the Zentradi. Aboard the Macross Quarter Ozuma blames himself for not sending enough protection but Kathy is convinced the whole operation was a setup. Captain Wilder seems to have been through a similar scenario in the past, but remains silent on it and laments that it would take seven days to get to Gallia 4. But back at the Academy, Luca proposes a solution to rescue the hostages. Temjin prepares his force of Queadluun-Rea mecha and the Zentradi sit at a standoff as he demands the warship in exchange for the hostages. Alto and Grace speak of their situation over bed-ridden Sheryl; Alto determined to escape back to his valkyrie. On Frontier, Lucas describes the new Fold Booster built by his family company LAI; a fold booster vastly superior for fold travel and able to navigate through Fold Faults. Mikhail equips the device to his VF-25G Messiah and goes off to rescue his friends.

On Gallia 4, Temjin rallies his troops around discovery of a reaction weapon vault but is interrupted when he's informed via a comm unit about Alto's escape, implying Grace was an informant. Alto makes it to his Valkyrie, but is captured by Temjin. The hostilities between the Zentradi factions begin and Temjin goads Alto with sarcasm about singing to stop the Zentradi. Just then Mikhail in his VF-25, with Ranka aboard, flies into the delivery Ranka's singing with four speaker pods under the wings. The Zentradi, devoid of culture on this outer world, are entranced. Temjin, unable to accept defeat, tries to attack Ranka in his Queadluun-Rea, but Alto fights him. After a brief battle, Alto prevails and sends Temjin to his doom as he falls into the water fa below. Beneath the water, something reacts to the events on the surface, perhaps disturbed by Ranka's singing. Alto meets with Ranka where she wishes him a happy birthday and the two prepare to head back to Frontier when Alto looses control of his valkyrie by some outside force (possibly the creature below the water) and the two crash. When they recover, they discover what appears to be the SDF-1 Macross left abandoned in a wasteland.

"Fastest Delivery" has many elements that seem to add up to a classic episode for old and new fans alike. The Zentradi gain a long overdue spotlight in the Frontier story and there is much potential for a really great episode that it astounds me how little is actually done with it. At the half way mark it's clear that all the setup of the first half of this episode and the threads from episode 11 will be spent upon Ranka's debut. Trouble is that's Ranka's debut is all that happens; the rising tension ultimately serves only to swing the love triangle pendulum back into Ranka's favor. The Zentradi turn out to be a villains-of-the-week and the only dramatic confrontation is a tensionless aerial battle between Temjin and Alto. The majority of the episode is superficial and filled with guilty pleasures for the Macross fan, but little of it amounts to any substance. The best the episode offers is a few homages and some laughs when the Zentradi swoon over Ranka. The last few moments of the story end with a cliff hanger that is likely the most exciting aspect of the episode. This has definitely been one of the weakest episodes of the series thus far but is only the second such episode out of the twelve released to date so there can be little to fault Macross Frontier. Episode 13 looks set to deliver upon some of what has been built for the past few episodes, but this one feels like treading water while it satisfies what "needs" to happen in the plot at this point in the series.

Look forward to more promising events in episode 13. Deculture!

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:41 pm
by MacrossManual
Cap'n Nick
I'll try to answer some of your questions, at least as far as I know.

L.A.I. is an aerospace design and manufacturing company. It's much like Stonewell/Bellcom from the original SDF Macross series or Shinsei Industries/General Galaxy from Macross Plus. Just as we have aircraft companies in reality, LAI are in the business of making aerospace craft in the fiction of Macross, building variable fighters like the valkyries.

It's been established that Luca's family owns/or runs the L.A.I. company. I'm not aware of Luca's connection to the Macross Galaxy fleet as yet, other than the obvious design similarities between the LAI's VF-25 Messiah and the VF-27. Of course, the Macross Galaxy fleet also appears to have access to either Vajra or LAI technology (like fold drives able to pass through Fold Faults). It's posssible (speculating here) that the connections between LAI and the Vajra run deeper, but I'm just guessing.

Grace has apparently totally misrepresented herself. She is obviously not Sheryl's manager, but a covert agent for the Vajra. She doesn't even appear to be human and there could be many Graces. She's obviously against the New UNG and has just committed an act of mass destruction against them. She's in contact with the mysterious Mr. Brilrer, but other than observing their direct actions on screen we still don't know the motives of Grace and Mr. Bilrer.

The VF-27 is most definitely an LAI-derived design, but it's clear it was an unknown craft until it first appeared (could mean it's a Macross Galaxy fleet exclusive). The interface for the VF-27 is likely not a BDI system but a cyberspace interface, much the same way Grace interfaces with computers. When the interface is disrupted, Brera appears to be in a cockpit wearing a helmet, so it's likely the audience is privy to the VF-27 cockpit as seen through Brera's eyes, as it were.

Yes, it does now appear that the UN Spacy/New UN Spacy mass produced the Macross Class vessels during the early years. SDF-4 Global appears to be the UN Spacy ship attached to the 117th Research fleet. The Vajra were likely using the SDF-4 as a hive of sorts, since the ship was utterly destroyed once the Vajra were birthed.

Grace's function is not yet clear, but it seems that Gallia 4 was a Vajra breeding ground and now that the Vajra have completed their forces, Gallia 4 was likely destroyed to cover up evidence of their passing. Grace has repeatedly expressed great admiration for Ranka (which we now know means self interest) and for all Grace knew Sheryl perished on Gallia 4 along with everyone else. With Ranka's capture it appears Grace has replaced one idol singer for another, probably because Grace suspects Ranka has some power or talent that Sheryl does not. Hence once she was done using Sheryl, she planned to have Sheryl eliminated.

The LAI Fold Booster and Super Packs are still in orbit. Like you, I'm assuming that's what Alto will use to return to the Macross Frontier fleet. Mikhail and Sheryl obviously hitched a ride aboard the Vajra fleet.

The bomb weapon that Grace activated is an unknown for now, but I'd guess it's most likely a super-dimension-energy derived device of some kind, possibly related to fold technology. One thing is for sure; that bomb is a strategic weapon system of a power level we've not seen since the Grand Cannon was fired upon the Bodol Zer Main Fleet in the original SDF Macross.

Hope that helps :)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:02 pm
by Shawn Merrow
A new group called Kei has subs of 13 up.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:12 am
by Shawn Merrow
Shawn Merrow wrote:A new group called Kei has subs of 13 up.

I think they took some liberties with their translation so going to compare them to another group.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:04 am
by Shawn Merrow
I recomend avoiding the Kei fansubs since they did take liberties with the translation.

ep. 13
Well Grace turned out to be a nasty one. It looks like she was poisoning Sherly and then goes and blows up most of a planet. I do wonder why the Varja kidnapped Ranka? She does look cute on the mantle piece but figure they had a better reason then that. I do wonder if Grace's faction is trying to start some sort of civil war. Well anyway ep. 14 is going to be something.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:19 pm
by MacrossManual
Grace did turn out much more nefarious than even I suspected. We all knew she was up to no good, but the extent of her evil nature is even greater than I thought.

I'd also really like to know what LAI/s involvement is. It seems clear they had some hand in the VF-27 and can repair the thing. The name LAI is also clearly written on the exterior of that bomb. I'd like to know to what extent that company is involved in this plot.

Ranka again demonstrates that weird glow coming from her abdomen. It's becoming more and more obvious that she has some affect or link upon/with the Vajra. I also don't think Grace understands why as yet; I think all Grace knows is that Ranka is special in some way.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:05 pm
by DhAkael
MacrossManual wrote:
Grace did turn out much more nefarious than even I suspected. We all knew she was up to no good, but the extent of her evil nature is even greater than I thought.

I'd also really like to know what LAI/s involvement is. It seems clear they had some hand in the VF-27 and can repair the thing. The name LAI is also clearly written on the exterior of that bomb. I'd like to know to what extent that company is involved in this plot.

Ranka again demonstrates that weird glow coming from her abdomen. It's becoming more and more obvious that she has some affect or link upon/with the Vajra. I also don't think Grace understands why as yet; I think all Grace knows is that Ranka is special in some way.

Regardless, the fit is hittin' the shan something fierce now. Can't wait till mid-week :D :eek:
P.S.; even though the VF-27 seems to be the superior fighter, it is still getting pwned by Michael every time he shows up :lol:

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:54 pm
by MacrossManual
Hehehe, creative spelling. I like it. Indeed, things are getting intense again. I feel another major engagement being set into motion.

The VF-27 is very interesting to say the least. It appears the cockpit is quite conventional and only the interface between Brera and the VF-27 is what gives him that special 360 degree external view. Check out this picture (this is a brief one or two frames seen when the VF-27 is shot by Mikhail's VF-25G sniper gun): ... helmet.jpg

This may confirm my theory that it's a cyberspace HMI. Thus we aren't seeing the VF-27 cockpit as it is, but rather, we're seeing it through Brera's eyes when he is interfaced with the cockpit. Same thing when we see Grace accessing computer information; we see the world through her cybernetic eyes.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:11 pm
by MacrossManual
Plot theory time. I don't want to sound arrogant, but my theory may be potentially series-ruining. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

I think the Vajra might be victims.

Grace and her cohorts are manipulating the New UN Spacy and the Vajra into conflict. The ultimate irony is the Vajra might actually be benevolent, but disasterous first contact with them 11 years ago (the tragic 117th Research Fleet) lead to hostilities with humans. When the Vajra encountered the humans a second time (by chance or yet another manipulation by Grace and her cohorts) they simply attacked out of self defense. :shock:

Think about it; the Vajra we see (the bio-mechanical weapons) are incapable of communicating with the humans and supposedly have small brains incapable of intelligence. In the mind of the Vajra, they are the victims, only responding to the "attacks" (intrusions in their territory) by the New UN Spacy, a force that they KNOW to be "hostile" based upon the Vajra's first encounter with the humans 11 years ago.

The Queen Vajra we see in episode 13 might be capable of communication. And who does she choose? Ranka. It seems not only the Vajra Queen but the regular Vajra are drawn to Ranka.
1) the Red Vajra seemingly "attacking" Ranka in episode 1
2) the captured Vajra "reacting" to Ranka's singing
3) the Vajra again "violently" pursuing Ranka on Island 1, so Alto, Ranka and Sheryl hide in a bunker.
4) the Vajra going after Ranka on Gallia 4 and capturing her without harm.

Look at the Vajra's actions through their eyes. Feel for the Vajra as though they were more than monsters. The Vajra are desperate to communicate with humans, but they don't know how

Then the question becomes, why Ranka? Perhaps Ranka can communicate with the Vajra through..."music"! So Macross Frontier might be a classic science fiction tale of tragic first contact with a truly alien species, but with a VERY typical Macross spin and emphasis upon music.

Any thoughts from you brave souls? :)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:13 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Has only seen ep 13 once so far, because I've been ether @ the Anime Expo or recovering from it. But the here is an idea....however cheesy it is.

Grace is a 5th stage invid and the rest of the Vajra are the reminent of the invid that left earth. :lol: :lol: :roll: :P

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:46 pm
by DhAkael
Epiosde 14 is up (in RAW).
It puts some creedence to what M-manu has postulated.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:05 pm
by MacrossManual
Me too! :)

Wow, I wasn't expecting to be quite so close, but after episode 14 it looks like the communication angle is exactly the way the story is going in Macross Frontier. I love it. It's so unmistakeably Macross :)

Eager for the subbed version of episode 14. And I can't wait to watch the love given to the VF-171 again! :)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:16 pm
by MacrossManual
Huh? My last open post is pretty vague and doesn't make any sense unless you've already read the spoilers in my closed "theory post". The mecha love was shown in the "Next Episode" preview at the end of episode 13. Well past the spoiler time limit on that.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:35 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Now here is a question,
Do you think the Grace on the planet was a puppeted borg body (like The Major did in the GitS:STC & GitS:SSS) or did she trasfer her intel to a new body?

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:16 pm
by MacrossManual
Yeah, that's a good question. With fold communications, it's possible she could have transmitted her data to the Macross Galaxy Fleet or the place in which she's now awakening (perhaps her apartment on Macross Frontier itself?) Or maybe she sent her mind data to Brera in her last communication. Everyone already knows the bomb on Gallia 4 successfully detonated and so would Grace No. 2, so there would be no need for her to have last minute front row seating, as it were. :)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:34 pm
by DhAkael
Just watched ep 14 subbed.
Yea gods, the plot is thickening so much it's turning to concrete. :shock:
..and who knows, Sheryl may actualy end up with Alto if Ranka is the next Vajra it seems she might be.
"Hybrid Human/Maltraedi/Bug lolicon" anyone? :lol: ;)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:57 am
by MacrossManual
Hehehe. I'm working on some reviews. Will post as soon as I'm done.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:05 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Finally got to see ep. 14.

Nice to see a full on battle with the F-171 doing more then just blowing up. I think Sherly needs a few more flight lessons but not bad for a beginner. Its a shame Raramia Rerenia was killed. Seems Ranka connection to the Vajra is deeper then just some DNA. Also Grace did have another body. I wonder how she plans to explain how she survived the destruction of the planet.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:05 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Watching ep 14 the second time had another flash back moment. just after Aluto got armored up onthe elivator tot eh flight deck. The shadows, from passing from dark to light rememded me of the bit in the opening where Hikaru has the same sequence.

While Raramia might of been killed in the blast, the explotion was just a bit of center as if we are only seeing the missile explode w/o the mecha exploding too. So I would not be suprised if she showed up recovering from her injuies in the next ep.

As for the Grace issue, I think the body on the planet was a puppet and the fold comm she was talking about was the one she was using.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:38 pm
by MacrossManual
Episode 13 “Memory of Global” Review

As this episode starts off, we have a short review of the cliff hangar from episode 12 that finds Alto and Ranka discovering a Macross ship abandoned in the wilds of Gallia 4. Brera Sterne in his VF-27 is shown observing their crash. The Zentradi garrison is shown detecting the D-pulse responsible for bringing down Alto's VF-25 Messiah. Elsewhere at the base, Grace is nursing Sheryl while Mikhail looks on before the d-pulse kills the power. Alto and Ranka make their way slowly toward the Macross ship, but the powerful jamming from the Macross forces them to continue on foot. Ranka has more flashbacks about her past and Alto tells her to avoid thinking about them. The two walk toward a glade. Back at the base Mikhail tells Sheryl the fold booster sitting in orbit hasn’t been used and they assume something’s happened to Alto. After Grace has left, Mikhail suspects the pills are bad and avoids giving them to Sheryl. Back in the glade, Alto and Ranka share some personal time and false alarm puts them in an awkward position. After that Ranka is separated from Alto and snatched by the Vajra. Back at the Macross Quarter, Ozuma blames himself for failing to send enough personel to protect Sheryl and Ranka on Gallia 4. At the NUNS headquarters Lucas is chastised for his insubordinate decision to load the LAI fold booster to Mikhail. A brief sequence shows Nanase lamenting for Ranka and Ranka’s pet is shown with new limbs. Back on Gallia 4, Mikhail and Sheryl decide to go searching for Alto and Ranka, Sheryl now clearly feeling better without the pills. Alto, equipped in his EX-Gear discovers the Macross is the 04 Global attached to the 117th Research Fleet. He heads straight to it as Brera discusses the next move with Grace, indicating the capture of Ranka should be a secondary priority. Grace meanwhile is shown leaping around a cliff overlooking the Zentradi base, clear revealing her inhuman abilities.

Back at the 04 Global, Alto searches inside the derelict, finding the computer recently erased and a Vajra specimen as well as picture of Ranka and her former family. Brera makes his way inside some cavern, pondering why Ranka is so important to him. Flashbacks seem to indacte Brera is Ranka’s sibling. Ranka now awakes inside a Vajra hive, likely where Brera is headed. Just then Alto also locates a path to the hive and comes in radio contact with Ranka. As Ranka screams at the approach of the Vajra Queen, Alto bolts toward her position. Brera arrives first and fends off the queen and small Vajra units. Alto arrives to resuce Ranka, but the Queen has erected a shell around her with Alto can’t get to. After a stray shot from Brera injures the queen, the whole hive begins to shake. Brera and Alto flee and as they do the 04 Globabl shatters as a Vajra Mothership and an entire fleet of Vajra ships emerge from underground. Alto gets back into his VF-25 and pursues. Menawhile, Grace takes this time to unveal a bomb labeled with the LAI logo. Alto pursues the fleet and is intercepted by Brera; the two fight, Breara gets the upper hand, but Mikhail saves him with a long sniper shot destroying Brera’s gun. Alto tells Mikhail that Ranka is aboard the Vajra mothership and needs to be rescued. Just then Brera gets behind Alto but breaks off at Grace’s command. As the Vajra fleet, Alto and Brera leave the surface, Grace activates her Dimension Eater and unleashes a destructive spherical anomaly that is destroying the planet. The Zentradi are annihilated and Grace herself is killed in the event. As the Vajra fleet fold out, Mikhail and Sheryl hitch a ride with them into Fold Space. Alto charges out of the atmosphere and we’re left to wonder if he’ll survive the Dimension Eater bomb engulfing Gallia 4.

This is a very strong episode that begins to reveal much more about the nature of the war. Grace and her cohorts are clearly on their own side and have been manipulating the both the NUNS/SMS and the Vajra. It’s apparent Grace is responsible for destroying Gallia 4 and the Zentradi garrison, but no one else except Brera knows this. With Alto, Ranka, Sheryl and Mikhail the only survivors of the Gallia 4 incident, it’s clear that blame for this will fall upon the Vajra. From the Vajra’s eyes, they likely blame the NUNS/SMS for an attack upon their hive and thus the tragedy continues to play out. We’ll have to see where this goes, but next episode seems to show a big battle so it’s likely Grace has succeeded in manipulating everyone again.

Aside from all the wonderful intrigue, battles and epic animation, this episode was another opportunity for some character development between Ranka and Alto. While searching for the 04 Global, the two seemed to bond and Ranka seemed almost ready to tell Alto her feelings for him. For Alto’s part, he’s becoming more impressed with Ranka as she begins to assert herself more and mature. The seeds of a relationship are now growing between the two, but how will it end? Mikhail now begins to suspect Grace, the first one to do so, but with her death it might be too little too late. As far as plot, character and action, this is a near perfect episode. This episode has all the elements of Macross in just the right dosage and also begins to pay us viewers dividends on the investment we’ve made in the show so far. It’s looking great and feels like more goodness is on the way.

Episode 14 is next. Deculture!

Episode 14 “Mother’s Lullaby” Review

Again this episode opens with a brief review of the previous cliff hangar showing Grace activating the Dimension Eater and Alto flying into space to escape it. He activates the overboost on his Valkyire and manages to avoid the dimension eating effect as it abates. Gallia 4 is shown with nearly a quarter of it obliterated. Back at Island One on the Frontier, Elmo worries about Ranka missing her debut concert. Nanase and Luca meet each other and he tells her about the dire situation with Ranka and the others. Ozuma agains broods about Ranka in the hangar bay of the Macross Quarter, Bobby stopping by to offer some kind words. Kathy and the Bridge crew chatter while eating lunch about personal relationship and pester Mena about her crush on Captain Wilder, just as he enters the bridge and asks to try some food. Mena leaps at the chance and Wilder comments her fine skills would make her a good wife, but before the moment can develop, a ship alert sounds; the Vajra fleet is defolding in front of the Frontier fleet. Back on Island One, Luca is about the tell Nanase something but is interrupted by the alert. The president orders the Frontier prepare for battle and all ship shutters close on the Island fleet as the Vajra begin an attack. Luca leaves Nanase heading for battle. As the NUNS fleet begins to deploy, Bobby arrives on the Macross Quarter and transforms the ship for battle, the rest of the SMS forces are already in space and ready for combat. Meanwhile, Alto links with the fold booster and heads back to Frontier, the words of Temjin ringing in his ears as he too believes only one race can survive this war. Now prepared and armed with Anti-Vajra ESA munitions, the NUNS forces are holding their own against the Vajra for the first time. In the midst of battle, Sheryl awakens inside the VF-25G, still clinging to the outside of a Vajra ship, and she realizes Mikhail is seriously injured. Back at the command and control for the Frontier fleet, then NUNS report a stalemate in the battle and Leon encourages President Glass to authorize use of reaction weapons. Sheryl takes control of the VF-25G but it’s clear she’s not yet experienced enough to properly fly it and is shot down, but ejects. Luca finds her and tries to rescue her and Mikhail but he’s disabled and about to be destroyed when Alto arrives and saves him. Aboard the Vajra mothership still in fold space, Ranka is trapped but is shown a projection of the Frontier fleet by the Vajra Queen. Alto and Luca take Sheryl and Mikhail back to the Macross Quarter. Just then the Vajra Mothership and a second fleet defold behind the Frontier and open fire. The Frontier deploys the pin-point and full barrier systems for defense, but Island One is breached and innocent civilians are thrown into space. At NUNS command and control, the NUN Forces are surprised by the cunning flanking maneuver of the Vajra fleet. Glass reluctantly authorizes the Reaction Weapons and the fleet begins arming. As the SMS Macross Quarter begins to assault the mothership, Alto warns that Ranka Lee is aboard. Authorizing the Full Armor with reaction warheads, Alto prepares his Valkyrie for a desperate mission to rescue Ranka. Ozuma warns Alto he better succeed or he’ll kill him. Alto unleashes his reaction warheads and charges into battle. Aboard the mothership Ranka encounters another projection, this time of her mother and it appears the Vajra are attempting to communicate with her using the song Aimo. Ranka sings back to the Vajra and a brief vision is shown of some microscopic organisms inside Ranka and her abdomen glows again. Outside the battle grows more intense and Raramia of the SMS Pixie squadron is killed by a Vajra. The Vajra outside then seem to respond to Ranka’s singing. Alto uses the moment to bravely assault the Vajra, blasting his way through them in an impressive display of skill that stuns his fellow fighters. Luca’s valkyrie is then damaged by enemy fire while Brera’s VF-27 seems able to detect Ranka’s song somehow emanating from the Vajra mothership. As Alto blasts his way into the Vajra mothership, Brera appears in the VF-27 and beats him inside the ship, severing the stalk that hold the shell with Ranka inside and grabbing it for himself. As the Vajra Queen attacks Brera, Alto arrives inside and unleashes all his firepower on the queen. As the Queen dies, Ranka screams for Alto to stop but all of them flee the ship. Outside, Brera contacts the SMS/NUNS forces and reveals himself as Major Brera Sterne of the Macross Galaxy Antares Squadron, revealing he’s rescued Ranka and will agree to aid the Frontier fleet. At that moment, Wilder unleashes the Macross Quarter’s main gun and destroys the Vajra mothership. The bridge crew then report a massive disruption in the Vajra’s coordination and the NUNS press the attack, unleashing reaction weapons upon the Vajra fleet. The scene changes to Grace, somehow alive, unharmed and surrounded by machinery, perhaps implying that this is another artificial body for Grace and not the one that perished on Gallia 4. She declares Ranka is the “Little Queen”. Ranka begins crying for the Vajra, but cannot understand why. The episode ends as the remains of the Vajra fleet are destroyed.

Another near perfect episode and even more of the story begins to form. For the first time, the humans have actually made contact with the Vajra through Ranka. Their tactics in battle also reveal a much greater intelligence. The Vajra also begin to be seen in a different light for the first time. They’re not the mindless monsters we were lead to believe so far and they come across as somewhat tragically manipulated. At the same time the NUNS/SMS are shown as victims of this orchestrated plot as well and we see numerous victims of this war falling to the Vajra onslaught. Grace is going to great lengths to forge these tragic events but we’ve still yet to be given any answers behind her nefarious purpose. As far as war drama goes, Macross Frontier is pulling upon every emotional string and striking every epic chord. Not only are we being treated to what’s shaping up as a finely crafted tragedy but the epic action is taking Macross to new heights. To say this series is flying high is an understatement.

I think I can also sense a strong dramatic conflict being built in this episode. Alto has pretty much reserved himself to the fact that the Vajra must be annihilated. Temjin’s words are echoing in his mind and he sees no other way out but for one species to come out triumphantly at the expense of the other. In contrast, Ranka is the first human that is beginning to understand the Vajra. She can communicate with them on some level and even empathizes with them. This could create a lot of conflict between Alto and Ranka and may divide them just when they were beginning to grow closer. As the war grows, the chance for a resolution will only fade and as Ranka begins to understand more, she’s likely to encounter stronger resistance from her own people. We don’t know what will happen next, but the seeds of some great anime have again been sown in episode 14.

More great Macross Frontier is sure to follow and the show is really getting into gear now. Deculture!

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:11 pm
by MacrossManual
Shawn Merrow
'bout time :)
Indeed, the VF-171 has finally been given it's day in the sun. Gun pod kills, pin-point barrier punches and reaction warhead ownage. Now I have at least one episode to look upon fondly when I think of the VF-171. Thank gawd for episode 14! :)

I'm curious how the whole Vajra thing got started inside Ranka. Was it from her time aboard the 117th Research Fleet? Was she born a Vajra/Human Hybrid? Is that why Grace labels Ranka the "Little Queen"? I like that the Vajra are finally being shown in a more complete light and are not just one-dimensional, mindless monsters (which is rarely ever interesting). I've been waiting for something like this to happen and I'm glad it did. Ranka has her work cut out for her though. The war is escalating and she's the only human apparently that has communicated with the Vajra. It's going to take a lot of convincing to turn the other cast around.

Yeah, that was a nice homage to Hikaru's sequence in the opening credits of SDF Macross. I think there was even...
...a sequence where Alto is looking downward and then raises his helmeted head just like Hikaru. Little geek moment for the long time Macross fans :)

I'm quite sure Raramia is dead. If she wasn't, they would have shown her being carried away or mentioned it in some passing dialog. Personally, I hope she stays dead, because it makes the drama work that much better. As the war escalates, so will casualties and I like that Macross has always dealt with such losses.

I wonder where the heck Grace is right now? She's obviously body jumping, but where? Is she on board the Macross Frontier, in an apartment filled with cybernetic machinery? Perhaps she has facilities stowed away aboard the Macross Frontier in the same place where Brera has been hiding his VF-27. Or maybe she's back on the Macross Galaxy; the remains of that fleet are still out there somewhere.

At any rate, I agree with Shawn Merrow; she's gonna have to spin quite a yarn if she rejoins the cast on Frontier, especially in light of what happened on Gallia 4.

On another subject, there's been some interesting discussion on other boards about the New Macross Class (NMC) ships. Basically fans were hoping to see the Battle 25 in action, but so far it's barely been seen in the show. I'd like to see the Battle 25 in action, but I understand why they aren't showing it; Frontier is the Macross Quarter's show. The NMC already had it's moment in the sun during Macross 7. Still, we can always hope to see it :)

Anyway, just thought I'd share some of that discussion over here. I've built some comparison pictures of the NMC ships as well as a special highlight version of the Battle 25 screen shot.

New Macross Class 7 and New Macross Class 13
New Macross Class 7 and New Macross Class 5
Battle 25 highlight

I hope you all find them interesting.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:36 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Looking @ the picts you've posted of the NMC 7,13, &5. comparing them to the NMC 25, there are some slight variations. This might be due to in flight upgrades from the time of building or even though they are technically part of the same class, each NMC are different in some way or another. Even if its just their armor facade. Mostly what I'm noticing on the MF NMC ship is the side mounted plane elevators, just under the flight deck level, and the more curvy look of the armor facade.
This is just speculation, they might be different because the producers of MF had a comp power to fully detail the NMC class visually. In that case, the MF NMC ship would be considered the standard on how the ships of the class should look.
Taking a third look @ the two line drawing picts, the MF NMC ship looks to be closest to the NMC5. If it is one of that class, then the M25 is older then the NMC in M7. Though there are still those ports underneath the flight deck that look like side mounted plane elevators.

Going back to ep 7, I think, when thinking about things, doesn't the Vajra cruiser look like it got hit by a wave motion gun, distorting space in a wavy fashion.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:32 pm
by MacrossManual
The Battle 7 would be closest to the standard model New Macross Class carrier, if there was indeed such a standard. In the first episode of Macross 7 there is a brief prologue sequence (a seqeunce partly repeated in future Macross 7 episodes). This sequence shows the first New Macross Class vessel with a shell-less city ship attached. The Battle 1 section looks very much like the Battle 7.

We don't know for sure where the Macross 25/Frontier fits into the construction chronology. It could be older than the Macross 7 since the Macross 25 is the 25th large-scale, super-long-distance colonization fleet while the Macross 7 is the 37th large-scale, super-long-distance colonization fleet. Or the Frontier could be much newer since the NMC of the Macross Frontier fleet is designated Battle 25, while the NMC of the Macross 7 fleet is designated Battle 7. Until we get a launch date or some other information, it's up in the air and rather confusing :)

The original Super-Dimension-Energy Cannon on the SDF-1 Macross was inspired in no small part by the wave motion gun from Space Battleship Yamato. With that in mind, it's likely no surprise the Heavy Quantum Reaction Cannon on the Macross Quarter resembles the wave motion gun more than a little.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:43 pm
by MacrossManual
Managed to obtain a good screen shot of the New Macross Class 1 from the Macross 7 anime.

Battle 1 docked with City 1

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:47 am
by DhAkael
Okay..just watched episode 15 in RAW...

Seriously evil stuff being perpetrated here. Just need to wait for the translation. :badbad: :?

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:46 am
by MacrossManual
Gotta love her :)

I'm just so damn eager to find out what the heck precipitated this whole thing. Why is Grace and her cohorts doing all this? What are they gaining? Is it something to do with cybernetics? Another Sharon Apple Incident, for example?

I also suspect that Brera declaring his aid to the Macross Frontier fleet and rescuing Ranka is yet another plot by Grace. But if it is, it's kinda stupid. Brera is already a known enemy in the eyes of the NUNS/SMS. He's attacked them both and though he might provide them all with a reason for his actions, there's no way firing upon NUNS/SMS personnel should be tolerated. If he isn't thrown in a cell for his actions, at the very least he should never be allowed to pilot his VF-27, which should be reverse engineered by the NUNS/SMS as soon as he lands in a docking bay. :)

Episode 15 appears very dialog driven so I'm really eager for the subs.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:07 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
ep 15 :-D :-D :-D yummy bits of data
Grace, what is she/it? That is still the main question that I would like an answer to. But here are two theories, the entity known as Grace is actually a part of a composite entity that developed on the Galaxy fleet through the interaction of the cyberized people of that fleet. Or Grace might be one of three? Independent AIs that were picked up somewhere and now live in the cyberspace of one, or multiple, colony fleets, and is still trying to bring about the fruition of their master's orders that went on hold once their masters destroyed themselves.

The reason for Grace to hide sharyl's blood work from the Dr is obviously to hide the tampering she did to her.

As for the Song battle for Aluto's love.... it reminded me of an old old anime scene. No not from any of the macross' but from the beginning of the Original 'DOMINION' (tank police) anime when the Puma Sisters did their dance/strip routine for the cops.

Here is something to think about. The crystals in Sheryl's earrings are blue. Aluto had one of them at the battle during Sheryl's fair-well concert. The crystal that was exchanged back in the movie ep was about the size of the main crystal in Sheryl's earring, and blue. Even if a little beat-up. And finally, the crystals embedded in the Vajra 'queen' were blue.

As for Brera, there are many instances that former opponents becoming allies, and past hostilities being officially "forgotten" to facilitate the new partnership. And I think the VF-27 is the reverse engineering of the VF-24 that SMS uses. However, The VF-27 would be using a cyber interface instead of a manual one.

I was a bit surprised that the SMS owner is a Zentran. Even though He was shown earlier in the series there was no scale reference in that earlier scene.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:33 pm
by MacrossManual
Just watched the subbed version of episode 15.

So it appears Grace is some kind of multiple-entity, but was born on Gallia 4 suggesting she wasn't always this ephemeral being but once was human. Still not sure the nature or purpose of this cyberspace cabal, but I guess we're being fed only enough until the plot reveals more. Grace is also messing with Sheryl's blood analysis, suggesting she's hiding something about Sheryl. But it appears whatever her purpose, she's had enough of Sheryl and is now onto a plan to manipulate Ranka.

If Grace is to be believed it appears cybernetics is not the exception, but the rule. She seems to imply the Macross Frontier fleet is some kind of colony that is sans-cybernetics and that such a thing is an oddity. This is certainly a 180 turn from the way the UNG policy was portrayed in Macross Plus, but I suppose a lot can change in almost two decades. It's also interesting that now the SMS is clearly being portrayed as a wild card, something not intricate to the plans of Grace and her cohorts. Looks like Grace and Co. were counting on the New UN Spacy to remain relatively ineffective and based on the SMS's YF-24 design, they figured the VF-27 would steamroll over any opposition. But it looks like the SMS, their ships and especially the VF-25 has proven to be a stumbling block for the Macross Galaxy forces.

So Leon Mishima is pulling even more strings behind the scenes than I thought. Looks like Brera is getting away with his actions in previous episodes due to his involvement with Leon and Grace. Those two certainly get around. I still think the Leon isn't as aware of how far gone things are. He is definitely much more influential than I originally thought, but he still doesn't appear to be doing anything that isn't being orchestrated by Grace and her cohorts.

Well, just have to watch more I suppose. :)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:20 pm
by DhAkael
Okay... I reiterate; the "Kill Grace NOW!" anti-fan club is now open.
After watching the subbed episode 15, she really needs to be put on "air-lock duty"...without a pressure suit.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:14 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I got the immpression that the Goval class macross was "Grace's" birthplace. Due to that is what the subs are saying when it is shown to be coming apart. Then after that they talk about sacrificing the planet. I would have to pay more attention to the dialog to be sure. Got things to do so can't give it the attention it deserves.

I know enouph Nihongo that I can tell if the traslations are saying the jist of what is being said, but not translat them outright.
Is going on 2 decades of watching anime, and since I perfer subs, some of it has sunk in by osmosis.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:38 pm
by MacrossManual
Hehehehe, Grace's mission is indeed proceeding. The hate is flowing through you :)

drewkitty ~..~
I'm at the mercy of the subtitles which aren't very good.

If the SDF-04 Global was her home, that might mean that Grace is another survivor of the 117th Research Fleet. Or perhaps something else? Of all the mysteries presented in Macross Frontier, this one is killing me the most. The Macross Frontier writers can tell me about SMS, Richard Birla, Vajra and other stuff at their leisure, but I MUST know the motives behind the Macross Galaxy fleet, Grace and all her cohorts. I must! :)

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:52 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
*chuckles* yes, that is the top thing I wish to know about from MF.

Re checked the language, and its just about right. So I'll hold firm to my above assessment.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:00 am
by Nimul
Been away for a bit but managed to catch up to all of Macross Frontier now.

I quite like the direction Ranka's character has taken though I have to admit that I still am somewhat fond of Sheryl's with the last episode really making me feel sorry for her. I mean her position as a singer is being challenged now seriously by Ranka, Alto might be lost to her and now Grace has secretly dumped her after using her for whatever purpose she had for her. So that whole sing-off was kind of a touching attempt by Sheryl to remain in the race. Though to me, it seems he's going to end up with Ranka.

Anyway on the next front, I was quite surprised about Grace and the company she keeps in her head. This mystery just gets deeper now and I wonder what are they planning. I think I read on a review for the episode that says that Grace and Co are doing an experiment which will succeed where even the Protoculture failed but from the subtitles I can't say I saw anything like that mentioned. I so do hope though that they find out that Grace is responsible.

oh and I was quite surprised that the boss was a Zentraedi and watched episode 5 again and noticed him there but didn't realize that we had seen him before.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:20 am
by Shawn Merrow
ep. 15
An interesting episode but felt it missed one point that should have been brought up. Seems people would wonder how did Grace get off the planet. I did love the battle for Alto affection. If I was him might have jumped off the balcony. I also got a big laugh out of Klan spoon feeding Michael. I had to pause that while I laughed.

As for Grace she is one nasty piece of work. I'm really wondering what her and the other members of the A.I.(?) club are up to. Ranka new bodyguard is not going to make Alto very happy either.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:00 pm
by Shawn Merrow
ep. 15
Another thing was kind of hoping they would say something about Raramia Rerenia. It says she is dead on the wiki but nothing positive in the show.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:12 pm
by MacrossManual
I am feeling bad for Sheryl as well. It appears she's getting all the bad luck. I just hope this is part of her character arc and not a sign that she's gonna have a very bad ending soon :(

I think I've got a good handle on where Frontier is going and what it's doing, but I'm still without a clue what's going on with Grace and her cohorts. I can see clearly what she's doing and how she's doing it, but the "why" just keeps eluding me (as I think it's meant to). Must know more :)

Shawn Merrow
Episode 15 did deal with Grace's "survival" but only just briefly. The Kei subs don't really translate her dialog all that well. I believe Grace inferred that Brera resuced her (that pilot mentioned in the subs). Of course, we all know that to be a lie and we know Grace died activating the Dimension Eater on Gallia 4. We as the audience also know she merely transmitted her mind via fold communications (through the relays/satellites similar to those shown in episode 7). However, Grace tells the story that Brera resuced her to maintain the illusion that she's still just a modified human. Thus she maintains her cover.

It's a nice little alibi considering Brera was never questioned and it appears he's just station-keeping in the VF-27 along side Island 1. Brera appears to come on board with the help of Leon and/or Grace whenever required and even if questioned Brera would likely lie to back up Grace's alibi anyway. besides, Grace is a member of the Macross Galaxy fleet. If Brera was ever pressed to answer why he would resuce Grace, he could simply say he recognized his fellow colonist and rescued her.

A rather tightly knit little package of lies and quite intelligent too. Now I REALLY hate Grace :)

I think it's quite clear Raramia is dead. She wasn't a major character so it's not like they have to have a major scene for her. Besides, the way her Queadluun-Rea was obliterated, it's likely there's nothing left of her.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:23 pm
by Shawn Merrow
MacrossManual wrote:Shawn Merrow
Episode 15 did deal with Grace's "survival" but only just briefly. The Kei subs don't really translate her dialog all that well. I believe Grace inferred that Brera resuced her (that pilot mentioned in the subs). Of course, we all know that to be a lie and we know Grace died activating the Dimension Eater on Gallia 4. We as the audience also know she merely transmitted her mind via fold communications (through the relays/satellites similar to those shown in episode 7). However, Grace tells the story that Brera resuced her to maintain the illusion that she's still just a modified human. Thus she maintains her cover.

It's a nice little alibi considering Brera was never questioned and it appears he's just station-keeping in the VF-27 along side Island 1. Brera appears to come on board with the help of Leon and/or Grace whenever required and even if questioned Brera would likely lie to back up Grace's alibi anyway. besides, Grace is a member of the Macross Galaxy fleet. If Brera was ever pressed to answer why he would resuce Grace, he could simply say he recognized his fellow colonist and rescued her.

A rather tightly knit little package of lies and quite intelligent too. Now I REALLY hate Grace :)

I think it's quite clear Raramia is dead. She wasn't a major character so it's not like they have to have a major scene for her. Besides, the way her Queadluun-Rea was obliterated, it's likely there's nothing left of her.

I don't download Kei subs since I don't trust them. I don't remember anything in the Lunar Anime version about a rescue of Grace but will try to watch it again in a few days.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:30 pm
by Shawn Merrow
razorjack not everyone follows the same fansub group and they come out at differant times. That is why we use spoiler spaces so please do so in the future.

Re: Macross Frontier

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:12 pm
by DhAkael
Episode 16 up in RAW.
Seriously; Brera and Grace are being set up as the best / worst villans on anime at present. Best because they are doing their job very well. Worst becuase in doing their job EVERYONE around them who isn't part of the conspiracy is being made miserable. Sheryl is being left in the dust as a broken doll. Alto got beaten down HARD by Brera in person in school. Ranka is being made into Minmei. If the promo for episode 17 is any indication, Ozma is going to lose Ranka to the media AND M.I.B.
All the while, Grace is in the background luaghing like a heyena. Oh..and Brera is becoming a wedge between Alto & Ranka as well (not only in the beat-down dept. but also placing Alto second fiddle in the 'rescuer' category).

All in all great drama, but you really want to 'reaction-warhead' both of the Galaxy agent provocatuers :badbad: