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Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Speaking of being all up in it:

In the Belly of the Beast (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this power has an extradimensional being carcass which serves as an external housing. Summoning and connecting with the beast takes 2 melee attacks/actions..

Ackk.... :shock:
"It's kinda like stuffing and mounting Godzilla and building my personal den in his abdominal cavity..."

I am just hoping this is sufficiently unique so as to set it apart from animal transformation powers.


Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Thanks, gm! :D

Hero Style Musical (Major) by Stone Gargyle, inspired by DtMK

The character has the ability to cause those in his surroundings to stop fighting and break spontaneously into song and dance as if in a Broadway musical. They will continue to sing and dance unless making a saving throw, and any fighting they are forced to do will be choreographed into the song and dance number they are forced to engage in. Music for the song and dance will be generated from nowhere. While hypnotized, they will not attack the character and will move to prevent his harm.
Range: 200 foot radius, plus 50 feet per level of experience
Duration: Concentration, up to the character's ME attribute number in minutes total per hour. Victims are only affected while in range of the character.
Attacks: The character must dance while others are, and so can perform no actions which are not part of the dance and is reduced to half attacks due to needing to sing and dance. The activation of the power uses one melee attack/action and takes one attack/action per round to maintain.
Damage: None except for the desire to participate in the musical, but lose initiative and are reduced to half attacks. All will sing and dance as if possessing the skills at 98%, psionically fed the lyrics and dance moves necessary to perform.
Saving Throw: Victims can save vs. the hypnotic effects (16 or better, ME bonus applies), though earplugs will also prevent the effects. If failing, the victims are helpless to save vs. the effect until it is all over.
Enduring Effects: Future encounters with the character will leave opponents at -4 to all combat moves to fight him even when not under his control, and once they fail to save once, they are -1 to do so for each additional encounter which leads to their hypnosis. There is even a 01-05% chance they will decide to leave their hero or villain life to take up stage performance in musicals, cumulative for each encounter leading to their hypnosis.
Bonuses: Possesses Play Musical Instrument, Singing and Dance skills at 98%.


Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:03 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Thanks, gm! :D

Hero Style Musical (Major) by Stone Gargyle, inspired by DtMK

The character has the ability to cause those in his surroundings to stop fighting and break spontaneously into song and dance as if in a Broadway musical. They will continue to sing and dance unless making a saving throw, and any fighting they are forced to do will be choreographed into the song and dance number they are forced to engage in. Music for the song and dance will be generated from nowhere. While hypnotized, they will not attack the character and will move to prevent his harm.
Range: 200 foot radius, plus 50 feet per level of experience
Duration: Concentration, up to the character's ME attribute number in minutes total per hour. Victims are only affected while in range of the character.
Attacks: The character must dance while others are, and so can perform no actions which are not part of the dance and is reduced to half attacks due to needing to sing and dance. The activation of the power uses one melee attack/action and takes one attack/action per round to maintain.
Damage: None except for the desire to participate in the musical, but lose initiative and are reduced to half attacks. All will sing and dance as if possessing the skills at 98%, psionically fed the lyrics and dance moves necessary to perform.
Saving Throw: Victims can save vs. the hypnotic effects (16 or better, ME bonus applies), though earplugs will also prevent the effects. If failing, the victims are helpless to save vs. the effect until it is all over.
Enduring Effects: Future encounters with the character will leave opponents at -4 to all combat moves to fight him even when not under his control, and once they fail to save once, they are -1 to do so for each additional encounter which leads to their hypnosis. There is even a 01-05% chance they will decide to leave their hero or villain life to take up stage performance in musicals, cumulative for each encounter leading to their hypnosis.
Bonuses: Possesses Play Musical Instrument, Singing and Dance skills at 98%.

Fairies' Dance


Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:44 pm
by DtMK


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:32 am
by znbrtn
i love the concept of In the Belly of the Beast, but after reading it, i just have a few points that i think you need to clarify:
how quickly does its SDC recover?
assuming the character goes to the full duration of the power, how long does he have to wait before re-summoning it?


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:38 am
by Stone Gargoyle
znbrtn wrote:i love the concept of In the Belly of the Beast, but after reading it, i just have a few points that i think you need to clarify:
how quickly does its SDC recover?
assuming the character goes to the full duration of the power, how long does he have to wait before re-summoning it?

SDC recovery was at 2 points per hour. I was remiss in the regeneration time after destroyed and after duration. It would be useable again in 10 minutes if duration expired and recreated if destroyed after 24 hours.


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:06 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Thanks, gm! :D

Hero Style Musical (Major) by Stone Gargyle, inspired by DtMK

The character has the ability to cause those in his surroundings to stop fighting and break spontaneously into song and dance as if in a Broadway musical. They will continue to sing and dance unless making a saving throw, and any fighting they are forced to do will be choreographed into the song and dance number they are forced to engage in. Music for the song and dance will be generated from nowhere. While hypnotized, they will not attack the character and will move to prevent his harm.
Range: 200 foot radius, plus 50 feet per level of experience
Duration: Concentration, up to the character's ME attribute number in minutes total per hour. Victims are only affected while in range of the character.
Attacks: The character must dance while others are, and so can perform no actions which are not part of the dance and is reduced to half attacks due to needing to sing and dance. The activation of the power uses one melee attack/action and takes one attack/action per round to maintain.
Damage: None except for the desire to participate in the musical, but lose initiative and are reduced to half attacks. All will sing and dance as if possessing the skills at 98%, psionically fed the lyrics and dance moves necessary to perform.
Saving Throw: Victims can save vs. the hypnotic effects (16 or better, ME bonus applies), though earplugs will also prevent the effects. If failing, the victims are helpless to save vs. the effect until it is all over.
Enduring Effects: Future encounters with the character will leave opponents at -4 to all combat moves to fight him even when not under his control, and once they fail to save once, they are -1 to do so for each additional encounter which leads to their hypnosis. There is even a 01-05% chance they will decide to leave their hero or villain life to take up stage performance in musicals, cumulative for each encounter leading to their hypnosis.
Bonuses: Possesses Play Musical Instrument, Singing and Dance skills at 98%.

Kind of like the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode from Season 6 "Once More With Feeling" I like it


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:25 am
by taalismn
Not to be used in the middle of a minefield....unless you're really going for dark humor.... :twisted:
"Bwahahahahahahah!!! Welcome to my Dance Hall of Death! The floors have been rigged with contact plates set to EXPLODE when stepped on! All set to a masterful musical choreography score! So enjoy your last dance, heroes!!!"
"You're right, Captain Cynical; Disco -IS- Evil!"


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:37 am
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Not to be used in the middle of a minefield....unless you're really going for dark humor.... :twisted:
"Bwahahahahahahah!!! Welcome to my Dance Hall of Death! The floors have been rigged with contact plates set to EXPLODE when stepped on! All set to a masterful musical choreography score! So enjoy your last dance, heroes!!!"
"You're right, Captain Cynical; Disco -IS- Evil!"

I think that goes without saying.

Mattress Expulsion (Major) and Matter Expulsion: Pillows (minor) coming soon!


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mattress Expulsion (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't worry about me; I always have a place to sleep."

The character can create rifts which expel mattresses of various sizes.

1. Matter Expulsion: Mattress: The character can summon any standard size mattress: twin, double, full, queen, or king. Size and depth determine the weight, but they vary from 2 feet wide to 6 feet, with the mattress being 1-2 feet deep and between 5 to 7 feet long. The character determines the size when expelling the mattress.
Range: 40 feet, plus 5 feet per level of experience
Duration: Permanent. Strike is instant.
SDC: Mattresses have SDC equal to 1 point per 10 pounds. Weight of a mattress ranges from a minimum of 60 pounds for a twin mattress up to 300 pounds for a king size mattress, though exact weight depends on more than size. Typically, mattresses take no damage from unarmed strikes (without use of claws), and only half damage from blunt melee weapon strikes.
Damage: 1d6 per 20 pounds of mattress, plus there is a 01-70% chance of knocking the target over on a successful strike (lose initiative and one attack) shot. 1d6 damage plus PS bonus when used as melee weapon, 2d6 thrown.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to create a mattress. Can only expel mattresses twice per melee round.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with a mattress when shooting it. If using a created mattress as a shield, it provides +6 to parry or block, and the character is +2 to strike with or throw it, plus PP bonus, doing 1d6 damage.

2. Landing Pad: The character can shoot the mattress to serve as a bridge or to block a narrow opening between buildings, and to cushion a fall or landing.
* The mattress will support the character's weight without falling when he crosses on it as a bridge but may slip if others try it (GM discretion).
* Bouncing off the mattress from a hop down will allow the character to leap twice his normal leaping Distance.
* Landing on the mattress from a fall will allow the character to only sustain half damage, or one quarter damage with a successful roll with fall or impact.
* The character always has a place to sleep since he can create a mattress whenever he needs one. Sleeping on a mattress reduces penalties and fatigue resulting from sleeping on the ground (GM discretion).

3. Other Stunts: Mattresses can be piled against doors and windows to block passage and slow down entry of those trying to get in. They can also be stacked to allow climbing up over tall walls or buildings.

Matter Expulsion: Pillows (minor) A.K.A. Pillow Fight by Stone Gargoyle

The character can generate pillows which can be shot at opponents.
Range: 40 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Duration: Permanent, Strike is instant.
SDC: A pillow in this instance is considered to have 5 SDC.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to shoot or strike with a pillow.
Damage: 1d4 SDC per pillow damage when shot, none as melee weapon. Can shoot up to 3 pillows at once. Being hit by a pillow will stun on a critical hit but not do any more damage, with the opponent losing initiative and one attack from being stunned.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, no PP bonus if shot but PP bonus applies if used as melee weapon.


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:23 pm
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Mattress Expulsion (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't worry about me; I always have a place to sleep."

The character can create rifts which expel mattresses of various sizes.

1. Matter Expulsion: Mattress: The character can summon any standard size mattress: twin, double, full, queen, or king. Size and depth determine the weight, but they vary from 2 feet wide to 6 feet, with the mattress being 1-2 feet deep and between 5 to 7 feet long. The character determines the size when expelling the mattress.
Range: 40 feet, plus 5 feet per level of experience
Duration: Permanent. Strike is instant.
SDC: Mattresses have SDC equal to 1 point per 10 pounds. Weight of a mattress ranges from 60 for a twin mattress to 200 for a queen size mattress.
Damage: 1d6 per 20 pounds of mattress, plus there is a 01-70% chance of knocking the target over on a successful strike (lose initiative and one attack) shot. 1d6 damage plus PS bonus when used as melee weapon, 2d6 thrown.
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions to create a mattress. Can only expel mattresses twice per melee round.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with a mattress when shooting it. If using a created mattress as a shield, it provides +6 to parry or block, and the character is +2 to strike with or throw it, plus PP bonus, doing 1d6 damage.

2. Landing Pad: The character can shoot the mattress to serve as a bridge or to block a narrow opening between buildings, and to cushion a fall or landing.
* The mattress will support the character's weight without falling when he crosses on it as a bridge but may slip if others try it (GM discretion).
* Bouncing off the mattress from a hop down will allow the character to leap twice his normal leaping Distance.
* Landing on the mattress from a fall will allow the character to only sustain half damage, or one quarter damage with a successful roll with fall or impact.
* The character always has a place to sleep since he can create a mattress whenever he needs one. Sleeping on a mattress reduces penalties and fatigue resulting from sleeping on the ground (GM discretion).

3. Other Stunts: Mattresses can be piled against doors and windows to block passage and slow down entry of those trying to get in. They can also be stacked to allow climbing up over tall walls or buildings.

Matter Expulsion: Pillows (minor) A.K.A. Pillow Fight by Stone Gargoyle

The character can generate pillows which can be shot at opponents.
Range: 40 feet, plus 5 feet per level
Duration: Permanent, Strike is instant.
SDC: A pillow in this instance is considered to have 5 SDC.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to shoot or strike with a pillow.
Damage: 1d4 SDC per pillow damage when shot, none as melee weapon. Can shoot up to 3 pillows at once. Being hit by a pillow will stun on a critical hit but not do any more damage, with the opponent losing initiative and one attack from being stunned.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, no PP bonus if shot but PP bonus applies if used as melee weapon.

Now I understand this is a game, but let's have some sense of reality when dealing with mundane objects. I mean 200lbs for a Queen Matress. i used to sell/move furniture and could tote a queen over my head (and i'm not that strong).

"The weight of a KING mattress is going to vary greatly depending on the coil unit, coil gauge and foam contents of the mattress. An entry level bed could weigh as little as 70 lbs, whereas a high end latex or memory foam mattress could weigh as much as 300 lbs. The average though will land you somewhere between 85 and 115 lbs." This is for a King sized, which is a tad bit wider than a queen. King's are square whereas the others are rectangular. ... 656AAWEHDo

sorry, i just had to. I mean I read it and it popped into my head. "hey now, wait a minute" Regardless of that, Great Posts!! I'm very impressed. Are there different damages for the different types of pillow fills? Everyone who has ever been in a pillow fight knows that feather pillows (or god forbid one of those "therapeutic rice/buckwheat" ones) are WMD's where foam/fiber fill ones are merely a nuisance. What about body pillows?


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Now I understand this is a game, but let's have some sense of reality when dealing with mundane objects. I mean 200lbs for a Queen Matress. i used to sell/move furniture and could tote a queen over my head (and i'm not that strong).

The numers are from general research, which said Queen beds are typically 120 to 200 pounds. It depends on numerous factors, which is why I left specific measures and weights vague.

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:"The weight of a KING mattress is going to vary greatly depending on the coil unit, coil gauge and foam contents of the mattress. An entry level bed could weigh as little as 70 lbs, whereas a high end latex or memory foam mattress could weigh as much as 300 lbs. The average though will land you somewhere between 85 and 115 lbs." This is for a King sized, which is a tad bit wider than a queen. King's are square whereas the others are rectangular. ... 656AAWEHDo

I will adjust the maximum number then, thank you.

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:sorry, i just had to. I mean I read it and it popped into my head. "hey now, wait a minute"


The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Regardless of that, Great Posts!! I'm very impressed.

Thank you. I just woke up with that in my head, and it seemed a funny power to write.

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Are there different damages for the different types of pillow fills? Everyone who has ever been in a pillow fight knows that feather pillows (or god forbid one of those "therapeutic rice/buckwheat" ones) are WMD's where foam/fiber fill ones are merely a nuisance. What about body pillows?

I was using feather pillows as the basic pillow type. Since it is matter expulsion, it can be vague and general. I did not want to get too detailed.


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:59 pm
by Gryphon Chick
I love Mattress Expulsion! I can just see this guy running from building to building on mattress bridges. And just think the awkward moment he has to tell the superteam he is applying to what his power is:
"So, what is your power?"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Great! What kind of matter do you expel?"
"Not Matter- Mattress Expulsion! I make mattresses, okay?!!!"


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:33 am
by Stone Gargoyle
TrumbachD wrote:
znbrtn wrote:i don't really see why a money boost power would be confusing; it's based on the assumed worth of the item sacrificed. in this way, you could also sacrifice coinage and precious stones and metal.

If the following post is too far off topic, LMK and I'll move it elsewhere, but:

znbrtn's post brings up the notion of "Wealthy" as a Power Category in itself!
I mean not all the categories come from mutations or psionics.
Plus, fiction is full of characters whose main source of "power" is their massive bank account.
And such characters usually come with a large mansion/castle/headquarters to use as a safehaven and/or base of operations (a little like the Vehicles in the Hardware and Super Spy categories).

These characters also have lots of "Contacts" and "Fixers" to pay the cops to forget when their super buddies get a little overzealous in their purduit of the bad guys.

Wealth has been written up as a power in the past. I would not call it itsown category because it serves to finance the caegories which exist.


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:20 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Hmmm, I had expected more of a debate about that. Oh well.

I am working on one called Iceberg:

Iceberg (minor)

The character generates excess moisture under his skin and freezes it. This makes him resistant to cold and heat attacks (half damage), gives him a Natural AR of 12, and provides him with an extra 20 SDC at level one, plus 2 SDC per level. The character is invisible to heat sensors and can go for his PE attribute number of days without water. This does, however, reduce PP and Spd to half while active. It is always on unless the character concentrates (losing one melee attack/action per round) to stop it temporarily (up to his PE attribute number in minutes) ans sweating off the excess moisture.


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:14 pm
by taalismn
“Oh, IronClad, you big softie....”

This power allows the superbeing to transform hard materials, such as wood, steel, ceramic, and plastic, into soft, fluffy, plush fabric or sponge rubber, allowing them to more effectively absorb kinetic shocks, or to soften their impact.
Range: Touch or 100 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Effects: The superbeing can transform up to 100 lbs of material per level of experience
*Sponge Armor----Armor, including metal plate and hard shell EBA, can be made over into soft plush or sponge rubber, seemingly becoming both thicker (by some 25%) and softer, but without any decrease in either their Armor Rating or SDC/MDC. In this state, physical attacks like punches, kicks, shrapnel, and other kinetic assaults will do only 1/4 damage against the cushioning provided by this power. Similarly, falls and impacts onto, or in, the armor will do only 1/4 their normal damage.

*Nerfed Weapons---Melee weapons like swords, clubs, battleaxes, thrown rocks and boulders, and cestus, can be turned into nerfiferized weaponry that does NO damage(makes a silly ‘BOINK’ noise when they hit). Note also, that nerfified body armor, robots, or power armor are similarly affected; their punches and kicks will all do 1/4 damage(they still have the solidness of the wearer’s limbs or the mechanical actuators behind them)

*Nerfed Projectiles---Projectiles such as bullets, shells, and missiles can be effectively Nerfed to do no damage, provided they are transformed BEFORE they are fired. However, spears, arrows, and other (relatively)slow-moving projectiles CAN be Nerfed in mid-flight.

*Soft Landing---The superbeing can transform a patch of concrete, stone, or metal(roughly 10 ft per level of experience) they’re about to fall onto into a soft, cushy, landing pad, reducing their fall damage to 1/10th

*Living beings CANNOT be Nerfified, nor can magic weapons or armor
*Energy Weapons, explosive weapons(once fired), and energy attacks CANNOT be Nerfified
*Being thicker and bulkier, Nerfified body armor and power armor is harder to move in; -1 to initiative, and -1 to strike, parry, and dodge while ‘Nerfed Up’.
Duration: 1 melee per level of experience


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:15 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmmm, I had expected more of a debate about that. Oh well.

I am working on one called Iceberg:

Iceberg (minor)

The character generates excess moisture under his skin and freezes it. This makes him resistant to cold and heat attacks (half damage), gives him a Natural AR of 12, and provides him with an extra 20 SDC at level one, plus 2 SDC per level. The character is invisible to heat sensors and can go for his PE attribute number of days without water. This does, however, reduce PP and Spd to half while active. It is always on unless the character concentrates (losing one melee attack/action per round) to stop it temporarily (up to his PE attribute number in minutes) ans sweating off the excess moisture.

"You're cold, dude...cold..."


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:57 pm
by Roscoe Del'Tane
This might have been posted earlier, if so I apologize, but it was just a random idea that was too good not to post. Good for sluething or bodyguard duty, but not much else.

See Through [minor] by Roscoe Del'Tane
"Mommy, why does that clown have a turtle shell and tentacles coming out of his back?"

This character has the uncanny ability to see though disguises and some physical changes to the person underneath. Animal metamorphosis is immune to this power (too extreme, nothing human left to see), though lycanthropy, and most of the APS and all the body alteration powers aren't immune.
The character has a base 45% +5% per additional level chance to see through make-up, clothing, cybernetics and minor conversion borgs, or power/psionic based disguises, this power is considered always on. This won't let them know who it is necessarily underneath the disguise, only that there is someone underneath it, and a general idea of their body shape (sees through concealing clothing and prosthetics) and gender ("They carried themselves like a woman in her mid twenties to early thirties officer").
The character has an instinctive insight to when it comes to fighitng, being able tro predict what an opponents moves will be allowing them to position themselves to deflect or avoid it better. all defensive rolls (dodge, parry, block, and roll with punch/blow) delivered by living beings (not robots, golems, undead, or full conversion 'borgs; their either not alive or too inhuman to predict) are done with a +1 bonus (+1 at levels 3, 5, 7, and 9) due to their semi-precognitive instincts.


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:46 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hmmm, I had expected more of a debate about that. Oh well.

I am working on one called Iceberg:

Iceberg (minor)

The character generates excess moisture under his skin and freezes it. This makes him resistant to cold and heat attacks (half damage), gives him a Natural AR of 12, and provides him with an extra 20 SDC at level one, plus 2 SDC per level. The character is invisible to heat sensors and can go for his PE attribute number of days without water. This does, however, reduce PP and Spd to half while active. It is always on unless the character concentrates (losing one melee attack/action per round) to stop it temporarily (up to his PE attribute number in minutes) ans sweating off the excess moisture.

"You're cold, dude...cold..."

Glad you like it. :D
I LOVE Nerfify! :lol:


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:52 am
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
I LOVE Nerfify! :lol:

Yeah, I had fun creating it...imagining "HA! My Mighty Adamantium WarHammer will Crush You to PASTE with the Feared Sound of ...*BOINK*...'BOINK'?!...It WAS Supposed to be the Sound of Your Bones Pulverizing!? *'BOINK'**BOINK*...Mighty Adamantium WarHammers Aren't Suppposed to Go 'BOINK'!!!!"


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:59 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (minor)
"It's the kiss of death."

The character can increase the bonus to hit using a firearm by kissing her target and the bullet that will kill them. It creates a marker which the bullet then has a sympathetic attraction to. This bonus equals +2 at level one and gains an additional +1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. This is in addition to any other bonuses to fire a firearm. Kissing the bullet, loading and aiming uses three melee attacks/action, while kissing the target really depends on the kiss as far as how long it takes.


Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:47 pm
by taalismn
Gryphon Chick wrote:Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (minor)
"It's the kiss of death."

The character can increase the bonus to hit using a firearm by kissing her target and the bullet that will kill them. It creates a marker which the bullet then has a sympathetic attraction to. This bonus equals +2 at level one and gains an additional +1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. This is in addition to any other bonuses to fire a firearm. Kissing the bullet, loading and aiming uses three melee attacks/action, while kissing the target really depends on the kiss as far as how long it takes.

"Paging Mister Bond...Mister Bond..."

I like it! I can see a variety of 'lady killer' and 'seductress'-style heroes and villians, and in-betweens using this power... :ok:


Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:31 pm
by Gryphon Chick
taalismn wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (minor)
"It's the kiss of death."

The character can increase the bonus to hit using a firearm by kissing her target and the bullet that will kill them. It creates a marker which the bullet then has a sympathetic attraction to. This bonus equals +2 at level one and gains an additional +1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. This is in addition to any other bonuses to fire a firearm. Kissing the bullet, loading and aiming uses three melee attacks/action, while kissing the target really depends on the kiss as far as how long it takes.

"Paging Mister Bond...Mister Bond..."

I like it! I can see a variety of 'lady killer' and 'seductress'-style heroes and villians, and in-betweens using this power... :ok:

That was the basic idea. Good for those breakups that seem to end well but, well...


Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:20 am
by taalismn
Gryphon Chick wrote:That was the basic idea. Good for those breakups that seem to end well but, well...

But "If I ever see you again I'll blow your brains out"? :wink:


Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:20 am
by Stone Gargoyle
All Teeth (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Care for a bite?"

The character has teeth in odd areas of his body which add damage to various strikes.

1. Hand Bites: Upon a successful grab, the character can use his palm to bite the flesh of a target using no additional attacks, for 2d4 damage.

2. Foot Bites: A kick with the flat bottom/arch of the foot can bite for 3d4 damage (in addition to kick damage) upon a successful strike using no additional attacks. This can be used as a grab with the foot mouth as well.

3. Torso Teeth: Upon a successful body block/tackle, the character can bite with a mouth in his chest or stomach for 5d6 damage plus PS bonus (in addition to body block/tackle damage).

4. Mouth Bite: The character can bite using his normal mouth for 2d6 damage. Bonus to strike when biting +2 (PP bonus does not apply).

5. Trachea Teeth: The character has a small mouth in his neck that allows him to breathe even if his mouth and nose are obstructed. The character can use it to bite someone attempting to choke him or nibble through rope, doing id4 damage.

6. Backside Bite: The character can sit on an opponent and bite for 2d4 damage using his butt.

7. Odd Eating: The character can pass food through any area able to bite and has an extensive digestive system. Gives the character +4 to save vs. food-borne disease and food poisoning.

8. Extra Limbs: The character can bite using a tail or other additional limb as if it were a hand (same damage as for hand bites) at +2 to strike (no other bonus applies).


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:57 am
by Stone Gargoyle
This thread is slowing down.

Alter Physical Structure: Utility Pole (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Give me a call sometime."

The character can transform into a metal structure resembling, and acting as, a telephone pole, which is 120 feet tall.
A utility pole, alternately referred to as a telephone pole, power pole, telegraph pole or telegraph post (all names commonly misused colloquially, as these names refer to their specific equipment), is a (usually wooden) pole used to support overhead wire, cable, fiber optic cable, and related equipment such as transformers and street lights. A single pole is often used to support both electric power distribution lines and telecommunications cables, as well as their associated equipment. Wire and cable are routed overhead as a relatively inexpensive way to keep them insulated from the ground and each other, and out of contact with pedestrians or vehicles. Utility poles were first used in the mid-1800s with telegraph systems.

1. Alter Physical Structure: Wood The character transforms into a metal being which is elongated to 20 times his height with an SDC of 1,200 (roughly10 SDC per foot) and a Natural AR of 18. Attacks under the AR do no damage, while attacks 13 and above do full damage. Since the character is grounded, he is impervious to electrical attacks, lasers and energy bolts. The hero is resistant to cold-based attacks, poisons and drugs.
Fire, plasma and magical fire do half damage.
Takes half damage from wind-based attacks and random automobile/vehicle strikes, unless hooked up to guide wires and support framework.

2. Rooting to the ground: The character is able to anchor himself into a hole set up for a pole to fit in and can replace an existing telephone pole. Doing so, he will resemble a standard utility pole. In doing so, he will become unable to move unless stepping out of the hole. He will typically not move while disguised as a telephone pole so as to be indistinguishable from other utility poles.

3. Pole Position: When hooked up to the phone network, the pole is able to hold electrical and communications lines. Utility poles are commonly used to carry two types of electric power lines: Distribution lines (or "feeders") and subtransmission lines. Distribution lines carry power from local substations to customers. They generally carry voltages from 4.6 to 33 kilovolts (kV) for distances up to thirty miles, and include transformers to step the voltage down from the "primary" voltage of the lines to the lower "secondary" voltage used by the customer. Service drops carry this lower voltage to customers' premises. Subtransmission lines carry higher voltage power from regional substations to local substations. They usually carry 46 kV, 69 kV, or 115 kV for distances up to 60 miles. Voltages of 230kV can be placed on two- or three-pole towers. Transmission lines carrying higher voltages are usually not supported by poles, but by metal pylons (known as transmission towers in the United States). The character possesses all necessary connections and wire transfer apparatus. As such, the character can use a power line to attack with by unhooking the line and causing a power outage in the neighboring area. A high voltage power line used to attack will do 5d6 points of electrical damage (to Hit Points of unprotected humanoids) and stun or kill the recipient of the current (roll save vs. coma/death must be made).
The character also has connectors for phone lines which allow him to act as a living switchboard and monitor calls coming in over a line for use in spying on a location. This is done with a telephone communications skill of 45%, plus 5% per level of experience.

4. Hammering Limbs: Due to his increased size, the character can morph into a humanoid shape with hammering limbs which extend out for 60 feet and do 4d6 damage plus PS damage bonus, with a +1 to strike and parry.

5. Bonuses/Abilities While in Metal Form: The character reads on thermal sensors the same as any metal pole, making his metal body unable to be seen on infrared, thermal and heat sensors.
+3d6 PS, considered Extraordinary.
Heals damage at a rate of 4d6 SDC per 10 minutes.


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:16 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Gryphon Chick wrote:I love Mattress Expulsion! I can just see this guy running from building to building on mattress bridges. And just think the awkward moment he has to tell the superteam he is applying to what his power is:
"So, what is your power?"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Great! What kind of matter do you expel?"
"Not Matter- Mattress Expulsion! I make mattresses, okay?!!!"

ME:M sounds like the power would fit into the Mystery Men quite nicely.


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:21 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I love Mattress Expulsion! I can just see this guy running from building to building on mattress bridges. And just think the awkward moment he has to tell the superteam he is applying to what his power is:
"So, what is your power?"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Great! What kind of matter do you expel?"
"Not Matter- Mattress Expulsion! I make mattresses, okay?!!!"

ME:M sounds like the power would fit into the Mystery Men quite nicely.

Trust me...we have enough oddball powers here to make the Mystery Men a Franchise operation....


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
About Face (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"You look a little down in the mouth."

This bizarre power allows the character to relocate their facial features. This gives them +4 to dodge being blinded and allows them to pull their face inside their mouth to see inside it, as well as relocate their point of vision to watch someone without turning their head, etc. The face does not change bone structure, it merely detaches the flesh to allow it to stretch around other parts of the head. Shifting the face uses one attack/action each time it is moved.


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:25 pm
by Steeler49er
Gryphon Chick wrote:I love Mattress Expulsion! I can just see this guy running from building to building on mattress bridges. And just think the awkward moment he has to tell the superteam he is applying to what his power is:
"So, what is your power?"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Great! What kind of matter do you expel?"
"Not Matter- Mattress Expulsion! I make mattresses, okay?!!!"

Awesome... Simply awesome.
Now THIS is comedy!


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:40 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:About Face (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"You look a little down in the mouth."

This bizarre power allows the character to relocate their facial features. This gives them +4 to dodge being blinded and allows them to pull their face inside their mouth to see inside it, as well as relocate their point of vision to watch someone without turning their head, etc. The face does not change bone structure, it merely detaches the flesh to allow it to stretch around other parts of the head. Shifting the face uses one attack/action each time it is moved.

"What?! First you say you're going to wipe my face off my head, and now you're all freaked out because you DID?! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!!"
----Plastimo, messing with a thug's mind...


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:14 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I love Mattress Expulsion! I can just see this guy running from building to building on mattress bridges. And just think the awkward moment he has to tell the superteam he is applying to what his power is:
"So, what is your power?"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Great! What kind of matter do you expel?"
"Not Matter- Mattress Expulsion! I make mattresses, okay?!!!"

ME:M sounds like the power would fit into the Mystery Men quite nicely.

Trust me...we have enough oddball powers here to make the Mystery Men a Franchise operation....

Nah... we have so many that we could start three or four franchises. :D


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:24 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I love Mattress Expulsion! I can just see this guy running from building to building on mattress bridges. And just think the awkward moment he has to tell the superteam he is applying to what his power is:
"So, what is your power?"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Great! What kind of matter do you expel?"
"Not Matter- Mattress Expulsion! I make mattresses, okay?!!!"

ME:M sounds like the power would fit into the Mystery Men quite nicely.

Trust me...we have enough oddball powers here to make the Mystery Men a Franchise operation....

Nah... we have so many that we could start three or four franchises. :D

Powers-R-Us. :lol: Okay, back to work...


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:45 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Steeler49er wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I love Mattress Expulsion! I can just see this guy running from building to building on mattress bridges. And just think the awkward moment he has to tell the superteam he is applying to what his power is:
"So, what is your power?"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Mattress Expulsion"
"Great! What kind of matter do you expel?"
"Not Matter- Mattress Expulsion! I make mattresses, okay?!!!"

Awesome... Simply awesome.
Now THIS is comedy!

Glad to see you got a kick out of my comments.


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:05 am
by Iczer
taalismn wrote:Trust me...we have enough oddball powers here to make the Mystery Men a Franchise operation....

Not that that is necessarily a good thing



Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:28 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
taalismn wrote:Trust me...we have enough oddball powers here to make the Mystery Men a Franchise operation....

Not that that is necessarily a good thing


Some people like the more bizarre powers. I like to give variety and flavor which absurdity can sometimes result from. I think as long as the powers make sense and work within the limits of the game, all is fine. What I don't like is when people try to make insanely powerful powers just to try and push the limits. I actually did wind up making Mega-Damage a Major rather than just a minor in the wiki and made the major version I had for it a Mega for that reason.


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:56 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Has anyone done "Matter Expulsion: cream pies" yet?


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:59 am
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Has anyone done "Matter Expulsion: cream pies" yet?

I do not believe ME Pies has been done yet, no.


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:00 am
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Has anyone done "Matter Expulsion: cream pies" yet?

I do not believe ME Pies has been done yet, no.

*double facepalm plant*
Image Image


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:45 am
by Iczer
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Has anyone done "Matter Expulsion: cream pies" yet?

I do not believe ME Pies has been done yet, no.

*double facepalm plant*

I concur.



Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:56 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Has anyone done "Matter Expulsion: cream pies" yet?

I do not believe ME Pies has been done yet, no.

*double facepalm plant*

I concur.


The fact that I have not written it up should tell you that I personally think it should not be written. Some powers are just inviting mayhem. That said, it would have a blinding attack and slipperiness from fallen pies. It could be an effective power for a clown style superhero, who would also have to have ME Handkerchiefs. :lol:


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:09 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Iczer wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Has anyone done "Matter Expulsion: cream pies" yet?

I do not believe ME Pies has been done yet, no.

*double facepalm plant*

I concur.


Wow, are you always this uptight? You make me want to write the power now just out of spite.


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:37 pm
by taalismn
Reverse psychology...he really WANTS it done, but doesn't want to be seen as advocating the absurd, since that clashes with the outstanding and reason-driven person he has to be to ride herd over this mob...

And, to keep the powers rolling....

Repulsion Bomb(Minor)

Range: 200 ft +25 ft per level of experience. Affects a 5 ft radius of effect per level of experience
Effect: Repulsion Bomb allows the superbeing to cast a small, glowing ball of condensed gravitational force that upon reaching the end of its range/desired target point, explodes into a sphere of outward-pushing gravitic force. Anything not nailed/secured down will be violently picked up and PUSHED away from the centrepoint of the area of effect, with a force equal to the superbeing’s P.S. lifting strength (typically x40 lbs for average-strengthed humans)(so a superhero with a P.S. of 10 would be able to heave 400 lb goons around, while supernaturally strong characters could be flipping over cars). People caught in the area of effect and thrown clear would take regular SDC damage from being thrown into objects, walls, and ceiling, and dropped to the ground(though they get a roll to roll with fall/impact) and lose initiative and 1 APM afterwards getting back to their feet.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Roll with fall/impact to reduce damage


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:27 pm
by Iczer
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Has anyone done "Matter Expulsion: cream pies" yet?

I do not believe ME Pies has been done yet, no.

*double facepalm plant*

I concur.


Wow, are you always this uptight? You make me want to write the power now just out of spite.


No, I'm not usually this uptight. By all means write it up, that will show me.

I'm sure you could do better though.



Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:47 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:Wow.

No, I'm not usually this uptight. By all means write it up, that will show me.

I'm sure you could do better though.


I am sure she could, too. I think she just said that as an example the effect you were having by objecting so heavily. I just wish I knew what has you wound up. If it is me, tell me. I have cut back writing powers at the moment because I know I am not on my game since I have other projects taking much of my time and creativity. It would be nice if you were there to pick up the slack rather than wanting to get on people for trying to keep this thread alive.


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:17 pm
by Gryphon Chick
taalismn wrote:Reverse psychology...he really WANTS it done, but doesn't want to be seen as advocating the absurd, since that clashes with the outstanding and reason-driven person he has to be to ride herd over this mob...

No, that would require a subtlety he is not exhibiting at the moment.
Iczer wrote:No, I'm not usually this uptight.

Then "by all means" stop being so uptight.
Iczer wrote:By all means write it up, that will show me.

I would actually not waste my time on such frivolity.
Iczer wrote:I'm sure you could do better though.

Thank you, I appreciate your encouragement. I just wish it were more frequent, instead of this judgmental kick you seem on of late.


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:04 am
by drewkitty ~..~
ME: pies 'banana cream'(or coconut cream or custard pies)
Aimed Range: 10' per level
Max Range: 90' + 10' per level
RoF: 2, +1 per level
This power lets the mystery man possessing it create and shoot out a whole banana cream pies (just the crust, filling and cream). When shot out the pies, no matter how close or far the range will always hit the target flat with the top side hitting the target first. With in the aimed range the MM can aim the pie with a +4 to hit a called shot, however over the aimed range they only get a +3 to Strike w/o being able to make a called shot. If hit in the face, the target is blinded for 1d3 APM and loose init.
The initial quality of the pies is 50% (average), but go up in quality by +5% per level. At level 7, the MM can create and shoot stinker pies which marks what it hits as if a skunk sprayed it.
[must choose the One pie type at char creation or when they gain this power]

ME: pie "fruit"(any)
Aimed Range: 10' per level
Max Range: 90' + 10' per level
Damage: Stains
RoF: 2, +1 per level
This power lets the mystery man possessing it create and shoot out a whole 'fruit' cream pies (just the crust, filling and cream). When shot out the pies, no matter how close or far the range will always hit the target flat with the top side hitting the target first. With in the aimed range the MM can aim the pie with a +4 to hit a called shot, however over the aimed range they only get a +3 to Strike w/o being able to make a called shot. If hit in the face, the target is blinded for 1d3 APM and loose init.
If shot out at a target, any clothes that get hit by the pie leaves stains that will not come out for 1 day per level.
[must choose the One pie type at char creation or when they gain this power]

ME: pies 'brick'
Aimed Range: 10' per level
Max Range: 90' + 10' per level
Damage: 2d6
RoF: 2, +1 per level
This power lets the mystery man possessing it create and shoot out a whole pies with brick filling, and look the same as cream pies (just the crust, filling and cream). When shot out the pies, no matter how close or far the range will always hit the target flat with the top side hitting the target first. With in the aimed range the MM can aim the pie with a +4 to hit a called shot, however over the aimed range they only get a +3 to Strike w/o being able to make a called shot. If hit in the face, the target might be Knocked Out (save vs PE 16) for 1d4 melees, if saves they loose init and blinded for 1d4+4 APM

ME: pies 'HE"
Aimed Range: 10' per level
Max Range: 90' + 10' per level
Damage: 2d6 +1d6 per odd level after one
RoF: 2, +1 per level
This power lets the mystery man possessing it create and shoot out a whole pies with HE filling, and look the same as cream pies (just the crust, filling and cream). When shot out the pies, no matter how close or far the range will always hit the target flat with the top side hitting the target first. With in the aimed range the MM can aim the pie with a +4 to hit a called shot, however over the aimed range they only get a +3 to Strike w/o being able to make a called shot.


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:23 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:ME: pies 'banana cream'(or coconut cream or custard pies)
Aimed Range: 10' per level
Max Range: 90' + 10' per level
RoF: 2, +1 per level
This power lets the mystery man possessing it create and shoot out a whole banana cream pies (just the crust, filling and cream). When shot out the pies, no matter how close or far the range will always hit the target flat with the top side hitting the target first. With in the aimed range the MM can aim the pie with a +4 to hit a called shot, however over the aimed range they only get a +3 to Strike w/o being able to make a called shot. If hit in the face, the target is blinded for 1d3 APM and loose init.
The initial quality of the pies is 50% (average), but go up in quality by +5% per level. At level 7, the MM can create and shoot stinker pies which marks what it hits as if a skunk sprayed it.
[must choose the One pie type at char creation or when they gain this power]

ME: pie "fruit"(any)
Aimed Range: 10' per level
Max Range: 90' + 10' per level
Damage: Stains
RoF: 2, +1 per level
This power lets the mystery man possessing it create and shoot out a whole 'fruit' cream pies (just the crust, filling and cream). When shot out the pies, no matter how close or far the range will always hit the target flat with the top side hitting the target first. With in the aimed range the MM can aim the pie with a +4 to hit a called shot, however over the aimed range they only get a +3 to Strike w/o being able to make a called shot. If hit in the face, the target is blinded for 1d3 APM and loose init.
If shot out at a target, any clothes that get hit by the pie leaves stains that will not come out for 1 day per level.
[must choose the One pie type at char creation or when they gain this power]

ME: pies 'brick'
Aimed Range: 10' per level
Max Range: 90' + 10' per level
Damage: 2d6
RoF: 2, +1 per level
This power lets the mystery man possessing it create and shoot out a whole pies with brick filling, and look the same as cream pies (just the crust, filling and cream). When shot out the pies, no matter how close or far the range will always hit the target flat with the top side hitting the target first. With in the aimed range the MM can aim the pie with a +4 to hit a called shot, however over the aimed range they only get a +3 to Strike w/o being able to make a called shot. If hit in the face, the target might be Knocked Out (save vs PE 16) for 1d4 melees, if saves they loose init and blinded for 1d4+4 APM

ME: pies 'HE"
Aimed Range: 10' per level
Max Range: 90' + 10' per level
Damage: 2d6 +1d6 per odd level after one
RoF: 2, +1 per level
This power lets the mystery man possessing it create and shoot out a whole pies with HE filling, and look the same as cream pies (just the crust, filling and cream). When shot out the pies, no matter how close or far the range will always hit the target flat with the top side hitting the target first. With in the aimed range the MM can aim the pie with a +4 to hit a called shot, however over the aimed range they only get a +3 to Strike w/o being able to make a called shot.

I am not seeing the point of listing these separately, as altogether they amount to a single power. Also, I would have added slipping damage for those sliding in dropped pies.


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:25 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I would put it that separately they are Each a minor power but if you put together a trio of them, they would be a major.


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:29 pm
by taalismn
That would work....