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Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:That would work....

I still say that since there is not much damage, more penalties and abilities should be added.


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:46 pm
by taalismn
Hmmm...maybe 'Tart Blast' that sprays a machine gun blast of smaller pies for the original damage values, but bigger area of effect?

'Frisbee Strike' for more range and accuracy, but less damage?

'Hot Shot' for extra damage from a steaming hot pie?


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:26 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
taalismn wrote:Hmmm...maybe 'Tart Blast' that sprays a machine gun blast of smaller pies for the original damage values, but bigger area of effect?

'Frisbee Strike' for more range and accuracy, but less damage?

'Hot Shot' for extra damage from a steaming hot pie?

those sound great, thou if you look orientation of the pies are only defined for the end of flight. and maybe some splatter for the hotshot... :wink:

*tags taalismn* your do

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:That would work....

I still say that since there is not much damage, more penalties and abilities should be added.

What can I say, they are Mystery Men powers (aka JOKE powers in a way) not hero powers.


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:29 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am sure she could, too. I think she just said that as an example the effect you were having by objecting so heavily. I just wish I knew what has you wound up. If it is me, tell me. I have cut back writing powers at the moment because I know I am not on my game since I have other projects taking much of my time and creativity. It would be nice if you were there to pick up the slack rather than wanting to get on people for trying to keep this thread alive.

Not 100% sure on the best way to respond, so pardon me if this rambles.

I would hardly call a few offhand comments as a heavy objection. All in all I consider it very slight or rather soft, considering some of the more scathing thing's I've posted (and politely been asked to remove). So, having been warned before, I do my best to be brief and as polite on the issue as possible. My two brief posts, amounting to, about 10 words or less, could hardly count as being 'wound up'.

No SG. You have not offended me. Your performance is enthusiastic and active. I do not agree with your philosophy on power creation, but there is no inherent animosity toward you for it. Just a strong disinclination for 'slapstic', for want of a better word.

I also empathise with your current plight. I am currently working nightshifts, mostly on call and at short notice (Rosters are for pansies) so I have severely cut down on my posting. Your final accusation cuts me to the bone however. I would have thought That I had earned my chops by now.

In summation. Yes there is a lot of needless posts (this is, unfortunately one of them). Yes Some of the posts are abit silly. Some are a lot silly. I expressed an opinion, and apparently was not as free to do so as I suspected. I am familiar with all of your work, and without exception, I have seen every contributer, myself included, do better.

I look forward to seeing this thread contine to be 'alive' for quite some time.

Allan Battersby


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:51 pm
by taalismn
I scoff at seriousness...If we can expect a man to fly faster than a speeding bullet, leap buildings in a single bound, and pick up locomotives, surely a man can shoot bubbles from his fingers, build a supersonic paper plane, or assume the form of a giant banana....

Chest O' Drawers(Minor)
"I've got it in here somewhere.....Just gimme a minute...."
The superbeing has several secret compartments that pull out of his chest like dresser or filing cabinet drawers, apparently occupying body volume in violation of commonsense physics and anatomy. The superbeing can have up to four small drawers, each large enough to hold a hand gun(and several clips of ammo) or several thick paper files, or a single large and deep drawer that's big enough to hold a couple of basketballs/bowling balls, pair of boots, or an overnight bag. Only the superbeing can open the drawers; any other persons are locked out unless the superbeing mentally unlocks the drawers for access.


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:23 am
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:I scoff at seriousness...If we can expect a man to fly faster than a speeding bullet, leap buildings in a single bound, and pick up locomotives, surely a man can shoot bubbles from his fingers, build a supersonic paper plane, or assume the form of a giant banana....

Chest O' Drawers(Minor)
"I've got it in here somewhere.....Just gimme a minute...."
The superbeing has several secret compartments that pull out of his chest like dresser or filing cabinet drawers, apparently occupying body volume in violation of commonsense physics and anatomy. The superbeing can have up to four small drawers, each large enough to hold a hand gun(and several clips of ammo) or several thick paper files, or a single large and deep drawer that's big enough to hold a couple of basketballs/bowling balls, pair of boots, or an overnight bag. Only the superbeing can open the drawers; any other persons are locked out unless the superbeing mentally unlocks the drawers for access.

Are these strictly metaphysical/surreal or is there a physical component? If so, is there an additional damage from body block/tackle due to the drawers?

Iczer: I agree with you powers are being too slapstick and silly, but I have cut back to try and get perspective. I don't like people wasting board space on JOKE powers (Drewkitty~..~, specifically) or on poorly written ones. As for my other remarks, I apologize. You have earned your chops, it just seemed like you were being difficult in some ways.

Ken Dowsland, AKA Kendragon333, AKA Stone Gargoyle


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:51 am
by Iczer
taalismn wrote:I scoff at seriousness...If we can expect a man to fly faster than a speeding bullet, leap buildings in a single bound, and pick up locomotives, surely a man can shoot bubbles from his fingers, build a supersonic paper plane, or assume the form of a giant banana....

Chest O' Drawers(Minor)
"I've got it in here somewhere.....Just gimme a minute...."
The superbeing has several secret compartments that pull out of his chest like dresser or filing cabinet drawers, apparently occupying body volume in violation of commonsense physics and anatomy. The superbeing can have up to four small drawers, each large enough to hold a hand gun(and several clips of ammo) or several thick paper files, or a single large and deep drawer that's big enough to hold a couple of basketballs/bowling balls, pair of boots, or an overnight bag. Only the superbeing can open the drawers; any other persons are locked out unless the superbeing mentally unlocks the drawers for access.

Honestly. In all but name this power is solid.



Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:42 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote: I don't like people wasting board space on JOKE powers (Drewkitty~..~, specifically) or on poorly written ones.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Well maybe they're not joke powers (even though that is how the would be seen by sups with prominent powers like invulnerability of sonic flight).

I did put limits (aka penalties) into the ME: pies.
*yawns* I'll try to rework them in the morning.

Lights Out
The person with this power can turn any switch with in his range off, wether it be a mechanical switch or electronic. Gadget heros are particularly vulnerable to this person, having all their stuff non-functional. Sentient AI's while can't be turned off,they do loose all sensory data for the duration.(blind, deaf, and no touch, balance, body movement, nor temp feedback.)
Magical & Psi stuff get a vs 15 saving throw or go dormant
Range: 10' per level
Duration: 10 min per level after leaving range
At Level 5 the person is able to create an Off field, that turns everything in range off. The person can exclude 1 item per level from the Off Field.

The down side of this power is that the person is bound to develop the subconscious habit of turning off alarm-clocks, so they end up late for work a good % of the time.
(*Yawn* I know this is rough pleas hold you comments to suggestions for improvement and for a Catch phrase.)


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:17 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
My perception of the pies power is that it does not do enough, not that it should be more limited.
And you must admit you have done spoof powers in the past, Drew, so don't get all defensive about me mentioning it.


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:50 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Ticker (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has an extremely loud and strong heart, giving the following bonuses and penalties:
* +1d4 PS
* +1d6 PE
* +20% Save Vs. Coma/Death
* Fatigues at half normal rate
* Horror Factor: 8 (or +2 to existing Horror Factor, maximum of 18)
* -5% to prowl

Cardiac Control (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can completely control his heart.

1. Ticker: The character has an extremely loud and strong heart, giving the following bonuses and penalties:
* +1d4 PS
* +1d6 PE
* +20% Save Vs. Coma/Death
* Fatigues at half normal rate
* Horror Factor: 8 (or +2 to existing Horror Factor, maximum of 18)
* -5% to prowl

2. Slow Heart: The character can slow down his heartbeat to feign death for a number of minutes equal to his PE attribute number through concentration (can perform no other actions) and breathing will be shallow.

3. Cardiac Explosion: The character can do a suicidal attack by causing his heart to explode, doing 1d6X10 damage to a 20 foot radius. Must be the first attack for a melee round and kills the character.

4. Cardiac Current: The character can generate bio-electrical current adding +1d4 HP damage to unarmed Hand to Hand strikes when coming into contact with exposed skin or skin covered only by thin clothing.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses: Adds +10% to Paramedic skill


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:06 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Ticker (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
Cardiac Control (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

"No, you are not having an Edgar Allen Poe moment...."

Good set of heart powers there...

And, no, there are no special bonuses from Chest o' Drawers for's pretty much a metaphsyical/warped space sort of thing...

Probably I should note that the drawers are virtually invisible unless the superbeing wants to reveal them...Though I had, for a moment, a picture in my mind of somebody trying to pick the lock on the superbeing's chest while he was asleep in order to get at something(incriminating photo, secret formula, the guy's secret stash of Swiss chocolates...) :D


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The set is not done yet...

Cardiac Arrest (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Don't move or I WILL kill you."

The character can create a bio-electrical tether linked to a person's heart which he can use to keep them in line.
Range: Touch to initiate tether, with the tether being 10 feet long per level.
Duration: Concentration.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to initiate tether, and one per round to maintain. The character is reduced to half attacks while the tether is in place, and bio-electrical surges along the tether use one melee attack/action (only one bio-electrical attack may be used per melee round).
Damage: None unless the character goes out of range or a bio-electrical surge is sent along the tether. In the case of the former (going out of range), the victim will take 1d4 damage to Hit Points and be forced to save vs. coma/death due to heart attack. In the case of the latter (bio-electrical surge) the victim will take 2d4 damage to SDC. In either case, the character will be stunned (lose initiative and reduced to half attacks).
Saving Throw: The victim may also save vs. the tether being attached and try to save against it each melee round it is attached (16 or better, PE bonus applies).
Bonuses: +2 to strike in addition to any other strike bonuses to unarmed Hand to Hand combat.

Heart Attack (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character adds bio-electrical energy to unarmed hand to hand strikes when contacting unprotected skin. This adds +1d4 damage direct to HP at level one, plus an additional point directly to HP per level of experience. Upon a critical strike 0f 16-20, the target must save vs. coma/death due to a heart attack being initiated by the strike. The character gets a bonus to strike in unarmed hand to hand combat of +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, in addition to any other bonuses.


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:57 pm
by taalismn the David Lynch Dune Harkonens with their damn heart plugs...only this is a remote control... :twisted:


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn the David Lynch Dune Harkonens with their damn heart plugs...only this is a remote control... :twisted:

Something like that.

I tried doing a Heartstrings power but it comes out too much like Swing Line.


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:28 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Image Breaker

This power lets the hero neutralize any psi, hero, magic or other non-mundane powers. However, the effect is localized in one part of the body, usually the dominant hand. To have any effect the body part needs to parry the effect, and placing the body part on the power bearer will neutralize the power of the power bearer.


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:54 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Image Breaker


I'm presuming it's a Minor power?
(always note whetehr it's Minor or Major....just my nitpick... :) )


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:58 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Image Breaker


I'm presuming it's a Minor power?
(always note whetehr it's Minor or Major....just my nitpick... :) )

It could be ether depending on the power level of the game.
However,it is best used if it the only power the hero has.


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Pretty cool, gm. I am just not sure about the Horror Factor. I would leave that off.


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:54 pm
by NMI
gmapprentice wrote:Power Rings (Major)

For #1:
Is it a ring "on" the forehead or "around" the forehead?
If it is around, and it is meant to compensate for blindness, then Nightvision does no good if you are blind. I would make it Radar (or Sonar if an Aquatic being)

For #4: If you go with my suggestion of making #1 Radar, then this "eye in the back of the head" is not needed. I can not think of a suggestion for this at the moment. Perhaps give the player the temporary "Indestructible Bones" or "P.S." equal to Extraordinary PS?

For numbers 5&6.. I like the speed increase, although I note that it if the user of the power has some sort of superspeed power already then this power only adds say 2D4x10 MPH to speed... If no superspeed is possessed, then increase speed by 1D4+2 times (ie increase non-superspeed by 3-6 times)

For #7: I would just refer to this is the "torso" with it being a "pair" of rings that criss-cross the players torso. Natural A.R. of 9 + 1 @ levels 4, 7, 11 & 15 or plus 2 to an existing A.R. (maximum of 18) <-- need to make that clarification otherwise you will end up with someone that has APS Metal and this "Power Rings" and an A.R. of 20. Should not happen!

For #8: It seems like it would duplicate the purpose of #4 (back of the neck is the same as the front of the neck except for one is softer then the others. Perhaps make it the equivalent to "Hold Breath" minor power.

Also, there should be a duration as to how long the rings can be maintained. M.E. in melees + 2 melees per level? Maybe minutes?

Of course, this all just my opinion. Do with it as you wish! :D


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:36 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:yeah, i just thought it might be kinda freaky to see a guy with glowing rings on their body... but, i'll take it off. glad you approve, sg.

Yes, but no more so than any other power. Not all add to HF, at least not as written. It takes the numbers up as far as the math involved.
It seems to be a chakra power, which is pretty cool.


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:41 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:i thought you'd say something like that... glad you think it's cool.

I would have done it slightly different, but overall there are no gaping flaws and it is not overpowered. Well done.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:40 am
by Stone Gargoyle
I would give the worm a horror factor of 8. Plus most people will probably assume it is eating him. Ewwww.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:03 pm
by Gryphon Chick
What about a Heartburn power, SG, where the character causes the target to burn up from within?


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:39 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:What about a Heartburn power, SG, where the character causes the target to burn up from within?

Heartburn (Minor) by Stone Gargoyle and Gryphon Chick

A touch by the character to skin (using one melee attack/action) will leave an electrical surge inside the target which will continue to burn for 1d4 SDC damage per melee round for 2d4 melee rounds unless a saving throw is made (14 or better, PE bonus applies) upon the initial touch. The surge of energy will also cause the target to run a low-grade fever, imposing a penalty of -2 to all combat moves, and causing them to lose initiative and be reduced to half attacks for the duration of the fever.

Heart Attack (Major) by Stone Gargoyle and Gryphon Chick
"Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?"

1. Heart Attack: The character adds bio-electrical energy to unarmed hand to hand strikes when contacting unprotected skin. This adds +1d4 damage direct to HP at level one, plus an additional point directly to HP per level of experience. Upon a critical strike 0f 16-20, the target must save vs. coma/death due to a heart attack being initiated by the strike. The character gets a bonus to strike in unarmed hand to hand combat of +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, in addition to any other bonuses.

2. Heart Burn: A strike will also plant an electrical surge inside the target which will continue to burn for 1d4 SDC damage per melee round for 2d4 melee rounds unless a saving throw is made (14 or better, PE bonus applies) upon the initial strike. The surge of energy will also cause the target to run a low-grade fever, imposing a penalty of -2 to all combat moves, and causing them to lose initiative and be reduced to half attacks for the duration of the fever.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to electrical attack (half damage)
+20% to save vs. coma/death
Immune to diseases of the heart and circulatory system

Cardiac Arrest (Major) by Stone Gargoyle and Gryphon Chick

1. Heart Strings: The character can create a bio-electrical tether linked to a person's heart which he can use to keep them in line.
Range: Touch to initiate tether, with the tether being 10 feet long per level.
Duration: Concentration.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to initiate tether, and one per round to maintain. The character is reduced to half attacks while the tether is in place, and bio-electrical surges along the tether use one melee attack/action (only one bio-electrical attack may be used per melee round).
Damage: None unless the character goes out of range or a bio-electrical surge is sent along the tether. In the case of the former (going out of range), the victim will take 1d4 damage to Hit Points and be forced to save vs. coma/death due to heart attack. In the case of the latter (bio-electrical surge) the victim will take 2d4 damage to SDC. In either case, the character will be stunned (lose initiative and reduced to half attacks).
Saving Throw: The victim may also save vs. the tether being attached and try to save against it each melee round it is attached (16 or better, PE bonus applies).
Bonuses: +2 to strike in addition to any other strike bonuses to unarmed Hand to Hand combat.

2. Heart Burn: Touching a target will also plant an electrical surge inside the target which will continue to burn for 1d4 SDC damage per melee round for 2d4 melee rounds unless a saving throw is made (14 or better, PE bonus applies) upon the initial touch. The surge of energy will also cause the target to run a low-grade fever, imposing a penalty of -2 to all combat moves, and causing them to lose initiative and be reduced to half attacks for the duration of the fever.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to electrical attack (half damage)
+20% to save vs. coma/death
Immune to diseases of the heart and circulatory system


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:nice ones, sg :ok: and i'll be updating my Worm Hole power a bit, and maybe make a Major version of it. once i think of things to add, that is...

Making it a major is simple- Add more worms!


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:that's not a bad idea... i'll be considering that. maybe increase the worm's length as well?


Wyrm (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can eliminate his limbs, becoming a large serpent creature three times his normal length. He can remain transformed indefinitely for the following abilities:
* The serpent has a bite strength equal to the character's PS and adds a PS damage bonus to a bite damage of 5d6.
* The wyrm can swallow and hold one opponent for the character's PE attribute number in minutes without killing or harming them.
* The wyrm can burrow through the ground, fly through the air or swim in water at four times the character's normal speed; it has a land speed of half the character's normal speed. The character can allow 1 person to ride him at level one, with an additional passenger at levels 4, 8 and 12.
* The character gains a Natural AR of 14, plus 1 AR at levels 3, 6, 10 and 15.
* The character gains +20 SDC per level in wyrm form.
* Horror Factor: 13, plus 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
* Can wrap around an opponent and do 4d6 damage, plus PS damage bonus, per melee action squeezing. +3 to Entangle an opponent. Hold is considered Superhuman PS.
* Can whip with its tail or head for 3d6 damage, plus PS damage bonus. Normal strike and dodge bonuses apply.
* +2 dodge, +4 roll with punch/fall/impact
* +2d4 PE


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:59 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Stomach Worm (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has a long worm living in his large intestine. The worm can come out of his mouth, navel, or other orifice and attack.
Range: Unlimited, but cannot survive long outside the hero.
Duration: Can remain outside the character for one hour per level of the character's experience.
Damage: Bite does 2d6; Whip attack with tail does 1d6.
Attacks: 2 attacks per melee round at level one, plus an additional attack at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Hit Points: Equal to half those of the character's. Add to the character's total when inside the body.
SDC: 1d4X10+10;adds 10 SDC to the character when inside the body.
Length: Two feet per 10 SDC points.
Bonuses: Provides the character +2 to save vs. poison from food. +2 to strike and +4 to dodge, +2 Entangle with PS equal to half that of the character.
Speed: Worms move at a speed of 2+1d6.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
You contradict yourself in saying they have a dodge of +2 and then state they have no dodge, gm. You might want to correct that.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:16 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:OH, i meant to say no parrying! thank you for catching that, sg!

No problem. It just seemed weird, that was all.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:31 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:that's not a bad idea... i'll be considering that. maybe increase the worm's length as well?


Wyrm (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can eliminate his limbs, becoming a large serpent creature three times his normal length. He can remain transformed indefinitely for the following abilities:
* The serpent has a bite strength equal to the character's PS and adds a PS damage bonus to a bite damage of 5d6.
* The wyrm can swallow and hold one opponent for the character's PE attribute number in minutes without killing or harming them.
* The wyrm can burrow through the ground, fly through the air or swim in water at four times the character's normal speed; it has a land speed of half the character's normal speed. The character can allow 1 person to ride him at level one, with an additional passenger at levels 4, 8 and 12.
* The character gains a Natural AR of 14, plus 1 AR at levels 3, 6, 10 and 15.
* The character gains +20 SDC per level in wyrm form.
* Horror Factor: 13, plus 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
* Can wrap around an opponent and do 4d6 damage, plus PS damage bonus, per melee action squeezing. +3 to Entangle an opponent. Hold is considered Superhuman PS.
* Can whip with its tail or head for 3d6 damage, plus PS damage bonus. Normal strike and dodge bonuses apply.
* +2 dodge, +4 roll with punch/fall/impact
* +2d4 PE

"Lemme're cosplaying 'God Emperor of Dune', right? OH SHI--(GULP)"


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:that's not a bad idea... i'll be considering that. maybe increase the worm's length as well?


Wyrm (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can eliminate his limbs, becoming a large serpent creature three times his normal length. He can remain transformed indefinitely for the following abilities:
* The serpent has a bite strength equal to the character's PS and adds a PS damage bonus to a bite damage of 5d6.
* The wyrm can swallow and hold one opponent for the character's PE attribute number in minutes without killing or harming them.
* The wyrm can burrow through the ground, fly through the air or swim in water at four times the character's normal speed; it has a land speed of half the character's normal speed. The character can allow 1 person to ride him at level one, with an additional passenger at levels 4, 8 and 12.
* The character gains a Natural AR of 14, plus 1 AR at levels 3, 6, 10 and 15.
* The character gains +20 SDC per level in wyrm form.
* Horror Factor: 13, plus 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
* Can wrap around an opponent and do 4d6 damage, plus PS damage bonus, per melee action squeezing. +3 to Entangle an opponent. Hold is considered Superhuman PS.
* Can whip with its tail or head for 3d6 damage, plus PS damage bonus. Normal strike and dodge bonuses apply.
* +2 dodge, +4 roll with punch/fall/impact
* +2d4 PE

"Lemme're cosplaying 'God Emperor of Dune', right? OH SHI--(GULP)"

Glad you like it. More coming soon, hopefully.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:42 pm
by taalismn
All in good time, when you can... :D


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Chain Lightning (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Wait until this hits ya!"

The character can call lightning and control the energy.

1. Impervious to Electrical Attacks: Takes no damage from electricity and half damage from other forms of raw energy.

2. Call Lightning: The character can summon lightning which strikes for incredible damage, or shoot it from his hands if already summoned for Lightning Charge.
Range: Can strike targets at a distance of 100 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6 per level of experience, controllable in increments of 1d6.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action
Bonuses: +3 to strike, plus any ME bonus.

3. Lightning Charge: The character can charge his fists to add damage to punches.
Range: Self
Duration: 2d4 melee rounds
Damage: +3d6 damage to unarmed strikes
Attacks: As per regular attacks; uses 2 actions to call energy and charge up.
Bonuses: Normal bonuses to hand to hand strikes.

4. Lightning Chain: The character can wrap lightning around the wrists or legs to restrain a target. Attempting to break the electrical bonds will do 2d6 damage to anyone not impervious to electrical attacks but no damage if they do not struggle. Lightning bonds remain in place for 2d4 melee rounds (or until broken) once summoned using one attack/action and wrapped around the limbs using a second action. The electrical line can also be held by the character to lead the restrained person around, with a range of 20 feet per level and an effective PS equal to the character's ME attribute score (PS over the ME can also break the restraint). Broken restraints simply disappear without incident.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2d4 ME


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:19 am
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Chain Lightning (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Wait until this hits ya!"

The character can call lightning and control the energy.

1. Impervious to Electrical Attacks: Takes no damage from electricity and half damage from other forms of raw energy.

2. Call Lightning: The character can summon lightning which strikes for incredible damage, or shoot it from his hands if already summoned for Lightning Charge.
Range: Can strike targets at a distance of 100 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6 per level of experience, controllable in increments of 1d6.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action
Bonuses: +3 to strike, plus any ME bonus.

3. Lightning Charge: The character can charge his fists to add damage to punches.
Range: Self
Duration: 2d4 melee rounds
Damage: +3d6 damage to unarmed strikes
Attacks: As per regular attacks; uses 2 actions to call energy and charge up.
Bonuses: Normal bonuses to hand to hand strikes.

4. Lightning Chain: The character can wrap lightning around the wrists or legs to restrain a target. Attempting to break the electrical bonds will do 2d6 damage to anyone not impervious to electrical attacks but no damage if they do not struggle. Lightning bonds remain in place for 2d4 melee rounds (or until broken) once summoned using one attack/action and wrapped around the limbs using a second action. The electrical line can also be held by the character to lead the restrained person around, with a range of 20 feet per level and an effective PS equal to the character's ME attribute score (PS over the ME can also break the restraint). Broken restraints simply disappear without incident.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2d4 ME

I likes. Another simple variation on this: Chain Fireball :D


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:14 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Chain Lightning (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Wait until this hits ya!"

The character can call lightning and control the energy.

1. Impervious to Electrical Attacks: Takes no damage from electricity and half damage from other forms of raw energy.

2. Call Lightning: The character can summon lightning which strikes for incredible damage, or shoot it from his hands if already summoned for Lightning Charge.
Range: Can strike targets at a distance of 100 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6 per level of experience, controllable in increments of 1d6.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action
Bonuses: +3 to strike, plus any ME bonus.

3. Lightning Charge: The character can charge his fists to add damage to punches.
Range: Self
Duration: 2d4 melee rounds
Damage: +3d6 damage to unarmed strikes
Attacks: As per regular attacks; uses 2 actions to call energy and charge up.
Bonuses: Normal bonuses to hand to hand strikes.

4. Lightning Chain: The character can wrap lightning around the wrists or legs to restrain a target. Attempting to break the electrical bonds will do 2d6 damage to anyone not impervious to electrical attacks but no damage if they do not struggle. Lightning bonds remain in place for 2d4 melee rounds (or until broken) once summoned using one attack/action and wrapped around the limbs using a second action. The electrical line can also be held by the character to lead the restrained person around, with a range of 20 feet per level and an effective PS equal to the character's ME attribute score (PS over the ME can also break the restraint). Broken restraints simply disappear without incident.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2d4 ME

I likes. Another simple variation on this: Chain Fireball :D

Yeah, energy forms are easily substituted for this one and it could work for most different types.


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:12 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Chain Fireball (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from a suggestion by DeificNMI
"Wait until this hits ya!"

The character can call fire and control the energy.

1. Impervious to Fire and Flame Attacks: Takes no damage from fire and heat, and half damage from other forms of raw energy.

2. Call Fireball: The character can summon a meteor-like fireball which strikes for incredible damage, or shoot it from his hands if already summoned for Flaming Charge.
Range: Can strike targets at a distance of 100 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6 per level of experience, controllable in increments of 1d6.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action
Bonuses: +3 to strike, plus any ME bonus.

3. Flaming Charge: The character can charge his fists to add damage to punches.
Range: Self
Duration: 2d4 melee rounds
Damage: +3d6 damage to unarmed strikes
Attacks: As per regular attacks; uses 2 actions to call energy and charge up.
Bonuses: Normal bonuses to hand to hand strikes.

4. Flaming Chain: The character can wrap flame around the wrists or legs to restrain a target. Attempting to break the fiery bonds will do 2d6 damage to anyone not impervious to fire attacks but no damage if they do not struggle. Flame bonds remain in place for 2d4 melee rounds (or until broken) once summoned using one attack/action and wrapped around the limbs using a second action. The fiery line can also be held by the character to lead the restrained person around, with a range of 20 feet per level and an effective PS equal to the character's ME attribute score (PS over the ME can also break the restraint). Broken restraints simply disappear without incident.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2d4 ME


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:58 am
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:one question. why does it work based on ME? i have no problem with it, i'm just wondering...

It is just my system to make stats more random to base them off of ME or PE. Anything controlled mentally has variables based on ME, and this would be a type of telekinetic effect of sorts. In my system, ME determines your level of mental control.


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:32 pm
by taalismn
Leon Kennedy wrote:Ok, I didn't see this one in the wiki, nor did I see it out here. I'm not good with APS powers, so if someone wants to tweak this to make it better they have my blessing.

Note: This power should always require the approval of the GM due to its game-altering ability.

Alter Physical Structure: Time Elemental
Let's just rewind the past few moments and see how we can change this...]

Ack! Sailor Pluto, look out! :shock:


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:11 am
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:-_- huh?

Anime reference to Sailor Moon, in relation to the APS Time power being used by a villain in a campaign using such characters, I believe...


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:46 am
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:dang.. i thought i was done with that show once my sister turned ten. :x

just kidding, guys. :P i have nothing against sailor moon or other anime (personally i like quite a bit of it), i'm just not a huge fan of sailor moon specifically. also, it's been a few years since i've seen it and forgot where the referance was from.

My ex-wife loved that show, as did my last girlfriend.

Tailspin (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"What up, dog?"

The character has a small tail which can be useful. It can spin at high velocity to allow the character to hover 3 feet off the ground and fly at one third speed, or propel the character through water at three times their running speed. A foot long, the character can also slap opponents with it for 1d4 damage by expending an attack (no bonuses).


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Taking requests again for powers... seem to be experiencing a bit of a block...


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:26 pm
by taalismn
gmapprentice wrote:dang.. i thought i was done with that show once my sister turned ten. :x

just kidding, guys. :P i have nothing against sailor moon or other anime (personally i like quite a bit of it), i'm just not a huge fan of sailor moon specifically. also, it's been a few years since i've seen it and forgot where the referance was from.

I just use them as paper targets... :demon:


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Leon Kennedy wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Taking requests again for powers... seem to be experiencing a bit of a block...

Can you take a look at APS Time Elemental and make sure it looks ok?

That is really a matter of knowing what your ultimate goal was with the power. It looks okay, if a bit surreal.


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:25 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:let me guess... a power for walking/running on walls and ceilings (an upgraded Adhesion power) has been done, so i shouldn't do or request it.

Why would you assume that? Write it up...


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:it just seems like the kind of thing that someone else would have thought of by now. here goes nothing...

Wall Walker (Major)

The superbeing has the simple but useful power of walking and running on walls, and even when upside down on ceilings. Details below.

The superbeing must not be separated from the surface they are moving on by more than 3 inches. The surface must be reasonably solid (no walking on water, etc). The character can move at their full speed, though. Additionally, the character is +10% to maintain balance.

further editing will be done soon, but i gtg for the moment.

Raise it from inches to feet, that way he can leap over stuff while running, and why not water? So far this is less than flying in ability. Beef it up more.


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:10 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:alright, i'll work on it. just be patient...

Being patient. I am trying to work out the details for light flight...

Light Flight (major)

The character can travel at a speed of 8,794,000 miles per melee round (671 million miles per hour) and is basically able to travel to anywhere light can pass through and where light exists, as if using an extremely long range teleport with limitations. The character cannot pass through things energy can't, but will move around them, and is passive light, unable to touch or attack anyone while light.


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:27 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:seems good... looks better than superluminal flight for sure. how's mine look? i did some editing...

Looks good.


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:57 pm
by NMI
gmapprentice wrote:seems good... looks better than superluminal flight for sure. how's mine look? i did some editing...

I like Superluminal Flight


Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:25 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
gmapprentice wrote:well, we all have different opinions. personally i don't care for interplanetary travel, so superluminal flight just isn't for me. but if you disagree with that, no problem.

Personally I like the whole concept of intergalactic campaigns. There are never enough galactic powers.


Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I have, but I am not in a creative streak right now to do much more. Any specific ideas?

Chain Darkness (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Wait until this hits ya!"

The character can call "dark matter" and control the energy.

1. Impervious to Darkness and Shadow Attacks: Takes no damage from shadow powers, and half damage from other forms of raw energy.

2. Call Dark Matter: The character can summon a meteor-like sphere of darkness energy which strikes for incredible damage, or shoot it from his hands if already summoned for Dark Matter Energy Charge.
Range: Can strike targets at a distance of 100 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6 per level of experience, controllable in increments of 1d6.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action
Bonuses: +3 to strike, plus any ME bonus.

3. Dark Matter Energy Charge: The character can charge his fists to add damage to punches.
Range: Self
Duration: 2d4 melee rounds
Damage: +3d6 damage to unarmed strikes
Attacks: As per regular attacks; uses 2 actions to call energy and charge up.
Bonuses: Normal bonuses to hand to hand strikes.

4. Darkness Chain: The character can wrap dark metter energy around the wrists or legs to restrain a target. Attempting to break the shadowy bonds will do 2d6 damage to anyone not impervious to shadow attacks but no damage if they do not struggle. Shadow bonds remain in place for 2d4 melee rounds (or until broken) once summoned using one attack/action and wrapped around the limbs using a second action. The dark matter energy line can also be held by the character to lead the restrained person around, with a range of 20 feet per level and an effective PS equal to the character's ME attribute score (PS over the ME can also break the restraint). Broken restraints simply disappear without incident.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses: +2d4 ME